Planning Commission Packet - 06/06/1978 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. ... . . . � . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . � � ..V . . . . . . . . . ...I . � . . � . � ' : I �� � � �. . � � . � �:� mzn�urES , -� TIGARD 'f�LA'NNI-NG C0f��1ISSi0N J June 6, 1978 _� FoWler Junior High 5chool - Lecture Room ' 1UEi65 S'zW� W�lnut Stn - Ti..c.�a�d, Orec�on '�. � � 1 . Call to Order: ; � � i�eeting was called to o.rder at 7 : 35 PI� � L ,� , �' 2. RU11 Call : -, „ � r ' F�r. esent: Popp, Wood, Rossman, Sakata, Corliss ++ Excused; Tepedino , Brian � Unexcused: Quimby �i 5taff: Laws, Chaidez {:,' i� 3. Approval of I�inutes: ` r; ,: (;linutes of i�ay 16, 197f3 were approved as written 4e Cammuna.cations: None ,; S. Pub'lic He�rings: 5. 1 ZONE CHANGE ZC 14-78 (Century 21 Homes) NP0 7 ?" t. tif i� A request by Contury 21 Homes for a Prelim.inary Plan and Program �� �eview of a 42 lot Residential Pianrted Development �nd Zone ol�ap �;5 Amendm�nt from R-7 3nd R-15 to R-7 WD for a 19. 62 acre parce�, at a,, SW 121st and Katheri_ne Streets (Wash. Co. Tax �lap 251 385, Tax Lot `' ��� 7200; 151 34C, Tax Lot 120�0) . � � t-� A. Staff Report: Read by Laws w" B. Applicant ' s Presentation: Bill �Ic�lonagle. 89D5 S.�1. Commercial, stated they found no problem with the conclusa.vnary fi`indings; _ on �age 5 Of Staff Rt�commendations : 1 ) the piece cut out oF the `' s�utheast corner of th� lot was private property and he saw ho reason wh.y he wa�ld ha,ve to improve the streEt in front of their ° property ; 6� he q�estioned the ineseased diameter of the cu1- l de-sac; E) he questioned the berm being within lot areas; " 8) he Wanted "restorat?on'� of the Windmill clarified. C. Public Testimony : popp stated Lo� 7 zn the stafF re:�ort sfiould read Lo� 1 Phi1 Smith, 11990 SW 12'{st, questa.oned the type and qual,ity of th� dw�llings. t' , �oug Stevie stated thare Were no attached uni�s Texry Stec�art, 12`I20 �W Summercrest asked who wou].d maa.ntaa.h ;. �he wirat�i.11. ;` H��b Booke, Certtury Z1 , stated it wpu].d be dedic��ed �t� �he c%ty. ; � _ � � , '~ �IINUTES ; TIGARD PLANNING CO�II�ISSION June 6, 1978 ' Page 2 �, �lelva 4<lupman, 12'035 5W L�nn, requested a clarification of the Katherine�L�ann St realignment Pfiil Smith war�ted the speed limit stated D. Staff Recommendation: Based on Findings of Fact and Conclusionary Findings staff recammends approval of the preliminary p].an and pr�gram subject to th� following conditions : 1 . A half street improvement to collactor street standards be provided along the 121st 5treet frantage (to include Tax Lot 6500� deleting sidewalks for Tax Lot 6500 if additionaJ. right-of-way cannot be obtained from the property owner of this parcel. 2. Five feet of' right-of-way be provioed along the 121st Street fronta � for street i m rovement � r os 9 P pu p es. �'. That Tract A and B dedicated to the cii�y. 4. Lot 2 be eliminated and Lot 1 he shifted eas�ward by means of eliminating the cul-de-sac street. �;�' S. Landscape islands be provided within the cul-de-sac -F islands, (suhject to design review) and maintenance responsibili�y r"or the landscape islands be prescriped to the surrounding lots. 6. That ezther a berm or fence be provided alr�ng the rear property lines of those lots with �'rontage on 121st subject to design review approval. ' r 7. That a landscapP p].an be submitted �'or the area in the southeasternmost po.rtion of the si�e ahd ma.i.ntenance respansibility for this area be assigned to the surroundi�g lots (35, 36, 41 , and 42) . 8. That the windmill be restored and �he windmill and surraunding area be dedicated to the city as a his�or,ica� landmark. 9. That the cul-de-sac atreo�s be develaped on a 40 foot right-of-way with 28 feet of pdvement su�face and 5 Faot sa.dewalks on both sides of the str�et with thd cul-de-sac having a 4�0 foot winimum radius. Herb 800ke, 1709 Blankenship Lane, l��st Linn, sta�ed the land- . o�.iner resisted annexation to the ci�y and that it Wouldn 't be � Pair to require �he deve.Lopers to imprave his property for him, �. Commission Discussion; Ro�sman was in fauor of �he s�aff rep���, � _ _ _ , .� �IZNUTES TIGARD PLANNING CO1`1�IISSIQN . June 6, 1978 Page 3 x�^ Corliss was concerned witfi forcing the improvement of the str�et in front af the private pr'operty; she was against tha - landscape islands and questioned the berms. Wood q�estioned th� cul-de-sac turning radii. L�_,ws stated the Fire Dept. had appro ued the design. Wood questioned Staff Rec. #7 who would maintain it; agr.eed 'i, with #6; #1 the size of the devel��ment warranted the developer I improving the private property. Laws sta�ed the Planning C�mmission itself required sidewalks ' at other devel.opment. Sakata and Wood both questioned moving lot 1 . Popp felt under Staff FZec. #1 , the half strest improvement shoul.d be mac�e but sidewalk� cou].d be deleted. I�c�lonaglec objected to improving land they don' t own Corliss was concerned with the berm�fence. Wood made a motion for approval based on staff findings and �, recommendatons with the following change� f�1 delete ��deleting sidewalks far Tax Lot . . to the end. �4 the lot 7 be changed• to 1 ; #5 require the landscape islands be (subject to design review and fire department approval) ; #6 deletion of "or fence" ; #8 have added "restoration sha1.I be restoring of the exterior plt�s landscaping as approved by the Park Board. popp seconded the motion. I�otion passed. Wood, Popp and Rossman, yes. Corliss , Sakata,no. 5. 2 ZONE CHANGE ZC 2-78 (Der-Hart) NPO 5 A requestbby Der-Hart Assaciates for � General Plarr and Program Review of a Residential Planned Development and Zone I�ap Amendment from R�7 t� R-? Pf� for � 2. 2� ac•re parcel at 14070 SW Ha'11 Blvd. (Wash. Co. Tax (�ap 2S1 12By Tax Lot 100�) . A. Staff Report : Read by Laws. B. Applicant ' s Presentatic�n : Bill Svendsen, 1544 S.E. Hawtharne, stated he was in agreement with the staff report. C. Pu61ic Testi,mony. � � a. opposition: Joe Van Donnegan, 13990 SW Hall, wanted � clarif.icatian oF road change. Laws answered 450 feet. � .. � � � . . . . .. .. . . . .. . .. � . � . . ... .. ... ... .. ��I . . . .. . . . . . �- . . � � .. . .;.� � ' �IINUTES TTGARD PLANNING C01��1ISSION ' Jun� 6, 1978 ' �,, Page 4 De Staff Recommendation : Based on Findings of Fact and ConoTusionary �- Findings staff recommends epproval of �he ge�eral plan and program with " the followinc� cnnditions; : 1 . That the spine raad be developed on a 50 foot right-of-way with 3 feet oP pauement with a 5 foot wide pl�nter strip and 5 feet wide meandering sidewalks to be provid�d on 15 foot easementso 2. East and west cul-de-sac streets be d�eveloped with a 28 foot pavement surf �ce, 5 foot meandering side�alks and a minimum' of 40 f�ot cul-qe-sec rad:us; with lands-cape islands to be providecf within the cul�de-sac streets (islands s�bject to design review and fire dept. approval) 3. An 8 foot wid� asphalt bik�; path be provided uithin the 10 foot easement along the south property line o�' lo� 14. 4. That the following conditians shal.l �,�ply to the tempa�ary access poa,nt betWeen the west end of the cul-de-sac street and Hall Blvd. �- a. A 30 foot t�ide publi,c easement for utility ahd traffic purposes shall be provir�ed. b. a 24 foot wide asphalt surface shall. be provided within this easement area as a '�emporary access to Nall Blvrl. This access shall have a 20 foot radius at its intersec- tion with Hall Eilvd. t� accomodate turning movements. c. Closure of this temporary acc�ss shall occur wh�n con- struction of th� spine road to ea.ther Ha11 Blvd. (at 0 'mara Street) ar Bor�ita Road is completed; this ciosur� wi11 require removal of the 24 foat p�veme�t section connecting the cul-de-sac to Nall B1.ud. a�d the lifit of asphalt over the cu�b. The area between the cul-de-sac and Hall Blvd. will be ldndscapecl with sight screening plant materials and a landscape plan approved prior to final plat recnrding. The cost of closure (all. improvemehts required above� will be borne 6y the developer 'and a bond filed with �he City in an amount ti�ice �;he estimated e:ast of aa�rying out the above s�ated changes� 5. That al]. building permits be subject �o de�ign revieW. � E� C�mmission Discussiohs Sakata questiorled �he 3800 sq, f�. lots. � Wood s�tated it was acc�ptable and wduld bring pra.ces do�n. F�as3man questidn�d •�he, lo�e��d p,rice . .._...._. . . . . . .� . .. . . . � .- . � � .� . � . . . . . � . . 6' r'I I�l UT E S TIGARD PLANNING COI��IrSSION June 6, 1978 Page a5 � Corliss liked the plan. Popp w�s concerned over small lots, Wood made a motianfor approval based on staff findi�gs and recommendationsl Rossman secanded The vote. was unanimo�s. 5. 3 ZONE CHANGE ZC 12-78 (Oscar Elark} NPO 5 A request by Oscar Clark for a Zone �iap Amendment f:rom R-7 "Single Farnily ResidPntial�� to CP "Commercial Professional�� for a 1 .01 acre parcel at 7540 SW Hunziker (Wash. Co. �Tax I�ap 2S1 2BB, TAx Lots 101 and 102) . ° A. Staff Repor�t read by Laws. B. Applicant ' s presentatian � David Wedge, 6310 SW Burlingame Ave. , stated there was industrial devel.dpment to the north of this site, the pro�erty 'was best suit.ec�. for Commercial Professional; � it would hal�, the strip development in Tigard; and would best ' meet the commjnity ' s needs. ; , i C. Public Testimony � �- Opposition: William Fray , 7505 �W Crestvi�w, stated their homes ` were built predicated on R-7 zoning and it should remaa.n .- ` residential. Ray Ames, 13400 SW 76th, stated a detailed site plan was needed. � D. Staff Recommendation : �i � Based on Findings of Fact and Conclusionary Findinc�s, Staff recommends a�provala =' Wedge stated it wasn ' � f�asible to develop r�nly part of tihe site; an adequa-�e visual buffer could be put in; this was the best plan possible for tax dollars; the integrity of th� area wowld n�t be ' distor�ed. ;1 Arnes and Fray felt the provision of sewer would increase the property value and the home onthe si.te should be - rese�ved. � E. Commissian Discussion � � 1 Popp Fel� an error was mada wh�n the R-7 zoning was changed �o '�i A-2; the commercia.l development Would �ncrnach inta �he area dnd he was opposed. + �i � Wood, Sakata and Rossman and Corla.ss stated it Was zohed Commercial�� professiortal on �he Compxehehsive Pla�t. 5ak�ta moved fas apprava]. based on s�afF �indingU �nd r�commehda�iai ,< The mo�a,on passed� � j . . � � � . . � ����, _ !i � 4i �„ I�IINUTES �i TTGARD PLANNING C01�1(�TSSlON '; June G, 1978 ,; f� Pa g�' 6 �,� � � �, 5. 4 ZONE CHANGE ZC 7--78 (Arrow Heating) NF�O 7 ;; is� ;:, A request by Arrow Heating Co. inc. for a Zone I�ap Am�ndment from R-15 to R-7 for a 2. 4 acre parcel at SW 124th north of L3ke �: Terr�ce and ad jacent to Jack Park(Wasli. Co. Tax �1ap 2S1 38B, Tax Lot 10,. Lot 1OOj . , A. Staff Report t Read by Laws. �, B. Applicant ' s Presentation : Bill �Icf�onagle had no problems with the staff report. ' � �' C. Pu.blic Testimony; Ngne ��:' D. Staff Recommendation: ;:; Based on F.indings of Fact and Conclusion�ry Findingsstaff recor�mends appraual. E. Commission Discussion: ,�Jood moved for approval based on stafl' findings. Sakata seconded. Vote was unanimous. ��.. 5. 6 UARIFi110E U 3-78 (Arrow Heating) NPO ? � ::x ;:, A request by Arrow �leating Co. for a variance to the street standarc�s of the Tigard l�unicipa.� Code in a R-15 zone for a 2. 41 acre parcel � , at SW 124th north of Lake Terrace and adjacent to �ack Park (LJash, 4,' Co. Tax f�ap 2S1 38B, Tax Lot 100) . A. Staff Report; Read by Laws. B. Appl�nt ' s Presentation: Bill I�lcl�onagle, no problems. C. Public Testimonyo None. D. Staff Reaammendations. Staff recommends approval. E. Commission Discussi�n: Wood asked a6out the flood plain Popp ask�d if i � inc'luded the sidewalk del�tion. Laws stated �he wid�h of righ� o� way, pavement and sidewalks would all 6e heard tonight. , � Wood moved app�oval� " Saka�a seconded, The vote was unanimous. 6. QTHER BUS�N�SS Wnod wav concarn�d �►i.�h A�'� L,utz 's rept�!�"ata.or� �'or P.D. development. ! : � � � 1�:��:; � � � i� .. .. � . � . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . , . � � �� ��'i . � I�INU1'ES � � TIGARD PLANNING CO(�I�ISSION , June 6 , 1978 ,.:,.. I Page 7 i �,: :i , � :L�ws asked when the commissi-oners want�d to look at NF�O 7. ; Wood asked about 121st and Scholls commercial development. The meeting was adjourned at 10 :30. � � �� � � � ;I 1' ;; ��,_ � �{ PUBLIC NnTICE TIGARD FLANNINr COMPrIISSIOt�T '�;� June 6 , 197i3 - 7: 3D Pl�n Fowler Junior Fiigh Sch�ool - Lecture Room 10865 S .�V'. Plalnut St - Tigard, Oregon 5, Public Hearin�s 5. 1 Z(aNE CIiANGE 7C 1•�78 (Century 21 HomES) NP0 7 A request by Century 21 Hames for a Preliminary Plan anc� Program Review of a 42 lot �tesidential Pla,nned Development and Zone r,4ap Amendment from R-7 anc� R-15 to R-7 Pn for a 19.62 acr�e parcel at S�N 121st and Katherine 5treets (j�lash. Co . Tax Map 2S1 3BB, Tax Lot 720U; 1S1 3.4C, Tax Lot 1200) . 5.2 ZONE CHANGE 7C 2-78 (Der-Hart Associates) NP� 5 A request by Der-Hart Asso�iates for a . General Plan and Pro�ranz Revie�v of a Residential Plarined DevelopmEnt and Zone AZap Am�ndment froni R-7 to R-? PD for a 2..2�� acre parcel at 14�70 SW Hall Blvd. (�Nash. Co. Tax A�Iap �S1 128, Tax Lot�'1000) . A request b,y Der-Hart Associates i'or a Preliminary Plan and Program Review of a ;�esidential Planned Deve�.opment and Zone �.![ap Amendment from ?�--7 to R-7 PD for �. 1�� . �7 acre ��ar�cel eastside SW Hall Blvd. (j�Vash. Co. Tax Map 2S 1 12]B, Tax Lot s 600, f300, 110 0 and 11�71) . 5. 3 ZON� CHANGE ZC 1�-78 (Oscar Clarke) NPO 5 A rec�uest by Oscar Cl�,rke for a Zone :�Rap Am�ndment from R-7 "Sin�le Family Residential" to CP "Commerci�.l Profeasiona7_" for a 1 e O1 acre parcc�?. at 7540 SjN Hunziker (V?ash. Co . Tax ll�ap ?.S1 �DB , Tax Lot s 101 and lOZ) e 5.4 ZONE CHANGE �C 7-7� (Arrow Heatin�) Np� 7 A request by Arrow Heatin� Go . �nc� �or a 7one ARap ,Amend�ent from I�-]_5 to R-7 for a 2 .4 acre �arcel at SW 124th noxtti o� Lake Texxace and adjacent to Jack Park (Wash, Co . Tax IN�.p 2S1 3BB, Tax Lat 1O�� , 5. 5 CONDITIONAL US� CU 15-78 (Western Oxe�on ll�arine� NPO 4 A request by Wesi;err� Oregon �4arine �ox a Cond�tional U�e �exmit to operate a retail baat s�,Xe� and re�ai.x lausinPSS and outsi.de stora,�e in a C-3 "General C�r.7mercial" zane �pr a 3�51 ac�e pa�cel at 11552 S .IV. Pac�.��.c Iiwy. (Wash. Co . Tax Map 1S1 36DAy Tax Lot 900) . 5.G VARTANCE V 3-78 (Arzow 1Ieatxng Co. � N�O 7 A i Ec�ues�t by Arrovi I�ea�in� Co. �or a varzance �o the s'Gxee� stanc�ards oF th� Z'a.gard �t�tunxcipa:l Code i,n a R-1.5 �orie �t�r a 2.�1 ac�e paxcel at S�y 12�th naxth a� Lake fiexrace and �.aa ac��t �o �7ack Pa�^k (Wash. Go. Ta� �Rap ?S1 �BB, Ta�� Lot 1.00� . �lll persons �ava.n� �,n intexest in the heara.n� 'tn���c:x axe a:nvited �a a��end and su�bma.�: ��ri�t;en an�. oxa�. ��s�in�ony or su�imit �vxitten tes�imon� in �.dvance o� �he mee�:i.n�; Pub�islx T�� �-2,4--'18 �,zid 5�3�.�7$. �' PUB'LIC NOTICE �v T"LGARD PLANNING CONI�IISSION i_� June 6, 1978 - .7:30 �'M q, Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room �'� 'i � 10865 SW Walnut Tigard� Oregon , a �.' 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS �� ,.^ 4 5.1 ZUNE CHANGE 'LC 14-�78 (Century 21 Homes) NPO 7 ;':� t� A request by Century 21 Homes for a Freliminary Plan and Program Review of a ;; 42 l.ot Residential Planned Development and Zone Map Amendment from R-7 and R-15 �' to R-7 PD for a 'l9.62 acre parcel at SW 121st and Katherrne Streets (Wash. Co. Tax h� Map 2S1 3�B� Tax Lot 7200; 1S1 34C� Tax Lot 12Q0). ' ti�: i 5e2 ZONE CHANGE ZC 2-78 (Der-Hart Associates) NPO 5 �i .4 request by Der-Hart Associates for a General Plan and Program Review of a f� Residential Planned Development and Zone Map Amendment from R-7 to R-7 PD for a ; 2.20 acre parael at 14070 •SW Hall Blvd. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12B, Tax Lot 1000). '' 5.3 ZONE CHANGE ZC 12-78 (Oscar Clarke) NPO 5 �; A request by Oscar Clarke for a Zone Map Aane�.dment from R-7 "Single Family Res- idential" to CP "Commercial Professional" for a 1.01 acre parcel at 754� SW Hun- ! ziker (Wash. Co. 'Pax Map 2S1 1DB� Tax Lots 101 and 102). � c. 5.4 ZONE CHANGE ZC 7-78 (Arrow Heating) NPO 7 � �, A request by Arrow Heating Co. for a Zone Map Amendment from R-15 to R-7 for a � �.;, 2.4 acre parcel at SW 124th north of Lake Terrace and adjacen� to Jack Park �� (Wash. Co� Tax Map 251 3BB, Tax Lot 100). �', 5.5 �AkIANCE V',3-78 (Arrow Heating) NP� 7 �. A request by Arrow Heating Co. for a variance to the stree�t standards of the �" Tigard Municipal Code in a R-15 zone fox a 2.4 acre parcel at SW 124th north of ; Lake Terrace and adjacent to Jack Park (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 �BB, Tax Lot 100). i, All persons havi.ng an interest iu the hearing matter are invited to aktend and submit written and oraZ testimony nr s�ubmit written testimony in advance of the meeting. ;{ � F Publish TT 5�31-7$ ` ; � r �: T � Jt f � I � 1 � � ' SZ'AFF RE�?ORT � AGENDA 5. l TIGARD PLAN'NING COMMISSIC)N �' June 6 , 1978 I+owler Junior High School - Lecture Room 10865 S .W. Walnut - Tigard, Ore�on Docket : Zoiie Chan�e ZC 14-78 Rec�uest : For preliminary �1an and prograrn review o� a �2 , lot Residential Planned Develo�ment and Zone r�ap Amendment from P�-7 and R-15 to R-7 �lanned Develc,pment for a ; , 19`.62 acrE parcel. ; Location : Westside of SW 121st and Katherine Streets (�Yash. C�. Tax Map 2S]: 3BB, T�,x �,ot 720�J; Tax Map 1S1 34C, Tax �,ot 12�0) � Applicant : Century 21 Homes � � � � ��p I . Findings o�f F�.ct : � 1 l . The apnlicant is .requesting preliminary plan anc� progra�m � a�proval in aceordance with Section 1£i .56 .02�J of the z Tigard bZunicipal Code for a 42 1ot lot single family � xesidenti.al ��lanned development . } ; � M 2. The site is designated on the Tigard Community, 1971 , and NPQ #7 Dxaft Plan as "TJrban Low I)ensit�� R�sidential" and currently zoned I�-7 (Tax Lot 1200) and R-1.5 (Tax Lot 7�0�) "�ingle Family I�esiden�ia.l" ap�l.icable policies from the Tigard Commu.nity Plan, 1971 , are �,s follows : � A. The maximum overall density of developm�n� will be ,' four dwelling units or. �.2 persons per gr.oss acre. This ,';I amounts tc, a standard of ?500 square �Pet of laz�d per `' dwelling unit all.owing �or s�rc�ets �.nd other open �;,. space. Some areas will have a lower c�ensity owing ta topogxaphy, existing development pa'tterns, or tk�e desise of individuals to own a lar�er l�t . ,; B. Residenti�,l subdivisions wi11 l�e developed 1�rith naved ' strP�ts, curbs arzd ga�tters , s�reet �.ights , and walkways 1; according to cit,y ox count� standards . A11 utilities ; �vill be placed undergr,ol�nd, � � C. Developznent will er��.nca.de wi�h �he provision o� publ.�;c � street�, wa�e� and sewPrage �aci7�i-�ies . T�ese �aci].a.ta.es � sha11 b� (a) capab].e of adequate�.y sertring a17, int�r- , veni.ng pro,�erties as we1.7. as the p�oposed devel,opment, � and (b) �esigned �o meet city or county standarc�s: � � D. Planned �na.� deveXop�t'ent wi1,7. b� encouraged on �tr�.cts ; 1ax�e endugh �o aecommoda�e t�n or more dwe��in�;s. � Pl,ann�cl uni� devel.opmen'� wi�.J. perznit a degr�� o:f ��.ex�.- � bi].a.�y in desi�n tha� �i�1. e.nabl.e a h�,.gher qua,�.i�y o:� 1 dev�lopment �.n accoxdance wi�h �on�.n� s��.na�.ras � � a ; i , � STAFI' REPORT AGENDA 5. 1 s TICT�RD PLANNING COP,�IrdISSInN � June 6, 1�75 I�age 2 3. Section 1$ . 56 . �10 of the `i'igard �unicipal C��de sta�tes : The purpase of the �lanned de����lopment district iU to pro- vide �pportunities to create more desirahle en;vironments through the application o� flexible and diversified land devel�pment standards under a comprehensive plan and pro- �ram prafessionally prepared. The planned develo�ment district is intended to be usec� to encour.age the app:Lication � o:f new techniques and new techn�lo�y to community develop- � ment which will result in superior living or cievelopment 1. arrangements with lasting values. It is further intended � to achieve economies in land development, maintenance, street � � syst�ms and utility networks while providing building group= s ings �or privacy, usab.le and attr�active open spaces, safe ; circul�.tion and the �eneral �uell-bei_ng of the inhabitan[ts. ; �. nn March 21 , 1978, tkie Tigard Planning Commission denied a request by the applicant for a 38 lot (18 d�tach:ed and 2� ;, attache�l units) resideiltial planned development on the ` subject parcel . The ap,pli�ant has suk�sequently resubmitte� z a development proposal for 42 single family lots for a �' ,. 1�- gross density of 2. 15 units per ac�e. � � 5 . Un 2�I�,y 2, 1978, the Tigard Plarining Commission ap�arovec3 a proposal by �the Tigard School Distr�.ct (with the consent of th,e applicant) for a realignment of SW Kathexine to intersect 121st at SW Lynn Street subject to tY�e following � concli�ions. ;� 1 , That the School District initiate vacation proceedings on the existing Ka�herine Street right-of-�way. 2. That the Sc;hool District proc�ced to dedicate the subject ,!, r�ealignment c�ancurren� with vacation of the existing ! � 7 a,lignment. ' As an adjunct to �;ran�ing this appxoval the Planna.ng ;a Commission stated �hey had na� addressed the issue o:f ' whether the old ox i;he new alignm�nt wi1.1 be ap�ropriate ' in its crossin.g o� and poss�ble fill o:f the �1ood � � �a].ain. ��� i' � . Based on the City's adopted Vicini�y and Envixoz�mental , Constxaa.nts {].00 �ear �lood p�,ain) np portion af �he ' xeala.gnment o� SW Kathexine Stre�t would �ie �va.�.hir� •the i: :flood pl.aan . However, sta�� daes �i,nd tha� the ��ea�te� por•�ians o� lo�s � and ? a�nd the cu�-de-sac s�ree� i servir,ing those �.ots �oes xepresen� �n enc�raachme�n� within ? `tlie �.p0 year ��.00d pxain , ' j,. , � � � � ;�. ,; ,. � � � , ,� STAFF REPO�T AGENDA 5.1 �., TIGARD P'LANNING COi1�MISSION June C , 1978 Pa�e 3 ?. The site is located on rolling terra�.n. Along the west ' property line the elevation is 180 feet (fi2SL) rising to 21� feet in approxirnately the. middle of the site then dro�ping off to 190 feet along the northe�,st property li.ne adjacent to S .W. 121st street . � A drainage swale traverses the property in a north to sou�thwesterly direction . Located within this area i� a portion of tne . l�Q year �lood plain of Summer Creek. The elevation of the flood plain at this 1:ocation is 170 feet MSL. . The applicant has acknowledged this elevatioil on his site plan; but a, portion ai� this el.evatiori (more specificall,y the southea,stern p�rtion of the �1ood plain (where lots 1 and `2 are being proposed) is contrar:y ta the City ' s flood plain e-lev�:tion maps and would also r�pr�s�nt an encroachment' into t�e a:�:opted Greenway Plaan. Surrouinding land uses are sin�le �amily residential and the Ti�ard School District elementar,y school site located along �th�e northwest pxoperly line: � i 8. The applicant is proposing to dedi.cate the �uinc�mill located � � along the SW 121st Street frontage and th� east property �.ine nf lot 22 to the City. The Park and Recreation Boar�i has recommended that the windmill be restored to its original condition anci dedicated � �:o �:he city as a historical landmark . �; The barn adjacent the windmi�.1 should be removed as it '' restricts visibility �or vehicl:es entering 121st from ; Katherineo �' 9. The PdPO r�7 hel.d a zneeting on A![ay 31. , 1978 and of th� members present approved the proposed plan in concep-� with 'the fol.lowin.g exc�p�ion : ;: ,� Lot 2 be delet�d because it is poar�ly situated 'y in the dxaina�e wa� and 1ot � be moved ea.s�;ward bp means o:� eliminatin� the c�zl�-de--sac and replacin� it with a �r.a.vate drive. ' 10. Tn the sau�heas�ern most po:rtion. o� the parcel; a].on� the � �.21st Stree� �ron�ta��:, �i:he si�e plan sY�ows an area whict� is nei�ther a,denti�i:ed as �being 1`0'� or� r�pan . spa;ce upon si.te ` inspec�t:i.an, sta.ff �ound a por�tion {the south propert,y' line) cavered witli a, rnixture o� �rees and. a h,ed�e, � ll . Southwes� 721st Stree� is a des�.gna�ed "co�.lector street'� and is in sub-standaxd ct�ndi�ion (e.g, , no curbs, sa.dewa.�.ks, �' �, � _ _ _ � , „ STAFF REPOFi,T ACENDA 5. 1 �,, TT.GARD PLANNING CQMMISSInN J.un�e 6, 1978 Page 4 etc. }, Necessary right-of�-way for a ,collector street is 60 fe�t . There is currently 5D �eet ; therefore, an addi�`ional 5 feet of right-o�-wav will be necessary. Sanitary sewer serva.ce is available c�ri site via a. 1.2-inch line. Wa�ter service is availab�e from the Tigard Water District ' s 8-inch line in 121s� and a. F-inch ]:ine in S .3N. Kathexine Stxeet on the westside of, the pz•oper.ty, � . 12 . Severa7. o� the proposed eul-de-sac StY'P.PtS are sho�vn ha�Ting 40 :foot right--o�'-wa,ys . I�Towever ncr documentation has been suhmitted justifying t�e code deviation from t�e requir�d 50 �oot rig�it-o:f-way. ' 13. The applicant is proposing �o provide �.pproximately 47% of the total site are�: as open space. Staff has calculatecl that G . 5 acres oi' this area woulc� be ���ithin the 10(3 year floocl pl�,in. l�k. l�n addendum has �een included with the applicant ' s narrative ` which addresses the question o� storm draina�e. As one reason for denial of the previous sLik�mis�ion the Plannin� �:� Commission �oxind that the a,pplican�t had �ailed t� address s±orm watex deten�ion . II . Conclusionary Findings : l . Tlze pxoposed densit,y con�orms to the Communi�y P7.an, 1�71 and Nl'O ;#7 Draft Plan designa�ion of "Ux�an Lo�v Density Residential" anc� to the underl,ving I�-7 zonin.g of � uni.'ts per acxe. 2. Alth�ugh the applicant has not addressed the proposec� dev:iation from the street right-o�-way s�a�ndards o� the code, the varia.ncP would a�pe�ir �to be in order; in th�.�, it wou�d not be c�e�t�ai.ment�l. to the pub"lic health, sa:£��y or wel.�are o� the property owners while rPing in k�eping �vii:h the cone�pts of �h.e plannec� develo��ment oxdinance. 3. 7.,ats Z and 2 axe poox'ly si�uated witfiin; the dra9.nage swaXe. This situa'tiori can be remedied by e�.iminata.ng �he cul-�de-sac s�treet sexving lots � and 4, making these �1a� lots, thereby permi.tta.ng lot 1 t� be shi�t�d �astt�>ard and 10� � eliminated. The savings to be re�,li�ed by n.ot construatin� �he cul-de-sac and da.verting t1�e existin� sewer line around ].ot 1 sho�7.d o:�:�se� the value l�s� �xom elimin�,�in� on�e bui7.di,n� �.o� . � TZT S�;afx Recoznmenda�ions : Based on Findirz�� a� �'act and Conc];usa.onaxv �'inda.?n�� s�a�f r�cc�mm�nc�s approva�, o:C th�: pre�.a.ma.nary, p:Lan a�:c� p�o�xam su�ject to �he :�n1.�.c�wa.n� cond�.�inns� e . � . � . . � . � � . . . � . .� STAFF REPORT � AGENDA 5. l ' � TICxARD PLANNINC7 COMMTSSIpN ��� Jun�e 6, 19.78 � � � P�,ge 5 l . A half street improvement ��o collector street standards k�e provided alon� �he 121st Stree� � �rc�mta�e (to include Tax r�ot 65Ob) del.etin� sidewalks �or T�.x Lot �SQ� if additional right�-of--t�ay cannot he ��k�tained fxom the �ropert,y owner of thi s �axcel . ' � ; 2. rive �eet of right-of-way be provided alpng th� 121st Street fronta�e for street irra�rovement purposes. 3. That Tract A and B be dedicated to the city. 4. Lot 1 he eliminated and lot 2 �►e sfiifted �astward by mea�s of eliminatin� the cul-de-sac street . 5. Landsca.pe isla.nds �ie providec� within the cul-de-sac islands, (subj.�ct to design review} �,nd ma�.ntenance res�onsibility for the la,ndscape islanels be �rescribecl ' to the surrounc�ing lots. 1 6. Th.at either a berm or �ence be provided along the 121.st � Street �ronta�e subject to r�esign revie�v approval . � � '7. That a landscape pl�,n be su�mitte�i for th� area in the � southeastern �nost por�ion o_f �he site and maintenance respo�sik�ili.ty �or this area be assi�;nec? �to th.� Surr.oundin� lots (,35, �F, 41 and �2} . � � 8. That the t�indmil). be xesto.rec� and the win:dmill and i' surraunding ar�a be dediea�ed to the citq as a histc�xical 1 anc�mark. 9. That the cul-de--sac streets be c�evelo�ed on a 4c7 foot right-o�-tvay with 28 �eet a� pavement surf ace and 5 foot sa.dewa�.l�s o.� hoth s�.d�s o;� the s�reet with the cul-de--sac � havin� a 40 :foot minimum r�.di�us. fj ,ji ,{ � j,� . >� �� �I . E,I Y, � ( . . . .� � � . i`� � � � ...._. ....__ ._.._. _..:... __..__.._... . ,_...�. _._ �'. � . . . . ... ... .. . --.. _ _ _., ��:' � . ,4r- .. . . . . . � . � �. . � � . � � . . . . :�� Y STAFF R,EPORT � � AGENJ�A 5 .2' T�CxAR� PLA,NNI�tC COJUIPIIISSI�IV �' June 6 , 1978 � Fuwler Junior High School - Lecture Room ; ,: 10865 S .W. Walnut - Tigard, Oregon r� . . . .. � � �� . � � . tl; Dockei; : Zo:ne Change �C 2-78 r' , �equest : For a general plan and program review of a residential �; plann�d development and zane map amendment from R-7 to R-7 � � .� plannec� development �or a 2 .2(� acre parcel . , Location : 14070 SW Iiall B1vd. (Wash. Co . Tax Map 251 12B, Tax Lot ;' 10�0) . �'. � � � � � ���� 9pp1_ican�t : Der-Hart Associates ,. I . Findings of Faet; ;_R l . The a�plic.ant is requesting general plan and �rogram review in accordance with Section 18 .56 .030 of the Tigarcl A!Iunicipal Code �or a 2. 20 acre (1� lot) residenti�,l planned developt�ent at I��70 SW Hall Blvd. (between Hall B1vd. and Fanna Creek) . 2. The site is designat�d ei�ht dwelling units per acre on ' � th� east side of the spine road and six dwell.ing units <; per ac.re on the west side of the spine road on the Neighborhooci Planz7ing Organization 5 Plan and cur�ently ',` zoned R-7, "Single Famil,y Residentiai" . �", 3. Applicabl� objecti�%es from the NP0 5 P7.an for this area ' (referred to in the NPn Pl�.n as the "Boni-�a Tria37gle") are the following: a. Establish an overall density which can econoinically support lower cost housing �,lternata�ves while not over�axing the rec�uired p�ub�ic �acilities and serv- ices . � b. Maximize the b�n�fits of the open space p�ovided by ;a the Fanno Creek flood plain and the buffe�,ing ef;�ects o� its vegeta'�3.ve cover . c< Provide pedestrian linkages to the a�eas a�' usable open space, ' j ��!; :� d. Pxovide vehict�lar access which sexves a1.1 pxoperties while minam�.za.ng conflic� poin�s on Bona.�ta and Hall . e. Provide �or a di'versi.ty a� Housing �ynes ar�d dens:i.- ' 't;i e s . ,;, �• , ' 4, S�ction, �.$: 5�i . Q�.Q r�� �he Tigaxd M�na.cipa�. Ca�e s'L'�,�e,s th��: Puz�pos�. �'��e ��trp+�se of t�i� p��znn�c� ��v�Zopmen� �tis�r�.e� is to � { _ ■ STAk'F REP��:T A`GEN�A ,5. :L.' . T'ICT�I� P�,ANNIN�', COMMISSION u, June 6y 1978 ; Page 2 pxovide oppv�t�unitzes t.o cr�eate more desix�a,�Ze, env2`ranment,s . ' thr.ough the appZi�ation Q,f fZexvble and.diversifzed 'Lanc� development standarc�s undex� a eorrrprehensive pZc�n and pro,qram '! ' p�ofesszonaZZy preppx�ed, The pZanned deveZopmen:t distz�ict zs intended to be used t,o encourage the czpp Gi`eation o f,neu� �echniqi,ces and nezu t;eeYcnoZogy to community deveZo�ment zvhich _ w?ZZ resuZt 2n superior Ziving or deveZopment arrangements ' ^ aehie e ivith Z stin vaZues. lt �s urther in�ended to v a ,. _ ,9 . . f . economies in Zand de�e.Znplztent, maintenance_, street, sy�tems, and utility netauor�ks whZZe .provi�ding buiZding gr>oupings for pr�ivac�, usable and a�t.�actzve open spaces, safe eireulation,, and �he gPner^aZ zveZl,,be2ng of the inhab�.t,an�s. � 5. On b4a�rch 2l , 1978, the Tigard Planning Commission appro.ved the preliminary plan and program r�view for this` proposed developmen� subjeet �n tT1e :�ollowing conditions . 1 . That the alignment of the spine road be revised so that the pxopert�,es to the north and sauth are not adversely a.f�ectec�, 2. That the spine raad be developed on a 5U-�foot right- � o�-wa.y with 36 �eet .o� pavemen�t with me�.ndexirz� side��valks to be provide� on 10-faot easem�ent�. �, That �. hal.f street impr.ovement on a 24-foc�t w�de pave;mez�t an:d meandexin� sidPtualk be provided �.1ong the south property 1�.n� serving a].l lots within the deUe:topznent; and that a ha1� cu�-�e�sac with a 40- �oot radius be provided betwe�n lots_ 13 ar�d 14 anc� l and 2 at tk�e east az�d west ends of the half stre��t; and tha�t landscape a:slands be providecl within the �u1-�de-s.ac at such time as the remaining �oxtion o:� the �txeet is developeel on. tY�e adjacent Faxcel . � � � � i 4. Th�,t a temporary access (an a 24-�oot wide surface) ?�� be p.r�vicled on ta Hall B�.vd, through t�te �ves�ern � cul-de-sac: �.nd that the ap��.icant submit for general � p7.an' approval a Program speci:£y�.n� h�w this tempoxary '� access will be cic�sed at such time as the spi.ne roac� !' is connected. 5. That a bikepath be �rovided be�ween lo�s 13�14 �ar ��', acePSS �to the gx�enway, �, 6, Tha�Y, .lot 5 be xeva.secl i:p accommoda�e the neeessaxy �, setl�ack requa.xe;mer�ts. ; � 7. Tha� �he wes-� pxopex�y line o� ].o� ]. be re�.ocated to j p�av5.de �, minimum �.� �°eet :fxozn �he xear �axd se�bae� ;�, ��r t�e ex�.stin� hpuse and gues`t ha�se, � _ .- -= � STAFF '�EPQ;RT AGEN.DA 5.2' TIGAI� PLATINING COMMISSION � � June 6 , 1978 �.: �age 3 8. 'Lots 3 and 4 be single family detached lots and have minimum lot size o� 5, �00 square feet . 9 . That lots 4 and 5 have a 30-foot setback along the spine road frontage. 6 . The applica.nt has essentially incorporated into trie. general plan and program the conditions of preliminary approval by the Planning Commission with th� followin� exceptions: Condition 3 The applicant is reqLiesting deviation from the street standards of the cor�e by providing. within a 5fJ foot right-of-way a �.4 foot pa.vement service from cen'terline of the east anci west cu1-de-sac streets , Justification for this cleviation is based on the ; follo�ving reasons : � i 1 . The narrower street will allow more usable � area to the north of the spine road, while �° reducing the amoun� of asphalt and allowing �or a better arrangement of lots . 2 . Red.uction of asphalt is in keeping wi�th the p�anned development ordinance, which stresses � p.rese,rvation �f natura.l features and oper� space. ;' 3. A better arxangEment of the living units can b� attained �cvhil.e main�aining the necessary parking needs and increasing the space available �or rear yards. Condition 5 The ap�licant is proposing a bike path a,long the �outh �; propexty line of �.ot �4 off the end of the eas� cul�c�e- �� sac street. Because of ttae relocating of �ots 13 and 14 '' it does not appea,r ��asib�.e to pxovide �.. path between � these two :Lats as per Condition 5 . However, �he intent o:� the conda.tion appears �o �ie sa`tis�ied. 7. The revisPd lo`�ti.ng pat�ern an.d 7.oc�,tion of the si'ng�.e � :Cami.ly detached az�d at��ached s�.ngle :�am�.ly uni�s on the west and eas� sic��s xespectively o� the spi.ne xoad �as r. �ak�n place �ex Condi�ion #� and would �her�fore s�.�is:�;y , �he intent d� the NPO P:l.�.n. : � r Z . Conc7.usic�naz y Fa.r��ings t i :. � i� , , i i ` � � : • STAFF REPORT � A('.�ENDA. 5, 2' .. ;TZGARD PLANNING COr,�MISSTON � � June 6, 19'78 +; F.'age 4 !', �� � �! 1 . The request confoxms to tk�e dens•ity requirements Q� � the NPO #5 �'lan and inc>orpo�ates the �ro�ased spine � road which. wi1.l eventually become the major access �j road for these pxoperties, I' i 2. The deviations from the street standards o� the code ,�i � would appear to be in order �to pxeserve both open i� space area:s �.nd natural feature:s' .on•- ttie site while not �; endangering the safe and e��icierYti movement o� both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. � III S'taff Recommendation: 4 Based on Findings c�f Fact and Conclusionaxy Findings staf.f �� r.ecommends apPraVal o� the general plan a.nd pr�gram with ; the foll:owing conditions : i l . That the spine road be d.e�reloped on a 5� �oot right- � o;�--way with 36 feet o� pa�vement with a 5 ,foot wide � i planter. strip arxd 5 feet wi�de meandering sidewalks to ; - Ue provided on 15 �o�t easements, ( � 2. Eas•t and wesi; cul-de-sac streets b� c�eveloped with a 28 foot pavement sur�ace, b �oo� meandering sidewalks and a minimum o� 40 ft�ot cul-de-�ac radius; with landscape islands to be �rovided within the cul-de�sac street;s (islands subject to design reviEw) . 3, An 8 faot wide asphal�t bike path bs provided wif,hin � the 10 foot easement along the south pxoperty ].ine of lot I.4. . ; 4. That i:he following condi�ions shall apply to the ` temporary access point betw�en the west en.d. o� thP � cul-de-sac street and Hall Blvci. � ; a. A 30 �foot wide pub�.�.c easeznent for uti,lity and ;� tra��fic pur�oses sk�a11 be provi,ded. ' "r b. A 24 �oot wide asphalt surface sha].1, be provided ` wi.thin this easement axea as a temporary access to ? Ha11 Blvd. Thzs access shal7. have a. 2U �ot�� x�.tia.us, ; at its int�rsection with Hall Blvd, �o accommodate ; �urning movements, ; � c. Closure o:� '�his �emppxaxy access sha�.1 occur when f construction of the spa,ne xoad to e�th�r T�all B1.vd. �: � (at 0'Maxa Street) ox �pr�i�a Road is comp�.eted; �his j' cJ.osure wi7.1 x�c�ua.xe xemova:l o� the 24 �vot ,pavemen� ' sec�a.on eonnecting �he cul-�cle�sa.c to Tia7.7, B1.vc1. and �� i' . j �. � STAFk' :EtEPn�tT AC,�NllA "5..2 �IGARU PL,ANNING C011![r,�I�SION June 6, 1978 �_ Pa.ge 5 the "lift" of asphalt over tY�� curb. The ax•ea between ' the .cul--de-sa,c and Hall B1vd. will be landscaped ! with sight screening plant m;aterials and a landscape plan approved prior to final pla�t recordin:g. The cost of closure (al,l improvements required ak�ove) will be , borne by tlae developer and a l�ond fileci with �he City in an amount twice the estimated cost of carrying out the above=state�l changes . 5 . Z'ha� a11 building permits be subject to design review. � � , � _ _ � � _ � �. STAFF REPORT AGENDA �. 3 r TIGARD PLANNING C0114MISSION June 6, 1978 ,, Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room 10865 S .W. Walnut - Tigard, Oregon 1)acket : Zone Change ZC 12-78 l�,equest : For a zone map amenc�ment from F�-'7 "Sin�le Family Residential." t� CP "Commercial Professional" foi parcels totalling 1. 01 acres . � Location : 7540 S`V Hunziker (Wash. Co. Tax Ma� 2S1 2DB, Tax Lots ' 101 and 102) . Applicant : Oscar C1ark I I . Finc�ings of Fact : 1 . The sitE is designated "Commercial Professional" on the NPO #5 Plan and is currently zbned R-7 Single F�,mily Resident�.al. 2. The applicant is requesting to upgrade the zoning on the property from the existing R-7, Sing;le Family RFSidential �one , to CP "Gommexci�.l Professional" . �- 3. The NPO #5 Plan rliap designates this parcel for �� Commercial Professional Development . Tk�e Plan Te�t states that the Rolling Hills Residentia]. area whi.ch abutts thi.s site should be pro�tectec� from the industrial development occurrin� around it by: (1) Providin� a ste�ping down of the intensity of industrial use in adjacent locations . (�) Employing strict site devel.opment stand�.rds th�.t insure compa�ibility. In adda.tion, •the City wide �la.n nola.cy that development coincide �vith the provision of adequate urban services , 4. Wa�er service is available to the site �rom the A4etzger Water District 's six line in S.W. 72nd Aven,ue . Sanitary sewer service is approximately 7.00 feet west of �he Ui�e era an eight inch 7.in� in S .W. Hunziker. This line would have to bE extended �o �k�e site to coincicle witl� development of �the parce7.. 5 . The south;ern por�i.on of the s3.te (Tax Lot 1�?) is occupied by a sin�le :�ami7.y residence wh:i.ch is �i� a septxc �ank system, th� remaini.n�; pox��ion (Tax Lot 101) is vacant and � drops o�f ta�vard Hunzik�r Street . � . �. d z�.:. . . . .. . . . . . . . ... ,, �,. : � � � . � . . . � � � . . . . . . � � S' �,:�� y STAF�' RE�QRT AG�NnI� 5�. 3 r�:;:. T�C.TA?�D PT,ANNI'I�G CQ�:��IS'�zn� � �une �, 197$ F'oW1er Junior High Sch�Q1. --� T,�e,�t��e J�QOr� 108�5 S .W. ��Valnut - 7`i,�axd, Ore�on Sur.r.�oundi�g 1and, .us�. is, Sxn���: �a�i�,y' c�e`Velo�men-� , Hi�.lcrest �.�artm,enfi� T�i�hway� 217 anc� � vacan�t l.ot tc� the south., 6. Acc�ss t.o the s��;te .wo�ulc� be .�,rom St�.te right-of-wa:y �rontag'e for Hz.gfiway 217 (that portion cqmmonly r.e�errecl to as, S.W, Hunziker �treet) . along the ' na�theast p�opexty lin�. � TI . Conc]:usi.onar� �'indings; 1. The r�quest con�orms to t�e Pl.an rdap designation for Commercia.l P.ro�essional. land use. ?. San��taxy se�ver and water service are reaclily available to the site . III , Sta�'� �tecommenciation: Based on Findings of �+'act and. Conc:L�sionaxy �'�ndings staff d�- recoznmends approval a �� � _ �,; I,: �; i� STAFF REPnRT C"', ACTENDA 5.� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSInN � ' .� June f�, I�78 � ' Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room ; 10865 S .W. Walnut - Tigard, Ore�;on ;,_ ; : Docket; : Zone Chan,�ge 7C 7-7f3 i , Rec�uest : F'or a zone map amendmen�t from R-15 to R-7 Sin�le Family ; Residential for a 2 .4 acre parcel . Location : S.tN. 124th St�eet north of Lake Terrace and adjacent to Jack Par�. (Wa�h. Co. Tax Map 2S1 3B13, Tax Lot 10�) . , Applicarit : Ar�ow Heating I . Findings o� Fact : l . The site is designated "Urban Lo��v Density" or� t.he Tigard Community Plan, 1971 and NPO �#7 Draft Plan and currently zoned R-15 Sin�le Family I�esidential � 2. The majQrity of the site is low, marshy land, lying below the earthen dam which forms the pond surrounded b� the Lake Terrace subdivision . � The site is surrounded by single �amily homes and dedicated , �:� greenwa,y to the west . ��� :3. Water service is available to the site from the Tigard �? Water District ' s six inch line in Sj'V 124th. '; i:; Sanitaxy sewer servic� is available via an eigli+ inch i`` line which traverses the pr�perty. � . Access to the site is available via SW 12�th Street . This will require crossing aver a portion o� the dedicated greenway. Th� Ci�ty Council at the ap�licant ' s r.equest has agreed to allow the construction o� a public street acro.ss �the greenway. ; II . Conclusionary Findings : �i The proposed N,-7 zoning di�trict is compatik�le with the i surrouriding zoning and. Urban Low Density Residential designation ` o� �the Ti�ard Cammunity P1an, 1�7�. . ;' �. TII . Sta�� Recommendation : � 1' t � F3ased on I'indin�'s of Fact and Canclusionary Findi.rigs sta�� � recommends approval . {. � � � � �j. j � �. � , STA:FF FtEPORT :AGENDA 5,�' TIGARD PLANNING CnA!tMISSION June 6, 1�78 Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Roorn 108F�5 S.W. `Valnut - Ti�arc�, pregon Docl�et: Varzance V 3-78 Request : I'or vari�,nce to the street stanc�a�rds (right-of-way, sidewa3k� and surface pavement) of the Tigard Mi,xnicipal �ode in a Fi,-15 zone for a 2. 4� �,cre �arcel . Location: S.�N. 124th north of Lake Terrace an� adjacent tc� Jack Park (Wash. Co. Tax Map 257. 3?3B, Tax Lot 1�J�) . Applicant.: Ar.raw Heatin� Cornpany I . Findings of �'act : l . The site is designated on the Tigard Community P1an, 1971 anci th� NPQ #'7 �raft Pl�.n as Urk�an Low I)en5ity Residential and currentl,y zoned R-15. TY�e site is surrounded by sin�le family home� �.nd j addit�.onal Greenway to the west . ; ; ? . SP�tion 1�1.28.040 of the Tigard n4unicipal Code states � that �;he right-of-way minimum for a local street shall be 5C7 feet and the road surface 34 feet . Section 17.��L . 0�0 states that .five foot sic�ewa�.ks shal7 be installed along both sides of the street adjacent to the property line . � � :i. The ap�licant is request,ing a variance �rom the loeal I s�;re�t standaxds k�y �rovidin� a 30 foot wic�� right-o�-way ; witPi �, 2F3 foot road sux:face and no siclewalks on either � side �f the cul-de-s�.c street . ; 4 . Sec�ian 17.48 .�J20 0� the Ti�ard Munici.�al Cod� autliarizes fJ, �lie Pl�.r�ning Commission to gxant a variance to the subcii- � vision code, provided �he Commi�sion finds �rom t he �acts � presented at the hearin� all o:f the following: �? (1) That there a.re s��cia�. circums'tances or conditions °-' e��ecti.ng �the pro�erty which ar� unusual and peculiar �' ;. to the �.ands or d�velopment of th� projec�: involved ; as co�spared to otY�er lands s7,milar].y situated.. � 2 �� (2) �`hat �the variance sought a,s necessa�,y and �he mir�imum i reczu�.xed for the preservat�.on �.nd protec�ion of a �' substan�aal property interest a� ��e peti�ioner �Go � �he de�ree �hat ex��a�orda.nax�� hardship wouXd �esu�.`� ` :�rom stxic� comp],iance w�.th �he re�;ulations o� th.is � ek�ap�ex �,pplicab�.� �o the paxticul�,x subda���.sian, '; tna,�or o� .minox pa�ti�ion�.ng in�r�l�'c�d, } ; � �. p � . � � �� � .. � � � � Y .. . . . . . .. . ... y� . .. „ . . . �.�� �i* � .. . .. ._ . . ..._ _.-:. �, , ' 1` . f' " STAFF REPOI3,T AGEP7nA �� ; � ' � TI GARD PLANN I NG COA4rrI I S S I ON �' June 6, 1978 �' i�� ( 3) That the granting of the variance will not be �I detrimental to the public health, safet,y or welfare but will k�e consistent there�with and � shall not �e injurious to the rights of other t property owne.rs in the near. vicinity nor constitute � a departure from or be in violation of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Ti�ard. ; s 4 (4) That the applicant ' s proposal f�r variance in a sub- 4 div.ision or major or. minor land .�artitionin� conforms ; to and is consistent with all other re�;ulatory re- � quirements of this title and Title 18 of th_is code, � that adequate provision is made for traffice circula- j ti.on, recreation, open spaces, and similar factors, j and that variance sought has been considered by other � public agencies cqracerned With �ire pro�ection, sewer, � v�Tater, and other utilities, as well a� envirarimental � factors, and the wr. it�ten comments of such r.egulatory bodies as applicable are submitted as part o� the � record. � 1 � 5. The majorii:y of the site is low, marsh,y land, lying �elo�v j ���I( the earthen dam ��hich forms the pond surrounc�ed b,y the � `�� Lake Terrace subdivision. Because much of the ].and will � need fi11 before being developable, the reduced street standards wi11 a11ow more usable land ta be reclaimed. 6. This property is presently land locked, �aving no connect.ion� to pul�lic roadways . The City Council has agreed to allo�v construct�.on of a public street across , a portion ot the Greenwa,y abutting S.�Y. 1�4th, provided that certain Park or Greenway imprr�vements are made by • �he developer. In gxantirzg this approv�,l the Cou.ncil stated that they were in no way attempting to intercede i.nto the Planning Commission' s role o� considering the appropriate use o� the subject parcel (Tax L,ot 100) , but were merely assenting to putting a street through the Greenwaq. � TI . Conclusionary Findings : 1 . Th� unl.que characteristics o� the topo,�raphy c�uali�ies �his site for a variance according to Section 17.48. OZ0 of �h� Subdivision Ordinance . ITI . Sta:��' Recommenda�tions: StaF� recommends appxoval. �