Planning Commission Packet - 03/29/1978 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � i ��.. ��. STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TZGAI3,D PLANNING DEPARTA4ENT March 29, 1978 Tigard City Hall 12420 S ,W. Main Street - Tig�ard, Or.egon Docket : Minor Land Partitzon MLP 2-78 9 ! Request : To partition a 1 .65 acre pa.rcel crea�;ing three parcels of .27 acres, . 35 acres, and 1 . 14 acres in �. R-7, "Single � Family Residential" zone. Location : 8115 S.W. Bonita Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12B, Ta� Lot ?00} . Applicant : Gerald Cach I . Basic Findings af Fact : I . The a�plicant is reques�ting permis5ion , in accordance with � Secti.on 17.24 .030, Tigard Munic9.pa1 Code, tQ divide a 1 .65 acre parcel into three parcels of .27 acres , � 35 acres, and 1 . 14 acres. �,� 2, The site is located in the "Bonita Tziangle" which is desig- ., nated "Urban Medium Density Residential" on the N130 #5 Plan. The Plan further designates the specific area f.or a densi�ty of six dwelling uni.ts per acx°e, and is currently zoned R-`7, "�ingle Family Residen�:ia_l . " 3. The mini.mixm lot size requirements f.or thi.� area are k�ased on the underlying zone of R-7 which are as �oilows : . 7,500 square foot minimum lot size (Section 18.20.030(1) , Ti�ard Nlunicipal Cade) ixnless submission is for a planned development . . The minimum lot area for duplex use shall b� 10,000 ' square feet (Section 1�.20.030(2) ) . . 20 foat minimum frant yard s�tback, 5 foot sideyard for oile-story buildin�, and 15 fo�t rear yard (],8. 30. 060(1) , (2) & (4) resp�c�ively) . 4. Vehicular access and egress for si_ngle �acnily a,nd duplex residen�tial uses �hall not be leas than the following (13 .64.020(a) : . One 10 foot paved d�ive :�or a sin�le unit � Two lU foot or one 20 foat paved dri.ve for tw� unxts . Une 3Q f�ot paved drive for three to five units . One 50 foot paved street �or six or. �nore units 5. Sect�.an �.7.28.,;Q60 (Tigard Munieipal �Code) states tha� !:',a7.1 s'treets shall, as far as practicable, be in alignr�en�t with � � � I , (:' F � 'y '�,' } � - -� � STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION i TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT j ��° March 29, 1978 ; Page 2 � i existing stre�ts by continuations of the centerlines thereaf . � In no case sha.11 the staggering o� streets making a "T". � inter�ection be so designed to a11ow a dangerous condition . ! Of.f-sets of less than one hundred� �eet will not be allowed. " 1 6. Applicable policies and objectives �frc�m the NPO #5 Plan are � as follows: ; A. Pravide vehicular access which serves all properties while rninimizing c,onflict points on Bonita. j F3. Develo ment will coinci�e with the rovision of ublic II � p P I s�treets, water and sewerage f acilities. These �acilities shall be (a) capable of adequately serving all inter- vening properties as well as the proposed development and ('b) desigrzed to meet city or county standards. C. S.W. Bonita Raad is designated a collector street (NPO #5) rec�uiriiZg a 60 foot right-of-way and 36 f.eet of pavement . I I , F'ind�.ngs of Fact : � 1 . The site slopes grad.ua,lly t�phill to the nor�h from S ,W. s:�. I3onita Road to an existing single family resi�ience anci two accessory buildings. From the back of the house the proper�;y slopes ste�ply {24% - 35 foot el.evation drop) to Bonita Creek and rises again appx•oximately 25 :��et on the oppasite bank. The back of the lot is hPavily wooded. 2 . The applicant proposes to retain the existing single famil,y resi_dence (which zs centered) on a 14, 700 square foot lot (Lot 2) , and creat� ari 11 , 700 square foot lot in front (s�uth) of the existing structure (Lot) . This will Ieave . , a 4�,250 sq�uarE foot 1ot on the back (north) o� the pa.rcel I� (Lot 3) . T17ere#ore, �ach l�t con�orms t� the 75Q0 square I foot mini.mum lot size of th� undErlying R-7 zone. I 3. Th.e px�oposed partitionin,g confc�ms to the minimum setback I� requirements (18 . 30.060, Tigard Municipal Code) in i;hat the ' existing residence will be :L8 feet �rozn the propased new east property line of Lot 2 (sic�e yara) i:hat the carport ' will be 20 �eet from the front proper�y line o.f Lot 2, and the accessaxy building will be 10 feet from the west property line (side yarc�) . 4�. The applicant prop���s to provide two parallel 10 foot �ide access dri.ves to Lots 2 and 3, appaxently eliminating i;he ' � existing driveway (located immediately to the wes� of the proposed access poin�s) . 1Vo access point is speci�ied on the site plan f.or Lot 1 , however, access could be provided to this lot via the existing driveway. , � t:-. � � e, iti, _. �'._. i '4 i � STAPF REPORT - FINAL ACTION �' �+ TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT March 29, 1978 F',; Page 3 The proposed access (10 feet per lot) will limit the develop- t;,', ment potentials of the si.te to one dwelling unit per. lot , i� � which is considerably less than i;he NPO #5 Plan allows. 5. The existin� driveway aligns directly with the center line o� S .W. 81st Avenue. As proposed, the two access drives for Lots 2 and 3 would create a 20 foot al3gnment offset with the existing intersection o:�' S .W. $lst and B�nita Road. Street alignment offsets o� less than 100 feet are not allowed (17.28.060) . Expansion o� the existing driveway could pro- vide adequate access to all �roposec� lots while allowing for proper alignment with 81st Avenue . 6 . Sewer service is available from a 10 inch line acrc.�ss the rear (r�orth) of the site. Wate.r. service is available from the Tigard Water District 's 8 in.ch �.nd 16 inch hi_gh pressure line in Bonita. 7. S .W. Bonita Road is currently developed in a 40 foot right- of-way to meet designated CO i'oot right-of-way (NPO #5) . An adclitional 10 fe�t is needed along tl�ze subjec�t property. " i The applicant ' s site plan reflects an additional 10 foot 'i �:,,, setback along the Bonit�. frontage, but c1o�s not specify dedication of right-of-way. {.�?I III . Cariclusiona�y Firidings: ;�� `; l . The propased partitioning conforms to the requirements o� , the Tigard Mun.icipal Code in that : A. �ach lot is provided with minimum legal access (18.64.020) . B. The r 0 osed "lo�ts will excee P mi i d th! n mum lot size o� p p . 7500 square �eet (18.20 .030(1) ) , C. The proposed loi;ting patt�rn provides suff�cient set- backs for the exis•ting residence and accessory buildings. _,;; D. Adequate sewer and water are available to the site. 2. The applicants proposal does not conform to the reqtzire- :,�� ments of the Tigard Mun.icipal Code and the NPO #5 Plan in that : A. The proposed lotting pattern is not sensi�tive to develop- ment potentials of the site as al.lowec3 by the NPO #5 P�.an �- (six units per acre) . The proposed lotting pattern , ac- R; cess arrangement, and the location of the existing ,; � structures on the site � severely restrict fut;ure lotting patterns. Given that the plan allows a higher density, �( it is highly px'obable that future partitioni�ng t�ill occur, �•;, The present land division should be gear�d to the :�u11 �� development potential of the pa•rcel by not precluding future lotting options. � �� , _ �� � �`ik. Vw,. s � STAFF. REPORT - FINAL �CTION ^�'' TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT �', March 29, 1978 I'age 4 B. The prop�secl access (10 feet per lot) would restrict futu�^e d�velopment potentials to one dwelling unit per lot , while th� lo� sizes will allow for further paz�titioning. to higher densit,y development . The creationi of large lots with the minimum �,llowable access is not consistent with the development pattern envisianed by the Neighborhood Plan . C. The lac,ation of the praposed access drives do no�t conforrr� to the prova.si�ns of Section 17.28.060 (Tigard Niunicipal Code) in that a 20 foot of�set would be created. with �the centerline alignment o.� S ,�y: 81st Avenue. Ta con- f.orm to the objectives of �he NPO #5 Plan, there is a i�eed to contr.ol the rbumber of indivi.dual aecess po�nts on S ,W. Bonita. Road, and to conform to Section 17.28.Ob0 (Ti�;ard Municipal. C�de) t;he acceas to the subject parcel mus� bE al�.gned with the centPrline aF S .W. 81st L�venus. IV. Final .Action : Based on the Findings of Fact and tYie Conclusionary Findings, ttae proposed Mi.nc�r Land Partit=i:on i� hereby dexaiEd witlzout prej�i- ��= dice. Tl2e app:iicant is advis�ci �o resubmit an applie;ation whi.ch wi11 facil.itate his present need� whil.e noi; pr�c:Luding the possibility of fur-ther pax�titionings ta the higher densaty per- mitt�d by the Neighboxhood, P3an . . t � � �: ;, � � � }. ; � � :; ;:� ,;'f , �,, �.j ��, � � � . . � .. � � � � .� � � .. : ��� . � . � � . .� � �. �j�:i . . . . . . . . .. . . . . � . . � .� �,�1 . . . . . . . . . � y''.i . . � . � � :�.':� .. . � \ . . . . . . ���.� (`�p�1/ i�` .� f��l '� iA �� /_ �J.°t,.1//.r<-���.2v,' �'c.;" �G+-;�� 4`� � � � � � �� � ..� t'4a� Richard Bolen , Planning Uir�ctor ,;� �� '`� . � � � �ry,,. _ _ ., _ _ � �,,�. �;'-. �`' , ; �,:,'; ,; , � -; _ [�' STAFF REPORT - FINAL AC�'ION i ;,' .� TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ` ; � February 22 , 1978 ! Tigard City Hall ; ; ].2420 S .W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon !�` 4': > �;;:., Docket : Subdivision S 23-77 ;;,; !. Request : To create an 8 lot subdivisi�n on a 1 .59 acre parcel in a R-'7, "Single Family Residential" zone . Location: �ast side of S .W. 100th Avenue between Ash and McDonald (Wash. Co . Tax Map 2S1 2CD, Tax Lot; 3100) . � ' Applican.t : �,ichard Caffall i?�. I . Findings of Fact : - 1 . The �.pplicant is requesting preliminary pla.t approval in accordance with Seci;ion 17. 16. 100 of the Ti�ard 114unici_pa1 Co�e to subdivide a 1 . 5� acre parcel into 8 lots, with a mi�iimum lot si�e of 7500 square feei; in a R�? zone an the east side of S.W. 100t1z Avenue between Ash and McDonal.d. 2 . Tlae site i.s �esignated "Urban Low-DEnsity Residential" on �: � th� NPO #1 Plan, 1974, and zoned Ft-7. Attached as conditions �y, to application of city zonzng (January 23 , 1978) were the � f�ll�winga r, t' ; A. That ten feet be dedicated alon� the Mrpon�,ld Street frontage and five feet be dedicated along the �sh �treet s� frontage. `� 1', A. That the ap�licant file with the City Recorder an agre�- �" mPnt nofi to remonstrate against a Local Improvement District for street improvements to S .W. A4cDonald, S .W. 100th, and S .W. Ash . � 3. Applicable policies from NPO #1 , 1974, are a� follows : � i i A. TY�e rr�aximum averall d�nsi.ty of development wi.11 be ' four dwslling units or 12 persons per gross acre. � This a:mounts to a staxrdard o.f 7500 square feet of land �e� dwelling uni�t , allativing for streets and other open space. Some areas will have a lower density owing to i;opography, existing developm�nt patterns or the de- sire of izidividizals to own a larger lot . B. Residential subdivisidn wi11 be developed with paved street�; curbs �,n� �utters, street lights, and walk- ways, accordi.ng to City or County standards . All uti.7.i-- � ties wi11 k�e placed underground, C. Developmeni; wi11 coincide w�th the provision of public streets, wa�er, and sewerage �aci�ities. These facili- t;ies shall k�e (a)� cap�ble af adequately serving all - - STAFF �EPORT - FINAL ACTION , F,: TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT February 22, 1978 Page 2 intervening properties as we7.l as the propased develop- ment and (b) designed to meet City ox County standards. Section 17. 16 .1QQ of the Tigard Muni.cipal Code states tha�t : "No tentative plan far a proposed subdivision and no tentative plan for a major partition shall be a�proved unless: a,. St.reets and roads are laid out so as to con.form ' to the plats o� subciivision or maps of major par- titions already apprav�ed for adjpi.ning property as to width, general direction, and in all other respects, unless the Ci.ty determin�s it ta bP in the �u�lic interest to mociify the street or road. p�,ttern . b. Streets and roads held far private use are clearly indicated on the teY�tative p7.an, and �.11 res�rva-� tions or restrictions relating to such private roac�s and streets are set farth ther��n. � c. The tentati.ve �lan c�omp"li.es with the Comprehensive ^� Pl�,n and applicab'le zaning rcgulatzons of the City then in effect . d. No ten�tativ� plan �f �, subdivis�Un or map af a major pa,rtitian sha11 be ap�roved unle�s there will ex�.st adequa�;e sewage dis�osal system to support the pr�posed use of thP land described in t:he proposed p1at � " 4. The site is a vacant, gently sla�ing {south to nor�h) par- ee�. . Surrounding land uses a.re sing7.e fa,mily re�idential to t�ae south, east , and west; to the north is t17e Berea subdivision (presently under construction) . 5 . Wa�ter service is available to th� site via an eight-inc;h Iine in McDonald, a si�-inch line in 100th, and a twelve- I inch line in Ash. Sanitaxy sewer service i.s available to the site via a,n eight-inch line i.n Ash, ; 6. No indication has be�n given as to how storm water run-off. ; is tn Y�e h�,ndl:ed: State law requires that ; Rain, sto.rm; and nther suxface run-off water drained from roofs, paved areas, courts or court- yd.i`C7S 511a�.1. IlOt {:I� t:vilv8ycu aiiu u:i.��,har��f�' t0 t�l@ storm sewers ar to the street, gutters in a mannex which may cause flooding to ac�jacent property, s�reets, al leys or wall{ways. STAFF REPOP�T - FINAL ACTION 2'IGA�D PLANNING DEPARTMENT February 22 , 1978 Page 3 7. The preliminary plat speci�ies a 50-foot right-of-way on S .W. McDonald Street; there�ore, to con�orm �o the conditi_on attached to the application of city zoning, the plat must be modi�ied to reflect an additional five feet of right- of-way along the McDonald Street frontage (lot 8) . 8. To date , the appropriate forms dedicating the additional right-of-way (ten feet-McDonald and five feet-Ash) as per the zone change, have not been received by the city. 9. Al1 eight lots within the proposed plat will have frontage on S .�V. Ash Avenue . The applicant has not in�icated where driveways will be provided to these J_ots. Lot 8 will have �rontage on S .W. McDonald which is design�ted a, collector street in the NPO #1 Plan. Il , Conclusionary Findings : l . The propased preliminary plat �onforms to the NPO #1 Plan in that the pxaposed lotting pattern is for residen�tial purposes, confoxms to �he dimensional requirernents of Titl� 18 of the Tigard Municipal Code (zoning) . �: �. 2 . With the attachmen�t of appro�riate conditions, ac�ess will �` be available t� all 1ots, and each lot a� prapo�ed will I abut a public street . 3. Adequate sanitary sewer a.nd water lines are available to the si�e to facilitate �he pro�osed density . 4. S.W. McDonald Stre�t, S .W. 1QOth Avenue, and S ,W. Ash Ave- � nue are substandard streets, and improvements are needed to britig them u� to city standaxds . III , �,inal Action : ; The preliminary pla� for the Shilo subaivision is hereby a��- prov�d subject to �he following conditions; � 1. The plat be modified to reflect 30 feet of ri�ht-of-way from cen�ter line o� S .W, r,4cllonald and that the appr�pr�ate documents dedicating the required additional righf,-of-way � on S .W. McDonald and S .W. Ash be recorded with �he city !j as per canditions of th� zone change (ZC 34--?7) . 2 . A covenant be a�ttached to the deed o� lot 8 abutting S ,W. Mcnonald Street , restricting direct access to McDonald. 3 . TYiat a half street improvement to Washington County minor coll�ctor street standards (6q feet of righ�-of�-way and � 3n iec� of pavEment) �e ax:�,u� c:: S .W. M��Jonald; a,i�d _h_a�1_f street i,mprovements to l.ocal ci`ty street standards (50 feet of right=of-way and 34 fee�t of pavement) b� ma:de to }:; S .W. 100th Avenue �,nd S.W. Ash �venu�: No bui�ding per- ; ,' . � � . . . . . ., . . � � . . . . . .. . . . .. . � k`�.'�.. . . � . . : .� .. � . � . . . . . . � . .. . � � . . � .� F;�� . . . � . � . . � . . .. ' .. � ��'�l ��.,...' . .�.. . . .,� .. . . . . . ;:.. .. ... . .��:. ,�...... .��,.,.., .._....::. STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION ��; TIGARD PLANNINCT DEPAA�TMENT ; February 22 , 1978 Page 4 mits will be issized unti]_ constru:�tion dxawings have been approved by the public works department and th� nec�ssary bond filed. 4. Street trees in accordance with the Design Review Board approved list be placed along all streets in the develop- ment, and that a street tree plan be submitted for. design review approval prior to approval of the final plat . 5 . That a storm water plan be submitted �or public works de- par�tment �.pproval which meets standards established by ,' Washington County . 6 . That permits be obtained from Wa.shington County for street improvement purposes for S .W, A4cDonald, S.W. Ash, and ' S .W. 100th. < � ;� ichard o1e , Plar�nin� Director �� �I I � ' . ,, � ... ,w �,..: _ '. _ s ,:., �1;�: I � ` ? STAI'I' REPOI�T - FINAL ACTION ; ; TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT Februar,y 13, 1978 Tiga�d City Hall 12�2U S .W. Main Street - Tigard, nregon ;i Docket : Subdivision S 22•-77 ''North Star. " I�equest : To subdivide a 5.20 acre parcel into 15 lots in a R-10, ''Sing12 family Residential" zone . Location : North of S .W. Gaarde Street and east of S .W. Rose Vista Drive (Wash. Co . Tax Map 2S1 3C]D, Tax Lots 3700, 39�0 '� and 4000) . Applicant : David and Linda Schulz ' T . Findings of Fact : 1 . The applicant is re�qiiestin� prelzmi.nary p1.at a.��rov�,1. in accordance with Section ].7.16 .100 of the Tigard h4tirzicipal Code to subdivide a 5. 2 ac;re parceJ. into 15 lots with a ' minimum lot size of 10,000 square �eet at S .�N. Gaarde t.. Street (east side of S .W. Rose Vista l�rive) . ' � 2. Z'he site is desigzlated Suburl�an Density Residential on the � ' NPO #�3 Plan and zoned R--10, Sin�lE �'amily Residential . 4 � 3. Applica�le policies from the N�O #3 Pl.�,n are as follows : �i � ; � Policy 4. P.rotect the existing suk�urban character of this '! portion of the Neighborhooc� from �ncroachment by higher • " density developrnents. The ma,xirnum overall dPnsi.ty of ; development will be three dwelling �anits or nine per- sons per gross acre. A higher ciensity of four units or twelve persons per gross acre is a possibility with- in an approved pl�.nned uni� cleve.lopment . °;�; Po].icy 5. Residenti.al subdivisio:ris will be developed with paved stre�ts, curbs and gutters�, street lights and � walkways according to �ity or count,y standards. A13 utilities will be p1a�:ed under ground. �o].icy Fi . Develapment wi.11 coincide with the pr�avision of public ;streets, water and sewage facilities. These .facilities shall be ('a) capable of adequately ser�ring ' deve],opm�nt and (b) designed to mezt city or county standards, 4. Section 17.1F� .1Q0 states that : , � "No tentativ� plan �or d pr�posed suiadivision and no tenta- tive plan far a m�.jor partit 'zon sha11 be approved unless: ,.. 4:. � . � . � . � .. . . . . . . . . .�� � � L..,=�- a. Streets and raads ar.e laid out so a.s to con�orm to i;he plats of subdivi:sion or maps of major parti:tions ,� , ,°� ' �, ,�: �` , . , ;. � STAFF REPORT - FTNAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT Februar,y 13, 1978 Page 2 already approved for adjoining property as to wid�th, general direct�.on, and in all other respects unless the cit,y determines it i;o be in the public interest to modify the street o.r road pattern. b. Streets and roads held for private use are clearly indicated on the tentative plan, and all reservations or restrictions relatin� to such private roads and streets are set �orth thereon. c. The tentative plan complies with the comprehensive plan and applicable zoning regulations of the city then in effect . d. No tentative plat of a subdivision or ma� of a major partition shall be approved unless there will exist adequate �ewage dis�oa�.l. system to su.pport the pro- paosed use o� the land described in the proposed plat . " 5. The site is covered with a mixture of conifers and decidu- ous trees . The e].evatinn at S.W. Gaarde Street is 300 f.eet , then moving in a northerly direction , tY:e property �; draps off. sharply within an area containing a nattaral drain- �° age swale (250 fPet) wlhich traverses the parcel in a north- east/southwest direction . ThP elevation then rises again to 30Q �eet along the west side of the parcel at the north proper�ty line which abuts the Terrace T.rails subdivision . 6 . The parcel is surrounded on the northeas-t , east , south, '� and southwest by single family dwellings. Along the nor�;h- westerly side of the pY•operty, �there are several lar�e ttndeveloped parcels. 7. Sanitary setiver service is available ori site from an 8-inch lin� tnat is lacatEd wi.thin tY�e sauthern portion of the site. Water service is available from the Tig�ar�. Water District 's 6-inch lines in S.W. Gaarde and S.W. T�rrace Trails Drive. 8. TYze "typical str�et section" as illust,rated on the prelimi- nary plat indicates the sidewaYk being adjacent to the curb . � � ��' Section 17.44 .040 Sidew�.lks oF the Ti�ard Munici�al Code requires that sidewalks be�constructed adj�,cent t� the property 1ine. The applicant has shown the public utility easements (pU�) � to be provided on 5-foot easements. �ection 17. 32 .030 Eas�ments (2) o� the Tigard �iun�.cipal Code requires that utility line easements shall be a mini- ; mum of ten feet it� wiu��. : ' � � STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION `�� TIGARD 'PLANNING DEPARTMENT February 13, 1978 Page 3 �. To provide for �t�e extension of S .W. Terrace Trails Drive to S.W. Gaarde Street from the Terrace Trails subdivision to the north, the applicant is proposing to traverse the dra.inage swale located in the southern portion of the site . The grade at this location is rather severe (over 15%) and will require �ill to facilitate the construction of the street. �o indication has been given on the plat as to what percent the street grade will be where the swale is to be traversed by the street . Section 17, 32.030 (b) Watercourses of the Tigard Municipal Code states: Where a subdivision is trave�sed b,y a watercourse, drain- age zvay, ehanne Z or stree�t, there wi Z Z he provided a s torm watex� easernertt or drezinczge right-of-war� eonforming sub- stantiaZZy zvith the Zines of the watercourse, and such further� width as wi"LZ be ad�quate for th.e purpose. Section 17.28 . 130 Grades and Cuxves of the Tigard Munici- :� pal Code states that grades shall not exceed 12 percent on local stre�ts. In addition, Policy 3 of the Environmental 'Design and (7pen Space Plan states : � T.he City shaZ.Z restriet aZterat2on of naturaZ drainagezvays unZ�ss it, ean be demonstra�ted that the benefits are greater than the detrirnent�Z effects. Ot,her �urisdictians in the Fanno Creek Basin shaZZ be encouraged to do the sa.me. 10. There is currently a street plug at t2ae southern terminus of S .W. TerracP Trail� Drive , This plug would have tn be vacated to allow for the extension of S .W. Terrace T'rails Drive out to S .W. G�,arde Street . 11 . Staff is suspect that loi;s 11-15 located �lon� the west side of the development .fall within the se�tic systems o.f the homes adjacen�t to 1;he west property line of the parcel . 12 . S .W. Gaard� S�;re��t is designated as a collector street on the NPO #3 Plan. It is cuarrently in sulast�,ndard candition (e. g, n� curbs, s3dewalks, sur��ce pavernent i,s less than required by code) . The applicant is propos�:ng t� access/eg�ESS onto S .W, Gaarde �� Street on a 50-foot right-o�-way from the rlevelopment be- tween Tax Lots 3600, 3701, and 3800. The�� three Tax Lots front on S .W. Gaarde Street and are adjacent to the south property line of th.e c��v�lopznent, but will not be included W1(,l1111 L11G 1."lial+.., �`' � . . . . . . . . .. . � .. . . .. . - . , ., . . °i e S'I'AFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING D�PARTMENT ��},^ February 13, 1978 Page 4 S .j�T. Gaarde Street is currently an a 40-fc�ot right-of--t�ay. An adc�itional 5 �eet of. dedication will be necessary to develop 1;he s�reet to conform with the intent of the NPO #3 Plan . II . Conclusionary rindings : l. The proposed preliminary pla� conforms to the NPO #3 Plan in that th� proposed lotting pattern is for residential plirposes and adheres to the dimensional requirements of the zoning code . 2 . Adequate sani�tary sewer and water service are available to service the proposed subdivision . However, it is px�b- a�le that lots 11-15 would lie in the drainfield of th� ; . �iomes adjacen�G to the west property line of the plat . ; Therelox°e, if aYl �ncroachment does e�ist , pro�ision should b� made for connecting these homes t� the sanitary sewer i line within th� proposed subdivision, ; 3. Access will be available to all loi,s within the devel�p- i ment, and e:�ch lot as �roposed will abut a public str.eet. ` 1`�tr 4. Alteration c�f the natural drainage area should occur only to the extent to pro�ide for the extens:ian of S .W. Terraee Trails Drive otzt to S .W. Gaarde Street . 5. The extensioz�. of S .W. TerxacP Trail.s Drive through the suk�- � division w:ill facilitate the safe and efficient mavement � af both emergency and passenger vehicles. 5 � III . Final Action: E �; Based on findin�s of fact and conclusionary .findings, the �re-- � 1ima.nary plat for "North Sta,r" subdivision is herebp approved � subject t� th� following conditions: � l . Fi�e-foot dedication of right-of-way a,long tt�e � .W. Gaarde �treet frc�n-tage. 2. That a half street im��rovement for half of a 34-foot stre�t k section be made from the s�uthwest corner of Tax Lot 380'0 � to the sotztheas� corner of Tax Lot 3600 alon� the S.W. � G�.arde Street Frontage, deleting sidEwalks for Tax Lots ' 36Q0, 37U1, and 38OC1 if additional right-of�way cannot k�e � obtained from the property owners of these parcel.s. ' No t building permits wiT1 be issued u.ntil construction clrawings ` � have been approved by tlie public works ,depaxtment and the � �' necessary bond :Lilec�. � 3. That the stree� plug at thc S�uth te�minus of S .W. Terrace Trail;s Drive be vacated. € , � . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... � .. . . � � . � . . . ... . . . . . � . ' . .. � . � I • II � STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION I .�-�� TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTA4ENT �;, February 13, 1978 Pag� 5 4. That fire hycirants be placed as pPr Tz.gard Water District and City of Tigard regulations . 5. That easements be provided according to public �vorks department; s�ecifications for drainage and utility pur- poses . 6 � That street trees i_n accorclance with the Design Review Board approved list be placed along S .W. Gaarc�e Street and S.W. Terrace Trails Drive within the subdivi�ion; and that a street tree plan be submitted for design review approval prior to appY•ova]_ o� the final pl.at. i 7. That a storm water plan be submi.tted for. public works and building department approval which meets standards i est�.blished by Washington County. , 8. Permits be obtained from Washir�gton County for street � improvement purposes on S.W. Gaarde S�treet . � 9. That street grades not exc�ed 12 per cent arid tha� ma- � terials to be used in thE� traversing af the natural drain- + �'� age swale be subjec�t to public works and planning depart- � ° ment approvals. 10. Actual location of the septic tanks ax�d drainfield for lots adjacent to the west pr.operty line of the plat be � determ�ned. If any o:f those lot 's drai.nfields lie within s the subdivision p1at, then no construction shal� take ; place in that area of the pla�t until such time as those adjacent parce3s are connected to public sewer. 11 . That sidewalks b� constructed adjacent to the property line . . } a , � �; ? . ?, `E � ` ,� ��,�L ti Richard Bolen �� �: Planning Director � ;. �, � � � �: �~� _. _ _ _ _ 's � � k � �� � STAFF REPORT — FINAL ACTION !: TIGARD PLANNING llEPARTMENT i January 23, 1978 '' Tigard City Ha].1 124?0 S .W. M�.in Street - T:i.gard, Oregon Docket: P�inor Land Partitioning ML'P 19-77 Request: To �ar-�ition a 1. 77 acre parcel. into three lots; 1.22 acres, 12,600 square feet, and 11,200 square feet respectively in. a R--7, "Single Fami_ly Residential" zone. Zocation S.W. 92nd, south of Durham Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map ?Sl 14A, Tax Lot 9�00) . Applic:ant: Kenneth Bouman and Stephen Lillegard I. Staff Findings: � � 1. The �pp_li.cants are requestir�g permission in accordance with Section 17a24 .030 of th� Tigard Municipal Code, to divid� a 1. 77 acre parcel into a 1.22 acre, 12 ,600 square foat and .11,200 squarE foot parcels in a R-7, Single Family Res�dential, zone at S.W. 92nd Avenue and Durham Road (sauthside) . �r 2. The site is a flat, open f.ield with the exception of a few ° decid,uous �re�s and �n older hom� Wt11CI1 aceupies the front ` portion of the parcel (the applicants are proposing to re- � move this riome) . S•urrounding land uses are single fami'ly ; homes ta the w'est and north, the Kn.eel�nd Estates subdivision (undeveloped at this time) to the sou�th, anc� acrass B .W. 92nd Avenue, and to the east Tigard S�nior High School. I _ 3 o In a R 7 z o n e t h e f c�l l o w i n l o t r e u i r e m e n g q t s a r e a p p l i c a b l e, I 0 7500 square foot minimum lot siae (Sectian 18 .20 .030 (1) . o Setbacks shall be 20 feet in front, 15 �eet in rear, and 5 feet on side lot lines (S�ction 18.20 .060 (2 ,3,�) . 4. On October 10, 1977, the Tigar_d City Council approved a zone change on this property from county RSl to city R-7 with ; thP f�llowing conditions: a lo File with the City Recorder an agreement not to remon- ; strate against a local improvement district for street t improvemer�ts to S.W. 92nd Avenue. � 2 . Five foot dedication of right-of-way be provided alonc� � the SoW. 92nd Avenue fronta�e. ��' 5. The City� of Tigard (as of this date) has not been in receipt � � �, ; , ,, � p !, ��j . ! s;. STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION -, TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT �,� January 23, 1978 Page 2 of the street dedicati�n a.s r.equired by condition No. 2 of the zone change approval. 6. Water service is available to the site via an eight inch line in S,W. 92nd Avenue and a 12 inch line in S.W. Durham Road. Sewerage service is also available from a 12 inch line ir� Durham Raad. 7. S.W. 92nd Avenue is in substandard condition (no eurbs, si dewalks, lights, etc. ) , as a condition of approval of the "Kneeland Estates" subdivision adj:aaent to the sauth propert.y line of the subject �ite, a half street� improve- ment to county minor collector street standards (60 foot ri.yht-of-way, 36 faot road surface) and an 8 foot sidewa].k to accommodate the continuation of the pedestrian/bicycle patlz- way to Cook Park to the south was required. £3. The applic�n•ts are proposing to partition the easternly half oF Tax F.�ot 4Q0 into two sm�ller lots of 12 ,600 square fe�t (Lot 2) and 11,200 square. fe�t (Lot 3) respectively. The remaining portion of the site (Lc�t 1) wi1.l be locat�d to the west of the�e two lots. Lot 1 would have a 10 foot wide frontage far accESS purpos�s to S.W. 92nd Av�nue. �' �� 9 . S�ction 17.24m040 of th� Tigard N�un.icipal Cade states i:hat "If the parcel of land to be partitioned exceeds �two aeres and within a calenaar year is being partitioned into more than two parcels, any on,e �f which is less than one acre, full compli�rice with all requirements for subdivision may be required if the Planning Commission should determine that the entire pareel being partitioned is in thQ prc�cess of being divid�d into small parcels. " Althotlgh •this parcel is less than two acres (1.77 acre) the applicants have indicated their intent is to repartition th� 1ar.ger par.cel (Lot 1) az�ci make applica.tion for a pre- liminary plat far a subdivisi�n on �he entire 1 . 77 acre � parcel to include Lots 2 and 3. 10 . A�.or�g the weste.rn propert,y lin� of the Tax Lat an extension of S.6V. 94th Street from the "'Kneeland Estates" subdivisia:n is projected in order ta provide access to the pra�erty located adjacent to the northwesi. corner of the subject site. A dedication of 19 .7 feet of ri.ght-of-way w.i;11 be nece�sary , t:o accommodate the extension of S.W. 94th to serve proper- ti.es to the east and north. 5treet improvements witYii.n �� this 19. 7 foot wide strip would have t:a be provided before Lot 1 could be further segregated. � :_ ;: �� - , ' � I STAFF REPORT - FINAZ ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT I Janua.ry 2 3, 19 78 � Par�e 3 II. Conclusionary r�indings: '% 1. The proposal conf�rms to the "Urban Low Density Residential" �! designation of the Tigard Community Plan, 1971 and the NPO #6 Draft P:Lan, 'I i� i� 2. Adequate water and sewer services will be available ta ;j meet the density allowed under the R-7 zone. ;!, 3. The proposed lots wil� zneet i�he minimum 7500 square feet 'I as required by the zoni.ng code. �I 4. The applicants will be submitting a prPliminary plat for. jl the entire 1. 77 acre parcel at such time as Lot 1 is to � be fuY•ther partitianed. � ITI, Fina1 Aat.ian:. 1 Based u on the I p preceeding findings of fact, th� proposea minor land par�L-itioning is hereby approvecl subject to th� follawing � conditions: ; � 1. That a five foot dedication be provided along the S.W. 92nd i� Avenue fror�tage for street wid�ning purposes. 2, That a half str.eet improvement to Washington County minor col�ector street stanc�ards (60 foot right-of-way, 36 foot road surface) with an 8 faot wide sidew�lk for pedestri.an/ biaycle p�.th purposas and street trees be constructed alonc� the SoW. 92nd Avenue frontage. No building permits wi11 ; be issued un:ti.l constru�tion drawings have been approved ; by the Pizblic Works Depar.tment and the necessary bond filed. � f � 3. If the applicants propose tc� fu.rther partition Lot 1 within � the calendar year full compliance with subdivision code ; requirements rnrill be ad'hercd to. ;. 4. �oven�n�ts shall be attached to the deeds of Lots 2 and 3 � waiving the right to remonstrate against having these lots included within the subdi.-vi.sion plat if Lot 1 is further ; partitioned within the calendar year. . ; � � �' , ---� �� � ti � � �;, s Richa� Bol n, P anning Director � � � � � r' E. � �'^. _ ,,, _ - _ , _ STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNYNG DEPARTMENT V� January 6 , 1978 Tigard Gity Hall 12420 S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon Docket: Minor Land Partitioning MLP 1$-77 Request: To partition a . 71 acre parcel into a 22 ,400 squar.e foot lot and a 8,527 square foot lot a�n a Single Family Resi- dential zone. Location: 9185 S.W. Durham Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 11, Tax Lot 1500) Applicant: George and Clara Kreick I. Findings of Fact: � 1 . The applicant is requesting permi.ssion, in accordance w:i.th Section 17.?4 .030 of the Tigard Munic.ipal Code, to aivia� a . 73 acre parcel inta 22,400 and 8,527 square i'oot lats re�pectively in a i�-7 Sing1� Family Residsntial z�ne at 9185 S.W. Durham Road (northside) . ��` 2. �'he parcel is surrounded on the west, north and east by �-� the Summerfield Pl.ann�d �evelopment; t� the south and a--� cros� Durham Hoad are single .family hoznes and the Tigard Seniar High 5ch�o1. 3. In a R-7 zone the following lot requir�ments are applicable: 0 7,500 square foot minimum lot size (Seation 18 . 20 .030 (1) . o Setbaaks shall. �e 20 feEt in front, 15 feet in rear, and 5 feet on side lot lines (Section 18. 20.060 (2 , 3,4) . II . S�aff Observations : l. A single fama.ly home is located in the southern portion of �he lot. The applicant is pro�osing to retain this hozne which is current].y on a septic tank system and create an appraximately 8,527 square foot 1ot a.n the northernmost portion of what is now Tax Lot 1500. ?. .. S.W. Duxham Rmad is in substandard condition (no curb�, sidewalks, etc. ) S.W. Durham Road is designated on the Tigard Community Plan 1971., and NPO #6 Draft Plan as an arterial street requiring 90 feet of right-of-way, there presently is 40 feet, Therefore, a d�dication of 2'S feet ,_"`'� is necessary. �. � 3. Water service is avail.able from a 12" line in S.W. Durham Road. Sewer service is also available to the site va.a a 10 inch line in S.W. Durham Road. I � STFIFF kEPORT - FINAL ACTION � -;,, TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENZ' , January 6, 1978 � Page 2 I 4 . The applicant is proposing to provide an easement along the west property line for access/egress onto Durham Road I for the proposecl 8,527 square foot lot in the northern I portion of the parcel. A shared acce�s between these lots li would help to minimize th� number of individual access I points along an arterial stree�.. I 5. Due to the sizE of the southern �.ot a.nd the location of the existing home on that 1ot, theare appears to be adequate area to a�comodate a future partitioning of this parcel. ITI. Conclusionary Findings : l. Th� proposaZ conform� to the "Urban L"ow Density Residential" designatiori of the Tigard Community P1an, 1971 and the NPO #6 Dr_aft Plan. 2 . Adequate water and sewer services are available to meet the density a11_owed unc�er the R-7 zone. 3. The proposed lots will meet the minimum 7,500 square feet, �, as r�quired by the zoning� code. �`" IV'. F�.nal Actian: ! � Based on findings of fact and conclusiony findings, the prc�posecl minor 7.and partitioning is hereby approved subject to the fallow- ing� conclitions: i ].. Twenty-five feet of right-of-way be dedicated along the � Durham Road frontagP for street wzdening and .improvement purpases, � 2. A ten foot easement be provided along the west property ; line for access to the northern lot. 3. Joint driveway access agrEements be filed betwe�n the two � lots, and only ane street apening wi11 be permitted in I S .W. Durham Road. ; � ,,� r'��+� �J , / �/'/// ���'y�l Z✓' / .l?✓�"�����/`� 1 Richard Bolen ' � ' , Planning Director � � 1 � , { ; i � iI I , t�'''i ,,, __ , _ . . , .. ..:� STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEFARTMENT ���`� Uecember 22, 1977 Tigard City Ha11 12420 S.6V. Main Str�et - Tigard, Oaregon Docket; Subdivision S 19-77 Request: 'ro subdivide a 2 acre parcel into six l.ots in a R-7, "Single Family Resident;.al" zone. Location: 11790 S .W. 95th Avenu� (Washington County Tax I�ap 151- 35DC Tax Lots 3900 & 4000) Applicant: Corbett Developm�nt Corp. 1. Findings nf Fact: l. The applicant is reque�ting pr�liminary p.lat approval in ac- cordance with Section 17.16. 100 of the Tigard Municipal Code to subdivide a 2 acre parcel into six lots with a minimum lot size o£ 10,000 square feet at 11990 S .W. 95th Avenue. I 2. The site is d�signatec� Urban Low Der�sity Residential an the NPO #2 Plan and zoned R-7, Single Family Residential. �' �,,-,r� � 3 . On Octaber 4, 1977, �the Tigard Flanning Commission approved �:M a request by the applicant ta l.ocate six duplexes on tY�is site , subje�:t to approval of a final subdivision plat for Tax Lots 3900 ancl 4000. 4. Applicable palic:ies fr.om the NPO #2 Plan a:re as follows : r a. The maximum overall density of development will. be � dwel.ling units or 12 persons per gross acre. This amaunts to a standard of 7,500 square feet of land space. 5ome areas will have a lower densit� owing to topography, existing development patterns or the desire of individuals to pwn a larger lot. b. Residential subdivision will be developed with paved strePts, curbs ancl gu�tters, street lights, and walk- wa.ys, accord�.ng t� city or county standards. All utilities will be placed uxidergroiznd. c. Development wi11 coincide with the prov:�sions of � public streets, water, and s�werage fa��ilities. These :Eacilities shall be {a) capable of adequately ser'ving intervening properties as we11 as the proposed develop-; ment and (b) designed to meet city or county standards. I 5 . Section 17.16.100 states that: � i + No tentative plan .for a proposed subdivision and no tentative . � __ � STAFF REPORT - FTNAL ACTION _ TIGARD PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT December 22, 1977 Page 2 plan for a rnajor partition shall be appr�ved unless : a. Streets and roads are laid out so as to conform to the plats or subdivision or maps of major partitions al- ready approved for adjoining property as to width, general direction, and in all other respects, unless the City determines it to be in the public interest to modify the street or road pattern. b. Streets and roads hQ1d for p•riv�te use are clearly in- dicated on the tentative p1an, and all reservations or restrictions relating to such private roads and streets are set forth therPOn. c, The tentative plan coznplies with i:he Comprehensive Pl.an and appl:icable z�ning regulations of the (:ity then in effect. d. No ten•tative plan af a subdivision or map of a major parta.tion shall be approved unlQSS there will exist adequate sewage disposal system to support the pr•o- � �+ po:;ed use t�f the land described in the proposed plat. �;;. 6. The site is r_elatively flat with. a single family home located in the front portion of Tax Lot 4000 . This home is to remain but will be excluded from the subdivision plat boundax•.ies. Tax Lot 3900 is vacant with the exception of a few large de- ciduous and aonifer trees. Surrounding land uses are the Vi11a La Yaz apartments to the east, single family homes to the south and west, and a salvage yard, which is a rion-�onforming usE, to the north. 7. Water service .is available �o th� site from �the Tigard Water District via an eight inch line in S.W. 95th Avenue. Sanit�.ry sewer is also available to the site via an eight inch line in S.W e 95 th. Averiue. 8. S.W. 95th Avenue is design�.ted as a local street on the NPO #2 Plan with 50 feet of right-of-way. �uffa.cient right-of- way currently exists, but S.W. 95th is in substandaxd condition. 9. No indication has been given as to �ow storm water r�un-off is to be handled. State law requires that: Rain, si:orm, and other surface run-off water drained from roofs, paved areas, caurts or courtyards shall not be conveyed and discharged to the storm sewers or to iche street gutters in a manner which may cause flooding to adjacent property, streets, � alleys or walkways . STArF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT �` ` December 22 , 1977 1 Pac�e 3 TI. Conclusionary Findings : l. The proposed preliminary plat conforms to the Tigard Community Plan, 1971, in that the nropased lotting pattern is for res- idential purposes and conforms to the dimensional requirements I of the 'Loning Cade. 2. With the attachm�nt of appropriate condition.s, access will be available to a11 lats, and each 1ot as proposed will abut a public street. 3. Adequate sanitary sewer and water service are available to service the proposed subdivision. III. Final Action Bas�d on .findings of fact ancl conclL�sionary findings the prelim- inary plat for "fiangela Court" subdivision is hereby approved sub- ject to the fol.lowing conditiona: 1. That a half street improvement tn lacal street standards be made along the frontage of both Tax Lets 3900 and 4QQ0 to in- clude a sidewalk and stree�t lights. No building permits wi11 �a� be issued until construction drawings have been improved by '� the public work� depar�tment and the necessary bond filed. 2. �hat a storm water nlan be submitted for �ublic wor.ks and build- ix�g department approval wYiich meets standards established by � Washington County. � i 3. That fire hydrants be placed as per Tigard Water Distri.ct and i City of Tigard r�gulations. � 4. That easements be provided according to public wc�rks depart- ; ment specifications for� drainage and utilii:y purposes. ; 5. That street trees in accordance with the Design Review Board � approved list be placed alan S.W. 95th Avenue anc� Tan ela g g 1 Court within the subdivision. 6 . That the existing house located in the southwest corner of Tax Lot 4000 be included within the Final Plat boundaries. r. � , �' � (�' '� _ )�'1'� �US 'tOf` �IC:Nf�P Y1 i���;l�1 �� , Ric ard Bolen ;; j � F1 nning Director �' �; �� �' ;:; i": i: �- ,