Planning Commission Packet - 02/14/1978 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. AGENDA �.�.,. TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �� February 14, 1978 - 7: 30 P.�. rowler Junior I�igh School L�cture Room 10865 S .W. Walnut Stree�, �1'igard, Oregon 1 . Ca.l1 to Order: 2 . Roll Call : 3. Minutes : 4. Comrnunica�;ions: 5 . Public Hearings : A. StaC:E Report B. Applicant ' s Pxesentation C. Public '1'estimony: a. Proponent ' s b. C?ppon�nt 's c. Cross-exan�ina�ion D. Sta:f� Recomna�ndation ��. a. staff b. Cr�ss-examiriation E . Commission Discussion and Action 5 . 1 SIGN CODL AM�NDMENT SCL� 1-78 A proposal to amend tY�e Ti�ard Sign �ode (Chapter 16 , Tigard Mun;icipal Coei�) to establa.sh new standards For wa1.1 signs , supplemEntal design features , pain:ted signs, n�ulti-tenan�; si�;na�ng, k�e�nch si�;ns and frec.�tanding signs permitted :for conditional use in r�siden�;ial and multi- family zones. 5 .2 C(7MPRFH�NSIVE �'LAN REVISION CPR 1--78 A r�quest by the Cit,y o;C Tigard and Neigh:borhoocl Planning Organizati�n #4 to amend tlle Tigard Community Plan, 1971 , lor the area Y�ounded by Interstate 5 on �the ea�st ; S�ate Ha.ghway 217 on the west; �.nc1 S .W. Oak Street on the narth. The revision requested would amend both m�,p artd �text of said communi�ty plan with respect t� th� above-described area. � 6 . Oi;her Bizsiness : 7. Adjour�ment: � ��. �'; MINUTES �� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �, PUBLIC HEARING �� �,' February 14, 1978 � Fowler Junior High School - Lec�ture RQOm C' 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon � , N: l . Call to order : i? The meeting was called to order at 7: 35 P.M. 2. Roll Call : Present : Fossman, Sakata, Goldbach, Popp, Brian, Corliss Excused Absenr.e : Tepedino, Wood, Quimby Staff: Bolen, Laws, 3. Approval �f P,4inutes : The minutes of January 10, 1978 were approved as written. 4 . Cammiinica.tions : Letter from Ethics Commission 5 . Public Hearings : , 5. 1 Sign Code Amendment SCA 1-78 ;' �.N.: s' ,. A proposal to a.mend the Tigard Sign Code (Chapter 16, Ti- 4 gara Municipal Code) to e�tablish new standards for wa11 �� signs, supplemental design featur�s, painted signs, multi- ` tenant sigrting, b�nch signs �.nd fxeestanding signs per- i�1 mitted for cond.itional u.se in, residential anc� multi-family zones. A. StaF� Report : Read by Bolen Staff presented proposed amendments to sign code incor- ;,'1 porating Planning Commission recommended changes as '^ suggested at Planning Commission Study Session January ,� � 24, 1978. ��j B. Public Testimony: ',� Suedene Ho�fman (Manager, Metro-Sc�utht�est Chamher of `„ Commerce) cornplimented staff on their work on the sign � code and �elt the Sign Code Committee had prepared a t ;: very workable product . f C. Staff Recommendation : ; ,:: Staff iecommended approval . - (`1 ,. f>d D. Commission Discussion & Action: � f � Saltata (motion for approval) , Brian (seconc�ed� to f�ar- ;' ward the recommended sign code revisioti to the Czty �� Council for their action . Unanimousl� approved. � � �� � ��� ,, � �iI NUT�S � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSTON ��, PUBLIC HEARING February 14, 1978 Page 2 5.2 Comprehensive Plan Revision CPI� 1-78 A .rec�uest by the City of Tig�ard and Neighborhood Planning Organization #4 i;o amenci the Tigarc� Community Plan, 1971, ; for the area bounded by Interstate 5 on the east ; State j Highway 217 on the west ; and S .W. Oak Street on the north . ? The revision requested would amencl both rnap and text of ' said co:mmunity plan with respect to the above-descr�ibed f area. `� ; A. Sta:ff I�epoxt ; Read by Bolen �' � � B . Public Testim�ny: �, .Tez•ry Tolan, 3Q34 N.W. Thurman, Portland, asked to have +' clarified �hat authorit�r the NFO has and what (City or Couraty) jurisd.ictic�n will have responsibility for planning this are�, , }: .Joanne Nordlin�, S .W. Elmhuxst , (NPO #4 member) testi- fied in favar c�f °the NP�J pla,n and emphasized tk�at the ;� � residential area� desi�na,ted as "conversion areas" would only convert to industrial uses when 75% of t1�e resideaits �; agreed to the conversion . ?; �; .J�ack Pdi7.ler, 2544 N.j'�. 25th, asked �or a cl�,rification � on .implication of 75°Jo convexsion 1zn,it �'ar.mua.a. f-; ,; .L. A11en , S .W. Herrnosa Way, testifiEd in :favor o� the ��' � � propos�al, . � � � �� '� . . � . . � . . � . :c'i .rdaxine Summex•� S .W. 70th, stated that sta�f an:d the ,� NPO ].zstened to the concerns o� the nei�hb:orhood and incqrporated these cox�c�rns in the plan. , ,Harlan Summer, S.W. 70th, stated he liked the concept { � of the conversi�n ar�a, �avored protection of homes arzd the provision for a buffe�. '•i �� .Chet Lartex, S .tiV. Beveland, complimented staf� and sup-- `� ported pla:n. ;;� l;t .Darrell Schubert , S .W. Spruce Street, stated develop- 4;j ment in the 'axea of th8 Fred Meyer complex should not ; be residential, bu� c�mmercial . The properties in the �� vicinity of S.W. ?2nd and Spruce are renta�.s or businesses . �_; .Terry Tolan ask�d if a rnore equitabl� solution could `�� � be worked out a.n the conversion areas to allow higt�er `� �.� densities. � ��. , z;'� E� �: �: �� MINUTEu TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ���' PUBLIC HEARING February 14, 19?8 Page 3 .John N�wman, S .W. 72nd, asked why his property had been inclizded in the industrial area and excluded from the conversion units, and asked that his home bP inclucled in the conver.sion units. .Joann� Nordling stated �;he reasons why �the NPO was recom- mending� the lower d�nsity i:n the conversion areas. .Jack Nor.th asked how many new homes had been bu�lt in the designatPd conversion areas. .Staff stated approxi.mately three or four in the last 10 �ears. .Brad Spri.ng, 7555 S.W. Spruce Street , suppor�ted the 75% acc�pancy ap�xoval fnY• the conversion units proposal. and suggested absentee property owners might; have a vote detexinining how coriversion area are to develop . .Dennis Cramer, Lincoln I�roperties, recommended that ; property be �,ssessed to determine valuation �,nd fair ; �4"'' mark�et value. � '��a�� .T�rry� Tolan asked if alternati�e langua�e coulct be in- � cluded for the cc�nversion units area to p.rovide �or � an equi.tabl� situ�,tion :�or absentee own�rs . R .Henry White, 10995 S.W, 69th Street, asked for clarificati.�n. r be�tween retail-commercza.l ancl c�ffic.e park, .Joanne Nordling stated that owner/occupants had not been ° defined withir� the NPO t�xt and should be done. ' C. Commission Discussion and Action : .Urban Low-Density Residential Development Po,licies I-4 ;` Motian to approve by Brian , seconded by (;orliss. Unani- mously approved. �: �; . . �. . . � � � . � . . . . � � � . � � � . f. Staff recommended that Mr. Newman 's property on S .W. ; f: 72nd be included in conversion unit 6 . - �� Corliss stated equity o� conversion unit pr:oposal . ; �: � Staff further recommended that 'with'in the d�signa,ted �� conversion area5 normal consideration of permitted and x. conditional uses allowed in a resident�al zone should ��� � �� � t_ be continued, and that the draft text be further amen,ded Y; , � t: _ t MINUTES �h:. TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ,. PUBLIC HEARING February 14, 1978 Page 4 to read that six-mon�h residency within a conve•rsio� unit qualifies a resident as a ownPr/occupant . Sakata motioned for approval of staf� recammendations , seconded by Brian . Unanimously approv�d. Policies 5 & 6 A, �, & G . . . . . . . . . . Po recommended that the word "minimum" be a.dded to 1�P the hrase in Polic 5 . . . . . . .a minimum 50 faot wide p Y vegetative hu�fcr . . . . . . . . Brian moved, Sakata seconded. Unanimously approved. Policies 7, 8 & 9 , . . . . . . . . . Brian moved for a�proval , seconded by Sakata. Unani- mously a,pproved. .Urk��.n Medium-�ensity Residential `� Policies 1Q--1� . . . . . . . . . . �_._ � Brian moved �or approva:L, seconded by Sakata. Unan�_- nlously approved. PoliciAs 15 & 16. . . , . . . . . e Brian rnoved far appraval , secanded by Corliss. Unani- mously approved. BUrban High-Density Residential ; i � Policy 17. . . . . . . . . . , i Corl.iss moved for approval, seconded by Brian, Unani- � mously approved. S .Residential-Comm�rcial i i Policy 18. . . . i ; , Brian moved �ox approval, seconded by Popp. Unanimously j approved, .Commercial Develo ment I _ � , � Policy 19 . � , . . . , � � Corliss moved for. approval, seconded by Brian. Unanimously approved. Mr�uTEs �- TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSIOI� � PUBLIC HEARING February 14, 1978 Page 5 .The P�.cifi_c Highw�,y Comm�rcial Area Policies 20 & 21 . . . . . . . . . . Sakata mov�d for approval, seconded by Corliss . Unani- mausly approv�d. Policies 22, 23, and 24. . . . . . . . . . Popp recomrriended the word prohibited be changed to dis- couraged for Policy 23. Brian moved for approval, seconded by �akata. Unani.- mously a.pproved. .Co.mmercial Pr.ofessional-0ffice Park Policies 25, 2F, and 27. . r . . . . . . . Brian moved fo� approval , seconded by �opp. Una�imousZy appz•ov�d. �4:._ . Industrial. DevelUpment Policie� 28, 29, 3U, and 31 . . . . . . . . , . Sakata moved for ap�roval, seconc�ed by ]3rian. Unanimously aPproved. .Phased Development of �the Stre��t Plan Policy 32. . . . . . . . Popp asked i� conside�at�.on had been given to having S ,W. 72nd extend through to S.W. Pa:cific Hi�;hway cre,ating a 4-w�<y intersec�tion and c°losing off the north and south ends �� S.W, Vi�.1a R,id��, Robert Burns, Chairanan NP0 #4, sta�ed the NPO had not considered extending S .W. ` 72nd. ' Joanne Nordling stated the terrain in the vicinz>ty of S .W . 72nd and 'Vil�.a Ridge was too steep to accornmodate the extension of S .W. 72nd to Pacific Highway. L. A11en, NPO ,#3; stated that extension of S .W. Pfaffle and 69th s�tree�s woul:d help relieve. the current pxoblem of traffic egressin� and accessing B.W. Villa Ridge: � The Commission directed st:aff to include wording within T the text of the plan to provide for �he eonsidera�ion MINUTES � TIG�RD PLANNING COMMISSION �� PUBLIC HEARTNG Februar,y l�, 1978 Page E ot extending S.W. 72nd to intersect with S .W. �acific j Highway. � ! A review of this prop�sal would take place during design � considerations for the signalization prog�ram on S .W. ` Pacific Highway. � r e Sakata moved for approval, seconded by Brian . Unani- mously approved. �: � Policies 33, 34, and 55 . . . . . . . . . �', r! Brian moved for appraval, seconded by Sakata. Unani- mously approved. .Street Classification Sakata moved for approval , seconded by Brian. Unani- �'� mously approved. . Implementation Program ;;!', � Corliss moved for approval, seconded by Sakata. Unani- ,; mously approved. r; �;� .NPO #4 Map `'s Br.ian expressed concern that Palicy 18 designates areas � Residential-Comm�rcial, but specifically spells out the `'' local;ion c�f apar.tm�nt uses along fIall Blv�d; recommended changing map to designate properties along either sids of Iia].l Blvd. as Urban-Medium Density . �; i ConvPrsion area 6 lae extended to include Freeman property. ; i Brian moved to adopt map as amended, seconded by Sakata. i Unanimously appro�ed. h 6 . Othe� Business: � � �.1 l . Staff requested the Planning Commission to determine if a ; ;j minor �and partitioning request by Paul Hoskinson for a par- � cel o� l.and at the southern terminus of S.W. 113th Street ,,� should be brought before the Commission as a public hearing ,, item or as an ather business item. '{ ` �I ' i Staf� requested this directive frocn the Planning Cornrnission .� �a because a portion of the property lies within the l00 year � fl�od plain and a proposal for a variance to the street stand-� ��� ards of the code for this parcel had previously bsen reviewed �-�; by the Commission and was denied. `" ;. ����� � � , . . . . . . �� .�.k� �IG•'�....... �� . . . . .. . . ... _ .... . MINUTES �. TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING �'� ��� �. Febr.uary 14, 1,978 �, Page 7 E, It was the position of th� majority of the commissioners �; that the Minor Land Partition should be heard as a public ,, hearing item. � �I 2. Staff asked the commissioners if the N�O #6 could come before them as a public hearing �n February 28, 1978, providing ?�'� the NPO #6 Dr�,ft Plan were made available to them immediately, �! giving them an opportunity to review the plan well in advance �, of the public hearing. �I ;, The Planning Commission directed staf:� to set a public hear- ;I ing For the NFO #6 P1an for February 28, 1978. ; I i �I, { ; i I � � i � � � i , . :. .,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ I, _. _ _ _ PUBL'tC NOTICE �r AGENDA - TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSTON �I y;, February 14, 1978 - 7:30 PM Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Itoom iQ865 SW Walnut Street � Tigard, Oregon �i 4. Agenda Items: 4.1 A proposal to amend the Tigard Sign Code (Chapter 16, Tigard ���� Municipal Code) to establish new standards for wall signs, ?'� supplemental design features, painted signs, multi-tennant !'. signing, bench signs and free-standing si.gns pexmitted for � conditional use in residential and multi�f.amily zones. � 4.2 A request bp the City of Tigard and Neighborl�ood Planning �, Urganization ��4 to amend �the Tigard Comm�nity Plan, 1971 t'or the area bounded by Interstate 5 on the east; State Highway 217 } ori the west; and SdW. Oak Street on the north. The revision. � xequested would amend botYi inap a;nd text of said community p�.an � Frith res�aect to the abovevdescribed area. �; �s�" N ;;�, A1.�1 pe�sons having an interest izi the hearing materi�l ere invited to appea•r and submit ara1. and written. testi.mony or submit Nri�ten testimony in ac7vanc� of the meeting. i . � � Pub�.ish 'i"i' Feb. 1, 1978 � n n,r.-,,.r,,,--.�.�x�rnrnrx..s.c:..�,^-r•„u�Y,..9-....a.. .�...,....�:..�........ ..:........_.,...,nw»..,.-.,. .,...,-�: ..._......,. �..........�..,...,.+-ner;..r"a •r;, r N��fX'�'„", � tag"xfi'Xa�w:ar� ri�w . . . . . . . . +t+t!s4P, .�'3t"7+.P'#j _. . . . . . . . . � . . . . � . .. . .. � . . . . . . .;+•. � �. � �, f' �' ;; ,: �, �:. TO: Planning Comrr�ission �;:, FROM: Planning llepartment _ ; SUBJECT: Sign Code Amendments � ,. DATE : February 10, 1978 i: �. C, p; t The attached draft oxd�.nance Y�as been revised to reflecl; the ,` r; changes suggesl;ed during the Study Session . Most changes were ;' [ i;. of a word or i;wo with the major onE b�i.ng the requirement that '� �� siga�s for conditional uses in residential and multi-:family zo�es ` �; , be subj�ct to Pl�.nning Commissian review. ;! {i G ' , �w � � � ! i � � , � i i ; � i ' � ' GITY OF T1GA.RID ' ,„ a,, s ; ��.; � P.o. Box 23397 ; 12420 S.W. Main Tigard,Oregon 97?23 � � I� NOTICE OF PUBLTC HEARING �I I� f(% C The Ti.gard Planning Comniission is holding a Public Hearing on E� Tuesday, February 14, 1978, at 7 : 30 P.M. in the Fowl�r Junior !! High School Lecture Hall (Walnut and Tiedeman Streets) to con- � sider the proposed land ttse plan for Neighborhood #4--the Tigard �' Triangle and south Metzger area. Legal notice of this meeting has been published in the Tigard Times and mailed notice has �� been provided to persons such as yourself who have placed their �r name nn the NPO #4 mailing 1.ist. You could assist in getting : word out of. tha.s import�,nt m�e�i.ng by contacting neighbors and '•' business associates who may nc�t be on the mailing list . Copies { of the Plan are availab�� aic Tigard City Hall for those who wish �' to review the plan prior �to pres�n�ation of its contents at the �, public hearing. j`; , �i � C 4g; {;. � � ,: r �„ I 5F I. t � � . .� . . . . . . . ! rl., -::�... ..._. . . . . .._�. ... ..:.., ..�.. _�.,.�.. . .��... ....,�..,.,, . .. �� . . . .. , .. ... - . �.,. � CITY OF TIG�RD, OREGON '� ORDINAr1CL No . 78 - . AN ORDINANCE A14IENDING TITLE 16, STGN REGULATIONS, OF THE TZGARD I4IUNICIPAL CODE, AND DECLARING AN EI4IEI�GLNCY. THE CITY OF �IGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS : �, Section l : The City Council f.inds tilat a�ter a number of ineetin�s . involving representatives of thE business community of Tigard and representatives af the si�ri indust.ry, as well as other a:ffected and interested citi.Lens, tt�e sign code comm:ittee recommended to the Planning Commission of the C:ity o�£ Tigard cex•- tain changes in Tit1P _l6, Sign Regulations, oF the Nlunicipal Code o:� the City of Tigard, and that a�lter considering the recomtnenciations o:f �that committee an.d deli�erating upon thosE recommendations the Planning Commi„sion has forwarded those recommendations with its amen.dments to the Ci�ty Council . I' Sec�tion 2 : The City Council linds tk�at af.ter proper legal notice � a public hearing was helci by the City Council on the �€:!iE�' day o� _ Mq��z, , 1978, �.nd at that meeting all inter�stEd persons were af:I'orcled an oppo.rtunity to be heard aild to present and r�but evidence with respect to the proposed amendments to Titic ].6 , ��� - .<, Section 3: Having considered the rec�mmenda.tions a:� the si.g•n code committee and the Pla.nning Commission and ha.ving enter- �t�.in�d testimony with regard to the recommendations , the City Council has .��und that certain changes should be made in Title ].6, Sign Regul.a�tians , o:f �the Municipal Cade o�f �the City of '.Cigard, i � Section 4 : There:�ore, Tit1e 16, Sign Regulations, Municipal Code , of the City of Ti.gard, is amended in the fallowin.g respects : 16 , 36.��0 (9) be amended as follows: 4 . WALL SIGNS : a. A].lowable Area - In addition to signs pe.rmit�ted by subdivision (Z) . Wall signs including illuminated reader boarcl may be erected or ma.intained but shall not exceed in gross area 10% o�' the building �Fronta�e occupied by the tenant . Si�ns placccl within one foot o:f �the displa,y windows and c�e- signed to be viewed :from the exterior of the building sha7.1 be included in de�ermining the amount �f sucYa building f�.ce, b. {'Vall signs may not pr.oject more than ls" Fror,� thc w�.11 or a.bove the wa11 to which i:lxey are at�tached. � � �� c. In buildings where one or more tenants occupy a por. i;ion af builcling which do�s not include any porti.on o�f an �.�x�L-�r:i.or �v��.11 having exposure to a public street , allowable �va.11 sign �,r�a will bc con���u�tecl i n thc� :fo7.:lotit�:i.n�; m�,nnc�r : E��,ch ; • ; . . .. _.. __ _. .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . �', _: ,. ._ . __ . � ' � . , : � � ' • � tenant not having building fi onta�e n�a.y ha.ve a w�.11 sign c>n ; the wall having street exposure (front wa11) provided it does ` �� nat exceed in si�n a.rea that portion of sign area permittecl `� - � tl�at front wall ten�.nt having the sm�illest proportion of a11aw- k able si�n �.rea. In this type .of builcling the a.11o�vable pro- � �ortion o� front �vall� sign a:rea sh�.11 be c�mputPCi as 15°10 of the �total building Face . A w�zl.l si�;n pr��ram shall be es�tablished !' for al_1 multi-tenant buildings, no new permit to be issued �' until such a program is established. On pre-existing builclings, each new tenant wi11 adhere t� the establ.isli�d program. d. SUPPLEMENTAL DESIGN FEATURES: If the design reviewer de- � termines that the wall si�n ' s visLtal �.ppe�.1 and �verall design ' quality would be served, an aelclitional 50 percent o� the allow- able si�n �,re�. may be permitteci. No cop,y will be permitted, ; however, i.n the adclitional area permitted. For purposes of this stibsection, the word "copy" includes syrnk�ols, logos, and i' letters. e, b�AINTED SIGN�: Wall signs painted directly onta the wall sur�face shall not exceed in grosU wall are�, ti.ve percent .�f, th� face oi' the buzldi.ng they �.re painted upon, and the v�rti- cal dimension ol ttie sigrz cannot exceed 20 percent o:� tl�e h�i�ht �f the wall . ! . s 1�.40.0�5 is amencled to rea�. : � 16 .40 .095 BENCII SIGN: B�nch si�ns will only �e permitted � ' �r • at cies:ignated transit stops in commerci�.l , i.ndustrial, and ` nrul.ti-farnil,y z�nEa wlzere no �bus shelte.r presently exists . There sha11 be no more �than one bench sign per allowable transit s�top . Pl�,c�nient o:f the bench sign sh�.11 not inte.r:fere with � pedestrian tral:�ic or tra:Eiic vision . Application f.or a bench �' I�, sign �hal,l include the signature of the aff�ctecl property ow.ner i� and pxool' of lia.bili:t,y insu.rance, r �I 1 16 .08.02� be amended to read: 16 .08.025 BENCH SIGN: A bench designecl to se��t people which ;; carries a written or �raphic message. � , :16 . 36.020 be amended to read: i: ?. a. Freestanding si�ns :for conclitional uses in resiclential . �: a.nd multi-:family z�nes shall k�e suU�ect to review by the Plannin� �, Con�mission a.ccording to the procedures pr.escribe� in Chapter �; 18, S�ction 72, Conclitiona��. Use, lo.r which �tt�� �o1;Iowin� stai�dard.5 d ax•e recom�nended: � Stre�t Type �Iei�ht Area � Local s' 12 5q. �t, per si�n ��,c:e l Collector 12 ' 20 sq. :f�t, per si�n :�ace ' +�'� R �lrteria,l 16 ' 6� sc�, .f�t . p�r :sign face �'�-'� � �� �:>��e � - Ordinance No. 78 - , , , � b . Churches and schools are perma.t�ted to have reader baards depicting events and services, but not in exc�ss of the allow- , � able sign area. ' ' c. �vall Signs - `Vall signs shall not exceed 5 percent of the I �ront wall area an� not be permitted on side or rear wall. 16 . 36.020 (3) be a.merided to r�ad: � ''� (3) Permanent subdivision identification signs. One ground sign, .at each entrq point to the subdivision from the public � right-o�-way, with the site propErly landscaped, denotin the � development name and not exceeding 32 sq. ft. in area, Illumi- " nation ma b e a roved as lon as it does not create a . Y pp g ublic P or private nuisance.. 16.40.070 Projecting Signs is deleted from Title ].6. 16 .40.080 Roof Si�ns is deleted from Title l�. ' 16 .24.OI5 Those signs �vhich are non-conforming according �to the standards in O:r•da.nance No. '77-89 and No. ?8- may be con- . tinued until (ten years after date of ordinance) exce�� signs which are already non-con:Eorming, as per Section 16. 24.010. . Seetioi� 5 : It is hereby declared tha�t a,n emergency exists and th�.t it is necessary for the immediate preservati.on of the � peace, health, ancl safel:y o.f the City o:E Tigard, Oxegon, that the ��``" fore oin r chan e become a ' "° g � g permanent part o� the City s records, and this ordinance sha11 bP �f:fective upon its passage by the Council, and approval by the 114ayox. PASS�D: By vote o:f al.l Council members present, after , being read two times by Mumbex� and title only, this day of , 1978. �-`� Record�z• - Ci�ty of Tigard, Oregon APPROVED; By the Mayor thi� day of _, 1978 . �� , ��a.yor - City of Tigard, Oxe�or� �'age 3 - Ordin�.nce Na. 78 - � ` , � �.-' NPO #4 I�L.AN TEXT T.HTa PL.A.N `�h.� ��cs� �:n.wk:n� r�': �n �arr�.t ; w�e r�er>:�ribes xh� .:rrt.��nt.r ;�ns of thr� Neighk���r . h�aw..-�d Pia.�nz.ng Ox,��n �:zariti.�n and th� C� ��� a3i Ti�a.rd wzi;la resl��c.t, tc:� F he f��,t a,re t�F1��F�.cpmFr�t �.�.�t' th_� Ne?gl�bor.°h��oct It zs a "p�:k zr�ies p'' a.�" . �r.r.}° �.cl�.ng ot�,'.c��? � ��s rc�x� devel�pm�:nfi S.n t�he fc�rm c� t pc�l .ic:�,y �fiar �me��� Ttxr-��:� ��o': � _ ��=� r �.��� ac:*:om��any :, iYg text , and f.he plan nl�p �r�� x�r b�: on:� �.i> trt� �i.� it�T � ;� cvherz ���xlira.t�ng d�velrs�m�n� pre�— Zzo�a .,s These .pr.�p,�s� �z; �t;,_ : tz•��= zC-,ne: :;hange r�equESts , subdivis�c�n p�{,k?�.=a 1� rhan���. F ra t h� ::r rec fi °::,,Y`;r�rn . r.ar� ��ny pr=>pc�sal rF_aqui��i n�; pi�l�� ' ,� ��.��,.y, r� : �Qw . T'h : � p��� : s �. mFar,� •�t' g�.iid: ng c�ef.��<{3��m�ri� in r� r ti� aclzi.erre ds��� : *��d �urpc7s��4 ::Y� g_;als Th:a�, s�,�.r x�:�n ; ex , 'c�. , , begir�� witll thF � +a, r�me�a� ;�, gca: :• pr.c-�vi.ct::r� tTi ihe rr � � Tirar°d Cc�mmuni-l.y P�an ThRse g��a oti 13r°�� zdi tlae b�,��i.�- ��.t d -i � i;, .e hr<�acl r�u.rps:�sf-�: c�af } h� [��;ghbssrh:,�,d r�:l :,tilning e#'f; t r�l k v �:P z.nr� t�zded zn t:hiw plan ;x� ° he�.r ��? i r.�fy� 1"he ia bc�� c,c.���f c�� .( r z ,r , n c�t th� 1 a.r��� T�g�r.•d �" ,rnma�n ! t,y and rh--:, . •d�a'� . ..:- r � .r-� ��a : �� pa�t t.r-� t.h�* wb; Y � � �� GOA�.a FKGM �H?; 1' � � ' `C1 M t `� �\ N � . �d � n � 97� ) : ���w ,, , `,. -, 0 � , �'h� r ' � � ; • . , . U .�. y r�_ . i, �t �ma�.e pop�a� a c. ro�� of �he �r i � , ,r� . A' ;�'a l'P. � � � F �� � p an pr ��, �. �es fc�w a rnax � � m�.�m p��; a : � �3 , 00 peop ?e � The �°e �rca four rateg� . , e� r�e•� � � � d�ns� :.Ys { ang : ng fr��m �� suburban ` dens � t �f 2 �m � �7e� acre ta � h c�h °� n se� �r:�,ed areas , �fi up �t�r (�'• ; a �pPV ar_re ,, r� :� i, �a��c�p ��f ��es ? dent�a� dens � t �e : ;U� .enr��d to p�ov : de a ��rxeky of' � sv� ng �n- u < ,o�mer, �s �hat w. d,.�;ommod�st� the F7K7�r� ^ny nc�cls �fi c�af_ f��Qnt fam` �y �Y � ze �rci •; � rt�mc , ?'��c der, - t,Y o� popia] a�anr� rr��, ., u���c�� �th� �,�ha���ar~ t��� o�f� ,r��� �?� d�n� �: a '�� �����E�a� �,r�d d��.�rmr �,e� the d�mand f�� pub ' T c f a�. ; � , t �s and �e+� �N ? cc�s � � d � �fer�cnt �a , .t� ��" tl� � raty '�r,H � ° t.� �eris c�f` th� r:ummun; ty� shoi.�7d knu�r �he ci�n:. � ty � �' deue ' npm�nfi t.hat ? � p ��nnQd •�o� d� ���P�LL R=nt p�r� �, a,�= i:��� � � �y d� ' ,r � t r"e�ts r:hei �~ nwn ne� ghba�hoodg , C '' ty �f f ,. . � � 4 nee� t�� k naw �, he demanc�� *��r d� ff�re�nt pub 1 � r ��� a '� a � �: � �n� :.e���, �ce� � r� di, r f'�renti pa�fi� of ��h� �°i �t,y.. 2 „ ?°he t.�am�x�eh�ns � ue is ; �n � �.�c.o�na .zes th� establ ished c���ti�a��tc��° o-� �xi si:x nc� r,e = ghb�n � huuc�� ar�d sePks to p�� eser�rre and er�ha��:e ex ' st �" rag ne � yhbo� h{�ad va � t��s < Fu�hi��r�e deve�dr�prrrert� �r�o�at�s.�� �, shou � d be ��ns ;, r ve �k� th� conr.er°r� or r. � t�� zens f'o� the � r� own �mmFd � ar� �ny ,� �•;�nm�n� as weal as �to �he we'� � Ue� ny of the c ' ty a� � wh� � e „ ��., 3 The rr,mp�et��e�s �E � 'kar� t�kes advaln�:age r�f th� natu�x�a� feaf +. t�c�s tr�at grv� '� Yga,1-d a d �; � t. �:� nc�t � v� �h�v°a�te� �nd qu�� t '�.Y Thh��� nc � ude �o�;r�g �fl:plti�:; t� �fea��u�e� ���.h as l3u� � M�untain , Lz ��`� � �a: b' ? MoU�nfia �� � a�d �an�o C�� �ek :� ►=�ar�no Gr-�elc ar�d � ��� ���tib��rax�y � y i ���. , , �t �Pam� pr���v •: c�e na����a ? �irainag� ways anci n�ake �a4�, � ►a1e � r>,y��tem c�f gr�enway� :;c�nne�t �+ ng va��c��r ��aa°t� of I:he �. a �y . �"he comp�chen4 � "F pYar� ��1: �g�; ze°, ��he }�o�Len�tial nf qa���n _ � w�y:; ,; n enl�aar�� � ng the � � �ah�i � ��:y u# �r.��e c�amm�inil:y . �`t�{. ��I ��mp � emen�t.rat nr� ofi a g�e�rway �,� st �rn � s � majr�r �'I �menl �,+ fiPie "� gard � ampr�hens? r,� pl �x� 4� Heavy C�.af�9c �: � �?r� � •�y, �me� � y , and dan eroias , It. cunfl � Gts 9 w� th �'�� � �len-t �• �� �.�� ' ���� �rad w� th m�ny afi tf�e c��ner ac;`1� iv � �:� ?�, w� th9ar� •GhQ z , Fy Ti�erefor�� , majr�i� �traf��� e roui;�s need L•o h� �lPs �graed anc( �o ,���ed � r� a mann�x° �th��� wi11 rn? namize the:;c � nh�rcnt �: :;���1tc;t� , af i:h� �am� t��rie allow? ng mo�tc�rwists t� r���h �r, r��� �° dest�� na��� �an� quackly and ��a�e�y �. The �on�- prt�:hen� : r�e a ! an p��rav � des fio�. .; mprsovpm�rr��s � r7 th� �r�fi�Fic 4ys�tcm , !t d�s } gr�at�� �f: �ee�t,s ar,c! hic�hway� by categor�y , and � � se�s s �a�.dard� �or theirb d�s� c�n "I'y�e n�a;�o� s�,r.pei; p�� te�n � ,nd � r.ated in tl�e c�rr�prehe.nt � v� plan �vi � 2 g % ve nu�: 1 �;e a � �o hc�w th�� r � �y ? r��l�r�ds to r�ou�te ma��r- tratTac �u � urne� � ri �.h e �f u t u��� 5 Ccn���r� ; �n� e � �� z� maj ;�i� ��b� �c���, ; ve ; r� � oc4�.�Gpnc� sho���� � ng f�� - r `: � �i ��5 �, n�l cfthe"`� f��15 �� r���45r�� ; At �hhP samE? tl�ttt-• , �tte� v' lo � C t� �; ? G i1 .`�h;,1 l� (:� tt f�1' �:�(1� t 1 C.� 4J ' t�l �"F,'`• ° C�(-'t?'�. 1 tl � d �"E?il Ci 0 Y' C 1' �t��:E', i�nne�e<sa ��y �� �ra# ��� :� �;orig��: i. � �n . �i` `igar�d ds�e� nr�t have a "r.�r�t��a ' bu� � � e::, d , ��tr � ct ,� Fn the ssen�e tha� a uery l �rr�� �. prnpc•� i�� an n� ft ; � �a��c and o�l7ee. �u� ; ne� 5es are r.c�ncen- 'Grd��� t �! 1: h� c �,-'�t�"'r� � ? O�;d�:_yGYI . ���1� rQ171�7�`E'{lC'114iYG' �7� di1 ;eekw � d ; ��;� t?ut = �n o� n�:° ghb�rhood and c.c�mmun� t;y K,rr�ppin� a ��n�ke�� � = r� �� o�� a� ��� �n�, �nd�G a���e �a� `� 3y �a�:cessr� b ` � �;o �the arE�as tf��y Se��� v� _ �����se � hrapf3� ng �enfier' �� w � �� bf� c(e�7igr�cad � n � ��anne�. 1�h��C �•. ' i m�� n� m�� ze �� anc� u��;r� and tr�a�ri� �� �: c�r�nf � � rt; I 6�. The��� �, �: ,,� � � �w �n ,�hundance of �v� �ant_ lancl � n i:he �� �9ar'c� � aa��a �k�aa�� h�� pc�i:en� �� � ; I�nM° industt°� a� d�vex �{�men�t and ��h� compr�hens � �e p � an � c c��� gned ta e+�cuuray� ii;s u�e fot� � �kh -: � p�a��pofi� , An �bj �sr � �� o� �I�ra p? an ��; 5 1:o c.Xea�te enm�a1ay�� � � �f men�� �Capor'Gun � fi � NS �� t,l� �dn �lr�� cammurrit:y �rr�x- i:hose �,�r�ar�s � � wha � AuP �:here , r�� ptan als� r ��c�ngn� zea � h� impar�.�rir:;e i o� a b�� anced ��ax �a�F an su�pc�r � �; ng riec�essa �y c��mn�uni ��y i iac � l � t•��� �rid �.er µ ��r��t R�gu � �t ��arr� set foK tndus�rial � �cve '� opnle���t w � ` � = r�sure ra �- r�r� �;:�.�nd���ds ��ha�t a��E� �1r7 �he �� n_� ( 1�e� est. oi� � nclu� t � y and �h6 c � t°y ��.s a whc�7e , ! I Thr- io� a�; nor� Gf �,ct��ra `., �and p�r. l�5 � t ��c��s °t:h� � ava�iilxt,y ( o�F �� garJ s y�� � �I�nt• � � i ra� f �huorho��ds . l�ou���gs�e�s � n th� I e � ement��5y g� ad�s � hr��, " d k�e ab � e �t,c� v�a � k ���o �c�hool ancl shou � d � n���t have to c�� �,,�� b��,y �i.y:e���:� �, ��l�he�e r�r�ssi`i� i � pa��k� t�ryd �rhools sh�,u? d b� ���r� Nc,�ecl o�n aci�ac�ent. s � te�> taecl �� C��ra� �( �l� �enw�y �.ysl:em„ WN� � � c �.1�� pa� t�r��� o � �x � si',�� ng dev�� c���� ( men� an�� �:hE� tc�pc�gr ;j���y c!a na�t �'� wdy� p�r�mii; a� � dea� rtat�� } ��angPiri��� o•f� sc�hoas � �r�d ����k, , ���h� �..�ant��r�r����i�pr�-� iv� }� 1an i�r �rl � � � � ��,`� ` ��1: �Ch� cammur� i :y to ap���oac�h th� � obj ��t. „ v�} < � , , ( r ,�, . .. , . . � .. ., .: � , _ _ ...ti j f P � i f � f ..,..� . ... . . .. �, : � �z�ta���� , f `° . .. '. . - . . .. ' . . ' , .. f 3�r���j�� �`� + . . �. . . ��kvi�'ti��� f F,`_ � . � .� . . . i i�,._'��t l kY'i ���"� � � �� , � . � �;�. �{� r � � : ,;,� „� � �_. � , � ,. . � ,,:w _.�.�...�,.,..,�...�._...��,_..�....,.�..�_�.,...v.....>..,..�...... -- �.��M,,,��,�� .�.:,�...,.... ....,._...W�..w.,....�..w.._�.w.. .,._ ;� a,� , ti � �� I `� , <� � � � f�. i �� RPU #4 PLAN PC}L:LG C.ES ;� f f c:r � �: �tk�S iDE�TI�L DEVEI�C)PM.�CNT � f' ,. i � �� 'i`h�� pEan de�c � :b�d thr•ee typ�s �•f xesidentyal d�uelUpment �, The�� � . A,�� s�ng:le tamz :y� m�� : t k�-far?�ily and a mixtur� �� mu.l�tx-fa.mzly and '`� � �r�m�n�rczal-pz<<:�sss ond ' � t � � Ty UR;B.AN L.aW-D�NS�TY RES ID�N�'I AL LlEVFLOF'MENT R r --______.._..^..._. - .�.�__�.�,..�...._..,..._._.,_.....__._,..._�.. � � , . � � Th+� �r��a on t,h� K� t�n m�p de�zgnated U��baxi I,aw-J.?ensz�:� Resi.dent:ial i � Y.� ��ztended f�r :��n��e fam� �.y resxd�ntial cie�relopment � Thai.s desig- � r��:t:itirn �s uc�d �n �thP Ti�ar� Camm�anity P1an ar�d the �'irst fau�° p�Xi- � � : <wb�s -r�lat.�c3 tca this d�.��.�raa� �c>n a�e ta.k�n d:�7�:ctly trc�m thxs c �,t;y- � � wa.d� ��:� a.n Th�se pr�i u � �.�L Psfiak�lisk� d�nszty arrd impra�.=ement gu�de- � � tXtaes ����r th(3 N�':.ghbc*r`hc��:d . � ; f � F�^ ' 2':�z� ' . 1'h� m,�xx.''m,�,�rr, .r:�:z % . �'En�tYr,� ;::�f' .�.'eUEZ .:pm�n¢ shcz?� be fc�;rx R <I�.,�� % Z1;YlC� 2xn^ ' - _ ? r'e P c Y.- ��l??' gz :%u�r �aC`.Y'F, I'hi y :X7'nt:1ur1 ts 2`!> .. s�-.r rt�;z<�� �,f` ; �; � 5.�>a::.c.r� f°.v,�t t' ",:r,rr d �r�x� ��lAr.�l l i�1� u n z r a? l:;�tv-� ; . � 4 r ct r. + � c � ?c �� �(Q'7;�? %Z s �'�:� �:r �.. r.,„ . . ,� �-1 . h::� ,���..r� �'=� Sorrt� �xF e�cts t�i. 7.Z :r�>�r -�r,-rt.-•=: ty a�? ny � . +::-•p<�;�r=apht�, �;xr.stirag dp�ci� ���ment pat� ' � terns, -�r � h., rzrs � r � �.f ? �7�::rai�uala tcr t,t�n �z Zr:zrbg�r ���t , � �$ � ��� r� .-kz� ,?, fics:<3�n�- ;: a % ;?,;f7:�t � . �?2.':rit �y.a2 � �� �eve;�,p�� ;��:�Yr �av�:d �TY??F''! v� �.�YI7G Qv;� .�. ' ",GY*�� StY'�%v � �?�L�'y1� �u'� CTf2i.� iJt7�IC,i.J�7,�v� �f'^'^- f � ,-,r��.r� t : ���, �� �.. ,, ,� n*y st,�ndar���,. A�I-Z uNz I.iti.�s tu��.2 �>� � � Z(x t;�F CX Zr?'1!�c=: �Y �.Y,�(Z, � x� ��;� t.:r� �� , .'%F ;� �:.;•.prr.ar�r �h:�rl t :��in���de z�it,h ths �iz��.vi.s�i�n �f` pt�bZ2c, � � S#:Y`&2f5� a'i,���'; Li,�'tC� S�u1�7�Ltf�fp .fcx(rZ�.�„±:7;.a�� 2'�725� f��'ZZ'L�Z,2S ;� �Yt�z�.? ,� � 'a:' �a��rx� � .a, ; �' cr.d�qua,�� "l.,y ��ri�."ng .�rZZ �nt�.r���evri�� ' �'J3`"„?�'iEX'�213b 4+S 1,J�? �zG fi�!„ �k�'�'�7i��",r'.1:� +�F�;`c��•�.'�Jrt12��: aYld (b� di?s?..t�. Yl.E't� � �;C, 171�P,t; n?, *y�' ,",Y' y.�?.t Y(x'2�• E�Cx�2�'CP Y°t.��.: � � . .. . . . . 7'efi x ��a. P,a7z,^z� 4a �I�xn.nFd r�rr> � r,�� ��c inpm�r,:t �h�1,T. b� er4�r��x:rag�d �an f•rar�t� ', :�., �a.nga �rxcz.�gh t n �c�c,..m�rr.t,�cr.t�p tcn c�r mc��e dz��l��.ngs . �'"I,annor� '; `: . � �' �.ni.� d.o,�y��:%pm�n�. r�a; l< � �.r,mfi� �z c�eg�r�� c�f fZenx�.b��7°��y 2�n d��vc�rx " � t�ia� ;�7i.7 Z, �r�a,h?< a h�:�Yz��� q�cil�ty <�f d�v�i.opme�zt ir� c��aaardar��� �� i.�7,�"�2 ?'o;"�Yl.t2 CJ' 9'�-U Yt L1�:'x.Y°!.�£ � '��', �E+1.�', � � � ,';.t a°` `C,�. a�N_ �x{r. ` ��O�L�NI; '�he n�� ghborh��d � � � ����1 �n �d�a�en� ma�a� ;' ��� �t�p� c�ym�nt ��d c���me�rai�j ����s ar�el bo�~de�^ed, as we1 �; �' '; ����:4 �,�, a� ��an�e�:�ed b,y m�jo�° h��'hwa,y� , has res���,�ed � n c��� ° yr����; ` IYGI�'a $01� U� ��i1C� �(7 I10l1��'��a � dGf��il� U5�5„ E 'y r��a � � � � � � � ��� �q�� �' '" � �� � The ab���� ��:���.ed ��Or�vb��m a.� ��� ca� t��� ��rx��.��,� i.���.�.� ���� �1���, �'�� �sa�`,��� �� �, ����:�t w�..�k� �n dc��tP]l.c�p�n� �h�: p�:a�� A� �'i:���°�. ka�s �c�;ri'�a���d �d '������,: R� F� �� �� d��'��1r.��as� �kt� �� �nc��t�..c�r��.� �,c��ta��r�,g�� ��.��t�.�.��,'�.e.�. W;�'��� `���� ����i� ,.,� ���` ��������; �x� � �ra�t� .��gkiw�.� .�2�.7� H�:�:� S�au�.����c� �,��� ��a��.�C�,+�.��. �����v���'�� �.��'�: ��������� � , �,�f� �� ` �, .0�, ; _ �.n ��xbs.�:�nt i��;�. a�r��iz.r��� �� �c�mm���:�a:l. ,.�.�c� �er���a� ���'a��� ,��'��������a��� � 3�;�'�� ���` � ��� ���� t Y z ' � x +y��� �s� �: ����� �� rAO� �������������s�j�� ���°' �� a � ti . s� �t r� 'S ��1: �h� �3��u��,�.�".�`.�C�� �� � � i � ! � � f `'�xJ w�'�°� S�fia��`p ��t�t+�p,� �`�,.a���''�f'�d����Y'� A f � �� a s �� � i l� - #+.r �T � � tt S �7.. � �"�` "4 . .� � � � � �-. : , t � x � ��, �, ���r,=,�Y��,,�r,.��� ;� a �.'S�'�ak,� s��.«,�:f X� w� �.��F�r�ra� �.,ffi._� v�s `�aiz�.,d<'�'xa,��a'su�,''�9i .s�.s5n �' ¢'1j; �� f f ( i ! i i l .._ _. _ _ _ __ _ __ __ �m - q,,. . � .. . � � .. .. � �t3. zSx�. .� . . . . .. k .�5.-'�'��i`j,&� ��q:'��� _. . � � .. . � yn�,�T t',�� ���� � ��� ��, + F �C � . . . .. . � . . . � � ��� � ��� . . a,���,�� �� " ;� ����� � k`: . . , . . . � . .. ' . � . fk���i� .. ,. . . . . . .. ��`.�.... ..,� �- � . . .. . ... . ..�... ....L ..�'t.:_.d. " .�.+wxuv.+.r-•.w�._..�-.,......,+,. ..�._ . r� � � 'a``. Y . � kt� �..-:�� • "�� r � �, J� h,. �. ��; d � � �. '� �� ad.d�.�ic�ny t�e ma.jc�rx�y c�f �.and which �.� d�.r���:t�y �cr..essible �- �x��m the majo:� h%gh.w�ys �.s k�eing he7c� fo� in�r��t.ment; pur.poses. `� X. � _ . 3 �; The pl�z� �ec.ograiz�s +he �.�Wxat:ional adva�tage� far busin�ss�s a,nd � � m�I��.-�am� �y hous�.rig r�f �vz�tual:Iy all the prc�pert;ie�s iz� the Tria��;le � �:�� �� • �; Ya���ti.ran �#' the neAghbc��hUUd �,nd �f �ho�e adj��;��n,t arter�ial stx°e�ts � �, in. the Me��gP� port,��n (n�xt,h af P��� �"ic: Highway) , Two m�thc�ds � F� �� p�cnt+��*ting e�..�st�ng .re�ir�entxa.l ar��a� t�t�d �.��a� p�°c�p�:�`�y loeat�d � � f�� :��,��:��� �e�xde�atial d��r��lopment a:�e pr�paseda ..� �, � �: ��1 ,. I�n t:h� Nl���.��x� pr�r�i�yn j the rnos� viab2e �°esidentia� ;p' �x�a� h�.�e b��n �.da:nti�':�ed and sl:at.ed for ,prt�tecti�n ;� ` w:irh o�a�y the periph�r�.I ar�as b�ing �� igible for '� s�c�n�ex����an �;�4 �,c�mpa.t�_bl� non-res�:dent���;J. uses„ E : � ���� 2, �:� �:�� Tx°i:.a.ng��.� �, the r�+�st �riabJ:�� �e�iden�ial_ a�°ea.� have ,y� '� b�en �cl�nt�.f'�.�d �,nd ar�e slated fo�r prot��;t�.on unti l '�5°Io of th� .°�wne�° o�:cupant� elec� �c� �.Y�.ow their "con- � x�r�xsion unz�:" to he r.�dp�r��ap�d acc�,ording tU th� uses � �p�c��ied an th� p�.�.n map . Th� c�nv�xsi.qn �nits are ; �.�so d�I.xra�ated c�n �:h� plan map„ '� � ti � �`r� a�d1t.7.an �� th� d�r�eat,iun �f c;.on;�ye�s�i.or� un�ts t:o pre�rent tkae �n-- � �' e�c�a.r.hanen�t af �.;�ra�lic��;�n� �and us�s �.n�� vz.�,ble �e�identi�l. a,r�eas, tk�e �c�:�lc+wing k,uffer� p��.°�y i.s px°�videa to pr�otec;t �:hei�° p�rirnet�:�e : � � ;�.. p�:lU�r� 5e W1�e� irr.na' r:� d�:z��Z.n�or� �buttiree� a �a�2uar�zon unit, �z � 5� �'�w�t ,�y�do � p��-��ti��� b?.�ff�r�, dGstir�rtPCl �v prFcz�i.de s��aaa�.� at- .; t��n7,�at.��:�^n ard �4gh� sr�r��r�^.'n�, shrzZl, be pz�a�i.ded, In �cr,�ps � ur1i�•re ar� e�istb.rry r�n.dev�Z,�ped stz���t r�ight-�raf-�a� e�is��� ��zzc�2 i.s hea�5� Z.y r�rY�ded t�uc�l� c�� ��i:sts ��. �?or�ivns �f 'r'D�h), t�ii� �� y" ,�c�u�ag� ,n:r� be �r��:dz ted, �°�r�az�d thP bu,ff�r ��qui.x�em�nt. � ` , f�r � PaZvc�r �a 7"n��e.nd th�z� r��i���t��t r����Zopm�n� x.� �.�u,�Qetecl �z�r�m . � � �h� inrr,r�pat�b'?€� ,�`��x�e�r�� �rf n.c���-x�es2,den��.exZ, Zand. use b� 7n�c��� �` c�f �mpZ�.�y%�� �he faZ;�;ia��v:n.� "Lctr�r� �aZ�z�tn,inc� ��c�hniquas; ; ��� , � . . �y ° - Ao A,.�� r�.7nP�r�sz;�'�.n•�i�� dea��Zz�pm��rtt czpp�r���72t�s �ns�d�n����� � , , ` �::ry�c�s, t,��a�r%i�� f"ox� a st��p,��g d��n v,�'' fhe �r���ns��tj fi r ` ��� ��—� � � c�,� �Za�zc�� u��� � �� � � � � �; �. , r� � � � ,� �� � � �¢ �'rAc��9zd'.� �r���e��.�ye b��`���: �cs:�a .���tic�����aZ ���c�,� �?.�' ; A , � � . use c�f` �xc�tu��Z ��.rxtu��s s��7� �� .�.�'.�eams� a�� �e�z?�y �� �,�., ;, ., iF 1 "V G 9'�'��G 3F'r'��YI•a ���� �� � � � �. ��� u ��r�}g�,��, ` �"�, �'h�r� �"�;���z���c� ���� ��e �;�p�s,. u�� .�t���7x� �'������ ����"� , �� t����:1���, �mpza� �r����� ����� a�`��������� �i����.���r�� �:� � ; � � �n�� �znsur� �a�r���������y.� ' � p x � � ��` � �� e a � �� � �t��;� � �� �< ` ���� f� �ROB�.�;M� ��ot��d�.. dup 1'e��t� ��� b ;'� �'� , o� �� � ��� � , , � ��� � �-��: ' ��'"�.a� p����►h��l `�'�� `�Q It�� ��1����'��'I' :'��?��t`�(�,��'��4�1 'i.�S��1 �,e � � � � r._ s r . t� �,. � ���. �a`� �. ��' : ' :�' .- 6 .;' r' �:: ! g� s� tt-x. ��4a�k.:$`,t 3��"x . � �y �y ��� �. � . s r�� 16 r a � � a�, a c 4 f � �a� r � ��'.4y, wR�✓��r9�: ��6:�„�� 1.i+�3��ti'���`r � �SN�, £E�+'�x���i� N�"a`ix��,Y������'�,�°3�,�,� ��s���_� ��� .,: � `'����4�'��� ...� ,�,y� (�j �p ';. i�,� iF �t �� � A a�h �`� � ' 3������. �s�"��T� ���'�� `�°�`�-,y��'� �;�•��'��5�����` � ,� x �� O�.' ���=�:�1 '���?�� ���� `�;�� � C�� � ��� �� � r � h. ;� T"�� 1-,��� � ..��`.�,,��y�s�'��t Q�x;l�r �.� %f r�� # �� . � �7� :'t£�a � n� i � r v � i �., r"xt"r - �4Wh d � At��;T IS�X ,�r 'v, � vr: r3{'�S r: '� �H " j _ r _ t"� � 3 z f "'G'�'�,aba' '�'�.�,�i �,g���.�� x�'�: �,�,�' , . �"rt� i £�Yt,a�f 4�i���a�����'�sk�� � �����s�� :. ���..°`a.��,}' .5 ��`�� . �a'. f �,Y'� Y . r . � t� -S s �r�pk kr' k�r� '.� TM�t 'F �s ; �, r � i 4 1 �� �` � �d������ ���. ��� � �r#': �-4 1 S�' � . k 5 y `7 ^3¢s�� �„��,-�'� ��h�.ra�.��"j`�'p�`Y �'F �,��-ry����e �p�a1�'��3 �..3w�` u,.�x �-t+ ���� �.��� � , . ,- , � , ��`'�. .� ,�`;'���F.. ,.c,.��;�'a.a�"'.�+.H��-t. � - mw� ... �,# .r� �� ' ,. � 1 ! t ' r ' ' 1 � ' . � _ _ _ � m # r'��'+�y,�', ��" � �� � ���� €k"' A..' ' �. � �, . �{�fikd�4'���� Sr.- � Sf'�1(#��:''� . �d�i� h "; : �.� - .. �. � .. , �$ . . �'"�, �tF�; �.,. . . . ' � . . . . . . . ���� ' . _: k� '. � ' ... �. . . � � � .L. ..,_..Y.. _ .. Al1AN1Mi1Ct�i.:.w.:...._..»...._...d . _ . _,...._.« ..... ..._.�._.. .........,.. _._ .._.._........�.�...... ._.�, .._.. ....... .. _.. i(:.. }� � �i.��Y ,. . .. ...�... ......:....... ......... .�........... ..�. .. . $ Xi.�, � . �'. 4, � I 'x �a �F j �." . , }{�'r S . S. �i' A �.. � A � ���' :�e;ardp duple�xe� c°o�lci be al �uwed in the �.�w denszty ar�a �,�: k�r�afizr�n� . �: �° bes#. �u,ited �`ox� thei.r u�e These un�.t,s r�ul�l b� allawc�d at int�x-� s�ct.�.+�ns and a� a tr°an�it�.an betwe�n �i.ng1.P fami.:�y and rnu1�i.--f�:ma��Y � _ r��i�,entxal uses ,. The :�n�ent i� n�t tr� put xnc��e �>ec�pl.e i� a. �.e�s �: ties�rable �.ot,ata.+an ��wa �a,mili,�� �°a�:Yie� t�han ane) , bu� ta �x��vrd� {; a Toca�tir�n f�r this ty�� of hoixs�.n� wh�.l� achieviz�� t.h.e mU�:t dr�si.e�a-- ; k��� de��elr�pm�nt ,. fihF 1�:-:atiuns su,�gPS��d fo�^ du.plexes �.�°e t�Z��e �,re�as u�.ual�y d'psr�l+��xng with mUderat�: tc� le�s-than-cn�3c�e�atel�r px�ac°�d r h�rn�s� Wh�n a du�lex as .�ocated wi.�Y�in this t,yp�, c�f. ar�a, t1xP x°�� -. "��� � ��a.1� �� ��xsu�l xy a rn��e d��i�rable us� r�f th� s��.te�� � �': �,; ;:; -� P���:�z� �m 1'�E �t°�r�,g�Ze ,�`�mi ,'.� ,�}z�xr��:x,�t��rH �,� �hP �x��cz designa���c� -�r� � � �, `� t�Ze Plr.xrr Nl��� �� ;' : .� c1P�zs7 ry ra�:�i���n�: r:�x7 �� ir7.et�sc:d as � �>n��iti7�� a��et t:. 1a� r�t:xti �.a,�'�, Pr�c,�� .ts �ir:�posGr� f'at� t�t2s az�erz mz4st b� <, �udged %��:�:.r<Zing t, �;f f��i k u�nn thi:� r�F7crzau�te:ra = *:, ' �'� ? i•ay 8.� W�.t���r� th� urbar l.u,.i d��nsi.t� r,r���der�tiaZ ax3ea aZZ:�.u� ` �` du�b�.e.��s rn I�^ts ZPa�s appr��pzezace fr.xa sin�le �am�Zz� h�m�� �r� 7:rar�fvcd¢ �r;,�,�rr �::ns ut. st.rr��.; t �:nt.�rs��tians, adjac�rz�t mc��j�.:a:� } , �,�_..r;��gh.f,z:r^�a , �znd a� br�ff�rs eP�•ween n,�n-r����dentia� c:�nd �rr�� 7.t�i:�mf"�xrrr2� �y r:rnd s2ng `e ,�'ari;;. �� ur�;as . PR061.f:M , �'he d���lopment c�f r�� ident;aa� subdlv� sions often rer�ult � n the tass af des � r�ble natu�al am�nt� es � n a�d�r� to p�'r�vfd� �.he �t�nda�dhzed plotting and st�eet �;� pa�.te�ns �°eq+� ; red by �he zaning �nd suk�d� ui,�oh �odes � �;�Z v°Zf 9„ W y1�72 !.�v�.P.. ? 1�77 r�Y1 h 4 Ll p�,,o �.'7'' !�: 8�'c:� 2 Y! �'�]E'; �.i Y't�7 r7 Yf '1;7 ZJ ��F:;2<''�;2�2� & r�xurx f��:r sit�,5 ,�hz�12 irt��utZE �:d.c?nt, �f�.�� �zu�r.�.r-.;:Z ,�`��xfuxEet� i�c�rythz� ; � .�a�° �:�a��n��arxtz;,�», t:�he ��l,crnned d�i � '..::�pm�n.�f, �•;rlr����� sh�ZZ b� � u�.� 1.���d T f t.3�t� F''4�r�n2n� �'?n7rnz.su ', r dptFrrr(an�� 2t the b���t � �;;, m�t-h4.�� f` ;_r� p�°v��p�ti�,;�f.2. �sxW ��� ��_ 4 a��, �` �; UFtBA.N MEbYi�NI�DE��IfiY R,ESID�NTxAL, : ��' ���___.�_�_._.,.� �1 _. � .. .�' ' r�ex+..nF.n.�+�.+ . , j }'�� �'�.'. Th�s land u�e �.�t�g�x�y p�o��de� �c�r m�x��l��am�.�y res�detYi:ia1 dev��a�a , °�� men�.;. It c���es r�ncls �c� �h� �ame ��•t�gc��y prc�vid�d �n �k�� �'a.g�.rd ' � � „ . ,�, �` , � y �., G�smrn�ni�y� �1.�n and �he ��n�.�.�w�.ng �i� �c��.ic:i�s e�'�,�.k�:l.is� rl��s�.�� aaad ', ����. c, � s" �m r�a�re�menfi�guidel.�.n�:s .�o� �l,he N�i.�;k�baacb;aad� a� � ��° .� � � �� ��� . � , �i :. P�Zi�;r� �(� fih� �na�zmu.rr� rav�.�a�Z c��n;���t� o�" ��e�¢Z��am�erct s�h�zZ'� �� ,�;-��� _ . 1� d�?�Z f.;ng un.i:�� �.r 29 p�r�can� �s� ���z�s ��:��� �hi.s am��r��s ���:�r��, ��� . � . , �� cr, s��a;�da�c� ��' 2,� squax�e �'�et a,� Zand` p�r ':d'raeG�ir�g un4,� ��, , �., ���: '� � � � ` ��r�� -� � � � �� .�'" �,.'_ � ':......_..�,.,�i.. � . . .�� � . � . � . ,. . -�. '� -. ',, �� ��. �� �°Che �`�gar�d Zon3ng 0�°d�nan�� ���u�ire� dup�exe� `�a. '�e.. c�n�ti��3���� �'���.•: f��� , ,. �� � , , appr��va� by �the Pl,,a�ir�� rig Comrri��s � orr ' �� a; �Nab� �� he�r�in�. d:.�a�����o�� ���,�' ��� � ;�.; -• . ;�����r� �e p�;aced� ttpo� the � app�o���1� ��o� �I��U:t��e ����i����;��1 � i`�y ��.�`�� ��h� �,, , � ��"' �� �u�°�°�und�i�r�� homes and � �� ir� ��d������aYi�,� �h� .a�`d���n��� ���t�� ���: '�1��.�� ��� . � ����`d�c����e: :a�nd` a�°�h����c�t�,�a�� �p1:���� �:� �ub������ �t�� �,�.��o���d� ���� �h� �ti �� � ���,� � ;pe����n. ���r�ew� [3�����du fik�;��� appi�.�v,���� ����U-r��� ��am��i�;� �a�-���` W� �.� ��� � �. � tp �i. t����� ,� ' � �h� ex�b s�7 ng Ne�t�t��i��`�ioad w �' ` � `�`� +1 " �r -��<�� ^',�^S�l�'ir �`�,� . �� �. 3 7. d�. �;� .1���f� d ���) x ° ` ' �y �, �$����3I§�`�a€�'�. �f ,� h ° r � � � .,�tt„ . � }��'�x'�Y r tr- s 'vx�rm v-ry, �� r�},5 „�a���fi,�'�;.6�r {� �, ,�5 E i k��t���� ��`;� �° }� . x . t �.� E�, i � � ',�,���s sr�`� � 'R�A��',��.'G'Ci��y__'a�,�.y� 4ar�"'�iM� �'�#� .�t : �1� - . t y, . r � c i��e��r r � e,°�',5� t � y'� ��,q L�' .. . '. = I ,tSU.'Y�t 3^rH vC"d Pa7 �'A4 �Y 5� ,Yiti7k' �F'�i� ���u^�,}f'H��h.�,4$Y�._— o tF � . i ) ..� M�`�LS V� . Y" � .f Vc a{ � � . . Z � ''y�.'�'t' Y �'AJd C� . �. . _�YL,'� '�, 4, .;t .�+� ,.� '� � sct't'��, �'` "` z4;�s�`3 fi�.a!=f ,y�,,a,,, '^�.. "t,Q. . 1. M,Y�r,,..�.e�a aa�� r� , S &. � .� -X� v . � i- a r � � t � � ; r � i i _. _. . . _ _ _ , _. __ _ _ _ �,,,,� �?{ , � . . ... � �. .. �, , � . . x�����i,�,.`y � , � �; ���� < < , , . % ,y , . ,: ,� . , � � . �' x�� *� r � �.n ' .. . ... , '. . . . . . ... s , . � �3�'� ���t t - . . . . �4. ' t � . : ;,� � ��� � � k ��w � - — --.�.......w_.��.,.._ ,, . ........ ......... _.._.._..._.. �...__._� ,w_�__..__ .__... _._ >. ..___._.._..._ ,.�.�_.___, ._�_�.... ....... _._.. ..._.�._.-—- ,_.._.__.... .._..� .,.��, ��, , r � ,� ' `� � '� .� � '�,,,.: a Z 71�a:ri.� �'.:r €�T r�e�� a a�r� �t�h�r� :�p�n. �p a��e� So me az�e a s ?v��;1 i. h�z�e a ?�;��.i�t� %��n��"ry .azving t,� tcpograp�tz� ±�r� e�i�tirzg a'eU�Z,�p- � �l�n� [:�u��'�eYr. ��' P;:; ?.ic�r� 1. f , l,+r �,��: rn��� z+rrr c�an���". Fy n�d-�d�ntZrzZ �rp�z� slzaZ 't bc �:.le���- '-r;��cl ;� rai. th pcx,.�,.i rstre�%�s., :=r,:r�� and g�tt�r�s, u.n.d �aZkt�uz�s, ��c�-����z- ' •i:ra g t:� ��:•i t�j �,r �T:;z�r�i�,� �t;.a nda z�c�s�. �% l u�: Z�t i�s wi Z ? b� p Z�r:.=�d unc��rr�r:�und� F'. ? �.�z� Z�. Ti��.r� i��rrer�* shu " ? :;:az:n��•ic�e r��ih tk,� �rn. z�iti��c;n vf publ,.Z�� s*x�q�t�, tvar�r aY=� ,s�t��ex�aa[- fac�. c'�. c;:es� 2'h�se f�zczZi�i�s �h�.� ? ! '° bP ; a.` �;apuhZ� ��,f ��z�'eq�.ratc; 7,z� „��z��,ir�.,g aZ{ int�r�v�n��ng prr,�t�r��`iF:�} as �r� 7 � ar� fiha �r , �: a�d r�t�1��� tc;�m�r�t,, rxnc� !`b1 t�a�i�r�,��a' t•,v nr��t +"; ni ty ,;�y.. <...,��,.+z� g r:�yrid a��'sm , �-� ' : �r� ? 3 ;? t� �; t,�r+s <hx7. r pz�-nr�zde f,,r <zcl,��uat� up�n sX�c�,=F t;? ;; z� .; ��xrt.: �µ �xrz't;;���� t plBvpertie�, and fb.`+ �nc�v•i,d� �m�re ,� ;..��::i ;: $�,aea f4 r i;��:��n�:,� �znd pZa� M�a'�e ,f°or yvun�sters. �` P: �,� �y ��4 Hz�h ����z:gn �t•�xYt.clurc�s .Shal Z bE e��:�b„is�a�� f'ox� �i�arti:n� �r;<:? a.,�pecr.r:,,��ie, ^ �zr�iu�'��'rrt�� tha 2:;.rr�asc�a�7in�� r;�,�` �etbanit ur�ca:� anr� ±h� dvvigrut;. . ,2 �:,f a,^c���s p��inf.sa PRq�`.,EM: Unfo���i.�n�te �y , ��m� apar�tmer�ts r�ave h�d � �` > dat r men ta i �f rec: t c�n th� Ne � �hrhor•hood o Land na� � ,; �;� cc�ue��d hy b�J ; ? d � ng � a g� ven ta �he autc�mab� � e as park � ng , at fh� expense a� � andsc:aping and usable �pen ;: sp�c� �'or �es :� �en�s . ,; � �., As �r�viided �n l�c:�j.cy �0 abr��ve, t.he max.%mrxm pe.�mittpc� d�ns:i�y is �;. �.2 dw�ll in� �.n�ts �:fer a>��? Th3� den�i�ty :i.� wc�l laelow -�he 19 tc� �` 3$ un�ts ��er ac-re �:� 1c�w�d wh�n the Neighkrur�aod's e:xistia�g apax°tments � ru ;'`, w�:�e c°c���trut°t�*d,: '1'�.� r��ult of �Yi�sP la.i.ghe� densi:t�.�s was a si.t� `� ,b. w��h. a �tivc� �� t�rpe sir:�ry bu�,:ldi�� su�x°caiznded by a parkan� ��rt wz�k� �;; �, ,�i�t].� or° r�c� �ca�n� l�:ff :t`c�r Zar�c�sc��.pir�g c�� on--sYi�e �ecr�a.�t�.an spa��:4 � �' T� r�m�d,y tl��s �,a.tu.at��ri, �ka� Tiga.rd Zan:��� Or.c��.z��.r��e has be�n � '� . r� %�� a�nend�d �:z� cc�n�o�m w.�th t°h� T.ig�,rd G�mmun3.ty P7,�.n� 'l'la� A-�� ap.�,�°t�- � ; . me��; zane nc�w r�st�icts� c1�n��.�.��n a"n�a��.xnurn o� :L� uzai�t� �e.r ��o�� , .. " ' acar� a�:cl ���u��es landss�a�aing and on�s��;� �ec�ea�k,a.�rn spat�e� ° �,' ,w ����,�,f . F'�tORLEM: �ome ex� sfi� n� a���^�mer�ts are poor7y si �u�te� �A �,����� � � �� i�n r�e�����G��rn�h�� p �a a�d�oin�ng s�� ngle� ��;i�n��'lY �-evel �pm�n�� � � �:�� � x; � ,:�k ����: � , w��h n� �:�Pa�°�r�� c�n�er°n fr�� a�h�e.�r�i r�:g � ��m:pa�� b� 1 ��� �� � be'�weEn th� tw� t�y��� : o� 7and us� > ; �,�� �F �� � �q � . , _ � - x��r •,�... � M�,�.�a-�a;�ni1,� c��ve7.r��amex�t a:� � :l�.�ri,n� .�z���.�ca����� -a,r�d; a��:s ''7..�����.�..3.���� T�;`�x�� � i� a ,�r�l:m�.�°�� c.cari�e�n �r� tYa:a.s p�::�� a ; ,A���-�rn�z�'� �;��i�.�i��� �;�.��x°��� �R µ�;�����r�: � F � � �y.���n�a�1a�.� 1.:���;�r�g ��,��,��n�e��t ��v� `�.h� ,����s�! v'�,�����`� �"��e�, '�#��`. , ����� � .E.��v�rs'� �u�'�n""�}�r�z� �'a'� �,��+t�an�n�. a.�ad' ats`�- �w�e���i�e� r�� �,��1��;��, �a�m�,�t;; ��.Y�ect��.�� y�"��'�� : � �� ;. �a� �;ka�a,.� ow�c�xl�� �'1a�,� ��,�� ai= �.pa;�°`�m�n� a,:� t�����:°.�b �.e �s� `'��� �c���i� ������-� ��� � rn��;L�y �a���.l��a ����y ��,�a� �a�� b������� �na,��.r��a�,����z �.� '���.ic���.�� �.�;� ��� ��>x� , m+a�� pt ��ma,n�n.� �ne#nb�x°� c�:�' �he t:arn�ni��;���' �nc� ��� _���'��a°�t�"�� ��,iz�'����t� '� �ry����°�� � �� ���j�'�LJWi4��. �C4�64.�',��� :NGr��1+:F:� V�M�nF'i' 4,`4!�`�h .���� .�����.�, ; �y�,��l``� 1V{ .�lR ���t .GlS� hn'il�tt4��nyq<���,'�. �y {�. y�yy� ,+� {y �] .i .�,,x ���� g�} �y'� ��� a . �tY-� �� .� , .,�L�r�zM�... ,t�* �*�'4A�r H �A14�h.�� 1.J,3� ��:�c7.�•1.�GV�s.;*4L ���3f.�rM/�,.r�;f����� `.�. �.?�� `��e�^1� �� t��K'X ��i`«�''. ����. 'i���+"a . , �.. �y {�t}/!�, +y' ��M�, ,�J. y�/� y�/!� Y �f�� y x¢ �q �M� 4��.1C�}�i�:�l;r �Y4.V*�4l�kF�� I � { . �. � ;� fie'a. �.i�-y ' . � . t�� {��� i t . � � - - �, �.[ � . t Y . 4 � �: �� 7 c � �� � �}.i ' �� Y E � ; a xh ay.c�g p �r��j�i ��� �i � ' � " � �b�v�";G�i�f� �d��re'�'SSi,.�,c�I�i �sa ��� d t �$P�'�i�'-��d���.�eY„�'`�. .��e' �� - . �. .. � .. . . ' �'�y'+�y Y g„�kvSil a`5 � 9 �T� �" ] .4"`t''��Y�O� ' rtt^. ��, f , �, � �� � ,��'��,�� `�� � �sa ��;_�� �� _��'��at �;�� �� �< r . h ' a�. �2� �,.g'..�� �:F �.� v,y�� �` r.ti r ���g „ °`� -�,« d` a .,� d � ,��f�' �.��� w,��� �:� ��r'� +�s}f��' � �tv��' r��"E>'a�' ' .a�.,a,'��+c ; �, �,? � ,.� .°K`.'z�l' .'�_" .� n�ir, a�•x ;,,�,£`s . �1.'"" _ �#*t�': ti s 1 i ! ! ( a ! 1 ! ? . _ � <� . ty ������� �� . . . .. . . . Xk3 ��pi; ' .. . � � ' . ' _. .' � , s1P�:. '��� .. P���` .. � . . � .. . . . . E - �R . � �, .� . . .. ,� ., . . . �, . i '. �.�� . . . .. . � .. . . . ,q�'qy�� � . � � t ;3 . �:-'r ,, .r.:. �-" . � .�. . � . � .. � . ."�^n . �'tY+r. xs.�, ,A'... .�t .� . ��. . . . �- .. � . � . . � .., �s�n�'��'..„ . . . .� ...�.. � . . .. .. . . . ����.,.,..,.......,...�W:...,_.„._..�.........................�...._._..w..�.,_�..:....-....,:.«..._,.�__...:._..._....»_.._�.._. ....._...._..._.. _.._.. ...,. ....._ . ...._...._. � _.�.;..... .. _. -..: ._�..abas..� �' ,� � �y1i f r,. �g 1. .,�. � �- Th.� impa�t.s upo� su,r�t��x.nding ?and us�� e�p�c�al.Xy s1.ngle f�.mzly � hc,mcs, n�u�t �� rac�rasid��ed � L�argF k�}.��:ldings sh�uld nc�t tc�wer aver � hc�m�s c�at�szng windc�ws, b�.�.c�r�nz.es and pa�a.c�s tca lraa:�k i.�zto th� windc�wr� � c�.f ac�,�a�°ent h,�rrr�� �� a��,Yat.m�nt�� �:: P.�:�?, ���y �5:. A.perrbf:m�n.�� .slz.cuZ� h� �;a�,�ted to pr��ducP a� Gptirrrum '�. ' i.�:�rirz.� ertv�r�nn7�nt f-_�r �.�p oecupu�rci� , Dey�.Z�7p»rer�.f �.r;,teria � �Yr��u.i� �°. rz�Z t.�d�: £��: � Buff'�ri:rzy b� m�;..x.res cf Zandacapin.c�, f°�n.czng and dz.s- ;: ,� *.c.�n^� ,1'rTVrr, ;:�r�mrrc�r��^i�2 a��cz� �ar�c� rnujor t.raf`fic Maarz�zez�a �Zt t:,"7? �� Hfi��. �''C%2l�0 2.�G21''U,a ,s 130 �Jn ��i �� x� ��raP�tion �p�e� czs uze21. a.s ppdPStri�ri anc� bira�e'e a�n�4� t; parks, schoc�Zs and �=��nz7�n�;cra��� sh�ppin,go � •� C.', The �it•r,rig ;f bu2:i,dings t�: minimiz� the �4isua7 ef,�`e�+��s � oJ`" parkin� �zr��s and to �rr.���reaE� th� avaiZubiZz,�r� af �,�� � pr�i�va�y. �� '� �.�7i.ny I �:, Apczrt..m�nt..� �h�;���,� �e Z�r�at.e�,� t,:a p.rnduec th�- �east �xd- � ��ars� � e�ts u ; r�. 4?�. T_e arni. Z ur.�as. Deve Z� ment cri t�za�.a , ,f.t P- � .�` y � , �n,��u1d inrlud� 9 � �� k�� A� Bu,�`fer �trag by m�rzns �f` Zanc�v.�upting, f�n�xng eznc� � distan�� Br Ccmpat.�`�i. ' ,:t� ;f dosign �n�,c.�gni�ing the e�nfZict� of , r�rrzsF :�n�? �te i�ht be tu�een a,r�-:zrhtmen� �i?z L Zc�inc�� �nd Ti�us�s u n� ` ` UR.��N H�GH--DENSI�X RE"SSDENTI.AL � .�.�..�.�._..�.,... .�.. `� ,;; _._..�.... �_..._ _.. � . The pl�n prr��ri.�,es fr�r� a �i.ma.t�d amount a� �ia.�h-d�;nsit� ��sid�n��.a� +p'i, d�u�.�apment ira t.h� '1'x�.a�,���.� p��rt�.on o.` th� N'Pq� ��- n �� � Pc�;.� �,*,y Z>'', Hi�� �'�n�i tr� l�au�in�a �zt � m�zx�:mum d�n�ti�y o,�' 4� dr��2��rz;� ��� � ,r �.��its p�� n�f a,�re cz���:� �.r� �h� �':r�m ��" m�dium ��.s� br��."l.dia�c�� � �" F i�5 t,n � st.ari�s,� cx.t�e c�n ecpprp�a��c�te ���s �.n t�e a.���z d�s����a�:�d ,'� � � ` �ffz�e �'�rrk c�n� h�aund�d h� t1i� �oZZc���n� s�z����s� �•��.c�r��«a� � �t��� ,. � �: ?'F�airz�s R��d1 e� the �rr�r�lz; 68�� �rn �1�� �as�, ,���n���n r�n , �{ r � � � � � �Jz� ���t��; c�na ,��ncl �n ��i��� ��s�A �"a�� p�a�u���d� T��:,�h� r�e��^��z� � : „� . ��, .� , .: �� � � F �t�� �;�a �,.:� p�c��j��t �haZ� �ie .n�u7;�r��c� �.?� c� pubZi�� �t�r�:��:�g cz���az�dt�ag �a � ° .; ' th� �`2:�y °� Cc�nr�s:'�iaancc� ��� �z�ta��dtC�e�e: �����,;��� � � � _, �� .,. It a:� �a�r�e����y a;nd d��a.�abl� t�a ��a�ra�c1� �c��� �o����.z�.� c���+���1������ � � .: � , � �. � , �� �� �� �h� �'��,�,�,�g�.� w��a���� r�,a��s�dc���a���:e� ���.���"i��� �,�cs���.�i�.��:�� ���,� � � �� �. ,, :� �.����� ��e�°��y x°a��,�,��,�g �+�mr�u����' ���.���.c , �� ��������g ����. ,��t � .���� µ �x��v . ��e�. �s 1�.��°� a.w �tl��: ��34an��� a� d,e�`e�,+��ed ��'�3,���� ���4 ;������`����� ,.;h����, �a ��t� ��c�u��r�,�.�. ����� a.� �����n��� �. ��Q�maa� � �a�� �� ����la�, ��� �� �r��� �,� � �i�.d"�� Th� ��c�d��3���� o� �+������� �o a� a��� ��"��� ��� ti�' ���'���,'�.����:. �� ��� ,�� �� ��4��� ���' �.�.:�e ��cl ��.;��s ,��;� ��,{i�����.�.;���r��}����;����_����������Y����°�, "�����`��'��; '�� �r��� �Q,��'r �u�*rr�4'+ .�''���c�.+'!t'�,r i`�P.r �,rY �.,'�G 4i,���.�r�„in� ����,�5 ���'�"�,'��jh����a��a�b't4��� �rvj�,����,k�����.;� �.y. �t Ic �r �� � "��G�S�ir � tr �` . : ak+ t��c�t ��,� � x� �St�'s �t '��� stt`7�'�h�41�st�� ,r J'� . y `,� `k� :c �. i`�,�``���`��..� _ ���� z�.����� "�"t�w��da{��-���.'*`# ����aa��K°A �'^Ft p; h �:. �.. 1 , �,,�+1 �,# ", '��,u�tr�.E�PF.��';'�,k .,�rJ�„��'�'�'+�a3a"" - � ����``��. �`{ '���'� ;� $n'��S'2��,�+`. i" ;,a.:`� ,a"j4 • a 1 ���yi�,3 3 y . if �,� i#� �X �' ,� �tk� �.'"1�x�o-�� y % S v. � ,�a�r � tX t"'G�_ r -s �"§� rx'b Sf'�' .�[��'F''Ys '�v� �.��a�, 44_� 4 a=.'�; €K"r.�15 frr c.r ,+��.-,h £ -.x''r��#s'�'',� �`,�, 1 � t t r _ _ _ _ • �} 1�4� �4 1 i W � k�� °`� ,��� ";�,', �. * � �� � • � � � ��� �� � �. � ����x� �-�< <r _;;, � '� � �« �. . , �,..�..�..�....�.� � , __�_._._.._ _..._,.__._.� _.�, ._� . .__._.:_.__._�._..� ...,._.,.. ,._,._ _ ���� i . __.. _�........._._..._�._.� ...._ ..:, � ,,,. � �9���. �' �� � � �� t e,:�' iE' �. F �. �` RES IDENT b AI��COMMFR,C;t AL x �; _._._..�._��....m..�_,�..__. r � �V�t;h� n �he M�tzge.�° p�rr°t��n �3z �he NPO, �:L ac.r�es �f land adja.�°en� t;' Pfai'�'��, H�..0 1 Ba�.l�;vard �r,�l Oak Stree#� ar�r� g.�.�%�en the Resideniia�.- rammc���;��1 d�� �-gnat;ian , Thes� �.r°eas ar°e �riewed as suitable �or� '� � �:�ml�:�nat.ion r,:� or�'ic.e �nd apaa�:m�nt develnpme�� „ . � � P�l�,c�� �.�.: TY�� lc.arxd d�:va,�ncz��d H�sid�rc�irxZ-Comrrr��niaL ad�jur�ent � �� f�. Qak StrG� 'r. rand sozc�h of Pf�z�`fZ� is won�idet��d mns�� appr^^�,�i� ' ��e fc,xa pr :�"r�:��- ;.�rt�zl uff'ti�e a'ec?e1..np.ment u�ith cz Zimited mi�ture �� ,.,,f" �xpar �rr,ents- T�e Gz�nd c7n etither sid� c�f` H�zZZ BnuZevard •r:s � j in�Pr�d�c� :o b- ��s;�r '.�pFd primrri�� irct� apa:��mc�nt usesa ;� � y��:.,. . '7 CJMME�CIAL� DE�TE'LOPMEIVT ' :i ;� '�t��: p� �n prap��ses three categc�r�es r�fi cr�mmerc�.aX development. fox� `� 4< �.h�Y n�R ghbar�hoc�d, These are th� Highway CUm�mercial cat�go�y , :.,x .z- � ��il:�d io ��x�tiying tlz� th�ough traffic c�n Pa�ifie Hi�hway ; Reta.:a1, � Gc;tmm�rc.i.�,1 cat��rsr,y � �.cr.Qmmc�dating a x°ang� o� re�ail ar.c:� s�r�vi��e �; �fi.��nm��e���� u��s; and Cc�mmercial Prof��sioz�al. �ate�c�xy q rrnF".dxng _- �'c��� g�n���al office develepment and it� suppcirti�re use�o ; Pra��c�� Z9, Deu��;:>prner, t- ehaZr c•^;nuir�P wzt,7� the pr��zsision of pa�bZic .�t.,rae��, �arater� �,��� se��r�ge fcz�� l.�`��es. .Tlzesp faci�ities shaZZ : be lu ) �ca�-a.b?� :-�f czdequrat,e�y �e��inq aZ"L %rr,�Erventing pxac.pe�ties ; r��� �eu 1. a.� thP rr�.p�s�d d�veZe�pm�nt., anc� {b t �e�igned to mp� t � �itz� ar .•.�acnty at��znr��x�ds : � �� �. THE PAC;IFTC HIGHWAY ��MMERCIAL AREA � _.. _,� ...�.��,.�_ �� �'h� F1 a�, � � p.�^c>�oses twr,� ;��#egc�ries o� cc�mmer�cial de��lopm�n�G o�. Pa��.�ic � �# H�.ghw�,y,. rt'�ae ma,��x°�.#:y af land, 53 a��es, a,s p�°�jed��t;ed fi'or H�hv��,y }� �� Co�n�,�cza.� use a�d the r�main%ng 12 acr�es, comp�is�.ng the �':�ed : ��� � � �M���Shoppx.n:g G�nt��, ��^� d�s�gnatt�d ��,� R��:a��, Cr,mme��i,�1 u�eA �a ��� These two a�°�a� ser�u� d,f.�ftr�.ng s�xa.pp�.�ag ne�ds and �r�, tk�e���o;��, '�; ; y��- ��;; �ala�;ed i� di�i'erer�� �at�go�^i�s r�n '�he p�:a,z� m�.�� ,;_������' ,-:. , ��r .. -� Th� F'��ri M�y�r d��re2r�pm��� c�ans�ist� af a commu�ta��ty �hr�p�?�,ng �e�t�e�` „ � �' ��: ��,�� � �zn����.ng th� b��.��.c ��r���7day ��op:��.ng� neee�s �f� the� �commua��t:� �'o�°� ba.�i� �,��`��.� � g�t�ds and serv�c�?�� T.n cc�nt�a�`�9 bu,sa.nes�es ��nn��.aig Paca:��,� ��,�1i-- �aa��#� �; ' way ��r�d �o �e�ve `��� p�.ssirig ma�ta�zs� �:r�d a,�e c1i�.��c�ea��,zec� b� h�.g� F ";�,�� ��t � . , , , �,� � �ray r�:�xez��ed bus�.��s��� �ut�h as dx°a.ve�-ir�;>sg se��':iee� s��,t�dia�> mr�`��:�.'s ���.���;,�. n�E �.and .��;�tau�°a.���„ ���'�:���� � ��� i,P � . .. � . ' .. .. - '. ,.K # ��4-: 'n�� � � � � �PR�OB���,�NI�o T�he� �r�ai�f�c �cb�n�'� ����s �r�e,��ed �b� ���ve7.c��me�:� ����� �` , .� al�ng Paci ��� Nighway� ;re�.u� t f�r�n�n ���e ��c��� pc���i'�� 4�" �;�}� ,� f��' cu�^b �u�s un�Go ��i� hjghwa:�4 EaM�h a���t�s po��s�i;� �►�S `���� �����. ���, � ef�e=�� o� c�°e�t" ng an� �� n'����e��a� �r� �r���t�i� '���.��t�'��a��� ������� �,��� � , a�n�d �'���h� h.an��d - �u�n�ng_� m���m����s o�i:�v �Y�d o��;� o�F�.'.��� � �, ta� �`.��� . o i � � h� �h�uvay a �� : ,.w ; o t� � �_� �� . : � S5° . � . �.} y , kd '^ , . ,. 5 ,k .�y f t ���� S �.t3�:� �k�e �°ob��em a� �.���.i���� z� �� � �� c�� c �e ? , � �€ �� �?�� �-, � � p � g � � , �°�,� ��` �� �`�� �,F���i�r�� � ��a ���?� �i������.� c������.�p�ie,�'� ,r��;a.ns ���,n��o�C.���;,,�h�� �;z���i+�;��t�����������,;� �� ������,�-�4������� ,�i �4.s t .� r� +� �i'� . $T�,���,t 9 y �f g s a ea�'' r { r �, �,�' ��vh��t � k.. 3 k� s�, r � ��r�'�¢ �}W �N ��� � �� �'�"�u t � r y ! t� d�ak r"� _'Y 5a�i'r�`'�i� �i�� � �`r����y �'�r„�+""�'� � : kr § ��. � �� � �nsf:�`t1 �r ��t��#���f+Y'��,���.#� �a�?'�%k�'�,'{ �����3��:��i��u���`��1� �`�'�'�'�� _''�_'�s1��. s� '�'� �},��y �p � � . N��� , a t St Y � � �, �X ���"�?� t"�; `$S �h` °,} � � � k , �t ;�RC4'� ���� �, !st^ �.3 �r a ^� i y'.t€ � s �r p t 'i�'��ar§ rg a tn ��v��'�+�'��'� �a.��e�..rc.y�y n x y�",k �k 3����'`Y�"�;�'�1.�,, t�`�"�'�r>.s�l�$L�fi , �x�}t�.� a�� rt i aS �'�'s '�'.. a ! I I 7 ! I 1 7 t i 7 �" ... ' . . ' � . . . , . . � . . � ��. , y�a, � � "'� 7 s ;�,:;. K ��, _, �,� ,". . .. rw swry.v�w�,.:.:..�.�.a.�,..,,�.`.,,....r»..»,....,a.,M _. «»«....�.��..P«�,,........,e.«...»w�,,... ..�uru�wirY�aiiuirWalYMYrIiMi11AMYNW • j � � ;t � '� a � j pr�c�po�e� ^c��r►ba�n.ing �f��:cess pc+ints as a p�x^imary method of control . �'h zs m�thad d�p�x�ds upmn ��me degree c�f caap�ration by the px�ope�^ty ca��n�.r b�ca.i�sa a=^.�e�s �s a p.�°�aperty right �nless pur�chasedo The ; ��a.�e pxesent�.g �;anLrz,l�.s �:he �c�P;atic�n �f acce�s points �ay r�equa.x°ing pPx�mits wor� �u��b c�pErai�gs Cu�b wut.s wh�.�h �:r� c,lo�� t�g�th�� can ia�ua�ly� be ec�m'bined withoui; any� ad�;erse �.�f�e��.s �p�,�n ia��gn�s�„ As new businesses are cc�nstx�uc��d� the a,�cs;.��s paini:� �h�u��l b� �ha rninimum required fo� pr�oper tr��.ff�.c �:a.xc��.���ta� and,; wh��� p���.ib��; exis�ing �ur�b �uts �can be utiliz�d.. � �^�i.�y �?C�. P,.;.�•� f�� H�q���ay �,� d�zteZ�,�pc'ra� as a strip commerviaZ �.?.�h��:��;:v �"�x� = f,��",�:" ��,�rry�:n� ;:,�pa:�:t� nf th.�s h�gh�az� shc�uZd y<x:,4 �l�� Y�c;:��- - $ 7.; .��xai�� vnd adaa�pnt ecmmerrial dez�e Zopment �Y�w•c�:d h. � �•r�:H :r�;� }�� _ �, Th:'t r��dm .P:�Z.�,,�y ?; T�.: t�r� iv,fi ,...:�; ��f ��xf`� t� ar�� �:f"fieiertez�, f.hF n7,cmber ef Yri:�Ycu�:�;; �z ��s�� p.�. �:�T, mu�� b� k'e�t to a rrrinimum. Wh�r�ver , p~4��?;.� , �, hr� �Y.���Y ,: �x Pac.3if?�� Hig�waz� ,ShauZd be ,�Z.uster�d UY1C.� �yl/XY'� ,:'�".�'Y� �% ];�1C�Yt� �f�r'�Z l-2t,?.SS CIYIL� C.�Y'227P.2�Cl7a. .S� e4S YI,22J d� .e�.op.mGr..t ^ �}� � , �hF n�;mb�r af acaePS,s pc�in#� shouZd not G"'o��'F e� 1-� . v�.. .�;�" = r�._ •f� :�Y,� f%i r �"i r: 'r�ry.�ya�� ..'J2 , f%2 t Y Gl,f,t�'L t' !Z 1'�- ? :t + . . '�; , y- , � �Y j,, ayi�YlBc� ZJufyX . �,��.l .� . � , .. , ..�� a :.�Lt,. :� LJ:^, ��,').mU�. ( Q C�.t�+�i s�}aS' � t��? '�a� ;�( . " f t` n • . � i' �p� . . -:' , " .� , �� �� a ��l:;=�� E h1 : �r;F rn:�,�e;��; t,� �, t E a�d now pl anned and zoned � `;7; ,, ,w � ,;;a,�r�mE�. �. ,. �� � n r�,a �.� �y of 7iga�d is on �'��,� , t � �. � ��!�Y��y_ �`hr= s ��s+�� �:i � r� �.ongestior� on the ,rt c��w�,y :�r,d c t�� tes � �orr►me���s �� pa�tern r�equir�ang ",�. < h��:c.,.�� - ra ��e f�� s au��rnc�ba � e when mo�ing f�om �� rj�� tl,Gl. , i.! �r� .. i ����7 CJ � � Hna�,h�� ,�r���e��:.r; r����.., � ,.r.� fct:sm ���.�� cea.mme�°�a.a,�. cl��e�.opzn�nt is the � '�yF� �� t°�rramrr�c�.tf�3. �::�,�rr�..wna.r ; � y p�vd�uced� Wi�;h b�.s.xnesses strung �.1e�ng t>h� high:�?ay 5 c�n�--stc�p sh��p.ing fat� a va.�a��:y o.t gc��ads and �e�vi�es � �. b���mes �m assibl�� Tlx� �hc� p ppir�g °��ip becomes a se�ies of shaxt �:' ex�.tz:�s.icam� or� and �f'# �he h�.ghw.ayo Shopping be�omes an u�pleasa�t ��- e��a���en�;� be�aus� highway c:.a�ge�t�:on is inc�°��.sed by ianterma.ngl3,ng � �.' �h�ppang and �;h�r��t�gh traf:�:�.;�„ Such an �r��a�.�a�a�t s�iopp�ng elima�e ' v ��:�_�, u�1.�imatel.y r�e��,:�� �..n �hoppex�s patr��r.naz�.ng �ammu�ni�ies ti�v�.ng .'. ms��� c�c�n�r�n��;n� �h�pp:ang f a�°�.�a:fi i�s o �': � `t �.� g�nc�x�a�.,:�v' t��t� �h�t bu��.n+����,� l+��ated �n a s���.p kai�:k�way can � ' _� ,: k�� ��p�.x��:��� :i�a�c� ��wca b�si.� g•rry�ups, t�h�se o�.i��n�e�l to ��ie pass�.��' , t;���.�.��� �nci �;ha�� ��.��_��g�g th� 1ar���� ��rnt��n,��y� Tf�e 1�a�tte::r ty°p� , �ry ;< c��° k����,n��s �.� pao�'1� ��a��,t�c�d� �n �k�� st��.p be�aus:e it is a ge��r�� :` � u`{,� ,��r�� o� �raf�:a.�, e1;�a��,i�g pe�t��.� �to ::�� ���am �he su�°�atznd:i.�g cocXimt��,�.`�'� � .j r. ;,;; ,a �"�a� �1��.�� ���x�yc�a.�� s�c.~��p�t�g n�ed�� �'h�ase �tr:mrn�a��;�al �a��i:�ities '° .�.,f'r�� , , _ s��v;i�.g t'1�� �;����p� ��an�n�.r��.�,� �.�e �nas�G a�p��a�:�a�a�e�.�� lo��ted �.�: d, .'4� d Y, , ' ,�.'�T�p�),�17g" L:t�Tt"�G�"„ ; �s��' , �. ��� � _ , �� � mhe��.��a��, fi he la��gk�w��,..,da�.�3��a��c�,�'��s���s�es �1�o��.s�� ���t� ��r�o���� u�� r;�� �g �� �� �� t��s��zu�h�ar^� ������a�e l�e����� v�i�� �e�L� d� �h� �M�Ss��g �►t��a�'���`�. . �-����E� � �� ����.%�e� ,�'�� �k�x°ou�� ,���.���,� .wY���.�� ma,�i���,��;��g ��;� �,��, x ,��;��,�� � r �wT1C�: �?:�,'.� r� � 7���._. �� � � � '� ` ��� , i � �. �. �, . : � 3�.� �. .; r. : � . . '. t�=�"�R�y.s; �.'' �,m x4 �� S F �aa ,�r '. f�xxv. f s,m� t, z � �.�� �'���k,��!�'� �� ��� . �� _�.� ' � w a i w ;i•k �'?�k�� w��i� . r,��a ,�'�.- xa �S?��,.�'� � ����'s�" �' ����h 3 , �a .. 1, S.- "#.r �ea � Sl y ' fi ��#..M1Y 3 ss t'c��r.�u�'�p�.�" / I i i � � 1 t � I �� . ...:... ......... ..... �� � ,. . .. .... .. .. . ... ...... . ..,_. ,,....... . ....... .....,.. _. ........_ .......... . .� ......... ._..�,....... . n ,.>3. ,. F�� . . � . .. � , � � . .. ���'{ mi,� . . . . .. ' .. � � t 3 �'. .. ��. . . � . . . . .. �.� . ' -. � . . . . . ��� i �".� n �r� . . � . . _ . . . . . . � ' 1`�� ".: h �� E � , . � � ' . . . . . . .. � ���; s �v' - '� ;k%�° �, �. � � � ,���^ �, (; , � :� � � ° ��•; � ° t:�ac:k:��.an c,�.f �c�d:: t ; ,��a x N�ighlac�r�:.�od traffic., ThesA u��s include � . . SIAl�u d+ 4+ U�^ � , L� , ' � . � Yp..... a� c�,. °. �, in bu�xn�ssess ser�,�:s�e stations � s„�,� washe� , � mc�����. r���t�txranc:�, a��i ni�ht c].uk�� fi �%><i<�y 1�. H. °<ah��y��� �r�'--���d . .: mmFncr::xl. bz.��ir�ss�� �hc�uZd 1�rr�J� � s p:t�ti� r ;f� �+r�;° ,;f P a � r :� .H>,yhu��� f'r���n�ago b�ccxu:s�� th�� rzr� °; depe���'�rr; ,,cp ra �r�,p .; :I.���ne :^f' thr� �.��h �r�af`f'ic far the�.r ba�sir�.essa � :� ; I'�: 7 , ;�;� <3� f?.�x ?;r:��4�� < �x �u;•i."ti,� Hi�Yr�:zy sY�c�u7.� be vx�ie,n�ed �:�; t � " � � Q --,, ± ' , „,,: f , �.;; 7 r. � � . h _ e,x;:; � � r�a.?�-�z�� a�z.�' �r.rr� xdd�'U ..ona�. tz�cxff`zc frvm 17t; � �dj�x.aerai rr,m�,•r � tr� r":��ri�,rni?n.c=e .:�r� nei:�hbc�xhr�r�d �enta.r� sh��., -�', � �;h�z�f'��,°u, ?-��a p.x: hry,bi.*�d f`ri:,�n l��xt2rzg arc T'acri�'z�c Hi.gh2vayn � Pe7,;:,-=y 24 . I)� � ,prr..�,t sh � % 1 c.;=inr��:,�� r.atith, t�i� prrar�a,siar�s of pz�bZ�% � � : �t�.�?r�, !,sa�`a� �.:r�' ,��2.�rr°ag� ,�'ur�i��"��i2��a 'i"h��e fac�il2ties �hcz7� 7 � s he ;';z; �,a;�ra.?� '� :�t° �a�'�>��u::x�e�� ser^z��.ng aGt in;�ruening �rb�pe��z:es a� wP1l. ;a.:- r��� �:;r ,p:�sF:d dp�.y�l;�pmu�rt, and tbI desic�n�c� t� m�et �it.z� >>� �ti,��t;; � #�nd:ards �;IJMMERC`x:AL PRQFESSIQI�AL�-�OFF'ICL ��1RK �: I,n �'�.e T�Aan�•Ke �a:�rt �.cxn c.ff tt�� N�O, 10£3 acres are xndica.ted fa� C�+mm�r^:i.a �. Px,�f�ss� t�t�al cie�.elt�Z�m�nt . T�� �nt:ent i:s ta devez�zp a. 4' s��,�a.k�;� ��,Cau^l�an c : ±�`� <-�P ��;�rk cc:mpl�x, f�a.turing a �pac°iou� , campus-� �; �� I�ke :���;� an� t;h�� i� a� *r�.�tz4=e t� offi€;e tenants� Th� offi�:e �axk ` t�crmpl�.� will r��-�tx� r� ��pperrt��g Iand us�s such as rat,i.ng and c�,��- " �er��i����a �'a.c�� l..i��es T`h��p az�r.,i�.��ry u��s �h�u�d be lac��ed c�n a.n �nc�z�idual la��mx.fi ��q�u�st b�.sis , � �: ' � �; Th�; p�a.rs an.drrat�s a patter�n, af "�u�er�-h1c�r;k�" that wi�.1 �ae �x�eat�d � ' by va�a.t�ng �.xz�need�d se�rraen�s r�f e�,i.st i.n�;, de�x�at�d s�r��t r��la�- a �� t��.._w�.y ,. Th�s� sup�x-b?<�Mks i,�ilZ �aer�mit rhe cr�nso:t�d�.�s.o�a a:� lrznc� � `? h.r�ldxngs in�ca ;pa���e�� �ha.t wi.I T a�:c:omxrac�d�.'�� �.a�g� �.f:�,�c� d,��re���a- � mr�nts, �3.� �� � , �� � Pc��i�� �5.. iy� ���� I.� z��Y;��;� �'�`d�"��� k'r�r�k� d�vP 'l-c�pmen�� ��� szngZe �a��� : ` � , . A� A4 ��� t;"�� �8 F"+,f� �.:�'F � ��Y+ �'X!£? �t.°;Y`l� ta�2��� 1'Jt' G�2�f.fULIY"CZ,C.J'�C�o � �f�i� �. � `�:� Tr� cn�:ny �.as��; tYa� �r�sen� 1�,t,t.�ng pa�.t�x�n co�sY.�ts �.� �e.�.�,��.,v��.�r.; ; , �. �ma:�:l ��t� wh�.�_h. f'�u�t��.te �kh� �Ian 's a�ijecttu�e c�� ��:c�^��.r�,�.��; ap � ,{���� ��. ,. c�ff.'.�c��-��,znpus �nu.xx,.�n�n�nt :�ar4 u��� su�k� �,� �cr�°p���.�� k�ea��1.�,u�.�°���°s ; , �#�; 'k,t, _ a�d g�ra���.�. leas� �a�'�;:�c�� sp�.c�� �vexy ��`�c�:zk'� ���iu�c� b� m�.�� �c� �°;,�'��� t # �'a��:Y �.�G��a� �Y�e �gg��g�t.�+�n �a� e�a.���.ng �m�,�.�. par���.� xntc� ' xa�g�x� `� � . �`�� . � � 1�s��,d��,�g�a De���l.o�r��;n� c��� pa�c���.� c��' �,���� ��.�n �,n a,c�r�e �k��au�d. �c��z�-��� x���� ,� �e ��rma� k��� 'und�r �p���.a� c,��������r��.��,� ��z.m�.�a.�y vV�iea� a.� ��,�a �� �s��xT� �. �<� � �` �h:r�w�n ����: the .p��� "� ��,jec��.�� �� �aa�°o�v�.d� �p�..��` ��<a�;�� :����.���.��;�:� ��:�`����"� �,.,. �, � � �� ���.�� e1����_r���n�n� w����. ��� �� �.����a��u�p�� �,�� •. , � , - , � ,,�� �; � ��� � � P��i:�� ��a �'a.t:3�:in �h� ��„��c�� .i����Z ,�,��� �=zc��������s� ��:�� �����, er;;� ;�����`��. ��- a �n�te��`��:�t.�n�rt�, r��i�€�Z �r�� ���t`�����.c��z ,����.�{!��'��� ��� ���t��'����f��z�� �1�,� � � , , � �� ��G�3,� �'��'i��ts� '�� ��e� �"�?�.���.� �� 'lr�s� �¢s��f'�'�2'��'��` �c�7t�`�t'�����'k� ��G��"� � �'� � �: ��� r +J�T� 7� ,.y yy y �{ ���rn�r���:l�a ��a��� r���1� ��;��cs���� ������e���zrte��°� �� ������� �,� ��-,,�",�� ��z , Y�� . 4� ��re�. ��4+�/b'�� �rr`'� lJ`����.�� &�'����, �i��L� ,�"�y�,�'< �,J��r'�,-��i��.'��"r�'�`��r��:� ��, a����._. � �� t��� iy�$y� :;�C�t'�t�`�${ ��.�y ,�L,$°��S:G�?a,�= r&��p���{6�y*' ��J�r} -,'(�� ch��a�,�' ��,��� �� �x� k"`�"�������� ���,��I�y�*���;��"�� ta�� :.kp �.J�JI Y �aM1Y,��M (N�Y✓ ����C'�S�'� �if�R ���61�R'�.�'l,eS�e��: �e�������� � -i t�' 4i'k. � ���[�"{�` ��b� .�.� '. ,3 s ; a + ' , sr. 3'�'Sr=' ,�F r��'+r�'� ha: } d � ���, �� ,�,'x�...,��.� �. �tk�C� . �. � r�t� �r �F ,� �`7����"5 + `%iL'G't�xL� `�t � -'�'n'y .� t a, mi 4'� t'r�k *x �+ t s� g y a �* r r � .��, a i :�y 9 ,, � s,�"�.�`".�, �� �;5'z��,r ���y ���i�' � i �1, 4� `N`�x G 7 � V � ` `.t��c �'� e:s � �s��S .�. `� t�p"R�p a� ' '�, r fi i'� a,�;,�;�;� � .�s�h�, �. 1 :��'�--s ,k'� �'.e,��``�.;,," e:�.+�,�.� s��-�.'s-���_ ,� , r. f l 1 ' r � � ' I P �t ���+� �s. � ��m � �� �� �`� � �` " � ��YilfklluWBU�47iWii4r�iwaw.rrw,�,�..-- . -.._.-.,..,._...._....,:..._._�...:...___...__»....�._._ �........,._.-_..,...._..._..__.._.,�....n.__......_�_ '..�.�______.��..:._.�. _......W_�..:._:..._... .... _.�_.,_._,._.._.... _ ___......_ ���� 4{ �• w,� . �` � �,' �, �spw �: �^ � ' /� , �3g �;G:W�Yt, r:�`�� ,GY7{c_��r,-c�:t� 5 j''YA�'P.ir7'..t.1�. L7�"tl.� s�7;T2 f�2y�92Z1�.'a �, � t,,�.i ?�°°n� �ra��h.µ s �rc� t-� 75 f�e� ��Z� be penmit�edn �; �3: �* f��y�•�n 58t1�c :a�cd 717t,�i A :,YrnT.r..o�, builaing he�gY� G� u� �;u � �; ;:�L�*; �^� � i; , t��� �2�;��.cx�ii�1"� ZYG L`ZlP (X2'"r`;:X �'32�%ZJ22.i� v�z. ,f..: .0 , . ,�� �BY?�7ZT " 5y?:�i A:%enue a:.n.d �'r7�� A:a?p�rx.�, b�iZding hei�gY��:� sha�Z n.�t e.�ea���d 3G {"eef� ;:� i�n��r�d� rn�.z�� than �-zan �tvri�e �' �s ;j.���.g a� #h� r<•x,nd dtir�ect�-r� r�est :��" i0�h Ar���zue � ��m�Y�>,�?� a z��vydQrx�zaZ -��n.var�s%c�n unzt �vhic.bh has n.cf . 7�„� l: ��� �.n.r� ,�r�Y" r?^Y�wY,-vS2'JYl �O 71�?Yl-^X°F,:SZt�G'Y!.'��Ct� 'u'L3Yd27ZC�, _;` �NDCI�'1'RIAL n�VELOPMENT � �; �'he '74 a.c;r�e pc���F ���n �� �h�: Ti�ard T��atigie w�st r�f 72nd Aver�ue is ��a.ted �`or h�.gh qr.��l �t y ��dust:r�al d�cTe.lc��ament as a res��.a�ch and '': devPl�;panent z�a.rk�e. The Re�e�.�°ch and De�relap.m�nt d�.st;�z�;t i.s de�ignecl ' to �er�.m�.fi r���A�x��Yz and .� imited pxadu�°�:fan a� �r�cxsic�n type �rc�ducts, �": �t� r�;�n,�u�n�t:.c�n w:i�h ra�mpat;z'�Y� c��'f'ice a�:t�.�rztyo The permitt�ci uses �' wct��,�d b� �.� :�:,� �:�w� ;. �;. � �`; �- (?ffz�,r� }��aa.lc�n �g� -- �.x�c°.uti�re csr a�minist;xdtac�n, �r�du�tiial. ,;' px�,.,�.tuct.="_��al.��and sex��ia��e , and ��cz£ess�on�,1 r��'Fa.c�� , �4 �: - R.�s��rc�}� ��.�d I��a°�l��zn�nt_Y�ab�.�atc�rie� iizcltxdin� ex:��ri_ � �n�n���a�_�...�t��r �ng and p.���es�in.g� f�a�.i:��t1e��- � �. � � �� �; - M�n�s�ctu��:4�g �.nd Assemb%y m e�cctrc�nzcs inst:ruments , equip� °- m�n�Y�l��tr ��a� de�ices and �r�c%si�aza tac�ls or de�ri��ss ��`: � -� Tr�a.deY Sk� 's.l,s c�r•�Indu�t�^��.�. Schools �s - T�t�1a2.ishxng, �'�r�nting ar�d B�ac�l�t�indin� Fa�il�.ta.es . � _._,. ._.._. -- .�.�.,.,-,. � - Manu�a�tu�°�i�g - m�da.�.in�s �.nd phax�ma��uticals � ;� X'v��ry ��, Ue���Z„�pm�a�t �.vi�: T ,;,.,�,?:r�.�:id�. �H"�h �-h�. ��ovis2,r���� of �+��a1.7,� ' '' r�tr°�� �.. �vr�tPx a�a` �e±aei �r � a � X-a�t�e�� Th�$� a��= "L�t2e� ��r��� t� �� >a� �` � .�'" ,� , ��•� b� ('�; r.rar�la�.� r,�" cxcl.��ua��Zy t����z.�irrg a7.Z in.��,�z�en��g p.�c��r�x����� ��� �� �� u�a1 Z a� ��P pr�c��f�s��� der���c��m�n�, anc� • lb) c��signer� �c� m�e� '�a city c�z� �:i�r��y s�t:.x�adrzr�r��o � .. . . . .. .�,b€� .4-✓l✓1•!.°4� +Ir"F17�¢ .�`(�f.��.t� i:.l�Z�:�✓ W�s�."�. i!.'fI11jGl{r�.+ 13'&�4�..�V"W WW���IJt"!!<� liR1J l42x��:.. la�i.4�'WGL.L"�iii � � i#.'r. � � �� hu.a�7,dz.r� � a.nd �z�t��: d��ti �a ���_'T'�� �I�p�� n .���i��r� �c���d u��L� � ; ���-.�° ��- 9 9 ' ° 9 � � r��a���u? �h� s��te pt��t�z ,;� e�z�h ,���p�sed c�e�e�r�pm�n�# as p�a�?�:t���' � �`���, ��. in tYz� �.:�ni.�zc� r��c��:na�a�e, %n� c�rd�z� �� czaa�.z��z�e �h� vc�mpa��:�ai.�,��� ���"4t�-�� �� �.� � � � �� ��a�i����r�cZa�� a�c��s�, s�zgrz��, ���?����2�;. bu��t�^i�a� ��a�c���m�n� ��� �� �;� �� ��� �.: d���.gn�, arcd Zan�'���a��s�n� �z.�h .ad�r����ng r.����; �4r��C�°.��x��t���� � �'��� r°� ��� , �. � c�rac� ���pr�a�er�ri :1°���� r.a;�mp�.�;s ra�° gar�� d�,s��n, .�zZ������/. �?x����.�x�� $z���� � ��� � � � �� i� ��t� �etigl��r�.r�i�c:d, .�Yz��.�:� �.�a��d� �6��� r�a�°�n �Q�� ����"��:�?���pa� �` �r� , � {_�� ,:. �Pr����U� Br�a�d a�hpYU cran,��z.d�.���.�; r���r. d�������ti��,�� rz�c� ��� ��;�c������ � � . . y /y�.F t(, - ,yu�y ry�y�y � . �� � �� T�.,. � :� V� �bV�e.���S✓[k� �W/Fi'/l�:F: . . ., ._ � : ���:� . )p _ . .. ,. � ,; � � � >.�"��� � . � �'�r�;�y ��:. Ilr�� ��" �7r�xzrt�r�: �trci� ���?;�L�pm�:n� ��*r�c,�d�t��,� �� ���+����'����� 'r� , ; . `,f. �� �r�d�x ���� b���:�� �d��+��� ��tr��z������a,� i�����o�?�t��'�$; t���� �������� ������` � �„�. �;�� . ; � ( '���I.yL� �faF:�o � � � ����;-, x . � �. ,. � , , . � r' �! �a'#u . � ( ,,� / a J q��); Rj ,( j� �j/5'y��y yyy '�a� "5 �}�'�'�������� f�sj,,� ��k�,y� ��� � �,��` �"-.*1*r �vF F ' ���Y`^f�� �4� �Fr.��NA K��91��{3.� �CY'���NW �ft�A�N' � ^* �M 9t� � � ,� � 'EW +� .�,� �3� ' �o� '��,�F�u ���'N���iiE .��h�`i��w]+�S�X .�`� Y 4 5'�� t� x � '�4 t�"t h �,��w�'��`m{$�'��`kP ���._���`d. r � L a��r` ,� � ,�� � S a �����,,� � : _ . � �, i � G'`�' 9P r� *a �Pt 3 7"n r* �:s_ _�.� % t �yta� ,.7 iaza .�utR'�n nn`� g,{�&t�.5��'w+4�� �� .� ��:�_{ . . ; � '� f Y �$ l`C i � �' �"��A '�'J ' �. f v .,� a �` 4 :t�`�� � ,,fr�-��'4r�i" n�� �� r'� C ��,g r �, �� �, ri ` z �$t�� �� �� i � � � rr;t.rx '+`s�,�, i +� a,�c �r n� A� '� �:� '� ^ i �,� ���,���_,� r,�'P �,"v���#�,���rt"� �.�� � � ���p�w�'�� .�N� � � � � ! t ( � 1 � � � ) ) E _ _. _ . _ � ,�' ' , � � �, �,A �� � � � � � � �� �i;, � � � � a��. C. u:,-. . � i'`�� , � � � � � "�v� � r : :..nh�'��iT3ii7'�R�iSAi"YiWit�.�+wa�wracw�wwm.n..rw....«,.«...�.... ..._._.......... _._.__._.._... _.._. . _ .__.......,�.._..__. .. .._. . . _.._ ... .__ _.._._. . _.._.._._ . .:_ ..._ �r waw( ' �X • �� s � t; � � � �` NEIGHBORHOOD S7.'REETS �� ':� � '� The ��aft"�, circ�il�ctlr,>� eYem�nt ��f the N�:Lghbarhaod l�l�.n :is int�Yacled ,� t� pruoU�.de t,h� nec�ess�ry aut�mob�_le a�cess to Commerc�.al ��nc( irr<itz;y_. +� �:rxa� p�opext.y whzle av�iding r��ngastic�n and minimizizx� �t�e; imX��.�t � ��' t�a�fir; up�i� th� xPSidPnfii.al area.. The s5�st�m oi str��ets r�p-- � x�esented on t�h� Plan ha,� been� analyz�r� by a �ansulting �raf�"ir: � � engineer y Carl Fi�t;tke, ta det�rmine the best znethad c�t" m.ina.rna.zi.��:� � thr�o�u�h t�af�ic on x�sidential. streets while accammocl�.tin� �h�.e � � �� 1��ighbc�rhoad-�ene�ated t,raf'fic . -.� �: � � Wh�n t.h� NP0 h�d ec�m,plpt�d a pxe:lim:i.nar�y land use plan it wa,s turn�d � t ov�t� �ta Mr � �ia�t*.k� whc} t�.stec� alte:rna.1:� sta:°€�Ft; nei;work� ds�igiae�c[ �:c;ti � �ex��€; t�� �rcypcsPd land us� patte��n ., "I"t�� x�esu:ll�s at tha.s study ar�� � in.;:luded in a ��e�ort r���ailable at Gity Hall > Th� r�;�anrt anal.y�e� � s���e.ra7 alternate st r��t netwc��°ks arid x�c�mtn�nds �, �ystem bes�: ��.ti�:Fy.iz�g the gnal of' :���cnmmc�datin:�; th� IVeighbGrllcsod-genera�t�d ; �.t��,ffir , whi.lw mi�imizin� thrr�ugh traf°ti.c in resid�r�'ti.a1 �.r�as� x 7 Fc��l ��.�w�.ng �rp Cwo c�t' �Lhe n�[�wc�rl�:� t;�ste��� �'l�e S�i�S'G i.� 9;lae "d� ' � nothi.ng" ttltPxnatz��e wh��h te5ts the Q��.Sti.ng street nel;wQx°1�5 ' � abilrty tca handle antic5pat.F�d trai'fa.c ]c�ads anc� the sec.c�nd �.s thc� ; a�l�Gc�rnal'.i ��� re�����mrr��nclecl k�v �C.his .�la.n �'o�° p�z�:e��aca�ES of L�i�vi��;�r , 'i i:he c;th�:r° al tern�tic�es �.re nc�t dascuss�d , Anyone having a mc�re � c�Pta�].�d .�a: • :: �.:;t �z� : �:.� :�;:nsu%t th� c��m�aletP x°epr�rt .. :� �� :i A� tp4"nal' au� 1 '•� `J �Iltert�a�� ve 1 ? � ar, exam� nat � on of tra�'fic ��nd�t� ans in the P��igr►bar- � hood w� rh the e�� sting c� rculat7on systenro Basical 'ly9 iG rpprc�sents � a "c�o nn�hing" pn� ��y � n r�gar� �o str�et modifica�� ans but� assumes tha�, ex� s�tng st�°eets and 7ntersect� ons wi11 be impr�ved to ac� �omrnc�date th� p�ojeGi;�d traff� c va� ume� ., ;';� F�b gur�e 1 � r�d��a�es th� �: a rc�al at�i�an sysl:�n1 and the exp�r�ed aver��.c�e : ��� weekday ��°a ff� �� ��� um�s when th� N� i ghbonc��od i s ��r11 y cJ���� o�er,1 ���ar�c��ng to �Gh� � ar�d us�s designa��d on �h� �al �n m��� . ;f ;;. 1"h� �ut�r�e ��t�ma��d �raff ic: �ss� �n�npnt f�r R1 t�r°n��C� �r� � a � �hawn �� c�n �� yur°P � �. ��- �� �`h� �xi��� ng str�eet s�y;��tem � i � 1 rlad�r�ua�G� �to �erv� th� �f�a�ur� Aw `°" �ra�fi � r���ds a�' the n�� ghl�or�hnad4 �'Yr� pr�mary d���ci�ncies a��,�r .� �� . �r� �he T�°��n�� � where �he �rc��os�d buslness d�v�l �pm�n#; cr��°�es .����� `` ,,: �h� n��d fo� a Cont� nu�us stre�� sy���nr wi�h h��h cap��lty �c�nr�ee�tivn�. � s� 1�� �,he ad,ia�e��t f't�eew�y� �nd t��ci ��ic I�� �{�w�y4 � ,h � , , � ; ����,�, � . �1� �erCl�a�1 �r@ 2 ,,e r����' a � �4 ; �� ,�: "�he ��cpncl �1 ���n��•� �r� pr�pc�s�s � ��r��� sys.:G�m ci���gn�c� ta �arr�.� ' '�. � �� I �,.. . . . . . . . , �#�Y 6.Y �...,. ..�, i �,#M ". 7��� � � �T`�S��� ph���� "��� s��� . ��r��e� � ����r�k�, r����s ��C� ��t.�� p�r���s��� ���r��:�� , % ����� �,� ,�����n �r�d ��"�i� phys� c�a �ari � �� �n a,� ��►ra�� si��t��'�� A `X����� �d -� .. . y k����� w E ��' . , J ��: ��.�. 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''� 0 �,♦`+ *� � d n° � e�tt, y� �G,y BNELA4b • , M N � u ti /rd r,� : P • .. � �7(,44 �'�/ OOQ r OQ k'� � GONSAG `� V v .�p y y M �j ° r r � . ST `�O MAMPTO � .��j a ►3oow. 4000 /4oQQ � : � q '� o w QF4, yr O � y ti� t �Q v�aws Qeo • . 0 *p � O �A �� h O � O'M�pn ' � � � ,F-., GHY.4ht �a Q8�� '1( p` fDGCWOOO �Y SANODYRL w• Mc Qow�o r7 pp � 7 O ((000 ,p 04 p . 4uoH�wK O a1� ' • O QO. �1 . Q � y� � o ; ;, � N ia a ' c o� eou�r� ao. �j600d � 50ac� �I � RN�YheoM � O � I M{1116oG1� / Q � �, . o r , � o �, ° m . . O n ^ r� N ��a ppd . SATTLEp ST. d.00O � RClSS (� O . � • U � O 4 � O h a o , � � h . ' � o r in a o 1 ��+ ' a� _ �, n e o � . . p � ��f � _ . • Ou4NAM R0. �300 0 Z 060A � �A'O•� WALIMYGTOM � ✓ a{ / F`~ �� ���y • , � , � ~ � J��� � J . � N � � . �O'T E : aI�T�RR1AT�vE .Z "DA��Y "TRA�E tc. '1'N�Lo�4 H 'LQAF F1� NoT 1�.►cwo�0 �µ�� ' o N T-5, �t�i W, oR '�17 . �" ..�.,., .,,_�:.; "':;::_ 3 . .. _. ,. .. .�. ;� .. . ... �..:,, .. . ,.,.. � . � . p���jected futu�e f.r�� ff�� �o� umes and to p�ov� de adequa�e vehic�a� ar arres� t�� a � � prap�rfi� es � oca��d w� th i n t�he r�e? ghbor��road o 7"he mo� t� not�ab� e feai;u�es ar4e a cannec�tion o� Pfaffle and Dartmou�h to fa�rm a majo� �astmwe :> t � � nk b�tween Pacifi� H� ghwdy a�d ���5 and a 1 �c,E� �.t�eet wh � r,h wou� d pr�a�r� de dCC@S5 ta fi;he � and w�st of 72nc� .� T�I�ASED DEV':ELOPM�N�' OF �HE STRCET PI�AN C���s�ru�:1:a.on o f' the p�°t�pos�d �t�eet systern r�epl esents the mas�, suY�.-. st�ntia3 pub].ic far�.�.liti�s ecasts which f�zr�ther de�relapm�nt o:� t.ii� nesghbox°h�ad. w3I� r�qus�e , The :mc�st ef�x.�a.en1, methocl a� c�nstr�irst-�. �.n,� thi� �y��t,,erra is .in phases au develo�me�nt oc.^cu.rso �rhe:�e:L«�e , c��,_ re:tczpment wzll be pe�mftted in t�i.ose pc��°tinns o� thc z�.eighbvrh��� wriere the s1:x°ea�t system has been improved to meet the inc.r�ased tr�,f:Eic c�emands., Ti�.:�s ph�.s:ing a�' development to coinc.ide witr�. the , pr��iv�.sa.an o� adect2zate streets wiJ.� assu�e tha� the traffic demands y°�lsultzng from fu�°t:he:r de�rela�ment will n�t exce�d the c,ar�yi:�g �apd�;ity af the stx�eet syst�m� F'-, � t'�_,z� 320 7'72e r�e.zan,r:ng oj' pr�op�r•�!;y t� more 2nfien,sivP uses (nr Ci:.ty �estiqaz a,�pr��;uaZ af pro�e�:�t� on pre�r�iousZy re�an�� prra�.��r�- F�os) �.�i' ? Z cnZ� be p�rmi�,ted. ��n �a.r>ceZs servec� by a s��ee1: im- pr�cis�� t.n unban st<xrr.dcrrds„ Z'he �treet rnust be fuL2.y impr�t�ed � �'r�cm �:he sub�jn .n,�t p�rc�e? ?;o �t12e neares� f`raeway in;e.i�change rar Pa�?fz:a .Fii�hu.��zy �c,n�2�r�tion�. The p:�iniar. y i.mplicat.�ara o�f Pal.zcy 3� i� that �;he se�arate �x•t��.��rty c?wners w�_11 ha�re to wark cor�p�rati.��ely tawarrl upgx�adin� th� ��,r�e��s sea°crJng their �a�crpextz�s� This c,a.n be accsom��lish.�d by the loc;f�,l. imp�avem�nfi dist�rict p�r�ocess which qualzf��.es i:h� prape�ty own�x°s rc�rr "ic�w int;er�e��l. , .lc�ng_-�.erm �znancir�go In additian , r�tiz��m�r�t; c�� �the bonds sr,l.d �;� �a.n�.ncP �he s�r.reet improvements r,�1a1d com� f.rram th� pztoc�.yec�s ai the ta�. inc.x°e�ien.t �'zna:c�ciiig me�thcad ci�5c:�:i��.�r.�.� c�Y� t,h� follawin.g pag�� �.C}.7e pha�ing seq,u�r�ee 1.s d�splayerl on i`zgures 3 �.nd 4 > W11a.3.� �the i nt�nt i s to .mats�h develc�pme,nt to a s1;x°�et im�rovr-�men�t, s�;c�tit�nce , it dc�es not. :�c�rest;a:ll th� dev�lopmeni; ac�°uzr��.ng c�ui: r��E sequenc� ��r.�c�wa.dirag t;hat �,he zieces�ar�y si�.r.e�t implo'vemen:ts �.x�; madeo ��c�r i nstance, rane oa mo��; pr�csp�xty oWne�r�s ma,y �ho�se �tc� b�ar i;h� c°r�si:�; r,ri thc�se �treet imprca�r�rrzents w'hich would quaa.a,�y th��.r° p�c�p�x �,y� f:c�z� i.xn�x��di.a�Le d�ve;tapm�nt , C��weva�°, the pY��.s.ing s�gta:�rice wil.l k�� i.x5eci as the basis f<>r° prog�a�ra capital i.rnp�ovemen�:s w1�.i.c�h ar�� ��tbl rr=-- � y funded� rI'h� a�lanl�ed s�t.re��k s�st�rta �1c�o1�5� �`a� it7tc� �tl�e �'��.t�tt.lrF� a�n�l t�a�ca,�?c�,�t���_: � c:o� ��ctor s'Creet ne��w�rk� desi�ned Lr� se�vN tl-�� T.�za.n�l� cvk���t �� 1. Z 1 �znd l.ise h�.s be�n convPrl.ed �ca non�-�esa_c�en'��.a,.l i,Y1�c�s � ThF. 1'nc�.����i,t°i�- �il :p��rk arca w���t: af 72nd S�x�eet wi�.l zic�t �� ef:�'�ctavel.y sF,i��r� hy � t h�:� .1.��� �rc��.d ����op�sed 1.� �ass �,h��c.�ugh :it unta.l tl�e sch.r�a7. �,nc� �c��- ,j G�.���nl resicient a.al. subdi.vi�ic�n a.xe converi;ed�-an e�eni- r�o•t 1 i.icc.-1 y r,, c�,c�r,�ur f'o:r a c:onsiclPr��:b7.e l�ngth o� t�me , The�efc�r� , �. ��tb�,'i.d'��x�5r ?cact�t7. six�eet: systemy des.z��zied tc� eventuaJ.ly la.nk itp t�i th� c:,c�l.l.�c�t,or° �r ._ _ . / :.,,:,�, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ . .__ . . � � I �• ,.. _ ;. .. : ��---- F I AO y ���� _ � 1 1 1 n�I��� t�.. .. '., ,�� 'O�II 57 � t � �� s.r o�K sr « y`' � i� aax i ''�j ► " sT.ti. .� ` • r„ � !! / ����' .i� '�:.� .� Y �. � Saf. � ryN[ I q� f • `�/ � , _��� „ � Jry ♦ ►j 1 �^�� j� �► < SW '—�... _:,i ��5?R�f����u 5. . SN� y hC� .__�_._.�.:.�._._""_"�"'�' . �/ �� tii � _�' ( � . �} W / S.r Y•• / '- indM'LT. i 'u � \ IONGi1� 5.11'. �.••y TMOM i. t j�. I�I \..... �"��.""'� St. ` .�� �4' � Y�N2�MIiA ^ L'u� . . 3T 3 !� � I DAM071�__'�fT. o R ' :(......�r N ui G`�� ..rw�"� II I� Vn i��1- � � . �al p I I(y '1 � SM. A yT„ i � �•, . II � i > �./� f�.W: N�1 u `,�4 / p1Y17� �� �_.��] Sl�. . '... M�LDI � I �sw.�� i �f � -� � y ,(q]��� 1� S.M, . � t~t.�� ��`� �i ouy.�� ,,. s..�,�L - . 'I St�p c � f 1� j� � CLIMTOM��....A f . 4 .1 0 �� � . '4 .�.I . ° .. �. i i '. �s = in. , 1 , .�T�a�-� T � �, �_., �__ ,_._......�. ,. ' x.w.�i �� `�^ � II 'w �; � � [4YM��IIST " � �:'^^ �y � �� ��� �r 1 � �p wQ �1 � � +1� . 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' l . • - }y U � � � .�I ] �.N:»0. �� I � I ' ' � � , , . � . .J .r"'F..v � I }n' . � �\, .f�; � CL��' 7 ST . . . � ` , :.l �4_.,,,1. . ."I. �_ .. �..i� �� � � j -. wup,y,3p wAr ��. �i � � _. ' �� ."i � s. r 1,j. � s. t srt. �� I' !� • ' -- J�- � s. _ ��, I r.� . , � s, �1 _`� �: ► . >�, .�� �,, .:��� �.s . '�a. .. . . . � . .. . � -51N[V. . � � . . � . . W.' fl.�. . . . a".. S r � . . .. ���� . � . . . � . � . . . . . �� . . . . . . . � . . . � .I.' � .� . . . . • . Figure G .-. , �. .. . _ ,. . ... ., ,. s, ..�.. �_..._ ,' �," net�wo:��v �x�i 11 b� necessary to provide access to 'che indiv�d{��,1 �ax- cel� in the industrial a,reao This local system w:il.l be des�:gned ii� conjunction with. private developmen�: proposa�.s :Cor this �.rea ' at t�e time th��Sr are put forward, � i The three policies that fa3.low wzre chosen by the NPO to minimize �he impacts of bus9.ness-os�iented t�°aff'ic upon the residences zn �h�: con�rersion units� Po?ir:� 3��., Ai? e�ist2ng dead-•end re,stidentiaZ st�eets zn the eon- ve.rsze�n un.its shttZZ remain eZc�s�ed to through tr�ct.�'fie unti� �u�h. time a,s 75 per eent vf t�he owne�n ac.cupant,-s ha�e ��oted. tc ��n�ro�± t,he zonin,q to a n.on-r�sideni:ix7. categoryo Po?:cy 34m Imprnved stre�ts shaZZ no� be a.csed as bounda��:es ox� separ�czti;;n be±useert th� r�esident�.c�Z eonvers2ort units cand eum- mercia Z j'indus tria Z Zand use arr��z�, ���z�� 35o S, W� "Oth Averue ghaZZ not be i.mp�ov,�� zGn,t,iZ FYr.Q a�l-- �j�,ining �onver•sion uni¢ 7zas v�ted favorabZz� t�� e:anz�er� f:rc:rrr r�r�sidentia.7, �t,o ��ff`��� par�k u�e. In. ordP:r to �r�c�vide �tncess t. the prnpertties betw�Pn. S. Wo 70th and S, W, 68th, cza thez/ are d�veZoped in.o eommeneiaZ-profecszanaZ t�p�s a,f usES, S> GJ 69t.h Avert.u� slzal ? be impraved� � � Str�et Classa.fz.ca�tion j ____._. ��txbee�t;s an the Plan a.re designated. 7.ccox�d.:ing to f;he .f"c��.lowing classi�icai;ion syst.emo �R.TERLAI, STREETS Purpos�o to �a�^ry hign va�.um� traf.f�.c flow ancl to cc�n�PC�� ma.ioi tra�:E�.c genexata.ng areas such as r�es�.dent i al nei.ghbonc��ads 5 corr�ne.rci al centers, industrial areas and n�ax�by c�m- muni•h_ies,. Ax�terial Sta.ndards4 Right-of�way wid�Ch 80 fePt - 120 .fEet Pavement width 12 .�eei; l�ex lane Mavi.ng lan�s 2 -- 4 Vr�7.ume 6 , C100 - 20,qU0 ve.hic:�.Ps per day • Dra.ving speed 25 - 45 mi.lea pex hottr Arterza.l Streets Des7.gnated by the Plai�> Pacifx.c Hi�;h�vay Fia1.1 Boulevard � �. � ,�s,. a:... _ .. . . . . .. . . . . . . „ .. .:.. .. , ., ...t... ._.�ii_. ._ .__ .._ . �..,..� .cu. � �� . .::... .........��,.... ' Aw,. ::. , i �..�, . ... ... ... .._ •__ _ ..,.... .. ��-h Y COI�Z,.ECZ'OR �TREETS Pu�pase� to rollect ancl dists�ibute traf�ic betw�en axterial and local streets ar� d:irectly ta tx°affzc destinati�nsa A s�condary purpose is to px�ovide access �o abut;ting p�oper�i�su Collector Standards� pavemerzt width 36 -- 40 .feet R:i.ght-of-way width 60 for�t minimum Moving �anes 2 V�l.um� 1 9 500 -� 13,000 �eh.ic7.�U p�� day Driving speed 20 � 35 m:iles per hou�° Collector S�reets Desa.gnated by th� Plano l�equiring a 36-foot pavement seci:io�10 Franklin 70th (see Po:i.icy 35j Oak, west �af Ha.l]. Boul.eva�d Atlanta, west of 68th �,_ Requiring a 40-foot pavement section : 68�h ?2nd The Ham�ton �.0 69th Westexly 1.oap road The Dartmoul:h ta P�affle conn�etion (�;�ith. 48 feet at the i�ter�sect�.on o�' Pa���ic Highway) Pfaffle Atlanta-Ha.a.nes , ea.st af 68th I.,OCAL STRE�TS ' All remai.ning streets r�ot spec�_�i.ed .�or ari:e:�ia1. or co�lec�tor status Fux�pose o `to pr�vide acces� t� pxc�perties �butting th� str��et L�ca:1 Standards : New St�.reets , Right-���way 5C1 �- kiCl :E� � (5� �`c�c�� m�.n zm�z.m) ,! , Pavement wid.�ln 32 - 36 �eet � Mav�ng 1.anes 2 Vo�.ume 0 - 7., 500 �e!-ia_�1es �e� d�.y' nYT�.v�.ng speec�� l0 - 25 rna.le� ,pea� ho•u� , Cux-de-sacs 40 �t, xadiu� �u�n, ax�c�und , a.nd 400 �t; o maxicnum ��a��'�lx �_ _. . . _..:.._.. . � _. _..,...m :._. . .._:.v �,.�_.�.� ----. ____� _ 1 �^` zMPLEMENTATLON PROURAM TkaY,�; pl��n w�.11 be zrnplemented by mean� a� guidin� the con�,x.nu�d r.l�ve�oprn�.r�t c-,! r. 1�e neighboz^hc�od, Rezoning wi.11 be init i�t;�c� i:1� the c��ty anly wher°� necessary to proiect the integri�y c�t' tki� ��] ��r� ; i.n most r_ases , wh�n an ax�ea � s Loned �ar a moze in�ense us� �than dE�sxgn,ated 'r�y the plan .. Therefox^e, the maj�rity of x��zoni.ng wi�.7 c�±�d°�ar aY, the requesfi of or�e o� more pr����r�ty owners , px•ima.r:il.y when i-!- ca,n be demons�tr�.�:.�d. th.a.t; adequate public faci.lit�es am�e i.n pl�:�.r.�= tc� serve thP proposed use arad th�t a community z�eed �s prescnt (5�e P�1icy� 32 . ) The r� i�y �;u�fer^s f�°om a la�k of the fananc.i.al s�esaurc�s �°�c.�t�.ir:-,�:� ' �,� 5u��1��.,y the sr��~�rices whi.ch �the .lan.d u�e ss�stem px�opc�sed b,y tlx:i,� l��.an wi."� demand, Therefo�e, the emphasis is �i�cessarily plaaed ��pnz� d�v��c���ment to bear� a majox�ity of the finanr. ia1 x�s��onsib:il:ity . A t.}1�°ee-pr�onged method fox� f inancing o� the nec�ssary ,�ub1 ic fa-- =:•:ilities �s p��posed� 1 The farmati�n of a dev�� �prnent d� str°i ct � n �he Ti g��rd T�°i angl e and the use af tax i i�ct°ement f i rlanci ng �t� fu�cf �mproveirient pr�jec��Gs sponsored by the di str� t�t � 2 . The use oi' Ti �ard '' s system deve� opmen� charc�e funds ( a � bui7d� ng per°rna � surcharge) iri conjun��:inn w�th S�ate and Federal g°r°an� mon� �s to f� nance certa � n street impr�a�v�- ment projects and apen space dCqU"IS7t'10)1 and �rr�pra�en»ri� � 3 Requ� r� ea�h new d�uel opmenf; pp°o ject tc� part.i ci pate � n th� pro�f7sion af necess�ry pub� � � -facil � ties tc� and at i;h� � r s ? t.e a5 a r.ond��;�? on of zone ch�t�age and development approrral . Examp� es a�e the extens� �n afi r2ecessary sewer and w�te�° linc� , sized to also serve interven� ng �7rope�°�ies , �nd �he dedacat.�nn and impr�ovemen� of �djar.er�t �tr�et r°igf�t- oi�-way `i'17e fir�st methad ;�s �o be u�;e� c3z��Iy zn 1�he ��'��.�l.a�a�lc-: 17a.x°�k ioza c�f 1;h� nc�i.�;lauorhood. In i;h�.s ar�a � exte.n��.v� c^omm��c;ia"1 and a.nc���tXZal ar�vJ�;1���rnent :is ��lanned bu�, avai.].�.L�7.e servzce: �,x�� w�al,ly :�n�.cl��izr�t.c-,;, 'I"}�� �.�„� 9.ncrem�rlt �3.na.nc�,n� s��si;em p:e�Up���d i� a mc�i�oc� mcLd� 7�a�sal�.1� k�y (�regon 1aw (nRS 457} which is a. �yst�.rn to,r. £inax�cin� x��c����:loX�-- mc:���t; ac:�i.va.�t.i�:a . The conver°s.ic�n G� thP 'X'riang�.e ,Er�an zn�xden�:.i�.l. tc� of:Pic.� Z��,rk ��.nd industriaX u�a�e �wou).d q.u�,li:Ey �thi� Fzrea �.s �.n r:,�7. i �,�iblc� r�dev�l.ppn�en�t cli��Wxict �. Th� i:ec:hnxque ias�s �th� z.:t��rrea��� in ��.r.c),����ty t�,x r�P���z�tte �,�1°c�d�_tc�cl l�y a �Er�evel.c���nz�i�.�t ��xc�,j�c.t, 1:c> t'ln�rrce the n�cessary pulal_i.c 9_nv��tm�nt �_n �:17a�: px°c>,jec;� I�L w�,�i�,, 1z� 'khe I'�7. lowar�{;� way � When rx recleveloprneni: plan is aclopt�eci , Lhe �.xist�� n� toi:z� val u� of a 1 � �he taxab� e �at°operty �� n th� p�°aject� area � s � cl� ler�m� n�d by �r7P ta� assessot^ o Onr,e �hi s basP'� � ne � � �s�afal � shecl , al � �u�ur•c p�aperty tax re�enues a6c�v� �he l��s� yener�ated by the red�v�lopment ef�'ort which wail7d �� col �e�.�Ged hy a11� taxi�rtg bo�di es h�ui r�g .yu�'� �di c�t�� �rn � n �the �� .. . _ �,_.�;.: .....�. ,_ ,_,.. .. : .. .._� . � _ _ _ _ _ ._. ...:.. _ __ _ _ _ _ �, . �'. , �� � � � � � � ����; �� �.� �' p�°oje�t area a��e ��s� gn�d t� f� nance ptsb� � t; �mpt^ovements � (eg , , b�� �r°��, �� ng �mpr°o��Ement bonds � � 1°he con�ep� af � �a�t °i �c�ement, f s r��.��.� ng � s thu� , t� pay f�r nece�sary j p�b; � c ��� i 6 � �� es k�y x�ec:hann�� �ng �h� mt�rrey �ol 1 ectecl as , a resu� � �t th� ; n��eased �.axes on �mp��o�ed proper°�y � ba�k �ntv the p�°aj�c� a�eaa The intent of' us��g th2s �� m��h�d � n �the T�� a��g� e i s. na� t,� a�sembi e and cl ea� � and , as �n a t.fi�d.�� t�onai �°�n�wa1 p�a,�e�t; , but ta �r�a�;e �'� the ��a,nds �o�° needed c ap3 t�l outi a�s � n the a�°ea o �;� Th.e de��:��apment ��f �h.� Tsgax°d T�iang:le s.hotzxd accur in l�rlas�� a� i e�.�h �:�.em�nt af �Ghe ���e��; c.f�culati�n s�rstem �:s canst��.ietedm TYle ,� ��:��e� s�c�r ien �� ra�,� plan� f a gtz�^es 3 �.2�d, 49 �erc�mmenc�s a seqver�c°� �; fox° street .zmpx•o���znents T,�hi.ch s�oul.d be used as a bas�s for g�uiding ,� �h� d.t�:r�+��.s�pmen�� crt �ka.e T�°1.a:ng:le � ?j ; `I i l:l i•;; �'sr..: i;'� �� s '+ ��-:'�: )..�. q�; ��! r.; � � �;� �'� �. . � .. .��� . .. � . .: �.�. ��q, �. �.. . . . . � �I �i ,t k, �' (, �` . . . . . . . .. . . . . �� � �. .k � ...:.._ ... �....:.. ..... .n�..:.... ...:.:e .�...�:,'.,,. �'.�C ",.�°,"*'`^ ^'°iY � _ ,..w..�»._..,».:a«�i�i,: .,�_. ,.,.,,. .�,. . . ..`:` ,r ,«T:. ,.- . » w.� . .... _... . . . � , ,,, . �•-- . -- 4,�..� .� . ....: ...:. . ....... ... . . , . 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