Planning Commission Packet - 02/02/1978 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � , _ . _ _ ___ i . . AGEND� ' T=G..�RD PLZINI�TINC CCMMISSIOn] �February ?, . ?578 - 7, 30 P..Ma .' . � � ?owler J�r.zc.� H._gh Sr�ho�i - Lecture R�cm • � �0865 5 .�. fr7a;.nut Screet - Tigard, Oregon. • ?. C3?1 '�O O'L'Q°Z': . � 2 . Row� Cal?: 3, AgprovaT of Nlinutes: � 4. C�,mr.iunica_ia.r�s o . . , .- . . 5� °ubLic Hea��.ngs: � � . A, Staff Repox�. ° . B y Appl�.can-�' s Pres�ntatioxz C� Pub:Lic Testimor�y: a< P-rop�rent' s b. Oppanen��s � c, Cross-�examiria�i�n D� S�k.af� Recammendat:�c�n . . E„ Cammission niscus5ion �.r_d Act?on. � � 5.. Z Z��T� �CHFa?��:E Zu 28-�77 (r��;tz; � Iv7PQ 7 ' �._ � .;:aques± ��T A L t �,u*.:z & Cc�mpany fcr a. g�I1E�al, ��1an and p�-o- �~ �.x?:am r�evieca cf a �ingle .��mily residentia'1 pl.anr�ed d�velc►p- ' R�aI7.L'. tw'(� '.17C�il.1{�r 26? �ingle fam.ii1T i.ri:its and Z2� a�.tarh;d �:r�-��: f'am.ily �an�t:a fnr a 9y .9i ar.,e paic�l s��uth �� Schcl:ls : �'�::��� Road ��t�:��e�� S.W. 73d�h an1 �_:•�7. 135fi�. ,�Vash, Co. Tax . Map 1.51 331�, Lot°. SC1U, dnd Tax �ap .T.S? 33D, �,o�s :lOQ ard �].0].) . � 5, 2 MIN�� L•A.ND PA.RTITIGN �iLP i�-77 fI{eI?°her) �p0 g A r�quest by Ph..illin Kei3.eher to app�al a cor�di�:�on xec�uzr�d �s Fa.��t: of �n admir_istrat�ve aatic�n on a ,�inox Iand pax-- �iti�r:in� fcr a . 83 acre parc�'L located a� S .�r', 78th and P��.f�1�= S��reets �6�ash, Co, Tax Map 1.51 36CA, Tax Zot 5�00) . . 5� 3 C�[VDi.T:CGNAL iJSE ANiENDMENT CU 30-76 �;4Vayside Inn; N�'0 4 A •requQsr. by G�lajsi..�e Nzator.� In�s i:o am�nd a cond.i.�iona7, us� permi t z�i,�h zespect �o si,gn:�n� �or �:he secon�ary� access poi:zt ���,m P�,^:�iic Hi��?s�ay �b�t�,reen the Mobil Ser�,°ice • Sta.t..i���n and �vayszcie Innj narth a� S .;�T� 69tn I�v2nue �4�lash. �:0. 'L'dX N.{dp L�il 36�Uj 1czX .L.U� 6Cfj:i� , 5 ., =� S.TGCd COD� APP�,-.L S�,:?� ),--i8 (ti��;a,�'si.�?� L'^n; �,'pp 4 A �;�q�.iest by 6V�:. ..:�±a P�a�:c�r In-�� f:�_ a �.:•�A �once �,:a 'I'i.tle 16 �z g� rc-:gu?�.L ;.o,n ;`=e�W,::ic�n .16 . 36 . O�10 t;;} {,-,' L'�Y�c::a 5tandi.ng � �� 7'_�tl.� O T). cZ �- i � �C`C;' �l:)i'C:�'1. t't^!:t'�1 � �� �i •.4 . �i". . . ?��:� �. ,� , ('t:� � 'I'a..i: M:1 � �S!, ,- i'•1]? t,�s Fl. � . �h.��,, �.r.ax .r..�,. :-,anti ) . 6. Qther Business 7. Adjournment � � �, _. _ _. ..r _ " .. .., _.._. ...,.:. ._..... _ .,,.,�.� ..��...,,.....�..� �-..,.�,.,....w»��,..,.�..�.,..«c� MINUT�S � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION February 7, 1978 Fowler Junie� I3igh School. -- Lecture Roo�x� 108Ei5 S .W. Walnut - Tigard, Oregon 1 . Ca7.l t� nrder: The rneeting was called to o�der at 7: 30 P.M. 2. F�o�.l Cal1 : Present : Brian, Co:rliss, Goldbach, Quimby, Rossman, �akata, Popp . P�cused Absence : Tepedina, Wood Sta:f::[: Laws, Chaidez I3. Approva:L c�f Mi.nlzl;es: The minutes of January 10, 1�78, were not approved as they were inadverl;�ntly left out of the packets. 4. Conamunications: Non� 5. Public I-Tear. ings : 5el 7one Change ZC 28-77 (Lutz) NPU '� A r�quest by Amart nevelopment Co . for a general pl�n and ps•c�- gra.m r.evie�v oi' a single �amily residential plannecl development t� include 261 �in�1e lamily ur�its and �.26 attached single :famil:y units fi�,r a 99.9.1 acre ��arce]. south o:f Scholls �erry �,oad bc�tween S .W. 1�5th and S .W. 13Oth (Wash. Co, Tax �Iap 1S1 33A, l�,�t 502; and Tax Map 1S1 33n, Lo�ts 1.00 ancl 101) . A . Staf:� F,,eport : ;I REad by l�aws �' I B. Applicaxit ' s Pre;sentat,i�n . , i ,___._s r: cnn c ur � c a Pr�! 1:rt�.1; hc� WC�I:I�:d P@'S�x'VP � � L�l F3�:L1HCilUCi.i�.�. � t�e�v .0 . �r . t�'1 a t�....'�...._. . �� f his rommeni;s untYl aftex t;h.e sta:f� recommenc�atxons had ' been. givPn . � § � C. Public Testimony; ; ; .Al].en Pa�tterson, 11605 S.W. 'Manzariil;a, expxessed �;�nc,ern ' � that the �arcel o;� land whi.ch he owns' wil7, become 1.andl:acked. j , � , ; I `� _ # _. _ _ _ ; MINUTES < -,���� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �.,` Februaxy 7, 1978 Page 2 D. S�tafF RecommEnda�ions; ' ;AI� Based on Findings o:� Fact and Conclusionary Findings, " st;af:P recommends approval o� thF �eneral pla.n axid progr�,m and zone map amendment from Washing�on Countq RS1 to Gity o�' Tigarc� R7-PD with 1;he foll.owing conditions : �� l . That the bikewa.y and pedestrian plan as submitted be am�n.ded, according to trre ai;tached exhibit A, and in- clude the following: a.. Ari 8-foot wide as�hal.t bikepath al�n� the S .1N. Scholls Ferr,y Road _fron�age . k� . 8--toot wic�e concr�te bikepaths be provided along onl,y the c�ll�ctor streets within the develo�ment . c. Tha1, the bikeway �ehind lots 10-14 i�e deleted. d. 'rhat a�� approxim�,te 80-foo�t long bikepa�h from S .W, GlaciPr I,ily Lane be provided �etween sin�le :�amily deta,ched lats 9 and 1.0. �- e . That a bikepa�h be �xovided ar�unci the ea�t 1ake . :C, That a bikepath �rom the area descxibed as lots 16:1-164 be �rovided an the southside af the west lake wher� it would connect with �;he bikepath on th� greenway �to the east . g. That the bikeway be construc�ted wi�hin Phase I , to includ� Scholls Ferry Road., the bikepath around the east lake, alon� the south. sid'e of thE west lake, ', and along the collector streets . h , Tha,t the entir� gxeenwa,y and bikewa.y sS�stem be sub- ject to d�si�n review and' improvement plans for th� are�.s marked � on exhi.b�t "A" also be submitted ` ' '' (to include benches, picnic tables, etG. ) . 2. �'ha.t tY�e ''vision, e�.semPnt" k�etw�en si:nglP f�,mily de�;ached l�ts 14 and 15 be i.ncrea.sEr1; that an additiona7. "vision ° easements" be �z•ovi�ted bE�ween lots �l wnd 12 (±h; M can b� accom�lished by shifting lots 10 a�d 7.1 in a westerly dixecta:on),. 3. Th�.�t single family detacYaed :1ot C�k be deleted and th�.s area serv� as a vision easem�nt witha.n �the open' sp�ce � area. 4. Lots 1�1-164 be del.eted as si;ngle �amil,y detache@ Y�omes; � � �' ;., - ;�'�i - .,< „ -,.i _ , _ _ � MINUTLS TTGAFZD PLANNING COMMISSION � �• February 7, 1978 Page 3 � , and thi� :1 . 1 a,cre area 1�ecome pa.rt of the open space � �.rea and that this area b� incl.uded within Ph�.se I . P i) �. That all cu7.--de-sac streets over 150 fe�t in ].�ngth � be deve;loped on a 45-foat rac�ius . � 6. That landscape i.slands be provideci within the cul-de- � sacs, and a lan�scape plan for. thP cu1-d.e-sac i.slands �' be submitted lor deszgn review, and that maintenance responsibility For the 1.andscape is�and be prescribed % to th� Homeowners Association . �! i' 7. Tha�t a cul-d�-sac with a l:andscape islaiid be developed ; on a 40-foo�t radius for sin�le f�.mily a�tached lots ;; $5-93. ' ,•: i 8, That 5-:Eoot wicie sidewalks 1ae providecl aa.ong bvth si�les ot tne local streets (deleting them within t�ie cu].-d.e- sac) . �; . 9 . That covenants be attached to the d��ds o:C sing.le �; family attached lots l , 19-23, and 121--�.26 restrict- ;i in� acces�s .f�ro�m S.W. Scholls Ferry Road. �i �� �3 10. That stre�t im�rovemen�ts for S.W. Scholls F'erry Road `� be providec� per Oregon State Higlivray Division reqt�ire- �� ments . (To include a l�ft-i;urn re�uge Iane and a right- ,', turn taper) `' 11 . That a bus turnout lane be provided along the S .W. ^:? Scholls Ferry ��ad frontage (exact loca.tion to be work- �� ed out between the applicant, Beaverto� School District ;9, 48, and Qregon Sta•�e Hi�hway Division) � �'', ,: 12, That S.W. 13Oth be vacated bel;we�n singl� fannily a�t- i'. tac.hed lo�ts 85-•88. 13. Tha�h the street tree plan and signing program for �th� x� devElopment 'be subject t� design reView. �':; ,:; 14. That no 1:ina1 plat be recorded �or any lots within �'; Pha.se I until �uch time �.s public sewer service is '' avail�,ble to the site. R= ,> � � � � � � � ��,: I: 1J. Z'Xl'ci.l. 'cL�.1 d.i.l�.i�.Ciicu ai.ii�.�i.� iu,^:s.�,�y� ��;riit�C j'1P .^.1_7}llP.�;t 't0 � C�Gul�Il �'GV.l�W. g�, ;` �. Rebut t�;]. � .A�. Benkendorf', 62U S.W. 5th, Pl.annzng ConsuYtant , s'tated �'"' tllat the,y concurr�d basically with the intent o� aZ.l the �:; ca�ditionS, bu.t di:�fered in their impiemen:tatian. Conditions �:; l' �;; � �r ;>; . . � MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ' February 7, 1978 Page 4 1 and 2 werP acc,eptable, Coriditi�ns 3 and � caused the I most concern. They felt that a si�;ni:ficant reduction frorn ' the original number of units hac� alrea.dy been made and that the six acres oi open space was p3enty, Conditions 5 and 6 requiring landscape islands in cul-de-sacs was inconsistent and a solution should be worked. out with the Fire District as to radii . Condition 8 would not be adhered ta in only one instance (Glacier Lily La.ne) where �the sidewalk would onl,y be along one side �f the road in an attem�t to crea�;e a rural , in�orm�.l atmos�here. All other conditions were fine . .Da.rryl Bailey, 12420 S .W. Summercr�st , express�d concern with the dike across the lake and the Flow of wa.te,r unde.r. it . .David Ev�.ns, 2D0 S.W. Market , Corisulting �ngineer, �tatEd tliey w�uld impiove and maintain th� dike, add to the re- tentiorl capacity �f �tae lakes, modi�y eu:lverts under tl�e dike, and raise th� roac� leve7. over the water. .Goldbach expressed concern over the fluctuating wei.r s,ystem ss and who would be r�sponsible :far it . �::�. .Evans answe:red the weirs woul.d be enl.arged a,nd Ci+y o:� Ti-• gard would rnain�tain the :facilities as a public area. .Brian disa�reed with deletio�i o:f lot F4 in that it would benefit only 1 or 2 o�her lots . .Evans s�ta�eci a vista could be opened at lot 60 by decreasing the siz� of lots 61-64. .Quimby was concerned with the soil stabi�.ity and �looding. .Evans st�,ted i�.one o� the ],ots enc:r.oached into the �f Zooci plain , that they hadn 't devel�ped f.ragile areas, �Yie drain- age prablem hacl been addressed dur7.ng th� desz�n proces�o .B�ia.n questionPd the elimi.na.tion of s�dewalks in the cu1- de-sacs. .Stafr statec� that the Planning Commission on previous �,p� plications haci eliminated tliis requirement . .Staff fuxther stat�d that the ].andscape islan�'s, as r�com- mended by sta�f, be maintained by a Homeowners Ass�ciation. � .Ev,ans stated thPy had no in�ent for a Homeowners Association . .Sakata ask�d abou�t sewer availability. _ �; . �` . � ',, MINUTES ; , TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � February 7, 1978 Page 5 I .Lvans sta�;ed U.S .A. had the proposal and would be�in con- �' struction, hopeful.ly this summer , il, F, Commission Discussi�n : .Quimby was conc�rried with �he ci.ty ' s takeover of lake and fload control and felt the developers should be responsible. ;II She also lelt there was no need to eliminate lot 64 . .Corliss felt ci�ty o:C Tig�.rd shauld be responsible to assu�°� that someone would take care of it and agreed there was no ;I reason to delete lot 6�4; sl�,e �,lso feli; lots 161-164 should '1� be retained f:or single �amily units . ;', .Sakata was concernec� (1) over the l.ack oF school Facilities, 2 i w th cons -r i n 1, uct o on soil � n � ) s �ai �he lake 3 with an � � ) open space area at l.ot 60 or 64 to answer boating cancerns, (4) 1;hat the Planning Gommission had deleted lots 161-164 in the or:iginal discussion , a.ncl (5) setbacks w�r� too small , .Galdbach saw no reason to exclude 7.ot 64 ; tel� the cul-de- sac idea was good; questioned the necessity of 2 sidewalks 5� on Glacier Li_ly Lane and wheth�r the city wanted to accept .a the open space area as park. k�� F,' .Brian. i'elt 7.ot 64 �ould remain; lots 161-1.64 were okay to �! remain and provide housin�; on the lake; �Yie area was in- `�?�� accessible i;a tlie ma,jority of �the people - parking and ac-- y1� cess to the lake were a problem; the dike should be subjec�; �o the approval o� �;he city; setback should be subject t� the approval of planning. .Laws stai;ed recreational uses have no't yet been establisl�ed, ' ' but should be limited. .Popp stated lot 64 should rema.in; lots 16].-164 would b� bett�r suited as single �amily homes than public access as �: this wasn '�t a �ood area fior boating and should have onl,y �1 minimum use as such; the 40-foot radius :for fire trucks ,'.I was oka.y �.nd I.andscape isl�,nds were good; t.he schools � were the responsibil:ity of the public at large, not the de- vel�per.s; sidewalks need c�nsistency and con�ormity ; t�e ' dike should meet ap.proved standards. y'' �,: .Lawti recommendeci �=evisior. oF �hA f�?�1_QW1riE �ta:tf conditions : �� (2) that the "vision easemen�t" between s�ngl.e famil� de- ta�hed lots 64 and 65 should also be increased; and that �- an additional "vision easements" be pr�vided k���:we�n lo�ts � 61 and 62; and that thP plzrase "to the Homeowners Associ- a�tion" in Condi�ion 6 be dele�ed and the following wording ins�rted: "as part of the Decla.ration of Restrictions s�; :�or Summer Lake. " r��, � � � � � � i��:�' �_ . . ' ' �. . . . � . .' .. . .. . . ' . . � ... . .. . � �. � f;, . � . . .. . . . . . . . 3. ; MINUTES ���'� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION 't`; ��bruary '7, 197� ! Page 6 � i±i .Brian moved for appr�val. based on staff 's recommendations ��� and revised conclitons and adding the fol.lowing conditions : �� s 16 . That the design of the dike and �lood control appar- s`+' atus be subject to city approval . �� i' 17. That variances f�om the setback requiremen�s of the code be subject to the Planning Director 's approva7. . ;: 18. That 1o�:s 161-1.64 be developed during Phase II as a i' public pa.rking and recreati�n area. �' E� .Popp seconded the motion. r � .Q`uimby requested that the moi;ion be amended to include an ; add.itional conditi.on, (19) That soil si;ability tests k�e } provided for. lots adjacent i;o the 7,akes. ;; .I3rian accep�ted the amendment , c � a' .Evans a.greed to soil stai�ili�:y tests . ; f , �w� .Laws sug;gesi;ed change af language in Condi.l;ion 1�3, "ci�velo�- ' ment of �tllis ax•ea be dete�mined by the PaY�k Board. " .Quimby �xpressed concern over the pu.k�lic pa,yin� to rnaintain a pxivate lake. .Benkendorf sugg�sl;ed waiting to decide on lots '161-1F�4 p � until Phase II of the development . � t .Popp clar.:i:fied Phase II wi].l be 12-2 ye�.rs , ; ; .13enkendor:f suggestecl a managemen� program from the City � a.f Tigard to address some oF these problems . .Brian chan�ed his motion to delete Condition 18 and re- instate Condi�ion 4 and adding, "developmen�t o� �this area be subject to Park Board review. " ; ,The motion was passed g�-3: : Yes, Rossman , Briail, � ' ; Qu�.mby, Goldback�; No, Salcata, Popp,. Cor�.iss . j 5.2 Mirior Land Par.tii;ion MLP 15--77 (Kelleher) NPO 4 � - ,-�.�.._.� � A request by Phillip KelleYier to partition a • �� aci��: �,a,�-c�7: � into th.ree lots ; two 750Q square foot lo-�s and one 21,(�00 � squar� foot lot in a R-7, "Sin�7.e Fama.ly Residenti:al" �' zone at S.W. ?�ittY and Praffl� Streets (Wash . Co , Tax Map lS1 � 36 CA, Tax Lot �400) . � A. St��ff Report : � , MINUTES +�;� 'rIGARD PT,ANNING COMMISSION February 7, 1978 Page 7 Read by I�aws B, Applicant ' s Presentation : .Pliil Kelleher, applicant , �xp7.ained thE condition o:f the entire street as need9.ng improvements and one little st.rip iri the rniddle wouldn ' t improve the condition of the rest of the stree�; . .Laws stated the city has been requiring non-remonstrarzce �.��reernents i'or LID's alorig some streets, but this tends to prolon� the ��ed t� imprave upon an already poor situ�ztiori. .Sakata sta�ted it was 1;ime to improve sub--standard ,streets . .Quimby �elt not insisting on tlle improvements wa.s seti:ing a d�,n�;Pxoizs precedent an.d tha.t I,In' s �.re not success:fu.l . .Kell�her explair�ed th� r�asoz�s �or. the valLtntary �.nnexa�Gi�n ol this parce.l o� ].aa�d �;o �the city; that he was�i `t a d�veloper; that lze would be agreeabl.e to a. non-remonstr.ance agreerraent ; ancl stated the price ran�e o� �the propo�ed hause�. � ; ,L�aNS su�•gesteci making i.r�prov�ments only on the two northern � ].oi;s. .Ke1.leher restated that ttle entire street nEeded impr�vemsxYts. .Corliss can ' t see the sFnse o:P onlq 1C�� feet af pava.ng and � wan�;�d �to wait :fox a LTD; shE i'��lt e�aeh dev�elo;pmen� should � b� jl�d��d se.pa;r�,tely. ;, �� .Lasirs si�a�L-�d lielleher c�uld be crer�it�d i� he improved the ' stre�t n�w and the res� was done later under an LID; he ' fe1,t the Planni.ng C;�rnmission shouXd provide staf:F with a direc�iv� sc� �that this cotzld be applied to �uture dP�ve:l�p- ; m�nts subject to adminis�t��ative a�eview. � �� � � �� . G�ldbaclh sugges�t�d referring to the City Council . .Pop� �elt it would be unfa.ir �.nd an unjus�t; burden an �r�e � developer tp :f�rce him to irn�irove; thai; these were unusu�;� �,; circumstances that wUU1d justi:�y eliminating �these requa:re� j naen�s; that each case should :be jtzd�ed �n i�;s own m�rit ; �`'�, that sta�f should eontinue to require curbs and sidewalks �a on: �.11 riew deve7.opment and if i�t was fe1�t; to Y�e unjust, � t�z u�.�elc��r ^��:� � arpA�,l : ��.1 . ;,, �� .Galdbach (mqtion) reeomm�nded the str�et be dEVeloped ii� a �ront of the two new' lots on S .W, 78th w�;th no curb or side- "`,I wa;lk and �!.o impra�vement be m�1de an P�aff1P . �:� �7 ,� � ��� �ji � . . . � . � . � � . . � . � .,br��� . .. . . � �� ��.��x��� � . .,..:_ _... . L`:: ' , 1,� , MINUTES � TIGARD PLt�NNING COMMISS30N Februaary 7, 1978 Page 8 � ���; ,Popp seconded �he mo�tion . ; � .Quimby fel�: the improvemen�t should be alon� all thr.ee lots • � instead o� .leaving just one corner. � .Goldbach di.sa reed, sa in • the exisi;in hous� shou7.d rem�,in � � Y g � , c'3.S I.t 1.5 . ! � 1'i .Brian �felt the mo�ion didn ' t incompass enou�h or requi.red ;i t�o much. �� ii � .Th� motion fail.ed, 7-0. � `1 i; .Pop,p moved that a. hal:� str�et improvemeni; (no curbs and ' sidnwalks) I.i� �rovid�d along the SojV. 78th A�T�nue f�°ontage, `� and that the applicant agree not to remonstrate aga�.nst the �' �or.mation of a, lacal icnp.rovem�nt ciistrict for the b�.l�;nce af the street improvements to S .W. 78�;h �,nd S .41' . Pfaf�le Streets . .Brian �ecc�nded. .The mo�;i.on �=as ,�:�ass�d 5-2 : Yes, Po�p s Q�L17.ITlb� , Brian , Ross- '�; ��°�� man, Go].dbacYz; No, S�.ka�a, Corli�s , ��'� �' 5 . 3 Conditi�rial Use Am�ndment C[7 ,i�--76 (Wa.ysicle Tnn) NPO �: �° - _.____�.._.� __� ._,�. �� A r�quest by Waysids Motor Inns to am�nd Condit�.on 6 of a c�n- ��;; elitional use permi�t with respect �to signing �or the sec,onc�ai y r" �:ccess ��oin�; fx•on� Paeii'ic Tii�;hway ('between the Mobil, S'prvice ;��, Station an W i I , , , t; d ays de nn) . (Wash . Co . �ax Map 1S1 36All, Z�,x ,,, L�t 6504) ,; ,;, � � . Sta.Ff. Repor�t : ,� ,.:i Read by Law� ,�, ;:�� B . Ap�lican�t 's Presen�L�.ti�n : ��' �� � � � �� '�,a .B�b Pershing, �a.1PS Representative, �36 S .E . �.2th, Poxt- `;3 Iand, �elt hE had bECn misrepresented by sta�� who tol.d �� hicn a new sign codP would be iz� e,f�ect �.nd constructed ;'.� tti� sign accorda:ng to the new codP da.mensions azld the new ���� code h;ad n�t yet been pa.ssed, kte �e�t �he e.xistxng si�n � { did not clo the job and tlle en�t�ance wa� hard tc� �ind. '.�'he �';i, �axc��?osed si�ns ar� 4' x 5 ' and wou�.d indicate a seconda�y �,,;� acc�ss xoad to inSoxm �notoxzs�ts o:F anothex en�rance �o ,;i, � � � ��, � the moze.� . , ' . L'J ,Po�p stated th�t P4r. Pershing was not ma.sreprPSented by st�,:�� who �tictua�.].y went out Uf their way to assist hirn in �`� evex,y way �ossiY�le and e.xplained how the new si�n code had �^� been del.ayed. 1<I �.;'� � � � � � � � ��'� �_ - _ . . .....::...._, __�_. � MINUTES TIGARD PL�INNING CQMMISSION February 7, 1978 Fage 9 .Sta:fi' stated that Mr. Pershing was in c.rr�r, i;hat the �ign cc,de has be�n amended by ordinance. C. Publi.c T�stim�ny: None D. Staf:� RecammEndation : Sta�� recammended denial , L, Commission Discussion and �ction: .Corliss requested sign Iocation on m�,p by pershin�. .Popp stated �that the origin�,l plan si;ipulateci t�e ex:it xoad be strictly exit witlz absolut�ly no entranc�. K .Way Lee sta�ted it had been intended as bo�;h egx�ess anci ingr�ss. .Popp stated thn Plannin� C:ommission hac� �aeen op�os�d at ths �time ta �he raad be�.ilg there at a11 . .Lee stated �Lhe pr.o�osed signs were need.ed �or safet,y. .Laws s�tated the Pla:nnin� Comrrii5si,on okayed the stree�L only �o be used as secondary e�ress. .Goldk�ach moved denial based on staf:f Finclings, .�uimby s�cond�c� and the mc�tian ��.ssed unartimously . 5.4 S9.�n (;ode Ap�a1. SCA 1-78 (W�side Tnn NP0 4 A req,uest by Waysicie Motor Inns �or a varian.ce to Ti�tle 1:6, Si�n N,egulation (Section 16;3F .040 (3) (A) Free Stancling 'Si�;ns on �, :� . 1.5 acre ,parcel nortil o:L S ,W. 69th Avenue (Wash. Co. 7'ax Map 157� 36AD; Tax Lot 65q4) . �. S�:a:t'f Repor�t : - Rpac� 'by L�ws B. ��pl.icaz�t' s Presentation : li�r. Persh.in� Celt Yie had covered the reasoz� �or new signs in hi5 �z�evious j.'�i2acilta�i�:�. , , C, Public testimony: None a MINUT�S �� TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION I February 7, 197�3 ' Pa.ge 10 I D. Sta11' Recornmendat ion: Sta.�:f recornmended app.roval o� the variances to the sign , code as requested wztla the following conditions : I 1. . Thai; a site plan be resubmitted that indic�,tes the exa.ct .location of the di.rectional sign ori the Coco ' s Restauz•ant premi.ses. 2 . That a directional sign on the Plankhouse �,estaur.ant , premises bP loca�;ed south of the existing Plankhouse si�n on S ,W. Paci�ic Fiighway (exact loca�;ion to be cleter•mii�zed c.luring clesig.n r.eview) . 3. That both direc�tional signs be subject to de�igt� xe- view. I L. Commission l�iscussion : .Popp asked if permission had been received .fram Coco ' s and the Plankhouse to have the signs on their properi;y . � .Persk�in� verified that it had . �u,. .Sa�ata proposed the new signs be a,dded as part o:f the Plankhoizse si�n . .Popp stated the si�ns be subject i;o design review. .Goldbach recommended a�proval o� th� variance based on stal'f recomtnendations . .Quimby seconded i;lze motion. .The motion �as.sed unanirno�usly . 6 . Othex• Business : 6 . 1 Si�;�1 Code: The recommendati�n of the Sign, C�de Committe� was presented by s�;a�f. Popp questi.oned the dF:finition of "outdoor advertising si�n. " Laws stated it was essen�tiall,y billboaxds and also said �. a hearing w�,� neec�ec3. to xeview the sig,n code and verified �.. the public neax•in� t%ate �.� i'�brua�y 28 , 6 .2 Iioskinson Variance : � . _ , ,::; 0 A MINUTES ''� TIGA�i;D PLANNING CI�MMISSION F�bruarq 7, 1978 Page 17_ L,aws statecl tha,t �'au.l Iloskinson Inad previously applied �or a variance (V 11-77) c�n street standards and h�.ving been deni.ed was seeking a new dixection in which to apply. Po�p st��.tecl Haskinson shauld apply ,�'�r a P.D. as these were un�su�.l �ircumstanc�s . 7. Adjournment : The m�eting was adjourned at '11 : 20 P.�M. �.. � ; � � �°... . �. � � �. �, ,, , , , STAFF REPORT � -�-� AGENDA 5 .1 � TTGARD PLANNING COMMISSION j February 7, 1978 � Fowler Junior High Schoal - Lecture Room � 108F5 S .W. Walriut - Tigard, O.regon � � ,, f' Dncket : Zone Change ZC 28-77 � � � Request : Fc�r general plan and progra.m review of a sing].e f�,mily �; residential planned developmeni; to include 261 single t family units and 12C attached s�.ngle family units on a 99.91 acre parcel . ;: Locati�n : South of Schalls �'erry Road betwe�n S ,W. 125th and `' S .W. 13Oth (Wash. Co . Tax Map 1S1 33A, Lot 502, and �; Tax Map 1S1 33ll, Lots 100 �.nd 101) . +:' ,: i; Applicant : Amart Developmerzt Company .� �;' ;: Te Findings of Fact : �''i l . The a,ppliGant is requesti.ng ,�eneral plan and prc��ram re- view in accordance with Section 18 .56 .(?30 0� the Tigard , ' Munici�al Code for a 9�J .91 acrP (3$7 lot) ��ulti.-phased ,; resictential planned clevelopmsnt , south o�f Scholls Ferry ,; � � Road l�etween S .W. 125th and S.W. 130th. '� ?, Th� si�te is designated on the Tiga.rcl (;ommunity Plan, 1971 , �� as Urban Low pensi�i;y N,esident�_al and c�n th� NPO #'7 Dra:�t ' Plan, Urban Medium Densit,y for the northern most por.�t;ion �s± of the p�rcel and Urban Low Denszty �,esidential for �the ,i remaining portion. j' ,i 3. Applicable po�.icies �rom tlie Tigard Community Plan, 1971, �; a�e the followin�: F;; �;, o The maximum overall density of development will be �i four dwellin� tznits or 12 persons per �ross aere. This am�unts to a standard of 7500 square �eet o� land '� per dwelling unit allowing :�or streets anc� oth�r open � space . Some areas will have a lowe�° densitg owing to �j topography, existing development patterns, ar the de- � sire o� individuals to own a larger lot . #� �;. o Residen�ti�..l subdivisions will be deve3oped with- �aved �: streets, curbs and gutters , stre�t lights, and wal�- r`. ways, acc�ording to city or county standar.ds. �11 u- �+ tilities will be placed underground. � �;� �, o Uevelopznent will caincide with the provisi.o:n of public � � st�eets, water and sewerage facilities. These .faciliti.es � - sra11 aL (a) ca�ahle` �f a�ent��.t�l.v �Prv�ing all i_nter- veriing pro��erties as �tell' as the propos�d development , �; anc� (b) designed to meet cit� 'or c,ounty standards. ' s' 1. r...�. ,_ - : , . _. ., ,... :�,. . , �':' r , �';' ; ,,. , �'\;�" �+i � i.i STAFF REPORT C•-'' AGENDA 5.1 ��; '�,� TIGARD PI�.�NNTNG COMNIISSION ��; February 7, 1978 �'� Page 2 ;��': !;:' o �?lanned tznit development will be encotzraged on tracts �:! large enough to accommoda•te �en or more dwellings. +,' Planned unit development will. pe.rmit a degree of :�lexi- bility in design that will enable a higher quality of development in acc�rdance with zoning standards . ;>:� 4 . Secti�n 18.56 .010 0� the Tigard Municipal Code states that : Purpose. Th.e purpose o� the planned cievelopmPnt district is to pr.ovide �pportiznities to create more desirable en- vironment� throu�h the application of flexible and diversi- fied l�,nd development standards under a comprehensive plan and �rogram prof�suionally prepared. The planned development district is intended to k�e used to encourage the app7.ica,tion of new tecY�niques and n�iv te�hn�l�gy �o community development �which will result in su�erior living or clevelo�menf: arrangements wi�tYi lasting values. It is .furt��er intericied �o achieve economies in l�,nd ct�velop- tnent , ma.intenan�e, �t.r�et systems, anc3 utility networks while providing bizi.ldi�ng groupings for.� privacy, usabl.e and ati;r.active open s�aces , sa�e circulat:ion, arid the �� gen�ral �vell-being of i;he inhabitants. 5 . Section 18 .56 . n30 0� the Tigard Municipal G�de provicles ,,3 for general development pl.an �.nd program approv�.l by �thP ` ' Plannirig Commission a:�ter receivi.ng appravaZ ir, principl� af tlie �reliminary plan and pro�r.�,m and tlae applican�; ha,s ; �; petit;ioned fo.r �.n amendment of the zoning map in accordan�e wi.th Chapter 18.8F�. ;' : 6 . On July 26, 1977, the Ti�ard Flanning Cornmission approved ` � the pr�liminary pla.n and pro�ram re�iew for this proposed development subjecl> to the Fo].lowing conditions ; 1 . The recommendations to be followed are : `';; ,.; 'i . �{ a, '1'na�e the cieveloper k�� permitted to subrnit the ��; general �Ian fo.r. the entire parce� with: phased �'' � approval for detailed plans. ;' k�. Tha.�t fuarther stlady be given the �treet system � in the southern porti�n (below the lakes) , es- r,,� pecial:l� in regard to the point where the collector ,,; stre�t con•tacts the school sit� to the east . �) , �.; c. That the School District' be con�acted to ascer- taiii their thou�hts pn the best method �or �ro- �e ' �• vidixig access to the s�hool site . � i�° �;; {,, . . . . . . �. .. . . � f'^S , k.'� ��:s �:t �,•. t� Y,..: _ :. ,. ., _�.,,,.. _._r,. � �. _ . .__ _ , > � STAFF REPORT AGEND9 5.1 TIGARD PLANNING COMMiSSION ���: :�ekaru�:ry 7, 19?E� �age 3 2 . Applicant obtain approval fx�m the City �or minor land partitiorz for parcels subdivided illegally (Tax Map 1S1 33A, Lots 500 and 5Q2) . 3. That the ciensity of the project be reciuced by in- creasing the duplex lot size to a minimum of 9000 square feet arzd the triplex lot si�e to 12,O0Q squarP feet and that t.he 14 unit apartrnent complex adjacent to .thP ponc�-marsh area on S ,W. 13Oth b� deZei;ed. 4. General p1 an and program assess effect of lae,k of x�ight-of-way on 130th on traffic cir.culation, par- ticularly in regard to the �i.rst phase homes on Lots 143-146 . 5. Na sux�division plats will be approved until public ' sewer s�r�rice is asstared �;o thP sati�iaction of the � planni.ng director. . j � ; 6 . Drainage Y�e reviewed by Public Works department prior � to subniission for genexal plan and program, wi.th in- i ,� crease run-of.f calculations Pxplained and x�el:ated t� '��, storm flows and flood levels zn Summer Creek. � 7. Applicant obtain writtPn �,ssurance from the Beawerton and/or Tigard School Distric�t tha� a sata:s�ac�tory method of providing �chool space is being developed.. Gi 8. Lotting pattern bE modi.fied more ef�ectively to pre- i'; serve southern drainageway. '` � � ��. 9. An open s�ace i,mpravement plan be included with t1�e ��, general plan and program which address�s the fo].lowing: �; ,i a. 9 bicycle pedestrian circulation system. t;i �, b. Method of. protecting the western lake marsh a.rea, 4� with pa.rti�txlax; a�ttentio°n to access control , meth�d ��' � �� of limiting boating to the east lake only, path- �� way location, vegetati�n, �.nd fencing barriers. �a {, c. The area adjacent the western lake designated for i.': I4 units of apartments be included in the open €' SPace area. � �1 d. That the open space be cl�arly del.ineated �s se,pa- �} ra.te from the areas to be platted: ' }; �" �: �. ��. ' e: That �hose imprc�vements expected to be provided' �.` "7> ' i;; , :�;. {; �� 1}, � �a �.,- _ -- ._ — , ����;� STArF REPORT �� AGENDA 5,1 �j,, TIGARD PLANNING COMMIS�ION February 7, 19?8 Page � by the City be stat�d in the general �lan and program (for Park Baard approval� . 10. That the street tr�e planting plan be �ubmitted with the �eneral plan . 11 . That further consideration be given to the pro- vision of "vision easernents" into �,nd across the open space arEas for the enjoyment of persons not resiaing c�ire,�tl,y adjacent the lakes. 12 . The lotting pattern adjacent the path across the causeway be moc�ified to be recognizable as a pri- mary acces� poiz�t into the open space and als� to accamplish vision. easement criteria, . 13. Design eonsideration should be given to treating the duplex area as essentially single-family in c,harac�er. For ins�L�;nce, the units can be designed to have the appe�,rance of one la.rge single-family home rather than the usual mi�ror image ��fect you �" get �rith a duplex. This has been done quite ef- fectively in Irvine, Cal�fornia. 14. Special design consideration should be given ta the entr�,nce onto Scholls Ferry Road. I5. A thoraugh laydrologic study be made to ensure that development produces no ad�erse irnpact on do�vnstream � pro�erties based on 100 year fload p]�a;Yn. i 16 . Applicant address iss�e of adequatE play space � fo.r children, especially �.way from the greenway. � 17. Appl.icant; propose some workable maintenanc:� �ro-- ' , gram for z�on--homeowner units . � 18. A workable plan be developed to assure adequate ; and timely maintenanc� of greenw�.y pxior to City � dedicatio:n. ? _ j � 19. That duplex and triplex units be developed as � � common wall structures to encourage occupant own- ership . i � i II . Staff O}�servations and Findings; i � l : The site is gently rolling, wzth drainage from the north _ a�d south to Summer Creek, which �lows ea,sterly thx°ough the center in ttre form o�' two l�kes sepaxated by a 'fill - - � � � , � �- � � � . , :.. .,� _...,.,.�_. . _. . ��, --- STAFF REPORT F AGENDA 5.1 �ry TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION February 7, 1978 Page 5 formerly us�d as a private airplane runway. The uplands are in agricultural production, anc� the lowlancis around the lakes and along the small watercourse to the south are semi-natural marshland. The wester.n Iake-•marsh com- plex has been identified by biologists of the Oregon De- partment of FisYi ancl Wildlife and the Nature Conservancy as relatively unique in this area and as desirable for preserva�tion in a natural state. 2. The applicant has essentially incor.porat�d in his g�neral plan and program the conditions o� preliminary plan ap- proval with the following exceptions: Condition 4. GeneraZ pZan and pr�ogram assess effect of Zae7� of right-of-v�ay on .T30�th an t�czffi� eir>eulatzon, partieularZz� iri regard �ta the first p1za..sc homes o�z Zo-ts 143-146 (nozu Lots 165-�68) . The applicant proposes to include Lots 165--168, as well as Lots 16].-164 (formerly the 14-unit apartment site) , a,s p�.rt of Phase II of thE project and res�lve thP street �' access via 1.30th with the publi.c work� d�partment and ad- � jacent property owners pr.ior to Phase II devElopmez�t ap- �rovals . Condi�ion 5. No subdiv2sion pZats zuiZZ be a.ppr�oved ztntiZ pubZic seti�e� servi.ce Zs assigned to the satvsfacti.an of the Plann2ng Direetor. The Planning Di.xector has only been assured verbally that sanitary sewer service will be available to the site. The extension of sewer service i;o the site is to be ac- complished by the United Sewe.rage Ag�ncy through a local improvement district, However, the city has not k�een in receipt of any docurnents indicating the formation of an LID and when the actual work is to commence on the 5anit'ary ' sewer line as proposed. Cond,ition 7. AppZieant obtain rar�iLten �:ssurance from �Ghe Beaverton and/or Tigarc� SchooZ �ti�st�ict tlzat a, .satis- factor;� met�iod of providing sehooZ space is being de- ve Zoped, The applicant has cont�.cted both sch�ol districts concern- ing the afor.ementioned condition. The Bea�vert�i7 ScY�oo1 District, in a l:etter dated Nove�mber 3b, 1�77, :informed tZae applicant that a bond is°sue vote is glannec� for Jantx�- �r� ary, 19i9 . If positive, a new schoc�l would be ready ap- a` proxirnately two years frorn that date. In the interim ''additia�al pupils from the proposed project w�ul.d place a burcien on the existing '�rograms. " i ... �.. . _ . � . ._ . :f,l � r_ ... . � � � , S`�AFF �,EPORT i AGENDA 5 .1 � TIGARD FLANNING C;OMMISSION Februar� 7, 1978 � Page � & Bath school districts are experiencing capacity problems � and, as the applicant points out in his narrative, "the � issue of who can best provide �c;hoo7. �acilities is dif- � ,� ficul�; and involv�d. " Discussions are now taking place � between the two di_stricts to review a change in the present ; boundaries . However, this does not appear to be the s�- 1� lutian for .resolving the school capacity prok�lem. Based � o.ti the above stated findings, passage of a bond measure J': to construct additional facilities would appear as the � resolution f:o this problem, However, i.t is questiorial�le ti that the city has the author?ty to pxohibit any develop- `' meni� of this pxoperty until additiona.l school fac:ilities �? ar� pravided through a bond measure . ;:i r.: Condi•tzon 9 , An open spaee zmprov�ment pZan �e incZuded •r�i�th the gera�ra.Z pZan. cxnd p�ogram which ac�dr�sses Ghe foZZoz�ing: ! ::� y" a, A bieycZe pedestrian e�rculation sz�stem. �"! b. M.e•thod of prot.eetzng th.e u�este�n `lake marsh cz-rea, ;;! � with parl:icular att�ntion �o access contr�oZ, method �;; �`- of Zi.mit,in� boatZng to the east Zake onZy, pathway � Zoca��ion, vegetation, and fen�ing barriers. `" n � The applicant is �roposi.n� to construct a 1 .9 mile �, bicycle,�pathway system (see exhibit 13 of the plan �; and program) to be located adj acent to k�oth coll;ect- (.' or and local streets within the development as v��ell �; ' as within the open space areas. The bikeway would ''' be 8 feet in width excep�t in i:hose areas (e.g. be- }; ' t;ween lats at the end of cu.l-de-sa�s) that serve �` as �eeder paths into the �nain system �vhere the path t wolzl.d be 4 feet in width. No path is being �roposed ;� along the S .W. Scholls F'erry Rd , fronta�e. Upoz� review o:C this prop�sa7. , staf� finds thai; a ;;} modifica,tion of the bike system is in order. An i!', 8-foot-wide bikeway is agpropriate along the co1- ` ��., lectar streets as well a� the greenway path within �'' open space a.rea. However°, providin,g an 8-foot' I' ��; bikeway in lieu a.f a standard 5-foot concrete side- },�', walk along the lo�a,l streets is n�t necessary to ,,;� adequately handle biryc],e/pedestrian traffic in the , �;;;. subdivisa.on. �� ,°: ,;,; Staff also finds tha�� if the path behind (Lots 10-14) E were deleted it would help protect the west lake �' r-. ° marsh and that a pai;h could be provided ' alo,ng the �' south side o� the west lake for pedestrian access �,� to I�ots :L61-�164 . TYzat also by providing an 8-�oot !� , _ �� n� . �� . . � . ��. . - ... . . � t�. ` e , . . . � . � . . .. .,.; � . . ,. ,:. : . . z . .. .�_., . , ... . .�w•._... .�:�� . . .. .. . � . . . . . . . . . .. ... STAFF R�PORT •;�> AGENDA 5. 1 TTGARD PLANNING COMMISSION February 7, 19'78 Page 7 wide path around the east lake this area would be- com� more accessible as an active recreational area.. By eleleting those porti�ns of the bikeway as mention- ed above and inclucling a path ar.ound the east lake , ,' staff finds that there would be an appxoximate net ' reduction of 2C100 lineal feet in the 1 .9 mile system ? as proposed. � c. The area ad�jacent to t�2e zvestern Zake designated ", for Zg units of apartments be incZuded in the open spaee area. ;`, The applicant has submitted a revised site plan that has deleted the 14-unit a,�?artment proposal and desi�na�ted this area for 4 single :£�,mi1y de- tached homes . The applic�.nt contends that the combined area s�t aside .for open space (both public and private) "repre�ents a significant commitmen�t to fulfilling ' �, city r��ulations and the devel�pmen� 's goals an� .� objective� . " Th�refore, to develop this 1 . 1 a�re �,� site for residential. �urposes is justified, t ;:� �"j However, staff disagre�s and �inds it necessary to '� requ�st that the land in c�ue,stion be included in order to provid� useable open space. It is nc�t ' sufficient to provide undevelopable land as npen ,i space if some amount of open space is not also pro- vided to render to de�ignated open spa.ce accessible and useable. Condvtion .Z.Ze That further consideration be given to the provision �f �'�visiorc easements" into and aeross the '1 open space czreas for tYte en�jvyment of per�ons not re- ; siding d2reetZy ad�aeent to the Zalzes. '.� Th� applicant h�.s expanded the visu,al a�cess to the lakes 'a by providing a larger area bEtween Lo1<s 64 and 65. How- ' ' ever, if Lot 64 ��vere deleted a greater v�.sio� c;orridor , �i would be made available to those lots on the south side c�� Meadow Grass Lan�. In �t�iis �a,y, �the intent of Planna.ng Carnmission Conditions l.l and 12 would be more fully realized; On the northside of th� west lak� an additional vision ' acc��ss could Y�e provided between Lots 11 and 12, and the � ' � ' vision corricior as proposed betweez� Lots 14 and 15 c,ould ; be ine.reased without sacrificing any 1ats. This could be ;,';; - accomplished by shiftin,� Lo�s 10-14 in a westerly d�rection' � �� ; � � � � � � � � � � � � ����� ��. > ... ... � � . _ I �, ��; . • l.;� , � r; j;;; STAFF REPORT ! � AGENDA 5.1 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION t' � Pag� 8 ' F� �' a�ad decreasing the open space area between Lots 9 and 10. This area (between Lots 9 and 10) could serve as an over- 4'.'i r.� look above the lakes (the elevation at this point is well above the lakes) . Benches could be provided and a pe- destrian path from Glacier Lily Lane would serve as access II to this area. Condition 19. That duplex and tr2-plex units be deveZoped as eommon waZZ structures to encourage occupant owner- ship. The applicant has eliminated all the triplex type units as ";i shown on �the preliminar,y p].an and is proposing to develop 126 attached single .family units as �er Planning Commission I requirements . This represents a net increase of 12 units compared to the 114 duplex and tr.iplex units previously �I pr.oposed. 3. Washington County Fire District No. 1 has xeviewed the I proposal at staft ' s request (se� attached exhibit) and �� �� ,. were generally favorable to the proposal u�ith the follow- ing exception regarding street construction and the di- ameter of the cul-d�-sacs as proposed. The fire district �. recomme�nds that 1 a 1 cul-de-sacs in excess of 150 �eet in �;li l.ength be developed on a 45 �oot raciius, measured �xom �,I center point to edge of all weather sux�ace, rrh� ap,pli.- }; cant is proposing a 40 foot radiu� . �:�. ,� Staff �eels this condition could be met without sacrificing `�I any lots. By deleting sidewalks within the cul-de-sac �'',' the radius could be expanded per F'ire District requirements. i Hawever, the increase in asphalt surfacing needed t� ac- commodate the 45 foot radius would be a detractic�n �rom the aesthetic qualities that are being a�hieved wi�hin. the j development . Therefore, the placement of landscape islan�s within these cul-de-sacs, as well as ths other cul-de-sacs ��� �vithin the project , will offset the "sea of a.sphalt" ap- ;� pearance resulting from a 90 fopt diazne�er cu1-d�-sac . �I 4 . Single ��,mi1y attached lots 85--93 are bein� proposeci i:o ��, develop a,round a narrow cul-de-sac with a lai�dscape island in the center. Locating the landsca�e island ir� this cul- de-sac woul 1 , d eave an approximate 1�--.�oo� wide manuevering lane on either side of the cul-de-sac. Thi;s narrow area does not provide enough room fox� the on-street parking �!; needs of the 9 units which would be served by this street and woul.d conf,lict with normal tra�f�.c flc�WS. �;'�; �! � 5. In a lette.r to the applicant , dated December 8, 1977, �rom the Beaver��n Schoo7. District No. 48,recommended that.: �" ;:�. ,. � � t;-� _ � ; , . STAFF REPORT ; ,� AGENDA 5 .1 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION Page 9 (1) A le�t-�;ux�n retuge on Scholls Ferry Road at the Summer Lake entrance �or traffic traveling west be pro- vided t� allow cars to pass school buses waiting to turn into �;he development . In addition, a right-tizr•n lane refuge at the entrance would allow residents to move au� ol the faster tra�'Fic lane. (2) Il left-hand turns are to be permitted when leaving Summer Lake, it is .recommended that a center lane be pxo- vided on Scholls r�'erry to accommodate cars t;ravelin� west to move in�to th�e tra�fic flow at this point . (3) The C� ':y of Tigard rec{uest the State Highway Division to undert�.ke a speed s�tud� on Scholls Ferry in this area, that development to the wes�t has already necessitated speed reduction. (4) The provision of a bus stop along Sc�iolls Ferry I�oad at Lot 1 would serve school buses and public transpo.ri;ation. Sta�'f has requested tile schc�ol district to comm�ent on the g�neral plan and program a.nd make any addi�tiona�. recommen- dations that were no�i; included i.r� the Decernber 8, 1977, letter. Comments from the Beaverton School District (se� �F:,� at�;ached) have been included with the staFf r�port . Starl has also contacted the Oregon State Highway vivision requesti.xig their comments on this groject . No response , has been received as ol this writing. i 6 . There are a series o� structures (i .e, houses and. barns) , located on �the northeast corn.er o:C the p.roperty . The ap- plicant is proposing to remove all these k�uil.dings fram the sit�. 7. The applicant propos�s �;o dEVia�e �rom i:he :front and �°Par yard requirements of the code in a few insta.nces where some �ront yard s�tbacks would be 16 �eet a.nd in some areas the r�az• yard s�tback would be 12 �eet 8 inches. 8. On the "Fram�work Plan" �or the ar�a borde��ed by S .W. 121st , S .W. 135th, Scholls Ferry Ftoad, and S.W. Wa7:nut Street approvec� by the Tigard Planning Commissxon on Ma,y 1.7, 1977, S .W. 130th is not projected to be exi;ended thxough to S .W. Scl�alls �'erry Road. The terrriinus of 130th is to ta.ke place at wha�L- will become the intersection ot S.W. 1.30th and S .W. Hawks Eear.d Drive . Therelore, that portion of S.W. 13Oth betw�en attached single .fami.ly lats 85-89 could be vacated a1: this tim�. Access to the property to the n�rth of the development woL�ld continue to be serv�d from S .W. Schr�lls � Ferx�y Road. ITI . Conclusionary ��indings: � . The applicailt has �ss�ntially adhered to th� z•equired c;on- c�itions of �the pre7.imi.naxy �lan and program (with the ex- ception o:f those items as referred to in the Staff Findings) and has supplied infoxmatinn ?.n thc��? �re�.� where he pro- . � . � � � ������I �, �, STAFF REPORT � AGENDA 5 .1 TIGARD FLANNING COMMISSION Page 10 poses to alter or delet� �from conc�iti_ons imposPC� by the Planning Commission. 2. The request conforms to �he density requir�ments of the Tigard Communi.ty Plan, 1971 , and NPO #7 Draft Pla.n and tk�e uriderlying proposed R-7 �one . 3. Additional vision easements around the la.kes should be provided to a.11ow the lo�:s not adjacent to the lakes , to enjoy the natural �.menities thelake area �rovides. 4. Staff does not concur with th� applicant 's reasoning for retaining the 1 .1 acre area originally designated on the p.reliminary plan for apartrnents and redesignated on the � general plan as sin�l.e :�amil.y. Sta:Ef concludeu that � Planning Commissian Candition 3 of �the preliminary plan ; and program shou:l.d b� adhe.red to . :It should be rtoted that � this area is one af the �ew apen space a.reas with:in the entire project that would nat be within the 100 year flood �, pl�,in ma,king it a ,year-round useable open space axe�. "� � IV. Staf� Recommendation: � BasEd on Findings of Fact and Con�lusianary Findirigs, staff �i recommends approval o� the g�neral p1.an and progr�,m and zan� � m�:� �mendme.nt from Washi.ngt�n Co�unty FZS1 to City of Tigarcl � R7-PD with the Fc�llqwing �onditionst I; 1 . That the bi.keway and �edestrzan plan as s�zbmittEd be amend��, � a�cording to tYie attachEd exl�ibit A, and i�cl.u:de the :�o].low- �� ing; �' �;� �.. An 8--f:oc�t wide asphalt; bikep�.th al.ong the S .W. �cholls �' FPrry Roaci frontage. �' �:� b . 8-Foot wide conc;rete bikEpaths be provid�d along canly the c�7.lector s�:rcets within the development . �' ; c. That the bi.keway behi.nd loi<s 10-14 be deleted. ,;: ;. , d,. That an approximat� 8(�-foot long bi.kEpath' :From S .W. � Gla,cier Li.ly Lane be provided betwe�n single �amily ' �' detached I.ots 9 ancl IO. e` �. e. That a bil�epat;h �ae provided ar•ound the east lake. "� _ . `t'; _ �: :� . That a bikepa.th from the area described as Lots 161- f� �,: 164 be provided on the southside of the west lake where `j it would connect with the 1�ikepath on the greenway to �f, the e�st . �; � � ; � � .. . � , ,: ,. �'K � — _ _ _ _ . ,,1 , i.,{ .. . v . R;� a ^ r ' ��� STAFF REPOR,T r�'� AGENDA 5 . 1. TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION Page 11 4 g. That the bikeway be constructed within Phase 1. to include Scholls Ferr.y Road, the bikepath around the � east lake, �.long the south side of tYie ��vest lake , �' and a1on; the collector streets. h . That the F.ntire green��ay and bikeway system be subjec�t to desi�n review and improvement plans for the �.reas marked X on e�hibit "A" also be submiti;ed (to include benches, picnic ta.bles, etc. ) 2 . Tha.t tlle "vision easement" betwEen single iamily detach�d lots 14 and 15 be increased; that an additional "vision easement" be provided between Lots 11 and 12 (thi_s can be accompli.shed by shifting Lots 10 and 11 in a westerly �irection) . 3 . Tha.t single �a,mily detached Lot 64 be del�ted and this area, serve as a vzsion ea�ement within the open space area. � . Lots 161-164 b� dele�ted as single f�.mily det�,ched ho►�es, and this l . l acre area become part o:C the open space area and thai: t��iis area, be included wi_thin Phase I . '� � �'� 5. That all cul-de-sa.c stre�ts over 150 �eet i.n lengtYi be � devel,oped on a �5•-foot radius. �a . That 7.andscape islands be provid�d within the cul-de-sacs, and a landsca,�e plan fox• the cul-de-sac islands be sub- mitted for design review, and that mainl;Enance responsik�ility � for tF�c i.a��dscape island be prescribed to the I-Iomeowners � Asso��iat;ion. ` i 7. That; a cul-de-sac with a landscape island be developed on % a 4G-foo� radius for single �amily attached lots 85-93, ` i 8a That 5-:Eoot wide sid�walks be provided along Y�oth sides �: of the loc:al streets (deleting them within the cul--de-sac) , 9. That covenants be ai;tached to the de�ds o:r single family ; attached lots l, 19-23, a<nd 121-126 restricting access � :P.rom S .W. Schol.ls Ferry Road. � i lQ. That street improvements for S.W. Scholls Ferry Road be a provided per Oregon State Highway Division r.equirements. ; (To include a left-turn refuge lane and a right-turn taper) � 11 . That a bus turnout lane be provided along �he S .W. Scho7.ls � Ferry Road :fr�n�age (exact l.acation to bs worked out between � the applicant , Beaverton School District 48, and Or��gon ' �'� State Highway Divisian. I �. � i 12 . That S .W. 130th be vacated between sin;g]:e family attached lots 85-88. � � ..F , __ _ _.. ; ..... . .._..:. _ _.. ,, ' W , t d w � STAFF R,EPORT AGENllA 5.1 '; TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ' Page 12 ! � i 13 . That thc� stxee� tree plan and signing program �or thE de- { velopm�nt be subject to design review. � 14 . That no tinal plat be recorded for. ari,y lots within PhasP E I until sucYi time as �er service is available to � public sert the site. i , i 15. Tlzat all attached single fami].y unzts be subject to design ; review. � �; >. �; i; �:.� }; �i � t- r'y',,I _ � �j;! `t ;,l ;;if . � � � . � � � � l,l . . . .. .. . . . ;� . . . . .. . . . .. �. .. '`� 3 � � �9 � . . � � . . �� . . ,�'� . . . . . . . .!;�! � . . . . . . , ... . . _ � `,� � � . � � � :��.I .� . . . . � . . . . � . � . � � � . . .... ��g . . � . � � . � i,i ` . . . . .. . � . � . . .... .. .� .. . �. . . ' . . � � '�?� � . . . � � . . �.,, .. . . . � � .. . . �7 . . . .. .. . � . . . � � � �� r �.. �' �'-.. . . . .. .. . . . .. .- . . . � . . . . . . � . . .. �.�: ...,tz.. _ I AGLNDA �. 2 MEMORANDi1M � � � TO; Planning Commission ;; �� FROM: Plannin� Sta�f i SUBJECT: Appea� o� an administrativ� action �or a �ninor land � partitior�ing request at S .W. 78th and 1?fa�fle Stxeets , °' r'; DATE : February ?, 1978 � �� On No�ember 29, 1977, the Ti,gard Pa.anning Directar approved with ;'; conditions a Minor Land Partitioning request by Phillip Kellehex ; �or a .83 acre parcel at S.W. 78th �.nd S .W, Ffaf�le Streets . Mr. ` �elleh�x has subsequently a,ppealed �Lk�is adm�.i�istra,tive action to �the Planning Comrnission, opposing staff Condition No . 2 (seP attachPd sta�f x•eport a.nd vicinity map) tha�t required him to construct a half ' street improvement along both the S.W. 78th Avenue and S .W. P.fa�f�le S�reet frontages c�f the subject pa<x�cel . The C'i.ty polic,y has been to require new develo�ments to co:nstrizct half street improvemen��s when it is physically possible to blend `' th�m into the existin� street grat�e and ali�nmen�t . Z'he problem present�d by this appeal is one of economic �feasibility rather than physical �easibility. In other words, the itn�rovements can be ph,ysicall,y cari�ied out, but the size of �Lhe prajec;t cloe� not mal�e it financiall,y �e�.sible to provide the req;uired improvements . Th� questioiz befar� us th�z� is: a� what point do we recognize i;ha�t th� scale of a pro,�ect caxries with zt an implicit ability to pay , fo� o�':t�site improvements such as those r�g,�estecl here'� , �;, A ��ssibl.e answer. is that eacxi development �Lype such as a house, �' shopping Genter, etc. shoulcl be expected to provide �, hal:f stxeet ='' � improvement a.long their fr,ontage. When a bui],der �:onstrue�:s a house �� � on an exi:sti.n� caunty or city road ixe realizes an a,cldita:ona7.. �inancial r�. l�enefi� f��rri the existance o� that str.ee�t , Thexe�ore, each new house ' built should b� expect�d to provide a half s�reet me�ting �:he �ull standard either now ar in the future, � Applying sueh a policy to this appeal would reg,uire M� . Kelleher ; to provi.de a half street improvement for th� two new lots bei:n� crea�:ed, but wou].d dr�p th� reqizirement on i;h� frontage occupied �. � by th� existin� house , �2 � ,, a '���� ,;:� I+ �"; •,7: < `, ,: ,' � � � t.: ; r, � �;' ,",' « r �; � ,�: _ f,.,;. I . �';` r. �,'! (�'r � � �,"r; 6 f 1Y� .. . . .' . �} y�y� � � . ,.. . . �'� �F'•' .... . . � . _ -_- - _ . � � STAFF REPORT � AGENDA 5, 3 TIGARD PLANNINCT COMMI�SION Februa.r�� 7, 1978 F�wler �Tunior I�igh School - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut Stre�t - Tigard, OregQn Docket : Conditional. Use Amendment CU 30-76 Request : To amend Condition. 6 of a conditional u�e permit f.or � the Wayside Inn with re�pect to signin� for the secon- � cYary access poznt f.rom Pacific Highwa,y (betweeri the ; Mobil Service Station and Wayside Inn) . � � ; � Location: North�ast of S .W. 69th Avenue , southside of Pacific '� Highway (Wash. Co . Tax Map 1S1 36AD, Tax Lot 6504) . � A,pplicant : Bob Pershing (Security Sign Co , ) i' I . Findin s of Fact : � :� l . The site is �iesi.gnated on the Ti�ard Communit,y Flan, 1971, c� General. Commercial, and on the NPO #4 Draft Plan, Highway Commercial , and �oned C-3, General C�mmercial . a� 2 . (7n Nc�vember 16, 1976, the Tigard Plannin� Coznmis�ion ap- �' proved a x�equest by Way W. Lee to locatP a four-story �; rnot�r-hote�. on �the suk�ject site with the followin� a:p- �' � f' licable cc�ndit ons : i� 1 �:. 1 . The acc�ss onto S,�N. Pacific Highway be combined with ``F the existin,� M�bil access point and be designed for right turn only into a.nd out o� �:he site w�.th approval ;i of. the State Higllway Division . K:i 2 . Primary access to th.e mote]. be provided on S.W. 69th Avenue with the parking lot dxiveway connecting `to it �-� on the south. '�`! ;:.; ,�,:, 6 . The secondar,y access pc�int (�,etween Mobil a.na Wayside �' Inn) will not be desig.nated by a sign encouraging ii;s !�ij use as an entrance point . 3. On December 14, 1975, the Ti�ard Design Review Board a�- pr��rPd the site plan for the Wayside Inn with the following , �; a�plicable condition : , .! � �-,� 5 . Access via the secondary access poin� onto S:�N. Paci�ic ,:: Highway be limited to the motel complex only. ,"� '7. Signing and striping program be developed subject to staff approval regarding directing to S,W. 69th l�venue '� and not onto Pacific Highway via the secc�nciary access 4.�`; drive . �°; I'A ;:<r ,:, . . . . � � . � . . . � . . k�� . . � . . �� . . . . . . � . .. . . i�; . .. . .. . . � . .. �.. � � � p,�u�, . .. . . .� ,.� . ,.. .. _. . .. . . ,.,. .,:..__.,.� . .�.,rr �u��- .,-. . . .. . .. . � . �: . � � STAFF REPORT ,:;., AGENDA 5 .3 � TIGARD PLANNING C�OMMISSION FFbruary 7, 1978 Page 2 4. The applicant is requesting to amend Conclition 6 of the Planning Corr�rnission action of Novemk�er I6 , 1976, by pro- �, viding a 6 f�ot hi.gh b5� 5 faat wide directional sign at the s�condary egress onto Paci�ic Highway from the Wayside Motor Inn. 5. The applic�.nt has stated that the adc�itional szgnage is "simply to h�l.p c�irect traffic in�to th� tiVayside Motor Inn" , because the proprietors of the motel are ''ha.vi.n� problems with their customers bEing able to find �he motel, be- cause of. its lacati�n. " � 6 . There is curr�ntly a 14 foat by 16 foot high free-standing sign on �:he site. This sign is loaated aloi�g th:e Pacific F�ighway frontage about in the nniddle o� the site. The copy on the sign identi�Cies th� motel and an inci.dential sign belov� �his si�n serves to direct traffic t� S .W. bgth. 7. The applicant feets that the relationsliip bei;ween tlie ac- cess anc� egress points on �the sit� and t11P existin� signing is nQt t'ur�ctioning; that motorists da n�t see th8 sign identifying the entrance until aft�r passing the access �t• into the motel at 69th and i;hen attempt �o enter tY�e site at the egress (exit point) . II . Conclusionary Findings : 1 . Staff cor�clude� that this problem can be i.mproved by the signing pragram �ropased by the applican�t in his varianre submission under Agen�:a Item 5 .4 . Placin� a sign a�: the egress (secondary exit) will be con.fusing and tend to en- caurage motoris'ts ta commit themselves to turning inta the egress from Pacific Highwa,y. 2 . Staf� recognizes that soine motorists have had difficult� finding th� entrance to Wayside Inn, but finds tlae bes� ��lution tc� in�volve better identificati�n of the en- trance, not t;he exit. The signirig p,rograrn proposed by > th� applicant unde.r Agenda Item 5.4 appears ad.e�uate to provide the adda�tional signing needed. 3. That C�ndition 6 of P1az�ning Commission approval of November 16, 19'76, shauld be: adhered to and that no signa.ng should be placed in this area unless it say� ''exit only" and in no way car'ries copy identifying tYie rnotel . '� TII . Staff R�commendation: ���,� St'aff recommends denial. �. ._.. _ . _ . : r _:.. _ ;; �I uT�YFI' R£PQR�' AG�I�DA 5.4 �"" T7:G.�l�D I�ZANNING C�}�IP�ISSTON D � F�bruary 7, 1978 r^oV��.er �uniar F•ii�;h S�hool-Lectur� Raom 1.U86a �S��t �tira:Lnut StrPet--�i.�ard, Oregon �� �I Docket: Sa.gn Code Appeal SCA 1.-78 I N R�aue�t, For a �r riance �r� T�.t].� 16 S�. n Re ul.ata.nn Sect�.on a � r � � � 15.36.040 (3) (a} and 1�.40.04Q (e) N,ree S�andirzg and. 0��--pr��nis�s sig�.s o� th� Ti�a.rd �unic�.pa1 Cade. Zoc��ian; ��.460 S�l Pacific Highw�y, Wayside Motor Tnn (ri�Tash. Co. �'�x Map 15�. 36.AD, T.ax �,at 6504} . Applicant: 13ob Per�hing (Seeurity S:i.g�s) �. Fin.aa.zigs of Fact: �.. fihe s�.�e is zpn�d C�� GPneral Cc�mme�rc.ial �nd d.esign�,ted Ger��r�.l �e�aaa�ue��:i.al o� the Ti���d �ommunit�T P1.an, 19r1�_D an.d kIa�gYaway �aramerc;�.�.�. c�n tl7e NPO ;�4 llraft k'lan. 2 e Set�.�:ion� �.6. .020 a� the Ti ard Munici a1 Code V�..ri�nc� 3$ g p 0 �r .�...��. ra.�1°t�.n s�t�a�e�, �he Plann�.r_� Com��.ssion may �rant a va a.�n.c� - rom the pr�o�risio:�s o�' th�.s title �ased on fi�.dings �h�.t due �_. �t,o �ra�t�.c�].: di.�ficu�•ties, undue hardsha.ps or incons�s�ex�c.i.e� ' ti#ri-th �he ��jectives of �his title, the str�:ct or lit�ra.�. inter-- '' preta�ion and �n�rarc�zner<� �f � speci.fic requiremen� r�er�euride .r �` �hau�.d b� w��.v�c� ar mad3.fi�ci. " �! r 3. Sec�ion 1�. 3�.Oq•0 �3) (a) .states t}aat "onP mua_�tifar;ed fr�E- st�.aadin�; ,i.gn i�den-ti�yin� �;he pr9.ncipa]_ goads, � .roctucts, -� facilities or serv�.ces azrailable on the premises sha:l.]_ be per.mitted �r� any pr�mise. ¢. Section 16.4C��040 (�) s��.tP� th�.t R'no aff.-premises sign shal� be permittc�d iri any comm�ercial �r ir�d.usi��i�,l zone, excPpt ou-tdaar ad.v�rtising si�ns, as regul.a�ed 3.n SeGtion 16.44.090) . TT. �Sta�'f �bs��v�.�ions a7zd �'andi,n��t =i l. T.he �ppl�.ca�i�'s ai�e p1.�n indic�,t�s the pxnpo�ed locatian of �t�ao 5 �'QOt wid� by 6 �'�0�4 hioh directiana.l s�.gras; one at �he south�,�es� �orner of SW 6�th Avenue an the P1.ara�hause Ft�staur�xat sit�, anci the nther a�t the en�rance of Coco' s �'. R�staurant (upper ti�r ��.x°king lat�. These two signs wnuld identi.f3� th� laaysicie Mator Inn and also have the word "enter" w�.'�h an arrc�w c�:�.rec�tng tra�fj.c to th� mote:�, �. �� ;; � �:� � „ �; S�AFI� FL?��'t7I�� AG�NV�. 5.4 s 'I.':CCx,AI�D P'LANNTNC`r G01�lMISSI01�1 �, P�.ge 2 2 a Based �n the subm.itt�d sit� p7_an, sta�f c�:rl�c�t det�r�min� how th� pro�osed d�.rectiona� si�;n on the StiV 69th k.ven�.e and Pacifi� High- way fx�an�t�ge w�uld re�.at�: to the �xist�.n� Plankhou�� sig� in the : same loc�tinn. 3. Section ].6.36.Q4Q (3) (b} (1) and �3} (c� (l) of �he Ti��rd Mux�ici�al Code , Gomm�rc.�a1 a�d Industrial Zorzes s�tate�s tha� nFre�-�ancla.n� signs sha 7.. e nermzt�ed ar praper�y zoned c�zn- merc,ial o.r indus�rial and .fr.°onting oz� �.n a��p?���1 and co:l.�.ec�or s�reet sh�.11 bc s�.xbjec�t t� the area limitatio�� as c�efin�d in j tha�� s�c�ions. 4. The applicants propased. direct�onal �i�x� on th� Pa.�i�ic Hi,ghway and S�r E�9��! Av�z�.tze .frora�a�� �rould came uncl�r -�he 5i�ning l�.mi.��tic,�.s �nr �r�eri,�l stree��, vrhich a.s a maximuzu af 70 square �eet P�r �`aee �r � tot�1. of ��0 squ��� fEet ��"or all. sia� �'aees. Th� ��p1.a.carz� is prc�pe�s��ag a� 18 square foot si�n at ��i�.s loca�io�.. �t'h� dir�ction�.l sign �o be locatec� on tk�.� Co�o�s .restaurar�t p�o- ;; �aerty wauld be ��xbj��� to the s?gni.ng lim�.�a�ians �or collectnx� �; ��;.. ; s�re�-�s. �he maximum squaz^e faota�e �'or free�s��ndin� �i�ns � on co1�_e�-�ar str�e�ts :i� 25 sa,tza.re feet pex sa�gn �ace or a �o+�Z l �0 sqtzar� �eet fc�r� a�.l sig�. �'ac�s. � �k�e appl..ic�,nt i� p�c��nv�ng �� lg sq'uare �'�et sigri at �his l�acati.nn. ; 5ta.f:t' aar7n.ot det�r�.ir��, �a�.s�d c�n th� plot plan �s subma.tt�c�, i�' i �his sign would excee�l the sqLCase foa�a�s limitatipn.. ' Z:L�. Conclt�.:�ionary Fi�ding� : 1. N� indie�tian ha� b�en given in the app�.i�ant's subm�.ssion as to wYx�r h� prapos�s ta locat� the �ntra:n�e s:i.gn. ora th� F'�,amkY�av.s� sitc� at SW �9th Av�nue and Paci��.c Hz�hw�y, as �apposed �� the C�ca' � si�te azad hbw this sz�;n wc�u�.d r�1atP to tpxe ex.�.sting sign.-� � i.rig fc�x^ �aath rest�:urants. �k�er°:�'or�e f th� applxcar�t shoul.d re� s�bm i��t f or de s ign re�r i.era approval, a �igx�iz�g p ro�x•am that wi�.�. n.o� canflict wi�h c��ista.n.� si�rz� o� thESe twa prema.s�s. 2. �i� 1.c�cating a dir�ectir�nal sign. for the Tt�nysicie Inn on the P�.ank-� ; hause r�st�ur.�nt sa�t�, bu+� �outh of the existin� .restaur.ant si�;n, ; wauld �7_law m��or.is�s th� c�pportunity to read this s�.gn and r��pax�d ; i�; suf�.icien.t �2me �to turn at the S�' 6�'c�i �Av�nue egress. A �� da.��c�ic�na�. si.�;n c�n the �occa�s rest�urant si.t�: (u�Fer �ti�r � � �ark3,n� ax^e�.} t��c�txl�d �Isc� assist motorists in locat:Lng th� m�tel ';; ta the e�.st. ; ; � � � � � '��r i �:_, :;i ;i � I STAFF �FP�RT AGENDA 5.4 � T IG�.RD PL�I'�tNI�tG C C7M1'2�SS T�I� , Page 3 ZV. S�aff" R�com�.erlda.�tiar�s Bas�c�. on find�.ngs of.f�c�t an� concTusi�n�,:ry �zncl,_'ngs s'�a�� recoznznend� apP�ova1. o� th� v�.rian��:s ta the sign code as requested w�th the �`o�:a_awiizg coxzdi�ir�n�; l. That a aite p�.an be re�ubmitted th�t inda.cates the �xact locat�p�z o.f th� ��.r�ct�an�.l. s:ign o�� th� C�co' s Re�taur�.n� �a .re��.sP�� ?. �hat a dire�tiona:L sigr� �n th� Plankhau�e £tEStaur.�nt premises be :Lacafi;ed s��.z�th a� �th� �xistin� �"�.�.rL�hor.x�e sign c�n SW Pact�ic '; Hi�hw�y (exaet laca��.on ta k�e det�rmined d.uring desa.�z� �eview) . � 9 30 �'Yz�.� �ath dzre��iona�. �igns be vub��ct to d�sign rev3.�w. � , � � � � �.m. Y � r; ti i; �! ii � � 1��'� ,;i . !':. ;ki i} (J i'S �i P.., ;i . . � .. � :�,_ � .. . � � . . . ... �.!' � � � � .. � � � � � � . . . ��I � � . � . � . � {.� f;. � � � ,.,��. rd I`' �'!i . . . . . . . . Y�;i ��.. � � . � � . .. . . � . �`. �.. . . � � � .� . � . . . . . � � ���. � � . . � � � .. � .. . . . � � . . . �� '�,.. . . . � . � ... .. . . . � . . . �'� . . . . . . . . �. . . �. . . � . . . , .� .� ' . . � . . . . _. � . .. . , .. . �_q5 � � � � � � .. . . . . � � . � � �� . .. . . . �. . �: . . . .. . � � . . �� . . � � . . ��..�.f. _, , - , ,: . , i � E,� i�'�P�IORAN17t3��I !� '� �i . �� k:li, ; T_0: Pl�nning Commission ` FI�OMf p1.a�.n.ing De�artm�rit � SUB�C�: �.�GOmmendations nf B1ue Ribbon Sign Cod� Cnuzm�.tte� �I, TJATE: Fe�bruary 2, 1978 � 4i �� �I ��' S �he �oznmittee recauunends that th�e .fqllow.ing be d�le��d 4� and be �mend�d to read as fallaw�: ' � Sectinn 16.40.090 Outdaor advertizing ?i n 'be delet��. � �'r°am 'P�.t1.e 16 � , �e��ion 16.24.U'15 be amendeci �a in�lude Ordix�ana� Na. �� 78-- a� fo�.lor�s: � � . . . acco-rding to Ordananc� �77-81 (Fre�standing 5igns) j� #7�3 �-� �Wa1]_ �i�n�) and ��78- may bp c�nt�.nued urit3.�. � (ten year� after�a�te of ordinan�e) except signs � �w.. w�i. c ar� a re�ady rinza c,anforming� as p�r s�ctior� 1�.24•.Q14 The pur.°�a,s� of this amer�dmen.t is to prevent any new b.�a..]'_bo�rdfi f�om ��3.ng ere�ted azad �o �et � �ti�ne l�.m��t�tion or� �xist�.n� Ta�.�.1bo�:�ds. � � , � J i . . . � . � � . � . .�� , 1 � � � � � � �� � � � . � � �� � f #�. � # }' S": � � � � �� C � j � . . � � � � . � � .. � . . � �. . _ . , p, J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. �� . i �.� .. � . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�, . d. . . .. . . , � . � .. .. � . � � . . .. , � � �1 i . . .. � . . � � .. - � � � . � �: . . . � � _ . . , . ... . .�...� g