Planning Commission Packet - 01/03/1978 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. i:Y . % y a.cE�vna. TTGAi�D PLANNING r0}�1MI5SZON J�n�ta�5r 3, 1978 7;30 PM �'c�wler. Juni.or Higl� Sch�o1 - Lecture Room 1��65 SW W�.1nut St�:eet • Tigard, 0•re�on �. e3il �:o o�rae�: '.?o �o�l ��l.i� 3. App�eoval af Mi•nu tes s �•, C�mmu?zic.a tions; 5 . P�b:Lic Hearings: A S ta f f: P�epor t B Appl.icant s Presentati���. C Public Tes�imony; a 1'r.oponenC�s � ' b Opponent's c Cross�examination D Sta:[f Recommendation a SL-a�f b. CrUSS examin.ati.on E, Commi.ssion �i.scussion and Ac Ci.on. � 1 Z�JPdE C[-IANGE ZC �7-77 (Stoneridge) NPO 3 A x�c�u�s t by St�z�eridge Development Co, for a �;e�stet�.l pla:n and pro�iam review o:E a twa phase resider�tialf commareial plann.ecl de�=e�.�pmcnt of an 8.8 acre parcel. (Wash Co Tax Ma.p 251, 1C1AA Tax T�ots 700., �00, an.d �I�sli,� j Go Tax Map 2S1 3DD, Tax Lots 8q7 , 900, 1.l.Odr L4008 1.500) and a zc�.�?e m�p '� amer.rlment frum R•10, '�Singl.e �amily ltesidr�ntiaf.'�g to CP 01Gt�snme'�c�.a1 Pzac fessiona.l." on par�els totaling 35 6 acres (Wdsh, Ca `�ax Ma.p 2SI 3I�A, �. Tax Lo� 900 and the eas terrz portion �f `�a� T�o•t 1500) 5, 2 CONDTTZONAL USE CU 35�'17 (We�,dcoxp) TaU1ec1 fram PC 11/1/77 �IS?0 2 � xeques t by Wendcorp o£ Fortland �ar a Cr�nd:i tir.��a.'l. Use Pe�mi i; fo� a, resi:aurant and drive th�augh windor�a in a C-3, "�en�ral Comr�ercia.l Za:t�:�"a for. a 96 acre parcel. lacated at SW Paci£ic Hig,hw�y a.n.�t SC� �IeKex�ziA (Waah Co, Tax 'Map 2S1 2BD, Tax Lok 201.) �.. 5 3 CUNDTTTQN;AL (JSE CU 42•77 (Har►cock/Hea.ly) NP0 4 A xeyues t hy P�u1 Hanc�cic and' Yat. �leal.y to 1.ocai•.e aYa. i�:s'urar�ce o�fice ' in a �-3 `'Gen.er.al Ca[nrnPrcial 'Lone"' at 11:.65'L SGJ �'ar,i�'i� H�rye (W�sJa, Ca; Tax Map 1S1 36CD, 'I'ax "Lot 140'0) , i � , ,,, ;.. ��'��..A . � i �I � �; .AC�ENDA • � TT�ARA PT,,AN�IZNG COMMI:�SION ° ,�anuaz�� 3, 1978 � PagA 2 504 C()NDITrONAL USE CU 41-77 (Walker Const. Coe) NPO :3 ; E A request by Walker Const. Co. for a Conditional Use Permit fo?- tex� � duplex units in a R-10, "Single Family Residen.tiaL Zc�ne'" for a 3oJ8 � acre parcel 1.ocated an S,W. Grant Ave. , 300 feet north af S,W. Park. � Ste (Wash� Coe Tax Map 2S1 2CB, Tax Lots 800)e � 5�5 SUBD�VISION V 12-77 (Welker Const. Ca,) '�, ; NPO 3 � A req�est by Walke� Construction Company fnr a Varian.s,e ta the St•.?-e�t � S�andar.ds of the Subdivisictin Cc�da £ar a 3,2H acr.e par.cel i.z� s R�.1.09 � "Sing�le FarniLy Residential Zone1° at 1311.5 S>W, f�ra�nt (Was�x, C�, Tax �`. Map 251. 2CBy Tax Lot 800)s �'' � �.,o MZSCELLANEOUS �; r 1. fi�:L NON�-CQNFOR.MING USE NCCJ 1a77 (�,. �. bav'�.$) 1VPA 5 t` �! � A request by L, R. Dav�.s t� expand upon $ naYYmco.r�fns:m�i�.n� ��e iti� a Mm3� � "Light I���dustrial Zone" at 7415 S.W. Bcni�a Road (Wash� Coo T�x Map 2S1 12A, Tax Lot 700). A1.1 p�z°sUns havi�ng a�. iz�terest in khe hea�ing rnate�rial, a.re invi�ed t:o appear a�r� s�zbmifi axaL and wr3tten testimony or submit written testimo�.y in advance of ihe rn�e ti�t�.g. ' �: �, � � � � �� � fi � �� � � . . . � . . � . . `MINUTES TIGAI�D PLANNTVG COA�MISSION January 10, 1978 Fowler Junior Fiigh School - Lectur Room 10865 S .W, Walnut Street - Ti�ard, Oregon 1 . Call to Order : The m�eting was called to order at ? : 30 P.M. 2. I�oll Call : i i Present : Sakata, Goldbach, Corliss, Brian, Popp, Quimby ' ' � Excused Absence : Tepedinc�, Wood, Rossman � Staff : Law�, Chaidez ; . 3. Approval vf A4inutes: a The min�t�s of DecemUer G, ?977, were approved as written . 4, C'ommunications: A1 Pop� introduced A4r. Raeldon Barker, new City A�ministrator. 5. Public Hearings : � �`� �� . 1 Zone Ch�.n�;e ZC 27-?'7 (Stoneridge) NPO #� q A request by Stonerid�� I�evelopmen�t C�. for a general plan and program review of a two phase residenti�,l/commercial i{ planned deve].oprnent of an £3 .8 acre parcel (Wash. Co. Tax Map ' 2S1 10A, Tax Lots 700, 5300, and IOQO, and Wash. Co. Tax Map i 2S1 3DD, Tax Lots 800, SO1, 900, 10'00, 1100, I400, and 1500} and a zone map amendment from ft-10, "Si.ngle Family Residential'! , �' to CP "Comrnerci�,l Professional" on parcels totaling 3.56 aere,s ; (Wash, Co. T�� Map 2Sl 3DD, Tax Lot 900 arid the east�rn pnx°tion �? of Ta� Lot 1500) . A. Staff Report : ,I 9 Read k�,y Laws B. Applicar�t ' s Presentation : i J�s�ph Van Lom, Project A.rchitect, clari�ied and' explained � tkie plan and a bike path proposal wh�.ch would meander � through the si�e as an al�texna-tive to sidewalks. �;' ,. Brian asked about the 3 private- roads terminus. � � }i�� �� Van Lom responded they woul.d not continue �ff the site; ��' .�,�,� ,�, �;� ;; t,.. ;�� } , _ -- _ _ .�, � I i _ . _ _ . .. ��� �:i 5= ,;, �;� ,;: MINUTES TIGARD PLAI�TNING COMMTS5ION January l�, 1978 l.:; � Page 2 C. Public Testimony: �'' �';',' Oppon�nt: `;' r:.': � o Bibianne Saheckla, 10890 S.tia. Fairhaven Way, said the plan was creating an illegal. cu:l-cle-sac, NPO #3 specified there should be single family residences alautting each ot3��:r - no comman wall duplexes, the maintenance on private s�treets would be questionable, all the lots should be 10,000 squar� feet according ` to the NPO document. °�II o Melviz� Johnson, 10860 S.W. Fairhaven Way, stated: "i (1) �he surrounr�ing p.rop�rty �wners bought property : '�i assuming singl.e fa.mily residences; (2) the plan looked 1 like lats nf d�ad Pnd streets; (3) the property de= sex•ves better; (4) qu�stionea the Homeowners Assnaiation ; i strength; and (5) wanted the lonqevity of fi.he town I considered. o Ramsdale, 11635 S .W. Terrace Trails, asked about the d�Zay in a traffic analysis - needed a study on im- I �� pact to Gaarde St.reet, and noticed a lack of acces� ;� and bike patiz to Pacific Highwa�� in the plan. D. Staff Itecommendati�n: ��� �;: A. Based on findings of fact and conalusionar� findinc�s, � sta�f recommends approu�l with the following conditions: ' � ' 1. Pricar to the development af any part of Phase ` I'� II, a development plan and a traffic analysis shall � be submitted to the city. 2 . That the seeondary access �to the commercial pr�p- , � erty in area "A" Phase TI as shown ox� th� sit� ,� ��' plan be deleted. Access tn thesa properties to �'� be determined during the submission of a develop- � rnent, plan for Phase I:i. r 3. Tha� Lots 18 through 31 develop on a private dxive (30 ' right-of-way and 24 ' pav�m�nt) . �.�' ;:�;;; 4 . Tl�at 'LUts 36 and 37 be duplex lr.t�. ` ;,'; 5. That acc�ss for Lots 1 throtxgh 4 be �rovi.d�d be- �w�en Lats 1 and 3 and the temporary emergency �t� access betwe�n Lots 4, � and 7 be del.eted, i �, � � � , . . . . .. � � � .+� E� � ... � . . � . . . .. � � . . .. . .. . . . .� . � ., . . . �"''� . . . . . . . . � � � � . ' � � �'.,.i- � . . . � . . . . � . . . . i�i:' . .� . ��. .. . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . �.. . . . . . . . t:�`! �„a j:' ,� ., . . . . . . � � . � .. � .. .k�. MINUTES �,`�` TIGARD P.LANNING COMMIS5ION Janu�ry 10 , 1978 Page 3 6 . That the entire de�crelopment within Phase I be subject to desic�rx review. 7. That the main s�treet within the development be constructed to local street stan:dards (50 ' of right-of-way, eurbs, 5 ' �zdewalks on both sides of the street, street trees, ana street ligk�ts) . 8. That covenants be attached to the deErls of I�ots 7 and 8, 13 and 14 , and 23 and 24 restrictinc� a�cess from the private drives to properties in PhasE II. B. Cross-examination: o Bibianne Scheckla asked how a cul-de--sac could be a��r_oved, stated they were promisec� a traf�ic ana7.ysis, and �elt the homeowners should be pra- tectEd by the Homeowners Associatio� . o Laws ras�onded the traffic analysis was under �°' khase II, the Homeowners Association was docu- ;�` znented, the street wouldn°t b� a dead end becaus� of �lug placeMent, th�xe was access throiagh pri- vate pr�perty f.or e�ergeney vehicles., the basket- ball haop placement would be disCUSSed under design review. o Van Lom stated (1} this plan wouldn '� genera�te any more txaffia than other developments in �he ' � area which didn't need traffic analysis;; (2) basbetball hoop can be moved; (3) emergency ve- hicle aceess was open; (4) a planned development sucYi as this is a diffe.ren�- approach; (5) in a R-10 there is a conditional` use f�r .a duplex zone ` �� allowing 5,000 square foot lo�s for single farnily' at�ached units at the request of the group; (6) Hameowners Association document submitted to - staff. o Roger Staver, 7941 S.E. Johnson °Ct. Blvd. , veri- ' fied haw the Homeow�aers agreemeni: was obtained and was enfarced by a �oard of nirectors and has worked : successfuTly i;n other areas. o Laws said the fire-department vprified use of' �mergenc�* access . � . ,,� : _ � ��' �;,; i?:,� a;, �,,, MINUTES f � : t. TIGARD PLANNING CONdMISSION � ��' J'anuary 10 , 1978 ' t '� Page 4 � �_���� �. F, Gommission Discussion and Ac�ion: j o Sakata, (1) questioned sidewalks on ane side preclud- � ` ing other side; (2) wanted a path to Canterbury Squaxe I'; and bus stop; (3) thought the street would be danqer- � ; ous wi�th 30 families using it. ��` : o Goldbach had similar concerns. :; o Quimby was opposed to the common wall housing seei�g it still as a duplex, liked the bike path concept. ;' ;. o Corliss agreed wi.th the multi f.amily housing as � solution to today's housing costs }aut better egress ' than 110th was needed. o Brian agreed with staff reaommendations. o I'opp stated much work wen� int� housi�zg glan policies and tYiis pian was in aacardancc i�a.i:h it and was suit- a 0 ble for today s astronomical �osts. He was concerned about there heing only one entr�ance to the site and ' ' liked the m�andering path. o I�aws statec7, im ravement on Gaarde ould be made as P w �' a conditian �f the �irevinusly approved zone change a rec�uest for Tax Lots 1400 and 1500. ,.;;� ,I t, o Brian noted the 15 foot sPtback wasn't in stafF recomm�ndation. I'', ;i o Laws verified it shoul.d have been and stated the me- !� andering path was a deviat.ion from the code which was sometimes used in cases wh�re top�graphy and natural v�getation lent itself btxt in this sitE it did not a?. appear justifi�:d. o Goldbach moved (seaonded by Brian) approval based on staff findings axid recommendat�.ons with condition No. 7 � � , ta read, "single meandering sidewalka" , and addi�ional ,; items No. 9 , that a minimum sethack of 15 feet be pro- l vided along all r�ar lot lines; Na. 10 , tlxat pedestrian +;; access to Pacific Highway shou�d be considerEd during � the design re�riew process; No. 11, that maintenance �.' reaponsibility be prescribed to a Homeowners Ass�ciatian for all ar.eas nat within t,he public right-of-way. ;� Staff asked, as a point of cl.arifieation, if the exact �.;i location of the sidewal�s caauld be determined during de- k�. sign review. The commission stated that thzt 'was their �>: ,; intentian. ;3; i:� MotiUn was approved by a 4 to 2 vote; Goldbach, Brian, Cor- E; � 1a.ss, Popp, yes; Sakata, Quimby, no. S; �;� 4�;: }: , �" �r� _ _. _..�...._.. . _ -_ _ - � i .. . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. ... ..... ... . . ._ .. . ... .. .....,. .. . �.. . . .. .. ... .,. . .. ....� � ..' r., �'I, �tr. {:! �i r�, MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COlulA+lISSION January 10, 1978 fl Pa�e 5 5 .2 Cnnditi�nal Use CU 35-77 (Wendcorp) Tabled from NPO #2 ..,I PC 11/1/77 �j : A .re uest b Wendcor of Portl.and for a Conditional Use Permit q Y I P for a restaurant and drive-through window in a C-3, "General II Commercial Zone" , for a .96 acr� parcel located at S.W. Pa-- I cific Highw�� and S.W. McKenzi� (4Jash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2BD, , Tax Lot 201) . I A. Staff Report: i� R�ad by Lar,vs �II � B. Applicant's Presentation: Jack Lee, President, Wendcorp of Portlanc�, Bob Luke, CH2M Hi7.1 explainec� traffic circulation and singl� access/egress would cut down on conflict and im- 'il prov� sight distance, stated fihat Mr. Failmezger of the ���;;� Oregon State F�Iighway Division saw rio advantage ta a single �urb aut, the existing site has two access points to the � I,,I highway. �:�� i; C:. Public Testimony: �� �. Floyd Bergman, 11600 S.W. 90th, asked foi a clarific�.tion as to what alterations �f S.W. McKenzie Street were being �roposed. P�ir. Blyne of T.'ortland worried about attracting motarcycle gangs. Mr. Lee responded•--thi.s is a half million dol�ar invest� men� which they can't allow ta deteriorate to such a can- dition, and proceeded �to profile a typical We�dy'S cus- `+ tomer as being older and of �. higher grade than other ham- '� burger establishments. '% Ron Bohande, 14180 S ,W. 162nd, p.resident of Sto P�nthony'S Church, went on r_ecord as opposed to any change in the one way exist.ing traffic f.low an S.W. McKenzis. �: Bolie Bur.ke, Daa.ry Queen pr�sident, forsaw a heavy traffic ` incrEase; thought three iden�.ical busiriesses wa�thin 100 t� yards to be counter productive; stat;ed �.he drive-through }; window h�d been previously oppos�d; and felt approval � would be a blow to sma11 businessmen. D. Stuf� P,ecommendata.on: ;I • Y ,! I' ; �; MINUZ`ES n TIGARD PLANNI.NG COMMTSSION ��,;� January 10, 1978 Page 6 Mr. Lee addressed the aceessJegress issue. A. Staff recommends approval the proposed restaurarit �-�nd drive-throLlgh window with the fc�llowing conm c� c�itions: l. That only one access/egress be permitted along the Pacific Highway frontage and that the arran_qe- ment of the buildings and on-site traffic cir- culation be handled during the design review process. 2 . That a half street improvement to loCal street standards be made alang the S ,W. McKenzie Street frontage. No building permits will k�e issued until construc�ti.on drawings have been submitted -�o the public; works departmen�t �nd the necessaa�y hond filed. 3. That five teet af r.ig�t--caf-�way be dPdicated �lon� ! the S.V�. McKenzie Str�et Frontac�e. � � E. Comm.ission Discussion an.d Action: o Coxliss spoke in favor of th� two driveways. � o �2uimby app:coved and noted observance of o-ther Wendy's. , o Goldbach asked what if dssic�n review found the nEed ;, far two driveways; why did staff reaommend anly one? � o Staff felt alternative site pl.ans riad not been ef- 4i � ,� fectiv�ly explored by the applicant in ord�r to support `� the inabilit.y o� th� proposal to function without two curb c�xts. ," � �; o Goldba�Y� stated px�oposal should be submitted to a full ,� d�sign review board. ;a� � a Sakata oppos�d the project, s�eing na n�ed for another. 4� �;� - . hamburger estabZishment; Felt ther� was a bett�r c�m- " ` , munity need to be fulf.illed. - ;; �!: ,, o Popp stated he be�ieved in free Enterpri.se and said ` �' �� �� the need exist�s; the design was g�nd and in case of > F� corner egress a no left turn stipul.atic�n sh�ulcl be made. '` ` <<: }; o Sakata suggested a slow down larie be built for traffic y � off Pacitic Highway. �' �. (' r tt �; e: � ,� ti � ��, -- ----- — — ' — MINUTES �'�' TIGARD PLANNING COMI�4ISST�ON t�, � �` . Jan�a�ry 10, 1978 Page 7 Goldbach moved for approval based on staff findings and recomm.endations with the following chan.ges: (1) provide a singl.e access/egress lane to be apprnved by design re- view board, adding a 7th conaition that the Pntire praject shall be subject to design review baard; and a 8th Con- dition that a deceleration lane k�e considered a].ong the Pacific Highway frontage during the design review pr.ocPSS. Q uimb asked that the motion be amended to include that Y no left -turns be allowed from the site onto Pacific Highway. Goldbach aceepted the �mendment. B.rian secon.ded. Mation was approved by a 5 to 1 vote; Goldbach, Corliss, Quimby, Popp, Brian, yes; Sakata, no. I� 5. 3 Conditional Use CU 42-77 (Hancock/Healy) NPO #4 A request by Paul Hancock and Pat Healy to locate an insurance �I office in a C--3, "General Comm�xcial Zone" at 11652 5 .W. ;t� Pacific Hic�hway (Wash. Go. Tax Ma� 1S1 36 CD, Tax Lot 1400} . �E.u A. Staff Repoi:t: Read by Laws B. Applicant's Presentatinn: Paul Hancock, 17463 Tree Top WaX, Lake Oswega, questioned billboard removal, stated insurance com�any would upgrade the site, have low tra�fic. Laws explained the status �f the hillboard and that this matter was being handled by the city's cade enforcer. C. �'ublic Testimony; Nane. D. Staff Recommendation: Staff recornmends approval . � E. Cammission Discussion and Action: o Qufmby stated the ap�liCan� ha.d giver� incorrect in- � formati.on--acttxally not independent insuranaemen bu� finan�ed by 5tate Farm, thought t;izere were many ne�:rby agents. MINUTES TIGARD PLANNZNG COMMISSION Jan�ary 10, 1978 Page 8 a Hancock clarified State Farm guidela.nes, stated how closely loeated agents caz� be and tl�at this wouldn't constitute an excessive c.oncentrati.on, and tha�t they will k�e independen� in approximately 18 months. Brian moved for ap�roval subject to staff findings. Sakata seconded. Mation was unanimously approvea. 5.4 Conditional Use CU 41-77 (inTalker Construction Co. ) NPO #3 A �equest by Walker Cnnstruction Co. for a Condition.al Use Permit for .10 duplex units i.n a R-10, "Single Family Residential Zone"' for a 3. 28 acre parcel locat�d an S.W. Grant Ave. , 300 feet north of S.W. Park 5�,. (Wash. Coa Tax PQ�p 2S1 2CB, Tax Lot g�0) . I A. Staff Report: Read l�y Laws , r �`� B, A��lic�.z�t'S Presentation: j �.,,, Rob Bal1, attorriey for_ the applYCant, outlinec� the can- tents �f the a�plicant'� na.rrative submiasion,, tha�. �.t t was within the NPO #3 guidelines statin,q residential ciensity of th� area, �he need for higher density housing G and desirability of duplexes acting as a buffer b�tween k single farnily ana commereia� area. The application doesn't ;: : confli�ct with Policy A, B, C, ox� D of the NP�O #3 p,lan fr and meets the needs rEalized within the NPO #3 text. The `� site was insu.lated from the rest of the area by C.F, ;, Tigara School; littZe lanc� remains for duplex develop= ;! ment that could serve as a buffer as effectively. Appli- E' � cant wou�.d continue avynership of all units, the surr�unding schc>als wou�d absorb successfully ck�i�dren from �he nro- ,:� ` pc�s�d plan, the street maximum capacity cou7:d also }ae accommodated. '� �i ,' ,`;� C, Pub�.i,c TestimonY= ji ,;i A. Proponents: �� � � � � fi( Nan:e. `'� B• �PPonents : � il r:; I �- o Dick Iilumpke, 14350 �.W.' Watkins, stated the NPO I� �w,, wasn't notified in sufficient time. �'� ` �� 7� ;� � � �� � �:� ,_ , .. _ MINUTES ��°: TIGARD PL�NNING CQMMISSION � , January 10 , 1978 Page 9 a A4aurice Lesperance, 13060 S.W. Watkins, �resented a petition stating desir.ability r�f remairiing in single family residences; the additianal 300 ear trips generated on Grant Street v,�hich is narrow and un.improved would be a direct hazard to children enroute to school; stated poor area for buffer, and applicant has fai.led to prc�ve this type of housing is needec�; clari�ied N:PO #3' s intent for duplex�s -to be built on l.and wher.e no other con�- struction was available; objectec:� to the two-story building which �anuld infrin�e upon sur.rounding hom�owner's �rivacy. a DeeDee Marshall, 13155 S.W. Grant, cone:urred with Mr. Lesperance. i o Walt Cundiff, 12860 S.W. Watkins, felt th�re is ; already too many duplexes in the area, it would lower property values and br..ing transient ��pulation. a o RaNaye F-loffrtan, 12880 S.W. Watkins, stated Grant ; S�treet is toa narrow and a hazard, and can't be � �. brought up to standard. 5chool 5tr�et is n�t ;' maintained by either city or county and is too narrow for two cars to pass; concerned for children,. o Bill. Hep�ner, 131.80 S;W� LVatkins , feared inc:rease in crime and wanted to retai.n suburban quality. I ;; ,, o PPt�r Pric�, 13355 S.W. I.lOth, opposed to incre;ased '" �eopZe an.d traff ic. f� .� .j o Al Mar.kia, 13120 S.W. Watkins, concernec�. about fire `' - vehicles acces� across private property. ��o Mary Ann GunderS, 1300 S .W. Watkins, oppased---- called far show �f hands against �lan. ; ;� ,<, o Helen Mackin, 13120 S.W. Watkins, a�ked that the j building height be at least kept to one story. �� ,ti D. Staff Reco�unendation: ''' � ;,: Staff stated that it was the first time they had seen k, renderings showing a two-story building, that the- NPO ;<'. #3 chairman had been. r�otified of the �r��posal. Schaol `; Street is pri�rate driveway shared by the' school and ad- r`' jacent property owners, stated the propqsed signalization ,; � ; program for Pac,ific Fiighway' was to provi.de a light at �;' Pa�-k Street and �khat a-ha1f street improvement along the S.W. Grant Street frortagG wauld be rer�uire� oi i:i�� d�- �_ velo�er. " zyi ' � . . . � � .. . . � , . � . � C�;' � . . . . . . .. . . .. C,i . . . . . . . . . . . � . . " . I�` � � . . . . � � . .� ��:�i... . ...... . .. ... �. . . . . . , . .- , ... .. . . . ,�, . .� ...,.. «.. . ....�. .�. .__._,.. , _ � _ _ _ _ _ � -� MSNUTES � TTGARD PZANNING COMI�4ISSION 4 �.� January 10, 1978 � Page 10 � ;i A. Staff recommends approval of thP ten dupl.exes as � proposed with the following conditiox�s : 1. Five feet of right-of-way be dedicated �1ong the ,! S.W. Grant Avenue frontage. '' � ';; 2. A half street im�rovement ta local street standards r; be provided on S.W. Gran� Avenue. No building per- �; mits will be issued until eonstruction drawings �� �� have been ap�roved by the Public Works Department '; and the necessary bond �ilecl. '; i� In addition :to'� f.he ` above it�m's; staff recommends `; adding item No. 3, that all unii:s within the develop- �' ment be one story in height. B. �r_oss--e�azn�.z�ation: Maurice Lesperance stated that street improvement on their frontage only wauld2�'t help an�thing. �7 Walt Reynolds, 7115 S .W. Evelyn, reitereated bad tr�ffic �; �:: on School St.reet. ;,; �} Helen Mackin, 13120 S.W. Watkins, questioned if they '� could build a fence. �2 �. -; �Valt Cundiff questioned if fire and police depart° �_� ment notified, felt plan should be voted down. "� �:� Rob Ball stated appropriate development in the A-2 t' zone would take place and a buffer was needed now, ?�; that the plan proposed a path along Grant 5tre�t an�l F: towards the school, and that two-story canstructiony }^; was compatible tc� existinq developm�nt. �� �; - j`; He1en Mackin s�tated all housing is currently one story :'� along th� street. ; �, � Bi11 Heppner stated �here was mor� traffic now than a zn 1975 when -�he traffic study notPd by Mr. Ba11 was i`;! made. ;,I ?,;; A1 Hammes, 13115 B.W. Watkins, wanted single family �`� retained. �:;' t,:, ' RaNay� Hoffrna.n observed the::proposed path would not ;`<<;�r s�rve the children 'who already live there. : � ' � Maurice L�sperance ;stated NFO #3 didn't intend a duplex ' on every empty lat, ��. � . ; . . . � . . .. � . �� . . . � � � . � � . . . .I:;jS � . . . . � � . . �.. . .. . . .. . . . . . . t! � � . � .. � ... �. �1i E� �: ��1 . ,. . . , , ,.. _ . ,. ., ..„ . _ � .:: . �"��, . -- NlINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �� January 10, 1978 Page 11 E. Comznission Discussiora and Action c o Brian stated narrowness of the street will eventually require improvement; felt duplexes are getting a nega- tive view; that crime will go down with duplexes, rec- ognized the need for a buffer, but oppUSed the plan. o Quimk�y felt there was n� need, NPO didn 't intend du- plexes on each lot, existing homea�,vners wouldn 't dedi- cate five feet, the street isn't safe even for large amounts of people. o Corliss felt site more appropriate for sinyle family. o Goldbach stated plan doesn 't fit with charact�r of neighborhood. o Sakata stated the proposal w�s across street from a A-2 zone provided a good buffer. o Quimby m�ved far denial based on insufficiEnt need �;� foz• additional duplexes and failur� to demonstrate need for buffer. Motion carxied unanimously. 5e5 Subdivision V 12�77 (Walker Construction Co. ) NPO �3 A requ�st by Walker Canstruction Co. for a Variance to the Street Standar.ds of the Subdivision Code for a 3.28 acre par- cel in a R-10, "5ingle Family Resiclential Zone" at 13115 S.W. Grant (Wash. �o. Tax Map 2SZ 2CB, Tax I�ot 800) . No acti,on taken on this request as denial for Conditi�nal. Use permit CU 41-77 made this proposal a moat point. 6 . Miscellaneous 6 .1 Non-conforminc� Use NCU 1-'77 (L.R. Davis) NPO #5 A request by I,.R. Dava.s to expand u��n a Non-conforming Use in a M-3, "Light Industrial Zane" at 741.5 S.W. Bonita Road {Wa�h. Ca. Tax Map 2S1 12A, Tax S,ot 700) . Withc�rawn. 7. Other Business: 5taff informecl the commissioners of the remaining Planning Com- mission scYi�dule f�r �Llie ;n�n�rh �f Janua:�y: s�uay sz�si�.-�iz an" Jar�u-, ary 24, nex� regular public hearing February 7, 1978, 8. Adjourn�ent: �I Mee�.ing adjo�urned a,t �.1:1.5 P.M. �,... _ . ; � _ . '��:1 11880 S. W. 116th Av�naze Tigard, Oregan 97223 January 5, 1978 1�'r. Al PoPP Chai�ma�,z, Tiga�rd Flarnz:ing C�m�.issian , City of Ti�ard 12420 S, W. Ma3n Street Ti.gard, �Jx-e�an. 97223 I n� a1: ' � � the next series t I mi.ss Persanal business r ire� tha � �f m�eti.ngs nf �he Ti�ard Pl.�nnang Cc�mi_ssion. I expect ta be in attendence again starting �ebru�ry 2$, 1978. ��:; I request that � be gran�ed an interim leave axid that I be �ex�ed frci�m: atter�diu� �he �bove not�d meetix�gs. Thank yc�u. Yo�s truly, � Francis J. TeQeclino � FJT:ls � � � ` ! � � � � i � , ; �� ; �,:• _y. _ z'�`` NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAI2ING � :: TIGARD PLA.NNING COMMISSION January 3, 1978 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room 10865 SW Walnut Street - migard, Oregon 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 ZONE CHAIJGE ZC 27-77 (Stoneridge) NPO 3 A request by Stoneridge Development Co. for a generaL plan and program review of a two phase residential/co�tunercial planned development of an 8.8 acre parcel (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 10A, Tax Lots 7009 800 and Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 3DD� Tax Lats 801, 900, 1100, 1400, 1500) and a zane map amendment from R-10,1°Single Family Residential"� to CP "Commercial Professi�nal" on parcels totalling 35.6 acres (Wash. Co. Tax Map 251. 3DD� Tax I�ot 900 and �he eastern portion of Tax Lot 1500). 5.2 CONDITIONAL USE Ci) 35-77 (Wendcorp) Tabled from PC 11/1/77 NPO 2 A request by Wendcorp of. Poz�tland for a ConditionaZ Use Psrmit for �_ a restaurant and drive through windaw in a C-3, "Gerieral Commercial '' � Zone", for a .96 acre parcel located at SW Pacific Highway and � SW McKenzie (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2AD, Tax Lot 201). � 5.3 '` CONDITIONAL USE CU 42-77 (Hancock/Healy) NPO 4 I A request by Paul Hancock and Pat Hea1y to loc;ate an insurance af£ice in a C-3 "GeneraZ Commercial Zone" at 11652 5W Pacifia Hwy. � , (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 36CD� Tax Lok 1400). � � 1 5 4 CUNDTTIONAL USE CU 1-77 Walker Const Co NPO 3 � . 4 ( . .) i ; A request by Walker Const. Co. £or a Conditional Use Permi.t for ' ten duplex units in a R-10,"Single N'amily Resic3enti�l 7one" for ' a 3.28 acre parcel 1.ocated on S.W. Grant Ave. � 300 feet north � of S.W. Park St. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2CB, Tax Lots 8OQ). 5.5 SUBDIVISrON V 12-77 (Walker Const. Co. ) NF0 3 � A request by �alker Cox�structi.on Campany for a Va.riance to �he Street Standards of the Subdvision Code for a 3.28 acre parcel in ; a R-10, "Single Family Residential Zone" at 13115 SoW, Grant j (�1ash. Go. Tax Map 251,,2CB, Tax Lot 800) ; 6, MISCELLANEOUS 6.1 NON-CONFORMSNG USE NGU1-77 (L.R. Dav�.$) NPU 5 �� r. � � A request by L.R. Davi.s ta expand upon a non-conforming use in i a M-3, "L3ght Industrial Zone" aG 7415 S.W. Bonita Road(Wash. Co. � _ _ _ �.; < I t �" . . . ��.. ' TTGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ,7anuary 3, 1978 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler Junior Hi,gh Sch�o1 - Lecture Room - 10865 SW Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon Page 2 Tax Map 2S1 12A� Tax Lot 700). A.11 person.s having an interest in the hearing material are invit�d to appear and submit oral and written testimony or submit written testimony in advance of the meering. ` �. i 1 ; �( {�! � � . . . � . � � . . . . . . . ���9 . . . . . . . . � .� . � � � . .�� �C . . . . � . . . . . . . � . .. . . .�:� � .. . � � . ..��li � �� . - � . � . . � . . . . . � . . . . . � �I� i. ��' .� . . . . . . , _ . . .. ,. � .. . ��. �f . . . � . . .. . � � .. .. . . . � . .. f . . . . . . . , . .. . ��,.� . . . . . . � . . . .. � � . . � . . .. � � �� � ., S k t l ; x; � � i (. y� � � � i ;, .... .�>• , . _ _ , . , , .. . = � NOT7CE OF PUBLIC HEARING TIGARD PLANNTNG COMMISS'i0N January 3, 1978 - 7:30 PM Fowler 3unior High gchool - Lecture Room 10865 SW Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon 5o PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 ZONE CHANGE AC 27-77(Stoneridge) NP03 A request by Stoneridge Development Company for a General P1a•n and Prograr� Review of a two phase resi.dential/commercial Planned Devel.op:��n.t of an 8.$ acrP parcel (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 10A� Tax Lots 700,800 and Wash, Co. Tax Map 2S1 3DD� Tax Lots 801�900,11Q0,1400�1500) and a zone map amendment from R-1U, "Single Family Residential", to CP "Commercial Professional" on parcels totalling 35.6 acres (Wash, Co. Tax Map 2S1 3DD, Tax Lot 900 and the eastern portion of Tax Lo� 1500. All persons having an interest in the heari.ng rnaterial are invited to appear and snbmit oral and wriLten testimon}r or submiL written testimony 6�} a.n advance of the meefiingo � �, ; r_ , � F�ublish TT Dec. 28, 1977 � � i 1 i ; � : _ _ _ „;r � l � �. t � STAFF REPORT � AGENDA 5. 1 � TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION � ��� Ja�uary 3, 1978 f, Fawler Junior High School - Lecture Room �; IQ865 S .W. Walnut Street -- Tigard, Or�gon !; t: � Docket: Zone Change ZC 27-77 !; Re�uest: For a general plan and program revi�w af a two phase j� residential/commercial planned development on a 12 .14 � acre parcel and a zone map amendment from R-10, "'Single ' Family Resi.dential" , to CP, "Commercial Professinnal" , on parcels totaling 3.56 acre�. "� � �'�� Locati.on: S.Wo Gaarde StrePt and Pacific Hwy. (Washe Ca. Tax Map ,! 2S1 10.A, Tax Lots 700, 500, and 1000, Tax .�4ap 2S1 3DD, ' Tax I,ots 800, 801, ��est 350 �t , of 5300, Il��, � 14:00 and 15�0) . `' Applicant: Ted Millar- I a b'iz�dinc�s of E'act, '; l. The applicant is requesting general plan and program review in accordaricP with Section 18.56 .030 nf the Tigard Munici- pa1. Code for an 12 .14 acr� residential (duplex)/cammerc,ial planned development at S,W. Gaards Street anc� Hall Blvd. �<- �;, � 2 . The site is presently zonec� R-10 (Single Family Residential) , l�.-2 (Multi-Family) , aild C--3 (General Com��rcial) and desig- natec� Suburban Density, Multi--family density, Retail Corn- anercial., and Camm�rcial Profes�ic�nal. on the NeighborYiood Planning �rganization 3 P].arl. Applicable polir.ies from the plan ar� as follows: `i i� Palicy 7. Within the suburban density a.rea, a limited num- � ber of duplexes may be permitted on lots that wauld ' serve •as buffers between the sinc�le family use5 and acljacent multi-£amily and/or commercial tises. �i Pol.icy 8. The max.imttm overall urkaan medium density of de- velopment wi7.1 be 12 dwell.ing` units or 29 persons per gross acre. j Policy 15 . Apartments shauld be _loaat�ed to proc�.uce the ?: least adverse effects upon single family areas. D�- ' ' velopment criteria should include: j t a. Buffering by means of landscaping, fencing, and j;, distance. i; t. b. Compatibility of desigz� recagnizinq the conflicts of ma�s and heic�ht b�tween apartment buildings �� ��, and houses. � �.� €: ,r +'y _ i;' �'. .. . . . . . . . , yi f: 1:' .. . � . . . . � . . . . . . . . . � ��. . � . � � . � . .. - � � � ��, . ... . . . . ... . . . . � . . � l. �'::' ... . . . . � . _ , . .. . . . . 4.. !`I'I �,. �: �:i �'; STAFF REPORT � AGENDA 5.l �� TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION January 3, 1978 � Page 2 Policy lfi . Pacific Highway is deve7.�ping as a strip com- mercial highway. The traffia-carrying capacity of �' this highway should have the highest priority and adjacent commercial development should be subordi- nated to this need. Policy 19 . In tY�e intPrest of safety and efficiency, the numk�er of highway access points must be kept to a minimum. Wherever possible, businesses on Pacific Highway should be clustered and share common parking facilities and drive�n�ays. As new development occurs, the number of access points should not exceed the number necessary for property on-sit� traffic cir-- culation and, where possible, should b� combinecl with access to adjacent businesses. Policy 20. Businesses on Pacific Highway should bE ori-� ented to the existing traffic and not draw additional traffic from the a.c�jacent r_oznmunity. Any �dditional convenience or neighborhood centers should be cen- tral ly ZOCa.'t.PC3. 't0 the market area they serve. � 3. 5ection 18 . 56 . 010 states : '' � ii The purpose of the pJ_anned development district is to pro- �� vide oppartunities to cr�ate more desirable environments i� th�ough the applicatinn of flexible and diversi:Eied land �:� develogment standards under a comprehensive plan and program i ��ofessionally prepared. The planned development district `'! is intended to be LlSEC� to encourage the application of new techniques and new t�chnology to cc�mmunity clevelopznent, which will resul�t in superior_ living or development arrangements with .lasting values. It is further intended to �chieve ec- onomies ir� land development, maintenance, street systems, ` and utility networks, while providing building groupings ! for privacy, usable, and attractive open s�aces, safe cir- ;,;� culation, and the general well-being c�f the inhabitants. � 1 4. �ection 18.56 .030 provides for ge�.eral deve:�opment plan and program ap�roval by the Planning Commissiori after re-• ceiving approval in principle o.f_ the preliminary plan and :� program and the applicant has petitioned for an amendment ' of the zoning map in aacordance with Chapt�r 1a . 88. `I 5. On Navember 15, 1.977, the Tigard Planning Commission appraved `' •the preliminary plan and program review for this proposed }� developznent subject to the following conditions: ;;� i�l l. That the 1,.3, 500 square foot "public park" be retain�d `;'i in private awnership and maintenance responsiblity be �, prescribed to the Homeowners Association. ��I� (;: �� i�l� � �� __ , .�.._.. _ 1�i _ II�' � STAFF REPORT � AGENDA 5.1 il� ; ' TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ' �� �anuar 3, 1978 Y Page 3 : 2 . Prior to the devel�pment of any part of Phase II, a de- j velopment plan and a traffi.c analysis shall be submitted � to the City. 3. The propex�ties in Phase TI shall be provided aceess by � a private frt�ntage road. 4. That the streets between "Lots 5 through 10, 11 through 16, and 18 through 24 be private driveways and a deed covenant be attached to the lots gaining access from � these private c3.,rives assigning maintenance respons.iblity. 5. That the "off-street" parking arrangement as shown be- tween Lats 5 �hrough 8 also be provided for Lots 11 thxough 16 and 18 through 24. €i. That access be restricted from S.W. Gaarde Street and a means �f providing acc�ss to T,ot 4 b� shown on the g�neral plan, and pragram. 7. That doeuments estab.li�hing how th.e duplex un.its are to be maintained be submitted with general plan and programo � � 8. Th�t Una.t D, a� shown on the applicant' s site plan be cammon wall housing on separate lots to encouraga s�ngle family ownErship. II . Staff Finding� and Observations: 1. The site is a gently sloping, relatively open fie,ld, with tYze exce�tion of several single family homes and a dila�idatecl, vacated motel which front along S.W. Pacifia Highway and Gaarde Streets. The applicant is proposing to remove these structures with the possible exception of one rrorne being ratain�d on Lot 4 . To the nortll and s�uth are single family homes; �n the west is the Tigard Fir.st Baptist Church; and to the east and across Pac.ific I•iighway are c�mm�r.cial buildings. 2. The appliaant has essentially incorporated in his general plan and program the condit�i.ons of preliminary �lan approv- al with the follo�ing exception: Condition 8. The applicant feels that duE to the configu- of lots 36 and 37 (in area "D") and in order to meet the neaessary setback requirements, that these two 1:ots would be rendered unk�uildable for common wall housing. Ther�fore, he is request;ing that these two lots be „�, developed as duplex lots. �� �r°. : _ _ - _ _ . ., _ _ _ k �� � STAFF REPORT � AGENDA 5.7. � � TIGARD PLANNTNG COMMTS�ION �7anuary 3, 1978 �� r Page 4 ` , � 3. The size of lots within the proposed development will be l the following: f r Lots 1, 3, 36 an.d 37 will be 1Q,000 square feet. ; Lots 2, 4 th.rough 17, and 3� through 44 will be a ` minimum of 8,000 square feet. ; Lots 18 th.rough 35 in area '"D" wi11 be 5,000 square �! foot attached single family. 4. The applicant has depicted on the site plan a provisic�n ;, for "secondary access tn commercial property" in Phase IT ;� (area "A") in the southeast�rn corner of the parcel. Staff f.eels that specifie develapment proposals such as this should � not be addressed dur_ing Phase I but rather at such time as � detaiZ site p1�n and traffic an.�.lysis have b�:�n 5l1}'J�11tt.E!C�. for Phase II in accnrdance wi�th condition 2 of the prelimi-- nary plan ar�d pragr�:m approval. ''� 5. Deviations from t.he code requirements: �I ��� A. The applicant' s resubmitted site plan has de�icted a � 6 ° wide paved pathway on one sicie only of the main ac- � � cess street serviny the planned dev�lopment. This cle- � viation from �the c�de requirement of S foot sir�ewa3.ks built udjacent to the property line is intenc�ed by th� applicant to "achieve e��xiomics in land developmEnt and street systems" . � B. The sec�nd deviation being proposed is the width of the private aCCE.'Sa road serving lots 18 through 31 in area , "D° a Section 18 .64 .020 of the Tigard Munici�al Cnde � requirES that access and egress for single family and 'I duplEx residential uses shall not be l.ess than 50 feet with rurbs and si,dewalks for 6 or more dwelling units. � The applicant has justifi�d this variance on the basis � that a "more .residen:tial appear.anee to the entire duplex development" will be realized; that the fire department has no problem with the prapasal; that the traffic gen-� eratec� by the un�its in this location can be easily ser- viced by the 30 ° right-of-way; and that this street width is identical to the streets in areas "B" and "C" . C. The a,pp].icant is also proposing to vaxy the setback requirements of the code by providing 10 foot setbacks b�tween property 1in�s fnr a11 lots in areas "C" and "D" that do not have fr�antag� along the main access street. Staff is cc�ncerned that a 10 ' rear yard setback would not be sufficient and therefore the code rsquirernent of � 15 ' ` should be adh�red. This requirement should apply to all units wit�hin areas "B", "C", and "D" . 6 . The access drive between Lots 3, 5 and 6 designed to serve ' � _ _ i � , l � STAFF REPORT � AGENDA 5 �1 "� �IGARD P,LANNING COMMISSION � '�''�: s7anu�.xy 3, :L 9 7 8 -� �. Page 5 f 's Lot 4 in accordanc� with pr.eliminary plan conditi�n 6 wauld � function from a traffic safety standpoint more effectively � by being shifted westernly and r�designed to acc�ss between `� Lots 1 and 3, sn that al1 four lots (1 tYirough 4) could be °` served from an intern�l drive which would egress from a single � access point nnto the main street within the development. �' Also, the "possible" emergency temgor.ary vehicle access be- �' tween Lots 4, 6 and 7 as illustrated on the site plan should be deleted as it is not nec:essary or recommended by the fire department. F, ,., 7. The terminus for the three private dr.ivES (between Lot� 7--8, '' 13-14, anc� 23-2.4) leaves open the possik�ility for future extension of these dri�es resulting in � potential c�nflict between the resiaential area and the future commereial area in Phase II . To assure that a compati.�le rplationshig be- tween these uses are znaintained, pr.ovis.ions to restrirt through ,',. aacess should be made. �' t�; a TIT . Ccanclusionary Fi_ndings : lo The appli�:ant� have es�entially adhered ta the required con- f�' 4� ditions of the preliminary plan and program and have su�pl.ied � �. ` supportiv� informati.on f_or justifying and alterations or �� deletiox�s on those conditians iznpased by the Planning Cc�m- �� miasion. However, Staff finds tkzat the appl.icant has .�ailed F to justify the dev'iatian in the s�treet standards by elimi- �� F nating sidewalks in 1i�u of a 6 " wide pathway along thE �+ main access street. Staff further find� that a 1Q ' reaz yard setback is nat sufficient to protect the inherit prop- !. erty riqhts of individuals nccupying the proposed units and `''' i,°, that the 15 ' s��tback �:equirement af trie coa� should be ac�- ,� hered to. x'. 2. ThP other propoaed devia�.ions fram the local street stan� �:,, dards and setback requirements app�ar justified in order �; to achieve economies in land development, maintenance an� I street systems while not adversely affeeting the heal.th and general well-being o� the inhabi�ants a� the dev�lop- ; ment. ,.; 3, The provision of a park area will facilitate meeting the �'' y,, recr�ational and open space needs in accordance `with the F' planned development cancept. f"' 4. Th� request conforms to �he den5i�ty re�uirements of the NPO #3 Plan and the underlying zones of A-2 and R-10. I;; � IV. Staff Recommendation: � �. Based an findings of fact and conclusionary f,in.dinga, Staff � ;` 3# , �; ,a k!: �: _ . , _ ,. _ ,_� � 9 � STAFF REPORT � AGEN D�1. 5.1 '{ TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � January 3, 1978 Page 6 � � recommends a.pproval with the following conditons: � I' �. l. Priar to the dev�lopment of any part of Phase II� a devel- t' opment plan �nd a traffic analysi.s shall be submitted to ` the Ci.ty. - 2. '1'hat the s�condary aaaess to the comm�rcial propezty in area '�A" Phas� II as shown on the site plan be clel�ted. Access � to these praperties to be determined during the submis�ion ` of a development plan £or Phase II . 3. That Lats 18 through 31. dev�lop on a private drivP (30 ' right--of--�vay and 24 ' pavezner�t) . 4 o That 7ac�ts 36 and 37 be duplex 1ot� . a. That access for Lots 1 thro�zgh 4 b� pravided between Lots 1 and 3 and the temporary em.ergEncy access between Lots 4 , �, and � be cieleted. 6� That the entire d�velopmerit within Phase T be subject to �'� design review. �j �"� 7. That the main street within the develapment be constructed �4 to ln�;al si.r�et standards (50 ' of righ�t-�of-w�.y, curbs, 5' sidewalks on both sides o� the street, str.eet tre�s, an.d �� street lights) . '',� , 8. That cove�a:nts }�e at�ached to the c�eeds of Lots ? and 8, ;� 13 and l�, and 23 and 24 restrict�ing access from the pri- vat� drives to properties in Phase II. �' t', l , �Y . . . . � . � . ... . .. I�., .. . . . � . . �r. t. . . . . . . . . I'. . � . � � . . .�).i . � � � � . . . .. . . , . �' �`,� . . . . � . . � ,. ��. . h;. . . . . . . . . . �� . . . . � . � . � � � � .. . � . . . � k. . . . . . . . .. . � 1.. � � . . . . � . � � � .. . � . . ..... ' . .. ' � . �.'' . . . . . . � . . . y:. k{F . , .. . .. . ., t`� . .. . � . . . �.�k STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.2 � TIGARD PZANNING COMMISSIQN January 3, 1978 FaWler Junior I3igh Sc�ool - Lectur2 Room 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon Docke�: Conditional Use CU 35-77 Request: To locate a restaurant and drive through windaw in a C-3 "General Commercial1° zone for a .96 acre garcel. L�c�tion: S .W. Pacific Hwy. and McKenzie S�.reet (Wash. Ca. 2'ax Map 2S1 2BD, Tax Lot 701) Applic�nt: Wendcarp of Portland ' I , F.'indinas of F'act: 1. The site is d�signated `°Highway Camm�rcial" on the Neigh- � bnrhood Planning Organizatian No, 2 Plan and zaned C-3, ; General Commercial. ' 2. In a C-3 zone restaurants and drive-in businesses offering j A goqds and servic�s clirectly to cus�omers in parke� m�tor � �_• vehzcles rPC�uires candi�ional use permit approval by the Planning Cornmissi.on. � 3. On �iavember 1, 1977, the Tiga.rd Planning Comma_ssion tab.�ed this r�quest until the applicant submittPd a cnmpr.ehensiv� � traffic stuay to include the following: � � 1. The effects of traffic flow on McKenzie and Pacific H�,vy. ` ; 2. Possible effects of the developnient on that traffic f1c�w. i 3. Alternati.ve proposa.ls �or exiting arid their affect on the traffic flow. � � 4. A solution for traffic flaw on McKenzie Street. :I , II. Staff Findings and Observa�Lions: �� 1, '�'he site is a flat parcel with a vacant building (formerly �� Copeland Lumb�r Xard) occupying the eastern half of. the prop�rty. The applicant is proposinc� ta raz� this build- ' ing and construct a 2, 300 square foot rEStaurant with a '' drive-through window in thE southwes�ern corner of the lot r and a 3,000 square foot professi.onal building (to be used � as a real estate otfice) in the southeast Corner of the k' parcel. Surrour�i�ing land use to �h� east is Floyds Restau- f ' rant and an o]_der house; to the south �and across Pacific Hzghway are Davidsons Frostop and Dairy Queen re5taurants, � as we1Z as the Village Square (retail shops and offices) ; � � to the west is a service station; and to the narth a single t �' f.amily h�zne and apartments. , � ; � , � ( , , . J � , : , � i i STAFF REPO�T ; AGENDA 5 .2 � TIGARD PLANNING CONlP�IISSTON � �� January 3, 1978 � Page 2 ' 2 . The applicant has contracted the consulting firm af CH2M Hill ' to prepare the traffic study as required by the Planning Com- " mission. The report uses the site as submitted by the applicant f� at the November l, 1977 Planning Commission hearing, but has modifi.ed the driveway approach, by providing separated access arid egress onto Pacific Hwy. According to the appli�ant' s report, with the pres�nt arrange- ment of the proposed buildings on the site "vehicles exiting the site could not negotiate the right hand turn wi.thout in- fringing on tne secQncl�' lane, " and entering vehicles woizld alsa restrict th� sight distance for exiting vehicles. 3. The applicant has stated i.n hi,s report, that he has contacted Ron Failmezger, Regional Tra�fic �ngineex with the Qregpn State Hig,hway Division concerning this pr�posal and that Mr. Failmezger has revie�aed the reviJed drawi.ng which shov�'s separate access and egress driveways onto Pacific �i,ghwa� anci triat he concurs that the r_�vised system is safer, providing the left turn from the site is prohibited by adequate on-site signing. 4. Staff has also spolcen with Mr. Failmez er concernin this :I�I g g _ proposal and he has informed staff that his comments concerning �{ the appropriateness of a separate access and egrees for �this `' '�+�-.. �.{II site are based on the arrang�ment of the buildings on the site E; plan as submittedv However, Mr. Failmezger has stated that he 's would be receptive to looking at a singular access/egress based on a revised site plan. r; I A. single access and egress dri.veway along Paci.�i,c Highway would be in keeping with the policies o,� both the Ti:gard Cammunity li Plan, 19'71 and Policy 21 0� th.e NPO #2 Plan which states: In the inter.est of safety and efficiency, the number of highway access points must be ke�t t� a mi.ni�um. W.herever ossible businesse on P c ' s a �, ic Hi h shoul.d be c1u -- �f w s P , a g Y tered and sha:re common parking faciliti.es and driv�ways. As n�w development accurs, the n,umber o,f access gai.nts + , should not excEed the number necessary £or �ropertx on- ' site traf�ic circulation and, wher� possi,ble, sh.ould k�e combined with access to �,djacent busi,nesses. Also t� be considered, is the future development of 1'aca,fic � Highway, to include, additional signalization and lanascape ��� m�dian strips that are to �unded as a resul� of Mt. Hood Free- , way transfer funds . Impl.icit in this future development pro- posal is �he need to plan for the safety ana most efficient '' , means of accessing and egr.essing �reh,icles from �chose proper�:ies ;; with frontage along �'acific Tiighway. Therefore, sp�eial cc�n- �� � sideration sh.ould b� given to the alignment of th,e access and egress of properties facing each other along Pacific Highway. ; F: ;. �:; � f:: {'; �� �. ,. r: p'. i'' � STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5 .2 � TTGARD PLANNING COMI��ISSION �' �' January 3, 1978 ; � Page 3 i,�'. 5 . The applicant in his traffic study has eoncluded thai; th� adc��tional �raffic �hat would be g�nerat�d as � direct result o.� the proposed use, wi11 have I.ittle effect on the .�raffic �'ll pz�oblem on S .W. D4cKenziE Street if it were �.o x'ema�.z1 one-way • �I or become two-way. The problem on S .W. McKenzie Street today 'I is due to the on-street di�gonal parking at the corner �f Mc- '`II Ken�ie and Pacific Highway, and that this problem cannc�t be ' ,?�I corrected as part of the proposed facility. Widening the street would help to improve the exi�ting prgbl�m. ``I!, Secondly, there is adequate storage for the left turn move into the site From Pacifir Highway and a no left turn would b� recommended for traffic eg.ressi.ng the site onto Paci�ic H i ghway. ;:I III . Concliis.ionary Pindings:. ":�, 1. Staff is not convinced based on' the applicants submitted traf- fic analysis and revised site plan tha� a separate access anc� and egress driveways are the on].y mear.s of accomodating the ilafe and efFicient flow af both an-site and a:Ef-site tra�fir and that the applicant has .failed to shc�w th�t he acidressed the criteria as stated in Policy 21 of the NPO #2 Plan by pro^ viding alternative site plans that effectively �emonstrate tha:� a single access/e.gres� on�o Pacific Highway would nQt �=� function. i:, 4 2. The existinq traff_ic situa�.ion on S.W. McKenzie Street can be ,; improved upon �througll a half.-street i.mpr.ovement. Aowev'er the �� exi�s�ting..dia_q6nal parkins� �1ong S.W'.:�M�;Kenzie .Stre.et will cQn--�• tinue to b� � problem ur.til this situ�tion has �.k�een . rectifi.ed. � IV. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval the praposed restaurai�� and drive-thru window with the following conditions: 1. That only vne access/egress be permitted along the Pacific High- wat frontage and th�t the arranyement of the builclings•�.and. an- j site traffic circulation be handled during the design review � process. 2. That a half street improvement to local street standards be made along the S .W. McKenzie Street fro�ntage. No builc�ing per- mits wi�.l be issued until canstruction drawings have been sub- mit•ted to the public works department anc� tl�e necessary bond �; filed. 3. That five fe�t of right-of-way be dedicated along the 5.W. Mc- , Ii�nzie S�treet frontagE. � .t �: i�': i' _ i;s; R,, �: _ � �" . STAFF REPORT �. AGENDA 5. 3 �� TIGARD PLANNTNG COMMISSION January 3, 1978 Fawler Junior High S�hoo`1 - T�ecture Raom 10865 S.W. Walnut �treet - Tigard, Oregon Docket: Conditianal Use CU 42-77 Request: To locate an insurance office in a C-3 "General Com- mercial" zone on a , II8 acxe �arcel Location: 11652 S.W. Pacific Hwy. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 36CD, Tax Lot 1400) Applicant: Paul Hancock and Pat Healy I. Findin_qs of �'act: ���� l. The site is designated "Gene�al Commercial" on the Tigard � Community Plan, 1971 and "Highway C�mmercial" on the NPO y #4 Draf'� P1an and zoned "C-3 Gerieral Cc�mmer.cial". � 2. Section 18. 28. 020 (30) of the Tigard P�lunicipal Code permits i "professional or conunercial office building" as a con- � d�itional use in the C-3 �one. ;; � TI. Staff Finc�ings and Observatians : � � 10 The site is currently occupied by two building�. The Schultz � Professional Uffice �uilding (CU 23-76) is situated in the southern portion of the parcel and the former Ribbon 5pecial-- ties Trophy Shop is Iacated in the nartheastern corner of '" r," the site. The applicant is proposing to operate �n insurance �; office ira this approximately 3,OOb square foot vacat�d tro- ;;' phy shop. i� � ��; 2. The surrounding land use is a bowling alley to the west and r� aiztomok�ile repair shop on the east, tn the south a professional '::; office building and Pacific Hwy. to the north. �9 " 3. On August 17, 1976 the Tigard Planning Commission approved ;� a request for a conditional use permit to locate a pro�e�sion- ;�, a1 office building on the southern end of this site with the � following conditions: t'j �� 1. A signing progzam for enti.re pax�cel submitted to th� ;� Design R�view Board. k� � �s=� �.! 2. Exa�sting billboard be remo�ecl witha.n 6 rnonths. �� �,� 3. Screen plantings b�e added to •the north �ide of the build- '' �. ��: ing to scr�en the adjacent residence. �1 �, � � � E�� �� +, �� ;� �F� �:1 ,. � . . .... ..., ; ;i � _ ... _ _.. _ __ _ . _ _ _ � �; � STAFF REPORT AGEND�A 5. 3 � ����! �'''� TIGARD PLANNIIIG CUMI�ISSION `}, January 3, 1978 �; Page 2 i: . . . . � . . ...i:.' 4. Section 18.60 .120 (4) (f) of the Tigard Municipal Code re- �i quires one parking space/350 feet gross floor area. Su�- �' ficient parking now exists c�z� the site to accommodate the ��� parking requirements for the proposed use. r'. �:r 5. Ar� insurance or r.eal estate office is generally considered �� low traffic gener�ators and this use wi11 be cqrnpatible with �' the professional office on the rear portion of the site and 4!, the surrounding land uses, Access/egress to the site is p,rovided by to curb cuts alonc� _acific I-iwy. {�; Ss � �, IIT. Staff Recommendation: f`� ; ;'; Staff recommencls approval. ��� � � � ;•' �i � � � � f? e;: � €i ; {? � �J �i �s. � r_- s,., � � �:� � �'' � � ��` 7,� � . . . � . .. .. k}�; . . . , � � f(�' ... . � � . . . � � � . ,�;1 r1 ,� . .. . . . . . . ,l . . . . . . ., . . . Y..� � � . . � . . . . . . .. .. . � � . . . .. .. �� �,��.' ' , . � . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . r,, f f' _ z; £`% [, �.,: r,'. ., , , . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . f�i u . . � . . .. . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . ..� . . . . r . . . . . . . . : . � . . � .� . � � � � . � - � ...� . . . � � � . . . . . . . � ... ; � ts ` �� � ;, �f � ,. .. �� � a( �.- �, ���: � . . . �,S .. . . . . _. . . . ?, r:i . . . � . .� - ' �:' . . � � . . � . . . � _ . ;,; ��4. STAFF REPO�T �� AGENDA 5 .4 TIGARD PLANNING CUMMISSION January 3, 1978 Fnwler Jv.nior High School - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon Docket: C�nditional Use CU 41-77 : Request: To locate ten duplex units in a R-10, "Single Family Residental" z�ne for a 3.28 acre parcel Location: S.W. Gra.nt Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2CB, Tax Lot 800) Applicant: Walker Constructian Co. I . Findings of F'act: le The site is ciesignated "�uburban Dens.zty Residential" on the NPO #3 1'lan and zoned R-10, Single Family Residential . 2 . Section 18. 20 .020 (1) of the Tigard Municipal Code permi�:s °'Duplex residential" with a minimum lot �f 10 ,000 square feeto one duplex per lot; or two single family a�tached units with a minimum lot area of 5,DOb square feet per_ uni�. Tn the event it appears that it is not practical to divide a legal lot into two lots of 5 , 000 squa,re f�et each, the plannzng directc�r inay approve the division not.- withstanding th� fact that one 'lot is less than 5, 000 square feet, provided, however, that no such lot shall �ie smaller than 4 ,250 square feet, 3. The applicable policy from the Tigard Housing text is th� f�llowing; Pnlicy 15 : Frovide gre�ter c�iverSity uf housing clensity (e.g. , duplexes, four--pl�x, a�t�ached single family units, etc. ) . � i 4. The applicable policy from NPO #3 Plan is the fvllowing. � !i Policy 7: Within the suburban density area, a limit�d � ' number of duplexes may be permittec3 on lots that would b serve as bu.ffers between the single fam�.l.y uses and adjacent multi�tamily and/or commercial uses. II. Staff Findings anc� Observations : l. The site is rela�tively flat and vaeant with a scattering of conifers along the west property line. Surrounding land � � uses are' singl.e family dwellings �o the west and south, to � the east and across S .W. Grant A�venue is a tri-plex and the C.F. Tigard Grade Schoal and Kin�er College day care center � to the north. � � STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5 .4 � �' TIGARD 'PLANNING COMM�SSZON � Jan�.zary 3, 19 7 8 Page 2 2. The applicant is requesting a conclitional use permit to lo- cate 10 duplexes on 10,000 square foot minimum lots raithin a proposed 10 lot subdivision fronting on S.W. Grant Avenue. � 3. S.W. Grant Avenue is designated as a ].ocal street on the NPO #3 P1an requiring 50 feet of right-ni-way. There is currently 4Q feet. Therefore, an ac�dz.tional 5 feet would be required along the S.W. Grant Avenue frontage. S.W. Grant Avenue is also in substandard condition (e.g. , no curbs, sidewalks, or lights) . 4 . The location of duplexes adjacent to tk�e grade school and day care center along the northeasterly side of the proposed development wnuld provide a transitional land ua� between tl�e single family residents to thP north and west. The ex- istxng tr:iplex along the east sidP of th� proposed develop- ment and ac.ross S.W. Grant Avenue will also provide a com- patible land use in that the duplexes would be facing a t.ri�lex. 5. Sanitdry sewer is available to the sit� via an �ight line � in S.W. Grant Avenue. Water ser.vice is also available from the 7.'igard Water District' s six line in S.W. Grant Avenue. III. Conclusionary Findings: 1. This request confarms to the density limitations of the R-10 zon� (5ingle Family Resi.dentiaZ) and Suburban Density Resi�3ential of the NPO #3 Plan. 2. The duplexes will provide a buffer between the single family homes to the west and south from the school facilities to the north and wi.11 also provide a compatible land use trarl� sition with the triplex tn the east. 3. There is an identified public need to provide a diversity �f housing types within thp community, accoxding to pc�licies set out in the Housing Plan. i IV. Staff Recommendationo i Staff recommends approval of thP ten duplexes as proposed with i the following conditions : � 1 . �'ive �fEet of right-af=way be r��dicat�d along th� S.W. { i Gran:t Avenue frontage� i �L 2. A half street improvement to loeal street standards be �� provided on S.W. Grant Avenue. No building permits will 'i be issued until constructa.oz� drawings have been approved ; by �he Public W�rks Department dnd the necessary bond ' filed. i ; i � �._ _ _ _ _ _ ; ST�FF REPORZ �.+, AGENDA 5. 5 TIGARD PLAN�TING COMMTSSION January 3, 1978 �'lowler Junior High School - Lecture Room IOt365 S .GV. Walnut Street - Tiyard, Oregon Docket: Variance V 12-77 l�.equest: To vary the street standards (curbs and sidewalk,s} of the subdivision code for a 3. 28 acr�e para�l in a R-10 "Single Family Residential" zone. Location: 1�115 S.W. Grant Avenue (Wash, Co. Tax Map 251 2CB, Tax Lot 800) .A�plicant: Walker Construction Ce. T . Findinqs qf Faci:: l. The site is designated on the NPO �3 Plan "Suburban Density" and zoned. R-10 "Sinc�le Famil.y Residezitial" . The site is surrounded by single fan�ily h��mes to zh� west and sauth, -to the north a hame, kindergarten and grad� school (C.F. Tigard) and to the east and across S .W. G,rant Street a tri-- � plex. x 2 . 5ectian and .040 of the Tigard Municipal Code states that c.ur�is shall be constructed in acc;ordance w.ith stanclards adc:pted by the city and five f_oot sid�:walks �n�.ii be install.ed along both sides of the street adjaaent to the property line. 3, Th� applicant is requesting � dev.iation from the local street standards by provirling asphal.t paths in lieu of concr.ete sidewalks and curbs to be i:n�talled along the Grant A.venue frontaye an].y. 4. Secti�n 17. 48.020 af the Tigard Municipal Code �uthorizes the Planni.ng Cc�mmission to grant a vari�nce to the subdi- � vision coc3e, provir��d the Commission finds from the faets � presented at the hearing a11 af the followi.ng; �'' (1) That there are sgecial circumstances or condit:ions �;, effecting the �rnperty wl�icl� are u;nusual and p�euliar tc� �he �.ands or development of the project involved � as compared tn other lands similarly situatede � (2) That �the variance saugh� is necess�ry and the minimum � r�quired for the preservation and protection �f a � subs'tantial propert� interESt of the petitioner tra � the degree that extraordinary hardship would result �: from strict complianre with the r,.egulations of this � � � � k , _ _ . _.:._._ �. ...__ { - : ,�� ._:, - - STAFF REPORT ���;.. AGENDA 5 . 5 ; TIGARD PLANNIPIG COI�IMISS]CON January 3, 1978 Page 2 chapter applicable to the part.icular subdivision, major or minar �artitioning involved. (3) That the granting of the variance will not be detri- mental to the public health, safety or welfare bu�t will be consistent therecaith and sha11 n:ot be injuri- ous to the rights of other property �wners i.n the near vicinity nar constitut� a de�arture from or be in violation of the Campreh�nsiv� Plan of the Ci�Ly of Tigard. (4) That the applicant 's proposal for variance in a sub- division or major or minor land partitioning conforms to and is consistPnt with all other r�gulatory re- quirem�nts of th.i� title and Title la of this code, that ader�uat� provision is made for traffic circula- t�ion, recreation, open spaces , and siznilar factors, and that variance sought has been consi.der�d by other publ.ic agencies concerned with fire protection, sewer, vaatcr, and other utilities, as we11 as environmental factors, and the written camments of suah reguJ_ator� � bodies as applicable are submitted as part of the �':�` rec�rd. �. '�he applic�nt° s statement of hardship �r_ovides the follawing r�tioizal fc�r c�eviatirig frorn the curb and sidewa.lk standard.s �f the suk�divison code : (1) Streets wi.thi.n tY�e immediate area are without sidewalks and curbs. Therefore, by in�talling curbs and :;ide- v�alks in the development �nd �long Grant Avenue would ! "resuit in an isolated improvement which would nat � dovetail into any present or future developrnent, " � (2} No economic ef'fects �re expected due to this variance ; in that the adjacent p•roperties do not have curbs, sicle- � walks, or the required righ�.-of-way wi.dth. I7. C�nclusionary Findings: � a 1. The requested variances t.o the city's loca.l strePt stand�rds � do not appear justified in that the applicant in his owra ` wc�rds has stated that he "can neither show special �ircum- ; stancES or extxaordinary hardship" to warrant the deviations as propased. . Staff further finds ��.at there are no peculiar or unusual *, ccanditions in the topagr�phy and other natural features ' tha�. are unique to this site as campared to other lands similarly situated, and that a' reduction in the street -stan- ` . �� , : , __ . -- _ — I i , i �I �,� STAFF REPORT d' AGENDA 5.5 �; � TIGAF.D PLANNING COMMISSION '' January 3, 1978 Page 3 4; dards would be necessary for the preservation and pratection �' of a substantial ro ert interest af the etitioner. P P Y p TII . Staff RPCOmmendatian: `:� I Staff recommends denial. �; �: �;� �`! �. , ,� f� l ti �1 �1 �. 1 1 � 3 f ,: , i� i � � (-': k, ,, �: u ;; �!