Planning Commission Packet - 08/23/1977 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. AGENDA TTGARD PLANN7NG CON�I�SwI�N Augus�t 23, 197'7 - 70�0 po�o Fowler Junior High SchoQl - �,ectur� R�+�m 1Q865 SoWo Walnut Street - �i�ard, Oregon 1 o CA�,� T� ORDER a 2 a Rf1I�L CAI,�o � 3 o APF�RC�VAT, 0�' 1�I1�TtJTE�: R, 4o CQM�IUNICATIONS: 5 a P'UBI,IC I°iEARINGS s 501 �T�ri�nc� �' ��77 .(Butsch �nte�pri���) NPO 3 .� r°��ques� by �utsch Fnterpr3.���p Inc o for �( �rariance in stre�t ���a�d�rds (subdivisican� 3.n �h�e R-10, S�ng�.e Fam�.�� Res�denti��. z�ne a� SoWo 115th, nor�h of FairheVen (WASM. Cc�n T�x M�:p 2S1 �DT3fl T�x 7��ts 200, 340, and 400) � 502 �ariance V 10-7'� �S�tsch Er��terpria�es) N� 3 A request by gutsch Enterpri�e�s, T��o fo�� � vagi�nce in, se'�ba�k �eq�ire�ent� (zon�.x�g esrclin�nce� in the��t-10�' �in- g],e Familg R�sid�ntial zone fsom ffiinfmu� 20 foat fror�t yarcl s�tb��k �� SoWo 115�h, north of F°ai�ha��n .('Wa�Y�o Co. Ta�r Map 2, �Dan T�x L�ts 200, 30G, �nd 400� 6 o OTF�ER Bt1ST1NESS a 601 Ord�n�nc� revisiz►g Gondittanal use re�ul.remer�ts as they ' pext�in �ta dupl�eaes o 6.2 Sign Cod� 7 o AY�TOURNMENT: � _ , _ _ ;,,. ;;!, C=' +.,, I4IINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSJON F�II Atzgust 23, 1977 - 7:30 p.m. ?` � Fowl�i Junior FIigh School - Lect�a.re Roam � � 1Q865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon s. 1. Call to Oxder: �'� The meeting waa ca.11ed to order at ?:4Q p.m, by CTaairman Popp 2. Roll Call : Present : Saka�ta, Wood, Tepedi.na, Popp, Corliss Excused Absence ; Moore, Goldbach, Briax► �� Staff : Bol�n, Laws, Clausseni,us 3. �Approval of �linutes : ll�inutes o.f Augus� 16, 1977 approved as submitted. �. Communications : �I None 5. Fublic Hearings : �?` 5. 1 Variance V 9-77 (Kutsch Enterpxises} ; �,.. r': A request by Kutsch Enterpxises, In�. �ox a. variance :i.n " street stan�iards (�ubdi.vi,ion) in tk�e R--10, Sin�;le �'an�ilq � Ftesidential zone at S.W. 11.5th, n�artYi o� �'airhaven (Wash . a Co. Tax 1V1ap 2S1 3DB, Ta� Lots 200, 300, and 400) ; � A. S�taf� Report : Read k�y Laws B. Applicant 's Presentation : o Neil Peterson, project engineex, pxesented the pso� posal and exhibxted a map whi,ch shpwed many of the � concerns specified by sta�f �.n the�.x report . n C;ordon Kutsch, applicant, re�err�ed to Condit�an 5 and said he agreed with s�a�f r�c�mr�pn�.ation that na play grounds, etc. be in the i.sland axea. � 5 x C. Public Testimon,y � ` � , None � � � � � �. � , . _ , �. _ �,�� !;' �:'; �:. � MINUTES TIGARD FI�ANNTNG C�MMISSIt7N ` � August 23, 1977 P�.ge 2 �, ; . , , D. Staf� Recommendation; , �''; St�ff recomm�ncis dpproval �ta �ary th�e street standar�s requir�ments of �he code with �Y�e fal.lowirig cond.itiox�s: " 1 . The cul-de-sacs wi11 have a minimum surface pavement o� 1E3 fe�t �.n the turn-around ar�a. 2. Th� applican� submit to the Planning Uire�ctor for ` �I his approval a cros�--sectianal drawing of �the pro- posed e�.trywvay ta th� �ubdivision. 3. Th�� �he sidewalks be five .�eet in width. 4a All. tr�e islands ar�d Cul-d�-sac islands will be cczr�a�d w�th t�,aa��rd cu� az� ter sec on �► t� s ` �I $u �xc��� on at ro � c�urbs �ay be p�x�anitted w�.tY�ir� the int�r�.o� o� the park,ing bays. 5. .�l1.1 ts].,and5 �.re to be maintained in a n�tural state i ies 110 d or� th� is�. nd wi�h no 1. round �c tiv t a wc� a , ,- P ��3''g �,w and � J.ow maint�nance 1�,nds�a e 1an be submitted or d�s g� rev ew. ,� 4:'i 6. AlZ publi� impr�vements wi11 be in�tall�d in �acorci- '! �nce �rith recogn�,zed st�nd�rds �s cs�tabl.�shed by tk�e �� T�.gard PdzY�lic �lorks Departm�;z�� sub�c� to variance ''{ �pAra��l. E. Commission Discussian and Action: o Woad comm�nte3 an varisnces and wonder�d about mai�n- tenance 'betw�en sidewa�.k and street. He recommended approval. , o Sa��a�� questioned deve3op�rs abou� cul-de-sacs--are they one-way a�nd what aba�ut dir�ctional signs? �� 4'fi o Pe�terson responded that they were not design�d y�t. `' , o �orliss, regard�.ra� ���� *^�fi'��; aareed wfth appli- cant �that there v�ouldn't be �uc2a. �,_ � o Tepedino made a poli�cy comment: Too much time doing � review �nd re-review, too much ti.me canst.�me�:. He ;; ask�d staff to th�nk how t� sev� time in the f'uture. � ,; o Popp asked t�'or cla�ificatinn on width o� �enesis 7i S�reet--is it �o be 28 feet or 34 feet throu�k�ou�. ;;i r:i , � � � � �;;� +� � � . � , � � � � . � .. . . . � . . pi yt . . � . � . . . . . . . � � . � . . � . � . � . �.'rt �, . . ., . . . .. .. .. . .. . ... ..... � :- . � . � � .. ��.. . ..,��. i - ' � .. . .. . . � .. � .._.. . . . . , _ . ... . . . . .. . . . .._ . . . . . .._ . ... .:-���, .:�. . .. . . . . . . . ��, �.�. ��:�.:. .il � �t V' �: 1• MINUTES � „T . TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSIQN � f� August 23, 1977 � P�,ge 3 f ! o Peterson stated it would be 28 feet only dt the tree � islands. p, � a Popp said all stipulations haye b�en met . `' . o Wood wants five foot sidewalk� for safe play. !' Wood moved and T�ped�no seconded �c��^ a�proVal based on �� sta�f .findi,ngs a,nd with staff recommPndat�ans, ,:- ' " :. .,. The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote. � � 5.Z Variance V 10-77 (Kutsch.) ` A request by Kutsch. Enter�rises, . Inc. �ox� a yaxiance in set- back requir�ments (zoning ax�d�nance) in 1;he R�10, Single Famil,y Residential zone from mi.nimum 20 �oot �xont yard set- back at S.W. 115th, north af Fairhaven (Wash.. Cc�. Tax Map ZS1 3bB, Ta� Lots 200, 300, and gQ0) { � 5 A. Sta.ff Repoxt : ; � �4 � Read by Law� � 6 9 B. Applicant 's Presentation : Neil �eters�n, �ro,ject �ngin�er, stated that he �.�reed with sta�� th.at only a vari.ance was necessaxy �or those � ],ots having slope const�aints or si;�ni,�i_ca.nt �tand. af � trees would be last . � C. Pu.blic Testimony: � None ` D. Staff Recommenda�;ion: . + I Staff recommends approval. wi�h the foll�wing conditian : � _ , 1. V�here deemed necessary, vax�ances t,o the �xont yard ` setback wi11 be granted upan approval by the �lan- ; r�ing L�irPct�.r. � � E. Commi�sion Discu�sion and Action : � ; � � � o Popp wondered if the Planning Commis��on wquld be � granting blanket approval to the Planning birectQx t '' k , ; , 4 . . . . . . . � . . . .. , . . r . jY i , . . . � . . . . .. a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t � � .. . � .� � . . . . . . . .. . . � I MINUTES T�GARD P.LANNING COMMISSTON `'�� AuguSt 23, � 1977 � Page 4 to approve a variance wherevEr he �thought necessary. o Laws ans.wered that that was correct . o Bolen explained th.at r��st. q,f the variances would b� in ar�as having stPep slq�es. o Bolei� stated that a��roximat.�ly 15 i;o 20 �ercent a� houses might require a v�.,riance. a Peters�n stated th_at he d�:dn 't thi.nk. it would be that high. o Tepedin4 asked staff i� �.h.e. �lanning Cc�mmis�aon had the authority to delegate autT�orit,y to th.P �lanninp; nixector. o Wood said �:hat maybe the �lanni.n� Comm�.ssi.4.n wa�lci be more cvm�oxtable ta put s,tand�.�rds :i,n the �tatezner�t o� a�uth.ority to �i:he �l.anni.ng Dixectqr, He que�,tzoned Peterson as to �hat cr�ter.i�, thexe would be xegarding � locating houses vi�-a-vi.s s1oFeS. c� Peterson responded �th:at i,t would de�end c�n each. site. a Wood suggested ma,k�.ng the th.xee eC�nd'it�;Qns c�� th.e staf� �lus #4, ch�.nges, iz� s7:ope, ��.�rt o� t.h:e cor��.�- ' ti,ons under which. �Yaria,nces W�.xe. �o be granted. . Wood furth.er stated th.at he �;hou�h� �t Woulcl be qka;y �xom �. le�a1 poant o� ya.ew to del��a�t>e �,uth.oxity i�. desirea wPxe reas�nably stated T�y tYae Planning Com- mission . , i o Sa,kata askec� i_� P1ann�..ng Comma.ssion could �eg�:17:y � delegate their authority. " ' ;� � o Popp said h:� di.dn't know. � v 0 13olen responded regarding deleg�tiq.n Af �utlip.rity: �;hPre should be 'a, candi�tion at�ach.ed, Fie Sugge�tPd [ usi,ng sta�� repoxt as co�ditians . He th,�nks t�i.xs � ra 'ec# should �.ave. been a lanned de e.l,o me.nt and r P J � V � that is why thexe axe some 1ega1 probleXns n4w. +� �� � � � �� � � � � , _ � Wood moved and Tepedin:o sec.anciea �o� �;��X'GYa,i i,o �3eZ�:- d rl gate authoritq ta th,e �lannit�g Di,�ector t�a �rant var�:- �I ances to setback mPqua:x'ements i.n a R-1� zqne and adopt ;, � , ri � s il i� �� �'� � . . _ _ , _ _ _ t f jt , �; i,, r �11 MINUTES �i ;�;--. TIGARD PLANNING CUIV�MISSION � �, August 23, 1977 {1 Page 5 �:i k E, the applicant °s building si�e location criteria subject � to the foll�win� standards: �I 1. Zf removal of natural vegetation wou.ld be det.rimen- ' tal to the site ;. 4' 2. If there ,are excessive slopes on the site. 'rhe motion was approved by unaninnous voice vo�e, i 6 . Other Business : 7. Adjournment : fF �r t! �!. i �... �a Y — b; }; . ;; i: �_ a: �: �. �i ; 4 i . � � . . � � . . �i _ i {. .. . . . . . � � . . �. . � � . . ': � . � � . . . . ''� ,n i� � .. . . . � � . . , . � . { ! 1 �. � �, I i � I j ; j , � . . .._ . . . . f l. �. '�x,; . NOT�.CE OF PUBI,TC HEARING �. , TIGA�tD PLA�iNING COMMTSSION Augus� 23; 1977 - 7:30 P.M. Fow�.�r Juni.a�r=a�Hi;�h. ��001 -� �e�ture Room , 10�G5 S.W. Walnut� Street - Tigard, Oregon 5. PUBLIC �ARTNGSc. _ . �v 1 �'ar�ance V 9-77 (�utseh� . . HPO 3 /� requ�st bq gutsch Enterpr3.ses, Inc. for � v�arian�e in stre�t st�ndards (�ubdivisian) in the R��O, 3i�gle Family Re�.i�ential zon� at S.W. 115th, n�rth o:f Fsirla�ven (Wash. Co. 1'a�. Map 2S1 3DH, �$x Lots 200-, 3op. and 40Q� 5.2 '�ariance �J 10-77 (Rutsch) NPO 3 A request by Kutsch EM�ez�°prises, Tnc. fior a �ar.isnce in set- b�Gk r��uiremen�s (zQ�aing ardinanee) in the R-10, Sing�.� Faffii�.y Re�idential zor�e �'rom mir�i� 2� foo� f°rag�t yard �et- baek at S�I�o 115th, n�rth of F°airh�ven (We�sh. Co. Tax Niap ��� 3DH, �a� I,o�s 200, 300� �nd. 400) .��]. p�rs�ms k�avi�g �n inter�st in the h�arir�g �tter are in�ited tn ��, apg��r s�nd au�ni� or��. andl t�vritten testimeny or submit writte� ���ti- mca�,y in �d�axtce af �the ���ting. I �P�i��;i�ln �.n ��' Au�us�t 1?, 19?7) � � .� _ ; I .. , , fl � '�; �._ � � NOTICE OF PUBLIC H.EARTNCT 3 ?��" � � TIGARD PLANIvTI1VG CdMMiSSION � � June 2I, 1977 - 7:30 P.M. r Fowler Junior High School - L�cture Room ! 10865 S .W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon � i II 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS : � I � i 5 . 1 ZONE CHANGE 3-77 (Mercuxy Development) NPO VII � A request by Mercur,y Development , Inc. for general plan and � program review af a proposed neighborhood shopping center at ? lU5'75 S.W. 122nd Avenue, s�uth of Scholls Ferry Road (Wash- �: � ington Coun�ty Tax Map 1S1 35B, Tax I�ots 400 and 500) � f 5.2 ZONE CHAVGE 22-7? (Sun Pace Corp. ) NF�O VI €, �: A request by Sun Pa�e Corp, for preli.minary plan and program � review of a proposeci residez�tial planned develc�pment for a 16 '. a.cre parcel on S .W. Sattler Road (Wash . Co . Tax Map 2S1 11Ab, ; � Ta� Lot �400) � ; 5. 3 �ONE CHANGE 20-77 (Osborn/Pohrman) NPO II � s A request by Len k. Osborn for a zone map amendment to change � � th.e zar�ing designation from Washingtan County Loning "RU-4" �; �`' to City of Tiga.rd "A-2, Multi-famil,y l�esidential'' �or. a 2.94 ; acre parcel at 11335 S .W. Greenburg Road (Wash . Co, Tax Map 1�1 35CA, Tax Lats y0� and 1000) 5.4 ZONE CHANGE �1-77 (Ca�fall) NPO I A request by Richard H. Caffall for a zone map a�nendment to chan�e the zoning dESignation from Washington County Zoning "RU-�" to City of Tigard "R-7, Single Family Residential" for a 9 .7 acre parcel on > .W. Garrett and Ash (Wash. Co . Tax Map - 2S1 2CC, Tax Lot 4Q�) , All persans having an interest in the h��aring matte� �.re inviteci to ap- pear and submit oral and w�i�ten testimony or submit written testimony in advan�e of the meeting. (Publish in TT 6-9-77) �� ■�: ,. _ ,. . . STAFF REPORT ,-m AGENDA 5.1 ; �� TIGARD �LANN.ING CQMIVII�SION August 23, 1977 - 7� 3Q p .m, ��; Fowler Junior High Schoo]. - I,ecture Room 10865 S.W, Walnut Street - Ti�ard, Oxeg�n Docket : Variance V 9-�77 � l�equest: For a variance _to the street standards (:subdi.vision) in a R-10 zone, Single Family R�sident�;al Location : S .W. 115th, noxth of �'airh.�.ven Street (.Wash . Co. Ta.x Map � 2S1 3DB, Tax Lots 200, 300, and 400� ' Applicant : Kutsch Enterprises I . Finc�ings : 1. The site is designated "�u,k�urban Densi.ty Residential - three dwelling units per acre" qn Neigh.borh��d P1an III and �oned "R-10, Single Family Residential." . 2. On May 3, �.977, thP Pla.nnirig Commissi,an appxoved the ps^e- liminary plat for a 96 �ot su.bdivision (Genesis) subject to the fo7,lowing condi,tions ; �r� � (.1) S.W. 115th be impxoued to City s�Lan�ards to its inter- sec�;ion with S.W. Fonraer Str,�e�t. � (2) S.W. Fai.r�haven Str.eet be e�tende�i to Navarxe ox �ue11e Couxt . � 3 Landsca e anci cievelo mer�t lans �ox the � ) P p .p �xeenwa,y axea be submitted .for staf� approval . (4) A drainag� plan be submitted �or sta.ff app�royal . (5) Application �oi vara_ance be madP �to th.e Plannin� Com- mission regarding stxeet standa.rds. (6� The rev�sed p].at ir�cox�or�.te tw� pla� areas outside the greenway axea. 3. On June 21, 1977, thP ap;pl.icant (Kut�ch. Entex�pri,ses.� re- quested a clarification of Condita.on 2 by tYie �lanning Com- mission. After forma.l discu:ssion between the Corrur�iss�.on . and th.e ap;plicarit, Condition 2 was deletsd as a rec�uire-� ment of the preliminary �lat ap�ropal . 4. Section 17.48.0�U o* tne li,gard iviurii�:i,�al Cad� au4�,�y�,zeU ' � the Planning Commissioan to grant a variance tn the subd�.- v�,si.on code, provided the Commi.ssion f�_nds �rom 'th.e �acts ; , � ' ; _ �!; i; ;_ I':.', STAFF REPORT �`` AGEND� 5 .-1 ;�'� TTGARD PL�INN.I,NG COMMISSZON �. ' August 23, 1977 Page 2 1 A-_:. presented at the hearing all of the follawing: (.S) That thexe are special circumstances ox conditions af- fecti�#; th� pro.�ert,y which are unusual and pectiliar to the lands or. �ievelopment �of the praject involved as compared to other lands simil arly si,tuated. ' (2) That tY�e vaxiance sought is necessary a.nd the minimuzn required �or the pxesexvation and pxotection a� a substantial pxoperty int�rest af. the ��ti�ionex to the degree that extra.ordinax°q hardshi,p would result frpm strict compliance w,ith the regula'tions o� this chapter applicable to th.e particular subdivision, . majo.r ar minor ,partitionin� involved. (3) That tYie granting of the variance w�.Il not be detri- mental tca the public hea7.�:h, sa�e�t� ox we].fare, but wi.l7. be consistent therewi.th and, shall npt be a..njuri- ous to the rights af other property owner� in th� near vicinity no�r constitute a departure �xom or be a.n vio- �`'' lation of the compreherisive pla.n of the City of Tigard. `�� (4) `.�hat. the ap,plicar�t ' s proposal for vari,�.nce iy� a sub- divis�.on or major or minor 1a.nd partitior�ing con.�'o.rms i;o and is cc�nsistent with �,1.1 Ot�1.Ex' regu�.atory r�- �: quixements of �this title and Ti�Cle 18 0,� this code, that adequa,te provisi.on iS made �ox tra��?.c, circula- tion, recreation, open spaces, and si.r��lar factors, and that varian�e sought has been cansidexed by at�ier I public agencies concerned with. fire protPCtio�, sew�r, wa�er, a.nd ot'tzer utilities, as we11 as environmental � factors, and th.e written comments of such regu�.atqx� bod�.es as applieable is submi�tted as pa.rt of �he rec- ord. �:;'-r 5 . The applicant is requPSting a variance to the street s�tand- ' ards of the subdivision code to include the �ollowi.ng street desi�n cri.teria: ' ''" (1) The stxeet suarface pavement be r�duced ,fror� the re- " quired 34 �oot surface area to 28 feet (.14 �feet and , �� 14 �eet curb to cuxb) to acco�modate landsca�e is- � lancls within the stxeet righ�-o�-way. � :r (2) Rs�ucP �zzl-�e-sac r�a.c� surfacing minimum �rom 34 feet :, to 28 feet curb tc� curb, wi�h. pax�l�ing oz� only ��ae sid� of the cu.l-de-sac. k � � � �� � ,.� � ;� � : . . � . . . : . . . . � . � � .. . AE�r. . .... .. . .. . � .. � . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ' . ., . L :. STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5 . 1 ���� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION August 23, 1977 Page 3 (3) Sidewalks to meander instead of �eing built adjacent the proper�y line. Surface arEa o� the sidewalk to be reduced trom five foot width to four �eet in width. aidewalks to be located on only orie side af the cul- dP-sa.c. (�) The st.reet grades be increased from a maximum o� 12 p ercent allowed for local streets to a maximum of 15 percent, provided the 15 pereent grade will not exceed 150 fe�t in length. 6. Staff has contacted the Tualatin Ru,ral Fire Protection Dis- trict regarding the proposed reduc�d street standards, and th.ey have recommended the following minianurn �tandards : (]_) �'o pxovide for the necessary maneuvering area o� emergency vehicles, the cul--de-sacs should Yiave an 18 foot minimum raad surface. (2) The entrance way to the subaiv�.sion be widened to ac- � commoda.te the �turn.ing radius of emergency equipment d i 7. Staff would sug�est that the a,�aplicant ' s list of "5treet j Design Cri.teria", Items 3, 11, and 13 be modified to in- ; clude the additional following la.n�uag�: j (3) A11 tree islan�:s and cu,l-d�-s�.c isl�.nds wi11 lae � _ f curbed with standa�d curb and gu,tter section ' (11) Al1 islands are to be maintained :in a natural stats with no playgrounci ac�rivities a.11owed in t�e isZand and a lc�w mairit�nance landscape pla.r� be submitted ' for design revie�v.� ~^� � (1.3) All public impxovemenl;s will be installed in accord- ; ance with .recognizea standards as established by the Tigard Pub�ic Works Department �s�ubject t� variance a roval . ' _�p ,'; 8. Staff upon site inspection o� tk�e paxce:l has ri�ted t'hat th�re is approximately a three to four foot grade differ- ence between propased entryway and 11<�th Stre�1: . Sta,�f ;'� can appreciate the applicant 's desire to preserve the �I natural vegetatio� c�n the premises whe�°ever possible, but � we �.re concerned as to how the applicant proposes to df-:al � wi1:h the slope difference ai; this point and still preserve ; the trees . within the landscape islaric�. �; k� E � � Y :... . � STAFF REPORT = AGENn.A. 5. 1 �,� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION Augu�t 23, 19'77 Page 4 9. Staff cannot find justification or thai; a hardship exists for the applicant 's proposal to reduce the sidewalk width from five feet to four feet . . • II . Staff Recommendation : Staff recommends approval to vary the street stand�.rd� require- ments oi the code with the follo in conditions : w g 1. The cul-de-sacs will have a minimum su.rface pavement of 18 feet in the turn-around area. 2. Th� applicaz�t submit to the Planning Director for his ap- proval a cross-sectional dra.wing o� the proposed entryway to the subdivision. 3. That the sidewalks l�e fzve feet in width. 4. AI1 tree islands and cul-de-sac islands w�.11 be curbed with standard curb and gutter section . �- 5. All islands axe ta be maintained in a natural state with no playgraur�d activit�i:ES al],�wed on the is�.and and a low mai.r�tenance landscap� plan be submitted �or_ ciesi. �.�n _revicw. 6. A11. public improvements will be installed in accordance with r�cognized standards as established by th� T�gard Plzblic Works Department subject to variance approval . _ � � STAFF REPORT I, AGENDA 5.2 ' TIGARD PLANN.I'NG COMMISSION II August 23, ��77 - ?: 30 p .m. , Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room 10865 S.W . Walnut 5treet � Tigard, Qregoi7 i I . � Docket : Variance V 10-77 Request : Far a varinace to the setbaGk requirements in a k�-10, Single Family Residential zone, from the 2Q foot minimum front yard setback Location : S.W, 115th, north of Fairhaven (Wash . Co . Tax Map 2S1 3DB, Tax Lots 200, 300, and 400) Applicant : Ktztsch Enterprises :I . Findings : 1. The site is desi�nated "Suburban Density Residential 3 units/acre" on tYze Neighborhood Plan ITI and zoned R-10, "Single Pamily Resiclen�:ial" . 2. On May 3, 1977, the Planniz�g Commission approved �he pre- c liminary plat for a 96 lot subdivision (Genesis) subject i;o ��� the Following conditions : ( 1) � .W. 115th be improvFd ta Cit,y standards to its inter- section with S.W. Fonnex Street . (2) S.W. ��ai.rhaven Street be extended to Navaxre or QuEl1.P Court . (3) Landscape and devel.opment plans _For the �reenway area be submitted for staff approval . (4) A drainage plan be submitt�d �or s�ta:f.f ap,proval . (5) Application for vara.ance be made to the Plannii�g Com� mi.ssion rega.rding street standards. (6) The revised p�at incorporate two play areas outsid� the greenway area. 3. On June 21, 1977, the ap�licant (Kutsch Enterprises) re- quested a clari�ication of Condition 2 b� the Planni,n� Cor��- mission . After formal di.scussion between th� Cpm,mission and the appli.cant, Condition 2 was del�ted as a co:nditi.on a� the prelim�.nary plat approval . � , _ _ ., � _ _ _ _- ---- .. ____ , • STAFF REPQRT AGENDA �.2 � TIGAR,D PLANN.T,NG COMMISSTON August 23, 1977 Page 2 4. Section 18. 76.020 of th.e Ti:gard Municipal Co.de states, "No variance shall be gran�ed b� th.e P],anning Commissiqn unless i�t can bc sh.own that all q� tY�e fpllawing conditi,qns e�;i.st : (1) Excepti,onal ox extraox'dinary cond7,tions a�plying to the property th,at do not apply genP�ally to other prap- erties in the same zcine �x vici.nit,y, whi,ch. condi,tions are a result of lot size or shape, to�ogra�hy or oth.er circumstances over, which �he appl,icant ha� n� cpn.txol; (2) The variance is z�ec�ssary :fox the preservatipn of a propert,y righ.t o�. the applicant substantially the same as is pc�ssessed b,y ow.ner� of Uth�x property in the same zone or vxcinit,y; (�) Z'he authorization of th� yariance shall not be matexi- ally detrimenta�. to the puarposes of tiz.is title, be i.n- juriUUS to property �,n the zaa�e or vic�,nity in which the property is located or be otherwi,se detrimental tp the objectives o� any cii:y development plan Qx policy; � (4) The varianc� reques.ted is the mini,�ium variance �ro�n; the provisions and sta.ridards of this ta,tle whi.ch will alleviate the hardship. " 5. The applicant is z-eglzesting a variance ta �Yae farc>nt yaxd. se�;back requirem�nts a� the Tigard R4uni.cipal Code so .th�t he may preserve as much as posti�k�le the natural yegetation on the si�te . The variance would apply to a11 lots �tvithin the subdivision with �the �ollawing criteri.a to be a�plied to the 7.ocation of dwelling structures c�n the individual � lots: (1) The dwelling may be loca.ted within ten feet of the street right-of-way except gara�es wh�r� parking would occur between the right-of-wa,y and t;he gar�ge. (2) The garage woul.d be a, minimum af. ?0 feet �rom the street righ�-o�-way where parking wou�.d occur betwren the fxont �f the gaxage and �the stxeet right-af�way . (3) The builda�ng �.ocation shall be l�cated so the remoVal o�f the existing trees is kept to a m�.z:imum. 6 . The site is multi-sloped, being bisected by two creeks with corresponding changes in elevation from 275 ��et to .1.75 �W � s. ;,� F; ,. �: � � �� �, STAFF REP.qRT AGENDA 5,2 r'�' ���;•' TIGA;RD PLANNING COMMISS�'ON ;: > Augus t 16, 19 77 � ;; _ � � Fage 3 �,�, 1; r ; �eet . The site is dominated l�y a vari,et,y o� vegetati.on �" ranging �;rom maxsh ty�e i� the greenway axea and. clustexs of very old trees interspersed wi,th the natural, oak and '' , undPrbrush . Staff xec�gn�zes th.e� un�,que chaxactexi:stics of this s�.te and favors a design capable o� minimiz�i_ng e�vi,�on- . tnental conflicts. However, sta�f is not can�rinced that it would be necessary to grant a "blanket" vaxiance tq atl lots to px°otect the r.atural condition qf the s�,te but would '� su�gest that var.iances Y�e �.pp].icab�.e to only those 1o�s '� which, by the :e�emova7. of natural vegetata,on, wpuld detri- ,j mentally e�fect tt�e ph.ysical character�istics o:� the si.te. TI . Staff e o ft c mmendation • . � Staff .recommend� appr�v�al witl� the fol7.owing canditi��n: ` 1. Wh.ere deemed necessax;y, variances to th.e frptit: ya.rd ' s��ba.cl� will be granted upon appraval by the Planning Dixectpr. ;.; ';� �. �� ;� L�£: t� t'� I;:� f::', :,i �, � . . . � .r.:1 . . . . � :?`.i J.� rd ._ . . . . � � . � �:;�`, tl . . . . . . , ' . 5;...'. f,{ r;f . . . . . � . . � .. . `��7 � � � . . � . . �. .. . � �. � �� .. � . . . ., . . .. . . . .. .. � ���� i� � . � . . . � . . � � . � .. � . �f� , . . . . . . . � . � . . . � . . . � . . . I..�.'� � � . � � . � � . . �. �..�' . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . � . � . .. � � . . . � � ri . . � - . . . . ' '.':_. �.F T�MORAIv 1�.UM ,,�; T0: Plann.ing Cammission ` FROM: Planning Department ' SUBJEC'P: Recommendations of Sign. Code Committee as Completed '� an June 23, 1-977 j AATE: June 24y 1977 . 1 � The Committee recommends that the follawing bE deleted and I a.mended to read as follaws: ' i 16.12.020 be delet�d and be anended to read as follows: � 16,12.020 Applicatian � � Permits for the constructinn or placing of freestanding ,� signs pursuant �to this section shall be issued only after the � following conditions havP been met: ? � _ ;� a. �he appla.cant shall submi� both a �alot plan and a scale drawing of tht 5ign. The plot plan s�ale an.d i� sha�l i.ndicate �' shall be made ta , ;; r liries the lor,ation of all buil_dir_gs, p_ operty , existix�g signs, �treets, driveways, and �' i: averhead. power lines on the pr. emises. In F'. addition, the plot plans shall shaw the �� �pp.roximat� location af neigh�oring signs '' and buildings within�100 feet on eithei° side of the subject premise�. The scale dralving of the sign shall show the si�n dimexlsior�s, the colors, materials, construction, heigh�t above ,, ground, �nd s�urc� �nd intensity of ill.umina�ion. ,� s.. „ ., b. The application, includin� the infor�mat�on �? required by Paragraph "a" above, shall be �'; submitted to either the Plannin� Directar (or his agent) , or t2ze Desa.gn Ret*iew �oard � a�t the discretion oF the applicant. The i propasal shalX be reviewed to detprmin� iJ whether the si�n as proposed i.s acceptable; ` I given its impact on public sa�ety, the archit�etural compatibility of the e�.ements tl� af the sign, nne with another, the compatibility of the sign to its surraundings, its aesthetic qualitiES, and its consist�ncy � � with the needs of the business or businesses to ;: which it relates. These a�sth.etic aon:szderations ' � sl�all be made accordin� to the �ri��ria specified , �� ; in section C . �•' � � � � � � � � � � �t:° �< , j�. � �� �}� i. c, �``. �;, t:. , �': �;. SIGN CODE CONLMZTTEE RFCOAZMENDATIONS June 23, 1977 �a�e 2 � c. '�he purpose af design review of si�ns is to �mprove uhe qual.ity of. design and to attempt ta inprove the general appearance of the business and industrial commur�ity. Tne intent of this prQCess is to review the taark subr�it ued, not to perform the design wark for the ap�licant. Neither is it th� intention of this co«e to subs�titute the personal tast� of the revi�wer(s) fpr tha� o� the applicaz�t, but ra�ther to perfox�m an ob�ective analysi5 of �he proposed sign according ta the �tandarcis imbodied herein. I,etters � Sty1e (for legibility and continuity) Size of copy (ir_ relation to background) � Amount aF copy (in relation to sign size) , �. ; Colars Compatible with buildir�g c�lors I Com�atible with eachother � � � � Overall Design � s �� As it relates to the bui�ding and is suitable to the k location. =i' �1 4; � � � ac� � � � 16.24.��5 Those signs which are non-confarming according � to Orc�,inance � may b� cantinued until (ten years ' after d.ate o.f o.r�dinance) except signs which are already non� � conformizag, as per Section 16. 24.OI0. ° l �- � � � � �` � �' � ps� � Ei � �' � v' SIGN CODE CQNLMITTEE RECOI�'LNDATIONS June 23, 1977 �, Page 3 � 16. 28.O1�J Non-conforming signs ta be amended as follows: (a) The planning director shall order the removal o� any sign erected in violation of the provisions of. this title. The planning director sha.11 give tifteen (15) days' written notice by register�ed mail to the owner of the sign or, if the owner of the sign cannot be notified, to the owner of the bu.ilding, str�cture or premises on which such sign i.s located to remove the si�n or to bring i.t into complianre with this title. If the owner of the building, structure or premises upon which sucn sign is Zocated fails to renove the sign within thirty (30) days after receip� of written notice from the building official, the building o�ficial or his duly authorized repp,esentative, may remove such sign at cost to �he owner of �he building, struc�ure, or premises, and such costs may be a 1i�n against t�e land or premises or� ti�hich th� sign is located and ma,y be collected ar roreclosed in the same manner as liens otherwise entered in the liens docket of the city. �c- � � �- �- ' i ��. Sectior� I.6, 36.020 (5) �e amer�ded to read �s fo1�o��vs: R�al Estate Directior�al �ignso Real esta�e sign.s advertising an open hnuse and lacat�d off th� premises, 1.imited to a sign area of s.i.x square feet and a maxi.mum dimension o�' faur f�et may bP erected and maintained, provided tre display of � such sign shall be ox�ly during thc�5e hours tr.e property is available for inspectiara. No other off-premise dire�tional k sign shall be allawed. No permits are z^equired far such signs, but the building official may �s�ab:lish reasonable irules and regulations to proh:ibit sign clutter, erection of unsafe signs or other pr�blems in con.nection with the erection of real estate directional sign,s. � � a� � � ; ,� Delet Secti�n 1�, 36.050 and amend Section be a�nended to read as foll.ows: Commercial and Tndustrial Zones. E�.cept as otherwise prnvided. in this respect to �the C-5 and E:'; C-P commercial zone (see zoning Chapter lE3) , no sign for �`. �N�?ich a sign permit is required shall be permitted in any �' commercial zorle except the fo�lowzng: E;: �� �� l. No signs shall be permitted in � C-5 commercial zane except those specified in Title 18 for such zone. �'; ''� 2. No sign shall be ertnitted iri a C-P commercial zone �°� �,�. P `, except those specified in Title 18. - . �� . �� i;� �: . f � �r . _ _ ,_ _ �' � SZGN CO�E GOMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIC�NS ,7une 23, 1977 Page 4 3. Fr�e standing signs shall be permitted as �ollows: A. The primary criteria in detsrminin� freestanding sign area and heignt shall depend on the design�tion af the stre�t wh;ich the sigz� is facing. Streets or roads wi.t�in the �ity of �igard are desi�nated . as follows: (This designation was d�termined by traffic :,peed, number of lar�es, and pr�ojected or current use. ) B. One multi-faced fre�standin� sign identis�ying the �rincipal goods, products, .facilities or services av�ilable on �he premises shall be pezmitted on a premise. DESZGIVATED ARTERTAI, STREETS All af S.W. Durham Road witkia�n the city All of SvW. Greenburg Road (nort�: o� Nor�h Dakota) withzn the city � . All of S.W. Ha11 �1vd, within the ci�y All af S.W. Pacific Hi�hway within the city A.11 of SrWr Scholls Ferry Road within the city A1.1 of S.W. Tigard Str�et (east of Ti,ed�man) w�.th- 3n the city � � All of 68th A�*enue (narth of Hampton) within tk�e city � � � � � � : � � Al1 of ?2nd Avenue (sou�h of Hamp�ton) within the city �, DESIGN.ATEll COLLFCTDR STREETS � R 1, �.W. Ash Avenue within the e;ity from S.W. Burnham to S.Z�I. Hill St:reet � � - . . . .. .�.g A11 of S.W. Bonita Road witY�in the city r � All of S.W. �111 Mountain Raad wtthin .'the city �, A1I of S.W. Burnham Street within the city� �` e � A11 of S.W'. Cascade �,treet within the city � All of S.W. Commercial within tk�e ci:t � Y _ .�.,�., , . _' ; „ . ....:.:....... .. _. _� SIGN CODE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS June 23, 1977 : Page 5 A11 of S.W� Gaarde Street within the city Al1 of S.W. Grant Street within th�e city All of S.��. Greenburg Road (south of S.W. North Dakata) k�ithin the city All of S.W� Hamptoz� within the city All of S.W. HunzikEr Street within the city All of S.W. Main Street with:in the city Al1 0�' S.W. McDonald Street within the ci�y All af S.W. Narth D��CO�a within the city ?11 0�' S.W. Pfa�'�le Road within the city All of S.W. Sattler F�oad within the city ,�rrT All of v.W. Summerfie�d Drive within the city � All of S.W. Tiedeman Stree� within the city A11 �f S.Wd Walnut Street wvi�hin the city All af S.W. 98th Avenue withirz the city A�.l of S.W. 100th Av�nue within tne city All of S.W. 121st Avenue within the cit� �OCAT STREETS A11 other ex�sting streets within the city (prdir�anGP 75-40 S4, 1975, Ordinance 72-63 S1, 19�2: Ordinance 70�32 5210-�, 1970) C. No freestandi.ng sign shall be permi.tted orz pro�erties � zoned cor�mercial or industrial on arterial streets except th� followings • l. Area limit: The maximum �quare footage af sign f.a�ce allowable shall be 70 square feet or a total of 140 square feet for a11. sign faces. � If' tne sign is moved back from the property �" line which paraileis �ii� r.5�1 CC�t ��Zc °i�^ ;� facing, the sign ar.ea may be increased at the F ,. _ _ _ SIGN CODE CONIi�'IITTEE RECONlMENDATIOIVS June 23, 1977 Page 1� rate of �ne square foot �er each lineal foot distance that the nearest portion of the sign is behind the property line (or I5 feet from the pavement edge, whichever is less) to a maximum of 90 square feet, or a total of 180 sguare feet, for all si.gn faaes. 2. H�ight: No freestanding sign �hall exceed rQ feet at the right-of-way edge. H�eight may increase ane foot for each 10 feet of setback from the property line (ar 15 feet from the pavement edge, whichever is less} to a m�.xiffium of 22 feet. D. No free�t�nding sign shall be permittsd an properties zoned commercaal or industrial on coll�ector streets excep� the �OI.�aW1�T: 1. Ax•ea limit: The maximum square fnotage of sign �'ace allowable shall be 25 square fee�, or a total of 50 square fee�, for a�.l sign faceso If the sign is mAVed back fron the property line which �� paralle�s the str.eet, �he sign �rea maST be increased at the rate o�' one square faot per each lineal foot dist�nre the n�arest portion of the sign is behind the property line (or 15 f�et from the pavement �dge, wh�.chever is less) t� � maxi�um af 45 square feet, or a total af 90 square feet, for� al.l sign faces. 2. Heightt NU fr�estanding sign shall exceed 16 feet �' at the right-of-way edge. Heig�it may .increase � one faot :�or eaeh ten feet af setback from �the � prop��ty line (or 15 feet from the pavemen� edge, � which�ve.r is less) ta a maximum of 18 feet. ;, � E. Nn freestanding sign shall be permitted on propert�e5 ,' wi�h commsrcial or indus�ri�l zoning lUCated on streets �. defined as loeal streets e�xcep� the followinga �', � l. Area limit: The maximl.im squar�e ..footage of sign �' face allowable shall� be 16 squar+� feet, or a total �` of 32 square fe�t, for a11 sign �aces. If the sign � i.s meved: back from the prape2^ty line which paraY- Yi': lels the str�et the sign is faCin�, the sfgn ar�a i�; may be iaxcreased at the rate of � square foot per �' eaGh lineal foot distance the n�arest portion of �' � the sign is behind the property line (nr 15 f��t � from .the pavem�nt� ege, which�ver is less) to a �x} m�v�"mr,^,,,m nf 7F_, crniarA fpat. or �. total Of 5� Sq_U3I'@ �` � feet� for all sign faces, � �;� ' �� t;: � , , SIGN CODE COMMITTEE RECOMMFN�ATIONS June 23, 1g77 � Page 7 s 2. Height: No freestanding sign sha11. exceed 14 feet at the xight-af-way edge. Height may in- crease one foot for each ten feet of setback fram the praperty line (or 15 .feet from the pavement ecige, whichever is less) to a max�mum of 16 feet. F. SupplemPntal design features. Tf the des�gn reviewer determines tha.t the sign' s visual appeal and overall design quality would be served, an additional 50 percent of the allowable sign area and 25 percent of sign height (tn �nClude pole cuver) m�y be permitted. However, no copy wi.Il be permitted in the additional area anc� height permitted. Fr�ees.tanding Sign G. An instance an which a prema.sQ front� nn more than one street, standards for the street which the sign is oriented s?aa11 be the controlli�g set. In the event the sig*� is or. iented equally towards mor�e than one street, the larger of the two shal�. bE permitted. '� � H. No freestanding si�n ,permitted pursuant to t�.is seetion except ti.me and temperature sign and theatre ffiarque and auto service stations in order to display the currer�t pric� of gas�line sh�17. include a si.gn af the t�pe kno°WZi as a "reader board�� . �or the purFoses o� th�.s � sertion, a "reader board�� is defined ,as a sign �, d.esigned sp as tv pernzt the chan�ing of inessag� af ;; the sign regularly or frequently as, for examp�e, a ;' - s? n made u of a blackboard chan eable `' g p , g paperfaced i; .. or a rack designed to hold movable le�tters. `;� I. Ea.eh freestan�ding sign shall bP �urrounded by an area ' set aside to protect the sign from vehicles negotiat- f' ing in the parking area of the business to whic_h the s2gn relates, and the area so set aside shall t�e ; landscaped. Trie size and sha�e of 'the area set aside i` and the 3.anc3scaping shall be represented in the pl.a� ? i� • plan required by this section and shall be sub�ec� to :{ the review and r.a�trol of the plarining director or � agent. Oa� �xistirag sites wher.e a landscape island �' is not feasibl�, the zn�nimum rlear�nce belvw the ��j lowest portzon o�.' a fre�standing sign and the ground ,;'. below shall be 1q� feet in any v�hicle maneuvering area. ; �w J. E�ch sign must zncox�porate a pole cover into its �;: design, and the address number af :th� preni'ses being s� � id�nt,ified �ust be e.chiYlited on either the fr��stand- ` ing sign or the build�rrg and be �eadable f.rom the st�eet. �`�; �� . _ ;; ��� .� . .. .. _.: _ � �- SIGN CODE COMMITTEE PIECOP�NDATIONS June 23, 1977 Page � ; � K. No freestanding sign, ar any portion og 3ny free- ; . standing sign, 'shall be located on or be px�o��cted ; over any portion of a street, sidewalk o.r other public- � right-of-way or property. Sign m�,y be ].ocated within j setback areas on2y as provzded in Section 16.20.040. Z. '-�;hen a premise contains more than a single t�nant ' but is not defined �s a shopping center, tl-�e provision of a freestanding sign shall take in�a c�nside .ration '' the n�eds of all separate tenants. The design shal� � be prepared t�y a pro.fessional designer an�i take �ntc� consideratYOn the need fo .r providi.ng a signing system `;I wnich is harmonious in appearance �.nd legibilit�. ' Building owner shall pr. ovide at his oti,�n expense a 'll cor�mon support �or all tena.n.t sign�.g�. Said support should be engiMeered t� withstand. 20 lbs. per souare I feet wind load of completed dis�lay, Up to an '' additional 50 percent of sign copy are� may be 'i permitted when deemed necessa.ry by the pl�nning diz�ector to adequately i�enti.�y the separate tenant�. �P r4. Shopping renters or •industrial parks, def.ineri as area� '�' of not less than sight business r.uli�s �nd consisting j o� not less than four acres, sha11_ establ.ish a sin�;le �� signing format� The design sha11 bP pre ared b a ' P Y � profess.ional sign designer�. The si�n shall inclucie the complex naz�e and street number� Up to an additional �I, 50 percent of sign area may be persitted when deemed ' necess�ry by the planning director to �dequately. identify the comple�x. This increase should be judged !i accarding to unic�ue identification needs and „ circumstances whieh necessitate addational area to '�, make the sign sufficiently� legible. 1n�hPn a shop- p�_ng center of indus°trial park has more than. one main entranc e •n serarate frontages, a second �reest�zzding sign may be allowed. The two allowa.ble signs shall face separ�te .irontages and are not i.ntended to be Yiewed simultaneously, T I; 4. Wall 5i_gns: In addition to signs permitted by �his section, �`I� r�*all signs may be erected or maintained bu� shall nat '�' exceed in gross area twenty percent of the face of the �� building to w�iich the sign is attachec� or on whicYn the '� sign is maintained. �igns placed on or withzn one foot of �:� the display windows and designed to be viewed from the i�� exterior of the building shall be included in determining ' ��' the amount of signing on such building face. Wall signs `"' � may not pro,�ect more than 18 inches from the wal.l to �, which they a.re a�tached. . �+'+ 6i;� �;1 ��� (:'3 � �., �: , ,, ,� _ . , _ . .. . . __ _ _ _ _. . ...,. _.._. _. _ __ � �. , SIGN CODE COMMITTEE RECOr9'�IF'NDATIONS June 23, 1g77 , Page 9 5e Real Estate Signs: No mor� than two s.�.gns offering the premises for sale, Iease or� in,spection by the public sha11 Be permitted, The total area af �ach s.� n shall not � exceed 3� sruare feEt. Such signs m�iy 'be mcdified to in- dicate that the property h�s been sold. � 6, r�ovina Signs: No sign shall have or consist of any moVin�, rot�ting �r otherwise anim�ted part� 7. �alitical Si�ns: For pol.itical sign re�'u.l�ations, see Section 15.40.010 (t�) . 8. Pro�ectin� Signs: For proje�t�.ng sign re�ulations, see Section 16.4D.070. 9. �io��' Sigr�s: For roof sign regulatians, see Section �5.40.080. 10o Directional �igns: Such signs sh.a11 be as permitt�d in S�ctian 16. 36.020 (4) . � � � � # ��" Section �.6.40.060(b) be am�nded to read 11No flashin si n : g g � except �k�ose showing �tine and tEnp�rature onl� shall be permit�ed. �� � � � � # Add the follawir�g paragraph �a the appeals section 16. 34.O1Q, following the first paragraph in tha� section. Any persan who has submitted application for a si�n permit � to the Plann.ing I�irect.o r, pursuant to the a�tions proY*id�d i.n section �.6.12.02� (b) , may appeal the Planning Director's � deeis��n to �the Design Review Board, � � , � �� � � . � � � � � ���li� ' �; ��, S": F �4 . . . . . � � � ,�.�{�� �i �9+f � : �i ,; 5: . �n,' � �'� , � �1. : . �...,....... .: � � 18 . 56 .010--18 . 56 .020 Chapter 18. 56 P.LANNFI� DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (P-D) Se�tions : 18. 56. 010 Purpose. 18. 56. 020 Preliminary development plan and program. 18. 56. 030 General development plan and pro�,ram. 18. 56 . 040 Action and findings. 18. 56 . 050 Final plan and program. " 18. 56. 060 Application of standardso ' 18. 56. 070 Minimum site size. 1II . 56. 080 Compatibility with neighborhood. : 18. 56. 090 Lot coverage. 18. 56. 100 Open spac�. 18a56 . 110 Density. 18. 56. 120 Subdivision 1ot sizes . 18. 56 . 130 �taging. ' 18. 56 . ].40 Permit�ted uses--Residential districtse 18. 56, 150 Major changes. 18. 56. 160 Minor changes. 18. 56. 170 Construction time period--Extension. 18. 56. Ot0 Purpose. The pur.pose af the planned devel_op- ment district is to prc�vi�e opportunities to areate more de- sirable environrnents thraugh the �.ppJ.ication af_ f�.e�ible and diversified land developm�nt standards under a comprehensive plan arid program professiona'l1y preparPd. The planned de- velopment district is intended to be used to encourage the application of new te�hniques and new techizology to community development which will result in superiar living or develop- ment arrangements with lasting values. It is further intended to achieve economies i.n land development, maintenance, street systems and utility netvaarks while providing builc�ing group- ings for privacy, usable and attractive npen spaces , safe circulation and the general wel�.-being of the inhabitan�s . (Ord. 71-4 §� , EYhibit A (part) , 1971: Ord. 7U-32 §1_85-1 , ]_970) . 18. 56 . 020 Preliminary development plan and �rogram. (a) The applicant shall submit a preliminary development plan and program to the planning commission far an approval irz principle. Such p�esentation shall consist of a prelimz�- nary pl.an in schematic fashion and a written program contain- ing the following elEmen�s: : ' (l� PLAN EZEMEtVTS: (A.) Proposed 1anc� uses and densities , - (B) Building types and intensities, � (C) Circulati�n pattern, , 285 r � 18 . 56 . 030 ¢�' (D) Parks, playgrounds, open spaces , �'u:> (E) Existing natur_al features; {2) PROGRAM ELEMENTS: (A) Applicant's market analysis of pr�pased use , (B) Proposed awnership patterr�, (C) Operation ar�d maintenanc� proposal, i .e. Homes Association, condominium, co-op c�r other, (D) Waste disp�sal facilities , . (E) Lighting, (F) Water supply, (G) Public transportation, (H) Conununity facilities , i.e. schools , lihraries , ' fire protection and shopping, ' (I) General timetable of develogment, (J) Qualifications of the proposed design team far the preparation of the gener_al plan ax�d program. The desigr_ team shall be designa�ted on the basis of the extent and complexity of the planned development and sha11 consist of one ar more persoi�s with qualifications such as an urban � p1�.nner, an architect, a.n engineer, a 1_andscape a.rchit.ect, a ` designer, an attarney or othei similar professionals or techn.i- :} cians . (b) The pla.nning cammission shall informally review the preliminary development plan an�l pr�gram and znay �.ct to grant preliminary approval, approval with recommended znodifications � or denial. Such action shall be based upon the comprehensive pl.an, the standards of this title and atxier r�gulations an.d ; �he suitability of the propc>sed devPlopment in relation tc� the character of the area. ` (c) Approval in principle of t.he pz�liminary d.evelo�- ment plan and program shall k�e limited to the preliminary � � acceptability of the land uses proposed and �their inter-re- � ' lationships and shall xiot be canstrued to end.orse prPCise '' ' location ot uses nor engineering feasibility. The planning �' 'j eommission may require the development of other information ��� than that spe�aified in Section 18�, 56 .030 ta be s�ubmitted with ��; ' the general developmsnt plan and program. ;, ; ` (d) The planning commission sha.11 review and may recom- mend expansion, additions or modif;ications in the c�u�lifica- �'; � tion� of the proposed design team for the preparation of the ''�i � general plan and program. �� � (e) The planning commission shaT1 determine the extent '` ; �f any additional mark�t analysis to be in�cluded in th� gen- . j . ;� �ral development plan and p.rogranl. (C�rd. 71-4 �4 , Exhibit A �� f ` (•��art) , 1°71 : Ord. 70-32 §i85-2. 1, 1970) . x,; � � d:;: 18 . 56 . 030 General d�vElopment plan and program. (a) '' � After rece v ng approval in p.rinciple of the preZiminary plan r. ara�; �urogram, the applirant slzal.� have a general developmez��t `, � plan and program prepared by the professional de�ign t�am ;� r havilxg the qualific:ations recommend�d or approved by the " � ����� � �; , : �' , 4`, � � _. .. � . . � . . � .I'+. i' . . . � . . ... €`.+' t 7'_ � 2� / � . . . �'�. � . . . � . . � � . . . .. � � . . . F�c }� . . � . � . � � . .. . . . � �:: � . .� . � . � . � . . . . .�. . . . . . . . 4� ��� . � .. .�.�_ ... .. . ...._. .. . . . . . .. . . . � � r � 18 . 56 , 030 planning coznmissi�n and the applicant shall peti•tion foi an amendment of the zoning map in accordance with Cha�ter 18 , 88 . (b) The general plan and program shall include maps and such additional written material as may be necessary to show the following in addition to the plan and prog:ram elements as hereinafter set forth: (1) A topographic map of the total area involved in the proposal ; 2 A lan for pedestrial and vehicular circulation ( ) P showing the general l.ocations and numerical widths of the comprel-iensive system of thoroughfares , residential , industrial. and commercial streets , trails , bikeways , sidewalks and other pedestrian passageways ; (3) A stat�ment of all proposed deviations or var�i- ances , in speci.fic terms , from the standards prescribed by this title, and particularly with respec-t to such c�eviations or variances from the rtguirements and standards �f Title 17 of �his code with full reasons and justification for such deviations and varyances together with a sh.ou,Ting tha� the public health, safety ancl wel�are and general �nvironmental considerations will be properly served by the proposal . (r) Upon r�ceipt of the petition accompanieci by th� g2neral development plan and pr.ogram, including all plan and program elements as hereinaft�,r se�t f�rth, and i:he �dditional information required by subdivisions (1) , (2) and (3) of sub- �;. section (b) of this sectian , the planning comm.ission and staff shal.l review the sam� in one or mor-e study sessions and shall make a determinatiori that �the informatianal require- ments are comple•te , arid the.reafter the planrzing c�mmission sha11 proceed in accordance with Chapter �8 , 88 as fQr �men�3-- ments ta this title , and sha11 hold a public hearing on the pr�posal in accordance with Chapter 18 . 84 . . (d) The general developznent plan and program shall con- tain the foll.owing elements : (1) PLAN EL'EMENTS: (A) General development pla.n in c.onformance with ; the approved preliminary plan, ` (B) �xisting and proposed con�tour map �r maps of the site to a scale commensur.at� with the size of t.he develop- ment, (C) Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or oth�r public ways, railro�d and util.ity " - ., �'�.�Pubs-of-way, parks, or other public open s�aces and land •° u��:� within fi�v� hundred feet of the boundaries of the de- velopment, (U) Existirig sewezs, water mains , and other uncler.- : ground facilitiFS within and adjacent to th� development and th�ir certified capacities, (E) Proposed sewers ar other disposal facilita�es , � water mains and other undergx-aund utilities , (F) A preliminary subdivision plan if the prUp- • erty .is proFosed to be divideci, 288 (Tigard 2/25/74) � �_. ! , k �� r 18 . 56. 030 � f t ,,, . (G) A land use plan indicating the uses planried for the development, • � (H) Areas proposer3 to be dedicated or reserved i: for interior circulation, public parks , playc�rounds, school sites , public buildings or .other us�s dedicated or reserved �i to the public, if any, ` (I) Open space that is to be maintained and con- trolled by the owners of the property and the proposed uses ' � ther�of, (J) A traffic flow map showing the circulation pattern within and adjacent to the propased development, (K) Location and dimensions of pedestrian walk- ways , malls, trails or easements , (L) Location, arrangement, number and dimensions of automobile garages and par_king sp�ces , width of aisles , bays and angle af parking, (M) Location, arrangement ancl dimensions of truck loading and unl_oading spaces and docks , if any, (N) Prelinlinary architectural plans a.nd eleva- ,� tions of typical bui.ldings and s�cructures , indicating the general height, bu7_k , appearance and number of clw�lling units , (0) A prelimina.ry tree planting ana �.andscaping plan including areas of ground cover ancl approximate finished gr_ades , slopes , banks and ditches . All existing trees over � six inches in diameter and groves of �.rees shall be sriown. � Trees to b� remnved by development shall bE so marked, (P) The approximate location, height and materia]_s � of a11 walls , fences and scre�n p'lantings. Elevatior� draw- � ings of ty�ical wall� an� fences shall be included, ; (Q) '1'he stages , if any, af the development con- ,: struction. Suah st��ges shall be �learly marked on the gen- � eral development p1an; (2) P�20G:RAM EL'EMEN`i'S: ;�' (A) Narratiti�e statement of the goals and objec- ' ti�cres of the planned develnpment, � (B) A compl�ted ma.rket analysis , if required by ` G • th� planning commissi�n, ;: (C) 'rables showing the tot��. number of acres , the t, distributic�n of areas by use , the percentage designated for. ;� � each dw�lling type, oif-street parking, streets , parks, play- 'I ° �Y'Ol.1T'1.C�5� schaols, and open spaces as shown on the propased E; ; deve�opme�t p1an, �' � (D) Tables showing the overall density of tlZe ` proposed residential development and showing densif:y by dwell- y ing types and any proposals for the limi�tation of density, R ' (E) Drafts of appropriate restrictive convenants f and drafts of documents providing for the mai.ntenanc� of any � � c=�.�mmon apen spac�, of reguirec� dedi.cation.s or r�servations 4°; t of public open spac�s and of any c�edications of development , rights . (Ord. 74-5 �2 , 1974 ; Ord. 71-4 �4 , Exhibit A (part) , �� �� � 1971 : Or.d. 70-32 �185-2. 2, 1970) . + �.; , � `r, i ��; 289 (Tigard 2/25/74) �� �' _..._... , , _ _. _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ ,� _.. _ _ , i I I ; r , 18 � 56 . 040 �� 18 . 56 . 040 Action and findings. (a) The planning com- mission, azter public hearing as pr.ovided zn Chapter 18 . 88 � � may by resolution., recommend approval of the planned devElop-- m�nt district and the general development plan and program, with o.r without modifications or may c�eny the application. ' A decision to rec�mmend appraval of a planned development � ` district shall be based up�n the follawing findings : � (1) That the proposed development is in substantial t � conformance with the coznprehensive plai� for the city; g (2) That exceptions from the standards of the under- 's lying district are warranted by the design and amenities in- � corporated in �Lhe development plan and program; �, (3) That the proposal i� in harmony with the sur- �� rounding area or its poi�ent�.al future use ; ;: (4) That the systezn of ownership and the me�ns a.f , developing, preserving and mai.ntaining open spaces is suit- �, � ab�e; � �� (5) That the approval wi11 have a k�eneficial ef.fect � �n 'r.he ar_ea which could not be achieved under other zonirzg �,; districts ; (6) That the proraosed devElopment, or a unit there- 3' of, can be substantiall.y completed within one year of the ,; i� approval. �� :! (b) A .resolution far apprUVal shall be considered by �; the city c;ouncil acc,ording t� the pr_ovisions of Chapter 18 . 88 . A planning comn�tission act.ion to cleny the application may be appeal�d �.o the city caLYncil as provided in Chapter 18 . 92 . (c) Tn the ev�nt that the appli.eant requests that the planned development di�trict be dividecl into more than one development phase for �urposes of developinc� th� total area � ments the lanning commission may, i� a.t recatYUnends �� in s g , P ,, approval of the overall proposal to the council, designate that the segments or pha�es ori v,rhich development is to be �'• , �, ' deferred will be subject t� r�view at such later time a.s �:� development of such d�ferred phases is propased ta be under- f; taken by the applicant. �, 1' A17. deferred segrnents or phases of the total project E; shall conform to the basic concept and requ;ireznents as �` apgroved for the planned development district, except to t the extent that variances may be authorized in accordance � with the r�quir.ements of this chapter and Tit1e 17 of t�i-� �: c�de. (Ord. 7�-5 �3, 1974 ; Ord. 71-4 §4 , Exhibit A (part) , � � � � ��, 1971 ; Ord. 70-32 �]_85-2 . 3, 1970) . �; . � . � ti `V � �' � ,. �.° �: , , , 290 (Tigaxd 2/25/74) � � 18 . 56 . 050--18 , 56 . 070 j� 18. 56 . 050 Final plan and. program. (a) Following ap- proval of the planned development district by the city council, the applicant shall prepare a final plan and program which shail be submitted to the p]_anning director to check for com- pliance with the approved gen.eral devElopment plan and pro- gram. � (b) If the final plan and program is found to be in complianc�, it shall be so certified by the planning director and recorded by the applicant in the office of the city re- j corder as thP f_i�al developm�nt plan al.ong with all documents 1 relating to dedications , improvements, agreements , restric- tions , ai�.d associations which shail constitute the final program. (c) The procedures set forth in Title 17 shall be fol- lowed if the prnperty is to be divided or streets are to be dedicated. (c1) All public site dedications , development rights to open spaces or other d�dications for the entire site o.r ap- prov�d stag�d partion shall be recorded prior to the issuance of any building permit. (e) Final copies of al1 approved articles governing operation and maintPnancE shall k�e placed on file with the planning degaztment prior to the issuance of any buildinc� permit. (Ord. 71-4 �4, Exhibit A (part) , 1971 : Ord. 70-32 rr. §185-2 . 4 , 1970) . ,�:. 18 . 56 . U60 Application �of standards. Tn cases of con- - flict between standards of the underlying district and the plann�d development districtP the standa.rds of the planned dev�lopment district shall apply. (Ord. 71-4 �4, Exhibit A (pa�_t) , 1971: Ord. 70-32 �185-�3 . 1, 1970) . 18 . 56 . 070 Mi.nimum site size. (a) Planned devel.opment districts shall be established only on parcels of land which are suitable For th� proposed development and of suffirient size to be planned and developed in a man.ner consistent with thP purposes of this chapter. (b) A planned development district sha11 not }�e estab- lished �n less th.an four acres of contiguous land unless th� planning cammi�sion fir�ds that property of less than four acres is suitable as a planned development distric�t by vi.rtue of �t.s tznique ch�racter. , topac�raphy, or landscaping features, or by virtue af its qualifying as an isolated problem area .1 as determin.ed by the planning commission. (Ord. 71-4 �4, Exhibit A (part) , 1971: Ord. 70-32 �185-3 . 2 , 197Q) . �. 290-1 (Tigard 2/25/74) , � _. t� ( ,� 18 . 56 . 080--18 . 56 . 110 � �' 18 . 56 . 080 Com atibility with neiqhborhood. (a) The - plans and program shall present an organized arranc�ement of b�ildings, service facilities, open spaces and improvemen.ts such as .recreation facilities , landscaping �nd fenci_ng to in- sure compatibility with the comprehensive plan and the char- , ' acter of th.e neighbo.rhood. ; • (b) Periphery yards of a planned development di$trict ; site shall be at least as deep as those required by the yard regulations of the adjoining zone unless the planning com- mission finds that equal protection will be accorded through � spec.i:Eic features of the a roved lan. pp p {Urd. 71-4 �4 , Ex- y hibit A (part) , 1971: Ord. 70-32 �1�5-3 . 3, 1970 ) � : ; 18 . 56. 090 Lot coverage. Lot coverag� shall be the same '; as the underlying district unless thP planning commission finds tha-t an exception is �aarranted in terms of the char- acter and amenities proposed in the �otal d�velopment. (Ord . 71 -4 �4, Exhibit A (part) , 1971: Ord. 70-32 �185-3 . 4 , 1970) . 16 . 56 . 100 Open spacea {a) "OpPn space" in a planned - development district means the Zand area to be used for scenic , landscaping or open recreational purposes within tk�e development. It sl�all not incluc�e street rights-of-way, driveways or open parking areas. (b) Open space sha11 be adequate for -�he recreational and leisure use c�f the population occupying the planned de- ' �;; vel.opment district and designed to �nhance th� prESeizt and � future va7_ue af the devel� m nt p e . � (c) To the maximtun extent ossible the 1 - � P , p an and pro � c�ram shall assure that natural featur_es of the land �r.e pre- � served dnd l�ndscapinc� is ps-ovided. ' t (a) In order to �ssur� that open space will be perma- � nent, d�dicatiori �f development right to the city for other a than open spac� use may be reauired. � (P) Instruments guaranteeing the znaintenance of open � space shall be reviewed and approved by the �lanning commis- � sion. Documents dedicating development rights and provisions = for maintenance of open space shall be approved as to form ; by the city a•ttarney. i (f) The planniny commission may require that instruments of conveyance �.�rovide that in the event the open space is � permitted to deteriorate or is not maintained in a condition j consis�tent with th� app.roved pZan and program, �thc city may ' at its option cause such maint�nance to be done and assess . the costs to th� affected �?raperty owners. (Ord. 71-4 �4 , Exhibit A (part) , 1�71: Ord. 70-32 §185-3. 5 , 1970) . ; 18. 56 . 110 Density. In order to preserve the integrity �� of the comprehensive plan and relate it to the planned de- '� � velopment, the number of dwelling units permitted sha11 be � � determined as follows : i � ; - �';: , �,. t:. 2 9�1 � ��� � 'y� . . . . .� �. . . . . . . . :.. . . � � � � � � 1 . . � � . ��� — .�,-�.� , . _ � ,�° , 18 . 56 . 120--:1� .56 .140 ' (1) �=�ivide •rhe net development area by the minimum lot � area per dwellir.g unYt required by the underlying district or districts in which the planned development is Zocated, and then add ten percent.(� Net development area shall Y�e det�r- mined by subtracting the a-rea set aside for_ churches, schaols c�r other nonresi�'ential uses� from thP gross �development area and deducting twenty percent of the remainder. (2) A greater nuznber of dwellirig units may k�e permitted by the planning commission in the event the appliGant pro- poses a development which eff.ectively limits the overall . d�nsity of the pr�ject t� th� st�ndard of the underlying dzs- trict thraugh restri.ctinna on age, Family eompo�ition or , r oses to utilize 1 ' cant o h a i f t e P eff ctive means. I �p P other e this provision, full written details shall be presentecl in the prograzn section of the �arel�minary development plan. (Ord. 71-4 �4 , Exhibit A (part) , 1971: Or.d. 70-32 §185 . 3. 6 , 1970) . 18. 56 . 120 �ubdivisiQn. lot sizes . Minimum arear width, depth ancl f.rontage requirements for subdivision lats ,in a planned development distric.t may be less tl-ian the minimums specified in th� underl.ying district i.f in accordance with the a�proved genera.l development plan a.nd program an� the density standards of this cha�ter. The balance of th� total t•ract area shall be devoted to open sp�ce as dPfined a.n Sec- `�,�'�y tion 18. 56 > 100 . iOrd. 7.1-4 §4 , Ex�ibit A (part) , 1971 : Ord. 70-32 �185-3 . 7 , 1970) . p �8. �6 . 130 Stac�in�. (a) The applicant may �lect to develap �he site in successive stage� i�: a manner isxdicated in the general dPve3.opment �l�n and program. Each such atac�e shall be substantially complete within iteself. (b) The planning c�mmission may requi.re that deve:Lop- ment be done in stages if. public faci]_iti,es are not adequate to s�rvice the entire develapment initially. (Ord. '71-� �4 , Exhibit. A (part) , 1971: Ord. 70-32 §185-3. 8 , 1970) . 18 . 56 . 140 Permitted uses--°Residential districts. For resic�ential distx�icts, the follawing uses are permitted in a planned develo�ment district: I, (1) Housing concepts may include but are nat limited to single family resiclence, duplexes , row houses, towrihquses, cluster units or multiple family dwellings; (2) Related cammercial uses whicYi are d�signed exclu- sively to serve �he development of which they are a par�, when approved by the planning commission; - (3) Related community service uses which are designec� to serve the development of which they are a part, when ap- proved by the planning commission. Such community service uses may al.so b� designed to serve the adjacent a�ea if con- �'�' sidPred desirable by the planniny commission upon exazninati�n 292 l,Ti.gard 10/15/72) �, � �' 18 . 56. 150--18. 56. 170 # � � �i' , � of the plan; ;'j GI (4) Accessory buildings and uses. (Ord. 7.1-4 §4 , Ex- hibit A (Yart) , 1971 : Ord.� 70-32 �185-4 .1, 1970) . �' � � ; 18. 56 .I50 Major changes . Major changes in �the general ' development plan and program after it has beeri adopted shall �� ? be considered the same as a new petition and shall be made ''' in accordance wi�h the procedures specified in this chapter. ` (Ord, 77.-4 �4, Exhibit A (part) , 1971: Ord. 7d-32 �185-5. 1, I! 1970) . �;; ' 18 . 56. 160 Minor changes . Minor changes in the general ' development plan and prog.ram may be approvEd by the planning _ director, piovided that such changes do not: I. �l) Increase the c�ensities; (2) Change boundaries; I�; (3) Change any use; ` (4) Change the location o.r amount af land devoted to specif_ic land use. (Ord. 7.1-4 �4 , Exhibit A (part) , 1971: Ord. 70--32 c�185-5 . L, 1970) . 18 . 56 ,110 Construction time pe.riod--Extension. It sub- � stantial construction or develo�men.t has not taken place cv�.th- � in one year from the date of approval of the gerieral develop- � ment p7_an and �r�gram, the planning commission shal�. re�riew '' � the district at a public hearing to determine whe•ther or nat � ' � its continuation in whole o.r in part is in the public interest, � and if found not to be, shall reeammend to the city coun�il � that the planned development distric•t on the property be re- ` moved. The city couricil, at the requ�st of the �pplicant, znay grant an extension of time if justifiaJ�le. (Ord. 71-4 �4, Exhibit � (part) , 1971 : Ord. 70-32 �185-6, 1970) . �� 1,' f! Chapter 18 . 57 �; �; �, F.LOODPT�AIN' DIS TRICT (FP) �� '' �. Sections : ti ;; � '18. 57. 010 In.tent and purpose. k; i ` 18. 57. 020 Definiti.�ns . �� 18 . 57. 030 Permi�tted uses . . j;� � 18. 57.040 Prohibited uses and activities . .iA 18 . 57. 050 Nonconforming uses . • �'; 18. 57. 060 Special permits or exceptians . . + 18 . 57. 070 Standards for permitted structures� , ; 18. 57. 080 Appeal to city council. �x � , � , , � • . �� ; 292-1 (Tigard 1f1S/75} L i "t _