Planning Commission Packet - 07/08/1977 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. �" r k' 4t ', . 4'•� �� t'� �.. `,, STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION ; TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT �, July 8, 1977 �,; Tigard Cii;y Hall 12420 S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Qreg�n ,;'ll DOCKET: Subdivision S 12-7? !' REQUEST: To create a 4 lot subdivision on a . 78 acre pa,rcel in a �� �� R-7 zone Sin le Famil Resi dential � g Y LOCATInN: S .W. l0�th and S .W. Hillview � APPLICANT: Tany Schulz and Clark Industries I . FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The appl.icant is requesting prelizninary pJ..at approval in accordance witk� Secti.on 17. 16 . 100 of the Tigard Miznicipal Code to subdi'vide a .78 acre pa�cel int� 4 lo�s with a zn�nimum lot size or 7,500 square feet in a. R-7 zone at the intersection o:f S .W. 104th and Hillvie�v Street . 2. The site is designatEd "Urban Low Derisi.ty Residential" on the Neighbornood Planning (3rganization No . 1 Plan and zoned R-?. :� �; i_;' �. The applicable policies Frr�m NPO #1 Plan axe as follows: �'; �: a. The maxirnum overall density o:f devEl.opment will be �' �our dwelli.r�g units or 12 persons .�er g.ross acre. This amounts to a stan ar o d d f 7 5�00 s uare feet of , q land per dwelling unit aliowing for streets and other � �:; open space. Some areas wi11 have a lower density ow- ing to topography, existing development patterns or the d�sire of, individuals ta own a larger lot . b. Residential subdivisions will be developed with paved �{ strPets, curbs and gutters, street ].ights, and walk- ways, ac�ord.ing to City or County standards. Al1 '` utilities will be placed under�round. ',1 4. Section 17. 16. 100 states that : "No tentative plan for a propased sul�clivision and no ten- '� t�.tive plan :fa.r. a nnajor �artition shall be ap�roved unless : (�, a. Streets and roads are laid out so as to conform to the plats of subdivision or ►naps of major partitions '' already approved �_for adjoining pro;perty as t� width, �� � I! ��. ;; Y4 �'. r F. � i`� �.; �: EJ �v. 4�.. ' STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION .,,;�. TIGA�,D PLANNING DEPARTMENT �"'� July 8, 1977 � �" Page 2 general direction, and in all other respects, unl.ess th� Cit,y determir�es it to be in the public interes�; to modify the street or road pa�ttern . b . Streets and roads held for private use are clearly in- dicated on the tentative plan and all reservai,ions or restrictions relating to such priva�te roads and streets are set �orth tliereon. c. The t�ntative plan complies with the compr�hensi.ve plan and applica.ble zoning regulations of the City then in e�fect . d. No tentative plan of a subdivision or map of a major partitiori sha11 be approved unless th�re will exist adequate sewage disposal system to support the pro- posed use of the land described in the proposed plat . " II . STAFF OBSERVATIONS: 1. The parcel is generally a flat , opPn fiel.d with singl� � family homes to the north, east, and sou.th; to the west �... is tYie Tigard Grange and Odd Fellows buildings. A large oal� tree and several sma.11er trees are located along the west pr.operty line . 2. A 12 inch sanitary sewer line is available and in t��ze �round along the east and south propert,y lines. Water is currently available through two 12 inch ].ines, one i� 104th and the other :in Hillview �5treet, to f.acilitate the proposed density on this site. 3. S .W. Hillvi�w is in substandard conditi�n, There are ex- isting concrete curbs along both sides of ttYe �treet but no sidewalks. The A/C pavement on the street is deterio- rating. S .W. ].04th is an undulating cir.rt road. Both �! 104th and Hi].lview have the necessary right-af--way for , local sf;reet standards . 4. The applicant is proposing �to construct a Yia1f circle I "bubble" along the east property line whex�e it intersects with S .W . 104th and S .W. Hillview. Additianal right-of- I way for �treet construction and eyebr�w will be required. I 5. Joe Greulich, Fire Marshall for the Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District, has informed staff that there is a need to c�nnect 104th �ya:th McDonald 5treet t� eliminate � HiYlview as a dead end street . �:d,. �.;: i�. �,u:. STAFF kEPORT - FINAL ACTION ,,.. TTGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT �:; July 8, 1977 Page 3 6. Lot 2 is shown as a flag lot with a long, narrow (11 foot) acce�s width that cuts acrc>ss the front of Lot 3. Staf� suggests that Lot 2 not be shown as a flag lot, but rather an eassment be provided through Lot 3 to 104th and Hill- view Streets. This would eliminate the approximately 11 X 100 foot; long, narrow dri.veway strip on Lot 2 . Lots � arid 3 could then share a joint curb cu� and apron. III . CONCLUSIONA�;Y FINDINGS : 1. T1�e proposed preliminary pla�; conform� to the Tigard C�m- munity I�lan, 1971 in tha� the proposed l�tti.ng pattern is for residential purposes , conforms to the dimensionai re- quirements of �itle 18 of the Ti�ard Municipal Code (zon- i�g) • � . With the attachmen�t of appro�riate conditions, access will be available to all 1�ts, and each 7.at as propose<� will abut a public street . 3. S .W. 104th is a substandard street , and improvements are needed in order to provid.e f�r emergency v�hicular access . � 4. Boti� sanitary sewer anci water lines are available to the site to facilitate the pra�osed density. IV. FINAL �CTION: The preliminary plat; �or "'1'ony 's P1ace" is Y�ex�eby approved subject to the fol�owing conditions : 1. Dedicatic�n of the necessary right-of--way along S .W. Hill- view and S .W. 104th to aecoinmodate the eyebrow for the half bubble, 2. Construct curbs, sid�walks, and pavemernt tk�raugh the rad.ius return to a poini; which will �s�abl:ish th� curb lines (of 34 fe��: wide} fox S .W. 104th. 3. Commencing at the point where the curb lincs are to be estak�lished for ]:04th Street, a 24 foot wide stxip be bladed and rocked along 104th to the intersectio'n of Mc- Donald �treet . 4. A fire hyc�rant be provided per City of '1'a.gard anc� Tigard Water District regulati�ns. � 5. Five foot easements be provided adjacent all lot lines f.or "i�- utility purpose.� . , � � � - �,.,.. � ,—� . . . � �. �j f ;�,; 1,�,. STA�'F REPORT - FINAL ACTION , TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT � July 8, 1977 Page 4 6. Percnits be obtained from Washington County for street im- p.rovements for S .W, 104th and S.W. Hillview Streets . 7. Lot 2 not be shown as a fl�.g lot, and access for Lot 2 : from 104th and Hillview be by way of a 15 foot easem�nt tYirough Lot 3, with Lots 2 and 3 sharing a joint eurb cut . (/--.� �,--.""> t icl�:ard Bolsn Planning Directar , � � ��������� € ; t $ �.. � �... � i� ;} . . . . . . .:�. li .� � � � � .. � � � � � l�l � � .. . . � 4,i . . . . - . . ... � i� . � .. .. . . . . ���: f'�� t� . � . �.� ��•i: � . . � .. . � . . . �I�� � � .. � � . . . . . ... . . . . .��I f; ,?i rd; �4 R�'i 4� E1 �' ;' r' s �, � . . . . . . �. .. . � .. . � .. 4p P; � C r G � . . . . . . . .. . �.. . ..�3� � � .� � � � � .. � � . . . �. . ' . . ..� . �M:: . .. . . . .. � .. .. � �. . � � � � i�`, . . . � . � � . ... � . .. � . � ."i:� .. .� . . . . . � . .. , . � � �. . .. . � � .y,. �. .. . . .. � . ',t . � . � . . � . :., �� , �i. ��,.. S�,�FF R�PORT -� FIDT1iI+ AC�?'ON T'TCrAF� �7.�lNN�NG DEP.t'�I2T �+NT �:; J'tzly '�. , 1.977 Tiga,rd City Ha11. 12420 S.'V1d Main Street - Ti�;ard, Oregon DOCI'�T: 5ubdivxsi�ra S 15�77 F,�E�UF�T: To c.re�.te � 39 1ot suUdivisi.orl on a 9.87 acr� �aarc�:l in an R-7 ��or.e, "Sing1.� Family R�s.identia].'� e ZOCATIONo S.W. Durhan Road w�st side af S.Z�� 98th S�t. ApnZICANT: Kermi�t Carl�.:].e �nd Woody Hughes I FINDIr1GS OF �'ACT: 1 n Th.� applic�.nt is re�uesta.r�g p•rel.im�.n�ry pla�t; approval in ac��ordance wi ch a�c�tion 17.16,100 �t' tlae Ta.�ard Munic.i.pal Cade to su�diva.d� a 9.�7 ac.r� parcel i��o >9 lots v�rith a mizx5.murn l.a�; s�ize �f '7500 squ�re fe'et at �98th �nd Ihzrham I�aad, 2. The site is d�sig_�?�ted "Urban �ov�r Densi�;� RPS�.dentia.�" c�n tne '.t'i�ard Communi�;y Plazi, 197�,. aa�cl zon�d R-7. A�i��ached �.s cazi._ ditia�.s ta the applic�ti�n af Ci�y zaning (June 27, 1977) were -�r�e follawin�: �. a. 25 :���t b� d�dicr.�t�d al.ang �.W. Durham ?�.aad fo.r s�tr�et purpoa�es: o b. mY�e sEwer and water liz�es in S.I�I� Du.rham Road be ext�nded frorn thEir curr�n� t��.��ninus tc� the w�sterr� bc�undary of tk�� property or local im.p..rovem�nt district agre�ment� to do th� sa.me be pro�v�.cled upon �ina:l ac�{;ion of_ the Ci�y Counci:t wa.�h re�ard �o �?�fs reaues�. c. �lze ap�li.c�,nt impr�ou� �he st.reet onta S.W. 98th �.v'e.nue �o a 24 �'oo�t width if. •�h� righ�t-of-way beco�nes ��vai�ab7�e b��or� th� subdi.vision is compl.etecl ancl streets an.c�, imprav�-• � mei�ts az,e acce �ted � tlze Cit o�' Ti a�d. P Y Y g � d. A o��-ena:�� "r�� �}���x�i�cd �� zhe r��ed. o:f �.ny l.otis abutzing Du.rha�n F�Qad ���tricti�ng direct access �o Du�ha� �:oac�. 3„ �'he �app1�_cab1.E pc��..��y �r�m the Tt�ard C�mmunity PJ.a�., 1.971, :Cs as follows: � � � a. Th� ma�cimum ove.r.a.1.1 d�nsity c�.£ development will be four � dw�11iz1g un�.�;s ar 12 �ersons per �;ross acr�. This �moun�s � �;o a standa.rd a� 7, 5Q� sq,txare fee� af 1.and p�r dwellin� �� ,.. _ , . . � ;. '��.. •�. Pa�e 2 . STAI'F RE1�Oft.T �� �.'�GA�.D P:LA.I��1�NG DEP�iI�.TI�IENT Jtzly 8 , ].g77 un�t 110 zn ,for streets and other o ex� s ace. Some areaa a w � P P will have a low�r dens.i.ty owin� to tonv�;r�aphy, existing d.evel.opmen�� pa.tterns or the desire of' i.ndividuals to nwn a larger 1o�t. �o Section �7.16,1QQ states that: °�T�TO tentative plan for a prc:posed subdivision and no . tentat;ive p1a_n for a majar parti_tion. shal.l be approv�d un�,es�: a. �treets and r. oads are laid out co as to roniorm tr� tlie p1.at� o� su�idiv:z.sinn or maps of major p�.r�- �i��.ans already �ppr�v�d fo•r �.djo�_ni.n� propErty as to w�.dth, gener�l direct;ion, and in alZ other res�ec�s, un7_�ss the Git;� determin�:� i�: �o be in the public interest to mod.i.fy the stree�t or r�c�ad pat�ern. b. Streets �:�d roads held for� priva-�e use are �1ear1� �'. iz�dica�;ed ran the t�ntat�.ve plan and all r�servatio�s o� restrictions re7.ata.n�; �o such pr:�vate road� �nd s-�reets ar� set �orth �hereon. c, !��.e ��en.tative �l�.n compla.es wi�;h �he comprehei�.sive plan and ap�licab�e zonin� regulation� af the C'i�ty �hen �.n ef�ect. d. N'o ��n�tativ� p7 an o.� a subdivisi.on or map of a ma jor par�it;�on �sha11. b� �ppr. oved un�l.ess the�e wi1.1. e�ist adequ.ate quan.tity and quali�,y of watPr � �nd an adequate sewage da.spos�.I ' s�•stem t� suppoa°� the proposed use af the l.and des�.r�.bed in-, the • propcased plat. < ��:m S�'AA�' a}3�E2VA.TZONS� 1.. !�h� si��� is a r�lativel.y �'1�.�, vacant pa.rcel, with a lax^ge, o1d f�irm hous� �nd a small grove of trees in. th� north��n pc,r�i.oi�z ��' �h� Ui�e. Acc�:ss is provided fr. o�n S.W. vurham Raad. �'he sit� is surrounded by th� SummerfiPld �lanned Development arld gol�' course an the north and south with single �'amil:y cjw�.l:l,in�s �.nd vacant l.ots to the Past. The area acx�oss S.'W. Durkzam Ro�.d is undeveloped. �<. �.: ,�. `;� Pa�e 3 STAFF REPORT ,�;;; T1:GA�tI� PLANNTI�tG D�P�l�.TMEN�' �� �Tul;� g, 1977 2. �h� si�;E ru�r�ntly has �cc�us oni;o S.Vd. Lhzrh.am Road for a single f�ma_ly� resid�nce s The applicatinn of fihe exi.stin� ; za�ing tr,rould. al�_ow the 39 dwelling uni-�s as �roposed. 3. Neither water ar s�werage service is cu,rrently available to �he praper�y. A 12 inch water line is lacated in 98th A.v�nuP at I�urham Road and woul.d have to be ex�ended to th� II- site. A sanitary sEw�r line is alsa �acated at th� int;�r� sec�ian of 9�th and T7urhaffi Road and an �xtension o:f tha� 1in.e woul.d l�ave to be made to provide sEwera�e ser�.T:ic� tn �th� parc�l. 4. S.W. Durh�m �r�ad is cu�r��n.tzy� � 40 �aot ri�ht-o�'-�way� '� �C? feei; is requir�d. The�^��'nr�:, a 25 �'oo� d�a:i�at�.on is ; itiecessary. i ' S. The �.pp1.a_c�n:�s h�v� a.a�.dicated �hez.r cl�sir� to ret�in as ; m�zzy t.r�es as possi.bl� c7ri the s�te and hav� made a consci�n�;ious effo.r-� -Go prov9_de a 1.otta_ng pa��ern which ur:i11 , accQm�ala.sh 'this ol�jeeti�r�, 'Sh� appl�.can�s �re propQsi.�g � a �o at�aeh cov�n��ts �o �hc lots abutting the Summerf'ield � � Gol:� Cnurs� requir. a.�g �th� trees ox� �the�e lo�ts be retained � �'oz purpos�� o� are�ting � �uf�er° betvr��ra the subdiv�.�z.orx and ���E go�.� eours�. , 6. ��.�tt�a�r�.y� Driv� i� '�ropc�sec� to be ext��d�cl �'rom the east��� � pz�op�r�� 1in� �� �h.e pl��t �:hrough a recentl.y �nnexed parcel `� (�TcCny) r�h�re it �ail1 �.iatersect wi�t� S.�^T. 98th Avenue. Tn ord�r far� �th�,s exten.5idn '�o ta�e p1:aGe, 50 �eEt of r�ight�-of-- i; ���y c�n the 1�cCa� pro�ei�ty would h�v� �o be cled�.eated �o.r f str��t purpas��. 7, 1:,a�s 4 ��c �, 1.2-�13, 23-24, .30-31 and 35-3.� a�e showri as sh�r.in� joa.��t dr.�'vev�ray� acces,s �r�:int�. The �igar� Mun:i.ci�al Code, ����a.�n 18.5q-�Oq�O st�t�s r�zaa curb cu�s shall. be all�w�d ;� �r��thi:n �iv� feet of an adjacen� pi^operty lizae excep� whez� ;; �v�ro acl��.�;cn u ��r���r�y Zine �;a7�r.°� cl�ct �o prdvid� ,�oin� acc�ss to �Gh�ir x^eap�ct�:ve properties.n 3. Na indic���on Y�as beera gi.ven as �o how s-torm water x�t�n� '' a�.� �.s �c� be handZed, ���te Taw requires that: i � �`. , "Raa.z�, storm, and other su�!�ce z�r�a�'� water dr�.izxed frnm �; r�a�s, p�ved �reas, co�zr�s c�r Court yards sh�.17. not be �;' �onve;y�cl and d.�.,�cl:iar�ed �o th� s�oxm sew�rs or to '�he �; s�treet gutt�r.s in � m�nner which may e�use �load:ing ta �: '�r �. ad,��cen�t garo��r�y; ��tree�ts, a1.1Pys o.r wal.k�ways . . . r► � �; � �: �,; f, ; - -- � ,, � ��,. � �age 5 ,� �TAFF REPOR�' � ,� �'IG1�RA �T�ANNNSNG DE�'ARTI�NT �' �, Jua,y 8, 1977 ii 2. With the attach�rent o�' app�^opi^iate con�itions, acc�ss wa.11 �e aTrail��le �o �.:L:L I��s. TV. �'INAL ACTION: mhe preliminary plat fc�r ��rwoacl Es�tat�u a.s her�by approved subject �,� th� followir�g conditians, A. That all requirements o:C �the '�i�ard munj cipal �od.e be adherer� to, ;{ �o ir�r,lu�e: � 1. The cul-de-s�c turn around :�or Serena C�urt nave a mi.nimur� right-a�-way rac�ius o� ��.�ty �Ceet. 2, T�venty foot cor�er radi.i be �rovided a�t the a.nte�rsection o�' �erena Court w�th Th�rham Roa.d. 3. 1�1.1 lots sh�.l�. b� a m.inimum o� 7500 square ��et. ; ; „ Bo l�n.d fur�her �ha�t: �'� j, , �_. �; 4. 25 feet �e dedicat�d alaza� S.We Ihxr�iam �.vad fo.r st..r�et �vid�n�.zzg �izd impro�r�m�n� purposes. 5. �h� s�w��r� an.d �Natei•� lines in So��'. Durh.�n� �oad be e:�t�nc�ec� � frnm �h�:�.ar curren.t ter�m�.nus to the wes�ern �oundary o� �th� pr�p�rty. � 6, '.�h� a��licant imprc�v� �th� street �xten,�.�r� �af K:Lmb�rly 'I DrivE �o S m 4�. gf3th ,Aveni,z� �c� �. 2� �oo�t v�idth i� the ri.�Y�'�--of--way b�com�s a�vail�t�lc before the subd.iv�.sio�. is c�ffip:Let�d ancl �tr��-�s �nd impravPments arF ��ceptPc� by ?! th� Ci�f;y of. Tigard. If :�imberl,y D�ive is n.at extended 'I ' ur�an compl.eti.ora of the subd.�.visiori, a s�Greet p:Lug mList 'J be. pravidEd for the eastern terminus of �i�be:rly Dri�ve R ! h �� (, A eovenan� b� at�tached to the deecl o� any lot� abu�t3.ng , Durham Ro�d �est .ricti��g direet ar,cess to Durham R�ad. i:� �3. Jo�.x�� driveway acce�s a�reements Ue filed for lo�s '! 4 �.nd 6, 12 and ].3, 2 3 a.nd 24, 3� and 31 and "3 5 �hrou�h �' � 38. 1` f; 9. Special con�iderati.an be �iven �'or re�taining as m�n,y� itre�s 1; as ��assik�le an the site as well. as pro�id.ing a ].and�r,ap� `" �uffer �with th.e eristing tr.�es) be�tw�en �he Summ�r�ield �; �, Go:Lci Course and. �h� subd�.v�.sion, ,; i ry('� /Y�7.,, `� ,j., y, y� ,.�- •a„ �a„�, , [�t ,i:-s T'�o .j, t ... . .1_V s J..bJ.CA� fi9:�.L.l� � U.L'G"�P+ li r�.C���.a .lJC 1-"7l..Li.%J�4�V. V�/ f.ut./�.+..�.+ i1��..xLt.�� 1.iu�C�..�t�'�. . . m�n� a�apro�ral.. �� � ,. rr �,, kb � , . , ; , _ _ � a � �f; �.�,: �;�,: Page 4 S�AFI' REPUR�' ��'`� TIGAI�i� P�,�N�T3:NG :DEPARTMEN2' J'ul� �3, 1977 �. Zo��s 4 �nd 6 are shown h�vix�g l� foot driveway aacESs points. Si�.�;e these t��ro lots a.re being p'.roposed to shar� jc�in�t a.ccess and addi�t;ion�l one �oca� ol access woczld b� r�quired. 1.Ow .�n ex:isting ol.d �'a;�m hou�se on Zot 3�-, �a� t�e east sie of SPxweria Co�r�;, wi11 rem��:n and bA includ�d with �he subdi�risiqr�. 11� Th� cul•-de-sac �urn ax�c�und radius �`car S�rena Cour�t is uhnwn h�ving a q•0 foot radiu�� S�c�ti.on 17, 2807_10 of •tl�e t!igai,d Muni�.ip�l Code x��quires � min�.mu�n righ-t;-of- �ray radius af 50 fe�t. 12, A � :�oa-G ��de��rxan/bicycle pa�h�ray is in pl�.�� alang the yrr�nl; o�' �th� pra��r�,y abutt�in� IIur�lam F�.oad. ' 13� 5�;��na C�urt whzch has b�exi plat�;�d. in a nox=�h/south directi�n is a:p�re�ximate�y 4�0 ��et wPSt of �.W. �3£3th Avenu� �r;hirh �.�sa lies along a nc�r�h�so�x�Lh c;or��.do�e Li�t;y� code requ�.res that "stree�;s names ar�d numbers shal_1: � �._ cc�n�orm ��o t;h� �staYalxshed �att��^n in the �ur.raun�.a.r�� �r�aa �' Cran�ing Serena Cau..rt �o eith�r �9tYi Cca�r°F c�r 100�n. �ourt v�rould m��t �this c.ritex•ia., 1�. '�h� m��i��uYn. 10� �i.�c :�n an. R-7 zanc �PSin.�l� F�mily Re�idE;r��ial" is 7 a0Q �q�:lare �'aa�t 1c��s 5 ar�e! '� are d.efic�.en�L in the mii�aimum sc�uare foo��g� a� xequ�,r�d � by City Cod�. � , _i �.5. �5er��na Cou�t's :in���.�s�ctic��� w�.th S.W. Dur.ham F�o�c1 da�s � no� hav� trse neces�a�y corne� rac�ius a.s requireci by Code. � Right-o:�-�way 1.�.nes a� int�r�ec��ions wit� arteria� streets ;� sha11 have � corn�r radius a�' na�t �.esS ��.az� twent� .£�e�. �� {;: 16. hia .indiaatian �s giv�� as to wha�:` construeti.on standards � witl be us�d tor the �o�n� a�cess dr:tve .for lots �5-��• ?;. WYaen th�r�� is up to .�ive u�.its sharin,g a common �ccess �. dr:i�re, City Co�e requir�:s a minimurn wic��h of 30 fe�t wi�h � a hard sur�ace pavemez��t over 80� of the access width. � � TI�. C�NCS,U�IONARY �'TN�INGS� ,: � l. �he ��apos�d pr�l.imi��ry �alat conform� to �the '�igard Z Commun.�ty 1?lan, 1.97I �.rs �h�t: � � a. �he propossd dezasity is 1:e�� �t;han the maxiznum al��w�d, ! - � � . �.rl.dp° . . � � � � ..� �.�i � . . . . � . .�. �� . . . . . . . . � . . �� F Y�. W.�th the att�.chm�nt of a condi�tion xequirin;� the � e�ten��nn of w�te� and. sew�r 1.i�.es, �dequate �ervice wil1. b�' avail�bl:e. '.�i . �.. e� � ' � . � ... . , ... . . PagP 6 S'�AFF R�Pa1�T �: JuZy 8, 1977 11. Fiv� foat �as�mex��s be provid�d �d�acent �Ln all 1r�t lines f�r drainage and u�ility purposes. 12.. Fire hydran�s be placed as ger� Tigard Water Distxic.� and C3.ty c�� �'i�ard r. e�ulations. 1.3. Perm:its �e ob�ained from Washing�t;an Caun�y for any stree-G, sewer or storm sewEr work in S.V�r. 98tn Avenue and Durh�m Road. 14. Access .f�.x� Iots 4 and 6, 12 and 13�, • 23 .and 24., 30. and 31 have a minimum pavement width of 16 f��t. �.5. V�;ha.�ul.ar acc�ss far. l.o�s 35 th�ough 38 �.a��e a minimum ��ement '!, w.�dth af .3U fe�� �.ncl a ?4 fo��t wid.e h�rd surfac�; `! x�avemerit, �.�. In order to Frov3.d� gu��t parking, the �� fo�t wic�e drisre ta se�v� lo�a 35 through 3�3 should exter�d 20 f�et . . , beyand the driveways �ervi.ng lc�ts 36 a�-�d 37. �his ar�a w11.1 �ccomodate thr�e cars. In addi�io�l a 5'X 20� ��.. �uest space should be pravided in front of lo�� 35 and 38 �'ar para11e1 p�.rking. 1�1. T,ots havix�g sklared acc�ess will prov�.d� onE guest parki�xg sp�c;e �nd �.lso maneuverin�; space t� �11.ow c��s to turn ` aa.^ound on-si�t� before prc�ce�ding o�.to a publ.ic street. � 18. Cor�struction dra�riings yor jo�.n� �.ccess driveways be submitted �Zang with street construction drawings to �he Pub1i�; zrto .rks D�Fartmen�t far th�zr review, 19. Cc�nstruc��c�n, a� the jo3.nt driveway accesse�s sha]1 be concurrent wi.th stre�t con.��r�u.ctiori and ,i.n�pec`�ed by th� Fubl.ic Works Depar�tment. 2t}. Deed cov�nants b� attached to aIl Iots sharing �o�.�t access �o.r pur.pos�s Uf pz��scribing xeSponsik�ility �c�r nain�enance of the aceess drivps. r' �„/ H y �� ` ` , , c ar C. o en, . arin ng ���rec or ,. _ _ _ . _ � e ,: ,; �, � �,+ �__ �,. �� i� _ ,;� STAFF' REPORT - FINAL ACTION �i �: TIGARD PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT ;�'. J�zne 27, 197? `' ' Tigard City Hall �' �; 12420 S.W. Main Street - Tigard, Oregon �: � � � ����� !'; � � �; � DOCKETt Subdivision S 14-77 t!. RFRU�ST: 7.b create a 37 lot subdivision on a 9.20 acre parcel in �' a R-7 zone, "S�ingle Family Residential" � �'' ;, � �� ��,�.; LOCATION: S .W. �Garrett and S.W. Ash S�tr�ei�s i'. APPLICANT: Richard H. Caffall I; t; F_�_ I . FTNDINGS nF FACT: 1, The appli�ant is requesting preliminary plat approval i.n accordance wit� �ection 17. Z6 � 1Q0 of the Tigard Mun.icipal Code to subdivi.de a 9. 77 acre �arcel into 37 lats with a minim�.tm lot �ize af '�,500 square feet in a R-7 2one on the west side of S .W. GarrEtt Street an�l narth side of S .W. Ash Stxeet . 2 . The site is designated "Urban Low Density I�esidential" on tlae Nei.ghborhood Planning Organizatfon Plan #1 and zoned �: , �,� R-7. Attached as conditions to the app"lication of City �' zoning (June 21, 197�) were the following: 4; ��. ' (1) Five feet of right-af-way b� d�c�icat�d along both � S.W . Ash and S,W. Ga�xstt Streets for stre�t puxposes . F' ; ,; (2) Because of the appr.oximately 4(JO atldi•Gion.al tra�fic ': trips wh�.ch will be ,gen�rated. when this propexty is r� developed at the density permitted by the R-7 zone, ,�'. any �.evelopment proposal for this property should, �" ; i;herefore, include improvements to the intersection ' i: ot S .W: Ash Avenue and S .W. Ga•rr�t;t Street as may be ;' necessary ta accommodate tlais �,dditianal traffic. ; (3) Th� applicable policies from the NPO #1 plan are as " � follows : j: G' a, The maximum averall den�ity of devel.opment will pe four dwelling units or 12 persons per gross acxe. Tha.s amounts to a stand�,rd o� 7, 500 square feet of land per' dwelling unit allowing fo.r ��' streets and ather open space, Some areas will ' . . . . . � �� ?j; have a Tow�� densi�;q awing to topography, exist- ing` developrn�nt patterns or i;he dPSire of indi- '' � G viduals .to own a larger lot . {� �., �; �` � i �! . �f L; � , ;; � � � � � � � � ��.: STAFI' REPOR.T - FINAL ACTION �, TIGARD PLANIVING DEPARTMENT fr� June 27, 1y77 ``` Page 2 b. Residential subdivisions will be developed with paved �treets, curbs and gutters, street lights, and walkways, according to City or County stan- dards. AI1 utilities will be �laced underground. (4) Section 17. 16. 100 states that : "No tentative plan for �. pxoposed subdivision and no tentative plan for a major parti�tion shall be ap- p.roved unless : a. Si;reets ancl roads are laid out so as to conform to the plats of subdivision or maps af major partitions already approvect for adjoiiiing prop- erty as ta width, genera.� direction , and in all ott�er respec�ts, unless the City determines it to be in the public interes�t to modify the street ox road pattern , b . Streets and roads held for privat� use are clearly indicated on the tentative plan and all reservations or restxictions relating to such ��., private roads and �tr.eets are set for�h therean , c. The tentativ� plan complies with the cumpr�hensive plan and applicable zoning regulatiox�� af the City then in effect. d. No tentative plan of a subda�vision or map af a major partition shall be approved unless there ; wi11 exist adequate quantity and quality o:f watei and an ad�quate sewage disposal sys`tem to sup�ort ' the praposed use of the land described in �;he pro- posed plat . I I . S'2'AFF OBSERVATIONS : � , l. The site is a vacant, o�en. parcel , wi�th the excepti:on of two small buildings that hav� been gutt�d out by �ires. Th� topography ranges from 25U f�et at the southeast cor- nex of the lot to 230 feet at the northea5t; corner. Single �a�mily ho:mes si�rround the site �n the north, east , and south. An open field and apar�ments b�yond .the ��.e1:.d are � 1.ocated. to the west , An older single family home loc.ated a� the intersect�.bn o� Garrett and Ash is not included within the subdivision . '` ; , 4 �.. f � ¢ f .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� . . Y � . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . ... . . . . . � . � . . � .. .�� � . . . . . . . . . , � . . � .. . .. � � . . � � � �d� . i: . � . . . . . . . .. �� . . - . .i�� r ... �. � ., ..: . .� _�,.; . . .. � � . .. ._. .. .. . , �: � ..;-. .� _ `" °— _: ��. . � . . . . �. — . � . .. —'— —�: ;, E� , ;' �{ �a. ',5�,. �, << _� {� STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION �< TIGA�ZD PLANNTNG DE�ARTMENT �. �r� June 2`7, 1977 � �' .. Pa�e � � ��� s:: r: 2 . Water is available to the site by way of a six inch water �� line along S .W. Garrett Street and a 12 inch line a.long �� S .W. Ash Street. Sewerage ser.vice is alsn available from ;' 2 eight inch lines, ane from S .W. Bar.num Street and the �' other from S .W. Cresmer. Both lines are of adequate ca- �,` ' pacity to facilita.te the proposed d�nsi�;y . 3. S .W. Ash anc� S .W. Garrett Streets are both substandarc� in right-of-way and improvement width. In order to bring the existing right-of-way to meet the NPO #1 Plan standards, a five .foot dedication on the property alang S.W. Ash: Street � and a five �oUt dedication along S .W. Garrett Street would } be required. �I; 4. � .W� Creszner. Dri.ve presently t�rmin�,te� a� the north prop- �rty line of tYie �lat . The applicant is proposing to ex- � tend S .W. Cresmer Drive through the subdivision where it �� will intersect with S .W. Ash �tree� . Sectian .17.2t3 .030 0� the Ti�ard Municipal Code states "that the arrangement o� streets in a subdivision shall provide for the continua- tion or appropriate �rojection of existing principal streets in surrounding areas . " Joe Greulich, Tualatin ;; �,� Ruxa1 Fire Niar�hall , has stated that S .W . Cre�rner Drive i shoulci be continued as a through stree� . f<' 4,� E:t. 5 . The intersection of S .We Garrett a.nd Ash Stx•eets is badiy ;`, �n need of improvemen�ts. �ight visibility is impai�eci by the �resent radius at the in�tersecting streets as well as t' a earth �mbankment, whi�h is covered with shruk�s and tx�eES. ! However, the entire intersection at this point in �time is ' not within the jurisdi.ctioai of t�ie Cit,y. 6. To make the necessary impxovements to the in�tersPCtion o� S .W. Ash and � .W. Garrett Street� in accaraance with Gity a:f Tigar� street stand.arc�s, an additional five fset of right-a�-�ray would b� necessary, Sa.z�ce this �roperty is +. within �the jurisdiction of Washington C�unty and not �art ' i i io s aff ha e owner of T of the subd v s n, t s contacted th ax Lot 400, Ms . Patti Jacobsen, and she has stated that she was arniable to dedicating the necessary rzght-�f-way to ' facilitate the street impro�vements. . 7. The house on Tax Lot 400 is presently on a septic tank sys- tem. It is very probable that Lots 30 �,nd 31 and possibly `; Lot 34 1ie within the drain field of the septic system on Lot 400. However, as part of the purchase a�reemen�t for Lot 401, at such time as that parcel is developed, the '�I � ,;� � �� , ``{ �;, _ �,', . � . . . . .. .. . .'. A;. . �� . � � . ' .. .. .� . � . � . � � ': t',A l, ,�.,,. �� �:�': STAFF REP�DRT - FINAL ACTION TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT � June 27, 1977 Page 4 owner is required to make available a sewer connnection for the house on Lot 400. 8. The City is in zeceipt of a letter from an adjacent prop- erty owner, n4r. and Mrs. WilJ.iam Brennan (13575 S .W. Cres- mer Drive) , who have objected to the street pattern as proposed on the preliminary plat . The Brennan ' s stated that they "do not object at all to the development and building of the houses ; however, they do oppase S.W. Cres- mer Drive being made a through street" and suggested, "If Cresmer Drive were made a cul-de-sac, at 1Past sr�me of the existing quiet residential safety could be maintained. " i � 9. Lot 34 is shown on the preliminary plat as a �lag lot with � a 20 :�oot wide access point from Renee Drive back to the ; rear portion of the lc�t . The Tigard Muriicipal Code, 5ec- tion 18.64.040, requires tYia�t (a) no curb cuts shall be ' allowed wi.thin five feet of an adjacent property line ex- cept when two a,djacent property owners elect to provide + joi^t access to their respective properties and (b) the mi.nimum curb cut width shall be 15 fee�c (measur�d from i, top af curb �o top o� curb) . ' � The lotting pattern for �ot 34 would no�; meet the requiremeiits � of the Tigard. Municipal Code, but b,y not showing Lot 34 � as a flag lot and pr.oviding an easement thr.ough Lot 31 to Renee Drive, access could be made available to Lot 34. IIT . CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS : � � 1. The progosed preliminary plat confarms to the Tigard Com- ` munity Pl.an , 1971. in that the proposer� loti;ing pattern �.s � for residential purposes, conforms to the dimensional re- ; quirements of Title 18 �:f the Tigard Munie�pal Cocle (zon- { ing) and furthers the local streets po_licies of the Tiga.rd Communi�ty Plan, 1971 . � �. With the attachment �f a�pxopriate c.onditions, access �I� will be available to all lots, and each lot as prc�posed � : wi.11 �,but a public street , � 3. Sanitary sewer and water lines are available to adequately a�! service the praposed density. 4. The proposed street system does not adversPly impact any !I� previously platted street . y IV. �'INAL ACTIOIJ: � �� �; � j;� i � i; k � k; � � I -... �� ��� i I STL�FF REPORT - FINAL ACTION " TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTD�ENT � June 27, 1977 I Page 5 The preliminary plat for "Renee Park" is hereby approved sub- ject to the following conditions: 1. Fi.ve feet of right-of-way be dedicated along both S .W . Ash and S .W. Garrett Streets for street purposes. 2 . A half street improvement for S .W. Garrett and S.W� Ash Streets from the north plat boundary along S .W. Garrett Street (to include the intersection of Ash and Garrett, T�.x Lat 400) to the southwest lot line of Lot 6 along S.W. Ash �treet. � 3. Permits be obtained from Washington County for street im- provements ta S .W. Ash and S .`V, Garrett Streets . � 4. Five foot easernents be providea adjacent all propert�y '; lines for utility purposes . 5 . Hydrants be located as �er City of Tigard and Tigard Water District regulatians. i (` 6. Actual location of the septic tank and drain field �or Lot 400 be determined. No construction shall occur on those lr�ts within the dra,in �ield of Lot 400 until such time as Lot 4D0 is hooked up to public sewer. c_ ;.�'?. ?,.,a�. �za--�^��-..s.Y�o�xi.-a�-a.-f-�-a,�1-e-t-s-a�� ��;�e�� �e� L�ra.�.-�� ;,'� �--��e�ided•�thre�gh__L�t�--�.�v uo„oo „�.;L� ��, �.e;� . -zocrxsc cr-ax s��� v-ic�is— .. i:'uvvzmrr°czr+rr�. ��� 8 . Cross easem�nt agreemen s be recorded for Lots 31 and 34 . L -•- . C_:. •-��.t--���..�L.,u--f..+rv� u� .s�--z`.-�. _ �i�''� rl/"���'z� �� �� � �,ichard Bolen Planning Director ;. ; I i _ :� ; .d.. . � .� . . � . � . . . . . � . . .. � . . .. . . � � � . . � . . � . � . � � � . .� . � . �....i .. � . . � . .. . . � . � . . . . . . . . .�� �� . . ._, � �. � - � . � � . . � . .�:.�i . . . ... � . .� . . . � � � .� . . . �i il I _ , _ {i P; _ r; �,._ ' '; `�;_ ;; r: �, STAF� REPORT - FTNAL ACTTON TIGARD PLANNING I3EPARTMENT �!I � June 23, 1977 i Tigard City HaII � 12420 S.W. Main Stx•eet - Tigard, Oregon ;; �; DOCKET: S 13-77 �' �: E; RPQUEST: To cxeate a 75 lot subdivi.sion on a 18.65 acre parceJ_ in " a R-7 zone, "Single Family Residential" ` ; i3OC�TION: S .W. 92nd near Durham Road APPLZCANT: Donald E. Pollock Investments ��� �' I . FTNDINGS OF FACT: �. ;., l. The applicant is requesting X�reli_minary plat approval in ;'�. accordanc� �vith Section 17. 1�i , lOQ of the Tigard Munir,ipal Code ta subdivid� a 18.65 acre parcel into 75 lots with a minimum 1at size of 7, 500 square feet in a R-7 zane on the west side o� S .W. 92nd Avenue, south af Durham Road. � 2. The site is designated "Urbaz� Low vensi.ty Residential" or� the Tiga.rd Community Plan, 1971 and zoned R-?. Attached as c�nditions to the application of City zoning (May 3, 1977) ''' �_�.. were the following: �:�� {; (1) A half street improvem�nt be provided for S .W. 92nc� Avenize alozlg this property �, i: (2) The sewer and water easements be reviewed and ap�roved I by the staii with any subdivision activity �n this property '`! ;i 3. The applicable pblicy from the Tigard�Community Plan, 1971 is as :�ollows :. ,;, a . The maximum overall density of develo�ment wil.l be ;� fau� dwelling units or Z2 persons per gross acre. � , This amourits to a standard a� 7,5Q0 squar� feet of 'i land per dwelling unit allowing for streets and other open space. Some area.s will have a lower density owing to topography, existing development �' patterns or the desire of individuals to own a % larger lot , �, 4. Section 17. 16.100 .states t'hat : � r.. � r,'; "No �:entative plan for a �roposed subdivi�ion and no '� tentati�ve plan for a major partitian sha11 b� a,pproved � ''�' �anless: � �=. Ei �;. bi ' ,'' ;'. �; +� ,� _ � . ,-. . _, . ,, ', _ _ _ u ; E 3 1.' ��_���,:� . � .� �� � 1 STAFF RE�ORT - FINAL ACTION � TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT i ;'F S 13-?7 � June `L3, 1977 Page 2 a. Streets and roads are laid out so as to conform to th� plats of subdivisian or maps of major par- titions already a,p�roved for adjoining property as to width, general direction, and in all other respects, unless the City determii7�s it to be in the public i.nterest to modify the street or roa.d pattern. b. Streets and roads held for private us� are clearly indicated on the tentative plan and all reserva- tions or restrictions r�lating to such private roads and stree�s are set forth thereon. c„ The tentative plan compli.es with i;he comprehensive plan ancl applicable zoning regulations of t�e City �then in effect . d. No tentative plan of a subdivision or map of a major p�,rtition shall be approved unl.ess there will exi�t adequate quantit,y and quality of water , �,nd an adequate sewage disposal system to support �..� the proposed use o.f the land describ�d in the proposed plat. II . SZ'AFF OBSERVATIONS ; :1. The parcel is presently oc�upied b,y a 7.arge farm house and out buildings which are used as a horse riding academy aiid boarding facility . The majority ot the site is pasture, generally flat, with some change of grade in the southern portion but not of the magnitude to cause canstraints for development . t� small pond exists in the s�utheastern por- tion of the site . The site is surrounded by sing:le family dwel7,ings on rural size lots on the east �,nd northeast and vacant, wooded lots on the northwest and south. A recentl� approved preliminary plat for a four. lot subd.ivisiun (Cos- ton Place) is located to the north. 2. Water servicE i� �.vailable to facil.itate the proposed deri- sity on this site via an ei�ht inch line in S.W. 92nd and a. 12 inch linE i_n llurham Road. ,Access to this line will be provided across an easPment to be furnished by an inter- vening pro�erty. , 3 , Sewer is available to k�andle a portion of the site ,under a gravity ;�low system via a t�n i.nch line i.n Durham Road. �. ��. . `w::,.; STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION TIGAI�D PLANNING DEPAIi,TMENT � S 13-7? June 23, 1977 Page 3 4 . S .W. 92nd Avenue is in substanctard condition, and the in- troduction of zoning which qualified the property for 75 housing units necessitates that a hal.i street improvement be provided. 5. The preliminary plat as submitted proposes to provide sanitary sewer to the site by extending a line 1,30U feet from the Upper Tualatin Sewer Interceptor of the Unified Sewerage Agency. As of this date the Upper Tualatin line has not been built, but bids on construction are tenta- tively scheduled for fall , 197'7, with construction sche- duled to commence possibly in the fall or early next year (1978) , depending on weather conditions. As to who would be responsible for extending the line i,300 feet from the in�Q:ereeptor is undetermin�t�, based on inforznation given on the plat. 6. Storm water outfa.11 along the west and south property lines is shown leavir�g the site by way of 12 inch storm lines. The State Plumbing Laws and Administrative Ru1es states : �`� 'oRain, storm, and other sur�ace runaff wa�ter drained fxom roofs, paved a.r.eas, courts or cnurt yards shall not be cUnveyed and d.isch�.rged tQ the storm sewers or to the street gutters in a manner which may cause f7.00ding to adjacent property, streets, alleys or walkways. . . " 7 . An existing single farnily home on Lot 10, at the inters�c- tion �F 94th and Martha Place, will rPmain and be inc].ucied within the subdivision . 8. A 20 foot easement between Lots 3 and 4 is shown on tlae prEliminary plat . This easement i� intended to provide both access from the Coston PlacE subdivision immediately to the nor.th, as we11 as f�r utility pur�oses for. the pro�- p�sed subdivi�ion. HawevEr, an additional fzve feet of easement betwEerx Lots 3 and 4 will be necessa.ry in order to provide for the continuation of a 2� foot wide driveway from the Coston Place subdivision . 9. The proposed lottin� pattern envisions �, continuation of 94th �treet , both north and south, and Millen Drive �we.st� beyond �he plat . Con�tinuai;iun o� these streets through adjacent propertie5 would a.p;�ear to f.acilitate the d�vel- opment o� these p.r.operties and �f�'er �he possibili,tq of �� eventually developing a connective street �ystem in this �. area.� i ; � -_ - . : _ - '" -- - -� . : , . , _ . i i 3 i � ,�, .... � .� � � t;.�;� � � � � � �� �'�� � �� �I l STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION � �.� TIC,ARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT � �G� � S 13�-77 � � �i June 23, 1977 3 Page 6 ; 11. Pernnits be obtained from Washington County for stx�eet im- � provemen�t purpases on S.W. 92nd. � �� � 12. The sewer and wat�er easements YYecessar,y to bring these fa- � cilities to th� si_te be reviewed and approve� k�y staff. � � 13 . To assure access is pravided to the pond and r�ar portions c of L��s 47-52, cross easements be recorded for �hese areas . � The easem�nt would be f�r a triangular shape area with the ; fol:lawing dimension.s : � } � Commencin� at the southe�,st property line of Lot 49 and � u proaeeding in a westerly di.reetion 240 feet alang the '` south property lines of L�ts 47, 48., and 49, then in a `'' northeast dir.ectian 400 feet to the nartheast cnrnex of Lot 52, then back along the east praperty line 325 feet � to the southeast corner of Lo�t 49. (These m�asurements �; �, I; are a.n approximation taken of� t�e preliminary plat . ) �i ,: 14. Five focat easements be pr.�vided adjacent �the pr.operty �' lines for utility purposes . �; �. �'`��� ,-- R _1�/�/v�!� � . -r---� ' y Richard Bolen ' � Planning Dir�ector �� %'� � � � � . � . . . . . � � . . i� . . . .. . . . . . . �J� 1, Y� � �' i I� �I. ci i; �,; fj S�! E•' s; �. �' . . . . � . . .. . �. . � . � � . �. f`� . . . . . � � . .. � .. . .. . �t :.. � .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. � . . � �-� . � . . � . . . � � . . �� }� . . . . � � � � .. . . . . . . . ['� . . . . . . � � . .. ... . . . . �. I:`.�. ��,� , . . . . . . � .. . . �r 1. . . . . . . � � � � � � .:. �� r . ...� .. . . � � � � . ' . �ti i, . � . . . . . . . . � . . ... {''� t . . . . � � � � � � � � �� � . . .. .., . � � . � . .. �.�� � � � � . . � . .. � M.� .. ... . � . .: .� : .... ,... _... '. . . . . . . . " ' �� .. . � � . . �`.� . , ,� . '., .�;:.:� � ..� . . .. . . _ . ' ; � - I (1 'I � � �� .. . f�, � i' STAFF REPORT - FINAL ACTION �! TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT �, � S 13-77 ; June 23, 1977 � Page 4 ;.. �E; 10. Three landscape islands are shown in the cul-de-sacs o� �� Martha Place, Julia Place, and Millen Place on the site ('. plan. A maintenance question arises as to who (City or `i property ownPrs) i.s to be responsible for maintaining �', these areas. r�, 11. Staff is concerned as to how lots, ].ocated in the south- easterly portion o:f the site, would gain access, to the rear of those lots, as there is presently a 60 by 280 foot pond which bisects these parcels. ;� 12 . The adopted 1974 Tigard Pedestrian Bicycle Pathway Plan `� and the �nvironmental D�sign and Open Space Pl�.n (yet to be adopted) recornmends the con�tr,uction of a bike path � facility aloxig S .W . y2rid from Durharn Ruad to Cook P�.rk. 13. E�isting facilities along S .W. 92nd (e .g. , Tigard High School and Cook Park) and proposed development along this street necessitates improving S .W. 92nd to co�lectar street standards . The County 's "minor-collector" stan- dard appears mast appropriate , necessitating a 36 foot " �,, pavement section on a 60 foot right-of-way . An additional '' five feet of right-of-way would thereby be required for � S.W. 92nd. � � IiI . CUNCLUSIONARY FINDTNG� : : 1. The proposed prelimin�,ry pl.at con�ox•ms tq th� T�.�ard CQm� '�`� :t munity Plan 1971 in that the r osed o tin � , p Qp 1 t attern is � g � :�or residential. purposes, conforms to the di,mensiAna.1 re-. quirements �f T�.tle 18 0� the Tigard Muni;ci:pa,l Code (zr�n- ing) , and. furthers the collectox streets pQlicies o� t.he :i Tigard Community Plan, 1971. f. 2. With the attachment of appropriate conditions, access + will be available to all lots, and each Iot as �roposed ��! will abut a public street. � 3. Sanitary sewer is not available to a major portion of the �; plat and would require both the construction of the Upper � Tualatin line and extending a, local line 1,30b feet to the �; site. � ;;i IV. FINAI� ACTION: �. �;. �,: � �! `�' C ,�, �; �� ..r. _: , ;. , .,, .. � ._ ;'�^ ��.. `�,�:. STA:FF REPORT - F�NAL ACTION ��.;. TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT �� S 13-77 June 23, 1977 Page 5 The preliminary plat for "Kneeland Estates" i, hereby approved subject to the following conditions : 1, Five �eet o�' right-of-way along S .W. 92nd be dedicated for street purposes . 2 . A half street improvement for S.W. 92nd f.rom the north plat boundary to the southern terminus of the plat be con- structed to County "minor-colle�ctor" (3�6 foot pavement and 60 fee�t of right-o�-way) street standarc�s, wi•th an eigYit foot siclewalk for pedestrian bicyele path purposes, delet- ing the sidewalk requirement for Tax Lnt �302, if. addi�tional right-of-way cannot be obtained from� the property owner . 3. Streei; plugs be provided fax° the nor�;h and south terminus of 94th Street and western terminus of Millen Drive . 4. A street barricade b� constructed at the northern terminus o:f 94tY� Streel; . 5. Deed covenants be attaehed to Lots 3-�, 14-Z0, and 26-3Q �-- far �urposes of prescrik�ing responsik�ility fo.r mai.ntenance of the ladnscape islands to be locat,�d in t.he �ul-de-sa�s . 6. A landscape plan far the cul-de-sac islarids will be sub- mitted for ciesign review approval . 7. To assuxe that the Oregon State Plumbi:ng Speciality Code and Administrative Regulations as they per�ain to storm water r�ischaxge are met , either a st�rm water retention ; plan shall be submitted subject to Publ:ic Works De,partment appro�val or agreements wi11 k�e nnade with adjacent property ! awnexs to accept any additional storm wat�r' outfall that " �` would occur as the result of d�evelopment �n the site. . . . . . .. . . � . .1 8 . No final plat wi11 be recorded for any lo�:s within �he pre- limina�ry plat boundary until such tirne as public sewer ser- vice a.s available to �the lots in que�tion. The intent is r!. to permit �onstruetion of the subdivision concommi.tant k with the constructi.on of. the Upper Tualatin °Interceptor �. Sewer but to a�sure that no lots will be sold until sewer ;�,; service a.s physically available. . ¢; 9. A 25 �oot easement through Lots 3 a,nd 4; �e recorded for ��� acc�ss and utilitY purposes. �i . }��,� 10. Fire hydrants be placed as pe.r T:igard Water I�istr�,ct and r` �' City o.f Tigard regula,tions . � . . . � �. . � . � F.;' . . . . . � . . . . . � .. � 1�f . . . . . . . . .. � . .. . � . . . � . . I�'�j ... . . . . . � � ... - . . . . . t.�i. .. . � . . . . � . .. .. .. � � 1,� i . . � . . . .. . . . ..�i . . .. . �,-�. ,-,. . �' . . . .. . .. . . .. .. ..,.. . .. ...�... :::. �:.��. ... ., .'.:.� . �:� ,_. �'�5....,.: 4';a... STAFF' F�E�nRT -- FINAL ACT�ON TIGARD P7�ANNING COMMIS�ION '�'T May 24, �.97? - 7 s 3o P.r�. F'��v�ex �uz�.inr �ii�h School - �,�cture Room �Q865 S,Wv W�.lnut Street - Tigaz�d, �regon DdCxET: M�P 7-77 REQUEST� 'To �partition a 16,13� sq,. ft. parcel into a 7�J0 sq:�:�'t. . . €�nd a 8,200 sq. foot 1ot in �n "R--7 Single F�,m�.iy Regidential" zone. T,(7CATTON: Southwes�t ce�rner of S.W. Z�wis I;ane arid S.W. 95th avenue (W'ash. Co. �'ax Map 1S1 35CDo Tsx �,ot 2$00) APP�ICANT: Kari-Beth Cz�rporatio�. ? I. �INDINi��S �F FACT � ! �.. �he �ppl�ca�n� is r�questing p�rdnission, in accarri�nce wi�h ' �eetimt� 17.24.0�0 of the ��.gara rn�n���p�i c�a�, �o part�.tian ' a ;1:6�(30(7 sq. ft. 1ot into � 7,80Q sq. ft. and a 8,2�J0 sq. fts io� �.n, a R-7 zon� at ltf>�5 SW 95th Avezau:e. ; ; 2. The p�arcel an:d surrounding area is d�sigz�at�d '"°Uxb�n �ow Dens�ty R�sidential" on N�ighbonc��od P�.an II which '� � �pecifies a density of 4 dwelling ua�zit� acre/gross. � �. � 3. The parc�l is �or�ed '�R-7, Single F'amily R�sidentfal" which � has the feaZlaw.�ng agplicabl� requirements: , � � �f��L .'n'�q• 1. 4s mSM���M! .L�t rg�7ie CJ.C7�211e�3� c.l, F; i a 5° side yard setb�ck fnr �ne star� buil.dings (1�.20.f�60(2) 'i � 4. Sec��.on �.7.36.020 af �h� Tigax�d Municipal Code require� that �ach 1.ot abut a pub�.ic s�reet so e�ch will have public a�cess. XIe STAFF O�SER�'AT�ONS The �3.te �.s �'1.�-t wi�h r�o develop�ent coristrain�s and an existing � s�ngl� story s�ngle �amily resid�nce and gara��. The site is ' :�urrounded t,y single �'ami�.y dwellin�s and the g�neral. chara�ter ', of the ax�em is that �of a mature n�ighborY�ood. S.W. 95th Avenu� and 5.1�. �„ewis �ane a�e substandard in ternn� o� " �ic�ewalk�, cur'bs and gutters. 3 Water serv�ce fs ��railable �'ronn an 8 inch line in S.W. 95th ;� Avenue and a 6" lim� in �.W. Lewis Lane. , Sewer �ervice is av�ila�ile in b�th �.W. I,ewis Zane and S.W. � �Sl ..�� �:7 4iA .tfYe'���'s � . : Pr `�s P..' .. . . .. . . � Id . . . . . . . .. i"',� � . . � .. .� .€�i. ' . � . . � . . . � .� �S: . . � .. . .. . � . �. t;�: . . . .. . . � . . . . . . . . � � ..�...; .. � � .. . . �. . . .. � � . . . . . , . �. . : . � _ . _ _ _ __ . _ _. ':� � � �� �,-:: � � � �'i �,-°` ,:; S�A�'F REPORT - FSNAZ A�TZON ::� TIGARD PT,ANNING COMMISSION � ,���� M�ty� 24, 1977 � �, Page 2 ;:� :� III. CONCI�USIOItAEi� FINDINGS �.. �'�e proposal con��rns to �he"Urban �ow D�nsity Residentia'1" � designation of the Ne�.ghbarh�od P18n II in that A. A�equate water and sewer services a're av��3lable and wi�th the a�tachmer�t o� �pp�opri.ate conditioa�s put9lie �tree�ts to city standa�°d wi1l. also be avai�.able. �. The prapnsed lot si�e� (7800 8c �200 sq. ft. ) ar� gre�ter th�n the minimun al:�owed. 2v Th� proposa]� confor�s tr� the r�quirements of Titles 17 and �.� o� �he Tigard Muni.cipa� �odr in th�.t A. Eaeh �:ot i� great�r tkiar� ?500 sqe f�� m�n�mum lot si�e B. °�he 5' �'side yeTd setback i� beir�g �rov�,ci�� for t�e existf.ng dwellizag� Co E�ch l.ot is px°opo�ed �bu,�� e p�ublic stre��. � �,_ IV. FINAL �,�TI�4N Bas�d on t�ae finciing� of �a��t �nd cnnclusionarsr f�.nding� t�e prn�osed m�.x��a� �a�nd p�rti�3.on is her�b�rr apy�rov�c3 �ub�e�� �o the� foll�win,� �on�litions 1. �An .����e,em�rat te:��a��ti�•�,p�te� in ��:l�ac'a�.' im�r°QVemen��Y:di�trict for �.W. ��5th Aver�ue ar�d, S.W. �wi� Z,aner Be F�l�d with th� Cit�► Recorder. c �r . o en, ann ng rec or . .� . . �...: /�// �/L�<:�./�GV�'� � �.f `/�/IV,--��-.,.:. .. �� � ��. � � �..�� . .� �. . � � �� . � . � � �. � . . . . V� . . . (. '.,.. � � . �. . . � . . � . . . . . � . � . . . . � � .. . . . . .. . . . .. . .i �,p��*. . . . . . . . . .. � � ., . �. .. . . . 'fffc ���: . � . . . . . . . . . . ' .. . . . .�i m . . . � . �� . . . � . . . . . � ........� . . . . . .. � . .. . � . � . . . � .. � . � ( .. . � � � � . . .. . .�.�.! Ri .. . . . .. . . . . . .�� �� ` . . � .. . . . . !� . � ..',, .., . :. .';��� . . ::�.:. vi4::�.. S'�A�°F REP�DRT AND FINAL ACTTI�N �IGAKll PJGANNING �pl�iM�SSZON May 24, 1977 `'` Fowler Junior High Schoo�. �- I,ecture Ronm j . 1a865 S.W. Walnut 5tr�et � !�i���r�, �r�gon ' �� i �� /�q�m �7 �7 � .: � �0'lrI1G.L i � f"'!� .� t R�QUEST: To creat� a four lot subdivision on � 1.17 �cr°� parcel in � a R-7 zone. r � t a L()CATION: S.W. Durham Road, w�st of S.W. 92nd. Avenue h 1 APPLICA�T�: Charles �oston F I, FII�DINGS OF FACT: ' F �.. '�°he �pplie�:nt is requesting prellminax�► plat �pprorral in � accardan�e with ��c-ti.on 17,16�1.00 of the Tiga,rd Mur�icipal ;' Cnd� to s�tbd3vide a 1.17 a�re ,parcel in�ta f'our lats wi�h a ��a, av�rsge l�t �ize af 11,QOQ �quar� feet in a R-7 zo�e on �he s�u�P� �i�ie �f S.W. Ih.irham Road, west of S.V�. 9�nd. Ave�nue. 2. The site i� c�esignat�d "Urb�;n Lar� Density �.esident�e�.P4 ;; on the �!igarei Communit�r P1an, 1371 and zans�d R-7. Att�ch.�ci as �or�ditians to the applica��.An of City �on�.n� �Nia� 3, � 1977� wer� tk�e �'oll�wing: �� � a, A one foot �cress control b'�Y'ip be dedic�.ted �a tY�� ;i , C3ty prohibi�3.a� dire�t a�cess onto S.Id. bu�Y�am Ra�d . but r�servi.ng temporary �ccess uxa��1� p�rmane�nt acc�ss ^ `i+ �.� prcav�ded. th��ugh th�� ad�acent property �A ��e sauth. � :; b. 25 f��t �e ded�.c.at�d along S.Wo IhxrY�am �toad �or street 'a ? ]3t1T`p�3G'S. h�, ' 3, The applieab7.e poli.GV From the Tig�rd �oramurrity Plan, 1971, �' i� as follows: a. �he m€�ximura overall dens�ty nt de�relapmen� wri�.l b� fowr rl� ����,Si.n� uri�ts c�r �.2 p�rson� p+�r gro�as �cre. Th3.s :; amour��s to a sta:ndard af 7,50� s!quar� fee�t of Iand pex� � sW��ein��omet�area�Wwill�have�a�lc�we�^nrlen�ity o�ng �o �',' topograPhq, existing develop�mertt p�a�t�tern�, or the ;; desire �f int��,viclu�l.s to dwn a larger lot. ;;' ,? SeCtie�2'� 17r16.100 :it8te3 t21at: ,� . . . .. Fj.�,. �"', r'I�ca tenta�iv� plan for a groposed subdiv�sion �d no ten- H� t�tive p3.�,n f�r a ma�ar partitie� shall l�e a�groved unl,ess; �' ;;.; � �:; ,,; �' � �;> �:. F' �` ,x =;: '�,, `� STAFF REPORT ANd� FT�1AL AC'�TON PAGE 2 TIGARD PLANNIN� COMMISSION `E� May 24, �977 w a. Street� and roads are laid out so as to con.form to the plats o� subdivision or maps of ma�ar partitions a1- ready approved for ad�oi�ing property as ta width, general directian and in all other respects, unless the City detez^mines it to be in the public in�erest to �aadify the street or rQad pattern. b. Str�et�s and roads held for private use are clearl.y indi.ca��d an th� ten�atiee plan and all reservati�ns or restrictions r�lating to such private raads and stre�t are �et forth thereon. �. �Jhe t�nt�t�,�:e p�1an complie� writh th� �o�preh�n�i�re plara �nd app�ic�b�.e �anirag regulations o� the City �h,en iz� eff�ct. a. N� tentativ� plan o� � subdiv.�sion �r map of a ma�or parti�tion sh�ll. b� apprav��l unless �h�re will exi�t a�eqt�at� qu�r��ity and r�u�li�ty of water and an �dequate sewage dispasa]l system to sup�ort the prr�pas�d use i � o�' �he land described in th� propos�d plat� ; , ��. STA�+'F OB�ERYATIONS: � The ��.�e is �la�� gr�sen�l.y vacant with numerous 14 ta 16 �ooic �ta11 evergre�z� tre�s sGat'terez� aroux�d the site and su�rou�aded ' by a horse stable to °the soutYz, a �i.ngle f�mi�.y residence on a large 1ot ta °Ghe east, vacant land on th� wPSt� and t�re �umm:erfield Planned Devel�pm�nt on the north. Adequate w�ter and sewer is �vai]Lab1e tn serve the pra�osal �oth c�f which ar� ,a��.�lable �x°qm main 3.irtes in S.W� I�i.arh�am Road. The �arCel �bu�s S.W. I?urh�m Raad, which is a cnur�ty road and designa�ed aa� arterial on the �i.�ax^d Cqtnmunity P1an, 1971.. ' I u�wer is av�ailabl.e tn h�.ndle the proposed density on this ; �site via a tru�xk lin� �,n S.W. Durham Road, ; � Wa�er service 3.s avail.abl.� to facilitate t�.e proposed den�i�y � on this si�e v�a a main line in S.W. Durk�am Road. '� ;� .4lthough the lot has �egal access ciirectly onta S.Wo Durham � Road, the caordinated devel�p�ent af this �az�cel, and the '� ad�ac:en� parcel to the sou�h permanent �cc�ss c�u�.d be prav�,ded `� �r �Ghrough tha�t lot on.ta S.W. 92�ad Avenue. �his arrar�gement w�ould '� °r.�, sk�por°t the art�ri�� s�reet� po�ici�� ��' �h� Ti�ard Comm�rai�y � �1 ''� - P� 4�� � . . . . . .. . . � . . �� �'�� �.'� il P�ge 3 �� Plan, 1971. St�ff has m�t with both applicants, arad both have stated their agreement tn �uch a proposal. The Zatting pattern as pr°oposed daes no� create lots which a11 abut a public s�rQet. In order to satisfy the cnndition of' the zvt�� cYaange, access can be provided f�r the lots 3 and 4 by ease- m�r�ts until access f� provided through the id��cent lot to th,e �ou�h, �s noted on th� preliminary plat. ITI. C�NCLUSIONARX FINDINGSs 1. The pr�posed pre�i�ninary p�a� confor�ms to the �igard Commuraity Plan, 1q7�. in �hat the prapos�d lnttfng patt�rn is for r�sidential purpases, confarms to the �imensional require�en°�s of T3t]�e 18 of the Tigard Muni�ipal Code (zoning� y and furthers the ar°terial streets �olici�s of the Tigard Cammunj.ty Pl.an, 1971. 2, W�.th the attachment of appropriate condi�inns, �ccess w�ll k� b� ��ai1e►ble �to al]. leats, and each Iot as proposed will � abut a put�lic street when the ad�acent parePl to the south � is dev�]�oped. <; , I�". FI;NA�, ACTTON� Tri� prelivainary pl.at far ��Gostnn Pl�ce" is her�by appr�oved sub�e�t tc� the follawin� co�nditions: 1. E�sements granting acGe�ss to Lots 3 and 4 be s�owr� ori t�� ��n$1 plat �n.d r�corcled at the tir�e af record�.ng t�ie�:�E�:n�1 pI€�t. 2. �'h� fi�al plat dedicate 25 �ee� alon� S.W� Zhirh�m Rosd �and ; show �;he or�� �c�c�t ��c�ss control st�ip a� required b�r � ' zane chan�e 9-?7. 3. " The driveway provicling access '�o the ,pr�g�ert�► �o the sou�h be a min3mum 24° . " 4. "The dr�.v'Pway' -:`��o•�Dur�ham R:o�ad be clas�d upc,r� �cc�ss b:�:�r�g�:av�ilable ; �.a�°.the� .�au:tih .�iut��tn�intai;r�ed and ava3:labl�,.�o�� e�n�.r°gency veYiicle acces�.i0 R�.c �r C. o en, ann ng rea or .�;• `� . � ' �/? � f----�� � /��-G''�G�'-�-C� + �"' a'�-�J '�- ,,,; � � !; �.-:, � ii?:� �'`;': � � �e;.i --��,+. --- �;,' -- i . i . O . �Y � -_ � - -' _ � � --- -�.. ..-� ^� � 25���O,oE,PTY S'ETB� `� � . � � io8' � � /08./5' Z , /Z,9605..F ,� ,� /2,9�8�'. �E,�M�,v�vT zo Ur �rr EqSEMENT,C,�;�SS TS I I / � 2; � TE7N0 ZD' � � ACCE"SS EASEME'�VT ,P I GOTS 3 � 4t �iIC,�S' � � i Ni � � LD.7�' / � 2 � ( � � \ � �, 0 I � OUPL�'X Lc�7°' r I OUG'CE"X LI.�T o � __ � __ ti , � � � � S'//l/GG�-F /LY LOT �S'/rt/�'LE- F�M/LY LOT ; ` O�'�PM. 20��''CE`55 ," ��o °'� _ /983 � AiT/L/TY E�IS'019EN�T ,� � I�` � .P L�TS' / �2 /I �OT,S 3 � � � � � e � it/CLUD�iyG T�Y�I/D��� �i�J�' /9� I t�� - I sT�?i,aS� r0 �E � � I � �," ; �'C,3U/,P�"U� i � � ' AC,PE,�GE'= /./7 � ¢ ' � SC,�LE�e''�=50' /2,�74��'.F ' � � �' /2,�9/,5: ,F /08' /08./.5 �_ ��l% , o �'_ �Dr�/,�I E{ , ,C l�ESTiylEit/TS L_Fit/G'TN B�'.�T ..�w� J' /D� ST,P/,o�5' i"� B�,�K'4Uf,PEO � , SUBD�V S/ /V �OES/G,�V � ' �'`'•�' � ; ' I �M,4l,�E P��PT'S G� �OT.�' 3� 4 �+Y>1� �� i0'�io� �� ,PES'��'CT/VELY SD AS' TC� -� � ' � � �,POl�/DE LOT F,PDl1/T!G'� O/1/ � ?,. . �9 PUBL/C S'T�'�ET ' / �� r�� � � ��� ��` '�� � � �Urc� c .. ,�" UL-D,E=�S,4C I � 1 D�YNE"Q- ' o�PEr/M/N�4,PY SUBQ/!�/SI�N M,���,Q,s; �yq�LE,S' � COSTD>t/ D,QTE=.3//S/77 1�..i' LOT 6GY, SEC./d, T�S, !�%rY /d�5 �'`t! �,3��'D�P/t�E; 9�2'/9 �1ES/G�t/E'�?�.POB � fYqSf�/it/GTDiV CO�C//!V'TY, O,QE'GON O�'�'NE,P: O,Pqi�7�f?q�/�E�',,@ C/TY OF" T/G�,P4 M�D ZS-/-/�.4 -P/C�/�I� ,�.Qq/N�9� l�L,4rt/N//�/G /,��1�/5'ED���/77 , /3d8 S..h%8��,�/�4BU�'O, 972'9 . ; `� "�, STAFF REPORT AND FINAL ACTIQN May 24, 1977 � DOCKET: MLP 5-77 REQUEST: To divide a 4 ,5 acre p�.rcel into 2.6, 1. 3, and .61 acr.e parcels in a M-3, Light Industrial zone LOCATIUN: West of S .W. 72nd Avenue, north of S .W. Bonita Road (Wash. Co . Tax Map 2S1 12A, Tax Lot 500) APPLICANT: John Tennant I . FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The applicant is requesting permission , in accordance with Section 17.24.030 of the Tigard Municipal Code, to divide a 4. 5 acre parcel into 2 ,6, 1.. 3, and .F1 acre parc:e7.s in a M- 3 :�one on u .W. Banita Raad, west of S .W. 72nc� A,v�nue . 2. The site is designated "General Industrial" on the Tigard Community Plan, 1971. S.W. '72nd Avenu� is designated an ar- terial. street, requiring an 80 foot minimum right-of-way, and S .W. Bonita Str.eet is designated a, collector str.eet , re- quiring a FO foot right-of-way . � 3. The parcel and surrounding area are zoned �I-3, Light Indus- � tri.al, which has tlne following lot �ize requa.remen�s: � 0 6,000 square �eet �r�inirnum Iot si�e (1.8 .48.030(1) 0 6t) �eet minimum lot width (18.48 .030(2) 4 . Section 17. 36.020 of the Ti�ard Municipal Code reql�ires that each abut a public street so each lot will have pub.lic ac- cESS. I II . STAFF OBSERVATIONS : IThe site is generally �1at and is presently ocr,u�ied by a, �ood II processi.ng plant wi�Lh a 10, 000 square �oot ex�ansian ta the east ' in the �,rea of the proposed 1. 3 acre lot; . The remainde.r o;f the site is v�,ca.nt . The parcel. abuts S ,W. Banita Roaci and S.W. 72nd Avenue . The pr�p�sed lotting pattarzx provides access to e�,ch 1ot ei,ther onta S.W. 72nd Avenue or S .W. Banita RQad. Both streets lack the necessary right-a�-way and are substa.ndard in improvemeylt . �y4° `sY`n.. . � . s � . fi: �, �;,. �, I{? f,! STAFF REPORT AND FINAL ACTION �,. May 24, 1977 ���,; MLP 5-?7 � Page 2 ' � i:'. � ,�.�. ;;,! III . CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS: t. � (;;: � The proposed partiti�ning confa.rms �to the requirements of the Ti- ! gard Municipal Coc�e in that each. 1ot will ak�ut a public street and greater. than �,QOO square �e�t and 60 feet in wi:dth . r , IV. FINAL ACTION: Based on. the Findi.ngs of Fact and Conclusionary Findin�s, the praposed minor land parti.tion is hereby approv�d subject ta the following conditions: � 1. Adequa�te right-o�-�way to bring S.W. Bonita Rpad to 30 .feet f.rom cen�ter lin� be d�dicat�cd a1on� t�si;s px�op�a^ty 2 . Adequate xight-of-way to bring S .W. 72nd to 4� feet f�om c�nter line be dedicated alon� this propexty 3 . Agreements to paxticipate in a l�cal improvement di�tric� for S .W. 72nd Avenue aild S .W. Bonita Road bc �iled with the city recorder. �• ._.___. '� � R,ichard Bolen Planning Director ,' r; 1 �'�� , �' '%� '� ,,� ;,,� ,�' Y�—� �rL,�G''L��7ic'?�ly �/��✓—�!�``_' / " i, �, !! � � i; i ;i i � � i 4 � � � { � � F { ��. � . . . . .. . ... . . . � . � � � � . . i .. . . . . . . .. . . . � . . . . . � . . �� � t I . o+{j,. tit4:��� .. STAFF REPaRT AND FINAL ACTION May 24, 1977 '�� � DOCKET: S 10-'77 z ' RERUEST: To create a 13 lot subdivision on a 4. 37 acre parcel in a R- 10, Single Family ftesidentia.l zane " LOCATION: Between S.W. Fonner and S .W'. Erro7. Streets (Wash. Co . Tax Map 2S1 3AD, Tax �,ot 500) APPLICAN`1': Larry Jackson I . FINDINGS OF FACT: l. The applicar�t is requesti.ng permission to create a 13 lat ;� subdivision in accorciance with. Section 17. 16.100 of the Ti- gard Mun,icipal. Cod� for a 4 . 37 acr� parcel in a. R-10 zone. 2 . The site is designated "Suburban Density Residential" �n .l`TP III . The applicable policfes are as �ollows : Policy 4. Piotect th.e existing subur.ban charactex of this portion of the neighborhood :�rom encroachment by higher ciensity developments. The maximtz�n over- �4, all density af development will be three dwelling `. �� units or nine persons per gross acre. A higher , . density o� fqur uziits ox 12 person.s �er gxoss acre is a possibility within an approvECl planned uYiit d�velopment . Policy 5. Resic�ential subdivisions wi�.l �ie developed with ' paved streets, curbs and gutters , street lights, '�;; and walkways according to City or County stand- ards. A11 utilities will be placed underground. Policy 6 . Development will coincide with th.e pr.ovision of ublic streets water and sewage fac;ilities. P , � These facilities shall be (a) capable of ade- quately serving develo�ment and (,b� designed to ; meet Cit,y c�r County standards. i 3. S .W. Fonner Street is designated a local, stxeet on NP III , which requires a 50 foot right-of-way. 4. The site i.s zoned R-10, S�.ng].e �'ami.ly Residential. S�ction 18.20 0� the Tigard Mun.icipal Code requires that all lots in the R-10 zone be a minimum of 10,OQ0 sc�uaxe fe�t . .� Section 7.7. 16 . 100 states that : i�.i f:; ��� l`fi '.. �: ., �k __ . . . �? �i,. '�;�;:. ST[�FF REPORT AND FINAL ACTION May 24, 1977 �� S 10-77 . Page 2 1,": 1 ''No tentative pla,n for a proposed subdivision arid no tenta- E: tive plan for a major partition shall be approved unless : ' a. Streets and roads are laid out so as to conform to the plats of subdivision or ma,ps of major par.titi�on.s already ap�roved for adjoin�.ng pro�e.rty as to width , general di-- rection , and in all other respects, unless the City de- termines it to be in the public interest to madify the street or road ,pa.ttern b. Streets and roads held for private use are cleaz•ly indi- �ated on the tentative plan , anci all Y�eservations or re- strictions relating to such private roads a:nd streets are �et forth �' r:; c. The tentative plan complies with the comprehensive plan and applicable zoning regulations of the City then in effect �: d. No tentative plat of a subdivision oi m�:p of �. major �artition shall be approved unless there wil]. e.�i.st ade- quate quantity and qu�.lity of water �;nd an adequate sew- � age disposal system to support the propo�ed use of the ; land descr.ibed in the proposed plat . ..; �� II . STAFF OBSERVATIONS : �� s The parcel is a heavil.y vegetated site, easter7.y slopixi�, and surroundecl by singl.e family residences on 1ar�e lo�ts with septic , ; tanks . The parcel is an island connected to th� city by a 5(J foot wide lot ta the Uouth . ' , 'i The general character of the sur.rounding area is sozneWY�at rural with large lots, apen drainage, etc. S.W. Fonner Street is a 22 foot paved street with�ut curbs, gut- � ters, sidewal.ks, etc . on a 40 foot right-af-way . The pxc�poseci � preZiminaxy plat shaw� the ten foot dedicatian and half str�et ` improvement to Fonner St�reet, as requi.red by tY�e recen� zone ��; cha.nge (ZC 13-77� . A six inch �uater line is in S .W . I"onne'r Street �rit:h adequate , ; capacity ta servic� the pro�osed develo�ment. �� Sewer �s a,vailanle to the pro�erty �rom a tarunk �.ine in �he drainage swa].e 500 feet to t'h� south. The sewerage �ervice is ���,� � � �� � ;;; -�> , t,;; �, �>> ll, � . � � � ' . _ �;. i,`: �C�_;.. �,. �„ P'2 STAFF REPORT AND FINAL ACTION May L4, 19'77 ' � S 10�7�7 � l f � ° Page 3 proposed to be brought to the site�ble abut sta�ferevi�ewtandraps iK private property. This is permiss � �p assure its proval of the easement documents is necessary availability . The site will be servi.ced b,y the Tualatin Rura1 Fire Protec�tion District , whic;h has reviewed the plans and suggested moditying the plans by : 1. Either shortening the landscape island or p,rohibiting parking in the cul-de-sac 2 . Naming the north--south street S .W. 111th AvEnue . ested by �he firE �iistrict, sYioxten- OF the two atlexn�tives s.u�� ��ortening t�e lengt�i ZD ing the island is more desirab:Le . BY ark.1n against feet (ten feet from both ends) and prohibiting � �' the island, the public safet,y concerns are satis�ied. The Ti- gard School Di.strict also revieweadine andnun.loadin��schoold �'n o�f-street pick-up station for �o � children . Wh�en S .W. FoanWillsY�el�rea�tedith th� half street im- provem�nt , a refuge are �� IIT . CONCLUSIONAF�Y FINDINGS : Fi� =1. i t, Th� �xopos�c� pre�.iminary plat cQnforms to the N�' III in that ; � , aa The proposed density is �.97 units/a�re, whereas 3.0 � units/acxe is the maximum a7.lowable lat incorporates full street improvenrents b , Thc proposed p. ! to City standaxds c , Adequate street, water, and �ewerage ;�aci�.itie� are }., availabl� to service the �roposed development o:r wi.11 l�e pxovided as part of this development . ; i 2. The pro�osed prelirninary pl��dCO�un°�xpal�Co�e in�thataeach.� Titles 17 and 18 of the Tiga lot. ' �;, Abuts a cu.rrent pr pra�ased public str.eet i`'' b, Aas tY�e 10,OOQ Square feet lminimum lot si,z� . a! t�:. IV. FINAL AC;'.CZON; " � €'. � €,° r:. � � �' . . . . . . . � . � � .� .F z . : . . . � . . . . . . . . . '..( . . : . . . � .. . .. . �� .. . . � . . . . � . � . � . . . � � . . �. . . .�.�� � . . � . . ..� . . . � . � . . . � . . .. � . . . � ..:i � . . . . �� � . � � .... . . ... . . . � ---° ,,.. - . � .... �� . . _. �. . . . . . � . . : .��{ f... .': . . . . i � ��.,:' �"� . STAFF R�PORT AND FINAL ACTION May 24, Z977 � ��,��� S 10-7�7 � � � � �-.: Page 4 Eiased on the findir�gs o� fact and conclusionary findings, the proposed plat of "Wi,lderneas SuUdivision" is herek�y app.roved subject to the following conditions: 1. The .landscape island be shortenPd ten feet from each enc� 2, A landscape plan for the island be submi;t�ted fox de�i.gn r�- view with the �inal plat 3. Maintenance responsibil.ity be clearly assigned to the sur- rounding lots (4-10) 4. Access for Lo�ts 1 and 1.3 i�e provided from the cul-de-sac street . 5. The cul-de-sac st�eet be given a iiumbered name . I�ichard Bolen Planniri� Director ��G� �. �, � � . � ��� ✓��A _�;�z i' c�---,_ : G_:-�' i � �;�,.. `i��, uTAFF REPORT May .9, 197% �.^'r DOCKET: S 9-77 REQUEST: To create a 15 lot subd:ivision with an average lot si.ze o� 21,000 square �eet in a M-4 planned development zone LOCATION: S .W. 72nd Avenue and S .W. Varns Road APPLICANT: I'letcher Hanson• and Parsons I . FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The applicant is requesting preliminary plat approval in I accor�ance with Section 17. i6 . 1.00 of the Tigard Munici�al Code ta creatE a 15 lot subdivision with a minimum lot size of 19, 000 square feet as a part of an in�.ustri.al plarined development on S .W. 7?nd Avenue and S .W. ��arns Road. 2. Sectian 17. 16, 100 states : "No tentativ� pla�i for a proposed subdivision and no tenta- ti��e �lan fa.r a major partition shall be approved unless : �T 1. Stxeets anc� roads a.re la.id out so as to eonform to the �F plats of subdi.visions or m�.ps of niajor partitions al- ��� ready appraved for adjoining property a� to width, gen- eral dire�tion ancl in a11 �ther re�pects, unl.ess the City determines it t� be in the pu�lic interest to modify the s�tx•eet or road pattern ' i 2. Streets and roads held for private use are clearly in- + dicated on the tentativ� plan and a11 reservations or j restrictions relating to such ;private roads and streets ; , are set forth therean � � 3. The tentative plan complies with tYie comgrehensive plan ? and applicable zoning regulations of the C;i�ty then in ` � � effe�ct ��� ��� � 3 4 , No tentative pzat o� a subdivisian or map of a majar � partition sYiall be ap�roved unless t�ere will exist C � adequate c�uantity and quality of water an�� az� adequate ; sew�ge disposal sys�tem to support the proposed use of ` the land describ�d in i;he proposed plat. " � r � 3. 'i'he site is design.ated "G�neral Industrial" and a "M-4; In- j dustria]_ Pax�k Planned D�velopment'' wa� approved by Orc�i- � nanc� 76-37 which adopted a site development plan and f i � � j � a G ' i � � 4 �, � �' �'� ;i STAFF REPORT ;'`i ,�,. N�ay 9, 1977 ;�� il�'� S 9-77 �' Page 2 ` general development program with the fol]_owing conditions applicable to the proposed subdivision : �' 2. That twenty feet along S .W. 72nd Avenue be dedicated for the future widening of S.W. 72nd Avenue to arterial standards 3. An agreement to participate in a lc�cal improvement dis-- trict for the improvement of S .W. 72nd to City stan- dards to an arterial strest and the same typE o� agree- ment be attached to Lots 9, 14, and 11 to bring Varns Street up to Cit,y l�cal street standaxds 4 . A covenant to the deeds for Lots 1-8, 12, and 13 be exe-- cuted prohibiting access to S .W. 72nd and S .dV. Varns Streets. Lots 9, 10, and 11, which will ha�e access to S .W. Varns, shall be restricted frqm having throu�h access to the internal street 6 . A ten foot wide emergency vehicle access be �rovided a.J.ang eith�r Lot 1Q or 11 on a pedestx•ian path or ta ,� be constructed with six inches of base xock averladen � with sod and signed at k�oth S .W. Va�ns Street and the i unnamed intera_ox road t., r:; 7. The internal street with a 20 f.00t pavement width k�e 7�, constructed to (;ity standards for commercial streets and signed for no parking 8 . The bus turnout lane be dedicated and im�raved as part of the S.W. 72nd Avenue local improvement c�istrict 9 . Wheelcha.ir ramps be constructeci to City standards at the northwest corner of Lot 12, southwest a.nd southeast corner of Lot 13, tY�e northwest and northsast co�nex� nf Lot 1 and the si�reei: median 10 . A fiv� foot utility easement be �provided alon� a�l 1�?t ]_9.nes as deeded � S3 11. Access to Lots 2, 5, and 12 be combined with adjacez�t lots and access to Lot 9 be combined with Lot 8. �,c- cess to lots 14 and 15 be provided on the north and south, respectively, a.nd access to Lots l and �.3 be ,•� from the internal road, not thP entrance way " ;� � ,� � ��� � ��:;;i ,:; }s. ,�� ;;< . . . . . . . 4�:: - . . � .. . . .1 : .. .. � . . . � . � � � ... . . � � , . . ��; � � � _ � ... ... ... . . ... .. . . . . . . �� .....�. . . .. �... ... .... ..... . ..:,.. .�. �. . �� .� � � �� � � �.- `"�� STAFF REPORT ��< M�,y 9, 1977 � S 9-77 Page 3 12 , The storrn dra:inage and retention system be approved by the City Engineering Department , Washington County De- partment of Pu.blic Worlis, and the State Highway Depart- ment 13, A street opening permit onta S .W. 72nd be acquired from Washington County Department of Public Works 14. A street lightin� plan to Cit,y standards be approv�d by P.G.E. II . CONCLUSION.ARY FINDTNGS : l, The pro�osed preliminary plat substan�tially cc�nforms to i;he si�:e deve:l.opmei�t plan aciaptecl as Exhibit "A" a� Clydi- nance 76-37. 2. The proposed preliminary plat i�corporates the code devia- tions app.roved as part o� Exhik�it "B" a:f Or.dinance 76-37, such as street curves, sidew�.lks, l�t size and width, righi; o f way, and pavement wi�c�th, �, 3. The street pattern cor�forms to tYie Iocations of previously a, roved lats b lini� u onl access �oint with S .W. PP p Y g P Y Fir Street . 4. With the extension of a s�wer line loca.t�d in S.W. 72nd Avenue, south of S .W. Sanclburg Str�et , �.dequ�.te sew�rage service exists to servic� the proposed subdivision, � i 5 . Adeqizate water exists to se.rvice the site as a result of a 12, inch line in the S .W. 72nd �venue right-af-waq . 1 3 � III . FTNAL ACTION: , The proposed preliminary plat is hereby approvec� in accordance i with Section 17. 16 . 100 0� the Ti�ard .Municipal Code subject to �, the eonditions that, with the exception of Condi.tians � , 5, 15 � all conditions specified. in Ordi;nanc� '76-37 be perf�rmed with 3 the final plat . i � ; Richard Ba1en ; Planning Directox � . ��/ ,,./ r � ��� '�� � I / `�,,.-z.�.-,,�����..�:, ���-�- i - f'� i ��d. i � � i � � 1 �' � . -----= �. ——�— � �,, SUBDIVISION DOCKET: S 6-77 R�QUEST: Ta create a 9 lot subdivision with a 7,500 square foot lot size in a R-7 zone LOCATION: S .W . Tigard Street, north of S .W. Dakota Street (Wash . Co . Tax Map 1S 1 34CA, Tax I�ot 1(70, 200) i APP�ICANT: W. Brown/Ginther/Sea, Inc . ' i ; I . FINDINGS OF F'ACT: � !, � l . Z'he applicant is requesting preliminary plai, a,p,proval in � accordance with Section 17. 16. 100 of the Tigard Municipal � Code to subdi.vide a 2.46 acre parcel into 9 lots with an `? avPrage 1ot sa.ze of 7; �00 square feet i.n a R-7 Sing�.e Fam- � ily Residenti.al zone at the n.orthwest caxr��x Q� S .W. Tigard Street and S .W. Dakota Street . , 2. The site is designatec3 "Urban Low Density Residen�tial" on the Tigard Community Plan, 1971, which includes the follow= in� applicable land use polici�s : ,� � Ubjectives ji �.,_ C, 1. 'ro X�rovid� areas of the city having a predominately � ; single-family residentia,l character. _ � �. 2. To permit densities that will econom�cally �upport tlze F, cost of necessaxy public services and faciliti�s, such �; as paved streets, pedestria,n ways, anc� utilitiPS.. " };�, 3. To permit a variety �f housing types to meet the neec�s ;� of different family size and farnily ineome. ,�" ;' Policies and Standards .� 1. The maxirnum overall den�ity of development will be � four dwelling units or 12 persons pe,r �ross acre. '�h�s , amounts to a standard of 7,500 square �eet of 7,and per '-� dwelling unit , allowing �or streets and other open f' s�ace. Some are�,s will have a Iower densa.ty owing to- �,i t�pographp, existing developrnent pattexns or the deSire `' ' of indivi.duals to own a largex lot . r, .;: 2. Residen�tial. s�ubdivisions will be de�eloped' with paved '; ,. streets, curbs and gutters, street ligh�s, ancl walk- �; ways, accor,ding to City or County standard� : A1:7, utilities will be placec� underground: 'f' �r�� ,� x: .��. . . .. . . . . . �ti � � t;,� o.i; l`ca �,?; �� � � � � E,: ��`� z — --—-- — � f; . . 4�,. �d'i�7F='� �UBDIVISION ,�T., S 6-77 �,� Page 2 3. Development will. coincide cvith the provision of public st�eet�, water, and sewerage facilities. These facili- ; a ca able o� ad.e uatel serving a31 in- ; i s shall be Y t e ( ) p � � tervening properties as well as the proposed develop- ; ment, and (b) designed to meet City or County standards . � � 4. Planned unit development will be enc�oura<ged on tracts � large enough to accoanmodate ten or more dwellings. � Planned unit development will permit a degree o� flexi- bility in design that will enable a higher quality of ; development in accoxdance with zoning standards . ;; 3. S .W. Dakota �Street is designated a collectox street an the Tigard Community Plan, 1971. Applicable coll.ector str.eet �olicies are as follaws ; Purpose To collect and distribute traf�ic between arteria.l and lo- cal streets or directly to traffic destinations. A secon- ';' dary purpose is to provide access to abutting propPrties . � Policies and Standards �„ �� _ €? 1. The iollowing standards are xecommended for collec�or streets : �� l�ight-of-way width: 60 �oot mzna.mum r` Pa ement idth: 44 foot twa 13-�oot moving v w ( - 1ane� and two 9-f�ot parking lanes . 26 feet o� pavement at . intersections and c;rosswalks . 1 Nloving lanes : 2 '` Volume : 1,000-6,000 vehicle�s per day �' Driving s�eed: 20-35 miles per hour ,:; � 2. The standards described abov� are for collector streets f� ' in built-up areas where on-street par�ing �;nd direct a.ccess i;o property are permi�tted. In special casPs (such as large scal� subdivision whF�e access can be controlled, parka.zig spa�ce can be provided in o�f-street pax'kin� bays and wa7.kways can be providec� along rear lat lines) other standards t�na� be a,ppropriate. �' �, ,:. t'� A callector street without orr-street parking and with�-" �°� out curb-cuts tc, individual properties can be developec� � witY� 24-26 feet of driving paveznent. Such a street #_� serves one function---to move txa�fic. ` f''" � s ;�� �:;a �:� � — -- - -- - - ''� 1 s k �� {��.;. I ���� SUBDIVISION S 6-77 � � Page 3 � 3. The plan designates the following as collectox street : iI I North Dakota Street from 121st, Avenue to Tied�man Ave- nue. ; ; 4. The site is zoned R-?, Single Fami�.y Residential , which re- � qu�r•e� a 7, 500 square feet minimum loi; size. ' II , STAFF OBSERVATIONS : � The site is generally flat with an existing single family resi- dence and two outbuildings. Previous use appears to have been �,s a pasture. The site is surrounded by single family residences on somewhat lar�er lots. Th� general charat�ter of the a.r.ea. is newer sub- divisi.on around one- and two-acre parcels. Adjacent streets are S .W. Tigard Street and S .W. Dakota Stxeet, both of wh�.ch are substandard, with S .W. Dal�ota Street a.l.so Zacking the 60 foot r�ght-of-way required by the Tigard Commu- nity Plan, 1971. A :five foot dedica.tion alon�g S .W. Dakota and � a half stx�eet i.mprovement al.ong both S .W. Tigard and S .W. Da- kota Streets would bri.ng the proposal int� conformancE �ith the requirements of the Tigard Community Plan , 1971 and subdivi- sion ordinance for coll�etor streets . Th� applicant proposes to create a new 240 foot cu�.-de-sac. The site is within �he Metzger Water District, which can ade- quately service the subdivision :�rom an eight inch li,ne in S .W. Dakota Street and a six inch line in S .W. Tig�,.rd Street . An eight inch sanitar�y sewer line exists in both S .W. Dakota and S .W. Tigard Streets . This is adequate to serv�ce the site. III . CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS : 1. The proposed preliminary plat conforms to t�e Tigard Com- munity P1an, 1971 in that : (1) It is within the four dwelling units per acre limita- tion (2) The subdivision will be fully improved to Ci,ty stand- ards (3) As noted in the sta,ff observations, adequate water and sewerage facilities exist to service the subdivi.sion,, � � _ .. _.. _ i`� ��. `��C`�,�,.,, �`,.,j �:�J SU�3DI VI SION � S 6-7'7 � Page 4 ±'1 1 and, with the attackunent of ap�ropriate condi,tions, I adequate street facilities will be avai,lable. 2. The prnposed density con�oxms to the density limitations of the underlying R-7 zone in that each lot is 7, 500 square fee�t or l.arger. •� 3. The p'roposed street �ystem does not advexsely impact any previously pla�;ted street , IV. FINAL ACTION: � <i Based on the staff report, the proposed preliminary plats is found to be in conformance with the Tigard Community Plan, 1�7�_ and Titles 17 and �8 of the Tigard Municipal Code and is � hereby approved subject to the folZowa:n� eondit�.ons : 1. A half street improvPment be pr.ovided along S .W. Tigarci and S .W. Dakota Streets, with a fiy�; foot ciedication along S .W. Dakota St.reet . 2 . A �treet tree planting plan be submitted for S .W, Dakota a,nd �.W. Tigard Streets a.nd the new street, with a land- � �... scaped planter island provide�. in th� cul-de-sac, leaving a 24 fe�t minimum back out s�ace �rom cur.b to p:lanter. 3. Access points for Lot� 1 and � bs as far. from the intersec- tion �f S .W, `.t'igard and S.W. Da.kota Str�ets as allowable in the Tigard Municipal Code . Richard Bo1en Planning�D�.xector ,r-''�� � /' �/`��-�'�,� ����-�-:� ��?,��.:-���.-.... � z i� � .. , ,. . . . . . . . . . .. . ....... ...... _... . . ., .. .. .. . ... . . ... .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. � �..�I V�ywp. �'v�61:..; . SUBDIVISION , s,� � �_ '" �.,DOCKET: S 13-76 � r � � REQUEST: To create a four lot subdivision with a 20,UOO .square foot k lat size in a R-10, Single Family ResidFntial zone �, ,� �; LOCATION: S .W. Fairhaven Street, west of S.W . 110th Avenue (Wash. j Co . Tax Ma� 2S1 3bC, Tax Lot 700) Y; ;: APPLICANT: Barnum Homes , I . FINDINGS nF FACT: 1. The applicant is requesting �reliminary plat a�proval in ac- [' cordance with Seci;ion 17.16 .10� of the Tigard Municipal Code � to subdivide a 3.09 acre parcel into f�ur lots with an aver- i age lot size of �0, Q00 square �eet i.ni a "R-7, Sin�].e Family Residential" zone on � .W. Fairhaven Stre�t . 2. Section 17. 16 . 100 sta,tes that : '_ ;1 ''No tental;ive plan for a proposed s�bdivision and no tenta-- ta.ve plan for a major partition sriall b� a�proved unless : ` a. Streets and roads are laid out so as to conform to the 4?� �' '`=- plats of subdivisic�n or m�,ps of majo� partitians already '' Ya �" approved for adjoining propexty as �o width, general di- �;; rection, and in all 4ther respects, unless the City de- �;; termines it to be i:n th� public i.nte�est to modi�y the street or road patt;ern ;'. ,.!, b. Streets and roads hel.d for private use are clearly indi- ;j cated on the tentati:ve plan, and all reservations or re- strictzc�ns relating to such private roads anc� stre�ts t' are set �Corth tlxereon c, The tentative pl.an complies with the cnmp.rehei�sive plan ;_ and applicable zoning rEgulations of the City th�n in ef�ect � � 'i' �� ;.,;s d. Na tentative plat o� a subdivision or rnap af a nnajor �; partition shall be approved unless there will exist ade� quate sewage disposal system to sup�ort the proposec� use �� �;h� land described �:n the propqsed p�:at . �' � � � � � � � � � � �r, II . S�AFF OB'SERVATiONS : �� , ti�., ,`,i A, Site Candition.:s : !h ,., �,. ,: The site is a vacant, easterly sloping sit�� of 12 to 25 per- �`�� cent, creat.a.ng considerab].e deveXopment constraints, '� �. t ;'� �1 t� ��;3 r� -- ---- -- -- . � ��^ �, SUBDIVISION S 13-76 ��� n Page 2 The site is also transversed by a small creek along the eastern edge of the site. B. Situation: The site is surr�unded by single family residences, witk� a recently appr�ved 96 lot subdivision on �, heavily wooded parcel to the north . The creek portion o� tr,e site is sh�wn ta be included in the greenway �ysj.em, as depicted on NP TII . This can k�e realized by a 25 foot easenrent f,rom the center line ot the creek and the construction of a standarci bicycle/pedestrian path along its entirPty , C. Public Facilities : S .W, Fairhaven Street (wes1;� is fully improved to City stand- ards . The applicant i.� �roposing to add a, 36 �ppt radius cul-de-sac at its pr.E�sent ierminus . This creates a 550 foot cul--de�-�ac, which is proIz.i:bit�d by the Su:bdivision Code, but its extension is also prohibited by the NP III . In lighi: o� this conflict and eonsidering the topographical canstraints � - of the sit�, the cul-de-sac proposal is �axranted. With the minimal right-of-way, easem�nts will be required for side- walks . S .W. Fairhaven Street (east) is undeveloped at this tim�. � The appl:icant is propo�ing to extend the ri�ht-Qf-way t� the north boundary. �"his will assist the satis�action of the � condi.t ions for approval of the adj acent subdivision. The � e�act )_ocation is not known at thi.s time, and coordination with that d�velop�r is necessary. � A six i.nch water line crosses �he property in an east�west direc�tion and is adequate to Service the property. � A sewer main line exists along tk�e creek, through the site, j of adequate capacity ta serve th� proposed developcnent , The adjacent par.cels to the west are on sept�c tanks, which a�re t; having difficulty functionin� pro�erly. A 15 foot easement between Lots 1 and 2 wi11 pr�vide sewer access3:bility . �,; III . CONCLUSIONARY I'INDING� : 1. With the attachmen.t of conditions �he proposecl preliminax�y plat con�arms to the NP TII i.n that it is in keeping wi.th �� the character of the Su.rrounding area anc� at a much lower ' �r� density than adjacent subdivisions. ;, ; _ � � � � � � � � �,� x s.� `i��� I:,� j�,�; ,,: ,. :f � � � .� � � � . « . . ' � .0� S„ L(V��,�.. . �. .�,� _,�,s SUBDIVISION ! � S 13--76 � . Pa�e 3 2. The proposed density conforms to the densit,y limita�tions of the underlying R-10 zone . 3. TYie proposed street system con�orms to the previously plat- ted streets by providing ri,ght-of-wa.y for the westexly ex- tension o� S .W. Fairhaven Street and the cul-de-sac at th.e existing eastern terminus of S .W. F�.irhaven Street . 4. As noted in the staff observations, adequate water, sewer, street , arid recreation facilities are available to service the proposed subdivision . IV. FINAL ACTION: The propased preliminary plat is hexeby approved in accorda.nt;e with �Section 17. 16 . 100 of the Tigarcl Municipal Cod� subj�ct to the fallowing conditions : 1. Adequat;e right-of-way for the alignmen�t and extension of S .W. Fairhaven Street (east) be provided and caordina,ted with the platting o� the Genesis Subdivision � 2 . .�dequate side lot sewer easements be provided sa as to �.1- r ' low sewer con�lecti:on by those residences to the west 3 . A 25 foot easement be provided for greenway purpos�s and a i�er� faot bicycle/pedestrian path cans�ructed the entire north-sauth length of the site a].ong the creek 4 . The driveway for Lot 4 be constructed so as to save the ex- isting oak tree on the west side o� Lot 3 � 5. TY�e location of known springs be identi�ied and a drainage plan for handling tliis and any other surface or near surface water run-off be submitted wi�;h the subdivision construction drawings 6. A pedestrian path be providEd to connect the cul-de-sac with the portic�n of Fairhaven which will connect with �the Genesis Subdi�ision. .. _ . :I Richard Bolen � Plann.ing Director ,,--^� ,� ,,-�,,---� /�Jj ��L Z'`-�F�2-�LG,'` ! �.��-�'�ly��—�.. � .. . % �.� � . . . . .. � .