Planning Commission Packet - 06/21/1977 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. '`�., . "�. AGENDA TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � June 21, 19'77 - 7: 30 P.M. Fowler Junior High School - Lectux•e Roorn 10865 S .W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES : 4 . COMMUNICATIONS : 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS : 5. 1 ZONE CHANGE 3-77 (Mercury Development) NPO VII A request by Mercury Development, Inc , for general plan and program review of a praposed neigYiborhood shopping center at 1057� S .W. 122nd Avenue, south o� Scholls Ferr;y Road (Wash- ing�ton Coui�ty Tax Map 1S1 35B, Tax L�ts 400 and 5U0) 5.2 ZONE CH.A,NGE 22-77 (Sun Pace Corp. ) NPO VI A request by Sun Pace Corp. for preliminary plan and program reviEw af a proposed re�idential �lanned development for a 16 �, acre parcel on S.W. Sattler Raad (Wash . Ca . 'Pax �Iap 2S1 11A�7, Lot 6400) 5. 3 ZONE CHANGE 21-77 (Caffall) NPO I !� request by Richard H. Caffall far a zane ma,p amendmen�; to change the �or�ing designai;ion from Wa�hington County Zonirig "RU-4" to City of Tigard "R-7, Single Family Residential" for a 9. 7 acre parcel on S .W. Garrett and Ash (Wash . Co. Tax Ma.p 2S1 2CC, Tax Lot 401) 5 .4 ZONE CHANG� 20-77 (Osborn/Pohrman) NPO II A request by Len K. Osborn for a zone map arnendment to change the zoning designation fro�n Washington �ounty Zoning "RU-4" to City of Tigard "A-2, Mu1.�Gi-family Residential" for a 2 .94 acre parcel at 11335 S.W. Greenburg Road (Wash . Co . Tax Map 1S1 35CA, Tax Lots 900 and 100Q) 5 . 5 VARIANCE 4-77 (Peters) NPO TI A request by Ralph Peters foz a variance to 17.44.040 of the Tigard Municipal Code proposing that the sidewall� be construc- ted adjacent to the curb at 9830 S .W. McKenzie Street (Wash , Co. Tax Map 2S1 2AB, Tax Lot ?00) �, 6. OTHER BUSINESS: ,, . _ _ . _ . __ .. i � ( � �, ' _ ti � MINUTES � TIGARD PLAN�ING COMMTSSTON � �* June 2i, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. � Fowler J�unior Fii�h School - L�c:tur� Room � 1Q865 S .W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon i, }� 1. CALL TO ORDER: �1 i: 7: 35 P.M. �, �: "� r 2. ROLL C,ALL: j', Present : Nicoli, Sakata, Teped�_no , Moore, Goldbach, Wood � +; Excused Absence : Popp �' �:i Staff : B�len, LaWS, Edward�s � :; 3. AFPR.OVAL OF MI�UTES : � A�px°oved � 4. COMI�UNICATIONS : None �. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ' �y � i; 5. 1 ZC 3-77 (Mercury Develo�ament) �� A reuuest by Mercury Development , Inc. for general pTan a,nc� � �rogram reviPw of a pr��osed neighborhood shop�ing cerrter at 10575 S.W. 122nc� Ayenue, south of Sch.olls Ferry Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 35B, �ax �ots 440 anc� 50�) �! i; A. Staf� Report : `� � � � 4�: , o Read by Bo].en �' � � � 1. B. Applicant 's Presentat%on; �� o Cy Penn, Mercur,y DeV�lopment , asked; � :.; Tha�t the planned developz�ent `be applicable for two ta three years rather than the one year in the code and ;�I tYaat minor adjustm�nts �ie made to- the pl�.� at the staff level '; k:'I That a traffic lane be allowed betWeen the groeery ;'� stores and the lease store.s. -� t!� , � .;. ' ,;, �. �; �a. �. i; � . .;,,. ; , .. .. „ ,. . � ._ �, - �` ' . ,n4 ,; MINUTES TIGAR� PLANNING COMMISSION �� June 21, 1�77 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 2 o Roger Belanich, co-owner, stated: That substantial o,ff-street improvements had already been made that should apply to this zone �change That the corner tenants be allowed a law graund sign or wall sign That the traffic light cast be shared b,y all users in the area, rather than the sho�ping center alone. o Lew Zimmel requested that the shappin� center be al- lowed to develop in phases . C. Public Testimony: o Gene Crate.r questioned the type of, sup�rm�.xk.et tY��.t was being planned and asked if the �rocery sto.re would be similar to a 7-11. o Penn sta.ted that the ,grocexy would be Thri�ftway and � would keep r�gular h.aurs . ll. Staff Recommendation : o Staff suggested that a phasing progr�.m sh�uld b� submitted far staif appr�val and that the commisszon should give the ap�lica,nt some assurance that the �131,000 already spent could be construed as b��in- ning o� developm�nt �or� the project . � � � �i o That the lawii area is in character with the residen- tial neighborkzood. � I o That a commercial development should not be allo:wed s if a sxgnal is r�ot provided. � � � Sta�f recommends approval with the �pl�owing conditions : 1. Pa,ragxaph 3, Page 3 be amend�d t� read "a 32 sc�uare 9� foot wood mour�d sign o� wa<11 sigri be al].owed ox� `� the corner of S.tN. 121st and S.W, Scholls Ferr�y � �Zoad. Pith�r op�i�n� is to be illumit�ated �rom t;he �� ground (�ubject to design r�view,) . '� ' � � � ��a�a 2. A maximum of t�uo frees�andin� si�ns !`or, project 4a � identification, �ne on S.W. Scholl.s Ferry Road and ;{ E�� � �� � "i � `,� � � a _ ,� _ :i � �� �. .. MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � June 21, 1977 - ? : 30 P.M. Page 3 one at the main entrance of S.W. 121s�, be permit� ted; speci.fications as per Paragraph 2, Page 3 of the g�neral plan . 3. The sErvic� drive connecting the employee parking with the l,oading dock be eliminated �.nd th'is 130 by 24 foot �,�ea be utilized for landscaping. 4. That the preliminary subdivision plat be approved prior to issuance of any k�uilding permits. 5. That the freestariding buildings adjacent Sc':o1.ls Ferry, the Kiosk structureS and the prop�sed photo island building be architectu.rally compatible w�th the main structures. This includes design, mater- i.alc, and sign�.ng. 6. Landscape islands be placed ?� feet on center c�r ata aggregated amotznt in the deficient areas. 7. Serv�ice station , car wash, a.nd drive-in restaurant be deleted from "Uses Plar�iYed tor the Development" . t, 8 . Doughnut az��. ice cream shops shall not occup� sep- arate freestanding buildings. 9. Day care center be ad�ed as a permi�;ted us� and be actively sought as a tenar�t, possibly for the south- �rly p�rtion of tne eastern.' building. 10. Decorative light poles be installec� at street ac- cess points . 1,1. No bui].ding permits be is�ued until a �raffic signal has been provided (or its placement is imminent� at 121st and Scholls Ferry I�oade 12. S .W. Springwood Drive be imp�oved tc� City 1oca1 �treet standards for �: di,stance of. 2'70 feet west of the intersection of S.W. 122nd and S .W. Springwood Drive, 13. Scholls Ferry Road be impr�ved to O.H.S .D. standards : �a incl�:zde a TYpe I bike path. 14 . An eight foo� side'walk ve built `abu�ting the curb on 121st . .�,.. . - , ... . , _ __ ', �.. �,.;.- MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSI:UN �a' June 21, 1�77 - 7:30 P.M. Page 4 15. S .W. 12�nd be vac;ated prior to issuance of any , building permits. 16 . The landscape buffer be contin�zed along the w�st�rn end of the s�rvice drive. 17. An irrigation syst;em be specified for the site . ��� .�r>�-,.----Lf.-.a.-•-£.a.�.�m.�9Ad--a�m;fi�a�a-�•��i-S-�I'-9�(-��red-�-&--��a-�-�'• �.�;r'� dat.e._._i,n._.-p1•ac�--o-�-z-1�-e �-� ,>� .,a-e--�-,.�;-,-�--E�e�- ��, �,, ; �,� r��a-��--�v�-11 �e-�eq�t-�-r-e�. 18. All parking lot landscape areas be a zninimum of eigh� feet in wi�tth. 19. A f.our to fi.ve foat hz�h b�rm wi�i;h suf�icient laxid- � sca,ping to b�ock the view of th� b�.ck of the gro- cery store bE provided alc�ng the extension of S ,W. Springwood Dr.ive. 20. All aspects of completing the design work should ' ( include �:11 members of the design team, to include l,__ w�rking draw3rigs neaessary f.�x• buildir�g perm�.t is- su�.nce and reviaw �f constructian pragress . o �e�.anich request�d that only one stall be aeleted i,n fron�t of S �E. building and that he eould construct a, �, 500 square foot bizilding prior to thE znsta7.lation. of the tra�:�ic light . i o Staff outlin�c� code dc�viations on the �lan and asked th� Pl�,r��.ing Commission to dsterminP whethPr thi�y � shauld be permztted ar not ` ; , , a. 20 ver.sus 25 feet rear :yard setback i Y�. Landscape islands 70 .f�et an center. j ,. E. Commissioh Discussion : � r o Moore asked that a candition be at�ached to stat�, :� � ".floor area not exce.ed 5,Q00 square feet before a � traffic light is located at 121st and Scholls Ferry, � r I o Sakata outlined the past; histo,ry of the site and the i need for a traffic light'be�ore issuance of any � �uil.ding perrnit . � �w: � , � ; �, : i {! "�,.. ��...� � MINUTES TIGAR;D PLANNING COMMISSION �,, June 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.A4. Page 5 o Wood stated that a fast food restaurari� should bP subject to Plan.ning Commissian review. Wood moved and Moor.e seconded for approval with 20 staff conditi�ns plus 21. That the applicant be allowed to build a 5,UD0 square foot or less building on the co:rner ot 121st and Scholls Ferry Road prior to install.ation of a light . 22. A variance be allowed to permit a 20 foot rear yard setback. � 23» A fast f.00d restaurant n�t be a permi�tecl use. ' i f 24. Buildin� on c�rner of 121st and Scholl� T'erry Raad � ' be o� the same architectural. theme as the rest o� � the developrnent . } � 25. A phased development plan be submitted if c�esired. ;� � ��- 26. Present off-st,:eet improvements substantiate an im- provement t� the site. � �oore moved an.d Wood sec4nd.ed to amend the motion to in- clude Condition 27, "A request by �'lanning Commis�i�n �� § the City Council to determine what means i.f any could ;! �elieve the developer of the full res�onsibility for "' ;. the traffic ligh,�t" . ,', �, � The motian carra.ed in a five to one voice voi,�, with �'; Sakata dissentiilg. ;;, °<i 5.2 7C 22-77 (Berge,y) , ;i A rec�uest by Bruce Bergey for r�re].irnina�ry plan and program ;� r�view of a proposed residential plaaxned developnn�nt for a `r1 16 acre parcel an S.W . Sattler Road (Wash. Co . T�.x r.4ap 2S1 ?' ; 11AD, Tax Lot 6400} �,}, ,.;� .�. Staff Report : �` ,: � o Reac� by Laws , �,! I F3, Applir,ant !s Presentation : �� f;i f' �� 3 �;; �� €�� � ti' ', �+,.._ `'v.`�,.•- ; �::'+ MTNUTES :� �. TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ': � June 21, 1977 - 7 : 30 P.M. '{ � Page 6 �: , o Bruce Bergey, applicant, stated that a City staff n,; change had resulted in confusion in �the pur�ose of " the planned developmerzt , �;hat he would prefer 64 single family residences rai;her than duplexes as shown on the plan. o Tepedino inquired whether �he applicant would wish to withdraw the applicai:ion . €, Goldbach moved and Wood seconded �to table the prc�posal until such time as the applieant resubmits a plan and pr.ogram that meets the requirements of the planned de- velopment district . The mo�tion was approved by unanimous voice vote. F,< , o V�ood stated that two problems existed with the sub-- � m�ssion : 1. That �the applicant had ch�.nged his propos�,I af- tEr the writing of the staff report . �� 1 �_ 2 . That al7_ the mat�rial required for a. preliminary a planned development h�.d not been submitt�d. R ��5. 3 ZC �l�-'77 (Ca.ff�.11) 3 A, r.equest by Richard H. Caffall for �. zone ma,p amendrn�nt to s change the zc��ing designation from Washington County Zonin� � "H;U-4'' to �;i�ty of Tigarc� "R-7, Single Family Resiclential" for a 9. 7 acre parcel ori S.W. Garre�tt and Ash (Wa.sh , Co . Tax Map 2S1 2CC, Tax Lot 401) � ' a A. Sta�� R�port : ' o Read by Laws �I '`:� B. A�plicantTs Presentation: o Bill McMonagle, Mc�tona�gle & Harris Associat�s , stated �;,; that the applic;ant did not have control �f the land in the coarner �� Garr�tt and Ash Streets but that ,<' these isst�es could be resolved at the staff 1eve7. . o Staf:� st,ated that 'Mrs . Jacobsen, owner of the corner ' .lot, was agreeable to dedicating right-of-way for irn-� praviiz� tl�e c��rier ar�d would considex anrex�ng to the = , : City. C. Public Testirnony: ` ` .. . . . . . � . � � . �� G:r In tavor : t.:; ����:. F` �: . . . � �.��. . ��3 I� _ � � i � . C � ��. �,. � MINUTES + TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � t�' June 21, 1977 - 7 : 30 P.M. '; �` Page ? ' i � o Lionel Dameries questioned alternate zoning solutions j for that parcel . o Bob Jones , Ash Street , stated that the former owner had wished the land to be designated as open space. o Paul phillips questianed Future street improvements. D. Staf� Recommendation : Based on the findings af fact and con�^lusionary find- ings, the sta�f recomn�ends approva7_ of the request sub- ject to the following conditions : 1, Five feet of right-af-way be dedicated along both S.W. AsY� and S .W. Uarrett Streets for stree�L pur-- poses . 2 . B�cause of �the approximate�.y 400 additional tra�fic trips which will be generated when this property is developed at the density permitted by tYae R-7 zone, �Af an.y development proposal for this property should, �, therefore, include improvements to the int�rsection o� S .W. �lsh Avenue and S .W. Garrett Street as may be necessary to accommodat� this addi�tional traffic. o I14r. Caffall , applicant, sta�ed he was merely asking �or comparable City zoning. E. Commission Discussion : Wood ma�ved and Galdba,ah secanded for approval. baseci on staff findings. The motion was approved by unanimous voic,e vote. 5.4 ZC 20-77 (Osb'I�rn/Pohrman) A request by Len K. Osborn for a zone map amendment to change the zoning deaignation, �rom. Washin�ton Caunty Z�ning "RU-4" to City of Tigard "A-2, Multi-�amil,y Residentia.l" for a 2. 94 acre parcel at 11335 S.W. Greeriburg koad (Wash. Co . Tax Ma,p 1S1 35CA, Tax Lots J00 and 1Q�0) A. Staff Report : o N,eaci by Laws � � �,i `� . �,�_ MINUTES TIGARD FLANNTNG COrdMISSION �,� June �1, 1977 - 7 : 3U P.M. + �L d 4✓ � B. Applicant `s Presentation: o John Stapletan, representing the applicant, stated that the staff recommendatioz� w�as acceptable to Mr. Osbor.n. C. Public Testimony: In favor: none In apposition : o Staff re�.d a letter f�rom ,Great Western Chemical Co. protesting the zone chang�. D. Staff Recommenda.tic�n: Based on tk�e fi.ndings of fac�t ancl conclusi�nar� find- ings, the staff recommends approval. of the request su�- � ject to the following c�ndition : ; , I l. File with tYie City Recorder an agreeraent not to re- � mc�nstrate against a Local. Im�rovement District fQr street impravements ta S.W. Greenburg R�ad. E. Commission Discus�ion : c N�oor_e moved and Wood seconded for ap�roval k�asec� on staff _f.indings and wi�i;h staff rec:ammendation. ; �'he motian: was approved by unanimous voice vate. a; 5. 5 V 4-77 (P�eter�) � �i A request by R,alph Peters for a vaxiarice to 17.4�.C140 oF '. the Tigard Muni�ipal Code praposing th�.t the sidewalk be ; � constrtzct�d adjacent to the curb at 9830 S .W. McK�nzie ;� S�re�t (�Nash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2L'B, Ta�� Lot 700) A,. Staff Report : ;' o Read by �,aws ; , B. Applicant 's presentation : I 4, o Charlotte 01son, representing the appli�ant , offerecl ' � il �a answer any que�tions of the Plannin� Commissiot�� 9I a, � f' , � �, �l � � _ .. _.... , , i `��,.. MINUTES TIGARD PI,ANNING COMMISSION � June 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P,M. Page 9 C. Staff Recommendation : Staff recommends approval subject to �he following con- ditioris: 1. The sidewalk shall be located contiguous to the pre- viously approved curb line. 2. The sidewalk shall be four feet wide, when measured from the face of the curb. 3. The sidewalk shall meander, when necessary, aiounr� existing trees ; easements to be provided, where ne- cessary, by the developer. 4 . The sidewalk shall conform to City standard speci- ficai;ions in a,ll �espects, except as noted above. n. Commission Discussion : G�ldbach moved and Wood seconded for a�pro�al with sta.ff � recommenda.tions. 6. OTHER BUSINESS : 6. 1 Staff presented a proposed pa�rking lot for the Farmers P1.an- ned Development� 'i� o Bill Finley, representing Farmers Planned Develapment , 'I stated that the intent of parkin� lot would be to serve i tor overflow traffic and be us�d by the future devElop- I ment to ,the northeast and also suggestEd that at a later � I c�ate the Pl�,nning Commission cor�sic�er red.ucin.g caY° stan- � dards to allow for compact ca�s . � o Staff recommenderi that Sites 1 and 2 not be dPVeloped � t� -the rnaximum allowable under 1;he planned d�velopment as long as Farmers is using the �ot �o.r overflow pax•ksng. j �� Nicoli moved arld Goldbach secondeti to approve with sta,ff ! i recammendatioris. y The motion was approved with five in favor and Wood abstain- � ing � 6.2 Clarification of condition attached to Kutsch subdivision. � � �� � � � + � � , i F j, _ . � � . :. . . :..._ _.:._. _. �� ��.. . MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � June 21, 197? - 7:30 P.M. Page 10 o Neil Peterson, �,pplicant 's engineer, stated they h�.d been under the impression that they would only have to improve to the property line, x�ather than extendir�g the road to S .W. Fairhaven. o Commission discussion on t�e road extension . o Nicol.i and Wood stated that it was not their intention for the developer to pay for an off-site impr�vement of S .W. F�.irhaven . Wooc� moved and Nicoli seconded that the condition to improve the stree�t to S.W. Fairhaven be removed. The motion was approved with four in favor and Wood and Sa- kata abstaining. 6 . 3 Staff presEnt�d a proposal by Howard Glazer to change his planned d�velopment �ram two story units to one stor,y, three beciroom to two, and one largE parking lot to two small lots . o Nicoli �bjec�ted to lack ai back doors and access to open � areas. o Wood stated that more variation to the face and backs of the units should be encouraged. WQOd moved and Goldbach seconded to revise the arch,ite�tur� to alleviate the linear barracks facia and to ,�rovide rear access. The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote. 6.4 8ta�i inf�rmed the board of City Council action on the 135th S�t;reet extensi.on . Wc�od muved and Tepedino seconded that �he Plannir�g Commis- sion request o� the Cit,y Council that any revisions of the NPO #3 t�°affic circulation plan which embocti:�s substantial c,hanges from the request made Y�y NPO #3 be sent back tor public hearirig by the Planning Commissian. The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote. 6.5 City Council hearing July 1.1. 6.6 Staff presented two letters, one from Tom Whittaker and � another from Yvonne Addington in regard to changing the de- � 5igiiation far a, p1.2C2 c� �wr� in NPJ 5. 7. ADJOURNI�4ENT: 11 ;�5 P.M. � ��... . � ��� - � - -- - : - ; �L �4:�- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING .� ��..: TIGARD PT,ANNTNG COMMISSION June 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.114. Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Roon� 10$65 S .W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS : 5 . ]. ZONE CHANGE 3--77 (Mercury Development) NPO VII A request by Mercury Developrnez�t , Inc . for g�eneral plan and pro�ram review of a proposed neighbox•hood shoppin� center a�t 10575 S .W. 122nd Avenue, south of Scholls F'erry Road (Washing- ton Count,y Tax Map 1S1 35B, Tax Lot 400 and 500) 5.� ZONE CHA,NGE 22-77 (Sun Pace Corp. ) NPO VI A. request by Sun Pace Corp . for preliminary plan and progr�.m review of a proposed residential planned. d�velopment for a 16 acre parcel on S .W. Sattler Road (Wash< Co . Tax Map 2S1 11AT�, Lot 6400) 5 . 3 �ONE CHANGE 20-77 (Osborn/Pohrman) NPO II A reqlzest by L�n K. Osborn for a zone map amendment to change � the ?oning designation from Washington County Zoning "RU-4" to City of Tigard "P.-2, Multi-family residential" for a 2 .94 acre parcel at 1.1335 S .W. Greenburg Road (Wash. Ca . Tax D4ap 151. 35CA, Tax Lots 900 and 1000) 5 .4 ZONE C;HANGE 21-77 (Caffall) Npp I A request by Richard H. Caffall for a zone map amendrnent to change the zoning designation from Washington Coun�y Zoning "FtU-4" to City of Ti�ard "R-?, Single Family Resi:dential" for a g .7 acre pa.rcel on S .W. Ga,rrett and Ash (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2CC, Tax Lot 40�) 5 .5 VA�tIANCE 4--77 (Feters) NPO II A xequest by �Zalph PPters for a variance to 17.44 .040 of the �i Tiga.rd Muni�ipal Coc1e proposing that the sidewalk be construc- �I, ted adjacen�t to the curb at 9830 S.W. McKenzie Street (Wash. Ca. Tax Map 2'S1 2BB, Ta� Lc�t 700) ' � S i � All persons having an interest in the hearing matter are invited to j appear and subrrsit oral and written testimony ar submit written testi-- i mony in advanc� of the meeting. i ' � {Pt�blish in TT 6-�16-77 ) �. � ; � � � �, — __ . �... �u.... HARRTS-MCMUNAC�LE ASSOCIAT�S l�N6I NF�RB—.9F7RVlYOR9 8f/06 19.W.QOMAfERQIAL STRH7ET ( TICiARD.ORSG}01+7 97229 \- TEL�PIiON� (60�) 6SA-3463 June 7, 1977 Mr. Dick Bolen Planning Director City af Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 R�: Renee' Park � � Dear Dick: , F! � Upan annexat2on the property designa�ed as Tax Lot 401 25-1-2Cc and currentl,y zone RV-4 Washington County designation will ��;. be re-desig�ated to th�e City of Tigard comparable zone of R-7. We feel that the zone o�' R-7 is prop�r for �hi� �a^e� a� it � hl�nds with the existing mode af development, ;� � The proposed zoning o� R-7 will conform to the comprehensive p1an and N.P.O. #1 guide lines for this area. We therefQr respecti�ely requ@st that you nroceed with the necessar,y hearir�g to fac�litat� this zone change. � �:; ��� 11ery tru yours, � ���� •�C S; 4f' t,� W . McMona i;. arris-McMo agle Associates �.'� rr'; �.::4 �.i w�M:as �;� ��f: �� �;� �� � ��� '� � � R� . . . . . .. . . . � � . . � . - . .. � � . .�j � , ... . � . . , . . .. , .... , �_.., ... ,�:, � .�. .�... .. . .. .. .. ,..«,.. ..,�.�. . , a . �.: ... , .� . . i . . �. �- �.. . . . .. .: . ..___ �'�.- �`v.., STAFF REPORT TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �,�,,. AGENDA 5 . 1 June 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Fo�vler Junior High School - Lecture Room 10865 S . L'V. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oxegon , DOCKET: Zone Change ZC 3-77 REQUEST: Genzral plan and program review o� a commer�ial planned development L,OCATION: Southwest corner of S .W. Scholls F'erry Ftoad and S.W. I 121at Avenue APPLICANT: Mercury Development Company, Inc . /Joe Meats D & B Development Company/Cornmonwealtti Pz•operties I . F];NDINGS OF FACT: 1. The site �.s ciesignated "Community Shopping" on the Tigard Communit,y Plano 2. 3. 5 acres of the site was ,previously approv�d for a "Neigh- borhood Commercial Planned Development" . Tlze remaining ' c seve� acres i� a ortion art o� a rec�ntl annexed 28 acre p P Y I' �" parcel that is still zoned "Suburba.n Residential" , �ermit- f �- ting one acr� mi.nimum parcel size. 3. Section 1� .5F.0]_0 af the Tigard Niunicipal Code states : "Tti� purpose �f the planned devel�pment district is to pro- vide opportunities to create more desi.r.able environments thr.ough the application af flexible and diversified land � development sta,ndards under a compreh�nsive plan and pro- � gram professionally prepared. The planned development dis- trict �.s intended to bP used to encourage �the application of ne�v �techniques and new technology to community develop- ment which will result in superior living or developm�nt arrai�gements with lasting values. It is furthPx intended to ach�.ieve er,onomies in land development, maintenance, street maintenance, street systems, and utility networks w�iil� p.roviding building groupings far privacy, usable and attractive onen spaces, safe circulation, and the� genEral well-being of �the inhabitants. 4 . On April 5, 1977 the Ti.gard Planning Commission appxoved tY�e preliminary plan for tlais site wi.th tYae following co�-• ditions: � - .,„ , : _ _ ,:. � � i '�. ` , ��.. STAFF REPORT � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION V, �� AGENDA 5 . 1 June 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. � � Page 2 � { a. The shopping cent�r site be expanded to the west to lessen the site' s congestion and south to provide for � a more �unctiona]_ sexvice, circulation, and parking ; area and additional landscaping. This should extend � to the extension of S .W. Springwood Drive . i; l b . A singular entrance poi.nt onto S,W. Scholls Ferry Road � be explored with the State I�Iighway Division and ap- � proved by the planning directar . If two access ,points ; are warranted and in the public interest, the bank driveway should be relocated away from the access onto ; S .W, Scholl� Ferry Road and landscape cn�.rgin strips be � utilized to more adequately define tk�e major driveways . � � standin si ns one for each ���� c . A maximum of two free g g , �, �.nd S ,W. ].�l.si; frc�n�age onto S.W� Schol].s Fexry Road ; Avenue identifying th� name of the shopping center to ;.. to k�e noted anr� accotnpanied with a signing program "� utilz�ing individual tenan�t wall sigtis as part of the :; buildin� ��.ci�., provid�d tYie signing program should be °� � prepared by the design team. ;' � �: . � ' d. All parking lot l�:ndscape a.reas be a minimum of eight � feet in width. e. A f�ur to five foot hi�h berm with sufficiez�t land- � scapin� to block the view of th� back of the groc�ry � store be provided along the extensinn of S.W. Spring- Y� waod Urive. � f . A minor lan�l pa.rtitian or preliminar� subdivision plat =�i be submi�tteci with the g�nera.l plan and pragr��,m. 4, g< l�ll aspects �f compl.etirig the design work should in- ' clude all meinbers of th� design team, to inc_l�ude woxk- ; ing drawings nec�ssary .fo.r building permit issuance �� a.nd review o� construction progress. �� ,t �; ;; II , STAFF OBSERVATIONS : u .. � . . . . .� .P: The applicant is requesting general plan and program revzew. �; in accordance with. Section 18 .56. 020 of the Tigard Munici- �: pa� Code for a �.0.9 acre Neighborhoo� Gornmercial Planned " Development at `the southwest corrier of a .W. Scholls Ferry k , Road and S .W. 121st Street . } -,; � ; � � �„ i � s � I I � i , i . i �° ;: , . _ — I �` L'I k �. li STAFF REPORT � AGENDA 5. 1 f�, TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION June 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 3 Planning Commission Conditions : Tn general , the applicant has xesponded to the concerns of the Planning Commission during the preliminary review. The site has been expanded 8/10 of an ac_re, which has alleviated circulation problems. 'Phe hank drive-in has been relocated so that it no longer conflicts with the entry o�f Scho�ls Ferry Road. As per Condition �#3, two low freestanding signs have been loc�.ted ori the site. How- ever, both are locatPd on Scholls F�rry Road, and only one is for proj�ct identification. Since this i.s designater� as a neighborhood shopping center to serve the needs of the sur- rounding community, if a second sign is desired, it should state the prc�ject name and be located at the main entry on � S.W. 121st . On Page 3, Paragraph 3 of the general program, mention is mad� of an �30 square foot wall sign for the building on the �orner of Scholls and 121st . Since this center is not intended to be ar.terial i;.ra:ffic orri.ented, a1.1 wall signs should be internal to the project and in scale with the building. ` Condition #5 of preliminary approval rEquired that sufficient ;: landsca.ping be specified to block the re�.r view of the stores I.': fron� the future residential development to be located acros� �"� f; S .W. Springwood Drive. The applicant has only allotted a ten ;; foot strip along most S .W. Springwood, This should be in- k� creased where paving is not necessary. For in.stance, S.W. Springwood Drive could be utilized as access :for the parking and loading area to the west . Employee parking for this area ' could then pe separated from the loading arEa for the grocery store by landscaping, thereby cu�ttin� down repet;itious paving and increasing the screening around a traditionally unsightly area. Condition #6 asked that the prelirninary subdivision plat be brought to the Planning Commission the same time as the general '� plan . This now can be done at the staff level; howev�r, the ' applicant should note that the rear yard setback abutl;ing a re- sidential zone is 25 feet, rather th�,n the 20 feet shown . If. no change is desired, this should be recognized as an accepted ; code deviation . � Gener�,l Program Analysis ;± __ — � - Page 2, "Typical Buildings" - does not menti.on the architec-� ; ture af the Kiosk structures or the p.roposed photo mat . In a I.,� �. � ��'{ .. �'y,w . �`.i i,�� {a.� . . . � . . . � . � �i. p r.. ` _ `y '��, STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5. 1 �:y TTGARD PLANNING COMMISSIUN June 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 4 keeping with the project they should be similar in architecture, materials, and color to r�st of the project . It is also im- portant tha�t the freestanding buildings adjacent Scholls Ferry closely adhe.re to the architectural plan. Page 2, Code Deviations - The applicant states that no cade de- viations are being requested; however, �Lhe code requirement f�r landscape islands '70 feet on center is not adhered to in the plan . Numerous areas, particularly in front of the st�res have ten to 12. continuaus spaces with no landscaping. SincE the code requires only 272 parking spaces and the plan specifies 4Q? spaces, there is no logical reason to justify this code de- viat ion . Page 2, "Uses Planned for the Development" - Under uses to b� ' al].owed, the applicant h�.s included service station, car wash, and drive-in restaurant . Because of the potential unsuitabil- ity of these uses in a R�sidential Shopping Centex•, they should not be included as permitted u�es. Doughnut and i.r,e cream �hops are also specified. These coLtld �`` be permitted bu-t not in separate fr.eestandiYig buildings. ...... The applicant should mal�e a demonstrative effort to en�ourage uses oriented to• the surrounding community. In rega�d to tYie community need, a "Day Care Center" should be added to the per�-- mitted Yxse 1�_st, and the landscaped area south of tk�e most easterly bui.lding could have the option of. being a children 's play area i.f it is possible to attract a day care cetiter to the project . Page 3, "Signing Program" - As per. Plannin� Commission Condi- tion #3, the applica,nt should be allowed two freestanding pro- ject signs, one on Scholls F'erry and one on S .W. 121st , speci- :fications �.s outlined in Paragraph 2, Page 3 of the general program. Paragraph #3, Page � should be deleted as explained earlier, and the signing program for the bui:lding on �the corner o� 121s`t and Scholls Ferry comply with that outlined under Paragraph 4 - Occupancy Signs� : Page 3, "Lighting Pragram" - As outlined, this is acceptable; however, standard but decorative light poles shoul.d be used at stxeet access points. I � � � 7 '' `.i �. . STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5. 1 '� TIGARD PLANNING CdMMISSION �7une 21, 1.977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 5 General Review: All necessary public :facilities are present or will be pro- vided by the developer with the exception of a traf�ic signal D e at tY.�e intersection of S .W. 121st and Scholls Ferry Road. u to the additional traffic which this facility will gene.r.ate (7,800 veYiicles average weekday - See letter from O.S .H.D. ) , development should not occur until this intersec�tion has t�een signali�ed (a condition of the originaT approval on the smal- ler parcel in ].975) . S .W. Springwood Drive is shown to extend only 265 feet . Ac- c>o�ding to plans for this area, it should be continued another �70 feet . S .W. Scholls Ferry Road is in substandard condition and. will_ need to be improvecl in the future. The vacation of S .W. 1�2nd has not been accomplished. This shoiald be done prior to the issuanc� of the building permit . ��_ The seraice drive is shown to stub at the property line . Since th.ere is no need for this drive to continue, �the land:scapP buf- �er shoul.d be cont inLied. ' No m�fhod of irrigation was specifiPd on the landscape pl�.n. In thi� type c�.f develc�pment an irrigation system Nhould be used to assuxe plant survi�Tal and tYiat watering wi11 take place with the 3east conflict to �tY�e user� af the site. I I 1 . STAFF FtECOMMENDATIO�T: Staf.� xecommeinds apprava7. with t�ie fe�llow�.r�g cQ�zdi,ti�ons; l. Paragra,ph 3, Page 3 0� the general p�ng�azn be de�etec�. 2. A maximum �� two ;�rees�:andin� �igns, one on S .�'. Sch,Qa1S ' Ferry Road and one at the main entxance of S.W; 121st , k�e ' permitted; speci�ications as per Parag'raph. 2, k��ge 3 o:f the general plan . 3. The service drive connect�,ng the ernpl.oyse �a�k.ing �r'��h t:h:e loac�.ing dock be eliminated arad this 130 b�y `L4 foot area `be utilized for landscaping. . { �`.- 4' �.' S'dr-" . � � STAFF R,EPORT ; �:- AGENDA 5. 1 � TIG:ARD PLANNTNG COMMISSION June 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 6 4 . That the prelimina.ry subdivision plat be approved prior to issuance of �.ny building permits. 5. That the freestanding k�uildings adjacent Scholls Ferry, the Kiosk structure, and the� proposed photo island building be architecturally compatible with the main structures . This includes design, materials, and signing. 6. Landscape islands be placed 70 feet on center or an a�gre- gated amount in the deficient areas . 7, Service sta.tion, car wash, and drive-in restaur�,n-L be de- leted from °`Uses Platined for the Development" 8 . Doughnut and ice cream shops sh�.l]. not occupy s�p�.rate freestanding Y�uildings . �. Day Care Center be added as a permitted us� and be actively sought as a tenant possibly for the southerly �orti.on of the eastern k�uilding. ,� �. 10. Decorative light poles be installed at street access points . 11, No building permi�ts be issued unti.l �, �raffic signal has k�een provided (or ii;s placement is imminent) at 121st and Scholls FPrry Road, 12 . S .W. Springwooti Driv� �e imprc�v�d to City local street standards far a distance of 270 �eet w�st of the intersec- tion �f S.W. 122nd and S.W. Springwood Drive. 13. Schol.ls Ferry Road be im�roved t� n.H.S :ll. standar�.s to incl�ude a Type I hike path. 14. An eigh�; :foot sidewalk be built abutting the curb �n 121st . 15. S.W. 122nd be vacated prior to �i,ssuance of any buaild'ingv permits. :16. The landscape buffer b� continued dlong the western enc� of th� se�r�ice drive. 17. An ix•rigation system be specif�.ecl for the sit�. . P . ' . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . ..� � . . � .. .. . . . . .'._ � , ...�. 'i � ��;. �., I �µ; STAFF REPORT m� AGENDA 5. 1 �,, , TIGARD P�,ANNIN� COA�MISSION ' � <7une 21, 1977 -- 7: 30 l�.M. � f Page 7 � �' � � 18. If a high traffic generating us� such as a fas� food re-- F staurant is proposed at a later c�ate iia pla:ce of the bank, 1; separate Planning Commission review and approval will be }� h required. ",' �: � � � � � � � #��� . . . .� � i;:,�. kr �XI� . � � . . f,'.. �i +:1 . . . � �.t.'. f'; 1 ;i `.. � �.,..:�.1 1.'.� ;ri �i � }% i. �`i yA,: a�; yii t'; . . � � . . �F��, . . . . . . � . .. . F�:+, .. . . . . . � � . i�,,�i . . . � . � . . .. . � }.�''ll . . .. � ' . t):-� .� . . . . . . � i� . . . . . . . . . "``.:� . . . . . � � � t,� � . . � . � . . . . . . �tiA . . � � . . . � . . . . S�.. . .. . . . . . � . � � . . C':�: � � � . � � . . , . . . . � . . .. . ��� � �� � � . . . . . . � � � � . . �. ��':'. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . lc,. . . � . . . . � . .. . � � �. . .. . � . . �{;. �.., . . .. . � . . . . � ' . �.,:.�. ... � . � . . � . . � . . � . . . . . . . . . . �A . ' . � � . . . . . . . ti J� . . . � . � .. 1`. 1 �ryF��� . . . . . . . . � J: � ��. . .. . . . .. , . � . . . . . .. . . � I'. � . . � . . � . � .. t�. .. . . . . . . . . �:. 4;,c .. . . . . . . . j 1 4�� 4: �::f t4't4� �1��.� ���. �. : . . ... , r. .:.. , i.. .. .� . . . . . . �.� � .... � :i:�. .' . , , .0 :... .. � � .... . . ..:�. £y. .. � . ��,. �+... STAFF RFPORT ,,,: �GENDA 5,2 � � TIGARD PLANNING CQMMISSION ��:, June 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Fowl�l JuYlic�r High Scl7oal - L�eture Room 10865 S .W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon 'i � , DOCKET; Zone Chan�e LC 22-77 � ; _ . REQUEST: Fo.r preliminary plan and pro�ram review of a proposed i re�idential planned devel�prnent for a 16 acre parcel , , I . I,OC�TION: S,W. Sattl�r Street at Hall Baulevard (Wash. Co. Tax ; Map 2S1 11AD, Tax Lot 6460) ! . APPLICANT: BrucE Bu.rgey � i F , � I . FINDINGS OF �'ACT: � 1. On April 26, 197'7 an appl.icati.on �or a �1 10� stzbdivision ti on a 16 acre parcel was �ubmitted by A�ro Bt�r�eya Af��r re- viewing the preliminary plan, •the plannirlg director c�eter-� ` mined that the proposed platting and moci.ification of the a drainage way was undesirable anc� contrary to the pca.�icies � of the Tigard Community Plan, 1971. z �_ 2. A revised lotting pattern as a Planned Unit Develo�ment � (P .U.D. ) with retention of the dr�.inage way an,d wooded area � as an open recrea�ion space ��as suggPSted by the �lanning � director to be a more acceptable praposal . 3. The site :i� designated "Urban Low Aensity" on the Ti�ard = Community Plan, 1971. Applicable policies from the plan ! a.re as follows : '� Objectives (1) To pr�vide areas of the city having a pred�:minate7.y sin�le �amily x�esidential character ;a � (�) To permit densiti�s that wil3 economically ;support the j' cost of n�cessary publie services and faciTities, suc� � as paved streets, pedestr�.an tivays, and utilit�es. ;; (3) Ta p�rmit a va,ri�ty o.f Yi�usi.ng types to meet the needs �` �° of different �amily size and fannily income. J ;,: ;: Policies and stan�ards �_' �. _ + (1) Tlze maximum overall densitv of developm�nt will be ':' four dwelling units 'or 12 persons per gross acre. � � �; t f; Y ,' } s x s �, � � �. � ,� ��..: ;� `;.� STAFF REPORT ; - AGENDA 5.2 ` � 4' , TIGA�tD PLANNING COrIIMISSTON June 21, 1977 - 7 : 30 P.It4. Page 2 This amounts to a standard of 7,500 square feet of land per dwelling unit , allowing for streets and other . . o en s _ ace. Sorne areas wzll a P h ve a lo er P w densit ow Y, ing to topogra�hy, existi.ng development patterns or II the ciesire of individuals to own a larger lot . (2) Residen�;ial subdivisions will be developed with paved streets, curbs and gutters, street lights, and walk- ways, according to City or Count standards. A11 Y utilities will be placed underground . (3) Develo�ment will coincide with the provision of pub- li_c streets, water, and sewerage facilities. Th�se faciliti.es shall be (a) capable of adequatelv serving all �ntervening �roperties as wel�. as the propased c�e-- velapmen�t anc� (b) designed to meet Gity or Caunty standards . (4) Planned unit development wi.11 b� eaacouraged on tra.c�ts large enou�h to accommoda,te ten or more r�wellings. Planned unit development will permit a degree of flexi-- �� bilit in desi. n that w�.Il enai�le a hi her Y g g qu�.lity c�� develo�metit in accorclance with zoning standards. 4. The p1�.nned deve7.opment p�rtion of the Tiga.r.d Mu:nicipal Lode Sectioi� 18. 56.020 states: "The purpose of the planned development district is to pro- vicie opportunities to crea�te more desirab�.e en�Tironments through the application c�� flexible and diversitied Ia�d development s�tandards under a comprehensive plan and pro- gram profes`sionally prepared. Tne plann�d develppment dis- tri.ct �s izat�ndecl to be used to encalzrage the a.�plic�,tic�n of new techniqu�s and new technology i;o community d�velop- ment which will result in superior living or dPVelo�ment azrangements with- lasting va�ues . It is further i�tended to achieve economies in land developme�it , rnaint�nance, street systems, and uti.lity networks while providing bu.ild-- ' in:g groupings for privacy, usable and �.ttxactiv� open ` spaces, safe circulation, and th� general well•-being of the inhabitants. r� 5 . �'he submitted Preliminary �lan and progr�;m c�oes not cont'ain the fallowirig items as required by 18. 56 . 020 of thc� :Planned Development zone: I �` 1 I ,, � _ � . : , .. .. - k�, �., � ��s:_: STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5. 2 x�K TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION June 21y 1977 - 'T: 30 P.M. `; Page 3 a. ProposEd densities k� . Building ir�tensities c. Applicant ' s market �.nalysis of prop�sed use d. Proposed ownership pattern e. Ope.ra.tion and maintenance proposal , i . e. , Homes Associ- ation, cand�minium, co-op or other f . Lighting g. P�.iblic transporta�:ion h. Community facilities, i.e. , schools, librariES, fire protection, and shopping i Qualifications of the proposed design team for the pxe- parati�n of the general plan a.nd program �--- 6. The applicant 's site plan proposes a mixture a:f housing type:�. However, it is nat possible to determine the am�unt o:� density or l.otting patterns of the proposed medium den- sity shawn in the nort�wF,sternmost portian of the site or th� siyigle family to be located toward the center of the � paxcel , nor th� duplex and/or single family uni,t;s propased � along S.W. Sattler Str��et and possibly along the eastern � goartion of the site tovhard Hall Boulevarci; 7. ThP applicant has �t�.�ed in his program narrative that ; under a P.U.D. , he coul.d construct on the site approxi- u mately 81 units at a density of 5.06 units per acre . Sec- i' , tiozi 18. 56 . 12D of the Tigard Municipal Code states that � "minimum area, width, depth, and frontage requirements for � subdi��ision lots in a planned dev�lopment dis�trict ma:y be k� ' less than minimums specified in the underlyi�g district if in accorda�ce with the approved general development plan ''' and program and the density standards o:f ��e chapter. The 't� balance of the total tract area shall be devo�ted to open � � space. . . " � � ,. 8. Applicant is proposeing an average lot size of S,OOU square � feet, with setbacks of 15 feet �or tlle front yard, O side ;. yard, and a five foot xear yard. _� ; � i�'�I 1 . � . . . . . . � . , � . ,� . . . . .i,,:l ., . . . . � � . . � . . .1.. . . . . . . . �. .. .. .....�. .. � . . 4 3' . . � . . � � � � . �� t� � . � . . . � .. � � � 4. � � 'y 'j . �., � �.:, . STAFF REPORT .AGENDA 5.2 � TTGARD PLANNING COMMISSION Jun� 21, 1977 - 7 : 30 P.M. Page 4 9. The si.te is a gently rolling, vacant parcel . To i;he north in the western corner of the lot , a large stand of ever- green and deciduous trees is traversed by a natix.ral d-rain- age way. The applicant is proposing to use this approxi- mately 75,b00 square f�ot area as a "nature park". Sur- rounding prope.rty to the north has developed as single family residential . To the east, at the north end of the parcel , there is an orchard, and at the south end, on the east side, the property is vacant , witri the exception of one home. To the south across Sattler Si;reet is an open field, and on the west is another open field. 10. The st;reet system as shown on the site plan is essentially a, gridiron pattern which does not favorably responcl to the physi.cal characteri�tics of the site . The elevation �,long the west side of the property is 20F� feet , dro��ing to 190 feet toward the midcile o� �the site a.nd risin� again to 200 feet at the east end. A gridiron street pattern is not iri keeping with thE curvilinear street �y�stem tYaat is develop- ing within the areae Perhaps a more �.ppropriate circula- � tion �attern For this site coulc� be pxovided by means of a ._ spine road, which wauld be more compat�.ble wzth the exist- in� t�rrain, wit�i several connecting streets tha�t cs�uld be constructed to lesser standards (e.g. , 40 feet of right=of- way with 28 feet of paved surface) . 11. The on-site traffic circula�ion pattern sh�uld also give s�ecial consia�ratior� for pro�rXding access to the property immedi�.tely east of the site. This would provide a means for averting access onto an arterial street {Hall �3oulevard} from the adjacent property at such time as that parcel is developed. 12. Water would. have to be provided to the uite ei�th�:� by the extension of a 12 inch line in Sattler Street ttia,t termi- nates at S .W. Alderbrook in the Summsrfield Planned Devel- o ment or from the extension of a six inch line on S .W. P Pinebrook Stre�t north of. the site. Sewera�;e service is` not a�ailable at this time but the a lic�.nt has �tated , PP he llas secured either ea,sements or agreements with adjacent residences to extend a sa�nitary sewer line through their proper�ies along the drainage swale from a ten inch inter- ' cPptox .line locatec� in the vicinity �f 87th and Pinebrook Streets. ' � � .. ; _. .;..��.... ., I >.� , j','� G-' �,,� `� (.� � i( i,! t�P; STAFF REP�RT �r�� AGENDA �. 2 `� �;,:,f TIGARD FLANNING COMMISSION ;;� JunP 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 5 ,' II . CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS : ';' 1. The � 1 3/4 acres as proposed for open space would appear to be a relatively small area in relationship to the total ' - site and not a justifiable "trade off" in return for the amount of propo�ed units (81) as sug�ested by the applicani� . It is staff 's opinion that the overall density should not exceed four units per acre or 64 units total , with an aver- age lot size of ?, 500 square feet . The duplex lots as shown on the site plan would be included in the total . 2. The extension of both off-site sanitary sewer and water lines would be necessary before development of the property could occur. 3. The street circulation pattPrn as prop�sed does not c�ampli- ment the site ' s physical features nor does it r.espond to the curvilinear system �that is developing Within the areao 4. The preliminary development plan and program is deficient fii in that it f�,ils to �.ddress nizmerous plan and program ele- �4L mer�ts, as r�quired by the planned deve�.opment ordinance. � III . STAFF RECQMMENDATION: Bas�d on findings of fact anc� conclusionary fii�dings , t�xe s�a:�:f ' recomment�s tablin� this item until such �ime as 'the applicant ; re�ubmits a pr.eliminary developm�nt plan and program that : ;� le Addresses all of the plan and program elements of th� Plan- ned D�velopment District (P-D) of the Tigard Municipal Code Section 18a56.020 to inc�lude proposed land uses and densii;ies and building types and densities. y 2. A traffic circulation pattern be designFd that is more ; sensitive to the topography and is in �eeping with thP de- � veloped street system within the area. ; 3. A submission be presented descri'bing the qualifications af � , the propose�i desi�n team. � � � i i � � i ; _, , . �'- : ;� _ � � � ���, �. �.,_ �i STAFF REPORT ,; AGENDA 5.3 �# TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ° Jtzne 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. ;'I Fowler Juninr HigY� Scizool - Lecture Ro�m �. 10865 S .W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon '�� DUCKET: Zone Change ZC 2]_-77 REQUEST: A zane map amendrnent to c�aange the zoni:ng designation from ' �!, W�,shington County Zoning "RU-4" to City of Tigard "R-7, '�i Single Family Residential'' for a 9.7 aere parcel I LOCATTON: S.W. Garrett and Ash (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2CC, Tax Lot � � 401) ���� :I APPLICANT: Richard H. Caffall I . BAS1C FACTS: 1. The applican� is req,uesting the appl.ication of Section 18 .20 (Single Farna.ly Residetatial) of the City �.f Tigard Municipa,l Code to a recently annexec� (June 8, 1977) , 9.7 acxe parcel ,I 2. The site is ciesignat��d "Urban Low Density R�sidential" on ' the Tigard Community Plan, 1971. Applicable policies fr��m � the plan are as follows: a. Urban Low Density Residential Ok�jectives (1) To provide areas of the �city having �, pred�minately singl� fami.ly rPSider�tial character (2) Ta permit d�nsitie� that will economically support the cost of necessaxy public services and facili- ties, such as paved streets, ped�strian ways, and uti].ities (3) To permit a varietS� o� housi.ng types t� meet the needs of differ�nt famiiy size and family incorn� . n:,�ic��s and St�;nddicis (l) The maximu:rn overall demsity of devel.opment will be four dwelli.ng units or 12 �erson� per gross acre. This amaunts �o a st�.ndard of 7, 500 square fee•t of ' land pe'r dwelling unit , allowing for streets and ` other open space. Some areas wi.11 have a lawer , - , l � , , ,_-, , .�. ... _ ., � � � , � � �-��.. � � �,.= � � STA,FF REPQRT r.., AGFNDA 5 , 3 � TIGARD PLANNING C(3MMISSION June 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. F�age 2 density owing t� �topography, existing development patterns or the d�sire of individuals to own a larg�r lot (2) Residential sLrbdivisi�ns will be developed with paved streets, curbs and gutters, s�treet light�, and walxways, according to City or County stand- ards. All utili_ties wi.l�, be placed un.derground. (3} Development wi11 c,oinci�e with the provision of �ubl.ic streets, watex; and sewerage facilities. These faeilities sha11 k�e {a) capable of ac�e- c{uately serving all intervening prope�ties, as well as the propos�:d deveioprnexi�t a�nd (b) designed to rneet City or Coun�,y standards. (4) Planned unit development wi11, �ie encouraged qn tr�.cts "large e�nough to acc;ommoaate ten or more dwellings. Pl�.nned ttn�t development w�ll permit a degree of flexil�ilit� in design that wi].l enable a higher quality of rievelnpment in accordance with �_ ' z�ning stanctards. b. Local Streets Purpose ; To provide access �to propex•ties abutting the street . Local s1;an,dards; New Streets _ ` Ri�;ht-�f-way 5d-60 feet (_5t� foqt m�nxrm`um) ' Pavement width 32�36 feet , � Moving lanes 2 , �� Volume 0-1,500 vehicles per day " I4 , nriving speed 10-2.5 mile� per h,our , Cu1-de-��c� �0 foot radiu.s turn-around and 400 feet maxirnum l:ength , _� �, � ,: .�.��� : � �.: �V. STAFF REPON,T AGENDA 5. � � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION June 21., 1977 - 7:3� F.M. Page 3 Volume : 1, 000-6,Ob0 vehz:cl:es per day Driving speed: 20-35 miles per hour (2) The standa�ds described above are for colleetor street� in built-up areas where on-s�;reet parkillg and direct access to property are permitted. In special cases (such as large scale subdivisions where access can be controlled, parking spa,ce can be provide�d in o�f-stxeet parl�ing bays, �,nd walk- ways c�.n k�e provided along rear lot l ines) , other standards m�,y be appr�priate. A cal.leetor street with�ut on-street parking and without curk�-c�uts to indivi.dual properties can Ue developed wi�h 24-2Fi fr�et of driving pavernen�t. ' Such a street serves one function--to move tz•a�fic. (3) Th� plan d�signates the �al.lowing as c�llector st`: �ets : North Bakota Street from 121st Avenue to Ti�deman Avenue. ' � (4) R-7 would allow the f�]:l�win� .usss ; (a) Outright permitted: 1. Single fam�.ly dwelling, �ach on � sepa= rately described lot , as xecorded in the �I Count,y records � _ i 2 . Farming, truck gardening, orchards, and � . t nurs�rie.s, provic�ad n.o �etail or whole- ' f �. sale business sales office is tn�.intained :; on tlie premises and provided that no ' � poultry or �live�tock, othe� than normal � household pets, are housed or 'any fenced '' run loc�:ta� wj_�tr;n lnn fno+ f � � vi au`y' rcai- j dence other than the dwelling an the same � lot t ; , i 3. Home occupations�;� only as strictly' -definPd ' in Section 18.08 .�50 � i ,, , � (b) Con'd�tional uses : '.� { � '��, � � - � � ° � t _ � � �� � ---- — — -- - - �. �._. . STAFF REPnftT AGENIJA 5.3 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � ' Jume 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 4 (�.) Duplex �esidentiaZ , with a minimu� lot size of 10, 000 square feet : one dupl.ex per lot (2) Boat moorage (3) Cemetaries (4) Churches and accessory uses (5) Colleges (6) Community buildings (public) (7) Gov�rnmental structure or Zan�. use, in- cluding public park, playgroundy r�cre- ation building, fire sta�;ic�n, library or museum (8) Greenhouse �.__ (9) Canditional home use: Following the procedure set forth in Chapter 18.fi2, �, conditional home use may be authorized for certain h�me occupation:�;l uses which do not stric;tly confo�m to th.e criteria set farth for.• "hame occupation" as de- .fined in Section 18. 08.250. It is the intent of this pxovision to provide the me�.ns for reque�t for the City's consid- eration of "home occup!ation" type uses when special circumstances are present whi�;h th� applicant feels deserve this consideration. It is the intent of this title that any commercial or indus- trial o�Qrw±y�r.s :=rhic;� ur�zxld cr�in�.rily be conducted in a commercial or �nclus- trYal district co�itinue to be conducted in sizch distriet and not at home , (10) Hospital , sanitarium, rest h:ome, home . for the aged, nursing hom� or convales- cent home (.11) Railroad x�igli.t�o,�-.wa.� �. � `�. . �. STAFF REPOR'� � AGFNDA 5.� �� TIGARD PLANNTNG COMMISSION June 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 5 (12) Sch�ool : nursery, primary, elementary, junior high or senior high, college or university, private, parochial or pub- lic (13) Utility substation or pumping sta;tion with no equipment storage and. lines which a.re essentia"1 to the functioz�ing �:nd servicing of residential neighbor- hoods (14) Any business, service, pracessi:ng, stor- age or. displ.ay essen�ial or incidental to any permitted use in this zone and n.ot cc�nd.uctr�d entix•ely wvi�h:in a.n en- closed building (15) Golf course, country club, pra.vate club (16) Children 's day care i �,,, II . STAFF OBS�RVATInNS : � , 1. Th� site is a vacant, o�en pa,rcel, with the exception of two sniall buildin�s that lxave been gutt�d out by fir�s. The topography ranges �rom 250 feet at thP soutkzeast eorner of the lot to 230 feet at the northea�i; cc�rne�. Single family � homes surround the site on the north, east , ancl south. An � open field and apartm�nt� beyand the field are loc.ated to the west . � 2 . Prior to annexation of this property, the former Tax Lot 4�J3: was partitioned into two (2) lots, now Tax Lots 400 and 401. � Tax Lot 400, which is locatecl at 'the sout`Yieastern end af 'i Tax Lot 401, was not includ�d in the .recent annex�,tion . A °; sirig7_e iamiiy nome is located on this pa;rc:el , i? a� +? , 3. Access to the site is presently available frorn b�th S .W. �� Ash and S.W. Gar.rett Streets, which are both substandard in. �' right-of-way and improvement width. In order to bring the � existing right-of-way to meet 'the NPQ #2 Plan standards , a ;I �ive foot dedication ori' t.he property a1:c�n� S .W, Ash; Street � and a five f�ot ded�.catic�n a1on� S .W. Garrett Street would r �e required. , � � � � � . . � . . . . . .. ':�t . . . . . . . . . � .. . . . � ... �r. � . .. . . . , . . . . .. . . ... , . . � . ..�f �' � . . .. . _ . . . . . , � � � . � � . . � �� . � . � . . . . . , . . .. . . . .:..�� i, ` � � . � 3 1 . l �.,.: . . ` . . ,'3 j_ �s.....� STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5. 3 � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSI6N Jtzne 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 6 4 . `Yater is available to the site by way of a six inch wat;ex line along S .W. Garrett Street and a 12 inch line along S .W. Ash Street . Sewerage service is also available from 2 eight inch lines, one from S .W. Barnum Street and the other from S .W. Cresmer. Bo�;h lines are of adequate capacity to facilitate tlle proposed density. 5. The intersection of S .W. Garret�t and Ash Streets is badly in need of improvements. Sight visibility is impaired by the present radius at the intersecting streets as well as a high earth embankment , which is covered wi�th. shrubs and trees. However, the eni;ire intersec�tion at this point in time is not within the juris!�iction of the city. 6. The amount of additional traffic that would be generated fr�rrr the dewelopment of this paxcel would further ampact a sixbstandard strEet system. Therefore, it i� staff 's opinion at such tim� as development of Tax Lot 401 does occur, im- provement considerations should be given for the intersec- tion of S .W. Garrett and Ash Streets . �_ I I T . CONCI.,USIONARY F'INDINGS : 1. There exists a public need to apply City of Tigaxd zanin� to all parcels of land in the city in order to ease the ad- ministratian of land use regulations ancl assure consistency thrr�ugYiout the city . 2. The proposed R-7 zoning district is compatible wa.th the sur- rounding zoning and conforms to the Neighborhood Planning Organization #1 Plan, which designates these parcels to de- velop at an Urban Low Density af four units per acre. With the attachm�nt of appropriate cnnditio:ns, the adequate pro-� vision of public services to serve development of the site can be assureci. I V. S'PAFF RECOPdMENDC�T ION: Based on the findings of fact and c�nclusionaz�y Fiindings, th� staf� recommends approval of the request suk�ject to the follow- ing con.d.itions : 1. Five feet of right-of-wa,y be dedicated along both S .W. Ash and S .W. Garrett Streets �pr street puxposes. ,I � �'�., r''�a.,,, STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5 . � �� TTGARD PLANNING COMD4ISSION June Z1, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 7 ; 2. Because of the approxi.mately 400 addi,t�an�l txaf,�ic tx°ips � ; wYiich will be generated wh.en th;is �ro�erty i,s de.velpped �t � the density �ermitted by th:e R-7 zon�, any dev��.op�ent j proposal for th.is �rapexty �hould, th:ere�ore, includs im�- I provements to the znterseetion of S.W. Ash. Aye:nue anc� S.�V, j Garrett Street as may be �necessary to accq,rr�modate th.is ad� i ditional tra�fic . � � x ;,_� i; ;; �� f`;, a.,. �i �; � Y. i,: . . ..�..4:+ � . � .. �:.';��:. �� . . � . .�`�:{`". iY 'Y i:': .. . � . . . � . . � . . . . . .. !�'.. . � . . . . � . � . . � . . .. . . �l.l �,3; ';� �,,;i �� .. . ._ � .� . . . .� � . . � . � . . � . .. . y�, �;1 r . . . . . . . �� . . � �'�� . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . � � . . . . . . � . . r�-i� � � . � � . . .. �.... .. � . . � . � . . �'I . . . . . . . .. � �YJ, , . � . � .. .. 4�i � . . _ .. . �. . � . . .�:� � . � .. . .... . .,.. � .. � '��.::i � � � � �'..._. �.. STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5 . 4 � TIGAKD P�,ANNING COMMISSInN June 21, 1977 -- 7; 30 P.M. Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Raom 10865 S.W. Wa�nut Street - Tigard, Oregon DOCKET: ZC 20-77 (Osl�orn/Pohrman) REQUEST: A zone map amendment to change the zoning designation from Washington County Z�ning "RU-4" to City of Tigard "A-2, Multi-family residential" for a 2 .94 acre parcel at 11335 S .W. Greenburg Road LOCATION: 113�5 S .W. Greenburg Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 35CA, Tax Lots 900 and 1000) APPLIGANT: Len K. Osborn I . FTNDIN�� OF F��CT: 1. Th� applicant is reque;sting a zone change from City of Ti- gard Zoning "R-7, Single �amily Residential" (four units ! p�:r acre} �o "A-2, hqultiple Family R�si_de�tial" (12 units ; �er �,�cre) to twa xecently annexed parcels (May 4, 1�77) , ' �" 1.20 and 1. 74 acres respectively. � �:�. 2. T.tie site i� desigr��.ted "i7rban Medium Den�ity Resi_dential" � on the Neighk�orhood Pl�.nning Organiza�tion #2 Plan, Applica- ble �iolicies and statements from the plan are as fallows : , i Policy �4 . [�partments sh�u.ld be located to �roduce an o�- ;j timum living �nvironment for th.e occu�a.nts. ;; �, Pol.icy 15. Apa:rtments should be lacated to �roduce the � least advPrse effects upori single family ar�as. !' Dev��lopme�nt criteria shoulcl include : r? A. Buff�ring �y means af I.andsca�in�, i'encing, `;� and distance. �� t � � . . . . . . .� '4 B. Campatibili�y of design, ��cognizin� the r'; conflicts of mass and height between apart- �' �� ment buildings and houses. ;� r�, Statement from NPO #2 �ext : The ability c�f. stxPets to move �:':� cars to �,nd from multi-farnily develapment is a ���1 major location�,1 consi:�ieration �or seTecting ^ti, apartment sites . Sites read�l.y accessible to ,,; major arterial routes �werP �hosen to mini:mize " r;l �I ;; . t;i „ ;� �, ;l };J , , . � � ----- ;; � � j�, f � ;i� �_ ��� i; �,, ;;. ,,; STAFF REPORT �,', AGENDA 5.� � . TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ? I, JunP 21, 1977 - 7:30 P.M. ;:'I � Page 2 � � '�'� i �.��l tra�fic flow on local residential streets. The ��II areas designated on the Plan Map for medium '�`I density residential development �.re, therefore, � 1�cated near tne Greenburg-217 interchange and adjacent Pacific Highway. ;. Policy 16 . Within the neighborhood, multi-family develop- ment should be located a.ccoraing to the follow�� ing locational criteria: A. ��ccessibility to arterials B. Accessibility by the pedes�;rian and cyclist to shopping and employment C. Availability of open space as a relief to the higher density living environment . �. NP0 #2 Plan designates S .W. Greenburg Roaci north o�f North Dakota Street as an ar�eria.l street . GreenY�urg Road south ' � of North Dakota Street is desianated by the Plan as a col- ,, 1PCtor street, i' a Collector Standards: ,. Pavement width 44 feet (two 13 foot moving �.anes .arid two nine Foat parking lane� . �5 �eet �' of pavement at intersections and � cros5walks) �` f;' Right-of-way width 60 foot minimum i; S:! �:i Moving lanes 2 � Volume 1,500-6,000 vehicles per day `' Driving speed 20-35 miles per h�ur � 4. Use permitted outright in an A-2 zone : i! f: (1) A use p�rmitted outright in a R-'7, �;-1_5 or R-30 zone ( (2) Two �amily dw��lings E � I; i (3) Apartment dwellings �. � � � i .. . � . . . � � Y ��..,.., . � . � � . . . . .. . .. . . .,. .. . . . .. ' .... . ... :... �. ... . .....:.�.. u �°t., h. . STAFF REPORT ; - AGENDA 5,4 � TIGARD PLANNING Cc�MMISSION June 27_, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 3 (�) Boa�^ding house, lodging or rooming house . Requiring a conditional use permit : ' (1} A c�nditional use as permitted in a, R-7, R-�15 or R-30 zone (2) Auditorium, exhibition or public assembly room (3) Golf course, country club, private clubs (4) Loclges and fraternal �rganizations (5) Medica,l, d�n�tal. or othe� pro�essional o:ffic� ox cl�inic (6) Mobile hozne park (must be five acres or more and must front on a major ax•terial f.or a distance of not less th.an 100 feet wi�;h scr�ening as p.resently provided in Sectian 18. 12.080) �" (7) Railroad right-of.-way (8) Any business, service, processing, stoxage or displa.y � essential or incidental to any permitted use in this z�n� a�d not conducted entirEly withir� an enclosed � b�.ii].din�. � � I I . S�rAFF OBSERVA'1'It)1V'S : � � i l. The front portion of tl�e site alo�ig Green}�urg Road is rela- � tively flat, sloping down and away towards the rear af the k � lots . On Tax L�t 900 there is a sin�1� family h�me and a grov� o:� trees to tk�e rear of the lot. There is also a r single family home on Tax Lot 1000. A stand oi' �rees exists along �he south�ast side of tY�e ].ot . Both home� are located 't} toward the front o� tYZ� lots along Greenburg Road, and botfi s ^ units are pr�sently on a septic tank system. To 'the north �; �.nd to t:he e�:st acrass S.We Greenburg Road are apartm�nts. �•+ The site abuts the Burlington Northern ar�d Sauthern Railroad `" �: lines to the west, and to the south are the Costello Sor- ��, rento apartments . �ya � � � �1 2. The applicant is proposing to part�.tion the front por�ian;� ;;' of Tax L�ts 900 and ].0�0 into singl.e famil:y lots and develop- ��� ing the remaining parcels for multipl.e family uni,ts {12 �� units per acre) . , �� ;a �� ] �� � � .. . . � � � � . .�y� �� . . � , . � . . � .. � .. � � . � � � � � � ���,�t �¢ ' � . . . � � __-_ __ � .. - _ , .���� _._ - i °��.. �°�.. � ! STAFF REPORT � AGENDA 5.4 � �� TIGARD PLATVNING COMMISSION � Ju�e 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. � Pa�e 4 �� �'. � 3. Wzter is available to the site by means af a six inch water i, line running along the southwest side of Greenburg Road. � Sewerage service is a,vailable fr.om an eight inch main line f; in S .W. Greenburg Road and is of adeq,uate capacity to fa- ; cilitate the proposed density. ? ! 4. The Tigard Committee Pl.an and NPO #2 Plan standards for a � collector st.reet are a minimum of 6� feet of right-of-way ; width. That portion of S.W. Greenburg Road which abuts the � sub 'ect � � parcels has a present right-of-way width of 60 feet . � t TII . CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS : i � 1. Th�re ex�.sts a publi� need to apply Ca_ty of Tigard zoning � to all parcels af l�.nd in the cit,y in ord�r to ease the ad-- , ministration of land use regulations and assure consistency ; throughout the cit;y. ; 0 2. The proposed A-2 zoriing district is compatible with the sur- � rounding zoning and con�orn�s to thp NeigYrborhood Planning ; � OrganiLation #2 Plan, which d�signates �these parcEls to de- velop at an Urban Mediurn DEnsity of 12 units per a,cre. With tYae attachment o� apprapriate conditions, ttae adequate pro- ' vision of publa.c services to serve development oi' the site can be assured. IV. STAFF RECONlMENDA�'IOI`T: Based on the findin�s of fact a.nd conclusionary findings, the � staff recommends approval oA the reques�t subject to the fol].ow- � ing condition: i i; > , 1. Fi1e with the City Recorder an agreement not to remonstrate � against a Local Improvement Dis�rict �or street improvemeni;s ;• to S.W. Greenburg Road. � ,. �� � � , � � �; f j: e i �_ t � � — � � , wr� ` _ �... �, STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.5 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSfiON � June ��., 1_9'77 - 7; 30 P.M. Fowler Juni�r High School -� Lecture Room 10855 S .W. Walnut St.reet - Tigard, Oregon DOCKET: Variance 4-77 (Peters; REQUE�ST: A variance to 17.44 .040 of the Tigard Municipal Code pro- posing that the sidewalk be constructed adjac�nt to th� curb LOCATION; �830 S .W. McKenzie Street (Wash. Co . Tax Map 2S1 2BB, TaX Lot 700) � APPLICANT: Ralph Peters I . BASIC FACTS : l. The �i.te is design�.tecl on the NPO #2 Pl.an as Urk�a.n Medium Densi�ty and zoned A-2, Multiple Family. Surrounding land uses are apartmPnts to the wESt, a par�kin� lot to the north, St . Anthnny's ChurckY on the east , and a.cross I1!IcKenzie Street and to th� south a house and lumber yard. i �,. 2. Section 17.44. 040 of the Tig�,rc� Niiinicipal Code states that ' �y "concrete sideWalks shall not be less tha,n five feet wi.cle in , areas whPr� the proposed l�ts are 10, O�U sq�ar� feet or less � in size. Sidewalks s�all be constructed adjacent to the propert,y I.ine� '' �� 3. Section 1F3.76.010 of the Tigard Municipal Code authorizes ; ' �he Plannin� Commission to grant variaz,ices from Title X7 � (zoning) , and Section 18.76. 02Q states, "NU variance sha.11 4 � be granted by the Plannin� Cammissiorz unless it can be � � shown that �.11 of �he following conditions exist ; s � (1) Exceptional ar ext�aordinary conditions appl;ying ta ;� i;he p.roperty tha.t �o �at apply g�nerally ta oth�r pr��;- er�ies in thP same zorie or vicinity, which conditions are a result of lot �ize or shape, topography or other ; circumstanGes cver which th�e applicant has no�t control ; (2) The varia,nce is necessary :for the presPxv�tion of a ` property right of the applicant substantial�,y the same as is possessed by owners- o� oth�r pro�er.�ty in the same +� zone r�r vicinity .� ' 'I !, (3) The a��thorization of' the va>riance shall not be m'ateri�- i ally detz•imental to the purposes of this title, be in- � jurious to propert,y in the zone or vicinity i�n which ' � � � � � - - �-- _ _ 0 _ , i �:. ; � � �i i STAFF REPORT ; f� AGENDA 5. 5 j TIGARD PLANNING COMMISS30N i JunE 21, 197? - 7 : 30 P.M. � Page 2 � ( the property is loeated or be otherwise detrimental to � tk�e objectives c�f any ci.tq development plan or policy { a (4) The variance requested is the minimu,m variance from the f pravisions and standards of th.is title which will al- � l�viate the hardship . ' i i II . F'TNDINGS OF FACT: ' � 1. The applica.nt is requesting a variance to the subdivision j cnde so that he ma,y construct a sidewalk �.djacent to the curb . � 2. On DecemX,�r 14, 1976 the Design Review Board approved a re- qu�s� �ox� a t�n unit apartment comp:l.ex on the subject site . 3 . There exists �,long the northeast property line several large ; conifers. Thes� trees would hav� to be remaved if sidewalks i are to be built to code. �• 4�. Staff has coni:acted the Engineerin� Department with regard � �.„, to this proposal, and the,y have stated that they sPe na .f.or- � seeable nega�tive aspects �,nd that �(;he existin� k�uildin� oxi- ; enta,t:ion along McKen�ie Stree�t , particularly at the P�.cific Highway terminus �thereoF,prPCludes constru.c�tion of sidewalk anywhex•e other than adjacen-t; to the curb. � ; � 5 . �rr�e En�ineering Department has recommended that the adjust- ; ment af the p.reviously approved sidewalk be .permitted with � ce�tain conditions ai;tached. III . STAFr FtECOMMENI)A`PION: Sta�� recomm�nds approval su�iject to th� followin� condi�tions : ; 1. The sic�ewalk shall b� located contiguous to i;he pr�viously ? appraved curb line. ; � 2 . The sidewalk shall be four feet wide, when measured from tt�e ' face of the curb. i ; 3. The sidewalk shall meander, when necessary, around existing ' trees; easemPnts to be provided, where necessary, by the de- velop�re : 4. The sidewa�k sha.:ll cc�n.form to C3t� standa.xd sp�ci,�z;c�:tions in a11 respec�ts, except as noted aboye , �