Planning Commission Packet - 06/07/1977 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. , ° ``��:_, - AGENDA TIGARD PLANNING COP�MISSION �� June 7, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. I'owler �unior High �chool - Lecture Room 108E5 S .W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Qregon 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2 . F,OLL CALL: 3. .F�PPROVAL OF MINTJTES 4 . C'OMMUNICATIONS : 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3 . 1 ZONE CHANGE 17-77 NPU IV A request b� Donald E. F'oilock Investments to aznend the zon- ing ordina,nce ch.�.nging th.e zoning d�s3.�nation �rom "R-7, Single Family Residential." tq "�-2, Medium Density Resicien- tial" on a 7. 1 acre parcel a.t S.W. 89th Avenue and S .W. l�anzanita Street (;Wash . C�. Tax Map 1S1 35AD, Tax Lots 16Q0,, 1700 and Tax 1�iap 1S1 35DA, Tax Lots �50Q and 39QQ� 5.2 ZONE CHANCE 16-77 NPO VI � A request by David T'a.rx� t� a�ply City o� Tigaxd "R-7, Single ; Family I�esidential" zoning to a recently annexed �.�.06 acre � parcel current.ly zoned Washington Gounty "RU-4" on the north side of S ,W, ll�arham Road., w�st of S .W. Iiall Boulevard (�'ash . ' Co . 3'�.x Map 2S1 11D, Tax Lot 1400} ; 5 . 3 Z�7NE CHANGE 18-77 NPO VII ' � , A request b,y Stephen W . Spiegel tc� appl,y Cit,y o� Tigard "R- � 7, Single Family Resi�ential'' zoning to a recently aa�nexer� , u .�.�'.r ai.i i: �a.i i:cl i.:Z.il l e�ilt�l.� � [A7.-..�,h-i n rnti-.r� r�ir Me� it �:_� It ;i i�OTic traoii...,,s�vn� u:2 y �,` ! on the north side of S .W. North Dakota Street , suuth of the �,bandoned Metzger Sewage Treatmen�; Plant (Wash. Co. Tax Map 151 34D, T�.x Lot 40Q) a J 5.4 LONE CF��NGE 19-77 NPO V I � A xequest by Riley R. Tay],ox to amend th:e zoni.ng ordinance changing �he zoning desi.gnation fxorn "R-7, Single �'am�.1y Re- sidentia�." t� "�'-P, Ccammexcial Frofessi.on�l" on a 4. 78 acre ,� parcel at the north.east intersecti�n o� �S .W , ?2nd Ayenue and ;;; S .W. Sandburg Street (Wash. Co. Tax IViap ZS1 1DC, 2'ax Lot �� 3700 an�i Tax Map ?S1 1DD, 'Tax Lot 200) k.� � ; ,'i ;�� � � � � �'I , :�� � � � � � ��;;� � � �� ��� ,., .a �,. � . . � . � . � � . .� . . � . . . � �. . . � .. . ,.j.1 . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . . ��..�,' , . . ... ... _ ..... .. . ..... .. .. . , . . .. . . . ... . ... . . . .. . . . . ... .. ... ... . . _ � h I ° `�._, �,-. I i f AGENDA ,' TIGARD PLANNING COMMI�SION C ,,j June 7, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. � j Page 2 � �' l 5.5 CONDTTIONAL USE 13-77 • NPp IV 1' � A request by Tracy's Karate Studio fox a condi:tianal use �' �exmit to locate a Ma�shal Arts Studio in �th.e "C-�3, General � Commercial" zone at 11652 S.W. �'aci�ic Highwa,y (Wash.. Co . �' Tax Map 1S1 36CD, Tax Lot 14Q0) j� , r ;I , ,, il �; ;�I d, � a � , , � � � i ; � �._ i I � i i � � ' I ! I i i � � sY� _ , ,. ;.::, 'i � `` MINUTES TIGARD PLANN7NG COMMISSION � F" Jur�e 7, 1977 - 7: 30 P.D4. � Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room ��865 S .W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Or.egon !� 1. CALL TO ORDEk: 2 . ROLL, CALL: F.resent : Nicoli, Sakata, Popp, Moore, Tepedino Excused Absence : Wood Abseni; : Goldbach Staff: Bolen , Laws, Edwards I 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES : The minutes o� May 31, 1977 were appraved as read. 4. CQMMUNICATIONS: o Staff presented a letter from Kerm�t Carli�e to the Planning Commission . 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS : i � �. 1 ZC 17-77 A requ.es�t by Donald E. Pollock Investments ta amerid the Lon- ing ordi.na�ce changing the zoning designation from "R-7, i Singl� Family Resiciential" to "A-�•2, Medium Density Residen-- ' tial" on a 7. 1 acre parcel at S .W. 89th Avenue and S.W. Man- � zanita Street (Wash . Co . Tax Map 1S1 35AD, Tax Lots 7�600 and 1700 and Tax Map 1S1 35DA, Tax Lots 250U and 3900) . .A. Sta.ff Repo�t : o Read by I�aws B. Applicant 's Fresentation ; o Dick Brainard, rep�resenting Daila..ld Pollock, presented the request and outlined the "Fasano" requi2ement�. C. Public Testimany: In favor: � none In opposition : � �� I � �._ MINUTES TIGARD FLAIVNING COMMISSION June 7, 1977 - ?: 30 P.M. �� Page 2 o Harold Jess, S.W. Iiall, Lot 2400, requested ,that apartments not be allowed because of traffic prob- lems and the transient nature of apartment tenants . ;I o Lee Miller, S .W. Spruce, stated that Spruee, 7.'horne, .I!, and 89th were narrow, undeve"loped roads and that the � site had numeraus drainage problems . o The �ollowing people objected to the zone change be- `'� cause of �raffic, access, floori problems, and multi- ; family density: John pittock, S .W. Spruce Mr. Earls,, Tax Lot 2201 ft. Volk, Tax Lot 1705 Larry Cole, S .W. S ruce P Mrs . Brown S ,.W. Hall B1 , .vd. Ed ward Hammon S .W. S ruce , p Mr. Kruger, S .W. Spruce D. S�:aff �;ecamrnendation : � Based on the firiciings of fact, the staff recommerid� ap-�- prova.l of the request subject to the following Gc�ndi- - tions : ; l. The applicant will agree to: ! a. Annexing intc� the City of Tigard Ta.x Lot 2402 in order that acc�ss standards will be in con- formance with City code b. Ann.exing into the City o:f Tigard Tax Lot 3800 . in order to permi�i �cne tl�c�5� C�iICicTl� us� cf �:�e land. 2. That the follow�ing streets be vacated: a. S.W. Dakota Street from Highway 21? to its ter- minus with Tax Lots 2201 anc� 2200 (Tax Map 1S1 35DA) b. Those portions oY S .W. Man�anita (eastern and western) which wc�uld no longer be r�quire� fc�r public ri.ghts-of-way after a new �treet connec- tion between S.W. Manzanita and Hall Boulevard is provided to the 5ite frorri Tax Lot Z4U2. �� .� _ _ ; � r, `�, `�.:.; i, t: j' MINUTES � G TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � June 7, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. " � Page 3 � Cross sectional drawings be submitted to Plan- r' ning Depa,rtment . ; 3. A major partition be submitted showing the changes in the street right-of-way and revising the property lines to produce a lotting pattern which resp�nds . ` to the proposed changes in the street system. r� � ' � - 4 . X3ata wi11 be provided at the time of design review s ; consideration indicating the location of the 100 . year flood plain on the subject parcels . � o Brainard stated that access would be through Tax Lot 24U2 with landscape boulevards, deseribed the pro- III posed circulation pattern, and answered the concerns of the r.e�idents. o Lou Fasano, appli�ant 's attorney, stated tk�at NPO 4 draft plan sup�orted this zone change arid aelc�ressed the neighbor 's concerns. o Ed Ha.nnon, R. Volk, L, Miller, H. Jess, Mrs. Brown, ( Tom Murphy disagreed with applica.nt 's reb�zttal and r�-� stated concerns . o Fa�ano sug�estecl that the d.rainage pxoblem �e Y°P.SOZVPCl by retention or improved drainage paths . E. Commission Uiscussiox� : o Popp requested more information on the tra��ia count on Hall Boulevard and �lood plain data. o Moore request�d a soil test for the site and stated �he ���d for T��a.nning Commission control over the c�e- velopment . o Commission discussion on fl,00d plain, drainage, tra�fic, and unannexed parcels. o Sakata askeci that a planned de�relopment be submitted. o Staff added Condition #5: "That storm water run-off be maintained at their pres�nt rates. '' o Discussion on NPO #4. � � -- - -_ - — - _ . . „ �._ ti��.�; � MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION l� June 7, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 4 �I Nico].i moved and Sakata seconded for denial of the pro- � posed based on increased density, drainage problems, and traffic problems. ' The rnotion �vas passed in a four to one voice vote, with ', Moore dissenting. 5.2 ZC 16-77 A request by David Farr to apply City of Tigard "R-7, Single Family Residential” zoning to a recently annexed 19.Q6 acre parc�l c:urrently zoned Washington County "RTJ-4" on the north � side �f S .W. Durham Road, west of S .W. Hall Boulevard (Wash. Co . Tax Map 2S]. ].1D, Tax Lot 1400) . A. Sta�f Report ; i � Read by Laws �� B. Applicant 's Presentation : o Bill McMonagle, Harris/McMonagle Ass�ciates, presen- �, ted the proposal . C. Public Testimony : None D. Sta.ff RecommEnc�at:ion : Based on �the findings o.f fact and conclusiona.rgr findings, � the staff recommends approval of the request subject to the following condition : 1. Righ�t-of-wap necessary to provide �or 45 feet :frc�m cent:er line be dedicated for street purposes. ' E . Commission vis�.:ussion : Moore moved and Tepedino secon.ded for approval with staff rec�mmendation. �I � The motion was approved by unan.imous voice vote. '' 5. 3 ZC 18-77 A request by St�phen W. S�iegel to apply City of Tigard "R-7, Singl.e �'amily Residential" �oz�ing to a recently annexed 2.?5 ' � � � I �, _ . _. . _ � I�- � � `'�v �,.. � � � MINUTES � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � � � June 7, 1.977 - 7: 30 P.M. ��� Page 5 ; �, �; i': acre parcel currentl,y zoned Washington County "RS-1" on the � north side of S.W. North Dakota Street, south nf the aba.ndoned �� Metzger Sewage Treatment Plant (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34D, Tax Lot 400) . �.; A. Staff Report : `� o Read by Ed�wards B. Applica.nt ' s Presentation: '' ;;� o Stev� Spiegel asked tha�t a third condition be attaelxed =� to allow the sidewalk to be positioned so as to save trees on the site . `�; C. Public Testimony: None D. Staff Recoinmendation : Based �n the findings o.f. fact and conclusionary �indings, I � the staff recommends approval with the f�llowing condi- ��!: tions: r'; 1. An agreement to participate in a local. improvemen�t r distr�.ct fqr the improv�ment of S .W. North Dakota Stre�t be signed by the property ow�aer, be recomded, and trans�erred to all deeds fox• a.11 new lots as they are sold. t., 2. Ten feet be dedicated along this pxoperty for street improvements to S .SU. North Dakota Street . o Discussion on L. I .D. and systems development charge. :;: �. Commission Uiscussion : i o Sakata �asked for a legal in�erpretation on Condition �` #1. <<' t,°'; t,, Moare moved and .Nicoli s�canded �or app.roval based on "' ���. staff :findings, with staff recommenaations plus : ' ;,,'. 3. Sidewalk be allowed to meander or abut the curb in ;�. order to �a�e ��rees on the site. i: ,, x;: �i j:. ;,� i;� r; �;; � � �� � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � t�� � _ i � � '. E `� : I 4 MINUTES � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �, ° June 7, ].977 - 7: 30 P,M. � Page 6 ; Tepedino asked that the motion be amended to add no con- I' struction or fill in the flood plain. o Discussion with applicant on added conditions . Moore and Nicoli accepted the amendment . The motion wa,s approved b,y unanimous voice vote. o Moore excused himself from the meeting. 5.4 ZC 19-77 A request by Riley R. Taylor to amend the zoning ordinance changing the zoning clesrgnation �rom "R-�7, Single F�.mily Residential" to "C-P, Commercial Professional" �n a �. 13 ac- re parcel. at the norl�heast intersec;tion of. S.W. 72nd and S .W. Sandburg Street (Washe Co . Tax Map 2S1 1DC, Tax Lot 3700 and Tax Map 2S1 1DD, Tax Lot 200) . A. Staff Report : � o Read bg Laws B. Applicant 's Presentation: o Kim l,ogan, representin� the applicant, presented a narrative statement of the surrounding land use to the Commission and outlined the "Fasario" requir�ments . He stated that the surrounding property owners wer� in favor o� the zone ch�n�e. � C. Public Testimany : o Bill Jones, owner of the property, of.fered to answer any questions . D. Staff Recommendation : Based on the �taff ob�ervations and concl�usionary find- ings, the staff r.ecommends approval of the request sub- ject to the following conditions: 1. The zone change r�quest , as submitted, be a�pioved contingent upon the sale of the 47. 14 foot wide par- cel at the eastern end of the property. _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ � � i 4;� �;�. i , MINUTES � TTGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � . June ?, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. . �` Page '7 2 . 20 feet be dedicated along S .W. 72nd for street pur- poses . 3. The applican.t wil]_ file with the City Recorder an agreemen�: not to remonstrate against a Local Improve- ment Distr:ict (L. I .D. ) for street improvements to S .W. 72nde 4. A one (1) foot access control strip 'be dedicated to the City prohibiting direct access onto S .W. 72nd Avenue . � . Comm�ssion Discussion: o Popp stai;ed that the proposal was the proper develop- rnen�t for the area. �akata moved and Tepedino seconded for appr.oval with the four staff recommendations . The motion was approved by unanimous voice vate. �,,W 5 .5 CU 13-77 A request by Tracy 's Karate Studio for a c�nditional �use per- m�t to loca.te a Marshal arts Stuclio in the "C•-3, General Com-- mercial" z�ne at 116�2 S.W . Pacific Hi�hway (Wash. �fl . Tax Map 1S1 36CD, Tax Lot 1400) � A. Staff R�port ; o Read by Fdward:s B. Ap�licant 's Presentation : o Lickar stated there would be the r.squired access in and out of the building. C. S�ai� Reccmm�ndation : Staff recommends appY•oval o� the conditional use with the foll.owing con.diti.on: , 1, That pl�.ns for partitioning the rental space be ap- proved by the City o� Tigard Building Department, �: ... • _. _ _ , . � �. �� _ MINUTES TIGA�,D PLANNING COMMISSION ��� June 7, 197? - ?: 30 P.M. � Page 8 D. Commission Discussion : o Popp ques•tioned location of use on second floor in- stead of first . Tepedino moved and Sakata secondec� to approve with the staff conditi.on. The motion was approved by un.animous voice vote. 6. OTHEI� BUSINESS : o Dick Bolen Plannin Director reviewed the condition attack�ed , g , to ZC 4-77 far the improvement of S.W , North Dakota and stat�d that the cr�nd.ition was unf.�asible because adequate right-of- way �vas n��t availak�le and that vacant parcels would be all.owed II to develop at no cost to the devel.oper. ;�', ; o �3ol�n presented a plan detailing Mr. Carpenter 's propo�al and askec� that the Planning Commi.ssi�n determine if this met the intent of the condition. � o Ronald Ander�on a�ked that i.tems of the street improvem�nt be clarified. Sakata moved and Nicoli seconcied that the plan 'be adopted as ful- � filling the inteni; of condi�tion and the sidewal� be allowed to meander in order to savP existing trees. 7. ADJOURNb4ENT: � The meetin� was adjourned at 10;20. � �,; ��,, � };I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING F; �� � `� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �I - June 7, 1977 � Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room 10565 S .W. Walnut Street - Tigard, O.regon �, �,I 5 . PUBLIC HEARINGS: �i� i 5. 1 ZONE CHANGE 17-77 il NPp Iy A request by Donald E. Pollock Investments to amend thP z�n- in ordinance chan in the zoning designation from "R-7, Sin- � g � gle Family Residential" to "A-2, Medium Density Resi.dential" j. on a 7.1 acre parcel at S .W. 89th Avenue and S .W. Manzanita � Streei; (Wash . Co . Tax Map 1S1 35AD, Tax Lot;s 1600, 1700 and 11 Tax Map 1S1 35DA, Tax Lots 2500 and 3900) i 5 .2 ZONE CHANGE 16-"77 NPO VI A request by David Farr to appJ_y Ci�;y of Ti�ard "1�-7, Single '� FamiXy R.�sidential" zoriing i;o a recen�ly ann�x�d 19.06 acre parcel currently zoneci Washington County "RU--4" on the nor.th side of S .W. Durham Road, west of S .W. Hall Boulevar.d (Wash. i Co. Tax Map 2S1 11D, Tax .Lot 1400) :'�. ' 5. 3 ZUNE C�IANGE 18-77 NPt3 VII A request by Stephen W. Spiegel to apply City of Tigard "R- 7 Single Family Resideritial" zoning to a recently annexPd 2 . 75 acre par�el current].y �aned Washi.ngton County "RS�-1" on the north side of S .W. North Dakota St.reet, south of the abandoned Metzger Sewage Tx•e�.tment Pl�.nt (W�.sh. Co . Tax Ma.p 1S1 34D, 'rax Lot 400) 5 .4 ZONE CHANGE I��77 NPO V A request by Riley R. Taylor to amend the zoning ordinance changing the zoning d�signation from "R-?, Single Fami.ly I�esi- denti.al" to "C-P, Commercial Professional" on �. 3. 13 acre par- cel at the northeast irstersection o� S,W. 72nd Avenue and S .W. Sandburg Street (Wash. Co . Tax Map 2S1 1DC, Tax Lot 3700 and Tax 114ap 2ST 1DD, Tax Lot 200) 5 .5 CONDITIONAL USE ].3-77 NI�O IV A request by Tracy 's Karate Studio �or a conditional use per- mit i;o locate a Marsha.l Arts Studio in the "G-3, General Com- mercial" �ane at 11652 S.W. Paci�ic FIighw�y (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 36CD, Tax I,ot 1400) � i , �� . _ _ . , 4fi4. 'V, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING June 7, 1977 Page 2 �. All persans having an interest in the hearing matter are invited to appear and submit oral and wri�ti;en testimony ox submit w:ri.t�ten test7.- mony in �.dvance o� the meeting. (Publish in TT 5-26-7? and 6-2-?7) � � �' � I j . �.. v,....� . STAFF P RE ORT A '!�i GENDA 5. 1 TIGARD PLANI`TING C01141VIISSION �, June ?, 1:977 - 7 : 30 P.M. _.Fowler Junior High �choo]_ - Lecture Room 10885 S .W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregvn DOCKET: ZC 17-77 REQUEST: To amend the zoning ordinance char�ging the zoning designa- tion from "R-7, Single Family Residential" to "A-2, Medium Density Residential" on a 7, 1 acre parcel LOCATION: S .W. 89th Avenue and S .W. Manzanita Street (Wash. (�o . Tax ll4ap 1S1 35An, Tax Lots 1600 and 1700 and Tax Map 1S1 35DA, Tax Lots 2500 and 3900) APPLICANT: Donald E. Pollock Investments I . FINDINGS OI+' FACT: 1. The applicant is requesting a znne change from City o.f Ti- gaxc� Zoning R-7, Sing:le Family Residential (four tinits per acre) to "A--2, Multi�le-Family �,esidential"(12 units per ac.re) , �4 2. The applicable statements and policies �'rom the Tigar� Com- munity P].an, T971, are as �ollows : RPSidenti�,l-�ommercial Thre� areas are designatec� "residenti.al-eommercia,l" . This cat�gory is intended to accommodate hig�hel cie��sity dwelling stxuctu..re�, including higY� rise apartments , combined with a range �f compatible office and busiiless uses. An a�r�eable a.rrangement of "mixed l�z�d use" in th�se area.s can best be , achieved if large tr�acts �.re developed as "plannec� units'' . The "Triangle" bounded by� the In�t�rstate 5, State Highway 217, and Highway 99-W is planned as a "residential-c�mmer- cia.l" area, as well as a lar�e section �ordering an Highway 99-W bstween 4Valnut and Beef Bend Road. An ar��, adjacent ' to the planned regional shop�ing cente� is also in this category> These area,s a�e intended to have an "u.rba,si" ' quality not unlike the redeveloped sectic,ns of down�t�wn '�, Portland. High-rise and low-rise apartments and of�ice buildings, together with related shaps, r.estaurants , �nd serviee establishments, �cvill combine �o create an urban en- vi.ronment characterized by diversity, activity, and amenity. � � , , , ., � � �.. � � � STAFF R�PORT 9GENDA 5. 1 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �.' Ju.ne 7, 1J77 - 7 : 30 P�M. Page � Objectives 1. To accammodate a compatible mixtuxe o� hig.h-rise ap�,rt- ments , garden apartments, retail �k�ops, and office;s . 2.. To permit in se:lected parts of the Tigard area �, pat- tern of dev�lopment that is characterized by higher-- intensity uses normally associated with a central city, Policzes and Standarcis l. Residential-c�mmercial c�evelogment shall have dix�ct i access to the r�ajor street system, the availability of adequate public utilities, and will be situated in ].o- cations that ar.e suitable �or higher int;ensity uses . j 2. Hi h-riae a ar�tmerits are encour.a ed ix� thas� areas as i g P � i well as com afi;ible office uses--firm h�ad uarters, in- � P �1 surancE, financ�, and p:rofess;ional - reereation u�e� - � l�ot�ls motels restaurants and tl�eaters - and comzner- i , , , cial azxc� sez�vice uses that relate to higher-density � �, r�sidentiaJ_ development . The overall density of resi�- dential development will be 13 dwelling un.its per �ross acre. Based on d�tai:led design. studiFS, der�sities be- tween 30 and 40 dwel.ling units will be �f�rmitted in � suitabl.e arPas. U�ti�. these de�ign studies are com- I' pleted, each residential development will be limited to c`he av�rage density o.f 13 dwelling uz�its per gross � acre, �: 4� 3. 7�ning regulations in these areas will dssure a compa= 'F; . . . ' ' : uses Ea � de e1'o - :� tibl.e transition w�.th ad a�cent land . 4k� v J p r ment will accommodate ita own parking demand. ;; �, ,� 4 Use of " lanned unit develo ment'' techni ues i� en- �; . I� �� p P q k� coura ed in order to better relate re��dential and c�m- + � ,, mercial uses an� to ;permit flexibility in design to �, enable a hi�her quali�y of development. Adjacent prop- � erty own�rs rvill be encouraged to cooperate in the as-- � sembly of land foar develo�ment as a "planned unit" . i , � l, � � , � �: , ; , 1 ' � p ', j : ii � � � _ �. _,. .,.� ,,. .,._. : __..__._ . _ .: '� i.! �: `� ` �� �,� ��. �, ;. STAFF REPORT , AGENllA 5. 1 � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION June 7, 19'77 - 7 : 30 P.M. ;� Page 3 ; � 3. Neighborhood Planning Organization #4 has cornpleted pre- ; limina.r work on a land use lan for their area and has di- V P . rected staff to drafi; a plan text . This plan ideiztiFies the sin le famil residential develo ment north of this ro - �'; g Y p P � erty as an area to be protected from encraachment by in- i compatible land uses . The subject propert� is rec:ommended for multi-family density residential cievelopment with the inclusion of tPie necessary d�sign considerations which wi.11 assure maximum compatibility between the two areas . I 4 . The applicant 's original application included two (2) addi- tional. tax lots (Tax Lots 2402 and 38�0) . However, i;hese two pxoperties are not within thP jurisdiction of the City. Tax Lot 2402 is being proposed ta serve as the eastern ac- cess poi.nt to the site off Hall Boulevard. 5. ThE n�rth access to t;he sit� across Ash Creek r.rosses a flood plain area. Devel�pment af an access through to S .W. 89th along the existing street would be difficult even if the impact of the additional traffic on the neighborhood north of Ash Creek could be shown ta be acceptable. � 6. According to the Washington County Zoni.ng Department, ac- cess throu�h a single family zon�d site to an apartrnent �ite could only be o�tained by means o� a street dedication. 7. An a,dditional problPm fareseen by staff is that under Tigard Cacle a parcel of ground (a lot) must be phqsical.ly built upon in or�ier to e�ercise its inhererit development right . under the zoning aode. The aeparate parcel� iden:tified in the ap�.►lication must, therefore, be assembled if�to one "'lot" before development of aparttnents, unless tk�e appro- priate number of units are built separately on �aclz of the lots legally described. That is, a transfer of devel�pment rights from one lat to anotkier cannot be done by a zone chan�e. 8. The fl.00d plain of Ash Creek, running east-west across thP northerl,y part of the site is designated "greenway" in the , T�rd Cammur�ity Plan . The Environmental Design and Open � Space Plan currently' before the City Council is also' proposin� the flood plain of Ash Creek a.n this area as grePnway. 9. Hall Boulevard is designated a major arterial in the Tigard Community P].an and residential/c�mmercial development is � ; � � �, ' � � �G� �Y ��a..- ST�FF REPORT AGENDA 5. 1 ," TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION °'�: JL�.ne 7, 1977 - '7: 3(� P.M. Page 4 being proposed by NPO #4 between S ,W. Oak and Highway 217 � on both the east and west sides of Hall Boulevard. 10. The applicant has indicated that he is in the process of petitioning for the vacation of S .W. Dakata which traverses an east/west course along the southern most portion of Tax Lot 2500 between Highway 217 and the soutY�eastern terminlzs of Tax Lot 2500. II . STAFF OBSERVATIONS : 1. Sanitary sewer hook-�up is available to the site . The Metz- ger Water District has existin� water lines on.to the site. 2. The subject �axcels are vacant , primarily flat arEas, with �. mixture of pasture land and deciduous trees . Hi�hway 217 forms the southw�;st boundary. Si.ngle�family homes a�e lo- cated to th� north and east of the sitP< I I I . STl��'�' I�,ECOMMENDATION: �' �asec� on the findings of fact, th� sta.ff .recommends ap,proval i nf the request subject to the following canditions : 1. The applicant wi11 agree to : a. Annexing into th� City o:� Tigard Tax Lot 2402 in order• that �,ccess si;andar.ds will be in conformance with. City code b . Annexing into the City of Tigard Tax Lnt 3800 in order to permit the most ef�icient use oF the land. 2 . That the �ollowing streets be vacated: a. S .W. Dakota Street from Highway 21'7 to its terminus witYi Tax Lots 2201 arid 2200 (Tax �Iap 1S1 35DA) b. Those portions of S .W. Manzanita (eastern. and western) which would no longe� be required for public righ�ts-of- ' way after a new street connection between S .W. M�,nza- nita and Hall Boulevard is provided to the site from Tax I,ot 2402. Cross sectior�al drawings be submitt�d to Pu.blic Works IIepartment :far their approval . 3. A major partition be submitted showing the changes in the �� street right-of-way and re��ising the property 1inPS to . � ; ■r , _ � �. . �w �� S'PAFF REPORT AGENDA 5. 1 �' TIGARD PLANNTNG COMMISSION ��.. June 7, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 5 produce a lotting pattern which responds to tlze proposed changes in the street system. 4. Da�a will be provided at the time o.f design review consid- erati.on indicating the location of the 100 year F'lood Plain on the subject parcels . ���_ � _ _ _ _ . .. . . . . .�.. 4 �� Y. . � . �.,... . fi � �-' STAFF REPORT I' r AGENDA 5.2 z TIGARD PLANNTNG COMMISSION f' �' June 7, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. i� Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room � 10865 S .W. `Yalnut Street - Tigard, Oregon. I: i�, DOCKET: Zone CY�ange 16-77 � REQUEST: To apply City oF Tigaxd R-7 zaning to a recently annexed � 19.Q6 acre parcel. currently zc�ned Washington County RU-4 ; LOCATTON: North side of S.W. Durham �toad, 800 �e�t west of S .tiV. � Hall Blvd. (Wa�h. Co. Tax Map 2S1 I1D, Tax Lot 1400) - �' �: �� APPLICANT: David Farr/Harris McMonaglE Associates �, �, I: �. I . k'INDINGS QF �'ACT: � ,. 1. The applicarit is requesting tYze appli.cation of Sectian 18.20 (Single Fami.ly Residential) of the City of Tzgard !�unici�al ' Code to a recently annexed (�pril 6, 1977) 19.06 acie �ar- �' ; cel . � 2 . The site is designated "Urban Low Density l�esiderztial'" on � the Tigaa�d Community Plan, 1971 . Applieable p�lic�.es �rom f ' � the plan ar� as f�llows : - � a . Urban Low Density Residential I„ Objectives � r i (1) To pxovi,de a.re�s of the city having a predamin�.tely � single-,�amily residerxti,al charac�tex �' ; i� (2) T� permit densities that wi.11 economically supp�rt the cost o� necessa�y puk�]:a.c: serpices anc� fac,�,Xi- i� ties, such as pa.ved st�eets, pedestrian wa�s, and utiliti:es (3) To permit a variet,y o� housing types ta meet th:e : needs of different �a,mily si,ze and fa,milq i.ncome. �o1ic�PS a�d Standards ;' �; (1) The maximum overall density' of develo.pment will be �' �our dwellin� units qr 12 persons pex �rpss acre. I This amounts to a standard q� 7,5'00 s�,uare �eet of G. �! land ps:r dwell.ing un.it �;Zlowin� �or streets and �; I? other open space. �o�e areas w�il ;.avc w loti:�er _ 4; , �, � �� �: � . ;. � �: _;_ : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, . Y .. �^ �.. . . . ...}� �'. STAFF REPORT . AGENDA 5.2 � TIGARD PLANNTNG COMMISSION � June 7, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 2 �,j �; i ,,; dens3ty ow�.ng to to�ogxaphy, exi.sting develo,pmen�t patterns or th.e desire o:f individuals to own a larger lot . �, (2� Residential subdiv3sions will be developed with paved streets, curbs and guttexs, st-reet li,ghts, and w�,lkwa,ys, according to City or County stand- ards. Al1 utilities wil.l be placed underground. ,. (,3) Develc�pment will coinci.de wa;th the �xovision of �,, public streets, water, and sewex age ,�ac�.liti,es . [.; These faci.lities shall �e (a) capable o� aciequately �'� serving all int€rven�.ng pro�exties as well as the �: propo�ed develo�ment and (b) de�igned ta meet C�.ty "` or County standards. j I, , (�) Planned unit rievelopment will be encouxaged nn � �# tracts large enough to accommadate ten or more d�vellings. Planned unit development will �ermit �� a degree of ,flexibility in design that will enabTe ' � a higher quality o.f development in accordar�ce with zoning standards. b . Arterial Streets PoZicies and Standards �� � �' (.1) Arter�.al streets wa.l1 �ive li.tnited access to ad- � joining pro�exty and ha�ye g�ade se�arati�n w�,th �? railroad tracks in order to avc�id unnecessary con- � �licts. . � ' � j (2) Parking along arterial streets w�ll be li,mitec� in I order to maintain their txa��a'c hancil�.ng ca��ac�.ty, I; " (.3) The followa�ng standards are recomrraended �or ar�er� ial streets : Right-of�way width: 80 - 12Q feet* �ave�nent width: 12 �eet pex l�.ne Mov�ng la.nes : 2 - 4 Volume: 6, Q00 - 20,OOQ vehz,cles �ex day , Dxiving speed; 24�45 miles �ex hour T E��.st;�.n� �;n+er�.?ls with less than 80 �eet o� ra<ght-�of-t�tay wi,ll rec�u�re stri,ngent acGess contx4is. �; .. � � . . . . . . . . .,._`.i . . . . . � . . . . .�.. .:;1 � � � � . � .... . � . � . . � .�. . .�'i � � - ,�ri;;� . . . . : . � � .. � t`�... �'t..� . . � ' . STA��F REPORT � AGENDA 5.2 ��mm' TTGAKD ]?LANNTNG COMMISSIQN " June 7, 1977 - 7: 3Q P.�i. Page 3 (.4) Th.e plan des%gna.tes th.e �o1lQwin� a,s, axtex�.al stre��ta ; Duxh.am R,pad laetween Hi�hwa,,y -99�W a,nd 72nd Ayen�e, ' 3. R�? would allc�w� th.e �ollqwi:ng uses: a . Qutright �Prm�tted: (l� Single :�ami.ly dt��elling, each 'Qn a s��ara�e,l� des- cr�.bed 1�t, as xeco�^ded �n th:e Caunty r�cQrds (2) �'arming, tru�k garden�.ng, orchaxds, a,�ad nuxseri.es, pr�vided no reta�.l or wh�lesale bu�in�ss �a�es of- fice is mainta�ined �an the premise� �.nd ,��°c�v�..ded that no �oultxy o� liyestock, oth��x th�;n narmal hous�hold pet�, are E�:qus�d ox any tenred xun 10- cated w�:'tlzi.ri one I�und�red �eet o�'r any res?dence othEr tha,n the dwelling on the sa�e lot � (3) H�me occu�ations, only as stri;ctly d��ine�l �.n S:�c-� tion 1$.08.250. b. Con,drti,an�.�. u.s,cs t (1� Dup].�x •residenti,al, with �. ma�nimum 1at s�ze of 10, 000 square �eet ; one dup�e� pex �.�� � (2) 13oat nnoorage ; � i C3) Cemel:ar�es � ; 5 (4) Churches 4tind acc�s�ory uses �. . � , �.5) Colleges , (6) �o:rnmuni,ty bui�,ding C_publ;ic) : `' � ;: � (7) Governmental structure or land use, �.ncluding �ub� { lic park, �l:ay�round, xecxeati:on bui.ldi;n�� ,�i�e ; station, libxary qr rnuseum E . z , � (.8) Greenhouse ; r . . . � � . . � . . � . . � � � . . � S (9) Conditiona,l h.ome use ; Fol,lowing the prQcedure set , f fo�th �n C"ha;ntPr 18.72; a.' conditional home use may � ,. i :i r � # :�" — . __ - . � 'i � � � i�I ' . \ �::� � . i�i'. ���, `i STAFF REPO�tT �; � AGENLA 5.2 ��� �� TIG.ARD PLANNTNG CO�IMISSION E June 7, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. + Page � �" be authoxized �or certain home occupational uses �� 'I, + which do not str.ictly conform tc� the cxitexia set forth ;for t'hom� occu�ation" as d.e�ined in Secti.on 18. 08 .250 . It is the zntent o.f. this prQyision t� ,;; provide the means for request for the Ci.ty 's con- sideration of "h.ome occupation" type uses when special circumstances are �resent which th.e appli- � can� feels deser�e th3s cons�.deration . It is the �ntex�t af th.�.s t3.tle that any comme�cial �r indus- '' trial operations which would ordinar�.ly be conduc- ted in a commercial or industrial district, con� i` tinue to be conducted �n such district and not at t: home �' (.lU) I3ospitaZ, sanitarium, r�st home, home for the �.�ed, nursing hor�e ox corivalescent ho�e ;; (11) Railroad right-a�-wa,y (12) SchUOl : nuxsery, primary, elementaxy, junior high or senior high, college or uniyerszty, pxi- ` vate, parach.i.al. or public k �,. � (13) Ui:ility substati..on ar pumping station ��ith no �quipmen� stoxage a�nd lin�s wh.a,ch �.re essential to the �unctioning anci servicing of residenta,al r�eighborho�ds (14) Any business, sErvice, ,processing, storage ar da.s- � play essential or incidental to any pexmitt�d use 's, i.n this zone and no�t canducted entireZy tu�.thin an i � enclo�ed building '� t ; (15) Golf course, countx� c1ub, pra,va.te club � (16) Children 's day care ' II . STAFF OB�ERVATIQNS: � � The site is flat with ho�zses along the western Pdge. The par- ; cel i.s essenti.all.;y a vacant piece o� farm land with very l�ttle � vegetation other than grass and a �ew �rees around th.e hQuses . �No d�velo�ment canstraints ar� app�:rent . � I I I i � I �i � � 1 � I i � �r�.,. . . . . � . . � . .. . . .. . . . , � ,- ... �� . . _ . �. ±�. '� , STA�F REPORT AGENDA 5.2 � T'IGARD PLANNING COMMISSION June 7, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Pa e 5 g The site is surrounded by farm land with the e�ception of the Tigard High Schaol on the south side of S .W. Durham Road. The general character of the a:rea i.s rural , undergoing transition to urban uses. Sewerage service is available �rom a ten inch main line in S .W. Duxham Road and. is of adequate capacity to facilitate the pr�posed density. Water service is available �rom the Tigard Water District from a 12 iz�ch main lii�e in S .W. DurYi.am Rqad, which is adec�uate to serve the devel.opment . � .W. Durham R�ad lacks th.e right-c�f-way called fQr in the Ti- gard �ommunity Plan, 1971 and is �.n a substand�.rd condition . Washingtori County Public Works Department has developed a de- si�n for th� imprc�vement of S .W. Durham Road which calls fc�r a 90 foot right-of-way. ThF�refor�e, righ�-o�-way n�cessary to � pravide �or 45 fee�; from center line should be dedicated. � III . CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS : � 1. There exists a public need to apply Ci�ty of T��ard zanin� j - �_ to al1 parce].s o� land in �the city in orde� to ease the administra�tion �f land use x�e�ulations and assure consis- tency tY�.roughout the city. 2 . The praposed R-7 zonir.�g district is com�aatible wi,th the t surrounding �oning a,nd conforms to th� !'Urban Low Density '� Residential" poli.cies of the Tigarc� Community Pl,a;n , 1971 in that it l.imits 1;he m�.,ximum overall den.sity to �our dwel- � ling units/acre and wi•th the attachment a� appropria�te con- ditio�ls, the ader�uate proyision o.f public services to serve ; the pr.oposed develo,��ment can be assured. :� 3. The R-7 �oning a_s the most app:ro�riate designation dtxe to �'' � t13e��e �eing no apparent developm�nt constraints and the '' :�� ne�d to efficiently utilize buildable lands in the urb�.nt `y area. i:' I�V. STAFF RECOMMF;NDATION: ,;' Based on the findings of fact and conclusionaxy �indings, t.he '' staf� recomrr�ends ap�r�val a� the request subject to the �ollow- �;? ing condit�on : �; 1. Right-�of-way necessaxy to pro;vide �or 45 ��et frc?,tra center � line be dedicatpd �c�x street �urpose� . � ��. �,: �: � � � � � � ,�n� , �, _ ' �;; �__ ' , , " � � . . . 4`�.. t�. � . a STAFF REPORT A.GENDA 5.3 TIGARD PL�NNING COMMT,S.STQN �- June ?, 1977 - 7: 3D P.M. , Fowler Juni.or High Schoot - Lectu:xe Room 108h:5 S.W. Wa,lnut Street - Ti,gard, Or�gon DOCKET: ZC 18-77 REQUEST: To apply City of Tigard R-7 zoning to a recently annexed 2 .75 acre parcel cuxrently zoned W'ashington County R.U-4 LOCATION: Nor.th side of S.[N'. Nortfi. Dakata Street F��;tween S .W. Ti-� gard Street and S.W. . Greenburg Road (:Wash . Co. Tax Ma,p 1S1 34D, Tax L�t 400� APPLICANT; Stephen Spiegel I . FINDZNGS 0]E �'ACT: �., The ap,pl.icant is xequesti;n� the ap�lication of Sec.'tion 18.20 :(Si.n.gle Famil� Res�.d�ntial� of the Ca:f,y af 'rigaz'ci Municipal Code to a xecentl.y annexed (May 4, 1.977) 2.57 acxe parcel . 2 . The site is. d�s.igna.tea "U.rban L�w Density Resxd�ntial" on th.e Tigard Cornmunity Plan, 1971, Applica;ble pol.ici.es �rom th:e �J�an are a� follows : a. Urba.n Low Density �,esidPntial Objectives (1) To provide areas of th� city h.aving a predominatel,y single-family residential chaxacter. (2) To permit deil�ities that `will economically s��port the cost of necessary public service� �.nd facili- ties, such as paved s�;reets, pedestrian way� , and tztilities: (3) Ta permit a, variet� of t�ousing types to rneet �he needs of d3�ferent famil,,y 5ize and family income. Policies and Sta.ndaxds ' - i (1); The maximum ovPrall densit� a� d�velopment will ' be �our dwel.ling' units ox 12 persons per gro�s acre. `Thxs dmounts to a standard o� 7,500 squa;re �ee� o� l.and �er dw�elling unit, al�.owing for streets and other open space. Some areas wi.11 � ; '�r� . � - � __ __ � _ .�:- ,., � � �. �.._,� � , STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.3 < TZGARD PLA,NNING COMMI;SSION June 7, 1�977 - �: 30 P,M. � Page 2 have a lpwer density owing to to�ograph�, e.�ist- 3ng development �atterns or the desiare of indi- viduals ta own a �.axger lot . (2) Residential subdivisions wi11 be de�eloped with paved streets, curbs ar�.d �utt�rs, street Ii:�hts, ; ; and walkwa,ys, aceording �o City or Count,y st�.nd- : ards. A1.1 utili.ties w•ill be placed underg�ounci. � (3) Development wil.l coincide with th� �ixo�rision o� � � public st�teets, water and sewerage �ac�,li,ti�s. � These facilities shaJ.l be (a) capak�le Qf ade- �. , , guately serving al1 intexvening propext�e�, as ' well as th.e proposed deve�opment and (b) designed � � t� cneet City �a° Count� �tandarcls. ; i t � (4) Planned unit development Will be enc,ouxaged an �� tracts large enou�h t;c� a�coznmoci�,te �:en. or n�ore � ' dwellings. Flanned unit dev�lo�ment will pQxmi.t � a degree of �1.exibili.ty in de�ign th.a�t wi,l]. en� r able a high.er qualit� of developznent i� accord�nce �; � �" with zoning standards. Y. �_ b. G�llector Streets Purpose �� �: ,r: Ta c,ollect and distxibut$ tra;ifzc between arteri�,l and' '�'.., loeal �treets or directly to tra�fic destina,t�,ons. A 4?i , sPCOndary purpose is to provide access �o abutting i;' properta�es. �� �:. ,' �; �. Pol�cies and Standards ';i � � �.^ (1) Th�,e followi,ng stan.dards are recommended �or- col- "� ,'< lector st.reets : Right-of-Way width : 6Q foot mini,murn '` ;.; � Pavement width: 44 foot (,_two l3 �oQt mpVi,ng i-�, lanes and t�o 9 �oot parkin,g �N� 1�,nes. 26 �est of �a.vement E4!; at �ntersections and r,�oss�- �; walks . �sl � . � . . � ' . � . .. 4 f� Moving lanes: 2 e:. '� � ,?�, ,.� :.,� - ��� ,.� C�i � �z� _ _ . . . , . .,.;. . , . �: � ...� .�.P ...,,� ....�;��. _ ,,,_ _ ;. 4' � � � � �;� i; � ���.: i; t,, � � � �STAFF REP�ORT � ����� AGENDA 5. 3 �"' TIGARD PLANNTNG CQMMI.SSION t;j �, June 7, 19??. - '7: 30 P.M. i�, Page 3 i"! I'; �', Volume ; 1,QOQ--�6,C?Q0 veh.zcle� p�x da� �,� , Driving speed: 2��-35� miles per h�ux �' i:' (2) The �tanda�rds desc,r�bed above �,re �qr callector streets in built-u.p a,reas Wh.ere �n-�tre�t parking and di.rect acces:s tQ property are �Fxmitted. In G' special cases (.s.uch. as large scale subdi,�i,�i.ons �; where access can. be controlled, �arking space can be �rqvidea in of�-StrEet p�,rk.in� bays, and Walk- ;; ways can b� �rpyi.ded a.lqng rear lot lines),, other �' standards ma }ae. appr�priate . `' � A collector s,treet without on-street �ark.ing and �v�i.thout curb-cu�ts. to individua.�. px'ope�ti.PS can �ie '' developed wi.th 24�26 feet of dr,3:.ving p�.vemerit . Such a stxeet serves one �unction--to ��qye traf- fic. (.3) The plan dPSi�na,tes the following as col�.ectar streets; Noxth ll�.kota Stree�t �rpm 121st ,Aven.ue ta �' �,µ Tiedeman ,�veriue. k (4) R-7 w�ould al7.ow the fUllowing uses : � (a� Ou�;right �ermitted ; ; 1. �ingle �amily dwellin�, each on a sep- arately describefl lot, as recoxded i'n the ; County� records � 2 , k'arming, truak �ard�nin�, oxchard�, and r, nu.rseries, �rodided no retail a� wh:ole- �ale business sales of�ice a:s m�i,ntained �' on. the pxemises and proV?-:��d �hat nU ;, poultry or livestock, other �han normal ; househ.Qld pets; are hc�used or any fenced ; r.un located within one h.und�^ed �eet o� an,y residence other tha.n the dwellin� on '' th.e same 1ot k ; l. 3. Home occupations, only as s�rictly de- � fined in Sec�ion 18.08.250 �' �� ,� ;, � � � � � _ � �. „ ;� '� �`, �. �; , _ �� t; � _ � .. _ _ _ .. � -- --— -- , '��, �;:.;. STAFF RE�ORT `� �G�NDA 5.3 �°�• TIGARD k�LANNING .CQMA4ISSION t��T� �:. �June. 7, 1�77 -- '7:3Q P.M. Page 4 b. Conc�iti,onal uses : �T� Duplex residenti;al , wi.th a m�.ni,mum lot size �� 10,000 squa�e feet : one duplex �er lot (2) B�at moora.ge (3) Cemetaries (:4� Chur�hes and a.c:ceasor°y uses (_5) Coa.leges (6) Commlznity bua.�lds,.r�g,s (.pul�lic� (7) Governmental �truct�x'e or 1a.nd use, �nclud�.ng �ub- 1ic park, playground, recrPation bui,.ld�_n�, ,fi.re station, libra�y� c�r r�useum (_8� Greer�house (9) Conditional hqme u�e: �'allov�ing the procedure set �- forth i.n Chapter �8. ?2, a conditional h:ozne use m�.y be auth.arized f�r certain home oc�up�.tional. uses ' which. da not strxctly conform to tb.e criter�,�, set �oxth ��r "ham� occupation" as defi.ned �..n Section 18 �08.250. It is the iilten� of thss px�vi.sion to provide th.P �ea�� for request �pr the C�:t�r's con- sideration o� "home pccupation" �y.pe use's when special circumstances are presPnt whi:ch th:E appl�., cant feels deserve this cpn�idexati:on . It is �h.e intent of this title that a,ny commexci.al Qr indus- �xi.al ogerations which tuould ordinax.i�y 1��. cQnduc- ted in a commerci.al or in;dustri;al distr,ict,. c�n- ' tinue to be conducted in such. d�.stri,ct and n:ot at hom� : (10) Hos�ita,l, sanitarium, rest home, home �or the aged, nursing Yi.ome or conyalescent hom� (11� Ra��road right-qf�-way , (.12) Schaol : nurserY, pximary, elementaxy, ,juniQr hi.�h o,r senior high., college ox' un�versit�, pr�.vate, paxochial or public ' � � _ _ � i _ _ _ fi�,_ ���. STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5. 3 ��'' TIGARD PLA,NNING CQMMISSION t ���- June 7, 1977 - 7: 3Q P.M. Page 5 (13) Utility substation or pumpin� st�.tion �uith no ��,uip-- ment stora�e and. lines which. are es.s,ent�ia,l to the functionin� and servicing of res�dential ne�,g:hbar- � hoods �14) Any busi.ness, service, processing, storage qr dis- play �ssential or incidental to any �ermi.tted use in tl�is zone and� not conduc�ted entirely �i.th�n an encl�sed build'i,ng (_15) Golf course, coun�try c1.ub, privat� club (16) Children 's day c.are I I . STA�'F 013SERyATIONS; The si.te zs a vacant parcel wit�i no cieuelp�ment canstrair��ts other th.an a part of the F�.nno Gr.eek �1ood plai,n (,5�4' mean sea level� , wh.ich intrudes intp th:e parcel on th.e e�.�t side ��� the street . The site is sux'r�uncled by gener�,lly urideveloped �xop- erty and large lots with sin�].� �ami�lq dwell.ings. Th�: �tineral �i charac�ter of thE af�ea is xural, undergQing change ta urban �vith the i.ntrociuction o� �he Englewood and Black Bu11 Subdivisions . Wa�ter and sewerage servzce is available ��om the recerltly a�- proved Black Bull Su�division t� the north . AccPSS to the site is available only fror� S ,W, Nprth Uakc�ta Street , which is subst�.ndard in rigYat-of-way and improvement ' width. In oz•d�� to k�ring th_e existi.ng ri;gh.t-pf-way to �neet 1 the plan standards, a; ten �oot dedication along thrs ,�roper�;y , w�uld be required . j The attachment of the same cc�ndition as was attached �to the , B1ack Bull Subdivision (�iarc;h 28, 1�J77) woulc� sati�fy t�,e im- ',, provement neEds of S .W. NortYi Dakota Street . ;I "1. An agreement to partici�ate in a local improye:�ent dis- � trict for th� im;pr.oVeznent �� S .[�. North Dakota �treet be � signPd by the pro�erty qwner, be `rec�rded, and �tra,n�ferred � to all deed� for all z�ew lots as the,y axe s�ld . " (k'ile � ZC 1$-76) i < 1 III . CONCLUSIONA�Y ��NDINGS : '' ; � l. There exi:sts a public need to ap�ly C3t� gf '�i,g�;�d zoning � to a11 parcels of land in the ca.ty in ��dex to ease the � administrati;�n of l:and� use xegulations and a�sux� eonsi;sd ; : tency throughqut tka�- city: { � `� � : � � � j; �....... _ : , , ..�. _ , ...,.:. , _.-, , � ��,, `�,:;, : STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5 , � f,"' TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSZON �. JLtn.e 7, 19'7'7 - 7: 36 P.M. Pa�e 6 2 . 7.'he proposed R�7 zonin� district is compati;ble with the surrounding zonin� arrd confartns to the "Urban Lqw Densi,ty Residential" �olici.es af th.e Ti�ard Cornmunit� klan, 1977 in th.at it limi.ts th.e maximum ovearall cienS�-ty to �oiz� dwel- ling units/acre, and, W�.th. the attachment o� a.ppro�rxate conditions, the adequate �rovis�.:on of �ublic sexy�ces to serve the proposed develo�ment can be assured. i 3. The R-7 zonin� �'s the most appro�riate des3,gnatipn due to �; th.ere bei_ng few develo�ment constr�,ints and th.e neec3 tq � ef�i,c�.Qnt].y utili;ze buildahle 1and� in the urban a.rea. IV. S'1'AFk' RECOMMENDATION. � ��a�eci crn the �i.ndi,ng� of �act and conclusion�.x•y �i,nd�,n�s, the , staff recommends approual wi�tri �th:e following cpnd��ic�ns: '_; � E l. �r� agreement to partiei,pa�e in �. loca,l im�rov�ment distri,ct i for the improveme�t o� S .W, North Dakota� StrePt �,e si.gn�d � hy the pr�pexty ow•ner, bP xec,orded, and t.ran,s.f.�rxed to al� ;y deeds �or a�l new lpts as they �.re sold � ' �. . , ' . 2, Ten �eet be cledicated alon� thi.s pr�perty ��r stx��t :�.m- grovements to S .4V. North Dakota Street . �:� � � � ` � ;. ,� �, �:: ,: i r,; �,. z; �� � � � � � � � � � � �� �`� � � � � � � � �� � � � � � ��� � ;, :� :� t� ; ,-. � ;:; ;;; �; �; ��. s� T;� , �;� t� �;; �' '� ;; i �, k. � � �; � ,.. . ..�.:.. � . . { �.... t�a:.� STAFF RE�ORT A�ENDA 5 .4 �r.�� TIGARD PLANNING COMMIS�S'ION , ,_;. �June 7, 39 77 - 7:30 P.M. �'owler Juna_or Hi�h School - Lecture Rc�om 10865 S .W. Walnut Street - Tigaxd, O.regon DOCKET: ZC 19-77 REQUEST: To amend the zoning ordinance changing the zoning desig- nation from "R-7, Single Famil,y ResidentiaZ" ta "C-P, Com- mercial Professional" on a 3 .13 acr� parcel LOCATION: At the northeast intersection of S.W. 72nd Avenue and S .W. Sandburg Street (Wash. Co . Tax Map 2S1 1DC, Tax Lot 3700 and Tax Map 2S1 1DD, Tax Lot 200) APPLICANT: Riley R. Taylor I . FTNDINGS OF FACT; 1. The applicant is requesi;ing to c,hange a pareel �f land 3. 13 acres in size from City of Tigard zaning R-7, Single Family Residential to C-P, Commercial Pro�essional . 2 . C�-P, Commercial Prc�fessional znnin�; permits the f�llowin� �` uses : a. Permi.tted outright : (1) Administrative, prof.essional , and g�neral offices, including �ffices or organizations engaged in ac- counting, archi.tectur�, edits.ng, engineerin�, zn- surance, law, and realty; (2} Ari� gal leries ; 3 Exhi_bit halls for commexcial and industrial exhi- � ) bits-; provided, however, that `there be no sale of � stock o.r material from the floor, and provided further that tk�ere be' no warehousing or s�torage either within or on the pretnises; (4) Banks, building and loan o:ffices; photogra�her�, and �.rtist studios; (5) Biological and medical 1ak�oratories, dental and medical offices, and cliizics; (6) Commercial facilities rela.ted a,nd incid�ntal. to ` the uses permitted, provided,- howev�r, that there '';I � � _ __ : -- — � —�--... , �---- � �.._ " �a��: � STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.4 � TIGAR,D PLANNING COMMISSION �, June 7, 1977 - 7: 3D P.M. Page 2 . be no display or advertising other than specifi- cally permitted in Section 18 .40.070; (?) General research not involving �;he manufacture, fabrication, and processing or sale of pr�ducts a,S IlSt@C� lIl 2.21� ��C" OY• '�Mr' LOT1G T (8) Other non-retail commercia.l uses .faund similar to the above by the Plarnning Commission. (Ord. 7Q-- �6 �4, Exhibit A (part) , 1970: Ord. 70-32 �156-1, 1970) b. Conditianal us�s: (1) Governrn�n�:al structur�s or land uses; (2) Lc,ungES and nightclubs ; (3) Medium--rise a.partment or of f ice builc�in�s (four stories or aY�UVe) ; ,� (4) Motels and hotels; �.�. (5) Multifamily dwellings, subject to the re�ulations and si,te restrict3ons of Ch�,pter 18.24; (6) R�stauxan�ts; (7) Thea�ers; ($) Limiteci commercial uses if integrated within of- fice-park, i.ncluding confectione,ries, barl�er shops, beauty shops, delicatess�ns, pharmacies, flarist � : shops, gif�t �hops, shoe repair shops; (9) Similar uses �_f apprc�ved by the Planni.ng Commis-- i sion . 3. Appla.cable policie� (yet to be adopted) - N�ighborhooc� Planning Or.ganization #5 test �re as follows: �� Policy 5: Insure that resic�ential development is pratec:ted from the incompatible features a.f industrial. ]:and use b�r naeans of Pmpl.oying the ��llowa.ng i land planning techniques : I i � , 1 ' _ ; �,, � ;� �,_ �:a.. STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.�4 TIGARD PZANNING COMMISSION �'�:. June 7, 1977 - 7: 30 P�.M. Page 3 A. As industrial development approaches resi- denti.al areas pxovide far a stepping down of the intensi�ty of industrial use B. �rovide protective buffers for resi�lential areas by use of such natural. features, such as the Fanno Creek Greenway I C. Where disparate land use types are closely grouped togeth�r, employ strict site develop- ment standards that insure compatibility. Policy 24 : Limit the a,mount of commercia.l devpl.o�men� to o�cux in the industrial area, allo�uing only some growth of existin.g reta,a.l anr� sex�vic,e c�m- mercial in the are�,. 4. During informal dis�ussion by NPO #5 on appropriate iarici uses for this site, they had responded favarably to certain commer�;ial-prof�ssi.onal uses occupying the site. �' 5. Staff. has cantacted the Citq 's legal co�un�el regarding the w� zone change �raposal °s conformance witk� the Comprehensa.ve Plan . I� is Yiis opinion that less :intensive uses th�n x•ecommended by the Plan can be found to be in cnnfoxmance (Bakex decisi�n) . Secondly, the capability of 'land uses allow�d in the C-F� zone would comp�iment e�is�;ing land uses in the imrnedia�te area and, therefore, adhere tc� good plannin� principles . Finally, the permitted �ses in �his zone provi:de a tranistian area between the established resi- dential area 1>o the west and the industrial development to the east and south, thereby meeting th�e intent of tY�e NPO #5 plan. � 6. An e�<rnest money contract-a.g.reemen�t between tlze applicant, Mr. Rile� Taylcir anr.l Mr. Don Byers, adjacent property owner to the �ast �or the purchas:e o.f 47: 14 �ee� of Mr. Taylor's property, is present�:y b�ing negotiated. The ap- II plicant has been inf.ormed by staff. that acijustment o� the ea�t boundary line of Tax Lot 3`!00 is necessary to avoid split zoning an the parcel . II . STAFF OBSERVAT:IONS : • The site is a vacant, relativ�ly f1at, opQn; �a�cel of land w��h ' single family dwellings frontinb it to the west across S.W. �' , , ; ;, y � ;: f STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.4 ''� TIGARD PLANNING CUMMiSSION !I � June 7, 1977 - 7: 30 P,M. Page 4 . ;i 72nd. To the so�uth are the First State Bank Ser�Tice Center `+I and the Associated Computer Building, part of the Sandburg Cen- ter complex. There is a vacant lot to the east, and to thE north is a large, thick stand of trees; an application �or an industrial park planned unit development (Hansen, I'letcher, and Parsons) was approved by the City Council on this site. � A 12 inch water main on S.W. 72nd and ten inch line on S .W. ' Sandburg are avai.lable to serve the site. Sewerag� service is presently available to the site with a sanitary sewer line being located in the southwest portion of the lot . � Access to the site from S .W. 72nd is by way of a gravel (unim- proved road) which traverses the lot along an east/west course. S.V�. 72nd along th� west property is preseni;ly withaut curb or sidewalk. S .W. Sandburg Street is an improved street; with curbs and sidewalks on the south side and a cur� along tY�e west property line of the subject parcel . A curb cut and apron are located in the southeast portion of the lot along S .W. Sanc�burg StrEet . , �t ;;' , I I I . CONCLUS]:ONAI�Y F I1VD I NGS : E': I 1. The proposed zoning conforms with the intent and purpose of NPO #5 plan �or that area in that : ` a. Permitted and conditional uses in a C--P, Commercial Professional zone would be compatible with existing land uses. b. Commerci.al--Professional uses would provide a smooth transition between the existing residential and indus- trial developments. 2. Sewer.age service and wa.ter lines are ava,ilable to the site. ; IV. STAFF RECOMIVIENllATION: J3ased on the staff observa�ions and conclusionar�r findings, tk�e staff recommends approval of the request stzbject to the follow- ing conditions : ' ;: 1. The zone change request, as submitted, be approved contin-- ;; gent upon the sale of the 47.14 foot wide p�.rcel at the � �.. t, t; 4' c t. z � i� � � � � � � (�, . . � �. . � . . .� �{.i � j _.. . _ _. __ ,i �,. °�:.. STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.4 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSiON � June 7, 1977 - 7 : 30 P.M. � Page 5 3 f eastern end of the property. � , 2. 20 feet be dedicated aloti� S .W. 72nd for street 'purp�ses. � s 3. The applicant will fils with the City Recorder an agreement � not to remonstrate a�ainst a Local Impro�ement Di.�trict � (L. T .D. ) for street i.mprowPments to S .W. 72nd Avenue. , z �R 4 . A One (l) foot access control strip be declicated to the " City prohibiting direc� access onto S .W. 72nd. Avenu�. � £ � � � � � � �A ;� �� � � �� �u � � � ;� � �' � �� �� �_ � � „ �: i � ,; �; i � � � � �� � �� � � � � � � � � � �� � � � ��� � � � � � � � ���� F i � , , , l , � ; � � , �. _ ; '��. STAFF REFORT. AG�NDA 5.,5 �'�GARD PIrANN�NG CQMMISSI0�1 �-�. ,T�ne ?, 1�77 - 7.30 P.M. Fowler Junior High School - 2�ecture Raom �t7865 S»W. WAl.nut Stre�� - Tigard, Oregon DO�RET Y CU l�r"�7 REQtJ��Ts �0 looate a karate studi.o in � "C-3" General Cammercial zone. I,Q�ATTON: 11652 S.W. Pacific Highvray (Wash. �ounty Tax Map 151-36D, lot 140Q) AF'PZIC.R.�I�N: Kenneth W. Lickar Jr. I FINDTNGS OF FAC�: �. �"he applicant is requesting a cond.it3.on�:L �x�e to locate a marti�l. arts �tudi�a iza �h� �chult� Prof�sgiona� Bldg, 2. �'he site is zaned �-3 Ger��ral �ommerci�l which auth.o�a.zes th;e P�.�nning Cc�r�m.is�ion ta Gansider �s conditi,onal uses �he follawirags o �.8.�0.02� }�Amusemen� �nterp.r�ses, including bill.iard � �r'po�l ha].1, bowling al�.ey� �oxf.n� �,x°ena, dar�ce '�` ha1.�., pub�ic swimming �a�ls. S�ct.�an I8.�.2.03(7 allo��s the PLanning Com�issi�n to authoriz� uses r�at speci�ically listed in the cacle i� �he us� is o� the �am� g�nez^a1 t,ype and si.milar t� the a�.,�.;�a�r�d u��s a£ not specifiGal�.�r listed in anoth�r� aone, ` 3. SPC-tiran 3302 (a) of the Uniform �uil�ding Code sta'��s: °1In all accupancies floc�rs abov� th� first stary havin� an occupant ].oad of �are� than 3.!0 sYaal.l have j not ].ess �han two exits which ar,e easily acc�ssible tn ; all c�c�u��nts o I� �TAFF qBSERVATZO�TS: i The prapc�ses s�.�� is below g�°ad� of Pacific �[ighway' and � slapes �vv�y toward the Cry�tal spri.n� ��ea d�aizz�ge. � `,' trophy shop e�ists on the fr�ont portion of th.� lot with ; the prof.esslonal building in 1Re2�ind. The surrounding land � use i.s a bowling al.ley to the sou�h, automobile repair � ahap and a single family residence to the north. ;� '�h� 1200 �q. ft. lease ,spaee pro�a�ed f�r us� as a kara�e studio is`� located on the second floor �.n tk�e gouthern mcrst cqrner. The C�ty� Bu3.ld��ng Department has expressed �ainieern that �n , �wr adequate number of safety exit�x= be i�,stalled wh�r� the � � second floor is parti�ioned� Normally two exist are re- � quired wh�en the floor area exc��ds 1000 sq. ��. � l � . . . . � ..,`I � �V STAFF REPORT � AGENDA 5.5 TIGARD PI►ANNING COMMISSION ; �, Page � ' ;.; `� Th� karate stud�.o was issued a Condi�tional Use permi� �os ;i T3gard Plaz�. in September of 76. The City ha� recei�ed no complaints al�out this use. ' ; Ad�qua�e parking is availabl� on the site. The only problem s�taff can forsee is that under �h� sign cod�e the studio would be a�.lowed on1.y a w�ll sign which wauld raot be �r�.sible from the highway. T�e Flanning Commissi.on attached a �ondition that a signing program fnr the ex�t�.re parcel �be submitted �or Design I�eview� This has not been done aa�d �k�� ap�l.icant should be aware that no sig�ing on, Paci.�ic >�5�3+�hway wi7.1 be aiXowed until this problem is resolved. ; �I� '�TAFF' RE�OMNtENLATIAN; :� Sta�f re�ommend�.�,.�: apprnval of th� Con�.i�,ion��. Use with tk�� follow.�n� condition: 1.. Tha�t plans for partitiox�in� �he ren�a�1 space be ap�roved �, by the Ci�y �f Ti�ard �ui�;s�ing I�partanent e . � � , :i i � i , _ _ _ _ `r...,,. T r^ ` �- KERMIT H. CAR�ILE `� PROFESSIONAL LANO SURVEYING member OREGON —WASHINGTON r►eember �`'� RT. 3, �OX 278 M '°�;04:: ,�,,,R SHERWUOD, OPtEGON 97140 � ... Pb. 603— 625-7046 �� May 24, 19�7 i1:42pm Members of the Tiga�rd Planning Commissian: It greatly disturbs me that you rule u�an issues of which you deny me the opportunity to give testimon,y in reguard to. . I am in agreement to the xoning, of which you stated was the issue th�.s evening. It is ea��remely inpor'tar�� tc� us that you deny us th.e opportuni�y to presex�t the plans for develap�ment yet qou demand that we giv� �pproximately 12,400 shuare feet for the wisiing o£ Durham Road, purchase a�3dit�.ona1 prope�ty fo�r access on to S,W. 9$th nf wh3.ch is n�� far sa�.e, , and in essence denying us the en�oyment of our own property, � We do not want a Tobacco Road entrance to the property, We have , given ap the amoun� af building sites allowed in the county ta try �o work witia �he city and create a more desirable devel.opement. When submitting the application I also submitted copies of th� pxeXiminary plat of "Ker-Wood". T wa� told that we could get a rnYing on the appro�r81 of duplex sites at the same tiime. The legal spinion given us was that twn (2) accesses on Durhain Rosd Gould not legally be denied. I pray that you will give Tne ten (1Q) minutes at the b�ginning of the next planning conanission meeting to address the items you ruled on �onight - withour a1loGring me to p�resent our vie�as� and reconsl.der them on their meri�, I don't want to create problems with the staff but I feel common courtesq sho�xld a11ow us this opportunity. Thank You, Very Tru1y /Lt�-�-���r[,f' ...��,,. `.,-� Kermit 'H. Carlile � �, . �. . _ . _. �-.�.. ,.,_. ., . ;; .. _, „� .s .., _ . , � . . . ,���� KERMIT H. CARLILE ,,, i �... � PROFESSIONAL LANb SURVEYI�'V member OREGON —WASHINGTON member RT. 3, B OX 2 78 M ,�„� S HERWOOD, OR E G ON 97140 �� I � • ��� I Ph. 503— 625-7046 I � May 20, 1977 Tigard P•lanning Co�ission Re Zone change 15•77 I di.d not receive a copy of the staff report until the day of the scheduled hearing therefore I was unable to answer in writing. To clearify some items in error on said report under II Staff Observations: Summerfield is on the West and-the Golf Course an the NortY�. Sewer is at 98th & Durham Road (extended by �he curch of Christ). The site of the proposed plat of "Ker»Wood" consists of two (2) tax lots, both of which have access on Durham Road„ At present thexe is no alternative �o having a.cc:ess on Durh� Road, IV Staff Recommenda.tion; ' The 1 foat access control strip can be achi�ved through th� pro�ective covenance in reguard to the final plat, 3. It is nat possible to expend $80,000 for improvements prior to approval of a preliminary plat. The acceptance of the final p.lat can be subj�ct to the approval of the utilities by the proper agencies however, �. I have met with anc� aslc for f.uture im�ut from the residence of Suuunerfiel� adjoining our property on the West. Some of the agreaments are as follows; They would nnt oppose duplexes on lots 1, 2, & 3 if we wauld provide a building line upon the plat to keep the buildings to the east and ane storq thereby pratecting their view. We would not ask for duplexes on lots abutting the golf course, We will proUide s buffc�r strip along the west & nArth where�y no trees wi11 be cut to prntect their privacyo And t�hat we will not build cheap houses but have ouality homes built, We are asking for Buplex approval on lots 1, 2, 3, 32, 35, 36, 37, & 38, This arrangement of lots is the result on considerable work to try to provide building sites w�►�re trees will not need to be remove�l. We want to _,, sav_�-•�.s many tr.ees as possible, create a desirable subdivi�ion that will be an asset to the community. Do to a pr.iox' committment I will not be able to attend the mPeting in its entirity but will be there at 8:30 as suggested by Mr Daniels. Sincerelq -' -�. /7��, ' .�- .�<,' / !�' G= , /,•/�..�, .... C � ��: �^.•�w.»3'�'�j�•� ',. �•�~ � /��` . �. Kermit H. Carlile ..._,... _ _ ;'I