Planning Commission Packet - 05/31/1977 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. _ i, �i F; � �. �� �. I; AGENDA f', TIGARD PLqNNING COMMISSIGN SPEC�A.L MEETZNG ;'' May 31, 197? - 9:Q:0 P.M. }� � Fow'ler Junior High School -- Lecture Room 10865 S .W. W'alnui; �treet -� Tigard, Oregon ;��i 1. CALL TO ORDER: ;'li 2. ROLL CALL: 'II 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES : 4. COMMUDTICATTONS : ;; 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS : 5. 1 A request by the Tigard Paxk and R�creatian Board to a�prove and recommend to th.e Ci:ty Council for adopti.on the pro�osed Parks az�c� Recreation Sites and Dev�lo�ment Stanc�ards. ; �� i �i �. :� t ' �: �, ; i . � . . .. � ;I.; S1 . . , � . . . . �:�•. F. I . . . . . ..��t � � i' f'i �::. . . . . . . . . . . . . � � ;t: � . . . . . . � .. � . . , .��: . � � . . . . . . . . . , . . . . ��l, . . . . . . . �:i . , .. . , . . . . .� . � . . . . � . . .. .. . :1aJ � . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. F� #I ��� !Ji �: {�, �.,. f', iji MINUTES y' TIGARD PLANNING COMMISBION/SPECIAL MF;ETING �I �. May 31, 1977 - 9 :00 P.M. ;�I Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room � 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon E;� � 1. CALL TO ORDER: � �:. The meeting was cal.led to order by Chairman Popp at J :05 P.M. ;; 2. ROLL CALL: Fresent : Sakata, Tepedino, Nicoli, Popp, and Wood Excused Absence: Moore and Goldb.ach Staff : Altman and Laws ,; 3. MINUTES Non.e 4. COMMUNICATIONS : None 5. PUBLIC HEARING: ; 5. 1 A request by the Tigard Park and l�ecreation Board to ap�rove ', and recommend to the City Council for acloption the proposed ! �:u parks and recieation sites and development standard�� A. St�.ff Report : o Read by Altman � � ; o Chairman Po�p read into the record. a letter in support of the proposed park site l.ocated at Fonner and Errol � Street . Also a letter from Michael Stan was read, stating that his property on S .W. J5th, whi�h ha,s i been proposed for a park site, has been snld. j B. Public Testimony : j � o Fred Cooper (President of the Park Board) read a state- � ; m�nt supportive of the proposed sites and standard,s ; and urged unanimous adoption b�y� the Planning Commis- � sion . , S o Mrs. Robez•t Emm�y, S .W. Fonner .Street, stated her sup- j port for the Errol-Fonner park site as pr�po�ed. . � � i o Mrs. Manley, S .W. Errol, concurred with Mrs. Emmey ' s ; remarks in support of the �rrol-Fonner park site . ; � ; , 7 i ; �� � i I , A ._ ,. G, _ u �, t"�;�, _ l� {': MINUTES '� TIGARD PLANNING COMA4ISSION/SPECIAL NIEETING � " May 31, 1977 - 9 :00 P.Ma , �, i: Page 2 • 4, o Patricia Ogle, resident of S .W. 108th, asked the Com- j mission if surrounding property owners had been noti- fied of the proposed park site selection�. �! � f. o Martin Pfaffle, S.W. Pfaffle Street, representing his '' t aunt, Margaxet Peterson , stated that the notification r letter advi�ing him of tonight 's meeting had not been ;: received until. May 25 a�d read a letter written by ; Mrs. Peterson opposing the proposed site on her prop- � erty on S.W. Pfaff.le Street . ;: o John Thomas, S.W. 85th Street, stated he opposed the i proposed S .W. �5th park site and further stated that he had no intention of. selling his property at this 4 E time . o Mr. Arlawkis, S .W. 108th, s�tated his opposztion of the 108th Street site and wanted to know the criteria used for park site standard sE:lection. � � o Gordon Moore, resident on S.W. 121st Street , asked to ; ha�e th� greenway na,tural drainage system map and park ° r' � � sites described and identi.fied. � � o Helen Ferber, 11330 S.W. 97th Court , st�.ted that resi- dents on 97th Court opposed the proposed park site on North Dakota Str.eet . a Walter Elisey, S .W. 108th, stated this was a plo�r to �et park space �or Summerfield anc� had no intention ! of selling his land. � o Robert I�ialtra, S .W. 108th Street , concurred with Mr. Elisey's remarks. o Sylvia Woods, of S.W. 108th, opposed thP l0�th park �.it? ' s �.re�, an�3 Y'P_.(�17QCtf?f� tn�,t the area �aP retainPd ; as it is . o Willis West, resid�nt of S .W. Catherine Street , rep- resenting property owner Landis Baird on 1�8th Street, stated that Mr. Baird's pr�operty would not be able to appreciate in valu:e if the City Council were to adopt the site as proposed. o }�]lizabeth Nesbow, S .W. 108th, stat�d her opposition of the proposed site on 108th. � �. _ , . � . r ' ; ��, MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION/SPECIAL MEETING � May 31, 1977 - 9 :00 P,M. Page 3 o Charlotte Thomas, 108�th Street, also concurred wi.th opposition on the lO8th park site pr�posal . o A 1_etter was read into the record from Mrs . Lawrence Bastian stating that she was not in favor of selling her property for public park �ite. o Neil Gremsta,d, S.W. Dt�rham Road, opposed the site se- lection as shown. o Sa.11y Thomas, resident of S .W. 85th, stated that she strangly opposed the park site as pr�posed on S .W. 85th . u Mr. Nesbow, 108th, stated his opposition to the 1.08th park site because of the traf�ic �that would be genera- ted, exisi;iilg road conditions, and the pvtenti�.l se- curity problems for locating this site in that area. C. Staff Recommendation : Staff recommended adoption of the proposed site�, �.d�1�t- � ing �the park site on P�a�fle because of person�.l har�iship ` to the owner. D. Rebutt�,l : a Mrs. Z'homas, S .W. 85th, question�d the date of maili.ng of the notification letters. o Mrs. Pat Ogle wondereci if the City would be purchasing thP greenway lands. o rdr. Leon Steele, S .W. 113th, �,sked what denoted the �� greenway in terms of land area, o Mr. Thomas, S .W. 85th, asked if the City would pur- chase the lanc� at the ap�ra.ised: value of a cer,tified real estate �.pp.raiser or the County appraiser and would there be litigation if the County's assessmPnt was less than that of the private assessor. �o Mr. Eldon Phillips, S.W. 108th, questioned the width of the greerrway as proposed. o Glen McBride (Morriset�e Developers) stated that the lands shown for designated park sites should be � � r . . � . . . . . . .. � . � .� . . �k�.i . � . . � . .,, . . � . . . . t� � �x �; _� ; �;"i �;': MINUTES i'' TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION/S�ECIAL IaIEETING R::'; May 31, 197? - 9:00 P.M. �:' � Page 4 r�� � � �. �,', purchased i.mmediately after this designation is made. �� �i o Helen F'erber, S .W. 97th Court, a�ked if she would be %', commi:tteci to selling her. land for park site if it were ;; desi�nated for sueh a us�. }', . � �i'� , o Dan WQOds, S.W. 108th, asked if. there would b'e alter- G= native gark site selections and where thos� sites ;ry; would be if other peop].e objected to the alternative �,i site choiee. 4 ;`, ;;, E::, o Fied Cooper recommended withdrawing the 108th Stxeet site .for several reasons : �`! l. That it was �� low priority in t�rms of park selec- tion crit�ria . . � - �3�.�'�', 2. That at thi:s �tinae it did not meet a Y�igh identi-- ' '' Fied need for tiae are�.. o L�on S�Leeie asked what level of maintenance would the " ,:ti greenway k�F inaintained if purchased by the City. �; r: ���� E. Cornmission Discussion: +'� �x � o Teperiino stated that we must recagnize that Tigard is r� growing wheth�r we liks it �r no� a:nd stated his con- �� � cern about residents autside of the czty i�x terms of �` the next step zn the hearing process and �� theq must �j go to the County PTanning Commission on �;his matter. : �` Tepedino f:urther st`ated that a financial plan, which ` � 'committed the Cit to urcha:sing the lanc�s, should be ��� Y P ' ' established alon� with a pxi.orit� ii.st, in terms o�f ;,' which si�tPS would be puxch�.sed f.irst . A short-terrn 4' , and l�r_g-term acq�isi�i�n �rog�a:� �e: e�t2byished, !' i: o Sakata stated that not a11 the sites as shown far po-' � tential park sites woul.d in fact becom� parks but ° rather develop for some other type of `land use (i .e. , ?:. subdivisions) . �' �: F; o �Yood stated that �;lle park plan is essential , and this #� type of pl.annin� is ; a minimum burden for t'his city, � which is growing at `such a rapid rate. The �reenway ; system' is also an essential part of the plan. - j � � � �; �. • l � x � t ; � � , _ _. _ _ . . :a '�,; `�v,.:.. MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION/SPECIAL MEETING �� May 31, 1�97�7 - 9 :OQ P.�114. Page 5 � o Nicoli stated that certain questions asked in �testi- ix�ony should have been answe�red by legal counsel and felt that the Ci•ty did not have the right to place a 60 c�ay, non-sale time on selective park sites. He further stated i�hat he wouldn 't feel comfartable about voting on this matter until cer.tain legal questions were ans�cverec�. o Papp stated he didn ' t necessarily like �th� idea of nailing down selected sites but f�lt mare com�ortable with the provision for a1l;ernative site sele�ti�ns and that growth is occurring in l�aps and bounds and, therefore, there is a need to act immediatel.y on a par.k plan before the opportunity is lost . o Wood statec'u he saw no difficulty with the 6Q day d�- Iay, as the Supr�me Court had acter� on cases which had plac�d tima delays on the developm�nt of proper- ties (e.g. , Ram�.po) o Wood (moved to ap�rave) and re�can�mend for City Council action the proposed park ar�d recreation sites and de-- � vel�pment standards, deleting the 108tk�, south of Durham, � szte, the Pfaffle Street site, and the elimination of the Genesis site .from the pa�k site map. Sakata (seconded) . o Nicoli stated that he could nUt vote on is��es dealing with financial matters. a T�pedino reconnmended amending the m�tion to tie a fi� nanci.al pl�,n to the gark selectic�n criteria. o Sakata stat�c� that it is not the respc�nsibility of �:he Planning Commission t� be dealirig with the financia,l matters but rather la�nd use it�ms only. Motion as � w a roved four �to onE �Ticoli dissentin . ;, PP p � ; 6. OTHER BUSINESS ; ; � ; None ; ; ?. ADJOURNMENT: � i 11: 55 F.M. i ��" ? � ; i I ; .. . � . . � . . . . . . . . � . �.i �. � . .. . .. . . . � � � � �� . . -.1 .�. . �. � . � .. . � . � . . .. .�. , .. . . . . .. . � .. . . . � . � � . � �� � � . � ��.� . . .. . . � . � � . . � . � � . . , ...� { � . . .. . . , � . � � � . . . �� ... � .. ;'��;{ .. . �. . ',.I � . .. - � . �.. . ..� ... �. .. . ..� . ,:,. .., c.... �.. �^ �._ ��_„ �.,�, � CITY CaF TI�AF�D �{ ■ `�.. P. 0. Box 23557 12420 S. W. Main 7igard. Orega� 97223 TIG�RD PARKS ANI? R�CREATION PLAN Proposed by Tigard Park and Recreation Board A4ay 31, 1977 Why has the Plan been prepa.red? Answer : Along with the growth of any city comes �the obligation to provide needed facilities and ser.vices . Among th �e are parks and recreation facilities . Typically, cities across tl�e nation have outgrown their provision of adequate facili- ties . This Plan attempts to give the City a handle on development and provision of the resulting fac:iliti�s and services . Tt i� a long range plan and has intentionally been developed with a great deal of flexibilit,y . The overall guide to de- I ,� veloping the park system is providing recreation �aci�ities I� � equal to the level of service desired by the residents . What does it do? Answer : It establishes a �rocess for developing and a method of fi- F nancing parks and recrea.tion f�.cilities . a. New devel.opment wi7_1 be charged, through 1;he building permit process, for provision of futur. e parks. b. It sets standards (as guides ) for ev�.luating need by district . (3) Community park districts and (14) neigh- borhood districts have been identified. c. Af�ter initial evaluationt bas�d on the standards, the resi- dents of each district �t�lll determine wnat level of fa-- cilities should be provided , ii' any . Major concerns voiced by local r.esa.dents l. Does the identif.ication of a site mean a park will be developed in the near i'uture? � � : , � .� Ar�swer: Not necessari].y. The identification is onl� a means a� giv� ing the Cit� contr�l oyer deyelopment, as we;11 as �.n abi�.ity �z to ensure needed faciliti:es are provided, No park will kae developed until. th.ere is a need. 2. How will need fo�r facilities be determ�.ned? Answer : An initia,l determination .would be ma,de by th:e �ark Baard. The� would evaluate the need based on the distxi.ct �o�u1a� tion, the available faci3:i,ties and the�.r lqcation, and the park sta�dards. If a need is detex�mined, the citizens o� the district would then be surveyed to e�tablish a desix°8 for facilities. Tf a p�s3tive resp�nse by the district residents resultsy the Board would recommend tq the Council that a park be provided in that district� A negative re- sponse would terminate the �rocess. 3. Does this p1.an prohibit the owner of an ident�.fied site �ram selZ- i.ng hi.s property? • Answer : No, i� the sale does not result in a change of i.n.t�nsity a� use (i .e. , single family to subdivision} and there is no need for facilities �n the district, this p�an has no �ffect on the sale of property. If a need for fac�lita.es is iden- tifi�d, negotiation would be made witk�. tn.e owner on a satis- factory price. ,,, 4 . Will every site listed on the n�ap be �ievelop�d as a �ark.? �,. ' Answer : No . As an initial step to developing a parli syst�m these � sites werE sElected, ba5eci an their location and inc�ividual eharacteristics . When the need arisss, �;Y1P.SP sites wi11. be � consi.dered first ; however, o�ti�nal sites ma�y be se].ected. i Altex•nativ� sites w�uld b� sought if : � a. P.ressure to de�velop a selected si:te p_receded the avai.l- j ability of adequate City funds to purch.ase it � b . Inabil�ty oF the Gity to arrange a satisfactc�ry �urchase ' price ' ; c. Extenuating hardships plac�d on the pxoperty owner be- cause of time dela�s in sale to the City. � 5. D�es the Plan condemn property for park pur;p�ses, r�sul�ing in "I ; an artifically low purch.a,se price? r Answe�•: Only in an extrem� case. The intent o� the Pla,n is to take �� every possibl� step, including �election of an al,terna'tive site; to avoid condemnation. Condemnatipn woulcl require an �� overbearing demand for �acilities that could not be provided ' in any other way. In any c�se, fair market value would be 1 pazd for any site. � r tP Er . � � � � . � , . . . . . f4� .. � . . . . .. . . .. . . ... ��� �1. � � . � . . . . . � . �. jt�-�. t" .. � � . . . � � . .. � . . � ��f. . . . � � . . . . � . . fi . . .. . � � � . ... � � . . � . . , . . . . . ... . . ��.�.}��, v "�� '��..., 6. Does th.is mean a sel.ected si:�Ye would be unduel'y t.�ed u,p in bur- eaucratx,c deci.sion�m.a,king be.fqx•e �.. final deci,siQn .tQ �urch,ase is � macie? �.. Answer; No. A defin3te ti�e �antra.int (i .� , , �0 da��s) Y��ll be set, �orcin� the City �:o decide whether o�° not to purch,a,se. I�Iow�ver, becau�e af �i.�cal limitata:Qn�, �,n 18 montTi tirne peri:.c�d is being pxqppsed .tq �llow t.he C�,t� to budget th_e neecled funds a�ad finalize purch.ase. ?. Why does th� �lai1 include areas �that are nat w�ithin the city limits? � AnswGr: Under state 1aw onl,y one plan w�ill regulate develo�ment �n • ; an area, . In c�o�?e;ratic�n uTa_th. the surrounding jurisdi�ctions, � the City o;f Tigard has a,n establishea det'ailed �lanning � area. The area i:ncludea land th.at �:s expected t� eyentua�.ly '; annex to �the Ci�ty as develo,pment occu�rs. ; k `1 �','. � 1j I ;I1 1t�;�+ l'�1 }�� �:� �::j. r1 � � ... C.:�; S.� t�9 !� . . . . /. . .. . .. . .V���.�� � ... . . . . . . . �.����'�:'� . . . .. . . . . . � � . . � . . `�.� `r� _ ;� ,.i i�i{j 5,'J �';� 1 ,y . . . . . � : . .. .. . . � . .� .. il . � � . � . � ��� . � . . . � . . . . � � .. , . =`;i ���'� � � . . � � � . . . . . t( .il t��� i � . . . � .. . . .. .. � . . � ... . . .. . .. .. .. . �.i.;il i � .. .. .. . . . � {� i 3 „ . . . . . . . . � . . � 3 k.?� i 4� � i'� �C�� �. � ---- - - -- - - .,.. :.., _ , :_ . _ ...:... : ._ , , � . _ . . .., ... . �. . .._. 1.. . . ��' � ;;� �;i, ``.��I �:;' � � � _ _ _ _ : 'I, h '' �L"i o j F„;%1I � ,,II !i � �I 'r(:%i.�,,. � %• F. � ,r� 3 �✓ `� r �L/� • S.-K.. . ,d .�.._. ._ . ._ . .._.. . . 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Al�tman � �ssistant Planr��r ' ' Le�:r t�r. �ltman : � HECeived your lEtter of �I�y l�� �g77 concerning Property on �S.W. �?5t-h. `.ti�ard � �reg�n (Wash. Co, '' �ax A,zp IS13,51;C '.I�x Lo�/s 400t� � ' � 39CU) . 3 �w., This prc�peri ,y w�.s so�.d as o�' i�iarch 1.1, 1y77 td be d�veloped undEr R-� which is residenti�l. � I � � SincErEly� i � i�.�%�GUiC. ���GL�'1 . � ' � i � I � � i � - _ _ _ _ _