Planning Commission Packet - 05/03/1977 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. �`4,., �`*�,_ AGENDA TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION May 3, 1977 - 7 : 30 P.M. Fowler J�unior High School - Lecture Room 10865 S .W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2 . ROLL CALL: 3, APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 4. COMMUNICATIONS : 5. PUBLIC IiEARINGS : 5 . 1 CONDITIONAL USE 1-77 NPO III A request b,y Richard A. Couper �to locate a used car lat in a C--3 (General Commcrcial ) zozle on S �W. Pacific Ha.�h.- way, north o� S.W. Gaa�de Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 3DD, Tax Lot 1000) 5.2 SUBDIVTSION 4-77 NPO III A request by Kutsch Enterprises, Inc. to create a 96 lot subdivision with a minimum lot size of 10,0U0 square � feet in a R-10 (Single Family) �one ��n S .W. 115th Av�enue, scauth of S .W. Foziner S�;re�t (Wash. Co. �'a,x Map 2S1 3DB, Tax I,ot 200, 300, a.i1d �00) 5. 3 70NE CHANGE 13-77 NPO III A request by Larry Jackson �or a zone map amendment t� f � change the zoning desi�nation for Washi.ngton County Zon- ing "RU-4" to City o� Tigard Zoning "R-7, Singl.e Family Rasidential" betwe�n S .W. �'onner StrEet and S.W. �rrol i Str�et (Wash. Co . Tax Map 2S1 ;3AV, Tax Lot 504) ! � 5.4 ZONE CHANGE 12-77 NPO VI ' ; t A request i�y Ponald Pol�ock fc�Y a zone map amendment to � change the zoning desi�ria�;ion from Washington County Zon- } zn� "RS-1" to City of Tigard Zoning "R-?" Single Family � Residential south of S .W. Durham Road (Wa�h . Co . Tax Map 2S1 � 14A, Tax Lc�t 700) � � 5. 5 ZO.NE CHANGE 9-77 NPO VI � _ A request by Charles E, Coston for a zone map amendment �; to change the �;oning, designation from Washington Coun�y � Zaning "RS-1" to City of Tigard Zoning "R-7" Single Family � �� � � , ,�. ,; �� � �. �: ttl r'I AGENDA �� r-, �:;. ,r, TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION i ', f° May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. !' �_, , I�age 2 '�' €:`�I, Residential south o� S .W. Durham Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map �':I 2S1 14A, Tax Lot 600) 1'�� E;i 5.6 CONDITIONAL USE 8-77 NPO II �'' �. A request by Charles E. Coston for a conditianal use per- : mi1; to loc�.te two duplexes in a R-7 zone (single family ;` residential) , south of S.W. Durham Road (Wash . Co . Tax ' Map 2S1 14A, Tax Lot 600) ,'` 5.7 CONDITIONAL USE 9-77 NPO IZI i''' �i A x•equest by Kingswood Development Cc�mpany for a c�ondi- tional use p�rmit to locate two du�lexes in a R-? (single :famil�r resid�ntial) zr�ne on S .W. 2'i�deman Avenue (Wash. �' I�� I' Ca. Ta� Map 1S� 3�v, Tax Lot 5601) i� 5 .� CONDITIONA USF 1U-77 NPO V A request by John Skourtes far a condi.tional use permit for outside starage at 7220 a.W. BOnita Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12A, Tax Lot 1300) , �_ ' #: 5.y CONDITION�L USE 5-'T'7 NPO IQ ;;; A requ.es� by East;�ate Theat�es for a c�nc3i.�tion�,l use permit �s to remo�el and expand a d�°iveain t�Patrc at 11626 S .W. �` Pacific Hi.ghw�.y (Wash. Co. Tax Niap 1S1 36DC, Tax Lot 5UQ) `` ;: �, I �:' ,, �. ��: � i, �' ,., ii �i �r , �. �� �. G': f,r � �. hi t �__ _ , " : 'c: ta_ �., NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING �� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Fowler Junior I-Iigh School - Lecture Room 10865 S .W. Walnut - 7.'iga.rd, Oregon 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS : 5. 3 ZONE CHANGE 9-77 A request by Charles E. Coston for a zone map amendment to chan�e the zoning designation from Washington County Zoning "RS-1" to City oF Tigard Zoning "R-7" single family residen-- tial south of S .W . Durham Road (Wash . C� . Tax Map 2S1 14A, Tax Lot 60Q) . 5 .2 ZONE CHANGE 12-77 A req.uest k�y Donald Pollnck �for a zone map amendment ta change the zoning d�signation from Washington County Zoning "�,S-I" �;o City o� Tigard Zonir�g "R-7" single family residen- tial south of S .W. Durh,am koad (Wash. Co . Tax Map 2S1 14A, Tax Zot 700) . 5 .4 CQNI?I��ONAL LlSE 8-77 � A request by Cha�les E . C�stan for a eonciitional u.s� pexmit to loeate two duplexes in a R-7 zone (single family residen- tial) �outh of S .W. Durham Road (Wash . C�. Tax Map 2S1 14A, Tax L,o�L 600) . 5 .6 GqNDI2'TONAL US� 9-77 �i A requ�st by Ringswood Developmeni; Comp�.n:y ior a c�nditiona�. ' � use permit to locate �wo d�:�ple�es in a R-7 (single famil� re�idential) zone on S .W . Tiedeman Avenue (Wash . Co . Tax ; Map 1S1 34D, Tax Lot 5601) . i i 5 .5 CONDITIONAL USE 1-77 j , � A reques�t �iy E�icharc3 A. C�oper to locate a used car 1ot in { a C�-3 (General Gommercial) 7otae �n S ,W. Paca.fic Highway � north o� S .W. Gaarde Stree� (Wash . Ca, Tax Ma;� 2S1 3DD, Tax ! Lot 1000) . � � , 5 .8 CONDITIONAL USE 5-77 ' ; , A request by �astgate Theatres �or a conditional use per.mit ; to remodel and e�pand a drive-in thea�re at 11626 S .W. Pac- i f ic Hi ghway (Wash. Co . rra� Map 1S 1 36DC, T�.x Lo�; 500) . �. ,. _ .. —�, _-- ��. t. �.._ �_ �.. NOTICE OF PiJBLIC HEARING TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION i�_ May 3, 197? - 7: 30 P.M. Page 2 5.7 CONDTTIONAL U5E 10-77 A request by John Skourtes for a conditional use permit :�ox outside storage at 7220 S .W . Bonita Road (Wash . Co. Tax Map 2S1 12A, Tax Lot 1900) . 5. 1 SUBDIVISION 5-4-77 A request by Kutsch Enterprises, Inc. to create a 96 l.ot subdivision with a minimum lot size of 10,000 sq, ft . in a R-10 (Single Family) zone on S .W. 115th Avenue south �f SaW. Fonner Street (Wash. Co . Tax Map 2S1 3D1�, Tax Lot 2�D0, 300, and 400) . All persons having an interest in a.ny o� the hearing inatte�rs a�.•e in- vited to appear and submit �ral and written testimony or. s�u�mi� wri.tten testimony in ac�vance af the meetin�. (Publish in TT 4-28-77) �.. _ Y i i I. , � � :� ;� � � � ','� l ri � ' ��� ��� � �- � MIN:UTES TIGARD PLANNING GOMMISSION ,�. May 3, 197? - 7: 30 P.�I. � Fowlex Junior High Sch:ool - Lecture Room 10865 S .W. Walnizt Street - Ti�a.rd, Oregon 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL C9LL: Present : Popp, Moore, Te;pedino; Goldk�ach, Wood, �. Sakata, Nico:li, Heirn (Note: Arrived during Item �. 5 . 1) � Staff: Daniels, Edwards 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES : Wood asked that Page 7, second to the last paragraph of the minutes be corrected to read as foXlows : "Woad suggested that anything more ik�an 62 units w�uld exceed maximum. '' The m�tion was approved by unanimous vaice vo�:e . With this correction th� minutes o� April ,, 19, 1977 were approved as read. �� 4. COMMUNTCATIONS : Staff 7.nformed the commission that F3.o Heim ha,d submitted her resignation, effeetivP June, 197'7. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS : 5 . 1 �U 1--77 A request by Richarci A. Caoper to locate a used car lot in a �-3 (`General Commearcial) zone �n S .W. Pacific Ha�ghway, north of S.W. G�;arde Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 �DD, Ta� Lot 1000) �. Staff Re�ort; o Read by Dani�ls '�� o Flra Heim ar,ri�ed d�zra,ng the reading of the sta�� report I B. Applicant 's �resentation: ' o Richard Cooper, ap�lica�t, presente�i a revised sa.te �l.an. and ,asked tha� it be arnended to dele'te the landscap� islands a,djac�nt ot the �ront t�en feet °t along Pacific' Highway in ord�r to dis�iay moxe cars , , _. . _ _ .. .. .. ..� ,, ,_� _ , , . _ , .. _ .� r.. _ _ �. � . � ��°b.>�'::�� ��...r' . . . . � . M�NUTES �`' TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �,- May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. "�. Page 2 directly onto Pa,cifa.c Highway. ; _ o Wood questioned whether a car lot would have a dP- sirable effect; on th� future uses af the adjacent vacant parcels . C, Public Testimony: In favor: o George Schen.ck, representing the owner of iihe land, presented a site pla,n showing proposed surrounding ].and uses as they relate to the car loto These uses were outlinEd as c;ommercial-pr�fessional and multi-�amily . o Chuck Wooda.rd state� �ih�.t the ear lot would enhanee the area and would bP a lr�w traffic generator . In opposition : '� o Bibianne Schekl.a, NPO ITI member, stated that the �N<.. f�l.�.owing items s�.ould be coz�sidered: 1. The sub�ur�ace water pxoblems ; ' �. Tha� �. us�d cax �ot is strip commercial, �th�re-- fare not i.n canform�nce wi�th the N�i�hborhood Plan � � � � ' 3. The uses locatec�. in this ar.ea shQUld hPlp ser- � vice the �urroLinding area not tne Yaighway tz�af- � , fic ` � + � 4. That if appz�aval a:s granted th� foll:owin� condi- f tioin� be attached. � , a. S:ubsurfacP wat�.r.° in the back area be � ; ... drained �rorn the site ' � . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . ��t .. . . . . . . � . . � � . . . . . . . . . µ b. The back area of the site be heavily . f s'creened ; i i c. A margin control strip be located on the ` � highway edge incorporating landscaping and i with street gxaphics. � 'l 1i � _ � � (! � `,� � � �, , � ,.., y,..,.,.�, � ...,. ,1_ ...,,� ; :� _ . . . _� r� ----- - _ �a • ;: � , i t� 'ti�. � , � MINUTES i� �,� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSTON }; ��!�' May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. , . Page 3 f"i r t ki D. Staff Recommendation : f' 4' Staff recommends den.ial based on the following �ind- ings: 1. The proposed land use is a highway-oriented type of business and does not conform to the "Retail Commercial" 2. Th? generally undeveloped �haracter oi this and '' ac�joining parcels provides the opportunity for ' ?� devFl�pmert o� an attx•aciive retail commercial area. The continuation oi the "s��;rip'' , which present].y exists on thP northeastern portion of Pacific Highway would be a mistake, especially since this would probably �ast the die fox tYxe type of development to occur on the adjoining parcel� . �3oth iVeighborhood I and III have at-- tempted to stop the continued expansion of strip� �:� higllway dev�lopment in tlae vicinity af Garrett and School streets. The majority of land in this ' � area �.s n�w pla.nned for commercial-p�ofessional ! developmex�t, with this arid i.ts adjacent parcels �;° nea.r the Gaaxde-McDonal� intersect�on being 's,� slated for retail use. The boat sales �acility apprnved across Pacific from th�s site wa� judgeci � satisfactory tay si;af� because �f the scr�;sning in the form of fencing and landscapin� which was pro- vided. ;� , o Cooper stated that drainagE was noi; a major prob- k�� 1em, that a u.sed car lot would servic� the area, the hours for the lo� would be from 9 A.M. tYl f;� dark, and that the existing sign on the �ii;e would be used. i.' o Loretta Cooper sta�;eci that the car 101: would be an �� at�i:ractive asset t� the community. i: E . Commission Discussion: ;� ; o T�,pedino si;ated that considerable effort was ap- Y�� parent to produce an attractive plan. � � �; o Saka�ta questioned why he had been encouraged to � ;� �� present a new plan wk�en one of the major problems �� ;� �'. i'� �"� ���� � , _ ,. F _— �_ -- __ _ _ . k:. ,,; ��. ��;�:: MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �;� May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 4 was land use. ' o Discussion on land use o Wood outlined the NPO III policies which supported the proposed use and stated that the landscaping in tront was preferable to the applicant4s proposal . o Moore stated that the area should be developed com- r�ierciaY-prafessional . o Heim questioned points in the applicant ' s wri.tten submission as to which of the neighboring owners apps�oved thF development . o Schenck stated �;hat the adjoiY�ing property own�rs I w�ere in favox° of th� proposal . o Staff presented conditions if the proposal was ap- proved: 1. A detailed Iandscape pl�,n be submi�tted for de- ��. si�;n review. 2 . The souther� a:ccess point be permanently closed and the rernaining acccss goint o�zto �.W. Pa.ai- f:ic .Hi.ghwaq be perma,nently closed if an alter- native means of. access (.frontage road) is de- , veloped. 3 . The area shown as natura,l ground cover be land- scaped and maintained within six months if no frontage road is constructed. � . An on-szte drainage r•etention system be submit- tec� �or Di..rector of Public Works approval . Nicoli rnoved and Sakata seconded for approval with �the four sta�.f recommendations . The motion was approved in a five to i;wo voice vote, with Heim and Moore dYSSenting and Popp abstaining. 5.2 S 4-'77 A request by Kutsch Enterprises, Inc. to create a 96 lot subdivision with a minimum lot size of 1O,OQO square feet in a R-10 (Single Fam:ily} zone on S .W. 1�.5th Avenue, .. . .. � � �.. . f 1�..� � . . � . � . � . � . �*'yH.i.i., � . . � �..:.' � . � . . . � . . . .�.:I MINUTE.S TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �� May 3, 1977 - 7 : 3Q P.M. Page 5 '' south of S .W. Fonner Street (WaSh . Co . Tax Map 2S1 3DB, Tax Lots 2Q0, 300, and 400) A. Staf� Report : �� o Kead by Daniels B. Applica,nt 's Pxesentation : o Rob Ball, applicant 's attorney, reviewed the prace- dura.l background of the development and acldi esseci NPO III ' s text and planned develc,�ment �rc�inance �n relation to i�he proposed development . �_. � ' �. ... ... :.... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . , . .. .. . . . ... .... . . , . . . k'.I ;_.�I �:? �;',j; ��: � {. fi�_�I i M I NUTE S "'I' ���r TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSTON �� �� ,_, ���.,, May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. I " � Page 6 ���I ;: o Wood questioned why th.e applicant was opposed to `� the planned development . �'ll o Staff addressed Mr. Ball 's comments. B . r land use lanner for t he a licant o Larr aue P� , Y , P ;; outlined the past planning issues of the request . I o Neil Peterson, enginec�r, stated h�ow previous engi- neering cancerns would be handled and presentEd cut ;,� and fill pr��iles for the prc�posed connection with S .W. Fai.rhaven Street . C. Public Testimony: `' o Bibianne Sch�kl.a, NPO III member, stated that in her opinion the proposal conform�d to the plan . o Eleanor Quimby, KPO TII member, urged the Planning Commission to suppo�t the proposal . " �, o Dick Matthews, Edwards Industries, stated that the :> undeveloped site was a potential �fire hazard and t'� dif�ic�.lt to pali�e. �' k� o Bob Stiml�.r stated that the neighbors on a .w. Fair- �, haven Street and S ,W. 1151;h A�enue had reversed their earlier op�.nion and were� ziow in support of the proposal . :i In op�osi.tion : �°. o Peter Pricecorn requested that a c�,sual park with more usable recreation area be added to the plan . � o Claude Smith objected to all the traffic being fun- ;i ii�led out in1;o S .W. 115th Avenue. �� ll. Staff Recommendation: }l. Staff recommends deni�,1 of the subaivision for the ;' f.ol.lowix�g reasozis, ' e 1. The unique site charac:teristics warrant develop�- f; �; mPnt as a planned development whi.ch woul.d a.11ow t; greater design flexibility and open space reten- j� tzon � �', i�� ; � � �i �. 1 � � r, ,. `i . �a��.- MTNUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION May 3, 19'T7 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 7 2. The specific desi.gn adversely impacted major clust- ers of old cedar treea and other vegetation. o Bauer stated that p�destrian paths would be pr�- vided on the site, o l�eterson addressed traff�:c problems and stated that S .W. 115th Avenue would no� be over capacity. E. Commission Discussion: o Wood stated his views on the testimony and sugge�- ted �that the developer establish p:Lay area and pre- sent a variance request �or modified stre�t stand- ards . o Heim stated that with �.O,OUO sq.uare foot lots, play areas were not necess�ry. o Moare sta.ted •the need for a rear ex;it to the deve].- �� opment fo� fi.re and police safety. ��. o Staff presented conditi.ons to be attachPd if ap- proval w�r� given. l. That an. ame�ded p1.an be resubr�itted for staff approval incarparating the ��llowing modi�ica- tions: i a. Extend Quelle Street to provide for a. r�n- � nection with S .W. Fairh�.ven Street, which � minimizes loss o� vegetatian � b. �eali.gn Genesis Street so as to circumvent �� the loss of major cedar trees in the sou�th�- � � east quadrant of the �roperty `' . c. Th� alignment. of Genesis Street in the northexn portion of the site be shifted to ' � the nor�h and. the cul-de-sac reversed a i d. Play areas be provided outside the greenway i area , � 2 . The drainage syst�m be approved by the di.rector % af public works prior to final pl.at appr�val , � � � � _ _ � _ : , .. ._. .. . . .� . . �,: .. .,.�;. 1 `^'k.:... . MINUTES �'� � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ` May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. �`'� Page 8 3. S .W. 115th Avenue be improved to the intersec- tion of S .W. 115th Street and S.W. Fonner Stree�; 4. An improvement and landscape plan �or the green- way area be submitted pri�r to issuance of builc�ing permits. o Bauer stated that staff conditions w�re fai.rl.y broad a�nd cauld be open to dispute. o Staff presented to the Plannit�g Commissa.on the pro- posed. changes on the realzgnmEnt of Genesis Street . o The appl.i�ant objected to staFf °s xecommendation on Genesis Stre�t . o �iauer asked for a definition of play areas . o Wood 5tated that play lots with eq�uipmex�t would be acceptabl.e. �� f o Bauer asked that S .W. Fairhaven Street be exteiid�d to either �uelle or Nava,rre Street, whict�ever proved the mast f.easible to the engineer. Moore moved and Tepedino seconaed for approval with i the fol�.owin� conditio�s : o SaW. 115th be improved to City standards to its in.- tersection with S .W . Fonner Street o S .W. FairYxaven Street be extend�d to Nava.rre or Que11e Court ra ��andscape and d�velopment plans for the greenway area be submitted for staff approval o A drainage plan b� submitted for staff approval o Applicatzon for variance be made to the Planning I� Commission regarding street standards o Revised plat incor.porate two play areas outside the greenway � M_ o Wood added a subsidiary f�ding that the applicant � had agreed to the majorzty of the conditions that ;;' � _ .,_:.,� "� `w.,. , MINUTES k��r''" TIGARD Pi,ANNING COMMISS ION �� May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. ��,. Page 9 a planned development would have incorporated, therefore allowin� approval c,f the subdivision. . o Diseussion on S.W. Fairhaven St.reet �xtension The motion wa� apprc�ved by unanimous voice vo�e. 5. 3 ZC 13-?7 ; A request by Larry Jackson for a zc�ne map amendment to � chan�e the zoning designation for Washa_ngton C�unty Zoning j "RU-4" to City of Tig�.rd LonirAg "R-10 SinglE Family F�esi- ! dential" between S .W. Fonner Street and S .W, Errol Stre�t � (Wash. Co . Tax Map 2S1 3AD, Tax Lot 504) ! a A:. Sta�� Report : o Read by Daniels ; � B. Applicant ' � Presentation : ; � Jack Ritc;hey, applicant, presented( the proposal . t � C. Publ:ic Testirnony: ` In favor: none In opposition: !, o M�s . Robert Emmy askecl for an environmentai impact �:' stat�ment concernin� drainag�} trees, etc. that the `� developer past a bonci for a.ny damages to adjac;ent owner because of run a�f and expressed a concern �� over traffic and school prob�.ems . ;;. o �ren� Beers expressed concern over �he wildlife. ��� . . . . � �.'r3 o Popp informed the publ.ic that this was a hear�:ng on the �one change only. �`' � � ����. .� ,�, D. Staff Recomrnendation: �; � � � � t, Based on the findings of fact and conclusionary find- �;1 ings, the staff recommends appr,oval of the request i� subject to the followzng c;onditions: ;;1 `' ; �1 � �' �, i t E� �: . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . � :.k: � . . ... . � . . . . . . . .. ... � � ..�.�.._ a . . .. ...... ... . ...,. .�.....�.» ..... �' .....::�. ... �- �...-.... -. . ' � . � .. ... — -- i._ ��.., MINUTES (�� � 'rIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. �� Page 10 1. A half street improvement and a ten foc�t dedica- ; ti�n for S ,W. Fonner Street a7.ong this pr�perty ; ; J 2. The sewer easement documents b� reviewed and ap- proved by staff prior to any subdivision activity � on this site . E . Commission Discussion : ; o Heim moved and Sakata seconded for approval with j the staff recommen.dations. �i ; �� o Wood asked that the applicant not b� allowed to cut " tre�s before the subdivision was reviewed. � The moti�n wa.s approv�d bq unanirnous voice vote. ;1 5.4 ZC 12-77 ' �� �; � A request by D�nald Pollock for a zone map amendment to :; chan�e the zoning designation from Washington County Zon- `� �,_ ing "RS-1" to City of Tigard Zoning "R-7'' Single Family '� � Resident�.al south of S .W. Durham Road (Wash. Co . Tax Map �! 2S1 14A, Tax Lot 700) �� � A. Staff Report : � � � t' ',� o Read l�y Aaniels B. Applicant 's Presentatzon : ��; �'' o Dick Brainard, representing t'he applicant, sta.�ed ;; the k�asic intenl; of the zone change reque�t . �� C. Public Testimony: �� ;<:; None ,,� :'� D. Staff Recommendation : �,� � � � � �� °�1 Based on the findings of fact and caneltzsionary �'ind- '' ings, the staff recommends app�oval af the request }r�l subject to the findings the staff recommends- approval �:;� of the request subject to the following conditions; ,,� 1. A half street irnprovement be provided �or S .W. =j : �2nd Avenue aiong this proper�ty '� `;:;� �� %;; � �.� t.,� `e� , ��� � _ _ ��. �- MINUTES ; y TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSIUN ,� May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. - Page 11 2. The sewer and water easements be reviewed and ap- �roved by the sta:ff with any subdivision activity �n this property. E. Commission Discussion: o Mo�re moved and Tepedino seconded �or approval with staff recommendations. The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote. 5. 5 ZC 9-77 A reque�t b,y Charles E. Coston for a zone map amendment to ch.ange th� zoning ciesignation from Wa.�hirgton County Zon-- � i.ng "RS-1'' to City c�f Tigard 7,onin� "R-7" Singl� ramily Residential south af S .W. Durham Ro�,d (Wash. Co. Tax Map 25�. 14A, Tax Lot 600) A. Staff R�port : l, a Read by Daniels B. Applicant 's Presentatian : k�ichard Brair�ard, representing the applicar�t, stated the reasons for the zone change �equest . C. Public Testi_mony: None D. Staff Recornmendation : , Based nn the findings of fact and conclusionary find- ings, the staff recommends approval of the request ' subj�ct to the foll�wing �anditions: , 1. A one foot access control strzp be dedicated to the �ity prohibiting direct access onto S.W. Dur�- ham Roac� but r�serving temporary access until per- manent access is provided through the adjacent property to the south 2 . 25 feet be dedicated along S .W. Durham Road for � street purpr�ses. j � � i �4._ MINUTES �� � TIGAR.D PLANNING COMMISSION �; May 3, 1977 - 7; 30 P.M. �� Page 12 ; E. Commission Discussion: Goldbach movEd and Moore seconded for approval with staff recommendations. as a roved b unanimous voice vote . The motion w pp y 5 .6 CU 11-77 A request by Charles E. Coston for a conditional use per- mit to locate two dupl:ex�s in a R-7 zone (single �amily residential) , south of S .W. Durham Road (Wash . Co. Tax Map 2S1 1�A, Tax Lot 600) A. Staff Report : o Read by Daniels B. Applicant 's Presentatian: o Richard Brainard, representing the applicant , � stated that the request comp�.ied wii:h the plan and would provide a vax°iety of housing. C. Public Testimony: Not�e D. Staff Recommendation; Based on the findings of fact and the conclusionary findings, the staff recommends appra�val with the con- � c�ition that a landscape berm or barrie•r be provided a.lang S.W, Durha.m Road and submitt.ed for design review. ' � , E. Commission Discussion: � 'r o Heirn questioned whether the matter should be tabled ; until NPO VT is organized. { Wood moved and Tepedino seconded for approval witYz the S staff condition and the attached finding that the site ; is suitable for duplexes because it is located along � an arterial and would cornpensate for the 25 foot dedi- ' cation required in the zane change, allowing thern six: � uni�ts. ,; , ; � `�� ' �� � ;� r�., MTNUTES z,�4 TIGARD F�LANNING COMMISSION �":� May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. �.. Page. Z3 5 .7 CU 9-77 A request by Kingswood Development Company for a condi- tional use permit to locate two duplexes in a R-7 (single �amily residential) zone on S .W. Tiedeman Avenue (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34D, Tax Lot 5601) A. Staff Report : o I�ead by Daniels B. Applicant 's Presentation: No one app�ared to represent the applicant . Moore moved an.d Goldbach seconder� to table the pro- posal until the June 21st meeting. o Discussion on motion � The znotion was approved by unanimaus voice vote. i �<.. ` 5.8 CU 10-77 A r�equest by John Sl�ourtes for a conditional use permit for outside storage at 7220 S .W. Bonita Road (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S� 12A, Tax Lot 1900} i A. Sta�f Report : o Read by Daniels B. Appla.cant 's Presentation : o Ron Saltmarce, representin�; the applicant, statea that plumbing supplies and bulk it�ms wou].d be stored in the stox°age area. C� Pu'blic Testimony; o Jim Enger, Dickinson Cor,poration, asked tha.t the site be kept up to standards, especially regarding maintenance . o Saltmarce stated that all storage areas Would be in the back o� the building. il I � _ - . ri _ _ _ _ ;, :� _ '� ��v � MINUTES � TIGARb PLANNING COMMISSION ,�� May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. �� Pa�e 14 D. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommended approval with the f.ollowing condi- tions: 1� The outside storage area be scre�ned k►y plant ma- terials, with a landscape plan submi.tted for de- sign review 2 . The outside storage area }�e paved to City standarcis 3. The outside storage be limited in �iei�ht to no more than one foo1; above tl7e screening. o Saltmarce objected to Sta�f Condition #1. o Goldb�,ch stated that the intent w�.s to esta�lish plant mat�rial that would be ca�able of screening the storage by the time the sur.xounding properties developed. �� E . Corramission Dis�ussion: o Wood questioned Conditian #3. o Golc�bach asked w�o would b� responsible for px•ovid- ing the scr�eraing. o Saltmarc� indicated �t;hat they would b� responsible. Tepedino moved and Wood seconded for appraval with staf f recommerzdations. The motion was appro�ed by unanimous voice vote , 5.9 CU �-77 A request by Eastgate Theatres For a conditional use per- mit to remodel and �xpand a drive-in theater at 11626 S .W. Pacifie Hi�hway (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 36DC, Tax Lot 5(70� A. Sta�f Report : o Read by Daniels �' B. Applic���: ' s Presentation: ,�.: � , �� -- -- -- _ ,� �... '��: ''°� ,,� MINUTES �` TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �'� May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. '�,, page 15 o Applicant stated that the average use would increase but that the resulting traffic load would be stag- gered. C. Public Testimony; �o Roberts, Chai.rman o� NPO IV, stated that , in gen- eral, there was no problem with the proposed expan- sion but that they would recommend screening and an exit on 72nd. o John Webber, a.djoining pro�erty owner, stated that no complaint had been issued about traffic and that traffic signals had been upgraded and install�d twa months a.�o. o Papp read a letter into the record from James N. and Patricia G. Boughman . D. Staff Recommendation : �, B�.sed on the Findings of fact and conclusionary find- ings, sta�f. recommends approval with the following conc�ition�: l. "Phe site be screened from vi.Pw af surraun.d.in� pro� perties by plant matex�.al and the �ntrarace area and drive k�e landscaped. The plan be submitted for d�sign review 2 . Access �n S .W. 72nd be reapened with design and directi�nal signs placed ta designatP it as an exit right-turn only 3 . Areas used for th� manetzvering or parking of vehi- cle be pav�d to City s�andards 4. Half street im�rovernent be provided along S .W. 72nd Avenue . o Staff qu�,lzfied Statement �#3 to read "aisleways and ' driveways only�� o o Roberts stated that .four out of the nine NP0 IV members k�ad been c�ntacted for their opinian ori � thi� mat-ter. '�.. ":�, �.�, MTNUTES ��� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION `�� May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. �� Page 16 o The applicant stated that the screen would be a minimum of 45 feet high. E . Commission Discussion : o Discussion on screening anc� 72nd access o Sakata clarified the concerns outlined in Bough- man 's letter. o Popp stated that sight-obscuring screening would be necessary along S .W. 72nd and alang the area ad- joining the residences to the south. o Heim stated the need for �edication ox° half street improvement along S .�"l. 7�nd. o Wood qlxestianed lighting control on the site. Moore moved and Sakata seconded for approval with Staff ,� Recommendations 1, 3, and 4, plus intense screening on �, S .W. 72nd Avenue and �the south side of the site. The motion was approved in a sev�n to on�e vote, with Sakata dissenting. 6. OTHER BUSINESS : Shirley Nestlin asked that the commission kiear her concerns about CU 1-77. She stated that : o Natice �vas sent stating t�at C�.i 1-77 would be f�.fth on the � agenda, c,ausi.ng her to miss the ptzblic heaxing, si.nce it was heard �irst . o That this proposal would �et a bad precedent along this sec- tion of Pacific Hi�hway and that drainagP problems existed on i�he �ite. o That the applicant had used her name in statir�g their ap- �roval of the development when they were o�posed. o Moore stated that since false testim�ny had been given , the matter should be either tabled or deni�d. o Staff stated that Mr. Gaarde or Ms . Nestlen could appeal to Ithe �ity Council or commr"ssion coulcl consider a new motion. . . . � .. . .. . � . . . � � � � . i: c . . . � � . . . . k,: . ,,._ . � . . (� t � � �: �.,.� �ti�a:� . ... � � f� �;',, �" MINUTES �' �"`:��� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSIOIvT ` May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. ;:� Page 17 ,; �:, . Gj , f: o Discussior on possible commission action ;:; ;,. Goldbach moved and Moore seconded to reconsider the matter be- � cause of some potentially inaccurate information obtainec� irom the applicant . !` �: The motion fazled in a tie vote, with Wood, Sakata, Tepedino, and Nicoli dissenting. �; 6.2 �: j. � o Staff presented a memo on the Urban Grown Bouradary. ; �, o Po�p asked that any annexed parcels be automatically changed to City zoning. I o Po re uested that staff investi ate Fahlman 's reenhause P P q g � . conditional use permit . � � � o Tepedino and Golcibach objected t� Mr. Patterson, ��rving on ; � � NPO VII as a pesident interest . � , " Tepedino moved and Goldbach seconded that the matter be taken ; to the Committee f.or Citi�en Involvemen�t for investiga�ion. The motion �as appre�ved by unanimous voice vote. 7. ADJOUftNMENT: ' Ther�; being no other business, the me�ting was adjourned at 12:45 . � � � � � � � � ;� �; � �� � ' ::�' STAFF REPORT f ` � �.w'��� ���.-' AGENDI� 5.1 TIGARD PLANNING COI�4MISSION February 15, 1977 - 7:00 P.M. ��` Twality Junior I3igh Sehool - Lecture Room :� 14650 S .W. 97th Av�nue - Tigard, Oregor� . . DOCKLT: CU-1-77 . REQUEST: To locate a used car sales operation in a C-3 zone . LOCATTON: S .W. Pacific I�ighway (Wash . Co . Tax Map 2S1 3DD, Tax Lot 1000) � APPLICANT: Richard A. Cooper/Tigard Motors I . BASIC FAGTS: 1 . T17e site is designated "Retail Commercial" on the Neighbor- hood Plan III and zoned "C-3 General Commercial" . `�. �ection 18. 25.020(5) o� the Tigarc� Munici.�al Cotle allows "automobile, boat and trailer sal.es as a conditional use in the C-3 zone , " 3. Applicable p�licies from Neighbarhood Plan III are : Policy 18 . Pacific Highway is developing as a �tri.p �,�,s' commercial highway . The t2affic-carrying capacity �f �;his highway sl�ould have the high�st priority and adjacent eommercial r�evelopment should be subordinated to this need. Policy 19. In the interest of saf.ety anc� ef��iciency, � the number o� highway access points must � be ke�t to a minimum. Whe,rever• possil�le. businesses on Pacific Hi.ghway shauld be , clustered and share comznon paarking �acil i-- i ties amd driveways . As new develo�ment occurs, the number of accESS pozni;s shoulri i no�t exceed the number riec�ssary for praper ' a on-site traffic circulation and, wher� possib.le, shouid be combined with access to ad,7ac�nt businesse�. Policy 20 . Businesses on Pacific H'ighway ahould be ori�nted �;o the existin� tr.affic and not draw additional traffic from the ac�jacent comrnunity . Any additional canve,nience or neighborhood centers should be centrally located to tlae market axea they s�rve: Policy 21 . Development wi]_l coincide with the pr�- �t visisions of public streets, water ,and sewerage facilities. These facilities shall be (a) capable of aciequate�y sexv- ' ing; al,l _intervening prop�earties as well as � STAFF REPORT � �t,, AGENDA 5 .1 TIGARD PLADINING COD4MISSION February 15, 1977 ` �;R' Page 2 • �.�. the proposed development , and (b) designed �:o meet city or county standards . 4 . The Neighborhood Plan III Map specifies this area for retail cc�mmercial development . The plan text involves a lengthy discussion of the negative aspects of st.rip commercial development . Strip highway uses, such as ts fast �ood restaurants etc . are automob�ile sales lo , a found to be most appropriate on portions of the highway which already exhibit this development trend. These areas are fxom School Street to Johnson Street and as depicted on the Tigard Community Plan from Highway 2]_7 to Interstate 5 . II . FINDINGS: � l . The applica.nt is requesting to loca.te a used cax• sales l.at on a vacant 1 . 13 acre pa.rcel on the west sicie of S .W.� Pacific Highway north of S .W . ft4cDonald Street and S .W. Gaarde Street . 2 . The surrounding use5 arE, a �ingle �'amily residenc� on the north side, Pacific Highwa.y and the aba.ndoned Ernie ' s �� h9arket on the east , an abandoned severely deteriorat�d motel on the south, and vacant land on the west , 3 . The sii�e i5 relatively flat approximately 75% covered with black top (the rear 86 ' is an unkept weecl pa.i.ch) . The site has three areas �f vegetation of which one is projected to remain . 4 . Section 18 . 28 . 040 of the Tigard Municipal Cc�de specifies a 10 ' landscaped �ront yard setback in a. C-3 zone and Section 18. 12 . 100(D) furtYier requires a minimum setback of 60 ` from Pacific Highwaq . The propos2d site pla.n does not px�oject aray structizres within 70 ' o� the centex line and proposes a 10 ' wide 30" high landscape berm. (Sec- tion 18 .08 . 5C0 es�tablishes a 36" height limit at access points i'or vision clearance} , '� 5. The site is served by direct access onto S .W. Pacifie Highway via two 30 ' curb cuts. The ap,�licant proposes to eliminate the southern one at �his �ti.me and the second one when a front;age roac� proposed as part oi' a project (yet to be presented to the Pla.nning Comimissior� involving the surrounding 13 acres is construc,t;ed. 'Tl�e eventual closing of the curb cuts and the immediate elimination of the one is an a�tractiv� proposal in tEvrms of traffic safei;y along Pacific Highway and fUrthexs the transporta- tion policies �f Neighbarhood Plan III � Automobile sales outlets are rela,tively low traf:��:c g�enera- tors wYaen compared t;o the other retail uses allowed i:n the C-3 �one. ;:,. � , ;... „ . ,. _ _ , , i STAFF REPORT � � . , AGFNDA 5. 1 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION February 15, 1977 � Page 3 ' � . 6. Section 18.58 .060( 1 ) .�f the Tigard ll4unicipal Code requires "Tree and shrub plantings within parking areas shall be provided and maintained at approximat�ly ?0' on center each way. The entire area used �'or car storage and display is subject to this provision . No landscape isl.ands are incorporated into the site plan. " Two of the three existing planter b�ds ar. e sh.awn .for ' removal . The lar�est is in the southeast coxner with a very large camelia and some good sized pine trees . Due to their size, relocation would Y�e extremely diffi- cult . The second area includes a large evergreen tree north of the proposed location of the mobile office . Although thE adjacent land uses are in transition the con- c�rn for the compatability of �this use arid future uses should be taken into account . Buffexing can best be achieved by vegetativ� screening which provide some screenin� at this time and Y�e sizpplemented when adjacent parcels redevelop . 7. There i� a sign structure on the site . It appears ta be in confarmance 'with the sign cocie . �' 8 . There are no sic�cwalks in this area and when this lot is developed pedestrians will have to walk in �the roadwaye y. There is a 16, OQ0 sq . ft . area shown foY• "na.tur•al graund cover" . Section 18 .58. 060(2) of the Tigard P�Iunicipal Code requires that it be landsca.ped and maintainecl . ITi . CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS: l . The rroposed land use is a highway orierited typP of business and does not conform to the "Retail Commercial" d�signa.�;ion of the Neighborhood Plan III yap . 2. 1"he general.ly undeveloped character of this and adjoining parcels provides the opportunity for development of an attractive retail commercial area. The coz�tinuation of the "strip",, which presently exists on the northeastern portion of' Paci�ic Highway would be a mistake, especiall,y since this would probably cas�t the die i'or the type of developmen�; to occur ori the adjoining par•cels. Both � Neighborhood I and III have attempted to stop the continued � expansion of strip highway development in i;he vicinity of ' Garrett and School S�;reets . The majority of land in thi.s area is now planned for commercial professional development , : with this and its adjacent parrels near the Gaarde-114cDonald �: intersection being. slated for ret�,il use. The boat sales facility approv�d across Pacific from this site was judged satis�actory }�y staff because af the screening in the form of fencing and Iandscaping which was prov�ded. S'I'1�Fx' REI�OR�' �.,. ��,y; 1�G]�NDA 5, 1 T]:GARD P7��1NN:I21G COIVINIIS�I(�N �'C'.}J7""L7��:1 S7 �:rJ, 7:�r1�7 < �41g� 4 :I'V'. STI�:F�` �,.La,COn7A�IE1`lDz�"I'IOri: S r af�' :�:�t,��n�mcr�ds d�ni a.l, . I�, I . I i. ( i �' : .,... .,,.. . _ ._ . _ . c. . , . . . ... .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. �, ... .,,..., . ....., . , ... ..:�.T';..-�. .::i...T„i,..._..� ..»•... __ �. � . S'CAI�I+' ��',EI�OR'I' �1t�:LnDA � '['XG�RT� �I�/�1�!NID1G Cn�M'[SSI�IV � 5�:��:� .rch 1 , 1�'l7 I V. S'"C!lFF �,ErOn�it![ENt�ATION : 5��� �.tta.ehc:d copy of yP�l �3 n�inutes . , ', � � i �' ,..�.. . . _ _ _ , _ _ . _ _ _ ,.,.,, , r, .,_�_.. _..... - .. , , �, �.v "�.:- I�4En70R[�NDIIl',� TO: Plaiin�.ng Commission ��ROM: Planning Si,aff l�F : Gen�sis SL�bciivision DA7°E : �pril 29, �977 At th�ir Al�ril 11, 1977 meeting, the City Council discuss�ci thc Plani�ing Comm�.ssion and �tai.f aci:ions i;o clate rega.rding t,lze J6 lot Genesis Sub- division c�n� S .CN . 115th l�venlae . 1�011o���ing len�thy discussi,on , L11� Coun-- ci.l aZ�l�ioved a motian (1;17ree t�o on�) dir�ci;ii�g the Plaiinia�g Comn��is.si�n to 1���.r the requesi� and act to al�l�rove o.r den5� the r�qu.es�; . Thea�efor.e, � t11� same subdivisian �°equest has bcer.i sch�c3uled �'or your I�9ay 3 m�c?ting. Attached. iti� the same s�i�af� r�e��rt �'rom �;he n4a.rch 1, i977 me���ing. Tll� a,l�plicant �uill sup�157 capi�s of the preliminar,y ��1at at tlze m�e�;ing. 1:���. � . � _ 4�' �:. � . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . � . . . . � .. . .. . � � .. � . . � � � �._ �, . h11�;A701�l1 NllUM �� T0 : P.lani7in� Comn�ission � � I�ROM : P].aniling Depa�°tmeiat SUI3JLCT: 35 acre i�c�sideni;i�.l. deve:]_opmen�(; proposed by Kutsch Lizter- prisc�s �n S .W . ].15�;h Str•e�t . DAT� : ASarch 1. , ].977 Kui�sch Fn�l;�.iprises h�.ve lyithdra���n �:heir planned d�velopmen�C requ�st and have subi��i-LL�d a standaxd sul�division pl�.i; i.n conlormance ���ii,h the �.-.10 zonang �°�C1111.I�em�nts. St�..f C l�as discussed �vi�h Gordon Isui;;�ch and ' his r��si_gn -te�,m the i easons loi 1;1�is der.isioz� . The reasc�ns «rhich thny state as being pr:imaz�ily cent�r. cd a�°olli�d the issue o� neighuo.nc��od .resistanc� to tl�is proj�ct . Density has b�cn a pza.mary focus of n�igh- �I 7�orhood obj�ction a�ld he 1.h�refore hop�s i;o ovezc�me this oi�position by lo�vei°i.ng i:he densitq (to 9G units) and cunforrning to i.:he lot size III rec�ui�°�ments of the R-10 rone . In particular 1�4.r . ?iu�l:sc}.� 5tai:c�d i:h.<<t I folloGti•.ing the P].anna.ng Comrnissio�.z al���roval o:P the pl�liminary cc�ncept on November 16, ].97G 1�� ���a.s threa,tei�ec� witla a 1 avrsuit by a n��i.ghl7oring l�roper�:y owr�er unless h� ����re willii�g to go �uti.h �t;he sta.ndard R-lU suUdi��ision on this 1�1°operty . Being fearful of hav�,ng �i;l�i.s mat�ter ti�d up in li.ti�ation 191 . Kui;sch has thele�'ore r_Iecided to bend �;o tl�� � dcma.nds of sorne adj�.cenL p�•operty o���ner�s . The subdivision ���l�ich has been suLmitt�d therefore is Kutsc,}.7 ' s a�Ltempt at a cornpr�mis� bei;��c��n �;1�� intc;nt of th� plan a_s originally sl.ibmil:ted and tl�e public cri�:icism t��hich h�,s b�en lodged against that pyan . I \�PO =;`3 mei: on February 23rd to discuss �;1.Zis rnatter a.zld i;he 1'oll.ov,�- iia� ia��oi-.i�z� ��ras a1�l�roveci unanin�iousl,y by those _in a.tte:�.�dar�ce . "Th� ATPO p7°e1'ers the lower nwnber of ui�its Y��ii�g propo��d by n4r . Ku�tscl� (96 as camr�a.red to the origii�al ] 33) and :fiiads 1;1�e large lot single �amily charact�r o:C the pro- posa.l to be i_n lce�ping� wi�:h �t,he c,v�x�all n�ighl�orlaood c��aractcr; I�G���GV�r, the NPO «+ould pl�f�r tl��ai: �tlZis site ne Q'GV��Q]�@C� a.s a l�lanned d��%e1_ol�rn�nt: in c�rd�r i;o maximi�e t.he pz°c�5c.rva�L�.on oi' the natural �nviron�n�nt . " In addition t� the IVi�O' s action on this ma�;tez, th� Nei �hk�orhood Plan sp�al;s in �reat d�tail about i;he advani;a�es o� d�v�lopii�g lar�e 1 �nd 1���.rcel.s wi�;}.1 uniqlae amenities as p7.ailnecl dev�lo7�m�ni;s . In :Ca.ct this parti.cular Z�iece of ground is ref�rxed to as one ���1.7�r� pla.nn�d det�elopm�nt. is i.:he most logical and envilonm�nt�.1lS7 s��nsitiv� rnail�od of d�x��l_o��m�n�L . This discussion ai�l�ears on ��.g� 13 and .14 of the NPO �3 pl an te�t . Whil� i't is e��ident �'rom the above carnmen�:s tha1; staf':� is of' i:he opinion tY�at �;his Z�i�o�ert,y should onl,y b� d�v�l.op�d as a 1�1.ann�d d�- velapmeilt the Commission should noi: consi;rue �;his to me'an that t�e aie in supp�rt of th� plannFd dev�lol�ment �s sul�miti;ed for the pr�Iiminary r�vi�w. Since the Commissio� ' s prelirninar,y a��arov�.1 , staff has spent , ., ,; ,, _ _ .._ _,.. ,_ _..,.. _.. : . . _. _. . ..._.. . .� , , � �...._ �,,.,� � consi.derable tim� reviewin this �� � -- impacts upon the natural g �roposal, esp�ically in regard to the � ' which a amenities (pximarily s�parate stands of timb�r) �i� ppe�,r on the site . Ai'�ter an on-site inspec�:ion several w�eks k; ago staff came to �Lhe conclusion that the placement of maiay of th� �� str�ets and housing sit�s would result in loss of some of the finest �` stands of timber an the site. A meeting was subsequez7tly held with � Mr. I�utsch and his design team to discuss this matter. Staff advised � h��'. Kutsch in this meeting triat a tree survey would be needed �o make �y a proper review of the planned developm�nt possible. The tree survey ' has since been made and some minor a.djustments zn street location have � been made by the applicant . However, sta�f finds that there is �. gYeater ,; ��ot;ential for r�taii�ir�� signi�icant trees than the submitted subd.ivision makes possible. �'i In conclusion, the stai'f would �avor the Planning Commission 's r�jection of Mr. Ktztsck� 's applic:ai:ion lor a standard R-10 subdiv�sion �i and requ�st him to work with the Ci.�y plazlnin� stai'f towards a planned , deve�opment which would }�e more sensitive to th� environmental unique- l� ness of this site �han a striet application of trie R-10 zone and the City resi.denti.a:L stxeet standards w:ill allow. However, I am sure that �" such a decision by the Planning Commi.ssion will bxing objections �rom ` some adjoining property o«�ners and thex�eby increase Mr. Kutsch ' s pxobl.ems �:� in' att��npting to g��; a development scheme appx•oved �or this property . � As a fina.l note, the subdivision which has been submitted re�tains many t of the features o�fered in the original pla.nned developm�nt proposa7. , �' such as scenic easements, pPdestrian bicycle trails, and public d�dica- �;` � tion of the law land areas (see attached staff report) . Therefore while � the proposal is not a bad one, staff is rertain that i_t can be done better. � t i �f �i 6 b � � ���. �4, .. . . �.. 1f�,. [ c � � � f���� . . . . .. � � �� � . �.. �.., . .. .. . ,_.... _.. . ... _._. .. . . . . . . . . : C \. �, II STAFF REPORT ' AGENDA 2 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION III �N March l , 1977 - 7 : 00 PM j Twality Junior High School - Lectu�e I�oom II 14650 S .W . 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oregon �' � DOCKET: 5-4-77 i�, REQUEST: To create a 96 lot su}adivision on a 35 acre parcel in an R-10 single family residential zone . LOCATICJN: �Vest of S .W. 115th Avenue, north o� S .W. Fairhaven Str�eet (Wash. Co . Tax Ma.p 2S1 3DB, Ta� Lots 200, 300, 400) APPLICANT: Kutsch Enterprises, Inc. I . BASIC FACTS : J_ . The site is designated "Subruban Density Residential - three dwelling units acre" on the N�ighborhood PI�.n IIT and zUned "R-10, Single Family Residential" . 2 . Section 17. 12. 030 of the Tigard Municipal Code authorizes the Plai�ning Commission to approve preliminary plan and Section 17 . 16 . 100 states : . �°- "No tentative plan for a proposed subdivision and on tenl;ative plan for a major partition shall be approved unless : (1) Streets and roads are laic? out so as to coilform to the plats e� subdivisions or maps of major �artii;ioris al.ready approved for adjoiniz�g property as to width , general direetion and in all other .respects, unless the city determines it to be in the public interest to modi:�y �the street or road pat�;ern ; (2) Streets and roads held for private use are c].early indicated on the tentative plan and all reservations or re-- strictions relating to such private loads and str.eets are set forth thereon; , (3) The tentative plan complies with the comprehensive plan and applicable zoning regulations of the city then in effect; (4) No tentative plat of a. subdivision or map of a major partition shall be approved unless there will exist adequate quantity and quality of water and an adequate sewage disposal s,ystem to support the p�oposed use of the l.and described in the proposed plat . II . FINDINGS : 1 . The applicant is requesting preliminary plat approval of a 96 lot subdivision in accoxdance with Section 17. 16.010. � 2 . On November 16, 1976 the Planning Commi.ssion granted prelimina.ry approval to a 122 lot Plann�d Developm�nt with the following conditions: ' _ _ _. _ . ._ __ � � STAFF REPORT � AGENDA 2 �_ 4�W j' TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION j{ h4arch 1 , 1977 �i Page 2 �j i; �^� � �� "l . Drainage to be reviewed by Director of Pub�ic Works prior ' to submission �or General Plan and Program. [� 2. General Plan and Program develop alternatives to lessen '; th� existing conflicts between pedestrians/bicyclists and Ej automobiles. �� 3. Provision be investigated to provide for easterly oriented �I � pedestrian traffic. ;, 4 . Increased parking be provided on the cul-de-sacs . �� �i 5. A minimum of th.re play areas be incor�orated into the �� �lan without a decrease in the minimum or average lot siae . �i �' 6. Investigate egress onto a street other than 115th . " ; i:: The propo�ed su�division is es�entially the same development concept with larger individual lotsY an overall reduction in �; density of 26 dwelling units (22%) and a smaller comm�n area `i ' to be dedicated for public park . r' � 3. PLAN CONFORMANCE t' . � � Page I3 of the Plan contains the following wording : � "The planned unit development is often capabl� of praducing a mor.e desirable living environment and i1; is therei'ore re- commended that the larger vacant parcels having natziral amenities necessitating pr�serving bP developed as Planried Unit Developments. � ,., ��. Conformance - This parcel is referred to directly in the Plan �; Text as necessitating pla,nned development treatment and the � applicant ' s request to develop a standard R-10 subdivision does �i not confarm to the requirements o� the Neighborhood Plan . j U, ' 4' Applicable policies azld por�;ions of Neighbor�ood 'Plan III are : ` � , Policy 4 . "Protect the existing suburban character of this portion o� the neighborhood from eneroachrnent by ; higher density developments . The maximum overall , density of devel�pment will be 3 dwelling units or � ' 9 pexsons per �ross acre . A higher density of 4 units or 12 persons per gross acre is a possibility � within an approved pla,nned unit development . F Conformance - The request for `L 8 uni�ts/acre is less than the maximum allowed and will go �urther to- � wards maintaining th� low dens�ty suburban character of the neighborhood. � � � � Policy 5 . Residential subdivisions will be developed with paved . streets, curbs and gutters, street ligh�ts and walkways according to city or county standards. Al1 utilities will be pl'aced underground. STAFF REPORT �` � AGENDA 2 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION March l , 1977 � Page 3 Conformance - The request involves paved streets to cit3� local standards . Policy 6. Development will coincide with the provision of public streets, water ancl sewage facilities. II These �acilities shall be (a) capable of adequately serving development and (b) designed to rneet city or county standards. Con.formance = S .W. 115th Avenue wa�ter and sewer lines are in place to city standards and are adequate to facilitate the propasal . Policy 25. When land is developed and includes a designated bicycle path route, easements should be granted to the city. In cases where development increases the need �'or the path, construction should aTsa be required. Conformance - 'I'he proposal is 'to construct approximately one mi].e of bike pa�ths in the grc.�enway area de- signated on the Neighbor.hood Plan ITI and dedicat�e the g 'reenway to the cii;y . I� �.. Policy 26 . Any street improvement project in the Neighborhood should inclu�3e facilities for the pedestria.n and the bicyclista Con�ormance - In addition to the greenway bike path, curb _ � side, sidewalks are incliiaed on both sides of each street . Policy 27. Any developmer�t along stream channels f�r recrea- tional purposes should not disturb existing tree� . . In pla.ces cvher� trees �,re absent , sorne shoulci b� planted. The greenways are not suited for inten- sive recreational development and should be re- stricted ta an all-weather path and passive areas , for resting, pi.cnicing and related activi.ties. Conformance - The proposal does n�t project intei7sive recreational facilities but ratl�er a passive setting. Concern does arise though as to disturbance of e,xisting trees . NPO III has reviewed the proposal and stated that altlaough they could accept a 96 unit subdivision they would prefer a PlannPd Development in order to maximize the preservation o� the natur�al environment (see Bolen memo 3�/1/77) . � . . � , _.,,,: � ,. ._ . _ STAFF RFPORT �_ � �> AGENDA 2 TIGA�?.D PLANNINCT COMMISSION March l , 1977 ; � Page 4 � �,.:. � 4 . SITE CONUTTIONa � � The site is multi-sloped being bisected by two creeks with � correspanding changes in elevation from 275 ' to 175 ' . The ,, site is dominatec� by a va.riety of vegetation ranging from � marsh type i.n the greenway area and clusters of very ol.d a trees interspersed with mature oak and underbrush . One � residence exists on the southern portion of the site. k r � 5. SURROUNDING LAND USES � � Residential subdivisions on the s�uth, east and west with � large lot residences on the north. The proposed density of � 2. 8 units/acre is less than the surrounding subdivisions . ,. S � 5 . UTILITIES 4 F A sewer trunk line passe� tl�irough t�7e site within a 15 ' ease- �' � ment . The existing line presently has the capacity to hanclle � the aniicipated load. b' � A 6" wa�;er main 1 ine is in S .W. 115 th Averiue , S .W. F'airhaven � Si;reet and S .W. Mira Court . n4r . Bob Santee, manager of the a le �o �� Tigard Water District , has st ated that water is avail b service the site , 7. SCHOOLS This site is �rithiti the school district boundaries for Charles � an S .W . Grant Street approximatE�ly �� F. Tigard Elementar.y School , � half mi:�.e east . The school district has repor. ted that C. F. , Tigard is presently 120 students over th�ir 583 capacity . A ��� 10 acre site at S .�N. 124th Avenue and Katherine Street has 1�een �; - antici ated within two years if �.+ acquired and construction zs p the upcoming bond levy is approv�d. Without b�nd approval in {! April 19'�7 the capacity of the scl�ool clistrict to provide ' I: le famil h�mes �' educational f.acilities is exceeded. 96 sing Y can be expe�tPd t� generate .95 students/home with .65/home of � elementary school age or 62 new children when full,y developed. � 8 . S�I'REFT SYSTEM " The chart below exhibit� the existing tra.ffic l.o�.d an.d capacity � when full developed of the surroundin� streets . � Street I375 Count Existing Capacity � (vehicles/�3.ay) Pavement Width � S .W. Gaarde St . 3067 20 ' 1.5Oa-6000 at 115th Averiue @ 30 ' width with nc� p�.rking �.. �,. STAFF REPORT AGENDA 2 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSIO�T March 1 , �977 �__ page 5 . Street 1975 Count Existing Capar.ity (vehicl.�s/day) Pavement Width S .W. 115th at 483 34 ' 1500 S .W. Fairhaven @ 34 ' width S .W. Fonner St . 5�5 20-24 ' 15Q0 South of SW Walnut @ 34 ' width S .W. R'a.lnut St . 4070 28 ' 1500-6000 between Fonner S�t . � @ 36 ' width and Tiedeman A problem does exist �or tra�fic ot1 S .W. Gaarde Street and S .W . Fonner Strc�et where their present conditions do not facilitate pedestr�an �traffic and aze substandard in its ability ta carry the anticipated vehicular load, parking and pedestrian trat�ic . S .W . 115th Avenue is designated a local street in Neighborhood Plan TII with a 5� ' .right-of-way . No additional xight-of-way is ne�;es'sary to meet the requirements oi' the NP III or the �_ ��'igard Municipal Code. Teh latest traffic coun�:s (19i5) for S .`V. 115tYa is 423 vehicles/day . A local street is designed to handle 1.500 vehicles/day . Thus the capacity of S .W . 7.15th Street wi17. riot be exceeded by the development of this parcel at the proposed density of 2 . �3 dwelling units/acre . 'I'he Neighborhood P:Lari III proposed that no n�w stree�;s be con- struci,ed in the neighbarhood. Th�refore, the plan precludes i;he possibility of any new streets t� distxibute tYae traf�ic tin from the develo ment of this ar�d adjacent vacant I, load resul g P parcels . A proposal made by Carl Buttke, Consulting Traffic i Engineer, to extend 115th to Walnut Street would have decreased I the traffic volumes on Fonner by 800 vehicles per day by 1990 but was judged an und�sirable routing by the NPO. �! u An alternative which would disperse the anticipated traffic � w�uld be an extension of the Nouveu cul-de-sac to the south: � property line. From there it could be extended to hook into S .W. Fair.haven Street . This altern�.tive furthers the con�iit�an of the preliminary planned develo�ment which directed an investi- gation into creating egress onto a street other than S .W. 115th Avenue . This alte.rn�.tive has been agreed u�ox� by the property owner to the south and discussed with the applicant . In order to logically locate the street �.lignments it is necessary � to have a detailed tree survey. What has been provided bs an artists rendering of what vegetation wi.11 remain and/or be planted. ' No showing of the exis�i_ng vegetation to be removed durin� .street or `building l:ocatiorz has been provided, thus ma�king it imp�ssible to determine the impacts or desirability of the � , , - . . _ , � . � _ . _ _ _ _ _ r f STAFF REPORT � �` AGENDA 2 � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION Marc.h 1 , 1977 ' �" Page 6 �,: . cho�en street and building locations . This is especially true for the areas of large cedar and fir � in the southeast portion of the site and the northwest portion where the street appears to have been placed where it would wipe out a significant number of trees . A more sensitive approach would be �to place the street totally in the cleared a.re�, and place a partial cul-de-sac bubble into the t�ees . 3 Also Navare appears to be inappropriately located a.nd a loo�a off of Que11e with a st.reet stub to the south would be more desirable in terms of r.etention of i;he 400 year old cedar grove which it wi11 be bisecting. i 9. STORM DRAINAGE �' The proposal involves four small storm water retention basins i. instead of the two larger ones as shown earlier. The srnaller � basins are pieferable in that the water level fluctuations '' will be less . . � 1 Q. GREENWEiY `' In accordance with Neighborhood Plan II �;he area axound the ;; �� creeks zs being transformed into a 5 . 1 acre lineal park with ;' bike pai;h. N� metn:�or► is made as to the location ar specifi- cations . These should be d�veloped pr. ior to final plat approval . � 11 . OPEN SPACES �_ I — �:. #p: Th� deed co��enants proposed by the applicant establish a "scenic , setback" varying �rom 25 to 50 ' in wi�th within whic,h no major � trees may be removed. "Ma,�or" trees is le�t undefinec3. Majar r� trees are treated in the planned development section o� the i. Tigard �Iunicipal Code as anything over 6" in diameter . { ,� �.: s III . CONCLUSIONARY ��INDINGS : ?�: �': l , Development of this site a� a standard R-10 subdivision does : no�; conform to the NeigYaborhood Plan and considerai�ions of any } ' subdivision should be in conjuilction with a planned development . 4�� • l.''. 2 . The site has unique char�.cteristics (i .e . c�eeks, vegetation , {. parcel size) that favor a design capable of minim�zing environ- " menatl conflicts . , �\ ,�,' I:,�! 3. The subdivision, as proposed c�nforms to the zoning and sub- ;' division chpaters of the Tigard Municipal Code. 4.: 4 . Without a d.eta�.led tree survey staff is incapable ef adequately i:s �` . assessing the impacts of development upon t�e exist�.ng ,�egetation, � ; . �;: � 5 . It appears possible to rnake a s�reet connection to Fairhaven ��� Street but a means of making such a conn�ction 3nas not been F;t explored. �`; . �. . . . . . : . .. . �n�V�. .. _ . . - . . , .. ., � ,' ... . . , . _ ,.: '�� �:: ...:,.. .., . .. � � , . . . � �, _, . _. ___ _ . _ _ _ _ �. � �_ � STAFF REPORT �. . �:.�. �; AGENDA 2 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �s' March 1 , 197? ` � Page 7 ;; . , [.� IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ; ' S�aff recommends tablin� of this item in order for the applic�.nt � to re-submit a planned developmer�t . If the Gommission does not �e choc�se to follow staff ' s advice on this matter the subdivi�ion �j !°;' should b� tabled in o.rder for the staff to assess the impacts of �?' stre�t and building locations upon the existing vegetation and i:o consider th� best method of providing a secondary access point �;; via S .W. Fairhaven Street. � �� ��. ;;. � �: ,: �;; �:. �. (i �`` . ��, r I;: �, 4 F���� I � �i� f .. �... ��.. �� Sr� , S{� �� r:, �t''' �t� �„� � �' 4.f' �1' i � ��.���,.��. � � � Y���� Ii, . . . . . ..���.� S��. �±. � ... . �':?� �� � . . � ' � � . f x� . . . � . . . �. �. �i:� . . � . . . �N`{ . . � � � � . . . � . � � . . � � . � � �� �:� . • . . - . .� . . . . .. . �� �: , �r� �: �. � �'4'§ �� � a � .. . . � �. . � . ..,.., , .. .«.,�, .�.+ ��,°•.,,., .�..,.. �._ . ... . . . .. , . . . ... .. . .. .. ...�. .. —— _ ._ _ _ . . _ __ _ . , � �-. `�..: � � STAFF REPQRT `� AGENDA 5. 3 ;; � TIGARD PI,ANNING COMMISSION i�, May 3, 1977 - ?: 30 P.M. ;a Fowl.�r Junior High Schoal - Lecture Room F t0865 S�.W. Wal:nut Street - Tigard, Ore�gon f; �� U i DOCKET: ZC 13-77 �� REQUEST: To amend the Tigard zaning ordinance to apply City o� Ti�ard �; "R-10, Single Family Residential" zoning to a 4.23 a,cre re- cently annexed parcel currently zor�ed Washington County "RU- 4, iJrban Residential" LOCATION: Between S .W. Fonner Street and S .W. E.rrol. Street (Wash. Co . Tax Map 2S1 3AD, Tax Lot 504) I�PPLICANT: Larry Jackson/Waker & Associates, Inc. T . F'INDINGS OF FACT: 1. The applicant is rec�uesting the �;ppl3,cati.on of Section 13 .2Q (Single Family Resident;ial) o� the Ci,ty of Tigard zo�iing arc�i-� nance ta a recently anne�ed (_A,pri.1 G, 1.977� 4.23 acr� ar.cel P desLgnated "Suburban Densi�y Re�iden�tial'' on th.e N� T��T, 1975 . 2. The orc�.i.r�ance rati�yi.ng the anne.xation �i:ll p�pbak�l� direct t; �,, th.e Planning Cammissian to conduct suGk�. �roceedings a.s may be ' necessary to conform �he authoxa:zed zoning a,nd ].and use a� y� the parcel to th.e �equi,rements of. tY.�e C;i,tp !� zoning ma� and ;� code . �:4, `';:� ;,, 3. Th.e a.pplicable palicies ��•o;�r� .NP III are a,s fo11qW��: ;:� Poli.cy 4. Pratec�t the exi,st�..ng su;bu.rban c,har�,eter �f tl�.�;s portion cf' the ne�.�h:borYa.oad �r�� e�craacYatnent b,y- higher density deVelo,pmen:ts . Th_e max�;:mtzm o�yeral.l dens��ty a� developmen�; wi11 be three dwel:lin�; uni•ts �' or nine pers�ns ,p�r gross acre. A h,�.ghex densi�y �� foux un;its or 12 �ersonS �er grp�s ac�e is a poss�bility within an a�pprov�ed �alanx�ed uni�t deyel� c�pment . � I a �,i� Pc�licy 6. Development will cc�a.ncide w•ith, th;e ��ovi.s�on o� }:. = pub�lic streets, t�atex and sewag� faci.lities. These ;.; :facilities shall be (a) ca�ab].e of. adeguately sery� r'�+ ing development �nd (b� designed to xnest C�,ty ox �:,,�: County standards . � , ,, 4. R��-10 zoning woul.d permit the fo].],awi.ng uses : + . . � . . . � . � . . ,r�.,�, �. . . . . . � . � � � � . .�.f i:��,. �r�. t � � . . . .�,fi. . . . � . � . . �..'.1:: r . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� _ ( �,�( �,ub � � � . . .. . � � -- --. . . - .. � -- - -'�i` '�. �,. STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5. 3 , TIGARD PLL�NNING COMMISSION � May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Pa�e '2 a. Outright pexmitted: (1) Single family dwelling, each on a separately des- cribed lot, as recorded in the County recor.ds (2) Farming, t�uck garder�ing, orchards, and nurseries, providecl no retail ox wholesa]_e business sales af- fi.ce is maintained on th� premises and provided that n� poultr� or livestock, other than normal house- hc�ld pets, are hous�d or any f�nced run locatQd within one hundred feet of any residence other than �. the dwelling on the same 1ot (3) Home occupations, only as strictly definea in Scc- tion 1�3.C18.250. b . Conditional uses: (1) Dupl.ex residential, with a minimum l.ot size o� 10, 00C� squar� feet : one duplex per l�t �M^ (2) Boat monrage (3) Cemetaries (4) Churches and accesso�ry uses (5) �oll�ges (6) Community Y�uild.i.ngs (public) (`7) G.overnrnPntal struc�ure or land use, including public paz•k, pla:�ground, recreatian bu�ld�.ng, fir� sta.tic�n, library, or Ynuseum (8) Greenhouse (9) Conditiona,l home u��e : Following th� pro�eciure set '� farth in ehap�e2 18e72, � conditional harne use may be authorized fox c�rtain �ome o�cupational uses which do 'not s�rict:ly con�or•m to the criteria set for�h for ' "home accupation" as defimed in Section 18 .08.250. I� is the intent of th_is provision to provide tiae � means f.or request for �he City's consideratian of. "hom� occupationi°' type uses when special rireum- stances are presen� which the applicant. f�els deserve `� ii �� _ � r! �;� :� ti STAFF REPORT AGFNDA 5. 3 '� �� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION '. May 3, 1977 - ?: 30 P.M. �' Page 3 �,; �:� this consideration . Tt is the intent of this title '�I that any commercial or industrial operata.ons which would ordinarily be conducted in a cc�mmercial or in- i dusi;rial. district , continue to be conducted in such ! dis�;xict and not at home ( 10) Hospital, sa.nitarium, rest home, home for the aged, � nursing home or convalescent home (11) Railroad right�of-way (12) School : nursery, primary, elementary, junior hi�h ar senior h;igh, college or university, private, paro- chial �r public (13) LTtility substatian or pumping station with no equip- m�nt st�rage a,nd lines which are essential to the '� . . functianing and se.rvic�ing of residez�tial neighbor- ha�ads (14) Any business, service, processing, stoz•a�e or dis- ; �,, �lay ess�ntial or incidental to any permitted use in }a' this ��one and not condtzc,ted entirel.,y within an en- i,' closed builciing �; �; (15) Go1f course, country club, priv�.te club �'� (16) Children ' s day care '� ]:X . S'1'i�rF G�SE�,VATTt3NS : The parcel is presently vacazlt with extensive tree caver and heavy underbrush. �'he site is surraunded by single f�,mily dwel- ling� on large lots with �the exce�tion of smallPr ].ot to the south. 'i �:� Sewerage service is available to the pro�erty for the proposed �� density via an eas�ment to be provi.ded across an intervening t` property. Water ser.vice is available to �the property to faeilit�,te the pro- !%' posed dez�sity from six inch.>lines in S .W. Fonner Street . � [3 S .W. Fonner Str�et is in a subs�andard condition and the intrc�duc- `. of zoziin whic;h ualifies the property for 13 housing units tion � � g ;`3 ���� � � � � ':, ,�f � .. . . . „ 4) . . . . �.. t'4 . � � . � . � . '):� - . . . � . . . . � . . � � � : 2�. . . . . . . . . . . � �� �: Y; s _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _,._ , , . ;, , :i ' :1 ��. � i STAF'F REPQRT >�,�j AGENDA 5. 3 ��' TIGARD PLANNING CQMMISSIQN May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.hi. ; Page 4 '{ necessitates that a half s�treet improvement be provided as well as the ten foot necessary ri�ht-of•=way. III . CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS : l. There �xists a public need to apply City of Tigard zoning to all, arcels of land in the cit in order to ease the a- i i - P Y dn1 n s tration of land use regulations and assure consistency through- aut the City. 2 . The prr�posed R-10 zaning district; is compati:ble with the sur- rounding zoning and conforms to the "Suburban DEnsity Re�iden- tial" policies of the NP III , 1975, in that it liznits tk�e maximum averall ciensity to three d.welling units/acre anr� with th.e a,ttachment o� appropria�te conditions, tk.te adequate pxo- visiozi of pt�blic services to serve the propo��d develo�men't can be assured. 3� The R-10 zoning is thP m�st approp.riate deszgnation due to there being no apparent development constrain�ts and the need ��,. to efficiently utilize buildable �.ancis in the urban area. � IV', STAFF RECOMMENVATION: �ia.sed on the findings af fact ancl concltis:ionary f.indings, the staff recommends ap�roval of the request subjPCt ta the following co��itions: 1.. A half street i.mprovmen� and a �ten foot dedication for S.W. Fonner Street aTong this property 2. The sewe.r easEment d�cutnents be reviewed and agpr�ved by staff prior to any subdi,vision activity on this site. s : ; �: �� �•: _ ,.. : _ _ ; � ���;:� �: � , (' ,�'a�.C'.��.�'£�' Fi.F��aR�1.' �,. C�... �i � �.C�1���T3.� 5.�l�r� �� `�' �; �'TG.�.I� P�.,���N�I�TG Cfl1���I,�STQi�T � T��� ;�, .lQ'�`7 -- 7��4 P.1�. 4 ��; Fra�,,�1.�-r. Jua�,.�,o� I�i�;� SchooJ,. -- L�c����a�� ��ozn k� �., �.��3�5 �^Ja7nia.t � T:��;a.rcl; ��.��g�n �i � ,;''' � � � �_; �oC�;�T: zC; 1�-77 t �,� ��IJ�S�': Ta a.T'nend -kh� Tig�.z^a �on�.n.� orc�i�?�.nce -t!� a�ply C�.t� o�' � Ta.�ar.°d ��R�•7, San��.e �'am.ily Re,�id�n�tial�� zonin� �o �. 1.�.�5 acre r�:cen,tly az�..n��;��d parce3 c�arr. �nt�y �on�d �Tash�a�.��.on Cotan��y t,Ra�l, S�,buxb�.ra R��ici�nl�.ia7,c' � T.,JC.�TI�Nr �°,���L sa.d� c:� �.',�'. 92n�� AJ°nue (��Ta�k�. Co. T�,x Mc+:� ��1 1LG�, ° ` Ta: Lc;t 70L?) � �.PPLIC�.Y�T� rJana:'L�. E. pa�,].octi� I��re�tm�n�,�/R�.ch�.rc� �'�^a?r�a�d �•;,; �. F�I�?�J��G� OF FAC t: : �, Th� a�a��.�..ca.nt is rW�ue��in.0 t.l�,� �.,�pl�.�a�:io� a:� th� �a.�y o�t 'Si- ,_ ,;�,�� :o?�i�1� ordi,n�zr�ce i c� �. r�centi�.y �z�ara����. (Ja:_��.az�' 1�, ]..�77) 1ut�5 acrs� ��,��c�1 d��i�:�a�tec� "Urban Lo��v D�n�:i.�;�r Resid���L�alis + on -�h� T�.��..rd C�rr�r�v��.���y Pl�:�., 1971.„ 2o u7_-�y� o:i Ti��.r�. O:��d:inGnc� 77•-L0 (Febx�u�.:c^-y 2�s, �.�77) d�.r�c�i:� tl�c P�.���z1��n.� Cor:nm�.s�:i.c�n �i.o cc�nduct such pra���c�.ir��� �.� may b� n�c- ; �_ �s,�a.ry ta co?��arm �;h� �u��.c��^i��c� �ani°r.z�; ���:d 3�.nc�. u;s� o:E t?�� _ �a�Rce�. �o �;�i� ��q�zi�^er��nts o:� �1�.� Cz�;r's �orain� map ��. c��.�. ,;� r :�. �'1�.� appl�_c�bl� �o�..ir,y �ra?n �;k�e `�i��rd Cor�inuYzi.�y �la:c�.� �97�., �-� '; aw �Q�i.1.o�rrs: ,.3 ;i .� a, "'�7.�.e ina�?.m�ii� overall rJ�nsi�y c�:C �.evelopme��;'G w�].1. b� �r o��r , d�vcl�i..nE; u}z�.�t>s nr 12 ��r.uon� ��r �x°o�s acre. `i'k�.is �.rn;ou..n+� �o ;�; c'Z a`Gc7.�iC].�r'U. V:L (�rJl.3 �t�i.;cai•u ivi:�� S:�i .�i.c.i� �,^.� �v'IC:'�� ��� 1J�.r�;i,-f� �.�.7����i:�,� �o:r ���r�����s and o���r o��n spae�. ,Som� ar��s ��r�1:1 � iia�r� a �s��rrt�r c��ns�_t;� o�=r��.� `�a �apaF;-raphy, �xa.s�in� �.�v�3�o�a-- ' rn�n�; �a�L-trr��, a:c t1�.e cle�s��r. � a.� �.z��l�.v�.d�t�ls to c��n�a� a :L�.r��r � � �.4 u. �i � � � ' i � li.. 5,�d�. 92r?d A�ren�.ze �zs �d�s�g3.zatecl.:a �..o�cal ��s�reA-t oi�. the ���i�;axd.�� � ��' Commutz�.�y �'l�n, �..971,. �i � �. �:-�7 �c�i�.�.�� ti�roixld ��rrni-� �the �o�.l4zrra.ng u����: _ '� �.. Qu-�,ri�rk�.+ �rm�.���cl: ��I � � a , i (a�) S,n.�:le I'ama.Iy clz�zelli�a„s, ��.cl� an. a S�p�,r���l� �.�s� 7� c�.����cl lot, ar� ��carc��d �.n -�1�.� CUU��,•�,y �.^QGard�; t-� �.;� (2) Zj ax�n.�.ng, tx�.zc�� �;arcl�n.�n.�, orc�?��:�cls, ara.d a�.�.�r`e:�:i.�s, ' ` � �,1 prova_dec� n�a reta:i.l oz^ �holos��.� b�.�s�.n,��� �a�,�s ofl�_ce is m�a.�n.t�.inEd a;n ��ie pr�r,��.�o� a:.�,d �rc�- � ;� vic��d �tY�at no pau�.try �r �.i�,Testoc�, a t her t ha:ra. i, no�m��. h��a.s�}�:old 1��-�s, are lzou��r� o� anf ��x�a��l � �� � !„� � �� � �� � — . '� �s�.�F��� r-z.��o�.T �- !�� .s��. �.�,� t;� �x�.a�� �z.�.a.�rx�r� e��4m�z�szoiv �/:�/77 -� pa�e � �� rta�? laca��d. !�::��L�.i�, dz�;� hunc�;;�ed �'e�t o� any resi.der_ce a�tk��r -�k�a��, �}�i� �.y��ell.in�; a� •rhe �arn� 2otg (:�) Hos�e acc2.z�a�:iaz�.�, on�.y as s�rz.c-��y de�ix��d i.r� i�E�G�+:l..�l�. �rC'rn8r���• b. Ce?�ditial7.�.1 t�s�s: (l) Dt��a:1�:� re�;id�z1•t�.�.l, vsi�h a mia?�.mt�xn 1ot sa,z� af �.(J 004 � � �t. : onr du;��!e; pEr 7.ot > � (2) Baa-� maora�;e �3) C�:rn��aa�a.es {4� �`k?ta�che� ax�.d �.ccessor�r uscs (57 Cc�llege� �6) �o�ra�ax�.a..-�y bu�.?�da.n�� (publx,c) (7) G�vcrnm�n��.�. �trucl,4�re a:r� 7.a.nc� vse� �n�luda.�z� �a�.b�.i� �a�l�, p�.��r�rolua:�.$ ��cx°e�.�.,:iog�. G�uildir�.�, �'ire st�.i;xo��,, lib:.rar�r or nlusetlm , (�3} �rti-��n�ious� �3 �_ (,9) Con�.�.t�zor?al home u��: rola.n��ria�a� th� p.r���du�� set ��arT,h in �I°�aptex� 1�3.72 P �. Gc���di c.ion�.l h�m� vwe m�.y ��e d�a.thori�ed Ta.r c�rtaira horn.e ac�v�a��.ox��.l usc� ti��ha.ch dc� n:v�; s�:r�.c°t��T ua-ra?°o��� �;a �tl�.� cr�-L-�xa,a ��� yc��t��. �or if',���ne r�ccupa`�?.o'r.�.{' �.s a��'7.ned ir�, x��cta.Urt 1�3.G�3. �50, It �.s �he i:G�V�n°� a:E t:�z7 s pz��v�_ua..o�� �o �r�ava.d� tlz� rne��a� �c�x° rcq�a�s� :.Car :the C;i�ty t s c�rasid.ex�a�ior.z c�:� lt��^•;'^:.� uGw�w�s�~i�:�n7111 '�V'yC1E? 'LlS@S z:J�'.L°Il. �'(3G�Clr�.�.. C7 Z'�1.7.14�,Ga�c"�-.X1C+'E?S �.;r� pr�ES��a.�: ��,rl�a.ck�; ��.e �.�.��al�_c�n�; �ee�� d.�;s�a�re �:k���� ca2�s�.c��x�.�.;�.c:nd �t; .�� th� a.�a�:�t�� a�' '�Z7�s ti�t�;� t,'�:a�t �,n;� �t����erc?a�. o� 7�:�.�.7���^ia?. o�ex�at.;.ons whic�� �ro�u.l.d c��c�;i.�.ara,ly 1�e c;�nc�.�tc��c�. 7�! �. �or��-cexe�.al �r in.d`�a t-- ,_r,.�,�L dis�fi�a�ict, cax�'1:�.�.ue to b� co�:�dit�-��cl i.n s�.�clz c�a.�°t��xs:,t �rid not a°t hc�r.�� (:,l.r�} �-;c��;�7�a�., sai�.a.�a.r�.l�.an, r�st hame, ��om� �or t;hP „ a�;e�., n.L�.r�in�; ho�n� or cor�,va3.escen-1, home i' (�.�_� �:�a.�.r��cl x�igh't�o'���,r�y (1.2) S�hool. :�Llr��ry, �ara.;nax�, e�.er�e�,�arY r �-uniox� ha.�,''I�. or ,s�ni.Ur Yii�h, cQ11e�P or tu.�.a.v��s�i.t�, pri.�r��e, p�rc�Gha.�.� �� nubla.c i ti;. y.. �T�.F'��` �'-LEPOR.T -- A�rrl\DA ��!�- TTG.��.�3 �'L!��T4��1�7r.� CO.����iT`�S:[.ON ,:. 5/:�,/77 -� �?a�� � '� . (1�) U�ri.1a.�,y �u7���:�?.-t�.o�! or pumpir�� sta��.ar �ryr:i�h no ��,ui�r��n�; �i ora�� �.nd lin.�s �ral�:i,�h �.r� ��sent?al �;o -L-he i`u��a�c�ol�.?n� a�.1 ��r°vic:i?ng o� r��a.drn�t�.al _ n�i�hborhaods ; (Z�H) !�ny k�va:i_n�s�, s�rvi.c�, pro�essin�, stara�e r��.ry , c3�.s�lay �ss�z�.ti.�.l ox^ iz�.�:.�cl.e?'�.i�al to �a.i� �e�^rn;-tte�. ; 1a.s� :i.s� �;k�i� zaxz� anc� nat conduc�ficd cn-r�.re1_� wi.�r•�- ; �1� �.n e:aa���cc3 bu5.lc�i:n� (15) G•�1:C covrse, can�try clul�, pr���ra�.� cl�.iY� ' (1.6) Ch,ildr�n's c��y care a I'�. �ST��F O.i3u�'Ft'�Tk7'�OA�: _ , �'h� p�x�e7 ry s �re��r_ti1y occ�.�.p��c� by � l_ar�;e ��Y��r? hou�se and ou-L-, ; 1�Lli�da.n�;s 5�rkla.ah �.zry� us�d a� a horse ric�ln�, aa�.d�m� ancl. 'bo�.rdin� ,�ac i7 i�;�T a T_II�,e m�,jari�r o�" ��!� site is �a��;�:u�^c�r �e��,�ral`!y �'�ta�� T�r�.-l:h sc�me c�,.an�c o:i �xac�c; �n th� sot��;lzer:n �ar°Lion bu-t �o-l; of •Gh� m�.;n�.�c.L�c?e -�o c��.ls� rc�:ta�u.r�.ii�a�;s �or c��vela�men U. A srna?1 �0�1� �l�is�:� in tl�� s�u�'r,�.e�n �or-�iana �.'1?G �i�;c :�s surrotiu�dcd bsT six��l.e :�ar��.a,.�.�T dE��u�1.in��� an r�.xr�l �i�ec� 7 ots c�n the �a�r �.?n.d { a ,� narth��.st �.7�d. vac�.z1� :�TflOC�.Et� Z.O'f�s an th� ?�.or�;lz�aes'c a?�.d �ou�i;h. ; ��. � 5�,-�r�r is uv�.���.b�.e -ta 1�,�.x��.7.� �he �rapos�d d.ensi_�L� on th�s sitc �ria a ��ru?�ak J.:i.ne i.n �5.i^�. :I�vrharn Fta�.dp �c;�e�s ��a �.l.�.a.� l:�:r�e r,��i:t:L �a� pr avicl�rz �.cros� �a� ��.�£m�i1t to b� ���rn�.s�:�ed by �z�. 3.ra��ex— v�i�in� prc��a�rty. � ,� ��Ta�t�r swz^viL� is av�3.1a'��.c �t,o ��c�.2:�.-��-t� �cl1e ��op���d d�n.si+y on -k1�.is s�i,�,e v_°.a r�1�?n lx.ne� ira ba�;lz 5.��. DLZrJ.��xn Ro�,�. u��.d S.ti;r. 9?_nd l�v�:nu�;. � �5.�i1. 92nc1 �?v�nue �s in suU�ta.n.cl�.rc� c;��,�.a-cic�:r�. �.���. °�li�; ��atrc-�- dLxcta.�a1 o�' ��n��a.� ��Friz:ic� c�ual.i��..��, i�,�.� x�rop�r�Lj� ��r 7� r�oll,s:x.:.�a� ��,:i�� :n.eces�.t��ES that a l�.a.l� �zree-� i.mprov�r�G�,� �e prc�jra�d�d. ��Ts CGl��CTU'�:COV.�.I�Y �'�T��T_I�.TGS: i �_r �Ch�re �:�i.�ts a pubJ.ic �a.��d, ta app�.y �'�.��T o:E T?�;ar�. zr�nir!� •ta �.7.1 parcels o�r l�,�ct �n i;��.e ci�;�� ir.a pr�.�.r to �a�e �he a�t}n:i.n:i�tr�-c:i.o�. c�� lax�cl v�� Y�e�vlat��c�ns, and provid� co;n-� s�,s���ncy' 'rhou���out �the Ci.-t�. � i� 2. Tk�� propos�cl I�-�7 zan.in� d.�.s�r:i.ct �i.� comlaa�ibl.� �rry tl~� ih� �', � surrr�v��.cla.?�� zar��:n� aracl conforr�s to �h� �fUr���. LoZ�r Den�i�y ' Re��.d�n�;a.�.l: �ola,ci�� o� th� �'a:�ar�. Commun:i.-t�� Pl�,n, 1�7� � �.n •��?�:j� �.�t �.�.r�a.�� �;Z�,e max�.mum c�vera"l�. c1��,s�.�Ly uo �'our. (�I•� � cl�,re:l.?in�; un�t� p�r acre �n�. �}�i-���. t1�e �ttacl�len� a� �p�aro- �, pxia�e ca�.�.�.i°tions, �th,� adc�;c�u��e pr�vi,��.or,� o� �L�bli.a �orv�c�s ,; ta �ea^v� th� propos�d �.��rclap�n�nt can be �.�sur��.. } � �� �; , s t t {: � � . . � �.. �' �,:< �T�L�'L' R�',t�pRT -� .�C��+T�A �.j-�. T�G1a,R� 1�Z1�T11TZ14TG �Q��'I��STt��7 �/:�/�`7 -- ��:�,� 4� ' �tl', a�`A1�F RFCO��!�TI�fD:ll�`CTO�T: Bas�d �n th� �i.�?c�in�s c�i ��`ac°t �nc1 canc�.u��.c�na�°y -�in�.��.n��, �.l�.e st�.f.�" reGOmm�nds �np-_r�va1 a:f: -�h� �eqL?��t sta'bjECt to �h� �inc1- in�;�. �1a.� ��i���•r r�coznm��.d� ��p�^oval a:� �h� .r.�c�uest sub j���� t� t�?� �'U�lov�ra.:rz� con�.i.-l;io�.: ; ��.) A. ��.�.�.� �tr��-t imp���r�m�r?t b� nr�vici.ect �'or, ,S.�r;f. �2�.d �.vpnu� a1.c�n� tl�:i a pror�erty ' ' ; � (�) 2'h.� seti-��r. �!d vra-L�.r ��s�me��ts lae rcv�ev�Ted and approved � by �th.� �ta.�_� �i�h any � su'r�div�siax� act:°iv�.°�y on �la.�.s � ��� �?�a�a�:�ty i 1 � � � 's , ; e � � .�,. � Y { , ; ) . � � .� �f'�. lt: . � . � ..���.�T t� .. . .. . � � � • . . ��I . .. � . . �� �� *!�} �'r � . . � . .� .�,� .. , � . . .. . f}i 1� � . . � . . . � �.'i:. . � . .. �. . . . � . � � � )`', . � . . . . � � � . � �:�.. . . ' . . . . . . � �.�a. . . . . . . . . � � . . . �.� �'. � .. � � . . . � � . �.. X;'. . � � . .. � . � . . . . . . . . ' i . . . . . . . � � . .. 4, . . � .. . . . . . .. .i: . . . . . . .:�; . . . . . . . . . . .. . . � . . � 1�. � � . � � � � . . � .. . . � . � i- . . . � . . . � � � - . . � � . � . . . . . .. .. � ���::�� r �, �I i �. . � �'y,. .. �� . � �. �,,;. ST9FF REPOI�T AGENDA 5.5 �� TIGARD F'LANNING CI�MMISSION � ' l�ay �, �.977 - 7: 3q P.M. Fowler Junior High SchooT - Lecture Room 1U865 � ,W. Wali�zu.t St.reet - Tigard, Oregon DOCKET: ZONE CHANGE �-77 REQUEST: To amend the Tigard zoning ordinanee to apply C'ity of Tigard "R-7, Single Family Residential" zoning to a 1. 17 acre re- cently annexed parcel currently zoned Washington County "RS- 1, Suburba.n Residential" LOCATION: South si.de of S .W. Durham Road, west o� S .W. 92nd Avenue (Wash. Go. Tax Map 2S1 14A, Tax Lo�L 600) APPLICA.NT: Gharles E. Coston � . FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The �.pplicant is reques�;in� the a.pplic�.tion of the City of Tigard �oning ordinance `to a recentl,y �.nnexed Januaxy 1.8, 1977 1. 17 acre parcel deszgnated "Urban Low Density Residen-- tial" on the Tigarcl Communa:ty Plan, 1971 2. City of Tigard Ordinance 7?-2� (February 2$, 1977) directs � the Planning Commissian to conduct such proceedings as may be tiecessaxy to conform the authnrized zoning and land use of th� parcel to the requirement5 of the City' s zr�ning map and code 3. The applic,able policy from the Tigard Cc,mmunity� Plan, 1971, is as follows: a. The maximum overall density of development will be four dwe�,ling units ar 12 persons per gros� acre. This amounts to a standard of 7,500 square feet of la;nd per dwelling �?nit al]_�wi:ng for streets and other open space, Some areas will have a lower �ensity owing to topography, ex- isting development patterns, or the desire o� ind�.�yiduals to own a larger lot . 4. R--7 zoning wou�ld permit the �pllowing uses : a. Outright permitted: (.1) Single farnily d�vell�ngs, ea�h pn a sep�xatPl'y des- cribed lot , �;s x°ecorded in th.e Cqunty recqrds (,2) Farmirig, truck gardening, �xch,ard�,' and nurserie�, provided no ret;ail or w�holesale bu��ness sales o�- fice is maintained an `th.e prernises and prov�.d�d that � I � i: f,'' `t.. '�.,. STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.5 �;�`'� TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION May 3, 197? - 7: 30 P.M. Page 2 no poultry o� livestack, other than normal household pets, are ho�.sed or any f.enced run located within one hundred feet o� any resicience other than the dwe1J_ing on the same lot (3) Home occupations, only as s�trictly defined in �ection 18. 08.250. b . Conditioxial usPS : (1) Du�lex resi.dcntial, �uith a minimum lot si�e of 10; 000 square feet : one duplex per lot (�) Baat moor.a�e (3) Cemetaries (4) Chizrches and accessox^y us�s (5) Co7_leges � (5) Community builclings (pubZic) (7) Governmental structure or land use, including public park, playgr.ound, reerea.tion bu.i.lding, fire stati.on, library, or museum (8) Greenhouse (9) Conditional hoane use : Fallowing t�e pxocedure set forth in Chapt�r 18.72, a conditianal tiome use cnay be authori�ed for certain home o�cupational. uses which do not strict�y conform to tYxe criteiia set �orth for "home occupation" as defined in Section 18 .08. 250. �t is the intent of this provision to prova.de the means for request for the City 's co�.sider�,tion o� "home occupation" type uses whexi special circum- ' stances are present which the applicant feels de- serve this consideration. It is tY�s intent of this ' title that any commercial or industrial opera�i,on� which would ordinarily be conducted in a commercial ar industrial district, continue to be conducted in such district and not at home � � ��� ('' , }., STAF�' REPORT �i AGENDA 5.5 �{ TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ` ' May 3, 1�77 - 7: 30 P.M. � '�' Page 3 f -; ,-:; (1_0) Hospital, sanitarium, rest home, home for the aged, E ', nursing home, or convalescent home (11) Railroad right-of-way (�2} School : nursery, primar.y, elementary, juYiior high or senior high, college or university, private, paro- chial or public (13) iJtility substation or pumping station with no equip- ment storage and Iines which are essential to the functioning and servicing of residential neighbor- hoods ;, (14) Any busine�s, service, processing, storage or dis- pl�.y essential or incidental to any permitted use in this zone and not conduc�ted entirely within an en- closed building �� (15) Childr.en 's day care. � (16) Golf course, country club, and private club. �� , � II . STAFF OBSERVATIONS : . The site is f1at, presently vacant with r�u.mer�us 14 to 16 �oot tall evergreen trees scattered around the site and surrounc�ed by + a horse stable to th� south, a single family residence on a f large lot to the eas�t, vacant land c�n the west, and the Summ�r- 5 field Planned Development on the north. � Adequat� water and sewer is availabl.e to serve the pr�po�al (See Agenda Item �i.5 . ) Z'he parcel abuts S .W. Durham Road, which is a coun�y roa.ci and desi.gnated an arterial on the Tigard Community Plan, 1971. Sewer is available to handle the proposed density on this site via a trunk line in S.W. Durham Road. Water service is available to facilitate the proposed density on this sa�te via a main line in S.W. Durham Road. Although the lot has legal access directly ont� S .W. Durham Road, the coordinated development of tY�is parcel and the adjacen� parcel _..--�-_ , . . _ �� `�,,,: STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5 .5 � TIGARD PLANNING CdMMTSSION May 3, 1977 - 7 : 30 P.M. Page 4 to the south (Agenda Item 5.4) perman�nt access could be provided ; through that lot onto S .W. 92nd Avenu� . This arrangement would support the arteri.al streets pOI.1CI.PS` Of the Tigard Cammunity Plan, 1971. Sta�f has met with both applzcants, and both have stated their ag.reemeri� ta such. a proposal . IIT , CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS : Z. 'Thex•e exists a public need to �:pply City of Ti#;ard zoning to a"ll. parcels of lanci iia the city in order to ease the adminis- tration of land use regulations� 2. The proposed R-7 zoning district is cpmpa�ible with the sur-- rounding zoning and conforrns to the "Urban Low Density Rasi- dential" policies of the Tigarci C�mmunity P�.an , 197Y, in that it limit� the rraaximum overall d�rrsity to four dwelling units/ ac��e, and with the attack�mezxt o� appropriate coaldi�ions, th� adec�uat� provision of safe street access to serve th� proposec� cievelopmen� can kae assured. 3. The R-7 zoning is the most apgx�opriate de�ignation duE to � there being no apparent c�evelopment constrai.nts and �:he need to e:�ficiently utilize buildable lands in the ur�.�an ax�ea. ' IV. STAFF RECOMMENIIATTON: I3a,sed �n the sta�� observatians and con�lusionary �indings, the staff xecommends approval �f the Y°�quest SL1I3�P,G� to the fr�llowing c�nditions : 1. A one foot access cantrol strip be deciicated to the City pra- hibiting dixect �cce�s onto S .W. D.urham Road but resexving ', temporary access un�til permanent access is providec� �hrough ` the adjacent pxoperty to the s�uth 2. 25 feet: be dedicai;ed a1a�a� S .titi'. �°ur�aam ?�o�:cl �f�a.r street pur- poses . . _ ��� � � � � � ;� � �� ; F..'' � ti�: STAFF REPQRT AG�NDA ITEM 5.6 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION May 3, 1977 i DOCKET; CU 8-77 REQUEST: To locate two aupJ.exes in an "R-7, Single Family Residential" zone. LOCATION: South of S.W. Durham Road, west o.f S.W. 92nd Avenue (Wash. County Tax Map 2S� ].4A, Tax lat 60�J APPLICANT: Gharles E. Coston l. FINUINGS OF FACT: l, The applicant is rPquesting permission to lr�cate two duplexe. on two lots of. approximatel.y 11,000 sq, ft. in an R-7 zone in accordance with Chapter .L8.72 (Conditional Use) of the Ti�ard �.. Municipal Code. 2, The site is designated "Urban Low Density R�siden�ial" on the Tigard Community I'1an, 1971 and zone "A-7y �ir�gle Family Residential". Note: App.lication tq a��1y city R-7 �oning i�� this parcel is also scheduled �:or cc�nsideration on May 3, 1977 and if approved wauld not becom.e operative until ratifieci by the City Council. The objectives �f the Urban T�ow Density Residenti�l designation ar.e as followst , A. To provide areas of the city having a predominately single- family res9:dential character. B, Ta permit densities that will economically support the cost of necessary public service:, arid f_aczlities, such as paved streets, gedestrian taays, and utilities� C. To permit a variety c�f housing ty�pss to meet the needs of different family size and family in�ome. 3, Section 18.20,120 of the Tigard Munici.pal Code allows auplex�s in an R-7 zone on separate �:O,Q�Q square feet Lots as a conditional use upon a finding that the site is appropriate far the proposed use (l£�.72.010). 4. Tentative appraval for the su�bd.ivr.asion as shown on the site pla�n is expected. ' ; I 2. STAFF OBSERVATIONS; TYte site ' • flat � � is presen,tly vacant with numerous 14-16 ta11 evergreen � trees scattered around the site and surrounded by a horse stable to the south, a s�ngle fami.ly residenee on a Iarge 1ot to the east� � � vacant land on -the west and ths Summerfield Planned Development on the � no1 th. , �' .� 5taff Report �ks,... May 3, 1977 5.6 Page 2 �; �,,..: Adec�uate water and sewer is available to serve the proposal (See agenda item 5.5) � The parce•1 abuts S.W. Durham Road which is a county road and designated an arterial on the Tigard CommuniY.y P1an, 1971. 3. CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS: The following findings �an be found for approval of the request: 1. The request conforms �o the objectives of the Urban Low Density Residential designation of the Tigard, Corn�nunity Plan, 1971 in that • a, two duplexes wil'1 not diminish the sirigle family characte�r of this area of the City. b. it will permit a variaty of housing types to meet the needs of differetit family sizes ancl inc�mes in the axea. 2. The proposed use is appropriate to the site is compatible with the existing and future surrounding uses wil'1 provide a rt_ density bufEer. from the arterial street, and due to its exist- �� ing ve�etation wil'1 be generally screerced From the raaci. 4. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Aased on the findings of fact and the conc�usionary findings the staff recommends apprava.l with the condition that a lan.dsca�e berm o�,� barrie�r be provided along S.W. Durham Road and submitted for Design Review �. �: STAFF REPORT A�ENDA 5. '7 �;�. TIGARD PLANNTNG COMMTSSZON �, May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M, Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Roozn 10865 S .W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon DOCK]ET: CU 9-7'7 R�QUEST: To locate two duplexes in a "R-7, Single �'amily Zone" LOCATION: West side o.f S.W. Tiedetnan Str.eet, north of Fanno Creek (Wash. Co . Ta.x Map 1S1 34D, Tax Lot 5601) APPLICANT: Kingswood Development Company/Leon Ja110 I . FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The ap�licant is requesting permission to locate two duple�es on two proposed lots of ov�r 10, 000 square fee�t in a R--7 zonE in a�cordance with Chapter 1.�3. 7Z (Conditional Use) of the Ti- gard Municipal Code . 2. The site i.s designated "Urban Low Derisity Residen.tial" on the NP II , 1975 ar�d zoned "ft-7, Single Family Residential" . �. 3. The ap�lic�,bl� policies of the NP II , 1975 are as follows : ��.� "7. Within the low density r�siden�tr�,l a.rea, duplexes will be al'lawed on lots less apprapriate for single family t�;omes to include loca�ion� at street intersections and as buffers between multi-family a<nd single fami].y areas. " " "32. W�ien land is develaped and �.ncludes a. designated bike route, easements should b� �ranted to the Ci.ty. In cases where developmerit increa�es the need fo� the path , construc- tion should a.lso be reqtzired. " 4 . Section 18 .20. 120 of the Tigard Municipal Cade a�.lows duplexes in a R-7 zone on separate 10,Q00 square F�ot l�ts as a condi- tiona:L use upon �, finding that the site is appropriate for the proposed use (18. 720010) . 5 . Tentative approval :Eor the min�ar land par�titzon as sh�wn on the site plan is e�pected. 6. The flood plain Pleva�tian of Fanno Creek is 156 �eet mean sea level . ?. The 1�P II designates S.�y. Tiedernan a co].lector street . _ _ _ , . _ k � 1�; ��`, ��. ,...,. ; ��.� ,: F k; �;-; STAFF REPORT C' �; AGENDA 5. ? ` �� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSTON � May 3, 1977 - ?: 30 P.Me ' Pag� 2 `; t;i, � t; 8 . The Tigard Area Comprehensive Pedestrian-Bicycle Pathway Plan �` adopted in March, 1974 de,signates a Cl.ass T pai:hway along r° Fanno Creek on this site. II . STAFF OBSERVATIONS : �' � The original tax lot was a 1. 35 acre parcel, vacant and primaril;� � in the Fanno Creek �lood plain, which is overgrown with bru�l� and `'. trees . The site is bordered by i;wo duplexes and Fanna Creek, with �' a sing]_e family resid�nce across S .W. Tiedeman Street . �� � : Sewerage se��vice is available to the site from a trunk line tran- secting the property, and water service is available from a ten ;,. inch main line in S .W. Tiedeman Street . S ,W. Tiederrian is a substandard street in both improvement and righ�-o�--waq wirith. AZthough a t�n foot dedication and L.I .D� '' agxeement will satisfy the re�quirements of NPO IT , concern. arises as to pEdestrian tr,af.fic �.long S .W. Z'iedeman St.ree�t;, The plaee- ment o� a sidewalk adjacent th� relocated property lin� would cre- ate a safer s�ction of �assage for peclestrians. The NP II states ; �„ that access to abutting pic��erties is a secandary function o� cal- � I i, lecters, and, since no alternative access stxeet exists, �, loop or shared cirivewa,y wo�zld minimi�e thE access prohlem wi.th the pri- �:;' ma,ry func�i:ion of the collector si;reet--that being ta collect and s{ distribu-�e tra:�fic betwe�n �.rterial and iocal streets . The :E].00d plain portion of the site is u.nbuilc�:able and includsd in the greenwa.y elem�nt of the Tigard Community p�a�, 197i and NP II , Uoth oi� which �ncourage its xetention as a natural area. This can best be achieved by dedication to the public fox green- way pu�poses . The addi�i.on �f two duplexes in this area increases the n�ed for the patliwa� as encouraged in the pathway p1an, but cor�struction. ' at this time is not necessary . Either an ��reem�nt tU construct �' ; the pat.h or a bond should be provided. which .would a�sure its con- stxuction wh�en links are made to this properfiy from a.djacent onQS. III . CONCLUSIONARY FINDI�GS : '' ' 'ii The fiol.].owing findings ca;n be found for approval of the request : ` ``� 1 . `Vith tYie attachment of. appropriate conditions, �he pxoposal `� con�'arms to the N� II in th�.t with duplexes on adjacer�t lots 1 and being on a collector street the site is':less appropria,te ��J i;:�� �� � � �� � � � � � � '+ , '� r1 .. . . . . � . .. . Y�'� � . . , . . � �i)'� ,. . .. . .�. . . �Y� . . . . . . . .. . . .. � � � �4� ��_ � STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.7 �!� TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION May 3, 1977 - 7:30 P.M. Page 3 for single family residences and appropra.ate for du.plexes on 1p,000 square foot lots. 2. The proposal is compatible with i;he adjacent uses, since it is of the same density and ho�zsing type. 3. Adequate water and sewerage facilities exist to serve the de- velapment as proposed, and adequate street facilities will be provided with the attachrneiit of appropriate conditions. TV. STAFI�' R�COMh4ElVDATTON: Based on the �indings of fact •and concl.usionary findings, staff recommends ap�roval wi�th the fo2io�wing condi�tions: l. Ten feet be dec�icated along S .W. Z':iedeman for street purposes ; �arior to issuance of bus.ldin� psr�nits, and a half street im- j provement be provided wi.thin one year 2 . Either a shared loop dri.veway o� �, sing].e common access point 'i � for both duplexes be utilizec� i 3. Retention of the nattxral state o� the flood plain portian of the site be assured by dedication to �the public or the �rro- vision of a gree�r�ay easement over its entirety. 4 . l3onc�ing, construction or some other assurance accep�tabl� to staff be accornplished for the placement of a pathwa.y to Ci�ty ) standards along Fanno Creek. � I � � � t s � ; . , i � a � , `f p ; � . e _ _ _ ,. : �� ,:: � .:�. . �:! .. �a,.._ . . .. STAFF REFORT AGENDA 5 .8 � TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Fowl.er J�nior �iigh School - Lecture Roorn 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Uregon DOCKE`P: CU 10-77 REQUEST: A condit�onal use perrnit for outside storage LOCATION: 7Z20 S .W . Bonita Roaci (Wash. Co . Tax Map 251 12A, Ta.x Lot 1900) APPLICANT: J�hn Skourtes T . FINDINGS OF FACT: 1, The applicant is requesting permission for outside �to��age in a "M-3, Light Industrial" zone behind a recently constructed 20, �00 squarQ �oot industrial. bu�.lding at ?220 S .W. ��nita Road, The szte i_s designat�d "General Industrial" on the Ti- II� g ard Community P1a,n and zoned "M-3, Light Industrial" . 2. 18 .48. 020 classi�ies as a condi�tional use "Any business , ser- vi�e, processing, storage, or display essential or incidental �- to ai�y permitted us� in thE M-3 zone and not conducted en- � �. �tirely withi.n an enclosed lauilding. " 3. 18, 72 .010 states that the Planna.ng Commission rnay attach as conditions "sight--obscuring �Pnc�;ng and landscaping where ert necessary to reduce noise or glare ar. maintain the prop y in a charac,ter in keeping with the surraundin.g area. " ; 4 4 . An obj�ctive of the �reeziway element of the Tigard Cpmmunity � Plan is to utilize the n�.tural drain�.gewa,ys provided by the , ,� Tual.atin Riv�r, Fann� Cr.eek, a,z�d thei.r tx�ibutaries as the ba- ' sic el�ment in a system of connectin� open. spac;es . " � i 5 . Po:L�.cy #4 0� the Environmental Desa.gn and Open Space Plan ` �d�pted by tY�e Pla.nning C;ommzssion states, ''The City shall '; adop� �n ordin�.nce t� regulate the removal and/or repla,cemen.t � of existing natural v�getati�n in ciesignated area (fl�od � plains, drainageways, area of high vis�.bility, unic�ue habi- �i ta.t�, or rare species) ," + ; 6 . 18 .6Q. 170 state�, "A1�1 areas used for the standing and maneu- � ver i::� o� �rehi.c�les shall be improved according to the sa.me speeificai;ions as requir�d by city strPets .'' ; ; tv � ,. f; "�-. ti�o,. � � � STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.F �� TIGARD Pi�ANNING COMMISSION May 3, 1977 - ?: 30 P.M. Page 2 II . STAFF UBSERVATIONS : The �i�te is occupied by a new 20, 000 square foot warehouse . The rea� portion of the warehouse and ttae proposed storage area are on fill which slopes down to I3u11 Creek and visible from S .W . ?2nd Avenue . This slope is presently unplanted. The applicant has proposec� planting rye grass on the back pnrtion of the site as part of Design Review approval . I�� Sirace the objectives o� the Ti�ard Community P]_an and the Environ- mental Design and O�en Space Plan is that al1 tributaries and draina�� areas laecome part of the greenway system, the prop�sed area should be screened by vegetation in keepi.ng with the natural su.r.roundings. (Policy #4) This landscape material woulc� serve !i a, dual purpose b,y screen�.ng the outside storage and would help re- tain r�ur�off from the sYtc�. III , CONCLUSI�NARY FINDINGS : The f�llowing finding can be found in favor of this proposal : I�, �. 1. T r . he p oposal does not vtolate any of the policies o� the T�- gard Community Plan, 1�71. 2 . Landscape screenin,g is necessary to minimize the adverse vi- sua� impacts of the outside starag� area an.d to maintain the pr�perty in criar�,cter with the surraunding natural area. i IV. STAFF RECON:M�NDATION: S�aff. recommet�d�d approval with the followin� conditions : l. The o�utside storage area be �creened by plant ma�t�.ri:als, with a landscape plan submitted f�r desi�n review 2. The outsicie storag� area be pa,ved to City standards 3. The outs.ide s�ora�e be limited in height to no rnore than one foot above 'the screening. � �. ._ � �w�. . STAFF REPORT �� AGENDA 5 .9 �"" TIGARD �LANNING COMAnTSSTON May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Fowler. Junior High Schaol - Lecture Room 1C�365 S .W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon DOCKET: CU 9-77 • to remodEl and expand a drive-in A conditional use ermit RE UEST. P Q � thea.tre �LOCATIQN: 11626 S .W. Pacific Highway (Wash. Co . Tax Map 1S1 36DC, L�t 5d0) APPLICANT: Eastgat;e Theatre I . FINDTNGS OF F�CT: 1. The a�plicant i.s requesta_n.g p�rmissi.an to expand a drive-in theatre at 11626 S �W. Paci�ic Highway by adding a second screen �n the northe�.st c�zner of a 10. 7 acre parcel in a "C-3, G�ne.ral Corramerci�.l Zon�" in accordancE with Section 18 .72 of the Tigard Munici.pal Code. 2 . The site is designated Resid�ntial Cozzramercial on the Tigard Community Plan and �oned C-3, General Commercial , which al- laws a drive-in theatre as a conditional use. �,,_ 3. 18 .72 . 010 states, "The Platining Cammission may require other cor�ditions �ound necessary to protect the t�est interests of the surraunding p�aperty or neighborhood or city as a whole. The cond��tions may include . . . requiring sight-obscuring fenc- ing anr� landsaaping where necessa.ry to reduce noise oz� glare or maint�.in the property in a charac�ter in keeping with th.e suriounding area. " 4. 18 .60. 1r10 (Impravements} states, "Except 3.n the cannection with the single �amil,y uses, all area,s u�ed �or thE standi,ng or maneuvering o� vetaicl�s shall be improved according to the same specifications as required �or city streets . " IT . STAFF OBSFRVATIONS : The site is presently unscreene� exc�pt for some evergreen trees, low shrubs, and blaekberri.e� . The majarity of site is not paved �ut consis`ts �� a gravel and dirt base. The main access is off A enue S W 72nd:, v of S .W. Pacifi.c Highway, with a second access on . . in the na�theast cornex• of the s:ite . ThP site is k�ordered on the east and south by single family homes, on the wESt by a gy�mnastics studio, and vacant iaild t� the nor�h. � 4._ ' �4...' �.. . . . STAFF REPORT AGENDl� 5.9 �. TIGARD PLANNING COTVIMISSIC�N May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 2 Because ot tkte nature af the business, the si.te is unattractive during the day and a possible nuisance (lights, noise, etc . ) at night . Staff has also received complaints from �the dance studio and reszdents along S .W. 72nd stating that traffic and loitering increases with the rating of the movies being shown . The site should, therefore, be screened by evergreen plantings in order to protect the surrounding property awners. According to a spokesman for the drive-in, the access to S .W. 72nd is not in use . In the past the Planning Commission has encouraged allevi�.ting t.raffic from S .W. Pacific �Iighway as much as possible . By using the 72nd acceas as an exit right turn anly, tra�fic, could be cleared with greater speed far those wishing to tY•avel south. Limiting th� turn.ing movemen�: to right turn o:nl.y will not place any additional traffic onto the Pacific Hi�Yzway frontage road at '72nd Avenue, whic;h functions p�or.ly at this tirne. Due to the mounding which is requireti to achieve the proper screen-car angle paving of those areas is unadvisable; therefore, the re-� quirEd p�,va.ng should be limit�d to the ai.slewa,ys, ent.rance, and exits. r, ��,:� NPO IV did have a chance to meet on the matter; i�owe��er, the chair�:an stated that a �e3ephone survzy woald be taken and its result presented at the mee�ting. III . CONCLUSIONAftY FINDINGa : The :Followiilg conclusionary firidings can be �ound in support o� the application : 1. The proposal conforrns to the Tig�.rd Community Plan, 1971, in that it is a commercial use whicY� does not further the strip commercial development along S .W. Pacific Highway and with ap- propriate conditions high design s�tandards for appearance and landscaping may be achieved. 2 . With the attachmen�t ot a.ppr�priate conditions, the propased. u.se will be compatible with the surrounding uses anc� appro- priate to the site. IV, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the findings of fact and conclusionary findings, staf� rec,ommends approval witl� the following conc�ii;ions: .__ , � � 1�°, _ l _, _ , 1 �; ��,. � �1 � S'TAFF EPO 2' �� R R t AGEND9 5 .9 `°' �f TTGARD PLANNING GOMMISSION i:� May 3, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. }; Fage 3 j,� �" �� 1. � The site be screenec� fr�m view of surraundin� �roperties by f; plant material an�d the entrance area and drive be landscaped. °'� The p�an be submitted for Design Review. �� �; � . Aecess on S ,W. 72nd be reopenecl with �lesign and directional � sigras pla,c�:d i;o designate it as an exit right-turzl only. i. 3. Areas used fc�r the maneuvering or parking of vehicle be paved �' to cit,y standards. �' ���, �� �I r; kt; ;,:; F; � � �. �; r: �,_ �1r � �,� f?, �; i, � � � � � ;.?�, ,;� i, . . . . . k:��i .. . . . .. � . � y!,� sl� �'. . . � . . � � . � � . . . �.% � . . � . � . . .. .. �.,:� ... . . . � . . � � � � � . �:�� .. . . � � �. . � � � . .� ��� . . . . . .. .. � � . � . . ' . . . . . . . � . . � . . . � . . . }�,:.�. , f, ,: gi;. . ... � . . . � . . . . . . . .. . . � : � .. . f.� � � � � � �. . . . � .� : � .� �, � �� . �� � � . . . . . � . . . � : i': . . . . . . . � . . � i'. �-� . .. . . . . .. . � � .. � . . � . � . � - �� �i ls ! : �" . � .... .. .. .:.........� � r..�,. .. —_ — -- — —