Planning Commission Packet - 03/01/1977 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. �. �� , AGENDA � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION March 1, 1977 - 7:00 P.M. Twa ' - l�t J re Room y unior High School Lectu I4 - 650 S.W. 97th A e Ti ard Ore on v nue g , g l . CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES : , 4 . COMMUNICATIONS : 4 .1 Report from Blue Ribbon Committee on Sign Code Revisions 5, PL'rBLIC HEARINGu : 5.1 ZQ�1E CHANGE ZC 4-77 (Wedgwood Home� Inc) NPO VII A request by Wedgwood Homes Inc . for a preliminaary review �,� a propased �27 single fami�.y lznits ancl 60 mul�;i-family unit planned development on the corner of S.W. 135th �,nd Walnut Stree�t , (Wash. Co . Tax Map 1S1 33D, Tax Lot ?00 and 2S1 4A, Tax Lot 700) . �•-s 5.2 �ONE CHANGE ZC 14-76 (Commonwealth/Glazer) NPO VII A request by Howard L. GZazer for a general pla�n and pro- gram review of a 6 qu�.d (24 unit) residential family unit in an R-7 (Single Faxnily) �one at SoW. 121st south o� Springwood Drive. (V�ash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 34B, Tax Lot 500) . 5.3 CONDITIONAL USE CU 2-''(7 (D. W. D. ) NPO I A .request by Danie]_s, Wiggins, and Daniels for a conditional use permit to lc�cate a machine shop in a M-4 (I�dustrial Park) zone at 895Q S .W. Burnham Stre�t . (Wash . Co. Tax l�ap 2S1 2AD, Tax Lo1: 2600) . 5.4 CONDTTIONA�, USE CU 22-76 (Family Aci:ivity CEnter) NPO F � A request by l�llisd Rea.lty Company for an am�ndment to a conditional use perma_t in regard to frontage road alignment for the family activity center. at 13450 and 134U0 S .W. Pacific Highway. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2CC, Tax Lots 100, 200 500 and 800) . 6. SUBDIVISION: 6 .1 �UBDIVISION S-2--77 (Black �3u11 Par.k) NPO VII � A .request by Dale Johnson to create a 33 lot residential E subdivision with a minimum lot size �f 7500 sq. �t. in a � R-7 (Single Family) zone north of S.W. ]lakota Street . (Wash.. Co . Tax Map 1:�1 34AA and 1S1 3�AD, Tax Lot 1Q0) . � s f � ^° � ��'�-^ AGFNDA TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ; � March l, 1977 Pa,ge 2 � I � , 602 SUBDIVISION 5-4-77 (Kutsch) NPO III i I A request by Kutsch Enterprises Inc . to create a 96 lot ; subdivision with a minimum lot siz� of 10,000 sq. ft . in ; an R-10 (Single Family) zone on S .W. 115th Avenue, south j of S.W. Fonn�r Stre�t . (Wash. Co . Tax Ma�p 2S1 3DB, Tax � Lots 200, 30U & 400) . ; � 6. 3 ZONING URDINANCE AMENDMENT 7�JA ].-77 j To amend Section 18.58 .010 of the Tigard Municipal Code � to add the "C-3M, Main Street Commercial" zone to list � of zoning dis�ricts whicri are subject to the Design � Fteview process. ; � 6.4 ZONZNG ORDII�TANCE AM�NDMENIT ZOA 2-77 To amend Section 17.28 .110 0� the Tigard Municipal Code j to establish 400' as the maximum cul-de-sac length, i 7. OTHER BUSINESS: ' $ � � 8 . ADJOURNMENT: � i ; , � � � � � ; � I;. _ _ ,i I . i ,� , t� , AGENDA � ,: TIGAR� PLANNING COMMISSION � � Ma.rch 1, 1977 - '7 :00 P.M. y �'' Twality J�znior High Sch�o1 - Lecture Room 3 14650 S .W. 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oreg�n � � 1 . CALI, TO ORbER: � � 2 . ROLL CALL: I 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ' ; 4. COMMUNICATIQNS : ° 4 . 1 Re�ort fram Blue Ribbon Committee on Sign Code Revisions y 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS : `' � , 1 . CONDITIONAL USE CU 1-77 (Tigard Motors) NPO III i ; A request by Rick�ard A. Cooper t� locate a used car lot r in a C-3 (General Commerc;ial) zane on S .W. Pacific FIi�hwa,y north o� S .W. Gaar.de Str. eet. (Was�i� Co , Tax Map 2S1 3DV, Tax Lot 1000) . (Tabled fr�m 2-15-'77) BDI ISIO 5-4-77 Kutsch NFO III 2. SU V N ( ) y ; � A request b,y Kutsch Enterprises Inc . to �reate a 96 lot �,' � subdivision with a minimum lo�t size oi 1U,000 sq. ft . in i an R-10 (Single Famil.y) zone on S .W. ll�tlz Avenue, south � o� S .W. Fonner Street . (Wash. Co . Tax t�iap 2S1 3DB, Tax Lots 200, 300 and 400) . 3. ZONE CHANGE ZC 14-76 (Commonwealth/Glazer) NPO VII �', ;; A request by Howard L. Crlazer f�r a general plan and program ;, review of a 6 quad (24 unit7 residential fami�.y uziit in an R-7 (Single Family) zo:ne at S,W . 121st south of Spr.ingwoad �`; Dxive . (Wash. Co . Tax Ma,p 1S1 3�B, Tax Lot 500) . ��:7 4. CONDITIONAL USE CU 2--77 (D.W,D, ) NPO I A request b� Dariiels , Wiggins, and Daniels for � conditional �, use permit to locate a mach�.ne shop in a M-4 (Industrial Park) �, zone at 8950 S .W. Burnham Street. (Wash . Co . Tax Map 2S1 2AD, Ta,x Lot 2600) . 5. CONDITIONAL USE CU 22-76 (Family Activity Cexiter) NPO I °. � �: A request by A11ied REa�.t,y Company for an amendment to a � conditional use �ermit in regard to frontage road alignmen.t a� for tlae family activity center at 13451� and 13400 S .W . Pacific �' �,k Highway. (Wash. Co, Tax Map 2S1 2CC, Tax Lots 100, 200, 500 ;,' �' and 800) . � � 6. SUBDIVISION 5-2-77 (Black Bull Park)' NPO VII ` _ �' ,, . . . . . � . �,x A request by Dale Johnson ta create a 33 lot resic.lential ` subdiv�ision with a minimum lat �izp of; 7500 sq. ft . in a, ;�. a � : , .. . . .:.a� `.� _. - __.. _ Q � AGENDA ��, �. TIGARI7 PLANNING COMMISSION �-'' March l, 1977 � P�:ge 2 �,-7 (Single Fami],y) zone narth of S .W. North Dakota Street . (Wash. Co . Tax Map 1S1 34AA and 1S1 34AD, Tax Lot 1CJ0} . 7. ZONING ORDINANGE AMENDMENT ZOA 1-77 ' To amend Section 18.58.010 of the Tigard Mu.nicipal Code to add the "C-3M, Main Street Commerei�al" zone to list of zoning districts which are subject to the Design Review process. 8 . ZUIVING OftDINANCE AMENDMENT 70A 2-77 To amend Section 17.28 .110 of the Tigard Municipal Code to establish �00 ' as the ma�irnum cul-de-sac leng�h. 6. OTIiER BUSINESS ; 7. .ADJOURNMENT: _ _ _ , _._ . __. i..j 4,<, c:r. ,� � t �"I � � �_ �+._ �.� M I NUTE.S rN; � TIGARLI PLANNING COMMISSION �' �"� �� March l , 1977 - 7:00 P.M. �' Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room �•�` 7.4650 S ,W. 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oregon ��+ �.' I�'> 1 . CALL TO ORDER: The rne�ting was cal.led to order by Chairman Papp �,; at 7:]:5 P.M. � ��' 2 . ROLL CALL: Present : Popp, Moore, Tepedino, Wood, Nicoli, Sakata 'F F (arrived during 5 . 1 ) . ��; t;;� �.�. E�cused Absence : Goldbach '' S','! Absent : Phillips C.,, l;., � ;�:; 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES : The minutes of I'ebruary 15th were approved � � � as submitted. �,.� ;;:;:; 4 . COMMUNICATIONS : i ; ,;� 4. 1 Report f.rom Blue Ribbon C,ommit�e� an Sign Code Revisions. ��i i:: llick Bolen , Planning Director, stated that a rPport on free i;'� star,ding si�ns would be ready for the April lst meeting. y,; t::! f' 5 . �UB1.,IC HFARINGS : � •-7 Ti ard Motars �a' � . CU 1 7 ( g ) a �`� A reque�t by Richard A. Cooper to locate a used ca.r lot in a 'x, C-3 (General Comm�rcial) zone on S .W. Pacific Hi�hway north �f �: S „W. Gaarde Street . (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 3DD, Tax Lot 1000) , �'�` Ta�led from 2�15-77. i; � � �;, A. Staff Repart : Read by Bolen , t � r : , B. Applicant ' s Presentati�n : ��±� � ! �-: George Schenk, applicant ' s .repr�sentati�re, stated that there r was a publ.ic need �or thi.s low intPnsity use, that th� si.te �;` in question is the most a.ppropriate, and that the appl:icant ;`' was not a.11owed to attend the NPO 3 meeting as per his reques� . ' ' �`, C. Publ.ic Testimony: NonP !; I'; D. Staf� Recommendati�n: tT 6,'� Staff recommends denial based on the following :findingst f�` l.L ]_ . The proposed land use is a highway oriented type of F� business and daes not conform to the "Reta.il Commercial". �;' �� ;, 2. The. generally undevelop�d character of this and adjoining t�` � parcels provic�es the opportunity for development ot an �;; a�:tractive retail co►nmercial area. The continuatian o� f� the "strip" , which presentl.y exists on the northeastern �sj I�4 ,: ��, �; a, � � � � � _ �� .. .. ,... ._ ... -, . . .. _ . ,. ,_ . . ��. _.. . . _ .. . .... . . .. _ .. . ._ . ... .. .... . _7.- . . .. .... _. ....,.. . h,.. 4: >':'. MINUTES � �. s � TIGAI�D PLANNING COMMISSION k.; • March l, 1977 ; ; 'Page 2 r` , ��, �;,��� portion of Pacific Highway would be a mistake, E:; especially since this would probably cast the die for the type of development to occu.r on 1;he adjoin- t ' ing parcels. Both Neighborhood I and TII have attempted ��' to stop the continued expansion of strip highway develop- ` ' ment in the vicinity of Garrett and School streets. The majority o� land in this area is now planned �or commer- . �::, ci.al professional development, with this and its adja- cent parcels near the Gaarde-McDonald intersection being slated for retail use . The boat sales facility approved across Pacific from this site was judged satisfactory by staf� because of the screening in the form of fencing and landscaping whicri was provid�d. o George Schenk stated that the applicant would be wi.11ing to fulfill any condition� set by Planning Commission especially in regard �to landscaping. E . Commission Discussic�n: o Discussion �n why applicant had not been invited to the . NPO III meeting. �' o Discussion on used car lot aesthetics . �; �,� �; r;: o Moore stated that the I�1P0's intent for the area in question �`; - was as a total complex to serve the community not to attract 'si driv�e by tr�.�fic. �'^' � C<. o Wood asked thaic the applicant submit de�ailed plan . �' Tepedino moved and Moore sPCOnded to deny �the application in �; order to al].ow the applicantto meet with staff �o prepare � an acceptable site plan. `� ,:i Wood asked the motion be amended to add that the applicant �;i be allowed to meet with NPO IIT . i', The motion wa� so amended. `' ;.i The motion was passed in a 5 to 1 voice vote witli Sakata �,' dissenting. ? d. �; 2 . 5-4-'!? (Kutsch) ;, �`: A �•equest to create a 9G lot subdivision on a 35 acre par�el in �` an R-10 single family residential zone . �. i A. Staff Report : Read by Daniels ' r� � , Staff presented a memo to the Commission about the project , Ij si;aff ' s concerns and NPO III findings . �, �: � B. Applicant ' s Presentation : �'. �; r .< _ __ _ . ' ti: . . � . . . . . . . . . .f � . . �'.. . � ii ��� M'I NUTE S �.... ���: '� i, TiGARD PLANNING COMMISSION '' � March 1, 1977 !�; �: Page 3 }-,, �. k', o Larry Bauer, Bauer �.nd Associates, reviewed the rea,s�n- i; ing for applying for a standard subdivision vs . a ` planned development and discussed thE tree suxvey. ��; �� o Neil Peterson, Devco Engineering, stated that cul-de�- sac islands would preserve trees and explained the �; drainage pond system. � o Bauer add,ressed sta�f conclusionary findings 1 - 5. �' ,,. ,: ,�; i,� C. 1'ublic Testimony: " �� � In Favor: ` o Eleanor Quimby statec� that new plan was superior but �a that access should be extended to S .W. Fairhaven Str.eet , �` hl i. � In Oppositi.on : � �" o Claude Smith expressed concern over traffic conditions ;' on S .W. �onner St.reet . � k`_ i < � o Woady Ostrom statec� that school systPm already is over- �.; l.o�.ded and that addztional developmen�t w�uld add to ' ,; �� the problem. �,; �,, o Peter Priescorn stated that thare were natural spr.ings �� on the si�te c�.using year round dxainage problems in addition to �,n existing mosqui�tQ problem. �. � D. Sta�� R�c�om�mendation; � � � � �����j, �� Stall stated that Tualatin F'ire District approved of the �. proposed Fairhaven connection and clari:�i:ed staff concerns �;:, about the groposal . `' s�, Staff recommends tabling o� this i�em in order �o� �he �, appl7.cant to re-submit a planned development . If �he �ommission does not ch�ose to follow staff 's advice on ;; this matter the subdivzsion should be tab-led in order for k; the stafF to assess the zmpacts of street .and building ° locations upon the existing vegetation and to consider �, the best method of providing a seconc�ary access point via 4.! S .W. Fairhaven Street. i=:� t; i Sta�f recommended if the subdivision i� appro�ed an am�nded � ' plat be submitted �or staff approva�. -showing tkse �ollowing: i`'' r-: � � � � � � �y r;: - Improve S .W. 115th Street to the intersection o� S .W`: �.� 115th Street and S .W. Fonner Street . {� � F: - Extend Quelle Street to provid'e �or a connectio�n with `` S .W. ��ai:rhaven Street which minimizes the loss of vegetation. �`-, r �; .�_ r ._. . . :�.�, _, . . .� . .. . . . - .: _ . . . � . .. , . . ... . . . . . . . .. . : ..:> .. _ ��,: : _ _ _ , . _ _ _ . __. .. . ._ . .. , , .,, M I NUTES ', �"'-` TIGARD PLANNING CO��Y,�tSSION �`�� March l, 1977 . Page 4 ' � � ' �; � - Genesis Street; be realigned so as to circumvent the �; loss of major cedar �trees in the southeast quadrant f"" of the pr.apexty. �, ��J - The alignment of S .W. Genesis Street in the northern �' partion. of the site be shifted to the north and the r.'� position of cu7.-de-sac be reversed. C'I - Dra�inage system be approved by Director of Public Works prior to final plat approval . �� i: t;i �; - An improvement and landscape plan for the greenway }; area be submitted for staff approval �rior to issuance , o:f building permits. ;� 'I � - Applicant be granted approval for minox adjustmen�ts ti�l in the location of sidewalks and streets in order to prese•rve the existing vegetation. This appr�val to �� � � inclucle the cxeal;ion of tree isla�ds. ;;; o Bauer a�reed to extend Nova�re Street to S .W . Fairhaven �; Street, that channel improvements would be done to im- E�; prove drainage, with increasecl lot size play areas would �� no longer be necessar.y, and that a bicycle path would f; � be built at their expense to city standards . ;; '�_ E. o Bil.l Nelson quesi;ioned provisions for � ,W. Fairhaven extension . { o Peter Priescorn asked that open play areas ou� of the flood plain be considereci. � 1:, E . Commission Discussion: �'. ;;� �; Discussion on pZanned development vs. subdivision. ;; �; 7: Discussion on S .W. Fairhaven Street connection . ;; ,: �. �: o Wood stated that planned development should be encouraged ;' due to the unique site characteristics. � t �; o Sakata stated that subdivision �hould be tabl.ed in order r to study the street pattern ef.fect on natural vegetation. �.` �. � o Nicoli stated he was in favor of the proposed suk�divi.siori. � o Moore stated that a planned dev�lapment woul.d allow va.riances that wou�d irnprove the development. �� Popp moved and Moore sea�nded to table the proposal in order h for the applicant to res�abmit for a planned development and � woi�k with staf:f on the "items of concern. The motion was approved in a 4 to 2 ro11 call v�te with Tepedino a.nd Nicoli dissenting. , ;�,, � , I � _, : , � .. .. . _ _ . , _ .. _.. � �, �� �.*•, � MINUTES ' TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �, March 1, 1977 . . . Page 5 �; ��, 5 , 3 ZONE CHANGE ZC 14-?6 (Commonwealth/Glazer) A request for a zone change from Washingtqn County Suburban � (SR) to City of Tigard single family residential (R-7) with �� an overlying planned dev�l�pment to permit six quad houses E� (four plexes) . A. Staff Report : Read by Bolen (' B. Applicant 's Presentation: � Howard Glazer, applicant, ex�lained housing assistance j programs, in g�neral-•density, quad groupings, and economic � i.mpact , and stated that the play areas would be buffered by landscaping for protection. � C. Public 'Testim�ny : In �avor: None In opposition: � Gene Crater, Leon Tigard, Bob Hall , Marshall Goodrich, ' Frank Lamont, Robert Nelson presented testimony express- ing concern ovex the effec�t the development would have on surrounding property values, school and park capac�ties and vandalism. D. Staff Recommendatian : Staff rPCOmmends approval with the following conditions : 1. Half street irn�provement be insta'lled to city collec-- tor street standard on S .W . 121st Street . 2. Applicant agree to the vacation of S.W. 122nd i� and ` when this is dePmed necessary by the city.' 3. That the sidewalk constructed �,djacent the street be eight feet in width (minus the curb width) to accomo- date pedestrian and bicyclist . �. That a berm be placed adjacent S .W. 121st and S .W. _ Springwood. o Vivian Beatty expressed concern aver architectural I i t ract n . o ' c as a t and a e rou the 1 e t w desi n g g P P J g g E. Commisson Discu�sion : �,, o Nicoli stated objections to architectural d�sign, site � planning and the construction quality of the develop:ment . . _.... : .. . ..... .. .:.: �,� , _: . , ., .. .. . :: ... , � r ,. ..:� _ , . . _ � : , . . , . . ., .:.. . __ . _._..: _ _ _ .. .::: ,..,., , . ,. _ ;, �� M I NUT�S �.:., ,.:.. ���' � 2'IG�RD PLANNING C� ;;ISSION �N. Pa:ge 6 �`?. o Moore stated that there is a definite ne�d for the Y ; housing proposed. � + Y � �_ o Wood questioned project densi.ty in relationship to � j the underlyings R-7 zonF� and the project cost . ; ; o Tepedino ask�d that covenant agreements and main� tenance bond be considered. �-�� (�; o Popp stated that more variation in the units archi= }�. tecture, number of room�, and stories woul.d be ad- ' visable. � ' k+ 1"', Nicoli moved and Popp s�conded to deny the proposal on i the ground that duplexes would be preferred to c�uad �! �. housing. � �„ The mation failed in a 3 to 3 roll call vote with `" Moore, Tepedino and Wood dissPnting. y ��,`� M�ore moved and Tepedin� seconded to approve the pxo� �;'. posal with the four staff recoanmendations, performance , bond, cavenants, and re�triction� b� investigated cub-- j ject to Planning Commission approval . r:� �'; h:: o Wood inquired whether the Design Review Boaxd had .;� authGrity to change th� site plan and bui]_c1in� . i�; I.� ;:; �,,,' o Staf:� responded that ance the site plan is adopted � by the City Council the basic plan must be adhered to . o Moore agreed t� amend the �notion to give Design Review Ei�ard authority to change design elements . �, The motion fail�d in a 3 �to 3 roll cal]: vote with Sakata, �:, Popp and Nicoli dissentingo �' i� �; Moore moved and Sakata seconded to table the item until �; the nexi; meeting and asked that the Design Review Board �;, review the site plan in the intErirn. t" I` The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote. � �� fl 4. CU 2-77 (D.W.D. ) F� A x� uest to locate a machine shop in an "M-4, Industrzal � q Park" zone. '� � A. Sta.ff Rep�rt; Read by Daniels . � I 1 B, Applicant 's Presentation: Gerald Daniels pr�sented the proposal . �r C. Public Testimony: None; D, Staff Receonunendation : Approval as submit�ed. .... ,_ _ ..., _ ,... .. .. _- , , .. , . ,. �_LL : ,.. _ . _ _ � I � MINUTES � �+-.- TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION Page 7 � � '�- E . Cflmmission Discussion : � Moore moved and Te,pedino secondEd for approval based an staff findings. The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote . 5. CU 22-76 (Family Activity Center) � A request for an amendment to a conditional use permit in � regard to the frontage road alignment for the family activity center. � I A. Staf� Report : Reacl by Dani�ls. ` Staff submitted a letter :from Ore on State Hi hwa Division. � g � Y , r B. Applicant 's Presentation : � John Amundson, Amundson i� Assoc. , explained �the r�asan for ` an amendment and stated that A11ied Realt,y would im�rove f the frontage road to �their north property 1ine. `' � C. Public Testimony: None ( P �w D. Staff Recommenda,tion: , Approval of the amendment to the conditional use perrnit to approve the coneept of closin� a cen.tral acce�s point onto S .W. Pacific Highw�,y. + E . Commission Discussioil : Discussion on realignmei�� . � Nicoli movecl and Tepedino seconded to approve the praposal �, with staff recommendations subject to Ti�ard Public Works � DirECtor anc� State Highway llivision approval . The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote. � 6. 5-2-77 (Black Bul1 Park) � A requ�st to create a 33 lot subdivision on a �.2.03 acre parcel � in an R-7 zone , � A. Staff Report : Read by Daniels. � B. Applicant 's I�resentation : � Richard Waker, Waker & Assoc, stated that sidewalk wou�.d �" be provided abutting lot �`1 and disagreed with anything beyond nominal landscaping. ; C. Public Testimony : _ . _ _ _ < . :. _ - ,. � - _-_ ___ _ _ . _ _ i. 4': �: MINUTES ` �� _ TIGA�tD PLANNING COMMISSION � ♦' . Page 8 ,;; ' i: � ' � Steve Spiegel test�.fied in favor o� th� p1an . F,: In opposztion : ! ;; � �,,i, o Yvonne Larson asked that the matter be tabled until ` � i th� zone change is appraved. �, i ;:; , o Staff responded that any approva7. would be conditioned F ' upon the zone change approval and would become void if ! ' the zone chan�e failed. ; ' ;; k- o Bill Hazland and Yvonne Larson expressed concern over traf�ic safety, pedestrian access and poor cc�ndition of a . S.W. Dakota Street. ;;: D. Staff R�comme,ndation: Staft infor.mPd the Baard that the scho�l distric�t Encouraged � the canstruction and u�e of interconnecting ped�strian pathc . 4 l . A 1 ' access control strip be dedicated to th.e ciiy and ba,rrier.s p�.aced. 2. A park improvement plan with a standard city � ° bike path be p.rovided for staff approval. � i �„, �:: � 3. A landscape plan with materials appropriate fnr flood plain environments a,nd with screening capabilities be �,? r, submi�tted �pa° sta�� appr•oval as well a.s a street tree program for tY�e Design R�view Board approved list of �, trees. Sta�f is looki_ng for a continua.tion �f the � �r�enway improvements which have occured in Englewaod. �' I ' 4. �edestrian access to the greenway be pxovided fr.om each �;� cul-de-sac i;o the greenway . ''- o Staf� stated tlaat any approval would be subject to zon� � change a�proval by City Counci.l . o Dale Johnson xpviewed condition recommended by staff and �:; protested conditions #3 and #40 �'. i, , o Staff responded that coni;inuation of the greenway park �:; begun in the Englewood development be cantinued through '' �, this site including childrens play equipment . ;`'. i�;: E . Commission Discussion ; �., Discussion on street alignment and aonditions. �;! i", Te.pedino asked that any actYOn involving flooa plain come 4,. � back to Planti�.ng Comrnission, �� ,, ,.: r;s Wood movPd and Tep�dino seconded for a�proval based' on � s�taff :fi nding and s�aff` conditions and a�ded that no dis- ' F' :, trubance �n th� f.lood plain be allowed without Planning j:i �. .. , . , . : _ _ , ll:'. MINUTES � �'`'° : �., TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � ' • Page 9 �, � . � ��,�� �-- Commission approval and #4 be changed to read one access . s',: r,�; i:' The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote. � ! � �,. 7. ZOA 1-77 ;,..;, ;;: A request to add the "C-3M, Main Stree� Commercial" zone to the !.'' list of those zones within which new construction and major ':` remodEling is subject to Design Review Board approval . � �.' ;�. A. Staff Report : Read by Daniels �' ,,; � , B. Staff Recommendation: `'" C':, Amending Section 18.58.010 to re�.d "except for single �' family dwellings building permits and certificates of `""� occupancy within all �ones ; building permits and certi- �:;':i ficates of occupancy shal.l be issued in accordance with ;,: a site devel�pment plan appr�ved 'by tlle site developrnent �'":' p.lan and design review board for i;he 10� or tract on which I . �r,�, ttie proposed use, uses or major remodelings and additions �;; are to be located. " '`� �.;, �. C. Public Testimony : None ," ,, � i' D . Comma.ssion Discussion: �;; jh:; << Wood moved and Tepedino seconded to approve 1:he proposal `t�� based on sta:ff findings with �taff recornrnendatiaiis . ¢: The mo�ion was approved by un�,nimous voice vote . 1�:� !:° �� 8. ZOA 2-77 ";^ I; ��� A request to amend Section 17. 28 .110 of the Tigard Municipal �' ,: CodE to reduce in �.ength the ma.ximum cul-de--sac stree�t length �? from F00 ' to 400' . �" ;: �> A. Staff Report : Read by Daniels ; _� ,. Stalf also submitted testimony from the Fire Marsha7. �' encoura�ing the proposed change . �; ,,, t.. B. Staff Recomnnendation : ;;; Replace the words "four hundred'' fo�° "six hundred" in � Seci;ion 17 .28.110 of the Tigard Municipal Code. ��: C. Public Testimony: None �; �: �' D. Commission Discussion : i� � r; Wood rnoved and Sakata seconded for a�proval based on �1 staff fitiding. � � The motion failed in a 3 ta 3 roll eall v�te with Moore; ....' _: _ ,. . , . _ .. � . �-- --- , - �I�ARI3SPLANNING CO�,� �SSION �.�Y Page 10 Nicoli and Popp dissenting. �,`- Moc�re asked that the motion be rec�nsi.dered. The motion was appr�ved in a 4 to 2 v�oice vote with Nieoli and Popp dissenting. ?. OTHER BUSINESS: o Staff informed the Planning Commissio�i that the City Council had upheld their decisian on the Scott Planned Development ' appeal . n Chairman Popp reminded th� Commission that the con.flict o.f inte.rest reports should be fil:led out and returned. � ; _ 8, ADJOURNMENT: ; Thert being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 12 :15 A.M. ! 1 � , -, :i � � �� , ,,.y � , �� � § s � � � � ,, � �, � , � � , i � , ; �,'� � - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARII�.�,� ��. TIGARD PLANNINU GOII�MISSiON March l , 1977 - 7:OD P.M. Twality Juniox High Schaol - Lecttire Room 14F�5� S .W. 97th Avenu:e -• Tigard, Oregon 4. COMMUNICATIONS : 4 .1 Re�oxt from Blue Ribbon Committee on Sign Code Revisions 5 . PUBLIC HEARINGS: 5.1 ZONE CHANGE ZC 4-7? (�Ued�wood Homes Inc) NPO VII A requ�s�t by Wedgwood �Iornes Inc. f�r a preliminary review �f a ro osed 227 sin le fami_ly units and 60 multi-farriily F P � unit �lanned devel�pment an the corner af S .W. 135th & Walnut Street . (Wash. Go . Tax M�.p IS1 33D, Ta� �ot 700 anci 25�. 4A, Tax 'Lot 700) . 5 .2 ZONE CHANGE ZC 1�-76 (�LommonWealth/Gla,zer) NPO VII A .request by Howard L. Glazer for a general plan and pro-- gram review of a 6 quad (24 uni�) residential family u�:i�t in an R--7 (Single Family) zone at S .W. 121st south o:� Springwood Drive. t`Wash . Co . Tax Map 1Sl 348, Tax Lot 5�0) ��:� 6. 3 ZONI�TG O�i.DINANG'E AM�NDMFNT ZOA 1-77 To �.mend Section 1.8,5�8.0�.0 of the Ti�ar.d Municipal Code �to add the "G-3M, Main Street Comrnercial9t zone to list of zaning r�istricts which are s�bjlect to th� Aesign Revi�w process. 6.4 ZONING OR,DTNANCE AMFNDMEN�' ZOA 2-77 ' ' To amend Secti�n 17.28,11� of the Tigard bfunicip�.l Coc1e to establish �00 ' as the maximum cul�-de-sac lemgth. All persons having an inter�st in any of the heari.n:g matters �.re .inv�.ted to appEar and submit oral and written testimony or s�zbmit written testimony in advance of the meeting�. I� (Publish in TT 2-17-77) .: _ i � NOTICE OF PUBLIC IiEARID?"� ��� �, �. ��. `i; TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ;; March 1 , 1977 - '7;00 P.M. '' r.��, Twality Junior High School. -- Lecture R�om �� r:, � 1�650 S ,W. 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oregon ;; a� 4 . COMMUNICATIONS: 4.1 Repart �rom Blue Ribbon Committee on Sign Code Revisions �'; !'� 5. PU�3LIC HEARIPIGS: 5. 1 ZONE CHANGE ZC 4-77 (Wedgwood. Homes Inc) NPO VII A rec�uest by We�igwood Homes Ine. for a preliminary review '' of a proposed 227 single family iznits and 6� multi-�arnily unit p�anned development on the corner af S.W. 1'35th & Walnut 5treet. (Wash. Co . T�.x Map 1S1 33D; Tax Lvt 700 and 2S1 4A, Tax Lot 700) . '� 5. 2 ZONE CHANGE GC 14-7Fi (Commonwealth/Glazer) NPO VII .j A requ�st k�y Howard L. Glazer for a general plan and pro- gram .review of �. 6 quad (24 lznit) resi.dential family unit i.n an R-7 (Single �'amily� �one at S.W. 121st south of Springwood Drive. (Wash, Co. Tax Map 1S1 34B, Tax Lat 5Q0) � 5. 3 CONnI'PI(�NAL U�E CU 2-77 (D.W.D. } NPO I �Y A request by Daniels, Wiggins, and Daniels �or a condi�tional i use permit to locate a machine shop in a M-4 ( Industria�7. �; Pax•k) zone at b950 S.W. Burnham Street . �Wash. Co. Tax biap ��� 2S1 2AD, Tax Lot 26C1U) . t�;� 5.4 CONDITIGNAL USE CU �2-76 (Family Activity Center} NPO I A request by Allied Realty Company for an atnendment to a �.� ��.nci�.tional u.se permit in regard to frantage roar� alignment `' �nr the familq activity center at 13450 and 134�0 S .W. Pa.cific Highway. (Wash . Co . Tax Ma;p 2S1 2CC, Tax Lots 100, �1 �00, 500 and 800) . `� 6. SU'F3DIVISION: �:� 6 .1 SUBDIVISION 5-2-77 (I31ack BuI1 Park) NPO VII ' � A reyuest by Dale Ja�nson to create a 33 lot re:sidential ' �, subdivxsion with a minitnum lot size crf 7500 sq. ft . in a RWashS1CaleTaxmNiay>1S1n34AArand�]:�1 34Ana�Tax LotPlOU) :; ( � , �,�' � ,,' 6 .2 SUBDIVISION 5-4-7'� {KLttsch) NPO TII �`: A request by Kutsch En�erprises Inc. to create a 96 ].ot r' subd�ivision with a minimum J.�t siz� of l0,Q00 sq, f1; . i� ;:i an R-10 (Single Family) Tone on S.W. I15�th Avenue, s�uth ; o�# S.W. Fonner Street . (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 3DB, 'Tax �' Lo�t 200 300 & 4U0) . '}; , ;,;, ;s�, ,. _ �> ;.; ;.rv � � � � �� �� , � � �,,,... �,; ��;. ��.,. 6.3 ZONING ORD7NANCE AMEI�DA�l�N�.` Z4� 1-77 � To aznend Section 18.58.010 of the Tigard Munic�pal Code ' ��. to adfl tk�e "C-3M Main Street Cornmercial" zone to list of zoning districts which are subiect to the Design Re- v3:ew process . � 6:� ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ZOA 2-77 '''� To amend Section 1?.2$.110 0� the Txgard Municipal Code to establish 400 ' as the maximum cul-de-sac length. All persans having an interest in any of the hearing matters are invited to app�ar and submit oral and written testimony or submit written �testimony in advance qf the meeting, (Publish in TT 2-��-77) ; j , � � �._ � ,: ;,, �: I, �: �. - i; (' E . . . . . . . . . �. .. � . . . . . . . � . :, ��1 . .. � � .. � � � � � � . . .. 33� .. . � . � . � � . � . . . ..�� � � �.. . .. .. .. . . ��f .. . � �� � . � � . .. .� .. . � �l B� �.�� . . .. � .�P� .. � � . . . .�,... . - .__.:�', �: . ..�. .. . ..� ��� . . '. � '.-�� �.;.�� •r�' ... .. ... .. . . ... ... __ _' � - . . .. . i .., . ',� MINUTES � � b.., NPQ #3 I�'ebrudry 23, 1977 r�" Lincolnwood Center Conferemce Room �..� 1 . C;ALL TO OkDE�: The meeting was called to order a.t 12: 10 P.M. 2. ROIaL CALI,: Nlembe.rs Presen�L : Berquist, Haldor.son, McCoy, Scheckla,, Mgebroff, and Chairman Kluempke, Staff Members: Bolen a.nd Daniels Abseni; : Lesperance, I�. Mc�Coy, Quimby, kaetz, R�senquist 3. A request by Richard Cooper to locate a usec� c�.r lot in a C-3 (General Cornmercial) zone on S ,W . �acific Highway n�rth of S .�l. Gaarde Street . l . Presentati�n by �taff . Bolen showed the NPO a site plan of the �roposed used_c.ar l.at and described what occuret� at the February 15th Planning Commission m�eting. 2. Discussian : o Mr� . Scheckla pointed aut that she f.el_t this use to �e in con�lict with the I�PO #3 plan in that it reprssented a � strip highway use. o Kl.uempk� said that he would .lik� to see the NPCI adopt a bla,nket statement :Cor �.11 thsse parceZs o� g�cound �to avoid h�.ving NPO meetings ev�ry �t;ime a dev�lc�p�nent praposal. came u.p ori �ne of them. o Mgebrc�i'f sug�ested th�.t befo�e any deve7�opment propc�sals � be approved �n these properties that a detaa�led devPlopment = plan be pr.ep:ared and each prop�sal reviewed in terms of � � thPir comp'liance with this plano �! € o Kluempke made a, motion wl��ieh was ser.ondeci by Scheckla t� " adopt the con.c;lusionary findi�gs 1. anci 2 �r�sent�d by i staff to the Planning Commission at their Feb:ruary 15th ` meet ing. These f iizdings read as f�ollows; -� � 1 . The proposed land use is a highway oriented type f of business anc� does n�t confarm tn the "Retail '�' Cammercial" fl� � �,� 2 . The generally undeveloped character of �this and �'' adjoining parcels pro�ides the oppor�tznit� for 4 development of an attractive retail corr�mercial s� ar.ea. The contintxation of the "strip", whi.ch ?'� presentl� exists on the z�ortheastern partion of ��� � z Pacific Highway would be a mistake, especially' :;� since this would probably cast the die �or i;�e � type of development to occur on the adjoini,ng par- c�1s . Both Neighborhood I and III have attempted � to stop the continued �xpansion of strip highway , .� _ ., _ . .. .;:..__,.. . . ,. .. � . .. � r,i MINUTES � F: � .� � NPO #3 � `���� t, February 23, 1977 � Page L i K�� development in the vicinity of Garrett and School ;`, streets . The m�.jority of land in this a.rea is now r; planned for commercial professional development , �' with this and its adjacent parcels near the Gaarde- i McDonald intersection being slated for. .retail use. � The boat sale� facility �.pp.rov�ed across Paci�ic from this site was judged satisfactory by staff because of the screening in �he form of fencing and land- scaping which was provided. The motion was approved by unanimous vote by the members present . '' 4. A request by Kutsch Enterprises Inc. ta create a 96 lot subdivision with a minimum lot size of 10,000 sq. ft . in an R-10 (Single Family� zone on S.W. 115th Avenue, sc�uth of S .W. Fonner Street . ; l . Staff I�resentation: Bole� presented the NPO with the latest plan submitted by Kutsch Enterprises wh�ch was a standard R-10 subdivision plan. He ' painted �ut that the cleveloper has chosen not to proceed with ' r �, - a plan.ned development as this rnore complicated process as well ' � as objections which have been raised by adjoining property owners j �� makes him question �th� a,bility to get a propo�al approveci. Bolen � stated i;hat it was the staff ' s position that an environmentally � � unique parcel o� ground such as this should only be developed as a plarinecl development in order to minimi�e th� env�.ronm�nta,l impacts of building streets, providing k�uilding lots, �tc. 2. Discussion : o MgEbio�f said that he was not concerned about the methodolog,y (planned developrnent vs . st;andard subdivision) but rather the e�d result . He said he liked lc�wering the density to 96 uz�its but also liked some of the environmental guarantees pro�- vided by the planned development zone. o Sch�ckla said that she also �referred the lower d.ensity n�w i�eing proposed by the developer but felt that the NPO #� plan recommended the development; of this land as a planned development and the NPO plan should be adhered to . o Mgebroff moved and Scheckla seconded that, the NP0 prefers the lower number of units being proposed by Mr. Kutsch (96 as compared to the original 133) anci finds the large lo� single �amily character o� the proposal to be in keeping with the overall neighborhood character; however, the NPO � would pre�er that this site be developed as a planned develop- ment in order to maximize the preservati,o� of thP natura�. environment . The vote was unanimous. ��. .. _ .. .-�-_-,..._ , _ �MINUTES � �t_ �. , NPO #3 February 23, 1977 ,� Page 3 �w� 5. Update on the Poll�ck planned unit development between �.W. Walnut and S .W. Pathfinder. l . Sta�f Presentation: Bol,eil shawed the NPO the latest development proposal :£or this larad, explaining that the developer had con�e in with the intEn� ; of dropping the planned development request and. go�,ng with a standard subdivision. However, after considerable discussion � thP developer has chosen to go with the planned development . � 2. Discu�sion: ' � The mem�iers in attendar�ce stated tlZeir agreement witlz the ' lo��vering of the density from 18 to 14 units but in that i�t "� was time for adjournm�nt no m�tion was made on thas d�velopment. ` 6. ADJOUI3,NM:�NT: Th� meeting adjoined a�; 1 : 30 P.M. , ;; �,_ � ,; � J a f:. . � .. . ' .�i. � . � . ... ��� . . . . .. :t�� �� r,; . . � . . . . . . � �:1 . � . . , . r;;4 � � , . � � �.. . � ... t:'� ;;i � .. . . .. t"� � � . � . . .. � . :iy� . . .. . . . �$._ . . � � � . � . . . . . i`{�! . . � . . . . .� . � . . . . . . . . ... .-�h; . . . . . � . . . � � . . .. : . , . .. ...�!.i . . . . . � . . � .. � �. �,� � �. � � . . . .. . . � � . .� �. . . - .. . .. .. ���l,.'. . . � . � . . .. . .. � � . . � . . . �� . .� . . � � �i: . . . . . .. . � �;,, .. . . . . . . - � ��:: . . . . . - . . �t. . � � . .. . ... . . � . , .. � . � .. ' S,i �"� � . . � � � . . . .� �.. �,. t . . � . � . . . . . . . �� . . .��R,. . . . . .. . � .. � . . . . . . . . �,. i;': . . . . . . . ... . .t�e . � . � _ .. . ,,a . . � . . . � � � . . . �S,` . � . � . . � . . � . . . � . . � . , 'X$ . . .. � . . � ... � ..� � . . . s°I . � � � . . � �. . .. . .. . . �fI�F . . . .. .. . �. S'� � . .. . .. ... ;. . : .. .�: . .;� . _.......... ,.� ,:':� �TAFF RFPORT �, � �,, AGENDA 5. 1 TIGARD PLANNING COI��MISSION February 15, 1977 - 7: 00 P.M. �a Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room " 14650 S .W. 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oregon . DOCKET: CU-1-77 FtiEQUEST; To loca�e a used car sal.es operation in a C-3 zone. LOCATION: S .W . Pacific Highway (Wash . Co . Tax Map 2S1 3I>D, Tax Lot 1000) APPLICANT: Richard A. Coo�er/Tigard Motors I . B�SIC FACTS : 1 . The site is designated "Retail d:ammercial" on the Neighbox- hood Plan III and zoned "C-3 General_ Commercial" . 2. Sect�on 18 . 28 .020( 5) of tk�� Tiga.rd Municipal �;�de al.lows "automobile, bo°at and trailer sales as �, canditional use in the C-3 zone . " • 3. Applicable policiea from IVeighborhood Pla.n III are : ,� Polic,y 18 . Pacific Highway' is develapiz�g as a s�rip � �,�_ commercial higlaway . The traff ic-carrying capacity c�f this hi.ghway shoul.d have th� hi�hPSt priority and adjacent commercial development shoul.d be subordinated i;o this need. � Folicy 19 . Tn th� interest of safety and ef�iciency , �7 the number of highway access p�ints must i' be k�pt to a minimum. �Whe.r�ver possible. �^ businesses on Pac:�fic H�ghway should be �+ clustPred and share common parking facili- ! tie� ancl driveways . As new development �� oc,curs , the number of access paints shoul.d t� not exeeed the ntzmber necessary for pr.oper `:; on-site traffic circula�ic�n and, where �' possible, should be eombined with �,ceess � tn adjacent businesses . �! . (x Policy 20 . Businesses�on Pacific Highway should be � oriented ta the existing traf�ic and. not draw additional tra�fic from the adjacent community. Any additional convenience or ' nei�;llbor�hood centers' shau;l.d b� centrally � located to the maa^ket area they serve, G �; Policy 21 . Development will coincidE with tY�e: pro- �' � ' �, uisisions of public streets, water and s` sew�rage facilities. These facilities shall be {a) �apable of a.dequately serv- ing all intervening properties as well as ; � STAFF REPORT �,,, �{ . AGENDA 5 . 1 TIGARD PLANNING COn4MISSION February 15, 1977 Page 2 �., the proposed develo�ment , and (b) designed to meet city or county standards . 4. The Neigh�orhood Plan III Map specifies this area for retail commercial development. The plan text involves a lengthy discussion of the negative aspects of strip commercial development . Strip highwa,y uses, such as autornobile sales lots, fast food restaurants , etc . are found to be most appropriate on �ortions of the highway ' which alrea.dy exhibit this develo�ment trencl. These areas are from School Stre�t to Johnson Street a,nd as depicted on the Tigard Community Plan from Highway 21? to Tn�erstate 5. II . FINDINGS; 1 � The ap�licant is rPq�a�sting to lacate a used car sales lot on a vat;ant 1 . 13 acre pazcel on the west side of � S .W. Pacific Highway north of S .W. �•ZcDonald Street and S .�'. Gaarde Street . 2. The surrounding uses are, a single family residence on the north side, Pacific Highway a�d the abandoned Ernie ' s ' �.�.. hfarket on the east , an �.�andoned severely deteriarated motel on the south, and vacant land on the tivest . �. The s�.te is rela.tively i'lat apprnxima�;Ely 75% cover�d with black top (the rear 86 ' is an lznkept wee� patch) . The site has three areas of vEge�tation o� whiclz ane is �rojected to remain . � � 4 . Section 18 . 28. 040 0� �:he Tigard Municipal Code specii'ies � a 1Ci ' landscaped �ront yard seti�ack in a C-3 zone and �; S�ction 1$.12 .100(U) fur•ther requires a mznimurn setback of 6C1 ' from Pacific FTighway. The proposed site plan does �' c not project any structures within 7Q ' of the center line r; and proposes a 10 ' wide 30" high landscape l�erm. (Sec- ; tion 18 .08 . 560 establishes a 36" height limit at access � points for vision clearance) . i ; E: 5. Th� site is servPd by direct access onto S.W. Pacific �' Highway via two 30 ' curb cuts . The applicant prop�ses ' ; to eliminate the southern one at this time �.�d the second � one when a frontage road pro�osed as part of a project , � (yet to be present�d t� the Planning Commissior� involving �. the surrounding 13 acres is constrt�cted. The eventual clasing of the curb cuts and the immediate elimin:ation � o.f the one is an attractive proposal in terms of traffic j � safety along Paci.fic Highway and �urthers the transporta-� �, tion policies of Neighi�orhood Plan IIT . ' F Autamobile sales outlets are relatively low i:ra�'fic, genera- , �; to�s when compared to the other retail uses a1low�d in the � C-3 zone. ; . .. ... .. .. ��:,...� . .r.:.: ... , ..,: �:; ' . �Yi '�' ��TAFF REPORT � � AGENDA 5. 1 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION February 15, 1977 ,;�,; Pag� 3 6. Section 18.58 .U60(l � of the Tigard A�unicipal G�de requires "Tree and shrub plantings within parking area.s shall be provided and maintained at approximately ?0' on center �ach way . The entire area used far car storage and di.�play is subject to this provision. No landscape islands are incorporated into the site plan. " Two of the three existing �lanter beds are shown for removal . The largest is in the southeast c,orner with a very large camelia and some good sized pine trees . Due to their size, reloca:tion would be extremely diffi- cult > The second area includes a large evergreen tree north of. the proposed location of the mobil_e o�fice . Although �:he ad.jacent land uses are in transition the con- cErn for the compatability of �his use and future uses should be t�.ken �_nto account . Buffering can best be achieved by vegetative screening whi.ch provid:e some screening at this time and be supplemented when adjacent I parcels redevelop. i 7. There is a sign structure on the site. It appe�.rs to be i.n •conformance with the sign code . �., 8. There a.re no sidewalks in this area and when this lot is developed pedPStrians will have to walk in the ro�,dway . 9 , Ther� is a 16, 000 sq. ft , area shown �or "natural ground cover" . Section 18 . 58 .Q60(2) c�f the Tigard Municipal Code � requires that it be landscaped az�d maintained. III . CONCLUSIONARY FINDING� : � l . The proposed land use is a Iligh�vay oriented type of � business and does not conform to the "Retail Com�cnercial" f designation af the Neighborhoad l�lan III Ma� . � 2. The generally undeveloped character of this and adjoining y parcels provides the opportuni�:y for development �f an 1 '� attractive retail commercial area. The continuation of � th� "s�;ri�", whieh presently exists on the northeastern ! '� portion of Pacijic Highway would be a mistake, especially � since this woul.d prok�ably cast the die for the type of i development to occur on the adjoining parcels. Both Neigkaborhood I and III have attempted to s�:op the continued , expansion of strip highway development in the vicinity of Gar.rett and School Streets. The majority of land in this area is now planned �or commercial professianal development, wi�h this and its adjacent parcel.s near the Gaarde-McDonald �; intersecti,on being slated for retail use. The boa� sales facility approved across Pacific from this site was judged satisfactory by staff because of the screening in the form of fencing and landscaping which was provided. � _. r Q � � � � _ 4�«.� STAFF REPORT AGENDA l �,,�. TIGARU PLANNING COMMISSION � Marck� 1 , 1977 T V. STAFF RECOMMENDATIOI�T: See attached copy of NPO #3 minutes. �� i � � � �� . . � � � . � . Y� . . � . . . . . . . . . . �...�'� � . ... . � . . . . . � .. . � . . . � . . . .. � .. . � . . � . . 1 � . .. . . . . . .j � � . . � . . . . . � � . . � � . .1 . . .. _ . � � � �� . .� . . . . . . . . . . . � . � � ' . � .. � ...t � � . . . . . . . . �. � . . . . . � .'.:� � . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . .. T . .. � . . . . . . � . . � . .. . . . . �� ..� . . . . .. �. . . .,.. . . . . . �� . . t , . . .. . . - � . . . �. �� . . � .. � . � . �.! . . � . . .. . .. . . . . . . � . . � ��f � . , . . . . � . . � .. .. � . . �. � .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ��1 ... . . . . . . ..:� i , ;; ;t `'�. �t STAFF REPOI�T ,�� AGENDA 2 ��" TIGARD. :PLAVNING COMMISSION March 1 , 1977 - 7:00 PM Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room 14650 S �W . 97th Avenue - Tigard, Ox�e�on DOCKFT: 5-4-77 REQUEST: �'o create a 96 lot subdivision on a 35 acre parcel in an R-10 si.ngle family residential zone. LOCL�TION: West of S .W. 1�.5tY� Avenue, north of S .W. Fairh�.ven �treet (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 3DB, Tax Lots 200, 300, 400) APPLI�ANT: Kutsch EntErprises, Inc. I . BASTC FACTS : 1 . The si�;e is designated "Subruban D�nsity R�sidential - three �welling units acre" on �t;he Neighborh�od Plan III anci zoned "R-10, Single Family Residential" . 2 . Section 17.12. U30 of the Ti��.rd Municipal Code au�thorizes the Planning Commission to approve preliminary plan and Section � 17.16. 100 states : E.:.,. "No tentative plan for. a proposed subdivision and on ten�ative plan for a major pa.rtitian �hall be approved unless : (1) Streets and roads are laid out so as to confo.rm to i the plats �f subdivisions or maps of major parti.tions already ' appr.oved for adjaining property as to width, general direction �: and �n aZl o�her respects, unless the city determines it to be ! in the public interest to modify the street or road pattern; �2) Streets and xoacls held f�r privat� use are clearZy indicated on trie tentative plan �,nd all reser�vations or re- � strictions relatin� to such private roads and streets are set ; forth thereon; i (3) The tentative plan complies witln the com�rehensive ; plan and applicable zoning regulations of the city then ir� ; � �f�ect; � { (4) No tentative plat of �, subdivision or map af a major ' partition shall be approved unless thexe will exist adequa.te ' � quantity and quality of water and an adequa�te sewage disposal � syst�m to suppart the proposed use of the l�.nd described in the �roposed plat . ' II . FINDINGS; 1 . TYie applieant z� requesting �reliminary plat approval of a 96 lot subdivision in accordance with Section 17. 16.010. 2 . On Novernber 16, 1976 the Planning Commission granted pre�iminarq : approval �o a 122 lo� Planned Development with the following conditions: � ""STAFF REPORT ` ° AGENDA 2 '�. ��..: TIGARIT PLANNTNG CUMMISSION March 1, 19`77 . Page 2 �,, "l . Draimage to be reviewed by Director of Public Works prior to submission �or General Plan and Program. 2. General Plan and Program develop alternatives to lessen � the existing conflicts between pedestrians/bicyclists and i automobiles. � � 3. P.rovision be investigated to provide for easterly oriented i pedestrian traffic. � 4. Increased parking be provided on �Ghe cul-de-sacs. � �5. A minimum of thre play areas be i�:corpo.rated into the plan without a decrease in the minimuin or averagP lot size. 3 r 6. Investigate egress onto a street other than 115th. " i The proposed subdivision is essenl;iall:y the same development ;; concept with larger individual lats, an overall reduation in d�nsity of 26 dwelling units t�2%) and a smaller coznmon area ? to be dedic�,teci for public park. �`; 3. PLAN C'ONFORMANCE $ �.... � Page 13 of the Pl.a.n contains the fo11owing wording: "TYie planned unit development is �ften capable of producing a more desira�ale living environment an�i i1; is therefoz e re- c�mrnended that the lar�er vaca,nt pa,rcels havin� natural amenita.es ��; necessitatin� preserving` be developed as Planned Unit De��lopments. ' , � Canformance - This parcel is r�ferred to directly in the Plan '� Text as necessitating pJ:anned developm�nt treatrn�nt and the �' � .c t � �:....a.. ,a.... a�.�.�...�. � - a-... ..3.,,�...�..] D�_.111 ��tih� c y i. r1 �c .��,. ci.�'i�32.1.Caia� a i CCii.i�.�c �� UC V G1 V�1 GI. o�aiiuc�,a u s���... �'.....,.].J 5...{?T; �J8 not conForm to th.e requirements of the Neigkaborhood Flan. �':�, ; , Appli�abl.e policies and portions of Nei�hborhood plan TII are : �ti r� �� Policy 4 . ''Protect the existing suburban charactex of this +; portion of the nei.ghborhood from encroachment by ' higher density develop.ments , The maxirnum overall ��; density of clevelopment will be 3 dwelling; units or i:'. 9 persons per gross acre . "A higher d�nsity af 4 �'` _ ,. units or 12 persons per gross acre is a p�ssibility ij within an appxoved planned unit dev�]:opment . i' r= ,. Conformance -� The request for 2 8 units/acre is less than r;a the maximum allowed and wi1�. go, further to- '! wards maintaining; the low density suburban �3' ' � character of the neighborhood. �,� Policg 5, Residential subdivisinns will be cieveloped with paved �� streets, curbs ;and gutters, stree� lights and walkways �I according to city or co�anty standards. A1I utiliti�s ,; will be pl:aced underground. v � � * STAFF REPORT - k AGENDA 2 i TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION � " March 1, 1977 � ��.` Page 3 � Y � Conformance - The reqia.est involves paved streets to city � local standards. i Policy 6. Development will coincide �vith the provision of public streets, water and sewage facilities. i These facilities shall bE (a) capable of adequat�ly � serving development and (b) designed to meet city ; or county standards. � Conformance - S .W. 115th Avenue watPr and sewer lines are i in place to city standards and are adequate I, to facilitate the propasal . � Policy 25. When land is developed and includes a ciesignated bic,ycle path roizte, easements should be granted to the city. In cases where development increases the need for the �a�h, constrizction should also be required. Gon.formance - The p.roposal is t� construct approximately one mil� o� bike pa�hs in 1:he greenway a.rea de- � signated on the Neigh�f�orhood Plan ITI and �� dedicate the greenwap to the ci��y . Policy 2Fi. Any street improvemerit project in the Neighborhaod should include facilitie� for the pedestrian and the nicyclist . Conformance - In adclition to the greenway bike path, cixrb side, sidewalks are included on both sides of each street . Policy 27. Any development along s�ream channels for recrea- �ionai pur-�oses ah;.��.ld r.o± �is�:�trb existin� t;rees. Iz� places where �trees are absent, some shoLtld be p].anted. The greenways are not suited for inten- sive recreational development and should be re- stricted to an a11-weather pa.th �.nd passive areas .for resting, picnicing and related activities. Conformance -- The proposal. does not project intensive recreational facilities but rather a passive setting. Concern cioes arise though as to disturbance of existing trees . NPO III has reviewed the proposal and stated that although they could accept a 96 unit subdivision they would prefer a Planned' � Developtnent in order to maximize the pres�rvation of the natuxal � environment (see Bolen memo 3fl/77) . � . _ _ ._ .. _..._. ,,,i . .. . . . . ... .... . . .. . . . . .... .. .. .. .. . .... ... . .. . ... � ..�. .... ..:.... ... .. .. .. . . . .... . .. . ...... .. .... . . ... .. .. . .. .. .. � 7 ;' STAFF REPORT `�� Y'� � AGENDA 2 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION March 1 1977 �� Page 4 � 4 . SITE CONDITIONS The site is multi-sloped being bisected by two creeks with corresponding changes in elevation from 275' to 175 ' . The site is dominated by a variety of vegetal:ion ranging from marsh type in the greenway area and clusi;ers of very ol.d trPes interspersed with mature oak and underbrush. One residence exists on the sou�thern portion of the site. 5 . SURROUNDING LAND USES Resadential subdivisions on the south,� east and west with large lot residences on the north. The proposed density of 2, 8 unitsJac.re is less than the surrounding subdivisions . 6 . I7TILITTES A sewer trunk line passes throixgh the site witYiin a 15 ' ease- ment . The existing line presently has the capacity to handle the anticipated load. � A 6" water main line is a.n S.W. 1�5th Avenue, S .W. Fairhaven �r Street and S .W. Mira Cnurt . lt4r. Bob Santee, rnanager of the Tigard Water Da�strict, has stated that water is awailable to se.rvice the site, 7. SCHOOLS This si�;e is within the school district boundaries for Char].es F. Tigard Elementary School on S .W. Grant Street, a.pproximately ha],f mile east . The school district has reported tha,t C. F. Tigard i.s presently 120 sttzdents �ver their 583 ca�aacity . A � 10 acre site at S .W. 124th Avenue and K�.therine S�treet has been ; � acquired and construction is anticipated within two years if the upc�miz�g bond levy is approved, 4�ithout bonci approvaZ in April 1977 the capacity oF the school district �La p�ovide ;:;, education.al facilities is exceeded. 96 single family homes ;; can be expected to g��nerate .95 students/home with .65/home of ;l elementary sclaool age or 62 new chiJ..dren when fu7.1_y develop�d. ',;, �. STREET SYSTEM `! -- • ,', ,, The chart below exhibits the existing �tra�fic laaci and capaci�ty ,� when full developed of. th� surrounding streets. �� ;;i Street 1975 Count Existing C',apacitSr i: (vehicl.es[day) Pavemen� Width ;; �; S .W. Gaarde St. 3067 20 " 15�0-6000 - 5; at 115th Avenue C� 30 ' v�idth ::: wi�h na parking 1;;: �: �'< .. . ,., . � " ``�. STAFF RFPORT ;, AGENDA 2 `'' TIGAFtD PLANNTNG COMMTSSION �� March 1 , �977 Page 5 Stz•eet 1975 Count Existing Capacity (vehicles/day) Pavement � Width S .W. 115th at 483 34 ' 1500 S .W. Fairhaven @ 34 ' width S .W. Fonner St . 585 20-24 ' 1500 south of SW Walnut @ 34 ' width S ,W. Walnut St . 4070 � 28 ' 1500-6000 be�tween Fonner St . @ 3F� ' width and Tiedernan A problem does e�is�t for tra�fic on S .W. Gaarde Street and S .W. Fonner Street where i;heir present conditian� do not facilitate pedestrian traff:ic and ax�e substandard in its ability to cax°ry the anticipated vehicular 1oad, parking and pede�trian traffic, S ,W. 115th Avenue is designat�d a local street in Neighborhood Plan III with a 50 ' ri�h�t-of-wa,y. No additional right-of-way �'��-,�, i� necessary ta mee�; thP requi.rements of i;he NP III or the 7'igard Municipal Code. �'eh latest traffic �:ounts (1975) for � S .W. I15th is 423 vehzcles/day. A local street is desigried �+ �; to handle 1500 vehicles/day. Thus the ca�acity oi S .W, ll5th ' Street will not be exceeded by the development of this par�el � at the proposed density of 2 .8 dweTling units,/acre. The N�ighborhoad Plan III proposed that no new streets be con- structed in the neighborhood. TherefarE, the plan precludes the possibility �f any new �treets tc� diNtribute the traffic load resulting �rom the development of this and adjacent vacant parcels . A, proposal made �iy C,arl Buttke, Consul�ting '�raf.f:ic Er.��n�er, tc �vt�nd 11.5th to �?a1nu� Strne± tx,o�l� h�,��e dP�re�;�e� the tra�fic v�lumeU on Fonner by fi00 vehicles per day by 1J9Q but was judged an undesirable routin� by the NPO. ; ,i An al�ternative which would disperse the aziticipated traffic would be an extension of the Nouveu �ul-de-sac to the south � property line. From there it could be extendea to hook into 3 S.W. F'a.irhaven Street . This alternati�re furthers the condition, � of the pxelirninary planned development which dire�cted a�n investi- gata.on into creating egress onto a street othax than S .W. 115th '! Avenue . Tk�is alternative has been agrsed upon by the property i owner to the south and discussed with tt�e applicant . � �� In ord�r to logically locate the s�reet alignments it is ,necessary i "'� to have a detailed tree survey, WYiat has b.een p�ovided is an ' a.rtists rendering of what vege�tation wi.11 remain and/or be � planted. No showing of the existing ve�e-tation to be removed ' during street or building loaat�on h�.s been provided, thus making �� t: it impossible to determine the impac�ts or desirabi.lity of the '� G.I � . . .� . . . . . . .. .. .. ���:I .. . . . . - . . . . � . . � � � �f.-�';� .� '�J � . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . - � . ...... .. . . . -� .. . . .. .. -_� .. ...._= � _ � �:��' . .'�.: _ _ � .,, � STAFF REPORT "`�. �:�.. � AGFNDA .2 � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION '�I ��¢��' March 1 , 1977 `• , Page 6 ^ � n �� chosen �treeic and builc�ing locations . ;� �. `rh.�.s is especially true for the areas of large cedar and fir � in the southeast portion oi the site and the northwest portion � where the street ap�ears to hav� been placed wh�re it would wi�e out a significar�t number of trees. A more sensitive � approach would be to place the street totally in the cleared � a.rea and place a partial cul-de-sac bubble into the trees . `,'; Als� Navare appears to be �nappropriately located and a l�op of� of Quelle with a s�reet stub i;o the south would be more � dssirable i.n terms of retention of the 400 year old cedar ;;, grove which it will be bisecting. '' �i, 9. STORM DRAINAGE 4� The prpposal incolves four small storm water retention basins t� instead of the two la r er ones as shown earlier. The smaller �' g basin� ar� �referable in that the water level fluct�.zations will be l�sse •'; 10. GRE�NWAY + �� _; �, �� In accordance with Nei�hborhood Fl�.n �� �rhe ar.Pa a,round the °' �� creeks is being transformed into a 5. 1 acre lineal park with �' bike patho No metnion is made as to the location or specifi- ' cations . These should be developed prior to final plat approval . ' lI . OPEN SPACES � The de�d covenants proposed by the applicant establish a "scenic ° ;; setback" varqing from 25 to 5l� ' in width within which no maj�r trees may be remaved. "Major'' trees i� left undefined. Major trees are treated in the planned ciev�lopment section of the Tigard Municipal Code as anyth�r�g �ver 6" in diameter . I IT . CU�lGLUSiui�T�RY FINDINGS: J. . Development of this site as a standard F�-10 5ubdivision does �r not confo�m to the Neighborhood F'lan and consideratic�ns of any subdivision should be in conjunctioil �it.h �, planned aevelopment . 2 . The site has unique characteristic� (i .e . creeks, vegetation , ; parcel size� that fa;vor a design ca,�a,ble 'of minimizing env�iron- ;'; menatl conflicts . % k: 3. The subdivision, as propos�d con.fo�ms to the �oning and sub- ;; div�5ion chpaters of thP Tigard Municipal Code. � ' 4 . Without a detailed tree survey staf� is i.ncapable of adequately � � a�ssessing the impac�s of �.evelopment u:poz� the exi�ting vegetation, j: . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � , . � .. . . . . . . . . . .. j: 5 . It appears possi.ble to ma1�e �. street conneetion to Fairhaven � Street but a me�,ris of making such a connec`tion- has not been � expl.ore:d, ?; t ,,. ; _� _. :1 � STAFF REPORT �. . '�,�:;, AGENDA 2 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �.�`� Ma�rch 1, 19`7�7 � � Page 7 � IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS : Staff recommends tabling of �this i,tem in order for the a,pplicant to re-submit a planned development . I� the Cammission does not choose to follow staff 's advice on this matter the subdivision should be tablPd in order for the staff to assess the impacts of street and building lacations up�n the existing vegetation and to consider the best method of. prov�.ding a se�ondary access point via S .W. F�,irhaven Stree�. � � ' ; i i i -; � ; - i i , � ; �t , , ; � _ >:.;� , y �' �TAF�' REPORT 'r. ''""" ACxENnA .3. � TIGARI� PLANNING COMMISSION March l , 1977 - 7: 00 P.M. � Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room 14650 S .W. 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oregon i I i DOCKET: ZC 14-76 (Commonweal�th/GlazEr) � � RE(�UFST: A request �o.r a zone change from Wash . County Suburban (SR) to City of Tigard Single Family Residential (R-7) with an �, overlying Planned Development (P.D. ) tc, permit six quac� houses (�our plexes) . LOCATION: S .W. 121st Avenue, south. of S .W. Springwood Avenue APPLICANT: Commonwealth Properties/Howard Glazer I , BASIC FACTS : 1. . The site is designated "Urban Low Density Residential" on the Ti�ard Comrnunity Plan and zoned "Suburban N,esidential" (Wash , C�. Tax Map 1S1 348, Tax Lot 500) . I I . PINDIlVGS : 1. . The applicant is requesting a 24 unit planned residential de- �. ve7_opment on 2:.755 acres parcel . `i 2. The site was annexed �Lo the city in �970 (Ordina.�ce #70-8) �; but city zaning was never ap�lied. A C-4, Neighborhood `� ; Cornnnarcial Plar�nec� Development has been ap�raved fGr the thrse ;� acr� parcel to the north. 3. The site is relatively flat with surrounding land uses oF R�-7 Planned Developm�nt (Englewood) , C-4 and caunty zoning RS-1 (one acre minimum) on the recently annexed �arcel west of the sit;e. 4. The Planned Development zone requires a minimum lat size of four acres unless the Planning Commission finds that unique site characteristics are present which justifq considexatio��. �.s � planned development . At the February 1, 197� meetin� ;I the Planning Commission found t1�a.t ihis si��e qualifies for planned development consid�ration becaus� it is �aounded b,y ;I, streets on �our sides and is adjacent a proposed shopping center . �II' ; 5. The a�plicant proposes a density o� eight units/acre. The `� Tigard Comm�unity Plan specifies az� average density of �our ,�? units/acre. In the past the Planning Commissio�i has inter- � preted the clensi.ty limitation ta a].].ow some duplexes inter- �'' � spersed throughout the low density areas when abutting collect�r �� ` az�d arterial street�. Acceptin� th� �fact that the location �`� qualifies th,is propertq for duplex densi.ty of �ne dup�ex pe�r `J! �; 10, 000 sqtxare foot lot, 12 duplexes or 24 t<�tal units cquld be ''I, constructeti with an approved conditional use permit . Using .�� the density computation in thE Tigard rdunicipal- Code �or a ';I ;.:� j� , � ,�� . - _... . �: _ - , °-- � r'' ^° '{y. STAFF REPORT w AGENDA #.3 ��`,,' TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION , March l, 1977 Page 2 !, V planned development this site could su ort �, maximum of 25 p� I dwelling units . The app].icant ' s request for 24 units is there- �� fore in conforma�ce with the density standards of the Tigard Municipal Cc�de, provided thp Planning Commission finds that `,I'�, this site is appropriately situated for duplEx densitiES. II 6. S.W. Springwood Drive is fully improved. S .W. 121st is in a substandard condition and S .W. 122nd a.s roughly more than a gravel path which is being contemplated fox vacati.on. The a licant has stated hi pp s willingr�ess to coanplei;e a half street ;II improvement on S .W. 121st to City co1lP�ctor street standards ''i and to consez�t to the vacatioil o:f 122nd if and when this is �� deemed necessary. ;I �� 7. In addita.on �to the site developmei�t information submitted with � his preliminary application, Mr°. Glazer has provided the a�tached response to sevexal issue� raised by the Commission ' during preliminary xeview of tk�is project . These issues were : �: - a�propriate density for the sit� ; � - one story vs. t�o story units ;I - met�iods of assuring children 's safety I �- vacation. o:f 122nd. � '1'he applicant l�as addressed each of these issues to the ,� satisfaction of staff. �. The onP omission From the applzcant 's submission is a list of deviation from the requirements of the R-7 zone . This zone permits duplexes an separat� 10,000 �qi�are foat lats� Mr. Glazer is r�questing 6 �our-plexes on one 2 . 75 ac.rE Iot . I� I approved, this code devia,tion rriust be listed. TII . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Si;aif recommerzds a�proval with the following conditions : 1 . Hal� street improvement be installed to City collector street standard on S .W. 121st Street. r r 2 . Applicant agree to the vacation of S.W. 122nd i� and when ;� this is deemed necessary b,y the City. f ,. i � 3. That the sidewalk constructed adjacent the street be sight k feet in width (minus the curb width) to accomodate pedestrian ,', and bicyclist . }; � 4 . That a bex�m be placed adjacent S .W. 121st and S.W. Springwood. ; � � � ;� �� � � �� l' � ,: I � STAFF REPORT � AGENDA 4 � TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION i ��. March 1 , 1927 - ?: 00 P.M. Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room 14650 S .W. 97th Avenue -- Tigard, Uregon 97223 i ; DOCKET: CU 2-?7 REQUEST: To locate a machine shop in an "M-4, Izidustrial Park" zone. ' LOCATIaN: 8950 S .W. Buxnham Street APPLICANT: D.W.D. Construction Company I . BASIC FACTS : 1 . Th.e site is designated "Commercial-Ind.usi:rial" on the Neigh- borhoad Plan I and zoned "M-4, Industrial Pa:rk" . 2. In June of 1970, the Tigard Planning Commission approved a conditional use for a general contracto.r ' s olfic;e and ware- house fc�r this site with the following conditions : l . Tha.t the development must be in accordance with the �et f of plans submitted, but with the following additions, � which must be made prior to the application :�or a build- ing permit : � 1 a. The zoning ordinance requir.es that "aIl areas used � for the standin� and mane2zvering of vehicles be irn-- � provec� according to the s�.me specifications as xe-- a. quired for city streets" ; this is to be shown on the '1� plans, with the exception that the rear 71 ' of the i� property may be planted or improved to less�r stand- I ards, such as with gravel . b. The ordinance also provid�s that approved outside storage areas must be screened from view o� all ;I adjacent proper.ties by a sight-�bscuring fence, �, not less i:han six fe�t in height and/or by si�ht- � obscuring landscaping; this screening must be de- tailed on the pl�ns , No sl;orage shall be permitted above the lieight of the fence . 3. S .W. Burnham Stre�t is designated a collector street on Neighborhood Plan I . 4. On February 8, 1977 the Desigri Review Board appr,oved architec- tizral and site development plans for a 6000 sq .ft . inc�ustrial building. Their approval was wit� the following conditions : �, �{ ' �,K �„ 1 . A detailed landscape plan .foi the entire site ,�ie submitted 'I (subject to staff approval) . � � s 2 . Wheel blocks be added to all parking spaces . 3 � e �TAF�� �EPORT �, '�:. ' AG�NDA 4 � TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSII�N �' March l, 1977 �. . Page 2 3. The landscaPe strip in the west setback area be wi�iened to 4 ' . 4. Fence be sight-obscuring with cedar slats. 5. A non-remons�rance agr.eement be filed with the City Recorder for �he improvement of S .W. Burnham. 6. The planting on the soutriwest corner be wideneci to 4 ' parking modification, 7. Ths parking arrangement be modi.fied to expand th� planter bed for the existing maple tree. 5. Section 18.52 .020(5) of the Tiga.rd Municipal Code allows a "machine shop, welding shop, contractor 's office" as a co'n- ditional use in an M-4 zone. II . FTNDINGS : I . The appli�ant is requesting a can�itional use permit to :Locate a machine shop in a portion o.f a new 6000 sq. ft . building. �. 2. The surrounding land uses are Miller' � Automotive, Security Sto•rage, �ity of Tigard shops and D.W,D. building contractor.s . 3. The site is presently �cc�apied by a building contraetb�r 's office and storage area. �'he proposed use is compatible with this and the other sur.rouncling uses. i 4 . The pxaposed use confo.rms to the Neighborhood Plan I "In- dustrial" designation. III . STAFF R�;COMMENllATION: Sta.ff .recommends approval . `�o, I i - I „� � . ..:r. � i�� .. 45�':, F' �" , MEMORANDUM � � TO: Planning Commissio�� FROM: Planning S�taff `� a RE : CU 22-76 (�'amily Activity Center) � , DATE : February 25, 1977 S �t; l!, r; ��� As of Fe r a� 25 1977 staff had t re .ei ��: }a u y , no yet c ved an offlcial rep1� :for nregon State Highway Department ox Tualatin Fire Dep�.rtment �', on the proposed realignment . Ther�fare the sta�f r�port will be ;, ha.ncled out at the meeting and wall znclucie the �,}�ove informata.on . �?1 f , ( FI 1 g) '.Y.... . �l': \ 1': �:'. i� ! �f u i E:: � I�� . . . . � . �� .. t-,i . . . � . . . C�, �,. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .j"a p.'; i%'i ��,� �'� � � � � f,:�f ,'� i ,. ,:i :., �7�i: � � � { t�,� � � � � � � ��� > .� +:; � "� , # � 4;a � �t1 �� � � � ��� r� �;� _ � . � _ _ . �� ,� _ . ,: .._. � � , � ,. .�� �.. ' _ , , , . . - ,,' Y{ � I_. 1 ' ., i� STAFF REPORT ; ��'; AGENDA � TIGARll PLANNING COII4MISSION March 1 , 1977 - 7:00 P.M. Twali�ty JunZOr High School - Lecture Room 146a0 S .W. 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oregon F ��� ; � DOCKET: CONDITIONAL USE CU 22-76 ' REQUEST: For an amendment to a conditional use permit in regard to the froritage roacl alignment for the f.amily activity center. LOCATION: 13450 and 13400 S.W. Pacific Highway (Wash . Co . Tax Map 2S1 2CC, Tax Lots lOQ, 200, 500 and 800) APPLICANT: A7_lied Realty Company l{ I . BASIC FACTS : l . On A�xgust 17, 1976, the Tigard Planning Commission ap�proved a condi�tion��.1 use permit for a f�.mily aetivity center (see attached staf:f report) . Thc appl.icant is requesting ta amend the following cond�tir�n : �, The northern terminus of t}ae frantage road be realigned �., and improved match?ing tYxe center line with S .W. Park Street and having a 50' road a�proach ont� Paci�ic Iiighway . This i{ work to be ap�roved by the Oreg�n St�.te Highway Department � arid Tigard Engineering Departm�nt . 2 . On January 18, 1977, the Tigard Pl�,tining Commission reviewed �; the proposed �oac� alignment which cor.responded �;o the above s condition and found it �znsuitable. The Commission agreed that other alternativ� alignments should be presented. II . FINDINGS: l . The agplicant has submitted an alternative pro,po�al wha.ch iefZects staff recommendations. The Oregon State Highway Ue�artment has agreed in concept . A detailed re�ponse will be availahle at the hearing. ;i 2 . At the time the conditional use was approved, Commissi�on�er Sakata asked i:hat the Design Review Board pay pa,rticular attenta.c�n ta mass transit and bus sh�lter possibilities�. Logically these items should be considPred atitl attact�ed as condi�Lions at this time if i;here i.s concurrance with the remaind�r of t;he Planning Commissian , ` � � � t � � "� � i � � � �; T � � . �, _ _ _,,., , . _ , � _ _ . I e ,� x ,*���� f'�a.. 4� Y STAFF REPO�,T � F Agenda 5. 3 � � Tigard Planni.ng Commission August 17, 1976 - 7: �Q P.M. ; Twality Junior High School - Lecture l�oom � 14650 StiU 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon � � DOCKET: Corzditional Use Permit CU 22-76 ' �� �i RFQUEST: To locate a Fami.ly Activity Center in a C-3, Gen�ral t� Commercial zone. �' i: LOCATION: Pacific Highwa.y fro�tage road at 13450 and 13400 SW ;; Pacific Highway ('Wash Co. Tax Map 2S1 2CC tax .lots 100, 200, `.' �: 500, 800) �; ;, ,�. APPLZCANT: Al McFarlanr�/Allied Realty Company BA�IC FACTS : l . The site is designat�d "Commercial-Pro�essional" on the 4 Neighborhood Plan I and zc�ned "C-3, GenEral Cammeicial . " �, ;� s;, s:, 2. Sections 18 . 32.020 (9) and 18.28.020 (1)(2) (29) (33) allow ''; amusemerzt enterprises, swimming pools, clubs a�ad professional �`, offic.es. ;';# �� .... FTNDINGS : ' �� fJ I�.� � l . The surr�unding land ixse is a barber shop on the north, � sin�le family x�esid�nces on the east a church automobile y�`�� , � ;!„� repair shop an�l a reaidence to the south. F', 2 . The site is a �otal af 9 .4 aczes primarily va�ant with i;"; s�:; �thr�e resid�nc�s and out building�. P � �. The si�LE gently slopes north with a spring Fed na�t�ra1 ��:�;: draina�� wa,y. '�� ;>;; :z 4. Th� most r�cent tx�affic count� on PaciFic Highway is ;�:; 23, 60U (1J73) averag� daily ti�affic. k:,9 5. The :fr�n�tage ,roac� is in a substandard condition and would ±;'i det�riora�� rapidly without improvement . �<; 6. The S�:ate Hi�hway Department has recommended closing the s_� soutlz end os th� �rontage ro�.d, Zf tha.s a.s cione the soutrlern access point serving the m�,in parking lot could ;" 4?: be cotnbin�d with the northern access, thus elimirlating the {.:�< need :Eor in�proving 250 ' o� the �rontage road. "� � �"; 7. In October 1975 the Planni:ng C�mmission was requesl;ed to �} � inter.pret �he Neighborhood Plan I regarding its proposal �'�� �.�� for �he fr�ntaga road. (The NP I projECts the frontage E `; road to continue t� SW Garrett St,ree�t) . In reviewin� the i,•1; �..;; � � �a��,, � � � � � � �w�� , �� �, ,,,. - . ,, . . � � f 5�'� / �.£i::.... (�4.-: " STAFF REPORT Agenda 5. 3 ��"' Tigard Planning Commission � August 17, 1976 Page 2 medical/dental clinic proposed for the corner of SW Pacif.i�c Hig�hway and SW Garrett the Pla.nning Commission state�. that the intent a:C Neighborhood Plan I of minimi.z- ing di�ect access onto SW Paci:Cic Highway could be satis:�ied by .realigning the northern intersect by deepening it and bringing it as near to 90° as practically pc�ssible. At that tirne Mr. Robert Gray, ageni; for the clinic, agreed. to pa.rticipate in the realignment in lieu providing fo.r the continuance to Garret�i; . The State Fii�hway Department has recommended a realignznent so that the center line matches up with SW Park Stree�t . 8. The NeighborYiood Plan I map shc�ws a portion of the City greenway system on this site. No provision lo.r a pedestrian/bicycl.e path is no�ted on tl7e site plan . J . �}� th� pxoposed uses the skating rink raises s�me cXuesti�n as to plan conformanc� and by itself may no1; truly con�orm ', but when vi.ewed in context with �Lhe overall development � it confornls in that the entire development conforms with + the plans intenl; for less intense land uses. � � �,,_ CONCLUSIONA�i,Y I+'INDTNGS : � ]. . The u��es specificall�� noted in the applican.t ' s submission ar� all.owable in accordance with Sections 18 . 32 .020 (9) a.nd �.8.28 ,020 �l}(2) (29)(33) . z � 2 . Adeq�za�;e facilities are a.vailable to ser.vP water ana sewer � ox� the site. � ;: 3. Improvement o:f the �rontage road with reali�nment of �the �� northern access point and a trafi'ic li�ht on Pacific � Hi�hway are ne�essa.ry to minimize the traffic impacts o:� this develap�rnent . ,� ,. + 4 . The applicant has e�tablished i;hat thE.re i.s a public need �. for a �amily activity/recreatian center in the T:igard �,rea. ��: �, �� �. 5 . Z'he unique site qualities o:C the drainage way for bic,ycle ; and pedes�;rian access and the ability to utilize the f � �ranta�e road for vehieular access ma��e i;his site more � appr�priate than others in the Tigarc� area. � � 6 . The o:fFice uses con:form by definition to th� ''Commercial- � Professional" use designation and the r�creation por�tion ; �"� can�orms to various portions oF �the Neighborhood Plan S , i. e. recrea�;ion, open space, land use. � �` ,; � F, � !! _ -- -_- - - � � � �T� r� 9 �.... � �x..y='� „ �TAFF RFPORT Agenda 5. 3 Tigard Planning Commission �.i��� August 17, I976 ; Page 3 7. The impact on the neighborhood should be minimal by providirig dense landscaping alon� its berinaeter. I�ECOMMENDATIONS : �l'o be advised. I � ; � I � r I � � ( � � � � � I � � � f � � ( � � � r i ,I � ! � : � , b �,.1, , � �: STAFF REPORT �� A�enda 5. 3 Tigard Planning Commission Au�ust 17, 197� STAk�F RECOMMENDATIOPdS : Approval with th� followa.ng conditions: � l . The northern terminus of the frontage road be realigned � and improved matching the center line with SW Park St . and having a 50' road approach onto Pacific Highway. This work to be a}�proved by the OSHD and Tigard Engineering Departmeni; . 2. Th� southern terminus be closed. 3. Thc frontage road be impraved to city local street standards to the northern access �oint into trie m�.in parking area with tlze remaincte.r of the �ron�tage road landscaped. 4. A E ' bicycle/pedestrian path be includ�d through the site to match up with th� one approved as part o� �the medical/ dental clinic. � 5. The applicant agrees to partici.pate in the costs of a �: street light for the intersection �f' the frontage road and SW Pacific Highway. 6. The Oregon Transpartati�n Commission be petitioned to relinquish jurisdiction t;o the �ity for t:he fr�ntage road. ; j`r � �{ STAFF REPORT `� '+ i AGENDA ,'6 �I TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION March l , 1977 - ?: 00 P.M. Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room 14650 S .W. �7th Avenue - Tip�ard Ore�ron b 9 b 4I k; DOCKET: 5-2-?7 �; N,EQUEST: To create a 33 lot subdivision on a 12. 03 acre parcel in an R-7 zone. � LOCATION: North o� S :W. North Dakota Street (Wa�h. Co . 'I'ax Map 1S1 34AA, Tax Lot 100) APPLICANT: Black Bull Enterprises/Mike Robinson I . B�SIC FACTS : ]. . The site is designatea "Urban Low D�nsity Residential" on the Tigard Community Plan and zoned "R-7, Single Family l�esidential" (penciing City Council apprava3 2/28/77) . 2 . The site was recentl,y annexed Januaxy 12, 1977 and is scheduled for City C�u�ci:l final zoning approval on Februa,ry 2.8, 1977. The Planning Commission recommendEd app.roval . � 3. Sec-Cion 17.16 .100 states : , � 9 "No t�ntative plan for a pr.oposed subdivisiara and no tentative plan for a major par�Lition shall be appraved unless : (1) Streets and roads are laid out so as ta conf�rm to the lats of subdivisions or ma C t p p� Qf major partitions a.lready approved for adjoining property as to width, general direction and in a11 other respects, unless the city dei;ermines if to be ' in the public interest to modity the street or road pattern; (2) Streets and �oads held for pr:ivate use are clearl.y indicated on the tentative plan and all reservations or re- stri ctio s n relatzn to such riv�,te roads a d ee r g p n str ts a .e set .forth thereon; (3) The tentative plan complies with the comprehensive `i plan and ap�licable zoning re�ulations of the city then in �� Effect ; (4) No tentative plat ot a subdivision or rnap of a niajo.r par�tition shall be approved unless there wi11 �exist adequate `. quantit� and quality of water and an adequate sewage disposal � system to support the proposed use of the land described in " the proposed plat . " TT , FINDINGS : " ��` l . The applicant is requesting preliminary plat approval of. a ` �, proposed 33 1ot subdivision on a 12 acre parcel . `' � � 2 . The site is presently vacant farm land with very large rural � sized lats surrounding it except .for the abandoned sewage ;' treatment plant to the west. The pxoperty is contiguous a� � _ � d ° S'TAFF RFPORT ° "b AGENDA 6 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ,� March 1, 197'7 `�� Page 2 the narth�rest cornex• with the greenway portion of the Engle- wood planned development . 3, Fanno Creek meanders through the northern partion �f the site. Th� Tigard flood plain ordinance establishes the 100 year flo�d plain elevation at a�out 163' - 165 ' which involves appro�imately 1/4 of the site. This portion of the site is includsd in the City 's greenway system as prnposed in �the Tigard CorrAmunit,y Plari . The applicant stated during the zone change proceedings that the existing greenway park will be extended through this site . 4 . Aciequa.te water anci sewerage facilities are available to serve the proposed subdi'vision with a 60" diameter USA trunk line in Fanno Creek and an 8" Tigard Water District line from S .W. North D�.kota Street . 5 . AIl secondary access to the subject property is vi.a S .W. hTorth Dakota. Str.eet which is in subs�:andard condition wi�th no shoulder� and. numerous ruts and p�tholes. It lacks curbs, �utters, side- Walks paving width as required by the Ti�ard Municipal Code. a�, o a Street �s acr�ss X W orth Dak t The easl;ern terminLls of S . . N unsignalized railroad crossing anto a somewhat congested inter-- �. sec�tion wi�t;h S .W. Greenburg Road. The intersection is pro�osed for improvement in the Neighborhood Plan II . With this being the on7.y access to the property partzcipation �n any icnprave- men�: project should include the new 1ots . Primary �,ccess fxom S .W. North Dakota Street is on a 650' l�n� 34 ' paved street which was built to c�unty standard.s (without sidewalks) . This should be brought up to city standards. � � 6 . Section 17.2t3.07� of the Tigard Municipal Code requi�es that � "where necessar,y to give acce�s to or permit a sa�isfactarq � future subdivision of adjoining land, streets shall extend j to the baundary of the subdivision, and the resulting de�,d e:nd ! �treets may bE ap�roved without a turn around'' . � � 1 � � Future subdivision activity is not anticipated to the north due � to the flood plain but is antici�ated to the south, west a.nd � east . Therefore streets should be extended to the south and � west rather than the proposed cul-cie-sacs. Without pro�ision � �or street continuance the proposa7. ereates a 1300' cul-de-sac � which is in violation of the 400' limit of the Tigard Community � Plan, 1971 . ` � ���f � 7. The appli.cant has proposed dedication of a 2 .88 acx�� parcel •to j cornply with Section 17.40. 020 of �he Tigard Municipal Code which ' �`� r��uir�s �e�;cati,�n of the �reenway portion �'or" open space. No ; �; detai].s as to improvements have been provided. A landseape and i • improvement plan for the continuation of the greenway park begun ; in Englewood should be submitted to sta.ff for approval . � ; � .. ... . ..... ... .. . .. . .. . . . ... . . .. ... . . .. . . .. . .. .. .. ... .�, .;: ... �� ... . .. . .. .. I � M � � . . ' � t� �.:�� � � ��.: �� STAFF �EPOR�' � AGENDA C � P'�� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSYON � � March l , 1977 Page 3 �; � i� 8 . A 10 acre school site was pxovided as part of the Englewood �i a Planned Development . Communicatians wi.th the Beaverton School ;; District has encouraged an interconx�ecting pathway system. ` This can be achieved by providin� access through each cul-de- '� sac which abuts tlze greenway. � . The site is almost entirely without vegetati�n o�her than tre�s alon� the flood plain fringe would both assi�t in buffering this area from the future industrial site across Fanno Creek and ' create a visual barrier to m.inimize the "sea of r�o� tops'' ;� appearance o� Englewo�d i fram S .W. Schalls Ferry Road. In r e C e rov�id�d alon addition an a ro riate street t e .�hou�d b p g PI� P � all streets. �; III . CQNCLUSI�ONARY FINDINGS : l . With the provision of a westerly and snutherly s°treet �xtension the street system will satis:fy the applicable req�xirements ot the Tigard Municipal Code and Tigard Community P1an. ?:� , 2 . Adequate wa�er and sewerage facilities are available to support ; � the development . `j _ �; �;� IV. STAFF RE�OMMEI�TD�ITTON: �'� StafF r�commends (A) tabling to allow the nated street modifications �� ar (�) approval with the following condit�ons: �:� l . The st.reet from S .W. North nako�;a be brau�ht up to City ' standards. ;i 2 . A 1 ' access control strip be dedicated �o �the city and barriers placed. 3. A park improvemPnt �la.r� with a standard city 8 ' bike path be provided for staff approval . { 4 . A landscape plan with materi�.ls appropriate for �lood plain ,+ environments and with screPning capabilities be submittPC� f.or staff approval as we11 as �, stree�t txee program for � the Design Review Board approved list of trees . Staff is ;� looking for a continuation of the Greenway improvements which have occured in Englewood. ' �) :.I 5 . A deed covenant be executed far al1 lots agxeein� to �aarti- aipate in an improvement district praject for S .W. North ; � Dakota Street . ' i 6. Pedestrian access to the Greenway be provided from each ' cul-de-sac to the Greenway "','� ,f1 y� `� �, �Y . . :_ . :si � ` STAFF REPORT �� ' AGEVDA 7 � � TIGARD PLANNING COA4MISSION i � March l, 1977 - ?:00 P.M, ! �� Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room ? 14650 S .W. 97th Avenue - Tiga.rd, Oregon ; i � � DUCK�T: ZOA 1-?7 �, REQUEST: To add �the "C-3M, Main Street Commercial" zone to the list of th.ose zones within which new c�ns�ruction and ma 'or re- �` J modeling is subject to Design Review F3oard approval . � APPLICANT: City of Tigard I . BASIC FACTS : 1 . S�ction 18.58 .010 of the Tigard Municipal Code states : ;; "In the A-2, C-3, C-4, C-S, C-P, M-2, M-3 and M-4 zones, and for conditional uses within all Lones; building permits and cer�tificates o:t occupan.cy shall be isstzed in accordance with a site development plan approved by the si�;e developmellt �lan and design review board for the lot o�� tzact on which the propased use, uses or ma,jor remodeli�gs and additions are to be located. ;� � I I . FINDINGS � `' F>. 1 . Since Section 18 .58 .010 of the Tigard Murii�ipal Code Was �,dopted 's`' Chapter 18. 30 (Main Street Commercial) was added to the Tig;ard ' ��: Municipal Cade and through oversight the C-3M was no�t speci.fically ', addressed in the Site llevelopmPnt Plan revier� s�c�ion. �Ui�:hout rea].izing this technical deficiency the Design Review Board has ; been reviewing projects in the C-3M zone. The continuecl r�view �" of projects in i�lze core are�. is imperative to :fulfill the com- munity design goals of the Tigard Community Plan, Nei�hborhood Plan I and the Tagard Municipal C�de . 2. Cliapte.r 18 .59.Q10 (Architectu.ral Desigri Review} a�dresses the j situation in �;he fo1J_owing manner, "except :�or �in�le :family r�sidential. dwellings; no building permit shall be issued. . . " i This word,ing mainta.ins the flexibility :for when roning districts are addPd or deleted. IIT . CONCLUSIONARY FTNDINGS : �� ��; was clearly the intent of the site development plan section of � the Z'igard Municipal Code to include new construction a�d major � remodelin��; in all zoning di.stricts �xcept single fatnily zones to be approved by the Design Review Board, and through oversight in a 1975 amencim�:nt to thP Tigard Municipal Cacie creating the C-3M � zone, it failed to include the new zone among those,::iri:..w'hich carn.= struction i,s reviewal . .� ;� F:) ;': �: � � � �'`; �.,�. _ _-_ �* r q � �;, STAF�' REPORT , AGENDA '7 � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSIO�T ��� � �I Ma�ch 1 , 1977 i �age � � i � I�J. STAF�' �tECOMMENllATION: � Amending Section 18.58.010 to x�ead "except �or sa.ngle farnily � dwel'lings building permits and certi��cates o.f. occupancy within E all zones; buildi.ng permits and cexti.�icates of occupanc;y sha11 � be issued i.n accordance with a site d�velopment plan approved (� by the site development plan and design review board fox the �:ot , or tract on which the proposed use, uses or major remodelings and �' addit�ons are to be located. " EI �, n �; ;, � : i ;i � � �'i �1 � j?, . �� � . . . . . �E��,: `',;i . . . _ . � . � . . ��� `� .� . . . . . . . �` � � . . � .. � . . . � � . . . ��-"i � � � . � � � u;, . � . � � . . � .. . t� � . � . � � � � . � � � � . . � . . . .�. � � ,��i � . � . . . . . � . . . � . ., �. . � � � � .i�:.;� � � . . . � � . . . . . � . . . � � . . . . . .�,iq . . . . . . . . . . �;.f . . . . . ... � � . . � . . . ,::�.a . � � . . . . . . � . �.�� . . � . . . . . . � . . . � ;,q . .. . . . � � � � � � � . . .. . .. . . . . . � . �. . ;`:,� � � � � � . : . � � . . . . ... ��'� �1 j�i r!�� � �i t:, ; i�i �, .t� , �, ,;, 4�s s. ,' . � � � �� � � �� � � � �� ��� � � , , �> �,.. . :: _�..:, .a .,.s.,:� ; _ _ , _ _ _ __ _ __ _ . ; i I i . _ . `Y. o.. r STAFF REPORT AGENDA 8 � ,�� TIGARD PT,ANl�TING COMMISSION � March l, 19?7 - 7:0� F.M. � Twality Jun.ior High Sc�ool - Lectur� Room ( 14650 S .W. 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oxegon j � � l DOCKET: ZOA 2-77 M REQUE'ST: To amend Section 17 .28 .110 of the Tigard Municipal Code i to reduce in length the maximum cul-de-sac street length � from 600' to 40� ' . r , �z � APPLICANT: (;ity o:f Tigard � i � I . BASIC FACTS : � 1 . Sec�ion i7.28. 110 of the Tigar.d Municipal. Code states as i follows "A cul-de-sac shall be as short as passible and � shall in no event be more than six hundred feet long. AI1 1 cul--de-sacs shall. terminat� with a ri�ht-of-way radiu.s af � fifty feet. The Iength of the cul-c�e-sa,c shall k�e measu2ed � along the center line of the roadway f.rom the near side of � the intersecting street to the farthest point of the cul-de- j sac" . (Oc�ober 197�) � # �� 2. The Tigard Cornmunity Plan stat�s a� a l�cal street �tandard l w= "cul-de-sacs: 40 foot radius minimum turn-round and �OD' maximi�m length" . (1�68) 3. Z'he 1975 Bake.r vs. C,ity of Milwaukie , OregQn Supxeme C;ourt case clea•rly �stablishe� the comprehensive plan as the con- trolling land use document ; supErior ta its implEmenting �rclin- ! s ances, i .e. zoning subdivision, etc. t �, II . FINDINGS: � �� . � � .� .. R l . The rationa�e for limiting the lengt:h of a cuZ-de-sa.c is � primarily far p�.iblic safety; to provide easi.er, quicker and more �fficient delivery of public, service� especially emer- :;. gency services, i .e� fir�, police, ambulan�e; 2. The r:esults of shorter cu3-de-sacs are : ;i �I - more cul-cle-sac� � i . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .3 - m�re �th.rough loca2 streets � ; - more equitable distribution of traffic thraughout � the nei.�hborhood and the community ; � 3. Cu1-de-sacs create desirable and safe places ta live primarily duF ta the lack of "throu�h traffic" . Tliis lacl� o� throu,gh �� traffic withou�t eno�igh connecting local streets shi�ts that 'GralTic t7il�G i���2r 1."^,°l. �trar�tc th,iS e;1USi,�P' ��lem to act as , collecto�s which< adverselyvirnpacts those residents. _ , _ _ � _.. _ _ _ � _ . _ �� �:, a � ��. �:. �'i ° °� �TAFF REPORT �,� AGENDA 8 ' TIGARD PLANNTNG COMMISSION �°1 March 1, 1977 �.; Page 2 � i' �, �:' f;`ii ITI . C�JNCLUSIONARY FZNDINCxS : �i;: �; There appears to be a conflict between the Tigard Community Plan, :.: 1971 az�d the 1968 subdivision ordinance . The P7.an is ovnrra.dirng �! and its e�feet will be to create a safer, more equi�:able traffic 't; p�;ttern througtiout the neighborhQads and comm�xnity. ;;i IV, STAFF RECOMMENATION; Repla.ce the wor.ds ''four hund:red" for "six hundred'`, in Section 17.28.110 of the Tigard Municipal Code . � � °`;; � � .,� i. � � � � � � � ��:; �, . � �� � �:� � � � � � � � � �'i ��. i. . . . .. . . , . k:;; �j � . . . . . �� . � y�-. .. . . � .. . �. .. i:,. ��� �v.. . ... . ���.�: � ?a �l j" � � . � �J:±�:. . . . . .7_;._ . . � . � i.;�.� . 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