Planning Commission Packet - 01/18/1977 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. , , r .., �.. ��..:.,' AGENDA TIGARD PLANNING COMMI�STON �; ,,. January l�, �.977 - 7: 30 P,M. � Twa�ity Junior High Sch�o� -� .Lecture Raom 14650 S .W. 97tki Avenue •- Tigard, Ore�on l . GALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: 3. APPROV'AL OF MINUTES : 4 . COMMUNICATIONS: 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 5 .1 CONDITIONAL USE CU 34-76 (Manning) Tabled from 12/21/Z6 A rec�v:est by Bill Manning �<�r a conciitional use nermit t� a,l1�w outsa.de �;tora�e i.n a C-4 (Nei�;hhr�rhood C�mrnPr- cial) zone at 14030 S .W. Paci�ic Highway. (Wash. Co . Tax Map 2S1 10A, Tax Lot 20Z) . 5.? ZONE CHANGE ZC .14-76 (Commonwealth/Glazer) NPQ VII A r�quest by Howard r.,. Glazer for a preliminary plan i ; and pro�ram review of a 6-quad (24 un.it) residential � r :family uilits in an R-'7 zone (Si�lgle Family) at S .W. 1 �w 121s1; south o�:C Sp:�a:ngwood Drive. (Wasl1. Co . Tax Map 1S1 34B, Tax Lot 500) . 5. 3 7ONE CHANGE ZC 18-7G (B�ack Bu11 Ente.rprises) NPO VII P A requESt by Da1e Jolinson to apply R-7 (�5ingle Famil� Residen�ti.aZ) zoning in place o� R�-1 (on.e acre �Wash- ; irigton County� zaningj north �f Nori;h Dakota Street, � {Wa�h . Co. Tax Map lSl 34AD, Tax Lot 100) . � 6. OTHER BUSINESS: �; � 6. 1 Continuation of c�iscussion regarding Wester.n Cii;y Bou�adary � l�cation in regard to a requ.est for sewer service fo•r tk�e � Hazeltree Hill S�bdiva:s�:on on Bu11 Mountain. � , 7. ADJ(�URNNI�NT: ti, � � ,, F t �. ;. :f. �' � t: � ;f, . . . . _.. �_.� . ., ��,.; .,,. . ......a... .... _. . . .. . . �:._:.�,_.......-: . .., . �-. .... . . . . . �. .. :-- . �� 'Y . � . � . � . � . �.w, �.. � . . . MINUZ'ES TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION January 18, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. ,<:- Twality Junior High School - Lec;ture Room �, 14650 S.W. 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oreg�n l . CALL TO ORDER: The meetang was called to order by Vice Chairma.n Tepedino at 7: 30 P.M. 2. RO,LL CALL: Present : Sakata, Goldbach, Wood, �hillips, Nicoli , TQ�ed_ino, ancl M�ore. Exeused Absence : Popp and Krause Staff: Daniel� arbd Edwards 3. APPkOVAL OF MINUTES : W�od mo�ed and Goldbach S��ona�a to change the wurd "fraudelent" ' to "misre;presenting'' on the last page of the January 4th minutes . TPie rnotion was made to add "The motion was approved by unanimou.s voic� vote" on item 5 .2 on thP Deeember 7, 1976 minut�s and "The motian was approved by unanimous voice vote" on item 7.� on December 2I, 1976 minutes . The motion was approved by unanimous voice vo�e. 4 . COMMUNICATIQNS: �. Staff presenteci a memo �r.om Gordon Kutsch asking that Planning ' Commission consideration of the Genesis planner� cievelc�pment be tabZed until March lst . 5. PUB]LIC HEARINGS . 5. 1 CONDITIC►NAL USE CU 3�-a6 (Manning) A requESt by Bi11 Manning for a conditianal use permit to allow outside st�rage in a C-4 (Neighborhood Commercia.]:) zone at 14030 S .W. Paci.fic Highway� (Wash. Co. Tax Map I ZSl 10A, Tax Lot 20"1) . A. Staff Report : Read by Dani�ls. ;;� i o Staff presented a l�tter from Bill, Davies, adjacent pxoperty owner, protesting outside tir�e storage . F3. Applican.t '� Presentati:on: ; o PeggY Manning, applic�,nt, presented a proposal ;, �or screening the tire s�orage rR,ck and stated ' i that tires must b� va.sibl'e for sales . ' j o Staff inforrned the Board that th� tire stora�e building would be subject t� Design Review. , .. ... i€� . _ ` , ,.. — - - - — - -- . _ _ _ _ _ .,�. _ . _ f. 4 E; 4 ���._. MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COA4MISSION January 18, 1�77 ` Page 2 �. � C. Public Testimony : None D. Stafi' Reeommendation : Staff recommended approva7. with the recommendation that the site b� brought into conformance with the landscape requirements o� the Tigard Municipal Code so as to effectively screen the storage area from the street . E. Commission Discussion : o Wood �tated that a basic decision should be made as t� whether advertising should be directed to Pacific or to on s�ite tra�fic . o Goldbach asked that the matter be tabled for fur. ther study . o Wnod stated that applicant should shr�w thai; his product has unique characteristics that wou].d require the conditional use �e�°mit . .E � o Stafi stated outsid.� s�:orage is riecessary for many businesses but it sh�uld �e screened from the public . o Tepedino asked that standards should be set for the Planning Commission to fo].iow. Phillips moved and Nicoli seconded that the :item be tabled until staf�, applicant and other concerned businESSes meet on th� pr�blem and p.rovide al.ternate , solutions. The motion was ap�roved by unanimous vaice vote. 5.2 ZONE CHANGE ZC ].4-76, (Commc�riwea,l.th/Glazer) NPO VII A request by Howard L. Glazer for a pre].imi.nary plan and program review of a F-quad (24 uni.t) residential family units in an R-7 zone (Single Family) at S.jv. 121st south of Springwood Drive. (�Vash. Co . Tax ll�ap 1S1 348, Tax Lot 500) . o Waod asked that the item be tabled unta.l residents of Engl�wood were natified. o Wood questioned whether in this case that the legal notification procedures were adequate since so many of th� surrounding lots were in the ownership of the applicant arid have �ecent�,y transferred title sincP the last tax roll update. � : . y : MINUTE'S f� �:,.. TIGARD PL�NI�TING Ct�MMISSION January 18, 1977 Page 3 ��`° o Sakata stated that because the project is low income housing the neighbors should have an input . o Wilbur Bish�p, mayor, stated that he was unaware o� the fact that low income housing was prajected in Tigard. o Howard Glazer, appli.�cant„ stated that if the praject is tabled it wil�. be killed because of a State Housing Division deadline �or project consideration during 1977. o Phillips moved and Nicoli seconded that the item be heard. The rnotion failed in a 3 to 4 .roll call vote with Wood, Sakata, Goldbach, Moc�re dissenting. Moor� moved and. Sakata seconded to table the item until the next meeting so that notice �o nsw property owners and residents could be �iven. The motion was approved by a 4 to 3 r.oll call. vote with Nicol.i, Teped�na ancl Phillips aissenting. ; � 5.3 LONE C��ANGE ZC 18-76 (Black Bull Enterpris�s) NPO Vl'I , , A xequest by Dale Johnson to �.pply R-7 (Single Family ` Residential) zoning in place of RS-1 (one acre Washington ' County ��ning) no.rth o� North Dak�ta StreEt . (W�.sh. Ca . 1^ax Map 1S7_ 34.AD, Tax Lot 100) . � � � A. Staf f Repox°t : Read by Dani.els. � � , F3. Applica.nt 's Present;ation; ; ; Dale Johnsan, applicant, stated �' «� - that they intencied to dedicate the fl�od plain , �! as CitY gre�nway, � � - tha�t S .W . North Dakota i� substandard but this � is norma�. fnr rn�,ny of the streets in Tigard and } should �ot hamper t1�e development . � � C. Public Testimon �� Y• fi o Mrs . Carnihan stated tha.t s�wer had been recez��tly put in �,nd thi,s accouz�ted far �i .W. North Dakota's �� poo� c�ndition . ti � o Mr, Bishop questioned why only half the tax lot �! �.�� � � � � � � � � was ann�exed��- t� the City. �� �� � � i' o Johnson res�onded that the development cor�pany � � � r�o _ �: , � . _ .._ , . . _ - � p � MINUTFS �� ��.,: � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � Janu:ary 18, 1977 � Page 4 �! ;i �f ��i ���� � was only interested in part of th�e paxcel . ���; ,,. �> ', D. Staff Recommenclation : 4; �` Staf� recomrnended that either the proposal be : s i` 1 . denisd based aii the fact that due to the condi- i'� tion of S .W. Noxth Dakota Street the timing �; was incorrect 2, appr��ral with the condition that S .W. Nor�th F Dakota be improved. o Johnson stated that it would be diffi.cult to �" ini�iate a L. I .D. because o.f jurisdi�t:ion.al prc�blems . '� ;, E . Commi�sion Discussion: o Bill Robinsan stated 1;hat the street wa� sold to U.S .A. with the r�ondition that the street be dedicated. i n Wood moved and Nicoli. seconded that the propo�al ,'; be approved without the st�.ff c�,ndition based on ; ��,,,�� the �ollowing firldin�s : b� �,� , . u, " ' 1 . the property was not continguous to S .W. v' ; North Dakota Stre�t . ;�! �;. � 2 . Flanning Commissi.on should not irnpose an � undue burden on the develo�er. � 3. Attachin� staff condition would in essenc.e , deny �the �:r�o j ect . ; 4 . Staff finding #4 should be eliminated. � '� �� r � o Sakata stated her oppositic�n to the motion because 'j ' of the incr�ased traffic burden on S .th'. Noxtk� Dakc�ta. ',� o Moox^e stated that the burden lies with the taxp:ayer ' { and the City , '; � ;:' � o Woad stated there were only two choice� -- a1.1ow the development or impose a building moratorium `;` in this ar�ea. ,;�I The mc�tion was approved by voice vot� 7 to one wi�h `•.! , Sakata. di�senting. a `i ` �' Note: C�mmissioner Moore excused himself f.rom the meeting, z��, � 6. SUBUIVISION: None �'J A.`� ��� �a� � ,,. _ „ __ .._�., . � a � MINUTES �: �.N: TI('s,ARD PLANNING COMII�ISSION January 18, 1977 Page 5 �" 7 . OTHER BUSINESS : 7.1 Westerxi B�undary Issue a Daniels presented a memo and map on the subject . o Bruee Clark, City Administ�ator, asked that Planning Commission evaluate the proj.ect county standards vs . city standards as they relate to the NPO III , o �aka�ta stated that city standards must be requix�ed rather than the lesser standards of the county, o Staff recommended that if sewer is extended the developer cou.ld si.gn an annexation non-remonstrance agreement. o Nicoli stated tha� street lights should no�; be required when people are trying tc, achieve a ruxal atmosphere� o Teped.ino stated that the clevelopme�t shoulci be built to City standards .rather than aaciing costl,y improve- ments later at taxpayer 's expense. �� o Phi.11ips stated that the C�,ty sYzould fully serv�.c� the �� , axeas in the city first before cansiderin� new areas. o Bishop stated that the city should ha.ve control over these d�veloping areas projected to be within aur boui7daries. o Staff presented the following recommendations : A� conditions f�r extension of sewer ].ines; 1 . a non-remonstrance agre�ment on annexation be signed.. 2 . The d�vel�pment conf.orm to NPO III . 3. The city d�velop rur�,l subclivision standards. 4 . Western bounda•ry issue be delayed until: the L,C.D.C. program far urban growth boundaries ! is determined. o Phillips moved and Nicoli second�d to approve the sewer extension with staff conditions. ' The motion was approved }ay tinanimaus voice vot�, '�.2 Staff presented a mema an Wayside Inn and read twe� letters ' date,d NovPmber 24 and Ja,nuary 17 �rom Sina Company in ' regard to access . � — -- -- � --- , � , A MINUTES '�,- tt�,��` TIGARU PLANNIl�I'G CQMMTSSION :January 18, 1977 �age 6 �; �° �. o Phil].ips stated that Simco and Mr. Lee should be inforrned in writi:ng that the access onto S .W. Pacific Highway is secondary and not the primary '� , access . o McDonald, project manager, stated that with th� new lette:r he did not wish to re-o�en the matter. o Tepedino a;sked that staf� prepare a letter on the matter for tYie Ghairrraan's signature. 7, 3 Staff presented S.W. Pacific Highway frantage road � probelm for Planning Commi.ssion review. o T�iscussion on road alignments and improvements . o Mr . Bishop stated that sta�f ' s �ropos�:1 would create a T street , that all interested partzes were not involved, and asked that an �ngineer.ing report be don�. o Tepedi.no askeci that the devel�per supply sozne o�ttier alternatives .for the frontage road. �� The Cc�mmissianers agreed with �this proposa]_ . 8. ADJOU�tNMENT: There bein� no other busine�s the meeting was adjourned at 11. : 30 . �; �� , � , " - . . , , , . . .... , .. _ .., �. ��,. NOTICE QF PUBLIC HEARINGS ��. TTGARD PLANNING COMMISSTON January 18, 1977 -- 7: 30 P.M. Twalit� Junior High School - Lecture Room 14650 S .W. 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oreg�n 5. P:UBLIC HEARINGS : 5, 1 ZONE CHANGE ZC 10-76 (Kutsch) NFO III � � ;,� A request by Kutsch Enterprises, Inc . for a �eneral plan ' and prc�gram review of a 122 unit residential planned � develo�ment a.n a R-1'b (Single Family) on S .W. ll5th 'j � � Avenue south of S.W. Ponner Street . (Wash. �o . Tax 1VIap ,} 2S1 3DB, T�,x Lot 200, 3Q0, & 400) . `� � 5.2 ZONE GHANGE ZC 1�-76 (Commonwealth/Glazer) NFO 'VII � .. � ' . �.�.�..k A r�quest by Howard L. Glazer for a prelimi,nary plan � and program review of a 6-quad (24 unit) resident:ial ; �amily units in an R-7 zone (Single Family) at S .W. � 121st south of Springwood Drive. (Wash . Ca . Tax Map �. 1S1 34B, Tax Lat 500) , , � �� �� ��'' 5. 3 ZO�TE CHANCTE LC 18-7G (Black Bull Enterprises) NPO VII A xequest by Dal� Johnson i;o apply R-7 (Single Famal.y Residential) zoning in �lace o� RS-1 (1 acre Washington �: �ounty zoning) north of North Dakata Stxeet . (Wash. �o . `� Tax Map 1S1 34AD, Tax Lot 100) . ';, � ��+� . �;I ;:;� r� Al1 persons having az�. interest in any of the hearing matters are r� inaited �tn appear and submit oral and written testimony or submit � written. testimony in advance of the mee'ting. � _ �� { ;. (Publ.ish in TT 1-6-7? and 1-13=77) � ,; ; � � _ Y . .. . . . . .. . , . . . . . . . � .�.r.. . . . . .. . . � - . . . . . . � . .. . ��.�t� . . . . . � � � . � . . . . . �� .. � .. . ��� .. :...:S. . . . . � . .. : . .. . � .. � - . �. ...'F � . . � . � . � . . � � � ��, t 1 � � y � � , N� : , - , . ., ..: . . ... ............,. .v.. �- _,_ __ / , � `- �w � MEMOR�iNDUM T0; Planning Commission I+'ROM: Planning Sta�f I 3 DATE : Jaizuary 14, 1977 ; F � { Agenda item 5.1 , CU 34-76, was heard by the Planna_ng Con�rnissi:on � on December 21, 1976 . At the applicantys requ�st Planriing Commission ;'; tabled the i�em to allow the applicant more ti.m� to prepara his case . ;; ji ti �� � �.. Cs� 2� �� f'' �� . � . � . � , � � � . � � � ' � .r�-� i .. . � . . �x��, � � . . � . . . , .. . � . .. . �: . i, � , . . . . . � ... .. � . . . � }:�: � . . . . . . . . �. . . �� . � . � . �"� . .. . . .. � � . � . . � � � . . . .. � . � � � � . . i'.. . . . � . � . . . � � . . . � �.�:; . . . . . . .. . . . . . r.,. , - . . . . . . � . . .. . � � .��:� . .. . � . . � _� . . .. . � �"� . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ;,,;I ' � . . � . : . � . � . . � , �� � . . . . �,t:� . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .. � � ,;� .. � � . . � � . � . � � . � . . . � . . � �y � .. � . . . . � " � . .. � � . . . .�.� . �`�� . , . � . . ' . . � . . �.���.�I � . . . . . . . ... .. . . . � ... � .. . . � � . � G'�;( . . .. .. . . . .�{.� . � .. . � � . . . . . � . . - . . .�1'�: ���: ..� � � . . ��"�, .�... . . ,. . .. . �... .. ,,i . . �� �. � � , � I� �t�� � �d i`^, . . . . . ..:�:� .�.IY , .� ., ;. :. ., .�, . . '. , ..�,. ..I � . . �� .. . : . . . . � � .. ...�. :..�. __ .. '- " . ��.', .; :'.'. ., ....:,. _ _ _ _ , , 1 . r _ �� ��.�_, STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.2 � TIGA�tU PLANNI�IG COMMISSION ;�' DE�CEMBER 21, 1976 - 7:30 P.M. TWALITY JUNIOR HIGH - LECTURE ROOM 14650 S.W. 97TH AVENUE, TIGARD, OREGON DOCKET: Conditional Use - CU 34-76 REQUEST: A request by Bill Manning for a conditional vse permit to allow autside stoxage in a C-4 (Neighborhood CommPrczal) zone at 14030 SW Pacific Highway. (Union 76 Station, Wash. Co. Tax rlap 2S1 10A, Tax Lot 201). I. BASIC FACTS: 1. In all commercial zones, any business, service, processing or starage not conducted entirely wxthin an enciosed builcling requires • a conditional use permit. 2. The subject property i� zoned C-4, Neighborhood Comtnercial, � and a service station is a conditional use, provided that only incidental repairing of sutomobiles is involved. 3. The ahutting property to the south is having a professional office building constructed on it, to the east is a 1-3.1 skore and across McDonald Street an Exxon Station. �� II. FIiVDINGS: 1. �'he Tigax'd Community Plan makes the follc�wiug policy statement relative to highway commexcial developmant; "establish high design standards for signing and appearance including the landscaping of setba�k areas and the designation of access points." (p. 27) 2. StaFf interpretes the aesthetic objectives of tl-ie Community PLan to be a discouragement to the outdoor display of materials which most appropriately should be displayed indoQrs. For exarnple suto accessories, apgliances and sporting gocads as �pposed to automobiles, trailers and nursery stock. 3. The outdoor display of tires appears to be e form of adver�a.sing (such as a sign) rr�ther than an attempt to make a prodv�t visiblP. Actually all tires look alike anyway, especislly when vie�taed from ! a 45 MPH highway. The intent th�refore is to make the public awar� that � tires are sold on .the premises rather than make each and every tire available for view. In fact, it is interesting that tire stor�s which make this product their sol.e business seldom have outdoor displays. 4. Past F'lanning Commission decisions regazding outdoor storage indicate a policy of requiring screening or landscaping of storage areas, when they are found to be an essential aspect of a busa.ness. 5. The applicant claims thaC his tires wf11 not fit into his shog � ares. However, tires can be stored in racks above the working level of the shop area (as many stations do) accessible for sale to customexs. _ _ :. ., ,. , ,.... . . _ _ _'� . � . PAGE 2 �x. �._: AGENDA 5.2 S'PAFF REPORT DECEMBER 21, 1976 ���,_ 6. The neighborhoacl prnperty oc�mer to the south has contacted the City and voiced objection to the request. III. RECOMMENDATION: ' To be advised. �,�` . I I • I , i i ; � �` � _ _ _ , � �`�.. � � . I STAFF R�FORT AGENDA 5 .2 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � �' January 18, 1977 - 7 :30 P.M. �`' Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room 14650 S .W. 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oregon DOCKET: ZC 14--?6 (Commonwealth/Glazer) REQUEST: Preliminary review of a 24 unit Planned Residential Dev�lopment . LOCATION: S .W. 121�t Av�nue, south of S.W. Springwood Avenue APpLICANT: Comnnonwealth Properties/Howar.d Glazer I . BASIC FACTS : 1 . The site is designated "Urba,n Low Den�ity ResidEntial'' on the Ti�ard Community Pl.an anc� zoned "�ubur'ban Ftesi•- dential" (Wash . Co . Tax Map 1S1 34B, Tax Lot 500) . I I . �'INDINGS : 1 e �'he applicant i,s requesi;ing a 24 unit pl.anned residential develapment ori 2 . 755 acres par.ce1. . � 2. 'rhe site was annexed to the Cit;y in 1970 (Qrdiriznce #70-8) but City zoning was never applied. A C-�, Neigrib�rhood Commercial Planned Devel.opment has bPen appro�ec� for the 3 acre parcel to the north. 3. The site is relatively .fla.t with surrQUndin� 1.anc� uses � af �.-7 planned cleveZopment (Englewoad) , C-4 and county : z�ning R-S-1 (]. acre ma.nimum) on the recently annex�d parcel west o:f the site. ' s'' 4 . Section 18.56 .070 sta.tes th�t planned d�ve7.opme.nt di.stricts should b� no less than 4 ac�es unless the site is suitable by v�.rtue of. its unique character, topo�raphy, or land- ,� scaping featuxes, or by vixtue �f its qu�,lifying as an ,;� i,solated problem area. ,� The site is less than i;he minimum �our acres rzquirQCi t but the unique characteristics o� the site are a develop-- " ing shnpping c:enter on the north, abutting a collec;tor ;� street and across the stx��et from a church. The surround-- �;3 ing land uses atid the f,act that it is Y�oundPd on fotzr �� sides by streets create problems �or the development of this parcel . ;�I 5. The applicant proposes a density of eight units/acre, The Tigard Corr�munity Plan specifies an average density t, o� four units/acre . In the past the Planning Commission ";� h:as interpreted the density limitation to a11ow some i:? du�lexes intersper,sed t:hrougY�out the lot� density a,reas ;,`� when abutting cr�llector and a;rterial strPets. Accepting '%: � � � ���,. ,.;. �: {:;; '� � , �__ . � ;�u_: _._.� - —_____�_ I � _ _ . _ ';I� � , � . � . STAFF REkORT �.. . �;�,,..' yI AGENDA 5 .2 �I TIGARI] PLANNZNG COMMISSION January ].8, 1977 �I � P�ge 2 l E � the fact that the location qualifies this property �or � duplex density of one duplex per 10,000 square foot 1ot, � 12 duplexes or 24 to�tal units cauld be constructed wi.i;h � an approved conditional use permit . Using the density computation in the Tigard Municipal Code for a planned � development this site could su�port a maximum of 25 � dwelling units. The applicaaits rec�uest for 24 units is therefore iri conformance with the density st�,ndards ( of the Tigard Municipal Code, provideci the Planning � Cammission is able to find tha,t this site ir appropriate�� {: situated for duplex densities. � G 6. 'I'he construction of 2� units of law income housing units � satisfies approximately half of trie first year commitment � �Lhe Ci.ty �i� Tigard hau made under th�; FedEral Housin� c Asszs�aa�ce Program. 3 . � , 7. S.W. Springwood Drive is �ul1y improved. S.W. 121st is i.n a substandard condition and S .W. 1"�2nd is roughly �� more than a gravel path which is bei.ng conte►nplate�d f.ox° � vacatican . The gen�ral plan shoul.d include provisions for � th�se improvemeni:s. ; 'a �,_ 8. The site plan integrates a small play area, clusterecl uni.ts and a useable open. space play area. Minor changes which might improve the site plan are 1 . �he addition of landscaping islands in the parking 1nt. � B. Additional landscaping �.long i;he west and � soi�th perimeter a TII . ST�iFF RECOMMENDATTON: � s � �'o be advisec�. " . � ! ' i e � . � . � . . .. . . � f � � �. � . . . � . .�� � � � .� ' � . , . . ' . 't � . . .. . . . . . .. f . + . � . � � . . �. � .. i � .. . . . . . . � .. . . . � . � . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . � � , .. � . ' . . . . , . .. . � . .. � . �. . �.� .. � . + � . . . . � . . . . � � .. � � . .. � . . ' 'I . . . . . . . . . . . ' I . . .' � . . . � . . . .. , . . .. , � , . . .. . . � ... . � .� I � . . . . � � � . �.1 . .. . . . . . . . ... � ... . . .. . .. . .. .. � .. . ..� .f . . . . . � . � . . � � � . . � � � . � � ��) . . ... .� ' . . � .. ,... -�.. , . .,.. .. . .... . � . . .�.. . .. . . ... . . ::.. �. . '��C , . �� .,....,, ..,.,. , . -.. . . . . . . . ' .. . . . . .. . ... . . . „,_ � �, ° - STAFF R�PORT AGEi�TU� 5.3 TIGARD PLANNING GUMMTSSION �`� Jan•uary 18, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Twality Junior High Sck�ool -- Lecture Room 1�650 S .W. 97th Ave�tue - Tigard, Oregon DUCKET: ZC 18-7Fi (Black Bull Enterprise�) REQi7EST: To amend Title 18 (zoning) of t�ie Tigard Municipal Code to apply City of Tigard "R-7, Single Family Res:ider�tial” zoning to a recently annexed 1.2 acre parcel . LOCATIUN: S .W. North Dakota Street, west of the Sou�tYiern Pacific railroad tracks . (Wash . C� . Tax rda.p 1S1 34AD, Ta� Lot 100) . APPLICA:NT: Blacl� Bu11 Fnterprise�/Dale Johnson I . BASIC FA�TS: l . '�he si.te is dPSignated "Urban Low Density Residential" and �oned Washington County "Suburban Residential" . ', 2. The parcel has be�n appravec�. for annexation to the City o:f Tigard by th.e Portland Metrapolitan Area Local Govern- fi�,� ment Boundary Commission throu�h final order on 1/12/77. '��> 3. Pcalic5� #3 0� the UY•ban Low Density Residential section ; of i:he Tigard Comprehensive Pl�.n �tates "Development will coinci.d� �Nith the provisian o:T puk�l�c streets, �va�ter and �ewerage ta�ilities . These facilitie� shall be (a) ca�able o.f adec�uately ser�ing a.11 intervening properties as we11 as the �ropc�s�d development, �.nd (b) desi�ned to m,eet City or county standards . II . FINll1NG�: 1 . The applicant is reque�ting th� application of Cit� R-7 zoning �;o a recentlq anne�ed 7.2 acre parcEl. 2. The site is presentZy vacant farmland wa.th very l.arge rural sized Iots surrounding it except for the aba.ndoned s�wa�e treatment plant �to the west . Tn� pxoperty is continguous a� the northwest corner �vith the greenway portion o� the Englewood Plann�a llevelapment. I 3. Fanno Craek meanders throtx�h the nor.thern portion of the site . The Tigard flood plain ordinance establist�es the 100 year f1�od plain elevation at about 163-165 ' which involves abo-ut onE �ou.rth of the site . This portioi3 of the site is included in th� City's Greeriway System a� ; pro�rosed in the Tigard Comprehensive Plan , - 4. Water and sewer facilities are available to Facilitate the approximately 36 sing�.e family residences whi.ch would be p�rmitted. � ' ; , `�,.. �..: ° . STAF'F REPORT � AGENDA 5 .3 TIGARD �LANNING COMMISSIUN � January 18, 1977 Page 2 5. An existing private paved street exists fox access from S .W. North Dakota S�reet to the adjacent sewage treat- ment pl�.nt . Evidence has been submitted as part of this application which proposes dedication af the s�treet to assure a�cess to the site in qu�stiun . Without dEdi.ca- tion and continuance of the street the parcel does not have access as required by Section 18.64 .020 of the Tigarcl Mtznicipal C�de. 6. S.W. North Dakota Street is in a s�verely s�Xbstandard condition with no shoulders and numexous rtrts and p�tholes . It lacks curbs, gutters, sidewalks pavi.ng wiath as re-- quired by the Tigard 11�unicipal Code . The eastern terminus o� S .W. North Dakotas sl;ree� is acr.oss a un�ignalized rai�.r�ad crossing anto a somewhat congested intersection with S ,W. Gxeenk�urg Itoad. The intersPCtian is pro�osed for improvement ir� the N.P. II . ?. The applicaiit has stated a public rreed for rnore single fami.ly zaning iiz Tigarci. This general area ol S .W. North Dakota is an appropriate .place :Lor additional urban � density r�siden�;ial zoning due to �;he availabilitq o.f. � �� adec�uate water a,nd sew�r facilitiPS but street problems exist . Development of this site a.s a much more fa,vorable location than one which would cause the extensie�n of public servic.es. 8 . The proposal far R-7 zaning (7500 sc�. ft . lots) complies �,, with the faur dwelling uni�ts/acre ,maximum density as � sta�:ed iz� the 7'igard Comprehensive Plan . �; I I I . CONCLUSI{JNAR'Y FINDINGS : �; ;; 1 . This site is appro�rzate for development a.t urban densities when a fu11 array of public facilities are available. � 2. Tn filling of parcels which h,av� been leap-frogged for parcels �farther out is to be en�c�uraged and n�cessary �� f�r the economical and eFficient delivery of p�ublic � services and :fdcili-t:ies , � 3 . The a�plicant has est�;b]:ished a public need �or more =? residentia2ly zoned property. �'j 4 . Until S.W. North Dakota Street is impr�ved ta City �� standards with innprovernent of the railroad crossing and the S .W, Gr.eenburg Road-S .W. Tigard Stree�t i�ter.- '� section development of �arcels a1�ng S .W. North Dakota � � S�reet i�s� premature. � � � � � � � � � '��� ,.. TV. ST�1FF RECOMMENDATTONS � 4,� . . .. . . . . . - . rr_ To be adviseci. 1: �,._ r:;t k4. �. . �`s, �. ��.,. ,,, MEMORANDUM ��.. �O; Planning Commission FROM: Planning Staff DATE: January 14, 1977 SUBJECT: �Uayside Inn Regarding the memo from your fellow Planning Commissioner Bill Galdbach about a pas�ible misrepresentation of facts before the Commission in consideririg the conditional use permi�t fo.r the four story motel. at S .W. 69th Avenue and S .W, Pacific Highway, staff has consulted the City Attorney. His advice that if you are concerned that a ma.srepresenta.tion �ccurred or confusing t�stimony was cans?dered an opportunity for Mr. Lee to responc� i to your questions could be provided at your next zneeting. �� i