Planning Commission Packet - 11/02/1976 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. { t � r AGENDA TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION November 2, 1976 - 7: 30 P.M. Twality Junior High School -- Lecture Room 14650 S .W. 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oregon 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 2 . ROLL CALL: 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 4 . COMMUNICATIONS : 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 CONDITIONAL USE CU 28-76 (Tigard Music) A request by William Royse to locate a music store in a C-3 zone (general commercial) at 238 Tigard Plaza. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 35DD, Tax Lot 3301) . 5 .2 VARIANCE V-10-76 (Spiegel) A request by Stephen W. Spiegel for a variance to 18.64 .040 (D) - curb cut distance to an intersection at 11505 S.W. Terrace Trails Dr. (Wash. Co . Tax Map 2S1 3CA, Tax Lot 2900) . 6 . SUBDIVISION: None 7. MISCELLANEOUS: 7.1 SIGN CODE APPEAL 9-76 (Scott ' s Mountainsports) Request by Scott Shepperd for a variance to the sign code section 16.40.040 (h) prohibiting temporary signs at 106 Tigard Plaza. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 35DD, Tax Lot 3301) . 7.2 SIGN CODE REVISIONS SCR 5-76 Amend the City Sign Code section 16. 36 .040 ( 3-9) . Free-standing signs . 8. OTHER BUSINESS : 9. ADJOURNMENT: MINUTES Tigard Planning Commission November 2, 1976 - 7: 30 P.M. 14650 SW 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oregon Mt 1 . CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 by Vice Chairman Tepedino . 2. ROLL CALL: Present : Goldbach, Moore, Phillips, Wood, Sakata, Tepedino. Excused Absence: Krause, Popp Absent : Nicoli 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES : Minutes of 10-19-76 were approved as read. 4. COMMUNICATIONS : Staff introduced Marcus Wood, newly appointed Commissioner to fill the remainder of the term of resigned Commissioner Herman Porter. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS : 5.1 CONDITIONAL USE CU 28-76 (Tigard Music) A request by William Royse to locate a music store in a C-3 zone (general commercial) at 238 Tigard Plaza. (Wash. Co . Tax Map 1S1 35DD, Tax Lot 3301) . � }qA. Staff Report : Read by Daniels. B. Applicant ' s Presentation : William Royse, applicant, informed the Commission that no records or stereo equipment would be sold, but private lessons for band instruments would be given during store hours. The applicant also stated he had taken over Tammies Toyland signing and could foresee no future signing needs . C. Public Testimony : None D. Staff Recommendations : Staff recommends approval as submitted. E . Commission Discussion : o Sakata asked if the lessons would disturb the other tenants . o Royse stated that the lessons will be given in the back area of the store and would not disturb adjacent , I tenants. Phillips moved and Sakata seconded to approve, the proposal as submitted. The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote . • MINUTES r.. .Tigard Planning Commission November 2, 1976 Page 2 5.2 VARIANCE V-10-76 (Spiegel) A request by Stephen W. Spiegel for a variance to 18.64 .040 (D) - curb cut distance to an intersection at 11505 SW Terrace Trails Dr. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 3CA, Tax Lot 2900) . A. Staff Report : Read by Daniels. Staff corrected #6 stating that he was not positive about the date and that Mr. Brien not Mr. Walden visited the site. Jim Brien related history of the plans - stated that an older person or larger car would have trouble maneuvering if the driveway was put in according to code, but it was not impossible to use the driveway without the variance . Vice Chairman Tepedino brought it to the attention of the meeting that Commissoner Nicoll had joined the meeting. B. Applicant 's Presentation: Stephen W. Spiegel, applicant, presented drawing to . Planning Commisson showing the proposed curb cut and stated that the driveway, according to code would cause fl an undue hardship. o Moore expressed concern about the position of the driveway in relationship to the fire hydrant . o Brien stated that Terrace Trails was a cul-de-sac with possibly 20 to 30 houses. C. Public Testimony: None ;J D. Staff Recommendation : Staff presented the recommendation of building official Ed Walden . o Wood asked if entire 10 ' reduction was needed. o Brien stated that it would be reasonable. E . Commission Discussion: o Spiegel informed the Commission that driveway would be 3 ' west of the east corner of the house, r' o Phillips suggested that the driveway be no closer than 5 ' to the hydrant. At the Commission 's request staff presented the following finding: MINUTES Tigard Planning Commission 'November 2, 1976 Page 3 1 . An exceptional condition existed since it is a corner lot . 2. The City staff failed to interpret the code correctly prior to issuing the necessary permit . 3. The variance would probably not prove detrimental or injurious to the intent of the code. 4. The 10 ' variance is the minimum necessary to relieve the hardship. Phillips moved and Goldbach seconded to adopt the findings. The motion was approved 6 to 1 - Wood dissenting. 6. SUBDIVISION: None 7. MISCELLANEOUS : 7. 1 SIGN CODE APPEAL 9-76 (Scott ' s Mountainsports) Request by Scott Shepperd for a variance to the sign code section 16.40 .040 (h) prohibiting temporary signs at 106 Tigard Plaza. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 35DD, Tax Lot 3301) . A. Staff Report : Read by Daniels. B. Applicant 's Presentation : Scott Shepperd, applicant, stated the need for identifica- tion <` along Pacific for at least 45 days and that 55-65% of his customers became aware of his business because of the signs. C. Public Testimony: None D. Staff Recommendations : Denial of the request based on non-conformance with the Neighborhood Plan II but recommending the sign be attached to the existing free-standing sign identifying the sign . o Shepperd stated that Safeway would not allow him to place his sign on the free-standing sign. E. Commission Discussion : o Sakata stated that the sign was a traffic hazard because it was not easily readable. x; o Moore asked that the applicant try to negotiate with Safeway. s MINUTES Tigard Planning Commission November 2, 1976 Page 4 Nicoll moved and Goldbach seconded that the proposal be tabled until the November 16th meeting to allow the applicant to negotiate the location of the sign with staff. In the meantime one sign on Hall Blvd. and one on Pacific Highway off the sidewalk would be permitted. The motion was approved by unanimous voice vote . 7.2 SIGN CODE REVISIONS SCR 5-76 Amend the City Sign Code Section 16 . 36.040 ( 3-9) . Free- standing signs. A. Staff Report: Read by Daniels. Staff informed the Commission that notice had been published twice in the Tigard Times, that notice of the study session was published and agendas were sent a week in advance to 99 sign companies. B. Public Testimony: Staff presented written testimony from Mr. Jerry Scott of Sign Craft. Testimony consisted of a letter and a booklet with pictures. Testimony in favor: o Dick Kluempke a representative of Neighborhood Planning Organization (NPO) III asked that the goals of the Neighborhood Plan be incorporated into the new sign code to provide high quality design standards for signs. In Mr. Kluempkes opinion the adoption of the new sign code would be a step forward to improving Pacific Highway . o Florence Heim, NPO IV, seconded Kluernpke's recommenda- tion and further stated the need for a complete reform of signs. o Jan Choruby expressed concern about the sign problem on Pacific Highway and suggested that some type of design control would be appropriate. Opposition : o Larry Azeltine, representing Oregon Electric Sign Association, stated that a sign should be strictly between the sign company and the business. He asked that Design Review Board not be allowed to review IC signs since the Board does not always understand the economics of business. ~ MINUTES Tigard Planning Commission ,.. November 2, 1976 Page 5 # Ilk o Azeltine also informed the Commission that Oregon Electric Sign Association is currently suing the City of Gresham for allowing their Design Review s, Board to review signs. o Phillips objected to the threat of lawsuit if the Commission acts affirmatively . o Leonard Reinecke, representing Ramsay Sign Company and Oregon Electric Sign Association stated it would not be a workable solution for Design Review Board to govern signs since aesthetics could not be legislated. o Bob Pershing, Oregon Sign Company, seconded Mr. Reinecke 's statement and informed the Commission that the sign industry could be trusted to do the best job possible . o Staff read Jerry Scott ' s written submission , the main point presented in the letter was a request that the sign code should include stricter aesthetic control . C. Staff Recommendations : ,if Staff recommends that Section 16 . 36 .040 (3-7) be F deleted and that the following language be inserted in ,i its place : kl "(3) One multi-faced free-standing sign identifying the principal goods, products, facilities or services avail- able on the premises shall be permitted on a 'premises' . (4) Free standing signs shall not exceed the sizes set. forth in the following chart : Traffic # of lanes Height from ground Size allowable Speed at edge of pavement per sign face 55 mph 6 lanes 28 ft 175 square feet ■ 45 mph 6 lanes 24 ft 100 square feet 55 mph 4 lanes 26 ft 135 square feet 45 mph 4 lanes 22 ft 90 square feet 40 mph 4 lanes 20 ft 70 square feet 30 mph 4 lanes 18 ft 40 square feet 45 mph 2 lanes 20 ft 50 square feet 30 mph 2 lanes 16 ft 25 square feet 20 mph 2 lanes 14 ft 16 square feet 15 mph 2 lanes 12 ft 8 square feet ;' In Instances in which the premises fronts on more than one street, standards for the street toward which the sign is oriented shall be the controlling set . In the event the sign is oriented equally toward more than one street , the larger of the two or more maximum allowable sizes shall be permitted. ! ' MINUTES Tigard Planning Commission November 2, 1976 Page 6 (5) Every free standing sign shall include the street address of the property if the address is not readily visible from the street . (6) In the case of a 'shopping center ' or other pre- mises with more than one tenant, a single format shall be established and the sign shall include the name of the shopping center or complex, if it has a name, and the name of the shopping center or complex shall appear in print which is larger than the name of any tenant . (7) No free standing sign permitted pursuant to this section except theatre marquees shall include a sign of the type known as a "reader board" . For the pur- poses of this section a "reader board" is defined as a sign designed so as to permit the changing of the message of the sign regularly or frequently, as, for example, a sign made up of a blackboard, changeable paper faces or a rack designed to hold movable letters. 8 Permits for the construction or placing of free ( ) P g standing signs pursuant to this section shall be issued only after the following conditions have been met : a. The applicant shall submit both a plot plat and a scale drawing of the sign. The plot plat shall be made to scale and it shall indicate the location of all buildings, property lines, existing signs, streets, driveways and overhead power lines on the premises. In addition, the plot plans shall show the approximate location of neighboring signs and buildings within 100 feet on either side of the subject premises. The scale drawing of the sign shall show the sign dimensions, the colors, materials, construction, height above ground, and source and intensity of illumination. b . The application, including the information re- quired by paragraph a above, shall be submitted to the Design Review Board, which shall review the proposal . The Design Review Board shall determine whether the sign as proposed is acceptable given its impact on 1 . public safety, 2. the architectural compatibility of the elements of the sign one with another, 3. the compatibility of the sign to its surroundings , 4. its aesthetic qualities, 5. its consistency with the needs of the business or businesses to which it relates. (9) The position of the sign will be governed by the need to protect the visibility of adjacent signs within 100' on either side of the premise. (10) Each free standing sign shall be surrounded by an f area set aside to protect the sign from vehicles negotiat- ing in the parking area of the business to which the sign L �' MINUTES .. »Tigard Planning Commission November 2, 1976 Page 7 relates, and the area so set aside shall be landscaped. The size and shape of the area set aside the - p d and tti_ land- scaping shall be represented in the plot plan required by this section, and shall be subject to the review and control of the Design Review Board. " Daniels informed the Commission that it has been the City' s policy to resolve the problems associated with Pacific Highway . Of the four affectors that set the tone for what occurs on the highway - speed, access points, land uses and signing - the City has control over two of them. In 1975 the City revised the C-3 zoning to more effectively control the land uses and now in 1976 the oversized and distracting signing should be corrected. Joe Bailey, City Attorney, asked that Planning Commission set a time limit on which non-conforming signs would have to come into conformance. D. Commission Discussion: o Tepedino stated that the Commission should take a stand based on the evidence presented at the meeting. o Moore asked that matter be tabled until Mr. Jerry Scott could appear in person with his recommendation. o Wood informed the Board that if a vote was taken tonight he would have to abstain since he was new to the Commission. o Sakata stated that more specific standards would hamper originality.o Tepedino stated that continued delay would prejudice the rights of concerned citizens and that adopting the new sign code would be an affirmative act in establishing better design standards. Goldbach moved and Sakata seconded to amend the sign code with the wording as submitted in the staff recommendations. The motion was approved with Phillips and Wood abstaining. i' 8. OTHER BUSINESS There being no other business the meeting was adjorned at 10:15. i'. rrr NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS IL Tigard Plannin g Commission November 2, 1976 - 7: 30 P.M. Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room 14650 S.W. 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oregon 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 CONDITIONAL USE CU 28-76 (Tigard Music) A request by William Royse to locate a music store in a C-3 zone (general commercial) at 238 Tigard Plaza. (Wash. Co . Tax Map 1S1 35DD, Tax Lot 3301) . 6 . SUBDIVISION: None !' 7. MISCELLANEOUS: 7.1 SIGN CODE APPEAL 9-76 (Scott 's Mountainsports) Request by Scott Sheppard for a variance to the sign code section 16 .40.040 (h) prohibiting temporary signs at 106 Tigard Plaza. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 ( 35DD, Tax Lot 3301) . R' 7.2 SIGN CODE REVISIONS SCR 5-76 Amend the City Sign Code section 16 . 36 .040 ( 3-9) Free-standing signs . All persons having an interest in any of the hearing matters are invited to appear and submit oral and written testimony or submit written testimony in advance of the meeting. • I. tpp: t P ILfr `i � I i STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5. 1 Tigard Planning Commission November 2, 1976 Twality Junior High School - L e cture Room 14650 SW 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oregon DOCKET: Conditional Use CU 28-76 REQUEST: To locate a. retail music store in a C-3, general commercial zone. LOCATION: 238 Tigard Shopping Plaze at Hall Blvd. SW Pacific Highway (Wash. Co . Tax Map 1S1 35DD, Tax Lot 3301) APPLICANT: William Ronald Royse I . Basic Facts : 1) The Neighborhood Plan II designates the site as "Retail. Commercial" and encourages retail commercial uses to locate in shopping centers so as to take advantage of common parking areas and to inhibit the further sprawl of business along S.W. Pacific Highway. 2) The site is zoned "C-3, General Commerciale' 3) Section 18 . 12. 030 of the Tigard Municipal Code allows the Planning Commission to permit a use not specifically listed among those permitted in a zone if the proposed use is "of the same general type and is similar to the allowed uses, " and not listed elsewhere in the code . 4) Section 18. 32.010 of the Tigard Municipal Code permits a "record store" in a C-4 Neighborhood Commercial Zone. Section 18 provides that any use listed in the C-4 Zone may be permitted in the C-3 Zone as a conditional use. II . Findings : 1) The applicant is requesting permission to locate a full service music store including the marketing of instruments, equipment and accessories in the Tigard Plaza Shopping Center. 2) The shopping center has as major tenants a major chain grocery store, drug store, discount department store, two restaurants , a tavern and numerous specialty shops . The shopping center is a two story structure fronting on three public streets with a fourth public street internal to it The lower floor is partially completed with only dirt floors t_ in most areas. :i • Page 2 ATAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.1 Tigard Planning Commission 3) The surrounding land use is residential to the West and service-professional to the South. 4) The proposed location is on the same level as the main parking lot (approximately 200 spaces) . 5) There are 19 music stores in the Washington County telephone book yellow pages, none of which has a Tigard address. 6) The Building Official has inspected the site and finds it in conformance with city life and safety codes. III Conclusionary Findings: 1) Music contributes to our society 's culture and is assisted by instruments and instructive equipment . There is a public need and benefit in having a music store retail ( outlet in the Tigard area. 2) The Tigard Plaza Shopping Center is a more favorable location than in a strip commercial fashion along SW Pacific Highway. This furthers the goals and policies of the Tigard Community Plan and Neighborhood Plans I , II & III . 3) A music store in the proposed location is compatable within the surrounding commerical uses. 4) Adequate parking is available and the existing traffic patterns are likely to remain the same with no adverse impacts anticipated as a result this proposal . 5) A "music store" is not listed as a permitted or conditional use in any zoning district in the Tigard Municipal Code, is 1 of the same general type and is similar to a record shop. 6) A music store in the proposed location should not place an undue burden on the existing public facilities and services. IV. Staff Recommendation: To be advised C?. I • STAFF REPORT 6'7 AGENDA 5 .2 \i,„ Tigard Planning Commission November 2, 1976 Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room DOCKET: Variance V 10-76 REQUEST: To reduce the requirement of Section 18.64.040 (d) of the Tigard Municipal Code from 30' to 23' the distance driveways must be from an intersecting street right-of-way. LOCATION: 11505 S .W. Terrace Trails Drive (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2513CA, Tax Lot 2900) . APPLICANT:Stephen W. Spiegel I . Basic Facts: 1 . The site and surrounding area is designated Urban Low Density on the Neighborhood Plan III and zoned "R. 10 Single Family Residential . " 2. Section 18.64 .040 of the Tigard Municipal Code (width and =' location of curb cuts) . states "No curb cuts shall be allowed within thirty feet of an intersecting street right-of-way, i 3. SW 115th Avenue and SW Terrace Trails Drive are designated local streets on the Neighborhood Plan III . '' 4. Section 18 .76.010 of the Tigard Municipal Code authorizes E' the Planning Commission to grant variances from Title 17 th a ng s g (zoning) and section 18. 76.020 states "No variance shall be granted by the Planning Commission unless it can be shown that all of the following conditions exist : "No variance shall be granted by the Planning Commission unless • it can be shown that all of the following conditions exist : 1) Exceptional or extraordinary conditions applying to the property that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone or vicinity, which condit- ions are a result of lot size or shape, topography, or other circumstances over which the applicant has no control ; 2) The variance is necessary for the preservation of a I. property right of the applicant substantially the same as is possessed by owners of other property in the same zone or vicinity: 3) The authorization of the variance shall not be materially r detrimental to the purposes of this title, be injurious to property in the zone or vicinity in which the property is located, or be otherwise detrimental to the ' objectives of any city development plan or policy; j? Page 2 STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5 .2 Tigard Planning Commission November 2, 1976 4) The variance requested is the minimum variance from the provisions and standards of this title which will alleviate the hardship." II . Findings: 1) The applicant is requesting to place the entrance point of a driveway for a single family dwelling approximately 23 ' from the intersection of two local residental street whereas the Tigard Municipal Code requires a 30 ' distance. 2) The site has been extensively graded transforming a gently sloping lot into a flat parcel . This cutting and filling has damaged the adjacent occupied lot by creating slumping situation where an approximate 3 ' change of grade has been created. 3) A building permit (0991 August 9, 1976) was issued by Ed Walden, Tigard Building Official, for Single Family Residence on this site based on a sketch site plan showing a garage on the East side. 4) The applicant poured foundation as close to the East property line as the code allows in an R-10 zone, and proceeded with construction in accordance with his building permit. 5) On October 7, 1976 Public Works inspector, Leonard Cook informed the applicant that any curb cut must be at least 30' from the intersection. 6) On October 11, 1976 Mr. Walden visited the site and has stated that in his opinion a curb cut 30' from the intersection does not prohibit the use of the garage and driveway. Although the driveway is not perpendicular from the street to the garage, two cars can negotiate the turning movements. 7) The intent of a 30 ' setback is for public safety and is necessary to isolate turning movements at the intersection from the turning and backout movements from a driveway. III . Conclusionary Findings: 1) Any hardship that the applicant claims to exist is a product of the applicants own creation. A . A house with • the driveway beyond the 30 ' setback could have been selected for this site. ‘ B. A poorly prepared plot plan showing the proposed location of the house was submitted with the request for Building Permit . a page 3 ° 2) The Building Official has stated that no hardship exists but rather it is a matter of convenience. IV. Staff Recommendations: To Be Advised • 1 • i Page 4 IV Staff Recommendations Staff Recommends denial based on the fact that no hardship exists as a result of lot size, shape or topography. • STAFF REPORT AGENDA 7. 1 Tigard Planning Commission November 2, 1976 Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room 14650 SW 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oregon DOCKET: Sign Code Appeal SCA 9-76 REQUEST: To permit two double faced 3' X 4 ' A-frame signs along SW Pacific Highway and a freestanding sign in the parking lot . Whereas both situations are prohibited by Title 16 (Signs) of the Tigard Municipal Code . LOCATION: Tigard Plaza Shopping Center as Pacific Highway and SW Hall Blvd. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 35DD Tax Lot 3301) . APPLICANT: Scott Shepperd dba Scotts Mountain Sports I Basic Facts : 1) The site is designated "Retail Commercial" on the Neighborhood Plan II and zoned "C-3, General Commercial" . 2) Section 16.08.130 of the Tigard Municipal Code defines a free-standing sign as "a sign erected and mounted on a free- standing frame, mast or pole and not attached to any building." 3) Section 16. 36.040 of the Tigard Municipal Code allows one free- standing sign/premise. 4) Section 16.40. 040 (h) prohibits incidental or temporary signs not permanently affixed to the ground. 5) Section 16 .34.020 of the Tigard Municipal Code authorizes the Planning Commission to grant variances from the provisions of the sign code based on findings that due to practical diff- iculties, undue hardships or inconsistencies with the objectives of the code, the strict or literal interpretation and enforce- ment of a specific requirement here under should be valved or modified. 6) The Neighborhood Plan II encourages high design standards for signing and appearance along Pacific Highway. ir 4; Page 2 STAFF REPORT AGENDA 7.1 Tigard Planning Commission November 2, 1976 II . Findings: 1) The applicant is requesting permission to leave two illegal temporary free-standing signs along Pacific Highway until such time as a new major sign is constructed. 2) The applicant is located on the lower shopping level fronting on SW 87th Avenue. 3) The primary tenant, Safeway, stated an intent to replace the existing free-standing sign when their remodeling was approved by Design Review Board in March 1976 . Any new sign could provide signing space for tenants. 4) The approval of this request would set precedent for similar requests of wishing additional exposure along SW Pacific Highway. 4 F. i ,. , Page 3 4,11 III Staff Recommendations: $ , Denial of the request based on nonconformance with the ,} Neighborhood Plan II but recommending the sign be attached to 4 ± the existing free-standing sign identifying the sign. t 't r T-f ft,,,,_ l' r M, t 1 P', xEN i,, Ii Y, } s ,:1 Sit i'.lt t: iii': , , STAFF REPORT Agenda 7.2 Tigard Planning Commission ( November 2, 1976 Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room 14650 SW 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oregon DOCKET: Sign Code Revision SCR 5-76 REQUEST: To amend the City Sign Code Section 16. 36 .040 3-7 APPLICANT: Planning Commission and Design Review Board BASIC FACTS : 1 . Tigard Community Plan, Neighborhood Plan I , Neighborhood Plan II , and Neighborhood Plan III state as a policy item that the City should "establish high design standards for signing and appearance. " It further states that policies should be reflected in the Tigard Municipal Code. 2 . 18.58.020. 3 Purpose of Design Review states as an objective to "Conserve the City's natural beauty and visual character and charm by insuring that structures, signs , and other improvements are properly related to their sites and. to surrounding sites and structures" ; 3. The sign code 16 . 36. 040 presently states "maximum height of any portion of a sign or sign structure shall be forty- five feet from ground level . " Sign area shall not exceed "seven hundred fifty square feet of sign area per sign face, or a total of one-thousand five-hundred square feet for all sign faces. " FINDINGS : 1 . The present sign code does not conform to the Tigard Community Plan, Neighborhood Plan I , Neighborhood Plan II , or Neighborhood Plan III nor Tigard Municipal Code Chapters 18.58 and 18. 59 (site development plan and architectural Design Review Board) . 2 . In order to comply with the Tigard Community Plan and Neighborhood Plans the City Sign Code should be amended to reflect the need of establishing high design standards for signing and appearance in order to protect the visual quality of the city . �. 3. The need of a business to identify their location should conform to the goals and obj ectives of the community. 4. The purpose of Design Review states that signs should be propertly related to their sites and surroundings. The sign code should be amended to reflect this purpose. 3 STAFF REPORT Agenda 7.2 Tigard Planning Commission November 2, 1976 Page 2 5. The public safety is greatly diminished by oversized and improper signs which compete for the drivers attention . Since over 36,000 vehicles per day use S .W. Pacific Highway it is important that signs be readable without being obtrusive . 6. The appearance of a street is greatly affected by the quality of the signing. As Pacific Highway continues to develop the clutter and confusion will increase. Since the value of property is affected by its surroundings, poor signing will tend to downgrade the City and depreciate land values . 7. The present code determines the area of the sign by the amount of frontage the business has . For instance, a premise which has 300' of frontage would be allowed a 350 square foot sign . The present code also allows frontages to be combined when calculating sign area. For example, the family drive-in has 120 ' of frontage on SW Pacific and 750 ' on 72nd Avenue. This allows a total sign area of 920 square feet . tilL 8. The present code determines sign height by the distance from the center line of the road to the sign . Depending on how the owner positions his sign, a sign up to 45' is allowable. 9. By allowing signs up to 45' high and 1,500 square feet, there is no way to ensure that signs will be compatible with their site or surroundings , that adjacent businesses will not be blocked from view, or that the community will be enhanced by their presence. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: To be advised. Ci STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Staff recommends that Section 16. 36.040 (3)-(7) be deleted and that the following language be inserted in its place: " (3) One multi-faced free standing sign identifying the principal goods, products, facilities or services available on the premises shall be permitted on a 'premises. " " (4) Free standing signs shall not exceed the sizes set forth in the following lowing chart s Traffic weed 55 mph 6 lanes 28 ft 175 sq ft 45 mph 6 lanes 24 ft 100 sq ft 55 mph 4 lanes 26 ft 135 sq ft 45 mph 4 lanes 22 ft 90 sq ft 40 mph 4 lanes 20 ft 70 sq ft 30 mph 4 Janes 18 ft 40 sq ft 45 mph 2 lanes 20 ft 50 sq ft 30 mph 2 lanes 16 ft 25 sq ft 20 mph 2 lanes 14 ft 16 sq ft 15 mph 2 lanes 12 ft 8 sq ft In instances in which the premises fronts on more than one street, standards for the street toward which the sign is oriented shall be the controlling set . In the event the sign is oriented equally toward more than one street, the larger of the two or more maximum allowable sizes shall be permitted . " (5) Every free standing sign shall include the street address of the property if the address is not readily visible from the street. "(6) In the case of a ' shopping center' or other premises with more than one tenant, a single format shall be established and the sign shall include the name of the shopping center or complex, if it has a name, and the name of the shopping center or complex shall appear in print which is larger than the name of any tenant. " `.7) No free standing sign permitted pursuant to this section except theatre marquees shall include a sign of the type known as a "reader board. " For the purposes of this section a "reader board" is defined as a sign designed so as to permit the changing of the message of the sii n regularly or frequently, as, for example, a sign made up of a blackboard, changeable paper faces or a rack designed to hold movable letters. dr Page 1 • p, +.. ms; '� (8) Permits for the construction or placing of free standing signs pursuant to this section shall be issued only after the t:r' following conditions have been met: a. The applicant shall submit both a plot plat and a scale drawing of the sign. The plot plat shall be made to scale and it shall indicate the location of all buildings, property lines, existing signs, streets, driveways and. overhead. power. lines on the premises. addition, the plot plans shall show the approximate location of neighboring signs and buildings within 100 feet on either side of the subject premises. The scale 1, drawing of the sign shall show the sign dimensions, the 1 colors, materials, construction, height above ground, and source and intensity of illumination. b. The application, including the information required by paragraph a above, shall be submitted to the design 0 review board, which shall review the proposal. The design review board shall determine whether the sign. as proposed is acceptable given its impact on 1. public safety, 2. the architectural compatibility of the elements of the sign, one with another, 3, the compatibility of the sign to its surroundings, 4. its aesthetic qualities, 5, its consistency with the needs of the business or businesses to y' which it relates. "(9) The position of the sign will be governed by the need 17 ( to protect the visibility of adjacent signs within 100 ' on either side of the premise. "0_0) Each free standing sign shall be surrounded by an area. set aside to protect the sign from vehicles negotiating in the parking area of the business to which the sign relates, and the area so set aside shall be landscaped. The size and shape of the 4< area set aside and the landscaping shall be represented in the plot plan required by this section, and shall be subject to the ,. review and control of the design review board. " 1+ page 2r �41