Planning Commission Packet - 07/20/1976 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. „ �.r (,,t,. .., � r .. AGENDA ��; �.e Tigard Planning Commission July 20, 1976 - 7: 30 P.M. Twality Juni_or High School - Lecture Room E' 1.4650 SW 97th Avenue, Tig�,rd, Oregon �` 1 . CAL.L TO ORD�R: 2. ROLL CALL: 3. APPROVAL OF NTINUTES: 4 . CQMMUNICATIONS : 5. PUBLIC HEARIIVGS : 5.1 ZONF CHANGE �C 8-76 (George Killian) A reques�t by Georg� Killian :for a preliminary plan ancl program review of a proposed industrial-commercial planned development in a M-3 zane (light industr:�al) at the in�ersec,tion of SW 72nd and Up�e.r Bepons� Ferry Road. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12D, Tax Lots �100, 2200, 2104 and 2103) . 5. 2, VAFtIANCE V-5-76 (Malin/DMV) A request by R. C. Malin for a variance to th� lot size requirements in a NI-4 �one ( Industrial Park) at 12985 �, S4i� Hall Blvd. (Wash. Ca. Tax ��ap 2S1 2DA, tax lot 2n0) . 5. 3 CONllITI0IIAL USE PEk�MIT CU 18-'76 (A4alin) �1 request �y R. C. Ma1in Company to locate a DepartmPnt of ��Iot�.r Vehicles builciing in a M-4 zon� ( Indu�tri�.1 Park) at 12985 S�V Hall Blvd.. (�'Vash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 l 7DA, Tax Lot 200) . :I I ,� 5�4 CONDITIONAL USE PFRMIT CU 19-76 (Seeber-W�,rehouse) ;, � A request by Victor P�I. Seeber to a7.low constructiorz of � an o.f:f:ice/warehouse in a M-4 zone ( Industrial Par.k) on � the corner of Grant Avenue and �Cigard Street . (Wash. Co. Tax Map �Sl 2BD, Tax Lot 800) . ,r � 5 , 5 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU 2Q-76 (Cain/Ed�vards) '' � A request by James Cain and E�iwards Tnc�ustries �to locate � dental o:�.f ice�s in a C-� zone (Neighborl7ood Commercial) at 14300-14302 S .W. I�acific Highway. (Wash. Co. Tax Map � 2S1 1qA, Tax Lots 501 and 400) . � 5, 6 'VARIANCE V-6-76 (Sabre Construction Gompany) � � � �, A request by Mike t�lcGee :�or a variance �to the stzbdivision � code �o.r sidewalks i.n a M-2 zone (General Indtzstrial) � on Se1N. Landmark Lane. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 l�A, Tax Lot; 600, 601, 604) . �' .� , , ... _�., , _. ._ ,._ �. . _ . _. ... ,.. ___� .. . . � ,N . ,.. ��.,; ��,. � � �" � & Agenda '.Pi�ard Planning Commission July 20, 1976 Page 2 } 6 . SUI3DIVISION: ��. 6 . 1 MINOR LAND PARTITIOIV MLP 5-76 (Edw�,rds/Cain) A request }�y James L. Cain to create a new tax lot in a C-4 zone (Neighborhood Commercial) on the east corner �'' E,I of 14300 & 14302 S.W. Pacific �Iwp. (Wash. Co . Tax Map 1r 2S1 10�, tax lots 400 � 501) . ,; ,. i; 7. OTHER 13USINESS : �; i 8 . ADJOURNtvI�,N'1': i' �;,_ I: �; !, ,: �: i ��: . �;�. j'. 1 Ei � �{: f f' ��: �� ��; �;, s: ''i; v �. v'' � r � � � r;w, :r� � �`�tr' �`h.. MTIJUTES Tigard Planning Commissi�n , �- July 20, 1976 - ?: 30 P.M. �,,, ^lwality Jtznior High School - Lecture Room ` 14650 S.W. 97th �venue - Ti�ard, Oregon ! � l . CALL TO ORDER; The meeting was called to order at 7:40 by Cahirman Popp. 2. ROLL CALL: Present : Popp, Porter, Sakata, Krause, Tepedino, � and Moore. � k Staff : Daniels, Edwai ds Excused Absence: Goldbach, Nicoli and Phillips ; 1 3. APPROVAL OF MINU'TES: Minutes af 7-C�-76 approved as subrnitted � I; 4. COMMUNICATIONS : None ;: ,: f� .a 5. PUBLIC IiEARINCTS '� ;, r,; i: 5. 1 ZUNE CHANG� ZC 3-7G (George Killian) '�` G� ,� r, A req�z�s�t by George Killian for a preliminary plan and �ro- �i gram review of a proposed industrial-commercial. planned developrn�nt in a. Nt-3 zone (ligh�; industrial) at the inter- �y sect ion o.f SW ?2nd ari� Up�Qr Boones Ferry Ro�,d. (Wash. Co . �� Tax Map 2S1 i2D, tax lats 2100, 2200, 2104 and 2].03) . A. Sta:�f Report : Read b,y Daniels ��: � Krause asked if NPQ 5 had seen the new ,plan. ,;. o Staff r�spondecl that NPO 5 has nc�t had a meeting � �i si.nce the new site plan �vas s�bmitted. r; . � � � �`; o Tepedino �.�ked that the stat�ment of the fire �: ae�artment cartcerning tlze adec�uency of the t�ater 5 �, supply be clarified. � (';', B. Applicant Pxesentation: Dave Soderstram, architect of #; Martin, Soderstrom and M�,ti;esaon Architects, stated that the sta:Pf report was �ccepta,bl.e except for the land- �- �: scaping along the proposed new alignment on the naxth �; side o� the pro�erty and gave ths commission a verbal �" presentation of the pr�ject . � ��� �, �� o Sta�f explained right o� w�;y situation. �, �, (;: C. Pub1 ie 'I'est imony; ' � � � ���t o Clzairman of NPU 5 spoke 'in �avor of �he proposal . �,' �� � ��r;. D. Staff Recommendation ; ��; � Staff recommends approval with the �ollowin� condita.ans: �` ; ... �. � . .. . _ . . � . . � .. � . .. . . . :. � i:::.�, ��;�.�. . .,-d .: . .�:: :. �. ,,.:.. . . ..... . ....:� . � ' �'� �� �� , , � U.y ��� t � E .... . �... .�. ,.�, ._..._ .. . .�,,,,, e ....�._ , .. .....,.� ,. ...., _ ,u.�,._... . ,...... ._._....., 1.. .. ...........A.., �. .. ...�.,..�,-,..... __.�...... .e...t....,_,_�,1... v ��# � �,: � : Page 2 P C Minutes July 20, 1976 �4' 1 . Additional landscaping be consiciered in d�velopment of the general plan and progr.am. 2 . The site be annexed to and served by the Tigard WatPr District. 3. The northern access be eliminated onto SW 72nd. 4 . No access from this site onto SW Dur.ham (realigned) be submitted for Planning Commissi�n approval . 5 . Landscape buffer on the perimeter of the site be provided. CROSS EXAMINATION: c� Porter �.sked why a dedicatir�n was not recomme�i.ded. o Staff replied that this would be handled in the geileral plan:. . o Moore asked if the applicant had k�een aw�,re of the 90 ' ri.ght of ��ay. o Staff replied that the applicant was awar.e o;£ the �,'- proposed concept . '' E. Rebuttal : i� o Walter Durham - Lake Oswe�o Plarrnin� Commissi:on Task Offic� asked staff to clarify the water system net- work for the arPa. ` F. Commission Discussion a,nd Action o n:.rause q.�uestioned the number ot ac�ces� and e�ress point.s .for a busy corner. � o Porter asked that right of way l�e given as a 6th � condition. � o Krause questionec� the use of the site i,n regard to � gene�a.t itig new traf f ic. � , � o Sakata expressed doubts �o cc�mpatibility of C-� and � M-� tzsPS . � o Krause moved and Sakata seconded that the- propasal i' be rejected bec�.use of siz� limitation az�d traffic genera�tin� uses. � �, o Motian carried 5 to 1 with Moore dissenting. � � �. �.l,.1� n.r w�,. t�.., Page 3 P C Minutes July 20, 1976 �f� �;_ 5.2 VARIANCE V-5-76 (Malin/DMV) A request by R. C, Malin for a variance to the lot size requirements in a M-4 zone (Industrial Park) at 12985 StiV Hall Blvd. {Wash. Ca. Tax Map 2S1 2DA, tax lot 200) . i I CONDITIONAL USE CU-18-76 � 1 A req.uest by R. C. Malin Company to locate a Department ! of Motar Vehicles building in a P�I-4 zone (Industrial Park) � at 12985 SW Hall Blvd. (Wash. Co. Tax It4ap ZS1 ��A, tax � lot 2'00) . � � � Chairman Popp su��ested and the Commission agreed that � � the hearings on these two matters should be combined. � � A. Staff Report : Read by Dariiels. An additiona]: finding f: was added that Wasliington County Depari;ment of Publ.ic i� Works and �the State Highwa,y Dep�,rtmen� r.ecommendPd that h no less than 400 ' an a 40-45 1��PH st.r�et and 300 ' on a ' 30 MPH street i_s necessar,y for sight clearance on an % uncontrolled access poin� . �; .;, CROSS EXAMINATION �i �_ o Krause asked about 10' variance granted in 1973. o Staf� explained that any varianc� runs wzth the Iand and is still operative. �: B. Applican�t Presental;ion ;' o Dick Malin - d�veloper, explained site plan and ;; S�tate bidding �rocedui e. �` ;.` 1` r� Don Wallace/Moran �N�.l.lace Architect, Port . i ;: � � z� :l . Ha11. could be a secondar.y exit-right tlzrn �nly. �, s +; 2. Explainec� nurnb�r of parkin� s�aces and access +': points. �� '4;, C. l�ubl ic Test imony �' � ,, �� John Costell�, State 'Jepartment of Ge��ral SErvices, �; stated that the site and plan met their critPria. 5`� r � � � � ��; o Roberi� Graun, contractor, statec� that there would not b� any visual difficulty for cirivers enteri.ng � }'; ox exiting the site. � �, �; �` � � �. ;, a , � _ _ ,._.�.._:.___ . . � Page 4 �..�' P C Minutes July 20, 1976 �� D. Staff Recommendations: StaFf recommends approval for V-5--76 with the follow- ing conditions : l . Adequate right of way be dedicated along SW Burnham to bring it up to 30 ' on center . 2. Adequate right of way be dedicated along SW Hall to bring it to 40 ' on cen�;er right of way. 3. The Design Review Board in reviewing whatever struc�tures are placed on this lot reqitire additional vegetation along SW Burnham and S�v Hall Blvd. Staff .recommends ap�roval for CU 18-76 with the following conditions: l . Design Review emphasise vegetative 1an:ds�aping alozlg both SW Hall and SW Burnham St . � a 'l 2. The right of way necessary to briiig uW Hall Blvd and � SW Burnham St . to code be dedicated. � 3. The applicarit agree to participa,te in th� local �x improvem�nt district on SW Bu�nham and SW HaII Blvd. 4 . Same type of access contro]. be i.mplemerited.. F�xample signilization, right turn only on Hall, warning light, ox a median strip. E. l�ebuttal � �; John Costello stated that : �' �` c� the average spesd rather than the posted speed should t be taken into account . �? � o that site should be able to handle peak flow of tra_�f.ic. �'_` � I� F. Commission Disc,ussion and Action o Popp stated that clearing vegetation, the required setbacks, and the proposed variance wou�d improve ,�A traffic� �ision. �� � o Krause sug�ested a warning light; for the interssctin� streets. � �`; �; o Krause moved that Cu 18-76 and �-5-76 �be approved based x` on the �zndi.ngs in the staff: re�ort and includin� th� �� � conditiar�s as stated by staf F. � � � � r•, �,N o Porter seconded the motion. �. Motion was approved 4 to 2 with Sakata and Moore dissenting. '! �.. ._ �.�,, w, P age 5 �, �;f P C IvIiriutes � ' July 20, �_976 � , �: �' �� �� 5. 3 CU 19-76 (Seeber) � �. A request by Victor UI. Seeber to allo�� construction of an t� o�fice/warehouse in a M-4 zone (IndustrYal Park) on the corner of Grant Avenue and Tigard Street . (Wash. Co. Tax �; Map 2S1 2BD, tax lot 800) . �� j:, �:i. � A. S1;aff Report : read by Daniels. ,� 1: B. Applicant Presentati.on: Victor. Seeber, applican.t, �;'; described. i;he proposed tzse of his site. '!; � � C. Publi.c Testimony: None �$' i?+ D. Staff Recommendation: `'' Staff recommends approval with the following conditions : ;; ; ]. . An agre�ment to participate in local impravement district on SW Tigard and SW Grant to be executed prior to is�uance of building pern�its. ! �:; 2. Dedication of 10 ' along SW Tigard St . and SW Grant St . be executed prio.r �;o issuance of buildin� permits. '' ;.: �� 3. Design Review Board rec�uire screen p1an�;ing alang F� �.,. the west property line to provide an effective �; screening •to the single family dwelling to the west , f' �� � . Adequate provision for conti_nua�tion �f ancl access to �� the Fanno Creek Greenway be developec� - Da.niels �:. reported this narmally involves a 50 ' dedication on �'; both sides of Fanno Cxeek and the applicant has �`; indicated a willingness to Work ���i�th tl�e Cityo '' � E. Rebu�Ltal : Nc,ne �; �', F. Commission Discussion and Action ;'+ o I�rause n�oved an:d Tepedino s�conded to approve the i'� motion with the staff recommendai;ions, :�° r,: o Mc,tion was approved by unanimous v�ice vote. z;� j: 5.4 PdLP 5-76 {Cain and Edwaras) s;; � A request by James L. Cain to sreate a new �l.a� lot in a ;'_5: C-4 zone (Neighborl�ood Commercial) n�1 the ea:st corner o:f `` u-, �,. 14300 and 14302 S.W. Pacific Hwy. (tiPash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 �' �> 10A, t�,x lots 40U and 501) . �� t;, � A. Staff Report : Read by Daniels. �', ; f� 4 . � � . . . . . .. . � . _�. . _ > -. �. i �- ---- Page 6 y � �.�;, P C Minutes July 20, 1976 '�, �� �, B. Applicant Presentation: James L. Cain, applicant, I explained: ; I o the need for a complete denta,l clinic in Tigard ' r '' o the eason for an easement . � C. Public Testimony: A let�er from Jerry Cox, Canterbu�y �' Animal Hospital in favor of t.he application. �� .� D. St a:tf Recommendat ion: ,�' Staff recommends approval af the following conciitions: �I l . A satisfactory recorded cross eas�ment agreement i�' be fil�d wii;h the City P�ecorder . � 2. The existing �asement be moved to the middle of the 'II property and ex.tez�ded to the east �aroperty line, �!II and all access to �the newly created lot through �� the new easPm�nt . i�l 3. The existing access easemen� be vacated. ;�, �:, , . �.I �, e . 1� buttal . None I� t... F. Commissian Discussion and Acti n 0 o Sakata asked staf� to clari�y the proposed easement . o Porter moved and Moore seconded to approve the minor i lancl �artiti.or� with the �ta�f recomm^ridation. � o The motian was approved by an unanimous voice vot�. � � 5. 5 CU 20-76 (Cain/Edwards) s; i A request by James Cain and Edwards znclustries to locate ; a dental o��ice in a C-4 zone (Neighborhood Commercial) at 14300-1430? S.`V. Pacif ic I-Iighway. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 ,i 10A, tax lots 501 and 400) . � !; A. Staff Repoxt : Read by Daniels. � B. Applicant � The applicant Ja:mes L. Cain: � � f� o stated the need for a larger workz�ng spacp F �. o agreed to remove the existing sign i �. ; C. Public Testimony: None i . .� .� . ...., ,. ,,.. , ... . _, ,,,. � ...i�.: . .., .. ... . ._. . , . __ .... .�,.fy. .. ........ .. _, ......,.1, .._l�. ........�_�... .,. .�_ . .... ..,. .,.... _�,, p� ��,, Page '7 � ���`: ��` P C �Iinutes Ju1y 20, 1976 �M D. Staff Recommendations: � Staff rPCOmmend� appr�oval with the following conditions; � 1 . The existing free standing sign along SW Pacifi.c FIwy "_ lay removed and be replaced by a wall mounted sign ' not to ex�eed 15 square feet in size �x a free i; standin:g sign subject to 1)esign ReView approval . � �;' 2. Al1 areas not cavered by a walkway, roadway or w� building be landscaped and maintained. ' E. Rebuttal : N�ne �'; F. Commission Discussion and Action �y, Moore moved and Krause seconded to approve the applicati.on ���. based on staff findings for a conditiona.l use with the �' staf� recommendation. fj: 1��� Tlie motion was approved by an unanimous voice vote. �': �' 5.6 VARIANCE V-�6-76 (Sabre C�nstructi�n Company) t; �;� A rec�uest by SaY�re Construction far a variance to th.e sub- �� diva.sion code for sidewalks in a M�2 zone (General Industrial) �� �_ an S .W. L�andmark Lane. (Wa.sh. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12A, tax .lot �; i C00, 601, 604) . A. Staf.f keport : Read by .Daniels. B. Applicant � [fi: The applicant represented by Mike McGe� explain�d his ��' request for a variance. � �; i C, Publzc Testimony: None �:�: k`: �; A. Sta;ff Recornmendations: �u , Staff r�comrnends approval with the f�l�owing conditions : �r l . The 5' siclewalk be constxuct�d adjacent to the {� prapexty line �n the north sid� of Landmark and z�un the en�ire length of the roadway 'from the e�isting ' right of way on SW 72nd aroLtnd the cul-de-sac to �' the tivest ecige �f Bethlehem Steel driveway. 2. That the conditions attached to the original major ' land partition be- satisfied prior to the release of any perforrna,nce bonci presently held b� the City. `` � Eo �,ebuttal: Nane `- . . _ y _ ,,, ` ` - - - 'J , ,,. . _ : , _ , . . . _ z� t ��: , .,., G�;� Page 8 ': � � � � ���;, P C Minutes �? July 20, 1976 �� �; � � F. Com�nission Discussion and Action �{ o Sakata asked the staf� to further explain the existi.ng �j} �opogra�hy. o Krause moved and Sakata seconded �o approve the request ba.sed orz staff findings with the staff recommendation. �; �;, The motion was approve�i by a unanimous voice vo�te. (�'I 4:.' 7. OTHER BUSTNESS � �'� o A letter was presented by Roger Zumwalt in opposition to the }; proposed Yolo subdivision originally scheduled for this agenda. �; f.i o Popp ask�d that t�ie staff. give Mr. Trumbo a warning for out- �: side storage in that it is presently in violation of the Con- z: ditional Use Permil; ussued by the Planning Commission. ; �. � o Daniels asked the Commi�sion for th�ir view on the slide � presentation . The Commission advised that their use be reserved ` �or items of unique .;etting. t� � o Dariiels updated the Commission on �the forthcoming Babe Ruth � a�peal t� be he�.rd by Cauncil 7/2.1/76 . �i �: �.,. o Popp advised tY�e aommissioners that they should tr,y to attend all Planning Commission m�etin�s in order that a quorum be assured. 8. ADJQURMENT: 1.1 : 00 p.m. i � � � i; r j'' i ; � � � � '1,, i �,...,. ... _, _ . . _ : ,. _.._ . _. ,.._. _. ,, ... ... �� r �� l �( R . � ��C.:, �'�k`.�� �'i- k. kd STAFF REPORT ' �� -�- Agenda 5 . 1 { � � Tigard Planning Commis�ion �; E; ;; DOCU'PrILiVT: Zon� Change ZC 8-76 �'` i>i Its REQUEST: For preliminary plan and program review o:L a proposed t,, inciustrial-commercial plan development in a M-3. � cc LOCATION: Intersection of SW ?2nd and Upper Foones Ferry Road �;' (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 12D, tax lots 21�0, 2200, 2104, and 2103) . ''' APPLTCAIIT: Georg� .I�illian ;' E BASIC FACTS : 1 . The site is designatecl "General Industrial" on the Tigard ;'; Community Plan and zaned M-3, Li��ht Industrial . �, Surrauz�ding l�.ncd use is a warehouse and gas station to the i' east, a wooded lat to the south, a vacant lot anc� a builc�ing iznder construction to the west . ; '; 3 . The surraunding zoning is M-3, Light Iridustrial. 4 . The existing land use is a vacant lot with "Connie' s ? �.. Market" , a small grocer,y si;ore, ancl two residences presez�tly � ;a in u�e. s; � 5. The topography is relately :�lat . !k, �: �.:t� �<::; 6 . SW 72nc� Avenue i.s de�ignated an arterial 9.n the Tigard CommLinii;y Plan requirin� an 8Cl' - 120 ' minimum right af way ;_'. with SW 72nd presen�tly being 40 ' wide tllus requiring an "' ,,,; adclit iona:l �0' in dedicat ion. Upp�.r Boones I'erry �;oad is designated an arterial on tli� Ti�arcl Community Plan with � l the same ri�ht of �vay re�uiremerits. ' ;;I F'INDIIJGS : %=� `,�1 1 . The applican�t; i_s requesting an indusi:rial/commercial plan �j develo�m�nt which wi11 replace the two existing dwelling ? units and nei�hborhooci store an.d in their place locate retail commercial, o:f:�ice, warehouse uses and possibly a � � b r�a�n�ch b an�k. � "�! ,,,� 2: l+rom preliminary calculations the ap�ropriate number of � �arkin� spaces are bein� provided. ,�;�; � � ,�_ r�N �, rI'hP n_a,r��l a� 2. 17 acres . This apt�ears to be an appropriat e � size f�r the small plan development as proposed. ��:� �:u 4 . The propasal conforms to the minimum lot size requYrements �`;`; o� Section 1a.�8.030 ot the Tigard Municipal Code, �;� � � �`��. � '";t � � � � ;� �� 9 ..� -- _ � ..�.v.... . �.:...... : ..:..... ... _ _ ,. . ; ... . , ., .,,, .. , _ _,_ _ _ _ . _ _.. . ... _,. � �;`; �,. .. � `� ^ St�,Ff Report �: G:',; Agencla 5. 1 7 Page 2 �"'� �`<``' �.... �f =. 5. Section 1s.48. 040 of the Ti�ard Municipal Code requires ��' front yard setback of 30' . The site plan as shown is � ;, less than 2Q ' . TIZe rear yard setbacks . �.1.so requires in 1;�' �tYie sam� section are 20' . No mention is shown on the �i``. site plan, i;h� north setback appears to Y�e 20 ' . ��`;; r:,,, (i:;S 6 . �!'Ize int�rnal circulation pattern appeaxs good especially �' '. as it relates i;o �;he ci.rculation arQUnd the proposed branch bank ancl the separation of customer circulation �;;: and service ci rculati.on. ''f 7. Ther� seems to k�e a lack of concern �or peciestxian traffic. �° N� sidewalks are shown. ' ri i` F3 . Z'he �eneral landscaping appears to be i.nadequate, especially �. in the parking areas, and no bu.ffering o� any type is oF�er-- r,``, ed in this cance�t for t17e existing residential structures s�'>' to the north. Th2 proposed site �1an shows paving up to the i'�' lot Iines. Nozmally the cade requires a landscape bu:�fer . �'::' T11is should be acihered to in this case. �'`�; 9. SW 72nc1 is iz7 a d�teriorating condition� a.� is SW Upper Boones Ferry Road. ; 4� 10. The turning movements and circulation pat�ern �.ppear to be �, � ��,; �.dequate according to 1;he� Fire Marsha7.l o ,; :.;;f� 11. . Question d�es a.rise to the adequency oi' the public servic�s '�� especially regarc�ing water to this ��ite. The a�plic,ant �;�f `s`.< is �rop�sing to hnok �nto i;he Lak� Grove Wa�;er District �, :; , mainlin� whi.ch �erv�s 1;his �eneral area. As af �xesent .r:. � ' no rnaster �Ur thea:r service area is on f ile (r,equixed by �r-'� , :19�3 legislation �-or all water districts) . � ' (,..; 12,. According to Joe Greulzch, Tua].atin Rur�:l. Fire Department �u;`:; the water line serving tliis site is inadequate in that it �''� travels great distances with no loop b�,c�., system main- ;�,'k taining constant pressure and quantity ta serve the area. � ; The Ti,ard Water Distri.ct is th� logical provider of � ; water services to this area and such water service could be provided by an extension of the Tigard Water District �.; lin� presently at the railroad tracks on SW 72nd Avenu.e ��k and Durham Road at SW 79th Avenue. Connecti�n to the � �:. Lake Grove Water line would require a�proval of tYie Po�t- +�'. land Metropolitan Area Loca1 Government Bounaaxy Commission � < as an extraterx•itoxial connection. (�, 13. No slzowing of sewage dispasal i� shown on the site plan ; �� nor provisions �or publ�� transp�rtation. � 's: �^�� �� �•' 14 . Washington County Departrnent of Publzc jNorks Yzas developed "�' a prop�osed cross section of SW Upper Boones Fe�ry/Durham ��' Road. This cross sect�.on envzsions a �0 ' right of way'. ; �� � �� . _ . .__._. . .�. ...._ .,..__ .w., „.._.�„ �..-.�.� � � � � _ .. � . , . �-�.. � ._,. ..��n.. _ .,�. ,...�._ �..;. . -- ,-r._,-.-,- , . ,:: ; w,..,�,w . ._�� �_..�u:. ,a;„ _.__ _.. .y_�.y..._..__�.,x.�_.v_ .__�_._,..� �.1,. .._ �...�_� ...�.�.. b �� �n Staff Report Agenda 5 . 1 �. Page 3 �. 15. AZthough NPO #5 has not completed th�ir plan for the axea, they issued the following finding at their Ju1y l, 1976 meeting "Commerc9_al/Industrial land users a.re acceptablE at SW 72nd Avenue and SW Upper Boones Ferry Road but there i.s concern regarding. traffic hazards and density of developn�ent as proposed" . 16. The p.ropased site plaii shows fi,ve access points. This appears to be in conflict with the goals of the Tigard Cora�munit Plan which encoura e the numk�er of drive a s to Y g w y � be m�nimal . The northern driveway could be eliminat�c� and repl,ac.ed by landscapin.g.. , � `_, � �; _ �', �: ,% �, �, 6:! E, 4 � i: ! ,t (, ; ;; t; � � �;, . � . � . . . 3,' . . .. . � . . . . � � . � C?d 4; �°': � �a: �} � :, � . �: �ti �.r. k. L� � p4^• u T r f . , @�t._.: �. . �� ' STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Sta�f recommends approval with the following conditions: l. Additional landscaping be considered in development of the general plan and program. 2. The site be annexed to and served by the Tigard Water District . 3. The n�rthern access be eliminated �nto SW 72nd. 4 . No access from this site onto SW Durham (realigned) be submitted for Planning Commission appr.ov�,l . 5 . L,andscape buffer an �the perimeter of tl�e site be ��rovided. �. i'. � � � -� i� _ _ _., � �. . > �., �._` STAFF REPORT Agenda 5.2 �� Tigard Planning Commission .>- July 20, 19?6 -- 7: �0 P.M. Twa.lity Jr. High School Tigard, Oregon DOCKET: V 5-7G REQUEST: A variance to tlie lot size and landscaping requirements in the M-4 zone. LOCATION: 129�5 SW Hall Blvd, , intersection of SW Hall Blvd and SW Burnham St . (Wash. Co . Tax Map 2S1 2DA, ta� lot 200) . APPLICANT: R. C. Ma1in Company BASIC FACTS : l. Site is desig�nated industri�,l on. the "Neighborhood Plan 1" i and zoned M-4 "Industrial �ark" . I , 2. The surroundin land use is trus � �' joist manufacturzng plant across SW Burnham St . , food procPSSing plant across SW � Hall Blvd, lanascaping contractor ' s office anci s�upply o�fi.ce �' immediately south, �,nd Schramm Plastic Prodtic�ts Campan,y E' on the west . i$ � j 3. �ection 18. 76 .020 states that no variance shalT �e granted by the P:l.anning Commission unless can be sh�wn tha�t al1 the �ollowing conditions exists: `,; �;, A. Exceptional or extraordinary conclitions �.pp]_ying to the (,> propert5� that da nat apply generally to other prop�rties i!� in sam� zone and �vzcinity whiciz conditions axe z•esult o.f ;�� loi; si�e o.r slia,pe, topography or other circumstances �'a, over which the applicant has no control . `" �: G: B. �'hP variance is necess�,ry for �ers�xvation of property ?`� right o:� the ap�l�.c�,nt is s�bstanially the sa�me as i� poss�ssed by �wners o� other property in. the same zone or vicinity. ,` C. The aut;ilorization oi' �he variance shal7, not be materially detrimentia:l. to tYie pur�ose of, this title be injur. ious i'` to the pr�per. ties in the zone or vicinity in which the ��'" property a.s located or be otherwise detrimential to the ; objectives o� any city development plan or policy. �;,�' y�� i;:�: n. The variance requests is a minimum variance f.ram the i..- provisions and stanclards of this title whic:h a�ill. �;�� allevi.ate the hardship. ` i � �7� �,,` i�t �;�;` z t. � � � � � �� � � ��;�; �m �� _ ■�. ' _.. ...._. .��� i , r � � �.. � • � S'1'AI'F REPORT ; Agenda 5.2 ; ,?. Ju1y 20, 1J76 1 �.f Pa�e 2 � �� i 4. S�V Hall Blvd is designated an �,rterial �,nd SW Bu.rnham is designa�ted a collector street �n the 7'igard Conm�unitST Plan . FIi�DINGS : l . The applicant is requestin� variance to Section 18. 52 . C)30 � and 18.�8.a80 (2) of Ti�ard NZunicipa.l Code tha�t r.equire � a minimum parcel siz� of 4d, 000 sq. feet in th� Pd-4 zone ; �.ncl the front 20 feet be landscaped. k � 2, The Planning Commission on Ju.ly 3, 1�73 issued a variance � S to rec�uce the rear yard setback requi�ement 20 ' to 10 ' to w allow construction of an 8500 square �'eet o1'fice ware- P 17ouse building. That use was never cons�tructed bu�t the y variance runs with the "land and is sti.11 app].icalalE :fo.r coi��icie.rati�n of this propos�ci building. �i t 3. Section 18. 12.1Q0 of the Tigard Nlunicipal (�ade: des�inated SW Ha11 Blvd as an ar�tPra.al and requires ari addii;ional �0 ` �;` setback �rom center line. Trie right c�:r waq w7.dth on SW �lall is presently 40 to 50 feet at this site. In order to � �to provide For th� �0 ' width requi.red ��r �.n ar.terial. �? �Gr 40 ' from center line needs to be provided on the west side � �,.,: of the streei; . This appears to require an additional 1� ' " af deaication. Frc�nt yard setbacl� for an M-�k zone is �� 40 ' o:L which the fir�t 20 ' must be landscaped. Thi.s r�quires a tatal o� setback fiom center line of 80 ' for ' any p�rn�anent strltctures. � �; �: .4. utiY Burham is desginat�d a eollECtor street on S�cti�n 18 . 12 "' �.' . 100 Tigard Municipal Code which requir�s a 30 ' setback �� fro�n c�nter line. �W Burnham is prea�ntly a �0 ' right of �i way. This requires an addition�,1 10 ' f.rom c�nter l�.ne. �; `�� The southwest side of the parcel is also a fron� yard re- � quir, ing a 40' se�t;back from that fron�t yar•d in which no �= ermanent stiuctures rna be erected. �' p y �' f;; 5. The site is presently ap�proxima.tely 34y000 sq. �eet wh�reas �i sec�;ion 13 . 5�.030 af �the Tigarcl Municipal Code �equires that �� s: i;he l�t size be a rninimum of 40,000 sq, feet and section �:' 18.12.�90 Ti�ard Municipal Code allows that those 1�ts �' exis�ting prior to August 24, 1970 (d:ate oF adoption oF the �" ordinance) smaller than those required in �;rie zone may be used as either a:s a single farnily dwelling or use pPrmittec� ��:. out ri.ght �.n the zone. �he applicant is proposing an of:f:zce �` structure whieh is a conditional us� o� the zone and �vi.th- out the variance to the minimum lot size requiremen�t this �'i use would not be possible. �-; �� �: �:. �' � - i _� �; � � ' — —- - t ' I � � �! r:._, STAFF REPO�ZT I Agenda 5.2 ' � July 20, 1�76 I, �"` .� Page 3 i' 6. This tax lot was created prior to A�zgust 24, 1970 a,nd has � been ir� separate ownership from those around it , i 7. Section 18. 58.080 subsection 2 requires �;hat a minimum of the front 20' shall be landscaped in a M-4 �one. The !� applicants requesting a variance to that to reduce that il, to 15 along both Burnham and SW I�all . The applicant has � sta.ted that this is necessary c�ue �o the small size of the �! lot and the required dedication for SW Burnham and SW !� Hall . If th.ese dedications were not required the 20 ' i', landscaping could be satisfied. The inteni; of the 20 ' � landscape strip along the front of buildins is to im�rove ��, the aesthestics of the site. The ap.pli.cant has proposed I!, to satisfy the aesthestic need of this site with addition�,l �I landscaping within the smaller a.rea and achiev� the same �I ef f ect . "I CONCLUSIONARY FINDING: 'I tl l . There is a pub�.ic neecl for the �uture �or the widening for �� SW Burnham and SW Hall . The widening of these two streets ?�i reduces the usable of i;he lot . �` ;i �.� 2. The lot has two fron�t yards so is faced with extraardinary ' setback requirements not applied to oth�r lots in t11e genera]_ area or in the M-4 zones. I 3. The iz�f,en� of the landscaping requiremen�ts in the code are � iaitencl�ci to im�rove the aesthestics o� th.e front y�,rd set- ,� � baclis. T11is can be achieved by additiorzal. vegetation and �; landscaping. �. � 4. The intent of the code is not d�,maged by the developrnent f' of an existin� small parcela �! 5. The need for this vari.ance is brou�ht about in con�orming �� to �he Tigard C�mmun�.ty Plan in that SW Bu�nham and SW II�,11 �� Blvd. are desginated as collector and arterial streets ��; respectively. The variance further conforrns ta the Tigar.d Community Plan in that the intent is �to u �' p�rade the visual r; impact along major streets. ' �: STAFF F�EGOMMEtJDATIONS : �' I'� �:� Staff recommends approv�.l witli the following conditions: �� l!-:; l . Adequate right way be dPdicated along SW Burnham to bring �, it up to 30 ' on center, . �<<. .� . Adequate right of w�,y be dEdicated al�ng SW Ha11 1;o bring i� i;� to 40 ' on center right of way. `` ��i c,z 3. The Design Review Board in reviewitig whatever structures are �� �� . ��: .<:.L .. �..:;., : . . : . ... ._., . . :, . , , _ �. �,...:. ���......,_ , ..:, ...� ., .. . ......,. ., _. . u..�........ ... . .... ... . ... . . -- , , , fi� STAFF REPORT ��`, �`""'�` Agenda 5.2 July 20, 1�J76 �� Page 4 placed on this 1ot require additional vegetation along SW Burnham and SW Hall Blvd. i � { I � � � ,, �. i �� � �� F , � �� �T ' . . .. - , . , . , . ->.,, . , . . _ �: x�n,,, • . - � t .(,... � i � ��i..:�- �:.,.. STAFF �,LPOI�T F�-I. Agenda 5. 3 '� Tigard Pla.nning Commission July 20, 1976 - 7:30 P.M. Twal ity Jr. I3igh �School Tigard, Oregon llOCKET: CU 18-76 ; REt�UES1: To locate a Department of Motor Vehicle`s building in a M-4 zone. LOCATION: 12985 SW Hal1 Blvd. , inters�tion of SW Hall Blvd and SW Burham St . (Wash. Co . Tax Ma� 2S2 12DA, tax lot 200) . APPLICANT: R. C. Malin Company 13AS I G FACTS : l . The site is designated "industrial" on the Neighiaorhood P1aii II and zoned NI-4 "industrial park. �. Surrounding land use is truss jaist manufacturing plant �,cross SW Bu_rham St . , food processing plant �.cross SW Hall Blvd. , landscaping contractor ' s offic� and supply yard �" immediately sQUth and a p].astic produc�;s company o� the "�d, west . 3 . The site contains an old dilipat�d residen�tial structure and the �ntix�e parcel is unke�t . ( 4. Z'he topo�raphy drops off frnm SW rur.ham approximately two f�et w�_t1z a srnall mound wYrere i:he existing residence is. � There are numerous t�ees alon� the south pr.operty line near SW Hal1 Blvd. � i � 5. ��V TTal1 is designatec� an arterial and SW Bux•ham St . is i designated a c.c:�llector in tl7e NLi�hborhood Plan I . � � 6. Section 1�. 52.02Q (S) allows a "public utility" as a { conditional use in the M-4 zone. �ection 18. 5�.OZt3 (13) + �.11ows Planning Commission to �,pprove an,y use sin�iliar t� i thosc allowed in the zone as a eonditi�na:l. use. 1 � � FTNDTTIGS : � �� �� � � 1 . The a�plican� has rec�uestsd a conda.tional use to loeatP a � State of Ore�on Department o� Motox� Vehicle buildi.ng and � parking lot �or auto and truck zegistration and driving � tests at the s�uthwest intersecti�n <�F SW Burham and SW � �Hall l3].vd. 2. A DMV bu:ildi.ng is simi_lar to oi:her uses allowec� in tYie M-4 � zone and not specifically mentioned elsewhere in the code. � � , _ � . � ,�,- .. ST�.FF I�EPORT ��' �'.. A�enda 5. 3 Jly 20, 197Fi �' Pa�e 2 �. 3. Section 18. 52 .030 of the Tigard Municipal Code requires a minimum lot size of �O, OQO square Feet . The proposed site is 34 , 346 sq. ft , but existed prior to the adoption of the zonin� ordiance and its use is allowed as a non--c,onforming lot of record �or any use 1ist,ed as permitted uses. (Variance to this 1�t si.ze requireiment is a1.so to be con- sidered by the Planning Commission on July 20, "1J76. ) 4. Section 1�i. 52 . 040 of the Tigard Municipal Code requires a 40 ' �ront yard setback and section 18. 12. 100 (d) of the Ti�ard Municipal Code req�.ir�s an additional 30' setback fxom center line of SW Bux•ham and 40 ' from SW Hall. Thus an 80 ' and 70 ' �ront yard setback is required from SW Burham and SW Hall F31vd. r. espectively. 5 . The gener�,l lo�ation of this site for a DMV buil�ling is an advarttageous �it� in �ttiat it is well located within th�e sou.thwesi; poxtion of the metropolitan area and access -to th� site is providecl by an arterial and a collectars �treet . ; ; 6. Problems do aris� though within close proximity o� the � si�t;e. V�ry limi.ted visual distarice (approximately 180 ' ) (` is provided along SW Bur.ham St , and the alignment and ' speed associa�ted with SW Hall, as presently constructed, are not good. � 7. The site plan show� (a requirerrrent of i;he StatP Depar�tment af th� Motor Vehicles in the bid �or the struc�ture) 45 � parking spaces available. The code requirement , for i' o�fFice buildings an average of one space :�or every 350 sq. ; fee�t . This woulc� rec�uire nine spaees normally. �, w 8. �W I3urnahm is a substandaxd sl:reet . � CONCLUS�ON.ARY FINDINGS : i'� fi:. ,: l . �'here is a public need for a DMV registration out�:et in � the �'igaxd area in �:lzat °the Beaverton facility is presen�ly ;, over crowdd�. f �: 2. Th�� site has �oc�d aceess in �h�,t a.t bordexs a collector F; ana an arteri�,1 . � � � � � (�. 3. Access immediate tu the sz�te i� poa.r �.n that visual di�- - j �t:ance is lower tha,n that normally xequi.r.ed. Tk�e use of ' � �;he site as a DMV building conforms with th,e �xse designa- i tion of tYie Tigard Gomprehensive PXan as well as providing � � t;he necessary right �:f way to bring SW Burnham and SW Iia11 � �t;o the praper right of way width as required is� the �' Comprehensive Plan. � �; f STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: � � � -- _ _ � �rY`,^ Xr.T . � STAFF REPORT `��. ��.�.• Agenda 5. Juiy 20, 1976 Page 3 �` Si;af� recommencls approval with the following corrditions: l . Design Review emphasis v�geta.tive landscaping along both SW Hall and SW Burnahm St . 2. The right ot way necessar.y ta Y�rin� SW Hall Blvd and SW Burnham St . to code Y�e dedicated. 3. The applicant agree to participate in the local improv�- ment district on SW Burnham and SW Ha11 �iVa. �: 1'' I. � �� . � � . ... . . . �. . . .. . � � � � . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. � . � � . � . � .... . .. . � . . � . . . � . .. ... . . .. � . . � . . . . .. . . . . . � .. . � . � � . � . � � . � . . � , . . . . . . � . . . . � . . � . � � . . .. . . . � � � . . . .. . . . . . � �� . � �I����� ����.�,��� � �_ ' � . . �,������I�'��..��� . ��'I� SOLJTFiWEST ANKENX STREET ( PDRTLAND QFiE�ON 9720a ( TEL. 2�7-36�6� . APPLICATION FUft CONDITIONAL USE - CITY OF TIGARD R.C. MALIN CO. . - DFPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES OFFICE 1. ' NATURE 0�' PROPOSAL AI�1D REASON FOR REQUESTED ACTION: � Our elient, R.C. Malin, is the succes�ful bidder to provide a leasecl office facility to be occupieci by t�e f the State of Oregon Department of Motor Vehfcles. �; 31 5� j: In order to construat the facility un a M-4 site we �: wi].1 need to apply for a conditional use. ' 4 �i� • .� ;�. d 2. CONFORh1ANCE �VITH TIGARD' S ADOPTEll COMPREHENSIVE PI,AN: The Comprehensiv� Plan indicates this a.rea as "Commercial �� � t Industrial" pexmitting a "mixture of business and lig�t industrial uses that are com�atible and that do n.ot ` , readil� fit into a pla�ned sh�pping center," . �. This area. also is diesign�.ted i;o a,ccnmmod�.te uses that � might otherwise seek �, riighway loca�tion if th� present �;� d�velopment pattern along Highway 99-W was GOT1tlI�U:f'd, ", �� • This develc�pment s�ems �o fit well within the pa.rametex•s .� 1,; of t�his zaning. A motor vehicle offic� is not generally ``! located in a retail sha �n� area 'and it cc,u].d �unction �� PP � � normally in a 5trip zoning highway pattern. Appraval . �� " c�f this c�nciit�ional use w�ul.d discour�.ge a strip �oning " ` a;pplicati_on. ' � � � � �;" �„ .. ,� ,. 3. COMMUNI`iY NEED AND PUBLIC 33ENEFIT: �'`; . , ., , �� ' Allowi_ng �:his faciiity to i�e constructed `vithin close �,', pr�ximi.ty� 1>a the city cor:e allows easy access for the �A; . citizens of this �:rPa. ., . • . ���Y'. , �� ' � z, Ths Department of Motor Vehicles has found a need ta ��� sexve the citizens of this area with a branch office. G�� � 1.., ' w�: � ' �} . �+� . (continued. . . ) ,�, � ��� -- . � . �:- .. ._ .,. ._ . , . . .�._ ...�.. ��., .._..�,�,..,,_... � -- P . . , �� tl � �:.�. ` i � 4. CIiANGES IN ENVIRONMENTAL, ECONOMIC, OR SOCIAL CONDITTONS � �:A.. . AND CH.ANGES IN AVAIVABILITY OF PUBLIC SERVICE: . � The change in public service is obviously for the better. , Building a pleasant, well maintained faeility will � be an �conomic asset. Eliminating a, rathex unkept � , . residence wi11. be to the betterment o� the visual , environm�nt� . 4 • � 5. 'wHY T�iE PROPOSED LOCATION ?: . � We believe that Hall Boulevard, which is a "Minor Arterial" I' is an exce�len� location for an aut�omobile oriet�ted �: develapment. � ;! , _ .� � The Sta.te of Oregon,Depar.tment of G�za�ral Ser�iees, ! outlined an ar�a acceptablE �or their use. This site has the best automobile access of any of th� sites � ti; . submitted for bid and the rental cast to the taxpay�rs � . ?i was the lowesi; of al1 bids. i; ;; �, �. 6. I PvIPA.CT UN ADJACENT S ITES AND NE I GHBORHOC�D: �; :� �tzbject site is nearly sur.rounded by industrial uses and access streets are a t'C�llector" and a "Mi.nor � �- Arterial" . � �'� z'� . k; � There are not any objectiona.ble nois�s, odars, stc. wh�.ch '� would e�fect the area. �' . �� � i. . , . . �' . 7. I�AGT ON PUBLIC SERViCES : €�,! {� Wat�r, �ower, t�lephone are all readi.ly available �or z,; . the site. • !# . E. Storm draina�e will be provided along Hall Boulevard � �� with �tate Highway Depaztment approval.. � �" . . ,,: ' Sanitary S�wer is curr�ntly available on Burnham Stree� � and will so�n be available to the site from a utility �' easement to the west. This sewe.r will connect to the � "Fanno Cxe�k Intercep�;or" . �� � No other public services will be eftected. �� � �: �. . _ � • , .:, :;_ _ _ : . . , �`' t:;'� ' �_ � �.-''. �:;. �:' t, STAFF REPORT �`;I. �� Agenda 5.4 :. Tigard Planning Commission ;;. ; Jul� 20, 197Fi - 7: 30 PM � Twality Jr . High Sch�ol - Lecture Room �:;? Tigard, Oregon �;. ��;;,i k+' DOCKET: CU 19-76 i RE�U��T: To locate a 11Q0 square foat office/warehouse building in �'I G:�. a 1�-4 zone. ����� LOCATION: iVorthwest corner of SW Grant Avenue and SW Tigard St . �r; (Wash. Co. Tax I14ap 2S1 2DA, �tax lot 200) . ��I i': ,: APPLICATION: �ic�or M. Seeber ;;��'I ,;; BASIC FACTS : '' 1. . Site i� designated "Industrial" on the Neig�hb�rhuod Pl.an II '� and zoned "M-4, Industrial Park" . ' 'I 2 . TYie site is presentl.y vacant and used for pasi;ure. The , I I area is; Fanno Creek flo�d plain to the south, a single ;:;!; fa�mily resi.dence to the west , Bur7.ington Northern Railroad "'' � right of way to ttle nortl� and twcs single family dwellir�gs ,�'i ' to the east across SW Grant Averiu� . �i, Iy �9 ry� 3. Tigard St . from Paci:fic Hwy. to �Kath�rin� St. is all � x d�signated industrial on the nPi�hborhood plan and zoned M-4 except f.or thre� parcels immediately west of the site. ` ;,,.� 4. Section 18 . 52. 020 of the Tigard Municipal Code (7) allows : war�housing and wholesale distribix�ion as c.onditional use k�' in the M-4 zone . �;�, i;;� 5. The Neighborhooc� �lan II designates �W Tigard S� . a,s an r�� arterial and SW Grant St . as a collector street . Secti�n %±'I 18. 12. 100 further designates Tigard St . as an arterial requires ;.1;� an additional 30 ' :from center line �etback and an additional `:'i 30 ` cEntPr setback �rom SW Gramt . �',j 6 . The U. S. Army Corp of Engincers has projected the Fanno �,., Creek .flood pla.in elevation to be 152 ' mean sea 1eve1 at �; Fanno Creek and SW Grant Avenue . ��° ����: FINDINGS �� �`�,; 1 . The applicant has requested a condi�tional use permit t� i' allow an industrial building at the nor-Lhwest c�xner of �=. ��.� SW iigard St. and SW Grant Avenue. The proposecl building r;; wauld be approxirnately 11 , 000 square �eet and designed to ;4� �. allow for sma11 warehoizse with office space. j.;; �;' � r;, �> .� Y �: �� STAFF REPORT Agenda 5.4 Ju1y 20, 1976 � � � 2. Site p7.an has satisfied setback requirements of Section � 18,52. 040 Tigard P�Iunicipal Code in that the l�uildings � are set back 70 ' from the center line of SW Tigard St . and SW Grant Avenue and the front 20 ' of that setback r is shown :�or landscaping. 1; w 3. Section 18. 52.070 Tigard Municipal Code requires that �; industrial activities abutting a residential zone shall �'� provide and maintain an evergreen landscape buffer. The z� applicant has shown 19 arborvitae plant from five to ten ;; i'eet on cen�ter. This spacing does not ap�aear to realize the nec�ssary screening effect; 5 ' on center would mo.re �:, effectively achieve that . 4. Section 18 . 60 requires that a minimum of oize parking space per 1000 square feet gross floor area be pravided for industrial building. Since n� teriant a.s known at this time a minimum of eleven parking spaces should be provided. The site plan shows 12 spaces, this appears to �atisfy '� the code .requirements. 5. The site plan shows proposed loading areas in front of each o_f the warehouse spaces. Turning areas appear t� be adequat�. �:;!. i- ,,�. `�,; 6. uW Grant Avenue and SW Tigard ut , are presently 40 faot �{` righ� of way. An additional 10' appears to be necessary �� aloilg both streets in o_rder ta satisfy the minimum r�quire- " ments of the Neighborhood Plan II and thE Tigard P�unicipal {' Cade. . j. r i; 7. SW Tigard St. zs in a substandar� condition. Future improve- ments to SW Tfgard wi1.l requi.re �articipation of this � property owner in its improvement . Sidewalks are reqtiirPd 4 as part of lacal improvemeizt distriet . 8 . The applicant shows no fi].1 of the Floocl plain although the �,� applicant does sliow a 15 ' wide back spac� which is all.owa.ble � in the .fload plain . �!:i 9. The Neighborhooc� Plan II shows tlze �'lood plain ax^ea as ` of the city gY�eenway networli. N� provision for greenwapart . i.'.'' access improvemen�; is shown on t;he site pla.n. t;, CONCLUSIONAI�Y FINL INGS : }`°' �t7I 1 . Pro�osal to bui.ld an industrial building on tlzis sitc does `�"� conform to Neighborhood Plan II in that the p.lan designates ' this area to be inaustriai uses, ;;f �;'. �. 2. Adequate water and sew�r are availabl� to the si.te for the proposed use. ' l;' �'� . . . � . � . . . .. . 1-�' � . . . . . . � . . � � � . � . � � � ��t� . . . . . . . �. . � � � . P°:e .. . . . . � . . .. . ::.:_.., .. .:�.,....__.._ �.. � . �""'.�-- . . . . ,. . . . . _ � . . , , , , , , I 'I, �.::, _. . .;:: .:::_: _ _ __ ._ __ _ _ _ � , � �, � - STAFF REPORT Agenda 5.4 �x. July 20, 1976 3. SW Tigard St . and SW Grant St . are substandard and will requ.ire future improvEments. STAFF RECU1l�MENI?ATION: Sta�f recommends approval with the following condit�ons : l . An agreement to participate in local improvement district on SW Tigard and SW Grant to be executed p.rior to issuance of building permits. 2. Dedication of 10' along SW Txgard St . and SW Grant St. be executed prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Design Review Board require scr.een planting along the west property line to provide an effective screening to the single fami.ly dwelling to the �vest , 4. Adequate provision for continuation nf and access to the Fanno Creek GrPenway be developed. !,I �ti.' i r , � I ; � � . � �. '�_ STAFF Ii,EPORT l�gencla 5. 5 Tigard Planning Commission � Ju1y 20, 1976 - 7: 30 PM Twality Jr . High School - Lecture Room Tigard, Oregon `� I'I ' DOCKET: Cu 20-76 (Cain/Edwards) I REQULST: Ta locate d�ntal oflice in a C-4 zone '�I LOCATIUN: 14300- 14302 SW Pacific Hwy. , north of Canterbury Lane I (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 10A, tax lot 501 and 400) , i, AP�LICANT: James Cain and Edwards Industries, Inc. BASIC FACTS : l . The sit� is desginated "Residential-Commercial" , Tiga.rd Comprehensive Plan and zoried "C-4, Neighborhood Commercial" . 2. Section 18 . 32. 020 (9) allows dental afi'ices, medical oifices as conditional uses in the C-4 zone . 3 . The surrounding land tISP COT1S1StS a sana.toriurn, a single family resi.dence, and �.n animal clinic. � . The site presently has a professional office building with , •r� real estatE ollices . ,; �: FTNDINGS : � , ;, l . The applicant has requested a conditional use permit to ,�. 1oca�te a dental clinic in an exis�:in� building presently occupied by a real estate company in a neighborhood comrnercial zone. 2 . Tllis application is intendect �to be considered in ].ight of minor 1.and partition also on the Jul,y 20, 1976 agetida. If that, partition is approved as submitt;ed, the lot size and sctback requirements are satislied. :i 3. Section 18 .60. 1�0 (4)(E) requires one �arLing space :�ar each �! 200 square feet of gross floor area for a ciental c,linic . The site plan shows that the existing building is approximately 1100 square feet thus requiring five parking spaces. The y% site plan shows eight parking spaces presently on the site, � six o� tl�ese are on a separate tax lot. A condition o:� �Llle k; partition approval was tha.t joint access and use agreement ' �, be filed with the City� Recorder. If that is done i;hen the ? parking requirements of the code have been satis�ied and �" any additional structures wil.l also have i:o provide more �'` parking apaces. �� �� �� 4. An access easemeni; exists along the west property line. �j This easement wa.s intended to pr.ovide accessn�ent to the �; r��tirem�nt home to the northeast . Edwarcls Industzies has ; �t ,; r� �; �. � Y. � . P. � � � . � �.w.' STAFF hEPORT Agenda 5. 5 Tigard Planning Commission ,;;�,' July 20, 197G Page 2 indicated that they intend to develop the remainder of their parc�ls in medically associated buildings and intend to have something on the order of a medical plan develop- ment on this parcel. This easPment in combination with the existing access point to the realty office and the existing drivewal� to the residence to the north, �rovide �;hree access to this larger a�rea. CONCI,USIONARY FINDINGS : l. The location of a ctental clinic at this site conforms to the use desi.gnations of. the Tigard Community Plan. 2. The proprasal conforms to Section 18. 32 of the Tigard l�unicipal Gode. 3. Th� applicant Yias demonstrated a public need for the request and that thi;� sitE exhibit� characterics suitable for the location o:f the denta,l clinic. ST.AFF 1�ECOMMENDATIQNS : �µ Staf.f recommen.ds appraval with the following conditions: 1. . The existing free standing sign �,long SW PaciFic Hwy be removed and be rep7.ac:ed by a wall mounted sign not to exceed 15 square fe�t in si�e or a free standing sign subjec�t to Design Review approval . 2. A11 a.reas not coverea by a walkway, roadway or building ; be landscaped and maintained. �. , _ . , ,;: . ..x.. ;. � ...:,, �,,:�,.. ,....... « 9 � '�.._. STAFF REPORT Agenda 5.6 Ti�ard Planning Commissa.on Ju1.y 20, 19r1G - 7: 30 P.M. Tigard, Oregon DOC�ET: V-t�-76 � REQUEST: A variance to the subdivision code 17 .44. 040 ior side- ; walks states that sidwalks s11a11 be installed along both sides of each street . , � LOCATION: SW Landmark .Lane � � APPLICANT: Sabre Coristruction Company � BASIC FACTS : 1 � � l . The site is desginated "Gene.ral Indu�trial"' on th� Tigax�d � Municipal Code and zoned M-2, "C��neral Industrial" . � 2 . The surrounding land use is general manufacturing. �: � �; 3. Thi�s paxcel w�,s originally partitioned through a major �; land partiti�ning (P,7LP 4-74) approval of which wa� giv�;n � following appeal �to City Council on August 26, 1974 with the following conditions: A. That prope.rty owners s�all agree to participate in local improvement district for the purpose of improving SW 72nd Avenue to cit� collector street standaxds and sh�.11 execut� a r�cordable covenant h.erewith. �� B. That the proper�ty owner sha11 ded�.cate sufficient land " to allow a 50U ' radius curb .for .futtzre alignment of �; �W 72nd AvEnue. �' f C. That property owner dedic;at� a stree�t right o� way x meeting city standlards as de�ined in section 17.28.040 �� o:� the Tigard Municipal Code and as shown �n the appli- F c�.nt 's tentative map of. ma,jor land partition as it is t: approve�i by City Public Works Departrnent . �; D. `rhat the proper�;y owners canstruct a street meeting � city standard �,s defined k�y Title 17 Tigard Municipal (' Code w�thin the dedicated right of way as shown on � �the applican�t ' s tentative map of major land partitian anci serving all parti�tioned parcels. All street con- � struction documen�ts shall be approved by the City { Put�lie YVoxks Department . (' �: i�. 4. Planning Commission on �July l , 1975 approvecl further partiti:�n i; �: �f tax lot 600 nori�h of SW Landmark Lane on the contli.tion � that the rem�.ining conditions of the Landm�.rk I,ane ma;jor � partition be sati;�fied. �� � � F'� �.. STAFF REPORT Agenda 5.6 July 20, 1976 i '�� Page 2 i 5. The Planning Commission on March 4 1975 a r , pp oved a va.riance to the sideyard setback requiremen�ts in �;11e M-2 zone on the f'ollowing conditions : "That the conditions a�ttached at the time o:� the initial major land part be finalized before build�ng p�rmits are issued" . 6 . Section 1'7.44. 040 0� Tigard n4unicipal Code requi.res that �� concrete sidewalks shall be installed along both sides of each streel: in accordance with sta,ndards adopted by the city, not less than 5 ' wide in areas where the pro- posed lo�s a.re 10,000 square fee� or less in size. Side- walks shall. be constz•ucted adjacent �to the property line" . 7. Section 17.�8 .020 of Tigard Mlznicipal Code requires that '� a varia,nce shall not be granted unless the Commissi.on i finrls that all �f the following exists : � A. That there are special circumstances or conditions ' affecting the property which are unusua.l and j parti.cular to the lands oi developrnent of thc project { �;'sf involved as cc,mpaz°ed to other. latids similarly � �w situated. B. That the variance sought is nPCessary and the minimum required for the preservation oF protection �� a � substantial �,roperty iriterest of the partitioner to � the degree that Exti aordina,ry wauld result from s�Y.rict , 'i compliance with the regulations of this chapter , appl.icable to the particular subdivision major and � n�inar land partition involved. � C . That the granting of the variance will not be determintal � to the publ.ic hEalth, safety and wel:fare but will. be �' consist therewith and shall nnt be injurious to the rights � of oi:he.r property owners in the neax• vicinity nor con- `� strtute a departLere fram or be in violation o:t' the Comprehensive I�lan of the City o.f Ti.gard. � 3� D. That the applicants proposa,l for var. iance and subdivision � or major land part;ition conforms ta and is consisi;ent � with a11 o�ther regulatory requirement of this title i (T:it1e 18) of this code, that adequate provision is made � far. �;raffic circulatian, recreati�n, ope:� space, and �; other similiar Factors and that the variance sought has J'. been consider�d by other ptiblic �;gencies concerned with r� :fire pro�tection, sewer, water and other utiliti�s as well 1+ as environmental �actors and the w�i�;ten comments of i' �� such regizlatory bodies as applicak�le is submitted as a.rt �� p of the record. ; H c €� � r;; � . �..` STAFF REPORT Agenda 5.6 �.., July 2U, 1976 �;� Page 3 FINDINGS : 1. Conditions of the previous major land partition, minor land partition and variance creating SW Landmark Lane have been satis�ied. 2. The present right of way width of SW Landmark Lane is 5C1 ' . 3. The t�pography of tlle site along i;he south side of Landmark Lane show elevation differences which vary as much as 3 '6" vertically with 5' horizonal measurement . It should be noted that these topography changes are somewhat the result of the construction oF the Owens Corning Building at that site. The area to the south of SW Laridmark Lane is land- scaped and planted in street trees and groundcover. 4. Present paved width of SW Landmark Lane is 40 ' leavi.ng a. 10 ' easement along the north side of the street . 5. The applicant has stated that due to the topography a� the lot on the south side th� possibility of. adding a sidewalk a).oiig that side is rathe.r remote �.nd that owning to special � circumstance they are requesting that a sidewalk c�nly on � �; the north side be required. 6. The lass of newly planted vege�tation including street trees a,nd ground cover would r�sult in a hardship ta the property owners an� the pub�.ic. M 7. No detrimential impact will be �reated by the relaxation of �this requiiement in that the s�treet is 40 ' wide whereas � tne code norma.11y requires 36 ' wide pavement wid�th and the ' location of a sidewal.k beitlg on the north of the cul-de-sac. Engine�ring Depar�tment has found that one 5idewalk an tl�e north side of Laildmark Lane be located from the existing right of way on SW 72nd around the cul-•de-sac to the wESt �dge of I3ethleham Steel 's dr.iveway apron would provide � adequate pedestri.an circulation. CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS : � � 1 . There are special circumstances in regards to the topography } o:f the site which will warrant the granting o� this variance. A 2. Granting this request would allow one siflewalk as opposed �, to the required two and would save the destruction of recent !,� landscaping activity. '1'he aesthetic value o� the south � side af the s�;reet wauld be redi�cEd if existin� l�,ndscaping i were rnoved. � t- `r; 3, The variance appea�rs to he the minimum without being injurious � to tYze Tigard Municipal Code. � � _ . _ STAFF RE�ORT � T A �,: �:� � genda 5.6 July 20, 1976 Page 4 �� STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS : Staff recommends approval with the fol.lowing conditions: I l . The 5' sidewalk be constructed adja.cent to the property line on the north side of Landmark and run the entire length of the r�adway �Crom the existing right of way on SW 72nd around the cul-de--sac to the west ecige o.f I3ettilehem Stee7. driveway. 2. That the conditions attached the original major land partition be satisfied prior to the release of any performance bond presently held by the City. �� �' � � . .�.�... ......:. ...... . .. . . .. . . ... .. ... . . . ..! y r Y l' � � �'� } STAFF REPOI�T ��, �.,. Agenda 6 . 1 � T' Tigard Planning Commission �` July 20, 1976 - 7: 30 P.M. Twality Junior fIigh Schaol - Lec�tur� Room �' Tigard, Oregon ; ('�� �'. !; DOCKET: MLP 5-76 i'. F�� � REQUEST: To create three lots out of two existing lots . ; LOCATION: Along S'W Pacific Highway , north of SW Canterbury Lane. t' (Wash. C�. Tax Map 2SZ 10A, t.ax lots 400 and 501) . F �1PPLICANT: Jarnes L. Cain/Edwards Industries, Inc. e' �'i B�SIC �'ACTS : r: i; 1 . TY�e site is designated "Residential Commercial" on the Tigard Cornprehensive Plan and zoned. "C-4 , Neighborhood Connmercial : . 2. The existing site is used :�or a xeal estate oFfice/ ` consulting s�rvice wi.th most of the parcel being vacant � with overgrown grasses. i! k,ry �� 3. The surrounding la,nd �xses include a sanitorium, an �; animal clinic, a single family residenc and SW Pacific ; Highway. � FiNDIiVGS : �} l . The applicant has requested partitioing approval to c�reate (; a 16,5�0 square fflot parcel out of two existing lots. ;, �:� 2 . The pr�p�sed lotting patt�rn pr�vides f�r �tt�e setbar,ks �`. required by �ecti�n 1g. 32.040 a� the Tigard Municipal `.' Code for C-4 Zonin�. �i !.3 �,; 3 . The pro�osed l.otting pattern daES not crea�e �. lot ; nar reduce either exis�;a:ng lot below the m�.nimum lot `� size requireznents o� Section 18. 32 . 030 of the Tigaxd '�' ij r;i Mu.nicipal Cod� . �' i:� 4. The propo�ed 1o�tting pattern bis�cts the existing park- �` ing lot . The applic�,nt has �ta,ted in the submission that t�: joint use of t11� access dra.ve an.d parking area is intend- '` �., ed. Section 18.60.03D of the Tigard Municipal Code �; allows joint use o:� such faci.lities izpon demons�tration ,` of rec.orded cros� easements. �': �: 5. TY�e prime conc�rn in reviewing cl�v�lopments along 1r SW Pacific Highway is traffic circulation and sa�ety. In this case no new access drives are being created. �' � �; CONCLt1S I ONA�tY F I ND I NGS ; � � � ». " !".;" f � i�u. ��,,. , ,... l . The proposal confori�ns to the Tigard Comprehensive �;� Plan and the requirements of the lot size and setback �equirements of the Tigard Ivlunicipal CodP. STAFF RECOMMENDL�TTON: , ' Sta.f� recommends approval of the following condition: II I l . A satisfactory recorded cross easement agreement be filed with the City Recorder. � 4 i i f �