Planning Commission Packet - 07/06/1976 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. , - - �-- ��enda `�. '�.a, Ti�ard �lannin� Commissa.on July 6, 1.976 - 7:30 p.m. 61'�.�ality Junior High �chool - Lecture Raom 14650 SW 97th Ave. , T?�;ard, Oregon 1« CALI� TO ORDER: 2. ROLL G.ALL: 3. APPRO�IAI, OF MINUTES: �•. COMMUNTC�TIONS: 5. PUBLIC HF.�.R.INGS: 5�l 7QNE C:H.ANGE ZC 7-76 (Construc-tion Serv,ices Ina. ) A request by Construction Servic�s Znc. �or a zonin�; m�.p amendment to rezon.e a p�.rce�, o� l�nd located. at S.Z�1. Gr�enb�.z^y Rd. & Shady Jane, from R-7 (singlP , �amily residential) to Cp4 (Neighbarhood Gc�rnmercial). li (Vlash. Co. tax m�p �.Sl 35B, tax lot 2(�00}. I 5 0 2 CONllITIONAL USE F'ER.M�T CU 9-72 (Ti.�ard School 1�istrict 23J} A requ�st by Tigard �choo�. District 2.3J tu �.mend a � �anditional u:e permit, approved Ju:Ly 18, 1q72, to all�aw the cons�ruction of a foat �ara.dge acros� Summ�r Creek on � the new I"owler Jun.ior High School si�e .ir� the vie�nity " o:� S.W. Walnut ai�id Tiedeman. (W�.sh. Co. tax map 251 >.AAa tax lot �.Ol) . 5.3 CONDZZ'IONA`L US� PrRMIT CU 9°7� (Tig�:rd Schc�c�l Distr.i.c� 2�J) A reques-� by �.�igamd Schoc7 Dis°�xict 23J tn amend � �onditxnnal use permit, ap�raved July 18, 19?2, �;a �l-(-cavr thp �onstruction of a �,i�ld �zous� �c� i.r�s-cal.la�ion a?= �:iel.d 1.ig11ts axa the Fo�aler �'una.ox� Hi.gh SGhool �it� ila th� vicinity o.f 5.�4�T. V�Ta:Lnut and Tiedeman. �t�Tas7z. Co� '�a� maZ� ?_Sl 3AA, tax lot :LOl) . 6, St1�D�VTS�oN: ' 6.1 SUFDI�IISION �-6-76 (Pa�h;�inder 2S) A r�qu�st by Sam (�o-t;�er and LarrSr Jackson �or �rela.minary pla-� appxoval ta create 7 lots in an R-�10, �ingle famil,y residentia� �o�e, at S.W. Fonn�r Sto , west of �.W. 107t;h4 k�laa�. (Wash. Co. �ax map �S1 �AD, ta�x lots 800 & SQ3) e 7. l�lZSCELLA�TE�US: 7.� �. xequ�s� by L�ar� Fo� �ta o�e�ate an arts and cra�ts �'esta�val Augus� 21.st �throu�h the 2�th a.n a C--3 zone ;� (gener.al �a��m�rcia.�} a-� T.2.1.4J S.W. I�al.l B1vd. (V�ash. Co. ' tax m�� 2Sl 1BB p -�ax lot 3,1Q1.)4 g, OTk3ER �USINESS : �, AP�'OURN:MFI�TT : _ _ _ i �' , � �.. • Minutes Ti�;ard Planning Commission �Tu1�r b, 1976 - 7:30 P.1�. Twality Junior �-Iigh School - L�cture Room 14650 SW 97th Avenue, Tigard, O�e�on 1. CALL TO QI��R: 2'h� meeting was ca�,led to order a� 7:37 by Chairman Popp, 2_. ROLL CALLc Present: GoZdbach, Nico�.i, Philla.ps, K�ause, and F'opp. Staff: Daniels and I�aws. E�xcused Abs�nce: Tepedino, Maore, Sakata �nd Porter. 3. 1�YPROVAL t�F MIIWTES: Phil.lips moved and G�Zdbaeh seconded to apgrovP the minutes of J�zn� lst ax�d June 15th, .1976. The minutes were una�pnnausly a��rov�d� �+. GQMNTiJNZCATTQIV�: None i � , _5. PUBLTC HEAFtI1VGS: i i 5.1 2QNE CH.ANGE ZC 7-76 (Cnnstruction Service�, Tnc. ) � A reques`t l�y Coxas�x�a,et�on �ex�ricss, Inc. for a zaning : m�p amen.dment t�� re�one a parce�. of �.arad �.o��.te�i a-t ��4+1 � �t Greenbur� Rd. and Sh�dy Lan.es from. F�-7 (Ss.ng2� Fam.a.l.y Fteaiden�ia3) to C-�-� (Nea.g�barhoad Camm�rcia�.) . (�rTash. Co. Tax Ma� 1S1 35.B s T�.x L�••� 2a00) . A. Sta�� Re�aor�t; R�ad by Daniel�. B� �.�r��ican�t P�esPnta+i�r.: re�rge Horn�r (Constructic�r� � Servic�s, I�,cp ) px�e�ent�d a si�.ae pre�pntat�on oi � �the site ar�.d propc�sed use. Mr. Hor�nex also submi�tted � a �°eva.s�d si-�� plan. ba�ed an recomm��,da��.�ns macie by �, st�.�f concernin� t�e appl.a.can��s a.ni�ial �it� plan , submissiran. Hoxner further s�ta�ted tha.t �he �rauncl !f floar a� the p�opased building would be u��d fox a t conven9.ence mar�kPt ancl the s�cond �loor o:f the t proposed �tru�ture would b� �a�^ �ammercial of,�ice � sp�,ce wh�.ch would be 7.e�sed. �' G; C� Pu�alic Tes�imony: Nane k' � }. r. ll� Sta�a' F�.ecdmmendatian: Staff recommended approval sub�ect to th� fallowin� aonda.ta.ons: � 1he De�ign Fte^view :Board sha�.l encourage a site devel.op� � ment plan t�rhich facilitates the inclusion of tY��.s � pro jec� into an inte�rated shoppi,ng area a� ad,jacez��t F � �: � � ,. . .. . . � � � . . � . . � .����.1 ... .._,. , ..,. . ., . . : .. . . �1 .�, �rik �'a E 2 �:� ��,� � � ' .�,,:: �'PC Mi.nutes �'',' �July 6, 197E� ��i �';i �??; properties are developed. In order to accomplish � �`' this objective th� �ol.l.a�aing condi�ians would b� �-�; � requa.red: r��i �:�'; �.. The Greenburg Road driveway be elimirzated �E��? on the site plan. �`' 2. Provision be made on the site plan for �; continua.n� the drive way on the east side ,:;' of the proposee� building ont� the southern lot. � ': ; . (<: 3. Th� Shady Lane driueway be shared by this �;n �.evelopment iz� tY�e ad�acerit pr�perty wi.th �:� 4:� cross easemer�ts being record�d. �:;� �;'`' 4. A deed covenan�t be executed prc�hibitin� ;' vehicul.ar access onto Greenburg Road or + ; �had�r Lane at any othe� l.ocation: th�.n pro�- �, : u�cl�d i.r,. accox�r�aa��e wa.�h con�.it�.c�rz �umi�er° �. j:` r,,t, 5. A ha1� street impravem�nt o� Greenbtarg N:oad �:': and Shady Lane be c�n�tructed �o ci�y cod.e. �' �, �.'he s�rept imprcrvement to include curb, storm a �- sewerp and 5' sicievr�lk adj�cent the property '' � � � 1ine. ',,� �.,� 6. �.'hat a zerd 1ot l.ine setbaak be �erm7 t�ed on .�.� the 5aut�. property as -Fhi.s A--� property must lae �:� rezoned commercial in order �to ca�.form to th� ��� �,� cam�rehen�ive p1an. Th�.s wi1.l aZso faca.l.ite � � , ;, a.�ntegra-tion of futuxe c�mmerca�al de�elapmen�, t ' fi;`.: 4..::� �'� 4 E. Rebuttal: Phi�:Lips a�ked if tk�e Ioadin.� acc�ss �. �i driv� as shown on, the revised site ].an would allow '"' p f�,:, for suffa.Gien:t truck maneuvering on �he sit�. �"' St�f responded that the DRB would rlea7. wi.th this '� ` �; ; patential problem� � ; � F. Commissian ]�iscussion and Action: Pnpp sta�ed that € ' he felt this groposal meets th� ir�tent of the � ! NPO �2 P1.�n and that thi.s area was a goad 1.ocati.�n � ;, for a nei�hborhac�d shopping conv�nience store. t�:; However, h� que��a..nned the u5e of the phrase ��. "t�J3.thin walkir�g d3.�tance" �s stated in the appli- � ' �ant�� ���gl d,�� fia���R�.t�.�re. Popp fur t her stat�d k �'' F` F that the proposa.l woul.d b� a gaod aaaition to �x� th� community. E Goldbach moved and Nicoli second�d to apprnv��'fi.he ' �,� zone chan e re uest �ub 'ect to th� cond;itions ` � g q J �,.,� I,.,, � , stated 3n the sta�� r�commer�datians. '4 , n The mot3ox� was unanimously approver�. �� �� �;� 6"�"'` ``�' Page 3 , ; �` �'�"' TPC Minutes ' July 6, 1.976 �� 5.2 CONl�ZTTONAL USE PERMIT CU 9-72 (Tigard Sc:h.00l Dist. 23J) A requ�s� by Ti�ard �chaol District 23J �to amend a candition.al use permitA approved Jul.y 18, 1972, to al�.ow the constructi�r� of a fnot bridge across �ummer Greek an the new Fowler Jr. High School site in. -the vicinity o� SW Wa�.nut and Ti�deman. (Wash. �o. Tax Map 25�. 3�: Tax Lot 1.01). A. Sta�f Report: Re�d, by Daniels. B. Applicant Presentation: Philli� Rice, schoal p�operty manager for School Dis-�rict 23J, stated that the pro- posed bridge was showz�. ox� the orig�.nal concept plan, when the conditi.onal, use ag�lication req,uest�d �or develapment of the Fowler Jr. High Schaol site came be�ore the aommission in 1972. G. Pu'blic Testimony� Nans Do Sta:�f Recomm�nda�i,�na Staf�' re�ommended approval to amend Ct3 9-7� su.b ject to the �callow�.n� conditions: 1. A1Z de'br�.s (dead trees, logs, e�tc. ) a�.on� Summer Creek be removed �nrivall.y �'or the �n�a.re �.en�th of � the achool property. 2. �'i.��: ma�erial be corrugated coded steel pipP. 3. 1�1.:I: main�enance resp�nsibility la� �ssigned to th� schao�. dis�r�icto E. Rebut°tal: Popp asked staff far a clari�ication o� s��ff reco�rnendation �#1.. F. Commission Discus�i�n, and Acta�ar�.: Motion by �rause � seaanded by 1�icoli ta a�?prove the amendrnent tc� GU 9-7Z � for the c�nstruction of a foot bridge across Summer � Greek with sta�f con,ditions 1 through � as stated. �I Matian was un:animously approvedo � i 5.� CONDT'1'IONAL USE FERMIT CU 9-72 (TS.gard School Dist. 23J) �! A request by Ti�ar^d School Dist�ict 23J t4 a;mend a cpnditional use perma.t, approvec� July .18, �.972, �to a11.aw the constructi;on of a fie'ldhouse and installation of fiield li�hts on the Fowler Juxt�:ar High Schaa7. site 3.n vicinity of SW Walnut and Tie�.eman, (Wash. C�. Tax Map 2S1 3AA., Tax Map 2S1 3AA, Tax Lot 101� . �� , ;.. - . �,, . . ;. , . , �, ,°" � Page 4 �Y��� �`� � i � `�." TPC �Iinutes ' �izly 6, 1976 '�� ��� �¢� A« Sta��' R�part: Read by Dariiels. �" � Don Harvey, 1.12th Street, asked for a clarifica�t�.on of �' staff conclu�ionax°y �inding number 1 which stated that �� a fieldhouse and field �.i�hts are nox�mally associated �� i�rith baseball. di.amonds �nd schc�Qls and are accessory }`. uses within the meaning of the Tigar�. Mun.icipal Codes �; ,, B. Applicant Presentation: Phi1 Riae (Pro�erty Mana�er �', for Schoal District 23J) briefly prssented the rationale �; for the eonstruc�ion a� �. f'a:.eldhouse �d fiel.d lights ;:; ar� the Fowl.er Jr. High School site. �� �, Krause asked �the applicant to de�ine the mearaing o� a ;� "f ie7�dhou�e". �i Dave Fairbanks representating the Babe Ruth League f= �tat�c� tha� ove�° °�he. las°� 13 years he has experienced " few comp�.a�nts abcut :H�be Ruth and its funct:ion. '. Fairban:ks stated that nigh� game h.ours �rt�rs ta be F b�tween 6:00 and 10.30 P.M. ��d wi,th t�.e �.atest time �; bei.n 11t00 l�.M. �nd that there was a need fa.r the #' � �� a11 the 200 lu� �a ers �iel.d ligh�ts �,n order° ta 1et p P Y ,� tha� have signed up �ox� the Babe Ruth Lea�,ue �to have � ar�, op�ortun.ity to play bal:L durir��; �he course of the �;, �. season. � Kr�use asked F�irban.ks i� r�:venue� w�uld be generated k from th� con��ssion stand �ra.d would th�re not be a ra. � groblem with main��,enance, a.,e. pape� cu�s ar�.d other !' e. debrss. �"i ��� ;1 Fairbank� statecl that in ard�r to stay aut a� the red �';, a CnY1G�SS1011 �tan.c� wQU1d t�e ne�ded and °that maintenance ;,? of th� facility woul.d be take�: car� U� by t.h� user�s af j��, the fisld. �''i Don Harvey, 112�th 5�reet, asked �the a�pZicant i� othe� iY, �raups w'ould be usin� the f,acil�.ty (field) . �.� ,. �., Har°ris Hansen, a member of th� Recre�tionCoar�.inatin� x.' Cammittee stated that n.o s�.ow pitch b�as�ball taoul.d be f" p�rmittQd orz th� b�.l� diamon� ar►cl th�t the us� t�rou�d � be limited to American t,eague, Babe Ruth and schaal i re�.a�ted ac-��.vities only. �` ;, ,; C. Purlic Testa.mony: Don T�arvey, ].12th 5treet, �tated �� that ��this approval was not being done we11 enough f�' and that furtl�er design consa.deration should be �iven i to the project and that Cook Park would serve as a �� �e�tter location for tkais propased a�tiv3.ty" . Harvey � � further �tated that access from the su'bject site onto '4dalnut 5treet vrou�.d 'be haza.r.daus. �� (, �; � f: ,. '� � ' , ,, Pa�e 5 ��.z:. �... TPC Minutes • July 6, 1.976 ��, , Phi1. Good, Walnut S-�rPet, st�,tEd that he is not opposed to baseball but was opposed to activities being conducted on the Fowler si•�e a�ter 10 s 00 P.M. i.n a r�sidential. area, and that th� existing conditiara o� SW Wa.lr�ut Stree� does nat lend itself ta thi.s type of proposed aeti.v9.ty. G1enn ThompsonA SVd Walnut Street, abjected to �he use o� th� base'bal.l field while other pec>pl� ar$ �ryi.ng to use the field �or other activities, e«�� �jogging. D�.1ene Car�enter statEd that she was concexned the noise that would be ommitted 'by the basPball gam�s as wel.l as the lit-�er and the amoun+ of additional traf�ic being gen�rated by the proposed activity. M.rs. Harv�y, 1,12th Street, stated that she was concerned with th� potential nois�e 1�eing gener�ted by the proposed activities as well a� the p�.rking prob:Lems that would be c�eated �.nd that accessibl� to the site w�uld l�nd its�l� to peaple using 112th Str�et �'or p�.�kin�. ; Bob Car.ner, 1.07th Court, stated that a prapased parking ' area was to be cans�rt�.cted nQrth o� the �tennis co�rt�. � i � D. Staff Re�ammendation: afia�� recoznmendec� to �nend CU �-7� � �to inc]��xde a b�s�ball fieldhouse �with t-,31e �o1.lowin.�; cond,i,�tions: �.. All, tztiliti�s servin� the �xte 'be plac�d unde�- gxc��:nd. 2. That the bui�.ding be one story' on1y. �� 3. That a dr�.nkin� fount�in be place�. an the �i extPrior o� °�k�e buil�diz�g for continu�l �se durs.ng s of�'-schoe�l. Y�ours. � � 4. That restrooms bP des�.�,ned a.xi such a manner as •�� 'j ma.nimi�e the possi'bility of vanda��.sm ax�:d be ; avail.able for use durin� of� hours. `� � �i. 5, That trash recepta.aals be bui.lt �:nto the building � �c� as to have sanitary recep�t�.cals con-�inual,7.y � k availabl.e. ; 6. That a minimum nf four recepticals (additional) ' be availabl� during the use of the field, ' 7. That the bui].ding and p�rl�in� area be subject to - the D�si�r�. Revi�w Boarcl, 8. That the Planr�ing Gomr�zss�.on recommend to the City Council that n;o p�rking be �ermitted a],ong SW Walnut Stre��; in the area of the pro�osed ,fieldhause. .: :,, _ . _ . , ,.. , �. .. . , _. _ �. �. � M_. _.. Page 6 ° wrd,.: ���.. TPC Minutes � � July 6, 197� �i �� Staff recammended t�at CU 9-72 be aznended to include ��� �;he grantin� af approva�. �or field lights with �he � �ollowing conditions: � s 1. That a fast growing type of tree such as ppplar be pl.anted be°�ween the tennis caurts ar_�. SV�r ; Walnut from the entrace drive to the wes-t �� �� � � px�operty 1.�.ne. �`a ; 2. That a restricted cur�ew such as 1C� nr ll P.l�a ��� be instituted beyond wha.ch the 1igh�� may not �,; be ia.sed. �: ,�:, E. Rebuttal: Phil Rice a�ked if sta�f woul.d. 'b� recepti.ve ;.�. �o l�acating a drinking fourztain that w°ouZd be detacl`ied €:'! j� from the propaser3 �iel,dhouse. f;;, t�, Staff statec�. that tb.ers �woul.d be no da.f�iculty in �:hat �'! as 1.oz�� as the �'ounta�.n w�s �rc�vicied. '; Rxce �urtYa.�r requested that rather -�han popl�r trees �: bei�g pl.anted alc�ng the tennis court that another var?ety ;=,� o�' tree be used. The �nt�nt being -�h.at a �tall ty�ae of ;; tree be planted �.n orcler �to create a buffer between the y�` c���ined areas m ', E;; �; � �rs. Har�rey� s�tated tha-t tr�es �.ocated next ta the tenx�.is �; co�zxts ��v�uld have the pot�ntia�. n� cr�ating �azardous � �c�nclit�,r�ns an the �QUrt� b�cause of the �al.lin� leaves. Fairbank� stat�d the propo�ed. �.ew high sc��o1. �aci1.�.�y to !� be located in �1ose �roxismi�y to the Fowler Jr. High �Schonl woul.d create s�.milar problems in the future at �;�. whi�h tim� a. bal�.fi,eld was constructQd and fielc� lights i.? install.ed. �``' � k.� F. Conimission Discussion �d Action; Nicoli asked sta�f �' as 'tc� �he amount o�' e�is�i��.g park�.ng on tla:e school site. �; �. fr Staff responded that i;here a�^� a�pro��mat�ly 11.Q spaces �' presently available. �'; i` ,� �+ �� +h�.t �� favcr�d t�.� pi.�po��� �r���a;�z �ut s t"�:i'ui�Sc �7 V�'u�i�.. v s v . . qupstioned -the use of t�� n.ight Ii�ht�. ;; 7:: Nicoli stated that a concess�on is part of �as�ba�.1. � ��eS �� . {, Goldbach stated that h.e was in � ��dilemma" in reg�:rd� J�i �o determinin� whether or not the �ield li�h��s and �; £ieldhouse were c�mpatibl� wx.�h the �urrounding x�eighY�ar- `, hood. § � � s, � � II I . " Page 7 �''� ��� � TPC l�inutes ��„:; `� +' �.,, �. July 6, 1976 � ., E ; f; �: �� Phillips stated tha� in order to ge� the mos� us� of the k'- . landq you use the 1�and as much as possibl�, "TYzat is what '` the tax payers pay for41. s�' l;';'. Popp stated that to gain an objective we have to forego � ' a certaa.n amount af converiience (th� ni�ht 1igh�s) . �� Popp f.urther stated that he could understand the need for a concession stand but thou�ht that °�he baseball �``' fie�.d would be used .far other than the Babe Ruth Leagu�, � tha�t the games should be concluded as rapid�.y as possibl.e k and a �th.or�ugh litter progrr�m '�e inaugurated, that he � concurred with sta�'f recommendatio�.s and that a 11:00 PM -" � c�xrfew should be ir��i;�.tuted �nr use of thP field. �;` Nicc��.i rnoved for approval of the amendment to CU 9-7?_ ``' � with staff recommendation.s. ;;, F Motion di�d for laak of a second. �'hillips �sked why ��.is act�.vi-Ly could not be :Lacat��. at Ca ol� Park. ;' Euer�t-� Nixon sta-ted tYza� Coo�i Park had been considered ? � �, as a possible locati.on :�or �3abe R.t�th games but i� was determined u�on ex�mination �f existing �ctivities and �the size and n�eds of the B�be Ruth League th�.t a.t would � '� no-� prove feasibZe ba�ed on °�hose fa.n�.in�s. �a Nicoli then re�-made the motion �ox appro�ral amend�.r�g �'''`� CU 9°72. Seconded by P�pp. �'';. NZotion �aa.7.ed �three tQ two. Krause, Goldbach and Phillips ;-.` no. Popp and Nicoli. yes..� 1 - � Ghair,man Popp adva.s�d the appl.i�ant of his rig�.t to appeal the decisian to the C�.ty Council w�.�hin 1� days by written letter. F;,j 6, St113DIVISION: 6.1 �UBDIV�SION 5-6-76 (Pathfinder IT) i A rec��.est by Sam Go�ter and Lar.ry Jackson fnr prelimi,nary f �' plat apgroval to create 7 lots a.n an, R-].0, �in��.� Family �'�� Residential Zone, a�: SW Fonner Street, west o� SW �.07th P1, f � (Wash. Co. Tax P�tap 2S1 3�.D, T� Lot 800 ar�.d 803). ;`:. A. Staf�' Report s Read by Daniels �`�' . � �,�:� E . Krause asked staff a.f this deve�.ome�r�t would �it in � ' in�i.th the existing abutti.n� subdiv�.s�:on (Path�inder) :; wes� o.� the subjec�t �i�e. � ���� � � � �`� 73. A�p7,icant Preaentation: R.iahard Waker, ca.vil en�ineer �;j<< for the pro�QCt, s-�atec� �.e �elt tlze s�taff repor� was �;; not very appliaale to �th.e �ppla.aantion as submitted. �� t;.v �.„.' ��: r _ _ _ 'r � �� � �. Pa�e 3 �� �� �; . �.,. TPC Ntinutes � y �uly 6, 1.976 ir �� �_ �rTaker rec�uested that the applicax�t not be responsible �; .�or a sidewal.k around th� cul-de-sac du� to the �; difficulties it would present �r�ith the existing topograph�. 4;, �:; C. Public Testimony: L�nnie Turner property owner pn �';; �Nl Pathfinder stated that he felt t1�.is was a good plan . ara.d would be anoth�r lin.l� �.n the greenway system. � . I;; Dave Schu`tz ovrner of the ex�tire sub ject.pa.rcel being �.' subdivided stated that he da.d not want to be includ�d within the subdivision requirements for the proposed �'' rec�uest as his property was to �e cleue7.oped seperately. ;;; Sck�ultz fur-ther sta�ed that upon purchase of the sub- je�t parcel b� �he applicants t,n� 1�and on the sau�h side r� of the greentivay tivould 'belo�.� entirely ta him. r:' Phil.lips ask8d. if of� street p�rkin� �aroblems would � resul.t as tp the �?roposed alloting pat-�ern.. '•�° t; . Nicoli stated tha�t due to �the very deep alotting pattern � as pr�pc�sed on the pre�iYn�.nax^y pla�t long driveways 4 ; would, be provided to the site �.�. thus provide suffa.cze�.t w�; p�.rkin�. E ' ° ; D. S�ai'f Recommendations. Staff r�commended apprava�.. subject �J� � ta the fallowing coz�.dit�.�ns: ,;; E;+ ld A draina�e plan for the si-�e be a�p�c�v�ed. by tk�c� ��: �n�iMeering department priar �;o fin.a]. p1.at appro�ral. �'� ��: 2. A fi11 an,d grada.ng plan be aubtn�itted to �h� enga�neer- � ' ;,. ing departmen.t. This plan shall includ.e the pro- � `; vi�,ion af a ten :foo� wide �ill above the annual high ? ' �n►atem level in th� Gre�nway area. f ;., ; . 3. Construct�on plans af propose�. Public Impravemen,ts f.; (Path�inder Way) be submitted t� engineering dept. i� . for approval. priar to final p].at ��aproval and prio� {, to construction commencement. i`.� ;� �.+ 4. A 5' utility easement be proviaed a3ong aoth sa.des `" of Pathfa.nder V�Iay and along ai�. iot �.i�:es. �"' i'�; 5. That portion of the parcel abutting SW Fonner be k< : annexed into the Ci�y. �::` b. That the 20� wide "driveway strip��' abutting �th� pra- 4;: osed cul-de�sac �.nclude a ubli� aacess ea��m�nt `t' P g s`,:' to the greenway t� assist maintenanc� of -this public � � la��d. � � � �� ����� _ � �` 7. Mailboxes b� cJ.ustered with a� meandering sidewalk. ��,: Location ta be approved by engineering departm�n� i'� prior to final p1Gt approY�?� �: ;� 8. Standards and speci,f3,c�.tions of �roposed cul-d�-sac �;' .—�.,�,-_._ , z �, „-��� Page 9 � �..�.� TPC Ninute s � J'uly F�, 1.97� ta confarm to those prev:iousl.y constructe�. in Pathfinder Subdiva.si.on. 9. A Complian.ce .�greement an�. Yer��rmance �ond sha11. be execu:t�d. 1,0. S�reetlights to P.G.E, (city approved) standards. 11. The p1�at boun.dary be extended to include thP soutlzerly lot (across the greenway) , E. Rebuttal: S�hutz stated that he �vas not receptive to staf� c;andition n�umber b that a 2n � wi�.� ��drivew�y strip�+ abut�ia�g th� prc�posed cu1,--de--sac i�ncl.ude a � pu'�lic aceessment easemEn� to -�he greenway. ��laker stated tha�t he was wi1li�.g to gra�t a 50' e�sement for green.way asE bu�t had clifficulty w�,th acae�ptin,g t��e � sidewall� propo��l arouxld fihe aul-de-sac. �; � F. Coznmission Dxsclzss�.on and �lct�.on; Yrause stated that � sta�f aonclita.on a�.umbex° 6 be el.iminated. �; �1 Go�.dbach concurr�d with Iirause�s x��aammendati.on. �i, N�icoli stated that the use af tnE words mea.xadera.ng sidewal.�� be elimin.�ted from s�taff condition n�zmb�r 7. � Gc�ldbach maved -�o a�prove tk�e prelimi�.ary pla-� with: stazf can,di-tions 1 throu�h 3, e:Lim�.nat-�ng ��af�° condi- tion �.umber 6, rewordin,g sta�f cor�dition numbe� 7 to eli.minate the wo�°d meande�in� s�.dew��.k and approving � staf� conditie�ns S through ll. � 1 � Nlation seca�:c�.e�. by Krause. � Gol.dback� stat�d that due to th� �xisting ta�ogra�hy and �` pi°opa�ed �.otti:r_g pattern tlle applic�ant should not be �' requa.re�. tc� construct a si.d�wal� arc�und the cul-de�sac. � ��. Matzon tivas u:naniznously approv�d� � E V li 7. MTSCELLANEOUS: � 7.1 A. r�quest k�y Leon Fox tn op�rate an Arts and Crafts Festa.v�1. �' �ugu:st 21. °through the 29°h� in a C-3 zane {Genera7. Commerc�.�1.) at 12140 5W Hall B�.vdm (��.�h Ga. Tax ��ap 2S1 1BB, T�x xaot � �.10). �� � B. S�Laff report: Daniels inform�rl the commissiox�ers as �o � Mr. Fox�s proposal. fox havi.�.g �. �arniva�. durir�� the o ted da s. b ve sta a Y �� � � � � 4 � � , _�—� _ .. , .� � � ., - -,,. Page 10 . TPC Minutes m �'`" �``"� July 6, 19'76 C. A licant Presentation: Mr. Fox stated that the intent � � ofPhis carnival was to generate revenue, bri.ng attentian � to his 'business, as w�11 as to provide a oommunity � func�tion. � �; Phill.ips asked Fox how deep the subject parcel tNas, i.mplying there wou7.d be a aonsiderable amount of p clearing tha-L- wauld have to take �lace in preparation `r' �or th� propassd Arts and Crafts F�stival. � ,, Krause asked if arran�ements had been made for p�rkin�;. � I! ,, �'ox stated that SW Garden Place would be more than enough �� a�ea to serve the parking needs of the �es�i�ral. r � D. u�Ca�f ReGC�m�n�ndation: Sta�f rECOmmends ap�rava7. with �� the condition that parking be prohib�.ted alon� �I�11 Blvd. durin� the days of �the f�stival. ' ;': ; k�rause moved to approve the request to operate an Ar�� ` and Cra�ts F�atival. August 21st thro�gh t��.e 29th wi�h �; the cbndition tha� prior to �he F'estival., parY�a.n� �; arrangements have be�n secured subject �a staff approv�.l. � :I Mation was seconded by Go�.dbach. Unanimousl.y ap�arov�d. t� � r . �;..,. 8� OTH:ER BUSINESS: Chairman Popp �dvised the commissianArs that -�hey � diligen�ly try to a�tend �11 Planning aommis�ion m�e�ti.ng� in ard�r ,� fi,Ya.at a quorum cotzld `be assi,�red. i 9. ADJOITRNI.`�IENT: 10:22 P.M. �. i � � � �'; s: t"� �. �i t p. I�I F'?I �i �'.1 E.�, 4�. �r�I Pg' l', � �; a �M. ,, ;{ � � , --����(� � AF�6����T �F PU��f��Y�O�\{,.. ,. _ -���'f �j� � � � �� #y(��(�f� 5 N�0 inml ecd�._.•7������ ���'���3Y y�� � s�� �4L�t�����_R��1`� . 4 . � . '� 7��"�g� fi�r'���'�,^ h .S��TE' o�'' ���'�a'o�, . ,� � . ,�.' , � � SS. J U�. ! �� , COLTN'I'Y OF l�JASF3IN�TON, � I:, _ �r� �: i �� � ��i� � ���, ��� �� ��,° � �� � .: �4� '�. 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E`;� �;;I �vality �TUnior High School - Lecture R�om :� 14650 S.V�I. 97th Avenu�, Tigard, Oregon i'�i� Agenda 5.1 �`' i... Docket: GC '�-76 ;� Request: A Zon.in� Map Amendment �;o re-zone a 40-acre parcel of land from ��R-�7, Single Family Residential" to ��C-4, 1Vei�hborhooa Commercialrr Locatian: S.W. Greenburg Rc��d and Shady Lan.e (ZFTashington Coun.ty Ta� Map �Sl 3SB, Tax Lot 2000) ' App�icant: Donald Forbes/ConNtruction Services, Tnc. ;,i BASIC FACTS• l. T.he site ax�.d surroundin� area is design.a�ed Neighborhaod Commer-- �a.a7. on the Neighborhnod P7.an II and zAned. °1R�7, Singl�-Fami.l.y Residential". 2. 2'Y9.e site is pr�sently vacant with ov�r�rawn �rass and unkept trees. The topog�aphy is flat and �lightly belov�� �rade. 3. The surrounding land uae ron.si,sts of two se�va,ce �ta�ta.ons north � and west, a residence to the sauth and a vacant parcel on the ,; , east. �',, 4. ThE surroundina adjaGent zox�ing is �'C-3, Gener�.l Comme�aial�� �� and ��A-2, Multi-F�mily Resid�ntial". 5, 5,1��1. Greerzbur� Road is designated an ar�teria� c�n. t�.e Neigh�orh.aod �' Plan 2�. , ' FINDINGS• { 1. Th� applicant has req,uested � change in z�nfng designat�.ori fr�m R-�7 to C--4 so as to allow c�nstruction af a commercia� bua.ldin.g a�t th.e intersecti�n of S.�V�. G���nburg Road and Sl�.acly L�n�. ; 2. '1:'he pro�osed bui7.ding and si�.e plan �.�e �u.bjeat to approva� by � the Desi�n. Rev�iew Bo�.rd. �. Pla�.ning Commission revi.ew of those tisFS J_�.st�d as Permitted Use� in Section 18.36.OI0 of the Tigard Municipal Code would n,ot, b�.t those l.isted aa Conditian�.l Uses in Sectian would be ;�; neces�aary. ` ;' � 4. Th.e intent o�' the Neighborhood Convenience Area i� to pr��v�.de a 1.imited range goods and. services to resiclei�.���1. areas within ;`;;; wal.kin�; distaxiGe. ;,;. �� � ,;, 4;, �jJ �:`;! 4ir' ;,, �'�� s qr __ __ _ _ _ _ �:� �• , , , r�' • �; `�{, � Staff Report PC � July 6, 1976 i�' ` Page 2 5. The uses allowed in. th� Ne�.�h"borhood Commercial Zor�� are °rhose providing �aods and s�rva_ces to the �.mmediate neighborhaod, ancl thus conforms to Pleip.;hborhoocl Plan IT. 6. Th�re is a publ.ic n.eed to cc�n.�'orm the �o�aing to the Neighborhoad Plan.. 7. The aPpl.a.cant ha� s�at�d tha�t the rEason that this sii:e is best su�.�ed f_or the char�ge is because of th�= sit� �.ocation and access- ibili�;y. 8» Th�re are ac��e�L2ate public utilities a�vailable �o the sit�. 9. The en.�i.re ax5�a iu un.c��r�oin� a land use chang� r��ua_���.l�.g pr.imar-- i1y �rom Hi�l�T,v�y 217 ancl the y�rashin.�-tan. Square Sho�p:in� Cente�.^. �'wo a�' tne i�eighboring parcels are a1s� con.templatin� c�ev�lopmea�t. and are .ior saZe. 10. Fa��d with the iznpac-cs o�nera-�eci b1T ti�l�sl�in,gton Square, �;he px�o- perty owzi.ers �.n this area comrnissiox�.�d th� �rShady Lane Econcmic Lan.d Use Studyi� in. 7_�72. In. swnm�r-y, thP r�_part found that in order �c� max_imize both the sit�s ' pote�,tia1 an.c�. iz�vestment return., �' t�.e ei�.�ir� area shoulcl. 'b� d�velopecl �s �, whole rather th�n. c?is- ,jo5.ntedl�� l�ra oppo�twa.ity exists n.ow -Lo irnnlemcn.�t this d.�tailed p"lara. by the xzeighb�ra.n� property o��raers, and. tr�at �his parc�l as -t:he �'ir�t �hase o�' an in-tegr��l:er� shappin.g a.rea. �.'lzc main. problem aria�� au�t o:C the fra�men��d l.otting patt�rn,. l��.inimizin� the number of a�aess point�, providin� cross-�asements, an,d ;, pr�viding �or, a ccan-�iz�uatiaxz o� driveways ar�d paxking areas arc I a ie;� ��e�i�:�c�ds ta unit� �n�.s �eneral area. i �le A Gener�l. Si-Ge Plan na� be�n submit-�ed as p�r-� �:f �he subma.ss�.�n � in orde� to dem�n.str��t� 'r�a�r a cc�mm�rcial bui:Lding w�.th park,ing � arzd 1��:ndscaping could be l.ocat�d an i�kze �ite and s�il1. satisfy � �n� setbac� requirem�ntse ��, 12. Adequate right-of-way has beer� reser�re�. by °tne S�c�te o�' Oregon � �:or Shady Lane and for widening �S.W. �reen1aurg Koad. ;: ;: Z3� `1'he sites major prob�em is associated with a:cc�ss. '1'he location �: a�d num'bex° o� access drives appears to be a gro'b1em. `!'ne Ti�ard i�tux�.a.cipal Cod� allows jaa.r�� use of access drives, and this would � present a safer arrangem�nt �'or tne si.te. �.�ne intersec-�ion af � S.W. Snaci.y Lane and S.a�. Green'bu.rg Road account �or° on� turn�.ng � movement. Anoth�r access paix�� 50 feet s��ua�h wou�.d coiifuse � -this intersection and pl.ace it w.ithin 10 feet o�' �he a.n�fiersection �; ¢, � � � � � � � �� � � , � � , . . �. ..�...... ... . ... - � �, . ,, � ;:. � ,,. .. . __.....__�... _ a.m.,._ ..,._M _.. ,�. < . . , . �.. . ....... .. ... �_ ,.v.�<. .�;..,.�.. �' xm ' �%'.: Staff R,eport �'C e� �u3y b, �.97� �,. F'age 3 with S.W. Cascade Avenue and would not 'b� in the bes� interest ' of public safety. The traffic sa�e�ty objective, xelative to de�telopment o�' this and ad joining prop�rtgr, should be to m�,nima.ze �, the number of aGCess points and to stay as far away a� possible ' � fram the interseeta.on of Greenbur� ar�d Shady Lane. 'J'he a.mplica- tions �crr d�v�lopment of �thi s property are: �; Ao restrict access from Greenbu,r•,g I�oad, and B. place tk�e Shady Lane aocess arive on the eas°t property line; this driveway inten�.ed to ser�ve th� subject propex�ty and the parcel to �11e east ;when. it dev�lops. �4. A. z stre�t iznprovement was con�ta�ucted on �he west sid� of Greexr- �; burg �.oad as a result o� an Qa�li�r dev�lopment, and a -� Street �! izn�arovem�x�t v�i�� sidew�.lks and s°taran s2w�r i� n�c�ssary far this k'� parceZ. Zn order ta provide �a £30 foot r�gh°�-of-wa� and match up 1,, with the curbside impravemeni:s an the va�st s�.de o� Greenburg ;; Roa�.� a �S �o�t p�v�n�; va�t�tk� f'�orn centex�l.in� should be cons�ru,cted. #e'; r�: �:. �., CONCLUSZQNARY FTNDSN'G5s �`;! . . . . . . . F'.� ��` 1. The reques°� conforms �o the neighborhood plan, �or the area4 �� 2. Ther� is a �ublic need to canform tY�� zon�n� �o the deu,ignata.an on the r��i.�h'�orhoc�d plan �d elimi�a�e zonin� islarrds. 3o Z'YzE n�ed can best be met by changing tk�e des�.gn�.tinn on. thi� site + b�cause �he sit� �,s wel.l lo�ated and has gar,d accsssibility a.n ��, relatian tn Highway 217 and �reenbu�°� Rc�ad. �� , 4. Adequate public service� and uti,la.ties ar�e a.vai�abl.e to �;he si�e. �=�° ., • �� 5o Comb�,n3;ng the lott�.n� pattez^n and. acce�s drive nainimizes �h� �� tra�'fi� ha�ard and thus increases ��ubl.ic �a�ety. �:� . _ , n. , �:; , r�, � � � �: ,.; � � � � � � � � �'� � ;,, ,; ;,; ; ,; i} � � � r � � � �� . . .. � _ . . . . �Y': �: . .. � . � . . . ��,� . . . . .. . . �;: . . . . . . . � i.� �.. � . � � . .. �5 y' � � � �_� �. � � . .: .. . �� � . . . � , � . � . . � . .. � . � � � Up k � ._. . . ,., , _ .... �.. ., �. . � . , � _ �� , ; ,�_„�� �, �t" Staff Report �:;� PC �,,�,; Jul.y 6, 1q76 REC�MMEIV�ATION: Sta�f r�commend� �pproval Utith the fol�.awin� cond �ta.ans s �e Design Review Board shall eneourage a site development p3an which faci.l,itates the �.nclusio� of th�.s pra ject int� an integratec� shop�ing �rea as ad�acer�t prc�perties are developed. In order �o ac�omplish this objective thP followin� condi- tions are required: l. The Greenbtzrg Road driveway be e7.iminated on the site plan.. �. Provi:sion be mad.e on the site p1an for continuing +�,he dr�.veway Qn the ea�� side of the pragosed bui7�ding o�ito the sauthern lot as well as on tY�e wes t side, �. �'h� Shady Lane dri.vewa� l�e shared by �his develop- ment and the a�djace:nt property with crass easement� bein� r��c�r�.�ds 4, .� �?eed Covenant be exe�ut�d prohibiting vehicular ! access anto Green�ury Roaci a� Sha�,y L�ne at �y � �ther �.ocation than prav�d:ed in accorara,dc�e witYa Cr�n-- dition 3. 5. A � str�et i�nprovement on Gx�e�nbur� Raad and Shad� Zane be construc-tecl -�o City cod�. �he street imprc�ve- ment ta include aurb, storm sewer, �n.d 5 �oot �ide-� � r�v�,a.k ad jacen:� the property lin.e, 6. Th:a� a zEro lat line setback be permi-�t�d on t�e � so�zth prope�t3r as �k�is A-2 prop�rty mu5t b� rezoned ; �amm�rcial �,n orc�er to co�faa�m ta �he compreh.en�iw� am p1.an, This wi.l1 also facilit�-�e integratian of future � oamr�ercial d�velopment, _ %. � , � �. i � , � � � � �ii �i l �: � � � � � . . . . . . � .. .. � ... p . . .. . . . . � . . . ... �; � . . . � . . � � . .. . . . . . .. � R i � , � . ,� ,: � . � � �, � ��r: ... ._.�w. . ..:w� \\� Y y/ / , ` '..� . ,. r�� � ;l,C� : ,, � 1 r f �, ..� � 4.��,/ r �r�` + � �! „p`\. � ��� , � �� o � � �. � , B'�6i. , �:� i� 9F SEE MAP I5; i � ��.,�6+55 5� / ���\ ,�6 V �I � �� � � \ � '����„�� E 0+- PD.�_ �' �/�''\ o �N '�.z_ �U H0.I. -�-'�� �\ a :�, ./ \l� �_�''��„ �\ _Q � os �i�\'/ ��`� ' � ��,��� �� �, '� �^r=�. ��;. �� G..��� �I-1��� - f.\�; \� o�-- _ ��;' SEE MAP I S I 35E3A ° ���`- -- - — ----�"-o__ `-l---- - �_, � � �j- _— C F. i;�'. � / �°� � �"� ' ,: �\;r- - � �, _.S�.�-c�s-=r---� ---- - � , �. \�� ''ssssx9 � ti'\\�" ' �\, ; I 00 •.FR�3�c�G�PGT' •_.-0 �Ox sg, . / .3.CK/-1C . �` � . �'2pr \ / .���� rypG� \ \ �I �� �� \ ---- - __ _ -- ._._ - ------- ------_ _ _..Y_ "- — .r _ ._. �r � � N 3 x; r:e3°,y w n oe cns �,. . 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I �-�i S>�.a� ¢ ( 130U o�.' � �v � � +,'�,j 10:'�.55 �Q� �O - �ti F� ���,/,j, �6'r,. !,9dAc7` `' �' �9Ac. �' ; ,'°1�. 2UG � o yo ,,, � , ,., , �� �- • �i,.r�a n � F _ry'a�5, , �... �42 , 7t:°'�� N '•`�qE M + �,�"�' � -. +1��.i '� h,��� '� / � (C,S. No. 13�4C) �' I�Od> � �,.'3• ;�: "' i6o _`� _ _En��h�evT _ _ - � .��lC.`� �J�� v.q W //j, �- - .- .. _...._.. .. . Jq�i�ll�.. . .. •r� ,; 3 ,_ — , . _ �nf-' [ �.9c � :�p,S '-G iOC� 90 --- � �� ` � �-- —"--------�'—��, ic 'h ��' �_ ��� " . -�_'.. C�0 . ..... -- �--' ----' � `r� _ �nSErAEtJ,� i� �, tr: �5 �402 �'W fJ � - - , s / .c IInO �02 __ , . l, 5-�`��E �,� I° - `�� _.� , ='a4y. -,)_O3 ���� i—== - - - �� _. _ - K: 19.:c �-=EAc iC'r.4c 204 � � i 16 0 2 �� I '�v�3' h k%,,,�'` 40Ac - iec-� 3.?n Ac. �� J �7 9 E: �m. p 'v> �. 'o� �.�. j--EO� 2&lAC.. �,. --�� xp N /oo� , � �w� �s'.",� , �;OC' ° � , � .. 9" :,.S 7' 09° ���4 �� m`" /.2� C � � o � ' :4L ,;+. N� 1614 Z �oo ! �f\ NI � ` N �ssa°iow� � ��.g, ?6II6 ��C''. o\ � 53°AC. � � �1� 20� ' � / a � . � a�. I , � .�/� , _ . ��.�x s . Zr2 Ac. C. .t3,9 ^ :(3 ,i �--�-c'}'--- -- �m'a 27756 �_----_ /// /.r-� -.:._--:c� � .... �q' . � � E ......_,�.._. / `�. � N�;� �' Sb5°32�E �,lr..`J/J-�---_.. Sb� SW� F��� pl �'(` / � /0,.� N i � _ � . to/ „1�� i..� Oi / / / '� l�i �''\ i o I L1 ,.e' )i ��.,��f°��; 2.b6 ,dC. -�l�b Z � �G � ,; 1.'> Ac }� �3`� ry �� , , � I � I j ,(�� " �y;: � W . �G ���-(c�,.���T�:,) � ; Y c ' ' �. \ '° � �,�i1�±'�� � �� � u� � i �F, -_ ° 5?1z'�v,_ _ e�� � f.'.•a;:3 a��� � ��� . �' � �� � _ _ - � � I � �- �� l /'�� � _ .. _-- ' .. . . -•`n � 0�0 'vtE•1�'a � p �:. 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' O �J�U jN � '�O�GQ ' �J � �: r � 3..y c .�2 'l. � _« �� N_.1__ _._ ����h^�a"�� ` :,t�iJl h Llr��� DAVtD �C GRaF�AM D.� r�o. 5°) - .----- - - .���'�",-.�R(1..sC(.1T� �-�;Th'F1=Tr' . �'A°l': . I— -J'_ _._ .- -��•` n� /' �.:,. =,/17 e, ' �' ,.� �� , .� �i� � �. ��� ,d�,�t�` M.R.ADAtviS ���� 1 �����A��� ����1���� ���. JtiI�TE 15, I9 7 6 �z G�nv �r�Zr�Tzr1G con�r��iI S S I ON C:L7'Y OF TIG�RD T:LGARD, ORF.GON RE Z 7DT1E CHANGE PROPOSAI.,: Gcntl�men: � Tl�is letter is sul��nit-t�d as an att�c�irnent to aorae change ap,�lication �or Property locat�d a� the S.W, corn�.r of �th� int�rs�c�Lion af Greenburg P,oad az�d S'nacly T��n�, ta� lo� 2000� ' This .4•0 acr� parcel is currpntl� v�an�, with no ap�arent , ;�vid�nce r�� �-revic�us c��velop�n�t. The �nt�rl���d dev�lopment � is ,p�:�posed in or7e r�iz�se, ���Y�.ich will in�J.tzc�c: a two-story waad st:cucture o�: appro�:. 5�30Q sq, ft. Grou.nd 1�vel to be single t�nant r��ai" , u�,per level i�� be profeJsional or �_, coznmelcial l,�ase s�ace, T�zi� pr�perty is in i:h� irnn�dia�Le �ic�.n:i.ty a� tkae Gre�nburc� ; �.oac��-Sta�t� Hwy ?17 Intcrcl�ange. Tlae curx:cnt C'c�mr,reh�ns�.ve ' Z71ara �or_ �he City of Tiqard ir�.dicates the a�:�a inc�.uding and {�dj�.cent to the subj�ct property as "Comm�rcial" . R�ferenc� "Tiqard Neighuo-rhoad P1�nn:ing Uxgani�atian No. 2, p.lazz �'or G�eenburg-bzookside" ( ar�apl-.�d 2-2�'r-75)pag� 26: �' r'�:t'Fi�: .r'�P,�l:l�T73UP.G A__ 7_.17 :LZ:T'7�'RCII�S7GE CO.n��:RIC�� AR�A � .r. __._._ � _._._. ._.__ � Th� �`:hird ��r�a c�f r_o:�ut���cia�. dev�la�m�z�t planrred . �, �oa: -l:he r,eighbc�rlloo3 is at� �tl�� Greenburg - 2.17 � In�l-.erclza:ige. r!'lzis 1�ca�:ion is plann�d to ser�re as � a nei�?�]�oii�.00c� c�nv�ni�nc� c�mm�.rci�l cei�ter with peri��- � ° heral sit.�s also ser�ing �L-ri� �L-r�nsi�rit de�n�z�d at this laca�Li�n �ar i�ighwa� coarimezc;iaZ �,s-c�blishm�x�ts sucY�: as � servic� s•��1�7 oris ans� r��taurani:s au i a pi zs�n�tly .c�c��curing. " � } ��� �5 T�x� pr�posed r��cail�cc��i�n�rcial use v,�ould se�m to b� in ��n�orm- , i anc� wii�h th� stat��a �uri�os� iaz t�.e ;�ul?lica.tiogz ci�ed above as � �. "��ig3'lboll'�ood conv�..nicnce �vn-net�ci�.1 c�nt�r". 'rhe exist�r?ce ; of txro ( 2) �utc� �ervic� station.� i.mtt��d�at�Zy ��.jac�nt should �F�lfi11 the n.e�d ior "tr�nsi�nt ci�m�n� �or hic�.'nvtay commc�rr�ia]. 'I ' i 118�4 S. W. PACIFIC HVi/Y. TI�ARI�,O'REGON 97�223 S03/620-3744 r � C �� � �} � �.� �sta3�lishments" . It :is ou.r oninion that i�he siz� and c�nfir�u�_ation oi the site pa��clu��.es utilizatian as a rest�urant �or o�her highw«y-relr�t��d s�:�vic� .facility. �t Fu.r.•ther. , it i.s c�ur opini�n �that de:r�lo}�mcani� oC � commercial- �-w��Lail canv�nience Facilii�y tiaould b�st s�rve �lie adjace�zt nezg'nborhood. (�oi°ta_on oi va.cani� �roperty to �:h�= wes�t zone� A-?_. ) This proposal �s in an area o�° increased r.o7:�:n�rcial d�velopm�nt: in pr_�vious ye�rs. Foim�rly a r�siaenti�.l a��a, �djac�?z�t p�rce)_s surrounaing ti�� sui�ject piopezty 'navc b�in zu--zonc-d to G-3 ar � A-2 ctu�,irzg the p zs�t 10 y�ar Z�er�_od. �n olde.r resiclenc� or� ��x 1ot ?_03 .i.s pz�es�sz�tly be�.ng used as �n inauianc� �f:Eice. Ano�th�r adjacent residence is loca.i;ed o;l tax lo�t 4��. Howev�r, i�ax _lot 400 has bezn re-zon�d to C--3 and i.t is assumc�d {�.hat this �.�rop�r_ty wil.l b� developed in t�lze T1�ar -L-uLU-re, Oth�r adjacent prap�ri:y is vacant. Th� �ro�os�d locai�ion is id��lly sui-��=d far comme�-cial r.�.evelo�ment e Accessi.bility of the ,nroposed locatiozi, cenLral location amQng the s�ve?-al n�ighlabrhoo�as zn t?ze ai�a, and pi-�=v?ous comrnercial cicvel.opm�n� in �thr imm�di.ai�� vicinity carnbi.n� to .malte this sit� an a�l-.i�ractiv�s hi�hly-f_easi]�ile loca�tion for t'n� sma11 retail•- cari,.�1•�rcial l�usin�ss ust=_ prppc�3�:d. • The Gre�rnvay ��ot�d �n tlae Cot�n��chensi�r� .�la� slzntz7_d �Efer�t-i_vEly r�duce t?�e impact of thc� �rol�osc�d �.n� �uL-ur� a�jar�ni� coi�un�rcial ' d�vc�lopmrnt on l,he eXisting r�sir����a�tial neighbacrnod to i�hc ��est anc� sou�L-h, mhe proposed dczTel.�y�rn��nt can I�e servc�d by �Fhe ��w�r, gas, wat�Yz, elect:ri�a1, and te]_epho�7e sc�rvices ava.i�a7ale �Iong G?�eer_bur.g .^�o�d, The ?17 In�.erch�nqe s}�zoulcl ef.i'cctively limit a.d�aa_��ional �r�hicu.l�.r �.rafiic on G.r��nburg Ftoad, oi.1z�x �i:.h`zr� to �Yie e;:�hen� of zi�s cuzrc�nt� �unctian as ��i �.rtetial I���tw��=_n Tiq�ard and �.hr� ���jacent cr�mrn.ui�it:i.es to �th� rasL a.�r_oss 217, Utilication o:� � pul�li_c uL-ili_ti�s !rz]_1 be La ��,�a �x��„�L- c��� �r;v�te r��s��.ro��z�1s :Cor t�nes�t usp, he�ting� a_7c3 lightin_'g ai�r� landsc�Z�e rn�a.ni�ezaance. � �i.r� and po,lice ,raro�L-ec�.ic-�n reutiirements shoi�ld 11�� I10T.R2IX�Il a� '� no hic�h--r�.sk us� �_s canL-�mp1a�:�d, ; � Our a.nLnnt is i:o iuJ.ly ���v�lcaZ� this prop��r�.y �s a commnrcia.l { f�ci:Lit��. ���7� .i.ni:er���. to ma�eh th� ge��rally hi�?z qt7al.ity af � d�sa.gn and r.�evelo17rn�nt :i.n the adj�ce��t pro�a�rti�s. � ?�:�,spectfu)_ly, I i � ; ConsLruction S�rvices Iz�c. � i i , i � � Z3v n,. �' �5�;��..�.d �� •�r�r�e Ho�z�ner , i '�� ! "� �" 4:".r • `� ��� STAFF ��tEPC�RT A�enda 5.� �k;�`. TIGAR.D PLANNINC COMNII�SION �: 7/�/76 - 7:30 p.m. Twality Jun:ior. �-Iigh Schaol - Lecture Roam 14650 SVd 97�h Av°e p , Tigard, C�regon DOCKET: �U 9--72 REQUEST: To amen�. a condition.al. use permit agproved Jul�r 18, i972 to allow cons�ruction of a bridge across Summer Creeka LOCATION: Fo�vler Junio��. High School. at SW ��aln.u-t Street and Sti+I Tiedeznano �W�Sh. Co. Tax map 2Sl 3�., tax :Lot 101) . APP�'�SCANT: Tiga.rd School D:is-�rict L3J BASIC FACTS 1., Tl�e sa.t� 3.s desa,�a.�.t�d "Urban Low Density R.esiden,�ial" nn the T.�.P. and �one �oR-'� ��.n�1e F'arni�.y Re�iden.`��a�,41 . �, A ��a�,c��-��onal. use ��x�rr�,a.� wa� �,ssued Ju�.y 1.�, 197�, fox a Jtu�,iar Hi�h S�hoa, on -Lh�.� site. 3. Se�tian 18.�7.�30 (3) o� th.a TMC sta��s, as p�rmitted us�s, �� "Road�rays, br�idges or uta.l�.t� str�xctures �.esigned to nc�t ;ignifi.can.t:l_y imp�d� �he f1ot�� o� �'�oodwaters; °t 4. The U.S. �.rmy Corps of �ngineers est.�mates �h� �levatian o�' a I00 year ��.oad plain to be abaut 156.0' a-t this �a.t�;. FII�tDT1�TGS la Tne prop�s�ed bric�ge struc-�ur� i.s �ra;n 1.7 r�" tal� �va.th .�.ts base at 14�7.G' rn�an sea �eve�.. 2. The app�.ican,�t has sta•tea �hat durir�� �z �t�0 year �lood two 8' culverts can hand�.e th� �s�timat�d 1.2�0 cuba.c �oat/ s�c run;off. 3. No in:�orma�ion on soil ph i� provided n�r �ipe spc;ci�ications, The �'n ineering bepartment recammends �teel pap� m�.tera.al, � 4, The creek as i�t passes through the Junior High site is tree lined with much d�ris already i.n the channel. GONCT�tJSSTONARY FINDINGS AND RFCOMMENDATI�N �,. The propased. brid�e 1.oca�ion i.s in �he 100 year flood plain as deterrnired by �he tJ.S. Army Corps of �gineers. �. .. �;�: . . _ _ _. ... �,..; �,�_,;� . . . . _._. . . . . �_�...:. , �a iR � J �j+ � �..� � �' Staf� Report � 7/6/7� ;�� A�enda �;:2 � ��; 2. With �he cl.earin6 and. rem�aval o� �.11 upstr�am dsbris ; (dead tre�s, 1.o�s, ete. ) the :�loodwater =1nw should not `; be si�m.ificantl.y �mpeded. ::;� 3. 33a�ed on the en�ine�rs a.ssuran�e that two ei.ght foot �i culverts are capable o� handlin� the ���Q cubic �'oat/ �';,� sec anticipated for a 10� year flapd the st��f finds � that the placin,g a� this structure at -�h� proposed loca- �:'; tion wi11 n.�t materi.ally reduce the �apacity of th� flood �: ' pl.ain area, measurably ra�se the flood surfac�, el.eva-�ion �'� or create a present or �orseeable lzazard to public health, �,�, saf�ty or general� welfare. } ', , . rt:.� Ba�ed on the�e canclusionary �indin�s staf� recommends t.:� �pproval af the amendment to CtJ-72 and gran-tin.g of �h:� special use ��; p�rmi�t �o allow a brid�e st�cture �nri�h °�he followin.� conditians: � ; � � 1. All debris (dead tre�es, 3ogs, e��. ) a�e�ng Suru�ner Creek �. be removQd annually for the entire len��i aF the s�cho�7� pro�erty� x�' i 20 �ipe materi�.l be carr�.gated �oated steel pipe, ; . � 3. Al1 main��n,a�ce re�pon,sibility b� �ssigned -�o the school i ; diti triGt. ?'`y(; j;i �; . �;��'-,.; i'', f555i:. � T 1,.'. . '.;,..:,: �( �� iu: ��� . ' ��� ��:.` �t � _ . . � �-��i��'"� �( 'i k t;t �"v", p�' ^r�„ kr1; � � . . . .�;��� Y" �f�� . . . , . . li`'t S.k . . . . . . . � fx . . . � . � . . �;r .� � . � � � � . . � l�;:: � . � . � � � � . . �. c44;i'. . � . . . . . . . . . � . ��. h�' I/ � .. � . . . . . . � .�� �� . . . . � . . . . . , . � . . . � �,j� (�3 . . � . . . . . . � .. � �� .. . . . �. � � . . . . . . . . � �� � .::. �/ -. �, ..,_ . �... . . _:... _.. ._______ ------ _...... . .,.. � ._ . . .,., x.. y , �., f C .. � , , . �, . , �� � � �. � � �.,. � •G.___.._._ ��__'� -_ � . C I � �. �n � �. - C_y .__L `x �,,` �� N �� • _ T(GaR� � � 1 3�RFET ,�:.,�'� ;f;. -�-�- _ �-.._ � 1 lc� � LDS ; �C _ �ti4� � _ � � � + ♦ �I� '�' � W \ � ? �C��! _ � -- Z -— -- -- — --- • A �_ � < '� � z ' �_.._. �. ..�..,.,,.�. -------- m - — ' S_ ��� --__..._�_ � �. � r .�... _,�u�,,. .,..�9 �.,,,�,....,,..�,...�.�......,,�:,�,�..�w.,.r,. ..�.�.�..�.. .s..� H,.�„.w.�r ,..,,, .�.. � - `°'W ` �� '-. / � _ ?.. � �--{ ` �� o . _ -.____ . .__ �� ..� f3f�i �� `� STF, �� ,r " _ • ,.....,.... _.,,. � � �.._,.�, __----, �IE �,.�5� �TN .. ;,.,\ r� J � � .__J.1 �_._ " ��, � � 1 1. � _..� � - �,' I �� � �� .;'.�.`-r-._ -- -- , 'C' }'! c. ti P,� {��Y ;r� � __..---. I �Lp.L-`.�_ L_ � � 1l m __L �'r'A LtJ U - _...._ �f 7 .�� h' i J , l . u.-,.�.,.V.., _ � E-.� �._.-�. � - � _.__ �-� 1 �� _:==-- �__. -� ..� . ,I.a✓" � �� , . I l— � _T . � _.� - �: � I -� -� --- _ _ , -,r `, . , .� l � � i � __ l � � � S ' }E r.�J iry_� 5 i R£E 1 ( �,�' � _ / ' _ . . I I ' � ,��—"_ / �. _.___ f __..-j I � � � _ � — i � � , I-- j � � � � �. � � � �� -,� � �� �5 T _.._� � , __ _ � �. — [ . . � �i. � �, ; � i '� � � ._� S ._ . .� _.__ _ _,_ �� ,_.___ f F 0 N N E R � \ +: ,.��f�``'.,� _ . .__�__._ � �� .,��\ F`ta�� � � �,,.:: .__.-- — �� , � �' � u . I � � . S�j� r . i-�.�.._... .�_.. � , __ _ + ,� , y ..�.` �., _�� ..._.,__._{ _� --� t� S µ,�_ ` .,,, �R �TR�'F 1' � � . _ _ _......_... . F� __._ -�,- ' _.. _. ____..�._ � _ . } - - —�_...___ _� � .�1 �1._ -�---- � . ___ __ �._�:.� :� i .I� �. _I�__ 1 �' " _ t� I����T .� � . , _ r A � �, , �TA�'I+ FtEPORT ��,:- ` ' Agenda 5.3 TZGART� PLANN:ING COMMZSSION Jul.y 6, l�']6 - 7:30 p.m. Twala.�y Jun.ior High Schoal - I�ecturE Room 1465U S.V�T. 97th Avenue, Tig�rd, Oregon DOGI'�EZ'; CU 9-7? i R�QUEST: To amend the condit:i.ona�. us� permit approved July 7..�, I 1.972, to a1.1.ow th�; constructior� of a fiel,d hou�e, and y in.s�tallation. oi' field l�_ghts for a baseball da.am��nd. � .LOCATIONS: Fotivl�r Jun.ior High. School at S.V�. Vla3.nut St. and S.W. � Tiedeman St. (j�T�shington County Tax ��Iap 2Sl 3AA, T� � Lo'; ].Ol) � � r, APPLICANT; Tigard Schoal District 23J/Babe Kuth, 2nc. ;! i I: `t 7�/��v-�^ry7� ry1q� i! �.I.�.K�71.�1i P.A,Ii.A.7' ti �', 1. The �i�e is design�.ted "Urban Lnw Densi�y R�s,iaen�ial" '�' :�; an�. ��ned R-7, ��Sin�le �amily Resid.enti�l'�. j`� ;:; 2. Secta.on. 18.20.�20 0� th.e Tigard Muna.�ipal Code allows ;�� �;r_.h.��ls an�. t.�e��° �r_.ce��a,�y u�es a� �o�c����o��� use� �`� in the R-7 Zon�. �i � 3. Section �.8.O8.tJ30 of the Ti.�ard Munica.pal. Code de�'ines �� "�;� acce�sory stri:zcture�s and �.s�s �.s �. '1strtzcture o� use ��� a,nciden-tal and subordinate -ta the m�a.n use c�f the pra- s,. perty which i� �oca°��d on the samE lot wi�h the main use j �nd Gontra_butes to tY�e com�ort or convenience �f persons Y��; occupyirag the property, btzt no�t inc].uda.r�.g the keeping o� �;�;: livesto�k othE�r� than ordinary hous�hold pets". i: ;,;� 4R The TPC �ran-tecl a cc�nditional use �ermit (CU 9-�7�) for ?'' �:,, a un.iox hi h school. on Jul 18 1972. '" J g 3�' � ;' !-, T;I 5. Th.e site is presently developed as a baseball �:iamond, �', below �rade of S.VTa Z�alnut. 6. The surrnunaing uses are ��.ng�.e fam�.ly resi.dences across a�' S.��T. Walnut St. and �n.� acrass the drive�r�ay on the same s�.de of S.W. �+lalnut St. The school buildin� is immediat�ly ?if east and extensive vege�ation of mature fir, l�irch, and �'�: oal� trees up �o �,�0' tal"1 cover the remaining two sides. t�- l.; � ��-N „,: {;<: FTN�� ,'�, �',. 1. The appZicant has r�quested a modi��.cation to the origin,a]. 3`;'�: conditional use pexmit to construct a fieldhouse, which 5: will include a refreshment ax°ea, press box, ar�d washroam `'' � �;,, facilities, �nd installata.an o� field lights ta facilitate r e�c*enin� baseball games. ��+� �:'�< 2, S�ummer base�all activity has hi�toriaally �,e�n conductPd €;:; at the o1d Fowler Juniox High School site c�n S.V�T. Pac3�fic j;'�; ��� a� � � � St�ff Heport " �� July b, 197C� Agenda 5. 3 r_. �,, Hw�. y�Ia.th t�.e sa7.e of this site and its pendin� develop- ment as a shappin.g cen�;er, i,ts continued use for a base- ball fi�ld lzas beex� e�,imina-ted. 3. �.'he �r.ave o� trees on the north an�. vaest e�fectively screen the Properta.es beyond and the schoo�. bu.il.ding eliminates a pro�lem �to the e�.st. 4. P1.a�9.ng fi�ld 1,x�h�s around the 'ba�l diamonr3 �,va.11 h�ve an impact on the re•si�.entia:l ch�:r�cter c�� tY�e are� to the south in tha�t t1�.�y lack vegeta�ive screening from the Zightin.g. 5� The fiPl.d lights are to be maunted on 70� poles and have � a total cand.l,epower o�' 20 fe�t �n the infield and 15 �' outfi��.d. This i� less thatz the standard ill.u,minati�n � for a�Ehleta.c �i�lds. ; Y 6. �'li� appl.ica�.t ha� stat�d th�.�t a �.arg� pc�rtior� af the ; �inancial. sugport of Babe Ruth a.� deriv�d :frozn concession ` sales, and a building from which to operate �vould enhance � ; �h�.s activ�.ty. '� ; ;, 7. A concessic�n stai�.�. wi7..1. gr�a�3y� a.ncreas� the potential r: far �.it��r �oth on th� school. site ar�d the su�roundin� �1 „ neighb�rhood, �:- 8, �z� a�plicant ha�s s�at�d t�ia� due tn the size an,d �.ocation o:F the Fowl�r ba��baTJ. �i.�]..d, it is the mast su�..t�bl.e for the Babe Ruth Progranl. R; 9. Ther� are cu.rrently no restroom faca.la.ties during af� �i schaal houx�s on the si°Ge r"i �' 10. There is a need for havin� restroom fac�ilities avail.a�bl:e `^' ciuriii.�; vyi—sc'ri�c.ri, ilvui��. `� i:° , 11. Z`he bua.lda.ng and ��i�king lo-� are su�ject to Design Review '` Board Appr�val. �� F,l ,� CONCLUSIONARY FTNDINGS: �� ����:. �: 1. A £ieldhouse and �ield lights are normally associated ". with baseba�.l diamonds and schools and are acaessory uses ` within the meana.ng o� the TMC. '' r;. 2. The ori�inal conditional use �ermit al.lowing the school ;,: was based on a site pl,ar�. shaw3.ng a basebal�. field and �he �: addition of the propased fieldhouse and �ie1d lights are �' ,,; furth�r aevel�pment of that origa.nal aondi.ti.onal use. k:; � 4: 4.`�, i�� �� � . . . . . � . .. . � � � � �'� � . . � . . . . . . . . . � . . ���:; . . : � . . . � . . . .. . .. . .. . � � � �,i��. „� u� V,, � �� - Staff Report � w � Ju1y 6, 197� Ag�enda 5, 3 �: 3. The participation of 200 famil3.es in the Bahe Ruth Pro�ram exkaibits the public need for a fu11.y developed 'baseball �'acility in Tigard. 4. The field lighting program, althou�h standard for this type of acitivity, will have an ad�rerse impact on the residenti�l c1�a�acter of �:hP neighborhood i�f no correctiv� measures are implemented tn internalize the impacts. 5. N� alternati.ve to night games has been shown„ r ��. � i , � , F � � � �• _ , .e, —. > ._. .....��.,..�-.....�� . . .. . . . . . . � . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. � �. �'.�, . ' .�._ ,. , � .���- . .. �. .�.. ..w...,.__u....ni.,�.. ,�. _,..., ..r ., ,...�.. , ...�.. _... � .__ ,..,. , r_. _. ..... . �.. .,.1':..., .t:. , . ..��s:_. .._. .-a�r _. _ �......'L. � „n:�.. .... ��;_...,.. . .:;. ,. ....... .... . � �,. � .. ��� . � � �;�. �� � �.,.=: �,�:.� �: �` 1 Y R1� � I�2ECOMN�NDATION; 1. The ora,g:i.nal conditiana.l use shoul�d be amended �o include a basebal.l fieldhause with tlze �ol.lowing cnnditian�. l. Al1 util.itie5 s�rving the site be pl.aced unaer�roun,d. � 2. Buildin� be ane stox^�J anly. -; � 3. A drink.i�.g fauntain. 1�� placed on �he exterior nf the bu�ld-� ing for corl°tinua�. use during of:� school h.ours. '' ��; 4. �testroams be desa.gn:ed i�. such a manner as to minimize the 'ti�, possib�.lities of v�.nda�ism and "be ava�.labl.e for use d.uring �;� ;� off hours. �� �,. 5. Trash i�ecPptic�:ls b� lauilt into the b�ui�.din�; so as to have �,, san:itar� rece�ticals con•t�.nua3l.y availa.bl.e� ��; �.. �= A minimuna o:f fou� additianal t�as�. recepticals be availabl�e � durin� the uue a:� the fa,�:Ld.. e su'b 'ec-� to D.�:.B. � �. 7. The �ZUild�.x�g and parking area b � 2. Tf approval. is �ran�t��. �n thE field l�.ghts, the :fc�11ow3.n� can- dita.ans 'b� attached, _ 1. A fast gxowing -�yla� o� tr�� su:ch as pnp�.�r be pl.anted b�t- ween. the tennis courts a.nd S.1�T. Ulalnut �rom the e�.°�rance ,, drive to the west property line. � 2, 1� reasanable curfew �uch as lO:OQ or 1.1.00 p.m. be � � �_.,_...a..,,a 1-,.,t..,,,,� ;.rhZrh -t�:t�tt? ���'Yl'�S 111�V �J� US�t�.♦ 4` l�l�,S�' l.l t,u t,cu �,.�cy v�,.:,. - � � � � � � E 1 t i t � >J _ , , _ _ t . . �. � ��.. :,..,. �' STAFF REI'ORT � Tigard Planning Commissa_on �,I July 6, 1976 � I��enda ztem 6«1 r' , DOCT�FT t 5-6-76 f;', R.EQtJ�ST.: Preliminary Plat approval to create five lo-ts �' ,. in an R�10, �in,gle Family zane. ; � LOCAT:LON: At SW Fonner, �+Test of S�ST l0�th Ave. (Uda�h Co. ta.x k n1�p 2si 3�, tax 1ot 800) . `' 1; A1�PLICANT: Sam Gotter and Larry Jackson �` ; ��.STC FACTS• t'' ._�___.__.________ �; 1. Tk�.� site is de�i�nated us "Urbaa.�. �ow Den,sity Residen-�a.a1." on the TCP an.d zoned R-l0a FIND:Cl�IGS• ..� ; :l.o The subject pz�operty is p�esentl.y vacant. Sin�Ie fam�.l.y dt��ellings (Pa�hf�.n.der Subcliv9.sion) are loca.ted east of the site. r�'h� Ia�.�d south and w�st is ���a.developad and poorly drain,ed. �; 2. The �rPa �/3 P1an speci�ies an extension c�f the greenway �.cross �` the subject �rc�p�rty. No d�tailed provi�sion for greenway �' h�s b�en submi�tted. 3. Th� crt�ss s�etion �n Pa�thfix�der Wa�y should be continued into i; this subdi�rision and. submi�ted for engineerin� depar�ment �� r�vi�s�' pr�or to final approval. �'' ,, 4. 1�TO pravisions are provided �ar the placeinent o� utilities to � serve these lats. Sinae tla.e �i�.e�val.k will be contin.u�d f_rorn '� �'ath�inder ancl they are present3�y abu-c�iii� �hG cur'�, a �' F�� utility easeme�nt wi11 be necessary in order �o locate utili- '� �ies 7.ines. " ; G, 5. Clustera,ng of mailk�oxes with a meanderi�.g sidewalk around � them �ould be �rovided tin order to minimize the number of � st�p� nPCessary to serve this subdivision. � S 6e The terminat�.on c�� SW Pa�thfir�der Way at this point wil.l not ; be det�imental to the neighborhaods traffi� circulation pattern. � r � � STAF'F R.�COP�t�IE�UATION: � � Ta be c�elivered at m�eting. �� � �� �� I . ' � �� ,rl��� . `� G.l.� � , r� \ i t , \"•.. � I i .,'!. 'r�. ��•�y n\ \ - i 4�_ ',.,� � . ���•i ! ��� • O i� � / � �. � Y 4 \ .: � r�+� • �. i` ! � �t' � �'t i .5�'�� �.i- '� n �J�l(1 \:� ,� � ' S�-� .: � °..�` �;;.�s c`x 1,: .� „�.. ..; J; ,`,� � ��!''r.�', � "0���:GO `o `r ',. �o�' / �,�,� � � `` �� I ' � ��F i j����ll�•.• i �0.}\ , \� \ J 1�.9 �1S 1C�1� ,,,, ,^ � �. � �L �tr� ,q, r� o rJ p 0 /�- ` �� , ; � i. , �� ;500 � ' �-, -7 :.;•�� i , ��+,��!//. O\ y'S `'�ar '-r f / � �'. � ' !///_ ..O• t• i p � c f f / . . _�,�.P,._��---^ � i � , ,ii,lifl', i[��d ° �' ,.o' /�"� ^' r____-�_._---- � ?�yh�� i,/(- � rJi 9 � f� / ���� � �, ; C � I 5 3.i n I�0.05 ,!:r-,� ;n' u : . , 125,8� 7/f� �7C�' p� 7 Op ! �`` / /';. iiiii..t 'S ./ O �� � �. � r.a�� .ie:./�,�y�i�it3in.r���v �� '\ ''.a • l� • • . � � � . �--�.--'�' .. ,... r rri , ..,..vr ,,,f b G I f`�., �- . ii � ., .....»..,�;.,.�...... -...u..,�,.w � �"1'' , .�7^ t/ � V O � ���� � . • , . .... . .,. -. � .� . ^ � +� .. ....... . . � D��.�F ' �� ���'J ,�> ,tp.� ���\ U G\� � L'?.i6 -i. �\� 9 � p � ` / �a7 _ 60.16 0 12 S�i��� \ ' m o'�� '\ \ 9Q• . �`v' � � i/�i ; _y �„o he� !90� \°, 9 � c+ "e2 `�1 '� ZG00 ° `-'�� j s'�'U +r,n;: ��n�wT �; $^1 8Q2 8n� 20Q0 � ,` ,�o• �' ��r. ��'��o`'�p�C :�,�� =,�Nrts , � ? � J � � . '7 - o� .3��C. ..�c.n'�C. .ZE�+i:. ` a�i . �r' �.a �O wp� �G• ��o'o � �� `!/I�/ r` m ' r,, � �O, a �5 V 0 c u.o ra U `�,I� d� r,� I� � ac . ,� �}u� � i Vi. ..:� i 1 c0�, ���� �L ���� : a� s t= °� !: o '„ (�^ o i G /�"'��29 Q 0 • �� � . 1 \ �(0• !_�FV'J � 7c l`��'h�J' t�.7: �5.1f3�'rQ"_. � n , , •. � �o� \ a�. ;� , �' ..i�,;,n�.;r�:�. w� \. j F w 0� •l 2// �"'iT-_" � if'�Ji• c��M1 \'�\� LJOO -'�,\p ��,•/q�`3 I u� =., :� , O \\�/ / yASo.,,���nL , T• <t � ! i '`\'��.� �� • 9p� �L, `,, 0 � , fi�'_t 0.0 �^ � 1 ,,,.� ` '- � 22�0 'o � r -� �o• •a, <� �� , �' :,0'J 0 i.,. � ; O? , O 4� � � nG` . - Tftr:CiTttF� iG�d� a�O �`�7 ip�;5y �n W 'r���� . O�i �'O o'� \/� �,.-a p �v �7j!C1� ' o SQ�o i„y 5o I 2 ;�� 6� � tl It 1_n 2� ,; m �, �o � � TRACT n °^\ ;�:� r. 3.t7�c. 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JO��'" t $�::T4 �- T j5p5°'SQ�•�G �i T0.0' 't_.7�•..lE� . • JQHh 1.. H!C!:UN ilviii��rn�,�: ��yTG.C'� �L.C. N0.37 . �l '^7'^� , . /� (3Q^.3',) , -----'�'--'J' • ��'°�� 'q ' ���� ' 1� �,� ,� ' �,` • r � rCC ,,f•,.. .. . J_._ „ •. -_..�d.,.,-_-- ..._..� - ,....-:«.. - - - -- - - --' ' - _ - "_ __��....,- - .. ...,�. _ ..-..-.,�- -_.. .-�.. � _-�-- ,-.w_ ... ,. ,rt-�.. .__ ,�: `_—^ ,. .� _ ----- —�....�.w,�..,--..�..,_---.�- -.-._.._ �_ _.,..-_. st—._ _ �.... . .. .,.. -'. . .. .:�:,.:. , _ -_..-�.-,,._-- , _ �.. E`�r� ztem 6�1 5-6-76 July 6;� 1976 STA��F RECOMI�I�ENDATTON: �.pproval wa.th the �'nllawing conditions: 1. A drainage plan for the s:ite be appr°oved by the engineer- ing department prior to final pl�t app�oval. 2. �1 fi1.1 and grading p�.an be subzni�ted to the khgineering Department. This pla.n shall include the provision of a ten foot wide fi�1 �bov� the �:nnual h�.gh water 1eve1 in in the Greenway area. 3. �onstructi�n plans of proposed Public Improvements (Path�;ind�r Way) be submitted to �,nga.neering Departme.nt ��r ap�rava� prio�° to �'a.z��� p�.at �.pproval and prio� to r:ox�str�ra.et�.an cor�un�r�cement. 4. A �' utility �a�emen�t pe provided alon� both �id�s of Pathfinder Way and alon� a11 ].�t l.ines. �, �h.a�t portion c�f the parcel abuttin�; SW Fcnnex he a:nn�xe�. into �h.e C�tye � ,> 6o That the ?_0� wid.e ndriveway s'tri��� abut�tin� the �roposed cul-de�-sac .znelude a pu'�li� a.�ce�s easEm�nt to the green�- way to as�ist main�tenance a� this pub�ic :�at�.d. 7. Mailboxe� be c�.ustered with a m���n.clering sidewalk. LQGc'�,- tion to be ��praved by engineerin� depar�ment priar ta f_inal p�.at �.pprov�l. 8. Stanc�ards and spe�ific�tie�ns of �roposed cul��s-�sac to con�or�ri to thos� pr°�vic�usly construct�d in �'ath�'i.nder Sub�.�.visxon. 1 9. A Complianc� �,greement �tnt7. F�i-iGi-iTtaii�2 B^r�. �?��i? r,p A.�ecut�ed. :1.Q. Streetl.ights to �.G.E. �cit� approved) s�andards. ° ; i 11. The plat boundary be extezad�d to include the south�rly ' lot (acros� �th� Greenway). ; � � , � . . . � . . � . . , � j � i .. . .. . . . . � . �.,I i � i . � .. . . '. , � . . � � �. I I i j I