Planning Commission Packet - 06/15/1976 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � i U.k,{ ��. '� , AGENDA � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION 4� JUNE 15, 1976 - 7:30 P.M. � , � '1'WA�TTY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - LECTURE ROQM 14b50 SW 97TH AVENUE, TIGARD, OREGON i � 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: � 4. COMMUNICATIONS: 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ' 5.7. ZONE CHANGE ZC 5-76 (Hansen-Fletcher-Parsons) i A request by Hansen-Fletcher-Parsons for an amendment tc� a planned development approved June 10, 1974, for. prope.rty ioratecl at the Southeast corner of SW 72nd Avenue and SW Varns Road. (Wash.Co. Tax ; Map 2S1 lt�, Tax Lot 900). i (tabl.ed fram May 4, 1976 PC Meeting) � 5.2 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU 14-76 (John Smith/Greyhound) j � � � A x•equest by John Smith to locate a Greyhaund Bus ter.minal in the C-3 „ eone (gene•ral commercial) on SW Pacific Highway in the vicinity of SW 79th Avenue. (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 36CD, T.ax Lot 1900). 5.3 CaNDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU 17-76 (Wi1.liam I'oster) ;i� ;' �,�, A request by William Foster to operate a cabinet shop in a M-4 zone (Industrial Park) at 9828 SW Tigard Avenue, (Tigard Industrial Park). ri (Wash� Co. Tax Map 2S1 2BA, Tax Lot 300). 6. SUBDIVISIQN: '� I;I 6.1 MINOR LAND PARTITION MLP 4-76 (Cach) � � A request by Jerry Cach to partita.on a 1 acre parcel of land in an �,I R-7 zone (single family resa.dential) at 11630 SW 98th Avenue. (Wa�h. Co. Tax Map 1S1. 35CD, Tax Lot 1700). � r ;,I 7. MISCELLANEOUS ; " r • 7.1 Interpretation of what denotes a business activity in a mini- :,�, : s,�o�age" building. �I �I� 8, OTHEI2 BUSINESS f;l `� �, ADJOURNMENT ��I �' u �{ �, 7 � , ` � .� �.w> F ' 1MINUTES Tigard Plarining Comm�.ssion Meeting J�une 15, 1976 - 7:30 p.m. Tw�lity Jtanior High School � S,ecture Room 1465o a.W. 97'th Avenue - T3.gard, Oregon 1. CAZL TO ORDER: The meeting wa� called to order at 7�35 p.m. by Cha�.ranan Popp. 2. ROZZ GALI�: Present: Goldbach, Kz°ause, Moore, Nicoli, PhilZips, Popp, Porter, Sakata, Tepedinn. Staff: Dan.i�ls, I,aws � 3. APPROVA� C�F' MINUTES: Goldbach motianed tha� approval of �he 6,/1/76 minutes be postpon�d, seconded by Tepetii�.�o, until the Cauunission had the � ppportunity to r�ad the minutes. iTna�i-- � mau�sl.y �:pproved. „ r 4. CONIMU�IZCATT:ONS: � � k a. A 1.etter �rom the Beaverton School District requesting ;' that th�y be .invalved in the x�eview of Preliminary Fl.at `' prapU��1 affec�ing school progerties, � � b. A letter �rom Ed H�rdt, Highway D�,visian, stating �that his dQparti�ent wQtxld not be able to respartd for 90 �o 12C� dayS regarding the Smith-�Greyhaund pr��os�? on Pacifia H�.ghway� u Teped,�no questianed the response �im� fram the Stat� �i �n� .f�xrther stated �h,at �he applicant was being " pre��udiced by the �tat� actio�. 1!' ��� o Porter s�ated �hat �e w►as willing to h�ar this item ;; pr3.ar to State response provid�ed that the applicant ��: subm.it all other n�cessaz�r application requirements. l:�� i:; ��; o lPhi�.li�s concurrer� with Porter's z�emarks. ;� ,;, �., Due t� th� additi.�naZ items on th� a�e�da, �he Commissioners �� f.�lt that any ae�t3on on tYais matter shoul.d be de�err�d ��'; and heard a� �th� �nd of the agenda. r:l PUB�,IC H��RIIVGS: �` ��• .. . . . �fi �±' �°: �,1. 7�NE Ck�A:NGE Z�; �-76 (T�anson-Fletcher-Parsons) ��' i-. �� �' �: � �� � �� ,, �; �' � :_ , . �:: -,. `� . ._.- L . . . , . . � . .._.. ,. .. .. . . . , :. .. _.LL. �,..�.. ,. .. ,!: _ . _ _, ��; ' $" ` �a �. �' �` 7 r.,; i,, n �''t `Gr �;i �� �'i ����°� A request by Hanson-Fle�ch�r-Parsc�r�s f'or an amendment to �� a Plann@d Developanent apprc�ved Jun� 10, 1974, for prc�per�y �'"' S;{ located at the S.E. corner of S.We 72nd Avenue and S.W. �, Varns Rc�. (Washington County Tax Map 2S1 1D, Tax Zot 900). �k:' (Tabled from May 4, Z`�7�, PC Meeting) �r`�. i;� A. ��aff l�eport: Read by Daniels� �; ��:; o Krauae requested that Sta�f give other permitted ,�,; uses �hat would be allowed 3,n a Commercial-Prafes- ` �� � � sional Zon�e. • �'�' �;E;� �, APplicant Presen�ation� Robert Fletcher, one o� the �;,' princip�ls in the appli.�ati4n, stated that the cc�ncep�� �? was not designed to restrict the uses in the propa�ed ��� ;; PD for �ffic� spac�e only and �elt tha� other uses per- 4_ mit�ted i.n the M-4 Zane would be compatible. ��.;: „�,; Fletcher gave a verbal gresentati.on o� the submi�tec� F::;} pr�gram n�rrativ� and stat�d that he ��vc�r�ed a� I�.I.D. �,;, �o� S.W. 72nd Street rather �han a half-stre�t .�mprov�- �� },,,� m�nt. �; sa;3 c� Sakata �.sked the appTieant ta respond. to S�a�f ti�� Finding 23 pex��inin.g tn "'illegal" Min+�r �,�nd p�x°ti- ''� tion. {� �;, a Krause stated tha� he was �oncerned with the "f 1��- ;;� ik�il.ity" in th� d�sign conc�pt, in that ther� �xou�.d f � b� �5 g�ossible differen.t d:es.igx�s ora the in,divi�,�u,a1 � � , < � � � �; buildings. �;;. o Fletcher stated that the archite�ture would be 4t" Y�arn►oni�ous and sub�ect tn �heir �esign revi�w as �� well as t�:e eity's Lle�ig� R�vi�ew B�ard. �'; �� �_` �„�; a Krause st��t�d that the smaTler the lo� the more lo�� + o� exis�ir�g ���e� wc��i�: c���ur �� ar�e� �o accommoclate i,, r,; a s�tructure.� � � � � � �t� , . �a �letcher st�tPd that they �.a�t�ncied ta preser�ve as �� � 'rp �- �he i��ividual site a ;:� many trees as posvita�.e nn _ ( !:� o Goldbach asked ►taff for a c�,ax�i�'�.cat�.on of this �'� prapdsal versus the 1974 M-4• PD pr�posal and f,� �he �`G�. two wPr�e the saume. �; �; �`' E� � �J �:< �, �� ,� . , ..... �. . ��, _ . � . . . � ...... . .. .. . . .. . �_ ,.. � . . . � _ . . , �,,_ :. . , _ , .... _,_. � . . �� :. . . ,_ _ . ��'� . � �� , �, � ��i s� t,,' "�° ��� ; ��' � � o �taff s�at�d t�.at the original propasal was for office �;�; -�ype us�e s onl,y. �� ��r Q Hilton Smith (Real Estate Agent for applicant) stated �hat cnmmercial profes�ional uses were over sat�rated ' : in this area already, i�e. ��.ncol.nwooci Properties, I� " and d�.d not want to be �te�o restr.3ctive in uses allowed �y�; in an M-4 Zone. � � C, Publ.ic Testimony: None � " w�, � : D. Staff Recommendati.on: Staff recommended approval sub�ect � , to th� fol.lawing condit�.ons: ;,i; �.{ 1. Lot size, rxght-of�way wid�h, pavemen� width, set- i '� � ons. �.;� backs, c�rve radii be z�ote d cnde deviati �� ;. 2 o S.ignixig �arogram for entire p��k be submi�tted to the � ` Design Review Boax°d. � �, 3. That az� additional 20 f�e� o� right--of-way on 72nd �'; be d�dicated, �:nd the appl�,cant file with the City F `' R��orcier a nc�n-�remon�tranCe agreement for f.ull �`'. s�reet improvements tc� S.W. 72nc1 Str�eet in a�c�rd�nce � � w3,�h. Public Works Standards. {� �' a'� q.. Deed �o�snants be ex�cu�c�. r�s�ricting access far�m �� S.W. Y�rrz� and S.W. 7�nc� Avenue. �, �=>a �: 5. Th� center ;line �ux°ve r�d�.i be n� 1��s tY��n 5p feet• rr. �;`: 6. TY�� setbac� from �.W. 72nd b� 40 feet w3th a IU �oot t� intrusion allowable for no more than 1/3 Q� '�he lo� �' �_ wa.dth, 3.f no other feas�.bl.� apt�on is availab�.e. �� Use of this �etba:ck ar�� i� neec�ed to site a proposed �,} bui�.cl and/�r park�.ng area. 'yf; z�. �;, 7. The emergen�y v�hiel� acces� wrauld b� pro�i.d�d as �n �: addit�o� �ca th� footpath �yst�m or be corzstructed ��: � with six foot ba,se rock overl.aden w�.th sod and �, signec� at both S.W. Varns and th� inter3.or road. „ �; 8. A stree� cross s�ction be subm�,tted: for Eng�.neerin� � Departmen�t review prior to G�neral. Pl�n and Progrdm �' Review. �¢ r.' iy 9, The bus turnout lane b� dedic�ted and improved as part of the S.W. 72nd �,.IaD. ; , �; � I _ _ _ _ _ k . Ci;y �! (-: �;. .�. ��u- `*�s...�,. E:� �:`: �L}.. �„'����.. �`1 (i: 1Q. St�ndard wheelchair ramps be provid�d at the N.W. �::; corner o� Zot 12, S.W. and S.E. corner of I,ot 13 i> and the N.W. and N.F. corner c�f Zo� 1, cross sec- � tion o� the ramps an�. path be sub�ect to Engi.neering � '. Department approval. �' f:. 1],. A path be provided along either the inside or out- "' r., �ide a� the interior road nr internal ta I,ots 14 ; and ]L5 and provision for crossing the trnffic �' island be shdwno i'' �:: 12. A �ive faot uti:l.ity easement be provided along a13: �` r." praperty lines as deeded. `' �; , 13. Access to Y�ot� 2, 5, and 12 be cam.bined with ��ija- cent lots and acaess to L�t 9 be combined w�.th Lot 8. Access ta Zots 14 and 15 be pravided on the riorth >> �.n�. south x�esp�cti�rel,y and acc�ss to Lot 1 and 13 '" be f.rar� the .�nternal road, n�t the entr�nce wa�r. 14. All �at.�lit�.es serving thi� si.t� he umdergs�ound. i' ' r''� �.5. Zt��%a�tion and d�si�r� of storm and sanitary �ewer and ;`; water lines anci drain�ge re��ntion s�rstem b� sub- � mitted to Cit�r rngira�erix�g D�partment and Wash��g�ton �� � County JPublic� Wor.ks IDPpartffi�nt for ap�roval pr3.ox ��5 tn Gener�l Plan Reviewo �' �S� F';��• 1i6. �andsca�ing p�an for° each parcel. be rev3.ewed by the ;; Design Review Board priar to issuar�c� of �uildi.�g permit by City. ':,I�I 17. Access street open3.ng �ermit an SeW. 72nd be acqu�red ;�,.�� from �dash�.ngt�n County P�abl.ic Works Dep�rtment. �:,' E:.; 18. Road improvem�nts and signing be constructe�i prior ; to issu�,nce of building Q�rmi.ts. ;�`�� ;.� s.9. A s��eet 13.ghting pZaza be 3ut�mit±ed far rity ar��nv�.1 e :��� 20. .A1.1 remaining as�aects of the d�velapmez�t be c�an��r.ucted h`�� tA appl�.cable he�l�h, �ubdivision and zoning aodes. `` �; �1,. All uses permitted outright in tY�e CP Zone be per- ;;;; �nitted in the Planr�ed Devel,opment. �,:.. E. R�bu�tal�; �1e�cher stat�d that he would not m3.nd r�- ;-� stri,r,��.n� �ases and wauld be agreeable ta specifying {' ' speci,fic use� within the �'D, during General Plan and �`� ,,. ,Program R�vi�w. �`,` � �...;, �:, i�, FY' 4,, ;as f, �s , , _. - . :.. _. . _ , _. . _ , � `�. �,.: � , , � �5> r F. �o�nmission D�.scussion and A�tion: o Popp stated that in order to p�ov�de as a safeguard � in, terms nf cc�mpatibility with surrounding land uses, the types of uses within this proposed Planned ¢ DevexopmFnt sh�uld be restricted. � � o Krause stated that he ccancurred with Popp's remarks � and that a� the tim� of the General P1an approval the Commission could ask th�t arrhitectural criter3.a for the buildings be establiShed. � o TEpedino s�ated that he had diff�cuZty with "und�r- � stan,ding as to what denotes an office-related use". � 6 Moore stated that he felt there are enough businesses � allowa'ble in th� M-4 Zo�e that could lnca�e in this f s�.te that wQU1d b� aesthetically pleasing4 � o Krau�e asked th.� S�taff i� ap�roval of the PD coulci be z, given an.d �hat uses oth:er than c�ff�ice types were � propos�d that they woul.d b� sub�ect to Commissinn � a�tion. � o Moar°e stated th�� it w�s difficult to specify a par-� �f.cular t,ype of use. o Go1.db�eh �ta�ed that �he Cammission�rs shauld give �ppx°�aval .for the M-4 PD for offa,ce use an�.y and other uses would be �ub�ect to cc�nditic�nal i�se aotione o Porter stated that Staff's pr�posal for Commercial.- � Pr.ofessi�onal permit�ted u;�es was a fair px��oposal and � that cc�mp�tib�.e manu��.cturing cauld be p�rm3,tte8 ay a cond�.tion�l use. C�ndition 8 un�der� th� Cammerci�l-- � Professian�l �one, �ox�df�ional �7ses, would affnrd r th� Planning Comm.is� on e opportuxaity tn review � any proposals for l�.ght ma�ufa�turin:g. o Philligs stated that the buffer zane now existing around the site should' be reta�.n�d. A Nicoli motioned to appro�e the M-4 Planned Develop-� ment with Staff recommenda�Gions as annended. Secondec�. by Moare, ' o Mo�ion by Goldbach, �econ:ded by Krau�e that an addi�- tional condition be acid�ed to the M-4 I'D prAposal crea�ing Condition #22 that �rchitectural compa�tibility � � . �� ��.;,. _ r6_ r, for al�l buildings be defined b�fore �the General Plan is adagted. �his motion was ap�roved 5 '�0 4, � yes - Go1.db�ch, Krause, Nicoli, Sakata, Tepedino; no - Moor�e, Phillips, Popp, Port�r. o Ntotion by Sakata, seconded by P1lillips that anather adet'itional conciitiori, Con�,ition ��3 be add�d that a buffer zone be retained aro�und the perimeter af the site. Motion failed 7 �0 2; �res - Sakata, Phill�ps; no - Goldbach, Krause, Nicoli, Tepedino, Moore, Papp, Fc�rter. Original motion was �then appro�ed unanimou�ly as amer�ded . to �.mclude Condi�ions 1 through 22. 5�2 CONDT�IONAZ USE PERMI'� CtJ 14-?6 (John SmitY� - Greyh4und) A x��qu.est kay �SQ� S�ai,th �o loc�t� � Cr�yh�uia.d �u� Terzn�nal in the C-3 �orae (�eneral Commercial) on S,W� P�cXfic Hwy. ir� the vicinity af S.W, 79t� Avenue. (Washingtor� County �a� Map 1��. 36CD, 3���e Zot 1900), As the appl�,cant hac� nat submi�ted a�l_ tY�� required mater- i�l� as�d th� l�tt�r .�rom the Highwa�r D�parment woul�. not ' be ready fc�r �0 to 1.20 d��s, this it�m w�s w�thdrawn froffi the agendaa 5.3 CONDITIONA�, LTSE P�RMIT CU 17-76 (Will.�a�n Fe�ster) A r�e�,uest by Wi].�,iam �'aster tc� aperate a cabine� shop ix� arx M--4 Zone (Industri:al P�rlc) �t 9828 5.W. Tigard Avenue, (T3.ga�rd Indus�rial ��rk) (Washington County Tax Map 2SI 2DA, Tax �ot 300) . � ���l - A. Staf� R�parte l��ad b� Uani�1� i, �3. App�.icant F�°esentat3.�n: Bil,l Fos�er, t'he applicant, �, �t��eel that the prc��osed �it� wa� the anlyo ur�e avai�.able �.m th� ar�a t�a perform the praposed use he was requesti�g. ; � � � 1 o Saka�a as�ed the appl��ant as ta the hours o,f opera�3�ran. j � i o �he applicant stated that the hours a� operation w�uld be between �i �0 5 �a,�. Ni�ndagr tk��oaagl� Saturday j and no later than 9 p.m. in the evening. i � i o Nioor� �sked the applic�n� �.f he would be installing an exhaust fan. i :� � . � . �� -7- o The applica�� stated that he would not. o Krause asked the applican� if there �►ould be any air candition.ing unit. o The applicant s�ated �hat there wauZd not, but that he would have the doors open in. the summer. � o Krause stated that he was concerned with the possibil- i1.ty of naise 'bein� emitted into the surrouncling n�ighborhood. a Sakata asked if the storage of lumber would be indoors. o The applicant re��gonded �that it would be s�tored in bins indoo�s. G, �h.ib�ic Test;i.many: None D. Staff Recammendati��; Sta.ff recomffiendeci �pprmval. sub-- j�ct �� �he following �onditions: 1. A11 outsi.de st�xag� would require � condi�tional use � �er�mi�. 2� Tk�at the houtrs o� operation nat e.xceed c�ayli.ght hours. E. Rebu�t�al: Foste� stated that in tk�.e winter �ime he woulcl like to work �zp to 9.30 iz� �he even:t.ng. F. Commission Discussion and Action: o GoldbacY� motioned ta approve th� conditional use permit amending S�aff condi�ion #2 to r�aci hours of aperation be such s� as nc�t to oreate a nuisanc�. Seconcied by Phi7.lap�. a Moore stated that the� Co�m,�s�ion sk�c�ulc�. not restrict t�e working houx�s ar�d that the nuisance ordinance �ve�uld cover any p�tential disord�r°. o Popp concura�ed w3th Moare's remarks. a Nico�.i disagreed with GoZdbach's mati.on and stat�d that the hours of operatian should be defined. ; �r � a � �,.��� �r ,z �, ��_:. _g_ o Porter stated t��`G �he evening hours of operation should be no later than 9 p.m. o Motian was approved � to 4; yes - GoldbacY�, Moore, Popp, Tepedino, Fh�llips, no - Rrause, Nico�.�, Forter, Sakata. b. SUBDTYZSTONS 6.1 MINOk� I,AND PARTITTON MLP 4-7E (Cach) A reques�t by Jerry Cach to parti.tian a one acre parcel of l.and in an R-7 Zone (Single--F�ar�ily Residential) at 11.630 S.W. 98�h Avenue. (Washington Coun�y T�x M�p 1S1 3�CD, Tax Zot 1700) . A. Staff RP�ort a Read l�y �ani��.s B. Sta�f R�c�nun�r�d.�tio�: A�pr��ral sub�ec� t� �he �'allowix�g conditions: l. Ten feet along S.Wo 98th �venue b� dedicated for � futt�r� �treet imgrove��nts. � I ; A 2. A Deed Cowen�nt b� �x�cuted �r�r. a7.3. three parc��.s a�r��ing �o� ta r��anstra�e against th� fu1�. im�rove- men� o�' S.W. 98�th .Avenue. 3. A 16 fo�t wide pa�reei. acc�ss dr.ive be locat�d on � cer�ter of �he acc�ss are� �.eadin� to parcels T and �; 2. Cross sPCtz.oa� of �he d�°a.Ye be submit�ed to � Engin,eering Departznent for approv�l« �' � 4. Utility eas�ments necessar� to s�rvics the cl�welap=- � ment lae gr.ovided. o Nic��.i s�ated. that he did not see a need for provtding ,' ut.ility° �a�ements o ;; Bo Appl.icant Pres�ntation: Jerry Ca�h, the applicant, � sta�ed that he had no additiona�. infarmat�c�n to ddd, � that had not already bQen cover�d in the staff' repor�t. ? C C. Publ�.c �'estiffion : Rase Pa:lins ;' Y kY� S.W. I,ew�s Zane� a�ked how prog�rt3.es on eithe�° sid� a� �he sub�ect s3.te would be develope�. Edna I,�e, S,W. Lewis I,ane, stated �� that sh� was �onc�rned w.�th th� "d�ad pine t:ree" a� p the rear of the sub�ec� site and that this tree pr�- �' sented a pQt�ntial fi.re hazardA r' �l .� � . ;� i�� � � � � � � �' p ..�� _...�. , ._ _ � � . ';� . � a% -9- D. Commission Discussion and Actian: o Porte� motioned to approve the minor land parti�ion w�+h the four Staff conditions. Seconded by P�illips. Unanimously appraved. 7. MTSCFZI,ANFOUS: 7.1 Interpr�tatian of what denotes a business activity and a '�mini-s�arage�� buil.ding. D�r��.els briefZy explained to the Coznmis�ioners, a Staff ffiemarar�dum on thi� items o �npp stated that he was concerned with n�t allowing any assembl.y of goads on site. a Por�er stated th�.t he appraved o�' the Staf� �raposal as rec amznende ci. � Tepedinv asked as to wha� defines low traffic generators. � o Moare stated th:a� the int�nt of this propasal is to rid � out ob�ectionable use�s. �� a Porter r�otioned to adopt Staff recammendat�on, recnmmending the 5 stated paints with no conditinnal uses permitted on the sites S�conded by Moor�. �Jnani.mously appx�aved. � � 8� OTHF.R BUSINESS: „ ,] �? Canti.rau�ta.on of deferred ac�ion on (Smith/Gr�yhound). �; o Popp stated that �.� would be unfair to ask t�:e appl3ca�t �� �� wait 90 to 1.20 days fax the H3�ghway n�partmen� to �;' respand to the St.aff's m�quest and there�ore this ite� f, s�,ou�.d be heard w�thin 30 to 35 c�ays af�er alI other �� pro��.sicr;� ���c ���i� a�i��-�d i c� 3�y ��i� a�p�.i�;ant. �i �� o Krause sta�ed that he we�uld expect �he applicant to make `' a better visual presentation �han had been made at the ;t: f3.rst Planning Cnmmiss:ion Heari:ng on this item. s� ,�.,: � Flood 1�I.ain F�11 Pe�rnits. �� ;,. a Por^�er stateei that a representat�.ve fram the (;orp of �' Engineers shoi,�ld be invited to a Plann�.ng Commission �� Study Session concern�ing advice on fload plain fi11 �.'' �,,, permi�ts. �� � �� "'� 9. AnJOUFtN1hENT: l�r 50 p.m., 5 ���s � � � � � �;�� � Q A�FID��OT �° ���L�C����� ,�{ya � r � ,� S�IlLL�� �E' VdtlL'lIIVltl� fi�t t+ � •4;'jhj��s '�Yi�R��'��'p{,���.1: V� ��1 ,�F����1 � �i���� �$�' �FL.S����`��� � SS. t��fi��� f.M1. . J`:: �. .� 1` h��,���i��+i ± { � !` � L�i uy �{�� �. Y� -- .._ _ .._..-- - ---- --epQDS�'i�BY,--�S-�Ye.a�,.�'�Y' y,„p� �r ''�Nt`� �p ��`�` ,K d .� 9 . -. .""" '"'"'_". _"'" ""'""""'"""' k� ' . .. _ G���� + ��� . -a S1 � U��' x , 'w �. being firs2 duly s�orn, depose and say �hat H am the pubiisher ._____ ..______. ,�� '; � � � 3 ,,: �Y ,C , ,; . � � � � �' � __._. af The B'igard Times, a newspaper of general circulafao�, as defined ``�` t ' ' r - - �� � � by 03tS 193A1� and 193.020, published at Tigard, in the aforesaid cotznCy and �+ � *' �� � � i�� {�` ' �` ��,r,,,� ��� � �f r a- " 9; state; 9;hag the l�g�al notice, a pr%n2��1 copy off which is here2o annexed, was k � r +, f t ;�� � .�` t ;„x* � , � ���1 � ���� r. � v,.; �ublished in the e�tire issta� of said newspaper for ...___�.. _ ... _ succ�ssiae a$d �n's �, � � f t � ��. G .----'--- � ...L,4 e� ., ..� consecutive eweeks in tlie follovvin issues ... . . > �,,,� " .�� ` x? --___ ... ----. . - --- � y, ,�� � a.�,: - . � -���----3--�-���--��-7�- ------ _ ---.. .. -�---- � �� � ��� �� �`� � ---------- ------------- - -- -- - .. �� ����� ��,��{ '� J � f � � �;� ��' ����l��r� :�3��TI��`�� �b`���#'��� ci a� ,� .._---�- --- �..-. _�._.._ _.�:_,z�,� � � �(S�attire) � -- o-�r�.�'� � �.�� '��"�3������ '�'��� . _ ��F� ' �_ ��i �1 �d��*'�i��71�,h�h9P7'�15 '�� �d�t;;Y r : $�$fln F � `� ,� Subs�ribec& a�d swoxas to before me this . ..___ � ------- -- ......_.._ day of . ..---... G,���� � �� , r�, . .�. 4 � ' t �'� ` '� " ��' �:, � � � , _- --- -..__�-�� . .._. g� ---7r�� 1 ". • ��\. i ���� � � M� �ry ��� �v ' �..i .�,'d�.t C l � ' Q.?-�,� Ul C ���{ *`� ``�o��` � �,''� r � ��' -�--- � . - -- -- - _ __.__ � � ° .�y a � , N4f�ry Public o�t)regon .�t� "+� c ' `\'• i �� ���F`���� ��t 5����' ���fr , Niy capnmission e�cpir�s ____ �I ( _ f , ,,._ ' • {�""' _..�.G'.. 19�.�. �����p i r. ��^ z t � � fl� p��� � '!� A �„ yv : �� �.r 7� `��s�`�'_,�'��n��`-.�.��� � .���,'�"��� 3�� �, � � � � � ,��t � � � '� ? � � a � .. �i�� , ���,�`�j'� .� �7�" � .� spe �+'' � ,�� '�;� � ,., s . v �}-y�� w ° S t �,Y'.�° 'i i+ f �' A '3 ��t}` y� 4 R�+ $� 1�' Y 4 Y�k� ��}� �'k' ��M r,R, � ��3 4 �����' � �� � u'' � �i7+' i � '+s �: q , F i �'. �t jSl '��ry � �.,5: iU,��� � , ��s � r �� � � r ��� '�} ���,,�k;, , ., �� � 1s- � � �� �t i t � a s...,. . _ . _. _ . . . . ..,..—,�..,....—.•�� . . . a .... . . . . . . .. . . �, . . . STAFF' �tl�'F'OFd.T �'� f�.. �� 'Sigard Planning C�mxniss�nn `' �� �7une ��, 19 76 Agenda T.��m a. 1 DOC�KE�: 701VE CI-iA.NGr ZC 5-7� �; �� }��QUFST: A.n �mer��m�rl�t t�n ar� I:radustrz.�J. Pa�^k I'lanned D�velo�men-� "� approve�l. June 10, 1�7�. LUG�!�IU�Tq Sou�heast cor.ner of �W 72nd ar�d 54�1 Varns Road r �'j (Wash. Cno T�x Map ?S1 1D Tax Zot 500) � f� A�'PZICANT: Hanspn-F'le��,lz�r-Paxsons i'� �;s �3A�xC FACTS: �'� (' 1 . '�he si�e is desi na�ed as ''Cr�n�ral. Industri.al" o:r� the `� C P1an a�d �; is zoned (M�-4 PD� Industrial Parlc Pl�x�ned Develc�pment. t,: � 2. Th� s.i�te is present�.y in �o�^es� cove� of maa_n7.y �'irsi; ancl s�cond ����; g�ow�h doug:l.�s f�.r, oak$ s�ru.c�, ash and a�.dex� trees w�.th ci:ense � iznd�rY�ru�h7 �erns and moss� �';,� �; � FIND�NGS; ''� ��... ;:;; �.;; r;�i 1 . T.he appl.iaaz�t has .reques�Gec� an aanend.z��n� tn �n M-4 PD apprn�recl '' �.; June 10, 1�74. (ardinance 74�-28} ,`; 4;:' s r; 2, The initi.al �.pprav��_ �as for a c�:n�ra�.�.y 1�aa�ed �partmen-�-t,yp� �;, f� �f�ice bui��.a.ng �nd -the fa�.lowing coz�di.t�an� �rere atta.ched: t.; r �a) �hP �r. ape;rt� owner(s) s�.aZ�. dedicat� �o �h.e p�x�:�ic 10 P o� { ac1.d%tion�l. ri h.�«-c>��-1aa �ra1Ze1_ �<T�J'o 72nd. Ave a and �:� g �' � 4=,: adj�c��zt �the s�tbj�ct sa.tee �F �:� r;�, (b) The �rop�r�y awner(�) sha7.1 car��t�c� a half� st���� i.mpa^ove� t;';;:. ment, said i�ap:ro�rement plans shal�. g�ner��.1y f�?lc�v� the ';,�; recommencl��tion.s of the �ppl.i�a�t' s st�bmit�ed �x��f�ic `�i ca.rculation s�tudy, and �h�l�. be appro�red �ay the Wa�h< Ca� ��` l'.�ept. of i�cab�.ic �,�orks, ��id t�af�i.c cir�ulation being �ontairiecl �:':; with�_n E:xhibit 'E' n� Urc�inanc� No. 74-28. r;`J t�; ,, (c} �l�z� �i7�op�rty owxier(s) sha7_�. �g�^�� �a par�ta.cip�.te in a local, ��. a.raprovem�nt dastrict �ar the �aur�osP of improva.za� S.��T. k;,, �larn,s St. to City local s�reet s�and�;rds, said. agreemen.t sh�:1� I;�� be �xecuted as a re�cordable r,onvenan-t running wi�h the laz�cl. ��:�i d The storm c�raina e l.ar� �� th.e �i�� shaa_l �bp �ub je�� to �tx�e �' � ) � P r�' �pp�oval of t11e City a�' Ti.�ar^d. and the Wash. Co. Public �t�'orl�s � De��. �t� �.� (e 1 Th� prope`r�y �wner(s) �ha11 sub�nxt f Ur, rev�i�vr and approv�l ��. o� the City Attorney, a c�ra�� of � �?roper�ty Owr�.er� �:3 � �ccnr�i:a�1-i.�2"], a,arar.Y,mnn•f- °F:r� �ha t�;cr�r�. i�f �::�:5 v�'.'k�@:�'°1*.'�..�,,'` O� ��� ,,, �...,.,.�.� buildi.n�s �.s div�.d�d, said a�r��men.� �a define: the respo�,Ni.bi�- ��: ity f'or commax�;are� maint-enance �nd �o as'sur� �cces� to �ack� ,.. Yaua.l.�.a,ng. ��� �� � �_ ,'; �ge 2_ � �'�a::.. �``.-J i C Sta:ff R��c�r�t �/15/76 z�em 5. � �`"",�.'� ' ` (f) Pra.or �;o thP issu.a�ce of btxilcl..�n� p�rmi�ts for �ach pha�e of cons�;ructic�n� the proper��y� awnerj.$) sha11 SLl�JTTJ.1"t �O the City �la.nrsi.ri� st;aff 9 for r�vi�w and approv�al, � de�ailec� landscape �lan for each c�ns:�rution phase< Said landscape p1.an sYial�. describe �l�e size, location, aza.d spacing o�' plant mat�rial and hc�w said pl.ant mate�i.als are �o be mai.ntained. (g) �he p.ropei�ty ow�er. (s) sh�.l7. construct a sidewa7.1�: with si;orm d,.rainage �'acil.�.ti�s necessary to �:nable construction c�� a ��r rom S�I sidewal � on. the west�rl� sid� a� S„ 72nc1 Ave. f Y Varns S�t. �o SW Cher�ry S�t, for 1,he purpos� nf �u�ilic tr�ns- port��ion.. C�ns�ructioxi p1_ans �'or sa9.d sici�wa�.l� and x�eces�ary storm �raxn��e ��cilit�.es shall b� subj�c� to th� app�^ova1. nf �l;Y�e City �z�d Cc�unty Public 1�Torks d�p�:r�ments, Sazd sid��rrallLS �nd n.ecessa.r� sta?�m d�a9.saage f�cil.ities shal.l be aom�leted wi��hin �ix mo�.tk�s :�r��m �tk�� da-�e of z.s�uan.c� af aMy buildin� per7nit fQr thc subject proj�et. (h) °�he �rc�per�� owner(s) sha11 prnv:id� curbs �et�reen �11 lanascaped areas and p�rking �e�tso 3. This reqLiest .f_or am�ndment was �irs�; h��.rd b�r the l�la72ni�g Gc�m�nissian May 4, �976 and tablecl uratil staff and th.e a�plican� had the opportuni-�y to hold a con.f�r�nce tn r.eso�Lve the dii'�'erer�c�s no�Led ir� th� la��t me�tixl�4 4. �he sur�nundin� land u�e is prim�ril� uz�.d��r�loped �rri�h �.n. �rch�t�cts o�fice to th� e�st, single :fa.m�.�_y h.�m�s c�r� very� lar�gE 1.o�s to �.h� nor�th �n�J sotlth and residences alang SW 72�.d to �he west. Th� 7��siden�;ia:l. �r�� on �tY�e w�st side of SC�T 7�x�.d is x��cogni�ed ���n �the TCP a�zd shaul.d b�: viei�ed as � 7.ong ran�e camm�.�(:m�n�� ta i�ts �xi,���nr,e. 5. �he proposed land uae a.� c�n�x��;e�� w�.th �he Lcnd�:r�ly�9.ng M-�� �on� �u� th� �.ropos�d parcel si�e is tw.ice that called. ��r in tr�.�t sor�e. M-� r�qui�es a. m:in.i.mum 4�,000 sc�. f�. 1.at wh�re�s the p�^opc�sal �nvisions 2(?,OC�Q sq. �'t. lo�ts. This �ode d.ev:i.�-�ion. Y��s b�en. no�f;��l in the narr�tive�. mhe appJ_ic�YZt has S�d�P.d '�Ylc�'� �l��y m�,y combi�e som.� o�' -�he 1�ts. Th�s s'h.otza_d be �ncour�aged ii1 �ha� 3.�t wil:t i m:i.na.rniz� thc� dev�ia�tion ft�om �h� cod� az�cl �.�ssen �he in.�;erlsity af I the de�rel�pmen�t� i �. �'ec�irn 16. 36�05Q o� �he !�MC a�.l.ows on� �'�^ee-standa.n� dir��tory � si.�n at the entran.ce to the park from S?�7 72nd Av�, , �. desi�n.a.ted ooll�ctor str�e� in. th� �'i�ard Cnrnmuni-�y� P�.an. T.he �to�al �1.1.aw-� �ble si�n sux��'a�� is 250 sq. �t, , if_ mu.l�i�-.f�ced, wi'�h �arlr t�nar��s .iden.tified by no mox� �hat � sq, f�. F�ach tenan� i� allt�wed one fr�e--standa.n.g �ign no� �t;o e�ee�cl 8 �t 4 in heigh�t a�d 32 sq� ft. in sur�'aee. The proposed lot�t�,n� pa-ttern wnu�.d all.ow 15 ,�fr�e-sta.n,d�.n� sz�na �1on� th� �.nt�ricr stree't. , `�he numbex "�'° U.� i.i-�,�:—S a�a ..�il� 5;.,�X'a� uN���x'c �FrJ }��,, .Yn.�rnc�iirp , rPhs� gi'�t? 'An_"lan �.,,-,�; � . ' �h�urs twa si�ns �1.on� �SV�r 72nd and one �t •�he en�rance. �he ... .. . .... ...... .. . .. .. .. ..... ..... . .... ., .... . .. .{ Uage 3 r .': " Staff R�p�r�; `� `��/15/76 � Item �. 1 �., rj �'� sign.:��g pragram shauld b� reviewed by �the D�sign Review Baar�d� r ��. 7. Section 1"Ta44.02� a:� the '�CMC requ.�.res that str��ts within the g s�zbd�vision�shall. be grad�d cons�ruc�e�, r�e--canstructed, s: �urfaced or�-� rep�ired �s cle�ermined by the Planx�a.rzg Cpmmission �; with the advice �f �t;he Taa�ineer�.n.� D�pt. I� acc�ss �tc� SW V�arns is �' to be res�rict�r.t minimal .�rnp.rovement5 to the em�r.g�ncy acces� woul.d �; b� necessary. Tf not� a orz�-h�:Lf street impravemen�t should bP �' provj_ded. 5��1 72nd is clesigna�ed as � collecto� on �he Tigard ; Compreher�sive Plan aT1d its use as such requires a hal.��-streGt ;' impravemen.t at this time a A haZf--��x-�eet impro�ieme�t on 72nd ';; frnm. the NV�I carnEr of 1.o't #1?_ to th� SW cor.n.er of lc�t �!2 haa be�n =� recomm�x�ded by the En�ineering Dep�. `��� �: ,, 8� The Tigard Municip��. Code has been amended s�.nce �i;he c�ri��.n�l �' ;;; Pl.an Dev�e�.opment �pproval. S�n� 72n.d is noUr designated as an �; ar�eri�1� rather than a collector as showr� nn. the TCP, �thus �: n�cess�.t�ting a wider° right-of--way. SV�r 72nd prc�sently has 40' ;; ra.gh�t-af-waya The TC� ca11s for an 80' min.imum, th�refore � K� d��ica°�:i.on af 20' along SGJ' 7?_nc� is riuc;e�s�ry. 9 a Th�; �aarl�: is tn be se..rviced by �n i_nte .rna�. public stree�, S�ctian �; 17.28. 130 0� •tYa.e TMC ree�uires �the mii�.imur� ceni;erline .radii a� �:� cu.z�res tn be 100 Ft. The �rapc�sal shows four subs��ztidard eurves o:� '? 4�0 f`t. r���.us. '�he Ci�,y Engi�eer�ing D��t. a�.d tlze Tualatin ��.ur.�:1 °:; �`ire Dep�. have s��at�d �trlat -�he 35' ro�d right-o:�-way an.d °fihe �1 ' � ��.vernent w�.dth �r� ddequate .for a one way s�;r�et i.f parkin� is � prc�hibit�cl and the �t.zrvP r�di.us is i��.cr.��sed ta 50' ��� eent�rlin.�a In adda.ta.c�n the FirP Marsh��l has aslced tr.at �he street bE declic���ed �a �h� pul�l.a.c o �f, ,> 1'{ 1C7e S�rtion `!80 52.040 ( 1 ) of the 1'MC requires � fi��ty f-�. se�tlaaek a.i° r� acc�ss �°rUm � reaidenl�a.�1 �ane. Th� Ti,�ard Comrmui�.it:� Plan. and ;;:; the ��ns.ng m�p cl�s7.gn.�t� �the �z^ea west oF SV1 72:�d a� "urUan low �`'.. d�x�sity rssid�nti�l91 and �'si�gle �a�ily r.es:i.den�i�]..'� , r�spec V.ively. k; °�'h� s�t��ck meas�.tr�mer�ts are calcu�at�d �r�om. thE proper�ty la.ne, iM { tl�i,s c�.se �hA setb�cl� i�roulcl be m�as�.zred af�te� th� x��qua.red 2�' �� � s .r�c� osecl. Providin. �thi� n SW 2�zd. no� be�'are a � dedica�ion o 7 � P P : i ° r , mUUnt af use�ble l�.nd. o�� uces the a �'' I c on�i.dex�a.bl} r�d ;; , mu�h se�tb�c�Z c , ^ ,t 'oina.n � 1ot� 12. and 1 a�d �°�: the lot frontin� 72nd. In �r�ez^ ta reme�.y th.is �:3.�tuation the setba.r,k a�n be a�;compla.,�h.�d by e.� her � � 3 ;� 1 and 2� prc�viding a shared p��lc:ing :E'acz.�.,i�ty, �r allowa.n� a '�, �� partial 5.n�;rusinn. into �he �rea. The in.terzt of pravidizxg a wid� buf��:r Uetwe�n �.�.dus-�rial ancl resa.dential areas a,s bei.ng satisfied, �' t. f: ;: '11 . I�To s�ccifi,ca�tians on 1:�ghtin�; w�re subi�i�t��d.. ;� �; 12. '�he 1 �' �m�z^��ncy v�hicular acc�ss shawn nn t��e sa,-�� plan has laeen �" fcaund necessary tc� provide q�:iic�er �ccess to the re�r por�ion o� th� j� d��cJ�elopm�nt. Tha.s �cces� ne�d nat be ful.�.y imprc�vEd bu�; can be (;: ach:iev�d by p�acing the n.orm�1 amoun.� o:� basPrnck over7.�d�n w�-�h �; � � ,-,r.o ,a c c; ntt n zrr� i l P r zr�o , �: � sodR ��.�pt ��,..r urd �,i,�n d. ' ,� �erge_.cy k?_c�...s o_Zl, � �! �a�.d existin� streei:s w�ia.�h abut th� subdi,vis:ion � � �3 �' y; � -�: � , � ,,l ,Ee�age 4 '', t'�;.� Staff Report 6/15/76 �tem 5. 1 � 13. �Ta s�tr�et cross sec�a.an is shown �n the site �la�.. 14. �'ri-met is in the pla.nning stag�s of providing pub:Lic -�ransit s�r�vice te� SW 72n.d whe�� �the area d.�ve�aps en.ou.gh to warran�t it. �h.e sit� p�arz shows a bus turn.ou� �artiall.y on this site. This area needs to be dedica.ted an,d fu11y .imprnved at the tim� of the one-ha�.� strEet improvement. 15„ A pedEStrian �ath is shawn to circle the �n�r�.re site. No crass sectir�n has bee�. subma.�ted. �.11 ne�+r corners wa_th si.dewaZks are requirPd ta have wh�el ch�ir ramps. This n.eeds to Y�e shc�wn. for �ots 12, 13 (tv,rice) 1 (twice) 14 and 15= 16> A pedestrian pa�h i.s shown to the int�rs�ctiox� of lc,ts 1 � 13, �4, �nd 15 but r�o provision o�ther �han the x�vac�way :i.s made �ar get�ing pedestri�ns �.rzy further. Two options pr�sent themselves; 1 � a path around Io�ts 14 ax�d 15; or 2) around tha ou�aide c��' the � �urve o� the �o�dway. The inside path wou.ld �� sho�ter azad less exp�n.sa.ve to con.str�.lrt bu� tn�otz�d. n�c�ss�ta-�� t;wo str��i; cra��iii�s by pedEStrians. �7 a �Section 17, a2.03Q (A} o� the TMC req�ii��s "�0' m�.nimum utilit5� cas�ments to be dcdi�ated ar pr�ovidP� fox� iri deed �estrict�.nzas a1o�.g rea.r or sid� 1.o�t li.nes, Non� `ver� shawri ar� the prelimiz�ary �ar. o�osal. Dv� to the sta�ed in���nt a�' the applieant to combxn�: �r� sc�me lo�s, 5' eas�ments aloza.g all property lix�es wo�ld be aciequa�e >_ �`or thP pro�rision r�f utilit:ies to �11 lo�;s. 1�3. Secti.on 17, 36.040 a� �he '�M� states �ha� dou�l.e frontage and x�evers�cl �'rc�ntage �.o�s should bs avoided except wh�re essentl.al, :�ots 1 , 2, 8, 9, �0, 11 , 12, 13: 14 k an.cl 15 ar� all mu�t9.�a1.e frantz,�e lots �.nd thrc�ugh �.cGess shc�uld be grohi�hite�.. Lo�s 1 q- �nd. 15 shauld have access only .from th� riarth �nd sou�th, � r. e��ec��v�ly� s� as ta^th� Parking lats �rnm bect�mi�.g � �hr�ough ; drive. da.scour�.�e �� 1�. In order to limi� th� i�.umber a�' ac�ess points anto t�.e int�in�.ar } str�eet�, cammon acc�ss/�g:�ess �ac�ir��s shoul.d �e providec�., � esp�:cial.ly lo�ts 2, 5, .9, ancl 12 which, as dr�v�m, a�e tc�o �.arrow � far �the 30° d�i��way apr.on 5' fro� �ach pr�p�x��y line. � , � 20. �cci;ian 17� 44.Q70 of th:� TML rcquires that al_�. �.itili�y line� sh�.l1. 4 be pl.ac�d urder.�round. Mentian. is m:�d� ir� the subz�itted mat�x��.�1. � th�t this i�a t�.� applicaz��' s i�ztention. Th� preserit overk�:ead sl.ec�i;ric and telcphan� lines al:ong SU1 7�nd should b� p�.ac�d s und�rground, if feasibl,�, as w.i.th �th� utili�t�.�s wa.ths.n �th� sub= ( d�vision. � � ��i 21 a Sec�ion 17.44.05� r�quir�es inst�llation o� publ�.c se�fi�ex� 'li;n�s € on �ach l.c�t, if a scwer main is w�.thi� 30fl �'t, o� the subdivis�on. ! � � �` � � 3 � ) . � . . � . . � . ( . � . . . � � . : - . � . � � � � . . . �. . .. . .. . . .. . . � � . . . � --- -� - - -- - -- � .. . �'� pa�� 5 ;�� ' `; Staf�' Report � `��/�5/76 Item 5. � I �he closest. sewen mai�. is approximately� 600 �t. south, near. �a�.dk�urg, and coua_d be di�fic�ul� to cannect wi�l1 due to �the r�latively� shallotiv depth of the main line at its northern t�r� minus. S�e�.i�n 17.4Q•.050 tirovides the Gt�mznissxan �n�it� two ��tions, 1 � recommend coristruction of an assessment project to :��cilita�e hoolcing up to the existin{; sJstem; 2) approve an �lternate disposal sys��m tha_t woul�. meet County Dept. o� Publir, Hea1.�h az�.d S�;ate DePte of Enviranm�ntal (�uali�ty St�r.�dards. The 1.atter nption should anly- be used where no aXtErn.ative �xists. � 22. Section 17,q-4.060 requir. es th�t draina�e of sur�'ace wa.�er sh�l]_ b� pxovide:d' as determined by th� Plannin.� Commission. Tlae pra� posal states t�hat an on-sit� storm drain�ge system w�_I1 b� con- s�tructed in acc;o .rdance with a.11 local codes �nd o .rdinanc�s. Sinc� the storm drainag� lvould n�cessaril.y be irzto s�tatP highway and/ox cour.ity right--of-way, the State Hi�;ht�r�y Dep�t a will. reqt�.ire a�. "�au�fa=Ll Dra.inag�" perm�_� and the County requires a permit �or storm c�rainage into or onto C�unty r�:i�;h-�-of-w�y�. A drainage - re��nti.ois s;ystem �holzl.d also be prnvidedo 2�. It has com� to the staf.f' s atten�iox� -�l��.s s���. rias becn partitioned in v:inl.�tiari af the C.ity' s Mi.nor Zand Partiti�riin� Ordinance. This new paxcea. is .9� acre and in th� south-w��t ' corner o�' �the propertyq f.ronting SW 72nd . ; 24. The request is t� p�rmi� Fro�'essioraa? o.f�'ice use. Sta�'f finds �his de�'init;ion �o be som�what restrictiv� and �he �ro jec�t s�ay prove more economical.ly viable if the rang� of uses �eimi��t�d out right iri �thP C�-P zon� are in.c7.;ud�d a> permitted uses in. the F'larin.�d Develapmen�t. S�AF�' RECOMMFNP.A�IONS: } � Staff xer,ommen�.s apprnval subject ta �thP �'ollowi.ng cox�ditions; ' 1 . �a� si_7e, righ�t�-o�f-way width, pavement width, setbacks, curv� � radia. be x�ot�d as code devia�ions� M 2. S�.grlir�� �;�r��i�ain far exi�ir� F��k be submit�ted �o pesi�n °e�;i�w � Board. t� i i 3. Additional ?_Q' rzght-of�-way on 72nd be ded.icated and one-ha1.�' s!�reet � improv�men.� with starm and s�n.itar,y sevaer, cu��bs and pathw�y :, be providecl .in the first phase o� develapmenta �? 4. Deed convEnan-�s b� e��cuted r+�str.�c�in.g acc�ss from SW Va.rns and �� SW 72nd Aveo f��' 5 v The cen.ter line curve radii be no ]..ess that 50' . t' ��'' 6. The setback fram Sw 72.nc� be 40' with � 10' intrus.ian allowab:L� �ar (� :� n� more than 1/3rd of the �.cat wa.dth if z10 other feas3.ble optinri 4 . is available. Use af �h,i� setback a.rea ;i.s n�eded to sitp a �' �r, oposed bu�.1.d and/or �arl�in� ar��. , �'� , r, 7 � , �ag� 6 ( b` _� ; Staf� Report �'� ��/15/76 Item 5. � t`` 7< Th� emer.gency vehicl� �ccess provid�d as an acidition to the � �'oot path system or b� construc�t�d with 6" l�aseror.k ov�r�aderi wi�th sad and signed at both Sja1 �T�rns ancl the interior s�aad. &. A str�et cross se�tion bc subrni�;ted �or en�ineering departmen�; I review prior •to gez�Fra�. plan. an.d program review. 9. The bus tui n o��x-� lane be dedi_cated �nd improved as par�t of �he SW 72n.d an.e-ha]_� �-�reet imp�ovement b 10Q ��tandard wh�el ch�ir r�amps be pravid�d �t th.e NW corner of �_c�t 12, SW and SE corners of lot 13 and the NW and NE corner o� � lnt 1 , cross secta.on of the ramps and path b� subject to � engin�erin� dept. approvale i �1 . A �a�th be provided along e�ither tre insidc ar otz�tside of the I in��riar� roa�l or "internal to l��s 14 and 15 and prava.sion �or { crossing the t;raf,�ic is)_and be shovr�.�. � 12. 5' tz�l;il�.�y e�semerats be prc�vid.ed alnng al1 �roperty lin.es. P 13. 1lccess to l�ts 2, 5 and 12 �ie combiMed wi�th ar� adjacent lot �nd acc�ss to lot 9 be comb?ned �rith lnt 8o Access �a lots 14 a.ncl �5 � be provided an. -the N �ncl S rpsp�c�i.vely �nd acc�ss to lots 1 and ; 13 be fram the in�ern�l ra�d, not -��.e entrace way. � a. �; h �,_ 'iQ�. A11 ut:ilitiPS s�rvi�g this sa.tP bE under�r�und, ` z �5 m �,oca.tion and desigra Uf s�tarm az�c1 sani.tary sewer �.nd v�rater lines an�. dra9_nage reter�ti�n s�st�m 1�e submitt�d to Ci�y E�.gi�.eerin�; Dep�rtment an� �,�1ash. Co. Pub1?e Wo.rks De t. for. a roval rior P PP P to G�ner^al l��.an t�e�riew. , ;; 15. S,�zldscapi.ng �la�. For each parcel be reviewed by Des9,�n F�eview Board �pi^�.or i;o issuance of builcliz�.g permit by C�.ty. � ,, A�;cess �, �7e �l street oFenir?� pEr.mit onta �V1 72nd be acquir�d from Wash. Co. �; Public t�'orl�s Dep�. 4:� 18, Road improvements and signi�.g be cons�tructed prior �i;o issuaz�ce of k�uilding �ermi�ts. 'j ;:� ,, 1q. A stx�eet lighting plan be submitted �'or Ca.ty approval. F; 1>'. 20. �Zl rem�in.ing aspects �f. the develo�m�nt b� cr�n�tructed accard.a.z�.g ;3; to applicab_l� ��.ealth, subdivi.sion and zoning cades e ;;� i'�� 21 . A�.�. �.zs�s permi�;�erl out-right in tl.�,e C�P ;zone be perma.t�ted ira ��h� ;� Plan D�velopmen�, ,f. �, �; � � �' � „ � ; . , � �� ! �` fs' �T.,, r_ �s �: �.�,� s TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �'� June 16, 1976 Ni' '�'- STAFF REPORT (iIi � � AGENDA ITEM 5.3 I� 7`,I Docket: CU 17-76 �,I �'� Request: To locate a cabinet shop in an ex�:sting building on an M-4 zoned parcel. �',I f.i i'�, Location: Tigard Industrial Park on SW Tigard Avenue. (Wash.Co. Tax Map 2S1 2BA, 'i Tax Lot 304). ;' i' Applicaut: Bi11 Foster, i,l �. Basic Facts: � }'I 1. The site is designated "General Industrial:' on the Tigard f' Conununity. ' P1an and zoned "M-4, Industrial Park".. 2. The Ix�dustrial Faz'ic was developecl throu�h a conditional use permit (CU 5-72), a��roved Apri1, 1972. 3. The�•surrounding adjacent uses in the park consist of othex Industrial/ i.� Warehouse oper.ationse Ano'i�her cabi_net shop is prese.ntly operating in the development. i';I 4. Furniture manufacturing (cabinet shop) is a conditional use in the '` �' � M-4 zone, c� Findings: �� 1. The applicant has requested approval ta locate a cabinet shop in . an existing buiLding i� the Tigard Industrial Park. The n.ature of the !� business is the on-site manufacturing of cabinets .for sale and delivery �- to contractors. Three employees are presently involved in the operation. No structural aLterai:ions are proposed. 2. Access ta the site is thr�ugh the one entrance to the industria:t park and appears adequate. 3. Sectio•n 18.60.120 (6) (a) requires 1 parking space for each 1000 �; feet gr.oss floor area or 1 space/employee, whichever is larger. The site � plan shows large areas for parking and loading. This use is a low tra£fic generator and should not place extraordiri�.ry parki�g 'demands ,:on ,': the area. �;; 4. Outside storage is not allowed in the zone without adequate screening, j�' and then only by conditional use permit. '' ,> I� 5� The proposed use as a cabinet shop appears t� meet the defix�ition of t furniture manufacturing and thus compLying with the use designations of tl�ze !' Tigard :Gommun�i:-tyr`_ �; P1an. �; � �' � a ��; ;: �fi �n �j� � �. . . .... . . .. � . . ... ... . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. .... .. . .,... . . . �l��- . ' i �. :. _. , . . , . , : ,:,�.. II `� � ���, ��.. i}' Page 2 �' Staff Report 4;� 6-16-76 �, Agenda Item 5.3 j; �' i'. t: 6. The parcel immediately east of the Industrial Park is zoned R-7, �' Single Famil.y Residen.tial. The operation of woodcutti.ng machinery during C.: late evening hours could be disruptive to the neighboring residents. �' V: S taf f Recommenda tion: i �; � To be supplied at close of public hearing. �. � S}� 4 s �' r ii. j: s i� i' i� � rp J 4� �� t: i i i e" t: C t� k I'I� ic' ii i �,. � c � t. p. F d; � >, ta � i' � � ' S , ,. , � �,.., � ' STA��' R��'OR� ��� �, Tiga.rd P1.ar�.niMg mmissi.on �une 15, 1�76 A�enda Item 6. 1 � DOCKET: MSNOPti T,.�ND PA�.TT�'ION �'�I�I' 4-76 � � T, . R.E�.II�ST: ma parti-tion a c�n� �cre parcel in�o . ?_SA.c. , zSAc. and . SAc. parce]_s ix�. an R�-7 zone. I,fl�ATI�N: South of SW Greenburg I�.d. , at 11630 SW 98th Ave. (V1ash� Co. taY map 1,�1 35GDr tax 1.ot 170U) � A?'P�,IC.�NT: Cash's Realty ` l3ASIC FAC!CS t � 1 . '�he subject si�tE a.s designated "U.rban Zow Den.sity Resi.dential." on i tlze N?'(� ,�2 Plan a.ncl z�ned R�7, Singl� Family Residential. � t 2. Tri� surrounding 1.and use is large lot, nld si.ngle �arna.ly dw�llin�s j nart;h, �au�h and sou�thwest with recen� mu�,ti--.fami.ly subda.va.sion E{ ac�iv.ity both ea�tan,d west of th� subject a5_te. r' � 3� The site is occupied by a det�riora�tin.g singl� �amily dweZa.ing w�th c; twc� nut�bua.ldings on �;h� �'ran� portion of the loi; and the reznainder ;? o� the 1o�t i.s overgrown t�1I gra�s. t; �, ;; 4. The �ite a�3uta SV;T 98th l�ve. which is a 150(3' dQad end �tr�e� and �� a d�sa.gna�ted Zocal str�et on t�1e 1VP0 �}2 Pl�n. Sj,�V 98th Av�e is �� px°esently 30-�0' R/W, part.�..ally improv�d street4 The plan �LL r�cornmends th.at 98�h �b� E�:�ended to Cornm�rcial Straet. FxND�NGS� � � 1 < The applic�nt has rec�u�sted permissa.�n -�o partiti,o�. an ex�.sti,ng on� �� acre parr,e� in'to �hi^�e lats; �wc� af 10Q�X10C)' and one �U'X230`� . ��, A 20' access dr�:v� nro�rid�s access �o �h� r�a.r lot� ( s�e �t�t�ch�d �; map) . �� 2. S��tion 17. 28.0�-0 �^�qu�ires �0' mi.nimuzn �/W��.dth �'o� 1_oca1. ��' stre�ts, .A 10� c�edicatia� was ex�ctated as "acott Subdivisic�r!" s; �nd was appr���red< By acquirin� the x��cessar� 10! nn -�kiis par�cel., ' the mi.na.u�um R/�t� nec�ssary �Na.11 b� �u11.y real.ized on this section !�i of SW 9��h Ave. gs 3. SW 98th. is in a Uubst�ndar� raic����rrn and f�aa�th.er de�re�.u�ment �lorig ��' this s�tr�et wi1_1 acceler�te �the need f.ar its improvement. ��: ;;,' 4. The propos�d lotting pa�t�rn shows two �:p�rn��.mately 10,000 sc�.��. �,; 1.ots.' , Bo,th meet th� m�.ximum density req,uireu�pnts af �the NPO Flan �,� . . (�•y� 1�.�.�.�a/�.�`i� e . . �k�;�. ri 5. T.he l.otti.n� pa��ern a7_so appears to have �ecomodated the necessary �F se�b�.cks ora. tli� �exxstin� struc��.tre b�t na location of thc ex:i.st,x�� ; ��� �-�r.uctur�ES a.re sho�wra or� the sit� pZan.. � � �i E �; ; � �' < � w �.:.�. PC�°'i�.�taff Repor� 6/15�76 I��m 6. 1 6, S�ct3.an 18.64.Q�0. x'equir�s that access ta serve two dwel.l.ing tznits can �e combined to f.orm one 20� drive w�.th h�rci.:°surface pavPmen� over 80f of th� .r�quired aacess width. The propo�ed lot�ting pattern provides the requir�d aceess width l.�ut nq m�ntian of paving or drxveway cross section h.as been submi�tted. 7. Na utility easem�nts are sxiawn on the sit� plan. �, ST.AFF R�COMMFNDATION: Staf.f recomm�r�ds appro�va7_ subje�t �o the fallo�vi:ng conditions : 1 � 10' �.i�ng sw 98-Eh �v�. be dedicated for �uture stree-t improvements. 2a A deed conven�n�t be executed for a1.1 thr�e parcels agrEeing nat -�o rem�ns�rate ag�.i.nti t �th� ful�. improvement of S�d 98th Ave, 3. .A 16' wide �aved access c�rive be located on cen�ter o� the accPSS a .rea 7.ead.in� to parcEls T and T:C. Cross �ects.on. of th� drive b� submit�ted to engir_eering dPpartmer�� for. approv�l. 4. Util.ity eas�zn.ents nec�ssary ta service the devel.opmen.� bP prc�vid�d. � . � ; � - — - --_ -- —=-- __ � The sketch is �ar location purposes ' • ,, otly and no liabil.ity is assum�d for � . � �an�;;`'� �ariations determined by �;""-v�t'• . � `�T IT�t,�' I�JS URANCE CO:�1P�i��Y OF ORI��:._;��v + 646-8181 � �• SCALE i" = 100' biap Aro, i S-( -3$=C� ' `�,. ` � r\ :� � T�W �, °��T�o eoo �_ E'� ": . 4�. ,os s �, . �'� ' ��,;,� ", : ��`� .�o a�. `� ' � _��� �t\ C . 700 ` J�yy � � I '� ' 1 G^' � �1 •? � `'° !� .38Ac. 600 ES `" ;:��--� C.S. 8903 N � ' m o % .50Ac. 500 ,V jJOz3 W~ �,\ � � .46Ac. � �� �� ` \ Z � -R n u � ' � ` � -° t / J " .59Ac. �� 300 610.9 � o �'�� p ,,�� , g '^ � i �� /.IBAC- � �� z C.S.10�206 �`;'� W 8 I � M � �8�1 Q� C.S ��J1 � o [f/� tzzo��i �, - ��Q � p � 77V " � �- w� ' aJ i./ � � ��•� �/l_ � � r� � 'n �-✓ .39AC. -1- °m �^ 5 m� ,�� . h� � , l �� � �� �e�� ._� :`� . ^' ��,� ' `�� \ I 5�0 , �=� ' �`° �. .�9Ac. o \ r) __�:z .T� `� � r� r N °' � � � ���� * . , � , s n° i9 w s�s.� � t zzoar i f ss.a1 �ti ,,,139 7_2 � �35 ,�/� S 69°5�W 1 89.00 �� 61.6 61.6 97.57 �'/. . � / /LS�/i �9 z� e �� I(701 � �. zao 7� �� 3500 3 n qgg ') � � p� - \ � 6�Q 5 84°58 W �\ �. �,��• u,�- .27Ac. `�''. �: � 1 3 ^�°` %^ ; m `� / 00 A c. ��^ � � - ,7 47 . � � Qi\�� � N lJ �. ��� r r� -h � I � � ` .� � n �� �35 �r f J � � � ^ �� � � � �f � �� IUO4 I .3 � IOfi.68 i� � —' 438 ��c� Gc-? �� o z� s> � s� 99'25'E�VITfAL P7. � j +i o ► ,� �4,� N I003 M '`'�� ` e 7 OO � T . S s4o, 2aT ~ � �a \ � l ti ,� � ,. G'o�U � , s'3 RP� � �o � ..5� e.oDAc. ,� � .S. ;` p'%-� � � 'SO 'er, ���ao '� �o.oe 84.9'7 ^� � v� �s�, `'�: 3400/ �1 r�a9 se oa:v ,\ � ; � ! a � s}���5!i3 TR A C��.!�� � �� ;� ' ' � � )�59�03 LY 3S%Y��" ��332 � � � b� `� . - -- -'-' -�� ,�r i � j�� 2S io� \ I 8 0 0 N �.�: �'� . 3 . � o �'. 9a ,.�t1�� �2�� 1,'� .� � M I.U�L1C, o �� c�'�'"J.�QQ .��G 1 ' ',{� p � O �t,� � °i 3 N 0 � .2?L1 C. _ ° / �' „'v t .� g � �.., _ Q �1 ' ��i•l �n.��,�i,1,4 \ °'� T (0.bB PL0.T 1 yn � �4� 105° � \ //!Y, ��� i` u� F:,- ,,.•-�ig�ir.Jr,����ir,:r�+p. %.i� iiiai�i,iiiiia�ii •/'/, /��iy���a�/:a�i i/��/�����s'.'��''/�is�f'�//�Gi�a��'//s�L/f�i.'�i��oi��i//�ii�yriii ��/////�' �, , � .ry�5g'W (4i4.27) -� �.� 666Ch. N B9°57'W '''''1, �'%%:Y/}r, i :� �9,. ;7 2 3 � �g�� F� �,� . r�.� ... t 7 '^o .,.--r- . 2 700 � °ro � i. 6n��. � � f � \ o �� z -� . L----°�-• ��R /.5� �1c_ m � ��. � �, ��� � � , � � � K 69°58'E---36�.92 ^,�w N �U O �:/� .�./ - P�,�� - - - - — � � �\1 � sJ T) � 6.66 C n - -- Z � ��` N 8�°S9�E ( 439.3) �� `J �J 2 t 9.I S 219.I S �� ' 2000 21Gd �i ; 5 � :�n2-, .32Ac. .. .T4 Ac. �� . � ' C,S. 5924 R O • � �;� � 2 60t� ,� ��. � 3 � 5335 ° @ ��' ° � C.S. Y 2q01 ' ���' n f" - . � � `�,v � . .� � � . . . . . . . � . . . �Y:�� ' . ::� ... ,u_,,.i� . ..�1 A.. ...�.. ..., . +..�.�._. t. _.� _ . ......�.�. , .. , .. ..l� �.. ....,.. �. w r ....�. .. .�..ww_. . .......c�.�. .. y..+�.,..{.... .14, u.. .... .���...a_.., .. a« ....Yli.r— t....�..i. . T0; Platt�ning Commissio � ���nne 11� 1976 {,;."��� �FROM: S tsf f �`�'� „ � � `L,};..'' 1�. RE: Tnterpretation of what denotes a buszness activity ' "" �.n Februaxy, 1974 the Planning C�mmission ap�7roved a Conditional Use Permit aJ.lowing "mini�starage" bui.ldings an SW Burnham Street. On:e o£ the three buil�in�s 3.s aesl.�,�ea fox, a �toxe intense use than '"dea�i stora�e", ie furn,iture, boats, traiLer hc�uses. Tha.s building incLudes larg�r storage axeas th�n the other two buildings with small ofiice spaces and restroam facilities, According to atz April, 1975 City Attorney '` a�sinion, any husiness activity is als� subject to the Concl'itional Use Permit pxocess; requiring not;ification and hearing before tl�e Pl.ant�ing Commission. The site is zoned 1�1-�+ and for a vast maj�rity of tlle uses allowed in the zone the Cotzditional Use Permxt process is necessary ta minimize the adverse im�aets of the usa. A problem d�es arise though when low tra�fic generating small wholesal,e svarehousi.ng type opera'tions choose to locate in the development. 'rhey also would be requa.red to ap�.�Ly for a Conditianal Use Permit whereas they could be better handLed adma.nistratively muclz the sazne as home o�cupatic�ns are now< In order Eor staf� to screen the proposed uses sta�nd�rds or c�riteria are necessaxy. Staff pxoposes ti�at the followin� be utilized< 1.„ Less than three em�loyees This would provide fc�r a salesma� and �ecretary. 2. No an�site sales This woald keep C.c� a mini.mum the traf.fic genex'a tion. 3o No znanufacturing ox assem6ly uses This would requir.e any use cr.�ating a noi�e or dust to be subje�t ta �C review. �.�, 4. Low traffic g�nera�ing This would minimize traffic prablems and wcauld al.low a smal.l dental supply wholesale autle� but prohibit a pharmacy ar autom6tive �up�aly outlet. `6 5a pne 10 squaxe font wall mounted This would allow for identifa,.cation but sign not a adverta.semen.t wi.th t;he inten� to attract pe�ple to the sitQs ; 'Ph�s scxeex�iing pxocess bath saves the a�pli�an� money ar►d J.�ssens the staff and Co�ission workloado Wi.tJ� Commis�s:ton concurrance a resolution wiTl be prepated, � �,�