Planning Commission Packet - 06/01/1976 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. , . _ . Yf ., °'lr��,� ' �;;� 'r:,, '`�•`< i�i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING �-�:- �' F�; �; r::, f?l t, AGENDA �,. F': . Tigard Planning Commission � June l, 1976 - 7:30 p.m. . i'�°� �: '1'wality Junior High School - Lecture Room "' 1.4650 SW 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon �`.i 1<i 1. CALL TO ORDER "'' �:�. 2. ROLL CALL �` �:i 3. �1PPROVAL OF MINUTES !' ;: 4. COMMUNIC,ATIONS 5. P'UBLIC HEARINGS !'; � 5.1 ZOrlE CHAI�GE ZC 6-76 (Ripley's Maple Shop) �?� A request by Russell Ripley for a zone map amenciment to change the zoning designation from "C-4, Neighborhood Commerca.al" to "C-3, General Commercial, on a .71 acxe parcel on SW Pacific Hwy. between SW Mcnonald and SW Canter- sh Co. tax ma 2SL l0A tax lots 300 & 301), '� II Y�ury Ln. (Wa . P � I �'' 5.2 GONDITIONAL USE k'ERMIT CU 13-76 (R.O.K./Stock) � A request by Jerry Scott and Richard Kiser t� locate an �utomota.ve repaix business in an "M-4, Industrial Park" zone at 9035 SW Burnham St. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 2AD, tax lot 1600). (Tabled from 5/18/76 meeting). 5.3 CONn3TI0N.AL USE PEKMIT CiJ 16-76 (S & S Garden Service, Inc,) �' FF,. k'' A request by S & S Garden Service to locate a landscaping contractor's ;� �,: t;� office and storage area on a 4.8 acre parcel i.n an M-4, Industrial Park, zone on Hall B1vd, , south of SW Burnham St. (Wash. Ca. tax map 2S1 2DA, �' tax 1ot 400). ��� 6. SUBDIVISTONS 6.L �iN01� LAND PARTTTION MI�P 3-76 (Atwood) ��' A request by� J.W. Atwood Corp, to partition a 5.3 acr_e parcel int� 1.0, 1.26 and 3.�4 acxe Parcels on SW Hi11 St. east of SW Ash St. (Wash. Co. ? ,., iax rnap i S1 2�i�}, ,'I 6.2 MINOR ZAND PARTTTION MLP 2-76 (Gotter) 7� �z A request by Sam Gotter to partition a 3.17 acre parcel into a 1.10 acxe �.,� acre pa�re.cl anc� a 2.d7 acre parcel on SW Fonner St. , we�t of 5W 1.07 P1. S'; (Wash. Co. tax map 2SI 3ATJ, tax Lot 800). (Tabled from 5/18/76 meeting). � � 6.3 SUBDIV7SION S 6-76 (Pathfinder II�.� ,' A request by Sam Gotter and Larry :fackson for preliminary plat approval �. to create eight 1ot� ix� an R-10, single family zone, at SW Fonner St., �' west of SW 107th P1. (Wash. Go. tax map 2S1 3AD, tax lots $00 & 803}. (`' �. 7. MISCELT�ANEOUS 4'� �°: 7.1 Temporary Us� TU 2-76 (Progxess Christian Academy) �' n. A request by I'rogress Christian Academy to operate a weekday school for `? �:. �' �: �; � � .. . .. . � . . .. . . .. � � . .. .. . ..���.4 � � PC Agenda Page 2 G/1/76 the 76-77 school year at the Trinity Evangelical Church at 10900 SW 121st Ave. (Wash. Co. tax map 1S1 34B, tax 1ot 601). 7.2 InteY•pretation of what denotes a business activity in a "mini-storage°1 i bui�ding. � 8. OTHER BUSINESS � I , 9� ADJOURNMENT � � k �I ll kl r� { �I �! � I �,I � I � �i ,, �. i, �') �' i; '�. ¢�' f� i� �; �.� fi, i' � � � . . G. e. r �'' n' ES *,:. �,�•� MINUTES �� � : Tigard Planning Commission j'` June 1, 1976 - 7:30 P.M. l`'"� 'l�aality Junior High School - Lecture Room ` „ 14650 SW 97th Avenue - Tigard, Oregon l` l. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by � � r.:�; e_. Vice Chairman Porter. �<_�� , � ;; 2. ROLL CI1LL: Present: Goldbach, Nicoli, Phillips, Popp, Porter, Sakata, Krause. '� ' �'; Staff: Daniels, Laws ` ' � Excused Absence: 'Pepedino, Mooxe 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Phillips moved and Satcata seconded to approve the miizutes of May 18, 1976. 4. COMMUNYCA'PIONS: Staff reminded the Commissioners of the requirement that. they file wi.th the Oregon Government Ethics Cammission a statement !; of "Economic �:nterest" anci if they had not done such as yet " they should do it immediately. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: �' ;:; 5..1 ZONE CHANGE ZC 6�76 (Ripley's Maple Shop) A request Uy Russell Rip:L�y for a zone map amendment to change the n;? zoming designation fxarn "C-4, Neighborhood C;ommercial" to "C-3, F� �' General Canmercial", on a .71 acre parcel on SW Pacific Highway between ` 47 SW McDonald and SW Canterbury Lane (�lash.Co. Tax Map 2S1 10A, Tax Lots ;j 300 & 301). �± i� A. Staff Report: Read by Daniels. ;' B. Applicant Presentation: Mr. Ripley, the applicant, gave a brief '' r�;�r�ry of the site and the proposal for site development stating j. the need for a� furniture store at this location. ' ;j i: ° Nicoli asked Ripley if he would be reducing the access -�.o the site which pz�esently has three access points. ' �i ° Ri.pley stated two entrances would suffice far his needs, n I' ° Ka:ause asked staff the next procedural step the application would h ' take, would it go before the City Council? �: r � ° Staff responsed affirmatively, if the appli.cation were �' recommended for approval by the Planning Commissiori. p ° Krause further stated he felt the visual presentation by the applicant was somewhat nebulous in terms of the site plan ' submitted. � �;, C. Publxc Testimonye Nnne D. Staff. Recommendati�n: Daniels instructed the Commissioners there were three options available i�n approva.ng or denying I �� p ':r.� 2 P �� Minutes June 1, 1976 � the a lication pp - (1) recommendation for appr�val could be made on the basis of conformance with polic�:,�s in the p1an, i.e. limited '� strip commercial an 9�W - (2) Denying the proposal on the basis it lacked conformity to the plan map - or (3) table the matter until NPO ��6 Plan is adopted. Staff then recommended approval subject to the following conditions: l. Lots 300 and 301 be combined into one tax 1ot. 2. One of the existing access points to the entrance drive be eliminated. 3. When existing facility is expanded the present parking 1ot and dri.vewa,y wi11 be brought up to City code including paving and landscaping. E. Rebutt�l; None F. Commission Discussion and Actioti: ° °opp aslced that staff clarify the exisi:ing zorling in relationsl�iip to the �lan as it reflects to the Baker decision. ° Nicoli aslced if "Grandfather Rights"' applied to this property. � ° Daniels informed the Commission the site had already been Pxpanded the 7_0% that is alloraed under a non-conforming use. ' ° Porter. stated he felt waiting for NPO ��6 P1an to be adopted � was an unreasonahle proposal and the proposal, in his estimatian, ' was in keeping with the intent of the community plan and due to ; the nature of khe business it would not have any adverse traffic impac�t on Pacific Highway. o I Por tex moved to approve application with staff canditians and � ' Goldbach seconded. ° Motion appraved 6 to 1, Sakata abstaining. 5.2 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU 13-76 (R.O.K./Stock) A request by Jerry Scc�tt and Richard Kiser to locate an automotive i repair business in an "M-4, Industrial Park" zone at 9035 SW Burnham f Street (Wash.Co. Tax Map 2S1 2AD, Tax Lot 1600). (Tabled from 5/18/76 mtg.) ` � A. Staff Fteport: Read by Daniels. 4 : B. Applicant Presentationt Jerry Scott, the applicant, stated the nature of his business and that he felt the existing business was compatible ; � with the surrounding land uses, y C. Publi.c Testimony: None ti� P --,. 3 � P�r Minu te s June 1, 1976 � � i D. Staff Recommendation: Staff recornmended approval subject to the following conditionsw 1. Required parking spaces be deliniated. � I ! 2. Existing landscaping be upgraded. � E. Rebuttal: None � a F. Commission Discussion and Action: ` 4 I ° Krause moved and Nicoli seconded by approve th e application subject � to staff conditions. � ° Motion approved by unanimous vote. ; i 5.3 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU 16-76 (S & S Garden Service, Inc.1 E A request by S & S Garden Service to locate a landsca.ping contractor's i affice and storage area on a /+.8 acre parcel in an M�4, nndustrial Park. i zone on �Ia11 B1vd. , south of SW Burnham Street (Wash.Co. Tax Map iSl 2DA l; Tax Lot 400). � ( A. Staff Report; Read by Daniels. S; �, ° Phillips asked if tlze applican.t was pres�ently using the site? � ° Staff responded that some equipment is being stored on the site at thi.s time. 1 i ° Porter asked sta�f if the �rees and shrubs as shown on the site '' plan would serve as sufficient screening? tl ��; ,a� ° Phillips asked if staff's recommended driveway change weze approved 4'� would the birch tree shown at the sauthern egress be l.ost? i�ll r,i� ° Krause asked about vision clearance as it would relate to the }a trees along Ha11 Blvd. and if there would be a problem with ';� vis�ibility in entering and leaving the site? ',�, f� B. Applicant �resen tati.on: Schreiber stated he could not accommodate ;j staff p�oposal for driveway access as the birch tree would have to '!I be removed to accommodate a 30 foot wide drive and the maneuverability, under staff's pxoposal, would be sh�rtened on the site. Schrei.ber �' also stated at this time it was not economically feasible to pave the �� parking area. �� t ° Nicoli asked if r.etail sales would be conducted an the site? g� � ° Schreibe:r commented no retail sales would take place. � � '� C. Public Testimony: None #� �� D. Staff recommendation: Staff recommended approval subject to the :�� fo7.lowiilg conditinns: r� .,�n (��r'n P�>� ..4 P C Minu te s June 1, 1976 ��' � 1. All outside equipment storage be screened from adjoining properties by screeni_ng plants. 2. Access to the site be provided only by the southern access point. 3. Access �aoint be a 30 foot wide curb cut with 24 foot paved driveway. 4. Six parking sp�ces for equipment storage be provided with tire blocks two feet from the Pnd of the stalls and the parking area be fully improved within one year. 5. A drainage plan for thP parking area by submitted to the Engineering Department tor approval. 6. No new pexmanerat strucutre b� placed closer than eighty feet from the eas�ern property 1ine. ° Sakata asked staff about the proposed State bikepath al.ong Hall Blvd. ° Staff replied that a bike path is in the planning stages and ik would pxobably be built on the w�st side of Hall Blvd. �� ° Phillip� stated a minimum af six parking spaces should be pravided on site. ° Krause questioned sta£f`s "one year" grace period as the applicant had a five year lease agreernent. ° Krause fuxther statec? h� wanted to know if the applicant pl.anned to pave the parking area after the one year pexiod. E. Rebu tta 1: Non.e. F, Commission •Discussion and Ac.tion: ° Phillips asked if the plastic greenhouses shown an site plan � would b� approved in concept. i ° Popp stated the 01duel"en.trance/exit propose�i by the applicant would be mare agreeable than staff xecommendation. i � � � ° Phillips asked if the State Highway Depar�mPnt would approve 1 th:e t9duel°1 entrance/exit access and if the trees along the f side of Ha11 BLvd, wauld be removed with �he improvement? � i ° Poxter stated the proposal was a good use and suitable to the ! location but the only groblem was the access to the site -therefore '; �, a variance to the code would be required in reducing the access i drive area on site. i i ; , __ _ —� , . : .. ; ' _. _ , _ _ 'F� ., , �' ;° f: Page 5 ', P c Minutes �'';: June 1, 1976 f'` �*A �;, �':�. ° Porter further stated Y.he application could be approved subject '` to approval of the State Highway Department and Ci�y variance � �'; n;; procP ures. �. , ° Phillip� moved and Sakata seconded to approve the application '"' with staft recommendations plus addition to staff recommendation j,? 4 - that a minimum of 6 spaces be provided for parking and �` the future greenhauses shown on the concept plan be eliminated, � � further if the birch tree located at the southern access is within the 30 foot curb cut area proposed by staff the access (; point shown on the applica.nt's site plan of 12 feet be accepted. �' ° Sakata stated the greenhouse shown on the site plan should be �-'! i.naluded in the approval of the application and the esthetics of this structure could be controlled at the Design Review Board. i' ���; i;' ° Nicoli coticurred wi�h Sa'k.ata remarks. � ° Porter made a motion. to amend Philla.ps motion that future green- houses should be included on the concept p1an, secondpd by ' NicoZi. ° Motion approved 6 to 1, Phillips abstaining. i',: �, `;, t;. ° Original motion was then approved as amended. "' E 6.� SUBDIVISIONS � � t: 6.1 MINOR LAND PARTITION MLP 3-76 (Atwood) ;� �� A request by J.W. Atwood Coxp. to partition a 5.3 ac.re parcel into 1.0, ,; 1.26 and 3.04 acre parcels on SW Hill Street east of SW Ash Street �' (Wash. Co, tax map 2S1 2DB, tax l�t 200). � �< A. Staff Repart: r.ead by Daniels. ?' �. Staf£ r.ead into the record a letter in opposti�n to the A.twood ,'� proposal, signed by 42 property o�ners adjacent to the subject site. �` �:. r B. Applicant Presentation: J.A. Atwood, the applicant, stated reasoning F� for the prop�sed partitioning and his intent to construct triplexes �. on the site. Atwood questioned the difference between the land F' partitioning and the proposed land use and stated his request was fox a minor land partiCion. Atwood stated that his interpretation of � Carl Buttke's traffic analysis for NPO ��1 was only 600 trips pex day were occuring on Hi11 Street which was far below the maximum of 1,50Q � indicated by Buttke's report. �' �. � '} ° Porter asked the applicant as to �ahy he chose this configuration for the A••2 portion of the lot. �`i k Pa� �`� 6 TP�`Nlinu tes .June 1, 1976 �^�` ° Atwood stated in order to accommodate �:` (a square acre) the proposed °�' partitioning was necessary. ° Annette Seeber, 9340 Hi11 St., asked Atwood as to the type of muJ�ti-family development he was proposing? ° Atwood stated he was Looking to construct tri-plexes on the site. ° Stev� Fausti, 13255 SW Ash Street, asked the applicant if there had been development since the 1973 study and had not the Village G1enn development been develaped since that period? ° Don Feller, 5W Frewing St. , a member of NPO ��1, reminded the commission of tha NPO �k1 lerter submitted in evidence with the staff report and further reiterated the statements made in the NPO �k1 text regarding the timing of development as it relates to the condition of exa.sting streets in that area. Feller further stated he did not object to the ��`npasal but rathe•r to the additional traffic problems mul.ti.pLe-family development �aould rreate �nd befor.P any addition�l devel.apment were to occur the existing traffic problems along the local streets should Ue resolved. ° Thomas Elliott, 13'l5U SW Burnham. Court, stated he was concerned about traffic on Frewing and Ash Streets and children playxng in those areas and L-he problem must be resolved befare additional traffic is �, is added to those strects. � ° Betty Parker, 9675 SW Fr�ewing, question.ed t}.ie quality of the traffic of apartment dwellexs verses that of home owners? ° Howard Rams�y, corner of Ash and Frewing, stated he was concerned � wit'h the amount of additional traffic generated by multiple units. ° Steve Fausti stated not only would there be a traffic problem but also additional noise pollutiot� would be generated from the additional traffic l.oads on the streets. ° Virginia Edgert, 9750 SW Frewing, stated she concurred with Mr. � Feller's remarks. ° Mary Parker, 9675 SW Frewing, stated her concern for the already heavy amounts of traffic, speeding cars and the property damage � accuzing on those streets because of the cars. li I ° At�aoad stated he did not see his project having any particular ad- verse impact on the neighborhood and Hi11 Street was designed to I hdndle apartment traffic. ' ° Thomas Elliott stated he doesn't object to the project but the problem of traffic congestion must b� resolved before any additional development occurs. � � � , , . � . _ � . � � . .,.., , , ; . ., ., , , ... " ' Pa e 7 �! � ��` T ��Iinutes � June 1, 1976 �9 � D. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommended denial based on the findings ;"`` that the timing of this project is inconsistent with the plan and ; �'�. development of multi-family density should not be permitted until � adequate streets are provided to handle the additional traffia generated �; �, by such development. � t: ° Krause aslced if the site could be developed without a minor land �� partition? �'' �f! E. Rebuttal: None i'� 3 �:I F. Commission TJiscussion and Action: `� �; ;; ° Krause moved and Sakata seconded to deny the minor land par.tition ';� on the basi.s of the lack of good land use pl.anning. 'i ?.:. f:i ° Nicoli stated the�amotion for denial should inc,lude more than just ��. the statement "Lack o£ good land use planning" and it shbuld be !`'� added the timin� of this development does not canfarm with the �� comprehensive plan.. ' ° Krause accegteci Nicoli's proposal and it was included in the cnotion. si ;:� ° Motion approved by unanimous vote. "` i!' ,, 6.2 MINOR LAND PAP.TITION MLP 2m76 (Goi:ter) `, �; �; ��, A request by Sam �otter to partition a 3.17 acre parcel into a 1.10 acre parcel �'' and a 2.07 acre parceL on SW Fonner St. ,.west of SW 107 P1ace. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 3AD, Tax lot 800). (Tabled from 5/18/76 meeting). , y�. Sy ALSO i''; �;; ��: 6.3 SUBBIVISION S 6-76 (Pathfinder II) �:; A re uest b Sam Gotter and Larr Jackson for xeliminar 1at a roval to � � q y �Y P Y P ��PP ;;s create eight lots in an R-10, single famil.y zone, at SW Fonner St. , west of z;; SW 107th Pl.ace. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 3AD, tax lots 800 and 803), ��; {�:. A. Staff xeports Daniels requested agenda items 6.2 aind 6.3 be heard �� �'+ together. `.� fi Staff Recommendation; Staff recommended appraval of the minor land �' partition subject to the following conditions: _�; tr. 1, That the Driveway be located according to the proposed sub- ,,?t, subdivision plan and connected with the end' of Patihfinci�r Way. � A document shall be attached �o the deed which releases claim �;� to thaL- portion of the easement which would fall into an �'; extension �f the Pathfinder xight-of-way. rV Er: i; 2. That a 20 ft, wide easement be recorded a�.ong the narth property, � line of the 1.�. acre parcel_ (beginning at the southiw�st corner af ��; � the Greenway in Pathfinder and extending t� the southwest corner of the 1 acre parcel) and a 30 ft. easement aloxi� the south property �s�;; . . .. . . . . . ,ry line of the 2 acre parcel for public access purpwses (Greenway). �} � � . .. _ . _ .. . _ ,.. .. ' 6 Page 8 � ��� TP`f� ;�linutes �� �' June 1, 1976 `i t 3. That the driveway easement include public access rights tc� the Greenway. 4. That the portion of the 1ot adjoining Fonner St. be annexed to � the City of Tigard before any buildin� permits are issued. �; B. Applicant Presentation,: Jack Richey (Waker & Assoc. , Bea�Tertown) gave brief history of the project area and stated due to the need for a minor f,; land partition, certain conditions, as re�ommended by staff, can not f; be met as the applicant D1r. Gotter does not own a11 the land involved �' in the area covered under the slaff recommendati.ons. }f' �, He also stated the 50' radius given in the staff recommendation is �; excessive and 42' should be adequate. The bxidge pr.oposed by staff is ��; economically �nfeasible mr topographically wise. The proposed bridge i; would not be on the subject's progerty. Richey recommended a normal ' culvert would be adequate without causing a public ha2ard. � >: t!' Richey further stated he was agreeable with the other staff j; recommendations. t"I ° Staff pointed out to both the commissioners and the applicant a E' typographical error had occurr�d in staff findin�s number 7 and it � should read a 40° radius and not 50` . c' C. Public T2stimony: '` � ° Lariny Tierney, Pathfinder Way, asked the applicant how he was going to provide access to the bikepath? ° Gotter stated the only thing he would be willin.g to accep� was a 15' easement for a bikepath or otherwise he would just request ; ' lhe minor land partitian. and forget thE suhdivision. pro�osal, E;�, ���� ° Phillips asked how th�: 15' easement w�uld be identified on the ;I pr�perties? !� ° Nicoli asked Gotter if there was difficulty in selling lots if `` easem�nts have a12'ead)r been nrovided for bikepaths? �'ry ,� r ° Ray Wing, Pathfinder Way, asked if the applicant was aware of the �� d�m NW of the site? �� � �. ° Gotter stated he was aware of the dam and had talked to property �; owners upstream From the subject site. �'' �z ° Gary Patterson, 107th Cou rt, stated he was �concerned about the narrow (; .funneling c�f the greenway on the site. �:' ° Tom Jackman, 10t380 Pathfinder Way, felt the preliminary plan was �� r confusing and concurred with Gary Pattezson's concern about the narrow "funneling" of the greenway. �', '� � �' + � :�� P � � PaQ9 ��' T �`'.iinutes June 1, 1976 ° Dick Waker, Waker & Assoc. , stated he was attempting to work within � ,, the physical limitations of the site. D. Commission Discussion and Action: � � � ° Phillips stated he could not see how an easement would work that close to where the houses would be built. ' �� ° Krause stated he agreed with staff's recommendations and given the � circumstances this was a "good compromise proposal". �' �, ° � Portex stated we do not have the right to confiscate land and the t; }: proposal should be acce�ted as submitted. G;; � ° Gotter informed the commissioners he wi.shed to withdraw l�is applicatioti ,'! for the minor land partitian and perhaps resubmit at a later date. ;�; k� ° Porter moved and Krause seconded to deny subdivision application on �'' the basis applicant with�irew h3.s request. �il ° Krause then recommended a new minor land partition submissian be sl made to the coinznision. �; `,I ° Phillips moved and Sakata seconded to deny the minor Iand partition �` without prejudice. s,l ; � ° Approved by unanimous vcte. � �y �, ° Motion for denial of subdivision, becazne moot as the applicant with- �' dr_e�a his Minor I,and Partition request. 7. MISCELLANEUUS: "' � i1 7.1. Temporary Use TU 2-76 (Progress Chxistian Academy) �'I, A request by Pragress Christi.an Academy to operate a weekday school for the '{ , �,I 76-77 school year at the 7.rinity Evangelical Church at 10900 SW 121st Ave. ;;,I (Wash. Co. tax map 1S�. 34B, tax lot 6Q1). `' E"I A. Staff Report: Read by I)aniels. t:� i,ry B. Applicant Presentation: P�stor Newkirk, Progress Chr3stian Academy, briefly stated tlie proposed use. �' Y': � ° Porter asked the length of the temporary use. E; �. f;. ° Pastor Newkirk stated it would be until5(Jne9 1977. �. ° Phillips asked the applicant if he was aware c�f the new shopping �+ center to be built accross from the site on 121st. �' ,; �, ° '�he a�plicant stated l�e was aware of such a devel.opmen,t and• he �� � anticipated no adverse im�act on the proposed use. h � , , , , , ��� Pa -�10 � TP�::iinu te s June 1, 1976 �';; K., � C. Public Testimony: None ;;; �{. _: D. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommended approval with the condition �'S. that the gravel parking lot existing on site be paved in accordance C;; ,,., with City code. �'' ° Porter moved and Goldbach seconded to approve the application ��� for one year bringing to the attention of the applicant the need to �" pave the parking area. �.' Et:i ° Motion approved by unanimous vote. j,' 7.2 Interpretation of what denotes a business activity in a "mini-storage" �� building. ''` j;. Staff informed the Commissioners due to the Planning Department's i'; secretary leaving there was not adequate time to prepar.e a staff report f� on the item but one would be prepared f.or the Commissioners at the next �;' regular schecluled meeting of the PLanxxiiig Coc�uriissioizo �' i�' i: Ph:illips moved and Sakata seconded ta recommend the Planning Commission request the �' City Gouncil direct the Chief of Police �x�d his staff to help in bringing to the ;;; Planning Staff attention any existing zoning violations within the City. ,;i ,, Krause felt we should not impose on the police to i_nforce this mattPr. �:`; MoLion apprnved by u�ariim�us vote. � � �x �� 8. Adjournment: 11:30 P.M. �{�� r� � I'� k.° �; ��; 'r'.. i; �' I� �`1 ,� �`� �;;. �:: �' `� �-� �: I:; �� �''` �i . ,�� ,� : � �t� �; � � � �s �. , � / AF�lDAVnT 0� PUELICAT�ON ' S��TE �� o��GON, cm�nv� o� w,�s�z�v��ozv, � SS. � g, - ---_ ------ --�--..._�a�-S�%��---�.�ha�'��.---------------------------------------------------------- � being firsh duly sworn, depose and s�y that Y am the gublisher ___________________________.. �! a ..-, ��a� ty � u� Y ' _____ _...._ of The 7Cigard '�'imes, a newspaper of general circulation, as defined , ��+;���� � �� � ''��">�f��"'���6'�,, � ,, � � by O�tS 193.010 and Y93.U20, published at Tigard, in the aforesaid county and �., . u ��� , � „ � ,�. state; that the lega3 notice, a printed capy of which is hereCo atinexed, was � � �� � � � ;�� ,:�'i . ,� ,< t �, 2 �� � � � � �� � published an Ehe entire issue of said newspager for --- -------.-------- successive and � �� � :e � �� N q c.onsecuCiee we�ks in Yhe ffollawing iscues __.._._ _-----.- ------- �� �:b` y� ��� � ;``�� ri�,�ij;���.;�; ?; .------- ------- - ------- ���ie 1'7 & 2�, i976 � ��;� —-----------�-------- -.. .----- ---------- --- ----- -,�- ------------ -- -------- �� ; , : � �, �. V �r ----- - --- ----------- � ' r: , � �a�� �, `' � C "' � � r t r .� r t $ A """'' �,..�.,g_,_y.��'�' '_"'C��. —"r'� ..t ,� S,� � ��� � �L /' '"_ " ' """"'_' ?� ^er �� `� � ,$' j f ��CI'dLIITG'� � .t ,�,p•7 � 4:)''���,,�'f 9K+v -i� .1�'J .4'�t�*",r1}� 7 H��i:4 . � ,: •` � � ��.�� � ,� i � .jl .}.4, a �i} �� ��L 31 ' . .;vw,Yrw1 s f �.�Mt�S E �an4rv �' n . 3. Sub�cribed and sworn 4o before me 4his ".____._ __._..._. � ` �'"' � �T ��.¢' ._.----- day �+f ----------- �?� r,G �' �,j a�a w �, - ,F 1 1 �. �, ��� Ihl � c�1��.�. � d �. �n r "n � � � '�,a',:�� `„}� , �`,` Y .�' �x ,� •,� �`s� , -- — ..._--- - -- - 19-----• , � ��i� � _ , , r>,, . t , ; - ��2.���� ���a"? .---_.._... . _.------ -- -- ' ;� --- '; 1�"'�°ry Publi� Cregon F ._ k /, fc� s„ My commissio� expires ...----------.-- _(,�L,<�'--..�r.. 19/jl. �:, r �!. 1 '�I ;i ;r f � � � � tf' �y'i �i �> t � ��.�� i . i�.....:t fr, I � i.r 3� ' ' STAFF REPORT � �� � �>„ Tigard Planning Commissa.on �'. June 1, 1976 Agenda Item 5. 1 +.�� �.:: DOCKET: ZONE CHANGE ZC 6-76 � � REqUEST: A zone map amendment to change the zoning designation � from "C-4, Neighborhood Commercial" to '�C-3, General b Comm C�mmercial" on a . 71 acre parcel F� ti LOCATTON : On SW Pacific Hwy. bei;ween SW {�cDonald and SW Canter- � F�ury Lane. (Wash. Co, tax map ZS1 10A, tax lot.s � 3Q0 and 301) . �1 ;i APPLICANTo Rossell, R. & �ladeline L. Ripley (Ripl.ey ' s �laple Shop) j� i, i: BASIC FFlCTS: E'� 1, 'The site is designated �'Residential Commarcial" on the Tigard `� C�mmunity Pl.an and is pressntly z�ned ��C-4, Neighbo�hood Commercial". `' 2. Section 18e28. 010 of the TI�C provid�s for Purniture stores as an q'�atright ���rmitted use in th� C-3 zone, i.�hereas it is prohibited � ;':, in the C-4 zane. s! �INDINGS : E;. I 1. The zoniri was chan ed far this site in 1.°65 from '"A--2 multi- 9 9 � i f family residential" to '�C-3, General Commerc.ial". In 1967, with �;': �""� the� ado i.ion of a new zonin ordinance the ra ert was lr� is- �; P ' 9 � P P Y 9 � ±� latively rozoned ta A-2. Tn 1.370 the px�operty was again leqis-- ��� latively rezoned to "C-4, Neighborhood C�mmercial" ta taper off the "strip commercial" a7.ong 99W anc� conform the zoniny f;o tha� �� existing on the west side oF 99W. '' �� ;, 2. The� appliaah'� has rec�u�sted a change in zoning to allow expansion �- of an existing non-canforming use. #;! ``i 3. Furnitur�; stor�s tend to be 1ow traffic geherators and are mors � compatible on high capacity asterials than h:igh tra�fi�c generator�s on smaller parcels. ' ''; . .:;,; 4. The applicant proposes to buy tax lot 300 ahd is pl�nning to `y� expand onto it, thereby cor�sol.idating the two separate lots and r`': �.., prec].uding an intensification of the small scale commercial uses �� allowed in thP C-4 zone. � ' `' �,., N;';i 5. The proposed add.ition would be approximately 14� ' from Pacific ;';`� Hwyo This distar�ce provides an adequate setback and creates an '' �- appropriate amount of open space between the buildings and Pacific ,v" +; Hwy. � €�.� 6. The current operation is a specialty store handl.ing only early �>: American/traditional furnituree " �„ �;�, � � �:;9 �,r, if. S:i: . � . . . � � . � . rr� .. � � . � . � .�ci .. . . � . � . �� . � � . . � �. ..� . .. �� �. � '_ � .....� .. .... . . . .... � . .. .... . �.. . .,. .. . .. ... . ....i...... .._._. .. .. .. ...�.. ._ ._.. .�...� .k . . .,....,.. . .,... ... . .v...... ` <... ...,.. . .: ... . . ... �. . : ! � � �a9� � a� � PC Staff Repor+t � 6/1/76 € i, ;.,, Item 5.1 � 1 7. The surrounding land uses are a vacant lot, a rea.lty office and a residence. � 8. The' current undeveloped site is an overgrown, unkep� 1ot sloping � up from Pacific Hwy. with access along a frontage drive. 9. Access to the existing s�,ore is provided through two curb cuts � off of Pacific Hwy. With the addition of the access provided by lot 300, three access paints would be existing. An operation � such as the one canducted on the si.te can be accommodated with � one access point and the public safety would be enhanced by a � reduction in the number of conflie•t ar�as. � �' 10. A substandard gravel dsiveway and parking area presently serves i, the site. Section 18. 60„ 170 of the 1'�1C requires the�e aseas to �' be fully improved. �� • ;, 11. No ex�ansion of thP use would be allowable if the zone change is �'� nat approved since it has expanded the 20/ allowable under j�,, Section 18. 58. 030 of the TI�C applyiny to non--conf'orming uses. � 12. The residential commerc.ial designatian in the 7CP is intended to �I accomrnodate higher density dwelling structures, including high � � rise apa•rtments, combine�i with a range of compatible office and E business uses. The T�IC has no corresponding zonir•ig designat,ir�n. NPO �6 will be revieWing this probl�m later this yeaz as they , develop the c�etaile�d plans for this area. Until th� plan is amended by NPO #6, the C--3 zone anpears more compatible in that it re uires las er lat sizes a d J_i � o q g n s s a11 high traffic generat rs ` as conditional uses. This zon�, therPfoz�e, more nearly conf'orms 4 to the Compr�hensive Plan than the C-4 zone. The latter zone allows smaller lots (6,000 sq. ft. compared to 30,000 sq. ft. ) , less highway frontage per lot (60 f�t. compared to 150 ft. ) and several . high traffic generators (such as; quick stop markets) as pei�mitted uses. STAFF REC0�1(�ENDATION To be advised at close of public hearing � �,,........,. ,. . .�. _. .� ,. ....,_ ._ - ...... .,. � -. . , _ ., r- _r, .,_ " ,,�. �� �:: i a; FARM HOUSE MAPLE SHOP � �:- � 1.4170 SW. Paci_fic Highway Tigard, Orego� 97223 April 30, 197h SUBMITTED T0: Tigard �'lanning Comm9.ssian 1. We are negotiating the purchase of tax lot 300 for the purpose of � acquiring additional property for a �lanned expansion of our exist- in� store. It is our intention to add additional sales area on the � northeast side of our present structure for the retail sales of � fuxniture and related products. For this to be done, we �re request- ing a zone change, on this property, from the present C-2 to our � r�quixed C-3. The consummation pf nur purckaase agreement i,s contin- ,i gent upon the Cc�rmnission'� app�coval of this appli.cat�.�x�, fi � 2. Our proposal of land use should conform to the camprehensive plan � of the Gommissi�n since it wi11 not materially alter the statusquo. T.he main difference wf11 be the si.ze of the property devoted to a � business which is already in operation. A f�vorable chan�e wi11 be our plans to reshape �he twa lot� into a beautiful frontage with � �Y^ lawns, trees and shrubs on a we11-landscaped terrai�. Th� completed projecfi wi11 have ample space for parking, building and landscaping which wi.11 be a credit to Tigard's total look. We feel that our �peration fits we11 into the over�ll continuity of the area. 3. We see Tigard°s business community as a complete resource fa� the area residents' needs. ln this r�gard, we wish to provide one of ` the finest home furnishings outlet in Oregon specializing in early � american, trad�tional and co�ntry casual designs. } f s With the continued gr�wth af Tigard and its surrounding ar.ea, wa feel � we must expand our stock to keep current with dernand, while offering � a varied selection far oux customers' individual preferences. ''f I , 4. Our developmen� of this property should enhance all adjacent sites j anci increase valuation of prop�rty in the area. We will be better ab1.e to serve the community's needs with the added square footage of the building. Easier access to the store and better parking will be an added result. 5. This location is adjacent to our present lot and is tha natural direction our expan�ion should go,, We discounted an expansion within the confines of our �resently-owned property. Even though' this would be far moxe economieal, it would not provide the uniformit-y of design � that we desire. i i ; _ w --_:�.. _._ ..___ ._ � � ��� � , Tigard Planning Commission - 2 - Apri1 30, 1976 �: We wish tn join to the northeast side of the house, which formerlq was the entire store, an addition to match the one recently added to the sauth,west side. This will give the total building a more uniform and pleasing appear�ance. This could not be accomplished with an expansion in any other direction. 6. There would be littl.e effect to adjacent sites by our use of this property. The znajority of the proposed addition would be confined to our existing property which has maintained a C-3 business for almost 20 y�ars. Lot 300 would mainly be u�ed for easier access for customers and delivery vehicles. Additional parking might also be provided by this lot. The existing terrain would not be materi.ally altered �xcept for a manicuri.ng of the present aver�rowth and a planned replanting of shrubs and lawn. We do not plan to do any building nearer Pacific Highway than our present structure. 7. There should he no new public services required than are already available, Respectfully submitted, � FARM HOUSE MAPLE SHOP ;����!��(..-L.�G•;;.; ��'. r�f��`' � � i Russell R. Ripley Owner RRR:dr I I � _ l _. _ , . , _ � � � � � �ic4i�,� IT Y MAp �, �`� f��� . �. � �� + 2S I 3DD � ��-:� . �_�°°�°'p` � � N � C I� �N E � �: ;��" 3 � � �� � 7 ________ _____l .___ _ � �1. _ .____t,� _._ � �__— - .._'o_"�\ .___._._N83°25:E _ _ J __:. .) 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I � � I - , �a CJ 4 � � /^� � � p � �� � : / � �.\ .,,m J � I� �� h y�; _ �.✓!`� .�.ll� � c0�� T35` � �,.p 'ir�i �I 4�: . ..�i .' �.G�n�. \ , ., , �. G \ � .a, �cO �?� ���' —� � `���" I � :,: � �i � (C.S.No.IIB�l1 `�s�' � �� �i � � .. � � i �� I ' ,. '� 'r , ' � �,, ��.:1 , `' ��°I � i i =�� _ _ i� �� �� ._ ._ � a , , � �/ CA m8 3' � \`�'`t'`, I I � `� � � k �� t r 6G � i � ` t� ,�'� ; � ?5 L�FGICAT O ,::�t`Y� �- cU7.8� � 200� ��Ka.. 2C�0 i•�.\`y .�; � �l�i,/i�i 'l✓'�'7 � r�.;!!f%/L1/r��?',? i`�,%/i/,!/�f' i' t�%J`/� �///�%!i/"� � �ttb;� i �5�!'�f�xk/. i� ,!% "/:%/%C�1 S F}� , .;>, < . ��,� � ,_,.���./.,��1,%�,r,.,. �T ���f�., .!,'i��,,i �i.si,�'�y�' �!�`�� , ,�. .��,, w, 1.�; � ,� . ''.;�. r.. �� . .. _ _ <, ... . ,i..:.. r._/� � �;%O *....1:.�..r.:.,....tw.a�nl. ��.G'i..,.,t��....1.,..,. ,tw'G:a.::.�..v.r✓..%.r.•e�\ y)C�,� �1 ��t32 GO ���J Q �n� � S' 'S�, • � �� �. . {?J!.'c .7_u�� • c,h !�Cro q . . Sf; O V�� `�p~��'S'S4r Q\�'a � l�. �_ 9y U \ 'r'�, d' 4 �� �oG 98 �G3. i -+... .�1.. �� . . : �. . _ .. . _ .,.i.r,s ��i___._ .__ .� �>� �59.4ntL�NE4t.a "ty a 5%sao+` » � �;� 4 � ti'I(:'(�. c �'-+` i � �� �,±'�;�c. M . � � � . W d� , � J Z �I W : srA� S�'w ��� �R _. ,�. ,, �-_:..._ t > � �c. ,. �. ��^ � . ,. � ., _- _ _; ._�.y�___ _a__. _..._..�. ,�; . . � �.4, � ' l(;.�.t��;.�7.250) " i n�f;: CU 16-76 �x STAFF I�.ECOMl�NDS APPROVAL WITH TT-IE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: � l. All outside equipment storage n.e screened from adjoining prope�ties by screen plantings. 2. Access to the site be provided only through the s�uthern access point. 3. The access point be a 30' wide curb cut with 24' paved drivF�,,ray. 4. Six parking space� for equipment stor�ge be proSrided with tire blocks 2 ' f�.^om the end of th.e stalls and the parking area be full,y improved within 1 year. 5. A �drainage plan for the parkin.g area be submi�ted to the engineering depto for approval. 6. No new perman.ent s�tructures be placed el.asPr th�:n 80' from the eas-ter°n property line. �.; i i ,, i f i i � I �, i � 1 � a � � { � � f � I. i � � � � � � � b e ,r f , � � � .... .�I��I TTG�RD PLl�I�l\TII�TG COP9MISSION l / j P�.�--7-E�-r--���---- �U h 2 � � I 5 � `°' Cu h�, . �ro ►n 5 /J A `7 f' 1 � � Sta�f Report � ; Tte�n 5.3 ' � � �� Docket: CU 13-76 � Request; A conditic�nal use permi�i; i'or an automo-tive repair �� business in -the "Tndustrial Park" zone (M-4) . ' � � � ; .Loca�;i_one 9035 SW Burnham St. (V,�ashm Co. tax map 2Sl 2AD, � tax lot 1600) . ' � � � A�plic:an�;s: - Jerry Scott and R�.chard Klis�r � , , , , . ;; �A�STC Ia ACTS• �! 7_. Seation 1£3.�2,(�20 o�C -th� `1'NC provid�s .for au-L-omativ'c s�rvice ;; s-L-ations and ai�,y o�:her s�imi�l�r use as a "conditional use'� in th� Indus�;rial Park zon�. ,! I. 7.'h� ob jectiv�s af the �'Colilrnercial-1"ndt�strial." area is �pt.o con- fi ceri-l:rate a_n a sin�le location businc�sses that p��ovid� special�_zed • ;;. goods and s�rvices or requirc outdoor s-L-ora�e or disp�lay area. " ;' i'. � FI�TD�_l�TGS: . r�� _..___—__ �, l, The applicant has requested a concti-l;ional use permit to Iocate � an automo-tive r�pai.r. l�usiness in an existin� Uui]_ding dcsignai,ed j "Co�?ui7ercial--�Indus�x�ial" in 1�rie ':l�i.gai d Communa_ty Plan and zon�d ,f M-4, :Lnclustx�ial Pai k. '° ��` ;. 2. �.�lze suU ject si i� :is Z�rescn�ly occu�ied by a l�uildin�; �rJhich is �, jo�n-L1y �ccupied by "Si n Cra�'�l,'� and i� part of a ]_�z ger coirunercial d�v�lopmen-t �]3urnham Cix,cl�) which has pl_uinbing, r�.diator .rcpair �.nd autorn��tive repair l�t.�sinesses. The �al�c�l to �L}�e sou-�h is occl�pied by a resid�nc� .�nd a vacan�t; pas-ture is �ast of the site. 3. SW 73urnham St. , �:he pa^im�.ry access -t;o the si�.�, is a SuUs�fi�andard s�i�reet. 1� ilon-r�mons�Lrance a�reeir,�n�L was acquirc�d l�y 1;he C:ii:y ��' �or an� I,. T.D. during �:h� o:ri�inal �ai��i;itionin�. >;. �, �; LE. l�cc�ss �rom Burnham St. to tlze buildin� proposed �o� the ���pair �, � i.�usin��s is over a 30 ' non--exc�_usive easem�nt which sa`�isfies �' Cha�ter 18. 64 (l�cc��s ai�d F�r�ss) of �i;he TNC. �:� r,, 5. '1�11� si�i;e p1.an shotias a 1"350 sq. �t. bu.ilding. No pa.rkin� spac�s �, ar� shov�na o:a th� plan and no spac�s are inarked at -th� site. j, S�ction J_SA60.120 (/-+) (A) requa_res ]_ spac� ��r each .�00 sq. ��. �: o� gross floor a.rea, bu�; not less -L-han 3 sPaces. Delineation of -L-h� reqvired s�ac�s shauld l�e rn�de. ��' �" - �` � � . � � � �'' � -- ; t � ��, _---__ _ _ ..�_._ ._ :_ _ :. .. ._ � ..,._;,. _f ;. ..,. • „ _ _.: . . .. ._ .. ..,. :<:.. . _.,.. ,.._�, . .W.,....,. .s...�_. . . ....... .. . . ..��....... .� . µ h �� /.�. �_ pa�e 2 �,..d' PC Stazf Reporti I�L-em 5.3 5/18/'76 �F: ' 6. Th� proposed use is :for a repair sh�� �xc_lusiv�ly �or the . � Cap.ri au�;omoUile and an�»ars to Ue compatinle with the o�;her : adjac�nt au�Lornoi�ive-orien-L-ed Uusinesses and does not appear �L� � have �n adve-rse impacl; on the rema�_ning adjacent us�s. ,; ;, , � , ;I STAFF REC01ril�ir�NDATION:' � — t,; Sta�f r�cor!m�ends ap;��a�oval with the follow�n� condi�ion: ��� J_. '1'he .�e uir�d parking ,spac�s be delineat�d. �' . q - , • t� ,;� '� �'; f: , � r,. . . ,, . a, 5 �� � I�h �t. �� ' �� �,' i'' r ' ;; � � � � �� �`: r: �: � � � . � � ¢'. • • �: ;� R �s � �; � , t, . ` , . . . . . . .. . . � ::t.. . � . .. .. . �:: � ��- , , .. ' .� .. ...:.: .... �o.�,�w. _ .'4.. �.i.. . :� � ,;.. .,.,. .., . . ,i. ,,,�., ., x . .,,� ... .. ...F 1.�.,.... _. . .... .� . ..�. ..w......�o».... . , ...:. _. . .... . . .�,.,._. .,�.�,_ . .�:..�. ., �.:' ,. �.�' . . . ._,,... .._ �',', '....,. ':� ' .. «...a:�.. �� , � * � ` , �'v �� < � �ay.b +"n�-a � . . C , � �.� �������r �i i i�,.,i fti ..`.� ;,i ?f.l�E_` ��� �:. _i . �;� r';r •ir,r��� 1��ra.� l3,76 T7.'��.1 C'l Pl;�,Y1 C!?11� (:IC�I4! 1;i.5:Lnll : �_?_Ia20 S.1';j. �,�a:in St� � , o. Q � � � on �2 r.. ri _�c � , 7 3 u :,ibj��t; Gr�ndi�Lic�nal us•e L�,e�?�!i�-� I x��.cer_-tly I,urchas��d +�e b�ii.da_r.v at ��339 9�3� ;=•'�:�• �utir?har� rtcl�� in Ta_�<,rc�. �n an e���a:!�t �o lease ona rialf o:C t�'��n u,�_lc�ir�;�, ):�3�, to ric��ai�d �. I�is�z: i.i�3�i :{�J1��77.�'1/�,.'h� 1�'i 1S iiE'.CE9�d�°�" �Ol 1:?� �t� C�U7,c^aJ�. ? C:O1lC�7.'�i1021c1� tLSG� �7C11'71�'i� n�l!'��.�!':�CS 15 �x?'1 �+»�Q7ilC�t,lii2 :t°d�i_r lntsi.;a�s�y Ca'i•P.:t:Li'l� E�;C�L1Sl�;G�.y 't0 '��112 �2.1'T'1 .1llj:i0!!lO�:L].t'e T11 r"i�tl.'��'•i011 '��O �i't1f3 ��a�t�1r ��rV:Lt;�?� 'fJ1'.8f 1Jc.1t° c'1 Ci�i�cl�qr; R��T''V1C'.0 ±'or p�.:res anc% ace�ssc�r�_es, �nc1 a � a.1..-! �.uv��z�ol,?' ���,�ilr=bl� on a xet�:�1. La.sis a-� �r,l�is �oc��t.;an, I'}ie �.ressnt ��oz��.n;, n�n l,._�.� r�x•c�;_�exh,y is ��--Z,y 1^rl1��h <<rws na �t�,{)V:LS1.U11 j'C�1 cz �,Ug.l'•7?SS O� 'i,l11�3 C1�.SCT'7.1�'`i.•iOn� _ri�l} l.�?��]"� '���1: c1C�,'J;�r;cl"lti C)Lll.��•4 J_17,•.;S �1Y'L' pC:Gl?�?7.�(1 [�J S].t1t7.1]_c.tY' T,y��@ fD'�S��I�O-;ES 18: �aGt7'G�', ��:!'�id?'+U�;•7.Z�F' -;.C�V�GL'� �eti1�.��5 .�"-.u�Lc�r,��r,iyG' r.`v-'Lic�11^� r�'-L�;c1.Z'l1 �,riGl.c�'E.pt' .;-G''1`VI.CF,?� �•.Yli) :)�3c:J."fl =�.1���;117,_;• �-.� .L^a ;:iy 11C1(ZC�iS�t�.l?din�a a�'i:.ar c CO?1VvI�cl1;,:1�1T1 ''.'].T.1: ::.7'e il(�af.n} i��lr:.ji '�i i� GC;';i�l�:kl`�11— . , 57.�'G' n�r'l.Yl fir�r �•�'l1S r:l8d. ��i {'OY' �%Ol'.��'1"C;i�7� ,'Sttii i',c�Ti',�ic.C'f,�'!i'1T1��` v��.l'��il ��)i�.5 1Tl 1 _ i:i:l��fl� � C10 l'1C.7i': {�t�i',a. '��.�`�t� "�i�1J.S 1'G�U1:C;::iu �_S .111 COI't'�'�J.�'�i 11!1.�,�1 Pl,I'1,� {�tli;i�•rr� i�ctt1S i;���� T; ,;�.,�1 r7_��.r,iiin� �c�z.i+�a_�si�rn n:s �a-r �l•.h:�.s s�.rea� �� � � �, � 1 . .. . �7- _ . . -, �, ; . in . . n . .an .. Tl�e cc�rb.iit�ic�n��� ��;;e �,,;,�i-�a� in c�:?��sL:i.r�n �:�i_.1�. ��ot, n,.c�,_�9_�L�.t., 'tl�e �• , � . . _ �e r . , , . . Il c.. f C , , � �r�l� l r i i m��c;'t� _z� 1 _ ,. � r �.v __.�_� J . . , .� ' ,' ��rl ur�.'� c j�ul>lic r,ti�c.�_s o.� ;.ar�y �xr_.�,�z zZ�_l.ons or liati., ,. � . �, a f9° �°;-`!': �lU9�1.1'lf-.,�,:�(?.S 8S'�.' d.�t �.it?C'SC �CYCc.���.10�7�."ie . . � i.; � _ .,rc,��,c_�t.i�.s �-�� ti�e s_ � .� I �t:t _ Y � c 1 1 l s m� nk ;=c�u :C�-�rE�ll: (�C)115 l.f.l�r��:i.o n _�� c,�- °� -----e � .. � ���� s�,2_�T ��,t,���, ,; , :� i`; , .�, �, ,,�r�;�� �`., �` a k' y �: STAFF REPORT '{' Tigard Plannin� Commissian fi; Ju.ne l, 1976 `' �� � Agenda Ttem 5.3 ;�;' �.,, �; ,. , �; DOCKET: CU 16-76 � CONDITIONAL USE i- G. REQUEST: To locate a landscaping contractor's business in an. ± "M-4, Industrial Park�' zone as a conditional use. 4 ; �. LOCATION: On Hall Blvd. , south of. SW Burnham St. (Wash. Co. " tax map 2S1 2DA, tax lot 400) . APPLICANT: Stewart E. Jr, and SuAnn Schri�rer (S & S Garden Service, Inc. ) BASIC FACTS• l. The Ti�ard Comprehensive Plan designates this area as "comme.rcial- industrial" an,d is zoned "M- , Industrial Par,k" . 2. fiall Blvd. (Sta-te Highway #21.7) is dPSignated as an arterial in the TCP. Arterials are intended to carry large vo1_um�s of traff.ic, provide limited ac��ss to abuttin.g properties and have limited street parkingo 3. Section 18.52.020 of the TMC allows con.tractor's o£f.ic�, storage � and supplemental retail sales as a conc�itional use in the M-4 �� �' zone. Ei Fr�vn�NGS: � l. The applicarit has requ,ested a con.ditional use p�rrnit to oper�te �� S & S Gar�den Service, Ina. (a c�mmercial landscaping contractor with storage) on Hall Bl.vd. , south of SW Burnham 5�;. ;�2. The surrounding land use corLSists of Oregon Food Service across ' SW Hall, flood plain on the south, General Telephone to the west f and a vacant, dilapidated dwelling on thE n.orth. 3. ThP site consists of an existing, vacant dwelling unit and three ' garage/storage sheds. There exists an, abundance o� natural � vegetation on the site including medium height �irch -trees and overgrown hedges. � t 4� Al..l. but one storage shed is shown to remain :for u�e as equipment � and material storage an�. the back pc�r�ion af the d��e?l�r_o is I proposed for use as an office area. E ui ment resentl � stored on. the site includes a. dum truak � 5• �. I� P Y P � p rider-lawnmower, (2) equipment trailers, (2) trenchers, tractor r with rototiller attachement and harrow. Section 18.12.0$0 of the � � TMC requirPS that all outside storage ar�as be screened from ; f -�;,,, £.;,, ' :� i page 2 i PC Staff Report � 6/1/76 i Stem 5.3 ' I adjacent parcels. In that the applicant proposes to store plant material.s on the site, plants could provide the appiopriate screening. i I 6. Section 18.60.120 requires a minimum of six parking spaces. � � Twelve spaces are shown on the si�te plan. These spaces are � required to remain open for use as parking spaces, not equipment. � 7. The site developrnent plan shows `two 12 ' on.e way dr�iveways, 64 ft. j apart. The Comprehensi.ve Plan proposes that access onto arterial " streets be minimized and the TMC requires a 3Q' driveway. The k two on.e wa.y drives should there.fore be combined into 1 two way dri�ve. G � 8. No measuremerlts arE provided for the parkir�g aisles an.d stalls. �' Sec�tion 18.60�160 rec�u.ires a. 9�6�� x 19' stall with a 24' aisle ;; �wid-th. �: � 9. Section 18.60.170 requires all parking areas to be paved. �, l0o Sect9_on 18.60.1II0 requi.�es bumper cu.r�is on a11 park�ng stalls `' on the boundaries of �he parking lot9 None are shown on the ; plan. � �� € l.l. Section 18.60.190 requi�es off s�reet parking areas to have a drainag� system. 12. Section 18.64.030 requi�es vPhicular access drives far cammercial � an,d in,dustrial uses to k�e 30' minimum wa.dth with 80/ being pav�d ��� and curb cuts closer than 30 ' apart. �;�I 13. Ha11 B�vde is presently a 50' and 60' right-of-way along the �;I site. The Ti�ard Commu.nity Plan c�11s f�r a minimum 80' right- :�I of-way for an arterial and Seetion 17.28.040 requires a minimum ' 100 ' ri�ht-of-way f�r primary arterials. � �, 14. The materi�l storage bins along the driveway are shown to be 'i approximately 70' fro.m the right-of-way. Section 18.52.040(1) �§ requires a 40' front yard setback and Section 18.12.100�D) requires an adclitional 40' setback along SW Hal1. 15. The new a.caess onto SW Hall Blvd. requires a state highway dept. �� access permit. f;; 16. The Fanno Creek 100 Year F1ood Plain a� this site is 146� MSL. �' No till is to be permitted without a flood plain fill permit. � 7- r', STAFF RECOMMENDATTON: i'r� ��° To 1�e advised at c1os� of public testimony. ''r �, !�; t, �:� . ��,; �., F� _ . - — --- - __ - � . , �...i _,_,._ . .. ., . ... _. .. _..� . .....,.. . , ._ ,. . _ _.. , . ,_._ . . . ...�...� �,. ....b.. . . .. ,� a. . . _ F .�....,_.,. 1.1 N \. :� i�� , r \ � � ICIN IT' �i � � � . �- sEE r,��a�f I �oo � *�`� �;� • 2 S 1 ?/11� /:?2�c. \ �� '�,� �'ti r I •' 26-I-69.Q1 P.C. �. .� . I `°� � `` � �� �'�� �'�,� � ,; '\ \. '. ' �,° ITlONA:L U E � OT .�$��� ��. � K, y � C� S � � �, . ,w.� �� � . ___ __ .�___�_________ ax �� � . ., � u� t 6_ 76 � � � �,� � , �._....._. ."" __'._._ � _. h ;t1 ' �.�� 20��0 �� p+ � ,� ,., ________ __ �_ --^0_l�_ 4"?._____�___,_:- �, � �_ .i� - - � �* ti, �,� o ��,��. ' � . \ �, �y�'�� .� W ���� y ` � ,� '� .� ` , �'� . ,� A.+� h �.. y 1 � ... L,,9, -� irl � ' h. 64.i/533 � � .��.` � o � \I �..,ti •,��{'��* 'i 'o ♦ �-j � �\ � z . . .. ... . ^ ' . I I � ',l\ Y �4 �� � \ ' X�ry ___ � •� sSo�S � `''��. hi ��� 1 . .._.'7Q.__._ . � IS \..i, h� N ` � �__ _ . I : �:.L'OAc. ' � 5 0 I `' ,.__ 32+U0.03 P.7. � �.p�� �; ! 3.9 3 A c. c N"'�<e �i', � � �*.+.�, � � f. , `; ' �.� • i; � � � � ��� �d� �� �� 32�1�,. � � � �i t ! f1 i �' t, 4� I I �.' A � _ sza-s �"'3 i ��� �A IMI� � � � . � f; �,.��c,..-\� � ' � � �: r. 600 �a�g d � 9.03.�c. s� 0 55� ' s 99� �� � . �Si�.. . . v}6�.J}� . . . . . . � F� E` . 3� F ,1g5 I 'W � ) � .o_2- . � . . .g.i=+ � . . ... ��� . . . � p �T� � � . .� 3�j ry # � r � �r�o + �•�� , :,0�4�� ���- R � � � � a�:� � �.y �� � , M p� ��'a. r .� r '�,. fth � . w,��ib � �e�r �. � � � ,.r� '� � � � � � � �.r►� . *"'s .t � fi� .r.�., � � ✓'"� �T� ' .r�ny,.a. l' ,,,_„� ' ,,,# ,� f'� + r ' � ..:A.. i�5 � ;� . . � ,q '�y i`� ��'�a �� {� . . � . . � � . � . '4v/� I ��:. , V�,Y�`'t....��� [ .-��: . . ��� :. - � � � � . � � . , � �� .. � ,v . . � � � M � . � . �' � �. . . . � � � . U 4�� � .. � . 1 � . � . - I . .. .. . . � . � . . � ' . .. . . � . . !�� � � . . � .. . � S85°29'E �`,, `j _��5 54_._...___..__�p�,Jo ( �1� I � ,&�ee ' � I �n� 7G2 � � � 3�'� '�'-'-�'t---' 1 p Vv. ' ��r. � � �j :3 11��y ll+, 1y76 z. '1'�.�;�,.ril Flar�nin@; Goznmission �' 121�2Q SW �Iain St. �ri�axa, Ore��n 97223 � � .; �'�om; r: I'. S �c S G�x�en �ervice Tnc, f' Re: ��p�lic�tioh for. NI-/� Con�.itiona.l Use Psrmit � , �I�ax �ot /�00 - T�x �iap ?S1�2L1C� 4', r �; COI11111 1 3 8 1 0C1eZ'$: i� � •���r�rdin� our. �xc���asal. for th:�s I�o�rd .for a Can�.it�_�rial Use 1'ermit, we would like to sub:nit �this request for ,your con.sider�;.tion. It is our desire to ut;ilize this �:rea aa a landsc��e cozitrac�or'� oFfice ivitn r�i outsiete s�;c�r��e �rea for. m.aterial �nd equi�.►nent use+l iix our busin.ess. ��'• [; r �Ye �`ee1 th�t this use is in keep�ing wi�t;h �tY�e Com�rc�hensive Pl�x� anel we believe ;� ��' th�at thsre is a need in. thi� are� fc�r our t,y��ae of services. '1'his UelieF is {; reinf�rce�l by the cu��rent �mph�.sis on l�znisc��+ing in '1'i�arit. �;; � 4Ye �:re aci:i�ition�lly in hapes af' �r�.wi.ng r�ew consumers �Lo our coliixnunity �nal � stimulatin� the alrea�.,y exsistin�; in�terest i�a im�roving our enviorntnent t;hx�ou�h "; _ ,; lmriflsc�.�i��. F;� �tie 1ir�a our choice of location to l�e ideal in i:hat it is on � inain �rtery �n�l i� will be re�dil.y �cc�syit,le. �]_sc�, �s the surr�undin� �iusinesses will riot bP `'', itetrimenT,�ily ����ecte�i u,y- �ur �resenu�, rae ccri;�i:e�� it �� ?�brn�n�r�;a�e locdtio�.. �, �;;i ;,. ts-l��aLigh we �1� r�ot antici��zte an�r a�.p�reci�ble imr�et uUan aubii.c services_, u i'� modif'ic�:tion we will be mz�in� is a neyv access from l�all t�l�val. orito the p:ca�erty. x� '1'his wi11 form a circul�r drive en�bling us to �et or. an�: oi`f HG�11 ti1v�1. ma��e ,�. s�fel,y. �'haining the drivew�,y at ni�ht will Y�o�efu,lly preven�t the n�e�l for :;j �a�d,a.�ional. police pr.atee�ion. f'# ��i r� �on�i�er�ble effor� wil'1 be ma�.e to ca�e�te sa visual'ly attr�c;tivc si:�e, ri'his �`; r;'' wi,ll ?i�l uS in conveyin� to our customurs tbe �lesirabili�y of usin� our servic�s. ,•' ,' �, �i:ncerely, r;': __..�.... � ��:� �-` `�.,— '� r p� �` ��,� �u-,.°'�' .�'...,. __�G�-�l,_ � ""��ewaxt �. �ci2rive� J�r. j= a5u�nr� �chrive;� !s` � 8c S G�rden. �ervice 1nc. k«, � �' �� s t' ;:1 t,:1 . � . � � , . . . . . . . � . . . 4tsl . .. . � .. . . . . . . � � � � . . � . � . . . . � � . . ��. tp'� . � .. � .. .. �. .. �. , r, .:,. ... . :..r�,. ._.._, .:��.�,�:i,�' �IY--���-�,� � � � ..�� . . _ .. . .. ' � �, ��� I; , u 5�;,� � . �'':,: . ��... � #, 4,, � m � � I STAFF REPORT C" 9 Tigard Planning Commission `` , . June 1, 1976 5��, � Agenda Item 6.1 ;!� DOCKET: MTN'OI�. LAND PARTITTON MLP 3-7G i ; REQUESTt To partition a 5.3 acre parcel in�;o 1.0, 1.26 and 3004 �:' acr� parcels �� �� �' LOCATION: On SW Hill St. (Wash. Co. tax m�p 2S1 2DB, tax lo� !;I 200) e APPLICANT: J. A. Atwood Corp. BASTC FACTS• :L. The site is design.ated as "Urban medium density residential" an,d. is zoned "A-2, Multi--Family Residential" and ��M-4, Ind�astrial ; '' , Park��. ;:�,' FTIVD�NGS: ; ; 1, This parcel has been sold and deeds recorded without receivin.g City o� Ti�ard approval For the lotting pattern.. When notified of the problem, the applicant submitted a request �'or partition.in.g. 2. A fill permit was issued to fill the non-flood plain portion of �,,, the lot to street grade. 3. The ap�lican� has sta�ted his int�n.t -to locate three triplex � Y�u��dings on the si�e and is on the JunP 8, 197�, Design Re�riew '� Board agenda for sit� desi�n an.d architectural review. 4. Frewirzg St. , the major access to the site, ls a narrow county road in rapidly deter�ora�Ling condition. I'rewin.g is designated a collector. in the TCP and wi11 be developed with 44' pavement width for two moving laries. 5. 'I'rie lo�ting patt�rn. �s proposed provid�s access to every parcel. 6. The Neighborho�d Planning Organization for the area (NPO #1) developed a neighborhood plan which shows the extension of SW Hill St. to even-tually �'un.n,e1 traffic to SW Hall St. ' "� 7. NPO #1 has responded to the request (attached) and, in summary, oppose any multi-family d�velopment in. this area until such time as either Hill St, or Ash. St. is extended ar SW Frewing St. is improved. This is based on traffic generati�n in excess of the 1500 vehieles/day capacity of local streets. STAFF RECOMN�ND�.TION � `ro be supplied a�t meeting ;',';_ �;'; i;`;' , - 4 � � � � � _ ... � , _� __ . .�.,�� ���� � , —; . -=— � • yp a + �'�t �'hY:. � May 20, 1976 City of Tigard Planning Commission ' (�'� Ti �ard Ore on �� �: � � g , Dear Commissioners: ,�, We the members of NPO #1 feel the need af a pu�lic restatement of , the NPO #1 P1an (adopted by the Tigard City Council) is in order II with specific regard to the followin� agenda item to be heard by the Planning Commi�sion on June 1, 197�. j i Burnham Tr.acts - J. A. Atwood Corp, request for a minor land partition to construct multi-.family units on SW Hil7_ St. i ! i Due to the nature of this proposal, Nl'0 #1 feels it necessary that our position be stated c�n the matter. It is apparent that the prn- , posal is not in keeping with th,e intent of the NPQ #1 Plan for this area. SpPCific reference is direct�d to: i l. T'oli�y Statement ��10: ��Development will coincide with the provision of public streets, water and sewerage facilities. These facil.ities sha11 b� ; (a) capable of adequately s�rving all intervenin praper-- � ties as we.11 as the proposed devElopment, and (b� design.ed � to meet City or County standdrds. " j r �. 2_. Policy Statemen.�; �16: ��Avaid locatin� apartments �Nhere access can 'b� gained <�n.ly frozn local :r�siden�tial s�treets. " 4 From the text of the Plan: ! , � ��The impacts upon �,urrounding land use, especial�y single t; family homes, must be consid�red. " ' � '�The 1�9_gh�r density of multi-family land use generates ; additir�nal -kraffic. Tha�s p,laces an additiona� load or� local x�esiden.tial streets providing �.ccess to a multi- � �aznily area. The ability of streets to move cars to and � from mul.�i-family development is a major locational con- sideration �°or selecting apartment sites. Sites were '� chosen which could be reached without rzsing local resi- ; dential streets. Ta accomplish this objective, additional u s-�re�ts are proposed. . . " ' �. t ��One multi�family area is shown on the plan that wi'll i g�nerate some traffic on local, residential streets. This �; is the area adjacent Fann.o Cree:K on xsh �lverr�.�;. ii1 order " to keep traffic on Ash Aven.ue below the 1500 vehicles per �; day desi nated as the maximum volume for 1oca1 residential I� � streets �see Streets section) , the overall development �; �, �` �, �� �: 4, P' �' ', r ,`�' �.�'�'' . b i��� pag� 2 May 20, 1976 City Council ' �,, From NPO #1 density of this area is encnuraged to be 10 dwelling units per� gross acre. �� ��.An addition.al cc�ncPxn is the proper 'timing' of multi� fami.ly develapmen.t depicted adjacent Ash Avenuea According to policy 7_0, thi� land should be developecl at multi-family densities only when adequate streets, sewer and water facilities are provided. Ash Aven.ue is not curr�ntly � acequate to carry additional trafFic generated �hy additional multi-�amily development. (Mr. Buttke 's traSfia analysis showed volumes will exceed the maximum of 1500 vehicles per day permit�ted on a local. street if additional apartments are c;onstructed in this area at this time. ") NPO #1 's position is not to take issue with the proposed multi- family develapmen�t a�` this area as proposed in thP Pl.an, �aut rather with the "timing�� of this devPlopment with relatianship to the existing stree-t system. NPO �l recomm�nds, at th.is time, as we did in the P1an, �that c�evelop- ment at multi-family densi�ties not be perr.nitted until adequate streets �.re provided to handle the additi.onal traffic generated by this type of development. � We t}�e und�rsigned membexs o£ N�'0 #1: �"� ! �--� (� � (��� �� �` L�,r'✓{y-��'�"� (r�i y!`'� . 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'�a�vp, 7�� .,�R.y� h a'�, � � , 4... � I 9 ��.. ,,.�j� STAFF REPORT �� �,;: Tigard Planning Commission June l, 1976 � Agenda Item 6.2 � � � 4 DOCKET: S 6-76 M 41 REQUEST: Preliminary Plat appraval to create eight lots �j in an R-10, Sin.gle Family zon.e. � LOCATION: At SW Fonner, I�Test of SW 107th Ave. (Wash Co. tax map 2S1 3AD, tax l�t 800) . APPLICANT: San Gotter and Larry Jackson BASIC FACTS• l. The site is designated as "Urban. Low Densii;y Residential" on the TCP and zoned R-10. FINDINCS° 1. The subjeat praperty is prESently vacan�;. Single family dwellings (Path�inder Subdivi.sion) are 1.ocated east of the site. '�he land ' south arxd west is unc�eveZoped and poorly d.rained. 2. The TCP specifies an exterzsion of tri� greenway across the subject � property. No detailed provision for greenway h.as been submitted. 3. The cross sect�_on ori Pathfinder way should be continued into this ;���` subdivisi.on ar�.d slabmitted for engin�ing dept. review prior tn t��� final approval_. 4. No provisions �re provi_ded for the placement ai' utilities to �erve these lots. �i�.ce �he sidewalk will be continued from Pathfin,d.er and they aie presently abutting the curb, a 5 ' util.ity easement wi11 be necessary in, order to locate uti..lities service line�. 5. A str�eet plug will be necessary at the end of Pathfinder Way in order to assure its extension. 1 , 6. Clustering of mailboxes with a m�anderin� sidewalk around them 3� could be pr•ovi�.Ed in order to minimi�e the number of stops necessary .y to serve this subcli�rision. 7. Ihae to the overal.l len.gth of Pathfinder witrzout a cross str�et back to SW F�nner, a temporary turn around at the end of Fath-- finder has been foLind to be necessary. STAF'F RECOMMENUATION: To be delivered at meeting. � �s �:; 4,, {;,: A 1;: (.'.; � ; � D .. � . . . . . . .. . ... .. . � . � . . . . , ... �. . � � t� 4� M,�,�,� MLP 2�76 6/1/76 C' PATHFZNDER TI E`' APPROVAL WITH THE F�LLOWING CONDITIONS: f� � �t �',, l. A dxaina e l�n for the site be � ' ` g . p pproved by the engineering ;,; dept. prior to final plat approval. � �� 2. A 20� greenway easement be recorded alon the narth property �`; line of the unnumbered lot to the south �beginning at the south- west corner o� the greenway in :Pathfinder and extending to the �'! northwes-�. e�rner of tax lot 1901)and a 3n' gr�enway easemen,t ;',' alang the south property lines of lots 4+�-7. 1 � ,' 3. Cross sec-tion of Path.finder Way be submitted to engineering dept. ;. �or approval prior to �inal plat approval. t ' 4. A 5 ' utility easement be provided along both sides of Pathfinder t ' Way. 5. A 1' s-�reet plu� be provided at the end of Pa-�hfinder Way. i';:; 6. Mailboxes be clustered with a mean.clering sidewalk. Local;ion tn be approved by engineering dept. prior to f.inal plat approval. ;'.,: ;. : '7. A temporary 50' radius turn aroun.d be provided at the west end of Pathfinder Ti�ay. ; ', 8. That porti.�n o�' the parcel abutti.ng SV�T Fonner be annexed i�.to � �.. �� the City. ���; 9. The driveway crossing the drainage swail will minimize amount �•�� of disruption of the env�.ronment by utilizing wood�d br.idge rather �`.�; than fil"1 and c�ulvert. Bridg� to be approved by engin�eri.n� ��'�' dept. �.:�', E����� i=;s;", 10. That the driveway easement include public access rights to the '':, greenway. �� ;,, ,,� ; ;� �� , ;: �''°:: i';� �� f �� i;�� ;�; � ��;� � ������ � ; :� � ��� ,�.� :`:� � . . . ���'k� . � . ' . . . � . .. .� � . ��y� �y.��1{ y4S' i ' . _ � . � � . . . . . . . � ., ... � . � " _ �, � /�;� , 1; ,�;,,�,, �,. �-� �, �.; STAFF REPORT Ti ar�d Plann.ing Commission ��! �r�:� Juge 1, 1976 '' � Agenda Item 7.1 fi' !�', ;> ;:; DOCKET c TU 2-76 � TEMPOR�R.Y USE j'` REQUEST: To aperate � weekday school for the 1976-77 school ,yr. �� 1 LOCATION: Trinity Evangelical Church at 10900 SW 121st Ave. " (Wa�h. Co. tax map 1.51 34B, tax lot 601) . ;J ,. Al'PLICANT: Progress Christian Academy BASIC FACTS• ` � 1. The Tigard Comprehensive P1an designates the subject area as "Urban Low Densi�ty Residential" and is zoned "R-7, Single Family R.es�.dential". 2� Section 7_8.?_0.020(4} allnws churche� and accesaory uses as a condi.tional use in the R-7 zone. , 3. Sec-tion 18.80.020 authorizes i:he P1.�.nni.ng Commission i;o permi�t; t�smporary uses for periods lon.ger th�.n. six months. , 4. The TCP designates 121st as a collector. �� , ; ' �` FINDTNGS o �� t l. The applicant has reques�;ed a conditional use permit to locate �� the Progress Christian Acade7n,y in the basement area oF the exist� in� Trinity EvangPli.cal Church Building at 10900 SW l�lst Ave. �:l while cons�.ructing a new church and school, '' ;.;� 2. The applicant's submittal notes the following characteristics - ;;' 1) 55 studen.ts and 5 facu.lty members; 2) hours of operatiori - `' Monday through �riday, 8:30 a.m. to _3:30 �.m. ; 3) traffic pener- E, ation af about 20 cars/e1ay. �'�, ;:� 3. The surrounding land use is somewhat un.developed with Englewood , Subdivision being constructed n.orth of the site, farmland on the ;�� east and west, and the full.y developed Panorama Subdivision, on ;�, the south. s'', �� 4. The Trinity E`van.gelical Church conditional use permit was approved r`� in June, 197�. and the first pl�ase was cons�ru.cted in 1972 & 1973. r;.'. ;�; 5. Section 18.60.170 of the TMC requires parking lots to be improved t�' (paved) to City standards. The parking lot which would be #� utilized :for the school as we11 as the church is unimproved with ;�_ gravel only. However, the final occupancy permit has not b�en, �' issued to the church and staff has been advised by the pasi:or �` � that financial arrangements are being made to resolve this issue. j". � (� � � _ _._ _ _ . _ _ _ _ � ' { ��� A�J�.:. page 2 PC Staff Report Item 7.1 '' TU 2-76 ��: 6. The facilities appear ta be adequate and, accordin.g to Rev. Roger Swaren of the Tigard L�rangelical Church, provisions for a weekday school were made at the tirne of construction r�f this building. The next phase of construction is to erect a new sanctuar and utilize the exa.. ti s n buildin for thei o Y r wri g g church schoolo 7. Section 18.60.120{3) (F) requires 10 parking spaces plu•s 1 for � each cl,assr�om, thus 18 spaces woulc� be required. The site p1.an shaws over thir�ty spaces being availabl.e. I I �,.. s+ ,., � � r�, 4,� �� `a ;. �� � ��'� �`,' ;;; ;}. �, �� [;� �. �;; �'; �� ��; . � . . �. . . . . � � Eto . � � � . . f�':� k� � � � � � . . � . . .. �t1. �' . � . � � �:7. .. � . . . . . . � � �'�"�� � . � . . � � . . . � � . . . . � � � � � S'� � . . . � � � � . . . � � � � .. � � 1y� ... � . . .. . . . . - . . . . � � . . � � . . � � .� .. t+:t ' � . . �. .� � �. � �'�,..... '—. . .._ ::. �.. _......... v � � �''� � . � �.. �� Item 7.1 �v TU 2- 6 7 6/1/76 STAFF RECOMP�NDATTON Staff recommends approv�.l with the condition that the existin� park- . ing lot be paved to City standards as soon as possible. �. _.; � � I _ � . . ,�,., , �.:'- ' �����- � � �� �; ro ress ri tii m s a`n ca � � y �� �� Pastor Bill Newkirk,Superintendent 12930 S. W. Scholls Ferry. Road Aa:elerated Pc�rtRand, nregon 97223 '' �h��� Office 644-2538;Home 646-8819 May 13, 1976 Ti gard Pl.annin� Gommission 12420 S.W. Main �igard, OR 97223 Dear Sirs, We are pl�czng before yau a praposal for �EMPORARY USE. The Prog�ess Christian Academy, a week-�ay school of the ,ragress �ible Church, would like to use the faciliti.es of the Trinity �vangelical Church for the next schaol year. This request is being made because the �rogress Bible Chur�Y� facilities in which the Academy now meets a��e in the �rocess a�' being so�.d. These facilitie� n�v� k�eEn autgrown Y�y bd�h the church and the Academy � necessi.tatin� the se�rch�� new si�e and ereetian of new facilities for i both the church and th� Ac�d�my. It is �stimated that this acti.on wi11 } take �'rom 10 t;o 15 months. During the interim period, the church activ- 7 � ities on Sunday will pro�ably be held at one of the local sch�ols. For the next school yeara Septem��r 1 � 1976 through June ].0, 1976, (approx- ima�ely nine months) � location is needed for �he Academy. The Trini.ty Evangelical Church was approached conce�rning the �ase of their facilities. Their executiv��counail g�ve appraval contingent � upon tP�e approval of �he City governmer�t. The Academy wilY. be having � approximately 55 students and s facult� members. It will meet fro�n , $�30 .A.M. to 3s30 P.M. , Monclay through Friday. For physical education, � the students wi11 be bused �o the Beaverton Christian Church gymnasium. '' '�', An affirmative action would al.low these childxen the parochial edueat- � ��� �on their parents desire for them wi�hout interruption. The Trinity ;' Church, located on 121st Street, would appear to be a safer location �� � ti�an the mnre heavily travelled Sche�l.ls Ferry Road with it° s higher ��� s��ed limit on whieh the A�;ademy is r�ow i�cated. The students would �; be transported to school by their parents �ars. Due to car pools be�ng �. used it is estimated that the total traffi,� the school would generate would be approximately 20 Gars a day. We believe tha� �he Trinity facility is mast suitable for this temp- �< orary useage. We do not see �he addition af additional public services needed for this temporary use and ws believe that the impac�t of this i� us� would be minimal on the a-djacent sites, occupants, or activities in the immediate neighborhood. ': � S ' cerel �,' a� P o ] �: �, r g e�i s Bib ��,,�1 ur�;h r �g �a / � � ��. ro9r�ant o�oCiarninS With ../aica�anic GxcRl[inct �or J�udsnte o�t'.�v�n� �i[iE�=-- �' BU/LT UPON— �` THE WORD OF GdDI !� �� , � , _ _ _ . a.i� � � � �`�1 ( N � 3 � � � �. �� �`" �� f�t t tr `m..... �LL,..,..� � �. � �' � � m � � NiTY � __ ��:�, �� ; vc Ma � � � � . rc1 _s, �... ', i � �' • # ,., ; • „ .,.. N '.9 .r ! ' _/� �to � I�,� _ P7.9�n'����, z9 � Ch� // � 2�' - p2 .� �'� __N'_--�.�.st,` Z 3hq.O� • � ' /�/ q � � �'� �. ��_____ / , � � � `. . . ---- „- __-- _ _ - . y _ . __ / � �; �� 2��i � W �Zo�"'W � /'r 1�,W vr 5 �'��r���"''�,_\ � �to �.� �,l� 206�Ic. w \., �� � y i �/����� � �' a � \\g g/ y `��r ': � �' � �� ��ti'� �g \ �, (� � t,N "' .�{� \ �\. �i uT � � �.��� �' . .. 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