Planning Commission Packet - 05/18/1976 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. F� '�w. �'K�yf�� � ' E r � � NOTI�E OF PUBLIC HEI-�RING �� '�� Agenda �R Tigard Planning Commission �:_. May 18, 1976 - 7:30 p,m. Twality Junior High Scho�l - Lecture Room 14650 SW 97th Ave. , Tigard, Or. l. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4. COMMUNICATIONS 5. PUI3LIC HEARINGS 5.1 ZONE CHANGE ZC 4-75 (Bunn) A request by Ken Bunn for general plan and program review of a proposed multi-family residential planned development in the vicinity of 109th & Ganterbury� Ln. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 lOAD, tax lot 5�0) , 5.2. ZONE CHI�NGE ZC 3-76 (Belanich) A req,u�st by Hoger Be.lanich for general plan & program review of a proposed commercial planned development in the vicinity , of' 121st, 122nd & Scholls Ferry Rd. (Wash. Co. tax rnap 1S1 4B tax lot 00 3 5 . � ) � 5.3 CONDTTION.AL USE PERMIT Ci7' 13-76 (R.O.K./Stock) A reque�t by Jerry Scott & Richard Kiser �Eo locate an auto- motive repair business in an M-4 (izzdustria'1 park) zon.e at 9035 SW Burr�Y�.am Rd. (Wash. Coo tax map 2S1 2AD, tax 1ot 1600) . ; " 5.�� CONDI�'IONAL USE PERMIT CU 14-75 (John�'�;Sm�:thfG��yhou�i.d) ' I A request by John Smith to locate a Greyhound Bus terminal ` in the C-3 zone (general comrnercial) on SW Pacific Hwy. � ir� the vicin.ity o� SW 7ythe Ave. (Wash. Co. tax map 151. 36CD, ; t�.x lot 1900) , i ' 5.5 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU 15-76 (Jonathan McGladrey) � A request by Jonathan McGladrey to locate a legal advisory 9 service in the R--7 zone (single family residential) at R 11495 SW Greenburg Rd. (Wash. Co. tax map 1S1 35CD, tax � lot 202) . � 6. SuBDIVISIONS � � � 6.1 MIT10R LAND PARTITIONING MLP 2-'76 (Sam Gotter) i !� re uest b Sam Gotter to ar-tition a 3.17 acre #' q y p parcel into � � z a 1.10 acre and a 2.07 acre parcel on SW Fonner St. , west of SW 1.0''jth Pl. (Wash. Co. �ax map 2S1 3AD, tax 7.ot 800) . ?a MISCELLANEOUS s � 7.1 An in.terp�epatiori of what denotes a busi.ness ac�ivit� in �" a ��mini-storage�� building. A�l p�xsan�` �avi�;�; an interest in these mat�era ar� invi-�ed �o attend � and be he�.rd. ,'.;,.'_ :`.r.•r , ` ... , : ; Publish TT �/�/?6: ., . ._ , � , � � �. � MINUTES Tigard Planning Commission May 18, 1976 - 7:30 p.m. `Pwality Jr. High School - Lecture Room 14650 SW 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon 1. CA'LL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Ch�irman Popp at 7:35 p.m. 1- 2. ROLL CAI,L: Present: Moore, Niccbli, Phillips, Porter� Sakata, Te�edino, Popp, Krause; staff: Bolen, Dani.els Excused Absence: Goldbach � 3. AP�'ROVAL OF MINUTES: Phillips noted an error in the minutes of 5/4/76 re � agenda item 1� The applicant is shown to be 0'Dor�oghue. I The City should also be added as applicant. . The mixzutes w�re then approved as amended. 4. COI�AIUNTCATIONS: Members of the Cummission expressed the concern about nut receiving a copy of the ethics commission farms and as�ked tl�at staff check into that problem. 5. PUBLLC HEARINGS: 5+1. 70NE CHANGE ZC 4-75 (Bunn.) � A request by Ken Bunn for prelimin.ary plan and pY•ogram review of a pro- � posed muLtisfamily residential plan.ned development in the vicinity af 109th ;' and Canterbury Lane (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 lOAD, tax lot 500). A, Staff Report: read by Bo1en ° Porter inquired as to present zoning. ° Bo1en respond.ed that pr.esent zoning is R-7, single family res3dential. � ° Krause inquired as to whether there was a commitment on the part of the applicant to adl�ere to the original plan for the ��ttire hill. ° Bo1en responded that, due to changes in land use charactex of the hill; changes in bei.ng annexed to the City; changes in procedures since the original plan, the planned development as presented should s�and on its own merits. ° Kraiise asked £or a definitio�n of "Urban Low Den�ity Residential." ° Bnle� respanded that the Community P1an calls for a -density up �0 4 �iwelling units per a�cre. B. Appli�ant's Presentation: ° Joe. Van L�m, architect for the a�pl.icant, summaxized the project � and showed � alter.natxue3 for the proposal, but stated their � • . ,.... . . .. . ..:. . .. . � ., .4�._.', > � ; , .�. . .. .., �. . . w U,.�, _ ,� ; , �„�� , _ ...� . . , .. .... .. . ... .,� .. ,., .. ,- , " � �p page 2 "�;, PC Minutes 5/18/76 preference for alternative "B" which includes 3/4 of an acre to be dedirated for a public park. � ° Sakata inquired as to how the proposal affects SW 109th Ave. ° Van Lom responded that the right-of-w>ay for 109th is beix�g shifted to the edge of the prope�rty and will jointly be provided by this proPosal and when the adjacent pr�perty owners come in for their development approval. The alignment shown will tie in with the existing right-of-way to the south. ' ;�'i , ° Harley Adams, property �wner to the east, inquired a�out building II height and setback. fl ° Van Lom responded that there wauld be l, 2 and 3 story buildings, flat roofs and stepped back away from the property line with the closest being apgroximat�ly 50 f t, to the east pxo�erty la.ne. : ° Adams inquired a5 to the location af the recreation buiLding and what screening will be provided. ° Van Lom xesponded that screen.ing be�ween the swimming pooL, ,� recreation building and adjacent pxoperty will be provided and added ttiat if tha� is n.At suf.ficient, the gool can be �elocated more interior ta tlze development. �,_ ` ° Adams urged the Commission that the swimming ponl be rel�cated aLong with the recreation building to help minimize the adverse impacts on his development to the east. ° Sakata asked Bolen whethex the Calway Hi11s Homeowners Assoc. haci been naLified. ��� ° Bolen respond��ed, "No, but th�is will �b�e dotie� for the� gen:�eral plan,�'�'� � ° Dgle Conn, Calway Hameowners Assoc. stated that the 3 story buildings were too high and should be limited to 2 stories. C. Sta�f RQCOmmendation: Approval witk� the fol.lo�•ring conditions: 1. The amenities specified on the site plan be Iacaked on the site ', development plan submitted f.or general plan and program approval. ' 2. The method of providitig for the right-of-way and improvement of SW 109kh 'be specified in the general plan. � The folLowing condition was added's 3. �➢]�e �xisting screening between the Ca.lway development and this � develapment be left and new pl:antine�s �hould be added iF it .� later pr.oves to be inade�,uate. ;'i _ -- -- — -- ' ';� , �- page 3 `��. PC Minutes 5/18/76 � ° Maurice Marzinelli, 1027 SW ronner, inquired as to whether the , NPO had been noi:i.fiH�d of tl7e propasal. ° Bo1en responded they had not, but would be notified when the general plan came in. ° PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED D. Commi.ssion Disctission and Action ° Popp stated this is the 3rd plan submitted by the applicant and that each one was an improvement over the previous one. � ° Krause stated th3t he felt the density was too high and encouraged limiting it, othe•rwise he would be opposed to the proposal at this time. ° Bolen stated that, un,der the Washington Coun ty zoning, the appli- cant would have beexi able to build at 20 units to the acxe. ° Salcata stated she fel.t tYiere were access prablems with the entire Canterbury Hi11 and that more srreets jaere needed. ° Bolen stated that he felt that he �aas not aware of a traffic ��'' Froblem in this area and that the traffic being generated off tlie L-•• hi11 was not excaediTig the 35000 avexage daily trips for which the Local streets are designed. ° Tepedino stated there appeared to be right-of-way prohlems internal to the development, especially in regard to emergency vehicles. � � Phillips stated he felt 109th should be requir�d to have a half street improvement to pr.ovide access to the park area. ° Porter stated that the density appearFd t�o hi�h. ° Nicoli said that there has been a Gontinual controv�rsy as this area has been gropased for development as whether to save the trees and increase the der�sii.y or whether to spreac� the density out and clear cut the area. He would support saving the trees and cluster- ing the density. , ° Bo1en showed the origi.nal plan wl-iich showed the whoLe area As dvplexES. ° Moore stated the density appeaxed to be acceptable and with this plan showing the un�ts integrated better into the trees. He stated that there needed to be adequate screeni,ng alor►g the swi��ning pool area. � � page 4 �0.`y " ' � PC Minut� 5/18/76 �., � ° Krause inquired whether the Park Board would be willing to accept the area to be dedicated. ° Bolen responded that iL- will be accepted if offered with public access and the main concern is to keep it apen whether via dedi- cation or open space easement. � ° Phillips moved and Moore second to approve the preliminary plan �I with st�.ff recommendations, as amended, and the additioti of: ! 4 that SW 109th be im.proved as a half street to the south I property line. � t ° Nicoli stated that a half street improvement would probably prove � � to be useless and that other methods af assuring its improvement should be utilized. ° Moore said he support�d the requirement of a half street improveT F ment because it guarantees the improvement and provides immediate access to the dedicated park land. o ?i Popp recommended the financing method for improving SW 109th be taken care of in the general plan during the general �,1an � applica tion, '' ; {��. ° Porter recommended that the recreation building be moved intexiar � to the 1ot. � ° There was a tie vote with Krause, Nicoli, Porter and Sakata � voting against the proposal. � ° Krause stated that the density was not low enough. � ° Moore moved and Phillips second to limit the density to approve � the praposal with staff conditions and the addition of the recreation k, building and swimmi�yg pool being moved more interior to the cievelop- 'a ment that 109th St. be improved as a hal£ street and that the density � be limited to 10.5 units to the acre. i. ° Phillips stated that by not requiring half street improvement and allowing instead the developer to post bond, the e£fects of �, inflatinn would not be taken into account and tre inflationary '� cost of the improvement would be shif ted onto- the taxpayers of �' Tigard. I;� �:F' �.,. ° Motion was denied by unanimous roll ca11 vote. [; i;'. ,,i ° Moore moved and Krause secor�d to appxove the preliminary plan " with staff cnnditions as amended, with the addition of the reereation �;4' and swimming pool being mov8d more internal to the development, � �" that the density be �.imited to 10.5 units/acre and at� adequate r'; �k. �ti:: ��� � 4'� �t Y .. ... ....,. .... . ....,... .......�. ..�....�- ,.....�... ' .. ... .. .... ... ....�.. , >._ ... , ' � �_ ` ' page 5 PC Minutes 5/18/76 � guarantee of the improvements of SW 109th St, be provided during the general plan and development review. ° Motion approved by majorii:y voice vote with Sakata dissentzng. 5.2 ZONE CHANGE ZC 3-76 (Belanich) A request by Roger Belanich for general plan and program review of a proposed camrnercial planned development in the vicinity of 121st, 122nd and Scholls Ferry Rd. (Wash. Co, tax map 1S1 34B, tax lot 500). A. Staff Report: read by Bolen. B. Appii.cant's Presentation: ° Roger Belanich, appLicant, summarized his proposal. ° Porter inquired whether the right-of-way along Scholls Ferry Rd. was adequate. � ° Mr, Ernie P1att, Cocnmonwealth Properties, stated that he h�d been in contact with the highway dept. and they have appraved the right- � of-way dedication as shown on the gener.al site p1an. ; '� i �4 ° Tepedino inquired whether there was adequate turning zadius fox ' a truck backing into the service area. ° Belanich said that it was and it was unlikely that traffic along SW 121st would be delay�d while a truck is maneuvering into the , � service area. • i i ° Henry Voderb�rg, 543 3rd St. , Lake Oswego, architect for the appli- cant, explazned how t2�is shopping center would be able to be ex- � panded on to the rest of the area designated on the Ta.gard Com- + prehensive Plan as neighhorhood shopping. � ° Krause inquired as to how access would be provided for expansion. j i ° Belanich responded that cross easements would be provided fox a11 � driveways within the development. � y ; ° Bolen noted that the location of the driveways from SW 121st and � SW 122nd and the setback from SW 122nd are not to code and should � be listed in the geileral �rogram plan as code deviations. C. Public Testimony: ° Mr. Cy Penn, Mercury Development, representimg Mr. Meats, property owner to the west, stated their intention �f not expanding the shopping area and that the Planning Commission sl�ould revzew this � deve?opm�nt er. iks otn, mer;rs, • • �.—�. ,�r-�.. a;�' A pa.ge 6 �,. PC Minutes 5/18`76 �r, ° Xavier Zuada staterl that the development of a slzopping center is being proposed to the northeast of this at Sorrento Rd. and is under cansideration by the City of Beaverton. ° Bolen stated that the staff was aware af that proposal and that j this plan does not con.flict with the official plans of any other agencies. ° Penn stated that the CPO for the Tigard �rea had recommended that the Sorrento site is better for neighborhood commercial and that recommendation should be adhered to. ° Bolen responded that the Planning Commission should consider afficial, adopted plans ar�d that plans in the making should not be considered as importantly as the officially adopted plans. D. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: la Sanitary sewer hook up be shown for �he 4100 sq, ft. building. : 2. Conditions attached at the time of the original zone change be satisfied prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Curb cuts on SW 121st and SW 122nd be listed as code deviations ; as we11 as the setback on SW 122nd. �� PUBLIC HEARING CLOuE5 E. Commission Discussion and Action ' ° Krause recommended that the buiLding be moved closer to SW - Scholls Ferry. ° Voderberg explained the parking situation and that the parkin� staLls immediately in front of the building are necessary f.�r , convenience shopping and moving the building closer to Scholl.s Ferry would eliminate those parking places. ° Sakata moved and Nieoli second to approve the gen.eral plan and program with staff condi.tions. ° Motion approved by unanimous voice vote. 5.3 CONUITIONAL USE PERMIT CU 13-76 (R.O.K.'/,Stock) A request by Jerry Scott and Richard Kiser to locate an autamotive repair business in an M-4 (in.dustrial park) zone at 9035 SW Burnham St. (Wash. Co, tax map 2S1 2An, tax lot 1600), A. Staff Report: read by Daniels. � ° Phil.lips asked why the applicant is x�ow coming �efore the Planning Commission when the building is existing and they are opetating the , businesse . ' , � , � �, � page � �. PC Minutes 5/18/76 ° Danie.ls responded that the were askin to be le itimized. Y g � B. Ap�licant's Presentation: None. Applicants were not present. ° Phillips moved and Sakata second to table the consideration of this matter since the applicant was not present. ° Motion apprflved by unanimous voice vote. 5.4 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU 14-76 (John Smith/Greyhound) A request 'by John Smith to locate a greyhound bus terminal in the C-3 zone (general commercial) on SW Pacific Hwy, in the vicinity of SW 79th Ave. (Wash. �o. tax map 1S1 36CD, tax 1ot 1900). ' A. Staff Report: read by Daniels. I � � B. Applicant's Presentation: t1 summary of the project was presented ', by John Smith and he noted changes in the i I original submission. ; C. Public Testi.monye i � ° Gordon Martin, memher of NP0 ��4 anci spokesman for:Mrs. Anderson, � property owner imrnediately to the west, stated his oppasition to the proposal based on the need to define further the proposed street alignment from Pacific Highway to I-5 and that the request be tabled until the st�te and county can be consulted about the feasibility and advisability of whether this proposal wi11 pre- , clude a connecting road between Pacific Hwy, and I-5. � • D. Staff Ltecommendation: Approval w�th the following conditions: 1. Realignment of the £rontage road be made �1 construction of a i private drive interior to the lot be worked nut with the engineerin� � dept., bringin,g the intersection as close to 90° as possihle. 2. A1Z buses dispense and receive passengers from the off-road side F onto the subject site. 3. All buses be directed to enter the site from the southwestern � entrance onto the frontage road and exit from the northeastern intersectiort of the reaiigned frontage ro�ad on Pacific Hwy. 4o The frantage road, as realigned, should privide adequate space � for the bus ta be entirely off the right-of-way. 5. Screen.ing on the south property Line be maintained and evergreen plantings be provided for the frani yard landscaping. r �; 6. A minimum of 10 parking spaces be provided. � , . . , , �, . ,� . ; .�. . , r_ ,. ..,,. _ . .:. ._.._. � � ., ,.,. r� ,.,. . a ; .. ,. ,. .�,�._, ... �.._. . . ._ . _. , . . __.. �, . -, � • � , w, >.,- � ,, . � .. page 8 ' PC Minutes 5/18/76 �� ��. > 7. 7'he exi_sting billboard be removed within 6 months and one, l.ow, free-5tanding sign, not tq excPed 230 sq. ft, total surface area, ;:be 311o�aed. Ee Commission Di.scussion and Action: ° Phillips raised concern about storm water runoff, ° Bo1en said that a condition could be attached that storm water runoff be approved by the engineering dept. � ° Borter reeommended that the Design Review Board consider the � txaffic circulation element. � � ° B�len stated that the submission is weak and lacks Y.he details r that are necessaxy for consideration. � I' ° Tepedino c�ncurred and 5tated his e:oncern about an application ;', that is reviewed by staff and then later is changed by the appli- '' i cant during;-,�he course of t�►e public hearing. r �� ° Sakata m�vecl and Moore second to table the proposal until a more ti detailed plan is submitt.ed. � o �, �4 , Krause stated that the Commission should l.et the applicant know that they approve of the concept but neeci more cietail,s. ° I�Ioti�n approved by unanimous voice vot�. > i; rs 5.5 CQNDITIONA'L USE PERMIT CU 15-76 �Jonathan McGladr�y) t " A ra�uest by Jonathan McGladrey to ]:ocate a 1ega1 advisory servi�e in }, the R-7 zone (single family residential) at 11495 SW Greenburg Rd. 1� (Washo Co. tax map 1S1 35CD, tax lot 202). �' ,? t j,, A. Staff Report: read by Daniels � „ r� B. Applicant's Presentatioris i� f"s o i'' Bill Swinson, plann�er responsible for the application, agreed �� with staff on findings 1 thru 3, but feel that the access problems 5 could be resolved. �; =a ° Mr. McGladrey explained the type af business that he intended to �, operata. �, s: t; ,,, ° Popp asked why this service couldn' t be prGVided �.n a regular office space, �; . . . � . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . .. . . � .�it. ° McGladre� respanded that this setting and the irregular 1�ours of �; �;' PnEY'atiU[l SP.a�,ct? �,t rpcsrP a���antaoc+n�ic t� }:a�rc r�S1.L3eI1CC �T3C� Ot{1Ge � in the same Loc�ation, while providing a children's play area. � � ...._ , , � :�_ , � , , � , S.i...,._ _ , .-..v,. ,. . _ .,... ,. . ,,.,,.�.,.. . . .s. .. . ., ...... ."' u . _.. .._.. _ .... . . x`....._. . ... . ......„_ , r_� .,.._ _ _.. ..__;�. . .,..a... , .� v � � r /�" ,` � page 9 � k ' ' PC I�inutes � 5/18/76 �� �i ° Phillips asked who would live in the house. { ° t�IcGladrey stated only himself. � , �' �: C. Public Testimonya ° Lloyd Shaw, 11600 SW Greenburg, stated that by allowing this use it would only lead to a further erasion of the residential � �'' character of the area. f'; �; D. Gommission Discussion and Actio.n };, 4 ° Phillips stated that he felt the applicant had not met the �'i Fasano requi�rements. �.i !, ° Phil.lips moved and Krause second that the request be denied. !� !i ',' ° Motion appxoved by unanimous voice vote, 6. SUBDIVISIONS �, c 6.1 MINOK LA.ND PARTI`'i'ION MLP 2-76 (Sam Gotter) ` , A request by Sam Gotter to pa�rtition a 3017 acre parcel into a 1.10 acre and ,a 2.07 acre parcel on SW Fonner St. , west of SW 107th P1. �, �1.::< (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 3AD, tax lot 800). �' A. Staff Re�ort: read by Bolen, �, r; �:� B. A�plicant's Pxesentation: Applic�nt was n.ot �resent. .;: �;:!I ° Popp rec�mmended that the application be tabled until the next meeting due to the absence of the applicant. �, ° Bo1en suggested that the people who 'had attended the meeti�ng in �,� order to testify should bs allowed the opportunity to do so. �`i r« c.; C. Public T�stimony r:`. �:a' � o � ���': Lannie Tierney, living at Lot 12 in Pathfinde� I, asked that the ", 4 pictures of the site be e�tte�ed; as exhibi.ts and stated his ; opposition due to the natural character o£ the area, which should � be maintained. �i; �� � � � ° Mr. Ray Ring also stated his opp�sition due to the destructiar►- �'; �f the natural areas. �; ° �ocn Jacklin stated lzis opp�sition to the partitioning in that � � no provision was made for continuation of the greentaay. - � � � ° Gary Pattersan al�o �tated his opposition to the partition be- .��' " cause of the location af. the driveway. '� E; � � • � , . ;� �,: � page 10 �'` PC Minutes 5/18/76 j. ° Krause moved and Tepedino second to table consideration of the request until such time as the applicant is prepared to make a presentation to the Commissio�n. ° Motion approved by unanimous voice vote. 7. MISCELLANEOUS � i 7.1 An interpretation of what denotes a bu�iness activity in a mini- I storage building. ° Bolen explained the situation and the proble�is arising •asito whether I each occupant of a mini-storage building is required to go through a conditi.onal use pexmit applicatin.n or whether the conditional use � allowing the mini-storage building allows a11 the uses to go in. i ° Commissi.oners asked that staff prepare a report which more fully � explains the problem and provides a possibie solution. 8. ADJOURNMENT: There being na further business, the meeting was adjourned '. about 12,:30 a.m. j I � i � I . ,! � , � � : i � 4 1 , ; � , � . .. . , , , , ... . . . _ _ . .,.__._. e . ., �._ ,. , .., . ; .� ,�) ��°r� �':s � � :� � TIGARD PLANNING C ,�ZISSION � � ;;; STAFF REPORT May 18, 1976 �;�'� �:� Ttem 5.1 �,! �� DOCKET: ZC 4-75 (Bunn) `s; REQUEST: A preliminary plan and program review of a proposed �" 80 unit multi-family residential planned development �;� ;:. LOCATION: Vicinity of 1Q9th and Canterbury Laxie (Wash. Co. tax �'°'' map 2�1 lOAD, tax lot 500) �!�I APPLICANT: Kenneth Bunn ��' t j;i �;i.';I FINDINGS: �,,i l. This proposal was br�ught to the Planning Commission on April `�I 20, 1976, for pr�liminary review. At that meeting the develop- �;� ment concept being propnsed was rejected. Reas�ans stated �or i� this rejection were �oo much density and the lack of in.teg�ation �: of usable open space znto the development. }� X'i 2. The revised development plan lowers the density by 8 un.its �:; ( from 88 to 8C)) . The size o� buildin�s Ya.as been reduced, 8 ;;; buildings b�ing proposed rather than 6, � The original plan placed 1< a 28 uni�t, 320 f'�t. long building parallel to -the north property ir �,µ line. This p7_an places three ten unit buildings in the same �� g�neral area. All buildings shown are three stories. The multi-�Family zone has � h�ight restriction. of 35 ft. (18.24.050�) . The°submitted plan.s show a crass sectional profi.le of the re- lation,shi.p of bu.ilding height t� t�.e condnminiums to the north i� and the trees to the south. The previous plan speci�"'ied l� �:; thre� story units and the present plan appears to specify 1C ��� three story units. �' �� 3. .A`t the April meeting staff:�was requested �o researcll the i€ question of whether previous developrnent on L�_ttle Bull Mountain �� densi.t bein ro osed for this sa.te. ' iz d the 1 had alread util e p p Y g Sta�ff has reseax�ched �reVious zaning actions taken on this �; prop�rty tnrath the following resul.ts: �} �� A. This property was ori�inall�r approved as par�t of a �; 19 acre, 298 un.it planned multi-family dev�lopment �. (density - 15.68 units per acre) . �� � B. No dPVelap�nent has occurred since 1972. C. Development has not occurred according to the master � plan approved by the county, n�r were updated plans submi.tted as the proje�t progressed. � n. The pro�ased development i.s of an entirely different ? charac�er than prPVious development. � ,�` �� page 2 PC Staff Report 5/18/76 �. Item 5.'1 E. The City of Tigard has approved a Comprehensive Plan, the Ti•�ard Co.mmunitY Plan, whiGh ,identifies this area as a transition area from ��residential-commercial" to ��urban low density residential��. F. The plan approved i.n 1968 included approximately 22 � acres of open space in the wooded area on the south � property line. i G. The s�taf�' considers the 1968 plan as void and that ` development of this property should be considered E on its own merit and not according to the previous i approval. § t E 4. Actual development to dat;e rias occizrred orl about 12 acres of � the ori�inal 19, with 150 dwellin.gs uriits canstructecl for a density (gross) of 13.56 un.its per acre. � i 5. 'I7a.is propasal includes the remainin.g approximately 6.8 acres. � 6. The Gurren.t proposal spread,� -the develapment ouer more of the i� site and attempts to in-tegrate the buildings with the opex� ' �- ancl wooded area. A pu'blic dedicatic�n of apen space of .84 � � of an acre is showno Some amenities described .in the applz- cant's nari^ative statem�nt ar� nnt located on the site develop�- ment plan. � ; 7. Th� proposed extension of I09th is shown as including the use � i of. property to the west. How this join.t provision of right-of- `� , wa�r and improvements is to be accomplislzed ha� nat be�n specified �� by the applicar�t. This issue must be addressed in tn.e general i� plan and program. '�' ;;. STAF�' RECOMt��NDATTON: � to be advised at close of public tes-L-imon.y ' E:: a� �a p{ � � � � [: 1; �'( tl � �� ,� �- �I f „ ' "t; r�f r ZC 4-75 5J18/76 ��: STAFF RECOMMENDATTONt Staff_ reer�m�:ends approval with the following cc�ndition.s: l. That the amenities speGified on. the site plan be located on the site development plan submitted for general plan approval; 2. That the method of pr�v,iding for the right-of-way and improvement of 109th be specified in: the general plan. ��'' �.r..' �: �. :, _ ,. � .- . -_. : . . . . . _ , ,�. _ > ,,. � �„v��_ - �` � ��,� � . . . � .. . .. . R � ZONE CHANG� (ZC-4�75) � FOR KENN�TH BUNN �� TAX LOl` 8900 R WASHItJCTON CpUNTY Vicini�y o�F 109�Ch and Can�ebury Lan� SUBMIfiTED BY VAN L.OM/KRqXBEf�GER PARl'NERSHIP ARIDA., ARCMITECT$ & RLANNERS ;; Portland, Oregan Y` �; J , � � Presen� �oning Rh7 � � rs oq. Chang� r+equestec� �o Res�dentla� Plann�ed Developmen� ' ; . F:; d, Th� proposed changs o�F use �from R,� to Resid�n�ia� Planned peve1opm�n� i� �n �onfprmance w�th the Compr�h�nsiv� L�nd Rlan for th�. a�°�d. Market �►n�lysds by the Owner has indicated add�t�anal mu1�i-famil,y ne�d for � th� area. , � Th�s pianned un�t dev�lopmer�t �� �ntet�d�d to prowdde � variQ�y o�P on�, �r�� and �hree b��ro�m a,partm�nts y��thin,� �es��ned u�l�'� dev�1apment wi�h a dist�nct d�vidtion �rom the standard on� �tor,� pr �w0^5tory garden ap�r�men�s. The inten�ion 7s �o prRVide �no�h�r cho�e� �n �he mul�i-unit m�rke�C--a eluster o�f units varied in vert�cal sc�l� as We11 as Mn►'7xontal. � Some ur��ts wi12 h�y� penthous� un��s (3rdy ��o�y) tp prQ$�Mt varie�y, privacy� -- and un�quen��s �o the pro��ct, Most units ar� tp bs �ne and �wo�s�or�y un�t�, �.__ � , `Th� intent �s �o grQUp �he uni�� 7n �h� op�n �pac���pr�es�erv� �he ; ma�ar, graupings o� �all �ir �t^ees f'or use o�F �h� resid�nts �s W��1 �� �hose , in the surr�undin� areas. The OWnQ� intends �a provid� �mer►it�e� in the fi:o�►1 � . � of walkways, tra�ls, picn�c and play�round areasp � �; � . b, A11 un��s wi11 be contro�ed by one p�vn�rP All unjt� ,�r� mu9�i� �am�1y r�ntal . i ; �. Qperat�on, maint�nanc� of pqpl � parking �pac��. l�ndsc�ap9n�, etG, ;. ' ,wi 19 b� th� respons�bi 1��y o�F �tha OwnPr, 4` '' ,. � d. Ther� i5 ample seW�r �nd W��er �acili��es for �hi� propps�a compl�X. #`: � Stud�es are be�ng made �a de�erm�ne �he most sui�able sewer cqrtnec��on poin�. ``� Refusq w�11 be hand1ed by sereened collec��on areas,-on� per each bui1din� comp�ex, f� It is the �nten�ipn pf �hs Owner �� plan �or eanstruc�iQn in �u�iner ar edrly �; �Fa�� af this year. � SUMMARY OP UNITS AND D�NSI1'�ES �'` � Acerage 6,� �cres 29G,Z97 Sq� f�. � ` '�Q�dl nue�ber o� uni�s propo�ed a0 Unit density per acre 11oZ6 � Uni� density allowed p�r acre 13 �� � .. . .� . . � . . . . .. . . � .. �r4. . ' , . . .. � . . � . . � . . .. . � ��,a�,. . . . � � � . � ' . . . . . _ . . . ... . . ��.;. . � . . . � . .. � � . . � . .. . . !�f� �' 'z�s*. ;rr.w' .,...�r.;,, ...:,.,;. ,.T,�,._._. .,.....;,- .. ..;;..._ ,�,_„...:.� . --- . ,. . w .. �M1�-,-�,�r »�,-•R." . . ,. :. ,_. .. :: __. <._.,_ _ _ _ _ _ _.__. _ __ ., ..__ � � N �.. a�� �e. � aa$000 sq.f�. � �4.a °lo `. To�al Bui�djng Covera�� �� Total Area devoted to parkin� .}: �nd drivewaYS** 64,290 Sq.fit. � 2�.65 % To�al �r^ea landscaped� op�n or devoted to recreation* 188,527 sq,'��, � 53.52 % Pa�^k�n� requ�red R 120 spacesA Park�ng av�ilable � 120 �spde�s. - P�' *,84 a�re �� offered �Q �he Ci�y for a prppo�ed park ** q 30' e�sem�n'� along �h� West proper�y 7ine �S �et aside f�or �u�ure stre�t r�gh�-of-w�yo ,, \_. . . . � � � .� i,. . � _ - ,� �. �' . . ' . � ' � � � � ..... � . � . . � . . . . , . . ,...:���. ��' . .,. � � � .. : . . � � �. . � . ... . . : . . . ._ G� . � � � . ihTRfl:x�^'-^�.^h� ,.",..7.�'�".r+.^ - � - -^r ..... .,n. � r^J7'sY+•l'7��yt'i'1Ri7f'T+, l.l G,���r «.. �..¢ .:, �,� '�'�r"}� , PLANNING COMMISSION�� �'' Staff Re�ort ,,, May 18, 1976 �y, Item 5.2 DOCKET: ZC 3-76 REQiJEST: Genera� Plan an.d Program Review of a proposed commercial planned dev�lopment LOCATION: In the vicinity of 121st 122nd and Scholls Ferry Rd. (Wash. Co. tax map 1S1 3�+B, tax lot 500) . AF�PLIC.ANT: F'�.oger Belanich BASTC FACTS: l. The Tigard Community Plan design.ates the �.rea of 121st and S�holls Ferry Rd. as "coiruritixnity shopping". The ob jective of this designati�n is to concentrate shopping facilitie� that provide a liznited rang� of comparison shopping goods a.nd a bro�d range of convenience goods and ser�v�ices in easily access- ible 1.oca�ion.s. '�he primary �tenant of a communi�;y shopping center is a supermarket or variety store. 2. Section 18.�6.040 r�quires that, in order to rECOmmend approval of the general plan and program, the fol.lowing findi.ngs must �� be affirmatively made: • ��(a) 'I`he Planning Com�nission, after publi.G hearing as prova�ded in: Chapter 18.88, may 'by resolution recornmend �pproval of the �lanned development dis,tric�t an,d the general devel�pment plan and program, with< or withoui� modifications nr may den.y the application. A decision to recoznmend �;ppraval of a planned devEl.opment district shall be based upon �th,e tollowin.g findin�s s (1) That the prop.osed development is in substantial con- ' farmance with th.e Compr�hensive Plan for the City; (2) That exceptinn,� �rom the s�an.dards of the underlying district are warr�.nted by th� design and am�ni�ies incorporater� in the development plan an.d program; (3) That �t;he pr�posal is in harmony with the surrounding area �r its potential future use; (4�) Tha� the system of owners�ip and the m�ans of develop- ing, preserving and maintaining open spaces is suitable, (5) That the �:pproval wi11 hava a beneficial effeet nn the area which could not be achieved un,der other zoning �, districts; , jl � �'. ��. � §`' �I � l; Pa e 2 i C�Staff Report �� 5/18/76 �'I � Item 5.2 , 1 ,,, ;. f (6) That the proposed development, or a unit thereo�, �; can be substantially completed within one year oF E the approval. k' FINDINGS• l. The a�plicant haa requested a general plan and program approval for a commercial planned development in the vicinity of 121st, 122nd and Scholls Ferr�y Rd. on a parcel zoned C-4, Neighborhood Commercial. 2. The Planning Commission granted preliminary plan and program approval to this project on April 20, 1976. 3. The polici�s of the Ti�ard CommLU�.ity Plan 1�ave been addressed in the fo'llowin� manner: A� No other community shopping facility is within 2 miles. � B. The propased shopping site is at thP corner of an ar- terial and a collector street which is easi]_y acces- ib1e. I � � � ��_ C. The proposed site is 3.15 acres, but provisions are � bein.g made ta conti.nue the development west and make a. larger site. D, Adequa.�e streets, s�wer and water services are avail- ! ; able nearby and are shown to be provided in the ' development. � ; E. The parcel is being dev�loped as a Planned Development � so as ta achieve a more acceptable development. ! ; 4. ThP deviation. to the requirements of the Code is a reduction of '; the setbacks along 121st from 20 ft, to 10 ft. and along SW 122nd from 20 ft. to � ft. This is� due to the unusual situation I where�.s th� site tech.nica'lly has �'our fron,t yards. The cammer- � cial development is envisioned to continue onto the adjacen�t parcel. Also, the applican.t has agreed to support the vacation of SW 122nd. The reduction of the required setback from 121s� is bei.ng minimized by landscaping. 5o The site development plan has been revised since the applicant°s initial submission for the May 18th meeting. ThPrefore, the statements in the submitted narrative which refer to the se:�back on 122n.d shoulc� be vieweci as referring to a 5 ft. setback rather than a zero setback. In addition., a �ypographical error exists � in the last paragraph on page 2; 121st St. is being referred to rather than 122nd as stated. • � � ,f�R=. I � Pa�e 3 � I PC Sta�`.f Report ' 5/18/76 I � Item 5.z I �e - 6q The surrounding land uses are primarily undevel�opec� with vacant subdivided residential lots on the east.� West and sou�th of the si�;� are large areas of farmland. The Tigard Cpmmuni�.y Plan envisions the entire surrounding area to be '�urban low density residential" and as they urban.ize they will be able �to take in,to acco�unt this development and minimize the adverne impac-�s. 7. The co•venan.ts suppl:ied by the applicant propose that the land- lord be responsible for main�ten,ance of the common area. 8. By developing the site as a Planned Development, the City is able to a�sure that the rnajor tenant �.s a grocery store , there- fore fulfilling the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and serving the needs o�' the neighborhood. 9v The applicant has statecl his intention o:� beginning the con- �truction work this year. 10. The speci�ic types of landscape plantings have not been pro- vided, nor �the means of irrigation. This will be addreased during the design review proc�ss. ��. ' �;k 11. Based a� the statEd a.ntention of the devPloper to support vacation a� 122nd, it i� only being improved to a point south �f the entrance, If future development r�quires improvement of 122nd, improvem.ents wil"1 be provided '�y that developmento 12. The 41Q0 sq. ft. future ren.ta�L building shows no sewer haok up. ' Sewer hoak up cou�d be provided by joining into the line trom the 4800 sq. ft. buil.ding. 13. The initial zone change to �'C-4" was conditioned upon a 20 fto land�cape setback f'rom S�rin�woad Dr. The applicant prc�poses a varying width, from 27 ft. to '15 ft. an.d a service drive o `The applicant also praposed extra landscaping to fulfill the intent of the conditinn. 14. Cr�mmunication with the highway clepartment has brought out the nPed �or a traffic signal at 121st ancl Scholls Ferry. Proof of the applicant en.tering into an agreement with the highway dept. �;o provid� the traffic signal will satisfactorily ful�'i11 this c�ndition of rezoning. 15. Not a11. c�f the dedications required as c.onditions to the zoni�ng code have been provided. This needs to be done prior to issuance of any building permi.ts. lh. The applicant's attorney has submitted a letter (attached) stating the for.m of coven,ants whiGh will be drafted to fu],fill condition #10 of the C-4 zone change, if this project receives final zoni.ng approval. _ ��� ��„„- LAW OFFIC:ES OF SMI'�I�, TODD & BALL, P. G. PATR�cK M.SMITH 400 OREGON NATIONAL. BUILDING ARea CooE 503 .� DENN�S F.To�o PORT'LAND,OREGON 97205 PORTLAND 228-6375 . ROBERT S.BALL � ,1ACK L.ORCHAkD Apri 1 2 7 , 19 7 6 4''�.�A,�,w;i�;�•`,�;�,�.,� / A��� J'�:�(l N � , U t ..� Mr. DiGk Boler� �`�{� �1' f������-� Planning Directar CiLy of Tigard Tigard City Hall Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: Mr. Roger Bel�.nich; ! Your File No. ; ZC 12-75 I I l��ar Dick: ` i Pursuant to the r�:quest of Mr< �el�.nich ar�d according a to condition number 10 c,f the Tigard City C�uncil' s approval � af the zone chang� fxom SR to C4 on Decembex 8, 1975 , this , letter is intended to outl�.ne the means hy w�.ich Mr. B�lanich proposes to eomply wi.th rec�uirem�nts for cotixclixr.ated comme�cial deve�.opment with property �n his raestern bour�dary. At the time o£ the f�.nal ordinance approvin� a zone change to PD, Mr. BeY.anich will exec�te and record a covenan� encumbering his praperty c�ith the follAwing provisions : � , R 1. The obli.gations contained in the covexaant will � "xu,n with the land" a.n o�der that they will not be per�onal f to Mr. Belanich, but wa.1J. constitut� abliga�ion� of whom�ver � may acquire the l�nd in �he fu�ur�. �� 2. The covenant wi13. evidence �h� ce�nsent of Mr. � Belanich, and of any successor in interesit to his land, to � the vacation o� 3.22nd Street at any �ime by the Gity of ; Tigard, and the waiver by Mr. Belanich, ar any suecess�or in � interest to h�s land, of any right ito re�onstrate against � ar contest the vacation of 122nd SCreet. � s � 3 . The covenant wi11 contain an agreement that zhe � land owner will, upon request by the City and, upon vacation ; by the City of that portion of 122nd Street lying adjacent j � ta the property on its western bounda�y, encumber the I property a�xd the par�ion of vacated 122nd Street which I inures to the p•roperty wi.th an easement, or easements , assuring �� recipxocal access �.n;d utilities between the proper�y and any property wi.th which cc�mm�rcial developnnent may be int�grated. ., , : .__<.: .� .._.�..:a �.�. ... : �..,.�u..,. . , w. . . .._. _,. ., . ...,�� .. _ �..,_. ._ . . . ._,,._� ..� .. :.....�w. .. _...�.�:. ..:_ . ,. ..... .� ..,---,...�._.... _ ._,' _. .. ,.: ._ .: ,,._ �. _ . ;�. . , � �e SMITH. TODD & EALL, I��. �,,i Page Two � Mr. Di.ck Bo1en Ap�ri1 27, 1R76 Th.is letter is not intended as an e�pression of the 1�nguage to be included in the c.o�enant but merely to seek your app�rc�val of an outlin.e of i�ts te�.�ns. Please let us know yaur thaughts, Ver truly yours, �v/ � Ro�bert S. Ball RSB:dc ec Rogex Belanich � _ �^ � , � _ _ _ _ ........ . ._ . .. . . � _ ,_ ___. __ ... . _ _ �� Y~ �S .. �. . • J . . �.. •� �\ .. . � CITY OF `i'IGAR.D, OREC`rON . OI�vTNANC� No. 75 - �� �� AN ORDIl�IANC:E ADQPTING FTI�IDINGS �j1ITH R��SPEGT TO AN AI'PLICATTO�t BY ROGER M. BELANIGH IN 13�HALF OF COP�MONVdEALTH PROP�RTIES, INC. , FOI�. AN A1�iENDMENT OF TI�E 1970 ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF T1G.ARD, CHANGING A TRAC�.0 OF LAND FR�M W�S��INGT�N COUNTY SUI3URBAN ftESI]�ENTIAL TO TIGARD NETGHI30RI�OOD COMM�RCTL�L (C-4) V�ITH RESPECT TO TI3E NQI�TH 675 FEET OF TAX LOT 500 ON WASHTNGTON COUNTY ^1AX MAP 1S1 3�+$, GRANTING APPLI- ' CA'�ION AN'D FIXTNG .f�N EFFLCTI'V� DATE. . THE CITY OF TIGARD O��DAINS: Section ]..: Findin� that the 1_�.nd� h�reinafter described have been � heretof'ore and are now cl�ssified as Washingtan County SuUurban Residential puxsu�i�.t to the pr�visions of the ��r�.shington Count,y Zoning Ox�dinanc� at 'the time of �.nnexation o.f said lands to th� (,�t� of Tigard and �i,h��: saic�. :1and� have not been rezoned 1�,y the City subsequen-1; to that anxi��a-tion, �nd furth�r :f'indin� °tha�L pL�r- suant ta prescribec� proced�r�es, th.e above-stated a�p�i_cation foz° a zoniz�g ma7a amendment was heard in public hearings he�.d by the Plan- nin Commissiorz on October 21 and November 4, 19'75, and a11 int�x°2st- g � ed persons were th�n and 1;here afford.ed an oppor�Lun.ity to Ue heard, , anr� therea�ter -the P7_anr�.ing Coznmission. fil�d its report and recoin- i m�nda-tion� tNith the City Recor�.er, a c�py thereof, her�to a�i;tached � � and by r�ference made a par� hPreof, r�comnlending denial o� �aid agplication and, fur-�her fii2ding that, a.fter due and legal xiotice, a pub:tic hearing w�s held be�ore the City C�tu1cil on December 8, 1975, and tha�t at said hearing tY�e appliGari�t ancl all o�,h�r �arties desirin.� ta Ue he�rd were af�ordeci an �pportunity �,o be �l�ard and presen:i� a.nd �ebut evidence with respect -�o said appl�.cati�r�., and fur�her �ynd�.n� that, based. on �vid�nce, bo�th oral and documentary, and on thE recoxr� of said heari:ng b�fore the �i.ty Council, the � Council has mad� the �'�llowin.g substantive �'indings: � l a.. r[7hat t1�e a�p?-ica�ion con.�'or.ms to �he text �nd map H o£ the Tip;�rd Conlmuni� Plan of 197�-, as adopt�d; � � an d � - ��' ,; 1�. That th� applicant has sho�wn a sizbstan�tial e�mmunity � need for his Z�roposed developmen�t ori th.e subject sit� of his a�p�.ication; and `� c, Th.at substantial housing developm�nt in the immediate � vicinity of the propos�d site ?�as cre�t�d that i�eeci, ` and • � � d. That the proposed zone map amendrnerrt will provide th� � zone dPSi'gnation aPpropriate for that �ropc�N�d pro- 'ect• and `� J } �` e, T1�at public sewer and water is available ad�acent to � — —_— , -- --- ---- � _ _ f!" , �'``� �,.;�, � - �:i �=' �� {;;, L!I � �.: -the Propos�d si.te; and ,;;��. . �.. (�j� f. That no � additional iir�pact on adjacent land� or pul�- �` lic services or u�Lili-ties will be created beyand I;� those noted hereinafter and tha�; mi�tiga�ting con- �' ditions can and shal.l be attached -�o approval of f � this request, suf�icient -L-hat no public burden s�lall be cr��ated by this development; �nd � ��� g. `.I'hat the proposed loca�tion is most suitable and �• appropriate �or the commercial develo�ment proposed. �; i;, Sect?on 2a Therefore, pursuant to the requiiements o� Chapt�r 18.88 �� of i;he Tigard Municipa7_ Code, �t;he �pplicant's r�quest ;' for an amendment of the Tigar�d Zoning Map of 1970 to zone those lands � hereiriafter l�gally described (exhibit "A" attached hereto and m�de � a part hereof) being also herein referred to as the North 675 f.eet E of. �Lax lat 500 on Washington County Tax Ma.p .1S1 348, for Neighborhood Gommercial (C-4) use subjec-� �o the provisions of Chapter 1�3.32 � � (Tlcighborhood Conunercial Zone} and further subject to the folloti,ring < k"� conditions: � �;, ' l. ^lhat no building permits be issued f�r �he site w.1- ` til the property owner has obtained an approved �lan- - �`. ned development zone< i;, 2, A 5 .ft. dedication for� l�ublic s�re�t p�arposes on F;.�I �� 12.1st and 122nd. �3 3, A 10 ft. �i;o 20 ft. declicati.on �or publ.ic street �F purposes on Scholls �'�rry Road, the zinal dEter- ' minazion of wid�th -l;o Ue made by the Qregon St�te �Y Iiighway Dept. �� 4e A 5 ft. utility easement on a11 lot lines. �` r: � 5. Development c�f Sl�T �.2J_st from the Scriolls Ferry Road f; intersection �to tl•ie southerly .line o.f. Commonw�aJ_�th's }? Ln.glewo�d Planned Developrnent Irriprovement sha1.1 be �, to city collector standa.rds (44 ft. ;road�,vdy) wi�th �, curbs, 5 ft� sid�walks adjacen-t property lines, and ;± a landscaped s`trip with street trees. Improvem�nt k; to �he iz�tersection of 1.21s�t at Scholls to provide i; for 1�ft and righ�t; turn clzannels from 12_ls�t arid a j,; left turn charanel on Scholls Ii'erry -�0 121st. i<; 6. No access from Sch�_lls P�rry Road and no access to ' 121st �,�ithzn 10� ft. of Scholls I'erry. � • ��'� 7. T}.�at pedes Lrian/bicycle trail. be provided along �� Scholls Ferry Road �extending 1;hat alr. eady xavided �^ for east�rly of 1?_lst adjacent to �nglPVrood�. `��' 8. The extension of SVJ Springwood Drive across tax '' � �3 �2) . Ordinance No. 75 - , i r � ��-;. rf_ i �.,: �,:.��� � lot 500 to intersect 1?_?_nd with a 50 ft. right� �I, of-way, improved to a s-tandard 36 ft. street. I � 9. That no buildin �ermits be issued until a traffiG I�,, � 1 sign�l has been p:�ovided at 12'lst and Scholls Ferry ' Road. However, bc:ause the Or�gon. State Highway , . Departmen.t has the authority to approve signalization, I a decision by them not ta signalize this intersec-tion ' wi1.l hav� the effc�ct of waiving this requirement. I� , �10. Covenan�Ls shall be providzd to make possible the future vacation of 122nd Street, if deemed ne:,essary, '� and to prc�vide cross easernents with any future com- I mercia.l developmen� which may occur on the proper-ty , to the west. 11. Lan�sc�ped setback fr. om SW Springwood Drive �f not less than 20 �t. - I2. Landscaped setbacks from SW 121st and from Scholls Ferry o� nat less than 20 ft. Secta.on 3: Th�.s ardinance shall be effective on and after the _31st �— �'� day after its passag� by the Council� �.nd appraval by th� mayor. i . �i �` I'ASSED: `�'his day of , 1975, by � � `'� voZe of all Council members pres�nt, after being read tl�ree tirnes Uy nLUnb�r and title only. Recorder -' City of Tigard j f , , APPROVED s By the mayor th�_s �_ d.ay of . , 1975. + i � i Mayor - C9_ty of Ti�ard � (3> . � Ordinai�ce No. 75 - 1056.60 — — — — — '� _ — — _. • � . , .. _,. .. ..._ � � , � ,z#�� �10 kI y Sec��n . ��/ � �. c, . �4 Tl�filN/ ,�� N � �'�p �s� 3 y� ,, � .� � _ � � ` � � i. � t�a —' i{0�� � r1056.13 1` ' � /�`�7��� . ' , , • 1,�� � .,y � e �,.- .� . _ � o��' . . � ^� �� �itr .r. st N � ' , . •. s. ; R,`�.'- �•�--. � • . — ., �rt Nj ��� . j..' He.o� ,w ;:�'.: 1055.81 585°25�W 6�a.88 ? • �BS ��Ll.} ' , • O —' — — — — — _ — — — _'�"c�-.� � . ` . t� � ' � � �( �J��X��{P�'6 _ -----�-- 'VI � zos � �� ��m, '�.- , . � z.o a 4 � --^�"�''° � � R s �°��c�re� � ; ��1� « �o��s�-u�T�cP� � .�,��� � l�'a ��.n�' h r . -�""`'f ��g'��s,ea� a--- � . ,� �;� � ��cQo?�" ,�.�*°°'_ � � �� � . ��� ��•.r�, � � �.� • ;,..°:' �,�: � ; IOSS.46 ' i:� - - �C�,��(�• UCII�a J�1'�J''f t^dL`l��a�' o`.�Zt'� �i '�-*�.° . ' " , � 5�?g5 ee ."-°'' r � . �-ap��-z��� � Z ..��- .� �o � .� . . _� i ...�"''� . �0 6��._._..�"' � . ,�.�,-.���.�u..�.----',f„�.,� �:` , ,��:�, � ,��6l m� ►�/T/f ao°#�P ic� P�8 . ! , _, . 9�t��Y�,�.���:.,u,:..:��..-::�.�� � �b ,� � ,o , '�4 t�no� •' ,,-:� � � �����::���. � � .� . a oe�.a' o ��C �� , � ; k � ��d��'� � E • i • ` � � �- �°'+ � f�'S° �, � ' • ' ��'��,� � 1 f 'ic�s'���`aat�dy , . g,r t�.1 , � ) �/�`� � `'� W ����+��• �7�� `;,. " ���'���� � , � ' � � Q „ -. d , ' " • �' `� ' . . � ' ". ' � ' � - � �a�C�.� L 07� � � - , � 'd , � � ��� , � �.1 V • . N � '� j . 1 , . • �/ V r � . .. . . �; i� Q • ,q :� �' �10 � �� F• O . • . s� / . � � .` � p �� � r, � . . w. �1 M ''a a���Id�6C�0� � � ��1?3aW�Of.I �H'/V� . , �u �, ' � , � , N �. �'� � , � � � . ° . . �� �4�?t�� $� � � �; . . � ,' :. �.. }. 4A,- .'`•, { , • • _^ , • �`� d ' . ' .`•'• *'�" �� , . ' . .�� � • �. U'�Cac t LOT� . J� °'� • ': ° .. �- F:: �.._ N ^ .. . ;�. ,:� ,. .. , • ;} �SS.4v � � ���' `� Y� . #" _ � ",. � ' • . . �,•���..•. F . �. - � � , � �� �G�ca�Z�. "; soi ' ��� e •t� �:� '� , ��..:���� �4, . • • o, � . , � 3.L�✓J !it. ( ! s `* � :,- • . . •.�.s�"`; � •�.�• . � M �.6 �• . �5:• I • ^��•w � . , r • . �, � J ,.. �:f• �• ,++:ti.✓` ,.t':�e'`,1� l�. ,u o ,b . „ P' .�: S ` � (� • , . . ••' . :.�', � .... . , i+ ' ' J'' i : � r�"��,�w ., ��� : .�'�,�; ' ' • p �# � �. 1C j�I6ARp � '� " , '0 ` �OB. Qos , . , ` , . , + E�'cR�Jc��llC4il Cj�Gt��le p : • . : ' �� , t , °.•'. . � � . . ��� � ( � ,'��`•''�y. r ' ! + ' . . � � . • . . , � • .,�: '` +~ ..., � , ,t �• ., • �. ,� �. �' ., . � , . ,. � �,... '3� '' - • , . . . ; ,. . :.. '# �� � q 't4 � ,� , ,�.;. .. ;, : • , . „ e, • , a ' ��e.� ' P .. , ., ,� ' i ,. . ',�s �• . ✓r , , » � i � i - ° b,PACA. i a.. ., - • „�;' -��,f�' ... .�„ e . q p � . , , . , � .;: ..... _: . � „. ti., - , . :'�!;�'' . ZC 3-76 May 18, i976 k•� STAFF FtECONIl�IENDATION: Staff recommends approval, with the following conditions: l. Hook-up to sanitary sewer be shown for the 4100 sq. ft. building. 2. The conditions attached at the time of the original zone change be satisfied prior to issuance of. building permits. � � 4 � i I � . � ,. _� � �.� / c��p� � �"�, ��; TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � May 18, 1976 �F Staff Re or-� Item 5.3p Docket: CU 13-76 Request: A conditional use permit for an automotive re air business in the �� n p Tndustrial Park zone (M-4) . Locationo 9035 SW Burnham St. (Wash. Cn, tax map 2S1 2AD, tax lot 1600) . Applicants: Jerry Scot-t and Richard Kliser �ASIC FACTS• l. Section I8.52,02.0 af the TMC prova.des �nr automative ser�rice stations and any othe� similar use �s a '�conditic�nal use" in the ln.c�ustr:ial Park zor�.e. 2. The �bjectives of the ��Commercial-Ind.ustrial�� area is ��to can- centrate in a sing].� location businesses that provide sp�cialized � goods and services or require outdoar stor�ge or display area. " � FTN'DINGS: l. The applicaYit has requested a conciitional u�e permit to locate an au.�omotive .rEpair bu.siness in �.n existin� building designated '�Commercial-Industrial�� in the Tigard Comrnunity P1an and zoned M-4, Inc�u,strial Park. 2. The subject site is presently occupied by � buildin� which is jointly occupied by ��Si Craft�f and is part of a larger commercial dev�lopment �Burnham Circle) which has p7_umbing, radiatoz^ repair and autQmotive repair bus3nesses. The parcel to the south is occupied by a residence and a vacant pasture is east of the site. 3. SW Burnham St. , the primary access to the site, zs a substandard street. A non--rernonstrance agreement was acquired by the City i for an L.T.D. duri.ng the ori�inal partitioningo 4. � Acces� from Burnham St. to the building proposed for the repair � business is over a 30' nan-exclusive easement which satisfies r Ch�p-L-er 18.64 (Accsss and Egress) �f the TMC. - � 5. Th� si-�e plan shows a 13,50 s , f�. � q building, No parkirxg, spaces ;`; are shown on the plan and no spaces are marked at the site. �� Section 18.60.120 (4) (A) requires 1 space for each 500 sq. ,ft. ��, �•r of gross floor �rea, `but n:ot less than 3 spaces. Delineation �� ��, �: of the required spaces s�.ould be made. ' � � � ��; ,�; n, � � � ;_,- ,� � � � � � � � � � ����; � � � � � � � � � � i�'' �;,: $�`�� � , _: , . , _ ' , ., _ _;.>. .. . _:. . „ I . , . __.. '' . , _. .:_ �: . , . .._ ,..:, ; . ..,_: . .::: . ,._.. . . ,:. .�_ .:_. , __ . :.:� .. . .. .. .. ., ..,.. • � I P�;, i Pag� 2 �`:. PC Staff Report I� Item 5.3 �}:` 5��-8�76 i I 6. The proposed u�e is fo�� a repair shop exclusively for the Capri automobile and appears to be compat.ible with the other adjacent automotive-oriented businesses and does not app�ar to have an adverse impact on, the remainin.g adjac�nt uses. i STAFF RECOMMENDATTON: Staff recommends approval with the following condition: ' l. The required parking spaces be delineated. � ;� ��I � I � � � I , �. I I � , 4 � � � � � � , , : . _ . , , , _ ` o, . ` > . ,,,. _ \, , . v� i � AAA �, O �� ' � `' �! ` �o C: �. , � , � s� �. , ,` �; . o y: S E E M A P (300 '��o `rOG a9 0ti � 2S I 2AB .95Ac. �y ,,a�ti°' I Z00 �' �, . a - .59Ac. `'no �(; . '/ Oi�� Ai�� c�3 1, �� ViCIN1T. A IVI�eP �400 '°so ��� , i'; �ati`:� .95LI c. a V. / �'I �\ °' C No. I 895) /�\ � °o ,,0/ . a/ ���I� � ��` / � a3 bA�A\ ,�. ,I�� a��\L 0� ,. � � � M �:�.i. 9'�(� ! ♦ o` 1500 '�,� 0 � ��`y0� _Jr7AC. �J p°p �20'. �p �.8�_:... —� � � /, . L:,,... i. J o � s, ._�� � � — . '���`9� 1601 ��� y�o ' ��� _- �,� �°'ti 3/Ac. A �m. �.�; �^==p JECT ,� ��,,� � ' _—=�' ►���� ""t�, �� `�� /� `� .�, ' _ �°m �n° .3BAc, 1600 �800 p (�� == yo � 26Ac, 1.92Ac. J` �;: = s � � � r; =_ � ,� ' \ �c' ' s; -- � s I 7'00 / `-:'' �� pso i _� 9s�, �, � \^Q•° .39Ac. � ''a �1 . `� �/� � / . 90 . �.. �- � i p0 � __ . �°' � I 900 � 6� � �� � �,�-:�?, �s., .95Ac. �� � _�' 09 ��, •��'e'f�x', a r . � ��ie � �+��....'.�' �;" ��� �, 1 �� / .,}� 0 �i aT' . `t�;'i �'a'l�H-g.a'�,.� � s ,a"�v��i" S�E M A P = �� ii: o,e ,;.: �,� �,� r; ti 2 S I 2 A C ,�° __ =Y;,.� �'g;°r.� �"��°' �t'� � s, , ! ,�=-=� �. / � 000 i; , �'V .�. , .47A c. ''i ��/ -- r. . � � Ei � � r. a 2800 `�° �^ �'�, �,�,� f! �} •`' .34Ac. �3 ° �°`:� 2�' __ � , _ %i 4.t;� . , = / � . . ap . � .i; • � 6 . � o , �� � `9P ?� / / � 'r \h� 2700 �''�.� .40Ac. _�.s / [ _ � 00 �, -�so / y�?�a ;� ` 2900 00 260 2 � / f.'� � aati `a '� .23 Aa � � ti' .56Ac, �°� %� �� So � � ji �°o �°� 1 V I � ti�ob� h�' ?_500 . ������ � �i tx ,� ti°�� .l2Aa s '�° ::_�•' 4 30�J0 , ,,a ��a p �� / `(' 3.04Ac. �('S y �•° �`� _•� '� . C' . S � •� v�y,o JD rI/ _�.. . ... � L � . s9.So'9p � � 4�, �. L�C��O �`IT3 _ . . . . � . . � 96F• � ' ���'p�2°�� :i. .`/ Ar.. 3s —= �:� / -.=�.� $ � 3�°� -[;�' ' F � ,• �; .,� / `-!� �y� c,�o. �� 0�1�� .� J r� )�1 I—J / �' �9� .� a ` � �.� .,s a°�'/ 1�60 �D�/_ ��' ' .� � � _, . . _. . . . , �.. .. � �,..�s'� , � � � � � f �: � �, PC Staff Report ; May 18, 1976 �`� Ttem 5.4 � ,. �� DOCI�.ET: A request to lacate a Greyhound "Bus Termin:al in ;� the "C-3 General Commercial" zone. '+ �. LOCATION: On the Pacific Highway frontage road near SW 79th ;'; Av�. (Wash. Co. tax map 1S1 36GD, tax lot 1900) . APPLICANT: John, Smith ' $. BASIC FACTS: '' 1. The ob jectives of the "General Cor�un.ercial" designations in the �� T�rd Community Plan are, 1) "to provide accessible lacations, visible frum major streets, for uses tha�t depend o:n highway ' traff ic, and 2) to minimize the inherent conflict between th� ' sa�e, ra�id movem�n�t of thraugh traffic a.nd shoppe.r tr�.f�£ic on ITia�OT' S�r'�@tS e II 2. Section 18�12.030 authorizes the Planning Commiss:ian to allow a use similar in natu.re to be allowed in a zane i£ thP us� is '� not already provided for. in another zone, FTNllINGS: �� � f< � l. A "bus terminal" or oth.er siini.lar description of a use such as � the on,e bEing considered is not specifically listed as a per- �; nlitted or condi.tianal use �n. any af -�he zanes �or the City. �$ The in.tended use o� a full service bu.s t�rmin.al is sizni�.ar i.n ;;� charac�;er to those l�.sted as conditional us�s in the C-3 Lone �, in that it is close to a drzve-in typ e ope�ation. ; 2. The appli.cant has requestec� a co�,c�itional use permit to locate =:a � fu'1'1 service(freight and passen�er) Grey�oun.d Bus Termir.nal in ; the C-3 zoxie on t11e Pac,ific Highway fronta�;e road near SW 79th, i � y.;� 3. 'I'Yie surraunding land use is transitional with the parcel south- ;I west a1��ng SW 7�tY�, .residentially devEl.oped �nd large parc�ls .j o:f vacant �gric�ltural land still in ihe county immed.iate]_y ;i so�uth. Burger 1�oy Drive--In Restaurant is immec�iately adjacent �;; to the nortY�.east. 4. ThP subject site is a triangular shapecl 13,H19 sq. ft. parcel fi witri 180' of fronta�e, all on the Frontage road. A vacant � house and garage presenzly exisz c��l -��i� si�e w�.t�� a a�euge al.ong the south praperty line. k: !' 5. There presently e�ists rzo inte-r-city �bus depot in the Tigard ,; ar�a an.d anyone wishang i;o utilize their sarvices must use the ' downtown Por�t7_an:d depot. �� �' t t: � �; � �; � t . . , . , , ; _ �� . �" � ,� �' �: x�: page 2 �i; PC Staff Report �; �� 5/18/76 (': Itern 5 e 4 �i r�,, , 6. Two routes are projectPd to use the proposed facility with 3 northbound an.d 3 southb<>und. fQr each the coast and mid ;� Willamette Va11ey connectioi�s. The pres�nt schedule on the >' coast raute is: �ti �: southboun.d - 7:51 a.m. , 12:50 p.m. , 7:36 p.m. �,; northbound - 7:53 a.m. , 1:46 p.m. , 6;09 p.m. `�`. � The schA�:ule fnr the mid-valley is unkn.own at thi� tim�, but ;` ac;�oruing to Mr. Kling�r, Distriat Manager, a morning, mid day r; and evening routefi both north an.d south, will be r�routed to make ` connections in Tigard. The co�st :r°oute pres�ntly �oes Uy the site, but �the mid-valley routes will be rerouted and u.tilize an I:-5 to 217 to Pacific H9_ghway to I-5 pattern. for northbound buses and the rev�r�e for saLlth°�ound. ;; 7. Pacifi.c Hi.ghway has a left turn refu�e all along the sitP and �' the fr�nta�e i�oad has two access points; one �.irectly ir� front 4' of the szte and the other approximately 100 ,yards southwest. �" Northbound bLZSes should easily be able to r�egotiate the turning ;:<; reqizirement�, but the southbcu.nd buses having to cross two lan.es �;� "�� of nar-�hbound tra�fic, sometim�s occurri.ng during peak traffic �� �'-�' hours, may have dif:�ictzl.ties an.d create traffic problems. �� 8. The turnin� raclius of a 10' x 40' bus is greater than the an.gle �� of intersPCt between tne fron�age road and PaciFic Hwy. This �a necessitates a minor realignment of the northern section c��C the ig frontage road to intersect with Pacifzc Higllway as n:ear to 9Q° �;3 as Possible to create a safer intersection than the present �; situation. Th.is would allow .for southboLand buses to ente� the �i fron.tage road at i-ts sauthern interaection and pull into tlie t; subject sitP with i-ts dnor on the termin�l sid.� �f the bus, �i ,7i thus creating a one-way loop for the buses. ,�, b:{� }�' 9. A �turn. out from the rpadway it�elf would also be necessary so ,� as not to b1�ck one lane of traf�'ic on the road. x� 10. The a licant has stated his intention to bring -th:e site to � gradeppith �he road. Care should be taken so a,� not to eliminate r' the high laurel hedge which effectively screens the Ya.i.ghway �fi 'F Z'C1171 '��'1 P_. T�a Y'C'.P_.��. "�:� '�,h._P. S�7a"r�'1, �; 11. The intended use :i.s 5im.ilar in nature to an eating and drink.ing r. �; establishm�nt in regard ta parking needs. Therefa7�e, Section 1:8�60.120 (4) (H) of the TMC requires one sgace for each 100 sq. ;'� fto of gross �loor area. A minimum of ten. spaces shoul.d be ;: f provided. } �> �'. 12. Section 18.2F3,060(3) require� that a minimum of �5% of a site �; �:. � t, � M � � �r. page 3 PC Staff Report 5/1.8/76 Item 5.4 � � in the C-3 zone be landscaped and Section 18.28.040 (1) requires � that the 10' front yard setback be landscaped and maintained. , ,I� 13. The billboard on the northeast property l:ine is being leased by the sign company. Upon sale of the prop�rty, con.tingent upon Planning Commissi.on approval of the conditional use permit, the leaSe expires in six morlt�s. Ftemoval o�' the billboard would greatly improve the visual environment along this secti�n of Pacific Hwy. � 14. One free-standing sign would be allowed, not to exceed 230 sq. ft. � on bnth sidES. � � ST.APF RECQMMENDATTON: � To be ac�v�sed at close of publia hearin�. � � G � l [ � � �, ��� t ' � 4 l' t � � � � ;�' ~\ : _- -�-.,�.�� ,�� .� .. , . . � ..�� � ;.:,:;: .�.,_�._,� ._.:; �.._ .: o:.v,;. , ^: _ �;. _ - , __ , � , ..,.,. � . - � Um � z o� . _ � .� O Q N N I O m O� I t� Q� W O N� � . � � o 0 9 5 L --------i I \9�y595�ZO �3 iL BC2 f 1 � .` �A� I o I I ` o � \ 3`� n �"' I � 'N � � N I� � I \� �2°/� �y'�5�� `�� �� I ; �\ � �� 29'� \ _IZ �i � . � . � I \.� � m� , a�o c , �� � /�� NI \� � I �— �,6LOdjS ( I � ^ � � �o � O � oe - �� � • i � 4� .L0 i '^ I p � w; __ � i N 01 �'St0! 3S£oIS � 2°�' . — O c 'p I , Q p��� � v�O o�� �L�. o Iro �p�� � h `L :� b S'Z£O"L 3.'ieiS �''»''` o � Z � _ I . ,- _ ,,,,,,,, ,..,,,,..,,, ; � ,:, ,.,,,,. i �• .�� ; zF ;� � � � \ ��.. 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(� N�' � � � � ' �-�; $� . . ;.�;,� � a ' �h � '� �.�'��= E°�I � � y , W � g I � �M �� �'H �', �. � � �;��1 � . ��. . �- �,-�, N �o�•� � m � I ' w� £ �SZ a� b� �� ���• SE� £5SZ Zlo��' E'. � '6�, S� '" ��� ,. � 6Y3 g�5/ �7 �/� ^ xvmavoa oz 'z q e� �~,r=~'�-"`� � o VI C�J � °a , ,,�', a � S ,,,n.,,..i ,n,�,i,.,;v�;o�� '� � �,il`f���� � • ' � � �� 0 '��,/ ' '�i"er.�. 2 �C"�'/.%�N�'. �... . ..u. I ��� � N � �\ E��� � � \'o o,� :P w i � � I i,,: ` "' � �a\ .. f° ; I ; �i �( �./� a Q . h,� "�' !L'Sbi �F'� , v�-,� �ol r�� � sri � -� �� �,N � Z a JSb'61) d ��� Q �Io � �n� v�' �1 Q �' O N� C� _ r,K� �'J � .Z. . . o. �,� O _ m p p' �' "'': p j {p -I 6' -�o O ,.. �,Lj �. � M �z� ! � �. Q i� l�i CV V I N./" �°� � �7 �---� ��j d' N �� (y '� O � i {„} �'� {V dc•lg —I £S'o& — � s�s^��� "niz O h' � E� °O ZS VS �8i'�Z �� � � �: CG —I /� � C\,'�n Z d� �s; ily N --� r� � _-_. 9Z1} N I� . N �•L4 „ g� /� U e � � £�8,, p'h � �� ___� uz�.a � o Iy���F — : �l�z o025 � f� .�. ��, �1��✓1 ` A � : � \ ,� ==�tf �,sros�S Zb'�S' 3,DyZ.4 _._, ��„� : \ � ° e �Z-9j • i��s�� M pz� � S 50'Zbl R fi�" �V,i�.��� �' `'�-���� �� Z9"99 �� , 9 8y:. � —,—,�.� � S(.jS �c3r s .i I � �v "'a -=?�_ "' A p og8 �£ gGg� as'�i i i $~�� cDl�2�ZE �5'rbzot`v �. ., i � b� — — ,. _. _ , ., . : , , . � �,, o ,� l � •�,�"�° . ITEM 5. �+ 4 - Greyho�:a Bus Terminal/John Smith t�: '� 5/18/76 { STAFF RECOMN.�NDATION: kl'I Staff recommends approval of the conditional use with the followin.g conditions: � � 1.. �.ealignment of the frontage road or construction of a pr,ivate a; drive interior� to the lat be worke�. out with the engineering ;�; dept. bringin� the intersection as close to 90° as practicaZly i possible, k }; 2. A11 buses dispense and receive passengers and frei�ht from the jj o�f-road side onto the su�ject site. �: #. 3. All busES be directed to enter the site from the southwestern '' entr�.nce into the frontage road arid exit along the northeastern E intersection of the realigned frontage road an.d Paci�ic Hwy. i�� � 4. If the frontage road ia realigned, adequate spa�e for the `' bus to be en-�irely o�f the rig:ht�of-way should be provided, ;i �; �. The scr�ena.ng on. the south praperty line be maintained and evergreen p�.antings be pro�rided for th� frant yard landscaping, �'. �'I 6. A minimum o�' ten. pax°king spaces be prc�vided. � i', 7e The existing billbo�rd be .removed within 6 months an.d one low, J free-standing si�n., not to exc�ed 230 sq. f�. total surface ` area, be allowed.. It j,; ji !': 4�: I" r, I,' �' `{ �9 l� � �. {' ;!, �_". {:�. !;,'. �� ��. I:.' . � 1'�,,��' �:t y� 7 �j �` y �Sv 6; i! 61 �{` s'�n b, � i . j � � �'f1' I � �;���;,+: STAFF REPORT '' �' Tigard Plannin.g Commissi�n May 18, 1976 � � i � CU 15-76 (McGladrey) � Agenda Item 5.5 1 � � CONDITTONAL USE PERMIT `, - i A request by Jonathan McGladx°ey to locate a legal advisory j serviee in the R-7 z�ne (single f�.mily residen�;ial) at 11495 t SW Greenburg Rd. (Wash. Co. tax znap 1S1 35CD, tax lot 202) . r i� i STAFF FINDTNGS: � � � l. Existing land uses surrounding the subject site consist of single � famil,y dwellings to the east and south, SW Greenburg Rd. to the � front and north ar�d the Birches Apartments to the west. ; � 2. Staff �ind.s that a point o�' rlarif.ication is n.eeded in the appli- t cant's narrative statement concernirzg the Comprehensive Plan designation for this area. NPO #2 Plan Map clesignates the properties immediatel.y west of the sit� as urban. medium densi-ty � developmen.t. However, the subject si.te an.d the land to the north, east and south are plannEd to develop as single fam�ly residential , (urban 1ow density) . 3. The existing home on. the site .farme�rl:,y� served. as a church paxsan- �, age and the appl.icant has informed staff of his intent to live � in the house and conduct a legal advisory service on the prernises. � "Home o�cupatians�� are defined in the TMC Section 1£i,08.250 as: ". . ,lawful activi�y commonly carried on within. a dwelling by members of the family occupying the dw�;ll.ing with no q ! servant, em�aloyse or other persons beir�g engaged, pro- � � vided t�hat: ,: c r (1) The r�sidence charaeter of the bui.lding is '' ma.intained; r i (2) The activi.ty occupi�:s less than onE quarter of ; th� ground floor area of •the main building; � i (3) The activi.ty is� conducted in sucl� a manner as ;' not to give an outward appearance nor manifes�t a.n.y �' chara�teris�tic of a business in �he ordinary meaning of r r the term �.or infringe upan the right of neighbor;in� �; residents to enjoy the peaceful occupancy of their homes. �� � Since Mr. MaGladrey will ha.ve a secretary in his emp7_oyment, a � conditional use permit will be required for the home use under Section 18.200020 - Conditional Uses in an R-7 zone. � ��It is the intent of this provisior� to provide the means 4� tar request for the City's consideration of ��home occu- ; i � � �t rt,:,,., page 2 ', PC Staf.f Report 3/18/76 Item 5.5 pat;i�ri' type uses �rhen special circumstances are prasent which the applicant feels deserve this considerata.on. It is the inten.t of this ti±le +hat an,y commercial or industri- a1 operations, which would ordinarily be conducted in a commercial or industrial district, con,tinue to be conducted in such district and not at home. �� 4. Access to the site is reached by a narrow (approximately 9' wide) �half loop� driveway appraach fronting on SW Greenburg Rd. When leaving tl�e driveway fram the southern egress, visibility is impaired by a power pole located to the driver's left. At this point the driveway is below the grade of Greenburg Rd. arid i,n order -to obtain traffic visibility, the front end of a car has to enaroach into the south bound moving lane of Greenburg Rd. 5. On-sight parking is located in. an az�ea just Past of the h�use. � Ihze to th� narrow width of the curbed dri^ve, it is impossible to � turn. around without infringing upon th� planted lawr�. are�. i Therefnre a car must back out and an�;o CTreex�burg Rd. when leaving � th.e premisesc Since the loop driveway's width is barely a.ble i to accommodate a stan.dar�d size car, additional cars entering the t si-te would "stack up" behind a car parked in the driveway. � l � 6� Accordin� to the aPplicant's statement, thP proposed u.s� is estima-L-ed to generate a�proximatel.y 50 to 6Q average daily trips nr l.�ss than 1% of the F000 average trips for Greenburg Rd. at this locati:on. B�a,siness hours wauld be fl�x�.ble with the highest activity oacurring during off-p�ak �.ours. The applicant fe�ls that this use would impact the neighborhood at essentially the � same level as the previous use (the church �ai�sonage) . � f 7. Staff is no� aware �f any intent by Mr. McGladrey to provide �' signing on th� pr�emises. ` G ii STAFF' RECONlMENDATION: !; �: t6 be a.ven at the close of the � g` public heari:ng �; �, a� j: ''y �. �:; f {; �; e; �; �z ,.. �; t �3 .� ��'t ^: � .. _ _ _/ . i , �/ 3 :;ANCELLED rax LOTg � 203,204, I(.X�O,!002 � � �s�,� �5�A �aCi I�,I 6 �'Y Ie�1� f� ` � � � � , � , -�.w , . . ��'���_ � ' ' � G�D'I�Dl�'IC�t\,tf�l,... IJ�L �; S.s - �� � ' � . C.tJ - 0 5 7'�, � ��S ����(�� . ��� � ' ' � eQ�. soo 6s . . .t,�� � a; .50Ac. 5O0 N>lo23,� 4� ` - - ( N 7jo46 � � .46AC. � � w1 _ �4 � ' 0 3 w 4� ,��/a �� S ig) \ . 'o W 59Ac. ; a.4�2 `�_ � � O u 3� � � o O O , �p ,` � g �' v�i ` /.IBAc. 3•�22 � �p' 9Mi.., �� O•.... Z C.S.10506 � i1 202 �o�9J � ` ~}`�"='� . w C.5 12931 �6.Y���� .4CJ A c. S 7e o yo.� � � � o � � � � � � � � I00� ` 2� � –� ' M m N � - m � � � � 11 r� � �, � � . . ��� ti � ,� Q� __.� W N C.S. 5244 -�� v o ,.�� �0� a �v u ( o �° � ./�/aC. -� � . z • n \ w tJ o rD , r' N 2 c� N � m I a � �' �\J � , T� \ - w ° _ _/SAc. s �is'w � (95.8) S (ig° 19 W 220.77 q ro 100 \ ~. si.e 61.6 97.57 � s'�lT�i�3��l1 ' ' s%'f %� � ^' eoae �_ 20 „ °�p ��� � zzo.�� — \ 43� �y ses°saw 350() 3601 3600 , 201 .2� c. ;� J�`�Ac. � \m� ; ./BAc. \°� O�� � 1O W� W O N � O � i� � � �.� J� �� � _ � � � o� o � R W N h � 3700 � Q � ..� r-� � ..� W -o . � .,��. � e 438 0 �`� �� b r °� t i ----�—� p $ � �' 'S E aJR. LOT 5 9640 24Tt 4I 70 z Z� 60.38 � 60.38 100 ; �\ p ry5 -- S 9 9° I 9�W\//.!�/�1 .1. ..:/7�/.:. :. �/�/•,�,�!,�,�,�„�����\ l � � � � �400 � ° � � L��9� ���� N � —.'IhIT14LP01f�Thl',� �� 25 _ %.!!�� � � �� _, � P"a�2 33.9� 50 S \ I 29 4'. a3e --- — :' y 3000 �JC� 2800 � . — s \ 2s � _� 9A�9� �z 3100 ..37,4c. � . ` $ y�'�`'3 300 �2 U0; Q � W . � � , � 5 � 0 4 0 0 + �3 NN r� o N _ _ O � o � �G IS EI 3`:; (468 PLA71 ) — o � O z � � ���� .�rr��%rr�;,�������a�����%,,,���� r 1 0 , � ..f—� �� � y I N 89°3!�E 7A0 \ �N b9°57�W � // / � � / I?9.00 ..^'�. ' � 3�2.54 i5. 2�GZ 5 � �� � � �"-" � 2 700/ .v c. � .IEAc. �I � � 's i:; � " m W �zo.s m � �` N�� C.S. 6963 N 8 2701 �J � t` :� p � 6.69Lh. z .l.�Qt. �; t5 `y� m - — -.— — — — — — — — — - — — — — - �.S.�3�750 � {� zs � � — 6.66 C h � z ' Y _ I 36 . � f� 9os (438.y) S BP27 W � �: � �, � ,��`: 219.15 N � t' � t's. 2 0� / f'e P � .74Ac. 44�.sa �� �� vc \ �``�, c+ r N HB�'27� � �� r � ,_, ^ �u �� 24 0 � � � � N � 26�� .� . � 1 r J � ��l � � � � � . m a � ;. a �.c�� Q�. -� � - � Q � ,. . . _ _ rf �,.. �ut; � � . �� ��.��r,# TIGARD PLANNING C 't�k:ISSION �� STAFF REPORT M�.y 18, 1976 Agenda Item 6.1 � MLP 2-76 (Sam Gotter) i MTNOR LAND PI�RTITIONING � 1 � A request by S�xn Gotter to p�rta.tion a 3.17 acre parcel into { a 1.10 acre and a 2.07 acre parcel an SW Fonner St. , we.st p of SW 107th Pl. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 3AD, tax lot 800) . y s STAFF FINDTNGS• � � l. The subject property is presently vacant. Single fami.ly dweZlings ' (Pathfinder° Subdivisio�.) are located east of �the sit�. The `; land to the south and west is undeveloped an.d poarly dr�in.ecl. <: t 2. The property is pr�sently in -the proces�s of bea.ng rezoned from R-7 to R-10 in. order to bring it into conformance with tl�e NPO �3 �lar�.. The minimum lat size is therefore 10,000 sq. ��t. i ';� 3. The applicant .�s prop�si�.g ta partition one 3.1"� acr� parce7. in� to 2 lots being l.l a.cres and 2.07 acres. A home will be con- �tructed on th� l.l �cre parcel. which lies approximat��.y 4�Q E'. ft. from SW F'onner Sto A subcliv?sion is being proposed on tl�e remaini�.g 2.07 acr� parcel which would be served by an extension �' of SW Pathfind�r Way (see attached maps) . The NfLP h�rein being « � con.�zdered has access corii'licts with the proposed subdivi.sion. ,' ¢x The N�P pro��ses a 4U0' driveway ext�n.cling south from Fo�ner �; adjacent tl�e �ast property line. T�a.e subdivision wc�ul.d place the 15' driveway C9' to the west and cannect i.t �wa.th an ex- tended Pathfind�r Way. Th� subdivisa�on scheme results in � '� 155 ' drive�ra.y versus G•00° and al�.ows a more desirable lottin.g '�` pa'ctern on the 2 acre parcel. xi Rather -tha�z this praperty being c�ivided in this manner (an MLP to be follow�r� by a subdivision.) ,the entire property should. be subdivided a:t ian:�'�time. `. ,�It h�s been explained to staf� that this �roc�dure has been insisted upon b5r the se].ler (Dave Schulz) who proposes to construct hi.s own dwellin� on thE 1.1 acr^e par- cel. He is evidently unwil.lin� to sell the 2 acre parcel until he is cer-�ai.n he can obtain �. building perr�iit on the smaller parcel. Sta�f hds expressecl co�.cern to the applicant that th� ;,y MLP not p_reclud� � futu�.�e ex�i;�nsion o� Pathfinder Way and/or �� future subdivision ��° tY�.e ? acre parcel. �l'he appl.icant has claimed that this cannot happen beeause a eondi-�ion of th� pur- chase of the 2 acres by Mr. Gotter (who intends to subdivide it) states that if Pathfinder is extended the �00' easement to Fonner wzll be deeded to �;he 2 acre parcel (copy of Sale agrePment en- ;;: closed) . },,, 4. The Comprehen.aive P"lan for this area (NPO #a) specifa.es ari ?�� extension of 'the Greenway, dedicated to the public in Fathfiizder, %; � acrosN the subject proper. ty. Development of this property �,', E,, ,� � �, �: �_�� E� .� � . . . . � � . . . ��..��'.; L r., -y � page 2 �� PC Staff Report 5/18/76 Item 6.1 without some provision for extending thP Greenway wi11 effectively� block further Greenway dev�lopment in this portion of. Tigard. 5. Tl�� subject praperty is poorly drained in i.ts c�ntral portion and development at the density permitted by the Plan will re- quire rechanneliza-�ion of the stre�am �n.d extensive fill. The adjoining Path.�inder Subdivision is placed on fill.. � 6. The proposed driveway would cross an arPa of poor drain�ge � and a stream. Changes in the area's drainage pattern could � result an.d an en,gineering plan will be needed to ascertain �� th� effects nn. this con.struction. ;I STAFF RECQMN�NDATION: � x. Y Staff recammends approval wi�h the fol.lowing c�ndi�;ions: �I l, Tha-� the driv�way be located aacardin.g to the proposed sub- � division plan and connected witn the �nd of Pathf'inder Way. �' A document shall �ie attached to the deed which releases �� claim to that por�ion of the easemen-t which would fall �' into an extension of the �'atYi�inder right/of/waye �`=�� 2. That a 20 ft. wide easement 1�e recorcled along the north proper-ty line of •the 1,1. acre parcel (begir�zix?g at the sauthwest cox�ner o� the Greenway in Patrifinder and extendin.g to the sauthwest c�rner ot' the 1 acre parcel) , �r�d a 30 f-t. easement a:Long the sauth property li.ne of the 2 acre parcel �or public �ccess purposes (C�a°eenwa�r} . � 3. That the driveway easement include public access rights �� to the Greenway. �' �� 4. That the �ortion of the lot adjoina.ng Fonner St. 'be ann:exed {� to the Ci-�y of Tigard before any building permits are issued. �j �; �� �� � � � 9 .` _ . � . y� , /1���ll���ao.�*� j°�1200 a� �.��, x �� ..� , l ; � 2e ,�;'`� �R. a ° °v �� VIC INITI�' MAP � � `-� 1°� �� " �?' � � I i 6'�o'S9 r. � � �3�� �O 7J ��� . ��� ( . . _ J 5 ,4t/e_'� ✓ O\ ��' 4 x �� �,.. �� � z � t �L 16 i 4OO �� 4 � ,�p0 ��IVI iNOF� LAND PAR ITION1i�G �//:/,�.�`��.- � � m - i � � �`°�� � ' � 0 1e�0 . � � \62 �l�x'°- ' `q� c�o A `J \ �O� /s� 'C •�� � �s 1/d�' a 3 I 500 �,�a 7 � � � � IVt L R 2 �f ,i�� �ao��63 0� � J � y I � r/� O 6 � �� // N 4..� I ` Z�E6 _ �/,��l�f�-//'. O` 16Q� s� 'l �9p�'� � �� { � �io.o6: �f1/1.,,. �°';7flt� a (� � � � � � i es.is ��.���, °' 7 "� y� �� '�� � i2i.e' l �t � .� � � i��.� i�/ ,�.�ri• �" � . `�i����;.; ii�.�iri,/j%O//,%/////i%���'�;%'if%�'��..�,��� '.. < .a ; �j�00�.�'0 8 � oo �i�. s�,� - � ,�,/�/,/////%//////O- / � � > � �`='S N87°59E C� °'� � 9�. o t 60.16 62.5 6.E\g ia�`vi o,�`6 ��� 9p O �.c�o�. � �'y9 F. \' --y 300 N87� 52 jt`'J��i � 0 2 � 2G00 �o �i4 �, �� 960 ina� POINT °� 801 802 L03 ��00 % g � �°° `'6 `° 2800 0 ;Hp�µ��!GNTS % 3 — �` _3BAc. .38Ac. 26Ac. �s �-�Q m -�o° �,o !7 V,� o am°a �� �c�° 250a �,�o bh7�``�� ��o9m�, �8 � 'I N No ��c� 1 ��i o 1�� 'o If �' ��� �'��o0 299G `'sa �o P'. � QC k� 'lo' 24Q� � � °' '7 �0 9 RS.IBR`r - a °• .` o•° o ��� � I 9 a �r.63� a5�"�',r �09A LJVd ao O �� 'l�O �� � R�3j� 2 � �� t �:'= L.:>t�o= � �� c�@'o / � H 89°S1�14`E <n��� 0 . . i 40' � '4 O„ p O � !1 Q.0 u�.� , _ - � * 2�0� a �. � � 300� �`�• 2�q� „ . r �� � 1�° ti i',� , � o° �59 � � - yo w asz�.o TRACT � 2��� `,o o � o'�� � w c 4i ?�I�Q i�,x so.o<' a�.0 62 �� o.:� 2.0 a °� 800 �2 0� o S TRACT��A�� �;.`� h h �, ' � �°' � � ���°` 2 I m 3.1TAc. � � 2 o ' ' �cA' � N>oo i2i.�i ���� o\B�S�E >5�B`53'� 30 0 Bf.lt �� � y�b\� N�o���50 0 ��J�� 7 N85�59 09�E 3 32dQ �. 0 3400 3300 � � - ��. / 3600 ° p a� J 9y � o 0 0 0 22 m ���, f� 7 g�/ 'fu 'J?�,�D 26 -Q o �4 Q 23 ° Q � � SU�JECT � ° � , _ , � , M 3TOO���s� F Z�� � Z R=;.o Jo _ SfTE . � 45. 9 .'� tr .3 6S O-�: oti�' � 6�s\4 7 0 7 0 �6 � � 27 � R_3T, �?r41.79 N85'S9 ���E 2 +n 9� Q �.�• @_)9.�: . N$2°�a�q E a�, 20.68 `r 62 �Yh : . � T� 70 •) 3�00 y ,0 4200 ;4��0� �,u.ez ; 40�J0 41�0 f$ �,� 3904 0 � o 28 ��,��� �� Q �i ; �3 2 0� 33 P ,,o•;�� gC� 30 � - Z � - -. Z�3 o.t.c. -3' . - - .�,i,l,��-�.,'�,,y ...-r.'�_ � ° H�CKUN � . � �: JOHY L. WLY. S.W. COR. - �OLTN IINE `z 585°56�40�'��' 70.01 73.38 J OH N L H ICKLI k ip;�i IAL PO+t:�L ' 70.01 70.C1 D.L.C. N0.3 T . I2Z09 � (300.35) , . � 5 g7°i3�M� '�„ � o � � • <.=,�5�� t��AP _ �� _ _� ._.., _ _ _. . ,. - . - - ' - _ - - - - . .., << �_ � -�...• � . _ �_ , ._. - ..���._ _� _ � �._ , G l UiS l _ _ _ . _ OREGON ASSOCIATION.OF REALTORS°- OFFICIAL EARNEST M�NEY CONTRACT � __� ;ar� ----o�.�o�, Apri�4 '�z_-,,9 7� I.D.NQ. � Jackson-Gotter, a partnersh,ip � hereinaftercalled��P���r��,° � REALTOR" 1•Received of 2. Th�sum of;, 1���0•�0 in the fnrm of(check,msh,nolel as earnest money and part poyment lor Ihe purchnse of fhe ial lowing deuribed real estate � '�. siroated in Ihe City of Tiga rd ,Co�nly of Wa sh.ington ti�d Sfate of Oregon,to wil; ( See attach.ed descrix�tion ,,,5 which we have thfs day sofd to Ihe said purchaser,subject to Ihe ap oval of Ihe ulln, � 6. forlhewmof Fifteen thou�and and no 104 - - _ -_- - - - -- - - o,,,a„� 15,0(�0.00 7. on fbrfollowing inms,fo wiN The sum,hereinabow receipted far,of .. +1 �da��� , .......... ... .. .... .... ... .... .. f � , d. f on ,19 cs addilional earnesl mone ,the sum of............. .... ......... ; -� , } y z14 OOO.UO . 15,000.00 ' � on Owner's a[ceptance • � 9. Upon accepfance of tifla and delivery of deCd ar confrnct,Ihe sum of...... ......� ... ........... .. ....... � , � . ,o. rti.�b��.oi lYon� noua., s 11. payable w(iffews: 1z Surveying costs will be shared eauallY between seller __ a ,,, r and �urcbaser. �,. _ - -- . _ - � �s. i 6. Thapu rthaser sholl reimburu fhe seller fm sums held in Ihe reserve account o!vny indebtedness assumed i�fhis tranwcfion,in addition ro tMe purchasrprice. . 17. Thrsdlw shaH furnish to the purchaser in d�e course a NU�insurance policy in Ihe amount of Ihe purchase price ol fhe real eslate}rom a lille insuronce company showing good and L�, markelabl�title. Prior to closing the honsoction,ihe sell�x, upon requesl,wilf fumish to fhe purchaser a preliminary reporl made by a Ntle insurance company showmg Ihe condifion of � 19, fM tiN�ta�soid proprrf.y. 4t is ogretd tiwf if Ihe seller does nol opprove the above sale wilhin Ihe period allowed NEALTOR�below in which to sec�re seller's acceptance,or i/th�fitleio Ihe 20, soidp�emises is not marketable,a cannol be made so within thirty doys oHer nofice containing a wrinen slatemenl of defeds is deliva�d lo seller,or if Ihe seller,hariny appraved said 21. sah 9ails fo conwmmate 1he same,the eqmesl money herdn receipted for shall be refunded and seller shall pay tor Ihe cosl of tille insuranm,escrow and Irgal fees,i(any,but the auep- 42..Iante by Ihe purcfiasx of the ref�nd does not constitute a waiver of othe.r remedies available to him. 23. But if Ihe a6ove sale is appreved bq the.eller,and title fo wid premisas is markdable,and the purchasn neglecls a refuses ro compiy with any condilions of sale within ten(10) 24. doys hom the fvrnishing of a preliminary fifle report,or make payments promplly as herelnabove sef forfh,fhen fhe earnest money and addilianal earnest money herein receipted fa + 25. sha1J be forfeifed,Ihe cost o(fitk insurance,escrow and aMorney fees paid,and the remainder divided ea�ually befween fhe seiler and 1he REAITORUto Ihe extmt of agreed iee,and the ' 26. rrsidua,if any,paid ro fhe seller os liqoidafed damages und this tontract thereupon shall be of no further binding affect. If suit oc action is(iled on ihis contrad,the party not preva�ling 27. agr�es to pay th�prevailin9 paAies'reasonable attorney fees which shall be fixed by ihe court or m�rls in which the suit or action,includiny ony appeal therein,is tried,heard or dacided. , 26. The yxaptrty is to be sonveyed Ree and clear oi oll{iens�nd encumbrances lo dafe excepi:oniag or,dinonces,building and use reshicfioos,reservafions in Federal patenfx,and _ 29. - ,o. No attaer -- ' 31. All lighf fixtures and bulbi, fluqres�enl lamps, Venet�an bhnds, window and door screens, storm wmdows and doors, linoleum, at+ached television ontennas, cortojn, . 32, towel aed drapery rods, shrubs and trees, and irrigaPion, plumbing ond hcwting equipmen6 eacepl fireplace equipmeM fhal is nof altached in any manner to th�e slrutture, a�d � 33, nllfixWresexcept._ NO �''�C'�dp�l'a�� 34. aro to be le}t upon!he premises as part of the properfy purchased.The(ollowing persoiwt proparly is alao included as part of the propeHy purchaud for wid purchase price: 3s. - None � _ ��- --------- c�.asi 5olim and purchaser agree ro prorale the laxes for the currenl ta� year, rents,interesi,and ofher ilems Qs of �- � � ��. Pnmiums for exisfing insurance may be prorated o�a new policy issued at purchoser's�ption. Purchaser agrees to pay the seller for fuel,if any,��V g�k at���possession.fn- ,_t�. cumbronces lo be discharged 6y seller may.be¢wid at his oplion oul of p�rchase money at date of ciosing. pa�e of dosing on ar belore � Q 39. SELIER AND PURCHASER AGREE TNAT SUBI,ECT SALE {����} be closed in es�ruw, the cosl 01 which shali be shared e!qually betwaen sellw mid purchosar. Po3ses�ion of 40. fhe abave described premises is fo be delivered to the purchaser on or be}ore C�0�'1°� ,19_- or as won IhKreafter as exisliny laws and 41. rrgulallons will permit removal ol tenantx, if any. Time Is af Ihe cssertce of ihis conlract. Following exhibils are attached and maJe a paA hereoi:1(li Inlended use stalement,❑ 42. 12)Fww6i�irystatamenhC] (3)Olhers:I,�, ��dendL-m _ SPECIALCONOITIOMi: SP.1.�-�T wl.l�, a1.�-OW ur" a3. . c`ha�er _�o sur�face cl�an tE�.�_.prop� �v before c osi if de�ir�d. Bot�. : 44. _ urchasers have active real es�ate licenses. .�- .W� �c. wy. 45. ListingREALTORQ:_�►�LPm Gotter ealt�ere�h,„�: -3g 17.11 Addros. �e• A6 YeilingREAITOR�: Sa111 Gotter R�aZt�r�S-Phone:��9�11'1Z sy; Address; g�r a a�. AGREEPAENT TO PURCHASE oa,. Prl , lA�� A.M. �•�M• �0. 1 fiereby agree fo purchase the obave desuibGd prupaty in its prosenl coadition ot Ihe p�ice and on tha lerms and conditions set falh above, aad g,rant soid REALTOR�a 49, periotl of 3 days heYeaffer to secure seller's aaceptance hereo4,durieg which period my offer shali wpt be subjecf ro revocaRon. Deed or conhacl is to be preoared in 1he i I so. ,�mear Jacksori-Gott�r, a martnersh.i� - �� S1. 6ocknowledge receipl of a copy of the}oregang of(er to buy and rcaroest money receipl bwring my signalurep. thal of f RE OR� . � 52. Addr�- P��• 807� 2 �l C�f -�1'�'��'C� � Ore• PURCHAS : . 63q���.1 RCHASEQ:� i ,� 53. Ph�o,��ne ,� � sa. AGREEMENT TO SELL opr ,�q A.M, v."". � 55, I hereby approve and accepl 1he sole of fhe above described property and 1he priu a� diNons as s i e greemenl and agree to turnish a B11e imura�rc� 56, policy cootinued to date os afwewid skowing good and morkefable litlu, elso t6� wid d e or c ntrad, f r:,. 57. Addr�cs 4HI.ER: ` 58. ►hone SELLER: �_ , sv. DELIVERY TO Pl9RCHASER ' � *� I oa�� ,i 9 60. The undersigned p�rchaser acknowledges receipt of IMe foregdng earneit money receipt bearing his signalure and that of tf�ulla showing arceplaoce. ,.� 61. PURCHASER _ PURCHASER: ' I� ¢?. SELLER$f1051NG INSTRUCTIONS 8�FEE AGREEMENY nd� , i�-,� '� ,Z ,�q� r N�j1e Po�ssrvices rendered in Ihis tra�sacfion. ��;,� I agree Po pay 4u tMe above named REALTOR5�a fee amounfing lo; 64. 1 authorize said REALTOR��to order tHle insvransQ�a�emisesea aKlebrumealorb}oro closi�Pal Insl ufcfhREALTOR�oePsoesine�heCllenls Trusff Ac o�vnl,or�'in1asoeutml escrou� ' 65�. cording(ees,i(any,as well as any encumbtances on p. p Y � Y '? 66� deposirory,fhe above described earnesl money deposit until needed in fhe closing of the transot' n. now.ledge receipl of c p }this coofradbenring my signatuee aodthcf of tFt� 67�. purchoser named.above,and o}REALTORm., ,` � � . � . \ s SEILER: 68. Addrest -`--�' 69. Phanc _` __ SELLRR: - �;: . OM" eEntroR�s�carv �� �H��: i� A LEGA�LY BINDING CONYRACT. IF NOT UNDERSTOOD, SfEK COMPETENT ADVICE. ` �