Planning Commission Packet - 05/04/1976 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. �.-.,.,� , _ x ��: ���, y,.�� . AGENDA � e`�' � Tigard Flanning Commission May 4, 1976 - 7:30 p.m. � Twality Junior Hi�h School - Lecture Room 1.4650 S. Vd. 97th A�renue, Tigdrd, Ore�orl 1. CALL TO ORDER.: 2. FtOLL CALL o 3. APPftOVAL OF MINUTES: 4. COMMtJNICATIONS: 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 5.1 ZONE CHAIVGE 7C 4-76 (Roberta 0'Donoghue) A request by Roberta 0'Danoghue �or a zoning map amen.dment to zone a parcel of land at 7310 SW Spruce, presently zoned County RU-4 (ur'ban residential) to Gi�ty R-7 �single family residential) . (Wash. Co. tax map 1S1 3bAC, tax lot 3700) . 5.2 ZONE CHANGE 7C .5-76 (Hansen-Fletahe .r-Parsons) A request by Hansen-Fletcher-Parsons for an amendmen.t ta a planr.aed devel.npment �pproved J�une 10, 1974, for pr�perty �.ocated at the southeast corner o� SW 72nd and SW Varn.s R. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 1D, tax lot 90Q) . 5.3 VARTANCE V 4-76 (Charles McC�.ur�) �,�'�µ� A request byy Charl�s McClure for a variance to the fron.-� �� yard setback requiremen�ts in a C-3M (Main St. General CommErcial) zone on a parael of land a+ 9250 SW Tigard St. (Wash. Co. t�.x map 2S1 2AB, ta:� l�t 3400) . � 6. MISCELLANEOUS: 6.1 FLOOD PLAIN FTLL PERMIT r� 9-75 (Hot�re Lee) A request for a fl,00d plain fill �ermit to fill lands pre- sently si-tizated within the l0U year flood plain, lo:ca�;ec� � �:t 91�0 SW Burnham St. (Wash. Co, tax map 2S1 �AC, �.ot 200). (tabled from February "17, 1��76, meeting) ? 6.2 SIGN CODE APPEAL SCA a-76 (Oregon Food Service) � I A request by Earl Adams for a vari�nce of Title 16, Sign ! F�egulations, S�cti�n 1�6.40.010 - fla�s, banners, political , SigY1S. � , 6.3 SIGN CODE .APPEAL SCA 6-76 {Martell, In:c. dba Doug's Au.to �arts)� A re uest by D�ug1�s Martell for a variance to Sec�ion Z6.36, � 040 �9) of the Sign Gade -to allow a wall sign in excess of � 20% of the wall sur�ace at 12175 aW Main St. j 7. OTHER BtJS2NESS: _i �. ADJOURNMENT: I �rtw 1 , I ! 1 � .. . .. . . . . . . .. . i � � . � . . � . . . . . � �. � � . � . . . .. .. S �� . . � . . . � , . . . .�.���� . . , . . . .. ; .; u.__. '1 , ^ r' . _� , A`i•,.�' � �, ��%��"�'� ��,s: ��;�� .� �, MINUTES �:���� Ti�ard Planning Commission May 4, 1976 - 7030 p.m. Twality Jr. High School - Lecture Room 14650 S. W. 97th Ave. , Tigard, Qregon. l� CALL TO ORDER; The meeting was Galled to �rder at '7:35 p.m. by Commissioner Porter in the absence of Chair-- man Popp. 2. ROLL CALL: Present; Goldbaeh, Moore, Nicoli, Phillip�, Porter, Sakata, Tepedino; staff: Bolen, Daniels Excused Absen,ce. Krause, Pnpp 3. APPROVAL (JF N�TNUTES: The 4/20/76 minutes were approved as subnnitte d. 4 u CDT�IUNICATIONS; 1VTone. 5 o PUI3LIC HEARINGS 5�1 ZOIVE C�iANGE zC 4-76 (Ra'berta 0'Donoghue) .A reyuest by Roberta 0'Donoghue for a zone map �.rnendment to zone a parcel of land at 7310 SW Spruce, presei�.tly zone�. county RII-4 (urban resi,d�ntial) to City R-7 (single �� family residential) . (Wa�h. Ca. �;ax map 1S1 36AG, tax lot 3700) . A. Staff Report: read by Dan,iels. B. Applicant PresentatiUn: None. C. Public 2'estimonyt Non.e D. Staff R�commendation: Staff reconnmended approval of the zone clzange to R-7, based cn the following; 1) R-7 zoning conforms to the TCP as it applies to ;�I this area. 2) R-7 is closest to county zoning RU�4 in dimen�ional ' ', and use requirements. E. Comm�.ssion Discussion and. Action o Sakata moved and Goldbach secnnded -�o approve the zone c:hang� request �ased on staff �inding�.. o Motion approved by unanimous voice �vote. � 5.2 ZONE CHANGE 7C 5-76 (Hansen-Fletcher-Parsons) ;, �-�� :a . i �;. .�s> .� �;; � page 2 I PC Minutes � E� � 5/4/76 �..; �' A request by Hansen-Fletcher-Par�ons for an am�ndment � to � planned development approved 1/10/74, for property �I 1.ocated at the southeas�; corner of SW 72nd and SW Varns Rd. (Wash. Ca. tax map 2S1 1D, tax lot 900) . A. Staff Report: read by Bolen. �i B. Applicant�s Preseiztation: � ��'� u o Mr. Robert Fletcher, applicant, stated that the 4 need for the �hange from i�he originally approved � plan is necessitated by a changE in th� m�rket, h which is not presently con.ducive to lar�er office � buzldings. The present mark�t is favorable for � smaller, owner-occupied nffice buildings. He ; also stated that limiting the buil.ding coverage F! to 40/ would l�a�e adequat� open space an.d ��r�c�- �, scaping around the buildings much in excess o:f �; what is required in M-4 zoning. �j I o Mro Hilton Smith, economist for the applicant, ; stated that a good exam�le of the lack �f a gaod �� I' market for large office buildings can be reflected � ``� in Zi.n.colnwood Office Building which exhibits a �; high vacancy rate. o Moore a�sked a'bout what the intention was in regard to the land.--locked parcel. labeled as lot 15. i � o Fletcher respanded they did not presently contem- � plate the southerly extension of the interior ; � street, but were leaving that option open should it present itself_. o Goldbach stated �that the preliminary concept was � soun,d and that a staff/applicant Gonference would be in order to iron out the dimensional dif�erences which were pointed out in the staff report. o Bolen stated that when Smith and Hanssn f�rst con� ` tacted him about the development of the property or about revising the general development plan, he informed them that they had a unique piece of property in this p�rt of the City and that it should be developed to take advantage of those on- site amena.tzes. � o Barry Rand, representative of Campbell-Yost and �„ Grube, consulting architects for the project, stated that the first alternative proved to be �. �� , E��� pa�e 3 � }: � PC Minutes 5/4/76 � . unec�n.omi.c and that they are willing to work wi.th staff to settle the dimensional problems. i There being no further public testimony, the public me�tin.g was closed. E. Commission Discussion and Action o Porter stated that the concept, as presented by the applicant, conforms to the Comprehensive P1an; that the maz�ket has changed in regard to office space; and tha,t the presented deti*elopment concept fulfills a community need for office space in the Tigard area. o Goldbach questioned whPther the property could be u�ed as M-4. o Bolen, responded that the only use that �ould be made of that propert,y is as per the Plar�.n.ed Develop- men-t agreement. o Porter question,e�. what the previous zoning was. � o Bolen responded that the parcel vaas previously zoned R-- and if the P annin Co;nrni ion fin.d h 7 1 g ss s t at t:his PD cannot be i�.itiated within a year, then. they may :ini�iatP rezon.ing proceedings to revert that zoning to R-7. " o Goldbach stated �that the concept was OK and �;he details needed to '�e wo.rked out and urged a staff/ , applicant conference. o Nicoli stated tha.t he also felt the concept was sound. . o GoldbaCh moved and Saka�ta seconded to table the re- quest until after an applicant/staff.meeting and th� applicant is willing �to reappear with the request. o Motion. approved by unanimous voice vote. 5.3 VARIANCE V 4-76 (Charles McClure) A request by Charles McClure for a variance to the side- yard se-�back requirements in a C--3M (general commerc�,al Main St. ) zone on a parc�l of land at 9250 SW Tigard St. (Wash« Co. tax map 2S1 2AB, tax lot 3400) . � Nicoli abstained from hearing th.e matter. i L� . __ _. _ ..__ _ _._ _ .._ -- . _ _ _ _ _ , �`7 �`+�:�.: page 4 PC �inutes May 4, 1976 �:. A. Staff Reporta read by Daniels. B. Applzcant's Presentation; o Tepedino aaked whether an absent applicant aould have his propasal presented to the Tigard Plan:n.ing Commiss�_on by an agent or party who is not a member of the Oregon State Bar. o Bo1en stated tha�t the past practice has been to al"low this, but they would check with the City At�orney as tp its legaility and report back at t;he ne�t Pl�,nning Coanmission meeting. o Nlrs. Charlotte Olson summarized the request and stated that McClure is also willing to main�ain the �:i�hway embankment, which landscaping has been allaw�d +� c�eteriora.-��. C a Publa.c Testa.mony: None. D. S�taff Recommendation: Staff recommended approval of the varzance ta a11ow a reduction in the sid�yard � setback from 10' to 2' , subject to the fo7lowin,g �w conditions: 1) Th� improvements at the corner of Tigard and Main Sts. be extended along this property with curb, sidewal.k, half-street improvements; 2) A 5 f-e. right-of-way dedica-tion be provided so as to provide room for the half s�reet improve- merxt. � E. Comrnission Discussion and Action � o Porter s-�ated tha� k�e agreed with staff recommendation and that the variance was not injurious to the Tigard Muriicipal Code. I o Goldbach moved and Moore seconded to approve the variance based on staff findings. ' o Motion approved by unanimorzs voi�e vo�t;e, with Nicoli abstaining. 6. MISCELLANEOUS � 6.1 FLOOD PLAIN F'ILL PEFiMIT M 9-74 (Howe E. Lee) � A request for a flood plain fill perm�.t to fi11 lands � /. . � �, ��^ Pa�e 5 ���,�,: PC Minutes 5,�4/76 presertly situated within the 100 year flood plain. located at 9110 SW Burnham St. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 2AC, tax lot 200) . A. Staff Repart: read by Bolen. B. Applicant's Presentation: o Mr. Jack St. Clair, architet;t far the applicant, � summarized the request. o Mr. Frederick C. Cooper, prnfessional engineer with Cooper and Associates, in.troduced exhibit ��A��, which explained the impact which this fi17_ would have on the 100 year flood plain of Fanno Creek. o Bolen question.ed whether the fill would have an.y impact upon �the storage capacity of the �loodway, as opposed to the curren�L rri�tinr� as�ociated with the floodway. o Cooper responded that the flood plain's cagacity for starage in the event of a 1.00 year flood would be lessened, but �that if a 13,000 cubic yard �`ill were �: permitted., it would amount to displaceme�.t o� about 1��� of water along a ane mile section. of the Fanno Creek f2oodway. , o Ms. Hann.eman., property owner downstream and t� the south, questzoned Mr. Cooper as to the impac�; it ' woul.d hav� on her property. ; a Cooper re sponded tha�t it would be negli�ible. o Cooper also stated that the �i11 would have no impact on erosion. C. Public Testimony o Dick Mi11er stated that constrictions along the fl.00d plain, associated with fi11s and o�h.er man�ade features such as Grimsted Bridge, have constricted the f�ow of wat;er of Fanno Cre�k and have caused unnecessary flooding. o Mr. Herman Buchholz, neighbor, also stated that by filling the flood pTain additional �looding would be resultant. �° D. Staff Recommendation: Approval of-a fill. concept, sub- °�., ject to the following condition,s: � , . ._.. ,,.. , � .... ..... .. . . . . . ...- , . , . , �. � ,��> ��"', page 6 � �"` PC Minut e s �'"� 5/4/76 �"` l. Net fill brought to the site not exceed 5 000 � cubic yards. 2. Aver�.ge slope of 1:60 to be maintained within the ��10 year flood plain" (elevation less than 146� MSL frc,m low water surface ta edge of parking area) . 3. No slopes exceed 1:20 for mnre than 2 ft. rise. 4. That a specific devel.opment plan be submitted. and stamped by a pro.fession.al engineer with demonstrable expertise in hydrology and that it be reviewed bv the Army Corps of Engine�rs and the City Engineering Dept, before final approval. 5. Subsurface drainage be provided to drain hard-� surface wa-ter areas. • 6. All areas no� usPCl for parking, buildirigs, access or pedestx�ian way be landscaped with suitable flood- ab1P materials. 7. An easement be dediGated �'or bikeway right-of�way and streazn access, said easemEn� to be n�gotiated � by applicant with City, subject to staff approval and n.e�otiated prior to Commission reView of the �inal �lan. 8. 10 ft. of additional right-of--way be d.e�icated along SW Burnham St. 9. Applicant waiver his right to remonstrate �gainst stree-f; improvement LID on. Burnham St. 10. The con-tours o�' the southwest property line mee� . the contours now existing on the adjacen�t proper�ty and an appropriate slope als� b� provided as nated in condi-tion #3. o Upon responding to a question from �orter, Nlr. St. Clair stated that the ap�licant was agr�eable to the �taf_f conditions. E. Commission Discussion and Action o Moore stated that he �elt there was a need to have a more detailed plan drawn up for Planning Commission review prepared by �. qualified hydrologist. � o Phi:llips moved and Goldbach seconded ta approve - the concept of the fil1, subject to -�he aonditions stated in the staff report. f� _ � '�` �'' ��_ , �> page 7 I'C Minutes 5/4/76 �. o Motion approved by majority voice vote, Moore dissenting. 6.2 SIGN CODE APPEAL SCA 5-76 (Oregon Food Ser�rice) A request by Earl Ada.ms for varian.ce to Title 16, Sign Regula-�i�ns, Sectian 16.40.010 - flags, banners, poli�ical , signs. I A. Staff Report: read by Daniels. B. Appl,icarit's Presentation: o Earl Adams, applicant, summarized the request an.d stated the situation. his company was in with regard ta FDA regulations. a Phill�.ps asked if air doors had bEen considered as remecly to the bird problem. a Adams respon.ded that they were too expensive. o Moore asked if the light could be turnEd off at sundown so it wouldn't be on in. the winter after , � dark, but before 6 p.m. . o �clams responded that it was possible to do that, C. P�.blic Testimon.y: None. , D. Staff Recommendation.: Approval, with the following condition: 1) that a �lashing light on1,y b� operated during normal busin�ss hours. ' E. Camm:ission Di�cussion and Action o Moore stated that normal business hours during the winter months would, in all probability, be durin.g non-daylight hours and r�ecommended instead tha�t the flashing light only be opera-�ed during daylight hours. o Sakata stated that the applicant has proven a need for the variance and have an unusual hardship because their plant on Hunzi�er does not have this problem., nor is it shared by other operators in this general area. A,� I�_ . _ ' � ., � � page 8 ��; PC Minutes 5/4/76 �� a Sakata moved and Tepedino second ��that the variance to allow pennants and a flashing light be approvEd, o Phillips stated that; the approval should only be given for a 12 month period and at the End of that ' time be r�-evaluated ta determine if the problem still exists and whether all of �;he remedies now ' being used are necessary. '' o Moore recomrnended that the applicant be able tc use his own judgment whether they still have the prob'lem and leave it to the applicant�s own volition. to re- move the flashing light and banners when the problem no longer exists. o Motion was approved by majority voice vote with Phillips dissenting. 6,3 SIGN CODE APPEAL SCA 6-76 (Martel.l, Inc, dba Doug's Auto Par�s) Staff informed the Commissix�n that this item had been ' removed from �the agenda upon discovery that no variance . is necessary. � 7. OTHER BUSINESS Sta�f distribu�ed copi�s af the Fasano an.d Baker Suprenie Cour°t decisions to Commissioners who had voiced an in�erest in receiving those at the l�st Comnlission workshop. � o. ADJOU�NMENT: There reino no �'urt�er business, the m�eting was ad.journed about 10:35 p.m. �� ; � _ _ x � Q.�;�:T i � . , STAFF F�tEPORT Tigard Plannirig Commission r,, May 4, 1976 -- Agenda Item 5.1 � Docket ZC 4-76 Request: a zone change from county zoning "RU--4" (residential II!I urban - 4 u.nits/acre) to Ci-ty zoning "R-7'� (single �, family residen.tial) for a recently-�annexed pa-rcel. , I Location.: 7310 SW Spruce St. , behind Fred Meyer Sho ping renter (Vdash. Co, tax map 1S1 3�AC, tax lot 3700�. � � Applicant: Roberta 0'Donoghue/City of Tigard BASTC FACTS: � � .l. On Febr^uary 11, 1976, th� Portland Metropolitan Area Boundary ; Commis�ion approved, by final order, annexation of a parcel at i 7310 SW Spruce St. (Wash. Co. tax map 1S1 36AC, tax lot 3700) . � 2. Secti:oa.z 18.12.020 of the TMG authorize� the City Council to direct the Planning Commission. to conduct such proceedings as rnay be necessary to conform the existing county lznd use to City zoning clesignations. � 3� On April 12y 1976, the City Coun.cil adopted Ordinance 76-17, ; ra�tifying, confirming and rPCOrdin.� thP annexation which also 4 ., authori�ed and directed the Planning Commission to conduct �, such proceedings as may be nec�ssary to conform the zoning and lan.d use p1an. desi�n.ation� to the requirements of the TMC. 4. The parcel in question is pr�sently zoned ��RU-4" (urban resi- dential) and designated as �'urban" on the Washington County Framework Pl.an. of 1973. "RU-4" zone classification requires " 7,000 sq. ft. minimum lot sizes exclusive�.y for single family � cl,�el1.i�.gs, I FINDING�S: I l. In order to be in conformance with the Tigard. Commun.ity Plan, I a residential district witYi a density of less than 4.0 units/ , acre must be adop-ted. ' i 2. Of the three residential zoning distri�ts, "R-7" is identical in minimum 1ot size requirem�n.ts and closest to ��RU-4�� in other � dimensional requirements, i.e. �uilding height, setbacks, lot � � cover�.ge. ; ; 3. The annexed par�ei. would be bordered by "R-7�� on the east and '�C--3" on the svuth. 4. The int�nded use is as a da.y nursery, which is a conditional use in an "R-7�� zone. � STAFF RECOMN�NDATION: APPROVAL nf th� zone change �rom coun�y "RU-4" to City "R-7'�. � � _. �� . � � r � �,.rt;� . F • STAb�F REPORT ���. �, Tigard Planning Commission � May 4, 1976 - 7:30 p.m. �: Docket ZC 5-76 - Item 5.4 f' (A resubmission of zr 2-74) (; Request: An amendment to a 9.36 acre commercial planned ?� development, approved Jun.e 10, 1.974. ;; ,� Location: Southeast corner of SW 72nd. and SW Varns Rd. (Wash. i! Co. tax m�p 2S1 1D, tax lot g�0) . :' � Applicant: Hansen-Fletcher-Parsons , FINDINGS '� ;� lo The applican.ts have requested an amendment to a planned develop- !'' 'ment approved June 10, 1974, by Ordinance 74-28 for tax l�t 900, '; Wash. Co, tax map 2S1 1D. �1 2. The �ite is presently in forest cover �� mainly first and second � growth Douglas Fir, oa.k, spruce, a�h and alder. trees w�.th den.se underbr�ush, ferns and mass. ,� ; 3. Ordinance No. (4-28 approved an M�4 - P.D, as shown on the '� general development plan (will be available for exhibit) with i the following conditions; � i� i� �_ ��(a) The property owner(s) shall dedicate t� the pu'blic 10 ft. of additional right-of-way parallel S. Wo 72nd Avenue and adjarent the subject site. " (b) The property owner(s) shall construct a half street improvEment, said improvement plans shal7_ generally foll�w the � recommendations of the applicant's submitted traffic circulation � � study, and shall be approved by the Washington Caunty Departmen� r' of Public �U?�k�� said traffic circulati.on being contained within. Exhibit 'E'of Ordinance No. 74-28. 6 C "�(.c) The praperty owner(s) shall agree to participate .in x a local improv�mEnt district for the purpose of improving S. W. ( Varns St. to City local street standards, said agreem.ent shall be executed as a recordable covenan.t runn.ing with the land. b (d) The storm drainage plan of the site shall be subject � to the a�proval of the City of Tigard and the Washington County ; Public Works Departments. (e) The property owner(s) sha11 submit for review and approval of the Ci�;y Attorney, a draft o� a Property Ov�.zers Association agreement to b� used i�f the ownership of th� build- ings is divided, said agreement ta clefine the responsibility for comm�n area main.tenance and to assure access to each builcling. � � �, � a �" page 2 �; PC Staff Repor� ItEm 5.4 , 5/4/76 �: �, (f) Prior to the issuance of building permits for each phase of construction, the property owner(s) sha.11 submit to the City planning staff, for review and a�pravay, a detailed landscape plan for each construction phase. Said landscape plan shall describe the size, locati.on, and spacing of plant materials and how said plant materials ax°e to 'be maintair_ed. (�) The property owner(s) shall construct a sidewalk with stor�m drainage facilities nece�sary �Lo enabl_e construc tion af a sidewalk on the westerly side of SW 72nd Avenue from SW Varns St. to SW Gherry Ste for �he purpose of public trans- portation. Construction plans foi^ said sidewal.k and necessa:�y storm drainage facilities shall be subject ta the approval of the City and C�unty Public Works departments. Said sidewalks and necessary storm drainage facilities shall be completed within six months from i;he date of issuance of any buildin.g per- mit for the subject project. (h) The property own�r(s) shall provide curbs between all landscaped areas and parking 1ots. " 4. Summarizing Section 18.56>O10 of the T�.g�rd Municipal Code, the purpose of the planned development district is to allova design flexibility to accen�Luate and enhance the un.ique ameni.ties ; �> of' a particular site, while a� the same time �.chievin.g econoznies i in land development, maintenance and utilities systems. It is i questionable whether this concept goes much beyon.d the develop- � ment �f a standard bu.siness subdivision. No attem�t to inte- grate the common fun.cti�ns of the individual uses has �een por- tray�d, nor -to li_nk the entire developmen.t around a central , place or feature. The previously-approved Plann.ed Development � provided a park-like setting (slightly over 1 acre) which the ' � buildings were grouped ar�und. The new proposal could resul.t ; in total buildin.g floor area of 107,320 sq. ft� , if a1.1 buil.dings � a,re single story, or 214,658 sq. ft. , i� all the buzldings are � two st�ry, rather than the original '104,600 sq. ft. The land + coverage would increase from 64,000 sq. ft. to 107, 329 sq. ft. Buildin.g land coverage ha� inc;reased from 15.7/ of the t�tal site area to 30%. The landscaped area has decreased from 43/ � to 40/. The amount of parkin,g space has been reduced by 10% over the original plan. Staff wou"ld a1No like to know the � total number of spaces proposed in the amended plan. f r While staff realizes that the type of commercial development ` being proposed must, of necessity, use more land area, the ; . proposed scheme do�s not produce the amenity found in the € original plan, nor does it sufficiently capitalize upon the � unique setting that coi�,sists of this site. C � 5. 7.'he request for the �;hange addressed all plan and program elements � except the ��genera�_ timetable of development". � t � t � , ¢ _ _ , . , . I� _ ' . page 3 ,��'". PC Staff Repor�� Ttem �.4 5/4/76 � 6. The proposed land use is consistent with the underlying M-4 zone, but the density significantly exceeds that cal.led ior in the zone. M-4 requires a minimum 40,000 sq. ft./lot, whereas the proposal specifies 19,628 sq. ft. 7. Section 16.36.050 of the TMC allows one free-standing directory j sign at the entrance to the park from SW 72nd Ave. , a designated collector street in the Tigard Community Plan. The total al.low-- able sign surface is 250 sq. ft. , if multi-faced, with park tenants identified by no more than 4 sq. ft. Each tenan,t is allowed one free-standing sign riot to exceed 8 ft. in height an.d 32 sq, ft. in surface. The proposed lotting pattern would allow 13 free-standing signs along the interior stree�t;. The number of free-standing signs appears to be excessive and should either be subject to review by the D�sign Review Board or prohibited in lieu of wall mounted signs. 8. The park is to be serviced by� an internal public streete Section 17.28.130 of the TMC requires the minimuxn centerlin� radii af curves to be _100 ft. The proposal shows three subs�an.dard curves of 35 �'t. The City Engineering Dept. has stated that th� pro-- I posed alig�ment is unacceptable as presented. �' � 9. Section 18.52.040 (1) of the TMC requires a fifty ft. setback ' fram a residential zone. The Ti�ard Communit P7_an and the z�ning map d�signate �he a.x°ea west of SW 7 nd as "urban low density resid�ntial" and ��,in�le �amily residential" , respectively. The setback measurements are calculat�d from the property line. In this ca�e the setbac� would be measured after the required. 1.0 ' d�dication on SW 72nd, n�t be�ore. as proposed. Due to ' the long range commitment in the Tigard Communit Plan to main.tain this reside�ntial area, the 50 ft, requi.rement o�the underlyin.g ' M-4 zone should b� mainta�.ned. l0o No spe�ifiaations on ligYitin�; were submitted. 11.. Sectian 17.28.040 of the TMC requ.ires that the minimum right-of-- way width for business and in.dus�trial street� be 60� with 44' of pa�vemen.t vridth. The proposal shows a 50' right-of-way with a 34' pavement width� Considering the number and frequency of vehicles assaciated with the thirteen in-�erior offices, the minimums addres�ed. in the TMC sh�uld either be adhered to or onpstreet parking should be restricted. If on--street parking is restricted, a 36� pav�ed. width is a pc�ssibility. 12. Section 1.7.32.Q30 (A) af the 7�'.MC requires 1.0' minimum utili-ty easPments to be deda.cated or provided for in deed r�strictior�s alon.g rear or siae lot lin.es. Nane were shown, on the. pre-- liminary proposal. � _ ,. .:...... .�. _.; ..__... .,.. _ � . __. ... p �4t page �E ,�f� i. PC StaFf Repox°� ;, Ttem 5.4 ; rr-. 5/4/76 !I C; `��„ !II 13. Seetion 17.36.040 of the TMC states that double frontage an.d � reversed fron.tage lots should be avoided except where essential. I Lot 11 is a multiple frontage lot and through �.ccess should be i 1 prohi.bited. k 14. Section 17.44.020 of the TMC requires that streets within the ; subdivision, and existing streets which abut the subdivision, shall be graded, constructed, reconstructed, surfaaed or repaired �� as determined by the Planning Commission with the advice of the ' City Engineer. Their recommendation is to consider SW Varns as a commercial street and require addition.al right-of-way dedication ; to increase its width to 60' . SW Varns is essen.tially unimproved dnd presents the options of creating a L.I.D. on the en�tire ; length of it or including its improvement from the southeast corner of lot 11 to SW 72nd as part of this application. A ;; hal.f street improvement on SW 72nd from the soutriern corner o:� lot 4 to the intersection with SW Varns has been �ecommended by th� engineering departmerit. 1.5. Sec�;i�n. z7.44.050 requires installation of public ,sewer lin.es on each lot, if � sewer main is within 300 f�t;. of the subdivision. The closest sewer main i.s approximately 600 ft. south, near San.dburg, and could be difficlzlt �to connect with due to the relatively shallaw depth of the main line at its n.orthern ter- �' �- niinus. Section 17.44,050 provides the Commission with twa � options, (1) recomm�nd cons-truction of an. assessment project to � � facilitate hooking up to the existin.g system; (2) approve an alternate dis osal s stem that would mee�L Count De t. of b�- P Y Y p � lic Health and State Departmen.-t of Environmen,tal Qu�lity Si;andar��s. � � i6. Section 17.44.060 requires �that drainage of surface water shall '' be �rovided as determined by the Planning Commis�ion. The pro- ' pasal states that an on-site storm drainage system will be con- structed i.n accordance with all local cades and ordinances. Since the storm drainage would necessarily be in-to state higYiway :�' and/or county right-of-way, the State Highway Dept. will require � an ��outfall drain.age" perrnit and the County requires a permit s �or storm drainage into ar onto County right-of-way. � ; H �-7. Access onto SW 72nd from lot 4 requires a Goun-ty access permit, as does the new interior street. An. a.lternative to providing an access directl�r onto �he collector street would be to create �' a common access point for lots 3 and 4 onto the new roadway along � the east line of l�t 3. �' 18. �To distance was given, from the intersection of SW 72nd an:d SW �" �� Varns. A minimum of 100' east of the SW 72nd ri�;ht-of-way should =' b� required so as to provide a saf� and adequate access point. ti; � This 100' minimum should also be maintained f�r access to lots �; 2 and 3. �� �.� �: �, f: r r: 1' .; ;:' � ,+m, Page � ��' PC Staff Repo�� `' 5/4/76 Item 5.4 �. 19. In orde.r to limit the number o� access poi,nts onto the interior street, common access/egress points should be provided. 20. Access on the southeast portion of 1ot 11 requires a sta-Le highway dept. access permit. The engineering dept. recommends that access to lo-ts 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 be permitted only ` from the irlterior street. 21. It appears from the proposed plot map that space is being reserved between lots 15 and 10 �'or an extension of the interior li street to the south property line. If this is the intent, adequate right-of-way for a 20' radius should be provided in the northeast corner of 1ot 10. 22. Section 17.44.070 of the TMC requires i�hat a11 util.ity lines sha11 be placed underground. No mention was znade in the sub� mitted material that this is the applicant's intention.. The present overheacl electric and telephane lines along SW �72nd should be placed undergro:und, if feasible, �s with the utilities within the subdivision. 23. The propasal shows a bus turn-out larle on SW '72nd. The specific location. shown may restrict southern visibility wh�n pulling �^` out o� �the new streeto Consa.dexation should be given. to locating �:.� it further south or at a point centering on the common bou.ndary line betwe�n 1.ots 1. and 2. ST.AFF RECOMMEND�TTON Staff recommends rejection of this preliminary concept. � i � _ . , � t i �. ����" �°_ STAFF REPORT �_, Tigard Planning Commisszon May 4, 1976 -- Agenda Item 5.5 Docket V 4-76 , Request: A variance to Section 18.30.040 TMC - Setback '� Requiremen-ts - in, a C-3M (General Comm�rcia"1 Main Street) zona to allow construction of an office building 2 ft. from the lot line instead of the required 10 ft. Location: 9?_50 S. W. Tigard Avenue (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 2AB, tax lot 3400) . Applicant: Charles McClure i BASIC FACTS: � l. � Tax lot 3400 of Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 2AB is designated ��C-3M�� � (Main StreEt General Commercial) . � 2. Section 18.30.040 of the TMC requires that, in a C-3M zone, j ��the minimum front yard sha11 be ten feet, landscaped and � maintained. �� : � � 3. Section 18.76.010 of the TMC authorizes th.e T�lanning Commission ; to grant variances from the requirements o�' Titl.e 18, where ; � it can �e shown that, owing to special and tanusual circum- � stances related to a specific piece of property, th� li-teral inter�retation a�' this title would cause an undue or unneressar� h�rdship. , 4. Section 18.76.020 of -the 'I`MC states that, ��No variance sha17_ be granter� by the Plarining Commissian uriless it can be shown ' ' that a11 of the following conditions exist: (1) Exceptional ar extraordinary conditioris applying to the property that do not appl.y generally to o�her � properties in the same zone ar vicinity, which con- ditions are a result of lot si7� or shape, topograp��.y, � or other circum�tances over which -the applicant has no control; (2) The varianoe is necessary �or the preservation of � a pra�erty right of the applicant substanti.ally the � same as is possessed by owners �f other property in the same zane or vicinity; (3) The au�horiza-tion of' the var�anc� shall not be materi- ally detrimental to the purposes of this title, be injurious to property in the zone or vicinity in whiGh the property is located, or be otherwise c3etri- mental to the objectives of any City development p1an, or palicy; �: , . ... . . . _ , . ,,, .. .. ,_ M,.. _ , ., _ . .._,.. ,... page 2 �� � PC St�ff Repo�, May 4, 1976 Ttem 5.5 (4) The variance requested is the minimum variance from the provisions and stan.dards of this title which will alleviate the hardship. �� 5. The applican�, has submitted a response to the question raised in the �.'MC as list�d in the above staff report. 6. Section 18.60.120 (5) (c) requires one parking space for each �50 sqizare feet of floor area. FINDINGS: l. The appl�_can.t has requested a variance t� Section 18.30.040 of the TMC to permit constructian. of a 1,600 5qo �t. office building in the C-3M zone on a parcel with an existin.g resi- dence and garage. 2. T� developed to TMC specifi.c�.tions, a building with �+00 sq. ft. �ess than desired could be construc�ed 3. The ].ot in question i.s approximately 5400 sq, ft. �-��. A vari�.nGe reducing the front yard setback tn Q' from 5 ' was granted. to lots 3100 and 3200 by the Planning Commission on �', December 19, 1967. 5. A varaance reducing -the front yard setback from 10' to 6° was �xanted to lot 3500 by the Plannin� Commi.ss?on on. September 3, 1974• 6, Tlie purposes for� requiring setbacks are for public safety and . to assure adequate open space for light and air. 7, Because the property abutting the sideyard is part of the highway right-of-way acquired for the Paci.fie Highway overpass and is highly unlikely ever to be developed, the intent of the TMC is being preserved, E3. Any further relaxation of t�.e setback provisions woul.d allow construction on the prnperty line and effectively eliminate the landscaping requirement. This variance is the minimum allowable and still allows landscaping. � � „,,, , . ���r , �';l !'":x� �"y�-. STAFF REPORT �` `'�' Tigard Planning Commission May 4, 1976 �;'� M 9-7� Agenda Ttem 6.1 FLOOD PLAIN FILL PERMIT A request for a permit to fill lands within the 1.egal flood plain of Fan.na Creek, l.ocated at 9110 SW Burnham St. APPLICANT'S PROPOSA.L See attached submission by applicant. STAFF FINDINGS 1. 'Irhis item was first 'brought to the Planning Commission on Nov. 5, 1974. It has since been tabled three times to allow the applicant to submit additional evidence to the Commission. TYie primary evidence lacking from each submission has b�en a plan prepared by an hydrolic en.gineer. This is required in Secti:o.n 18.57.060 (1) of the TMC, The pu•rpase of involving an hyarolic engineer is to enable the Commission to identify the impacts upon the fload plain and the effectiveness of any I arneliorative measures. At the last meeting (February 17, 197�) , �he Planning Commission directed staf� an.d the �pplicant to con- - tact the Army C�rps of Engineers and ob-tain. th�ir assessment j � �``r of the efF�cts that he ro o d �. t p p se pro�ec;t would have upon Fanra.o � Greek Flood Plain. This tv�as done and a copy of the corresponden.ce � between staff an.d the Corps is attached. ' � In his 1Ptter, Mr�. Huetter has gone as far as possible toward � advisin.g the Commis�sion in the absen.ce of more complete engin.eer- ' ` ing information (se� item 'c ' ) . In essence the Corps. has advised the Planning Commission that approvin� 5,000 cubic yards 'i of fi11 an this si�te, in an. area adjacent Burnham St. , will not be detrimental to the flood capacity or Fanno Creek. However, as Mr. Huetter explains in item 'd' of his letter, a threat � would exist if similar fil7_ing were allowed on man.y additional ` properties along th� creek, owing to the multiplier effect. ' Th�refore, if the Commiss.ion chooses to approve this applzcation, , it sl�?�u�.d in no way represent a precedent for ot�.er properties 1 in the flood plain. However, t�.is shouid na� �r-ove �o b° too diff'icult a preced�nt to avoid in that this entire 5 acre property is essentially unusable due to its almost total inc;lusion within ;� the flood plain. � , STAFF RECOMMEND.A,TION: Approval, subject to the conditions as follows: ; 7 l. Net fi11 brought to the site not exceed 5000 cubic yards. " � � 2. Average slope of 1:60 to be maintained within the ��10 year flood � � plain.�� (elevation less than 146� MSL) from low water surface '! to edge of parking area. � � � i' € c� r; �' ' ' . ; �'e'!�. ,�. ����� - pa�e 2 '�i� �' PC Staff Report �/4/76 �'I' Agenda Item 6.1 ��i �' �° 3. No slopes exceed 1:20 for more than a 2 ft. rise. {:! �� 4. That a specifie development plan. be submitted and stamped by �� a profession.al engineer with demonstrable expertise in l�ydraulics �;� and that it be reviewed by the Army Corps of Engineer�s and the ' City Engineering Dept. before final approval. t �! � 5. Subsurface drainage be provided to drain hard surface water. i`. , ; 6. All areas not used for parking, building, access or pedestrian ; wazr '�e landscaped with suitable floodable materials. i� ;; 7. An easemen.t be dedicatEd for bikeway right-of-way and stream � access, said easement to be negotiated by applicant with City, ii subject to staff a�prova)_. � � �, �3. Ten. .feet of additional r�.ght-of-way be dedicated on SW Burnham � � St. ; i 9. Applicant waiver his right to rem�nstrance of stre�t improvement � LID on Burnham St. � � ��. ' i: �I � .. . � F� F`�4 `�. �; �� � .. . . . Y . . . �•`y ``_ .�`' �� ��450Q. �wr '�'�~�� 13y�c �\'p`� ��. � �\ � �� ,. . . . '. � Y�. :.�,,+ti_ � 4 ., ,. ,� . sss:" ,j , ,. .° , °9 � SL�rY�O� , . y 2y� , l.'� : S t "�%"'>I . a,`+� • � v y, �� �p� . �^ �� ���y. �u f� , J � • +�. t�6q�,4 �� �.. ��� ' . '0 4��° ' •: � ��M ,•�i �I �HINGTUN C(�l 21GO\�' 4'oli`4'�'h � > . �i'�ty;A'.� � `.f'o"" , ' ' r �� �� SCALE ° +'C�� 25�`�('y�o �► �,�'���+�� • �o r • . � I ,��o �., •t�.� +?� .{ � ��+ 500 s �� 'L� '♦ � .�.r� 1� ♦ J'' •'���1 � .o .fl.tr ,�a os ..;J.. 1` • . � \' ' �/ � ���1�� � .•(S(L�� ' 60����a �� '� � ���'}•`'�s.� �� ,F%. L.��f.` ��/ i' 'h � i � c`6 . "f SIOU 2 � ` � '� T00 +�± ,�, � 'b�? �:ec � � Il.tr r 1300 �� . / 167IC r ..r� �� �OOG �� � 1�a�' �� .lSlc. � J i .�'• �°� ' ' � p ♦ . ' ( 800 p ti . � ' ^ Oi� I .- ��= �� C3 �.� ..� - � ' . - � '' 'AI[.S.M.4R93) i �� � . . d� L�0��.� n /jj i � „� � �Q�P +-o ' ��,�. �, , .�: - i ' ,`.,, .•s r,o.usae� t� ���7# �t.M/� : �:r ti ' 3' f i , � � , b � o% [ . �- . �,:• ..✓ �� �� � '',�1100 � �� ��•� ��.ir'•r \ ' �. 1 f/4 .:.✓ �. #�' � • :✓ � I501 . s !> '4 . °f . , :�: :�:�: :�;�'�: ::�� H ,� 1� '.�,� o .,� � �,' , r';� io0 �\ i � °o . . .,'P.• I B.SAr �\ r y :. o, � ��lj • �\ �4- � � i : '� s�• `'s �;,� � \ S � y � \ � ;� 3 � �. , 4 C___ � : �Yr . . � . _•.,;`,'s ; ,•°` .�° .,.,� .; �,�� �` I :'' � ��Q`, e�' � i ,,, 5 .s.� : � .� g ,� , � 2zoo 274 � ; ,'., Milt r �l L 1 . .. ��29� .� �� e , .ePll,. . . I . . .�g . � 2J Ic. ♦' ..�.?f , � �o � 1 � �o� i . ' 3000 a ' � � . �� � 30IAC � + fn� I P � S a� . . " . . �.��� . � i •� 2300 ��y� •,` 6 t ti. 5?6AC �i �,.° � � . ' . .. . �.�. . j • 5 ;.y� ��q �� , � � lJr� NH � . . � �t 5 �o. U22,� .. . � � �. o . � •��� . � . . . . � . . '� ��� ,� �h� � �� . . � . � � .J� � '" i , . _ _ _., _ :_ . _ _ _ ., � • ��� � �,,.. . f} 7 � � f�� � ��I,�i � �EC�UEST TO � �; ��� � TIG,��D PLA����I�PJ�G C0��1r�7ISSI0�J �� ��i ��� ,� � r-o�R �j ; ; , PERMIT TO FIL_L �FLOODA�Lc�LI��JD . ''' I r�� T�E : `I F:�^1;�J0 CREF�C F�LOOD P(_AI�d �� � :; , r� � i� ,, , ,. � �: � ,� �.: � �-i0!�,E LEE ; I�RO{'ERTY C'�r��r�icR } � �� � �� �> f,� Ri �' . . � � � . . `.� t': . . .. . �:;.. � �F:� i;. tt � � � � � � � � !: �,' F: r: �' • { f� � ^ r�i n nt�irnt� � � �� .,�5 .�� ST, CI_l�I K, 1tKl.(11 T�i,i� � E �,�!°�,��,���� � ly� . .,� ,�. i{-�� �. � . . . . � � .l ti . -�r3i�'�.����1-.r � � . . . �� :1�.G75 �, I��, 6GT�� Ttcp,R��, (�rzr_ro�v �72Z3 �.►��i�� � i. 1��%5 '' ��� � � �� � C� G!I'l` (i� !IGRRi? w; � �.� � � . .. � f . . . .� . � . . � �� . � Ja3 �,o, 16-l al � DA�rE : J 4NU��Y . �.J76 � � , , _ , . _....__....... . . , ... � ... . . .. . . t R,� � . � �G : {{ . . �... ���..� . �sp . PREFACE On November 5, 1974 a request by Howe Le�, Propert,y Own�r for a flood plaili fill permi� L-ar lands located at . 9110 S. W. Bornham Str_�ei:, Tigar_d, Oregon, was �L-ak�lec� by the Planning Conunission in order ta al1_ow com�l�tioi� of_ 1 a more c�etailed pres�ntation i.o also includ� environmental ; � • . � issues . � � The fol].owing is an att�m�t to compl�r with the Plann-� ;' ing Cornmission, and staff reconunenda�ians and �inding in �; accorda�zce �,ri�th previous iZeaJ'i.���s and staff report dated ��� � February 4 , 197.5 , Ag�nda Item 4 . 2 . t, ' i-: ' �' � � �,��� � �',', �s� �i '.� _ �� � � � ���, � � � K�;� � � . . � . � � � � :'S� j'.'. � . � � � ' . .. . �'��. . ' .. � ' . � i�{'. �i,i .. � . . . . . .. � �. pY . . . . .. . . .. � . . . . . - �� .. . . . . . . � . . � . . . d�t � ..+..� . . ` .. , . . .. '��''�' , . � . � . . . � . �..� :�� . . ' . . . � . . � - �'i � .� � . .. � . . .. �� �.��.. . . . . . .. . . � � ��.^r�'�. . � , � . . .. . . . . . . `r"'�:� . . - . . . . . .. �ll"'. . .. . . � . . � � � . .. . . ' .. . .. ��..A,. � . . . .. . ... . .. . . .... . - „ � � � �'. � , � • � �' � CONCLPT PRTSEN�['A�l'7:ON � _, z � � • � � - Drawing Nurnbe.r l , Si�Le Plan which shoras -th� entir� � � G . 8 acres owned �iy Mr. Iiowe Le� indicated �Lhat th.e request , .f i�o fill permit �vould on7_y be �or apt�ro:�irnai.�ly ?_ . 8 acres � i of tl�e North-rasterly pc�rtion of the 1�roper{�y, adjacent ta i i � Burnaham Road . Fill material would only be placed on the si�re from Furnaham Road to the sew�r easernent, wl�ich i_s a distan<�e o.f approximately 3l5 feet. n9aximum fill el�vation taou.l_d be fi_om �xis�:�.ng Burn�.ham Rc�ad an e7_�vat.ion of 150 ' -0" i:o nl�va-tionT•�-u�=°d 14S ' 0" at �Lhe setaer easement. - � - T��tal volumn af net iill would be approximately 10 ,000 cubic ya�_ds oF fi11 mater_ial. Ias meni�ioned in L�ie st�aff rePort it�m 3 , Fanna C"reek � has been .re-aligned to 9_mprove its f_low �apacity and the net :Eill we feel wo�zld no longer be cri-l�ica)_ at fJ.00d stage. �_s shown on 'tl�e dr.awa_ng is a ?.5 ' -�" casement f�r pai�h- way purposed acr_oss I�4r. IIo�ae Le� ' s .��iop�rty �o tie �.n�:o th� . ?� '-0" easement across t�hc� C.row T'ngineering L�roperi�y to the� - ;.�:�u�h �s men�L-i.oner� in the staf_L repor_t, i�.�m v' . '"}�� dra�aing also� i_ndicates a la�an and picnic ar�a aa;.:�c�3�t to �h�. easement to comply �aith Gr.e�nvaay long ra7zge �. planning along Fani�o Creek in the Czty of Tigard. I �, , _ _ _. _. .. .,. . ...,. ..� � . . �, . ' � � , k�TLI"� SP�'CIFICATIONS ���. � Fill ma�.erial will be only cl�an �xcavat�d ma�L-�rial and a�ter it has be�n placed an th� sit� it shall be s�r�ad and corn��aci�cd in layers not to exceed 1 ' 0" in dep•th . , Note : , Th� abov� is a standard specificatzon �alzich is ex_ce�L-ed as conunon practicc for f_ill pr_ojeci�s of this nature �nd magnitude. -� �*� ' � a - ' i i , � i � i ' I �. � ' ,e • f ` , � �.. s ur�r�R� �ae �e�l our concept presentati.on f:ar a iill permit complies with r_ecomm�I�dations of tlie Si�a:Cf Znd Ci��y of , Tigard Planning Conunission. I I • . . , , �: . � _ . .r: . __, ., ...�� _.�,., �.,.. _. .��,:.,�.__... , � �� � . ��. �. a�e G -P1a�ini.n� Commission Aiinutes FeUrua-cy 17, 1976 �, ' F. Cornmi.ssion Discussion and Act:ion ° PopP molioned foi approval wiLh s�af£ reco;rmiendations baseci on the f3.ndings that L-he sit-e �aas ideal for this J.ocation and Lhat• . Lliere is a corru��unity need for such a use. . ° Seconded (1�?aficm) � . ° Unanimously approved . 5.7 FLOOD PT AIN FII.,L PLRi�1IT I�I R-7� (l�uiae E. Lee) � A request f.or flood pla5.n fi11 per.mit to fill lands presen�ly situated within the 100 y�ar fluod plain, 1occ�t-ed at 9110 S.IJ, Surnham Street , (1,?ashington County tax map ?_S1 ?_AC, tax lot ?00) -. � (TAI3LED FROM 1'1sBRUARY 4, 1975, PLAI�N:[I�G COr1I�fISS'iUN HEARiNG) • A. 5l-aff Feport: read by Pu�ael:l with Lhe fo].lowing additional findings • �ahich c��ere not included in Lhe staff report: _ 11, "`fen year f.lood plain" is less than 146 f�et in clevation A9ST� ' 12. Parking is perinissable iz� i.he 11ood plain as it does not resl:rict fleod �•,aY.crs and wiil not be �amaged by iloodi.n� if properly desisned. - "bikc�+a " �r.o�osed Lhrougll thi_s arca (Bikeway ,rant proposal 1.3e T17e Y 1 l - rr�nt-1 u�der consic�eration by State of Olegon) wou�d be at c ti y . � - , . . na xsnno CLCek sewer _ the � _ , L alon - Lel 1/i4 feet e].evation , S g . a .i o�>>>na PP y eascmcnt. 7.4, "I;asin" c•reated by ploposed "gravel p�rking lot" will silt i.n �;�hcn f.l��oded, better to la�:ovide a "natural" slope to ��:ater. . ' ° Si'akein stated that• he �aoul.d li.kc i:o j�ave seen a r_opy of lh� minutes of tl�e Aia•rch ].975, Planning Comm:ission meeting at whi.ch t�.me t:his rnaCter had been tsbl.ed. ° t,�akem yuesti.oned Lhe expertise of Lhe Plannin,n, Conunissa:on a.n , deL•er�nini.ng this i.ssue i.n terms of Llie proposal as it perCains to - tl�e' amount ot fill and the irnpact it ,w�uld have a'n land Uotlt up ! ' and do�:�nstream fr�m the suUject sit-e.' ' ° Porter stal_e.d that L•he Uurdcn was on the applicanl- as stated in _ Chapter ]8.57 to p�_ove the need for fi).la_ng in the �lood plain. . ° ;:icol.i stated t]�aL' the� same questi.ons thnt tiacxe heing raised at s.1-,is ��earirtg �aer.e 'the yuestions �,•ah3ch �aere witl-,out answers at Lhe � ��revious plazining coirr:nission meet-ing, at �ahi_ch lime this matter i;as LaUled. , , ._ .. .,. . ;,. .. .:, „ � . _,u , � ,..:.,,_, _ — -- � . _ , � , . ` ;� ' � ' ��j... n ' P�:��nna.ng Coiq�nissaon ��iinutes I'ehruary 17, 1976 �.s - � B�. Applicant Fresentalion � ' ' • � ° Jack St. Cl<�i.r, speaking on behal£ of the appl.icant, Ho�.c E. Lee, ' s�ated Chat the reasc�ning for this �»:oposal Ueing tabl�d at Lhe �i�farc]�, 1975, Planning Commission meel-a.ng was L-hat l.l�e site plana . as submztted by the applicant, faa.led to identify elie ar�a that �•:as Yo be filled, leaving doubt, the�:efore, in the minds of lhe coinmissioners as to t:he exact loCalioi� and Che impac�s that such a fill �•:ould h�ve on upslream and du�.�nstceam l�roperties. ° Porter sCated that the riunicipal Code reserves the right for the .' ^ City to acquire the services of an engineer to assess impacts on fl.00d plain filling and ask�d st-afL tahat Lhe cost taould be to the , c:iL-y lIl �Cl?L"37.I1111� the services of a hydrolo�ist. ' � ' C. Pub.lic 'resLimony . � ° Dick 1-1a�aes, a partner of Jack Sl-. C1air, fi.rrn of. Hawes & St. Claa.r;: _ - � . �i o�ecl fiil. • t d l-ie saw no �ioblem with the o . , sta e 1 1 P , ° Porl-er stat-ed that the �roposal m3y very �oell noL-' l�ave a�1y iiii�ocur�us eL.f�cts, but L-he Planning Cor,onissiori sL-i11 does noE have ti�e expertise Lo cleterm>>�e such. ' ' ° Afrs. .4. J. Hanneinan, idjacent property owner, disapproved of the ' proPused fil.1. Uecause of the possible 3mpacLs on her property. ° l�erb Bucholtz, prap�rty o�,mer adjacent tt�e subject site, asked ' ' Lhe staff as to r,�ho has the authority to approve changes t� the str�am. I ° Don f.eller, a rr��nber of t�PO �kl, stated Lhat he �aas noL- speaking on Ucl�rjlf �f �h� NPO, l��ut ie1l. that, as a member of r�PO ;�1., L'hht the poli.ci�s establi.shed by the I�10 should at l.east be ,�ddressed. t)�iat: (1) Lhe landfill ordina��ce be adhe•red to (2) that the 1c�ndf.ill has no deleteri:ut3s �fferts on uPsLzeain ' and do�•mst.�ream ��roperti.es. (3) tl�at t17e pr.oposed Uike p�th, as sho�,m on Lhe site p)an; be developed. ' D, `�taCf kcco�TUriendations • • . Si.�l l. rcca�r��n�-i�ded appro�Ta1 �aitl� r_oi�dilions L]7at: 1 . I�et fill not exceec3 5000 cu. yds, , � :J. ;ver�be slope �of 1:60 to be ina�nLaincu wit;�ir, t?�e "l� ;ear � tlood plai.n" (�levation less 1:li�Ln 1G6° i�9SL) ;Crorn lo�a �;ater �ur�ace to cdoe of parki.ng area. � �.• , _ - , • , ' �. ' ��a,e 8 � �. - �._ Planni.ng Commissio�l TfinuLcs ' i'ebruary 17, 1916 ��`'° ' ;� 3. No slopes exceed 1:20, for rnore lha�1 a 2 foot rise. /+. '�hat the speciiic dcvelopi�ent plan be starnpcd by a professional ' engineer �aitl� demonslrable e�pertise in l�ydraulics c�nd tl�at it "� be revie�.�ed hy �l�e City Uef.oie final approval. � . . , 5. SuUsurf.ace draznage Ue provided to drain hard surface arcas. ' � 6. �11 areas not us�d for park5.��g, building, access or pedestrian �.ay be la,ldscaped ti+�itll suitabl.e floodable materials. 7. An'. easenent be dedicated fo'r bikeway ri�ht-of-•�.ay and slream - • - access, said eascr�ent L-o be negotiai:ed by applicant �aith cit}�,' subject to staff app�-ova1. 8. Ten feet of addi�ional right-of-way be dedicat�d on S.W. ' Bur.nhatn Street. 9. AP�licant �:a�iver his right Lo remonstrance of street impr��emcn�. LID on Burnliarn Str�el-, ° ?�icoli st-ated that he could nc�t approve of this ��rojc�ct, ever� wiL-h , the st-aff reco;�anendati•ons, because he still did not understand ;•;hat �,ias being recommi:nded. , �l ° Popp coricurred witl� Nicola.'s coi�'�ments c�i1d rnade a motion to table until a qualified �n,in�er has Uc�en consvlted and expert tc�stirn�ny • made �11r31I2�IP_. , ° 1•?ak�m concu•rred with Popp and secor�ded tI�e motion. ° Portcc stated Llzat, if the plan as sub�nitted, is apProved by the recoirunendation o.f tlie Corps of T:ngi.nee.r. s, th� Comma.ssi.on could accept this plan as e�:pert testimony. ° I�ioore sta�ec] that his J:�ajor conccrn �•:��s �vith ihe possible imr�acts on both u� and dol,�nstrearn pcopertaes frurn Lhe sut�ject sa.L-e. ° SY.. Clai.r sCated thal he �,��uld htive i;o objection to acGuiring Lhe serv�cr-.s of a l�ydc%iuJ.3c en,n,incer Lo c:xp]aa.n to Cne cuuui�a.ssiun�rs Clie effccts i.f n�galive �r positi�=e, a�l t]7e pr��posed landfa.11� pro��a.ding that h�ro Lee 1•�ou).c� not aLj �cL• to 1-,zr�.ng an cngS.neer ta - . perform tliis scrvic.e. ° ;•;oti.un ��:as a1_��r���ed ur,anirnously. 5.8 'CI•.. : .. ,'.��Y USE 'I'U 1-7�+ (Tualatin Deve]opnicnt Co. ) (extension) !�. � �.,r�st Uy 'I'ualat-i.n Dc.veloPment Co�:p. for an catcnsion of a tcmporazy use ••••.•.•, 1., �llowing a truss r:,an>>f�clu�:ing facility on S.W. 109t1� Av��ue. , south �" �� u , • 4 . ,,, , � �, of S.1�i, i,�:cvC Foad within the Sur��tnelf�eld Dr�velop;reni (f;�ati,;:�7g�:.r. C.,�.�.:d tax an�p 2S1 lODD, t�x �ot (part of) 100) �... _ _ 4 �5�... .�. ��y ��.. ��. 1 1 F' ''�l n�C�r����.•Y• ��~)��_.�...y�� �..4" �� e�..��-'�� ���R��� 1'1�a� 1 �,� �. �'—"�._...:;" P. O. EioH 2J557 i2�L0 S. NV. (ti4ain 7i�r.,d, fJrego� 97?_23 l7az°ch ?_3, 19'76 I�;r. B�."11 Akre U. ,S. ��rmy Cor�s of En�i-r�eers F�?ood P]_uin P•Zana�ement S�ction ?_�350 S. .l�. �32nd PO.L'�.l�.'t1Cj � �l L�Oi1 �rj7b� _ _. Refc-:cc-��c�: `.Li;a7�d 1+�_ood P1ain Fi11 Pe.rmi� Ap��lication M �-74 -- I�o�Ne E. Lee Dear l�ir. Al{r� : I app!�eci�l;e your tal�ing t��e i��me to discuss wiih mysel� and J�ck S�t;. Clair �;he p��:nd;_?`!� ap�?�-icatiion to zill a portion of the Fastino C�i�e�k :fa_ood plain. Mr. St. C1air and 1 z��.t �Lhai i;11e conu�neni.s and in�=orma-C.iun o:c iered , by �To�u 1�,ie�L� '�oth clar�_i3�in�; and T'@�SSUi]_:[1g Li7df �hi_S propo�;a1 �.s ?1c�t 9_nva�id :rrom a rluod pl�in. ma.na�emei�-L- vi���rpoint. As 1ve concvrred at �Lh� - - �o rovide ou a lis�; oz ,onclusi_on of our mee�Liz�g, I am now writii�g �L p y . - nmi.s�ion in � ies�ic�r��, �L)�� ans�v�ri.az� o:f z�vhich 1aould assa_st �Lhe P1.an.n�_n� Ca3 �°ev�f���rin� tni.s l�i�o ject, I realize -that i�l, is the policy ot your o=iice . noi; to make reconv»�nciations, uu� rather to oft�z� zac�Lual in�ormata.on �nd cornrnell-Ls . T wi1Z tlzere�'ore Plirase rny quesi.ions a.ccordi��.�ly. :�, ��lie appl_tc�n�;'s ��z�oposal includes a �'a_:)_1 ar•ca n�ar S. W. :E3u1�nllarn �St. v�°��.�.ch wou7_d be occupied by a building ana parkiilg lot a�'ld a stora�e basin area adj�cent Tai�no C�t�eek, r�`►_�is s-t;ola�e basi.zl area -`-1-� T am concerned �;ha�; �Lhis a.rea wi]_1 i..,7 �1���L bo �.��m and IZ<�.s a :�a. 1 y be l�oorly d?�•ai:n�d. I l�ave recor„Jnc?�ded to i;l��e 1�1Gn�nir!� C�n�rni�si.an -l;l�at a n;ore cor�-tiiluous �lope �z om �l�ie ��J�e of Ii,anno Ci�e�k �:o �l.k��.� l�ui Iddble area be ma.in�aa_ned in o-�^ucr. �1��-t a ,?-,or•e easily d�.,ai-zied l�:r��'i1� may r�su1_t. V�hat arn your cormnen�s in 1 c�ax'd 1;0 'l;l?1S s�i:,a:C�� recor�m�enda�L.ialz? � ?_. Y�u exl�la i.��ed to Mr. St. C1aa_r and me, tha� i.n oraer `L'o dci;r_,i�m�r�e px��ec�.scly �Llle e�'fec-t o� �he �pplican-L',� >>:��opo�;ed :i'i:l_l, an e>c�tre�?��e-- 1y de�l;ai_leci a.r_a cos-tly a:nalysi_s c��' �i;he .f�_ow �xnd f,looding ch�.z-r-- ��c�L-�t�i;�tics of tre entire si.r'eam sys�t;ern would be ��cqt�i�•�c�, l��o'«].d you Y�-r�:ie�'ly carr���icnic on tiai1�t ��uch a s�i;udy ��rou.ld en�i,aa.]_? 3. �rhe arca �to be �'i��_ed �_s r�o-t; directly adjac�n-c :Cal�no Cr��k, bu�t :c^a�l;h��.r ��ve?^a.1 hu.��d��^ed Te��; �.i�aay zrom �;he creek adjace:ni :E3u:r•nl�.t�.m �ti, The pre�Tious]_y rnn�anc�eri.ng ali_�lunent oi Far..no Creek has a1- - l�c��.dy bcen si;:caip;l���Lr�x�ed Uy a ma jor sev,��r li.ne pz o j�c-�, T-i: is riy � f�c�1.�np tl�at -l;��e rr�opo;��I i,�auld no� ;rr�,e�3� or acive?�sely ai'iec�t '' __ _ _. ,. _ _ _ :C t � � ,�� �``° page 2 � : a P�tr. B�:Ll l�l�a e � �7a:C'C�1 73� 1-�rj6 �, �. ' ��1 the i�o�v �f _flood �•ra�L�rs vri�Lnin th� �'loodway area. You indic- I j -��n -� me�tin �,hat ou sa.�v no 1 eason �tc� disa�ree �; at�c19 clu� z--g ous g, Y �-vitn tlzis iindin�;. llo you s�.i.11 �'is�d t�lis to b� th� c�.se 1�ased � upan t?ze availabl� in�'orma�l;ion? . � � 4. Durii�g our diseussa.on or ti�?s reques�t i_t becamc� ��vid�nt i,hat : �,: . �i vhe only -r�al i�sue at ha_��d ��ras �he �ed�.zc i;iolz o� s�Lo.ra�e cauaci-�y p-roposed by -i;his L�equ�st. As a resul-L oz your corr�m�n�s, i'� �'1 I arr3_ved at thc conc�usion tll��t �,000 cubic y�rds of iill `� woul d prob�.U�_y l�e i�lcons�quc��tial 1�ased oiz your �4?:�m:i.nztion of �� tl�e available iri�'orr,la�icm, z'�u proc�eded, ?�o��J�v�r, �co po�_nt outi - t'nat if net �ill �r�e,�e prav?d�d on evei y si�;e adjacc-�nt iJ�?e fload �) �lain, z?�at t�ie multiplier �flc-.ct ��rou:i_d cer��inly reduc� Uhe �I s�;ora,�,e rapaciiy ad,jace��L tl�e creek. ��Jhi�e I �:u�d�:L s-c.a.nd that the f; decision oz ��he�l,her or ��ot �co p��rnit ti�liaz�, on �l,��is ane property �; really amounts to a p7_al:ining consz.deratio:n, i,he Plannir_g Com- G? mission's responsii�ili�Ly, a"r1d j1o"t ane �t�l'at You should a�;temnt �;o advise tl�em on, do you feel ��11at the 5,000 cubic yards of y�ll rerornmended by s-i�af�' wou1�. ozzly l�e oz conseau���c� if a»�lied to ; othe:� s�?�nilar�-y s:itiva�Led l�a�ce:Ls a1_on� I'�n_no Cx�i-�ek? . • �`; �i �. You mer_tioned the D�l�art�nent c�:E' I-�ousi.ng �nd Urban Deve�opn?�nt ; �,as requeszed _fui�din� to conduc-� a t_l_ood iilsurailce s�cudy for . �a � V�Tashillg�Lon Cour��Ly wl�ich vaould begin �thi�s year and �oss�.Uly 1a� �;� c�mplet�:d in 3 y�r�rs. To �vl�at degr�e �voul.cl the iniurn-.�a�tion ava?la.b7_e �x,�m �thi_s study benesit tl�e Planning Cormn�ssion in revi�win� this ��r�d s�_mila.r ��ropasa�.s`? ' I .ap�r�ciate you.r assis�Lin� �t,��c Ci'ty ol T_i�ard in i,Y�.i.s ma�ttcr�, our �'�nancial i� resourc.�� -to c�btain e�per�Lise such as you possess U��_ng e��t� ..m21y lirni-i;�d. (;; �� <<;I I h�ve a��ernp�ted to po,se a�uestions v�iha_ch yr�u cail �z�s�ac�r wi�L}�au�: makirag � z^e�ornrn�z�ida�?olzs and '��y�e �Lha�L TOLl :�:LT1C�. t�ze nr�i�ur�c oF �1°�11� ques-tic�ns accept- �.� ) able an� not too de��n�nding of you� 'L9_me to a�1st��cr. � �:' t: Sincez��ly, � �. , C�:`.CY OF '�'�:C�l�D �; I��� � �� ��; �; � �; • �: :7ick 130�en �' P1 �r�_n;.��l� Di.z nctc�i: ��. �. � �: :[�B:I�t ' �, cc : Jack ,S�i;. C7.�ir . . � i-�c�r�e E. �'��� � i � � � � � � , .. __ _ _ . . ._.__ ,. . . ._ _. . , , �✓ �- � / : ��-�� .,, � � ' „r` i ti,, �• DChA(�-tl'MLNT OF Tt-IE A{r'i�`r' �� {,�l�, II ��._� � PORTI_AND DISTRICT.CORPS OF ENGINEERS , � �(`�'S';.� l .'"�r,,,°'r''`� P.o.oox 2946 � I,s� �5,{� ,•. �.'� PORTLAND, OREGON 97?08 . `�� ��}�. . ' '* ?� � ' REPLY TO - :J_� ATTEN710N OFt I�PPEN-PL-7 1 Apri7. 1976 �^e s;'�,�.�a��.�� '^'+ Mr. Dick Bolen :I�t.��� Pla:nna_ng Director �'��� 4 .�0�5 � Gity of Tigard P.O. Box 23557 '�Ty' ��� ?f�����) Tigard, OR 97223 �'' � Deax Mr. Bolez�: I have your 23 Alarch 1976 J_ett�r requesY. for information on fload3.n.g concerning a proposed develapment site near S.W. Burnham Street in � Tigaxd, Ox�egon (application M 9-74�•-Ho�ae E. Lee) . You pose.d �everal questions which are addr�ssecl in the order presented as follo�rs: � �� a. From a f].00d risk viewpoint, shapa.ng �he Zow lying area to ialpr.ove d�rainage wou].d be a.nconsequential. b, ��nnrally a step backwater analysis is used to determine �he hydraulic characteristics of a parti.cu]_ar stream reach. �ield surveys are required to plzysically define the channel and overbank areas a�d a discha.rge must �e calculated f_or the regul.atory floocl (100-year ' fJ.00d). Our off3.ce uses th� HFC II �comguter pro�x-�m to c�mpute f.lood heiglits and veZaeities oi flow whicti correspond ta those conditions. Such an analysis t�ould be requ�_red to c�mpare flood conditians without �the f�ll and with the �i11 to accur_ately determixze the c�nstrictive � �ffects of the fill. c. Since the. cl?anzie�. al.�.nement is straight anrl, as describnd in �a�rx meeting ��ith Mx. Alcre the floactevay a.s alr.raady satnevahat con- } :,i.r-�rred by fi.l.l on property' immediately upstrea.m, �he p�oposed fill , ' lik��i.y w�u1d not sa.gnif.icanL-ly i:ncr.ease the flood risk. Thj.s, of j cou�,:^, is bas�d on engineer3�ng judgment and not on a thorough a.nalysis. � d. Tlze 17:ro��sed f:i11 by itself, �,rau�,d displace a xelativel.y smal]= I �art of the total natural storage on Fanilo Creek. However, the accumu- '� lat�:ve ei_'fect of potential future fi11s at ot'lzer sites along 'the creelc c�uld �i};nificantly recluce storage and result in higher flood st.ages and velac.i.ties do�anstream. .,�*- �' _ , , M �..,. � � � . '� e NPPEN-PL,~7 � 1 April 1976 Mr. nick Bolen e. A flood insurance study would result in a hydrology and hydraulic analysis which would provide information on the extent of flooding for a 100-year flood, streamfl.ow veJ_ocities, and flo�d�vay .�imits, all based on existing conditions during the study. Fl.00dway limits refer to lines along both sic3es of a stream to which buzld�.ngs, fills, dik�s o� other above grade develapment could be constr.ucted without significantly increasing flood heights or veloci.ties. The stream channel and overbank areas between the floodway limits are res�rved for the unrestricted passage of floodflows. That inf.ormation can be used to su�port lc�cal zoning regulations in accordance with the two-district concept advocated by Department of Iiousing and Urban Development in their Federal Flood Insurance Program. ' Sl�ould you have any quEStions conrerning this information, please again contact �dilliam Akre of my staf�, telephone 777-4441, extension 337. Sincerely yours, � /. .�` . . i�`.��',r=^-V'��,���^. �. J. C. liUFTTL'R . � ' Chief, Planning Branch , i - � 2 ��' n � ' � S'�.'�1�'�� I�i...1�PO1�.T �.. �._, Ti�ard Pl.ann:in�; Cornrn�ss�_on 1i�1�-ruary 7_7, 19'l� ��. M 9-7� . ���i7da Tt�m �.7 Fl�od P�ain F�_11 Permi�t , A r�qu�st for a permit to iill lands �aii.hin the le�al �'lood pl ain of Fanno Cr�ek lc�cai;ed at 91l 0 SW 3urnham St. • Ai��p"l�_can t's_Pro>>osal �;o excavate th� portion of his propertiy adj�cent Paln_no Cre�k _ and deposil; i,his ma��rial adjac�nt Burnl�am St. in orc�er to -- create a devclopab?e piece of pr�operty abov� t�ae 1Q0 year ?lood lev�1 (see enc�osed r�port) . Staff I�i.ndin�s - . l, This r�quest was orig�n.ally made on �Tovc�mbe.r 5, 1975d �t -that time ��he Conunission �abledthe a�plicaizt�s ���quest p���di�g subrnission of lurther informa-tion. Ali.l�ou.gh some- �,�l�a� bela-�;ed1y, �t�1e enclos�d mai,erial repres�n�s the • al�plicaz7t' s �_ffort to supply 1�he addi�i;ional infor�mation requ�s-uc�d. The ori�inal submissi.on 1�aas prepared Uy Sleavin-hors Tn�ineers and this Iatest ma�i;erial was px,e- �� par�d by tl7e arc}.�i�i;ec-L�:!ral fi_rm os Haw�s-St. C�air. 2. Neax�.ly a11 of the ap�lican�' s prop�rty, 6.8 acres, is 7 0- cat�d within �the 100 ycar occurrence flood p7_ain as de.f_a.ned by -�he U. 5. .�rrny Corps of Fngineers in their document en��_��1�c�, 1�1ood Plain_Snformation, Tualatin I�iver and '.ljribt��a:r�a.es ,4 V•lashin�i,on Couri�r,Ore�{�on, Jwze l9 9. This �i study�Za:rovic�es �l,he basis �fcar i�_aod plain id�n�ti_Cicatic,n �I ,�s r�e�Ce:r���.c�d in �i;l�� Ti�ard Flood P1ain azZd li i_ll Oi di_��axlce j 1\To. '7�i-50 �cloZ��Led in Aug�s-1, of_ �this �ear. I 3. Thc 1�z��ap�r�ty i.s l��es�n-1,ly zon�d C-�M, �ei��ral c�mm�rctial � Pi�in 5�:.', a�.:lowin�; r�etail cornrn�2�cia1 us�s, tiVhil� �L-he a proper�L-y a_s prr-�sei•1-cly zoned for camrnerci�l use, °�}Ze over- ` :Ly5.31g t1o�c� pl�.:in zorl� p.recludes d�ve7_opme:n-L .�or tl�a.s , ��lzr��os�. (See �'lood 1'a_ain Oz�dinance, 1'nrani�Lt�d Uscs, sect- I a.on :]_8.�1.03U) . '];�h� perrnit�i�ed usc�s `aa. � li��ai-L�d °i�o il��se i ��,�hi_Gh elo i�ot oU,st1 uct v�ratcr flow o:r inipair s�l,ora�� ca�aca_-L-y. � ]i or examp7-�, parizin.� are�.s, roadvrays, faiml�nds �nd vaz~�_�us i i ecz�ea°Li.andl. uses. Px�oh,i1�ited uses �_nc1_u�.e fi1.l�.n� �.nd i �e����a?zcyn-L- s'�ruc-L-ur�s. As a conse��u���ce oF -i•h� �'lood P�.ain � O��d�.11azice, tl�� ��:�1ir,�n1; ?_s c�n1y aUle to u;�s -�hat� par�;ion I �f his 6.8 acr�e :parc�l witl�in 20 it. of 13urnharn St.� . I 4. Th� cha���ra�l o� Fanno Cr�ek has l�e�n r�aligned .as �art of ; � � �the Uni:f��d Se�+�erag� 11��ricy's iz�terce7��or projec�; -i�o �limin- i a�:e ;��vcra7_ L-�n��.s, tiai�h tl�e -result of irn7�rovin� its ?low l . � '',, � i � , � i i _ _ --- _. . .. . :.. ._-�i _ ,,_ , ,. _ _ _ _ _. . __. .__.._ . _ _ _ . . _ 1 ,; ^ � , � „� � � �...; page 2 �t � PC S1:.a1':f Report . ?/17/`76 i �`°� capacit}T. It a_s possible -Lh�t improvements rnacie 1,his � - past surnm�r �ai_11 reduce the f7_ood haza.rd �Lo �;1zis �.nd q o�;her prop�r�Lies in �'u=cure yca:rs; lzova��ver, this possib- } i]_ity can only k�e detex°mi?�ed l�y d�i�ai_l�d analysis of the � en�ire Fanno o.raina�e basin, a s-L-udy which the Coi ps of � �ngine�rs ani,icipates coT!lpl�-t�ing in -L-he near future -- ; l�opefully witl�in -t,�ao years. � �� � 5. The a1�plicanZ's reques-L proposes bringing 1,0,ODO cubic � yards of r?�t fi1.l Zo �he site. To put 1�his fi_gure in�Lo = und�7�sta?�?davle rorm, �his would requi:ce 666 �t:cuck loads of € �'ill dirt �,o accomplish. _ s I 6, Properties to �he nor�th and sou'Lh have been part�.�l?y � �i7_?_ed when �lze USA in�;erceptor line v,�as install��ci in � 1975. � This adjacent zilling (by a 1e�a11y bindi.7zg ea�e-- � meni �gree?l�ent tha�L preced�d ihe flood plain ordi��a?�ce) " ha� only aggr?vated �.he _flooding �arc�bl�m for t1z?s px,o��er-tY• � It th�reiore appears appl opria-�e -Lha-t PZr. Lee sl7�uld be � allowed som� a.maunt oz ne�� iill �,o oF.iset the impact or the ; net �'i1.1 bx��u�ht to adj�.cc-��t sites. How�v�r, si:af� takea � � �.he position �hat �ahi�_e some net �i�_I may 1:Ue jus�ciTied , �o allow econornic use af the ��x�operty izz qu�s�?on,, the � amovnt of net iill should be the minimum nec�ssary to � r�leav� the hardship. 7. 1'he prev?ously submi�-(;ed plan :r�a�u�red no n�t is_7_1 to be bz o�u�ht i;o -i;}�e site, but ��ould have ��cavated a lar�� b�.s�_?z adjac�n-t tlle cre�� whicl� would 1�ave be�a� undesir�able. 8. 1.'lz� issue for �;lze Pla�a�ilz7�.g Cornma.s,aa_on in consid�ri_ng this � req�aesi is to �irst de�.c�2�mine v�h����n�r some net :t'i11 can be � permi-Lted wii,l�au�t; va_oJ_atirzg ��11e i_ni,�n�L of tl�e �'lood �nla3.n zon� and if so, l�.ow rnurh n�t :Cill cai� 3�e al�sorl��d. � g. The �uUmitt�d site ��1an ���ou�_d p�rm.��L a sii,e c�.p�rl_e c�f �; ,supPo.r�in� a �.�C�O sq. �'t. ��uilclin� �.nc� requ9.r�:d park:in� � spac�. S�L-a�'�' �i�-?ds 1:.lZa�; �;)�e ?_2 acr� s�.�;e, a�; �th� ele- � va�t;zoi�s sho5��ri, is �xce,�sive lor Z�LZrZ�os�s oi l�z ovic�in� �tl�e � applic�nt an �conomic u;�e ol �the pi a��er�i:y. .!-� srn�.a_1.er � buildablc �i^ea could be prov�_c�ed, perYiaps su�'.�i�:?ent ,. �'or a 20,000 sq. lt, buildi.ng (supe�market s�_z:�) ��rith the � ��ark�_ng no hi_�h�r -l;l�a�n the l0 y�aa^ occu�rence zloocl p�aia�. ! Pr�s�:r�t1y rzo parking ai^ea a.s ;�?�o��rn l��lo��� the 2_(� y�ar accurr�nc� i �'1o�d Plain_. , [ �.�: The svl�znii�tc�d sit� plan do�s no� caz�sid�r the �fF�c�L-s of � runo_�f water an -cl�� ��rol��rzy �Lo -Lri� south. i ; i � I I" . ' ������?: �, � � . ?" STAFF REPORT TIG?.ttD PLANNTNG COMMISSION May 4, 1976 A��nda Item 6.� � DOCKET: SCA 5-76 REQUEST: Sign Code variance to Section 16.40.010 and Section 16.40.060 of Tigard Municipal Code to a11ow a string oF pennants and a flashing sign. LOCA'�ION: 1297� S.W. Ha11 Blvd. (Wash. Co. ta�c map 2S1 2L�A, tax lot 501) APPLICANT: Oregon Food Service BASIC FACTSs 1. Tigard Gomprehensive Plan designates the site for genez•al industrial and the zoning is M-3 (light industrial) which allaws food processing as an outright permittad use. 2, Section of Tigard Municipal Code defin�s flashing sign to mean any sign which is i'Lluminated by an in.termittant or f�.ashing light or which is i_n any other way animated so as to create the illusi.on of movement without � actual physical Tnovement or the illusiorx of a f.lashing or intermittant light or light source. 3, Section 16.40.010 (A) Tigard Municipa.l Code prohibits the display or maintenance of strzngs of pennants, banners or streamersy fes#:oons of Lights, clusters of fLags, strings of twir.lers oz• propellers, f.lashing or blinking lights, flares, balloans or. sicni�ar devices of caxnival natur�. 4. �ection 16.40�060 Tigard Municipal Code subsection "A" states that no exposed, reflnctive type bulhs, stlobe liglits, rotary beacons? par spots, zip lights or similar devices shall he permitted. 5. Section 16.34.U20 Tigard MuniciYal Code allows thE P�.anning Commission to grant varianaes from these requirements basec� on findings that, due to practical difficulties, undue riardsh.i� �r inconsistencies with the objectives of this tztle, the st-ricL- and Is.teral interprepation axid enforcement of a specifi.c requirement �ereunder should be waived or modified. FZ�]DTNGS 1. Applicant has requested a variance to se.ctions 16.40.Ob0 and 16.40.010 of , the Tigard MunicipaL Code to allow the maintenance of a flashing strobe light and two strings o� banners on the exterior of their food storage plant at 12970 S.W. Hall. :� _ � � �...� " Page 2 Staff Report May 4, 1976 � � � � � 2 Acco din to the a licant's written submittal, in December of 1975 his � . z g PP , company was inspected by the F�od and Drvg Administration and cited 36 � times for allowing birds inside the warehouse. 3. With the help of American Sanitation Institute, the folLowing remedial action were underk.aken: 1} Install 3 bird lights - one inside the door, one on the west side ' and one on the south end; 2) Installed �lashing lights inside warehouse; 3) To obtain plastic banners and suspend them dawn urider the canopy approxima tely 1 foot on the wesk and 5outh exposures. 4) Build bird feed�rs and place on the roof with bird feed containing dvitrol. These 4 actions were completed in January and�have resolved the problem ' j of bird� in the warehouse. 4. E'1asF►ing lights are on only ciuring wor.k.ing hours which are �ot earlier than 7 .A.M. �to not later than 6 P.M. 5. According ta Mr, Adams, failure to contxol the situa�ion of the birds would have ir�eant clostare of his plant and possible felony charge. 6. The wri'tten material submitted by Oragan Food Service has extiibited pracY_ical difficulties, undue hardships with tha �tr.ict interpretation �` and enforcement of these ?. particular sections of the Tigard Mun��ipal Gode may be waived. STAFF RECOI�MENDATIDN: Approval of the sign code aPpeal, based ori following conditiari:e, 1. �'he flask�ing light only be opera�ed during normal business laouxs. _ . �� `� � ��w � � � � t•" � .. ,�,�^p'{, � r�� ; �/�/�� ��'!�/"W ���K/�/ ,, x.s�:y","`°'�[r. � � �,.p`'Y�,m„"��t�t�..w�Y'h�D.+.v�V.�✓ ��I�'1���I,�'r�� . / � ;i� `,} '��(�J P.O.Box 23325 • 12970 S.W.Hall �ti i � Phone 639-6141 �`T� n� ���R�� T'IGARD,OREGON 97223 March 7, 1976 City of Tigard 12420 S.W. �ain Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attentiox�: Mr. Bruce Cook �esr Mr� Cook: During the past year, bixds ha�►e flow� in and oat af our w��r�house when the doors Were op�a�. Im December 197�, we were inspeat�d by the Federal Food and Urug, � at �hich tfa� our company was cited 36 times for �llowing birds in our Warehouse. I th�n called the �.D,.A. in Seattle to inquire as to whethe� or not they had a solution. They advi,se� me to eontact Ch� Depaat�nent of Envirariment who infot�ned � to conatact the kiealt� Departmeat of Hi�lsboro, and they inforoaed me that they could not help a� L'ihey wers un�naailiar with th,fs type of a problec�e The problem is that if We do not conform to F.D,A,, they asn clos� our business do�m a�d charge ffie with a felony. At this time I decided to hi�ce expexts to assist me with our bird. grobl.en. We contracted with American Sanitation Tnstitute who inspected our £acilitie� aad informed us that the mnly ws�' to keep the bi.rda out of our waxehouse were as follows: 1. Install 3 bird lights - l. inside the door and l on tF�� west side and I on the south end. � 2. In�tall £lashing ligD�ts insfde �v�rehouse. 3. To obtain plsstic banners and suspend them �lm�m under the canopy approximately 1 foot ou the west and sauth expoa:ures. 4, Bnild bird feeder and place on the roof with bird feed con�ainin� Dv3tral. The above four items �ere compl�ted in January and have solved our bird problem in our war�elaouae,. ', ����� �' I �....:.. ... ... _ . . N � ,�. �... '�,:. ��.�. � .��� ., � �c�ad ,�' � P,O.Box 23325 • 12970 S.W.Hall Phone 639-6141 T'IGARD,OREGON 97223 - 2 - I would lik� to �sk the Plann3ng C�mmission to grant us a varianct tn use equipment now installed due to the difficulties be�rond our control. Sincere Yours, OREGQ}�T, FOUD SERVICE c .V ����,t�°.���-�.--� � � Earl C. Adams EC.�,:r�ns Pres ident �. . �: . i ,I ..-:�� ' �' . ._ _ , � _ _ ,. _... .., ,. ___, .,.,.� ., ..:.