Planning Commission Packet - 04/20/1976 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. . , ;;���� �, ��, �, ,� , ! �ry; AGENDA ``�` Tigard P1.anning Commission April 20, 1976 - 7:30 p.m. �,` Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room 14650 S. W. 97th Ave. , Tigard, Oregon l. CALL TO ORDER 2. R�LL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF' MINUTES 4. COMMtTNICATION 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 ZONING MAP AMENDMFNT ZC 2-76 (Kjelgaard) A request by Orland Kjelgaard. for a �oning map amendment to zon.� a parcel of land in the vicinity of i377g-13a4o SW Hall Blvd. , presently zoned R-7 (single family resi- dential) to A--2 PD (multi-family residential planned development) . (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 2DD, tax map 500) . 502 PRELIMINARY REV'IEW ZC 4-75 (Bonn) � A requ.est by Jerry �onn for preliminary plan and program �� �. review nf a proposed residential planned developmen.t in the ` vicinity of 1C�9th and Canterbury Lane. (Wash. Co, tax map � 2S1 lOAD, tax lot 8800) . 5.3 PRELIMINARY R.EVIEW ZC 3-76 (Belanich) ! A request by Roger Belanich for a preliminary plan an.d pro- + gram review o.f_ a propo�ed commercial planned development in i the vicinity o� 121st and 122nd and Scholls Ferry Rd. (Wash. Co, tax map ]_Sl 3413, tax lot 500) . � 5.4 ZONTNG ORDIN'ANCE AMENDI�IENT ZOA 4�-76 � A proposed amendment of the Tigard Municipal Code, amending Chapter 18, Section 18.12.:L00 - yard requirem,ent setbacks - , to mal�e the additional cen�erline se�back of 40 f�t, required for all of SW Walnut St. within the City the sam� as that � � required by Washington Coianty. � 5.5 CONDITION.AL USE PER:MIT CU 1?_-76 (Fun City, Ina. ) �! � A request by Fun City, Tnc. to operate a family recreation � center in a C-3 zone (general commercial) in the vicinity of � SW' Pacific Hwy. and SW Center St. (Ta�gard P].aza) . (w'ash. � Coa tax map 1S1 35DD, tax 1ot 3301) . , �� ,_ � _ �,.' page 2 �,a.� �C A end'a 4/20�76 r . �" 5.6 CONDITSONAL �JSE PERMIT CU 7-76 (Foxx) A request by Leon Fox to operate an Arts and Crafts Gallery in a C-3 zone (general commercial) for a period of one (1) year at 12140 SW Hall Blvd. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 1BB, t�ax 1ot 1100) . 5.7 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU 5-76 (Kessinger) A request by Earl Kessin.ger �or outside storage of wood products on a parcel of land in an M-3 (light industrial) zone at 12560 SW Hall Blvd. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 1BC, tax lot 2401) . (tabled from April 6, 1976, meeting) 6. SUI3DIVISIONS 6.1 Summerfield Phase IV - S 2-76 Resubmi�sion of a request for pre�iminary plat approval of Phase IV of Summerfield and a variance of the subdivision code provisions prohibiting o�'f�et street intersections ai' le�s than 100 �t, �. 6.2 S 4-76 (Mayfair) A request for approval of a pr�liininar�y plat for Mayfaa.r Subdi�rision, located at the northeast corner nf SW 95th and Dakota Sts. (Wash. Co. tax map 151. 35A, tax lot 15Q0) . 4" C.3 S �-76 (Walm�r Acres) A request for approval of a prelzmiriary plat fc�r Walmar Acres, lc�cated at 124th and Waln,ut (north side) . (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 3BC, tax lot 5000) . 6.4 S 3-76 (Kjelgaard) A request by Orland Kje7_gaai^d for agproval of �. preliminary plat -to subdivide 4.54 acres for a multiple family planned residential development in the �viainity of 13778-13840 SW Hall Blvd. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 2DD, tax map 50�) . I� 7. MISCELLANEOUS 7vl SIGN GODE APPEAL SCA 5-76 (Tigard E`vangelical Church) A request by Tigard Evangelical Ghurch for a variance to the sign. code to ex�ect a sign. on the church premises at .� ��90o sw �.2ist. ' � _ _ ,::. _, .. : , -` - - �= a �-, ,-�-, �.:, ��. Aa�e 3 PC A enda �+/zo�76= 4 �,: 8. OTHER BUSTNESS: 8.1 I�esign Review Board rnemb�r and alternatP 8.2 Chairperson election 9, ADJOURNI`�E1VT , ���� ,; I,, 'I �, �._ � "�.' . . _.. _ _. .. , . .. _, _ . , � �, ���;�� „� „a MINUTES �,,,. �: Tigard Planning Commission April 20, 1976 - 7:30 p.m. �_ Twalz.ty Jr. High School - Lecture Room 14650 S. W. 97th AvP. , Tigard, Oregon l, C.ALL TO ORDERo 7:35 p.m. by Commissioner Popp in. absence of I Chairman Porter I 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Goldbach, Krause, Moore, Nicoli, Phillips, Popp, Sakata, Tepedino; staff; Bolen, Daniels Absent: Porter 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of 4/6/76 approved as submitted 4. COMMTJNICATIONS: n�ne 5. PUBLTC HEARINGS 5,1 ZONE l�iA.P AMENDMENT ZC 2-76 (Kjelgaard) A request by Orland Kjalgaarcl for preliminary plan and program review of a proposed residential planned develop- ment in the vicinity of 13778-°13840 SW Hall Blvd. (Wash. ` Coa tax map 2S1 2DD, tax lot 500) . C (tabled from 3/2/76 meeting) ' A. Staff Report: read by Bolen B. Applicant Presentatian: o Yn�yn Stuckey, engineer for the propased planned development, �tated that due to lack of adequate dPtai7_ �for the collector mentioned in the staff report, it was not feasible at this time to proce�d with the developmen.t, He stated that f't,u^ther development specifications for the Iocation and width of the collector muat 1�� develap�d before �the applicant can proceed wi'th the proposed development. Mr. Stuckey furtY�.er cammented that, until the specifications o� the collector street were pre- pared, not only this parcel but other pr�operty owra.ers in. the area wers not able to ga aY�.ead and plan. the development of' their parcel.s. Cr Pu�lic Testimony o Mr. Howard Nottilin., adj�.cen-t proper.ty owner, stated his opposition to the development unti� � the NPO Plan is further dPVeloped. � .� � . . �_ � page 2 _ PC Minutes ��, 4�20�7� D. Staff Recommendation: o Staff recommended tabling of the request until such time as the staff and appliGant have laeen able to develop specific locati.on and gradP of the collector. There being no further testinzony, Commissioner Popp closed the hearing. ; � E. Commission. Discussion and Action: � i o Sakata asked i� the NPO recommendation remains the � same as it w�s on April 6. � o �io�en responded ��yes" and summarized the recommen- t: c�ation and showed th.e Commission map� that the NPO � had considered for the location of -the collector. � � o Nicd7.i mnved and Sakata seconded to table the request x, until the design specifications, location and grade 'r' of the pr.oposed collector can be developed. ;; �� o MOt1Q21 was ap�roved by unanimous voice vo�te. 5.2 PRELIMIiVARY REVIEW ZC 4-75 (Burixi) A request by Kenneth Burin for preliminary plan and grogram review of a proposed residential planned development ir_ � the vicinity of 109th and Canterbury L'ane. (Wash. Co. tax � map 2S1 lOAD, tax lot 8800) . � � �. A. Staff Report: read by B�len � B. Applicantts Presentation: � , o Mx�. Joe Van Lom, architect for the developer9 �? su.mmara.zed the pra jECt and noted th�t this was the �,� third request for concept approval on this particular " parcel. �. o Nicoli noted the problems associated with parking E! spaces -that back out onto the streEt. �� ��o Popp noted the inadequacy of the 2� ft, pavement width. �} Ck o Krause pointPd out th�.t, although the request :�or �i �, the pla:nned development was f�r 6 acres, they would � only be developing 4.8 acres and that the proposed M c�ensity c;auld Y�e exces�ive. '� . 1�. : � , _ _ . , _ . , .� : , ' ., pa�e 3 �a�' PC Mi.nutes 4/20/76 �: o Nicali stated that use of the open tree area should be limited to those within the development to provide adequate open space for those residen.ts. o Sakata questioned whether the open area in this planned development had already bee�. included as open space in another planned developmen:t. o Bolen stated that �;he previous owner had developed a planned development in this area, but the question as to whether this particular stand of trees was used in the negutiation of that development was difficult to an.swer due to problems in fin.ding adequate county records. o Mr. Van Lom stated that th:ys area had not been used for figu.ra.ng open space for the o-ther planned developrnent. He also stated that there wi11 be picnic tables and other facilities in the open area for use by the residents of the development. He stated that the future alignment of 109th could be handled according to the proposed design and this wou.ld be adequate to corin.ect with the existing 1.09thts right-of-way south of Bull Mountain between I SW 98-th and SGV Pacific Hi�hway. i �,, C. P�blic'�;Testimony: non.e D. Staff Recommendation: o Staff recomrnended the submitted preliminary pl�.n � � be approved in concept with the following conda.tions: � l. The n�xt submission include pro�rarn for improve- � ments in tre open area. ; 2, That further staff research be done on, whether �Yie wooded area portion af tlzis parc;el had been used ; figuring the open space and density requirernents of any other plann.ed development, • E. Rebuttal: o Dale Co.n.t�., neighbor on the eastern portion of the � proposed development, stated his opp`osition to the planned development ba�ed on the follow�_ng reasons: 1. adequacy of sewer facilities �- 2 e public sa�ety associated wi.th moving f:i.re equip-� ' ment and other safety equipment on narraw streets and dangers of parkin.g that would require backing out onto a street 3. composition of material of;the buildings ■w�_ _ , . - a page 4 `�.� PC Minutes 4/20/76 F. Commission Discussion ancl Action � There being no further testimony, the public hearing was closed. o Nicoli stated that since the new sewer plant was coming in line saon, thP sewer facility was n� real problem. o Goldbach stated that, due to the other high density development in the area, the existing sewer lines may be to capacity and this should be investigated. o Moore stated that access within the deveJ_opment to the open areas and the trees should be easy arld that the 3 story buildings may be too high and would a.nterfere with the view. o Sakata questioned v�rhether ths alignment on 109th � i. was adequate to meet the neecl� of the area. � 0 73o1e�, stated that i� tlze alignment were cnnstructed accordin� to the preliminary plan, there would be no problems. �� o Krause stated his oppositic�n to the proposal because he felt that the planned develapment ord.inance should not be interpreted so as to allow exc�ssa.ve concen- trat,i.ox� in onP area in. order to main-ta�_n open space. o Sakata st�te�. hex� opposi.ti.on to the cleve:LopmPnt be- cause 3 story apartrnent bu�.�dings were not an adequate transition. between other apartment uSes and single family dwellings en,v.isionec�. in the Comprehensive l�lan ' to the area south of` Bull Mauntain. �' o Nicoli moved an,d Phi7.lips seconded that the plaxir�:�d � development be approved in concept. ; � o T�.ere being a split voice vote, roll ca11 vote wa,s � �taken which resulted in a tie with Goldbach, Moore, ; Sakata, Krause voting "nay". ; I o Nicoli stated that since the d.eveloper was being i deniecl approval,, the Planning Commission should '� state the reasons why �they found the proposal un- l, aca�ptable. o Moore stated the density was ta.o high. ' � o Sakata stated tha`t, in: addition to the density problems, the height of t�:e structures was excesszvE. ' � - - - -- —� _ . . , , ._, , , , ,� _ _ ,: .. ;. _ . ',: . ... � �; i pa�e w, �, > , PC Minutes �,. . � 4/20/76 �� o Krause stated that the open sp�.c� should be usable ', and integrated into the development and also �the � . density was too high. � o Sakata moved and Moore seconded that the proposal be tabled. � o Motion carried with Phillips dissenting. 5.3 PRELIMINAR.Y REVIE[�T ZC 3-76 (Belan.ich) A request 'by Roger Belanich for a preliminary plan and program r�view of a proposed commercial plannecl develop- ment in the vicinity of 121st, 122nd and Scholls Ferry Rd. (Wash. Co, tax map 1S1 34B, tax lot 500) . A. Staff Report� read by Bolen B. App�.icant's Presentation: o Roger Belanich, the applicant, summa.rized the pro- ject and. stated that he in�tended to retain owner- ship of the commercial d�velopment an.d that con- struction would commen.ce this year an.d ho�efully open �'` n�xt year. C o Public Testiniony o o Exnie Platt, Commonwealth Properties, developers af the adjacent residential area, stated that he had been i�. contact with the highway deptv and that the right-�of--way needed for Scholls Ferry Rd. was un- decided, but it wi11 vary from 10 ft. to 20 ft. o Belani.ch ,�tated he wo�uld d�ed 5 ft. He also int�nds to vacate 122nd and will work with staff ta wor:l� out details on thosP two arran.gements. o Ms. Roddy sta.ted sh� felt� there was no need for another shopping area in the immediate vicinity. D. Staff R�commendation: o Staff recommended that the preliminary plan and pro- gram be approved in conc�pt and the apglicant be invited to make application for a p�ann�d develop- ment ,zone change. ' There being no further public testimoxiy, the publi,c � hearing was closed. , � ; � ; ���: pa�;e 6 �� � PC Minutes 4/20/76 , �. ' E. Commissian Discussion. and Action: o Phil.lips questioned the long range pl�:n for 121st Ave. o Bolen stated that the plan designates this as a collector street with. 60 ft. right-of-way and 44 ft. pavement width. o Moo.re stated support for the proposal in that it provided close-in., wal:l�ing shopping for those of immediate rieighbor�hood. o Nicoli stated that this was a growth area which � needs adequa�te shopPi.ng. � � o Nicoli moved and Sakata seconded tha°t the request be approved, b�.sed on staff comments. o Moti�n appro•ved by unani,mous voice vate. � 5.4 ZOlVING ORDINI�.I�TCE .AMENDMF�'NT ZOA 4-76 A �roposed a.mendment of the TMC, amending Chap�er 1F3, Section � � 18.12.100 - yard requirem�nt setbacks - to make the additional centerline setback of 40 ft, required for all of SW Walnut , St, within the City the sam� as that required 'by WasYia.ngton � County. A. Staff Repor�t: read by Bolena � � B. Public Testimony: non.e ; C. Staff Recomm�ndation ? r f o Apprnval based on. the reed for the City to conform � its setback standards along Caty�' roads with,.:what the ' county is now requiring. F D. Commission Discussian. and Ac�ion: s o Krause moved and Gozabaorl seconded to app:rove ZOA 4-76. � o Mation paased by unanimous voice votee � 5.5 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU 12-76 (Fun City, Inc. ) � i A request by Fun Ci°ty, Inc. to operate a family recreation � cen•ter in a C-3 zone (general commercial.) in the viciz�ity � of SW Pacific Hwy, and SW Center St. (Tigard Plaza) . � � (Wash. Co. tax map 1S1 35DD, tax lot 3301) . t � � ; _ _ _ . __ . _ _ � _ ._.. _ ..__. . __ ` ' page 7 A. Staff�Report: read �iy Bolen ��` PC Minutes 4/2U/76 , ���� B. Applicant's Presentations ' �° o Mr. Alex Paul, reprESentative of Finball Wizard, II summarized his propnsal and stated the need for a � facility of this type on the weat side. The only �� other facility in this area is one in Beaverton. Specific design of the building in question is adequate in that it was initially built to house a � bowling alley and is therefore adequately sound- proof and would be campatible with adjacent shops in the shopping center. C. Public Testimony: o Duane Hesketk�, owner o� a hobby shop adjacent the facility in Beaverton, stated his concern abaut the vandalism a.ssociated, not with the actual recreati:onal facilil;y, but nccurring in the parking _lo�; outside. o Mr. Marsh�ll Stevens, representative of the Gill�y Co. , managers of the shopping center, stated they intend to have a private security patrol, which ' should minimize this problem. j � o Ms. Pastor, adjacent pr�perty awner, stated she had ; ,� already been rob'bed twice an.d was further conaErned ' � �S� about the vandalism in the area. D. Staff R�commendation: Approval. � I E. Rebu�ttal: i o Ms. Ann Zeigler, adjacent proper�y own.er, r�iter�ted the occurr�nce of vandalisr� in the area. l There being no fur�her public ���timony, thP publ�c hearing was closed. � F. Commission Da.scussion and Action: � o Pha.11ips inquired whe�ther this was par-� of a chain or just a local operati:axi. o Pau.l resp;onded that it was purely a local operation � and they would have a local m�nager. � o Moore inquired as �to the operating hours. t o Pau1 responded that they would be open� at 9:00 a.m. or 10;00 a.m, and x�un u�.ti.l abc�ut 31:00 p.m, on � Monday through Thur�d.ay, but they would open ab�ut � 9:00-11:00 on Friday a.n,d Saturday and run to about , 1:00 or 2;00 in the morning. page 8 ��� PC Minutes 4/20/76 �, o Sakata stated her concerns a'bout the hours of operation. o Moore discussed his conversations with the police chief i,n Beaverton and the problems h� is exper- iencing with the facility there. Those problems occur not inside t��.e recreation facility, but in- ! stead occur in the parking lot outside the building � where there have been instances of van.dalism and drinking by minors. Moore reported there had been � 27 arrests at the Beaverton facility in the last ( mon.th, many of -them involving drugs, alcohol and one � occurrence of illegal firearm possession. � � Gold'�ach stated that increased lighting might help. ; � o Stevens responded that they would hav� ad.equate � lighting aroun.d the facility and in the parking lot. ; ( o Pl�illips zr�qlzired as to the minimum age of persons � �operating pinball machin.es. a , ? o Paul sta�ted that, to his knowledge, there was no � � minimum age requirement. o Moore moved and Nicoli seconded that the conditional ; use pe:r�nit be d�nied based on pro�lems aasaciated i with vandalism at other similar facilties. i o Motion approved by unan.imous voice vote. 5.6 CONDITTONAL USE PERMTT GU 7-76 (Fox) A r�quest by Leon Fox to opera-"te an Arts and. Crafts Gal�.ery � in a C-3 zons (��neral cornmeraial) for a period o� one (1) � year at 12140 SW Hal1 Blvc�. (Wash, Co, tax map 2S1 1BB, � tax lot 11.00) . A. Staff R�port: read by Bo1en. � V �. Applicant'N Presentation.: � � o Mr. Leon. Fox stated that if the requirement to pave �the parking lot could be withheld �ox one year, he would be better able to assess the desirability o�' that location for con.tinued use. � C. Public Testim�ny: None � �. D. Staff Recammendation: o Approval, laased on pas� Commission ac-�ion o� matters . of similar circvrnstance. �" PCgMinutes �� 4/20/76 ; �, There bein no further ublic testimon the g P Y� public hearing was closed. E. Commission Discussion and Action: i o Krause moved and Moore seconded to accept the staff I report an.d amend the original conditional use per- i mit so as not to require paving of the parking lot until 2/77. o Motion approved by unanimous voice vote. 5.7 CONDIZ'IONA.L USE PERMIT CU5-76 (Kessinger) A request by Ear1 Kessinger for outside storage of wood products on. a parcel of land in. an M-3 (light industrial) zone at 12560 SW Hal1 Blvd. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 1BC� tax 7_ot 2401) . (tabled fr�m April 6, 1976, meeting) A. Staff Report: read by Bolen, B. Applicarit's Presentation: none � C. Public Testimony: norle D. Commission Discussion anr� Ac�tion: o Moore mc�ved and Goldbach seconded -Lo approve the conc�itional use perznit if adec�uate screen plantings ! were placed on the s,ite and that th� landscaping be subject to design. review. o Motion approved by unanimous voice vote. 6. SWDIVZSIONS 6.1_ Summerfield Plzase IV - S 2-76 Resubmission of a request for preliminary plat approval of Phase IV of Summerfi�ld and a variance of the subdivision cod� provi.sions prohibitin�g offset street inte.rsections o.f less than 100 ft. Krause noted his past in.volvement with this application and st�epped down while this matter waN being considered by the_ Plar�:n.ing Commission. A. �Staff Report: read by Bolen, � B. Appliaant's Presen�tation; � __ __.�__ �,. - _ .:._. .. . _ _..:_... _..._. _ _ .. __...�. _.._.__ ....__ .. _ _ �� � a e 10 ��� PC�Minutes � �.�� 4/20/76 � o Mr. MeMonagle summarized his project and stated his agreement with a11 of the staff conditions except #14, which dealt with straightening a partion of the main road -through the development. , C. Public Testimony: ' o Mr. Larry Krause stated his support of the proposal. o Dick Brown, president of Summerfield Homeowners Assoc. , � noted the involvement of �he developer with the residents of the development right now. Mr. �3r�own stated that the residents of Summerfield fully support the proposal at this time. o There being no �'urther public testimony, the public hearing was clased. D. Staff Recoznmendation: Approval with conditions as stated in the staff report, Ea Commissiorl Discussion and Action: o Popp commended the developers on involving the resi- � dents of the other portions of Summerfield and stated this made their job considerably easier. o Phillips recommerided that screeni.ng be provid�d. a�t the ends of the fairways. o Moore �tat�d that screening those �'airways would be an aesthetic dis�.ster. o Moore moved and Sakata seconded, that the subdivisa.on preliminary plat o�' Summerfield IV be approved witYi staff recommended cox�ditions, �xcept condition #14. o Motion approved by unan�.mous voice vote. 6.2 S 4-76 (Mayfai�) A request for approval of �. prelizninary plat for Mayfair Subdiva.sion located at the nor-�heast corn�r of SW 9.5th and Dakota Sts. (Wash. Co, tax map is�. 3��., tax a.n-t 150�) . A. Staff Report: read by Bolen. I�s Applicant's Pxesentation: � o Jim Harris, engineer'r�pres�n�ing the developers, stated he had no op�osition to the s�aff recommendations. page 11 PC _Minutes 4/2�/75 �. C. Public Tes-cimony: o Ms. Maryann RSTan questioned as to how lot 2 would be provided access. o Bolen pointed out throu�h the flag lot design of this portion of the development, it would be provided through a long, n.arrow driveway� o There being no further public testimony, the public hearing was closecl. D. Staf� Recommendation: Approval, subject to conditions stated in the staff report. E. Commis�ion Discussion and Action: n Goldbach moved; Nicoli seconded to accept the staff recommendation. �.nd approve the preliminary plat of Nlayfair Subdivision. � o Nlotion approved by unanimous voice vote. 6.3 S 5-7� (Walmar Acres) � �- A re uest for a roval of a q pp preli�iinary pla�t for Walmar - .Acres, located at 124th a�n.d Wal.nut (north side) . (Wash. Co, tax map 2S1 3BC, tax l.ot 5000) . A. Staff Report: read by Bolen. i; B. Applicantts Prese�.�tation: ' o Mr. Ray Ma�tin, developer, summarized hi; proposal and stated that without Planning Commission approval. o�' this subdivision request he could go in ancl place one apartment building with 1C units, but he vrould rather develop four �+-plex units, in one of which he would resideA C. Public Testimony: o Mr. Jahn Davenport, neighb�x:ir.g prop�r-�y owner, presented 'che cammission with a peti�ion c�� 46 families statin� th�ir opposition to the development, pri.marily be�au�e of -�raffic problems on Wal�,ut St. and the effect this development would have on thei�r property values. o Charles Casey also stated h�.s oppositiQn ta proposal � due �to -�ra�'fic problems. �'� page 12 �� PC Minutes �... 4/20/76 �. o Mrs. John Davenport also stated her op�osition to the proposal based on problems associated with high speed tra�fic on Walnut St. o There being no further public testimony, the public Yiearing was closed. D. Staff Recommendati,on: o Balen explained staff recammendation #2, that any ' overhead wiring be undergrounded, as meaning that the service lines to the individual units be placed underground. o Krause moved and Phillips seconded to accept s�taff recommendations and to approv� the preliminary plat of Mayfair Subdivision., o Motion was approved by w.�animous voice voteo - 6.4 S 3-76 (Kjelgaard) A request by Orl�nd Kjelgaard for approval o� a pr.eliminary �: plat to subdivide 4.54 acres for a multiple :family planned - residential development in the vicinity o.� 13778-�-384a sw Hall Blvd. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 2DD, tax m�p 500) . Staff recommended that, due to earlier Commission action in �;abling the zonin.g amendment zone change ZC 2-76 on this property, that consideration of this matter be tabl.ed until such time as that is resolvedo Moore moved an.d Tepedino seconded that S 3-76 be tabled unti.l stzch ti��e as zone change 2-76 be finalized. The motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote. 7. MISCET�.LANEOUS 7a1 STGN CODE APPF�.L SCl� 5-7� (Tigard E�vangelical .Church) A request by Tigard Evangela.cal Church for a variance to the Sign Cade to erect a ,�ign on the church premises at 10900 SW 121st. A. Staff Report: read by Bolen. B. Applicant's Presentation: � a A repreGentative of the church pr�sent�d sehematic � _ _ . . . .s�..� � � P �.-)a,. page 13 PC Minutes 4/20/76 �_� drawings o� the proposed sign and discussed its �amposition and location. C. Public�.Testimori.y:�•�..�J non� : . � D. Staf£ Recommendation: Approval with the condi-tion that it be forwarded to the Design Review Board, E. Rebuttal: None. F. Commission Discussion and Ac-tion o Sakata noted �he excessive s:ize of the sign. o Krause moved an.d Moore s�conded to approve the ' sign variance, subject to Design Review Board reviev� o�' sa.ze and desi.gn. o The mation was approved by a unanimous voice vote. 8. OTHEI-i. BUSIN.E;SS 8.1 Design Review Bo�rd member and alternate �` o Goldbach was appointed to the Desi�r�. Review Board and Krause was appointed as alternate. 8.2 Chairp�rson Electi:o.n: a Allan Popp was unanimously elected chairman. 9. ADJOURNMENT: 12:45 a.m. �. ` � I , r _ , . _ _ _ _ � . � ���� , � \ �., ' � � �f ataff Repart � `,, Ta:gaxci Pl.��:n:t.ng Gommission ; �, April. 20, 1976 ;; � ZC 2-76 (A-2/PL� ICje].gaaxd) [", i� � � � A,�enda xtem 5.1. '{ �; !, r A, �equesk by Orland Kje�.gaard for a ron�.ng amp amen:demez�G to zon:e a parce�: �; of• land in the �icini.ty a£ L377£3-.13840 S.kT. Ha7�1 alvd, , pres�nt.ly zraned � , R-7 (s.ingl.e family r�si.denta.aJ,) to .A,-2/PD (multi-fami.ly r.esidential- planned development). (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 2Db, tax. l.at 5Q0). �1 �' Sta£f F�.ndings }' �; l. The �reliminar.y p1.an and �ragxam £c�r t}a�.� apPlication w�.s stzbmit�.ed �� ko the Planning Comma.ssi.on at their. March 2, �.976 meetin.g. At this ;; meeti.ng, the chaixman af NPO ��5, Jotzn klavery: aP�e�xed and aslced ta have this item tabled far one month. to al.low the N�'0 t3,me �:a '� �repaxe �lans .f.a7- thi.s portion of their ��.an area. This tabling '•; was granted and, at the Apri�. 6, 1.97fi Pla.nn�.n�; Commissa.on. meetiazg, ', the pxela.minary plan axid px�gr.am concept was approved ar.d the applicant �;; E, iz��vited to app?,y .for the A-2/PD zane chan�e. ?, � 2. The �IPD`s recommendation to Lhe Pl.anning Cormniss�.on r�ei.ative to thi.s �: request was aancerne�l �ri.maxil.y with th� means of �rovidin� access Sy �rom Hall Blvd. tc� this prnper,ty �z�ci thp consi.derable amaunts of � undevelop�d land to the north and south. To acc�mplisk� th3,s �he NP(7 developed a spine road conc�pt which wo,aia ltmit th� �umber. af a�cess points to Ha11 and ��n.ita while providing intexnal circ�xlatior �nd � area id�ntity far the �ro�exties af£ected. The submi.tCed pJ.an cl.oes ;�� � n�t indicate the locati.on of suck� g fac�li�.}+ witl�3.n, the prajpct i!! t�eundaLies and the applicant'a narrative stat.ement �.nc�ud�s the �,'; � a�plic�nt's support a� a s�i.n:e road but states Chat the locat�.on �f. � such a fac3.lity ak this ti:me waul.d be of n� value to th� appli.cazat ��; ur�t�.l 3.t wexe r..onnected. H�w*ever,, T�.�axd's cod� re�ua:res ( ; future extensian of gtr.e�ts) that °'w2aeze n�ecessaxy `a gi.�e acoess ox ;; t� per.mit a sati.sf.ac�or}r f.uGure subd3,vision. of ad,jo3.ning land, stxeets F;� shail extend to the bour�dary of th� subzl3.visi.on. and �he resctl.t�.ng ,',� dead end streets cna� be agproved wi.tk�r�ctt � ��arn.axound.'' �` ?' �. T�.e �g��.icant p�'a�oses suhdi.vidi.ng tk�e apartmPnk pr.oject 3.nka ten k` sep�'�xate lots. To prov3.de �ccess to these l.aks he 3.s �arop�si.ng a E: �z�,,�ra sr,-��r s;�stem. Wh3.l.e it �.s c�,�st�maty i.n T9.ga.rd ta rer.�ui.r�: �� public dec�a.cat�.�n af �11 rights-o.f-way, th�.s �x�.vat� stxeet � �j�s�tem ,; ca�al,c� }aa acr.Pptable �f this nroperty wexe served by a aentx2l. spine �r roa� d�di.c���d to the p�.tbl,ic. However, tlne �ype of. pr;ivate str,e�t t syst.�;m gr.opnserl is substandar.el a.ccoxdi.ng tn T�.�ar8�s requ3.retnents, �; ev�n fax private �cc�ss, bath in t�zrns of rig�r-o£-w�y r.�qu:�r.em�nts i and cro�s sPCtion.�l can:str,ia�tion r.equi�emenfis. ;[� (z �`� � � �� � � ��, ��: �" �, �� � !, v� • ° oag� 2 �', ' staff repart � . 7C 2-76 �-i Apri.l 2Qy 1976 k � 4. Ztem "h" of the pl.anned d�velopment sectiqn of the zon:tng ordinance (page 2$9) requixes thaY arPas proposed for dedic�tion ox reservat3.on of pl.�ygrounds, ogen spac�, etc, be sa designate�3 on the submitt�d Plan. An ar.�a marked "park area" has be�n desa.gnated east of Fanna 3' creek �.nd a br.3.dge is shown �xrending fr.om a xecreati.Qn�]. vehicle storage area ko the parlc area. No statement has bpe.n made concern.i.r.g wheth�r this garlc ar.ea wil.l. be dedicated or re�ained i.n private ownexship az�d wha.t ty�e of impxovements will. be made. S�af£, i� especially concerned abo�ut the bridge structur.e as to publi.c safety and the �otential for b�.ackage of fl.aod wat�rs. No outdoox use areas adjacent the buildi.r_gs have been speci£ied� 5. Item. °1n" asks that preliminaxy �-rch�.tectur.a]. dxawtngs be suhm�.ttsd. this has not been do�e. 6. Item "o" requi.r.es subzria.ssian o£ � txee Planting and landscape plan with approximate fin3.shed gr�de slopes, banlcs and ditches. Tk�is has nat been done� 7. Itpm "p" requires that �hs approYimate locatiort, hei��t, �nd material.s a£ a11 w�J.1s, £�nces and scr.een�d plai�tix�gs be submitt�d. This has not be�n done. 8. T,tecn "k" requixes the pl.an to specify the ].�c�tion and di.mensions of pedestirian walkways, txai.ls or easements. '�his has nat been show�n �: �� on tk�e submitted p1an.. Staff finds th�.s �axticul.ar.ly i.mparta�nt 3,n � that all ot the propas�d recxea�xon space has b�en st�own acrQSS ` Fanno Creek on the �astern border. o.f. the dri�til.o�ment �nd � safe means of �etti.ng chi.ldxen. to and frAm khis sz t� should b� plgnn.ed into the project. 9. In the Ma'rch 2 st�ff rsFor�, staf.£ �x�ressed concern. ouer the r�ta�.ning � wa11 shown adjacent the raadway leada.ng to the recxeakional vehicl.e stoxage ar.ea. This r.er�.i��.ng wall vrould he ].�cateci w�.�lnin thQ fl.nod �lain area and therefore effects upon the flaodway and storage basin. m�ast he �ssess�do ' 10. Staff. finds the NPO pr.apasal, fox� a spine roac3 t� serve thi,� and �djacent �xoper.t�.es to be a much supera.a�e means af pxovidin�; �ecess ta th�se i �ragerties, than each property frontan.� Hall �lvd. havin� to separate i access poznt, In discussi,ng this matter. with the Czty ea�gineer.in,g department, a.t agp�3xs th�t i£ tk�e spine xoad is i,ncluded i.�, �he pxoject Qn a public r.3.ght-a£-way, it �aould then be feasible to dw�relog the remaix��.n�; access in the praject an pri,v�te roac3s. Th� �ACC@5� p�Xnt �,�ith H�1L �31vd. wauld thexefoze be �. temporary �rces� goint un�t3.J. the i spine road were connected with Hall Blvd. to the noxth. 11. Th� pr.opose�3p�ovi:sion of providing the pedestr.ian acc�s� across the br�.dg� through the recreation.al. vehicl,e skorage �xea would surely �rese.�t a sectsr.i.ty pr.oblem fox that stora�e area. �� ` STA.FF REC(7MMENAAT�ON 'Fo be given £ollow�.n.� publ3�c testi.mony , � � , `�. KLEIN & STUCKEY CONSUL7ING ENGINEERS �F' 211 EAST FIRST STREET NEWBERG, QREGON 97132 With Offices AFso in Forest Grove PHON E 538-4980 Apri� 1�, 19'�6 � Z � �a � City of Tigard � x Tigard City Hal.l ° a 'Pi ard nre on u � � � u � Atten�cions Planning DYrector W . � � KJFLGAARD PLANN�D �EV�LOPM�IVT � �� D�����M�I�I� P��toCRAtt!� zC-2-76 �., w ? � UJe enclase a cony of the Prelimin.ary Subdivision � w 1'lat �'or �the above pro;jec�t tint�cl ;��.ri ti�led for display � � o.f T'h�,s�s I and II , shawing the hasing of construction. � � eZemer�t�, togethe� with three (3� copies o�' a construction � u schedulP based on �relizninary P1at approval in Maya �;'�- , ° I'he schedule rr�ust be consid�red tentative but we � believe i� is as aecurate �.s possible at thi� ti�ne. � ? ; Youx:s truly ,�. �, � �:, � � `� � � � � � ,� , �, � �, � `� � W.S. Stuck�y, P.�. C3 u.! � � ' WSa�n1S W � �- «a � � _ �- . ... � J . � � . � .. .. � t� d ._ N.. � �d � � . . � � � . .. Il� . � �. � � . .. . . . 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S" \ � »`] � . �.. �.-. �' � February 13, 197� ��. ligard Planning Gorrimission Tigax'd City Ha11 Tigard, Oregon �]_gaard Planned Deyelo�ment at 13�8 1 8�0 S .W. Ha11 BJ.vd. �['1is proposed d�veloprrien�c consists of a mix of multi-family ! dwelling units, arranged in c_l�.z^t�rs rangi.r�g ;�rom triplex�s to 9-plex. The propar-cy a�.r�ady h�s one duplex and on� singl�� family residence, which hav� �een cantinuously rented for up -to 19 yea�s . A zan� change z°r�m R--7 �to :�-2 is r�quesced as a pre- zequiszte to consid�ration af 1:he prelim�nazy plat :Fi1ed he��- � with, and is �che subjec� af a se�aa,a�ate application. The statutory requirements for substantia'tian and sup�nrt of the zone �hange appli�ation are adc�2�ssed below. `�h� .planned d�vel.apment proposes �, rnul�i-family subdivisior�. rvhich tivil_l expand and enh�nce the established rental dwelliz�g usa�es at this site, �n.d rvi_1T im�rove the av�rall recreation�.l po-��ntial of the low�r par�ions o� thP site, within the �'7_aod plain af rarino Cr�ek. Develo�merat pre:�er�ble �t `this Sit� M�dium-d�nsity development af 'this location deserves, at this 't,ime� a high prior:i.�y in r�latiolz �ta o�hez �o�enti�:l sites . Thi.s hi�h rating is demonstrable on several coun�ts, as �he pro- �osed aevelopmentt 1. T5 1.ess than on� mile �Croin the re�ail�comrnercial ar�a ��. dovmtovm Tigard., wa�h acc���ss l�y an existing S�ta,te I-Ii�htv�i:�r (rt217) :�hi�h is Planned i°or �'uture .increa'sed traffic flows Tdorthv�ard a:nd SoutlZt+a�.r_d. ,� , � �{�yk�..�� L �� y �.��,. ��,,.. _ 2 .. February .13, �976 ,� � � 2. Is vcry corivenieritl.,y located wi�t;h respect to existing industra.a� p:Lants and to 1a71ds desi.gn�ted f'or fu�ure industrial d�velopment, facilitai;ing local employment ', oppor�tuni�ties. ; ; 3. Is favorably Zocated wii�h respect �l;o �i;hree major com.muter arteries, narnely Interstate �5, sl.ightly more than nne mil� alzd ta Pacifi.c Highl•vay (99VJ) , sli�htly less 'than one { mil.e, and to ;�2T9, about 1..2S rniles . Thus the choice of � this ]_ocation p�ovides easy aecess �;o al1 major co�nm.uter R rou-tes as we11 as �to long-�distance �t�°avel routes. � �. Meets a dnmand far housin� of all �typ�s, which has exceeded I the suppZy for approximately �hr�e years. The g�.p is wir�ening, a.nd de�v�eloPment ofi any type a� hausing is �;zmely. . 5. ComPares with anly on� otk�ex land parcel desa.gr�Lated �n th.e ►� � Camprehen�ive l�lan �or �LTrban M�dium D�nsi�cy Resident:��.l . � That other location is smaller in overa'll ar�a a.nd alr�ady ; ' appeals �to be develo�ed tn a htigher intensity, thus " a��'ordi7-�� a i�arrower range af choic� to d�v�l�p�zs. Further, � it is �lightly less favoraUly 7_ocated as far as proxi7ni�Ly � to maj or crnp]_oy�rnsnt appc�rtur�ities and area retail shopping � � is concerned. ° � 6 . Constitu�tes a re-zonirs.g �.ction. meetin� the pub.lic intezest izi �ha� it �vill bring the zonirig i.nto conformity vrith th����� Cam��r�ehensive Plan, �_n line with the °tBaYer decision'" . r�-7c�r_ing is commnnly treated as an abl.igation of civic adminis�rations . ;, � Cor�,i�rmit"y_wi�h_ Com�h�x�sive P1an � �? " The area of the �r aposed deve.lopmen� is des:��na`�ed "Url�an `; Medium-Densi�ty Residex�.ti�.1" in �t;h� cux�:�arit Corn�rehea.lsive �lan. f' 'I'h� pr�sen�t z�ning (R-7, single farnily resid�z��tia,1) �.s not in conformi�y with tha� Comprehei�sive T'lan, Uut �tk�e �a~c�posec� zon�.ng �, A-2 ��ou1.d bring the zonin� ir�°to compliai�.ce vri�th �he p1an. Such 'w' a result would al.so satis�y �the rec�uirem�n-ts o�' the T3akez dec�- � isian (Bak�r vs . City af i�7iZ�vaukie, 1975) . Lv�.cien't_ly, �id�lity � to `�he pravisio�zs of �h� Compr�hensive Plan is e��ellent. r ;: �, The proposed development ?s also in ch�racter with the hi�- - � ' • �;ory oi tYie property, as multi�-family rentals cambined wi�h the i (uizdercievelo��d� recreational valu�s of the land have be�n �he �I sole use �'or anpraximately lq year�. i� The planned d�nsi�ty is suLst�.n.tially less than th� allowal�le �I value irnposed by the Plan. D�.ta on this and demographic da�a are shot�rn in Ap��ndix °'A" , (�?nalysis o�' subdivision) . ;�' i a � , ; J _ _ . . _ _ .: . _ _ {'; � , ,' ,,, �r,` C � y.., � � .nF,. 5'� �. �f r. �.:, �.-- � Februar�r 13, 197� �� _ ~ � � �'; �:. ;i �: The d�vel.oper wi11 ins�ta�.: �� �_. Sani�Lary sewer collection syst�m dischargAng to the # unified sewage a�ency 60" in�texceptor acxoss Fanno Creek. {; 2. V�later distribution system to City and�or Water District � �' Star?dards, cannected to Wa��x' District 12" maizz on the � L?as�t side of S .Vd. Ha11. T3o��levard. Fire pr�tec�4ion ;! services, hydr�n�ts, e�tc. will be inclu.ded. '' � 3. Storm drainage collec�ioi� system dischargin� to Fanno ;; �� Creek. `� �, 4. Minor improvemen-t;s �o priva�e recreation alea located �' across ��anno Creek� Y�ounded by�_th:e cr�ek and the U.S.A. i: itzterc�ptor righ�t-af--way. Gat�d access �v:ill be prc�- F� vided to tlze intpr.ceptor z ight-o�'-vJay �'ax 1arik�up wi�h ;; the rval_king and riding tra�.ls which are �ande�stood �to be �larLzl�d �'ar the in�ereeptor s�i;rip. � Io�.:mcost p��es- ;; trian bridge �_s.�proposed for access to the recrea�l:ional �� ar�a across Fanno Creek, subject tp requiremen.�t;s :for j�, cansl:ruc`�ion �r�ithin the flaad pl�.in. Existing txees i; �vi11 be i��tain.ed �to maxirnum ex�tent possible. '°, � � Th� dev�lop�r ;,c�oes nat a�t �resent plan �t;o build c�N�ell�.ng • � units on the subdivision. The 1.c�ts vrill be mark����d ta o�hers wl�zo will prov�d� c�esign a7�d can�tructior�. A1Y necessa�~y .l�rovisions covenants a.i�d similar con�r`ol provisions will be incorporated ir�to sale agreemen�ts wi�th lot Uuyers as ma,y 'i�e rec�uired by the City o�" `,, Tig�rd �to ensure fai-thful caia��liance with �Lhe objec�tiv�s of a i; P_lan.ried Development. Design s�ai�dards, es�tl�.etic �riteria and �- en.vironmen�ta.l dev�ln�men.-t s�anc�ards, such as landsc�.ping, wi.l� be i.; subani��'L�d oi� r�oAues�t i'or z eview a.7zd approval. 'r �� .; ; , Irn�,ac`�s �'� �; Th� acicii�ional loads �_rnpos�c� upon public services� such as j'� sclzonls o police, fire px�o�t�ction, ��Tater and uevrer s�rvices ar� ' lj -L-h a s e n o r m a l l y �;o b e ex��c�ted irom an influx of snme 1?_0--12� per- k sons into the neighbounc���d. Th� ma�ni�tude of these impacts is about g-lOf less than `tlzat corr�esponding to the maximum density g�rrnitted under �he Compreh�nsiye Plan d�s�.gnation. T1�� Proposed s��ver cc�].lection syst�m cauld have a favorable F i.rnPact on �l:he n.eighbaurl�:ooci acros� S.W. Hall Bou].�vard in ar'eas � upland of th� uppermost end of �th�_s subd�vision. Provided anvance � �.�;r�em�n�t;s pl ior to detail engS.neering desi�n couZd be concluded vrith th� Gity of 'rigaid' The sul�division sewage collection � `�; � , 1 � � � � i _ � � � �, ... � i � - l-� - February 13, 1976 . system cotzld be sized .to receive �A�ha`Lever addi�tio���,l fl.ows the City may projec�t. Si.milar ar.rang�mEnts are possible in respect �o storm c�rainage, as ano�ther po�t�ntially favor•able impact. Development of -this properi;y may s'timula'te sixnil.ar devel.op- m�nt� in this "Urban Iliedium-Density Resi�ential" area, accom- pani�d by appropriate zone changes wherP necessary and �'avorable. �Lhe recrc�a�i;ional part of `the proposed dev�lopment wi7_1 have neu�Lra1 to nega�ive impact upon �the flood-plain chara.cteris�S.cs . and per�oima.nce. Th� Urid�e wi13 be design�d so that it �vill float free and sv�ing clear of t�e main cura°ent on an anchor line at flood stages. " " Any dev�l�prnent in a resid�ntial ar.ea will increase traffic flo��vs in most cat�gories af public and private transpor�Ea`t;ion. Again, such increases are in.evii:able in area� such as �;his� already clesigna�ed for faiily int�nsive pc�pul.a�ian densi�ty. The proposal requests approva]. of the :fol].o�vir�� v�.ra.an,ces: l. P:cinci �al access by priv�.te street, ��0 �'���c right-of-�vay� v�ith 2� fect pavement width, conventionally curbec�, � 2. L�ots pl.atted to cen�terl5.ne of piiva�e s-treet and,�or driveways, as �the case may Ue. . We a.re pleased to p��sent the above inio-rznation and s�and reaclyr 'to PxovidP supplernental data ul�on request. G�Ie r�quest your fayo.rable consideration. Very truly yours, 0 .C . K j�lgaard Ovmer aizd Developer r � ' � �'��c �f"�=-�---�-` W.S� S�"�ck�y, P.E. Engineer�nd Plazvzer �� ��7 �� f�f�` `'����' .�,.',�,�.�'�+`�';:.��. � ;� � ��� �ij��(4��, ����GS. � {,�L/�' �:.� .'��-Y���„ ::� `•y �°"�t� � �`t����i"����v:�"��;�... ,:..�e,.� — OREGOPi � '- � �,� �'� � �� �Y 7, ��3 �v�� ��� S'�X��1�,�\ ,11tc • . ,,. ... _ . , . .. ,+� �;:;�. y,r. �. ts�, n 'y °Y,'.. �`�...,•�'�� . APPENDIX A � ' S11eet I KJEIt�AARll P�NNED D�VFLOPMENT . Ti�ard� Oregon SU�DZVISTON ST�TEI!Z�NT Loc.ation: 1377��--1381�'0 �`�^�• Hall .Y'_._ �_` (S a W. Highway 21'�) Tigard, Qregon � , _ Z����i Lo�t 3 nf Edgevrood Subsectionnl2, S.W• Grah�,m ]�LC ;�39, - T?S� R1V'J, W QM o in �r�laS�1111��0I1 Coun�ty� �Z'BgUri ' E�a.�ineer-Surve +�r and Planizer KLFIN & S'�UCKEY� ENGINFERS & P'LANNERS � 211 East Firs�t Stre��; Newberg, qregon y'?�-32 �. �� }, a , I } � ; ! � � l , , . . . . � . , .. . . . . . . .� ..3 . . . . . . . . . .. , .: . . . I � � � � . � . � � . - . � : � . . . . �� . . . . � .. . . � � ' . . � . . . .. . � .. . . . . � ��, . . . . . . . . .. . � . I �.��. . . . . . _ . . . . . . .. . . .. � � �. .. �. _ ; . �, ._ _ _ ,. .. . _.. _ .. , . . , .. , _ _. (`. •�y•F ^F,�' �^ 4 /'. fr. ,. ' " � `�_. � i� , �' � A�prND�x A �, �': ANAt�YSIS OF SUBDIVISI�N i �,: � , Area: 4�.3� Ac. • �' Zone: R-7 (r.equ�sting zone change to A-2) f P]_�.nned Land Use: . , Urban medium density z•esir�ential �' (Tigard Co�nprehensive Plan) , k', � (' No. of Lotse �0 Multi-Family lots � No. of Dv�ellin�s a � 4�3 new �,par�i;ments, approxim��tely 13 � 2•-bedrooin and 30 3-bedroam, p�.us 1. # � existing duplex and 1 existing S-F D.�ii. � y 60 D/�X, per gross acre includ:ing 1 D�7zsit a 10. � 3 existing (Conprehensi.ve p�an ��:�rnits ' � � 12 D.�t. per gross acre man) . � Population� Appr�x. 2.85 persons p�r new unit = 123 persan.s additi.onal Popul�.tion Densi�ty: , 30.21 persons�aere including � existing units. Recreatianal Arear 0.70 Ac. Cornrnon Areas 0 .43 Ac. Frivate Raad: 390 lin. f�t. x �0 R.O.W. (2�' paved width) Private Drivevray: Ap�rox, l�J•50 lin. �'t. of 12' paved dz ivevrays (1-��ay) Prepared by: TrJynford Sax�on Stuekey, P.E. � �, , ; . � ._, ._ . _---- -..- -. -._ . _ �_, .� .. _--------- _.._..___.. _--- � � � s� ii� s� ��� s��c-ri oN z " �r�s r���yv >>r. r�. � 3_ �6 �Y4',r+'.G70N COJYiY GREGCN ' ' SC AI_E l�= 100� �4�, / I C.i �l 1�Y MA �� o _ ---A—J-�---------- � � ��•'—'`�'�� _---�— ---- � 0�.�:\�l'�1 " � '_ � �.�^.�• —" — .f:a[�• ���•.o• -- �5���r ,..._� ---------- _. t:�r... -iwe ""' � _.+u ,r v0 . r.A Ia00 �.00 � .• �!�'�t . .,.tc s•�c J•�r 1. ty �� • • � --�'-._---------- .t.o. -'�•----'--' - --'--_"' ----' � � " r �-- � zoo ��-.k _._._. ._..._---- :. _ b. — �_ i — ------.�, — b - • ' �z�m �. �:�� � .�., � .:... m . . -- ..�.. - . - ----_--- . . �� ------------ r.:;�Tt::�--.-- .r�. -- --- - -a- ------ .�,. .��r_ ,... „ ....o,.,�,,... - .�--------------- - -- — — —:.--� ----�.. -- --- . . • . • �00 . � E.flt • -------- __---��::r--'._.' i i . - — S , iioo • � ,�� •• , � , . . -------- _ 7 _C-' �= ' 2 , . . e� c�� - _ _ __ ... __,���_ . _-��� . _ ____.__:;...: ..:; -� � . ; i000 � � . � fa�a r . i�� _' � yY J � � � �� � _ ; ,,.,.�, __ ---�--�- -... _ -_ (- -- -------- ---�--..::o:._ �� �_�• . -- �'T,:,---'—.-�T t�as--_ � 1 ` • . %.r� "' 4O� ' o: iJ � . `op. ; � ,g i 3_�c. . i.s�ec. ! x ' a _ 4, �' i r �.+1`...— � � %/ I � / - / /// / '� � . { Y F � � / � �,/ /,�,, /��� � �� ��/ / �»�..� _� < [� % '• /'i' //' / / •�� �~ � Z '��� �. ��. . � � O /i `' w j/% j ' / ,% ,. l 1 � `� �r C � / . �,• �,;, `�. ° � i- i/,/' ,/ ��' :/ i��•� r _ , � . � � . •/ . / .� / . .n � �� ,/'' i �j'/ � •�' rr-7 - . °L'- - - .:i�"= — �f.s f � ii /. .`, ' //: ./� '� /., . ' �.1��r sc'� N b01 ] � / �� i; ! /. A)O , . 809 - - — j �- � _ . . _ s• . , • S i' _ ��.� e ' eoo • . ,� � tr r�2 �� ...,�. � : 7SS�� • . y� ,,�' � ��- — .� --+ 3 . t.::, �::-:� .�. — • . . .o�,... �OZ � l T a �� � a ae •.,� -I� — ., ;.: .ti _ _ _—. -- - • � �e� � _ . :�81] , 1• .r ' y� --- � --�"_-'_.�---•----- —�� --------'--_- . . f 1 L'" I 1 s y ' •' �00.• -� ; ��•� `� _ :�z' • ... �— }.l'���JC..+:—..�� y� �J t{u�4[.�- .`� � . A � > � �j �� bo3 , � E06 ,C'C10 . •a�t J,7,tt tIC:�.� •G K � _G.�. ' . . � . i s� E �, �' . . .. � � � :� _ s � . . . � . � .�� . . . . �` • ,...�,.s � .• � � ' �� � � I � s^�rt� . . . �. � , _ .a�. ... _.a• -� • � . —___.-.-_— —-- -- . -- . '--—' - — t+C_L •.,, _ �. . _. . � � . �. �-!Sr'str�___._ra— . . . . f �c00�tAt G�`-� �. S7ht- ET� , -- . -•.•� .. .. .,�•<. __.__ __ _ __ .-_------ - - .---- -. -� .::..�_. ' � . .�. „ ,Z . � , ,r � ,,,�` �� z, � f� ���� . �. �: ..�:: ; - STAFF REPORT �I Tigard Planning Commission April 20, 1976 �I ZC 4-75 �� Agenda Item 5.2 � i REVTEW OF PRELIMINARY PLAN AI�TD PROGR.AN! ��I Resubmission of an earlier application for a plazln.ed multi- a family development on Little Bu11 Mountain at the presen.t terminus of Sj�+T 109th Ave. S^lAFF F'INDINGS l. The applicant proposes to constru.ct 88 multi-family dwelling units on a 6.8 acre site. 2. A previous proposa.l to subdivide this land for duplex lots was denied by the Planning Commission and City Council due to the adverse impacts upon. the natural environment. Namely, th�_5 was due to the loss oi a majority af the tr�ees in the soutriern portion of the property. The City Council dicl not actually deny the request, but asked the applica,nt ta redesign. the development in a manner which would be less detrimenta,l to the wooded portion of the site. This redesign was to be resubmitted � to -the Planning Commission. This Council action was taken. on. July 28, 1g75. � � 3. The submitted plan proposes apartments rather than d.uplexes. `'.C'he purpose is to cluster the units and parking area on the treeless portions of the sit�, leavin.g �.intouched and in its primitive state approximately 2 acres of woodland. Y 4. The previous staff report found multi-family developmen.t o� � this parcel in can.formance vrith the Camprehensive Plan. 5. Staff is particularly cnncerned about the ex-tension of SW 109th. ; Unless this street is �xten.ded to the sotzth to meet with the ex,isting 109�%h right-o�-way, no through n.orth-south access will � be provided the Bul1 Mountain area between SW 98th �n.d SW Pacific Hwy. , a distance of 2/3 of a mile. In order to construct � 109th through -t;his project, 000pe�ation wi-th the property owner � to the west will be required. This matter must be resolved prior to approval of this projeot. '; ;. 5. No submission has Y�een made by the applicant concerning the � program elements required in th? ?�lanned Develapment zone . � , i' STAFF RECOMN.�NDATl'ON ' ,� Staff recommend,s -�hat the submitted preliminary plan be � � approve�d in concept and that the staff concerns �ie addressed �' in the general plan and program. �� (� f r. �t {; � �,,,,,-,.�, ,__..�-....���. _ _ . ___ v: / ; * .. , � � � ;� �, t �/ n,/ �: _.,�_ =• -�1,1:. r- � __ _ _ _�; , -r-.- � _- -r--' . T� �. ���� I /1�i96 \ . (t._.K J'L'-lJ Sti � / � -�.�' �___- /�.✓'�3--_ � X - .J II�/ ,,:�. ._`".�+/ C T! ` ' I � � h I �1� -``-_ .--- _ - --. _ ' - � � �; �^ -_-___---�-� --��- � : �, � , I , , - p ��:r�ia� _�.�: ����_�'••• / / ;• .:Ir; ; `---- � ;: i i, � -�. '---�•---�` l � _ .�\ � i �:, l � �� r / i / --';1.�- � ---�.- � j `�`` '�� �'�.`� � , � { ^� ���,.-�_ �\ -='��� ' ��.�� �_ � /�•'i�'���1.�'L-,J'. �- -�r_^ /'��%�" � �, � � )'_ _ , _ - st �y n !� �--.--v-. J- .�--�=''� '�� � �� • - , . �„i„°` , - _-�:-i-�-- /��s�'�_ �j; - "'—�' �� �' �-•.. ��, �=�_ _ � ?, ' `�� N ` ' J a-�..;�. - �(`/- L,' L �-:, • .� ! �� �L✓' \�;l'' � �l • . !� �? � ,1 ,. �r� • ;: �� � I , ,,:'` '� , ;. _ � _ ,, � r �%�'�J_� �;/ 1 _-' _� o p A fi K 1 IJ.G �_ S^; .;�,� �!,:�� ! ` p r..fiKIN�--- ���j^^ � `_"�"�-�-�-��"-.i�� � 1. � • -_____ ,-�-� . . -- - �--,�_._-� .:r � .� � ,,,_--•�----•r-�-• �`,,� i �, ,�-�,r._--_ t�--� t1 �j j; ? }t�� - , --_� ��....'�. � sr..Jh /� ��. �I ` ;;� � ,, ,Z�_.,� _J — - ,� ��" .� � 1`'j - .; -�l^ . ' ---- -= --- �—�' . �i�-� - � 1 --,�—._------- . �.,—�. _ � ., . �_ ��. � �' � . � . � �� I I RCOCK \ —_ �� i IJ� U . - . G �.. �'''�. i �=---_— ' -- � Q � � � �/��7�_ - - - �'c�_=_,�.�----- - �j . � � 1 1•W M %/ \,� �1 �,'/ `r--- -�� . _ . � I s � ��1�� ��� � ° . - .� - — . ; . � .�� , � . � _.( '' � .'�..;i �' . _ ;,' �� .�xr;�-'. .--�Z,.��_ . ;�:'��. . I � .� .;; . ���� -� = :: ���,ti �- ; .; "��• '� ��j /� `•a .L S- .J`.... , - �.��-x�� . ti }• - - o I' �,r,:�t� � . - -'//� i �li i c� � , tl,.MO�"' J%� i ' . 1�;�� -�:-- � < :, ' - �� ,`� � � -�, \\ � � /%=-_��--_-=;�' ' � ; r-'- � � F � 1 4 ' • "�oy.i �.,\ 3 . /�(�! .(`'�- ' � � A� �.� � _ �� �'•.,� , t a,.%i: i ,�r-c:Z K�ra c � i C , f �. , � � �i� I� ti'GB.S ( _�.I � �� � ���/ � �� .C.� ! � X __1 �'--'�� _ _ _—-- ---- I 1 � • i Y= 1 ----� --� . � - - f: t �---_--•-� '-+ :;. _ __ _ �._.- �-- t�H S T. � . d. � c23.6 J ��y . N: U R�O C K �- ' _-- --�°-- � � � � i �� U b:H. • _� =__-------_. -— � f . ' x � �(J�H. _-—_-:=�--"�-=C �__�:7L_=-='—�j--" ��` / , I t C�_ . !1 , � •' '�6 •`' t� � � a 4y_._.__ •-,--•--- \,--- � ��� �` e-'� ' , � ••j / ���� �• s._-:& � � . �.. .f i � � ?.]k+�ll':U� �(� � { � `��� �/�`�.\ ,J�,-1� '�J . /o._.:{s � � / I '�� ' . ;i �" r " `��__'-�._t�� ���li/ .f �,.• ( ' �i �� � �`K ' �_ � � 5�.,.��s �/ i_ \ ; � � ' : :i � ; . �ti �X � � ( :.�: � '� ; i t ;I ; �Yzs.3 � � I ✓ �1 �� '� ��r— _/-'-—'X--- ---�•--- —�"_ X / �r -" . - , � _ j � • ;.'tz�.� . I � _.�.__I� ' . ' t ; � -� j 1 • �-- • .� ``'�'�,)�4(6.2 5 - - - �i,ZG �.`-� 21{, \ '\� r' � — �//��� � - _ ���`± __''�Y'_� . --,---^-.-.,-... ..�Y`�---__•-'``_ ti� _ . �,,,y`�^ '� ,��� ` ' � ��`I i�/�!l!'�'t� __ � �^~. �,_ --S� T �� � -� _�-��° /� �------_.__.— ._---` " � . �� �`��_ . . � .� �������'—�_�--�--�'Q —�--�� I f � ;'� ~'\ �Q��_ ' „',-, -- ' ' �� .�. �� ' ':---••--- '' JI- ,"'�.. , �\` `�� , ,�' -..__.___. --' I� . � � '-�-. - ___ _ _ k � � � aoo- ..�� .' "_•--_`�-=� � `� -�,,�-- ����� -__,..v , .� , y �` � � � �`' . " . , " • � ` �� � ��. �n�r T1•./?rv,'�!,!�✓�AO'?(� �`'' • `�- � �a � ��. 1 ���.;. � �-� , ,;��, > h , ��,. STAFF REPORT Tigard Planning Commission r� April 20, 197� �, ZC 3-76 (I3elanich) �! Agenda Item 5.3 � s �, PRELIMINARY PLAN AND PROGRAM REVIEW ` � A request by Roger Belanich for a preliminary plan and pro- � gram review of a proposed commercial planned development in 7 the vicinity of 121st and 122n.d and Scholls F�rry Rd. (Wash. Co. tax map 1S1 348, tax lot 500) . STAFF FINDINGS l. The subject prop�rty was divided by � minor land partitioning apprr�ved by the Commission in November of 1975 and the zone on � tl�e 3.2� acre parcel of land cr�eated was changed from County " Suburban Residenti.al to City C-4, Neighborhood Commercial, by Ordinance No. 75-56 an 1.2/15/75. A condition of this approval was that Mr. L�elanich, be:Fore developing the property, make application for a planned development zone change. � 2. Condition #3 of the zone change stated that a �0 ft. to 20 ft. dedication for public street pu.rposes was to be provided on SW t. Scholls Ferry Rd. with final determination of width to be made � by the Oregan State Highway Depa.rtment. The Highway Division 'i h�.s stated a need for 20 ft. of right-�f-way in �tYiis area. The submitted plan shows a dedication of 10 ft. 3. Condition �#10 requires that ��a covenant shall be provided to {: make possible the :future vaca�tion o� 122nd 5�;. , if deemed {; , neces�ary, and to provide cross easements with any future �' commercial development which may occur on the property to the ;" west. �� These cov�enants have not been provided to date and 4': should be a part of_ the general plan and pr�gram. The Gompre- ;' hensive Plan shows an 8 acre neighY�orhood commercial c�ntgr at �' this location and staff i.s concerned that, as future comm�rcial � developmen.t is needed, the land to the west can be readily tied � inta -�he 3 acres proposed for developmen-t a�t -this time. ;; 4. Condition #lI requi.rPS that a 20 ft. landscaped setback be pro- '�� vided from SW Spri.ngwood Dr. The submi-tted plan shows a 28 f-t. f� landscaped setback fro �he first 32 ft. from the east property ";� line9 but from that point the 2Q £t. setback is n.at maintained. i; �, �., 5. The eastern. propexty line does not show the addi.tional 5 ft. � dedication required by the C-4 z�ne change. �;, ,: a. 6. The applicant has not submitted a li�t of code devia-�ions with �� his prElimin.ary plan and program, th.i� not being requi�ed. Haw- � �ver, when the general plan and program is submitted, the appli- � c�nt will hav� to note that the western property line has a zero ��, setback in the area where the grocery store is tc� b� constructed F# 4 ;� + h, i `v � ��II - page 2 ~ i PC St�ff Report r;�� 4/'20/76 l; Item 5.3 ' �` � �` ,. �. ; and the public r.ight-of-way is us�d for a service drive. This t �'eature is apparently necessary due to the long and narrow shape �'I of this proper.ty; however, without knowing f�r certain at this ; time that 122nd will be vacat�d, and that the additional com- �; mercial development will occur i�o the west, it seems unwise to use 122nd as a service drive, especially to l.andscape a portion tc of thi� public right-of-way as shown in the proposed plan. STAFF RECOMNtENDATION (; Staff recommends that the preliminary plan and program be approved � in concept and the applicant b� invited to make application for � a planned development zone change. In addition., the applicant i is asked to consult with staff tow�ard resolving the issues raised � f,� in the staff findings. ;i ;� i� a� Ea � �. � �, � 4� �. Sp+ E4� Ii !{i �1� t{ �7 Ij � Y? � , i �� � � , . �.., _ . � � . ,.. _ _ , _ . _._ ..... .. ... . �, I � ,�. . � �� r � d�� 7 S� `I � ,,._ f �. �: , �, � - ��,,,� , '� 11P1'LT:cI�'1'TON I�OI2 PL111VI�r�D DliVELOPIiL•'IJT n��'PRICT 121si. S. [d. T1ND SCHOL'LS F'ERFLY ROI,D �� SI101'PING CLIQ'PI:R PROJECT ``� '� 6 i ` � 4 � - d �� PLAN LLEMENTS ' . i The �3l��licant proposes to develop a neighborhood shopping center which shall in- r.].ude a major supermarket in conforrnance with the underlinin� zoning af the pz-o1�erL-y I which is Ncighborhood Comrnercial� Zane (C-4) . Thc- fallowing elemcnts of the p-reli.minary development plan �re shown on t.he �n- closed plot plan af the subjec� propertyo __ ' +�� I. Building types and intensities �'�'-. 2. Circulation patt�rn, Parking, landscaping, ''' loading areas etc of the proposed development �, '.�� l, PRQGRl�M ELENI�NTS 1. M�.R10E'� ANRLYSIS • ;.l ;'tj As pr�sented in rezone application �;'. �; PROPOSED Oj��I�FkSHIP PAT'1'ERN , � � s� The applicant, in�ends to develop and 1�ase this proj�ct and ret�in it long t�rm. T.n the event that in the fuLure any portion of th� properi:y were sold to a ten- � ant or Lo an investor-Tand�.ord, the total prop�rty would continue to .function as �� one planne� shopping center dcveloprnezzt because the property and l�ases will be deed ' `i resti.icted to do so by covenants, �asements, and restricti,ons. Tt will a1t-zays func•- i . tion as Z�res�nted on {-h� plot plan, sii7ce tri� deed resi.ricted �lot �lan vaill p�rmaiz- � • ' ; enfi�ly xc��}ulate •�}�e s.i.ze and location of buildings and th�� amount a� pa.rking, ingress- i egress etc. This is L•ypical of a11 shopping canters and is essentially the definition of a sho�ping cei�ter. In that sense a shoppiny center is in itself a Planned Develol�ment. 3. c-tPER7�'.I'ION�ND MAINTFNANCE • � � � • � � � � � � y �i�re sl�opl�ing center essentiall.y functiv;�s as a comrlerci�l eandamini.um f'or the xnain- } �i �� �;�n,,; - ,- ,� al:l, ���>•���1nn areas. The laazdl.ord will su�Grvise common area maintenance and � � � �� i rc;<�.r�(,s wi ;l. ��;��I thei:r pro-rata share of i:ts cost basea on their respective gross � ;� �. 4� :� . . .• . � . .. .. . � � �.� �R � �{� . . � _ . __ . ._..._. .,. . .._...__. ..� ..:., « . �.. ,. .: . .���:,,. i <...- .._.. .. :, . _ . ..... , ,. _ _ . _ ._ _ _ _ __ . _. , , � �; �-, , � �( �� �'7�GE TWO �rquar� fooL- buildin s ace to ttie total � � ;' g p yross �quare i'oot space. � The .landlord basically will maa_ntain the �xter.ior of the build.ings anc( thP t�n- � _ , ants the iriterior. � 4 i 7'hose mai�t�r.s are incorporated inL-o th� 7.eases and are themselves advocated by � the landlord, tenants and Ienders. { � F ' f 4. WASTE D2SPOSAL FACILITIES � i •� There are tt•�o sanitary sewer conn�ction points to the proposed project. One lo- j cation ���ould �xtend the 8 inrh line from near •the east cor�aer of ].21st and Spritlywood I westerly along fihe prol�osed right of way of Springwood, then north in1.o i�he rear of th� supermaxket. The second l.�cai:ion would extend i:he 8 inch sewer �ast fr_om i.he Ing1e�•rood Subd�.visiori, at a point approx_�mately ?_60 feet south of Scholls Ferry Road, , to a po9.nt that intersects the subject property line, i.hen diagonally to the buildinq • pads. The la�Lter is the most probable. This i_s shown on an enclosed �xhibit and alsa on i.he plot plan. There is adequate sewer capacity to service the entire d�veloZ�ment of this project. Trash areas for the buil.dings are pointed otat on the plot p1an. Pick-up cos�s be- come part oi' Cornmon ,Area Maintenance as outl.ined above. 5. LTGHTZNG Fxterior lighting will be provid�d in the site l:or. pec7es�.r.i.an, vehicular circula- tion and parking. These are indica�ed on the r�1ot plan. • 6. W�ATER SUPPLY � There is a 12 inch caater line on the east side of 121sL- Av�nue oppauite i�he full len th of the ' � g ' �roperty line. Tizis 9_s shown on the enclosed exhibit alon� with the lo- ; catin�� of fir.e hydrants. ,� � �� ;'1.'t��1 DRAIIV AND STREETS'. . �� T�.+� �� C�= generally slopes to the southwest and drainage will be provided along � I21st 1`� �-� ;�.;�.svhi.ch will be reconstruct�d or� bo�h sides of the center 1in.e to incluc]e i � ,; � � +�.��,. . 1�IaGE 'I'HI2E:E 1 '�� � or.m dr_ains in conjunction with the clevelopment of i�he project, and as required by the r�zoning ordinance. : On site clrai.nage will be in confor.mance vrii:h ��1_1 .local codes ai�cl ordinances. 8. ROAD DEV�LOPMENT, SIDL�d1�LK5, BICYCLE PATHS , Tn conformance with the standards required by the grantinc� of �.lze zoning. These axe shown on the plot plan. 9. Lt�NDSCAPING ANll PARKING � � As shown on the plot p1an. D�aintenance as part of common area maintenance is i indicat�d above. 10. YIJBLIC TTZANSPORTATION To be satisfied with Tri-met. , 11. GENERAL TIMETABLE FOR DEVELOPI✓�NT `i It is estimat-ed that the project will develoP in two stages. Phase T will be � . th� supermark�t and shops building next to the supe-rmarket. We anticipate constr.uc- tion to commence the latter part of the year with an o�ening in March 1977e The re- maining buildirigs f.acing a]_ong Scl�olls Ferry, Road will proba}�Zy be built during tlre i'ollowing year. Although, we wi11 also be �ar_nestly trying t� �tenant these build- ` � ings .al�unedia�e_lY• • � l 12. QU�ILTF2C71TIONS OF TtiF PPOPOSLD DESIGN TEAM ' � �he drehitects and Z�l.anners for the ��r_o�osed project are I3�nry J. Voderburg, AIA ; i : I 1�r.c}�.it.ecr 3�-�: ated a.n Lake c7s�aeqo. W� wi11 be assisted by ��rc�fessional consultants as � � � • � � � �� ; '..;•h,�nical. ?' ��.i:n��rs, and El�ctrical Engineers. " CJnit>.�'. '"�:ocers will. be working in conjunction wit17 the applicant as the super- ; ; , ; mark�t tejzant,: Thcy are repres�nted by ,Tohn O�verbay, . . � . . ' �. ' ; ; � � , ; �- - � . ... , _: , �i„'� � s+' ,r. . .„j ..r.rti� r� �� � .X�'-'�r5-q �� �d � �� 9 N a ���� 'r� a� rx a� , • � .. � � ; '� ;� y f, � �.� � °�'F;�t:1 i { ! i��� ' � ¢ k � l� � � � ��� 6�� �n� . - � . a . r--� . . 1 �'� 5 1 1.� - .- ' . � :. -.,.�,� r . � ( * P� t ', � y � I.w {( � Y � �' ! �� Y:: � ,j�'�...-t , _� l 1`: .. �� r i i ���'� � t � �' � � � � - .�:.:.s :il �.:i � c� ;,-......�.. r'....._....'.�..,..� S„V� S' � '�.,,,� �f f{ �"i`S`r� 7� , T - . , , r ' � " �,�.�.r� � °t --.� _ . , . �..� � � .. �,$ � �'— - � '.�' �, e� c��s.�u� i� �.g.!' �:���� �� �ti����� �.�`�p���'� :.�� €� . . "-� � - :. " s . '-. _. . . - � ..1 . • ,_.J.��,- . ��r G. 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I! � .,. � �" j£Y �� J l ,:� 1l.aT . , . . j ,; Y • �,��� 1 � I . . ! . . , . _. _ � . � o ,,,�...� _.._ _ _._ . . _ ----.. __�.....�. :.:� :�,n-�.. -.�: _y_ _._. � - a' + a. �,�� . �. y , . ,. ,. ���. .. �,i' STAFF REPORT Tigard Planning Comm:ission r-:. .April 20, 1976 �°�` ZOA 4-76 Agenda Item 5.4 i(( �, ZONTNG ORDINANCE AMENDMENT (Setback on SW W�.lnut St. ) � A proposed �.mendment of the Tigard Municipal Code, �mendin�; Ghapter � 18, Section 18.12.100 - yard requirenient setbacks - to make th� additiorlal centerl.ine setback of 40 tt. required for all of SW 1 Walnut St, within the City the same as that required by Washington � County (35 feet) . � STAFF FINDIIVGS 1 It has been brou ht to the staff�s attention that the Cit is � • g Y requir�ing 10 ft. more right-of-way on SW Walnut than is bein.g required by the County. This obviously creates a problem where tYxe separate ;�urisdictions are applying different standards to the same roadway. Tn. conversations with the Washin.gton Cou.nty � Public Works Department, staff is convinced that the 70 ft. � (collectar) standard �eing appl.ied by the County is more appro- � pri.ate to the situation on Walnut St. than �the City standard bein.g imposed. It appear�s that the additional 10 ft. of right- af-way bei.n.g requested by the City is unnecessarjr for future � street improvement purposes and the City an.d County should �b- � � viously be coordinating their plans with respect to street classification. S TAFF �.EC ON�IENDAT T ON , To be given at close af publ.ic hearing� ��_ `�, � �__— _. „_ _._�_ ... ....._. .___..... . _.. , i. _.__.___.._.:._. �._.,...�__.,.__�....,�� . .._..�.� _ .,. �; , , i �:: {,�. �,�.� , STAFP REPORT ,, � ��� �; Tigard Planning C�mmis�ion '� i: April 20, I976 ��� �' CU 12-76 (Fun City, Inc. ) '', �, A�enda Item 5,5 �' ��i CONUITTONAL 'USE PERMIT A request by Fun City, Inc. to operate a famil.y recreation center in a C-3 zone (gEneral commercial) in the vicinity of SW Pacific Hwy. and SW Center St. (Tigard Plaza) . (Wash. Co. tax map 1S1 35DD, tax lot 3301) . STAFF FINDINGS l. The location of this proposal is in the lower level, west win.g portion of the Tigard P"laza Shopping Center�. 'I'his area has remained undeveloped since th� cc�n.stru.ction of the plaza apprnximately 14 years ago. 1 2. Land uses north of the site within the p�aza are the Ti�ard Plaza Cleaners and Hawaii Karate Kai S-tudio. Adjaccn-t the � parking area, in front and west of the building, is L,incoln Savings and .Loan and a professional of�'ice building, Montgomery Ward Catalog Sales Center is located immedia�l;ely to the south. � 3. Required parking for the proposed use, under the recently amended ordinance updatin� off-st�eet parking requiremen�s is 1 space ;{ ( for each 300 sq. ft. of gross floor a�ea. The applicant will be required by the Code to pz^ovide 20 parking spaces for th:e 5000 sq. �; ft. of gross fl�or �.rea to be occupied. The applicant has stated � that an. estimated twenty-five to thirty-five �c�.diti.onal cars would be parking at the shopping center during peak hnurs. ThE entire Tigard Plaza complex presently provides for 518 parking `� spaces. Sta�'f counted 109 stalls on �;he subject side of tYie ' complex, be�ween SW 88th St. ancl the Montgomery Ward store to the south and the rear of the cornplex. On Friday afternoon staff observed that there were only 34 cars parked in an area : providing for 109 spaces. ' � � �F. The applicant has indicated in his 19Pasano�� statem�nt that he � proposes to operate table poo1, pinball, .foosball and electronic � video games and that no smok�n.g, c�rinking or food will be sold � on the premises. Nor will literature or any "question�.ble'P material be sold. Anticipated peak hours of operation wi1.1 be �; from 7:00 to 11:00 p.mo and peak attPndance would be 50 to 75 people. " �, �, 5. Existing landscaping is locat�d along SW 88th, adjacent to the ;;'.. parking area, as well as a triangular shaped planter area t'� :immediately in front of the subject site. � �: 6. Access to the site can be reached either by a curb cut just: aast f of SW 88th or by another curb cut located along SW 88th. An ? �_ alley off Hall Blvd. , which services the b�aildings to the rear �if ;3 the complex, continues on and i.nto thE par�sing area adjacent the �� subject site. �� �: STAFF RECONIl�IENDATION ` to be given at close of public hearing _ ,��� w `5� e , �»T_i.•• ..n._.. � Y [y iqp t�1�Ellm 3604 �:is• � � (- �: �� � �� � � r,� � '�� o ' • o . � �j ' 3� 361� � � \..Q.., - I SEE AWP' o ti J .�q eq� u� � IS I 3SDA 3605 ir�.re 14` I � t � � � � � � ���b i q� ; v O I� ' i �, � . 3 � � 1aI" s � K � � 4 �,y�7 =J�` '� t g � •4 13� � p _� _ �9�t'� � � � � =�6 �j�.`f--- i.,, �oo. � - _ � � �J.) u�_rt � � 17t"Xl �� �� �»:s�i _�1��.' \ i�r r.n x � + f 5 I Q �ei3 � � �� J�i/�� 1 7��� � � iaoi• � `,� � ; ��if�` �e � ,� �z �'•'_ �u, sa,, — — � ' � � 1 � o ��' aeoT ,�.,� .a � � �\`;\ �. \ :.i SAV`�i• ]02i � { ,�� .1 �' /q� \ , � Q •e �y� [-�C \" '1 .�60� \� 1�I 1 ��� c �.(: ('j �i� 3612 3 s��•�r[ ts.i� � �:.�I�1� 25 1 \ .p _ T 3619 1I �� n 1 — — — — — --�� 1 i600• � ; .� Q 1 �� .?1� 3608 �! �� �... , `. �F �� a N. . � = o o „ao. fey r � �I cs asz� � 2 i � �l `° x � `-- ��1� 7~ —� 36�1 ,1 I io� 1� 1900 1 j11-� �� I�ZS / � ��,o. \ �} I ,� � � r`� �.� �f � JL � �`� . 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D'�L. ?s 4: .` � �� ` �,b ,� . �C . \ g�.�'�,ao, .( � ;5 r 2 6i l���: �� . . ' ��y�.'s°� ��+.a �� A� V ..�* `_ . � �i :oo c.octi.r• \ \ CYc . " � L�. �j ��.{•iCSr+oi20»f � ,�dp �.�, �\ , � ro° \ � ' j �l601', � ♦ r �.15-002�, � aD�r q9 i � 4900 �. �y ww-� zaoo*�+u:aoo � J�7�C , o .� 'o ap 5` • e� �- .Z7IC � �� �\. Y � iaW twwl�a0 � � . \+'\��w�_ `�`7 e'+ � 460�� G° • '' .a�P e� �r� �� ., ssoo . � \r�(, / �,vc��/(-n 5�02 �1. ./ � L � \ ,. .+�' ' :� "I�. 4(/•t��0 t:�•�V`_� p a7� �.d�� � � � ,�"k ��G �� (�+�.�, ��•�;�� X ��� , s000 '� $ �� y��'Q�,G� � . �" .\ � � �� s �, Z7AC } � J �1 .. � •�:✓ • .l w 'i � >`+ � : . �°' SiOp �. ° \ ;G . � .� � � . :\ � `'x 23nc '� ' ..w . •� ' ' � � . . ! � ,p . � .�.r.._�..,..._ . .. \ O4� b... . . ,9 . __._�___.____ 900 S �` Fifth Avenue 1 Portland, Oregon 97204 1 5�'21-1700 � � �, ����THE COMPANY�I� �L,r,iw�.P S:.rJ�A�J��a� FaP�; F� 1`�'/�.� �pri1 2, 1976 C1TU ��" ���t���� Mr. Richard Bolen Tigard City Hall P4st Office Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mr. Bolen: This letter is ta fol.low up on our e�rl.ier conversation regarding the application for. a business permit by The Pinball Wizard, represented by Mr. Alex Paula The Gilley Company is the managing/leasing agent for the Tigard Plaza Shopping Center located at Ha11 Boulevard and � Pacific Highway. Mr. Alex Paul and his associates are negoti.ating for a lease in the Tigard Pl�za to occ;upy �' �pproximately 6,OOQ square f�et in which they would operate tabl.e pool, pinbal.l, foosball, and electrnnic video games. We have investigated into �he background of the applicants and find them to be very reputable, high-calibre people. We are confident that they will operate a clean and whoZesome amusement center which will be an asset to the shopping center and to the coznmunity. In order to assure this, we have attached to the propdsed lease a clause that specifies what type of an operation The Pinba�.l Wizard wi11 have; that is, there will be no smoking, drinking, or food sc�].d on the premise�, nor will there be any literature or any questi.onable material. O�her such verbage included in tha.s clause, �which must be signed if the lease is to be executed, gives the owner confidence of the type of operation that wi11 be held there. In addition, we have adequate parking facilities ta accommodate all the custamers that The Pinball Wizard should have. The parking that would be utilized is on the west sic3e of the shopping center, which is used now very little except by emp�oyees of the shopping center. Tha empZoyee p�rking wouZd be moved to the north, which is an area now ].argely unused, leaving the parkinc� i.mmedia�ely to the front of where The Pinball Wi2ard would be for customer parking. � All informallon conlained hereln is ablained from sources deemed reliable,no representatlon is made as lo theaccuracy thereof,and it is submitted subject toerrors,omissions,changes and withdrawals without notice. __ _. _ __ . .._ __.__._.,..__�_.___.._..__..._..._.,_�_....._._._..�_._._..__ .._...� Tr �� `r r Gill'"qT �--- �,._ Mr. Richar�. Bolen Agr.il 2, 1976 Tic�ard City Ha11 Page Two We heartily recomnlend that you approve The 1�inball Wizard's application for a cnnditional u�e business perma.t and, should you have any further questinn regarding th�i.r 1eas�, we would be pleased to provide that information for you. Very truly yours, THE GZL Y COMPANY � ,� �._. Ma sha11 A. Stevens � MAS:rjxn5/4 � �' All informatlon containetl herein is obtalned h�m sources deemed reliable,no ieprASentatlon is made as to the accuraoy thereol,and it is submitted sub�ect toerrors,omisslons,changes and withdfawals wilhout notice. r� r � ��, ��;. To the Ti�ard 'Planning Commission T. Nature of the Proposal and reason for requestin� �cti.on. �'un City Inc. proposes to develop a Family Recreation Center. in. the Tigard P1aza Shopping Center. This business will be located in a portion of the shopping center which. is now idle and unu�ed� The Family Recreation Center will provide Flipper Games, VideQ Games, Table Soccer and Billiards for the �ublic use. The Center. will be staf�ed during a11 operating hours. The consum�tion of Alcohol and Tobacco will not be allowed on the premises. There wi11 be no �ales o�' questionahle 1i�erature �tc. The Family Recreation Center will not be the typical '�Pen�y Arcade". Rather it will be fully carpeted and decoratea, thus providing a clean, wholesome environment in whi.ch to enj�y lei�ure time and shopping time. 'I'his format has successfully proven to be a viable public serxri�e in many other cities. We request that a canditiorlal use permit be �ranted for the o�era�iar, of this business in ou.r proposed l�cation. �'`w TT. Conform�nae with Tigard Comprehens�ve Plan. `4, The proposed use will be3ri��:.aonfarmance with the Tigard Comprehen�ive P1an, One of the d�signatec� uses of commercial px'operty is �kz�.s type of. busin�s,�. However due to the special zone classi�'iaatiori of the Tig�.rd P1aza thi� location requir�s a conditi�nal use permit. TTI, Communit�n�ed and ptzbl:�c �erlefit. There is a defini.te comm�znity need for this type of business. As far as we have bEer� able to de�termine ther•e is anly �ne ather loca�ion on the entire wes:t side that of.fers the use of pool �ables in a non-�avern settingo Any father-so�t �ame of �aa]. must therefore occ��r in north Beaver�an or Portland itself. There are two locations in Beaverton th�.� af�'er Flipper and Video C�ames and these are extremely crawcled during ��eak use hours, thus indicating a public in-�erest in �his type of �.eisure time activity. Uur locati.on th�refore would provide a popular service in the immediate Tigard areaf �hur� reducing gas consumption etc. of those a.ntere,ted in this type of ac�ivity� Another public benefit tkiat wil.l occur is that a viable k�us�:ness � � � • � �� 2 '�;x,, i F ( wou].d occupy a space that is now vacant, thus providing additional tax �,, revenue and jobs. ' � TV. Chan.ge of soci.al conditions, availabilit� of services and ! � community development. � The .�ecreation Ceni;er wi11 provide leisure time services to � familiPS which are now f.orced to drive long distances to secure them. 2'his leisure activity will alsa be made availak�le to tnose who are denied ; , the use of cars such as chil.dren in the immediate community. A„ mentioned above the Family Recreatian Center will provide jobs in�;the communi.tye Another benefit to community development is the interest now being expressed in the remaining vacant area of tY� Tigard Plaza. This area of approximately I0�000 sq. ft. has remained ; virtually undeveloped far 14 years sirice the constructiori of' the � complex. It suffe.rs the dubious fate o�' b�ing the "back" area of s a sho in center and does not benefit from the walk by traffic PP � generated by Safeways. A Sporting Goods firm and another as yet unidentified c7.ient ar.e now very interested in locating in this po.rtion of the Shopping Center if eve loc.ate there. Their i �,, fee�ing is that there will be a s,ynergistic effect caused by our preseneE � that will make their businesses viable. This expanded use oi' �aacant sp�.ce will be �f obvious benefit to the community. V. Suitabil�.t�* of 1.acati.on. _�.a _._. � The pro�osed space is the onl,y vacant shoppin�; center space ' F � that we have been able to locat� in Ti�ard whic,h is lar�e enough, '; � (approximately 6,000 �q. ft. ). Tt is al�o the on'ly location that w� could £ind which. has an excess of parking area avail�ble for our� customers. ? VT. Tmpact �f Devel.opment. � Our development will have a benific�.a1 impact. .A.s mentioned above � 1 we will be a positise ixlfluence in openi.ng up the unused portion of the � Shapping Center. The other oocupants of t;he center should also experience ; � increased traffic since the Shopping Center wi11. be providing a largex � bundle o:f services, thereby �ttracting a larger universe of customers ` to �the site. � We anticipate tha•t our peali hours of operation will b� fram 7:00 � to 11:00 p.m. arrd that a peak attendance wauld k�e 50 to 75 peo�le, (please � � note that we in.terzd to provide two fire exits thus insuring adequate f p.r.otection. for ovPr 50 people situations). "We would anticipate tha� mo�t people waul.d drive �there �ut that the majorit,y would be in � . fizs� ��... 3 '� �,. groups of two or more, since most of the activities require �ppanents. We would there.fore estimate a maximum of twenty-five to thirty-five additional cars parking at the Shopping Center dlxring our peak hours. It is impor�tant to n�te that there is an abmndance of parking on our side of the sl�opping center. and that the majority of it is little used durin� a� pera.od of the daya Uf the 518 spaces at the Center 21� are located on our side of the Uuildin�. From per�sonal observation I have seen a maximum usage of only 15-20 spaces at any one timea We feel therefc�re that there wi11 be ample space for our clients as we11 as tho�e of other� businesses which will �ill the space. ���aiiy we feel that our business will be cc�mpatible with the others naw in tYae ShUppin� Genter. A father�son trip to tlie h�rdw�rE Etort; on Sr�•tua°day a:t'te�noon aan aaow 3.raalrzde a leisurely �r�rne of pool ui� t�ble s�ccer. Childr.en tha� were formerly left in ti�e car can .ciow be deposited in a fully a1:�ended busiries5 which welcomes their p.resence with open arms. ��his service alonP r,ould be very � benefi.cial �a th� ather businesses in the ceriter. VII. Publ.ic S�rvice Load. •1'l1e ramily Racreation i;�nter t•ril'1 avail itself oi' the follow�n� � servict�s; rolice, F�iz•e wa�;er and Sewer, '.Phe use of d1I th.ese services �I wil�. be miraimal. � S umm ar y Tn sum�rary tihe Famil�t Recreation Center we propose wi11 provide Tigard w�th a much needed leisure �ime activa.ty center which is orien�ed around the family. �,�e intend to p.romote benefits f,or disadvantaged children hy providing free play to �;r�oups durin� non-peak hours. We intend bein� a civic minded business that will participate in the grawth af Tigard. We believe in the area and thus respectfully request that ;�au gr,ant us �he conditional use permit. � . �. � , _ ,, ��''� � a�� . � r+K �. . Memorandum f,���� t� ��� To: Planning Commission � From: Planning Dept. j Subject; Leon. Fox's Application for C�nd3.tional Use Perm�t (CU 7-7E) ' Date: April 20, 197� � On February 17, 1976, the Planning Commission granted approval of a conditional use r�equest by Leon Fox to operate an. arts and crafts gallery subject to the following con.di�ions: l. That a site plan be submitted for llesign Review Board consideratian. 2. A'll parking areas be paved to City code standards. 3. All signs on the site be subject to site design, rev�.ew. Since that time Mr. Fox has cantacted staff as tp the passibility of applying far a condi-�i.onal use p�rmit for a pPriod af ane year without the above-stated conditions. He is opera-ting under a short term lease and the parcel on which his 'business is located is pr�sently up fnr sale. Due -to the uncertainty of this property and the fu�ure status of Nlr. � F.ox's business,cont�ngent up�n tlze sale of the site, staff sees that � an tu�.due economic hardship may be placed on the applicant if he were required to meEt the first �ao (2) c:onditions stated in the approval �.f his conditional use permit. Staff suggests tha� the Commissi�n, �nrhen _ hearir�� Mr�. Fox's request, base its decision upon th� existing circum- " stances surroundin,� this mat-ter. � i ; � , � � _. _ - ,. , . .. . ,.: _ . _ _ _ . . . ;�, z� .� �,; .._ � . . �f . � .. . .. �f.� �� � . . . }. . . . . . � . \.,. . v.,._ . . . . . �r'; � . . . � . . �.�,. .. . , . _ � . �aN" /h D'� .�.,�-�r ,` �:'' MEMORANnUM � � � � � � �� TOs Plann3,z�� CASrnn:t�si�an ��' FR�Ms Planniz�g Department � DATEs April 16, 1976 E? SUBJ+C'�: Outsa.de staxa�;e of lumY�er products (CTJ 5-76 Kessinge?c) �` f'i, i;, �" The Commissi,oners w311 rPCal�, that this matter was t�bled,' in nrd�x that j;. all parties invol.ved in the stara�e o£ �:umber on the Highline Foxest Broducts ! site coul:d be contacted an� advi.sed that they may be r.esponsi.bie £or pro- �° virla.ng some type of screez�a.ng device around the subject axea �.f the ;� Comm�ss3.on chose �to make tihis a cond3.t:i.on fn�� approval of the cox�ditional �(' use permit. s;, �;i Staf£ has spoken with Mr. Dave Trumbq cpwner c�£ tk�e subject pxoperty, an.d ��i he has inf�rmed sta.Ef that his pro�erty is up for sale and tlaerefoxe i.s �� nnt wi,l�.�.ng to make an� add3tional. invpstm�nts i.�a tk�e #'or�t 4,�' scrPezt.3.x�g � �>! materials. i�, st�f£ has also spoken. wa.th a repxesentgtive fx�m. Herb Mora.sette }�uilder.s who I�� has ��.so indiaated h�s unwa.�.l.i��ness to e�ect aray' type qf screenizx� device �� ar�und tt�; storage are�. � �`'. � I, think ih ts i.mportant to make �he the cnmm�ssioners awaxe that m�z�y �ours i' � �: e�f �ta£f time have been s�ent 3.n hav:�x�g vaz�ous pr.�ag�r�y�• �w�er�(�e.�. Georgi� P�cifict Izvington-Maox�} wi.tk�.3.n the �iv�zilcer comply w3.th the xequi.rements f,ox auts9.de storage an:d that khis �roposal (kes:��,ng�r} should be ro�u3.zi�d tc� pxov�de screenir�g matex�.als as did Qthex' pro�erty owzaers whezz thei:r application for outs3.de storag� wa� be��xe tk�e Commissian. ) �;, �. �' � t; ,, i� 1� t �, _ } , � � , � � ' - . i . , � � � �. ��: ,,;���' STAb'F REPORT Tigard Planning Commission �, Apr�l 20, 1976 �. S 2-76 (Summerfield Phase IV) Agen.da Item 6.1 SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT & VAFtIANCE Resubmission oF a request for preliminary plat approval of Phase IV of Summerfield and a variance of the subdivision code provisions prohibiting offset street intersecti:ons of less tYian 100 ft. STAFF FINDTIVGS l. This proposal represen�ts a rewor.k of the preliminary plat ori in.ally �u.bmitted to the Planning Commission at their 4/6%'76 meetin,g. The plat submitted at the previous mEeting was denied by the Commissian. due to its lack of conforman.ce to the originally adopted planned development zone. 2. The primary a-rea where a lack of con�for�mance to �the m�.ster plan was noted rel.ated to thE street system. The resubmitted plan more closely adh�res to �the mast�r plan street system. The most ' not�ble d�viation is that the north-south spine road is shown ; at a 50 ft. right-of-way rather than the 60 ft. right-of-way ! spec;ified c�n the master p1an.. In lieu of th,is 60 ft. right-of- f ��ray, the applican�t is proposing a tree lined street on a 5U ft. � i right-of-way. This is accomplished by meandErin� the sidewalks in arder to provide tree planting space adjacent the curb. This proposal v�ill make it possibl� to save some of the trees on. thE vrest sir�e of the 4th zairway while still prov.idin.g an adequate ' width on this portion of the spine road, Tlze Cit en ineerin Y dept. has stated t�leir acceptance of this alterndtivegmeans of � F developing th.is portion o_f the spine road. Staff's coricern is �� that the originally planned 36 ft. of pavement width be provided 1 where �.lrham Rd, is intersec�;ed to provide additional maneuvering !� space in this mare congested area. The right-of-way on some ` 5treets has b�en reduced over the plan submitted fc�r th� 4/6 �j meeting from 5Q �t. to 40 ft. ; h�wever, th.ese reductions con.form '' to the master plan. ,�� In the eastern por�ion of the subdivision the two streets which ='� extended in a north-south access have been reduced to one north•- ;� south street. This breaks up the long, uninterrupted blocks ;; originally proposed. �'� ;; 3. The offset stre�-�s near Durham Rd. ar� tYie subject o�' a variance `i request, these streets being oi'fset 50 ft. rather �han the re- �; qu:ired '100 ft. Du� to the location of the golf course on the `' western sid� of the spine road, the street entering from. the �': townhouse development on th� west cannot be lacated any fu;rtl�.er ��' to the northm Therefore, this reduced offs�t of -�ha i.ntErsection !'� �" is necessitat�d to avoid undue encroachm:e�t on the third gr�en,, i'� �„ r;+, M;; )'' �"� l �ti �;ti �V.�...... ... . ..� � —,.�,-� , . . _ �: : � �� ' �'. page 2 PC Staff Report �:�;:. 4/20/76 �� Ttem 6.1 4. I1 concern raised at the 4/6 meeting related to the lack of open space in this phase o� the project. This rela�ted especially -to lack o� views onto the golf course in order to create a sense of openness. This resubmission at;tempts to deal with this issue by allowing a clear view across the 4th fairway from the termina+ion of Summerfield Dr. an.d by providi.ng open space on the east side of the 4th fairway. The resubmission. is a con- siderable improvement over the original in. terms of providing a greater psychol.ogical sense of openness for the residents of .the community; however, staff is still conc:erned that the Pastern portion of th� development will have a considerable amount of builclings unrelieved 'by any open spacea .T.t therefore seer�s appropriate that some techniques �or �roviding addition.al open area cauld be u�tilized by the developer. A means of creatin.g a grea.ter sense of openn�ss would be to incr�ase the widths of the lots in this area (by delei;ing sr�rne lots) , thereby ereating a greater sideyard area. 5. The iesubmitted plan pr�vides mare space on the �olf course than shown on the master plan; however, there are some in.stan.ces where the greens and tees :nav� been seriousl,y encroac�.ed, For instanae, lot number 35�E �n the 3rd �'ai:i^way is only 30 ft. from the base ;� of the berm o.f -the greerl ana lo� 392 on the 4th fairway is only 21 ft. from the proposed relocated base of the green. In adaition, the 5th tee has been relocated 100 .ft, closer to the green. In. order to mitigate this situation, lot 354 on, t�le 3rd fairway should be eliminated and trie road rada_us af �the spine road in.- creased in order to take less of the 5th tee. This inc;rea�ed radius will also result in the stree�t intersectin,g at the curve at a greater tangency than. that now shown. 6. The staff report written. for the �riginal submission was con-- cerned about the provision of ped�strian access in the praject. With the elimination of the 1.ong north-sout3� b1QCk through the pro ject, this is no longer as SE.'�'lOL1S a mat'ter. However, there are some poin.ts where ped�strian access could be provided -- primarily from the townhouse area adjacen.t Durham Rd. onto the 3rd fairway. Also, crosswalks shc�uld be provided from green to tee with a pavement texture usPd to identi�y crossings. 7. The previous staff report foun.d the submitted plat to be too great a departure from the adop-ted master pl�.n, The submitted plan is much closer° to the master. plan and, with the madifications suggest�d within the staff findings, could be acc�ptably in con- formance with �t;he master plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION � Staff recornmends app.roval oF th� submitted p.la�, with the following cand�.tions: . • f f '� , lo That lot 354 on the 3rd fairway and lots 391 and 392 on the F 4th fairway be deletec�. �L 2. That radius of the north-snuth spin.e road be increased where lots 391 and 3g2 and 393 have been eliminated on the 4th .fairway. 3. That the variance for the offset intersection be approved with � the provision o� 36 fto of pavement in this area. 4. That pedestrian access be provided from the townhouse area adjacen.t to Durham Rd. to the 3rd fairway along the western p�at boundary an.d that pedestrian crossing of a pavement texture type be �rovided from each green to the next tee. 5. That adequate turn-around space be provided at the road termini in th.e townhouse area adjacen�L to Durham Rdo an.d the 3r`d fair- way and that an exclusive etnergency access lane be provided here and on the road enterin.g Sattler on the west. Also, that n.o parking signs be providecl at the end of the to�wnh.ouse street on. the western plat boundary to avoid bloc�iag� of the turn- around. 6. Tha•t a1'1 lots abutting Durham Rd. and Sattler. Rd. not '�e per- mitted access onto these roads. - 7. �.'hat the wall built alon�; I7urham Rd. in the .first phase v� the pro ject be contin.ued along this portion of DurY�.arn Rd, or, if � this is no�; econimically feasible, a landscaped berm would be an option. �3e That all points where �-treets join with the plat boundary a street plug be provided, ' 9a That the appl�_cant denote street names on the plat. 10. That al1 fron.t and rear �.o-L- lines will have a 10 �'t. utility easemPnt and side lat lines a 22� ft. easement for drainage anel utilities. 11. Public use areas should be d�szgnated as such on the plat. 12. �ialF street improvements be required on Sattler Rd. and 98th St. 13. That the 25 ft, tangency requiremen.t be applied to SW Summer- fielc� Dr. at its intersection with SW 98th. 14. That -�he �wiggle ' b� eliminated from the road on the north of the 5th fairway. • 15. That a pedestrian path be located in order to connect the sidewalks adjacent the loop streets in the eastern partion o� the p1at. �. 16� �rha� the stre�ts be constru.cted according to the submitted cross- sectional diagrams. i I . .: . . '. _ �� ���„,. ��"�. 1)'��rk�T ��,'.z,,,,.:. Ei ` � ! STAFF REPORT ;i Tigard Plann.ing Commission "'' April 20, 1976 �'i �.4 C.i S 4-76 (Mayfair) �' Agenda Item 6.2 "' �i APPLICANT'S REQUEST f' � t A rEquest �'or approval of a preliminary plat by Ladd C. Arnoti for Mayfair Subdivision, located at the northeast corner of SW 95th ; and Dakota Sts. (Wash. Go. tax m�.p 1S1 34A, tax lot 1500) . STAFF FINDINGS l. This property is in an area shown on the NPO #2 P1an .for singl.e family residential developmerit. The request is to create 5 single f�mily lo�s a.nd there�ore conforms to the Compreh�nsive ,� Plari for this area. 2. The property is presently zoned R-7 and can.tains ozze single family dwelling, with the remainder of the ,59 acre parc�l being vacant, 3, The propelty is on the cc�rner of 95th and Dakota, neither of th�se str�ets being cons�ructed to City s�andards. Dakota is especially in bad condi�tian, being a pot-holed gravel road. Sectic,n 17.44.020 of the TMC �tates that existing street,s or �_ roads abutti��g a subdivisio�. ". . .shall be graded f�r the en- a tire right-of-way wid�th, constructed an.d surfaced in accordance ;� with standards adopted. by the City. Existing streets which � abut the subdivision sha"11 be graded, constructed, reconstructed, surfaced or repaired as determined by the Pla�ning Comrriissi�n w'i�th �' the advice of thP City engineero " In this in�tance the City ; engi.neering dPpartment recommends that, at a minimum, hal� street r;' improvements fie required on the streets ad�joining �ne subdivision. � (The improvement of Tiede:man adjacerit the C�.ydesdale Subdivision �ras indicated by tl1e en.gineering staf� as an example of t�:e type �� of hal� street iznprovement aesir�d. ) Th�s includes subgrade : �.mpravem�nt, base pav�ment, curb, sidewalk, streetlights and an-- `{ site service drops for� underground u.tilities, mailboxes in , clusters and drivewa.y aprons, as stipulated by the subdivision ordinance, ;:: 4. The engineering dept. has �lso expressec� conc�rn over �torm 4` draina�e which presently sheet drains across this one acrP parcel. �� The hard surface improvements would add to the n.�tural. run.off �i flawing across �he adjacent properties to the north, Th:e need �; is to provide controlled runaff by either a pipe to the public �;' drainage ditch on 95th or across the private lands to the north �� via an easement. f� �: STAFF RE�OMN�NDATION �'' �,, Staff recommends approval of the submitted preliminary plat with the condition that str�et. ar_d draina�e improvernents be provided a�s per the City engineering dept. recommen.dations. � I` r. � � . . . . . . . . .. �: �>f �r� �� ��@}'{:` {/k?�. ��. ��A�IS.., y 1 �fr . `1R p STAFF REPORT � Ti�az�d Planning Commission rr,r; . April 20, 1976 `� S 5-76 Item 6.3 Preliminary Subdivision. Plat (Walmar Acres) APPL2CANT'S REQUEST A request by Ray Martin for approval of a �relimin�ry plat for Walmar Acres located at 124th and Walnut (nor�th �ide) in order to construct 4 four plex units. (Wash. ro. tax map 2S1 3BC, tax lot 5000) . STAFF FINDINGS l. The subject property is part of the larger Bellwood d�velopment whi.ch was approved in 1968 (ZC 17--68) . The subject lot was approved for t��awnhouse development. A cond�.tion. of thP ap�roved zo.r.le change was that the height of the townhouse units not �xce�d 30ft. SW 1?4th St. has been improved adjacent the property, but UTalnut has not. The engineerin� dep t. has stated th.at it is not feasible to attempt a half street improvement on Walnut in this location and a non-remonszrance agreemen.t should there�ore be obtair�ed from the praperty owner in.ste�.d of improv�ments at this time. � However, a pedestrian path c�ul.d be provided a-� this time, as vrell as street lighting. 2, The engineering dept. is concerned abbut access anto Walnut at this point and asked that the Planning Commissi�n determine if the applicant has explored providing access to 123rd and 1.24th , Sts. rather than Walnut, especa.ally the engineering staff is concerned aver the very tight rad.ius of the cu�v�s which must be negotiated directly after exiting onto or o.ff Walnut into the property. If. acaess is brou�ht into Walnut, it s�zould be at the crest of the hill in order to pravide the greatest sight distance in either direction for traffic entering the street. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approval of the proposed s1abdivision with �he conditions thats i l. Street lights be provided on Walnut, especially at any access � point wha.ch may be provided onto Walnut. ; 2. That any overhead wirin� be undergrounded and the service to all ' the units be underground. � i 3. A pedes-�rian bikepath 6 ft. wide be provided adjacent the proper- � ty line. � 4. That if �.ccess is provic�ed onto Waln.ut, it be located at the � � point offering the greatest sight distance and that the curve � raclii be appr�oved by the ci.ty engineering dept. � 5. TYiat a 5 f�. utility easement be provided on all property lines. i � � 'j . "�� � �._ t'o....` -;i Sta�f Rep�art Tigard Ptanr�i�.g Cc�mcna.ssion � 3-7b (l:jelgaard Prelimin.ary Plat) Apri]. 20f 1976 Agp�d�: Ttem 6.4 PREL�;�ZNAR1' PLA.T A: r.equest by Orl.an.d K,j�lg�.�.rd ta subdi.v�,dP a 4�34 acre �axce,l o� larad �:n axder ta cr.eate ten mc�l.t�.-£�.m:�J.y bui.�.d3.ng lots, Tk�is �a�cap�z'ty 3:s on Washi.ngton County tax map 2S1 2DD� �ax ].oP. 50Q. ST.A:FF FTNDI�G6 J:. The pxon�secl plat does �.ot show a no�k.h-so���th s�3.z�e roa�l as �leemed 1 nscessa�)� b}� NPO ��5. A11 sk�ceets in tk�P pl.aG ��e pr.opose� �ca be �ri.vate roacls, the design o£ which c�Aes n�G adhere ko City standazcis ��r public ox �xi.vate r�a�s, �ox instanc�, the cxc�ss secta.ana7. co�z- strv.cti.an diagxam sh�ows twa �.nches af as�h�lt over a coznpaated subgradea Th� G3.ty stan��r,d rec�u�zes a gxavel. sulabase, not pex- znitGirag �.�yi�g as�halt d:irectly ontc� ga�1, ?., The are�� of the ].c�ts da�icted on the pl.at has not b�en shawn and 3_k is th�xe£ore not Pass3.�l,e �ox sta£f ta c�etermine if. tk�e n��lmber of un3:ts �roposed on e�.ch lot conf�xms to th�: C�.t}r's A-2 s�a�dard. 3. T.k�e lats shown adj�.cQt�k ���.1. ��vd, sl�ou�.d be prohibitecl d�.rect acc�ss onto Hal.A 131v�. usi:�,g th� gervice r�ad instead. Zx� ac�cli.tions �he acc:ess/e�;xess pG;i.nt of tl�e sezvicc, .ro�d to i�aL�. Al.vd. r�qui.res � sGate k�ig�ia�y depar,tm�r�t access permf.t. 4. Tk�e submi�tPd prel�:minar.y plat does not sp�ci.f,y �;r,ades or x�:d.z;i. c�f th� pxopos�cl pri.vate s�r.��Ls. STAt�'F REG�I�IN�NDA'�IQN S'raft recommrnds �hat thP sabm3�t�d pl.<�t be den�,ed: wa.thouk px��uc�ice an.d Chat Y.he �pp].�,cant be gexmithed to zestit�mi t a greLa.zninaxy �l.at wzthout p�y�n� an �dci�.�3.ona1 f.ee. The resubmitted �laC shoul:r� be : I modi�;i:Pd accvxd3.ng to the ab�ve-stat�d sta�� c�nc�rns a.ta:d aGCOrd3:n� to tk�e PZar�ni�n.� Comm�.ssi�n �ctior� on the p3.�n�ed �3�velapm�r�G zone ch��n�e �c�x thi.s prPpP�'ty. i � _ <! . _ :. , , �,. ..:.. , .