Planning Commission Packet - 02/17/1976 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. :`��.� k'F'iy'��� . . , � .' � NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE.ARING f� AGENDA Tigarel Plannin� Commission Feb.ruary 17, 1976 -� 7�30 p.m. Twality Junior T-iigh School - .Lecture ftoom 14650 SW 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon 1. �ALL TU QRD'ER 2. ROLL CALZ �`. AP�ROVAL OF MTNUTES 4. COMNIUNZCATTONS 5. PUBL�C HEARINGS 5.1 ZONTNG OFi.DTNANCE AMENDMEI�T ZQA 1--7b A propos�d am�ndmerl�t to the Tigard Municipal Code, Ghapter ' 18.60 (Park:ing) to reflect stand.ards ax�d aritera.a for off- str�eet parking. T 5.2 CONDITIONAL USE PEI-tMIT CU 5-76 (Kessinger) ��� A request by Earl Kessinger for outsid� storage of wood products on a parcel of land in ara. M-3 (light industrial.) zon� at 125b0 SW Ha11 Blvd. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 1BC, tax 7_ot 24Q1) . 5.3 CONDITTONAL USE PERMIT CU 6-76 (0'Don.oghue) � i .� request by Roberta 0'Donoghue to operate a Day Car� Center ; in an RU-4 zone (urban rESidential) at 7310 SW Spruce St. (Wash. Co. tax map 1SI 36AC, �tax lnt 3700) . ; 5.4 CONDTTIONAL L1SE PER.MTT CU 7-rT6 (Fox) ; � A request �y Leon Fox to operatP an Arts an:d Craf-�s Gallery � in a C-3 �o�e, �eneral c�mmereial, at 12140 SW Hall Blvd, � (Wash. Co. tax map 2�1 1BB9 tax 1,ot 1.10'�) . ' ; � '. 5.5 CONDTTIONAL USE PERMIT �;U 8-76 (McIntyre) i 3{4 .. . . . . � . . . . � 1 A request by Ray Mclntyre to operate �. TV a�:d. radio repaa,r , service and sales in a C-3M zone, general co�uriercia� Main ; St, , at �.2180 SW Main St, (Wash. Co. tax map 2Sl 2A,A, tax � l�t 2302) . �. � ' j ,.� _ , .,. , .,., �._ _ ., !i . , � _ . ._ _ _ - �'� � _ F � ry.- � . . �. . . . . . t�., .. I PC A�enda Pa�e 2 �'` February 17, 1976 5.6 CONDITIONAL U�E P�RMIT CU 9�°76 (Gilbertson) , � A request by Darlene Gilbertson to operate a lawn mower an.d chain saw sales and service with outdoor display in. a C-3 zone, general commer.cial, at 13765 SW Pacific Hwy. i, (Wash. Co. �tax map 2Sl 3DD, tax lot 700) . , 5.7 FLOOD PLAIN FILL PERMIT M 9°75 (Howe Lee) , A req�uest for a flood plain �i11 permit to fill lands presently situated within the 100 year flood plain, I� locateel at 9110 SW Burnham St. (Wash. Co. tax map 2Sl 2AC, tax lot 200) . i (tabled f�^om February 4, 1975, Plann.ing Commission hearing) , 5v8 TEM�ORA.RY USE l?ERMTT TU 1-74 (Tual�tira Develdprtie�.�C Go. ) , I A request by� Tualatin D�velopment Gorp. �'or an. ex�Pn.sion j of a temporary use perrrlit allawing a truss manufac�turin� facility on SW 109th A.venue, so�uth of SW Naeve Road, 'I within the "S�,immerfield�� development. (Wash. Co. �ax � map 2S1 lODD, part of tax lot 1.00) . 5. OTHER BUSTNESS 7. ADJOtTRN!`�ENT , AIl pers�ns having an interest in these matters are invited to attend and be heard. Publish TT 2/5/76 and 2/12/76 � a , ��� `�'�� MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSIUN '`'?T" February 17, 1976 Twality Juriior High School - Lectuxe R�om 14650 S.W. 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon l,. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chaixman Porter at 7:35 P.Mo 2. R�LL CALL; Presenr: Ems, Moore, Nicoli9 Popp, Porter, Sakata, Goldbach, Wakem; ; Absent: �melser Staff present: Powe11 and Laws d 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTFrS: Ttie minutes of the February 3, 1976 meeting were approved as written. 4. COMMUNICATIONS: ° 1'owell informed the PZanning Cammission of tlze recent Council app�intment of Mr. William Goldbach as a new Planning Commission meznber. ° PowelJ. also pointed out that a typographical error appears on Tit1e 1F3 under the headi�g of Flo�d Plain Fill Per,mit. The typographical error � appears ,under section 1�3.57.070 - standards for permitted structures. This should be amended under that paragraph to read: pursuant to sections 18.57.030, 18.57.050, 18.57.060 and not 18.56.030, 18.5b.050, 18.5E�.Of>0 �5. PUBLIG HEARINGS 5.1 ZONING ORDINANCE AME�IDMENT Z.OA 1-76 (Parking) Uue to the lengthy agenda, the Commission voted to move this hearing it:em to the end of the agenda. 5.2 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU 5-76 (K�ssinger) A request by Eazl Kessinger for outs'�:de storage of wood products on � a parcel of land iiz an M-3 (light industrial) zone at 1251�0 S.W, Hall Blvd. (Washington County tax rnap 2S1. 1BC, tax 1ot 2401) ' A. Staff Reports read by Powe11 B. Applicant's Presentatione ° The applicasat was not present. ° Due to the fact that the applicant was not present to ans,wer questi.ons of the Planning Commisszon regarding Ghe' location of the ,outsi'de sto�age, Sakata moved that this it;�m �e tablec�' � until the applicant was present to answer such questions. � � � �� � � ��`'�i � � � � � o.- ... .� � w,:. ; ; ; "�"� , page 2 . �_ " ��' PC Minutes Februaryl.7, 1976 � fi� ° Ems seconded �, ° Unaniniously approved. 5.3 CONDTTION.AL USE PERMIT CU 6-76 (0'Donoglzue) ;� A request by Roberta 0'Danoghue to operate a day car.e center in an RU-4 (urban residential) zone at 7310 S.W. Spruce Stree�t (Wastiington County tax map 1S1 36AC, tax lot 37U0) A. Staff Report: read �y Powell B. Applicant's Presentatio.n: ° The applicant poin.t�d out that the right-of-way on Spruce Strc�et is 60 feet and not 80 feet as statedain the staff report. The staff report was corrected per this statement. ° 0'Doiioghue asked al��ut s�.te development criteria as mentioned in the sta=f report. ° Applicant stated she had not as yet received her state licensing ' for. the day care centex and she wa.s pr�nposing to erect a fence around the subject site. C. Public Testimony: non� � D. Staff Recommendation: approval, subject to following conditions: ].. site deveL�opment be sut�ject to design review board appz°oval 2, a waiver of non-remanstrance for an LID be filed with the City record�er, ; . � E. Rebuttal: none � F. Goa�n�issiou Discussion arlci Actiont ' � ° Popp made a motion of approval based on the fzndings that a day �� care center would fulfill. a community need and that no adverse � effects an the community nor traffic impacts appeared evident. � f1 ° Wakem seconded � , � ° UnanimouslY aPProved �l i i` 5.4 COND'ITIONAL USE PERMtT GU 7-76 (Fox) ` E � a: A request by Leon Fox to operate an arts and..crafts gallery in a � ' t; C-3 (genera.L commercial) zone at 12140 S,W. Ha11 B1vd. (W�shi.ngton County tax map 2S1 1BB, tax lot 11.O1:). ' � � � � � ' a � �, � . ; ,..., . a,,, _ - - -_ --- - — .J �. : �. Page 3 ^-•. P1an.nin Cammission Minutes � g ', . �` February 17, 1976 . A. Staff Report: raad by powell B, Applicant Presentations ° Mr. Fox, applicant, asked for clarification of what the off-street requiremants were as sL-ateci in the sta£f findin�s. C. Public Testimony: none D. Staff Recommendation: a�proval, subject to the following conditions: � 1, that a site plan be submitted for design revzew baard consideration ' � 2. al1 parking areas be paved to City co�e standards. 3, A11 �igns on the sit.e be subjFCt to site desa.gn review, i E. Rebuttal � i ° The applicant stated that the parking Lot had recently been ; graveled and he was leasing on a mo��ith to month basis. � � F. Commission Discussion and Action ° �'orter suggesCed that a condition �f approval be that the p�rki•�� area be paved, at such time as a permanent tenant was to occupy the subject site, o +; Powell informed the r.ommission that the code requires immeda.ate � � p�rking on approval of the conditional use permit, � � � r� ° Popp stated that a granting of a variance to this property would �. ; be unfair to other property owners and that the applicant :�s�hotrl.d�_ « ?; be subject to code unLess he can so prove that there is an undue : hardship. He emphasized that he favo•red paved parking, r� �! ° Fox stated that the land is presently u.p for sa1e. + ° Moore stated that it wrauld be an unfair burden on the lessee � 1 to have to provide paved parking when the owner of. the property j is not receptive to doing such. � , � ° Porter suggested placing a conditional use for a period of tYao �� , years "reasonable, under the circumstances" at which time it would � be subject t� reviaw. � ° Popp asked the applicant if he had looked for any othex sites ir� the � area. '] '� � � � � � � � � '; u �I � ; �' �� � �, � f fl page 4 �� P1an:ning Commission Mix�utes � �` Februar.y I�7, 1976 �� i o !' Applicant adviaed he had not sought out other sites. �II i� ° Nicoli made a moti�n for approval subject to a two year � renewal, as we11 as conditions stated by staff. �I ; ° Seconded by Ems. � , ° Sakata asked if the cammission could act on such a motion without ; first acquiring a parking variance. j � ° Powe11 stated that �a variance on parking lot requirements would I � •requirF . variance. I ° Wakem stated that there would not be a need for a time limit i on the conditional use permit if a variance were applied for. � HQ suggested that the owner of the pro�erty apply for such• a � var.iance. , ° Nicoli's motion was then amended to read that the application be approv�d, subject to staff recommendations and that the applicant ; app'ly f_or a parking 1ot varian.ce. ;� � I ° Motion approved 6-2; yes: Ems, Nicoii, Popp, Porter, Moore � � Goldbach; no: Wak:em, Sakata. I 5.5 CONDITIONA.L U3E PERMIT CU 8-76 (McIntyre) ` A request �y Roy Mclntyre to operate a tv and radio repair and sales sexvice in a C-3M (general commercial Main:: St.) zone at 12180 S.W. Main Street (Washington County tax map 2S1 2AA, tax lot 2302) A. Staff Report: read by Powell � B. Applicant Presendation: ° Mr. McIntyre acknowledged his presence and attempted to an�wer the parking situation as p�resently exists on the subject site. Co Public Testi.mony: none D. Staff i�ecorr¢nendatio.n: approval, subject to submission of a site plan to the design review board. E. Rebuttal: none F. Commission Diseussion and Action ° Sakata asked if f.he conditional use would be tor the entire building � or a portion thereof. � ° McIntyre stated that he would be leasing 3500 sq, ft. of the total 5000 squ, ft, building. _ : _ _ :. t �, �age 5 i � Flanning Commission Minutes 1 February T7,::.197,6 �; � � �' ° Popp motioned £or approval for 3500 sq. ft, of building area G subject to condition as stated by staff on the basis tha.t there � was a need far such a facility and the applicant had proved that his former business justified the move into a la�ger facility. i!, ° seconded (GoLdbach) ;;, �:� �: ° Unanimously approved. �;j � � � rl �, 5.6 CONDITIONAL US� PERMIT CU 9-76 (Gilbertson) .A request by Darlene Gilbertson to operate a lawn mower and chain 1; saw sales and service with outdoor di.splay in a C-� (GeneraJ. Commercial) � zone at 13765 S.W. Pacific Hi�hway (Washington County tax map 2S1 3Dn, �, tax 1ot 700). f� A. 5taff Repert: read by Laws ° Wakem asked staff the meani.ng of staff finding ��7 i'. ° McMonagle, member of Tigard Noise Committee, stat�d that lawn i' mowers and c:hain sa�as were to be considered as an intermittant use. ;�� B. Applicant Presentation: �'I � �I ° �ilbertson stated his reasoning £or wanting to operate :�is proposed � business on the subject site. � ° Wakem asked Gilbertson to define khe proposed outdoor disp�.aq . area and its size. �I �; � ° Gilbertson stated that this display area would be to the front of E{�I the building and on the sidewalk and that the outside da.spl,ay woul:d ,:� be moved indoors at the end of business haurs. � ,'li C. Pubiic Testimony: none .�i G D� Staff Recommendation: For approv�al, subject to design review board �� ` approval and that no chain saws �nd lawn mowers be operated other than , during business hours. � � � � �; ° Mr. Don Bruer, the potential: lessee of the buildin,g, stated that 1: the hours of operation would be between 8 A.M. and 6 P.M. duri.ng j` the summer and 8 to 5 all other times. `i #. E. Rebuttal �� o !J Bruer stated that the saws would be operated for only a demonstration �:� period of approximately 30 secands. �'�I � �ii ° Gxlberts�n explained' to the commzssioners a proposed naise suppression j;;'I stand in which the chain saws would be demonstrated, �� �� ° Sakata askecl staff to clarify sl-a£f finding ��5 as it pertained to° the arkin •re uiremer�ts o� the si _ � P & 9 te r� � .. . . .. . . � � . � . . - �. ... ... � �� . .. ... . . . ... ... �f'-. . , �. .. , � . .. . p r�y b �,. . � . . . . . • �>page 6 Plannin;g Commission Minutes February 17, 1976 �, F. Commission Discussion and Action ° Popp motioned for approval with staff recomme�a:dations based on the findings that the site was idsal for this location and that there is a community need for such a use. ° Seconded (Wak.em) . ° Unanimously approved 5.7 FLOOD PLAIN FILL PERMIT M 9-75 (Howe E. Lee) A request for flood plain fill permit to fi11 lands presently situated d at 9110 S W Burnham Street f d ].ain locate . . ear loa within the 100 y p , (Washington County tax map 2S1 2AC, tax lot 200) M FEBRUARY 4 1975 PLANNTNG COMMISSION HEARING) TABI,ED FRO , , � 'I�I A. Staff Report: read by Pawell with, the fallowing additional findings which we�e not inclucled i.n the staff report: 11. "'Pen year flood plain" is Iess tt�.an 146 feet in elevation MSLo 12. Parking is permissab'le in the flood plain as it does not restrict �� flood waters and will notc be damaged by flooding i.f properly designed. 13. The "bikeway" proposed through this area (Bikeway grant proposal currently under consideration by State of Oregon) would be at approximately 144 feet elevation MSL along the Fanno Creek sewer easement. 14. ''Basin" created by proposed "gravel parking Lot" will silt in when flooded, better to provide a "natttral" slope to water. ° Wakem stated that he would like to have seen a copy of the minutes of the March 1975, Planning Commission.meeting at which time this matter had been tabled. ° Wakem questioned the expertiss of the Planning Commission in determining this issue in terms of the proposal as it pertains to khe. amount of fill and the impact it would have on land both up and downstream from the subject site. ' ° Porter. stated that the burden was on the applicant as stated in Chapter 18.57 to prove the need for filling in the flood plain. ° Nicoli stated that the same questions that were being raisad at this hearing were the questions which were with�ut answers at the � previous planning commission meeting, at which time this matter was tabled. :�;:: . . .:_. , _ _. . . .:,,.. �. _ � � �"�age 7 Plannin� Commission Minutes Feb�uary 17, 1976 B, Applicant Presentation ; I ° Jack St. Cl�ir, speaking on behalf of the applicant, Howe E. Lee, ' stated that the reasoning for this proposal being tabled at the March, 1975, Flannin� Commissi�n meetin� was that the site plan, as submitted b the a y pplicant, failed to identif.y the area that was to be filled, leaving doubt, ther.efore, in the minds of the ' cammissioners as to the exact location an,d the impacts that such a fill would have on upstream and downstream properties. ° Porter stated that the Municipal Code reserves the right for the City to acquire the services of an engineer to assess impacts on fl.00d plain filling and asked staff what the cost would be to the City in retaining the services of a hydrologist, C. Public Testimony ° D�.ck Hawes, a partner of Jack St. Clair, firm o£ Hawes & St. C1air;,�. i st�ted he saw n� problem �aith the proposed fiY1. ° Porter stated that the proposa.l may vsry well not 1aav� any inno:cuaus effects, but the Planning Commission s�ill does not have the expertise to determine such, ° Mrs. A. J. Hanneman, adjacent pro�e•r�y owner, disapproved of the proposed fill because of the possible impaets on her progerty. ° Herb Bucholtiz, property owr�er adjacent the subject site, asked the �taff as to who has the author.ity to apgrove changes to tk�e str.e�rn. ° Don feller, a member of NPO �kl, stated that he was not speaking on behalf �f the NPO, but felt that, as a member of NP0 ��1,, that the policies established by the NPQ shouZd at least Ue addressec3. that: (1) the landfill ordinance be adhered to • i � {2) that the landfill has no deleteriaus effecks on upstream ' and downstream properties. (3) that the proposed bike path, as shown on the sike plan, J be developed. ,;., D. Staff Recommendations ` � r: 3; ° Staff recommended ap�roval wikh conditioizs that: ;, �:�; 1. Net fi11 not exceed 5000' cu. yds. �:? f; Ici 2. Average slope of ].:60 to be maintained within the "].0 year �;', ' f'lood plain" (elevation less thatn 146' MSL) from 1ow water ';' ;� ��; surface to edge of parking area. �s; x;+r � � � �� � � �� � � �r. �t ���. .��. ; i� '. , .<. : , _ � �'. . ��: � � � `� page 8 Planning Commission Minutes �,I February ].7, 197 6 �� i;l � ,,� 3. No slopes exceed 1:20, for more than a 2 foot rise. �'I'I i;, 4. That the spec:ific development plan be stamped 'oy a professional i;l engineer with demonstrable expertise in hydraulics and that it ° ': be reviewed by the City before Einal approval. � � 1j 5. Subsurface drainage be provided to drain hard surface areas. 6. Al1 areas not used for parking, building, access or pedestrian �; way be landscaped with suitable floodable materials. 7. An,easemen:t. be..dedicated.fa.�r� bikewsy right-of-way and stream access, said easement to be negotiated by applicant with � city,� subject to sL-aff approval. 8. Ten. feet of additional right-of-way be dedicatsd on S.W. Burnham Street. 9. Applicant waiver his right to remonstrance of street i.mprovement LID on Burnham Street. ° Nicoli stated that he could not approve of this project, even with � the staff recommendations, because he still did not understand what was being recommended. k �� ° Popp concurred with Nicoli's comments and made a motion to table �' until a qualifzed engincer has been consulted and expert testimony made available. ° Wakem concurred with Pop� and seconded the motion. � ° Porter stated that, if the plan as submi.tted, is approved by the �; recommendatio.n of the Corps of EngineErs, th.e Commission could aceept �; this plan as expert testimony. ' x ° Moore stated that his major concern was with the �ossible impacts i on both up and downstream properties from the subject site. ° St. C1air stated that he would have no objeetion to acquiring k the servic�s of a hydraulic engineer to explain to the commissioners ; the effects if negative or positive, on the proposed landfill, � providing that Mr. Lee would not obj•�ct to hiring an engineer to - a ,. perform this service. � ° Motion was approved unanimously. � ;. t; 5.8 TEMPORARY USE TU 1�-74 (Tualatin Development Co.) (extension) � �, yi A request by Tualatin Development Corp. for an extension of a temporary use t permit allowing a truss manufacturing facility on S.W'. 109th Avenue. , �s�owth ' of S.W. Naeve Road within the "Summerf:i.eld" Development (Was:hingt�n County �� � tax amp 2S1 10DD, tax lot (part of) 100) "; ; ;� �, .i � , �; , , :, . : .. , >: , � ;. . _ _ , :: , w�_ , � , ��, F ��.; �.�_: Page 9 F'lanning Commission`Minutes February�l7, 1976 ���' � � ; A. Staff Repor.t; read by Powe11 i i B. Applicant Presentation: ° Bi11 McMonagle representing Tualatin Development Cor.p., stated � that Tualatin Development Corp. is looking for another loeation ' � � and wishes to subdivide the subject parcel within the next year. � C. P'ub]:ic Testimony: none D. Staf� Recommendation: approval until a new location is found for this use. E. Rebuttal: none � F. Commission Disctission and Action � � � � � � ° Motion for approual (Wakem) ! � ; ° Sec�inded (Sakata) � , � ° Unanimously approved � � 9 1- 6 Par�in 5.1 ZONING ORllINANCE A1�IENISMENT ZOA 7 ( g) I � � ` A proposed amen�iment to the Tigard Municipal Code, Chapter 1.8.6(7 � (Parking) to reflect standards and criteria for off-street parking. � A. Staff Report: read by Powell ° Chairman Porter stated that due to the hour. of tY►e night a bri:ef question and ancwer period Uy the commissioners and staff would be �� iis matter should be- continued at the next lanning !' conducted but tY P � conunission meeting at which time pub.lic testimony w�uld be sought. 4 � ° Motion to continue (Po�ip) ' :�I ° Seconded (Goldbach) ° Una�imqusly approved fl 6. QTHER BUSINESS: None 7, ADJOURNMENTs 11:25 P.M. , •� E ; � '� � i '`{ ; � � � . o (,,��� + � � � � � � � �:� �:' � STAFF RE�ORT � Tigarc� Planning Commission �..:� February 17, 1976 � ZOA z-76 ,, A�enda Ttern 5.1 ' ; Zonin� Ordinance AmendmPnt A proposed amendment to the Tigard zoning orda.nance of 1970 ' ! as codified in Sectians 18.60.010 (a) , 18.60.120 and 18.60.7�60 ; Staff Findin�s 1. Tt has come to staff's attention repe�.tedly that most design standards and many zoning codes, partic�.larly the more rPCent ones, describe a parking stall as nineteen ' feet in length. Tigard�s zoni.n� code requires a twenty � foot garking stall. As 1a.ttle as this difference is, it frequently requires that an adclitianal and usually un;- necessary two feet be al.located to parkin� �o-� width. In a. 100 foot long pax�king l�t accommodating 20 cars, this means an extra 200 square feet of pavement. 2. The Loning Ordinan�e of 1970, as adopted, included a �'figure #1" in section 190 (Sec-tion 18.16.160 TMC� ; h�wever, no record of that ��f9_gure #l�� presenzly exists in the City files. The purpose of that ��figure #�1" was �.w. apparently •to have 'bEen a graphic illustration of ��sufficieYi�t width for parki.ng and inaneuvering��, whatever those widths may h�.ve been. 3. There is no mention in the code of al�ternative parkin:g' ; space confi�uration:s or aisle wi.dths. One way aisles are appar�ntly required in aU,r present coae to be as wide as �t�ro way aisles. Possible needs for angled parking �re not addressed, nor are the dimension.s of a parallel parkin.� st�ll! 4. The minimum space requirements presently in the code are �r�;quently inequitable in that they rather arbitrarily :seem to require more space than is actually required in som� ca�es, yet in others provides for clearly insufficient parking. For instance, 'T'igard code presently requires less than 1/5 the number of parking spaces for a restaurant as we find the restaurant owners demand,ing��!;• But, on the other hand, a s.�.ating rink is requ;ired by code to provid;e 3 times as much parking as any rink surveyed uses. Few adjustments of the parking requir�d by code .�rere -that extreme, however. 5. F'urther adjustrnents were suggested a.n the space requir�e- ments to e�.iminate the '�space per employee" standard as � much as was possible. Expei^ien�e Y�ere, �n.d; in most of our neighboring j�risdictions has been �that a parking ; . I , , � �. �� � ; , ` Pabe 2 PC Staff Report 2/17/76 �. space requirement basecl on the number o� eznployees is both impossible to estimate before the establishment is in aperation and impos�ible to enforce afterwards. ; Sta�f Recommendation Staff recommends that the followzng amendments to the Tigard Zoning Ordinance (Chapter� 18, Tiga.rd Municipal Code) be approvecl and recommended to the City Council. ' 18.60.010 Definitions. �a): as now reads: "Except as other- wise defined in this cade, 'one ; space ' means a minimum area available for parking nine feet wide and !. twenty feet long. No area s�iall be considered as a parking space un.less the pl.ans submitted shall show that the area is accessib'le and la:sable for that puxpo5e. " shall be amended to r.�ad: • "18.60.010 De�'ina.tion.s (a) Except as otherwise defined in this cod�, 'one space ' means a minimum ar�a available for parkin� nine fee� wide and nineteen feet � long. No area may be con.sidered as a parkin.g space unless ac:cessible and u�al�le fc�r that purpose. �� ; 18:60.120 Mznimum space requirements: �s n:�w r°�adsc "Off-- street parking ;hall be prov:ided according to the follawing standards and regardless of the zon.e in which the Lise is located. (1) RESIDENTIAL USES: (A) Sin.gle family residen�ces, one space for each dwelling unit; � (B) Two family dwellings, one space fo�.: each dwellzng u�n.it; ` (C) Apartmen.t dwelling, three spac�s far each two dwelling units, 'I (D) R.esidential hotel, roomin.g or bo�rding house•, o�e space '; for each guest accommodation:; ; (Ej Fraternity or sorority houses, one . space fox each two � occupants; (F) Hotel, one space fo� each gu��t raom, plus one space for each two employees; - ' � �� q' ;� pa�e 3 �; �C Staff Report 2/17/76 �.�,. ; �� � (G) Motel or tourist court, one space for each guest ro�m or suite, plus one space for each two employe�s; ' (H) Club, clubs shall be treated as caml�inations of uses such as hotel, restauran�L, auditorium, etc. and the required Npaces �ar ��ch �eparate use shall be provided; ? (I) Day nursery (children) , one space for every four c�.ildren, plus one space for each ernployee `; (2) INST�TUTIQNS: (A) Gonvalescent homes; znstitutions far the a�ed; in- ; stitutions fur children; welfare oi� corr�ctian in- stitutions (fu11 �time care) , a minimum of fo�ur spaces per use; in addition., one sp�.ce �or each five beds for patients, �=Lus one additional space for <eac�. two employees; (B) Hospita2�, a mini�num of six spaces per haspital, in aclaition, one space fnr each two beds, in.cludin.g l�assi.nettes, plus one additional sp�.ce far each two employees; � (3) PUBLIC ASSEM�LY; (A) Church, a minimum of six spaces per ehurch, �.in. adclition, one far e�.cl� six s�a�;s or twelve feet of bench length; (B) Library, nne spac� for each �'our hundred square feet of �ross floar area, plus one space �or each two emplo�ees; (C) Auditorium or mee�ting rooms, except schools, a ma,ni- mum of six spaces per assembly, in addition, one space for each six seats or tw�lve fee-t of bench length; (I7) College, commercial, one spa�e for each six seats ' in classrooms, plus �ne space �or each two em�layees; ; � • (E) Nursery schools, elementary or high schools, two spaces ' per teacher; minimum of eight apaces per school, in ; addition, one space for each twelve seats nr twenty- I fo�:z� �'e�et of bench length in. the auditorium ox� <assembly ; � room or, i.f none, the sum of the classroorn seating ; � capacity, plus one space- for each two emp1,'oyees; `` � ` _ (F) Passenger terrnirial (bus, air or rail), one; space �or �: each five hundred square feet nf gross flaor area, plus one space for e�ch two ernployees; .; i . . a ; �` page 4 � PC Staff Report � 2 1 6 i / 7/7 � (4) SPORTS AND COMNIERCIAL AMUSEMENT: � . j (A) Stadium or race track, one space for each four j seats or eight feet of Uench lEngth; � , 1 (B) Indoor arena or theater, one space for each four i ueats or eight feet of bench length; ; (C) Bowling alley, five spaces for each alley, plus one spacE .for each two employees; ' ; � (D) Darice h�.l.l or ska�ing rink, one space for each one ' hundred square feet of gross floor areas plus one ? space for� each two employees, ! ; (E) Amusemen�; p�rk, one space for each �ne thousan.d square ' feet of �ross area, plus one space for. each two 3 employees; (5) C OMMERC IAL: � � (A) Retail stores incluciing restaurant, cafe, tavern, ` n.ight club, but ot�.er tharz in s�.�par�graph (B) below, � min3.mum three spaces per use and, in addition, one � space for �ach fi.ve hundred square feet gross floor �- area; plu.s on.e space for each two employees; (B) Service or repair shop and retail store handling bul.ky merchandise, such as autosriobiles and furniture, � minimum �hree spac:es per. use and, in addition, on.e space �or each five hLrn.dred square �'eet c�f gross E fl�or area, plus ane sp�.ce for each two employees; f {C) Comnnercial or professional office space, one space ; per �ive hundred square feet of f1.r�or ar�a, ;�alus one f spaae for each establish:ment, plus one space for each � two employees; (6) INLIi��STR.IAL: � (A) Wh�lesale or freight terminal (water, air, rail or � truckin�) , one space for each employee on. the largest , shift; ' (B) Storage, one s�ace far each employee on the largest shift; (C} Manufactu.ring ox processi..ng, one space for each er�ploy�e on �the largest shift; � � (7) Requirem.en-�s for types �� buildings and uses not � � �r� � PAGE 5 PC Staff Fteport 2/l7/76 T � specific�.11y listed herein shall be determin.ed by the planning commission, based upo�. th� requirements of comparable uses listed" sha11 be amen;ded to read: ��18.6U.120 Minimum s�ace requiremen.ts: Off�-street parkin.g shall b� prov�.ded aceording to the followin� standards, regardless of the znne in ' ; which the use, bui�ding, establishment or development i.s located. j Any buildi.ng, establishment or development may elect to define i , separate use areas which together tatal the �ross floor area as � de�'ined in this code and �pply these standards separately to those 3 uses» # � TYPE OF USE PARI�ING• SPACES REQUIRED ` �I. � (1.) £3.esidential. � (a) on.e or two-f�rnily 2 spaces per dwelling unit � dwel�i:�g (may be tandem) � � ('b) mul.ti-family dwellin�; 1..5 s�aaes per dwelling unit � �... (c) roc�ming ar boarding 1 space for each g�.est:��room plus house 1 space far the owner. (d) hotels, matels, motar 1 space �or each guest room plus hote35, e'tc. 1 space for the owner° � i� {2) Institutic�nal �: , � (a) conval�scent, nursing 1 space per 2 beds � and other health I�omeS, san.itarium, rest hame, ;;�' � home for the aged. an�. ;,'� other resi�.ent �are ' facilities � ��� . . . . . . . .. 4.: (b) hospital 1:2 spaces per bed �' � _ (3) 1�ublic and Semi-Pu'blic Buildin�s ` ;± �; (a� auditorium or meeta.ng 1 space for each 50 sq. ft. of' }! room (o-l;her than chureh gross floor area or where s�ating �F� or school) zs fixed to the �'loor, one space �� for each 4 seats or 8 feet o� bench �;I � _ 1en�th. . ''� � � . �� �� ,;;y ,� s.�, _ � , , . __. i���e 6 PC Staff Report 2/�-7/76 a; ; �:� (b) r"hurches, clu'ba, 1 space for every 6 fixed seats or Iodges every 12 �'t. of bench length �:nd/or euery 100 sq. �te grass f'loor area ; ` where no permanen� s��.-�s are maintained. (c) libraries, museums, 1 space fo.r each 400 square :�eet art galleries of gross �'l�or area (d) pre-school, day nurs�ry 5 spaces plus 1 space per classroom � kindergarten (e) elementary, �junior 1.0 spaces p1.us 1 space per class- high school or equi-y � room or l space per 4 seats or 8 valent private or feet of bench length in the audi- parochial school tora_um, whichever is gr�ater. (f) seniar high and equi�� • 15 �paces plus 5 s�ace� per class-� valer�:t private or room or 1 space per 4 s�ats or 8 parochial school ft. of bench length in main audi- torium, whichever is greater. (g) commuter type c�ll�ge 1 space i'or every �ull time equivalen.t student� (h) resident iype c;ollege 1 space for esrery 3 full time `�` equivalent students (i) �ommercia� or busin��s 1 space for every 3 classroom seat,s school {4) Cammercial (a) retail establishmen.ts 1. space for each 400 sq. ft. of exce�t as oth�rwise gross floor area, �ut not less than � �pecif:�ed herein 4 spacPS �or each establishment ; (�� �?rvics or repazr 1 spaae for each 500 sq. ft. of i shap �ross �Ioor ar�ea, uu`t not lesG` ±han. � 3 s�aces for each establishment i : , (c) ret�il stores handling 1 space for ea�h 1000 sq. ft. of � ' bulky merchandise such gross floor area, but not less than � as furniture, auto- l0 spaces for each �stablishment. mobiles, applian,ces ; , (d) barber and beauty 1 s�ace for each l00 sq. fto of � ` snops gross flaor area I ; dent;al cli.nic 1 s ace for each 200 s . ft. of ' I (e) medical, , � q � ,,���. � or other practifiio��:er gross floor `ar.ea .j of the l�.Paling arts ��` ' `�' �} � ; -i � � � f� � :t� . . Pa�� 7 PC Staff Report 2/l7/76 (f) o�•fice builda�n�s 1 space for ea;ch 350 �q. �t. of ' bus�.ness and pro-- �ros: floor area fessional a:ffice� (g) pharmacy 1 space for each 3Q0 sq. ft. of ' gross fl�or area ,: (ri) eating �.nd drinking 1 space for each 1.00 sq. �t. of . �stabl.ish.ments �ross fl�or area '; (i) mortuary 1 space for each 4 seats o_r £3 f.t. - of benah length in chapels (5j Comm�rcial Recreation � (a) amusemen.t �ark 1 spaae for each 10U0 sq. ft, of patrori serv.in.g ar�a (b) billiard or pool "1 space for each 300 sq. f�t. o� hall g.rass floor area , � � � (c) bowling alley 5 spaces .for each b�wling lane (d) dance hall, skating 1_ spar,e �'or each 300 sc�. ft. of � ri.nk, gymnasium gross floor area (e) indonr arena, theater 1 space for each 6 seats or 1.2 f�t. . stad�_um of b�nch len�th (6) Industrial (a) except as specifi- 1 space for each employee on the ca7_ly men-tioned here- lax�gest shift or 1 space for eacn` in, industrial u�es 1000 sq. ft. , whichever is larger , listec� as permitted: in M-2 and M-3 zones (b) storage opera.tions, 1 space for each employee on �he rail or trucking lar�est shif-� or 1 sp'ace for eaeh frA;oht terminal 1500 sqo �t., whichever is larger I (c) laboratories and re- 1 space for each EmployeQ on the searoh facility largest sk�ift ar I spac� for each 500 sq. f't, , whi�hever is larger {d) wholesalp or retail T space far each 1000 sq. ft. pf (industrial) gross floor ar�a, but �.�t less than 'sales & ser°vice 10 spaces for each establ'ishrnent (7j Other Uses �' R�quirements for types of buildings and est�,blish.men-�s nc�t specifically 1is�ed herei.n s�a1.1 be �e:t�x°mined 'by th.e Pl,anni.n.g Commisszan, ba,sed on the requa.rernents of comparable u�es. �I I'I . . ,� , t � "� �: �� `�� PAGE 8 �, PC Staff Report �- 2/17/76 � 18.60.160 Access. As now reads: !�II "(b) Access aisles shall be o� sufficient width f.or al1 vehicles turning and maneuvering, and according to the minimum stand- �.r.d shown on f igure ,�#1. '� shall bE amen.de�l to read: 18.60.1h0 Access. (b) Minimum. standards for parking stall leng�;h an.d width, aisle v�ridth and maneizvering I space aha11 be d�terminecl from the following table and diagr�m. ANGLE OVERALL TROM STALL CHANI�TEL (P) AISLE CUR.B LENGTH �B� W DTH W:CDTH �C� PER STALL �y� .CUR.B WTDTH I , � � I parallel ��0�� 9�0�� 12 0�' 2�j 0�} i g �0�� 17�4�� 1.2f0" 1��0�� � 30° 9 '6�� 17'9" 12 f 0�� 19'0 0� 10 �0�� 1f3'?_" 12�0" 20�0�� 9 '0" 19'9" 15 '0" 12'9" � 45° 9 '6�� 20'2" 14'0" 13'5" ;�i 10 '0�' 20'C'r l�l-�0" l�+'1�� " �f�n 21►p„ 20 t 0 ti 7-�t -r>tt � 60� 9r6n 21 '3n 7_gr�n l�_��n �I , 10f0�� 21�6�� 18�0�� 11'6�� i c�r�i� lc�. �pri �/�.►pn 9�pn I I 90p y�6" 19'0�� � 24rpn 9r6n 10'0'� 19'0" �4'0" "10'0" j Aisl@S �CCOmIIIUU.d�ii1g "�VdC :a.il'°r-F:i nn �—�l�� traffic, or allowin.g access from � both en.ds shall be not less than C 24' iri wi,dth (C) . Parking at other ang'les permitted, provided that each spac� cnntains a �rec- tangle of not 1�ss than 9 ft. in — ;-° - - �� width and 19 �'�o �-n length an.d � -�� " an appropriate aisle width as � ��' de-�ermined by interpolation of the P � �i � above taba_e. � : d,� �'; � � �' � i': ---� X � PAT,�.TNG DT.A.GRAM ,� � ;; x, , ,, : . ���r STAFF REPORT � i�� Tigard Planning Commission February 17, 1976 �T�. CU 5-76 Agenda I�tem 5.2 Con�ditional: Us� Permit A req�:est by Earl Kessin er and others for outs�ide storage o_f wood produats (lumber� on a pa.rcel of land zoned M-3 at 12560 SW Hall Blvd. Staff Findin�s 1. TYie outs_i.de storage �ubject this r�quest is for storage of lumber adjacent the Zoss Manzi�acturin� Comp�ny's builc�ing and on the same sit�. Mr�. Ke�singer is a lumber broker, DBA Highline Forest Products, renting office spa�� fr�m ��Zoss'�. Others storing lum'ber in �tlze same location are individuals and �'irms who Yiave purchasecl Mr. Ke�sin�er's lumber an.c�. are unable to move it con� vexii.ently. , 2. Land use southwes�, sc�utheast and nart�east of tlze site � ` is maniafacturing and there i.s a good deal of outside ;j storage already adjac�n:t;. Land use n.orthwest of the sit'e, � � across Hal1 Blvd. y is r�siden�ial an.d commercial. � � 3, Applicant�s stat�ment of public need, irnpac�, e`tc� a.s attached. � 4. 'I`h:e T�.�,ard Commw7.ity Plan of 1971 designates this site, and �th� a.d-�acent ar�as �c� �the ea�t o�' Ha11 81.�,T�, as ,ndus��i�1.. � The wes� side of Hal1 Blvd, is des�.gn.ated °�meda.unn density � residenttii:°a1��. Hall Blvd, it�elf is desa.�n:ated a rnajar � arterial �treet and is the primary access to cen.tral Tigard �: �, G from the s�outh. : �: , �, 5. No site plan is available. !' , , 4': � 6. Tigard code (�ECtion 18.12.080 (b)) does r�ot re'quire all ; �; autside stor:age to b� screened, but provides that the City "�� ! may require �a,zch screening. '. _ � N±�f'£ Rarnmma_nC��;'ti011 �j �t ta 1�e advised at c1Rse of public tes`timony � � , � �� � � � . ,. , , „ , , . � „ . ��, � ; , : � _ s- t� .. . ,�.� r�>. �f r � �� STAFF REPC�RT Tigard 1�lanning Commission ��`. F�bruary 1"T, 1976 CU 6-76 Agen.da Item 5.3 Conditional Use Permit A request by R.oberta 0'Donoghue to operai;e a Day Care Center in an RU-4 zone (urban residential) at 7310 SW Spruce St. Staff Find:i.ngs 1. This parcel has been appraved f°or annexatic�n to T:igard by the Portland Metropolitan Area Local Government Boundary Comma.ssian effeGtive February 11, 1976. 2_. Larid use adjacent is Fr�d Meyar parking lot to th� east an.d � vacant parcel, then sin.gle family housing to the west. The Fred Meyer store is to �the south (behind) of the s�te and ac-rass Spruce S�t. (n.orth) is mare single famiZy housing. An insurance a�ency is loca�ted. in a Ningle family house at the northeast corner of 72nd �n.d Spruce. 3. The proposed use cnizforms wi-th the Tigard Community Plan which designates the area t�community sho�pin�". �- 4. �5W Spruce St. is an "unimproved�� stre�t with an 80 ft. rzght- of-way. 5. It appears that the existing house is ad�quate to �atisfy state licensing requirements for a day care center. The site is adequa�;e, j1.�st barely, to provide �or through �c�ess and parking as required by Tigard Code. Quite a bit of site improvemen.t may 'be necessary, �zowev�r, 6. Si�e development is subject to review by the Design Review Bo�.rd under provisions of Section 18.58, TMC. 7. The Planning Commission can require a half street improve- ment; in front o� the su'b jeGt site -- ta 'be coordinated w3tY� V�Tashingtan County, wh.ich has jurisdiction of the street and can, i� th� street is not adequate to serve the needs of �Y�.e praposed use, require that the street or that portion af the street necessary, be brought up to an adequate standard. 8. .�ubii�; sewer and w��er �i'ASpI1}�V serve the site. Staff Recammendation to be advised at the close of public hearing � II � I � � � r:;, .::u.,.: _,.. ;..,.... _ _. ;,:r.. �.�.::.,...��:, .._ ._.,.... :.>..s__ ':...,._ _:s�..,.,... :;♦ ,. ... ..::.:a� ...,..,., _ ..,.,,:,,._�..,.---. .___.�_. __._...,� ..,._._._�� __�_...,..,_ _ ........�....,..�.. � � r: � � .� ' ���� . �� n � •� `�� CZ��v� �.�',!�' 1/1.P���z/J' �!`'t. C'L`�'��( G�,�'�'�/!/G'?�.�� „� (,! �1 ���'�2� i i �,`� ��,������ �;� ��`c..�- ��� hr��U,-��..�,�, �� �-- � 12�;����z..� � �� . � � . �� . �,� . � / , ,,��c C. �C, � l'v ..�� ���/LG-r��'u-G-��� /�-� C��r��Gt��2� � �'Ci� �� U � , 4 T� (lJ v� C�C,� ��t Gv �-��-Clt/1 zG�� � �'L.� cr7-cJ. �� �-V ,�/1����'G� i � ` , � (�`'��7L�/l.�i'�./�(/G/ � s'��i'lr'r4I..,14 �'C�� 1��� /' 4-G��'��'� �iliC.��//`„/ �j�'L'���r� ,�.�/�-/'W�/"'��fCiC.k/�f . � �� y . . V � .9 � ���� ' . 7 er�zz — (�,�-� � `��-z����-z-�C�� �����5 G-v �-�c��' , � � . � � � .��u ���zC- �==v-��-� ���k..�, ,F'G� G�z�z� �7rLr"� ,,-'�,,C �t�-.'� �-�� ;, , ,�J � �-Z�C��GCJ c� � , . . _ , , �11 G ..,-���� � G ,,(%��c�G�l/I�Z �i �`�ti_ _ ��U �/�� C_^Cc/L—� ��`' . i � -� �i(�t'�v�L, !�L�(/Z�G'1��2�' �-�'i-�v' l� � �'�L"`'Z'-u�, 'G�/l-C�'�; , // � �� . :� �G2C.� �,�c1 ..� ...�-7, l� C��'��r�i�-�. ' ,����-�,��,�.�, . � � , ,, � t..l:-�c IZ�C � GZ�'. 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IQO ',.f.p0 n, � i�r�r �� : - ------..�_ ,` - _ . _.. .._..... �_^� ;• . . ,-----�--- , ..��.:�.,r ..s..r�..� �•. t53.� � 40�:��� "' 179.2 ` { NEGOR , IFiOU �� �700 kICHAR50N DLG .27Ac. . �\ , � .29Ac. � � ' ��\ ti 4 �5 \ r . � _�N_&9°GO^W � T �, � ; ` ' 153.4 `\ � � $00.169.2 ' j - - �5p0 �? �� � _ .__ 26 A c. �,: � �, � .2 y Ac. ` r,. , , � �; s .._.�- — — � � — --�' ' ! • lQOO � '� l900 ��g.z .; ; " . 26Ac. �;? � ,� •30Qc. � ►- :,� �` ti �� � .� �, ;� ,� . �: 1300 � � 2000 .. .E _ .. .. " FA� �� .� .,.;� � a � . ,,. _ _ y _, � . . . _. ;-� --�� , _ - �. ` ST.AFF REP�RT '� � ����� � Tigard Planning Ca nission February 17, 1976 CU 7-76 Agen.da Item 5.4 ; Conditi:onal Use Permit A request by Leor� Fox to operate an arts and crafts �a11�xy � '� in a C-3 (general c;ommercial) zc�ne a:t 12140 SW Ha11 B1vd. � Staff Findin�s l. Propased sho� is to be located zn a converted residence formerly used for an ambulance service, ;� 2. The sub�ject site, and the sites::�adjacent to it and tY�ose � across Hall Blvd, are zoned C-3, and are d��igria�ed ��general commercial" on. the comprehensive p�.a�.s �.dopterl and applicable to the are� (NPO #1 across Ha1.1, Tigard Community P1an �c�r th.e subject s�te) . 3. I'resent l�nd use to the rear of the site (north�ast) is part of a larg� ��storag�;�� ar�ea belnnging t� Knauss Chevro- let with vacant lan�. dzrectly �iehind (ea��) �h� site. ' I�an.d u�e ta th� north is single �'am�.I.y residential; to ' the south is �.nother sing�e famil.y residence and across Ha:1�. � is single �amily residen�tia.l with some commercial accessory ' ? � . uses as well. 4, �dequate sp�ce a.s available on the site for o�f-stre�t parkin�; however, site improvemsnts wi11 be necessary to confc�rm to code with respeci� to parking �n:d landscapin�. 5. No curb �x� sidew�lk is pr�vided in front of the site. II 6. Ha11 is designated a ma,jor arterial and 5 ' af righ�-of-way is lacking on �Lhe east side of Hall from Knoll Dr, to Pacific Hwy. for ther� to be minimally adequate right�of- way. ''I 7. T�iere is nat adequate s-�reet section zn front of the site �o pexrnit street parking; therefore, all parkang will have � to be on�-s�.te. � t3. This proposal is subject to si�e �.esign �°eview under �ro- j� visions of Chapter 18.58- TMC. Staff Recommendation i �o be advised at cic�e n:� publia testimony ' ; ,; � __ ; ,; ,; . �. .. . �,.,„ _�. :.�• ,.:... , . , �'.J � �. : . ,C_ -.__._„�_.� �� � : • • • • li • , ', � 1 � r; �� '�; ' . � � � . . ,. :. - • . ` . ., .•• , = '• ' � •����'is��i�i� ..�..���s����������*������������ •• ��..�.��������������������,�����.��o.�.�i�i�i ��o-���>�•�s��t����e����,,w�����o +si�i�i�����*����������v�������������i•i'i''>�i�i�e�i� •4 v o�s�°i�O��������j��'►�����������s������������� ' �i�i'��e��+°��.������������������������������e���������� � s°s�s�'i�`o�'i0°�°�"♦°��i�i�e�i�i�isi�i�:�i�i�i�isss.�� � i ►♦�►•e�i�*`��"o���j���+�o•o��������o�,�s�����.�s�.���o���� ���������������`������s���������i�iai�i�i:'�d����������� � • � ,�s���.�.oe<�e���������►♦�,��������������.����s����e♦��.��. P�s♦<•a•�.s�s+�ss�����♦ss�es�s�� � , i'�i�i•.�i�.�i�s���i�i�i�iei�i�i•i�i���i�i�i���i�i�i�i�i'o o���.���`�`�°�e���s�s�������+�'►��������e+����sisi�i�s�i*i ►'i*♦•s s i*.'►•s•O s�o�s�D������.��.�♦*�,�+�s����v��o e s���o ►i•i'i's'��►'i i'i�i'i�'i:,i'i'i'i'i'i'i'�'�i���i�i�:��+������ ►�♦�0��►��.�R'��'�'�����������.*������������►�l�����i�'�����06�����i� �. o�e���o��'����y��������������e�����+���iie�i�i�e4i::.�i`i�s ��� s+`*+•♦y+•��••••♦•`�•♦'♦•••••••♦`#+♦•++♦+'••♦+e•••+•••♦+•••� '. ���t������9���0������������'�������40����������������������.� .: ••+����°H���i�i�i�i'►i�i�i'�����������s�����s����������o������ �%s�%i%%%%%%%iy%%,'s�%%%%��%%�i�'i�i i'�i�i,i'. ►�����i°o'a'��i�i'�i'��i'��e�i�►�i�i�i�i�i r i'�+��i'�''i�i'+*s���� 1�����j�j rE�������,����,�����������������ir!��i��������*�����►��*�� Os�i�i�i°i�i�i�s�i�i�i�s�i�i�i�:�`�i�i�7i�i�i�*ri�i�:qi�i`i+iri O♦�*'�'�''�'��s°.�i�i�'��i'a'D i�i'��i v♦"��a�+►'���h��4'�si R i` �: •���Q ••�•���i►.a•��•����•• •��•*� •vO��O•a��•����••�,���,����•�.����•�'���'+��•��•i�',t�r��������o •�•�54•+*�,�+�•�•�•�•�•�•�•�e�♦�•�,�♦�•�♦�•��������������������. �,�. = r �>�Ir�����+����r.�♦�.�.�.�.�•�,�.�•�♦�.�'�♦�`�♦�♦�..•.� . �e*��+►���i��♦ ♦������• • ' � . '.».t. ���A�����+�j,�����.**�.�♦�♦�.�.�e . �.• .. . . . 2.�*,Ayf t^�w�**��� . . � , flv�Y-)i.. � • � '� '• �e� . � s ,� .- �. �• • i€ ° �. , � v ' �• �, n i�� �, � � �� '%� , � • . � . �I .� s J � '�� •e •� � ° . � � , e h : .' o ' �t '�• ., � , . s• �• ' � •� ,. , ;, 'e -. �� > •• � � ._ � ��i� �F STAFF REPORT Tigard Planning Commission , _ Fe'hruar,y 17, 1976 CU 8-76 (I�IcInt3rr� - radi.o, t.v. service) Agenda 2tem 5.5 i� Cnnditional Use P�rmit �I �or a radio and television sales and service store to be located in. an exis-ting building (former Haney Magnavox store) at 12200 SW Main. St. Staff k�'inda_n�s Z. This site and all adjoining properties are zoned C-3M, general comm�rcial - Main St. Hadio and television repair are canditional uwes in this zone. � 2. Existing l�,nd u�e �f adjac��.t Main S�, ��arcels conuists af a bank and th� post office. There z� an auta �arts store across the street and a medical clinic to the rear. 3. Applicant intends to lease 4,330 sq. ft. of the total ' 5,000 sq. ft. build�.�g. Also occupy:ing the building will be a title insurance c�mpany and some type �f profession�l office. �a 4. Parking required by Tigard code is 14 spaces (1 spaoe/500 sq. �'t. plus 1 space/� employee: plu:� � spaas/es�ablishmen,t) f.or the applicaxzt�s proposed activity and -the professa.onal offices. The site pla.n submitted indicates 14 �pa.ces. 5. �'l�.e Ti�ard Community �'1an and zhe NPO #1 Comprehensive P�ar�. designate this area for gen�ral coinmercial use. 6. The site woul.d benefit from provi�ion c�f ldndsaaping in confoxsnaric�e wit,h present City c;ode; hawev�r, Design Review is nc�t usual.ly required un.less a bua.l.ding pPrmit for ma�jor remodeling is applied for, although lanc�scaping can be required as a condition of a condit.ional use permit. �_ ,;; ,... _ __ , . ..: .._ ._: �_. _�..: . .. � -=� _�.u.�_�. ..� ...:�... � .. :♦. . 4 ,... , �:_.� _: .__,. . .. ...a . . . ..�,,.. _ _�..,� .___,� _.. __. _w. ..4 _...�. ... �._. __ „....�.� �.�,.... .. _ � ..,....,.z_.. �,�: _.z � , _ _ . _ t: �,; _ y' ' �,�a, �, Phone 839-3050 ,; , � �'u6u�6a� �cicv��+�c f; t _ �'autec �` �ti� Oregan 97223 _... t,: #9 'We propoae to occupy and r.emodelthe t premises 1oc�ted at 1220U S.W. Main St. C` Tigamd, ureg. for the purposes of sales and � repair of 12ad�.o and Televisi.�n sets. •y'�� pxaposed use os in conforma:nce with 'l�igard's �ompreh.ensive� plan. l�j �veryone need� a g�od , reliab.le television sales and repair servrice. :�1+ Nt� ehang�s in respec�' to t11a.� item. �STh� necessa�y sPace is not avaiYable in a��y oth�r location that woulci re compatible to an estata.lished and growing ente.rgrise�. �6No im�act in resZ�ect to this item. �7 No change� in r�spect to this item. �C���y"',"L �"�- � �' r� / � /��' .. �y..� �w/ .. . ;^'� / � \ �� ,�~ f � �i'!'�_.r ��-f�^� � � � � G � � �' �� �`� { , a #; � � �. � � � . . . � � - . .. i n.... �� . . � � . . . . . � � . . � . � � (''��. . � . . . . . � � . atti � . . . .. . . . � � � � :':t �. . . . . . . . . . r.,,_� . . ' . . t �. . .... :-., ay . � . � . F , ... ., .: . _... .� y .." �l A t� . .. �� . . . -- , , . ... . . . . .�. . . . `,_ . ,� r. 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F . .0 ` � � �,� .7Q Ac tiAS go � J yo � o. � p r? s �`� / ��`� _+���� `�Ip =-_- '� �� � ` . . �Y ' 0 p,pQ p6° � � ipp .. fl \ ��.� �Bp/a, p a / �'�p 9p i o�o —` �` �� tn°y\ 27�� � \�� /. �SQ� ��',�, `� 4� �!�� � /- - 54? 52�'N I 55�;•1 , 4' �,�. 9 s o, , o�a ,30Ac. �56 �y .52Ac. ,,� ��i,LP O / ,� O N 4 5"I 2'W I I 91.3 � � 4t�� 9 bli,� n Y�F'RQ�d RE-ENTRANT'� j �'�i � �,yo� R: ,�o ,�� CORHE� OF GEORGE \ � p �7 ha / ya i ° = RICHARDSON �L.C.a8 .,o `4 (��: �. .. . . 2F 11%� � �^ \ � sAJ.p � �O I S 2 9 V 4: ,�, ��/ �tvf� J� \�;z �F, 90?�, � � �' � .Jr'fa��'��: � *!'p . .,a�% /o a/,4�A�Sn ��,y. �e . g0 � : �,�e', ih`. � pp o' `fGVV� /"..:� N J�.V\\ �� � � � n. . � ����.: V / �A � V � k .� • 3� %�a .R6Ac,/ T� �o°\�� l:T3Ac. �, � ' 2 f �� '�, atiY� w/ �. a; . a�.� v = � / o0 v�8 /� �� � � � � a � � ,"'�' 3� � /� 0 �� tl tibq ir, ' . . o4�O 4�U1 ? s"Jo � .Ati�� j��' � � �� �� o�aP�`Q ,lf3Ac .��,�c � �,/ sQ 5 � / b �; / �� � s° / °a� �� ,�/ � .� a� �: C,S. No. t29GI ��„ r �n� �o ;/ q '� /„:�' .}RC�� '�.f�,.,� � ^ �M�g �, � . ■� _ ` ' < ' ^d '1 t . . . . �4 ��� . ,,iS� � � STA.FF RFPOI3.T Tigard Planning Commission February l7, 1976 � CU 9-76 Agenda Ttem 5.6 Conditional Use Permit A request by Darlene C�zlbertsan to operate a lawn mower and chain saw sales and service with outdoor displ.a.y in a C-3 (gen�ral commercial) zone at 137F�5 SW Pacific Hwy�. Staff Findin�s l. Site is the former loaa�;ion of A & E Rental_s and most + recently Tracy Ceramics. 2. E�isting structures are a commercial bua.lding and a , small single family residence to the rear. 3. Nei�hbor�ing land use is single family residential and vacant lancl o n n 4 There i a cu.rb bizt n.a idew�. k in hi o . s s 1 t s part f Pacific I , Hwy. The curb is located at the edge of the outside trazfic lane w�ith n.o shoulder area ox deceleration lane provided. The ��curb cut�� or driveway approach here extends nearly the fu11 width of the frontage where a znaximum �0' apron ��- is a7_1,awed in Tigard. In �nd out access may be provided; however, the curb cuts must be 30' or more apart. 5. Al1 parking is an site; howev�r, the parking does not conf�rm to City codea There is adequate space to provide for it, however. 6. This proposal is subject to design review for any� fu'rther : site development. 7. Operation of lawn mowers and chain saws outside (and poss�ibly ,i.nside) will not conform to the Tigard noise ordinance. 8. Outside storage and display may be requirPd tn be screened by the City. Na such activity may use required parking or maneuvering. Staff RECOmmendation to be given a-t close of public tes�imony � � p ;, �4'.. )5.,�.. . ��� 1 � � � 1 I Ti�ard �'lanning Commission 12420 S. W, Mai.n Street �'igard, Oregon 97zz3 Rer I�765 S, W, Par,ific Hwy.-Shop Bldg, 1 a� W. �a.cific Hw .�Residence 3?75 � Dear Sirs: I. This conditional use request i� f�r the oper�,�i�n ai' a lawn mowex and chain saw sales and servi.ce o��tlet. `_►'his is an old line estab�ished firm which desires ta Pxpand. its ar.e�, of operatior in�o our commiznity. 2, The owner rea7.izes the valida.ty of �th� overal.l plai�ning �af the area, but desires to est�.blish a support3.ng eccananGic sittaation and to upgrade thE� pro- pex�t3� unti], sucl� time as avai7.abil�.ty of sanita�tion �rauld make it feasible and de�ir�.l�le tc� ga ta a praf�ssirana.l d�'i'ice aomplex or nther approved �,nd n�edeci use. �. 3 & 5. Tigaxd l�as for o�rer �wenty years been 5erved by �the pro�erty in ques- �... tion a� a rental �quipmer�t outlet, Dizr3.ng tk�is time more than twa famil�.es simult�.n�ously we:�e supparted we:l.l by this �usine�s plus seasanal hc].p. The operatlons main eeonomic value to the commueaity was the sa,les and servicing of lawn mowers and chain saw�, The n��c� for tt�is op�r�t�ioz� sti11 exas�s and is n,�� ava,ilable at •�his time, � 4. The bua.lda.ng w3.11 b� xE�>aired, pa,3.nted and area cle�.ned up 'before business . npens a,� per�`ormance o�' a lease �.greemen�, The eo�urs will be Ghosen 3:n good taste. The hame �,t i3775 s. 4l. �'acific Hwy. wiZl also be repai.red a;nd pa;inted. and wi1.1 xemai.n a .residence. 6. 'P.he im�+rovements �o thE buildinp�s wi1.1 enhanr,e tne a,rea� ther.Pby ber�e:fit�t:tng the �,d ja,cent properti�s. 7. The pu'blic se.rvic�s w3,1�. not Y�e noticeab�.y affec��d by this type busines�. I{espect�lx�ly �ul�ma.�tad, � ' � �.l �-- , ��'�:�,����r�%��T�' i `L�].a,yd Gilbertson � ; j ; i ; i 3 �° � c,� '�:.. ; , ; ; ; y _, i � ' � ! 1�' i C � I�.I ! �]" y` �11�11=' `� v Y, ; i � � .� � �; ' �{�� � �-.,.°....,... �'` J i -.—.�,��„ , r 1 '� �i 1 9�,k',N S --�,..�, .. . ����.�� �� � �� :� . , `, � /ry: .' ��p� i � ,fa� �� �� , � ���'����� �' ; � -�-,._.._ � , � � f � � 3 ,/ C���,���k�tOp'' ��\�,s �. � ; l�� c c,�t�E� ��, � � 1' �;� �G,'� _'' ,. �/ ,� � �.;��`� � -��t t..�.� ,..,�„„,,�,�--,�.,,, �� ,g1'\ �y'p� �'ta,. � ��;-a..,.,,,,,�..� ,.,,_..-�,..�.�„�._..,_ � ,V �� E , +1+ ���� � ��'�, `.� � p � �; `"",�a � � �1��� '�'�� �'�`C�I.�� �vl��(y ,`�' �j � � ,� '"`�� ��:�,, ,� �,, ,°� '�%l.r�,�� .�.y ��: A��``'�:,?�'�Rl��'� * ,� +.�^.�'`�,��� '�'��! �`�^.:a..�,,��yl�;`\���4� ���.�� , , �'- _�� . . . . \� �O . '..._'t•,_y. Y� � 1,Q�L`��� .\� „,r /��. . . ... .. � � y��4,'� r . lr ����� �����i'�Yx � e � �; �� , �` � �.��',,�1? 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A , _ _ �'�"�i� a yD � •,,'� � � � STAFF REPORT Tigard Planning Commission February 17, 1976 ` �`, � �.;�_� M 9�-7�5 � � � � �� Agen:da Item 5 a 7 � ��. � Flood Plain Fill Fermit . � , A reque�t for a permit to fill lands within the legal flood plain c�f Fanno Creek 1.oca�ed at ��.lU SW Burnham St. Applicant's Proposal to exca�vate the portion af his propPr�;y adjacPnt Fanno Creek M and deposit this material adjacent Burnham St, in o�der to create a developabl.e piece of property above the 100 year fl.00d level (see enclosed report) a S-ta�f Findings l. This reques�; wa� originally m� � on November 5, �.975. At that ti:me �tY�.e Commission ta�ledthe appliaant�s reques� pendin�g submzssion of further information. Although some- ; what b$latedly, the en.closed materi�,_1 repx�sents the , appl�cant's effort to supply the adaitional information �! r�ques-ted. The original submiss�axi was prepared �by '�i S1.eavin-Kors Engineers and this latest material was pre- � �� pared by th� architPCtural firm of Hawes-�t. Clair. 2. Nearly a11 of the applicant's prop�rty, 6.8 acres, is lo- cated within the 100 year occurrence �lood plain as defined l�y the U. S. Army Carps of Engin.eers in. their document ; entitled, Flood. Plain Tn.�or�ati:on Tualatin River and � Tributaries, Washin�on Countv� Ore�ori, Jun� 19 . This � ' s�,uc�y provides the basi.s or flood plain identification �; as �efer�nced in the Tigard Flaod Plain and Fi11 Or�.inance : No. 74-�0 adop�ted in August o� this year. �� P P Y • P y , � . rcial !� 3. The ro ert is resentl zoned C-3M, general comme l�fain St.', a,llowing retail commercial uses. While the i property is presently zaned for cornmercial .use, the over- lying flood plain zon.e �reca.udes development for this :� pur�ose. (See Flooc� Plain Ord�.nance, Permitted Uses, sect- ;° � ion 18.57.�30) . The permitted uses are limited �to those - r� which do not obstruct wa�e:� f1.ow �r impair stox�age �apaca�ty. z� For �xample, parking ar,eas, roadways, farmlands an.d various ` recreat�„onal uses. Prohibited uses include filling and =' +' permanent structures. As a conseq�.en.ce o,f the Flood 1�lain �' Ordinance, the applica nt is only ,able to us� that portion C �� of his 6.8 acre parcel within 20 ft. of Bu•rnham St. � r r 4. The channel of Fanno Creek has been realzgned as part o� � �° the Unified Sewerage Agency�s interceptor project to elimin- � ate several bends, with the result o� improv�.ng its flow: �, � � t � � � ; � �� h Page 2 PC �taff Report z/i7/76 � �:a�acity, It is possible that improvements made this past summer will reduce the flood harard to this and , other properties in future years; however, this possib- il.ity can nnly b� determined by detailec�. analysis of the i entire Fanno draina e basin. a stud which the Cor s �f g � Y P Engineers anticipates completing in the near .futu�e -- -II hopefully within two years. ' 5. The applicant's request proposes bringing 109000 cubic ' �yards o�' net fill to the site. To put this figure into unders�tandable form, this would requ.ire �i66 truck loads of fi11 dirt to accomplish. 6. PropertieN to the north and south have been partially fi�led when the USA interceptor line was installed in 1975. This adjacent filling (by a legally ba.nding �ase- r� . n i' '� ment a rer�men.t that rece�.ed the �1ood lair_ ..rd nance g P p ) has anly aggx^.ivated the flooding problem for this property. It therefore �pp�ars appropriate that Mr. Lee should be allowed some amount of net fill to offset the impact af the n.�t fi7.1 brou ht to ad 'acen.t sit�s. Howev�r staff takes g J � the position that whzle some net fill may be justified to a11ow economic use of the pr�oper�ty in question, the amount of net fill shnuld be the minimum necessary to , i releave the hardship. � 7. ThE previously su.bmi�ted plan required no net fi11 -�o be brought to the site, but would have excavated a large basin adjacent the cr�ek which would have been undesirable. : � 8. The issue for the Planning Comma.ssian in considering this request is to first determine whether some net fill can be permitted without vi�lating the intent of the flood plain zone and if so, how much net fill can b� absorbed. 9. The submitted site plan wou�.d permit a site capable of supporting a �OOD sq. ft. building and required parking space. Staff finds that -�he 2� acre site, at the ele- vations shown, is excessive for purposes of providing the a n n onomic u of the o ert A maller lica t a ec se r . s PP p P Y buildable area cou.ld be provided, perhaps suf.ficient for a 20,000 sq. ft. building (supermarket size) with the parking no higher than the l0 year occurrence flood pla�.n, Presen-tly no parking area is shown below the 20 year occurrence flood plain. : 10. The submitted site plan does not consider the effects of runoff water on `Erte property to the south. �.. �s`��� ii�r� � « ��cric:N 2,._,��z s,��,r tid� �v. ., , , ,,., ;� 2s I ?�� f �� � I ! ViJ�TY��tF. �0' � �' ;•/• c� \ '' "~ ' i•. vi ,� T fU..: t.i F''.(� \ �,�. �� L��.�:o � �/ ���.��/ � nn...r �.c+ ��� - /. 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R� �` . � .. . .� • ��7'� � 9 �' ,�. : �i , � i; ;,, {i r, �� ;i i � f� 9[E tdAP �I : >i ?S I 2D6 �' i! � � �e . . � .. � . . . . : � �"! �,r�. �1 / 7�_ T r` �/ �� 2ii. ;i � � - . �S ! � 2 A:, . ._ , •� " � . ;; :� `'l 's �, ii N RF�U'EST TQ }� 4, � �.k; �� T I GARD PLA�J�1 I(�G COh1MI SS I O�J � � Fo� � � �, Pf RM I T TO F I LL FLOODA�LE LAND �`' ;:, ,� IN THE ;�' ;} y� FA�1�IQ CREEK FL00� PLAI�J :� ��. ��: `�� ,�. �-2� � k� �� ;; HOU�E LEE: PROPfF2TY �WNER �� I. :�� � i � ,, � �� `� � � ��� � � I�AWES & ST,CLA I R, ARCH I TECTS & PI..ANNER'S ? F����1��� ;��,�75 S, �� �6TH� TIGARD, I.IREGON 9�ZZ� �lAN � �, ��`%� ,; ; CI�1f �� TI��RD 1 Joa No, 76-�t101 Dar�: JANUaRY , ].976 �, _ , . � �, :: _ � , _ , w ` . �� 5� �... �. '�. � E X PREFACE CON:�EPT PFtESEN?'ATION FILL SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY D�AWING � � ; �� � � � i � i :t � � � l. ; , , ; � r �' 7 ,: . �, i ��. � ;e ; '�;: ; (4 . .. ... � . � � . . . � . .. �i ��. .. ... .� . � . . �. � ? . . . � . � �� . � .� . fi' . . . . � .. . .. � � . � � .. � � ' � �� . � .1 ii� .. . � . � . . . . . , . . . . . . . � .. � . . . . . .. � . . . . . . . . . :. ,i. . . . . .. .. . � . . � . � . . .. . . . � � . . . .. . �� y .. . . . � .. . . . . . . . . S � � � .. � �. � . ��' . .. .. ... . .. . ...�,, ' . . J. .. � . �� . .. . . � ���. �... . . i �� 0`` ,r,. ;` ' , �- �.,:. , ..: _ _ :� � ` ;; ; . �\^ Wa PREFACE � ; On November 5, 1974 a request by Howe Lee, Prop�rty , nwne� for a flood plain fill permit for :lands loc�ted at 9110 S. W. B�rnham Street, Tiqard, Oregon, was tabled by the Planning Conanission in order to allow completion of a more detailed pre��ntation to also include Pnvironmental ' ]..SSllG'S. ° The i'ol:Lc�wing is an �ttempt tc� camply with th� Planrz- �. ing Commission, an�. staff recommendations and finding in � �, ;; accorciance with previo�s hearings and staff ���ort aat�a � ���' �ebruary 4 , 19 75, Agend;a I tem 4�2 . �. � �::. f :i wf ; .i 4 � � ,a . . . . . _ . . °3 ,r• b� r � i�' � � � � �� �� � ��`r :�. ' r'. ; ! c, `,i 'j a - � � � � � � � `���� ,:_,, i� �:: �� i'i�� . ... . � .. . . . . � . . . . . � . � � . . . . . .. �. 4�� � . . . �� � � . . � .. �� . � � � � ^ � . . � . ' � . � . . .. . . .. . . . . � . . . � . t� . . . � . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :��� ,i � . � . . � . � . � � � ,. �'.. � . � .. . .. . . . . � �.�� �, . . . . . . � . . . . .S� � . � . ' . . . . . � . . � � . . � � .. . . ' . � . . . . . . . . . �. ,�'. i� ��� . . �. . . . .. � .. � .. 1. t,, . . . . . . .. . . .. . � , ' ':; P�,� !' �� ,,; ��, � ,���' ��; .. ... .. . � . . . . .. . Y h'� Y�' . . t^i r��. � � _ _ —— ..i.b. , l':tix S" \ CONCEPT F�2ESENTATION Drawing Number 1, Site Plan which shows the entire 6 . 8 acres owned by Mr. How� Lee indi.cated that the request to fill permit would only be for approximately 2. 8 acres of the North-Easterly pflr�ion of the �roperty, adjacent to �. Burnaham Ro�d. Fill material woul.c�, o�zly be pla�ed on the � site from Burnaham Road to the sewer easement, whic� is a I , � distance of approxima•tely 315 feet. �- M�ximum fi].l elevation would be from �xisting Burnaham �{ Road an e'l�vation af 150 '-0" to e�_evation�•err�d 148 ' 0" at 4-f the sewer easement. i �, t��:� - �` Total vc�lumn o� net fill would be approximately 10 ,0�0 ; � ��'� cubic yarc�s of fill materaal. ` ,4�:•'����� . 4y, �;, As mentianed in the staff report item 3 , Fanno �reek '� ; � ��, has been re�-aligned to improve its flow capacity and the net r.; fill we feel would no longer be criti.cal at flood stage. r4 � � � � � � � ,,� r w� shown on the drawing is a 25 '-0": easement �or path- �+ �� � �� � � �� ;� n way Qurposed acrass Mr. Howe Lee's property to tie into tY�e �.. . f,:.: � 25 '�-0" easement acrass the Craw Engineering praperty to the ��,, South as mentioned in the staff report, Item 6 . �;�:� � � � 't � ,, y The dr�wing alsa indicates a lawn and picr�ic area adjacent to the easement to comply with Greenway : long range l ':3 planning along Fanno Creek in �he City of Tigard. ,. , ,;,: ,. �„, t. � � w i t� ' � � s � ,.,r ' - � „:;; � . ;; :',; � ; ;i FILL SPECTFICATIONS � iq. . . - . . . . . � ��.�� � F'il.l material will be only clean excavated material r,; -:i and after it has been placed on the site it sha11 k�e spread ' :i : and c�mp�cted in layers not to excePd 1 ' 0” in depth. j Note_a 'T'he ak�ove is a stanaard specificatinn which is excepted as common practice far fill projects of this ; nature and znaqnitude. � i ( � � `� � �� z ; � � �� �� §4 ;� s; `� ,r ;� r �s, i: ,` �,� +i a. : �; ,±' a} �i �a .: � . . � . � . �; ti. j: - ;; �F.. ,. '�� k; � � � � � � � � r� , i: �, f; �;; ' �f� ,� .� ;a � � � �,� ' : a , � , . � , . ,, � :; ; `�>. '� i � I�: 5 LTMMARY � �, We feel our concept presentation for a fill permit complies with recommendatioris of the Staff and City of . Tigarc� Planning Commission. � � � � � ��i :; k^ . . � � � . . . � '.I �1 .. . _ . . . ' 4; i r � � � ti 1 pi s' k� � . � . . � . � . . � . �� t. .. . � . . . . � . . � � � � :S r�,�. . , . . . � . � �. �.. � . . . � .. � � � � . �a } . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . ,r, � . . . . . . . . . . . � .� . i,� . . . . . . . . � . . � . � . � . . � . . . ��s . . . . � . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . - . . i� � . . . . . .. . � .. . .. . .. . . y r' . � . . . . . . . . . � � . ' � � . . f' . .. . . .. . . . � � � . . . . �. �n:� � . . . . . . ..... . .. 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G��� STAFF REPORT Tigard Planning Commission ' Fe'bruary 17, 197� �: sc �1 TU 1-74 Agenda Ttem 5.8 � ,: �; I TemporarY Use Permit (Extension) �� �" �. A request by Tualatin Development Co. for extension of their ''i temporary use permit for a buildin.g truss manufacturing ;': facility on SW 109th Ave. , south of SW Naeve Road, w�.thin the ,�'� "Summerfield" development. • �I S�aff Findin�s `I' 1. This is the seaond annual extensian requested for this j'� facility. � �'� 2. No adverse comment has been received by the Cz-ty. ki yi 3. Applicant estimat�s the facility will be needed for another thr�e years y pendi_ng the completi.on of the SLUiunerfield ; r development. 4. Tigard Code p�rmits the R1.annin.g Commission to allow a ��' ��temporary use �'or a con.tractor's facilities c�uring the ;' construction. pex^iod un�til the developme�.t a.s completed. �� �; � k 5. Applicant's letter is attached. Staff I�ec�mmen.dation -�o be advised at close of public hearin� 4ry f � � ,r� i � . . � � � . . . � . � � G{. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .. . f' � .. . � . . . . ' . . � . . . . . . � . . . ��.t . � . . . � .. . . . . . . . .. ' �� . [ � ... . . . . . .., . .. . . . � S . . . . . .. . ... .. . . � � � .. � . . -e _ . . . . � .... ...� ......,.... .._.......�.._._ . ._......_.. .. ......�.....�.. .:�.� A.._. .. �,. ... ......_. ,... , ... ....� .. ..._ . „ ..._ . ... ..,.�...... ... . ....... �.. .- .... .. . . . ... ... ,. . . . , , ,; . _. _. .. .. , . , � . ., .... . . :«. ..__.....,. � F r '�i ��,v, �� �ii�.�.� r . ; �~ �. �~� ��W� :'1'WY. '����'"��r��X� 1Y��}� � s Z �.1� s. HAxius-Mc � ���..����� N�ONA(-�LE AiSBf)CIATEB � „�re,,�. �NCi-INF:'IDRB..BIIliV'�ZORB . . .. ���� `'. ��,1! � 8f►06 19.W.QOMMB7RaZAL�'PR�ffiT �'" TSF}ARD,ORffirC}ON 97229 T���p�oNm c�8��.��69 CITY. QF, TIGAR7 �TanuarY 30, 197� Mr,' Ri.charcl Bol�n City of Tig�rd Plann�.ng Director City Hall Tigard, Oregon 972�3 Dear Dick: As w� ai��us��a, the temporary use permit for th� truss manufactuxing f�ci�.ity at Summer�xc�ld in �avar of �'ualatin nevelo�ment Co. , Inc. w�.11 e�epire on March 4, 297�. The canditiona rel�tin� to �hi� use are tl�e stxme �s th�� �rer� in Mareh, 1975, theret'ore wa ase sut,mittir�.� t�is letter as you sug,ge�t�d as a forma� requ�st for the con� ti.nuation o� thi� temporary tise far t�o ��ars. W�e are also �ixbmitting her�with statem�nts iza an�g�rer to � Item g Par�gragh I�T of th� zoning regulati.ar�s� Very trr:t�y �our�, �Rl?TS- CM�NAGLE ASSO�TATF',S � . , �� ��''' W. Ia. cMona�l� t�Ni:ds �;�c. ` � ; � � i � � . � _ � ' � ��- .� ��: ��: �� � In co�tpl�.ance �uith the Agpl�,cation Fil�.ng Requirements of �� Paragraph IT� of the Zoning Variance Administrati.ve Regula- tior�� the fol�.owing statements are submj.t��d in campliance with Item 5. 5�A - The d�velopment o�' �he Su.mrn�rfie�.d Pro�ec� wi11 require the ��nrag�e of ].umber and ��qu3pm.�ant �na the construc�ian of a eh�p to serve the area� By having these fa�llities an tk�e site it will minimize the trarisport3.ng of m�terial and heavy equipment over the ��ci�ting roads. 5-E - The literal interpretata.on of this or�cl�:��x�ce w�ulci , deprive �he applicar�t �� right� commonly en�o�red by oith�r dedelopments �'ar th:e con�tructior� of t�mpor�ry facili�t�e� duri.ng construc tion. 5-C - No ac�3.on b� the appl�.eant has caused any probl��,s tha.t �rot�ld. require th3.s v�riance. 5-D - I�o �pecia�. priv�lege i.� rec�usst.ed by the applicar�t th�t y�a�.1d be den�.�� to o�h�r lanels in the i��me zoning d�.,�trict. ; 5�-� - The p�apo��c� i;�u���orary ue� t��C the l�nd �$ �h�d�d e�nn�t be made �o c�nfoxm to the gr�$e�t zs�ni.ng district and Will requix� a �emp�rar�► pere�it to do �o. � ` � ! i � � � , �, � � �fi�� w.:,�u � ._. � . . _: , �: , � � , . . v.. , , ..... .._., .�:.�;.... ..y.:_::.N�v.,. . � _ _, Y .' • , .t . /r . , � • . . . ` �, • , K'_� � . . 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Sm:e�.ser k��� 'b�e�. absen�: �ar �'aur cansecut3,�re mee-�i:n�� � o� fiMYi� P7,.aaz�n�..n� Cor�zn�,,�s�3,pn:q l-�1,�"�ao�z�Ya �� �:as not �aithfu3l.y ���.ven �he B'�L���' 4x'' O'�.�'I,�P C41TtTTlj:.$�3.f5�'���� Ax'��7' �.C�'V�.1�:C�' 21C�'��.CB '��1�.'� �1;� WQU.�.C�. �1.C7'� ��' �b�.� t�a e�t`�e��.�: ��.o�� me���.�.�s, ��a��' S�as ��ax�n��. -�h�� �2r. �meZse�'� ' blxs�.�!�s� ha� n�c��sf t����. la:i� ����,tz�nt atte�t�.c�� ��rl pr�sence c��.r� of :� ta�rnd '�,'�h.�.� s:i.�tua��.ox� ���� c��c���x��c1 du�in� �.a� la�t ��.a� ��c�x���,a�p�ar�n:t�.y, ! �nd �firh�.le �xc�.i�se�, �bs�z���s ar� ,�us'ti��.�c� �'e�r x���c�n �� -�h� �.tn.°�ianel� pre�s of bu�ine�S, sta�� :�ee1,s �1.�,�t�t; �;�� a��,ta.nti�at�an o�' tla.�� ��,tu.�-��.on a.s � bec�min�r rarmfu� �C;o ��I�� �un���Q�.a.xa.� �� -Lh� F:1.�nxi�.�arW Com�x�sa.o�.e �, � 1�, ,�m�1���, b���a�e 1ai� �'rac��.�ei�.-t db���,a��, �r��vec� �i�m�Elf �a b� t� ��u va7..�.i�d ass�t an �:h� �omnazass:t�c��� anc°� �:1�� ��ta�'� anc� a�amm���a.on, �vc���,�: ��e�e�° ; � �eso�.ut�.or� ca� �kxe �x�o��ern ���:u t�ra�.1�� enalal.� Ntx. Sm�l��r�s cont�:�.u�d: and ac���tan� at��r�c�:�,nce. Z�' ��,�i� cax�.no� be, �he�z �,� w���.�. b� b�:tter ; �.�f M�. Sm�Iser ��r�r� tc� volla�.°ta�°x:��` ���i�. a �� :