Planning Commission Packet - 02/03/1976 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. h� ����;� .. ���.... �:'.. � . AGENDA .� Tigard Planning Commission �,, February 3, .1976 - 7;30 p.m. Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room 14650 S. W. 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon l. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL GALL 3, APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4. COMNiIJNIC.�.TIONS 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS �..w5 c'��t4e.� f a 4`•�rv �)..y�,v .,L���.1. 5.1 Cond�.tional Use Permit CU 3-76 (BriEn) � ����,f., ,, _�,� A requ.est by James L'rien to canvert a sin.gle family resi- dential. unit into a duplex in an R-7 zone, single family residential, at 12115 SW Linco�_n St. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 2AB, tax lot 501) . Continued from January 20, 1976. A. Staff fteport B. Applicant Pre�entation C� I3ublic T.estimony �� D. S•taff Recomrriendation E. l�ebu�tal F. Cammission Discussion a.nd Action 5.2 Conditi,onal Use Permit CU 4-76 (Jewell) A request by Steven Jewell to operate �, sel� de�ense studio in a C-3 zone, general cc�mmer�ci�l, at 12y61. SW Pacific Hwy. (Wash. Go. tax map 2S1 2BD, tax lot 2600) . A. Staff I�eport B. Applicant Presentation. C. F�,i.b1i� T�stimqny D. Staf� Recommendation E. R.ebut;tal F. Commission Discussion and Action ' 6. OTHER BUSINESS 7. ADJOUI�:.NMENT � � � ,� ��;3 �,; r���� � 'C: �T ��� � �, . � � 5{ � � � � . 1 M�NUTES �i Tigard Planning Commission �' ��- February 3, 1976 �� � � Twality Junior High School - lecture roorn 4?, 14650 SW 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon �; � '�; ; l. CALL TO QRDER: The meeti.n� was called to order by Chairrnan �1, Porter at 7:35 p.m. " � � � ���� ��� M1 2. ROLL CALL• Present: �Ti�o.li, Sakata, Popp, Porter, Wakem, M�ore :`�'!. • � � �i Absent: Smelser, Ems �i ' Staff pr�sent: Powe11 an:d Laws � ' 3. Al'PROVAL OF MINUTES; Popp moved the minutes be approved as ; written. Seconded (Wakem) ; agproved unan.imously. I�r / one �+, COMMUNZCATION�S Q 1V . � 5. PUBLTC HEARINGS > �, � 5.1 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU 3-76 (Brien) �n � �� :, A request 'by James Brien •to canvert a single family resi- ;� dentia:l unit; �nto a duplex ixi an R-7 zon.e, singlp fami.ly �` �. residential, at 12115 SVd Lincoln St. (Wash. Co, tax map s�; 2Sl 2AB, tax lot 501) . �f� . �-i t: Continued from January 20, 1976. i� �y Staff informed the Gommissioners that Mr. Brien had wi-th- � � drawn his application. '�I - � � � � i��_ 5.2 CON��`�I(JNAL USE P�RMIT C�T 4-76 (Jewell) ''' �-' � �, A r�equest by Stephen Jewe11 to operate a self-defense ��j ` studio in a C-3 zone, general commercial, at 1.2961 SW �; Pacific Highway (Wash Ca. tax map 2S1 2BD, tax lot 2b00;) . {". , ::� A. Staf.f I�eport: read by Laws �'; �;�, � � B. Applicant preseiztation: �.;' ;�;: >>�: o Steven Jewe:l.l, the applicant, acknowledged his �' presencA and stated that he had no comment at ��' �, this time. ' �;: �< _ ;;;; '�, C. Public Testimony: Nnn.e. : ;} � D, Staff Recommendati.on: Approval. I� �. �-;: `� � > � ��, � � _. _ , ��_ . , .-:': ,_..�' .:�..� ... . ... .. _.. ..... . J .: . � � '`, page 2 ;�� � PC Minutes f February 3, 1�76 x i �,v, ' � � E. Rebuttal: � o Jewell stated that most of his studen.ts (15-20) � wotzld be carpooling and thus the amnunt of anticipated traffic and parking needs woLZ1.d be � F r�dizced. F, Commission Discussion and Action �; o Popp moved for approval, based �n the �ollowi.ng ` findings: t l. A facili•ty of this nature would fulfill a community need. � ��;; , �, 2. That the applicant has adhered to the Fasano requirements. 3. That there appeared �o be no undue con�lic�ts with traffi.c pattexns on the si�te as v��ell as :�ts entr�.nces frozn Pacifi:c Hwy. as the pro- posed hours o� operation would help to avoid � �his possible conflict. � `'� �� a Seconded (Wakem) . j� � o Motion passed (u.nanimously) . � 6. 0'?'HER BUSINESS � 6.1 SIGN CODE REVISION i Pavaell discussed th� propos�d revisions to Title 1� TMC l, as they pertain to several sections of the chapter reg�rd- !j in.� the hei�ht limit af free-stan�:ing signs, the method ; o�' determining maximum al.lowable area of free-s�anding ,� sign, establishmen.t of Desi�n Review Board authority to review non:-conforming si.gns and bench signs. 1. number and placement � 2� design re�ulations '` o Chairman P�rter directed st;aff to pre�are a 1a.st of �s criteri.a that would be used in determining the arnount f of i�.formation, size and height a �ree-:s�andin.g sa.gn �� ; m�y contai.n, �� �; . � ��, o Popp requested that staff �reparc a visual pre�entation �; of signs as a means of unders�tandir�;g liei�ht an�.��ace siz�, �', as well as location. and total number o�' bench sign� in existence wa.thin the City limits. � �. x t: ; ;; � E �9 i. � � Page 3 �; PC Minutes � February 3, 1976 � � � �, �. n Porter asked what signs would be n.on-conforming a�ter the �xoposed revision.. 6.2 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 70A 1-76 (parking and access) �' � r. o Powell informed the Commission that a portiori of the ` TMC regarding parking does not clarify the dimensional reqliirements of alternative parking configurations ' sueh as diagonal parkin�, perpendicular parking and parallel parking, as well as clarifying back Ltip man- �! euvering arPa. �� �i o Porter directed staff �;o prepar� for their consideration: !{ an ordinance pertaining to these abave-stated criteria. �+ ;i 6.3 PUBLIC NOTICES & PLANNINCz COMMISSION PROCEDURES =�1 ; � � il o Powell �nf�rmed the Cammission of �t;he form le�tters and !; notification documents that the plai�.n.ing ,�taff has been uszng the las.t several weeks. 1.4 clay�s prior to Planning Commission action, an agenda, vicinity map, as well as Planni.ng Commission procedures, ,� will be forwarded to a11 adjacent residential property �, owners who�e properties may be affected by any sub- � � sequen-t action by the Planning Commission or any parties who wish to contest th� proposed project or ac�tions of any persons, citizens, organizations or public agen,cies with responu:ibili�ties within the affected areap as well as �LY�e applicant. �� i: 7. ADJOURNMENT: 9:10 p,m. 'i � � � �� �: ; (r i? �; , ,:; , f. ;;. � � �. y � �: �.. ��' � l; C� � _ _ . . _. , _ . � ��, '�� � c:3 , �.�', Memorandum Tu: Tigard Planning Commission " �' Fr9�: Staff Subject: Zoning Ordinance Amendm�nt to amend Ch. 18.60 (Parking) to reflect a standards and criteria f_or off--street parkin� Datea February 3, 1g76 �I� tl il Staff proposes to add a section to the parking portion of the �I Code to clarify the dimensional requirements of alternative �� �; ��.rking configurations, such as diagonal parking, perpendicular � parking, and parallel parking. Z'he present Code provisions do nat ' � address this topic and considerable confusion has resulted in. some arbitrary standards bein� ernployed in the past. �I � �� � � i i � ; �' E i. � 1: � � �. � � � � � , . , , , . ; . r•., f � -� _����� � �,� �,` Nlemora.ndum To; Tigard Planning Commissiori From: Sta.ff Subjert: Sign Code l�evision Date: February 3, 1976 Tigard Pl.anni,ng staff last fall developed �. complete revision package for amendment of Title 16 (Sign Code) of the Tigard Code. ' A�ter preliminary hearings and seve.ral conversations with industry representativES, staff determined that it would be infeasible to pur�ue a total revision of the Sign. Code wi.thout risking loss of the existing Sign Code at the same time. Sta�f has accnrdingly selected several «problem areas" with.in the code and elected to pursue revisian of those areas alon.e. The parta.cular ar�ds -that staff has �lected to deal with at this time are: 1.. height limit of tree-standing sign.s 2. Method of determinin.g maximum allowable area of a sign. 3• es�:ablishment of Design. Review Board authority to review non.-conforming si.gns �.. 4. bench, signs F; � Thp speaific proposals will be open for discussion � � , � � � � � � r � � �e . � �. ; ' � ' ' _ . x . ;. < �;. . , ', ' ,/� ' a , �::,:�.. c;,,r�n , ti�� .., STAFF REPORT �`" ``� • Tigard Planning Commission r;,,� February 3, 1976 �# ' CU 4-76 (Jewell) Agenda Item 5.2 Conditional Use Permi-t A request by Steven. Jewell to operate a self-defense studio in a C-3 zone, gener. al commer.cial, a�; 12961 SW Pacific Hwy. (Wash. Co. �tax map 2S1 2BD, tax lot 2600) . Staff Findin s � l. The site is presently zoned C-3, genera7� cammerczal. A self-de�en.se studio is a conditional use in this zon�. 2. Land adja�ent to the subject site consists of the �;halet Village �!_,artments to tri� north and rea�, prof�ssional offices an.d retail stores on both si�des o�' the propose�l facili-ty and Paci�'ic Hwy. to the �ront and south. 3. Mr. Ed Voget, the owner of the building complex in which the applicant has requested his proposed uae, resicles in an apartmen.t unit which is situated in the n.orth.westerly wing of the building. �,,d 4. Paved parking to tra.e front and rear, o:� the Vo�et 33uilding provides �'ar the parking needs of the existing professional o�'ices lorated within the structure. Access and egress from the �ite onto Pacific Hwy. is by way of two (2) curb cuts situ.ated at the east and west ends of the front pax�king 1ot which abu-�s Pacific Hw�,�. Parking to the r�ar of the building is accessib�e by m��ns af a narrow driveway lo- cated at the east end of the building. 5. The Tigard City Code requir�es that the appli.cant's pro- posed use WO1dZC�. require 4 of�-street parking stalls (1 space/ 50D square f�et o� gro�s floor area plus 1. space/2 employees ', plus 1 space/establishment) . Adequate space is available on ! the site to meet the off-street parking needs a� the us� proposed. � 6. The �. lican�t's stateme�nt �� �� � ; Pp (exYribit A ) adc�ressing the „ �'Fasano�� Requirements has indicated that classe� would be ` conducted between the k�ours o� 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. (two c,ne �; hour lon� classes) , at whieh time an estimated 15-20 ddult �` students would b� in attendance. ;� �, 7. NPO f�3 Plan designates the are�. frnm ;SW Walnut Stree�t to �, SW School St. for hi hwa -oriented coznrn��ci. '�'' g y a1 use. TY�:i� f� corresponds to the Community P1an's designation for thxs �� �' area, while recognizin.g the existing development pattern; �r whi.ch, on both s�.des of Pacific Hwy. , includes highway- ,3 ��; � "� „ �� �: w ■� _ _ ... _ a, . _ , . , . _ .,_ . .. t � ..;� t ��' page 2 PC �taff Report � ' Item 5.2 Fe1aruary 3, 1976 oriented busines:ses. However, staff finds that the present c�nfiguratic�n of the site really does not avail itself to accommodate a ��broad spectrum�� of highway- oriented commerca.al uses, wY�.i1e a�t the same time, a facility such as a sel�'-defense studi� may well be construed as a land use that is compatibly locat�d along an urban arte.rial. 8, Mr. Jewell 's response to the "Fasano�� Requix�ements is attached. S-L-aff F�:ecommendation to be given at the �lose of public testimony � ,, r � � �. � � 4 � ; , �; ' �,� �,� � � ,. �' � �,' �: f;; z ��,. � ;� � �1'� � � � � � � � � � � ���i �� ��:� ,S', '� � � � r „�: iVU.J .�� ,� � .�.. • , .: . ��� c. `jq -� �.� 'y•� ����t , ��}_ .. .. � G�• . t - ;,/,t_r, • scy , \, 23Ac. �o` .22Ac. �� � � ojs - . �,y. �00 2300 as57�3��P " \�,P� '4e . ,�; r��\JJ~����r,.� °� ` .7BAc. e2 � w'� . e, 10�2 n� N � . u, �a.., G.��,�g: .24Ac. � ��`' 1300 JT,o_ ;,' V 1� ' � ' a s — � _'� ` ` y� ���,+ ..`�a. so a� .2/A c. 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Eacific Hi�hvray.- How i;hE prop�sed use is in. conFo�,°tn�c� wi�h Tigarc��'� adopted c�omp?°eiiensive �l�ln is �t11at thi5 is �n dri;�rial ; � hi�,h�vay i,ype of us� an�. pl��� sp::ci�'ies t�lis l;v;�� af i , ; �.O�c+��011. � I I�elseYre ';Lze; a��rnx,luns.ty can our�efi� �-r;:at7.� i ar�m our ctt�ciio u�caus� of ou.r �t,roiag �Jiscipliri� � za�h.a.cii is tau;;ht �1ong v�it�1 ��l.f d�fen�e helps tc� �nuke � the ��:�udLnt a be�ter lady �ar ;entl.eman vritli i�s�ect For j thc comrnunil;y. ��,; Fnr ne�rly � yeur dn.ti a nalf I. :n�z;re b�en look:Lng f�r � lauil.ding :�or tily busisiess ir? the ri;ht price x��nge � ar�d location and tn?� is the on�_y l�cati.oz� aj��il�ble to m.�. My businesti� I'rn sure v�ould hd�re no �clvers� eff�ets ` on any aajac��n�; siL�s or or� th� a�m�n�cl:iate neigh�borizoocl, � 1 have most�y aclult elior�t�l:� �$`iU tlaere would b� no C n�ed for far a. sp�ci.a1 �icku� ancl dx°opoff area :for � chil.d�en. Z'he builciing cor�pZex al�� has a parking l.ot ?' t in the re�r so 1;h4x:e shauld l�e ample ;�axhii�g fa� otnez� �� bus�.ness. The inost ��ople att.�n�.in� �,t �i�.o time mi�l�.t j be fif�te�n �r tlfi�enty in the evenin�, r��hen mos�t of aur � , j activiti�s wi:_l1. l:�e: �dkin� �l.ace. j V�e ���nuld hav� no z�eed for spec�.�l publi.c servicPS I � so �;his �houlct no'� pr�sezit any proU].ez�t iar �h� ci�ty. � Sinc:e:�ly `Yaurs, � �t�vc J ew��.1.