Planning Commission Packet - 01/20/1976 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. r � .. � (.���"Sf� i � ` r AGENDA Tigard Plannin.g Commi_ssion ��� January 20, 1976 �- 7:30 p.m. �,, . Twali_ty Junior Hi�h School - Lecture Room � 14650 S. W. 97th Avenue, Tigard, Qregon �` l. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAT� OF MINUTES 4. COMMUNICATIONS 5. PUBLIC HEAR.INGS 5.1 Condi�t,iond�. Use Permit CU 1-76 (Lass) A request by� Jerry Lass to operate a roller skatir�� rink � .in a G-3 zon� (Gene�aa_ Commexcial} at 13900 SW �'acific Highway (�ormer Ernie 's Market) , Washington Caunty tax � map 2S1 �UD, t�x lot .1201. � A. Sta�f Report ; B. Applicant Presentation � C. Public Testim�ny � `i D. Staff Recorrunendati�n E. I�eb�.lttal F. Commission Discussion and Actinn 5.2 Conditi.onal Use Permi�t CU 2-76 (uray) e uest b R. A. Gra to construc�: a rofassional offa.ce ` Arq y Y P , �u, - 1 1 0 S. W, Pacific Hi hwa i'� uil.din i�. a C zone at 3 7 g Y b � 3 h Co tax ma 2S1 2CB tax l.o�t 2�00 . � (Was . . p , ) i; , A. Staff Repor� i` B. Applicant Pr�esentation '' x: C. �ublic Testi.mc�ny �; v. �taf� Rec�mmendation ' E. Rebut�al � `� F. Commission Discussion and Action �' �: � ,. 5,3 Conditiona2 i.TSe Permit CU 3-76 (Brien) ,� �,. A rec�uest by Ja.rn�s Brien to conver� a single family resi- �, d�nce into a dupl�x in an R-7 zone, Sa.ngle F�mily Resi- k delztial, at 12115 SW Lineoln St. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 ;; 2AB, tax lot 501) • i; ;, �� A. Staff Report « B. Applicant Pre�entation � ;� C. Fublic Testi.mony � D. Staff Recommendation � E. Rebu-ttal , F. Commissian Discussi.on and Action �� �� � b �.. � � PC Agen.da � Page 2 January 20, 1976 6. SZGN CODE ACTION 6.1 Sign Cade Appeal SCA 1-76 (Lionel Co./Lumenite Sign Co. ) A request by -�he Lionel Co. and Lumenite Sign Co. for a sign code variance (16.40.060 (3) ) to permit a projecting on the same premises where a roof sign already exists. (Location, Johnson Building, 12�85 S. W. Main Street) . A. Staff Report B. Applicant Presentation. C. Public Testimany D. Sta�f Recommendation E. Rebu-ttal F. Commission Discussion and Action 6.2 SIUN CODE VARIANCE SCA 2-76 (Susnjara) A reqlzest by Marko Susnjar� :for a sign. code variance for a �zon-canforming sign in � B-4 zone, Washington County General Extensive (;ommercial, at 15700 SW UpPer Bo�nes � rerry Road (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 12D, tax 1ot 1�+00, i Sherwoad Znn) . ; 4 A. Staff Report � B. Applicant Presentation � C. Public Testimony D. Staff Recommenciation E. Rebuttal F. Commzssion Discussion �.nd Action , 7. SUBDIVISIONS �' �; 7.1 Minor Land Par�ition MLP 1-76 (Bartnik) `� �� A request by Glenn Bartna.k to partition a parcel of land �_n 4i a residential zone (County RU-4 Single �'amily Resi.dential) ' at S. W. North Dako�a (Wash. Co. tax map :LSI 35CA, tax lot � 301) �'"� . �:{ . A. Sta:�� Repor� 4� B. Applicant Presentation C. Public Testimony �� D. Staff Recommendation `�: E� R�buttal " .N'. Commissic�n Disctzssion and Action Ei �. ,; � � � 8. �JTHER BUSINESS � � ������' Y� 9, ADJOUF2.NPZENT �` � �= �f; r:. . . . . . . . . . ..�}3 f.�k �:� ,;; �:. x„ � � _. �, ... �� , � . ��� . ' ; ^�, r, �v: MINUTES � �:` TTGARD PLANNING COMMISSION y'' January 20, 1976 - 7:3� p.m. l �c �': 'I`wality Junior High School - Lecture Room �� 14650 S. W. 97th Avenue, Tiga.rd, Oregon �' �; �i l. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chaiz°man ' Porter at 7:35 p.m. � 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Nicoli, Sal�ata, Popp, Por�ter, Ems, Wakem, `' Moore ��' Absent: Smelser ;: Staff present: B�olen, Yowell and Laws � ;;; �; 3. MINU'TEN: The mir�utes of the January 6, 1976, meeting were �a approved. F� !, 4. COMMUNTCATIONS: none �:� 5. PUBLIC HE�R.INGS �: 5.1 Condi�t;ional Use Permit CU 1-76 (Lass) �� �� A request by Jerry Lass to operate a roll�r skating ra�nk �li ��, in a C-3 zone (general commercial� at 13900 SW Pacific 4+ � �, Highway (form�r Ernie 's Market) , Wash. Co� tax map 2S1 � 3DD, tax lo�t 1201. A. ataff Report: read by Powell 0 1,�Tak�m asked staff if staff finding number 5, per- �' �tai.n.ing to off-street parking, iinplied a variance '� re�uPSt and if sn could be addressed at this time. i� i,. �.. o Staff stated that a s�parate public he�.ring must �, '�e held for the varianc� and that due notace m�ust (! be given for the hearing. `� ,. o Ems asked staff if a conditi�onal use permit cauld �y be granted by the Commission far a one year period �y for the purpose of obsez�ving -�he proposed use. s� � o Staff replied that it could be. �� o Wakem asked staf� if the bus lane, as referred to � in staFf f�.nding #8, would be a separate lane. o Staff responded that i,� would be, but that it appeared °�hat n.early en.ough room was already there f�r th� lane and only �. sma11 amour�.t of e�xtra space � would be r�quir�ci. , � ��.� � page 2 PC Minuties �... January 20, 1976 � B. App1_icant�s Presenta�ion o Dick Ausman, architect for the project, stated that the traffic circulation pat�erns for the site needed furth�r study and that other �omparable roller rinks do not use as much off-street parking as our code reqia.ires. Ausman fur-ther stated that the site was well-suited for this type of proposed use. He stated that the traffic generated by the roll.er rink woul.d not be at the usual peak hours � and that the traffic impact of the proposed xink w�uld be less intense, particularly at those hours, ' than the former use, which was a supermarket. ; i o Popp asked the applicant the haurs of �peration. 3 i o Appli�ant responded that they woula be from 9;30 � a.m. to 10:00 p.m. �n weekda,ys and 9:30 a.m, to ' 11:30 p.m, on Fridays and Saturdays. � f C, Pu'blic Testimnny , � � o Nelson Hennmanti, owner� and operator of the Gre`sharr� f Park Holler Rink stated that the rink in Cresham never used all the parking which i� provided. o Moore asked if there w�uld be �, buffer between. the � p�oposed use and the adjoining property to the rear of thE sitP and if there wo�.ld be an.y noise prob- � lems generated from within the roller rin.k. � o Ausman stated that the materials used in the can- `I struction of the building woul:d help alleviate any noise and that a si-L-e obscuring fence coul.d r be erected to the rear o:f the site. ' � o Henn.mann stated that noise emission from thP roll�r � rink would be less than that of an ice skating rink. � � o Powell read into the r�cord a letter from Lil�lian �. Ashley who resides a°t 9735 SW 0'Mara St, , x'igard, � Oregon, stating her support of the proposed pro- � ject. t � o App'licant, Jerry Lass, stated that the propoaed � use would be "a big asset to the community«. � o Porter asked Mr. Ausman the amount of traffic that � th.is business would generate. } 1' , # : ; , ,� --. ,. ,< . ;: 4 . � �� page 3 �� PC Minutes January 20, 1976 � o Mr. Ausman estimated a 60-70 car parking need an.d a traffic generation o�more like�� (200-500) cars/day on peak days than the (1500-2000) associ- ated wa�th a market. D. StaFf Recammendation o Staff recammen.ded approval with the following con.ditions: l. One half street improvement on McDonald (to collector street standards with ,treet trEes) 2. One major in/out driveway accPSS on each fr.onting street (howev�r, not foreclos:ing the applicant's right to plan for and develop additional access a.f made n.ecessary by future development and it can be safely accomplished) . 3. No approach easterly of SW 105th on McDonald. � 4. Landscape buf��r and security fencing along ' �,. side and rear 1ot lines and on McDonald east- � erly of the approvEd access, 5. The applicant apply �'or a variance of the City par.lzing standards. 6. Adequat� security 7_ighting of parking area �; with no light scatter beyond property lines. V% 7. Sidewalks to be provi.ded on SW Pacific Hwy. ' accord�.ng to current code e �' i' 8. That the applicant pursue the provisian of �� those facilities necessary fox bus loading ':; and bus shelter with the State Highway Divis- �i iozz an�. Tri--MEt. ;� o Ems asked P�well if the sidewalk, as proposed by �� staff in the staf� recommendations, would: end at E;� the service station (Exxon) and if the Commissa,on � sh�uld request the developer to extend the side- �.:� walk ta Pacific Highway� ;� €`' ,,. a Powe11 stated that that would be in the Commission's f� power, but that usuall.y the City could prefer to �;� flo this 'by Local Zmprovernent District. �'.� �� �;, �� � �, � _ ti � . � �; page 4 �' PC Minutes January 20, 1976 �� E. Rebuttal o Mr. Uuane Christy, pa��L owner in the praject, asked �or staff clarification of tlze condition for approval as it pertained to access from SW McDon�.ld St. o Staff identified the location of SW 105th St. arld the residential areas adjacent to it. o Sakata asked why sidewalks and landscaping were not shown on the site plan. o Staff pointed out that it was a preliminary plan and tha�t the Planning Commissi�n was n.ot to deal with site des�_gn. � Po�p aske�. far c�arification a� st�f� fi.nd-ing #8 as it pertained to a bus lane on Pacific HwtJ. o Mra Roundtree, real estate agent, asked z� the conditions as stated by sta.ff could be discussed and if a bus �'acility was really needed and if � th.e half street improvement could be postpon.ed until negotiations with owners of thP property on whic�l the Exxon. Service Station is located were completedo �'. Commissian Discussion and Acti_on � Moore stated that he woul.d like to see a deceler- ation lane on Pacific Hwy. in front of the pro- posed site. o Sakata asked ;taff that if � snack bar were 1a- ca�e�. in the roller rink, wau.ld i`k; require a conditiondl use permit. � Staff stated that as long as �the owners o.f the roller rink operated the business themselves, it could be considered an accessory to the �arin- , ciple use in. the building, o Mation (Popp) to approve the application with -the 8 condi�tions as stated by staff, ba�ec� on , the fin�.ings �hat there is �; community n.eed for such a facility and that thi:s �ype o� use would be compatibl� at the proposed site and it fu1- .fill.s a need far praviding activities for youths. � /�y`; ^ • � ` Page 5 "�' PC Minutes January 20, 1976 � o Seconded (Wakem) . o Parter concurred with Popp. o Motion passed unanimously. 5.2 Conditianal Use Permit CU 2-76 (R. A. Gray) A request by R. A. Gray to construct a professional office building in a C-3 zone at 13170 SW Pacific Hwy. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 2CB, tax lot 2300) A. Staff Report o Read by Laws. Staff stated that addition.al findings resulting from in�ormaf,ion obtain.ed after preparation of the pxinted staff report I had been made and that the staff f own.d that further revisions of th� site plan and new survey in.�ormation had �hown that st�.ff findin.g -�11 on the staff repart was no 1.onger� applicable. B. Applicant Preseritation �. o Bob Gray, applzcant, described his projec� and stated that his understandin.g was that he was applying for two builc�ings on -the a�ite (tax lots 2200 and 2300) for use as clinics, one of which would be built now and the other at some fut�re date as a ��Phase ZI��. o Staff said that the only part advertised or ' addressed in the Staff Report was the portion the applicant was now ca1.la�ng ��Phase ���. o Wakem asked staff if this wr�uld engender additional staff findings. o Staff replied that addztional. findings must be made as staff had not had the opportunit,y to eva].uate the site p1an or plan conformance on the sauthwesterly portion (F'hase 2I) and that adequate public notiae had not been given. o Gray asked that the Planning Commi.ssion apprav� the portion for which they l�.ve a plan. C. �ubl_ic '�'estimony � `o Mr�. Pam Cook asked if a retail pharmac�r would be a permissab:l� u�se in: a professional bua.lding, notfng ' that a pharmacy was a conditional use also in that zon�. �. , __�._.. . _ , � ' � �~ page 6 PC Min.utes January 20, 1976 �,. D. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommexlded tablin�; of the pro�,osal to a11ow time for further review. o Chairman Porter asked if �art of the proposal cnvld be deal-� with at this time. o Concen.sus was that the site considered by staff and advertised could be acted upon, but that the "Phase IT" portian would require an additional app7_ication. o Porter than asked staff if it had any conditions it would recommen.d if approval were granted for "Phase I". o Staff recommended the fol'lowing conditions: lo That 5 .ft. of additianal right-af-w�y be dedicated alon.g SW Garrett St. 2. That a half stre��t im�ro�remen.t be macle to SW Garrett St. based on City local ,street � standards. ii 3. That diagon�.1 off--street parking bF pravided adjacent Garrett Sto 4. That overhead telephon.e lines running a1on� the north and eas-t property lines be pl�.ced i und.erground. 5. Th:at a 10 ft. util�.ties easement be provided, along all property lines for utility purposes. 6. That the pedestrian/bicycle pathway as shown on the sa�te plan be provided, subject to Design Review Board consideration, E. Rebuttal o Nicol.i and Ems disputed the need for, advisability of and fa�rness of requiring u.nderground �u:tilities. o Bob Gray said tha�t he wanted some decision, if possible, on the site. He said he could accommodate the canditions staff requested, but there was some potential difficulty with a fire plug in the �treet : right-of-way for which he would not be responsible � ; and that und�rgrounding of the telephone la.nes :was not his xe��onsibility. ,�� _ _ , . , ... _ . �.. . -� , , _ _ . , _ _ ,. ..: _ . . . _ _ .�: . � � ' ����' �''��' �;. � 7 �;,,_� pa�P ; PC Minutes Jdnuary 20, 1976 �.' �,; � }'�, �; F. Corrunission Discussion and Action !;, o Moore �tated that he saw no �rob]_em wi-th the �! pharmacy and drive-up win.dow. i; � o Wakem stated that the need for a pharmacy had '. not been sufficiently addressed by �;he applicant. ,`' �. o Nicoli stated that he had no objection to the �` pharmacy and drive-up windaw. � s-i c� Gray re:ponded to ��F'asano Requirements" , stating l;� that a need for a pharmacy in the propoaed site (,j existed an.d that �the drive-up wind�w would s�rve {� as a convenien.ce to the customers. � o Porter stated that he felt a pharmacy was com- i` patible with a �linic, but � d�iveeup wi.ndow would �`, be oriented to passing traf�ic and reall.y not in � keeping with the pharmacy. �; o Motion (Wakem) to apprave the professional office � � �nd pharmacy (Phase I) , without the drive-up win- ;'. � dc�w and wi.th staf_f conditions 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. ` � o Seconded (Nicoli) . j ; o Passed unan.imously� � � 5.3 Con.ditiana'1 Use Permit CU 3-7'6 (James Brien) � A request by James Iirien to convert a single fami.ly resi-- � dence into a duplex in an R-7 zone (single family resi- � dential) at 12115 SW Lincoln St. (Wash. Co. tax map 251. 2AB, ta� lc>t 501) . � A o Staff Report: Read by= I,aws. Laws also read into the record a 1et�er to the Commisszon from �t1ze applican.t, �.ddressing himself to the ��Fasano Requirements". � � � B. Applicant Presentation o James Brien, the applican.-t, testified in support of his proposal. t o Popp asked. if tne neighbors had been. notified of the hearin.g. � ; _ _ _ � r . a p � ,� ,"_` ff , ( '�;' � � ° � pa�e 8 i, PC Minu.tes {;� January 20, 1976 '� � ,I , o Staff replied that they had not, but that a ; letter and an agenda had been. sent aut to the �, chairman of NPO #2, informing him of the request 4 for action on this parcel of 1and. 1 C. Public Testimonyo non.e . � D. Staff Recomznendation: No reaommendation was made by � staf�. ' E. Rebut _al: none � a F. Commissir�n Discussion and. Action ; � o Papp moved for. denial based on the findings of � no d�monstrated need and non-conformance with �he Comprehensive Plan. o P�rter stated that this use would rneet the intent of the C�mprehensive Plan as a buf�er in. an area plann�d �.s apartments, but it was a very borderline Z�J�l.�.�.s �. o Brien suggested that his application be �abl�d until adjacerlt property ov,mers could be contacted regarding his proposal. a Wakem inoved. to coritinue this i�t�m at �. later � date, once such acti.on had �aken place. o Secondec� (Moore) . o Popp wi-thdrew Yiis mntian far denial.. o Unanimousl,y approv�d. 6. SIGN CODE ACTION 6.1 Sign Code Appeal SCA 1-76 (Lionel Co./Lum�nite Sign Co. ) A request by the Lianel Co. an,d Lumenite Sign Co. far a sign coae variari.a� (16.40.060 (3) ) to permit a projecting sign on the same premises where a roof sign already exists. (T.�ocation; John:son Building, 12285 SW Main St. ) . o Staff informed the commission.ers that th� applicant was not present to �ive testimony. � o Popp moved that tk�e item be tabled. o SPCOnded (Moore) . o Unanimously a�p�oved. : � i ., � r' page 9 PC Minutes I January 20, 1976 i �` j �.. 6.2 Sigri Code Variance SCA 2-76 (Susnjara - Sherwood �In.n:) �; A request by Marko Susnjara for a si code variance for a rion--conforming sign in a B-�4 zone �Wash. Co. CTeneral �I Extensive Commercial) at 1�700 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd. ,'� (Wash. Ca. ta�c map 2S1 12D, tax lot 1400, Sherwood Tri�:) . � A. Staff Report: read by Powell. j B. Applicant Presentation � 1 o Mr. Susnjara stated his x�equest and the need for ' retaining the exi.sting si�n as it is vit�l to his ! business and serves as a mean.s of drawing c;ustomers ; t� his establishment. i I o Popp as��ed staff to secure a c;opy of the state ; requirements �or signing an.d how they would relat� ; and differ with Tigard's sign code. ` o Popp recommen�.ed to table this item until add.itional i information. was made available. i � o Niaoli stated that to deprive anyone of the use af th.is �ign would be un�air. C. Staf.f Recommendation ' o Staff recommended approval of the requested ex- � aeption.s for a peri.od o� 5 years, at which time a re-hearing �of thP issues would be held to deter- , mine further eytension of this excEption. ' o Nicoli m�de a motion t� approve thP variance, ; deleting sta�f recommendati,on that this sign be � subject to � 5 year review period and that Mr. �usnjara's sign would correspond with the state . and federal regul.ation:s as they pertain to si�.ing, ' o Seconded (Ems) . � o Unanimously appr�ued. � i 7. SUBDIVISIONS 7.1 Minor L�nd Par�i.ti�n MLP 1-76 (Bartnik) ; A request by Glenn ;Bartna,k to partition a p�rcel af land � in a residential zone (County RU-4, single family' resi- ' dential) at SW North Uakota (Wash, Co, tax map 1S1 35CA, ! tax lo� 301) . , , �l r r � Tr . �'- page 10 � � PC Minutes r January 20, 1976 F t(�r �. \. � _ f � A. Staff Report: read by Powe11 � � , B, A�plicant Presentation U o Mrs. Hagan, speaking on behal.f of the applicant, stated her reason for wanting ta divide the parcel into two lats. She further stated that an engineer � had recen�Lly surveyed the propertp and the surve,y map indicated a 50 ft, right-of-way. o Staff statecl that th� county tax map shows only 30 ft. of right-of-way. C. Staff Recommendation o Staff recommended approval, with the following conditions: l. That a d�dica�tion of land �'or the purpose of provzding adequate ri�ht-o�f-way for SW North �' Dakota such that a 25 :ft. dedica�l;ed area be maintained from the cen.terline of SW N��th Dakota to the subject property line. :, � ' 2. That a n.on-remonstran.ce agreement be recorded with the Ci�;y Recorder for improvement of SW North Dakota at such time as an L,T.D. is formed. D. Commission Discussian and Action o Pnpp motioned for approval, with staff recommended jj conditions to apply�. �i o Seconded (Moore) . ;� ; o Unanimously a�aproved. �� �. OTHER BUSINESS ii ;i o Diek Bolen in�formed the Commission that there was a need �'� to elect officers. �' �; �: �, s' o The Commission instructed staff to inform the Gity Council ( that elections wnuld take place after the selection com- ;` mittee made its appointment of a P1ann�ng Commission member. 9. ADJOt.T�tiV-1ENT: I1:4� p e�. }:; ;. � r` a t�l . . . � .� � �4`I � � . �.� . . � S(� `'; F i:. �'. i. _ ,`� .�r' , m �.:;. Nf]TICE Of PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF TIGAR� PLANNING C0�1�1I�SION Notice is ;hereby giver� thn� a pu6lic hearing wxll be held by the Planningr�a�nmission of the City of 7igard in the Twali�y Junior High Schabl Le�ture Room, 1465a S.W. 97th qvenue, Tigard, Oregon. 5aid meating wilY occur on Janu�ary 2Q, 19?6, at ?t30 R.I�. ar�d Will ooncer�n th� folloWing: ' R r�quest by James 8rien to co�vert a singl,e fa,mily residenc� � into a duplex in a .R+7�`�z,one,.�:5ingle �Family� �tesiiiential, . at��12115 ,5W Lineoln Streaf; (Llashington Caunty Tax i�ap 2S1 2A8 Tax Lot 501}. 01 A reqt��st by Jerry Lass to c�Perate a ��oller ska�ing rink in a � C-�3 zans (General Commercial� at 13900: �S.W. Paci�'ic HighWay � (fnrmer .. �rraie' s �larket) (Washirigton County Tax �la�p 2Si 3DD, `� Tax L,at 1201). � 1 ° A request by �lar;k:o Sus�,jara for a si�n cade �earfance far a ! no�n-cnnfnrming sigr� in a 8-4 z�ne, Washing�ore County Genesal � Extensive Commer�ial at 15700 S.W. Upp�r Boones Ferry Road: (Washington Caunty Tax f�ap 2S1 12p, Tax Lot 140Q. ) `� � �, � � � �. . � ...�KI . . . � . . . . t•I I�. � � � . � ��� �1 � � . . � � � � �. �+ . � . . � � � ..��� 4y .. � � . . � � . . � .. . ��.�.i . . . . . . . � . � � . � . � . � . . . ��I. � . ... � . � � . . . . . . � ' .�.�u � . . . . � .�.. � � � .. .. .�..�;C � . . . . . � � . � .. � . .. ,�,u� • �'� � (7 . . �� � ,�..�,,,��, �� � STI�FF REPORI� `" �' Tigard Planning Commission �� i; January 2�, 1976 !' � j CU 1-76 (Lass�Roller Rink) �' Agenda Item 5.1 s,� ;, CONDITIONAL USE PER(�I�T �j , A reque�t by Jerry Lass to operat� a roller skating rink -a in a C-3 zone (General Commercial� at 13900 SW Pacific I Highway (former Ernie' s (�arket) , Washington County tax � map 2S1 3DD, tax lot 1201. �� S7AFF FINDTNGS ' 1. This proposal is to remodel and enlarg� the former Ernie' s I�arket to house a roller skatin rink. The applicant! s ;� narrative attached (Exhibit "A"� provides a description ;; �f the project ancJ testimony addressed to the '�Fasano questions"� 2. The existing land t�se in the area is generally mixed v�cant land and highway commercial of' varying quality on Pacific ;� Highway with the nc�table exception of the Canterbury I Shopping Center nearby, but on the other side �f' tho high- way. I�IcDonald St. is nearly exc�.usively residential east- erly of and across the street from the site. �.. 3o S. W. �IcDonald St. is a designated collector street in the City �f Tigard. Adequate right-of-way exists due to a previous dedication of right-of-way a1�ng the �roperty line of the subject parcel; however, the street is not improved to collect�r street standards. City code specifies � that streets adjacent commercial developments be developed to City standards. '" 4. Standard curbs, sidewalks and driveway aprans are similarly required on SW Pacific Highway. ; 5. 7here is adequate space on the site to fulfill the parking f� needs of the facility proposed; however, the number of sta�.ls shown on 'the site plan does nat conForm to the a nutnber required in the cod�. Tigard' s parking standard `� � for this facility would be 1 space�100 square Peet of gross = lease area or 200 parking spaces. Staff feels this to be ' excessive, but there is no legal way to vary that code � requirement without a variance, which staff feel would be i. in order in this case. � � 6. Although the site has two presently-existing accesses from � SlJ Paci.fic Highway the present location of most southerly � (or south westerly� approach to the site is much too clase � �� to the service station ' s approaches and to th� corner of �,, g9iWi anr_1 I�cDon�ld. From the spplicant ' s submission, ono ��,. }, �t � ..� _ � .. .. ,., ..:. . � �� ,�;� � • ' PC Staff Re�:.rt page 2 � ITEI� 5.1 (CU 1-76) � 1/20/76 ��7;� �' �i . may inf�r that much of the automo�?le trafPic a-ttracted to yl the proposed faci.lity is expected to be parents dropp�ing t off or picking up children. A single driveway approach �I o� adequate width and separated f'rom cross traffic in the � parking lot f�r at least 30-35 feet is demonstrably safer -- � both in terms of' on-s.ite safety and safety of vehicles ' entering and exiting. j i 7. For diFferent reasans altogether, �ccess to �1cDonald ought not to be allowed easterly of SW 105th Avenue. Adequate ; buffering of the adjacent residential neighborho�d requires � such approaches ta commercial sites removed from the resi- i dences as praatical. � I 8. N bus loading lane may be required for saf�ty in :loading and unloading passengers on SW Pacific Highway. City staff is not prEpar�d to ac�dress this fully; however9 it is staf'f' s unrJersi,anding that the applicants have k��en in contact with Tri�i�et and f�el that it would be most ad- � visab.le far the app�.icant, "(ri.-I�et and the 5tate Highway � Divisian to explor� this. 9. i'he appli.c�nt' s submission shows a prr�bably n�ed for a �.- bus shelter on Pacif'.ic Highwaye 10. Staff understands that th� applicant may want to add other land uses ta the site and is explor.ing such avenues. 11. A remorJeling and changQ ofi use of the scale contemplated ' would he fully subjert to approval. nf the "('igard Design � Review Board. STAFF RECOf�rIENDNTION to be given at close of public testimony �: : , �. , _ . _ . . . . . � � , , � , �� , � � � , City of Tigard • Tigard Planning llept. Tigard, Oregc�n PROJECT: Conditional Use Permit Applicatian , Existing Unused "Ernies" Market Converted To Roller Skating Rink The existing site was formerJ.y a super market operation. The existing building is a typical 20, 000 sqo f�t. market structure. Our proposal is to convert the existirag str�xcture �o a first rate, complete roller skating facility. The type of structure, existing park�_ng fucilities, and geographic location of the site make it quite adaptable to our pr�pased use. Propnsed changes -L-o the existing structure would be largely' interior renovation re.lated ta the .functions of a s7cating facility. Z`he s�rvices of the rirlk ca�ll be covered later in our statement, Exterior changes would include ingress and egress locations, covered wa,iting area, new exterior finish (woad and stucco .for ' � 1_ess cornmercial appearance) , and fairly extensive landscaping of. parking a.r�as. As a conditional use of_ a C-3 Zone, we feel there is no conflict �,vith the City of Tigard adopted romprehensive Plan. After careful study of the available indoor rec�r�ati�n facilities of the con�ur�unity, we feel there is a definite need for this t�rpe of facility. A skatinc� rink provides recreation, for a large segment af the cozrununity. Althaugh �he primary users will be school age children, the other programs offered will be of interest to all age groups. Adult skating seesions, organized training programs, group participation events, spectator ori�nted prograrns, and skating co:npetitions with othez• ar�a rinks will all be part of our proposed operation. With our climate there is a � defa.nite need for indoor oriented recreation facil�.ties - parti- cularly for our physically active youth. Again, we feel there is a definite commutzi�y need and a benefit to be dera.ved £rom � our proposed project. { The near�st facility of the type we are proposing is located I in Beaverton, From our local inquiries, we have established that � a number of local citizens are now using the Beavert�n ri.nk. Trav�l to Beaverton for this r�creation is difficu)_t far sch�ol �; age children and, of course, a gr�at inconvenience for parents ' providing transportation. A facility of this t�e in your own � c�mmunity would eliminate the unneccesary traffic anc� travel. � our proposed site and building exterior �hanges would make the �, location much more pleasing. Al�o, tYie usual clutter of boxes, � J7 �i?- ���,;„ ,�� . . � � . � � � �. � ... . .. ._--___...-_..�,.-...,._..._� . . .. ... _ . .. . . . . . . . . ... .. �r . . . . . ... _. _...- _. -- �' ° ,�:: �`' '�. r � • K r�_., ' excess stock, and rnraste materials connected with a market use ?� of the site wou:Ld be eliminated. � After careful consideration of other sites available for our type of facility, we feel that this site is about a� ideal a site as we can find. The sit� is quite central'ly loeatec? in thP area to be served. '1'lae existing structure is easily con- verted to the proposed use and parking facilities ar.e quite adequate. The existing structure is located well to the rear of the site with parking in front - thus a�.l�wing the drop-off and pick-up of children without being a hazard to traffic or � the children. Bus service is available on the highway d�rectly � in front of the parking area. Only wes-tbound patron� would have � ' to cross a main thoroughfare to use bus facili.ties. Tliere are a number of multi and single family developments in the area within �caalking distance of the rink. Eastbvund traffic can turn from Pacific Hic�hway directly iz�to the parking area. Westbound traffic can turn from the existing left turn I.ane of Pacific Highway onto McDonald Rd. and into the parki.ng 1ot. From a ° standpoint of geographic location, building orientation on thc � , site, pia.blic transportation availahle, and current tra.ffic patt�rns we feeZ this is an excel..�ent sit� for our proposed use. We feel that our proposed conditional izse of th�: site will have no adverse effect on the neighborhood��or adjacent business , sites. Tzz and aut traf.fir_ will certa.ir�J.y be consiclerably less � than that of a super market parking late Because of hours of operatinr.�, traffic will not be increased at peak or rush hours - ;� . either morn.ing or evening. Because of the type o� structure . and other soundproofing aneasures proposed, the.re will k�e no noise problem to the surr.ounding neighbors or tenants. Close and con- stant supervision are most important to the operation of this type of facility, and we f�el this applies to p�rking areas as well. We anticipate no a�verse effects to ariy of the surrounding community. Al1 necessary publ.ic utilities are existin.g on the site. We w�ould have no need ta increas� or change any of these utili�ties. Any impact ori public transportation wc�uld be naminal. In fact, we might help f_i11 some buses at times when th:ey are running ( . aJ:.most empty. We have covered traffic effects earlier in the � statsment and feel there would be no adverse results o� otyr pro- posed use. I', 41hat better use of the site? A privately fin�;nc�d,, pu�lic oriented recreational f acilit with no increase in taxes. We Y feel very strong�ly that the comrnunity benefits certainly outweigh any possibl.e adverse effects, � _` . � _ I � _ _ . ,, ..„.:,, . . .... .... ...� ._. ..1:�.Y � � � ,� %�. � �� � t: _ , , ,f ��. f. f s. �. �,�- _ , � . . , J � _ � � � ,: � �. * � . -. -�.____� , r_ � � { � . , � - : _ � � -_�_ , , . : � -``- _ �' G� f � - '- � �' � ' � `,Y �fj` i�4!�::-�..?' _ ��- v - . s �` � _.-.� � - {�' f _. _ i � �: � � '� .-. � ..�" �i . . r/ . . . � . . � .. ' �'�� . . : . . � " . ,.. 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' .. ,� ,:-. � _..--_=•�_-�---�.� --,--�..,.., _ _ . <� �_.,.,�5 . __ 3 V� � tr.. ;��.1 . tl, ��,,, '" ' .rn... �r�;., ���: STAFF REPOR"r Ti.gard Planning Commission January 20, 1976 '� � Agenda item 5. 2 CU 2-76 (R. A. Gray) Canditional Use Permit A request by R. A. Gray to construct a professional office building in a C-3 zone at ].3170 SW Pacific Highway (I,lash. Co. tax map 2S1 2CB, tax lo{� 2300) 5taff Findings 1. Location of the proposed medical clinic is at the southwest cornez� of Pacific Hig�way and Garrett Street. 2. The site is pre�ently vacant and zoned C-3, General Cam- mercial. A profe�sional office building is a conditional use in this zone. 3. NPO P1an No. 1 states, "The use of comm�rcial-prc�fessianal build�.ngs on this portion of Pacific Highway would provide a qualita�ive break in the strip developm�nt. . .and minimize the attraction of additional traffic to the highway. " 4. Land adjacerit to the proposed site consists of a vacant f- parcel of land across Garr�tt St. and immediately east of �, the site, a natural drainage w�y that is being culverted and fil.led separates and forms a buffer between the site and the Pearl Anri �nd Greenbronk Apartm�nts to the south. Another vacant parcel of land .is to the west and SW Pacific Hiqhway is to the front and north of' the subject site. 5. Off-stzeet parking required by� the T'igard City Code (sertion 18.60. 120, item 5, paragraph C) is 1 space/500 sq. ft, plus 1 sp�ce/2 employees plus 1 space/establishm�nt. 6a Access and parking are adequate as shown an the applicant' s site plan submission; however, the parking stalls adjacent Pacific and Garrett must be m�ved back from the propert}� lirre to provide the required 10 ft. landscaped setback. 7. The proposed structure, as shown on the appliaan�t's sub- mitted plan, indicates a drive-up window in the northeast corner of the building. 8. Drive-in business offering goods and services directly to th� cus'tomers waiting in parked motor vehicles is a conditional use as defined in section 18. 28. 20, Ttem (13) of the Tigard (�unicipal Code. 9. The need for a drive-up window in the proposed structure has never been addressed by the applicant, nor the impacts �. P : ' �� �.. page 2 PC Staff Report Item 5.2 (CU 2-76) ;-- 1/20/76 �� this use would have on traffic circulation on the site or the adjacent properties� Evidently the applicant was not awar� th�t this type of use is a conditional use and staff was therefore/informed of its presence in the project. i�ot 10. The present right-of-way on SW Gazrett St. is 40 ft. Neighborhood Planning Organization Plan Nurnber 1 has desig- nated SW Garrett St. to be developed to local strePt stan- dards • Right--of--way 50-60 f�et (50 foot minimum) Pavement width 32-36 feei, (�oving Lanes 2 Uolume 0--1500 vehicles per day Driving Sp�ed 10-25 miles por haur Cul-de-sacs '�0 foot radius turn-around and 400 feet maximum length 11. No sidewalk or curbing is indicated on Garrett StrPet, �' The Code requires a six foot Jidew�lk adjacent the property ` � line. 12. The pedestrian�bicycle path shawn to the rear of the site conforms to the NPO #1 Plan; h�wever, it shot�ld prov�de ' for extension to the next lot as well as temporari.ly con- 4 necting with the parking lot; hawever, there is some question as to the exact dimensions �f the applicant ' s site plan , as submitted, and whether or not th� bike p�th can be built as shown. 13. f�lr. Gray is in the process of laying in and filling a 30�' storm drainage line to the rear of the subject site. The City has not obtained a storm sewer easement for this new line, nor has the applicant requested that the City do such. 14. It is difficult to det�rmine if a bill�oard located in the northwes•t corner oF the property is, in fact, on the same lot as the site plan indicates , due to the applicant ' s pro- posal to alt�r the existing 1ot lines. 15. I�r. Gray ' s response to the Fasano Guidelines is attachede S'taff Recommendation to be given at close of public testimony �,. � ,� . , .. __ _ ,. . _ _.. _ ._ � _ ...._..�_�._...�.. ._.:_. ���,t'�" �{��..LL ti .. �r .� N r �..,� r �.� . ..;i � . .. r.:e,;�� ,_.. �• a 'u��rt. S�.A ��lURJ r r�% .tr � h��ita,�1����,,,,,,�;���^,� r p4�S^ ,� °.�� ��,��1w� h � � .� � -.�. ��J. . t �..�. �,'� '� .��h f��� k {�� . �r r ��`�s� �4j�� ��� i `r.j� i� �♦i ���4� .f� i , r # ��y'�U: 3 n �S `lnn,� -�,.. 'hj . 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',I> a , f^'.,� � : �• y ,`�, ,�i��,.��1� 1 ,� ,-�- �.' / . . , . . . , - �,,.., �, .. � B"l��s�!�T�i�Vo �^ consTrucTton January 7, 1976 . Tigard Planning Commission City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen: 1. Request use of property for medical—professional office� Ap�roximately 14,000 sq. ft. site is easily located and accassible. �. Prop�sed usa is in conformance with comprehensive p7.an. 3. Clir�ic requires more �fficient space, m�re parking and more pleasant sit�. Tha general public and clients af thesa doctors shar� in the �enefits of these requirements. 4. Access across site will be pos�ible whore as provious use for dum�aing of � rubbish and overgrown gully made access to Frantage Rd. from Garrett St. impossible for cycl�, car or pc�destrian traffic. 5. The cumprehensive pl.an indicatc�s professianal—commercial in this location. We trust their reas�ns for this use include exposure, acces�ibili,ty and . hese reasons e T ter sewer and draina ). existing improv�ments (roads, wa , 9 make the use intendod both practical and accepta�ble for a medical—professional building. , 6, No adverse effect is anticipated to adjoining sites, occupants or activities in the area. On the otherhand, the proximity of inedical assistance might we].1 be an advantage to the school acrass Hwy. y9 and ta the l.arge popula— tion in apartments and sir�gle family residents southeast of the highway. i 7. This has been addressed to above. , Uery tru y rs, R. G : RAG/ms �., P. CI. 8OX 23576 ROR7LAN�, OREG�N 97223 PHL7NE (5O3)Fi3�J-£927 ,�, �L o�;� . ��. �,�,' ADDENDUM TO STAFF FINDINGS Tigard Planning Commissi.on January 20, 197'6 �, Agenda Ztem 5.2 r CU 2-(6 (R. A. Gray) ; CONDTTIONAL USE PERMIT A request by R. A. Gray to construct a pro�essional. office building in a C-3 zone a�; 131'70 SW Pacific Highway (Wash. Co. t�.x map 2_Sl 2C�, tax lot 2300) ADDITIONAL STAFF FINDINGS I 11. Staff finding (11) is no 1.onger applicable as the applicant n indicatin idewalks on SW has resizbmitted a site •la g s � G�rrett St, 11A. Z'he applicant has info-rmed staff that if a 5' dedication �or ri�ht-of-way on SW Garrett St. is provided, it wi11 b� ne�ess�.ry to mave the proposed blzilciing 5 ' to the west, rec�uiring the r�rnaval of several existing �trees. Howeve�, staf� finds that by providing diagonal. (an�led) , � �arking stal.ls adjacent SVJ Garrett St. , sufficient room I wi1.1 �e pro-vided for the a�.ditianal righ�-o�°-way. 12A. The appli.cant has �.iscussed this mat-�er with sta�f and � it ap eaa°� more appro�riate that thi� issue be resol,ved P . . . . �:�:' by the Desigri Review Board in conjunction with their review of the� site development plan.. 16. QvErhe�d t�lephone lines ex�ten.d along the front property 'I line on Pacific Highway, as we11 as �he property line �.long SW Garrett St. 17. The applicant�s r�vised si�e plara. iz�dicates tha�t ther� is � approximately 6 feet of public right-o�-way north of the I property line and the exist;i.r1�� curb along SW Paci�ic Hwy. � � ' . � . � �� � . � . �". � . .. . � � . . � � � . . �fi .�... .. .. _. .. _._.' _ _ _- _ _ _�_� i �, . � � r,m... �+f y� . � �� STAFF REPORT 4'`` Ti ard Planni.n Commission 9 y January 20, 1976 ,.., � ��. CU 3-76 , Agenda Item 5. 3 ' i� Conditional Use ' A request by James Brien to convert a single �'amily residence in�o a duplex in an R-7 zone, Single Family Residential, at 12115 SW Lincoln St. (Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 2AB, tax lat 501) Staff Findings l. The site is pr�sently zoned R-7, Single Family Residential; a duplex is a conditiona.l use in this zone. 2. Single family homes are located on the adjacent properties to the north, west and s�uth of the subject site. A duplex is loca�ted on the lot immediately to the east. 3. The subject property is located in an area planned for single family residential development on �the NP0 �2 plan 1�1ap. The land across Lincoln 5treet and southw�st of Center 5treet is c�esign�ted multi-family residential use. 4. NPO #2 Plan states that duplexes may be permitted in single � family housing areas at loca•tians better sui�Led t� their use. Exampl�s of such locations are at intersections and as a transition between singlo family and multi-family residential uses. NPO #2 Policies 6 anrJ 7 relate directly to this request. POLICY 6. The s.ingle family char�cter of the area designated on the plan map as 1oW donsity-resi- deritial is viewed as a positive asset to be re-- tained. Prajects prop�sed far thys area must be judg�d according to effects upon this rharacter. PQLICY 7. Within the low density residential area, duplexes will be allowed on lots less appropr.iate f�r single family hom�s to include locations at street intessections and as buffers between multi- family and single family areas. 5. It is not possible ta make an ev�luation of tFre appla.cant' s site plan and the possible impacts the proposed use may have on adjacent properties as the applicant has not sub- mitted a site plan, dra�.rn to scale, showing the dimension� and arrangem�nt of the propnsed development; h�wever, he has assurod us that a site plan Will be c�mpl�te by �he Planning Commission meeting. �:,. 6. f�r. Brien ' s response to the Fasano Guidelinea is attached. Staff Recommendation To be given at close of public testimony ' _ N.W.GORBLK.82 N� �I� �.E I/4 SECTlOC�! � � � � N.TIGRRVIILE ADD.AMND, ' � � � � r /�(� A �. 32�{:-,'S{/2y� �j- - � ;23.6D S69°2��W � � , � .., -((�. � .., . . � ..J�c 'n(/,J' � � . ..r .i U��fJIX�������� ,�. . .G///� ..~ � � _ _ ,�.. S89 54 E 84,58� � — e �����`� �c�ze4 20� 3 202 20� �600 � az.e y� \ T ., �y �� ty� Do . �11` 1 �� ', �,� L 3, � '6/A f. 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'.'r ' STAFF REPORT �, „ Tigard Planning Commission u� January 20 , 1�76 SCA 1-76 (Lumenite Sign Co.�Lionel Col) Agenda Item 6. 1 : SIGN CODE APPEAL An appeal to thE Planning Commission of the denial of a permit ��o construct a new projecting and revolving sign at 12285 SW I�ain St. (Johnson Building) STAFf FIIVDINGS 1. The application does not satisfy provision oF s�c•tion 18. 12. 02� which require (a) the building official to provide forms frar the purpose ofi applying for. a sign permit and (b) that certain information be supplied by the appli- cant. The following required information has not been sup�li�d and confarmance of the sign to City cad� cannot be eval.ua�tecJ as to those particular matters: 1. scale drawinc�. showing. . .height above ground, method of' attachment , construction and materials, type, source and intensity of illumination. . . " and � 2. �'A p1.ot plan approximately tc� scale indicating the location of all buildings, property lines, existing signs, streets and ov�rhead power lines on the samo p�emises. �r 2. The Tiyard sign code section 16. 40. 070 prohibits any pro- � jectzng sign on �'the same premises where there is a free- standing sign or ro�f sign'� and provides that �'a projecting sign shall be used solely to identify a business and sha11 ' not be used to ac�v�rt�:se services or products sold on the ' premises. " 3. The appellaht' s letter (q. v. ) states that th� Jade Terrace (a restaurant in �the ilame buildinc�) has a roof sign which was the 6asis fa� denial by the Building Official. The appellant states further that the Building Officia]. has den.i.ed the permit on the assumption that premises (see #2 means building. 4. Se�tian 16. 08.270 of the sign code says, " � ' pr�mises' msans a l.ot or two or mc�re lots an which are cons•tru��ed or r�n tahich are to be constructed a building or a gzo�up of buildinys designed as a unit. " Thi� defini�ioh, which staff has further researched to determine if pezhaps an error had cre�t into our code, appears t� be cnnsistent w�th nther commonly held definitions c�f "premises" and � is, even if it were in error, the only definition we may �PPly to ths word �rPremis�s-��. , , , ,. !.�:, . _. , „ , �,� z�>�• r, ,.; ' �� � page 2 �.. PC Staff RePort � �;: Item 6. 1 (SCA 1-76) 1/20/76 5. The Commission, under provisions of section 16. 34.020, may r�rant variances of the sign code baJed on fiinciings of hardship, inconsistency or '�practical difficulties'� , were a variancP applied for. 6. The appeal under consideration here (under provisions of ' section 16. 34. 010) does not allow varianr�e of the sign cocle. The Planning Commission is to determine in this appeal whether the building nfficial misinterpreted the worda.ng or intent of the code. � 7. The provision of the sign code profiibiting a melange of roof signs arid projecting signs is designed to discourage the ta�teless, tiresome and pretentious �'blanketing�' of si�ns, a one-upt�nanship in �hich the public is seldom considered. ''' As this is an appeal of an action taken by the Buil�ing Official to deny a �ermit for a particular sigr7, 'the staff feels it ih- a�propriate �to recommend a particular action on th� par� of �the �_•� Conimi.ssion �ther than that it rnust find the Suilding Official wrony in order ta grant the appeal. ;., ; � ,,, �. ,51 � . � r,y ,` �� ,,._ 7� . � �. . . �:. Lumia�.ite s�gn co. Sales, Seri�ice anr� liertilals 9350 S. W. TIGARD AVENUE TIGARD, OREGON 97223 �`. PHONE 639-4991 P.o. Box 2a636 ��:���a���"�� December 3�-, 1g75 �� ,J;�li'� .. - r. J i`�J � Tigard F�lanning & Zoning Comm. �J�� �r, �l�'��� City Hall 12420 S.V�i. Main Street Tigard, OR 97223 ATTN: Gerald P�well Gen�tlemen; We have appli.ed for a sign pexxni� for� the installation of a �i�r� di.splay far �he Lianel Co. Realtor, located a�t 1;L2$5 S.T�T. �Ia�in Str�et. The per°mit has been refused as submi�ted ox� the assump�ic�n that it does not comply �ith that part of the sign codP, Secti.on 407, Item 2. It reads: No projecting sign shall be permitted on the ' same premis�s �rhere there is � free-standing sign or a roof s:i.gn. "�he Lianel Co. Realtor, Tigard Times, Jade Terrace Rest- aurant, e�c. , all have businesses Ioca�ed a.n the sarne bui.lding. Th� Ja�.e Terraee �.e�taurant has an existing roof sign which is he ermit on the assum tion tha� he rea son for not acce tin t p P t P g gremises means a11 of the building. We contest that this was not the intent of the code to dis- crimina�e against any one business located in the same building or premises. ��T� will be taking down an exista.ng Office E1ec- tronics sign and replacing with the proposed Lionel Co. Realtox° sign on the same businESS front. The existir�g sign does not f it to the new logo design for the Lionel Co. Realtor. We do hope you concur with our thinking and can clear this pprmit to be �:ssued from the building department. Please re�er to the b�zilding de�sartment for the perm.;,t that is on file. Sincer�ly yours, ' /'-~� `. �� (,,��.c.�-�C��tl�' Arlie Mawhirter Agent and Sign Contractor f�r �he La.onel Co. Realtor a�� � �, �� � � � � � � � . ...... ,.. . y . ..-. ' �.lU)',.' . .. . U' -�-.�' .IVh�I'l: , ...�,. . .. .. � .. . .�� .. .. �� .. � .. �... .. ..:. .. .. .. �. �:..�. , � w ,4� � �o r_ _ � � �✓ / bo a 1 ��lAc. �o'o �� �f 902 �,� \ �`' �a' C.S.13,727 'r �o, a �'° k ' r�. ,, ,fl t..•, 3 i� n\� � o i .. .. � . I r�� a � �� ,` pA4�Ag6o� �. �� � r� �i 5�1��� �.� . N ^/�!� .. �vvl : .a p. . . � � , . �. �60 4 � 6, � Y 9Q� \ �F, �. ciflo �V � . �• � r o � �' � •J' � njF' (+ aU� `�Q `07��� /y J� � � � � � . ,`O � o N6 0� �5 1 • !� 914 •o .�,o � � �,y.��. ,, N �I ' 20 9 0 5 a � o°' �9� z 9 I 3 ,�� a�? � 0,,�'' I ;;,��' 60' 6 � ' 6. ,44 N � o p,1L ua �� o. c� � \ ab' 9 ,� ='� .yo� �O c. ,��'� a�.� �` ... � 7 "906 0 ��1 .. „ 13 z 1026 3pP ' oP ,� � � m , o �l� �III�I� ��� 907 N��O S,. 4r"b�o�� . p9� .. A��A 3j3��g69� 91 J � . . �y� `� v ' � o ) so?�� , o ~/a �f{ �'ap'4i� \p2h _no °�5 G � • � � 3y`y � � 2e 4 aF 9v h e. � �, w.__ M � po° �'. �` : f O � b C� Z n- ,`�` N87°48�46°E A�I � y \ /'S�9 � ��' o,��' es � 910 �.�, � � ��~ o i2a.zz ��' � e�'P�.' r\�� : �����lf A�0��h6 908 .w � � ��v i yM 16 916 ``���e � � r. 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' `�, ' /� � y ,ya�� I 20Q ,� �' .a l Ac� i ` \ `� \' ��.�''� � � i h., , 7. ...---'� � �5<9c. tiq/ . �; ___ -�; � . ,.' �` ., y� / � �, ' � �r C� � � —..4;. �� �F' fr�� lc s No u,naR ��.�,� �� ' \ � . `'� � t / '�, tiG' �r� / \ '� Y�/� � �� FF �,, I �� � .� ./. , { �— (! ���'i � '` � / � � �y o'l-�� r- /� �� \ ��j� . ,��� � v3 �,\ n f `_ / �•i \ _+^. . � •I' ,� � o �'� � o't' �i ��o�� � / � t �? \ S� �`�'/ �ah ��� � ,�� _ _ . � -�IV-� I p�j ��/ -= /, � �. . . �� � �,� j .$.MO. � � 1328:. 2,�0 ��� � a� . / _ ��o� � � s�o i � . i5 � �p37o0%0>� f�lll � ,, . .a T 3�00 � � , ��I�!p ' p ,�. �IIII' � �^ , .. 54�!.,: .:. . / . 3 I ,� j� i� . ,y . '�o}C�„ _ �I o / o � Q II� �FC��, ,, \�°�, ' � Ili�������„ �%, �� _ � f��.� �o P �� , _ �'' �~�s�/ \ Pp� / � P-1 �-- � �,�� `' � �40o A-1 � , �F �� 5 �,:. � i� t�/r� . ! � (/ ' \ ��. \ r l ` �` . .. �1.�.�\ � ' . \' '�� � � ` . . . . . � . . � 0 �� \ �' I ��' �1 11/�° _ , �` `�� � 9 r� ..���� �u�� �'TV� -p�- - , � ��:K� �: ' `� . .�.'�,. . . � � � . . �j� ` r;� 9 � °._ �,��,, i`'/ ' �r9/� �, i 3300 � 30� ,� � � 'QD . "0 6 / � 3 p 5 ��SQ 0 °. — / � ' •S/� ; '�- s � � � � � _ p � �wo9rJ �' J o 2,� �,y � =�y��^�'�',L�po.^ \a� ,. � ��� ��200 r'° ¢�y�' rr� �. ` 3900 � S�E, o \ 2S 1� �2 N��:� �a 4' 3��)t� o g°�� '' w cor�O2�c �� '• /BAc. � , �� Q °� '��J04 *� ��; �� r��aP�ul�tl':t�r,a°�iae �41n(�,� �' - - J . \ .�� �= "�n , --- � „, f.<,�^ D`T�'� (�`' -, �, � • � ro �6._.�. STAFF R�PORT Tigard P].anning Commission � �7anuary 20, 1976 "�&,: . SCA 2-76 Agenda Item 6. 2 ', II SIGN CODE UARIANCE �I A request by (�arko Susnjara for exceptions to the 7igard Sign Code, Sections 16. 36. 040 (3) (B) , (3) (C) , and 16. 40. 0�+0 (e) pertaining to the height, area anci location of the two existing fre�-standing sign structures appurtenant to the Sherwood Tnn located near T5 on Upper 800nes Ferry Road. STAFF FINDINGS 1. These �x2sting structures are constructed on an Pasement adjacent the Sherwood Inn. � 2. Th�: height of each sign is 65 feet. 3. 7he area af the "restaui�ant�motel" sign is approximately 210Q sq. ft. and thr� area of the �'�herwood Inn" siyn is approximately 550 sq. ft. 4. Neither sign was in conform�nce with �he most recent sign code af Washington County and was subject to removal pro-- �� visions of the Washington County sign code prior to Tigard' s recent annexatic�n of the site. 5a Under provisions of Tigard' s sign cade, the signs m�y continue in use for ten y�ars from the date of annexation, ' December 10, 1975. i 6. 5ection 16. 34. 020 7�IC authorizes th� Planning Commission to grant a variance of (exception to) the sign code based on findings that a hardship, ��practical difficulties�� or inconsistencies within the code. No standards or criteria are established in the code to determine how those tests shall be satisfied. 7. C�rt�:i.nly the Sherwood Inn would suffer some loss of revenue were the present signs lost. The heiyht of the Upper Boones Ferry overpass and n�arby wooded areas pre- clude direct visibility of the applic�nt' s buildings or of any signs of conforming height from th� freeway. 8. The Shc�rwood Inn is located at a recently-��improved�� froe� way interchangeo All indicators of imminent economic de- v�lopment are present and, zn fact, that devel�pment is begun. Such development will alter the appearance of this area greatly and wi11 likely alter radically the need for � and advisability of any 'particular form of signing. �� � i .. , _ , ... . . .. . .: .. ., �� .. ,. . . . . .. � � 4,:,:� ,f�'�� �_ �?' . ° T�`�u�-_� �` �t`��� �__. t; page 2 �``' PC Staff Report �� `„„. fii Item 6. 2 (SCA 2-76� r, �- 1/2.0/76 �. Vs; �j �; �', STAFF RECOI�I�ENDNTION '' 1; Approval of th� requested exceptions for a period of five �'� years, at which time a re-hearing of the i�sues must be held to determine further extension of this exception. �:I i l'�� � � � � �, ��, � E� � +q � r � � � �;� 01 k � �. " �. r. _ _ _ _ _ _ . � �,. ,,.�,� i'9" r�'a �') �� � �.. �r µ � �� v � , ������ � x�� � �`~� lvt4TEL - RESTA"JRANT- LOUNGE //� On Interstate 5(Salem Freeway) 15700 S.W.Upper Boones Py. Rd. al the Lake Grove—Durham Exit Lake Oswego,Oregon 97034 (9 miles south of PorUand) Telephone: (503)G20-29t30 ���',�lv�� Januery 7, 1976 �I JAN 1� �976 City of Tigerd CITY OG T�CRRD �. 0. Box 23397 Tigerd, Oregon 97223 Res Commser�ial 5ign Varianc� Gentlemens I hava a aign at the Sharw�ad Inn Mnt�]. and Re�teurant which is epproximately 65 feet high w�,th 10 foot mociulee that reads "'restaurant" undernsa�h which i� a sign With 8 foot �odules that reads "motel01 and �n �dditionel aign of 5 foot modulea thet re�d� "Sher�aod Yren" which � ie pleaed on tap of a Chevran sign al�o to a height of' �pproximately 65 feet. These �igns Were placed in operetion eccording to Washington r County apecifications and heve been in place epproximately 8 y�eera end are the only meana czf�dentiffcati�n t'gAm I-5. Upon annexetion into the City of Tigerd I underatand tha� these aigna are not in accordenae with the City ot Tigard sign code. I hereby �cequest e hearing es aoon se poesfble for the purpoe� of obteining a variance. Please advis� me e�t the following �ddressa Marka A. Susn,�are 157t]0 5. W, Upp�r eoonea Ferry Ftd. Lake Oewego� Ore9on 97034 Sincerely, SHERWOOD IMN � �. : ���G�'i/ ��l� �,'t ` • Marka A. 5usn,�:ar�a , Ou�ner i �n. _. . ._ _ ....W.. .___ .._ -_�--- _ _ , 41.15�. .... . . . , ..., _.. . . . . . � . . .. .. .. . . �,. . . . .,::. .. . . y1' . I . . . . . . ., . . . . . . _ i �.� . V `� ( � I320� • ,, i . � 188.57 188.57� 188,57't 188.57' (88.57� 188.57� 27 . ` - N `�.. 2al ,2'A` 300 400 `� 500 600 700 a' OQ w .96Ac .96 Ac. ,96 Ac .96 Ac .97Ac, 384.05� _ ��� /,� �'O N ��' Y ■ � \ 2 3 4 ' 5 6 � a�o, ; '�� l� � `' � C� r � � � � r � 8 .96AC. . � �-- � �-��. �� -rr�r��.-r r � �I •M1• •r KABLE + — — — 624.15� —T�— SO — — � � ��Q� I 9.00 . I 80�. I VACATED BY C.J��. p . ( 1.92 Rc I . /.92 Ac .25 /.2BAc. I D .33� 29 - � "`. -- — — � � �4 � f i3 i2 � ii �o ► � f 6fi L 76� � • I F I � 62� 297.14� I � I I ; 1 � � { �, 186.57� 189.57� 188.57� 188.57� IB8.57� I 0.5�� U, � 'I ;, EAST 1255� 210� � �(n� ? { N �4 9,35Ac. � N z � $ � � o s .ZB� � _ —345� � p, • � . - ( � . .. �� _ ,\ ' / � . �. _ � � '` � I . N / I � �• � 43 � :a . i a N ► � ` , !`- �� � o � �.�!" i .r � 5.91� - 3 4 B� a ',� ` ��'' . �„�96 i � � 12U0 �. ���a , 5�g� _ � `���� i I � � U 2.62Ac. � � ' nlO -- -`- — 681�- — —• — -- - — ,�'° 60 2 , 42 " p � 1300 ` ��, iaoo � �I 2.39 Ac �� •�, .3'/ Ac N � t10 � I �G is,� ,� ��) '• 36,55� I 345� . . i, 7�. � 25Ac. � - __ . ��(��� -'n a llo � N � � � - bg0+ 0 .i1�. �4Q2 a� � . O �y,yoA� �./BA�C. � 125.04� e. - �' o \W; a , Ni . Q� �� . 33 � ' � N q� ���,. ve,��.� � � /.O�Ac, , e �+ � 345� '� a 26�� b � C,S,10036 J i�a ' ` \� C���� q ' - m .6 3 Ac Q� � . �/�A9' � � � i �28.6� 345 � ' ,0 23Z.9b ' ' � � � � , � �,�����Z �'0!\9'�° I 4t16 � ~ . 2500 1 ,� 14Q� s,��,� .�6Qc. 'r�n /.00 Ac a�b ! 3.30 At. F:�, ��� / m � 9y`L� \ v� �p i 34 � � �.�G 16 ��`�'i �9/• 59 40 N 2400 � � .� Q�O,�/ ,� ��,� y �-. � /.O 9 Ac . N o �e � `��% '�o a� � / �'y r- . ' � S t iB.55� 345� /,� �F, �8�2 Ja� • < -� 0+ 145 — —' — — �/J.o ?.06Ac. . � �'a�. � 200 � ?4�� `n` �2�� � �' �8�� „. . �'� . 4 T c' .65Ac. ti1 = �yz ' �os'�` 39 2iO4 � : � • ° . m r` N ° g i I 0 �� ,, .�Ac. �' " 180 t ic s N r• n,o2i) � ` �eA�: ,- 6 TI,B 10 � - _.6BAc y �- . . , r: 2 L67 �� 57.64_ �e 328.35� _ 1�1 '• � - ' m �' x k=— 33t _584� 249.8' '��319�_r io' w ad'2102 20 2103 �� , � � '.�' * /. 36Ac. `� .46Ac: o yF• 'o� a �� s � � . , o ��.z���� ��s9 �3£�,�9�� 5 � � / \ , ,' \ 9,.�• �o ��'� 5EE IVIAP � .. ' . '. , op � , ��e,;, o;`� y 0 I g � ;,q . ' � ,�°. ��� , �,< � � '�t�� 4ti=�...1 . STAFF REPORT Tigard Planning Commission �-� January 2U, 19?6 �.. I�LP 1-76 (Bartnik) I Agenda Item 7. 1 I Appl.icant' s Reque�t I A request by Glenn B�rtnik tn partition a parcel of land � in a residential zone (County RU-4 Single Family Residential) at SW Narth Dakata (Wash. Co. tax map Lsl 35CA, tax lot 301) . I Staf f Fi.ndings I l, A house is pres�ntly located on the western portion af thP �' �ubject lot and the purpose is to create a single femily building site on the vacant eastern portion. I 2. The NPO #2 Plan specifies this property in this area for ' multi-family devel�pment; howev�r, the small size of this parcel and the pre-existing sinc�le family dwelling preclude� I its use for multi-family devel.npment. , I 3. As submitt�d, both lots meet the mini.mum lot size in the ' I County RU-4 zone (1C100 sq. ft. ) t�eing 8534 sq. Pt. on the developed parcel and 7590 sq. ft. on the vacant parcel. � �f � .+� 4. The existing righi;-of-way width of Dakota St. is substandard as is the pavement sec�ion. IhP ap�licant ' s proposal wauld provide the additior•�a1 right-of-way , but no street improv�- merit is proposed. � 5. 5ewer serviee is provided t� this general area and service ` must be provided to the site before a bu.a.�ding Permit can be issued, StaFf �tecommondation to t�e advisod at clos� of public testimany � , � .'-.` .. . _.. . .... ... . .... . . � . .._ . . . ,. . . . .. _. ... . .. ... . ..z22,7. . ...rc�eb ��� , i �• 2 O3 '.. .. ,� `(" .` • 8. i� \J t �, M r. � /\ ,� `� . 222.7 ` ,I �I � ���11 V� O\ � � 5 89° 09 W �s Y �..� ;� 02 ' ' > �, m ,�� -�.�t�, ��- ,;' , . , . 3�� o ' ; ����'��� - , -o N�p .,B .��Alol C� 1�'-, �f�T� �._�l2.�� , � . ,. . , � , ��� 2 ot , � � ��� ���, ' ''~�, 6 LL 1 �' ., � 1 �' � ,,..—�, a , �a 4� Z22., - � � �;� .94Ac. .. � � ve' � I r �,y�� N. o �",.. 200 i a 8 � m � � 5 --� ; � r a 1 ' �,,m�� 500 � ~ ' � zzz.r i 11��«� .96Ac. , —� � I N 3 I03 ' � _ m o � ; ,� a , � 4 � j 0 � U , � , � � � � . 222.7 � � � . —� � i . , �a2 . { j ' °' .-�, 3 ; � � ` � .�i�.� '��� " � Q p . .. P � � ' � M ���_ � ��� �';��' F:'� , 222,7 I k_.. � �-�',=� � 1 .� - . � 1 01 • , , j � 134.00 S 89°G9�W .• 2t1.21 � ��-- � i Q N 88 5 E ,, 211.21 71 � � �. 222.7 3 Of ` 303 ---=`="=�, . ��-•- _^'S 89° 09 W- ./9.�C. �110'.__._ '�' ` .35Ac. ;�-�� � � I 04 i o0 r� � � � " < � Y �'; �` � � - � /� � N - � �t� Z 'i` �V�. _ � � I �..a�4� ���' INITIAL POINT SOUTH LI N E DAVID C. GRr.� D.L.C. 52 s,�s° a3 w T� � i�o 2 •� iao.z i E . 104.99 87:4 � �;4 � ii///////%//////////////////!!/////////////////O///////////////// �l Ob . � �r..t.r.� .,�.��+,.e...N8:5.°°.-d9�E-. ...�r -.. ."--"'_'�'-i-�:�.: �� _ �� ii�:Ym.. '%i.Ri��i�'�"t' ^ p--. � � �441.54 PL AT') y��Fr� 3�'// �/i�• � � .��u .�.. .�,�c.rNt;:w.urxvo� s=;�.'a�.`�;3'9.Z. . . /� rY.."�•a.__ ���� � T � (�'�'�' � --�' �'�'�/��, .i. � ,, •' �A ' � '. ' '.3 4 s c�. . � 165.6 (110.33) 3. %45C�h. . . .. . � . ' N89"34E , (110.35) (220.70) 3• INITIAL POINT� NORTH LIN�d�SHNL. HICKLIN O,L.0 54 BOETCHERS AD� 190) I9U2 2000 ' � GREENBURG HTS� o /.66Llc. � � � .3BA c. .38Ac. 1700 $ I800 ` ° o o • z v, o /.96Ac. N .97Ac. ti n � - m � . m ;� N . � , � • ' . . � . . . . . . . � �7�W� ��.d7�� T� . �'�w.�yu . �a._v� a�Z�{a N. � I . . � � � �2 . t �5 ' f� �� y��• �ih'M1 _ p � . , '�"� �}' I900 a �� �_���' o M . 72Ac. � M o . o w " � . . . . y . . . b�p � . . . � 7 \� > � � s r4 r'�,� � :��', � �`;� :�? r tr"I � • Z _� � �..� � . �6 S.6 � � ,� 1 r � .) �' r� :� ',B 9°34�� .(2 99.4 l� � � N � r{�....E_ *-'��u'ta' � . •w r;y-�N-�....�-----�""=_.''�"r'�`�,"�w j�.3� J 973..•...,:� S T9.8•1£��. N A9° 34�E Z� .. .220.77 . � . {60Q 240C? � 1300� 1400 ( � n /35AG. '�' G,; ' ' -� ; .50 Aa t� � .�/AC. 69 � . ,� 220.77' *?,-,�c-i'rtr�rn'� 3r1.45Cd-�n,��� y �: ��'�4 � — - - - - - _" I �8 90 t'[0.0.1�; :. , .� � '� 164,0 N99°IS�E H 89°IS�E r � 8 ° ��; 23bQ � 0 22� '' ,,, .� : I o � 7 - ��._,,..�, .��«.- � �--� . , . . . „ .. �._ . , .. . , .. w..� ..., , , ..a..... ,`,. . r.. J". ..'A. . . '.... ... .. - + 1� ll ' Gif�� �'� .. ��,J � �.., Me�xiorandum '� � I Toa Plann�_ng Commission , From: Plarin.ing Department II Subject: Notification of Planning (;ommission meet5_ngs and new formats for certa.in. form letters and n,otification documents Date: January 20, 1976 l. FourtPen (i4) days before each Planning Commission meeting a public notice will be written and submitted to the newspapers. The �'public notice�� will b� a c�ir�ct copy of the body of the agenda. 2. Individual copies of that notice, with a ma� attached, wil.l 'be mailed to all adjacent r�sidential prop�rty owners whose praper- ties may be affected by any subs�c�uent acti.on of the Planr�ing Commission, any party to contest involving �the proposed pro- ject or actian and any persons, citizens, organizations or � public agencies with respor�sibilities within the affected ai�ea, as well as the applicant. � r��° _ - ���. i . � -��. � v � � a...vit. . .a. .i. .. ......n ,.,�......,....f, . x.V. � .: �-_, �.�5 i . '.:,L�.....u.�... -�..r.1.. . :� .. ... .::�. . ... . ..........� .» l.n.�.._._ _..�.,.�__.,.» v .. . .. .., _ . . . �r ....�_ . e} . � . I' t " � ` �1TY OF TIGARD ��� � " P. O. Box 23557 12420 S. W. Main , } TiatKd. Oiregon 9722:i , ' 1�ear Pro�aP�^ty Owner; TlZe agenda enclosed for the n��t m�eting of the Tigard Plannirl,g Commission includes an item (circled in red) �which, due to its location ac�jacent property owned or occupied by yau, or due to your previously indi�atecl interest, the City f�els obligated to notify you. �;. `' If yoaz wish to make your uiews knawn in this matter, or if you only wish to av�il yau-rself of �;his opportuni.ty to be informe�. - cor�.cerning this project, the Tigard Planna_ng Coinmission invites you to attend this meeting. _ � � f k � �. . ., . �. ' � . �i .�. . .. . : . � � . . . .�.... � ._- , .-... _.. . .. :- . . . , �.: . . . . -_�. .. .-� ... . . . ... .. . .. � �. .,. �:, . ........ ., _.�., • - i,Jl ,�-... �i '� �_ � �, f _ k.,, �: ''� E, �i, ,i The Planning Department has recently adopted the below-stated kj procedure for an applicant's acknowledgment of Planning Com- ; mission actinn orY his or her request. �`1 � � �, ;�, ;;. "Note: The following acknowledgrnent must be reaeived by the City �' of Tigard within fourteen (14) days of your receipt of this �: lPtter. Failure to retu�n this acknowledgment �ay result in action by the City of Tigard to void that approval here documented. � I hereby acknowledge th�s letter documentin.g the action of the i' Tigard Planning Commission. I have received and read this letter �� ��� and I agree to the d�cision here documerited and to abide by any terms and/or cor�.itions attached. signature �' � � date ( � � File No. �� 1 . � t 4� .. . � . . . . . . � � ... _,._...._... � .. . ...: . . . . .. . „. . . , .. . q ��� ����, < • " ��:< �.. AGENVA Tigard Planning Commission February 3, 1976 - 7:30 p.m. �� ' Twality Junior H�.gh Sch�ol - Lecture Raom 14650 SW 97th Averiue, Tigard, Oregon l. CALL TQ �JRUER 2. ROI�L CALL 3. APPROVAL OF' MINUTES 4. COMI�iJNICA2'TONS _ 5. PUBLZC HEARrNGS 5.1 Conclitional Use Permit CU 3-76 (Brien) A rEquest by James Brien to convert a single family residential �,u�,it into a duplex in. an R-7 zane, sa.n�le ! family residential, at 121_15 SW Lincoln St. (Wash. C�. ' tax map 2Sl 2AB, tax lot �Ol) e Cantinued from January 20, i97�. (th.e above item withdrawn by appli�c�x.�t) ,� 5.2 Conditional Use Permit CU 4�76 (Jewe11) �,� A request by Steven Jewell to operate � sel� dPfense studio in a C--3 zone, general commercial, at 12961 SW I'aci.fic I�wy s (Wash. Co. tax m.ap 2S1 2BL�, tax lot 2600) . 6. OT.�3ER BTJSZNESS , 6r1 Sign (�ode Revi�zon (TMC) 6.� ZQA�.1=7�' Par�ing and Access. 6.3 Notitication. of Public Hearings and Plannin:g Commission � ' Procedux�es I _ 7. ADJOiJR�Il`�lENT �`.. , i •.,;. " �_ � 1 i a �. I i, �I i Meetings of the Tigard Planning Commission are gove-rned by pro��isions of Tit1e 2 ?' of the Tigard Municipal Code and ORS Chapter 227. Under khos� sl3L-utes, certain '� standards are established for the conduc� of public meetings. . It is the policy of t-he Planning Comma.ssion to adhere to a folmat 9.n the Public I Hearing process �hat is desigi�ed to affotd the applicant and any objectors an 'I, opportunity to be heard and to allow the Planning Commission the opportunity to -• !'i obtain sufficient factual and subjective information on which to base thezr ;!� dec.ision. Accordingly, the following fozmat will be followed: �I . Pub.Lic Hearin� Opened -- � 'i A. Staft Report i B. Applicant's Pre.sentation �i C. T'ublic Testimony D. Staff Recommendations i E. Rebuttal/Cross Examinatiori I I f�,., Public Hearing Closed �� — -- F. Commission Discussion and Action A recorded tr.anscript is ke.pt of all Plannin� Commission meeti.ngs and a transcribed text can be made from that record, should anyone so desire, but at their own tirne & cost. All testimony offered 9.n a �ublic hearing must be i.dentifiable,so, bef-ore testitying, please address the pr�sident of the Planning Conunission and iclentify yourself. i Any testimony o£fered is subject to cross examination and/or rebutta.l, so be Pre- pared to defend your position, A11 actions of the Pl.anning Cammission must be based on finc.lin�s U1�der pr.ovisi.on of ORS Chapter 215.055. Generally those findings will b� made witl� resgect Lo particular conditions or cir.cumstances of the site and L-he proposal az�d �ail.l address the following poinrs: 1. Compr.ehensive Plan conformance; 2. Changes in local coriditions or prFVious error suppo•rL-ii�.g appLic:r�i�t's request; �. Impact on adjacent �rapertie� and on i:h� cornmunityT; 4. Availabil.ity of other suitable locations; � 5. Impact on public services and facilities; l 6. Corrununi ty need ,s