Planning Commission Packet - 09/23/1975 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. AGENDA - Study Session Tigard Planning Commission September 30, 1975 - 7:30 p.m. _ General Telephone Administration Offices S. W. Main Street, Tigard, Oregon 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. STUDY TOPICS 3.1 Urban Growth Boundary Planning Commission review and response has been requested to a proposed bole' Nary description of Tigard's urbanized area. 3.2 Sign Code Revision Staff has prepared a draft proposal for amendment of the Tigard Sign Code. The Planning Commission has been re- quested nested to review and comment. 4. OTHER BUSINESS 5. ADJOURNMENT � 1 • H b MINUTES Tigard Planning Commission September 30, 1975 - study session General Telephone Administration SW Main St. , Tigard, Oregon 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Hartman called the meeting to order at 7:35 2. ROLL CALL: Hartman, Hansen, Miceli, Popp, Porter, Sakata and Ems were present; staff: Powell, Laws, Bolen 3. STUDY TOPICS 3. 1 URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY A. Staff Presentation: Bolen described the proposed boundary and the discussion held previously with City Council. He discussed the need for Tigard input into the planning process of CRAG and Washington County for their determination of the urban growth areas within the county. B. Commission Discussion: o Hansen said he felt the line ought to be drawn at Old Scholls Ferry Rd. due to the large land ownerships and spotted development between 135th and Old Scholls Ferry. o Ems suggested that the line ought to include the largest probable developable area. o Staff pointed out that the boundary ought not be too large due to the possibility of small acreage homesites being developed within the urban growth boundary, at less than servable urban densities. Such a pattern would preclude later orderly de- velopment and "in-filling o Commission reached concensus to recommend old Scholls Ferry as the boundary, rather than a line at or parallel to 135th. They concurred with the councel' s selection of a boundary rough- ly parallel to, west and south of SW 121st and Gaarde Sts. to Bull Mountain Rd. effectively ex- cluding°Bull:iMt� =fromriurbant,dove epment at this time. 3. 2 SIGN CODE REVISION A. Staff Presentation: Staff presented the proposed revised ordinance, discussing item by item the re- visions suggested: ,7. F°tee 2 PC Minutes September 30, 1975 1. Amendment of Chapter 16.24, Non-Conforming Signs to provide for amortization of non- conforming signs over a period of time; 2. Creation of a new Chester, Chapter 32, To Allow Design Review of non-conforming signs; 3. Amendment of Chaster 16.36, Zone Re.ulations, to uali out explicitly the signs permitted in each zone; 4. Amendment of Chapter 16.40, to reflect only "special types of signs" which are signs per- mitted in all zones under certain circumstances,. t' and 5. Adding a new chapter, Chapter 16. 14 which would deal only with those signs specifically pro- hibited. Staff further stated that there were also some changes .in the code in Chapters not called out, but that these were basically housekeeping amend- ments, not changing the substance of the code. The purpose of these proposed revisions and the objectives used by staff in developing the re- vision package were then briefly discussed by staff for the PC. B. Commission Discussion o Members of the comm. questioned staff concerning the impact of the amortization provisions; the way that sign design review would work; how it would be coordinated with PC consideration of variances; how it would affect the length of the appeal procedure; the kinds of signs that would be prohibited under this code, and the size limi- tations that would be enforced o 'Staff explained that in spite of the low area limitation, with DRB approval there was virtually no limit placed under the revised code on the size that a sign could be. o Hansen indicated he was concerned about the im- pact of the proposed sign code revision on small business. o Bolen pointed out that if all signs are smaller, then the signs allowed to small businessmen, usually the ones with less street frontage would � be of larger relative size when compared with all signs on the commercial streets. . is Page 3 PC Minutes September 30, 1975 (, i o The PC agreed that they should conduct a special hearing on the proposed revision at the time or- dinarily scheduled for a study session, October 28, 1975. PC asked that staff rework the appeals procedure such that an approval given by the DRB ' need not be ratified by the PC and that similarly a denial would be appealed to the City Council. 4. OTHER BUSINESS 4. 1 LITTLE BULL MOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT- (Non-agendized item) t Is This item is placed before the study session for a con- census on whether the PC should elect to hear this item in a future public hearing l A. Staff showed the latest plan provided by the architects k for the Bunn and Bonn project, indicating, that another developer had been brought into the project and ex- i,' plaining that the architect had provided the plans in ,:. order to obtain the views of the PC concerning their 1; present approach. l! B. Commission DisCuSSiOn 1, Ar- I o The PC concurred that the plan shown was not what 1 they had had in mind when they denied the previous I application and that they felt further work would necessary on the plan before it would be ready be P Y for public hearing. 5. ADJOURNMENT: 10:40 P.M. p 1 j I. 3'1 1 P 4 I I 4 Memorandum AL To: Tigard Planning Commission (Study Session) From: Planning Staff Subject: Sign Code Revision Date: September 23, 1975 _LLD... Code Revision The purpose of this report and the background study behind it is to examine sign control in Tigard with the objective of determining its effectiveness and applicability and to then recommend changes in the code if necessary. Sign control, street tree planting and undergrounding of power and telephone lines have a common image as nice subjects for public policy statements, but "impractical" or "unnecessary" in reality. It should be pointed out that while all three are commonly thought of as aesthetic matters, these are practical and necessary physical elements of today' s urban and suburban community . Street trees are proved to have a sub- stantial impact on local climate and air quality. Underground wiring is safer and less exposed to environmental hazards. Sign control restricts distracting and vision obscuring signs, allows equal access to public vision for legitimate business signs and provides place identification. A, In order to clearly identify the kind of sign control and the type 1011 restrictions that are appropriate in Tigard and then to propose re- visions of the sign code that would improve its usefullness and appli- cation, we have gone through a process of goal setting, establishment of criteria and evaluation of the present sign code. The findings of this exercise are summarized in part II. Part III of this staff re - port will deal with specific recommendations for change of Tigard's sign code with some brief observations concerning alternative forms of sign control using performance standards rather than site standards. Staff Findings A. The purpose of a commercial sign is to identify a place where one may obtain the goods and/or services he may be seeking. Signs should identify a place with its economic function and should be readily interpreted by the viewer. Signs viewable from the street should not distract or divert the attention of the viewer yet must be legible, Sign design should be appropriate to its environment and situation and should relate well to other elements of environmental design (building design, site, environs) . The single goal of a sign control code is to encourage better signing. The objectives of that code must be to establish limits of acceptability 4 appropriate to the community that will allow and, where possible, pro- vide incentive for excellence. 411 Staff proposes the following criteria for evaluation of the present [ oat Memo - page 2 September 23, 1975 it :. code and as a guidelines for further development of that code. 1. Relate sign size and location to the viewer as well as to the site. 2. Allow for special sign situations (group signs, special sign districts, etc. ) 3. Adequately regulate sign types known to produce hazards to public safety and restrict signs having moving or flashing lights and signs that themselves move or have moving parts to locations appropriate, if any. 4. Provide incentive for design excellence. 5. Encourage integration of sign design with building and land- scape design. 6. Allow for equitable application of removal provisions a. Develop amortization criteria related to value of sign. b. Provide shcedule for compliance. 7. Allow exceptions to certain code provisions based on design merit and special application. a. Use design review to analyze and mitigate impact of large signs. b. Provide performance criteria for evaluation of non- standard signs as in (a) above. 8. Lend itself to enforcement. a. simple b. consistent B. If we accept the notion that the purpose of business signs is to identify a place, product, service, etc. and that that identifying message is only useful if it can be read and understood, then it 7' is necessary to know something about the mechanics of how we see signs and the street environment of those signs. A great deal of research has been done on visual perception and how it is processed, recorded and recalled. (see Appendix A) . It is obvious that there are physical limits to how much and how fast a person "sees" . To exceed a driver' s capability to record what he sees, "overload" him Air with information, is not only dangerous in traffic, but counter-pro- ductive in that the messages will not register, either. Memo - page 3 September 23, 1975 4f Clearly, the size and legibility necessary in a sign is basically re- lated to the size of the street and speed of the traffic it carries. Other factors are present, of course. Some of those are controllable and must be planned around. C. Applying these findings to the Tigard situation, it is apparent that many, if not most, businesses are located such that simple standards relating to size, location and height of a sign, as well as to the amount of information displayed, will provide ample guidance for good signing. The places where difficulties arise and where much thought must be given to effective signs, are primarily in the shopping centers, office clusters and multiple use developments. In these lo- cations, it is staff's opinion that sign design and placement ought to be treated as a part of design review. Special sign control areas could be established to describe the boundaries of such projects or complexes presently existing. New projects or complexes would be added as approved. For those places, criteria could be established (as is the case with Planned Development Districts) to apply in those places exclusively. Alternatively, the matter of signing in such a place could be subject to design review whenever new application is made there. Art D. The present sign code establishes standards that were designed to accommodate the largest sign that could conceivably be asked in commercial districts. The negligible impact of that regulation is seen in the fact that only ten requests for exception to provisions of the present sign code have been made since the ordinance was originally enacted in 1971. Of these requests, only three were for an increase in allowable size, two of which were requested so that franchises restaurants could use their "standard" signs, neither of which was approved. The balance (and majority) of requests ran the gamut from sign placement (overhanging property lines, interference with vision clearance, etc. ) to requests for a sign where non would be permitted. Little or no guidance is provided in the code with respect to sign placement. The result of this has been an application-by-application approach to approval which has frequently resulted in a new sign "covering" a previously approved sign or in sign locations that com- pletely dominate the site and even neighboring sites. No relationship between area of different types of signs is presently found in the code, with the result that maximum sign area can be astronomical when both free-standing and building mounted signs are used. ms/vr‘s (: Title 16 SIGN REGULATIONS Chapters: 16.04 Purpose, Title 16.08 Definitions 16.12 Permits 16.14 Certain Signs Prohibited 16.16 Licenses 16.20 Identification 16.24 Nonconforming signs 16.28 Removal Provisions 16.32 Sign Design Review 16.34 Appeals to the Planning Commission 16.36 Zone Regulations 16.40 Special Types of Signs 16.44 Construction and Maintenance 16.48 Administration C. 6 nicti ccri-pp 11 inu 6' l_i_KL.2n ii\1\ (6311j.;,,i 161--[7V--1 I F7-11 \ I ' (k,\ 11.-a KO) , ,, ., \ i . . ' ' ..__ 1 C . Chapter 1 . 04 `i •(:- • . PURPOSE, TITLE 1 Sections: _ 16 04.010 Purpose and scope. . , PC':, 16 .04. 020 Short title. . • ti . . - 16. 04 .010 Purpose and scope. The city council finds • 'f that to protect the health, safety, property and welfare .of .••, , •the public, to improve the neat, clean, orderly and attrac- r I; �° tive appearance of the community, to improve the effective- fi ness of signs in identifying and advertising businesses, to provide for safe construction, location, erection, and main- C tenance of signs, to eliminate signs that demand rather than • . invite public attention and to prevent proliferation of signs and sign clutter, and to minimize adverse visual safety fac- • tors. to public highway travelers, it is necessary to regulate 1 the design, quality• of materials , construction, location, electrification, illumination and maintenance of all signs visible from public property or from public rights-of-way. This title shall• not be construed to permit the erection : or maintenance of any sign at any place or in any manner un- ' ' lawful under any other ordinance or state or federal law. 4 (Ord. 71-5 §101, 1971) . ' . r 1 • • = t -- __ _ _ it 16.04 .020 Short title. The ordinance codified in this i title shall be known as the "sign ordinance" of the city of Tigard and may be so cited and pleaded and shall be referred !' ! to herein as "this title. " ' (Ord. 71-5 §102, 1971) . ` }` k 2 2 • 4 , . I . Chapter 16 .08, t • DEFINITIONS • $ r f Sections: i 16.08.010 Generally. 16.08 .020 Area. 16 .08 .030 Billboard. j , 0 8 040 Building official. 16 . g 16 ,08.050 . Business . t 16 .08. 060 Business of outdoor advertising. 16 .08.070 Construct 16.08 .080 8 Cutout. . . 1 16.08 .090 Display surface. 16.08 . 100 Electrical sign. , 16.08 .110 Externally illuminated sign. I. 16 .08 .120 Face of °a building. I 16 .08 . 130 Free-standing sign. j 16 .08. 140 Freeway-oriented sign. ; 1 16 .08 . 150 Flashing sign. 16 .08.160 Frontage. i 16 .08.170 Incidental sign. • , 16 .08. 180 . Inconbustible material. 16 .08. 185 • Industrial park. t 16 .08. 190 Internally illuminated sign. t 16.08 . 200 Maintain. . 16.08. 210 Nameplate. 16.08. 220 Nonstructural trim. 16.08. 230 Off-premises sign. 16.08 . 240. Outdoor advertising sign. :16 .08. 250 Person. . 16.08. 260 Plastic material. ' 16 .08. 270 Premises. _ 16.08 . 280 Projecting sign. 16 .08 . 290 Projection. 16. 08. 300 Roof sign. 16. 08 . 310 Rotating or revolving sign. • 16 .08. 320 Sign. 16 .08. 330 Sign structure. 16 .08 . 340 Temporary sign. 16 .08. 350 Uniform• Building Code. 16 .08 . 360 Wall sign. , 16.08 .010 Generally. For the purpose of this title; words used in the present tense include the future, the ill 189 (Tigard 1/15/75) 1 16.._J8 .020--16 .08 . 080 singular number includes the plural, "shall" is mandatory and not directory and "building" includes "structures" ex- cept ,"sign structures. " As used in _this. title, unless the context requires other- wise, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings set forth in this chapter. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16 . 08.020 Area. "Area" or "area of a sign" means the entire area within any type of perimeter which encloses the outer limits of any writing, representation, emblem, figure or character. The area of a sign having no such perimeter or border shall be computed by enclosing the entire surface area within parallelogram a or triangle, then computing the area thereof. The area of all signs in existence January 11, • 1971, whether conforming or nonconforming, shall be counted in establishing the permitted sign area of all new signs to be allowed for an individual business on a premises . Where a sign is of a three dimensional or round or irregular solid shape, the largest cross-section shall be used in a flat pro- jection for the purpose of determining sign area. (Ord. 71- 5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16 . 08.030 Billboard. For "billboard, " see "outdoor advertising sign, " Section 16 .08. 240 . (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16 .08. 040 Building official. "Building official" means the person charged with the administration and enforcement of this title or his deputy. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16 .08.050 Business. "Business" means all of the activ- ities carried on by the same legal entity on the same prem- ises and includes eleemosynary, fraternal, religious, educa- tional or social organizations. "Legal entity" includes individual proprietorships , partnerships , corporations , non- profit corporations , associations , or joint stock companies . (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16. 08.060 Business of outdoor advertising. "Business of outdoor advertising" means the business of constructing, erecting, operating, using, maintaining, or leasing outdoor advertising signs. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16.08.070 Construct. "Construct" means to build, erect attach,hang, place, suspend or affix. (Ord. 71-5 I §103 (Part) , 1971) . 16 .08.080 Cutout. "Cutout" means every type of display in the form of letters, figures , characters, representations 190 16 ....8 .090---16 . 08 .170 or others in cutout or irregular form attached to or superim- posed upon a sign or advertising sign. (Ord.. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16 .08.090 Display surface. "Display surface" means the area made available by the sign structure for the purpose of displaying the advertising or identification message. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16 . 08. 100 Electrical sign. "Electrical sign" means any sign containing electrical wiring. (Ord. 71-5 §103 art 1971) . p ) 16 .08. 110 Externally illuminated sign. "Externally illuminated sign" means a sign illuminated from an external light source. (Ord. 71-5 5103 (part) , 1971) . 16 . 08. 120 Face of a building. "Face of a building" means all window and wall area of a building in one plane. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16. 08. 130 Free-standing sign. "Free-standing sign" means a sign erected and mounted on a free-standing f frame, mast or pole and not attached to any building. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16 .08 . 140 Freeway-oriented sign. "Freeway-oriented sign" means a sign primarily designed to be read by a motor- ist traveling on a highway designated by the Oregon State Highway Department as a freeway or expressway; specifically, these shall be Interstate 5, and Oregon State Highway #217, and shall not include U.S. Highway 99W. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16 .08. 150 Flashing sign. "Flashing sign" means any sign which is illuminated by an intermittent or flashing light source or which is in any other way animated so as to create the illusion of movement without actual physical move- ment or the illusion of a flashing or intermittent light or light source. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16 . 08. 160 Frontage. "Frontage" means the length of the property line of any one premises along a public roadway. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16 . 08. 170 incidental si n. Incidental sign" means a t sign advertising or identifying a5sv%ia,.,-d ,00ds, products , services or facilities available on the premises, including, but not limited to, trading stamps, credit cards accepted or brand names. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 191 161". 180--16. 08 . 240 . ' 16 . 08 . 180 Incombustible material . "Incombustible ma- terial" means any material which will not ignite at, or below, a temperature of twelve hundred degrees Fahrenheit during an exposure of five minutes and which will not continue to burn or glow at that temperature when tested in accordance with standards established in the Uniform Building Code. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16.08 . 185 Industrial park. "Industrial park" means four or more contiguous land parcels arranged so that vehi- cular access to said parcels is by way of a centrally located street or other approved traffic circulation sys- tem. (Ord. 74-51 §1, 1974 : Ord. 74-26 §1, 1974) . 16 . 08 . 190 Internally illuminated sign. "Internally illuminated sign" means a sign that has an internal source of illumination where the light source is not v;sibllel,rom the exterior of the sign. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (p r 16 .08. 200 Maintain. "Maintain" means to permit a sign , • sign structure or part thereof to continue or to repair or refurbish a sign, sign structure or part thereof; (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16 . 08. 210 Nameplate. "Nameplate" means a sign iden- tifying only the name and occupation or profession of the occupant of the premises on which the sign is located. (Ord. art) , 1971) . 71-5 §103 (part) , 1 16 .08. 220 Nonstructural trim. , "Nonstructural trim" t { means the moldings , battens , caps , nailing strips and lat- . tieing, letters and walkways which are attached to a sign structure. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16. 08 . 230 Off-premises sign. "Off-premises sign" means any sign including, but not limited to, a painted sign, tem- porary sign, permanent sign or outdoor advertising sign, �` which sign advertises goods, products or services which are not sold, manufactured or distributed on or from the premises or a sign which advertises a business or facilities not lo- cated on the premises on which the sign is located. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 19711 . 16 . 08. 240 Outdoor advertising sign. "Outdoor adver- ti g g sin si n" means a sign constructed, erected and maintained by a person licensed to engage in the business of outdoor ad- vertising and which sign is an off-premises sign supported a substantial permanent sign structure with a display sur- by r_... the purpose - _ face or display surfaces primarily designed for the 1 • i 1 • 1 192 (Tigard 1/15/75) . t • (, . 16. 08 . 250 1 posting advertising message thereon at p eri- painting or p although not exclu- j � of Pa and where customarily , leased not other ! i { odic intervals , la surface is 1 svely , the use of the display 1971) . persons . (Ord. 71-5 5103(part) , Person. "Person" means individuals , corpora- `>, . 16 .08 . 250 partnerships and joint stockOrd• ' i1 associations , firms , p coons , overnmental agencies . ( companies but does not include g 71-5 §103(Part) , 1971) . . 1 i t , s i , `' ,y 6 A r <:7 ' i { 1 I I 1 . i • 192-1 (Tigard 1/15/75), 16 . 08 . 260--16 .08. 340 I 1 A F. E ( 16 . 08 . 260 Plastic material. "Plastic material" means those materials made wholly or partially from standardized plastics listed and described in the Uniform Building Code or approved plastics which have been approved by the Under- ; writers Laboratory for use in construction of electrical !: signs . (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16 . 08. 270 Premises. "Premises" means a lot or two or more lots on which are constructed or on which are to be con- structed (` a building or a group of buildings designed as a unit. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16 . 08. 280 Projecting sign. "Projecting sign" means a sign other than a wall sign which projects from a building. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16. 08 . 290 Projection. "Projection" means the distance E by which a projecting sign extends from a building. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . • 16. 08 . 300 Roof sign. "Roof sign" means a sign erected upon or directly above a roof or parapet of a buil. .4ing or structure. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16. 08 . 310 Rotating or revolving sign. "Rotating or L` revolving sign" means any sign, or portion of a sign, which . i moves in any manner. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 1' 16. 08 . 320 Sign. "Sign" means an advertising sign, out- i} door advertising sign, on-premises sign, display, temporary r?`, • sign, temporary sign display, message, light (other than a h device used primarily to illuminate a building or a premises) , emblem, device, figure or mannequin, painting, drawing, pla- card, poster or other thing that is designed, used or intended for advertising purposes , or to inform or to attract the at- tention of the public, and includes , where applicable, the ; sign structure, display surfaces and all other component parts of the sign. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . ,1' 16 .08 . 330 Sign structure. "Sign structure" means any structure which supports or is capable of supporting any sign j;, as described in the Uniform Building Code. A sign structure ,. may be a single pole and may or may not be an integral part 'I'' of a building. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . .c !r 16 . 08 . 340 Temporary sign. "Temporary sign" means any l'. sign, banner, pennant, valance or advertising display con- I. I structed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, plywood, wood, wallboard, plastic, metal or other similar materials , :' 9 with or without frames , which is not permanently- erected or } . __ o affixed to any sign structure, sign tower, or �s j li • t 193 fi 4 ;... 3 7 ee C 16 .08 .350--tvvomao n building and which is not an electrical sign or an internal- c• ly illuminated sign. (Ord. ,71-5 §103 (part) , 1971) . 16 .08. 350 Uniform.Building Code. "Uniform Building Code" means the Uniform iuilding Code as adopted by the city of Tigard, Oregon, 'a copy of which is on file in the office of the city recorder and which Uniform Building Code, by I reference, is incorporated in this title to the extent of specific citations thereof in this title. (Ord. 71-5 §103 " (part) , 1971) . 16 . 08 . 360 Wall sign. "Wall sign" means any sign at- tached to, painted on, or erected against build- ing or structure, with the exposed ara) , l�re parallel to the' plane of the wall. (Ord. 71-5 §103 (p -_^- / f . qlN a 1 16.12.010-16.12.030 Chapter 16.12 PERMITS Sections: 16.12.010 Required. 16.12.020 Application. 16.12.030 Fees. 16.12.040 When null and void -- renewal. 16.12.050 Exemptions. 16.12.010 Required. Except as provided in this chapter, it is unlawful for any person to construct, structurally alter or relocate within the City any sign without first obtaining a sign permit from the Building Official and making payment of the fee required. In addition, all illuminated signs shall be subject to the provisions of the State Electrical Code and the permit fees required thereunder. (Ord. 71-5 S202 (part) , 1971) . 16.12.020 Application. Application for a sign permit shall be made upon forms provided by the building official, and shall contain or have attached thereto the following information: (1) Name, address and telephone number of the applicant; (2) Location of the building, structure, or lot to which or upon which the sign is to be attached or erected; (3) A scale drawing showing design of the sign including colors, dimensions, sign size, height above ground, method of attachement, construction and materials , type, source and intensity of illumination and showing the relationship to any building to which it is or is pro- posed to be attached; (4) A plot plan approximately to scale indicating the location of all buildings, property lines, existing signs, streets and overhead power lines on the same premises; (5) All electrical signs shall bear the Underwriters Laboratory label; (6) Name, address and telephone number of the person who will do the erection, construction or maintenance on the sign. (Ord. 71-5 8202 (1) , 1971) . 16.12.030 Fees. Each applicant for a sign permit as a con- dition precedent to the granting of such permit shall pay to the City with respect to the proposed construction, alteration or re- location of a sign for which a permit is required as follows: Area of Sign Permit Fee 0-25 square feet $10.00 25-100 square feet $25.00 100 square feet or more $25.00 plus $10.00 for each added 100 sq. ft. or fraction thereof to a maximum of $100.00 16.12.030-16.12.050 Repair Permit, and Fee. Whenever it is proposed to remove f, a sign from its supporting structure for the purpose of repai;z and maintenance, an application for repair permit shall be filed with the building official in prescribed form and the building official shall re- fuse to issue such permit if the application pertains to the construction, structural alteration or relo- cation of any non-conforming sign. As a condition precedent to the issuance of such permit, the appli- cant shall tender therewith the sum of $5.00 as a per- mit fee which shall be refunded in the event that the permit not be issued. "1.< 7 , /`l '7. ) 16.12.040 When null and void -- Renewal. Except as pro- vided in this section, if work authorized under a sign permit has not been completed within ninety days after the issuance of the permit, the permit shall become null and void. Such a permit may be renewed for up to an additional ninety days and without charge upon application to the building official and a finding by him that the sign complies with all regulations in existence on the date of renewal and which may become effective during the renewal period. (Ord. 71-5 S202 (3) , 1971) . 16.12.050 Exemptions. (A) Signs permitted pursuant to Chapter 16.40 and Section 16.36.020 of this title shall not require a permit, but shall comply to all other provisions of this title. (B) The changing of the advertising copy or message on a painted or printed sign or advertising sign or upon a theater marquee or similar sign specifically designed for the use of replaceable copy. (C) 0n-site painting, repainting, cleaning and normal mainten- ance and repair of a sign. • • • • • • 16.14.010-16.14.050 NEW CHAPTER t. � CHAPTER 16.14 CERTAIN SIGNS PROHIBITED Sections : • 16.14.010 Unsafe Signs or improperly maintained signs 16.14.020 Signs at intersections 16.14.030 Obscenity 16:14.040 Obstructing signs . 16.14.050 Off premises signs 16.14.060 Prohibited display of flags, banners and light garlands 16.14.070 Temporary signs 16.14.080 Rotating or revolving signs 16.14.090 Flashing signs and sign illumination 16.14.100 Roof signs 16.14.010 Unsafe signs or improperly rnaintain_.` i.ns. No sign shall be constructed, erected or maintained u'.- 'he sign and sign structure is so constructed, erected an ma' tared as to be able to withstand the wind, seismic and other(\3 60s\a' pecified in the Uniform Building Code. No sign shall ,.struated,, erected or maintained in violation of the maintenancr� rpvis,ions .ocf apter 16.44. \. �'•, ,` 16.14.020 Signs at intersections!/ \tc ,igrr,shall ' a erected at intersection of any streets in suc a',man e ;as t'o. s ibstantially obstruct free and clear vision nor s l\a1y a .gn .bye erected at any location where, by reason of the p , br ;.`shape.` or ,olor, it may interfere with, obstruct the view f, orz.,be, 6gnfus4 . with, any authorized traffic signal or de e,\..ndr\stea l• a Syr sign be erected which makes use of the words it , `,.� ` loo 'ngern, or any other similar words, phrases, symb�°'r'•.cha:'racpie \in such manner as is reasonably likely to inter r `with; �niptl. d or confuse motorists. 16.14.030 Obsce ' o\ gn shams ) bear or contain state- ments, words or pictu sKf • b'scm ne' decent or immoral character, such as is likely to of nd. pu is me als or decency. I 16.14.040 Obstructin;� a°•�� No sign or sign structure shall be constructed in such a manne'4j' ` at such a location that it will obstruct access to any fire esca:e or other means of egress from a building, or any exit corridor, exit hallway or exit doorway. No sign or supporting structure shall cover, wholly or partially, any window or doorway in any manner that will substantially limit access { to the building in case of fire. 16.14.050 Off premises signs. No off premises sign or outdoor advertising sign, including billboards and bench signs, shall be per ,;r mitted. i 6 tjc A ,a _ s - 16.14.060-16.14.100 OCO 16.14.060 Prohibited display of flags, banners and light garlands. It is unlawful to erect or maintain strings of pennants, . banners or streamers, strings or festoons of lights, clusters of I' flags, strings of twirlers or propellers, flashing or blinking lights, flares, balloons, and similar devices of carnival character within view of any public street or right of way, excepting those ' specifically permitted by section 16.40.010. 11 0(20 I 16.14.070 Temporary signs. All signs of an incidental or tem- porary nature not permanently affixed to the ground shall be pro- • ' hibited, with the exception of real estate signs as permitted in '0 Sections 16,36.020 through 16.36.040. (Ord. 72-32 S5, 1972; Ord. FII 71-5 5404, 1971) . 16.14.080 Rotatin: or revolvin: si: -,Rev lying and ro- t!. tating signs shall not be permitted in an on,-:�. 16.14.090 Flashing signs and si 21w,Ana,tio- No exposed reflective type bulbs, strobe lights r�gtaFy be,,,acons ar spots, 1 flashing, moving lights, ziplights 6r , iOirar/de �e shall be i' L;I permitted. No exposed incandescent\1amt 'w,h.i•ch-,exc ds twenty-- t' five watts shall be used on the xte ^.iii s.�iz fac of any sign so as to expose the face of such �zlb�.�or `lamp ;;to >� public street or public right--of-way. 16.14.100 Roof mo ats d. ns,. <1\To i.gn, sign structure nor any Air supporting members the pgr\shal b``boc ted on or permitted to ex- tend above the roofli e <pp ak ar, the tJ ' of parapet wall, whichever is higher, of any b 1 'd: ng, 1, , ,, <—".— ) \s'j C . \> i \i ( II S' I 1. ti r 11 t1 j fy 9 as I I, CHAPTER 16.16 LICENSES Sections: t 16.16.010 Trade -- When required. I' 16.16.0 20 Outdoor advertising -- Fee. f 16.16.030 Hearing. 11 1 16.16.010 Trade -- When required. Except as provided in , Section 16.16.020, no person shall in the business of hanging, re- il hanging placing, constructing, installing or structurally altering, or relocating any sign or electrical sign, projecting sign or roof sign, except those signs which do not require sign permits under Section 16.12.050, without first having obtained a sign li- cense from the building official. (Ord. 71-5 S203 (1) , " ? f 16.16.020 Outdoor advertising -- Fee. No person shall en- gage in the business of outdoor advertising without having obtained a business license as required by Section 5.04.030, relating to the 1 licensing of trades , shops, occupations, professions, businesses and ;1 callings, and shall pay a business license fee of twenty-five dollars. a (Ord. 71-5 S203 (2) , 1971) . " 111* 16.16.030 Hearing. If the building official finds that any holder of a sign trade license or an outdoor advertising license has failed to comply with the provisions of this title, he shall . notify the City Council before the expiration of such person' s license. The City Council may, after a public hearing at which all interested persons shall have the right to be heard and offer oral or written testimony, refuse to renew the license of such person if it finds that the licensee has failed to comply with the provisions of this title or other applicable city ordinances. (Ord. 71-5 5203 (3) , 1971) . k I } , ` 16.20.010-16.24.020 ( t. r CHAPTER 16.20 k_ IDENTIFICATION Sections: 16.20.010 General requirements. 16.20.010 General requirements.* Each sign for which a sign permit is required shall have affixed to the sign the name of the sign erector, the date of erection, electrical power consumption in amperes and an Underwriters Laboratory label, if applicable. Such information shall be in sufficient size and contrast to be readable upon inspection. (Ord. 71-5 S204 (1) , 1971) . CHAPTER 16.24 NONCONFORMING SIGNS* Sections: 16.24.010 Defined -- continuance. 16.24.020 Located on premises annexed to City. 16.24.030 Alteration, relocation or replaceme . 16.24.040 Types requiring conformance within i ety days of title' s effective date. .('`- 16.24.050 Extension of Continuance. ��, 16.24.010 Defined -- continuance. EN ept as px;ovid0 in Sections 16.24.020 through 16.24.040, signs in exit.e' c'e oil\the''effO, tive date of this title which do not conform to t provisions °off ,a?fr title and/ or subsequent revisions hereto, but w1 i ;h were'cofstr �c ad` erected or maintained in compliance with all regulation in 'foxceA the time con- structed and/or erected, shall be , garded\a�s,'n'on-coA. orming signs which may be continued for the longer the`z:\,fbllowizg t.a periods, providing maintained aid i a t ";z a god state of repair: such signs are properly /^\ �,� ,5, � ,.P,,--�,,, ,J� a. Five (5) years, fr `, h effec iva d, , of this section, or .\ J b. For the remain erf ,, i<.✓u.see l i e span, subject to Section 16.24.050 herg\o a '• ,, \� \4° a exed to City.. Signs located on 16.24.020 Lo�at�d� an �re�y�:s; a Y, g premises annexed to the/City aft he effective date' of this title or any revisions hereto whch e comply with provisions of this title or any revisions hereta;•isk1 ;. ` e regarded as non-conforming signs which may be continued for the I'00 r of the following time periods, providing such signs are properly maihtained and kept in a good state of repair: 1 a. Five (5) years from the effective date of this section. b. For the remainder of its useful life span, subject to section 16.24.050 hereof. M 1 16.24.6,J-16.28.010 r 16.24.030 Alteration, relocation or replacement. Any sign which ... is structurally altered, relocated or replaced shall immediately be brought into compliance with all of the provisions of this title. (Ord. 71-5 S205 (3) , 1971) . 16.24.040 Types requiring conformance within ninety_days of title's effective date. Signs in existence on the effective date of this title or any subsequent revisions hereof, which do not comply with provisions regulating flashing signs, use of par spot lights or rotating beacons, , rotating and revolving signs, flags, banners, streamers, strings of lights or temporary or incidental signs, shall be made to conform within ninety days from the effective date of this title. (Ord. 72-32 83, 1972; Ord. 71-5 S205 (4) , 1971) . 16.24.050 Extension of continuance. Any owner who claims a useful life span for any non-conforming sign beyond five (5) ye' s from the effective date of this ordinance or subsequent revisios�h veto which render his sign non-conforming, shall file an affil -t \w t in one (1) year of the effective date of this ordinance with tfiesjilding Official, stating the useful life span of such sign. Attaehe . the ;ett 2sha.11 be the appropriate federal tax forms, including, but iot ,.Lir 4- e4;�to,c he de- preciation schedules for such sign. S id d9*eciation%sclie(*1 and affidavit shall be considered adequate andffio.i,en ,evi.denof the life span of non-conforming signs; however, in no 'case,.,mhat depreci- ation schedule be extended for the pu. oses of further 'cc��oninuance of abatement under provisions of Ch. ]_6 28- :by 'subsequent sale or other con- veyance of the sign or by subsequent mprovenent,s th`�'eto. n erilkPTER. 16 J.28 1 E OVAi 'PFOVISA OI . Sections: ,,.\ ' \' i 16.28.010 Noncon Thing.-'signs �� 1 16.28.020 Signs wi` h'out . equled identification. 16.28.030 Abandoned-s�' y� ii 16.28.040 Signs in setVk areas. i 16.28.010 Nonconforming signs. (a) The building official shall tij order the removal of any sign erected or maintained in violation of the provisions of this title. The building official shall give thirty days I. written notice by registered mail to the owner of the sign or, if the owner of the sign cannot be notified, to the owner of the building, I. structure or premises on which such sign is located to remove the sign or to bring it into compliance with this title. If the owner of the build ing, structure or premises upon which such sign is located fails to re- move the sign within thirty days after receipt of written notice from the building official, the building official or his duly authorized 1 It representative may remove such sign at cost to the owner of the building, • 1 : 18 .020- 16 . 28 .040 , 1 against j structure or premises and such costs may be a lien the land or premises on which themsignnis located dnand dtmamay-be j collected or foreclosed in the 1, wise (b) If in the liens docket fficialf fihdscthat any signdror4 16,,/,/, 060 (b) If the building `r��J sign structure is in violation of Section l6J! s010 (c, or Chapter 16 . 44 , or that any sign ky presents an immediatealln 1 order its �mmediate zemovallorrrepair building official sh within a period of time he may specify. (c) The building official, or his duly authorized representative, may remove such sig n in the event that the p,, person responsible required notification,cannot be found or if the fication, refuses to repair or i,. person, after required 1871) . !' 5 206 remove the sign. (Ord. 71- § , !! 16 , 28. 020 Signs without required iden.tific ation. The building official may order the removal of any sign which does not conform cha tertio(Ord. 2�1�50§204 the (2) ,m pre 1971) . scribed by this P 16 . 28. 030 Abandoned signs. Any person who owns or leases a sign shall remove such sign and sign structure when i!. either the business that bu advertisesit has discisesnisdnousi- ) ness in the city or the -emises upon which such longer conducted in or upon the p - who owns or leases such sign � sign is located. If the person fails to remove it as provided In this s coon, t the building official shall give the owner of. the or premises upon which such If sixty written notice to remove it. Y expiration of the sixty days ' notice, the buildingsoffician, or his duly authorized representative, say re o or premises. v; at cost to the owner of the building, I Signs which the successor to a person' s business or business location agrees to maintain as provided in this title need not be removed in accordance with this section. Cost in authorized or his duly au 'curved by the building •official,. representative, may be a lien against the land or p remises n is located and may be collected or fore- `l on which such sig. ,' closed in the same manner a liens ot h rwise1ent entered in t e liens docket of the city. 1" i 16 . 28 .040 Signs in setback areas. (a) Where the sup- i member of any sign (optional-floodlight standard) porting ground with- in is to be permanently erected or is affixed to Title 18 ,i in a special setback area established pursuant(optional-floodlight 4 no permit shall be issued for such sign until the person who will own the sign and the own- . er of the premises upon on which the sign will be erected, enter into a written agreement with the city providing for removal 199 J • 16.28.040 of such supporting member when necessary. The agreement shall provide that the sign owner and the owner of the premises, their administrators, executors, heirs, successors and assigns shall be jointly and severally liable for removal of the sign after sixty days written notice from the building official. Such notice shall be given only when public improvement is to be made with- in the setback area. The agreement shall further provide that . if the persons responsible for the removal of the supporting member do not remove it, the City may do so at expense of such person and the cost or expense may be a lien against such land or premises and may be collected or foreclosed in the same manner as liens are entered in the docket of the 'City. The agreement shall also provide that the owner of the affected premises and the owner of the sign shall not be entitled to any damages or compensation on account of moving or removing of the su supporting member or standard or portion thereof. The agreement shall be in a form prescribed by the City attorney and shall be acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledg- ments and deeds and who is to authorize the same to be of record. The City Recorder shall cause such agreement to be recorded at the office of the county officer having custody of the deed records for the county in which the affected premises are located. (b) This section shall not be construed as denying the owner of such property the right to compensation for any land taken for widening of any street. (Ord. 71-5 S209, 1971) . sift-1.0 CJ 'r[ d_ CHAPTER 16.32 it SIGN DESIGN REVIEW Sections: 16.32.010 Mandatory design review 16.32.020 Discretionary design review 16.32.030 Action of the Design Review Board 16.32.010 Mandatory designreview. Jpp icants for signs not specifically permitted or exceeding s aa�rdee tablished under provisions of this title shall apply fo s g4\`K�e`v pursuant to provisions of Chapter 18.59. lN.,.\\\\,--..' �.�~', �, :': \,J 16.32.020 Discretionary desV w1.,,�` Itf�,l;3Wthe opinion of the Building Official, any sigh for 9.„,pe t is required would significantly affect the #"3 ua .,'e ry opMe -t or may not be aesthetically compatible wit , itprEtmise , or immediate neighborhood, he may re uir app1. c• ion toy Design Review Board g � Y �. �, for design review pursuant{top vib., bn m apter 18.59. , \ \ \ > er". 16.32.030 Actiog'�b `'•t`he;Desip-i I�?Iriew Board. The Design Review Board shall i ee\o inn iid\approva7l o denial to the Building Official of such a �'�fil. ter ,4s m:a b3 brought before it pursuant to this chapter. ri appro'v d,:,pplX�'.cation which would require var- iance of any pa o thi�s`titi ,\ ' 1 be forwarded to the Planning Commission for tl +.. `approv 1' o}re a permit may be issued. , S., J \`` 6,, C� , • • M 16.34.010-16.34.030 CHAPTER 16.34 APPEALS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Sections: . 16.34.010 Right of appeal. 16.34.020 Variance granting. 16.34.030 Right of further appeal to City Council. 16.34.010 Right of appeal. Any person who has been ordered by the building official to remove a sign, whose application for a permit or license pursuant to this title has been refused, or whose permit has been revoked, may not stay any action directed by the building official in any case where the building official _ determines that immediate action is necessary due to an unsafe condition of a sign creating an immediate hazard or danger to the public, nor shall an appeal be construed to permit variance of , any part of this title. Any appeal to the Planning Commission shall be ,' Lied within {. thirty (30) days after the final determination of s ,wilding official from which the appeal is taken. The P an.' g ommission shall hear the appeal and make its determina - ' • \w' h: thirty days after filing of the appeal. All decis ops •f t' e ' arming Commission with respect to matters unde t is shaR ,e -' sh:41 be ' reported to the City Council. (Ord, i7' --I (part) Wk. ., /` (\� i(; � 16.34.020 Variance granti, 'g; 'The.l'I nr thg Cod scion may grant a variance from the proy‹i ,_i_orns ,;o tIi rpon recommend- ation of the Design Review oard\Y\a; ed,, on fin . that due to practical difficulties, Il hard hl.W r` ��lis istencies with ] the objectives of this ' t l_ey �\thq s4•t. 'i ' ‘orV _ ,eral interpretation it and enforcement of spe6,i %;D \re`quir eip. t breunder should be waived or modified. (Or --TV TV$$3 •w(part)5,,, 19 +y. This section shall not ti be construed to var\ape° Of, a�y sign or display specifically , prohibited. ) \\\.,>‘ ' v ), 16.34.030 Ri ht o . ur er appeal to City Council. Any 4 decision of the Planni. • mission pursuant to this title may be appealed to the City Cl. Such appeal to the Council shall '; h e filed within ten days after the final p be in writing and shall Y determination of the Planning Commission from which the appeal is Iii taken. The Council may determine the matter de novo on the record or may set 'the matter for hearing at a regular council meeting, and in either instance may accept, reject or modify any action I taken by the Planning Commission with respect to the matter under appeal. (Ord. 74-17 ,S3 (part) , 1974) . {. MNIMOL ` 16.36.010- r ft CHAPTER 16.36 ZONE REGULATIONS Sections: 16.36.010 Generally. • 16.36.020 Single family residential zones. 16.36.030 Multi-family residential zones. 16.36.050 Commercial professional (C-P) zones. 16.36.060 Limited neighborhood commercial (C-5) zones. 16.36.070 General commercial (C-3) ; general commercial, Main St. (C-3M) and neighborhood commercial (C-4) zones. 16.36.100 Industrial zones. 16.36.010 Generally. Except as provided in this c xpter, no person shall install or maintain any sign in the Ci d �n the zones listed in the following sections. Reference t . .es :re those established by or pursuant to Title 18. (Ord , Ch\ 3 (part) , 1971) . \ • 6. 6.020 Single family residential zo s. S ;VI,. �� II. character shall be permitted in an R-7, R-j o3a : .'-3,0 7 to �c IF the following: ,, ( ` (1) NAMEPLATES. Sign bearing A o <'. perby.n bnames of occupants of the premises or other i(.E ifitation b'f i premises not having a commercial connotati.i not •,e c,eed i 0a} bined area of two square feet. Such sign l�: , e round ©un or a wall sign. g ;i (2) PERMANENT SUBDI V 1 • ••`IDUT1'` ' CAVNK SIGNS. One ground sign, with the site proper < dscaped,,. .de ofng a residential subdivision development \ot.,eexceediiig _ rty-two square feet in area. Illumination g)bT \a`pprov d;be he building official as long as it does not crea pblic `c:ir private nuisance. Such sign shall be located at dr `Rdjac€fit tie main entrance to the subdivision. ✓' 4 (3) SPECIAL TYPES OF SIGNS Unless specifically prohibited or regulated by other provisions of this section, signs permitted pursuant to Chapter 16.40 are permitted in this zone. (a) Real'Estate Signs. One on-site ground mounted sign for each street frontage offering the premises for sale, lease or inspection by the public provided that the total area of such sign does not exceed four square feet in area. Such signs may also be modified to indicate that the property has been sold. (b) Real Estate Directional Signs. No more than one real estate sign advertising an open house and located off the ! • , . 16.36.020-16.36.030 the premises, limited to a sign area of six square feet and a maximum dimension of four feet may be erected and maintained, pro- vided the display of such sign shall be only during those hours the property is available for inspection. No permits are required for such signs, but the building official may establish reasonable rules and regulations to prohibit sign clutter, erection of unsafe signs or other problems in connection with the erection of real estate directional signs. (4) Illumination. No sign in a single family residential zone may be illunimated. 16.36.030 Multi-family residential zones. No sign shall be permitted in an A-2 zone except the following: (1) PERMANENT RESIDENTIAL NAMEPLATES IDENTIFYING THE PREMISES. Total signing on a premises shall not exceed two square feet of area per dwelling unit or eighteen square feet, whichever is less. (a) Such sign may not be higher than eight feet from ground level if free-standing or ground mounted. \� 'r (b) If such sign is a wall sign, i�t�Aah41 1 be located below the eaveline or the line of the sills of.Ae`-se and story windows, whiechever is lower, but may not extern ;1gwevr than three feet from the ground below. (c) A rider sign may be att'd:d4e& tb :in.die:Ot',/a vacancy, but only so Jong as such vacancy pe,rsist.s'. `•Such_a 's: n must be • similar in design or complementar< to -the nameplate to which attached. J / (d) Such sign maayy •be 1llu 1 n.ated,�1� 1 eflector flood or "gooseneck" light placed ;"ch 'that, no-di`rec Is, light spills toward any street or public right`-ef'-way. \i/ :'`, j- (2) NONRESIDE LIGN :. ., 0. % \noiilluminated wall mounted or ground mounted ,s siot.;,exceed .n `:twelve square feet in area and not more than' 8Nf et•.high .iden.;Wying any nonresidential use per- mitted in a multipe far44y r•;eszcbfitial zone. (a) Such ign .y>not be higher than eight feet above ground level if group.• od or free-standing. (b) If such sign is a wall sign it shall be located below the eaveline or the line of sills of the second story win- i dows, whichever is lower, but may not extend lower than three feet from the ground below. . (3) SPECIAL TYPES OF SIGNS. Unless specifically prohibited , or regulated under provisions of this section, signs permitted under provisions of Chapter 16.40 are permitted in this zone. (a) Real Estate Signs. One on-site sign offering the premises for sale providing that the total area of such sign does ' not exceed six square feet. Such signs may be modified to indicate 1 1 i 1 • 18 36.050-18.36.070 • that the property has been sold. 16.36.050 Commercial Professional (C-P) Zone. Excepting signs for which no permit is required, no sign shall be permitted except those signs specified in Title 18 of this code for that zone. 16.36.060 Limited Neighborhood Commercial (C-4 Zone. Excepting signs for which no permit is required, no sign shall be permitted except those signs specified in Title 18 of this code for that zone. 16.36.070 General Commercial (C-3) , General Commercial, Main Street (C-3M) and Neighborhood Commercial (C-4) Zones. Subject to other provisions of this title, the following signs may be per- mitted: A. FREE-STANDING SIGNS. Free-standing and ground mounted signs excepting those signs permitted under subsection (E) of this section. (1) Number Permitted: One multi-faced free-standing sign designating the principal goods , products, °•cilities or ser- vices available on the premises shall be permi• d on a street or highway frontage. Where a frontage exceeds e h.►ndred feet in �. such _ mit:dfor sign 's e additional free-standing � z � length, one add g g . .n t le . ' g y _ \ ' � within frontage, providing that no two free stTI �rrg s ,gt�s .s ill be one hundred feet of each other or any gthe:re `-,stand ng sign. • �.�\ \\\ `\- (2) Height Limit: No free--standirrg/sa(gn� 417, exceed in height the distance of any pgrtion of the s(ign4iP the center of the adjacent public right-of-way (see Figures 1Y,, The maximum height of any portion of a sign or ign\ St uctur'e 41:). be thirty-five from ground level at i s 'a e'\;regardless,; t'f location. The mini- mum feetfrmgr � . � clearance below the rbwe'st paartidn4f,) ree-standing sign and the ground below shatl/fI �,�kourte' fc i4> any driveway or parking area. �\ �t�•`\ ` r� ,L) �I (3) °�'� 'the `rrf imatTi� errmitted area of a free-standing sign shall be o ux eci:'\.pn`oncs`qq, re foot of area per lineal foot of street or h ajy z QQft 6.xR1'the first one hundred feet of such frontage, plus o e!half.sglab,Wfoot of area for each foot of front- age over one hand e1 f � .; bti't not exceeding one hundred-square feet of sign area er',ti4,' ���face, or a total of two hundred fifty square feet for all s faces (see figure 2) . (4) When a premises fronts on more than one street, the property may be permitted to have one multifaced, free-standing sign for each such street frontage provided; however, that only the lineal frontage of that street toward which the sign faces may be considered in establishing the maximum permitted size of such sign. . 16.36.070 (5) Two or more owners of adjacent separate premises zoned for commercial use may combine their street or highway frontages and erect one free-standing sign whose size shall be determined by the combination of those frontages but shall not exceed the sign area permitted by subdivision (1) . No other free-standing signs shall be permitted on either of the adjacent premises if the owners make such an election. (6) Where two free-standing signs are permitted on the same frontage for the same premises, the combined total of sign area for all sign faces shall not exceed that specified by sub- section (A) (3) . (7) No free-standing sign, or any portion of any free- standing sign shall be located on or be projected over any portion of a street, sidewalk or other public right-of-way or property. Signs may be located within additional setback areas only as pro- vided in Section 16.28.040. (B) WALL SIGNS. (1) In addition to signs permitted by subsection (A) , wall signs may be erected or maintained, but shall not exceed in gross area thirty percent of signable wall area of the building to which the sign is attached or on which the sign is maintained. The sign- able wall area is to be determined by calculating t : area of the largest unbroken rectangle that may be described .: ,w: en the tops of • the first floor window and/or door casings or t oo .f any marquee or awning and the bottom of the second story o it s or the . parapet or eaveline, whichever is lower. , (2) Signs placed on or within<off? tQo-,,o:°'-'ta splay windows and designed to be viewed fr�the. e.,kter4g\' ai' building shall be included in determining the, am `amount o signs such building face. < \ ,* ,>' ' \ \ ,,JD (3) Wall signs may�no p`ro',�,e\t more . 'ri eighteen inches from the wall to which the re, a tacked . \ (4) Marquee ' ;'� nd.: .wning, ' `'s shall be permitted as wall signs, but may ' o te, id.•above\ o' bw the front edge profile of said awning or •, e'..\ 'Fh.0 9. 'ecf Hof such a sign shall be deduct- ed from the altoae q� fl ' � pe '` ted wall sign� for that estab- lishment. No si. Y;A�` e re t or maintained on the roof or canopy of any marque, or a � (C) INCIDENTAL 'SI< V Incidental signs shall be limited to the following: • Up to four incidental signs may be attached to a free- standing sign. Such signs may advertise or identify goods, pro ducts , services or facilities available on the premises, including, but not limited to, trading stamps, credit cards accepted or brand names or similar. The total combined area of such signs shall not ; 16. 5.070 k fT exceed four square feet and shall be deducted from that allowable for free-standing signs on the same frontage on the same premises. No such sign shall exceed two square feet in area. (D) Projecting signs. (1) Projecting signs supported by a wall of a building or structure shall be permitted only in a General Commercial, Main Street (C-3M) zone. (2) A projecting sign may be permitted in lieu of a wall sign. (3) Only one projecting sign will be permitted for each ground floor establishment. (4) No projecting sign shall be permitted on the same premises where there is a free-standing sign. (5) A projecting sign shall be used solely to identify a business and shall not be used to advertise services or products sold on the premises. (6) No projecting sign shall be located within twenty feet of any other projecting sign. Of two signs n conforming to this provision, the first lawfully erected sg remain. 11, (7) No projecting sign shall proje to four feet or 1/3 the distance to the edge of the trai�ll�e tiAay w ' hever is • less, excepting that no sign may pro ject wi kin •tiwo,`sf at any curb P g \ \4. \ > \�� line. /\\ .; �\\\ (8) No portion of any pr \jectin si.p mayNgtend lower than eight feet from the ground below r May 's.t\\b- texlc - igher than the second story windowsill line or has top\,,of the(par et or eaveline, lh whichever is lower. •, �\� �� ,,,,6-; ; � \ `' , \.. J (9) Projecting grid\ s' aIl�be paw' d away from the ad- jacent wall not less tha _ dix,\ir�ches ai 11 project perpendicularly from the face of the `i<ng: f- r � (10) Th m u � Ea,�5; :� •� . projecting sign shall be 16 square feet of i �a e�`sper^ p� e or a maximum total area of 32 square feet. r` (E) Shopping Cen e c'- aza Signs. Free-scan signs exceeding the standards set forth (1) g g in subsection A may be permitted at the discretion of the Design Review ,Board, but such signs may not exceed 45 feet in height nor may they exc ed 1000 square feet in total area. (2) Establishments within such a center may display a wall sign or marquee sign pursuant to subsection B of this section. (F) Special Types of Signs 16.36.070 t Unless specifically prohibited or regulated under provisions of this subsection, signs permitted under provisions of 16.40 are permitted in this zone. (1) Real Estate Signs. No more than two signs offering the premises for sale, lease or inspection by the public shall be per- mitted. The total area of such sign(s) shall not exceed thirty- two square feet. Such signs may be modified to indicate that the property has been sold. (2) Streamers, banners, etc. are permitted, but may be used for one week only to call attention to grand opening of a completely new business. (G) Sign Illumination (1) Any sign permitted under provisions of this section may be indirectly or internally illuminated, excepting on or in display windows. The surface brightness of any such sign shall not exceed that produced by the diffused output obtained from eight hundred milliampere fluorescent light sources not c • er than eight inches on center. (Ord. 71-5 S406, 1971) . (2) Any ground mounted sign, free-s •ap4 s . :n, or wall t sign may be illuminated by reflector flood gr\s'a li'ghty provided that such lights are not positioned in such a,�.rh ,ha one of the light spills over or shines into any F` c` t,•• � or public way. The surface brightness of such 9 si „ ,, o .,� ved that intended in (G) (1) above. ,- \ N \ / f'(` (H) Time and Temperature slo,lays.. t ee�t•:�o 'o ks, digital time and temperature displays 0 oilier "such ,d v ` s shall be per- mitted in commercial zones. Such "'i pl 's., 7 t be considered flashing or moving signs �,e pr•..ov s on .el w- iere in this title, the Design Review but shall be permitted s 3,�c't o :\p�rov�i�1�� gn Board. �� �' ', `� \� (I) Tempora ci s.- > cittef'ital ' igns and changeable copy signs. Such signs shall ez 4. te �.n c 3ercial zones, but only as window d' a s. Such s i ernker1 •fit" displays, shall occupy not more a�spl y than 15% of the wind w`':dis `-ly aea. • t 4 , 16.36.1001 Is t, ,1 16.36.100 INDUSTRIAL ZONES. No sign shall be permitted t 112 in any General Industrial (M-2) , Light Industrial (M-3) or In- i- dustrial Park (M-4) zone except the following: l. (A) Free-Standing or ground mounted signs. '' 1 (1) Free-standing sign -- industrial park entrance. tI Industrial parks shall be allowed one free-standing sign at each entrance to said industrial park from city designated collector or t' arterial streets. Said sign shall describe only the name of the •! industrial park and said industrial park tenants. Said sign shall not exceed one hundred twenty-five square feet on any side and the total area of a multi-faced sign shall not exceed two hundred fifty 1 i square feet. Identification of industrial park tenants shall not I' exceed four square feet for each tenant identified upon said free- I' standing sign. (2) Industrial park tenant •-- site identification. Any industrial park tenant occupying a structure on a land parcel within `` an industrial park shall be allowed one free-standing sign to be 1" located on said tenant's parcel. Said sign shall not exceed thirty- two square feet on any side and a total area of a multi-faced sign I shall not exceed sixty-four square feet. Said sign s 1 not exceed I' eight feet in height. (3) Individual industrial site or pr:-ise. . e multi- itfaced free-standing sign designating the pri� g ds roducts, t facilities or services available on the r i as h `1✓ e matted on a street or highway frontage. p \ N, < /,(NN\ \ -,-,/ (7.- - : ;,.2 (a) The maximum height/Of a4Pgmlo ti,onnof ign or sign structure shall be twenty-fi \fees fro \g�o,ur d_ lev'el at its base regardless of location. The mi hii�tu i • clear hca dblow the lowest portion of a free-standing s n\an `th.E ground'. be shall be four- teen feet in any driveway o ; 'arls .n. a.p,0a: ` > •,J < `\ N ,.(< , (b) Area• evtn ximum pef?zn 4Pd area of a free-stand- ing sign shall be 64 Lt<AT \•. eet ,pers,igxiface or a total of 128 square feet for a1" si 6es. ,r, ,,„ (c) N f ee s,tangtnign, or any portion of any free- standing sign, shall a•, loc ed' i or be projected over any portion of a street, sidewalk r + public right-of-way or property. Signs may be located wit' ` \setback areas only as provided in Section 16.28.040. ` (B) WALL SIGNS. (1) In addition to signs permitted by subsection (A) , wall signs may be erected; or maintained, but shall not exceed in gross area thirty percent of signable wall area of the building to which the sign is attached or on which the sign is maintained. The sign- able wall area is to be determined by calculating the area of the largest unbroken rectangle that-may be described between the tops of the first floor window and/or door casings or the tope of any marquee 16.36,100 1111 or awning and the bottom of the second story window sills or the parapet or eaveline, whichever is lower. (3) Wall signs may not project more than eighteen inches from the wall to which they are attached. (4) Marquee signs and awning signs shall be permitted as wall signs, but may not extend above or below the front edge profile of said awning or marquee. The area of such a sign shall be deducted from the allowable area of a permitted wall sign for that establishment. No sign shall be erected or maintained on the roof or canopy of any marquee or awning. (C) Incidental Signs, Temporary signs and changeable copy signs shall not be permitted in Industri , zones. (D) Sign Illumination. Any signi' e tted pursuant to this section may be illuminated by reflect` Ro or spotlight 16 6.0 '. Section 7° subject to standards of Sec 3 J Q S . (E) Special Types of Signrv�, , �S,.�nE�,P.�'� ,.t pursuant to provisions of Chapter 16.40 are rKQ td���n' trial zones. (F) Real Estate Signs/ \ko<more, than t46 signs offering the premises for sale or lease-° th•e., pkialio'' h l be permitted. The total area of such signs.,sJ\l not,eexceed 4 zrty two square feet. • -- 16.40.010-16.40.020 t Sf NEW CHAPTER gn CHAPTER 16.40 {; SPECIAL TYPES OF SIGNS , Sections: 16.40.010 Flags, seasonal decorations, political signs. ., 16.40.020 Public utility signs and signs required by law. 16.40.030 Signs not designed to be viewed from any public street or public right-of-way. 16.40.040 Real estate signs. 16.40.050 Nameplates and memorial tablets. 16.40.060 Directional signs. 16.40.010 Flags, seasonal decorations .g itical si; s. Notwithstanding other provisions of this tit) the following devices may be displayed under conditions specifie,e . (1) National, state and ins ya oal'\f ags properly displayed; ,( -, isplayed; • ` �' 2 ;ea ; Christmas decorations ;in sor, p <N., (3) Political Signs. \-S �g� is\xelat ri : tb` e nomination or election of any individual;. or\..a pol'tical 'f e or advocacy Ilkof any measure to be voted upon,at anZ,s al ec general election shall be allowed under the'° b\ l>ow�ing\ cpnc.4t1Q *: (a) Such s ns. sh 11\ b zr %tedippr ,y in nature and shall be removed within. ten yss 'af'ter`�.e,ac j4on;4\ (b) y sucl ms's. gn` to b 4 placed in a residential zone shall not excee `.`•.4rea' of twel��ve>square feet. \`\ ,for''ou ' or advertising signs, any such sign ( GE� to be placed 'n nb, tres�a�c:eit"ial zone shall not exceed an area of thirty-two squ rb. fee^i `) (d) Any `' on placing such signs shall file a map, showing the locatio of such signs, with the City Recorder prior to the erection or maintenance of such signs, shall sign a removal agreement covering these provisions and shall file a one hundred dollar bond or one hundred dollars in case with an agreement acceptable to the city attorney, refund conditioned upon guarantee- ing remova). of the signs within the time specified. Such agreement and bond shall further provide that all such signs shall be properly maintained as required by Chapter 16.44. (Ord. 71-5 S401, 1971 16.40.020 Public utility signs and signs required by law. Nothing in this title shall prevent the erection, location or con- struction of signs on private property where such erection, con- struction or location is required by any law or ordinance nor shall any public agency or utility be prohibited from erecting signs on .ne . • . 16.40.030-16.40.060 private property when otherwise permitted. (Ord. 71-5 S402, 1971) . 16.40.030 Signs not designed to _ve viewed from any public street or public right-of-way. Nothing in this title shall prevent the erection, location or construction of directional or instruction- al signs on private property when such signs are solely designed to direct or to guide or to instruct pedestrians or vehicular traffic while on the parcel of real property on which the signs are located. No sign permit or fee shall be required for such signs. (Ord. 71-5 S403, 1971) . 16.40.040-__ Real estate signs and builders project signs. (a) Real estate signs not exceeding twelve square feet in area advertising exclusively the sale, rental or lease of the premises upon which the signs are located; (b) A sign denoting the architect, engineer, contractor, subdivision or development when placed upon work under construction, and not exceeding thirty-two square feet in are' provided that such sign is removed within thirty days from dater , \i suance of the final occupancy permit or two years, whichfv i) ess. /.r \ 16.40.050 Nameplates, memorial t€,e --W. `�> (a) Nameplates not exceed.1,p .:ch4r s�q arR f t in area; 41. (b) Memor. ia1 si ns or /ta�le, names ildings and date of erection when cut into-(ai�:, m'as`o'nry> su fac' )or when con- structed of bronze or other rice r st�b r 4 e is. 16.40.060 Directi; TAL4A %`., ?I�i ec al signs may be located at street irate�`,eetiQns',, `on ,st :c city street sign poles. S id signs shall be povid \ �d by 'the, C: t . utilizing the standard street sign format o '` ' �6 .t of ' enty-five dollar fee. Dir- ectional signs m _ '6A.I'bwe, / fd'\th' following uses: ,, \. ' `/, <,<y`§' (a) icy C:`loar'oc Y4al elementary, junior and high schools; v \\Y' (. ''' (b) Public 0...i."°p and golf courses; (c) Public ' uditoriums, coliseums, stadiums, civic centers or other public meeting places; (d) Churches. Directional signs shall contain only the common name of the use. The size of directional signs shall be uniform and shall be deter- mined by the public works director. • Chapter 16 .44 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE • ,`" Sections : • 16 . 44 . 010 Adoption of Uniform Sign Code and requiring. compliance therewith. 16 .44.020 Constr_uction--Incombustible materials. 16 .44 .030 Maintenance--Standards generally. • 16 .44 .040 Maintenance--Littering prohibited. (` 16 .44 .010 Adoption of Uniform Sign Code and requiring compliance therewith. The 1973 Edition of the Uniform Sign Code as published by the International Conference of Build- ing Officials is adopted to the same legal force and effect as if the same were set forth herein in full pursuant to �, a authority of ORS 221. 330, and may be cited as the "city of Tigard Uniform Sign Code of 1973. " r (b) Not less than three copies of the 1973 Edition of the Uniform Sign Code as published by the International Conference of Building Officials shall be kept and main- tained on file in the office of the city recorder for use ; r and examination by the public pursuant to ORS 221. 330. 1 (c) In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of the city of Tigard Uniform Sign Code of 1973 `'' and any other provisions of this title, the requirements of the city of Tigard Uniform Sign Code of 1973 shall super- , ,' sede and be enforced in lieu of such inconsistent provision. (Ord. 74-32 §1, 1974: Ord. 71-5 §409 (1) , 1971) . C' 16.44 .020 Construction--Incombustible materials. (a) All signs erected in fire zones one and two shall have pri- mary structural members of incombustible materials. Wooden M, stringers for the support of sections of the display surface of outdoor advertising signs may be used in fire zones one ', and two. (b) Combination signs, roof signs, wall signs, pro- Eil jecting signs, signs on marquees other than under marquee signs, signs on canopy and wall facades shall be constructed of incombustible materials except for nonstructural trim, ;al display surfaces and cutouts which may be constructed of wood, metal, approved plastics or any combination thereof. ; a Except as provided in subsection (d) , only metal and p t, proved plastics shall be used in construction of electric ,L signs. ', (c) Work platforms attached to signs for service and maintenance may be constructed of wood or metal. (d) The building official may approve the use of 11 a f (, :4.. .; 4 .. . .. \ t 16.44 .030--16 .48 .020 ; ecting a facade on, or combustible materials for covering, erecting ornamentation of a sign structure for an electric sign pro- vided that he finds that: permitted in the , (1) The use of such materials is peo itte to be — - fire zone in which the sign is located or p P located; member of the sign .. There is no load bearing structure 2constructed of combustible materials;(3) There is no substantial safety hazard. (Ord. 71-5 §409 (2) , 1971) . 16 . 44 .030 Maintenance--Standards •enerall . All signs , guys and an- chors with all of their supports, be maintained chars shall be kept in good ns and the site upon which they in a safe condition. All signs clean and attrac- tiv load ignsashallnbe kept free efrom excessive five coonditit ionon.. S g ra- rust, corrosion, peeling paint or other surf cebdeterioraat- t tion. The display surfaces of all signs all1) . ly painted or posted. (Ord. 71-5 8409 (3) , 16 . 44.040 Maintenance---Littering +rohibited. No per- il" uired to obtain a sign permit or license under this I. son required any paint, paste, glue or • title shall scatter, daub or leave an affixing ante, glue , other substances used for painting to be scattered or I matter or scatter or throw or P cloth or materials thrown any bills, waste matter, paper, uor m street, of any kind removed from such signs on 71any§409 (i) , tree) , sidewalk or private property. (Ord. , . Chapter 16 . 48 ADMINISTRATION Sect___ ions : } jl 16 . 48.010 Sign permit authority. 16 . 48.020 Enforcement authority--Right of entry. 16 . 48.030 Violation--Penalty'• e l_it authorit All applications for (4 16. 4 8 .010 Sign p ----�'' sign permits shall be submitted to and be 9approved by the ;I building official. (Ord. 71-5 §201 (1) , 1 16 . 48.020 Enforcement authority--Right 2 enty. The building official is authorized and directed to enforce all s of this title. All signs for which permits Y are the provisions are required shall be sc�idclbexyitialsbuthelbuildi�igl Upon presentation of proper ti .. k ' - + 16 .48.030 II - r` �_ official or his duly authorized representative may enter at reasonable times any building, structure or premises in the city to perform any duty imposed upon him by this title. f (Ord. 71-5 §201(2) , 1971) . _ _ U 16 . 48.030 Violation--Penalt Upon conviction, any p person who violates any of the provisions of this title shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and such person shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars. A person '( violating a provision of this title shall be deemed g ilty. } of a separate of_fenie5fo503,��1971).during continues. (Ord. 71-5 § t rf. I ; I 1. t' 1 i I � C i 1 i 1 . ['Li l kl 217 i iiik .,.