Planning Commission Packet - 09/02/1975 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. . . � e... ��' � � � . AGENDA Tigard Planning Commi�sion ,� September 2, 1975 - 7:30 p.m. �. Twal.ity Junior High School - 'Lecture Room 14650 S. W. 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon le CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES: August :L9, 1975 4. COMMUNICATIONS 5. PUBLIC HE.AR.INGS 5:1 ZONE CHANGE �C 10-75 (City o� Tigard) A request by the City of Ti.gard for a zonin� map amendment to zone recently ann�xed ���rcels a�t SW 98th an.d Durham Rd, , presently zoned Washington County RU4 (residential) to Tigard R-7 (single f.amily resi�.ential) . Washington County tax map 2S1 11CD, tax lots 300 & 400. 5.2 CONDITIONAL USE CU 18-75 (Blomb�rg/Flea Mart) � A request by Fran Blamberg for permission to operate a flea mart at 1?_770 SW Pacific Hwys (old Wigwam store) . Washington Coun�y tax map 2S1 2BD, tax lot 1503. 5.3 CONDITIONAL USE CU 19-75 {Filip/Plant �'alk) A request �or permission to opPrate a plant shop at 215 Tigard Plaza. Washington County tax r�ap �.51 35DD, tax lot 33n1. 5.4 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE REVIE'W ZC 2-74 (Hanson-Fletcher- Parsons/Tigard Commercial Office Park) A request by the City of Tigard �or a review of the Hanson- Fletcher-Parsons Ylanr..ed Develo�ment app�oved in 1974 at SW 72nd and Varns for a 9 acre commercial office park to de�e•r- mine its present status. (Washington County tax map 2S1 1.D, tax �ot 900) . 5.5 VARIANCE V 8-75 (Mori�sette / �1370 SW Tigard Ave./setbackj An application for a variance to a1low-an 8 ft. side yard in an Ft-7 zone at 11370 SW Tigard Ave. 6. SUBDIVISION� ,�. 6.1 PRELIMINARY PLAT AND SUBDTVISION VARIANCE S 3-�75 (Morissette/Mutl.ey's Addition) , .�. _ : . . . . ' . ��A . � . �' �YV�T�' . . � �" � . ""��F . .. � A request fcsr approval of a prelimin.ar�y plat of 24 lots an a 5.64 acre si°ter includino an 8b� lt. cul-de=sac, ' l�cated southwest of SW Ti�ard Ave. and 1Z3th. (Tax Map �. ` 1S1 34DC,, tax lots 25U0, 2600, 3500 and 3500) . 7. OTHER BUSINESS 8. 'ADJOURNMENT ��: �, i , , � Agenda - 9/2/75 - 'page 2 J _. , ,.- ,, . . _ _ _ , . �'�. . .. ,. �9��'�i: w . � .�.� . .. . � �.�+. ..� . . . . . . . �� .. . . MIN�7TES Tigard Planning Commission. September 2, 1975 �_� Twality 'Junior HigYi School - Lecture Room 14650 S. W. 97th Averiue, Tigard, Oregon 1. CALL T0 ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman - Ha�.^tman at 8:05 p.m, 2. ROLL CALL: �'resent: Smelser, 'Hansen, Hartman, Popp, Sakata, Ems 3. APPROVAL OF MIN'UTES; August 19, 1975, mintiztes were not available 4. CGNIMUNICATIONS; Staff introduced Mr. Raymond EYns, newly-appointed member to the Planning Commissian. 5. Pi1BLIC HEARINGS 5.1 ZONE CHANGE ZC 10-75 (City of Ti�ard) A request by the City of Tigard for zoning map amendment to zone recently-annexed parcel.s at SW 98th and Durham Rd, , presen�ly zoned Washington County RU-4 Residential to Tigard R-7, Single Family Residential (Wash. Co. ' tax map � 2S1 11CB, tax lots 300 and 40a) . A. Staff Report: Read by Powell. Sli.des of the site were shown. B. Public Testimony: No one testified. ' C. S�aff Recommendations Approval on conditiori that the provisions of th� 1974 conditional use �r�,�ted to: the Church of Cnrist by Washington County be :ad- hered to by th� applic:ant and enforced by the City ' as a part of this zone change. D. Commission Discussion and Action o Hartman asked staff about the probability of a lot segregation occurring in this area, m�king the church �ites `too small. i of i i t o � b 1. ! o Staff rssponded that there was s me �as� y ±r�t due to the lac'k of site standaxds f.or such us�s ` in 3 residential zone. '�'�-1 Staff pointed �oui 4rld�. �cu�a control was re�ained by thre Planning Commission ' under prov�sions of the mino� land partition ordin- ance: . o Mo�ion to approve s�bject to staff recornmendation � ,(Sakata) ' i _ i ; � �. . ., ._,...;��a.,. �� ° ��� ,�� � o Seconded (Popp) � o Motion carried (unani_mously) . 5.2 COiVDITIONAL USE CU 18-75 (Blomberg/Flea Mart) A reque�t by Fran Blomberg for permissi�n .to operate a flea mart at 12770 SW Pacific Highway (old Wigw�am s-L�re) . As Staff Report: Read by Powell. Slides w�re shown. . B. Public Testimony: o Mrs. Blomberg testified in her own behalf. She said that she had contacted the City and determined that a conditional use permit was necessary, but that before she could apply, a ��fake'� inspector came by the sto�e and told her she need not apply for further permission from the City. C. Staff Recommendation: Approval on conditians of reduction of sign size and redesign of sign to coordinate with other signs on the '�family" sign standard at the entrancP to the shopping area and that no roof sign be used. D. Commission Discussion and Action � o Motion for approval on condition of no roaf sign (Hansen) . o Seconded (Ems) ' o Motion earried (unanimously) . 5.3 CONDITIONAL USE CU 19-75 (Filip/Plant Talk) A request for permission to operate a plant shop at 215 Tigard Plaza. A. .S�aff Report: Read by Powell. A slide was shown. B. Public Testimony o Mrs. Filip testified. in her own 'behalf, indicating that the store was for r�tail sale of plants and sizpplies andthat they intended to give classes in indoor p�.ants and gardening in the store also. � C: Staff Recommendation:: Approval. D. Commission Dis�ussion and Action ' o Motic�n for approval (Popp). �. . PC Mixiutes - S�ptember 2, 19'Z5 ° page 2 . . `'I i`.; � . .. � . . . .. � . . . o Seconded (Hansen) p..,� . . . � . . � . .. . . . .. �'�, �� o Motion carried (unanimously) : 5.4 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE REVIEUI ZC 2--74 (Hansen-Fletcher i Parsons/Tigard Cornmercial Office Park) i 1 � request by the City of Tigard for review of the Hansen- ' Fl�tcher-Parsons P�anned Development approved in 1974 at and arns for a acre ',commercial office ark ' SW 2nd V 9 P 7 to dstermine its present status. � � A. Staff Repor°t: Read by Powell. B. Publia Testimony o Mr. Fl.etcher tes�tified in support of. his extension stating that economic conditions had forced him to deZay the start of his project. ; o Paul Hansen., partner of Mr� Fletcher, stated that they felt the projec-t was a good one and that they fully int:ended to proceed with the project rather than to allow the zoning to revert to the under-' lying zone. c� Mrs. Pa�l Warner, a resident of Sti�T 72nd Avenue, � indicated she didn't understand that the site had been �hanged to an M-4 zone and she felt that if ` it was reverted, it ought to revert to the previous zone, R-7. i o Mr. Paul Warner, address sarne as above, asked if appliaant intended to do what he was supposed to do and if tYie Planning Commission could force him to retain the plan for the PTanned DeveTopment. C. Staff Recomtnendation: That the Commission approve the requested ext;ension. D. Commission viscussion and Action o Sakata asked i� an am�endment to` the approval could ' be made at this time to revert the PD to an �.-7 � zone should the developer' ever uacate the PD. o Motion to approve as recommended by s-taff (Hansen) . o Seaan�ed (Ejns) . o Motion gassed (unanimously) . � 5.5 VARIANCE V 8�-75 (M�rissette/11370 SW Tigara Ave. /setback) �" Az1 application for a variance to allow an 8 ft. side yard PC Minutes - Septernber 2, 1975 - page 3- ' , , i ;,; �%i r. . :.,{����t .. �,� in an R-7 zone. o Staff explained that this variance is a part and parcel of the subd.ivision issues to be taken up subsequently , by the Commission, that is, agenda item 6.1, �'reliminary Plat and Subd.i.vision Variance, S 3-75 (Morissette/ mutley's Addition) . Staff requ��ted that these three �,tems be t.aken together as a public hearing, but that - the three be separated in motions for approval or denial following the hearing. Staff further stated that i�t would make recommendations on each of the 3 issues separately. A. Staff Report: Staff presented staff reports on the zoning variancs and preliminary plat and subdivision variance. Slides of the site were shown. B. Public Testimony o Glen McBride, representing Herb Morissette, Developer, spoke on the features of the subdivision and his need for the subdivision variance to allow an over- length cul-de-sac and zoning variance to allow a reduced side yard at the entrance to the subdivision. o Dick Drinkwater, engineer for the developer, explained � the engineering problems encountered in developing an alternative plat eliminating the use of a cul-de- sac. ' o Commission cross examin.ation: Members of the Com- mission aske�. particular questions oi Mr. Drinkwater concerning access to the pumping stat;.�,on, emergency access through to 113th Ave. , access ti�� the "Glaubke" property, the possibility of obtainin� adequate water pressure for firef�ows at the end of the over- long cul-de-sac and concerning the side yard vari- ance requested for the existing house on Tigard Ave. C. Staff Recommendation; Staff recommended tabling �f all three issues to enable -�he appla.c�nt to develop a subdivision plan speaking to the issu�s brought up by the Commission and by the staff. D. Commission ]Jiscussion .and Action o Smelser indicated he f�:vored denial as tabling wou�.d only brin:a; this plan back to the Commission with minor zlioui�.;.�at��n,� c::��n he fe1± it needed ma,jor re�design. � i � o Popp indicated he favored tabling. i PC Minutes - September 2, 1975 - page'4 � � � �, �„ � ,{ , . �, h�- o Hartman indicated agreement with Smelser, but said he would favor. tabling with the provision that a- �, substantially improved subdivision plan be returned. o Motion to tab1P for 30 days and requesting the appl.i- ' cant to return at the meeting of September l6 or October 7 (PoPP) • o Seconded (H�nsen) . o Motion passes (Smelser against) . ,� 6.2 (AVID) MTNOR LAND PARTITION MLP 5°75 (Ken Bowman/13990 . SW Ha1� Boulevard) A request for partitioning �f a lot at the intersection ', ° of Hal"1 Blvd. and McDonald St. for the purpose of placing � a house on a flag lot to the rear of the existing house. A. Staff Report: Read by Powell. Slides of the site were shown. B. Public Testimony o Ken Bouman, applicant, testifi:ed in his own 'behalf and indicated his desire was to rno�ve a house which he had acquireal on Sattler Rd. onto this site. He indi�ated that a percola�;ion test for septic tank � approval had not yet been done, but that it would be done within the week. `i Ce Staff Recornmendatinn: Approval subject to: 1. Dedication of 20 ft. along Hall Blvd. for a dis- tan.ce of 230 ft. 2. County Health Deptv approval for septic tank drain field or provision o�' sanitary sewer. D. Commission Discussion and Action . o Moved (Popp) to approve subject to staff conditsons. I' o S�conded (�Y�nsen) � o Motion carried (unanirnously) . 7. OTHER Bt7SINESS: None 8► ADJOURNMENT; 10:30 p.m. � , PC Mznutes '- S�ptenlber 2, 1975 - p�ge 5 . . , ._ .:.�.. � e . . � .. � � �,.� ��.,�} � �� � .. NOTICE OF Pi.1BLIC �ARINV CITY OF TI�ARD PLA�TNING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that pub].ic hearings wi11 be held by the �, City of Tig�rd lPlannin CoTnmission in the Twality Junior Hi�;h ! School Lecture Roam, i�65c� s. W. 97th Avenue, Tigax�d, Oregon. i Said hearin�s will occur an Ssptember 2, I975, at 7:3o p.a�• and ' wili conc�rn the followin�: _ I � A request by the ��.'�y of Tigard for a zoning map amendment to zo;ne recently annexed parce�.s at SW �,� 9�3th and Durham Ro�:d, prssentl.y zoned Washing�an � Goun�y RU4 (residential) to Tigard R-7 (sing?� ` �� �am,i�,y,� resid�ential) , the equivalent �it�r zoning , a,,,,,.,�„,�, clasasifie��ion, t��ashin��on County tax m2�p 2�1- 11CD, t�x �.ots 300 & 4ao. � A reques°'� by Fran Blombur� for permis�ioxa to operate a f�.ea market at 12'7?0 S. i�'. Pacific �iighway (old i ��i�uvam store} , 1r;e.shingtan County �ax map 2�1-2BD, ' , tax ];ot 15��. _ � A request by Sharoii and Stan Filip f�r permission'` ta opera�e a p�.ant shop at 215 Tigard Plaza, Washington C�unty tax map TS1.-35DD, tax lot 33Q1. ' * A request by the City of T�.gard f'Qr a rev�.ew af the �anson-Fl�tcher-Pa�r�ons Planned Development approveci at S��r 72na. and �arns Road (ZC 2=74) in 1974 for a 9 acre conimexcial office park to determine its present status. (VTashin�tan Count�r tax map 2S1 1D, tr�x 1.ot __--• 900) a ..----�f/^4eG .� �vt Gr�J��I/��Gct—f-��pa.� �jc !'/k 7 l� l �oV�S�.T1� �G�^ Q CJGt V!�t�.t C�' �c9 . �,'-f��J U.3 UG2 ..�.iaLt'T-' �rp/'t"�1 e�Cl� i/abtl .�f.t ci.+-t. /L'- I�se��:.� att � fl.j 7��� `��S J �� s� �.9���� ��� . ��-��K �r���, �rl 3 y vc.., r-aK C�,�I z:soo� � : � i :� i � � , Pub13.8h T's �� r �-- 3 f 7� � �. � �TA�F I�FPOR� TIG��tD PLANNING COMMISS�ON ��PTEM�ER 2, I�7� �` AGFNDA T TEM 5.7e Z�JN�' CHANG� ZC 10-75 �G�TY OF TIGARD� A reques� ta estab�.i5h T�.gard �r�niz�.� on a re�en.�Gly arinexed parcel at 98th �venuP and Dxzz�ham �.ca�. Sta�f Findings: l» This land was annexed to the City a�° �igaxd by Boundary Commission Order rTumber �30Q� dated Apri�. 30, 1975, �nd a€^�epted by the C3.t� of Tig�rd by Ordina.r_ce �1a. 75-3�, J'�zne 2�� 1.�75� The Gity c�� �igard is �.eg�11y required to rezone �nnexed 1ar��s to confarm with city zonin�, 2. Presen� zoning is Washington Cc�unt� RU-4 (U'rban � l�esiden��.a1. District - High, �,c�w Density) t��hich is equivalen� t� �3.gard R-7 �Si�gle Fami�.y R.es�,�:ential) . A candit�.orzal use �erm�t was gran���: �a� W��.shi.n�toza Cnunty on the s�utherly of th� �wo tax lots in 1.974 for construction �� a chureh. Gondition,s of that a�prQ�ral w�re tha�' the �onditic�nal use must be exe�cis�d within three years, publ�.c sew�r mua�t be �.�ail�ble, �i�e a�.d btzildir�g sha11 b� �uhject to appr��a�. by Design �.ev:I.ew, d.�dication o.f �ddttional right�of-way �n�t yet cc�mplxed with) , an� compl.�.ance with a11 applicable %oning �nd health code requ�.rement�, Addit�.onally, �he conditi.c�ns af the conditional. u�� per�nit �nust µ b� reviewed by the Plann.ing Ccamm3.�s°si�n in. five yc�ars. 3. A1�though se�v�� i� not preseritly tvail.abl�, it could be brough� i:n to �he axea wit;hin a few �r�nths o 4. The northerJ.y tax 1.at of the su'b�ect parcel ir pr��e�tly � church si�e. 5. ���hile bath �tax �.ots arP �.ither pres�ently used ar �o��t��ed to a use, the potential for a parti�ior��.ng of sever�1. sm�ller� :tots �ar residential use in additican to the �wo church sites remains a pos�ibili.ty as there is �o minimum sit� si.�e ix� ��� �nd� �or church use af an R-7 zoned s�te, 6. Present land use .in the imznediate vi�inity is si;�g"l� �a�,�lf res.i.dential, although the ,Summerfiel,d planned dev�lopmen� su�^rou�ds the area on three sic�es. Suinmerfieawd i.ncl.ud�s rai��d hau�e types anci densities, al.though its aggr.eg�t� �lens�.tx is pr�esent"1y pro�ec�ed at less th.az� 6 txn�ts per �r�ss ac�e. 7. The Tigard Cr�mmunity Pl,an ider�t�.f.3:es an 'urban low dens�ty xesidential" use in �his area. Bo�h: present county zoning and p��oposed city zoning c,on�orm with the aomprehen�i.ve pla� �and use and density, Staff Recommenda�ions: � �� be presented a�ter public testimonyo SL-o1 �2 dil����"� , � ` � �► . . , � � � � � ��tii � , i: • . . � , . ,r � . � , � � , '• �N ` , • , � • . � ' . , . � �y�' , � � . � ►c+'u s�.,.!� — ••,�:��:•.. _.;' . ��j �1�� ! � . ' 4 , , � too : T �, �' � �5 � � . . w► ,.,r�..J�• I , . , O^ , , . . i 'J � , : �`I• `! , . • , , �' . . 'J�� �. .., , � � � , .` . � - - -u.�' " '� � . . w � I � . . , ' •II � . -i . : ' 1I 1 ' , ' � '` I � , � •I�.��I �� �� � . . MIt.11 . . . . , �. . � ..s:.. ' ' ' i � ' ���. ��. �_ .�� � . OOt . ' �.. � . . � .w��. . • . � ;� . . . . .. . � :�II'li�,� . '� ,'11�'��1�1��� • � •,, . • , � � � � - � � . � . i111�� �1' � . . ,•� . ' � . r ���. a�n r : ; . ��� � � r�n�t rew ► .� • .�NfRr�r'S�� ^ ( 1., T ' . ' ��►�iu . � . s�i��� � . �� rt � ' � ' j • • ', . C01 :� �.u.=;, . IOC r� � � w.u�� w�• w��ir� 009 , . 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" � � S�'AFF' FtFPORT � TIGARD PZANN�NG COI�.NI�SSION i k, S�P3'EP2BER."`"2, 1975 " A,GENDA ITFM 5.2 ! CONDT°.CIOIJAZ USE � �U 18�-?5 (BLnMBERG/FZEA MAR.�') � I A request for Permission tn opex�a�e a �3.�a mart as a condi�ional use � in a C-3 zone at 1.277� S.W. Pac3.fi� Higrjw�y. (far�ier Wigwa�i Store). ! , , STAFF FINDZNGS: � I 1.. Ms. B�.omberg°s b�siness is the r°!ental of spa�e to individuals ; �or the ptzrpose o�' retail sales of smal]. itsms and ���ollectable��". Ms. ; "° � Blomberg pra�ti.des tables �'or dis�l.a� purposes �.nside the '�store'�. The � , 1°f1.ea mart" Apera�es we�kends an�.y. � l 2. Ms: BTomberg approached city sta�f late �Yy�.s spr�.ng about her � propnsed business and was informed that �.t woul.d be permitted , on1.y uza.der a �ond�iti�na� use p�rmit. Sta_ff beca.m� a«are in early ; A.ugu�st �hat she had s�ar�ed doing bu��i�ess wv�.�hout the cond�.t ional � use permit or � bus�.ness �.iccns�. � � 3. The sit� is zoned C-3 {Genera� �;amm�rcia�.) wh�.ch is an art�1^ia.l commercial use zone. A "flea-mart" appears to be a second hand store primar�ly an.d is then a candztional use in tha� ��ne. � (The s�ame ho�.ds tr�xe far varietp s�ores) . `ry 4. The NPq #I Plan s�ecifies Highway Comm�rcia:3.. �. Acr,ess and parking �ppear adequate fo� �he use "propa�ed�' a�.though enti^y on °aci.f�.c �iig�way is hazar�ous clue to sight ob�traactions, 6. The ad�ainin� spacPS w�thin th�s "COmmercial center'� are occupied ; by a �ieauty school and a plaid pantry�. � � 7. The flea mar� has er�cted a �i�n an a "far�ily si�n" s�ruGture, can�isting of two 3Q �quars �oot "reader baard" panels, � 8. Tigard code is si�.ent cc�ncernin� the design o� si�ns, hnwever, ; where indi.vidual signs i�re �.�.1_�wed tt� be clu�tered on one fr�e�- ,, ���t�u:�.�g aign �tand�re as �s t�e case here, �t is obuiousl.y int�nd.�d � that the individual s�.E�ns b�e af consiste�t ar similar design a,. and caz�struction. �� � � � �. Ms. B1.ombe�g°s response 'i� the ��F�.sano �u3.deline" is �ttached. � STAFF RECOMMENDATZON: 4 i To be subm:�.tted a�ter public :`h�arin�. i '1 i 1 . ..��.. . . . . . . I : �� . . . . . , . . � . . �.. ., ; ..: /✓ _ �./�. �,P_ ; � . j _ _ : _ . �� w� . � l , _� .. v HS�'V ` � � ��..,� s� � O � F'° I 0 0 . . u � i ,� � oo:.;,� sr . c FFr \�P,� , , . � . s'� P�'� �lvf�� S�. � McMF'ti't� �� �G F F �� a F , s �� G . - _, ; � . `,� . F�x='`�f• _ � :�i:��:j=• ' �� . ' =r, :, � , _�_, . �"� �`=�j i==• '_ „° � i::��£:i.l:i?=iiiis� I:1 i: . . � s� +�ir :3=:i:•: / E�i#njf3i::'' • . . .I.. \ '�`� Q�,', —, J� .,\ , , � �� / �U � P � � `� / \ ' Q, � \� � ��G I � S� .j� ,.� S ' P !y � y� � �� F f � f � . ��v . S� . �� V , � � G� ' � � <� • �� , '` , I � ; L EN p�' <q F • v� ;G, Ss�, O P � r � 0P t� . �� Q, G • J� A� M��A . ' 3 .r ` � ��� �� � �� I � • ' � ` S W EDG�WO�Q � \ r v►, s w .. � ; . TItE T HILI. 1EW • ` � � � � /� . . _. _ — = C7..._ _.. . , c� �'I _ . _ ,... .; ,¢�c�cflGuw��' I�_ �`S '�(7'ri!SG°� / O /`�u !-'t..,vr G �c�+caS'� 'G�-e S �� t'�.., • I � � . l � ."_ ...... . . . . . . . . . .. .. _ .. 1. R-eguesting permission For the op�r�tion nf a fl�a �Y�r�rt in tt7� City of Tigard, lUe l�olieve i� is a bQnefical. operation. 2,, �t would bs in �onfarmanc�: wi�th Tigard's Con�pxehensive P].an, 3-� T'he community �nd th� public would benaFi•t gr�Lqtly by thE opc�s�tinn. Due to thQ high cost of l�.u�_n9r the community and public can bu�t �at a much less cos�. Neu� r,nd o1d �re �t ffi c�rea� s�ving to them. Our Senior Citizens ere iii c�ree�t need o�P this typca. of oj�arrx�ion. 4: +here would bo no ch�nges in environmental . As f�r aconomic it wciul.d h� ofi� gro�t asset. The ch�aritpblo org. woulci benefit very much by {:he opor�tion, I� would give them � pl�ice to sell wares to help their a�use, Acaess to 1;h� site are excelle�t. {�a�rking is er,�ellsnt� duo to f�c� v�e �z�e �nly �pen on Sat. & Sun. 5. �'he proposed loc�ation ia very suitr�blE due to the fact th�s� thare w�s no othAr lr�rge, nic� cle�n bldr�. . �vaailable in a good Lac�tion. _ 6. The imP�ct on surrounding busin�s,s is very gao�i. The bu�inos� h�s incre�sed: very much. It he�s picked u�a their businessn's vc�ry much. 7. Ille hr�ue good p�irkinc] �nd Pire pr.otoction. I� : �. 4 ;` � , STAF�' R�PQRT �^ -� T�GARD PLANN:LNG COMMISSIQN SEPTEMBFFt 2, J.975 AGENDA I��M 5.3 �y4 CONDITIONAI, USE CU 19-�75 (FII,IP/PI,ANT TALR� A request for permission to operate a plan.t shop as a aonditional use in a. C-3 zon� at ?_15 Tigard P].aza. STAFF FINDINGS• l. "Flower Shops" are a conditianaluse �.n a C-3 (General Commercial) ' zon� due to thej,r status as perm�tted uses in a C-4 (neighbarhood commercial) zone�. 2. Thi�� u"se;, as most �uses al:lowed ou�t�r�:ght or as .condit�onal us�s ' `. �:n a C-�4 zone,�. harbors a ��shopping cor�mercial" aci�i.�ity. Tha� is, an ac�tivity appropr.iai�e to and benef�.cial in � neighborhood sh�pping center �r ciistrict. Tigard. Plaza, 3.n spite af its present zoning, is s�t�h a center and as such is not to be trea.te�i in the same manner as propertie� d�rectly fronting Pacific Hlghway. 3. The IVPO #2 �lan (�he comprehens3.ve plan far this area} iden�ifies this area as "Retail Gomm�rcial" . 4. The sha�ping center, as ��; is now occupied shows �ood diu�rsific��ion, with several apparel stores, a drug stare, a market, restaurants, �j." �nd some ct�mmercia7. services. The uses ad�acQnt �he location `�- of this proposed shap are "Discount F�b�ics'� and ��Made-O-Qay�', respectiv�ly yardage and ready-to-w�ar women's apparel. ' 5. Parking and access are adequate. i STAFF RECONIP�ENDATIONS: ' To be given at clos� af public testimony. � . ___ �_ e _.. _. , _ _ __ ��.. . � ��w�� �f �� � � � �r?� e *�. � �'�' ' ,: � . AV N E ����' ° � � z �y Y�, ' � �,, � - � - 1- �d 1�iF� �- � ,,s�,,�' � , I i-:z •-,%�. = r "� . � . . . � ,� �Yy � �,�� �� .r` . � , . . 1 -- t,,:5>�:��'� '- � �� y , . .. � � . . . J � �E � u�.. ''. P�'P I � a �P�tOEN - - I I 85.th AVE. � ( �� P , � �. •_ F:_� " M N 1 _ N �y . : � HALL ^ .�. _. .. i I ` � � • J ; �✓ � I � ` � �L � �t� ' _ � � S'N A,ti{ ' .. i:iti�•',ri�i�i:' � - �� ':\' :;::{;:•... •{�-.�jX'�: '►.�� L } ��� �'�'t . 1 . ~ Q ' •. .� t.y # .fS ', , � I \ � Q . O; / �/7(`. ':;:::3';•:•:::::r_+,•�...,� � <, ;:.: :•>•..... . f �..(J � Z � ! � � �C �. / O � i f=- � J�� yv �P II � li '1 E , - - --� 3 � 3 . . � S W �90th N Ay � � - �� �-- x � � J_ O P � � , s w 9� e n 3 v � � � � ' � AV U � ' SW 92 nd AV NU ' �' . y \ . . � � � , N _ �? � i � , _. , . ._ .. .,,._ __ _ i + n ` �, ./ �, /I,J �� . �� � �._ .f. , • � ` , � . ` ._ ,:.-. ...q J�.�/ �J�.2•-iy� r�';/..c.c-�-��.C.r��' . _ _.. .__. _ ._. .-- �------- .__ ___._ ---�_..,--�------ ...__. ---- .. __ _ ..__ _------ -• �:: _---- � -—,- „ ___ __ _ _ _ — --• -- - - ' - ------ --- .... _ __ -- -- - _ . __��_�. __._---.- - -•--� �-- . � � -/� �q � � ` _ �._.�--csJ:_..;/.G�; _!-C�'ir`CJ _ __.I��t�:�e�.�!'-�"�<--QJ_,_!��'-`�-�'��CJ---b� ----__�__. _ _. � � _ �_�_�.�_ . . — --_ --��_''-- ..-��-/�'�/- -- -- --•- - -- - -- - --�-����L'_'�G��...-d�i"ti--�i -° —• C�r� __.;� _ _ � __. ��_ -- - _ ._� _�� _ ��.�__.�� .__._ ----- -___._i � � . _.-,-._- _ - —--��� G�LwC._.Q /(/`t- C.�s,.� C"C����/��L _ -.. ,-�'��'-°�------_ ' __ ��--.,ti':�-�,_�n�z-�-�_--�'��---- _ �.�.�a. �— _.� ____ .__ � /, _ � - - ._------ -- I �'—•-a� r�"--���.�c,-.� � ��:.�c' _ _._ ___ __. _�t''.______ _ __ -._.__ �' --�--,,� �.--�--.- - -------_ --� .-- - -- - - - - - __ _ --. -� � Q-�,'z�''i�..J�����-r'./y�Yi. c•�/ C�r-��i'��-,�-.�JSJ G�-+� _� ,/ �.i� i _..-�`=''- - -- - �-f`- ---- - --- - �— +�_ -.�_ _ ___ .� � � �/ /J �V .�—. --r�J l���i./ /�t�'>i�.� �r _._._��,./�- ���---�-------�-------.�'. �. -- -- --I _ _ ---�__i _, __ ._ . ._. .I '_! ,�.1�- r _ / �rr�� -GC��� .i.� i+ ,//^�1/ Q� � . I��,._� ..-.._ _. . "_ _. __� .Z�i�/L-.. ✓ ._._ . _ ____ � � �..� r• .�� -'�-f _ � ' f///� -'__ __ _'_'_' � '. � .�_�_�..__. '' " -.'" " _-'_.... _ .� '�. �'/J�/�� / � I .'.(�L�!L�!t_°_J'����`T ..ifl`Gi(/`n!_r�//^f�./r.�it,�-t.'"'�,�'��1 ._.C�'�•�..�v'� '_��✓_____.___..- _..- � -- . I _�. --- , �' ; - --.- - . .�.��d�,/ ,1(iG�J`-d-c� s?:. '�-tt�- 4 y ' --•..�-��,� - - �-- - -- ---- -�-�-�- --_.��, _ _ . - -.�--�''.�/�-J----._.__.. .--•- . . � . � _�c-�c�.�`. ��_. ��C�-�- _ _ �� _. _ ._ __���'_ _ . �.../_._ —�_ .___ .__ ._ _. _ . U � . , --� -� � � ---- ---- — , . , __ ___ ! . - - �.� -- . --- - -- -- � — ----- - -.�.�__�-�_.�-�✓__.;_� _ . . c � �, ���� � ✓y��"sz.., . - r� _..,�'-.v_�-� ____—--C�'�__ _.._..__ _ __.. . .._. . -- ��'%�=�- . . .. —,�� _._ ._ _ . ZC�v`'�`�..e'2.� i ---- � _�.;��' _ /��- .��� . ' � � _ ._�-. �� _��-��.��._ __ ____ `� . � - ��..� �..��z...,..� �� -- --_� _- �� . _ _ _ _ __ _ .--- - : __�-�-� __ . _.__ � ,� - — — - - __ ��..� __._ _ __��..� -t.. .� � _'.,�, .� � ,C��,-, ` . � •- %�.-C�c._t,� .__. - c��� � .��,+.�.�.- ---- _�- -- - - _ _ _ _._.__ .�. ____ ..� _� _. �. _ _ __._, �- .� , , . _ _ __ __� -�, �--� �� ___��.���.: ..���,.�������.��.�:�_. .__.. ____. , � . � . . . '�' - -.- , � � ..�.�.C..�rl�ry � .��tn.t.�.- , , _, _ .- ---- � --- _.. -- -�-. _._.___.._ —._------�.. ..�.._.__�_-__._.___...�... ._._ ._ ._.. . _ . ._ ._. � . I � ' , �r�./'=✓*'�-J2� T/.:" +� _' . ._..__._ __ _ __.. ._.__�_..�._. __..._. __ -..../<. ,..._ �....__ _._. _. _.. ._ /.�_'__._..�/�-.......�.. _�...'.'.� .._._ � II _'� ".._, . � • ' � .. �_. _ ..� ...._. .�._.� _' "" '.._ � _._.. . .. . ._. � o�_....__ _' ' '. .. _ .. .._.._._.. � .� .�._. _. . _. . _ ..._ _. _ . . ���E�.�.���% � j . � l�� , `� _. .. ._ _'. ._.� . ...._. .._ __' __" _'__ _ .. _..._ _ _ _. . . . � .. � �.� P,� S�.AFF Ft�PORT � �` !P.IG�±RD PI,�INN7NG �OMM�SSZON SFPTET�IBER 2, 1975 � AQEND� I'�EM 5.4 �,� PI,ANIVED DEVEZ�JPMENT, REPIEW ZC 2'-74� �(:I3ar�son.-F'�:etcher--Parsons/Tigard Commercial Office Park) A reques� by the rity for review of an appr. oved planned clevelopment as required'by Code to determine its present status. I I STAFF FINDINGS: l. �'his pro�ect was approved as an M-4 PD by the Planning Commission on II April 16, 1974 (ZC 2-74� and by the City Council on June 10, 1974. No developmen� has sinc� occurred. I I 2e Tigard Code (Ch 18. �6�.170) requires �hat the Planning Commissian ! review such � PJ�az�nPd D�velo�ment is substantial constr�uction has not I taken place in one year. If it is found not to be in the public I 3.nterest to ext�nd the �:pproval, the planning commission must recommend �, removal of the �D overlay zan�zlg. ' . STAFF RECOMMENDATIONSn To be presented aft�r publ.ic testimony. 'II 'i 'I � �: i� I � � , ; 0 ; 4 ; � � � �� �.,. � _�.._ _ : �.. .�� �.� � � � �-� � ! (� AYtI'/V G � !�'°�� � �� r �� . e W • � • , AV NUE � � '� . � - , f- �ti c�, " _ - : i W� �i�. ��� _ . � ` W � � . AV E N � i� �� ~ � � y � � avE E � � - ' � � � � � � � � W 1 I ;' �`�. . �:�� �" w�- �� �VEk � j � w 1 / �� � � � - � I-- . � o - . �y � 4� � . . . Z � � r-� p � 1t1 �. � , a .� ,� . - 6 -Q; �,�. � . -� � �' c a a � d � �` �� � � c� . � a4a�: m �� � � Q � �a �• E �� N . � � . �� jSw ' O ■ ?2 � � _ � ►- tAj, - � A �W Ij- � �, _ � W ,� � � � 4� � � � SW � 74th AVENUE , �• � � � N . z � a '� I • � . _ - - __ } . � � �� ` SW 76th VE . W I �` _ , � -� I ' . . � � � y I S W 7Tt V E. � ' _ �. " '��` � _ � . � '�.''{ / I�/ /� .a���'����m����m����. `� ..� ,\.����. �b�� .'�.� ,� — � os�t�,'n /� � ��� s�\�e•�� �� N.� � ��� �'� � ' � �� 1' � � � ;\ \� ��s�t� � � •� ,� � r , ���t�� . ., �,�`'�l,7.; �,��. �� � � . y \��`�v�` �` � ;` ��. �. \ , 1 �� �_�� 'r r >'���.�, - ro���l� I �� ��+' � ,, � , �\��' ��e\��� \ C� . 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M' � ... . .. .. . . . � . � . . � � . .. � . . : '�e '. . � ' . . �.. _.:. ..a.:. �.::. .:., .�......'.. ..... .�.. ,.�.::.._.. .....�::��.....:_�'.:i... . �-�.,:,.. .. . ...�.._..... ..... . .......s...�. .. ._.. . . _. ..,... _,.v...�-.. ... .... . .�.,._.,�.�.. ,.... _.,..,w.�v.. �. ,�.. ,... .. . . .. ... ...� �y, 1 { � �• � . f ��. .�. ��j � t .I'� t �.�. 'V✓ � �}t. Y !� �i. ROSERT M. FL�'T'CHEi� ��° ;:�� � 1750 S.W.SKYLIN£ �LVD. - SUITE 120 lE. PORTLAND,OREGON 97221 Te�.ePHONe 292.o78t �, �✓` August 25, 1975 1;' �� ��!I '��;=�'���'�1�I� � l�U� � G �97� 4,I c�rv oF riGARU �� City of Tigard Planning Department � P. 0. Box 23397 � Tigard, Aregon 97223 �. , Attentinn: Jerry Powell � � �; Re: S. W. 72nd & Barnes Road Planned Unit.Uevelopment j;, ,.. � Gentlemen: i� k> This is to addise you that construction on our proposed office � park complex has beer, postponed be�ause of general economlc �' conditions exis�ing at this time. 1 �' � We do not wish �o abandan this planned unit d�velopment and �' request contlnuance of th@ approval of this pwo�ect. � i� �,. Sincerely, FLETCHER, HANS & PARSONS , �f�'� �y�A - o ert . e c er � RMF:pTd � cc; Paul G. Nansen �; John Parsons ;: � , . ' ,�. d� �,, �: ���' �T.AFF R�P61��' T_�GARD PI,AIVNING COMMI�SZON �EP!�EI�IAE� 2, 1975 AGENI�A ITEM No. 5. 5 �'` VA�ZANCE V �3-75 (Morrisette,�1�.370 S.sn'� Tigard Avenue y A reques� for a s�.de yard setback varia.nce to allovr the constru:ct�.o� o� '', a 50" s 4ree�t �or access to a �roPq.se�. subd�.vision (Mu•ttl.e�r's Addit.ion) . S�'AFF FINDINGS: 1. Appron�,l af this request must be based, r�n"f,indings:-that-: a. ExceptiQnal or extraordix��r.y conditiorzs applyin� to the { property that do nat apply generally to oth�r propert�.e,� in the samp zone or vicinity, which conditions ax� a result of 1ot si�� or shapP, ��pograghy, or r,ther circumst�nces over which the app�.icant �ias no aantrol; and ' b. The variance is necessary for the preservation of a prc�pe'rty ri.ght : of th� appl�cant substantially the samP a� is possessed by��wri.er's o� other property in th� same zone or vic�.nity; and e� '�he autkio�ization o�' the variance sha)_l no� be mat�rially d�trimental' i to the purpose� o� �his title, be 3.n�urious to praperty in the zon� o� vf.cinity in which the property is located, �r be o�l�ex�wise 0 ob ' of n eit develo m nt 1an or olic • detrlmerital t the �ectives a y y p e p p y, ; �nd ��. ' d. The varianr� rec�uested i.s the m.in�:mum va.rzance from tkie prov�sions and standards of this title which wril�. all.eviate the l���d�hip �`C�h. 18: : 76.020 TMC) . 2. Applicant�s written presentation o�' hardship �s a�tackied. 3. The best �.lternative available, which would require a variance ta 13� foot setbacks for bo�th houses fronting Tigard Street, although a1.lowin� non-eonfo:rming side yards for both properties, woul:d be a less drastic variance. a�,�FF RECOMMENDATIONS: ' To be presexited affier close of publ.ic testimon�r. - �_ . .. . __ . , � r � �N�.,,�� '•r u:::-7,., . _ _ � �p� , ., ` • �� z. . . •, 1 . � . 1 � �� �� . �, � -�. : .� . : , ,, ����`�'�� . . i' { � . . . . , � .. . � . '�,�, C�'���.► � N�d�� �`�'��-- . ., ,, � . , : '. , . ; �' ' . , , . ' __—._— ';�.�.._— • � ' ., . , � • ' � i , . '`4 f M N A 1 A :,l R E , , � �, . � , ., cn i • , : . . . MA X N � � ' • " ' �"� � � � DAKOTA ' ,. S w , � , ��,: ; � � , . ; � � . �. g F H Ia T — D IV a _ , ; � � • . ' . . • , , > ` , _ v^��'� .. , . . 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' . . .�� � ' � . . �.. �� . . � . . . . � . �..... � ..��.. . . ... ... ..�. .� � �ti .. . , . ` ' � Eoc,E ��C._.�'� — — — — — ' .-�- — — -- — �.W. TIGAR� ST. (CO• PO• 916) . --- ^ _ _..� �- - -- -� - - - - - _' j _" - 1-- -- ��� � - - y _ _ _ _ _ �. - - - .°- .� - - � — — — — . TL TL � F�Rt �� _.-r- �--�-_ . }i}yD. ______ --r-,r. ri.; (�- ,,'" ' D , 2TOO ZS O � : F�RE,., � _.---`_._ _ •------._.____�_____--�`�-�-..._ ' ` ���--_________-___�__ ���-. - - ---- ------ � ` "'�'�''- _,.-_____-_ ._..,�.- - � p � ti ^�[ y, � f. � ` � '� T';� � 4� �A� 0� ���$ i���aE {� , � �� ? @vP � � . ` �"� �� �j � � � O L 5 p� � R�' � ' � Q� � � . . � , � � s� � . ` � � I �e3.�. , -- - -� ` �� Q��,� . .�. � ..f---..- ..., _ _ � . �~�~"'�- _._.�►�--� �'..�" .�"� °........_..a.... .,_.,, ,,, - � 750�� �' `� . r� � 6 � �___.._.�..�_.._..._..�._ _��-..,., _��.__�.-- --- .w.......__- .. -�--. �a ; , --_z� , -- o - -- � . ,� � . � --� __- _ ._ - --�___�._ _ � � � , ''' ��''`~r -- � � �n1�, - _ �.__ ._._._. , ��� o � �.r � 7(�a� -� 15 � o g� -e� � �._...__ ...__,_ �_ 'q�' �, - � ;i� �._._.__--�"`_ .. —� . ' . y� �._ ...,. _.._ �_.._._..�`_...,w. . .�....� �.._._ _ .__. . , ---���.� � . . -�.� I � 7G�� c� W ._. .._ _ _ a � � , � . . � ,J,.. -� � _. _o. _._� _ �� _ �� Q ( 4 �--. �.. .�~ � �..�, . �.. � ��. _---�°---- - � f, - .�`�.�-. _. __._� 'z� , � ��,j ,/ ���� � �,,�� � 1G�r`"/ �� _ ��-}� � � '�./ _ � . L M _ _ � ,� (� � h..ks�:� . s�.._;"'�+��--sr.�_.�.c ^�. ..a�. � ...-, ,__,_r:t ��� ..�� �� _ _ i /� "�.: �`°7;:_�:., . _ \ ` � . - - *V _ ..� _4 " � =: , ,.;:_ � :... ,� ..., _ _ . __, .... ..: . ..,. . . . . _ . . ._ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _. .,.�ti . f ' . ( ' ��� � .. • J� '� � .... i t �.� I � ] . � � � Herb Morissette� Builders Lnc�. F�,O. Box 65 G Gard�n Home; �egon 97223' � 8�19w7 J � 4 Tlgard Planning Cbmmission � 12420 S.W. Main St. Tigard,Oregon 97223 � Dear Sir: W�e.the developers of the proposed subdivision of "Muttley'� Addition" would like to define the• variances required� fnr �Ehis pro�ecC and point out�why they are necessary; VARIANCES REQUIR�Dt 1. Ieength of cu1=d'e-sac� xoad:860�. A. Fxceptional or extraordinary conditions that exist-: � 1. 7'he.property �to the N.W. (114 th Plac�) is dev�loped' in�Ca r�sidenCial housing and there is no way to connect the streets. 2. The property to the S.W. has existing houses and ou�- buildings and drop� off' into low wet land into the flood' plain. 3;.,The pro��arty Qo the 9outh aiso drops off into low wet � ;,��r� �:,d is also in the flaod plain. � 4'o The property to the S.E. lielongs to the school and it: wouid � seem unw�ise to rout'e school traffi� thr�ough a residential a � neighborhood. The school' distric�C owns so muc� land in this iinmediate area that`they c�uld develop a much safer � ' circulation patitern than comnfng through this residential j neighborhood, i ; 5�. 1�e�property to the N�.E. takes its access from Tigard St. ? too. There�would be little advantage connecting it back to � Tigard' St. It�,wouid°:not' be surprising• if the school were•�:to � buy this property and dev�lop it along with thei'r other . ; a�jacent land� � i � �, i � ; , � � J' r • .t �\ . �.. :7• � $'• Preservation of a property right:= I� th�,s variance �i's d.enied the property wi 11 not tie developabl'�e> • into residential housing. At the present time Chere is no other• way to logically develop thi's land. C. 1/ar�.ancQ shall noC� be mater3ally detrimental to this prope�ty, otheir p�operty in the=area or any citq plan or pol�icys The streets 3n this oro,ject will be to� standards set by and acceptable to the city of` Tigard; The�only main di'fference b�ing� that the��street wi11'be� l�nger�than-�hose under� normal� conditions. - b. I�quest is the�minimum• variance whic�► will allevfate�the � hardship. The road' length being asked foY is only� enough tn adequately develop this l.and under the �urrent��residential' Loni ng:. ; Side_'�tard' East of" existin hous� needs C� be��reduc�ed Co 7�� to roa right-of-wa , Aa Ekceptional or extraordinary conditionsi � 'ltlere is no other way to gain adequate entryw�y intn thfs project. If the road is moved to the F,ast the .Y�nsen�s house will have' less than Che 20' side yard r�quired and both hous�s . will violate the eod�. B. Preservation of a property right: �- ?triis entry off af Ti=gard SCreet is the only logice�l way to develop tt�is. property. If this entry f°s denied the property can• n�ot be developed. C. Variance shall not be materially detrimental to this property� or other property in the area, any eity plan, or policy: , Althoug h 7' f rom the�road right=of-way is not as favorabie� as the utopian plan �re might wish. IC is adequate enough to provide the house�with a 15• side�yard from t he actual streeC . _ pavement. -- D. Request is the minimum vari�nce,which will alleviate Ch� hardsfii'p: The variante-being asked'.for ig only that re4uired to provide�� the subdivision with a 50� road right..of-way.. , �� � � , .....,.. _ _ _ _ -r _ _ -- - , '' � ( � �9 Y F� .� 1 �3� . �� . � !' At: the present time th�s property belongs to four di£ferent� owners. 7hey hav� all agreed` to sell,. In the future� thi's may not � �e �the cases. It takes the cooperation of all four owners tQ, make thi�s� pza3ect' a suc�ess. - 1he preliminary plat of tht's proj'�c�t has offered:' a devel�ipment soli�kioa to a�ll the� l�and' that is lnckec� b�eCween the flbod plain and the schoal district property: �e time is right to deaelog this land. �e future may bxing• more deveiopment. problei�s that could make th�'s proper��r�.even��Hardeac�'Co�dev�e°�lop,. , �Slneerel�►s Her6 Moxisset Q�Buf lders- Inc. � ,;� ; � � �-��'� ,r . .,� BY = �; �n• � 'Bn' de� . La nd" De ve�.oper• . . ; � � � I � . , I i I �' 'i _ ' , -I', . � : � � � , � ��. ��a ��::; S��F'F I���PO�.T `�' "�T.GARD P�ANNING C�MMI S S:C QN ,".�F�TEMBEF� 2, 1975 �GEN'DA ��'EM 6.:L ��.. PH�LIT�iINARY PT,AT APPR�VAL AND SUBL�IV�SION VARIANCE S 3--75 (Ntorrisette/Mut�ley� � Addition) A x°equ�st �or prelim�nary pl.at approval for a 2� lot subdivisia�. on a 5.6� acre sit�! �.ncluding a r�quest to aT.low an exception to �he s�zbdivis�.an code for an 860 f�ot c,ul-de-sac. �TAFF �'TND�NGS: 1.. This plat is an e���rt to repl�t portions of four large parcela situated to the ��orth and east of Swnmer Creek, south of Tigard S'tI'EE.''t' an:d west of the �uture high school site owned by Washington. Gaunty SchooZ District No. ?3-J. 2. Access �.cross Summer Creek in this area is very el,�fficult d�ze to th� relatively flat terra.i.n and. stream �radient which wo�ld necessi�ate extensive road fi11 creati.ng large �ackwater swales upstream of_ �he road fil.l. 3. �xisting development to the west (5.��. 11.4th Place) is on � cut--de-sac precluding car�n�� uing s�reets for a conventional �aop 1_ocal street system. The e�cpansi�n and improvem�nt of S.W. 11.�th to th� e�st is no� Possible due to th� parcel stradcieling that stre�t, nor wou�.d i� be econom3.ca11.y via.ble in any case due �o the school c��.s�rict's okmersh�.p of the 7_ancis to the east of the s�ree�t. �" .W. � �.�.3tYi at present is a 1G-1� foot wide gr.avel street in a 20 fo�t righ-��of-w�y. At p.res�nt, this ��street" provides access to thr�e hr�u�es an.d a sewer pu�ping station. Vacat�.on of SeW. 113th would be con�i,dered advantageoLis by sta�� were suitable alternate access to be provic�ed �hese places. 4. Due to tYie �ahysical and developmen�al canstraints imposeei by the creek and its f:Lood w�y, the high school sj.te, and existing r�s�,den'�.ial d�velrapment sui•rounding this site; this subdivision will no� only e�tablish the development pattern for its :immediately �djacPxat garcels, but will foreclose alternative devel,opment patterns far ±he remainders di the Hakola and Simonton pr�pertiss, al.l of the G1.aubke progerty n�rth. of the creek and aI1 of the Gallo proper�y. i 5. :A��licant p�4nposes an 86Q ;fnot cul-de-sac with' tw►o 30 �oo� wide ' "DriveTrrays" stubbed out to proviti� access �or fut4zre subdivision of �; tkxe Hakal.a and Sim�nton pro�ert�.es. �'igard code esta.blishes 600' ! as the m�.ximum length. �or a cul-de-sac, and provicles �h�� a I �tr.P�t and au1,•�de-sac must be provid�d when more than 5 lots , are served by an ecc�ss drlve.. Varianee of th� 600' � length ; �naximu� must be based on findings that; . a. Th�rF� are special circumstances or condit�ons af�fecting the property whi�h are unusu�l and peculiar to. . . the pro�ect. . . �, b. That the variance sought is necessary and the minimum required , � �o ,r the preserva�tion and protection of a subs�antial property �.r���rest. a .to th� degree that extraordinary harcishi� wou?d result fa�am. . .con�p],ianc�. � _ _ _ . .:... . . .. .. _ .. .. _ . . . ._. _. _ .. . . � . . . . . . . . .� . • i 4i . ; Agenda I�em Na. b.a_ � ! September 2, 1975 �' S 3-75 P�ge 2 �! �'. ; c. That the granting of the variance will not be det�rimental I to the public health, safety� ar welfare, . . . and sha11 not be in�urious � to �he rights of other property owners. . .nor. be in viol,ation of the j Ccsmprehensive P1�.n for the City of Tigard. d. That the applicant's proposal con�forms to. . .all �ther. . .requirements i of this ti�tle and Title 18 of this cn�le, that adequate prot�*ision is I m�de for tr��fic circuJ_ation, recreation, c,pen space ane! similar ' factors, and t�at the �rariance has been coz�sidered by other publ.ic agencies concerned with fi.re protection, sewer, water, and other utiliti.es, as well as env:ironmental factors, and the written comments of such r�gulatory bodies as applicable �.s subnitted as pa�t v� the record. � i More than 5 lots fronting an access driveway would require a variance of the zoning �o�:e, howeZ*er. 'che plat as prop�sed does not include ! trle lots �Ghat would be affectec� - it simply precludes any other ; d�velopmei7t pattern. 6. A loop drive, startin� at the lUCation of the first �'Driveway" an the �' plat, circling the twu existing (Ha�:ol.a and Simonton) houses and ' approaching �the south boundary �of the proposed subdi,vasion so a� to provide direct acc�ss to the ho�xse on the Glaubke property woul.d be, in staff�s �udgement, much pre#'pr.rable. �uch a loop cou].d be a less- � � � than-standar.d street �nd right-af-way w3.dth. �f it prc�vided access to the sewer lif.t stati�n sta�'f would see no ob�ection then to recommending vacation o� the 115th street right-of-way. 7. If platting the entire tract at this time is not possible, then a r�ecorde�. �greement concerning futur.e street location across the Fiakola and Simonton propert9.es w�ul.d be appropriate. Tn �hat case a lot could be sacrificed at the southerly terminus of the street and a tem�orary cul-de-sa.c provided which vvould revert to the owners far a bui�,ding s�.te at such tj.m:e as thP loop were to be completed. STAFF•-F�EGOMMENDATIONS: Sta�'f r.ecommends this matter be �abled penc7.ing redesign of the street system to provide acceptable acces� to the "remaind�r'� parcels, and �ither showing t�ie entir� axe� to k�e potential.ly platted to providing a tempor. ary cul--de-sac. Staff additionall�r recommends that the appl.icant be asked to coordinate his development with the ad�acent 1.andowners. � ...mm._,. �. _ �,��.�r:. �f• �:r o-•'�_ ,,.:: ..- --. . . . � - -___ _ - — --�..-- — ,. . . . �. '�,', ���°�..�. �� ���°���� 1��:. . , o � . �. , , � , � C'�`���.►���d�� - �''�°T- , , � , , . � , . . ; ; .____._._ � _. _i N f�<, � M N /� I A :'i l R E '> � !, � � � � ��. • �... MA 7 N A � �' � • .t. � pAKOTA ��. S W I i ,; D IV � I �"' B R N 10 T — . , y^� .. N — . G� 0�) � m t� . ��� m � , , v� �, S W TOGAP,D � \.y ' f "`_" � � . � Q� � } � .`.,iG�+'�' Scl�' $G ° . � G �� — � V . `rG - i _ ;� �! � "1 w _ • r ,s a � � ' � , A�C _- � C� � N �I V � ���' � £ -- D 5r-�° `_ � < �� • m , - Z s ST RE �rH tiT�'� rI c1 5c. �� �- ; � � � N � �� � � � ��� � • , / r C��/J �L ^ 4' 1 � ,� � V u�v L.- t ! � ! oo s G�L.��/�C I , � t , � � . I �i s I �: LY N N S1"h E[T � v ` I �c �� � , . . , ; , � _ � `� , i , , + sw ° � ! , A N ST E E �a � I �--� � I a � i � IdlALNlI ` z I �'1 � � � c � � , n� �'( � . 1{1 z ' , ,. ,,�: ' , N 1 � ��� , . ' . � . , y �': ,I , , , , , � .;. . . . n.w; ' •-..... � . .... y. . . �. -��,, �,. . <<.<„ , . , � � �� �� � ��:' � . , ���,� �.��.�-�� ��ow�� �� ���--- �' � � ' S�oc�i�/I's�o�-t 4J�� � �o�c�v�J� . ��_ . - � , � � � � - ; -� _ - N- . � • I'� -- - � . !I - � � �rP , �.,_ . ' I�I� `.� � _ � , �I � .=G����. ,�isr,�'fcr:. � � '� . : � � .. - . ' . � . ' •f .____.�.__._....r__., :�� . � -='' � .l6�! � � •- . . . . , �--`_ . .. ��_ '.�j . �� , ,' , ��� � . , � . . . � ST�FF I�EPOR�' � T�G,ARD PI,ANNING COMMZSSION SEPTEMBER 2, 1975 �"4 AGENDA ZT.EM 6.2 � M�NOR. 7�A.ND PARTITIONING MZP 5-'75 (�OWMAN/HA.ZL BLVD. A�' McDONALD) A request fo.r permission t� part3,tion a 3.42 acre site into 2 lots fox Single Family home use at 13990 S.W. Ha�.l Tlvd. (Wash. Co. Tax �Iap 2S1 2DD, �ax �,ot 7aQ) . S�'AFF FINDINGS: 1. The site proposed for partitionin� is pr.esently zoned R-7. ?_. The �'igard community plar� shaws the area as .residential, medium density. 3. Sewer is nat ava.�lable to this site, but wdll be likely available �:t si��h �time as an interceptor is buiZt s�rving the area west�rly along McDonaldo Septic t�nks have been appx�o�ed �.n th e past by the County Health Departm�nt and there is some possibili�y that, pending adequate demonstra�3.on �of soil percol.ation, a septic �ank and drain fiPld cou�d be approved here. 4. Water is prcavided by �igard l�later District. 5. Ha1.1 �ouleva.rd is a gaved center strip street �.�; a narrow right�-ofM way. The Tigard Cammunity plan calls �nr � winimum 80° r.ight-of-way ��' on Hal,l Baulevard. The rigk�t-of-way width is present3:y 40' . 5. �he con�igu�ati�n of the proposed s3.te is a "fl.ag lot" wit2i ,a 4?5' access drive. Tual.ati.n F�.re Distric� has indica�ted tilat they pre�er land devel.opment patterns that provide better access, but would approve this configuratian. STAFF RECONiMENDATIONS: Approve subj�ct to: 1.. Dedi.cation of 2Q f�et along Hall Boulevard (220 fee�} . 2. Coun�y Health Department appr.oval for septic tank drain field or provisfan of sanitary sewer. � I _;__ _ � ,. _ _.. ___ . } I I . . � � � t � i �- � ' 1. • �nl � , � . t7����'�. , jl s+�rrrir�r.rrr.,i,=�.�/ ,.. f . � ): o �1:., o.. �, ;,,. -----,---, o � � ►�-,._ � n , , �: 9.,.. ........ o E /�/q`�'� °' � r '^ ^ ���°uD s! � r �. �...., �,; o / A ' � �. � . ' � � � i ` � �w . • �° �, � n F � c� � � . � � � . � ; . � L.J"' . �a � Nous.E'-.� / i3990 � .'' a❑ � r � . i` � ' � i 1 i � 1 t � � , I � � Mo,� M � '� ++--rF I �,. ,i t � � ` 7>2ivE � , � i � '� � I�� �� � , 1 � , �% t� 11 , � � � � � � i 1 ' Zf? 00 s . � �o� �/�L�. a,cv�v � , � �s� - Zav �, -�..�...._.�-'�' � �.�.� � �� - tioo � 8�27 -7S � -'�; (�ERJ 73o w►..A�J � �j'3�o s� •S`A�L�i@ � (o,34.p231. � o- / '� � /DO ' � ; r . � � �