Planning Commission Packet - 08/05/1975 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. ., .� ..�. �:..... .... ... .. ...... . . . ...... .. ..... .. ..,... ...._ .. . ... ...�.... . ... ... ... .. . . . . . . . ..._... .... ... ... .' . . ,....:, . .. ..I .. .. . . .... . ... 5 „ Q,���,�.-t,..r�"( . �f L � �` AGENDA Tigard Planning Commission August 5, 1975 — 7:30 p.m. � a 2"wality Junior High School - Lecture Room � 14650 Se W, 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon � lo CALL TO ORDER � 2e ROLL CALL � �. 3o MIN[JTESs (study session) July 22, 1975 � 4. COMMUNICATIONS � t; : 5e PUBLIC HEARINGS ? N ! 5s1 CONDITIONAL USE CU 15-75 (Wineinger/Gingerbread Pre School) � � A request for permission to expand an existing conditiona7_ � use day care center in a residential zone at SW Hal.l Bl�rda � and Hunziker Streets. � � �"'� 5.2 CONDITIONAL USE CU 17-75 (Tigard Lions Club/Pape� Urop) ` �. , A request for permission to locate a paper drop station (collection of recyc�.able paper) on a portion ot a C-�3 zoned site at 12850 SW Pacific, behind Davidson's Frost Top� 503 CONDITIONAL USE CU 16-75 (Martel/TCT Auto Supply) A request for perznission to locate a retail auto parts store in a C-3M zoned site in an existing building at 12175 So W. Main St. 504 VARIANCE V 7-75 (Ma�rtel/TCT Auto Supply) A �r�quest to allow an exception to Chapter 18a60, Tlgard Municipal Code, requiring off street parking for a com-� mercial premise located at 12175 SW Main Sto (This v�.�°idnce � request pertains to the condition.al use permit requESted above) e 6. PUBLIC HEARTNG COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVISION - CPR 3-75 A request f'or Planning Commission recommendation of an amen.d- ment to the Tigard Community Plan of 1y71 in accordance wi°th �' recommendations by N. P. 0, #3. ,; , _; , ,. ; � , ;-, , ,; :, Y . �..` �... ��^ '�, PU�LIC HEAFtING ZONE CHANGE - ZC 8-75 A request for Planning Commission recommendation to certain ; parcels within N.P.O. #3 to confarm with the Comprehensive Plan. (Tigard Cornmunity Plan of 1971 as amended) . 8. SIGN CODE APPEAL SCA 2-75 � An appeal of the City's denial of a sign permit for a service club sign advertising meeting times to be placed in front of the Hi Hat Restaurant at 11530 SW Pacific Highway. g. SUBDIVISTONS i 1 9.l MINOR LAND PAR.TITION MLP 4-75 (Schmicit/Hall Blvd. & Ross St. ) � � A request for part�.t�.oning of a 9� acre parcel into two � 1.ots at SW Hall B7.vd. and Ros� Street) i 10. OTHER BUSINESS ��. �.�.. ADJOUFt.NMFN'T � � � � � � � � i ; � 6 � � � � � PC �genda - August 5, 1975 - page 2 , '. . , ; _. „_ �. ,. �, ,. _. � u;� - - = -�.-_�_.._ , _ . ,,. . , ,, .. .,:. _ -:.. _ .,, _ . . �,..�}..�t:.¢.,<�-�� � • �; �t"��' � ��l �,: �:.� �h=- MINUTES Tigard P1anMing Commission August 5, 1975 - Regular Meeting Twa�.ity J�nipr High School - Lecture Room 14650 S. W. 97�h Avenue, T�.gard, Ox�egon 1. CALL TO ORDERo Acting Chairman Porter called th�.e meeting to order at 7:35 p.m• I 2. ROI�L CALL: Nicoli, Popp, Porter, Wakem, Ha�.sen were present; ; staff: ��ien and Laws ? i 3. APPROVAL OF MII�UTES: Nii,nutes of Ju�.y 15, 1975, were approved i as read. � � , 4. COMMUNICATIONS 4.1 Joe Chamberlain - tabled until 1.ater in. the meeting. i .; 4.2 � � o Porter cqmmented on CRAG tran�portatian pa,an and made s reference to the plans designating Gaarde, Tiedeman ��;' and Walnut from Pacifis Hwy. to Tiedeman as arterials, saying the Pl.anning Comm�.ssion wa� not given an opportunity tn parti�ipate in °�l�is mattere o Porter then proposed a resal.utian by which all planning matt�rs concerning the City o� Tigard, as they are asked ., to be responded to by e�.ther �the county, CRAG or the �. state should' be in the form of a written communique , and have the approval of the Planning Commission. �. o Hansen voiced his approval �r�d moved to pass the reso- c lution. s } o Bolen com�mented on CRAG's procedure for acquiring in- t forma��:on from lo�al �urisdiction� and sta�ed he ; approv�d of the Planning Commission's proposed reso- � lution. � � � � o Motion seaonded by Porter. � o Adop�ed unanimously. � i 5. PUBZIC HEARINGS j 5.1 CONDITIONAL US� CU 15,75 (V�ir,:.einger/Gingerbread Preschool.l ( � A xequest fox� permission to expand an existing co�,ditional � ` use day �are center iM a residen�ial zone st SW Hall H1vd, , and Hunziker S�reet. I �� �'�.. �N "~ A. Staff report was read by Bolen. B. Public Testimony ' o The applicant, James Wineinger, stated he purchased the property w7.der the assumption th�t it would be licen,sed for 38 children, but the City had granted a conditional use for only 30 childrene HP furthe� stated that the state was willing to 1.icense the business for 38 children, but would pref�r the City approve the additional s^equested 8 children. o Popp asked ho�w �.ong the st�.te �ermit had licensed the business for 38 ck��.ldren. o Wineinger stated on the day he purchased the property �he state reduced the nurnber to 30 due to the lim�.t pr�scribed by the City's conditional, use permi,t. C. Staff Recommendation; approval D. Commission Discussion and Action � o Motion to approve (Har��en) o Seconded (N'ico],i) o Unanimously approved. 5.2 CONDTT20NAL USE CU 1'�-75 (Tigard Lions Club/Paper Dx�op) A request for permission �o locate a paper drop sta�tion (collection of recyclable paper) on a portion o� a C-3 zoned site a� 128�0 SW Pac3.�ic Hwy. , behind: Davidson's Frostop. i A. Staff Report was read by Bolen. ; � � B. Public Testimony ' i o App�icant was not present o No opposition C. Staff Recommendation o Bolen xecommer�ded tabl.ing the matter because the applicant was not presen�t to make a case � for �the record. a Nicoli and �ian�en requested not tabling the matter and asked for staf:a�''s recommendation. PC Minutes - August '5� 1975 � Pag� 2 ` � � � �� � � . � , . , , .::,:� . ....:: . .. . . . . �.. _. ....... __...,a ��.._ _..., ,.._... ..... . .m . .. �. .. . ,_ ...., � .,... .., . . . .., . . .. . . . ._. � � ' � �.,. .�4 . f o Wakem moved for approval, secondz�i �xi�.n5a.�.','• , o Staff recommended approval with conditionse 1. pave access to drop area. from WaTnut Pl.. ' 2. pave maneuvexir�,g area around building D. Commis:sion Discussion and Action ' o Popp su$gested on�.y pa��ing around the building b�cause of the expeMSe c�f the paving, o Porte� suggested tabling the matter because the� applicant waa not present and the expenses that would be in.curr�d for the paving of th� site. o Nicol,i fel.t the site should remain graveled. o Motion to approve application wi�hout staff recommended conditions was approved unanimously. Porter made a motion to k�ear agenda items 6 and 7 and have a s�ecial meeting the following evening to hear the remaining � agenda i�ems. Po�p recommended to proceed with a�enda as it stood. �: �.'he other Commissioners agreed and they proceeded with the agenda. 5.3 CONDITfiONAL USE CU �.6-75 (Martel,/TCT Auto Supply) � A request for permission to �.ocate a retail auto parts storc in a C-3M zoned site iM an existing building at 12175 SW Main Bt. A. Staff report was read by Bo1en► B. Public Testimony , o �.'he a licant en�ered as evidence pictures of PP the site. o App�3.cant stated that the staff report covered the items he w�shed to cover and, that thP pio- tures en�ered as evidence by the s�taff did not show the parking area as it is today, C. Sta�f Recommendation C: ' o Ap�roval, wi� any remodeling being sub�ect to Design ReV�.ew Board review. PC 'Minutes -� August 5, 1975 - p88� 3 � . � � � . . . . . . . . . . .. � � I , .. . � . . �. . � . � ..�. �. , :: y -.;:.. � . . . .�.: ,.�-::. .,f:�:�:.� + ��:.. . "1^ . � D. Commission Discussion and Actior � o Popp asked difference between trie parking �nown in t�:e picture and how it now exists, o Bolen responded by saying that there are now more spaces (9) f�om the previous (6) shown on the aerial photo, o Hansen asked the staff if 9 parking stal�.s� are required for the site, but they are or�ly using half of thc build.�.ng, what restrictions would be placed on someane occupying the other half of the building. o The applicant responded by saying that they wer� , only going to use half the building now, but the whole building is in their con�rol. o Po�p asked if the applicant woulc� be sub-leasing. o 'The app�.icant responded by saying no. o Staff report was ame�ded to read the whole build- ing would be used and not just 2,000 fte � o Motion to approve with staff recommendations (Hansen) , s�conded (Wakem) . o kpproved unanimously 5.4 VARSA�TC� V 7-75 (Martel/TCT Auto Supply) A request to allow an exception to Chapter 18060, Tigard Municipal Code. requiring off-street parking for a com- mercial premise located at �.2175 SW Main St. (This variance request pertains �to the conditiona�. us� permit requested above). i A. Staf� Report read by Solen..., ! B. Applic:ant stated•prior comments would serve. � C. Staff Recommendation ; ; o Approval, witk� the conditian the applicant would use the entire bui�ding and if another ].eas�e shoulc� use part of the building, a decision would have to �e reached as to how the parking would be distributed among the occupants. � ` p, �ommissio� Discussion and Action o Popp moved for apgrova� with staff recommendatior� PC Miz�ut�s - August 5', �.9?5 - paF;� 4 _ __ , r.,, ..: __ . .r ,��� ..��... _._�, ;v �. �. . . .. _ , __ . _ ;, . .. ... , . , . . ,: ;. .:, . . ..,, . . �.., ��✓. �:� o Approved unanimously. 6. PUBLIC HEARING � � . CON�RF�NSIVE PLAN REVI5ION - CPR �-75 I�I A re4uest for Planning Commiss�.on reac�mmendation of an amend- ment to the Tigard Community Plan of 1971 i�M accordance with r�oommendations by N.P.O. #3. : A. Staff Report. o Presentation of N.P.O. �3 Plan by Balen. A Ho1en stat�d that tYle N.P.O, #3 Plan is a revision of the 1971 Community Plan and serves as a more comprehensive study nf 3.and use within the p7.an area. o Bolen explained ta the Comm�ssion and audience the pz^oposed land u�e plan map and defined the par- ticul.ar l.and us�s to in�lude residen-L-ial, multi- fami].y, commercial, commerGial-profess3.ana]., open space and s�treets. � H. Minority Report o Report given by N.P.O, #3 member Bibianne Scheckla who st�ted that N.P.�. �3 members Eleanor Quimby' and Merrill Berquist endorsed the report. q Scheckla �tated �that SW Gaa�de ahould not be re- aligned, but be improved and remain as a resi- dential street. o There should be na proposed plans for commercial property along Gaarde Street and 110th St. should. not be extended �o Gaarde. C. Publ.ic Tes�timony (questions from aud3.ence) o Porter asked fo� Comme�ts from N.P.O. #� members. o Maurice Leaperance asked #�.ha� ��rther comments an Gaarde St. be hearrd end then plan should be returned to N.P.O. o �K��h3r,.�McCoy s�tated �t..�it. would b� un"rea3�.stic to think t2�at Gaarde St. could stay the way it 3.s nowe � ,.; '.i I•t.r� � 4 Porter asked for questions From the aud�.ence. PC I�inute�s - August 5► 1975 - pa6e 5 �; . � _. . _,:.;;. . ,.�..,. ... . : � .�. _ :, . , ., ,�. . .,. . .. .. .. .. ,,. .,. , ..x,. . ..._... . .. ..... ...1.w ._ . ,.. .,.. .. . .,.. ;:... _. _ , , , 1 �� �,.� o Audience response was predomina-tely cc�n.c��rzl �d U�ith ���° the NaP,Oo 's proposals for the_ improvEmen.±:� t� Gaarde St. with �articular concern shown towards �the effec�s of w�.dening the street, the location of rights-of-way, the constructa.on of pathways and bikewdys, the er�vironmental impact of increas�d traf��,c volwne and th� general health and safety of �he residents who reside along the street. o Those peop],e asking queat�ons weres SW C�aarde St. - Phi�. �Spencer L yall.Turribu].1 Delores Crossway Bruce Anderson SW 121st - Wayne �.owE Lester Taylqr Robert Kircher Mrs. John Reeves Margaret Milne ° Roger Croney Mrs. Gs�nry Xavier� R. Althea Rodde � S'�1 McDonald , Paul Hiavi,rland Fred � Schultz Bob T,amb �W Village G�.enn - Claire Robertson SW 1�.4th - �ruce T�nllister SW Viewmount - Jack Skidmore o Porte�^ �hen ca�,]�ed �pr commEnts fro�n the audience. o The comments frpm the audience were basically directed i towards the proposed Gaarde St. alignment & widening and zone change pxoposals. ' o T#�ose �ommenting were; i SW 121s� - Wayne Rowe Xavier R. Roger Croney Althea Rodde Ro'ber�t Kircher Lewis Bacon Sandy Heist �: SW Gaarde Tony �'orter Marian Finche�` H. Spe�c.er PC: Minu��s - A�¢ust 5, 1975 - paSe '6 �,. �- �,�: Roger K1ing Mrs. George Germeyer SW McDonald - Fred Schultz Paul Hiavirland NFO #3 Members - Jean Haldorson Jan McCoy Dick �luempke �W �airhaven - �7enny Powers SW ]�24th - Mar�.e Harold SW Village Glenn - F.lorenc� Rob�rtson D. Commission D�.scussion and Action o Portex directed his comunents towards the proposed x^ealignment and widenir�g of Gaarde. o Porter defined col�.�ctor and arterial streets as they are stat�d in the 1971� Traffic Safety Program - and �aid by ��lling Gaarde a collect�r, but actually i �,� using it as an. arterial, CRAG and the county will � treat Gaarde and McDonal,d as arterials once Gaarde is realigned, s�.gnalized, and widened. o Forter also said collector streets should not be aligned at interseGtions as connecting colleotors because they tend to pu�t more traffic on them thar� is nec�ssat^�r. ' I o Por�er stated tha�t the N.P.O. Flan made a very ; arbitrary ru7,e �or the land proposed to be changed from R-7 to Retail Commercial and that the Community � Plan states on gage 28 that Retail Commercial dev�elo�p� men� at �the inters�ct3.on of an arterial street with � an expressway or anoth:er arteria7. will be l�.mited � to one quadrant. ' . o PortEx indicated that the N.P.Oo Plan stated that the singular purpose of Pacific Hwy. is to carry through tra�fic and that this was in contradictic,n �o the Community Plan. a Porter pointed ou� tha� the Commur�ity Plan states that neighborhood �hopp3.ng centers sho�uld be 1,0- �ated at least or�e mile from 1� �omme�cia�' area rpnonr:�d��g� ��m�.�laf��gda�:a'�nd .,s�rvi�es�. The NPO � 'I.P1�an �a�ates�•�t3'ra�;:'npi�ghborh�o�od :,c.enter.'s shau�.a� be r.��ri�i�ral�;y ��o'c�ted'� �vi�,.t�kie �►axket area they sex�ve. PC �i.�nutes - Augu:s� 5, 1975 � page ? � � . .. . . . .... .�.. . ..7'�^-= .i^_ .c...,-. , , w,.:�s..�....,..� �-�- , �,, . `�. �.. �4. o Porter stated he did not think the resu�ts of what the N.P.O. P1an propases have been ].00ked a�t carefully ;and tlza-t' the NFO's' �rialysis 'of Pacific '�iighway .,cciritradiets wk�at the Community Plan states. o Popp felt he neec�ed to �'tud�r further the N.P.Oo #3 text. o Niaoli as�ted N.P.O. #3 Ghairman Kluempke if the N.P.O. would like the Plan returned to the N.P.O. o Kluempke asked far PZarining Cvmmission direction. o Wakem stated t�at it 'wou3d be unfor'tunate; under a�y ��rctims��n��e�, to' tMink� thc �N.P.(�. �P1an was a eomplete. refl.e�t�.pn c�f��Mr. Bolen!s philosophy. o Wakem suggested t,�at the P1an should not be sent back to the N.P.O. , but rather first receive writt�an comments from staff so that the N.P.Oo �wou�l�have guidelines �� that a Planning �.o.�,uni,asion � �. study s�essfon should Serve as the means of im- plementing thase guide�.ines. o H�nsen stated tMat fur�er discu,ssion is needed with particular atte�tion given to greenways and commerc�a.11y pxoposed areas. o Popp stated that be�are the Flan a.s sent back to �the N.P.O. �.t i� necessary that the Planning Commission give t�.he N.P.O. directi:on. o Popp made a motio� to de�er any act3.tln on the Plan until a P],anning Gommission st�tdy session i,s held,at which time the N.P.O. wou�d be given direc�YOn. o �econded (Wakem) o Approrred unanimously o A hearing was set �`or 7:30 p.m. on August 12, 1975, �.n the G.T.E. Building and the N.P.O. �3 members� were i.nvi,t�d to attend. 7. PUBLIC HEARING � ZONE CI�ANGE ZC 8-7� A reques�t for� Pl,anning Commis:ti�vn recommer�dation ta certain PC Minutes - August 5, 1975 - pa�e 8 � , ..... . _._�... .�._�_�..._.. ��--- . :. .�.__ __ _ _ . .. . . . . . 4 � . . � . . . . . . . . . � � ��� ��` . . � . . . .. .. . . . �1;.�� . � � . . pa�cels within N,P.O. ,#3 to conform with the Camprehen,si�v�e Plan (Tiga�^d Community P�an of �.971 �=� ���nded) . o Popp moved to table agenda i.�em 7 o Seconded (Wakem) o Unanimou$].y approved 8. STGN CQDE APPEAL SCA 2-'75 Ar� �ppeal of the City's deni,al of a sign permit for a service club sign ad,vertising me�ti,n,g �t3.�es to be placed in front of the Hi Fiat Restaurant at 11530 aW Pacific Highway. o- Porter maved to have agenda item 8 heard after 9.1 o Unan#mous�y a�proved. g. �UBDIVISSON3 � 9.1 MINOR LAND PARTTTTON MLP 4-75 (Schmidt/Hall Blvd. & Ross St. ) A xequest for pa�^titioning pf a 9� acre parcel into two �, 1ot� at SW Ha�.l Blvd. and Ross Street A. Staff Report was read by Bolen B. Publzc Testimany o Appli�ant stat�d he has contacted the calzrity �o C uS� a sept}c taxlk nr� the premises and al.so a j we�.1 as �eans of �rovid�ng watero � C. Staf�' Recommendation I � ��� �] o S�a�#' recommencled approval with the conditions: j � 1. Hea�.thfu�, wa�er is provided to the occup�ncy ( ` and that there �.s some means af dischargin� j sewer based. pn the apprQVa1 of the County j Hea�.tka Department. ` 2, That �he� applicant dediaate 5 �t, of property along Rvss St, a� Ross Ste i�s designated as a 50 ft. wide street under the City's �aca7� ��tree�, standards. 3. Tha�t th� appliaan'� ag�ee to a non-remonstrance' fox' a L. I. �. w�,thin �.0 years a �' ' D. Cqmm�.s��.o� A�.sc�s.�ion ,and Action F� Mi,nu��s - Augu�� 5� �.975 - pa�e 9 � -- `•14 �w � �� o Motion (Popp) to appr�ove with staff stated con- di,tion�. o Seconded (Wal�em) o Unan�,imously a�proved o�x�. �usxr�ss o Commurii�a�tions (Joe Chamberl,ain) �ub�ect: Requ�s� �or City-in��t�.a�ted �mendment of the zoning map in Lake Terra�e Sttbd�.vi$ion (Joe Chamberlain - Arrow Heating App�ican�) A, Staff Report B, Commission piscussion and .�etion o Motion by Hansen �or Comm�.s��.on to initiate a zone changea o Secoz�ded (Nica�i) o App�oyed unanimously �M 8. SZGN CODE APF�A� (Vari�nce Reque��t) A. Staff RepoTt B. Co�uni$sion Discuss3.oz� �,nd Action o Popp recommended to aecept sign as shown. o Porter �uggest�d turn�,n;g matter over to Design REView o Nicoli oppos�d PQrte�'s suggestion o Porter stat�d only the p�.acement of the aign shou]�d be considered. o Porter asl�ed if there was any other pl�aae on the pre� m�ses where the si�n m�,gk�t be located and �omply with �iga�d Sigzl O�dinance. o Porter raissd the question as to the s3gn being in th� �ight-of-way. r.:. q Moti�on (Hansen) to approve loGa�tion o�' �ign sub�ec o ` approval of the �ublic woxks de�ar�ment for re�asons of �t publi� safety. , � o Secox�ded (Ni�ali� o Mo�tion passed �+-0, W�ktem abs�a��.ned. ].0. AI�OUR�IMENT: The meet�ng w��r3 ac��oux�ned at 12;05 A.M o PC M�nu��s ,. Auguat 5> �.975 - page iQ , �:�� ��,� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF TIGARD PLANI�ING CONIMISSION Notice is hereby given that public hearings will be held by the Planning Comwission of the City of T�.gard in the Twality Junior High Schonl Lecture Room, 14650 S.W. 97th Avenue, Ttgard� Oregon. Said hearings will occur on August 5, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. and will concern the following: " o A request by the City of Tigard and the N'eighborhood Planning Organization for the Derry Dell-foot of Bull Mountain area (NPO #3) for REVISION o� THE TIGARD COM- MUNITY PLAI� of 1971 for a roughly triangular area bounded by S.W. Pacific Highway on the South East, Bull Mauntain on the South �West and S.W. Walnut Street on the North. The revisions requested would amencl. both map and text of saial Tigard Com�unity Pl�,n with respect to the above described area. Maps and Text describing the above proposed amendment are available for tnspection at Tigard �City Hal.l, 12420 S,W. Main Street, Tigard. o A request by the Cit;yr of Tigard and the Neighborhood. Plaruiing Organization for the Derry Del1-Foot of Bull Mowntain Ares (NPO �3) for an AMENDMENT of the TIGARD �ODTING MAP (zone change) to bring the zonittg of certain parcels within said p].anning area into conformance with the Tigard Commutxity Plan of 1971 as amended (above). N1aps and Descript3on of the parcels to be rezoned are a�railable for , � � inspection et Tig�ard City Hall, 12�+20 S.W. N�in Street, Tigard. o A request by James and Elaine Wineinger fax permission to enlarge an existittg da care center in aa R- zone at W 1 Y 7 S. . Ha 1 Blvd. and Hunziker Stree�s, formerly » o known as Tin Ti rs y ge . (Tax Lot 1000, Wash. Co. Tax Nlap 2S1 2BC) i o A request by TCT Auto Supply for CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT to establish a retail auto parts store and for a V;�9RIANCE of on-site parking requirements on a C-3M zoned site located at 12175 S.W. Main Street. (Tax Lot 3200, Wash Co. Tax Map 2S1, 2AA) o A request by John Schmidt for a MINOR L,AM) PARTITION of an R-7 zoned site located at S.W. Hall Boulevard and Ross Street. (Tax Lot 1900, Wash. Co. Tax MQp 25�.-128) ;All persons having an interest in t2�ese me�tters are invited to attend. and be heard. . • ; i i i t �. � _ ,, . ._�.. ._„ STAFF REPORT �.-. Tigard Planning Commission ' ; *. �:. August 5� �-975 Agenda Item 5.1 CU 15-75 (Wineinger/Gingerbread Presc�ool) ConditionaT Use for expansion of an: existing conditional use day care cen;ter ?� in an. R-7 zone at SW Ha11 Blvd. and Hunziker St, Staff Findin�� �. A Conditional Use Permit was issued by the City of Tigard for a day care center ( �'Tiny '.Cigers'�) first in 1967. That ; permit was for two years. An amendrnent inereasing the '! number of chi�dren allowed was approved in. 1970 (see approval ' letter at�ached) . The app�icant%owner at that time was Ms. Stover, -to whom the 1:etter is addressed, and Mr. Wineinger, ` the applicant for this expansion, is a recent purchaser. Staff �inds no record o�' the "site Flan'� referenced. ; , 2. The term "exPansi.on." 9as applied to this requestqis a mis- nomer as no s-tructural or site plan changes are suggested ' by the owner/applicant. � �� 3. Staff is aware of no particular problems this conditional use has created for the City, although the nearness of the existin� hedge causes sigh�t distance problems at the inter- � section. ' 4. Existing land use and zoning in the area do not appear to ' have suffEred as a result of this activity on thi.� site. : Sta�'f Recommendation to be advised after close of public heaxing � �,, - - - � , ., . ..,, � -- ��.....n . . ,�.,.����_ .. . , . ,,. , . .,_ ,:d.�. .. . 1��,,,,,��..,. i 1��� ., � � • ' � �,:,. ,., ; .., _ , , .... : � ��:. ��w �: . . '' ,. : 8L�8� S�+T �Iwn.zilcer Raa�d Tigard, Ore. 97223 . . June 16, 1975 , : .. • Ti ard Planni�ng Cotmniaaion - 12�}20 8W Maiti St. . Y� Tigard, Ora. 97223 .._... Dear Sire�; � We hans a coilc]it3onal use persnit for our propertT, to be operated aa a preachool and ahild care oenter . witk� a li.�cni.tation of thirty children. We wia�'b "to; ini creaae the aize ot' our centar from thirty to thi�rty- , : eight children. No other changea a�re propoaed art�t�, `�"° ' '� ' as far ae we know, our requeat conforms Kith Ti$x►rda� ,, comprehensive plan.� ,.. - We f'eel that our requeet will def'i.natsly !'�.i.�ill � a ���mnn�i�y n�md. At bhe present tia�e �re �re turnia3g parenta end their children away bec�tuse of the city�o s - � - �. � reatriation on the capgaity of our achool, gnd tho . �,�' preachool aeaaon hasn!t even �tarted y��t� Ths location ' � seems to .be one whera parente car� leave thair children while on their way to work, yet, it ia i� � homelike ' aetting. �' ; + . ,. - . . .x_.. -� - i � ' We feel that the noise control and the larid:ec8ping scheme oP our �acility would certainly be adequate �"�'� � far the increa�ee. With the wideni.ng o� Hunziker Rae�1,• the tra��ia in and. out of the achool property would �'� . be amoother and leas conapiauoua thQn at the presen.t ' time. We teel thatY_theae �actors woul'd over�Y�adax the increaee of eight ehildren. ` . The inpact on our neighbora and the neigh�orhood � • would be very amell. In the past gears the atate oP Oregon haa licenesd this t'acility for thirty-eight �� ahildren and_ becauae,.ot', thia, the� �oriner owners have, ' at times, enrolled up to thirty-eig�it chi�:.dren. We as new owners�, would prefer.,to b�e e�nctioned bg bot� t2ie"city of Tigard a�r�d the atate oP Orego�a for the�t number. �� . . • . ,_ _ Sit7�caraly, , ' .. , . � . � . . . . � ,. . .. _.. .. ., �t� _.... .:._ _. .. ,�_._..:...,.,��. ,-.�r � `',.�' �C.c�.,,�-�,-�- __,���. Cf��r�//ry�?4 �� /j��J�/ � �/) r('` � .. iJ�...,. ' � . ..-...,=L✓�twiNl�� � �'�7'����.��/5✓r' . . .. .. . . `�. � ... . ............ ...... .r . .. . ..�... . �Jnmea R. Wineinger '' Elaine R. Win@in�er • . _ �, , . , . :<, , ;,� :� , ' � i� ` � � �; - �Q� \ �� � � -� � 5 � : R-7 soa �aa � �Z �3o�v"---- — . � KJII O�l, �� � (-°—�.,___.__,_____ - / sw• I �sao %� ��oD ! � � '� Sa° \ . j R-'7 � � c� �� p ( i �q_Z �, �� _-___ — . L �6oD �'_"----�-- �� 13aD t� m-3 , � , � R,� � - � �oa �,7 � - � R�.-7 »aa -----_._ — �+� � ' � � } aD `�' R'� , . N � .s� ►� � 2 . c? '� � �Qo o ��Q1 � _._.`--- � � . s � o0 � . s _ �s° ..� \ � \ �--7 � � � - �. �`7 ^ , / - .. 1 � � I R. � _ ! 7 , � �� � 3i Da �p0 _ � � l4 Z . S 11/, �o - . . , _ � o � Z yUN��'�FiP ��- b�° 35a� ��s \�2, . ��A,17 _ -� �-Z � .A`Z 7, { `L ��S � Z3� . . 2�00 � � S��F F� � rn-3 ' 1A-2 ,D o m_3 . �oa � �—Z i � ; , .� ' A �o —'-- �O' �- � � ` Z �� � - . � - r \ � A-Z �`� � . _ _ �� _ , . _ __ _ _ F _ _ ; / � . , { ' � ( t•, 5T-� . � �..,: . !!ay ,26, 196� D�lores �. �tover , 8485 S.�P. Huzsziker 3treet � ' Tigard� Oreqon. 97Z23 � � � . . , � , �ear �+[r�. � Stover: . . . . . , .. ' _ ..i r . � . . Tizis' ia to offi�cially nvtify you that your request for ari `amended •cbnditionai Uee �for a Day Nuraery for 20 c�ilc�r�n (with, a;total capacity of 30 by May� 19T0) on your property 'located at '6485 B.N. �un�ikes Street (!!ap � #2s1 1�C, ' Tax Lot 1000 j was:approved �by the, P2anrtinq and Zoning C7omaaisgfori'on !Wy 20, �1969, with the fo1- � lc�winq cc�r►dit�i�one: ' . � � ° , ; . � � � ' � l. T'hat the' construction of' tlie' driveway and � ' parking facilities 'and �the landscaping � . ' shawn on f�e plan�r �su�ftt�� bet c�i�apl�t�rd - within 6 months of' the date af agp'roval by �,` D �e Planninq and Zoniriq Oommisa�ont 2. �That tentativs approval of this req�teet be � given at thia time, and final approval ugon camp�.etion o! the parkinq im,prov�nts, at ' whf� tims ths City w�ll notify the �tate ' Lic�,nsinq Bureau that Irbce. StQVer haa com- plied wit� ths City's requirements and rhat her Oo�ditional� U�ss requeat foi the c�ay car� of up to 30 childre�n is approvsd by ths City� 3. T'hat ths new play area be fenced ar be�fors, but not so as to obscu=e viaion at the corner ot Hun�c3kar and Sall Hlvd. or ,at the ne�w drivewmy. � , . .� Thie deciaion will become final sixteen Aay+� from the c9ate o� the cbmanisaion meeting on l�tay 30, ].969, provided no appea� is filed in this ti�aa. Z eincerely hope that thexe ' � ia n� ag�peal becauve I leel gous ngw plan is a qood, workable one fos you and the City, a�d that the neiqhborhood will realize less effeet from your operation with th3.e plan Ceven thouql� you are allowed more chfidren to care for) than they do under the preaent circutaetances. . t Plense leel tree to call, i! you have any .lurther queations, � Sincerely, ; ` ' Bmily �Iied - t g;q=�P City Planner ` STAFF REPORT Tigard Pl�.nning Comm�_ssion . August 5, 1975 Agenda Item 5.2 ; CU 17-7> (Lions Club/Recycling Station) Conditional Use A request for permission to establish a recycling station in j a C-3 zone to the rear of Davidson�s Frostop Drive-in Restaurant � at 12830 S. W. Pacific Hwy. ; Staff Findin�s l. A conditional use permit was granted in 1972 (CU 4-72) i, for construction and operation of a r,e�ycling station behind Girod's Market on Commercial St-. abou.t 300 ft. ; south of SW Main St. Now, due to the anticipated rs- ' I modeling and expansion of Girod's, the Lions C1ub has beer� asked to relocate their paper drop building to another �ite. 2. The planning staff has attempted ta assist the Lions Club in locating an alternative location and has verified that few alterna�Lives of any kind exist for the location of such a facility due both to economics and to the specia� access ' �, , needs that the recycling station requires. 3. Additiona� traffic burden to be placed on the si`te and its access to SW Pacific Hwy. by this activity does not appear to be exaessive; however, staff takes note that the on-sit� traffic patterns and the pattern of access and e�ress to and from the site is at �east disorganized, if not chaotie. Staff has observed frequent confl.iots betwe�n vehicles entering an.d e�{iting Frostop and the Swif-T-Wash. The problem is compounded by a sight obstructin.g telephone booth and telephone po�es. Additional cross traffic and unrestrained parking has been added by a produce wagon permitted under a 60 day temporary use permit by the City Administra�tor. 4. The area proposed for the ne��y�l��g�.�station is unpaved, as is the proposed rear access. 5. Adjacent land use, besides the Frostop and Swif-T-Wash on the site, is the former Wig Wam - now being used as a '�flea market�' (presently a zoning vis�latian)' to the east; apartments, a church and vacan� land to the south, and an office �uilding on the west side of SW Wa�.nut Place. 6. Negotiations are in progress (.have been for some time� to relocate and improve SW Walnut Place, which wi�l then pro- � vide an improved side street access with a controlled inter- section on Pdcific Hwy. I _ �', � , ,, ,�:; � �., �:. � 7. Code requirements with z�espect to landsc�ping and screening and access, as applied to the portion of the site to be � occupied by the recy�ling station are: (1.8.12,080) (b) When permitted under the con.ditional use provisi�.�ns of this title, all business, �ervice, repair, proeessing, storage or merchandise display r�at conducted within. an enclosed building may be req��ired to be screened from view of all adjacent properties by a fence obscuring the sight of normal adjacent pedestrian and vehicular traffic and/or by lan�.scaping of such a height and density as may 'be p�escribed by the planning commission. (Ord. 70-32 5210- 6, 1970) . (18.58.060) (1) Tree an:d shrub plantings within park- ing areas shall be provided and maintained at approximately seventy feet on center each way. (2) All areas not occupied by paved road- ways, structures, or walkways shal�. be landscaped. A mini- mum of the front ten feet from the street ri�ht-of-way shall ' be landscaped. (3) Not less than ten percent of the total lot area shal.l be l:andsra ed. P � � , �� (4) Insta�.la�tion a:nd maintenance o�' land- ' scaping shall comply with the requiremen�ts -s�� Section 18. ! 58.050 (4) . (Ord. 72-35 S3 (Pa.rt) , 1972; ord. 7��-3?_ 51.05-3.2, � 1970) . , i � �18.60.1�0) Reql�.ired off-street par.kin� sha11 be al�owed � in any yard setback, p:rovided that the first two feet in from th� pr�perty line are maintainPCl in l.an.dscapirig, and provided that any common boundary a�ong which this p��rking is al�.owed between a residential zone and any other zane is screened by a fence obscuring the sight of normal adjacent pedestrian and vehicular traffic, the erection of which shall be the responsibility nf the ownership in the non-residential � zone. (See also Section 18.12.080) (Ord. 70-32 S 190-2 {�) , ; �:970) . k 4, 8. A�though probably not applicable to this case, for purposes ` of future conditional use considerations, these requirements � coul�d be levied on the entire site should the conditional F use be considered appl.icable to the entire site. ° ± ! i 9. The use proposed is, in staff's opinion, a community service. ` ` Its merit and community benefit are wel� Estab�.ished, not i only in provid'ang an al.ternative for recycling of paper, i but also in the substantial public work undertaken by the � Lions Club with the proeeeds from sale of the paper co�lected, ! i �taff Recoms�endation � _ , ; to be advised fo�.lowing the close of the public hearing � �, PC Staff �teport - August 5, 1975 - page 2 - item 5.2 , : • - , ;. . � �� , . . �� ,�. ,, . . �_, .. ,.;� � �� '� r �; Pqv�o. .. J :,.. , e _ � . ��� ' �✓ . , . . �` `�. ; ,.•, _ �,�. 160' �; .��' '. ' . , C. � , ; ~���r . - . U M.H. � • 1� �. I77.2 / , ,/ X f' ,� � � 'r , \� ��5 � L BO ��. . N � � � � '� �� . a.���� � . .�� + PAVE :�� � �� ' 4 , .'` , `�� �C� • EI� �ARKINI , +'G♦ • ''� � � Q , . F`iVl' � ' �� ' I , ` �Pb ' i .. • � : . M:H. ' • ' • , P'Vb: o ,9.T � . " I � /90 PA, d ( I . � ����� � � • ' 4 �.' �, '� . . . . , I 191.3 .�1, �: X _ w.,��j . (;, �I , , � � � � � � � RA1�E � 0 i ♦ � . • ; ' ' - � ' �� � .� .� , ` rl � � Q . Mr+�..,A ,`�: �' � ' P � _ :;, dM: , . N� , � ;.,,,` ��1M •; . .:��4� ,,,•,�^ 5►'i�..� � � � .' � � ��I .� �,��,� � . y. ., 41 �'.� . � ' �'. !�x / 4�, f . "� � n i.�'� y �". t .i.. 1 :;�'. . . � � " � � {'.19� r� .i �`(' ' t 4+ ` ` }r I' ' , , • ; . , , i' . .�. . � � y, , . i. � , ��� '�°�..�.� � � � ��..� ��'-�?� i . "�'` � � - �� •�..��� �.t-�-� �� �. � �y,��✓w,�e},.� _ _ - . - i L . 1 --_- . - . - - ,�' * - i--- _� _ _ _. __.___ -- - ��� - . � -. - : _ �� .�.���aX�.yJ.,�,a:�, �.��� -�....:�����,��.���� �� . i . .��.�-�-�.�..�� �c�.� � ,� ���� � �te`�✓K'`�'-L��"f � � - a_ -- �a.`� C.-rLn��'�' /� . / S�'.C'�8v,� ,� y y� ,y � ' ' i �� � ; Gi.�-tf f��z�1..�.�'tp-L�-o .cc�..-:B�.�!''%J�S;Ltaa��..tv �i;n�fG.� �T� v��'�..o ��� , .. , , , .."i� �,+t��..t.N%.O,�.O� � •�.Gt=�LrGl!,�/J Ci6tc�� ','�7f. '�/t't�• � . ��' . � : , I,LwK •..s�,p�s►yf,�'�5����;(.� (i-� ��:r �' '°�o tn+-t�� ,�r,�.�c.! icrt'c•-rc� �� - �/J !� / � � � . ' fL !.L C7- -- �_ >tvt !.r„'"tr �!' -�!'f�'�u/L r .�E_�1Ll.���s(JZ'�ll�l��f.��1TiCLi Q� �D/ .. . i� � b�: � � . ��c..,������� 2e��!� - .C��ii,,se'�:ci,/ CJ.��. �'r�lUc�-{''�'f"`� ..... . ( � �E , �T . .��u.��f... ..._ . -. --- - -�- - � �� ,, ._ _ . �_ . .--- - -- - -- - • �_ _✓ _— , _ -- -- - � - __ { sd� , . �� �� i . . . �f � ��R. . . < {- /, f� � . p�� 9 _ _ : . � _ ��� � ��� - , �o�� � � � `�°�`� � . ' � ��� � r ,�..... , .. �G$� V _^- _ . . . . ... . ._. . _ . ;. —. � _ �p � � .— . --_. _._.--___,---- � ��`�,.� . . ,�-�_� ���� x ( f . � � � . _ . _ . ; _ _ .. _ __ _ _ j`�° `. ._. '` — •���/ ----- '-- — — '— — �— —� i _ :Y.� -. '.�(J'� ' . , , ' . . � . . ?''?, • • 1 — L -- -. _ . :.. � :� ; � : , . -'f-" = y, . . . . „ ���� � � , i ; STAFF REPORT I Tigard Plan.ning Commission � �,` August 5, 1975 Agenda Item 5.3 a CU 16-75 (Doug Martel - TCT Auto Parts Co. ) i � Conditional Use I 1 for a retail auto parts store to be located in an existing � building at 12175 SW Main St. ; S�taff Findin�s � 1. The site is zoned C-3M, General Commercia�. Auto pa�^ts i and accessory sales are a conditional use allowed in this ; zone. ; 2� banktand aavacant buiPding�s ThereSisaanLaundry/Dr,ytCleaners � adjacen't on. the east and a home/business adjacent on the ' west. i s'I 3. Applicant intends to lease 2000 sq. ft. of a 5000 sq. ft. ;I building .iar his establishm�nt. Limited remodeling will ;� apparently be undertaken4 Sta.ff is not aware of intended �'� ��4' exterior changes. 4. Parking required by Tigard Code is 9 spaces ( 1 �pace/500 sq. .ft. plus �. space/2 ernp�.oyees plus � space/estab�.ishment) for the applicant's proposed activity. The proposed lo- cation has no on-�ite parking space available. � �� 5. The Ti�ard Community Plan, as amended, designate� this area { : for retail commercial use. � 6. Present parking demand for the on-street spaces adjacent � appears light. � R 7. Applicant response to '�Fasano questions" is attached. j � Staff Recommendation t t ; � to be advi.sed after close of public hearing � ! � ; � � �. � _ .... �_�.a,.._�,.___�..�.. � ���„T 1 p„�_L��_ � . rc���rv sv�o�� � 0 o_ A� . �� ��� _ �� �r� �G� . � Pf�OPOSEI� 5 � : - l�UTO P�FRTS Pt�� � � . S'TDIP� t- 9�C O�c.D �O Gt�,L ER. �2040�°� a , \ O !^ p0. \ � �. � \ / / ' � f� � • � � ' ������ \� G � . �y�o�- � � . ,�q���' �'z„ Z- � - � � I '� . i �� � � � � � ;, / �� . . � �� �. ,� �' - �� � . �. � ' � � ��a � � � _ . � ,� � . , ___ . _. _.. �:::. _.: _ . ,, _ _ _. _ _ , .. . • � �� .+ , �,• ; .; � �' � � C �;, � � ,; . � ;;;� . . . �, � T0: Planning Commission Staff' �''I �'`'? . Planning Commis�ion { �� City Council . i� , SUBSECT: Answsrs to questions for �� Zoning I�Fap Amendment Application ', � . !, 1. Q Pleese state the specific purpose of i�' your proposed zQne change. �; . j_ A The speciYic 'purpose oY the proposed (; zone change is to pernit conditional _. �+ use oP present zone for a retail parts � �; and accessory store. i� El ,1 �� 2, q Is the requested zoning in �conformance k; with Tigard's adopted Comprehen�ive Plan and oth er adopted precise plans as r� , may be r8lated te your request. � , ;; �, A Yle feel that the proposed variance would � ;; complement the mair� street environnent ' a� wel•1 as be an economic asset to the �� � community. It does con�orm to tl��e �om- �' prehenaive Plan as �ve underst�nd it. 3. Q Does your proposed zone change fulfill , a community need for the proposed uae. A The proposed conditional use does fulfill �, the need in the community for an auto supply gtore that is designed for the individual rather than the dealer�garage � wholesal� elient. � � � 4. Q Have there been changes in conditions ( i. e. land use, street capacity, ava3.1- � ability o2' sewer and wat�r seTVi�e, etc. ) that would �ustify a change in • zone. ' A As we see it Main Street,. Tigard, is changing to become a more retail ' area that it has been in the past. � � These changes in conditions have �me�de the area attractive to us. � ' �.... ... ... ....... . . , __ _ ------ _ . ,... . _. _. , . :.:..: .. . .. _ ,_ _, .. , .. . ._.._ ., ., -__ � , . _ . _. _ . _. _ C. _ _ _ .. _ „. , , � . i _. � •. . t � . , . , ' ' J � � �..' � � 5� Q bYhy is the proposed loca�ion. i'or yowr . •, �� , proposed zone change more suitable ' ' than other locations in the Citp zoned to al�ow your proposed use. . , ' . � A This locetion is most suitA'ble to us ' • 'Por the fallowing reasons: . � (� Physical Locat�on- t3entrally located.� . �n th� heart of the Tigard Business . District. The visability is good � . . from both main arterials. UB' 'Traffic Flovt- The amoun�9 ,or trarric '� . and apparent destination of the trafSia� � indioai:es they are erriving or departing . � this ar.ea and not �ust enroute. - . � , QAvai�.ability- Therg is a shortage of �� � buildin�s af this size and pr�;ce range in ;� � the Tigard market. � ' • D�, Parking- Is ade uate fox out� needs. � Approximately 2.� �parking spaces �,i � � � • per 500 square Seet. p, � 6. Q V�h.at effect will your proposed devel- . opment have on ad�acent properties and � -�= , , ' Qn �he adjacent neighliorhoods. , �;� . � • . � � A. The �iannea store will have no ef��ct on ths �d�acent • propertp, with the �xe�ep�tioa ' h s an ex r u t e of store � Y o r that yp . ` high sueeess to �ail.ure ratio. Th is m ig h t . �assiblg make the ad,�scent propeicties � • . attrac:t a mor e success orientated clientele. • . 7. Q What types of publ.ie services are necessitated � bp your prop�osed development and what impact . will your pro3ect have on these publ3c � services. � � � A VJe see no immedia�te or long range additional � • � pub7,ic services as neeessaryo '1�ith the exception that occupied bui].dings with goods inside mig�t require poli.ce cooperation. ' But' . on the other hand ersp�y buildings are by � � Par more sub�ect to vandalism. • t ' ' ' .� � � � . � � . � . � � , � • � . � f _ ,. .,. . �.w. .... � ,� , .,, ., .,. .. 4. , _ � ,:.,:. �...:...:.. .:... . __ _ _. __ .. ... .._... . _....... . . __ _. _ __ . _...__ _ , ,.__. _ _ _. _ . ._ ___ I .�. ,�.�. Fr�Y� •! ' ` . �' • . � . � ' . � . ` ♦:� � I • �Y � � �II � � � � �� �. � -�� � � �� � � � � � � �'��� k �^ TIGARD AREA r�A.RKET STUDY * FACT SHEET ��' Il� Drawing Area - Five-�i].e radias . � c3e Re istra tion History - 1970 to ]:975 shows 20� i'� Vehi 8 increase. � Number o� Parts Stores - Tlnree � N w r n b e r o f Retail-Only Parts Stores - None �I Average spent on parts per vehicle, this market, �175.00 per annum � �, (does not include tires and batteries) , , lt�erket Potential -' � . � Veh. kegistration� 30, 100 175 00 Annual Aveg. Expe�5'267, 500.00 per� ennum ��� Market Penetration - (Existing Distribution) ��, , �'� • Store 1 500,000.00 per annum Store 2 300, 000.00 �I�i � � Str�re �3 450, 000.00 , Oil Co. outlets 2,00O, OODo00 r t �;,a D�scount Stores 350� 000.00 . ,� ��3,, 250, 000.00 TOTAL PENETRATION Available 2�2arket - .�2, 001, 700.00 per annum, going out of thQ '�igard erea A4arket. ; . � � . • . ! � ` � �� ', ; !. _ . _ , _ . .�. . . ,. . .nr_ ..... . .. .� _ , . .,... _ . . . . . ` v ' . . . . � . . . . . STAFF REPORT Tigard Plannin� Commission ' � August 5, �975 Agenda Item 5.4 V 7-75 (Martel/TCT Auto Parts Co. ) Variance A request for an exce�tion to Ch. 18.60 requiring off street parking for a commercial premise located at 12175 SW Main St. _ Sta�f Findin�s l. This variance request is connected with a conditional use (C'U 1C--75) and is necessitated by the lack of off-street parking on the site. 2. Subject site is occupied 'by an existing building that has previously had similar uses to that proposed. 3. � Sta�f is aware of no public inconvena.ence or injury to any adjacent owner's property rights that may result from such a variance. 4. Staff is aware of several parcels in the Main St. area (� with simi�ar handicaps. It appea�s that with the exception .,. r` ol the most intens�ively c�ezreloPe�: portion of Main St. , orr- street parking is adequate; to serve the public needs. Staff Recomr�rendations to 'be given a� the close of public testimony � �. _ `; < I � � � �� ,� _ . . . : . .. . . r. : ... . : . . . .. ,, .. . , , ., ..:..:. . _ �''. ', , � „' � � ��' �� " �'i , ' �d . , ' � � .' Jul.y z�, �975 � � ji � � ' `.i . , i.. � � � � � � �� . Ti,gard Planning Commission and Staff �z To . � Rez Section 1$�,,76--Grantin� Conditions ��� �� � � �� Vae� ask �a vaianc�e of Ch�apter 1$.60 (re�: parking off � � �Gi � ,' ' street C-3M-1$.29) for Lot �3200 on Main Street� t Tigard� Oregon. {'� Y y. We believe the following conditions do exist. Each ; condition is in answer to the requirements set forth ; by Chap�er 1$.76--Section 1$.76.020, r; �'; - _.; I � � � . ;;' }1} The lot size and shape are of such nature that „' an off street parking area is impossible, s; (See site plan. ) �; ,:, B] Adjacent properties to the NE & SW are not �.� far sale, Both have leases in effect and t. both owners have been contacted regarding 4� ��; purchase ox' lease of their�property for �'� e parking purposes. �� �� ,: � II - � �. ' We feel the variance is necessary for the �° � � r�" �� � �^� ert ri ht o� the `' reservation of a F p Y g t' applicant� an agent of the owner by lease. �� This right is in subs�ance the same as is fi possessed by other owners or tenan�s in , . the adjacent areas--it is our understanding �,; � � that the existing parking code has, in �,R �.�, ' effect� condemned, a large portion of �th� a buildings on Main Street who have no re— �' � � � course for obtaining additional off—street �� t� parkirig areas. ' .. � � _._ __ ,. _ �._ _ .... . ..._ �m � � �; . �; ,, . . � . . � �� . j� � � � � � . • ' � �f' ! ' � � . , . :�� �- v�-. �� , , : �.. . .���:.,.. . ��,__� . ��� � . _ _ . . . .,. �.. .._. . _ . . , _ . �_ _. �,_.., .. �., �,� �c ZII _ Authorization of this variance would not be detrimen�al .i ' to the property in the zone or the vicini�ty. A] On-street parking is aaequate �for the needs ' ' of the propsed tenant. Ther� are nine on- street spaces provided. . The parking code ' (C3M-1$.29) provides for: • ; . 3 spaces per use-3 1 space per 500 sq. ft. 2000 ft. retail)T4 �2000 ft. storage) l space per 2 employess-{2 employees)�2 • Eleven spaaes are suggested by the code and nine spaces are provided on �treet directly in front of the building. This does not in- clude the parking directly across the street. The spaces in front of the building are not . being used at .prese�t. Vle have checked the empty spaces at peak rush' periods and have witnes5ed that no more than 2 0�' these 9 spaces are in use even at these busy times. The two spaces suggc;sted by the code could �., be absorbed by adjacent empty spaces. � B] Historically, this area has not had a parking . Froblem. John Aniker, who leased half the �uil.din� from i95z through 1965� indicated na parking p�oblems during the time of his occupancy. At that time, there were �wo re- tail occupants in the building. . .._ , - . � � ' ' � � �. . .' ' � The action requested is� the minimum var- ' . � . iance from standards 'that wil]. alleviate the ' . �hardshigs. � - � ' . . , . � . • . � . . . � � . . �. . . C_ . . . . . � , . � 4 �I.. � . . � � . . . . h . . . � . . � . .. � . . ' STAFF RE�ORT i Tigard Pl:anning Gommission a �� � August 5, �975 Agenda Item 6 �; CP�t 3-75 (N.P.O. #3 Plan) �� }<. ,. , �i Comprehensive Plz.n Revision. ;� � �� '� ' To be conside��ed is a revision to the Ti�ard Community Pla,n, - `''��� "compreh�nsive pl.an�f presently appl.icable to this p.or�`ion >� of Tigard. The revision is titl.ed "Neighborhood P1an #3 for ' the De�ry Dell - Foot of Bu.11 Mountain Area". � Applicant �r' , i: � � _� �a City of Tigard `Staf�' Fin,din�s l. The I�.P.O. #3 Plan (text and map) was delivered to the ,;' '" Commissioners at their July 22, 1975, study ,session. � 2. The plan text, is a �'policies plan�� intended to provide }`' the fram�work �or �'uture land use dec,isions.' Th�.s �ype of u � . plan has the advaiztage of resolving major land use issues 4: �' before an ac�ual pr�oject is proposed, providing time for , , .,�,.; �' ,. care�ful s�tudy and pu.blic discussioz�. in a c�i�ate maxe; cpi�.�: .. - ducivP to sound decision making. � 3. The plan policies are separated into land uae categories as ' ; 'sections of the plan. Preceeding each land use secti,�n �; are the objectives used by the N.P.O. in formu].ating the ,� r -�. � pa7.icies applicable to that �ectio�. The objectives pro- �.. vide the `underlying purpase or motive �ar many of �he plan's ; prop,osals. For this reason, the objectives shou�d be care� , ,` full�r consulted. � 4. " This Plan makes several departures from the 197� Plan, whiah, , � `" wi�l be evident to the Commissioners upo�. reviev�ing the N.P.O: ; � , ; �3 documents. Major changes are listed below. $ � h A. 'The area previously designated for Urban Low' � Density Residential Developmez�t at 4 dwelling units � ! per acre is now depicted for S�burban Density at 3 � ;,' , units per acre, unless a planned deve�.o�ment appli- � cation is made, making 4 ta:nits to the acre a poss�..- " bi�.ity. � - � � B. The northwest quadrant o� the Gaarde-McDonald re- 4� �� aligned intersection is changed fronn a Residential- �> � Cammercial designation to Re�tail-Commercia�.. � �,; �;�� £ � �, f��. �,; . ,- '. � _., . . . . ., .. . : c. .. .:: ,. � __ ...���M _ � .., r�. - •• • . q ���� � , - C. The depth of possible commercial and multi-family �_ de�relopment behind Pacific Highway has been decreased. D. Walnut Stree-t, 121st Avenue and Gaarde Street have all been designated as collector streets, as they are in, the Commun:ity Plan; however, the cross sectional. standard has been. reduced according to the following: NP0 #3 Community Plan Right o� Way Width 50' F>0' Pavement W�,dth 30' 44' Parking - paxking bays on street The reason for this reduced standard is to discourage through traf�i,c, l.imit adverse. impact of str�et improvement on adjoini�.g properties and'maintain a �esidential street character. �,'kais reducecl standa�d has been endorsed by Carl -But�tke, consulting traffic engi�eer. � . , � � � � r � ; , � ; PC Staff Report - Aug. 5, 1975 - page 2 i , � I � i _ : I _ - ��.4,�� S,�i"� «Y�`�s'�Y� A � `�� �� �` �1� a `� �� :�#s � t �.�y�;�rk i'.'�,�' 1 t � � . �6 .; '•_� t . i. s �? ?) ` . � i ,- , r �' I �,��"�"': 3� `: y�;`^. J��"F +_'�� S�, t�:Q I\ np�� f� ,� f °�' ,�sn. . � .re� > , v �t tr r� � ' � cti.� r g' �� �. �}{i�.. � g;�r�; �r ,r� �` R, `�`r,'r+' ° ,s��.? �,��a� �,n„ ` �rt � #�i &�„?�. e � q, �. � , ,„�r �*, �k� t {':� e:'� - ! ' ���. q _ '`�' �+ }�� �P: v .� t�. =„ �. ��e` � ' �.- �< � _� � ' ,�'+' '�. t ) ,. ��:L. �F�;�t. ..,�il� ,l; ' y P i�1t 5 0.Y�.S � {� � �a-4��i��� �. �. a�R��,y,5ta" �}'�f. Y�� f� r �'t `d t1'�� � �.. � ? � ��'���.. �q _. � ,� I,�isi�a�'+(�t,' '".�;_ :`, T1 ��� d � s �� � � {C tti �.,� s � �}1�h E%�� � �., � •. 4 . t t y,�� `� r_- �' ( �'t- , e y." �', '' .rt', ,.u i � � `'' '�'�a rfi,�} f S°, Y `':��i ��t�` �. , ,. l �; . + • �a r , \ v ;,r"'c 4 iq: . .ca� � i �ut�'ca�.�¢� � \ �.�� ��%a---�� �.;y�.. �.: �� �� t . ;�_ ��r� � � ,�� { b r���`, 's"n ''��',��'',.� I �._ . 4:: 1� 4 =S'! - � N�I 1�. ?' -v �S'¢ ,u� �A �1�1 t�fe�� z��,��'`� , : J � � x; i �� �.a. ..�:�o � b � ,., w�l t'. �:x � � 44 +p?., . �� �nl.��:e, 1 c ,w �J i �,i`�'� b { '^T�I'. 9' � }�,�r�„� J. ^ f'I t �YA� ' �� ''� k:':�£ +? �y3.�. �" 4 Na 9r�t_�ut fy' .'. I� ��tb 5 }�.. Y. � H 9, i� ,� fR�SEN r ,�n;'; �..'. x� ��,. � �„ ��� h i I 4� '�� ��'' �� -- �� �i�� �SL� y. '�7 t ��� 4 •n n � - ;�,�, �g Y e .' ..� �.rt 7 fr �:� � �4.�, ��t`� � ,t` `' � tlVE � VO..� ����, '. k ,*' . � ��u ���r 3 i G,f� J2 2 � "' sl.�� � � � � 1. rf-k. 'Y . �, �f A. � �� . � �.. �_ 5��.���u s , i � � `5�d' .� . �_: s p A +v� ; ,,q; �'At '��m�:: �`�a��'�� r�oy , i 'l � i� e � �, '� . 1 : 1� ` x f' � �� � y„�,� .^ F.� �f" .. x .���udi��hL Ja � n -r^- �' �y� 9a �4 � .�x�S e , � �. 4 ,p,_ � ' '.i. �� r ( )��,�. 1• � r _ � s� � ;�, , 7• `�� �` nv c � .F3s '�r5 b� `'�x �� �� K,� µ��, 7`�3't o _ �,,s i{ .�t�y�` _ �}�s ez - '� ' � t �� 7 Y `��� P �f vH % � � '7-�-T , - � t =j: � �� t�'� u.. * s 'ik.. � ,;;e > �#��r'�� lJ��� l . � 1'1 4 -^� - ,"� �§ ��}iw 1 ,d 5 . .. � 6y� � ,.I .ll !t{n � „ �-� ' e . 5 ; ,�+�_.*'/ t+$r: � t��'��� �� '�.xi`t �� � �' x ev, t,t 'v� ,,� . �� g :y " V ��S 1]jct� ht i � 7 4" � 7k . , . �,2�, � � �} h���, i��W ]1�� 4�. _ '��,i : ,. "'^" ;4.�: � i W "`i ' �,� ' ,�i :�. �n� ''1� � `�'F�� ��i? � .�.}��e,r�� � i �-�?,�''�, .� ��' �,� �'. '.z� � . - �. ' . ST AFF REPORT Tigard P�.anning Commission � August 5, 1975 Agend.a I�em 7 ZC 8-75 (iV.P.O. Plan #3 - Rezoning) Applicant City of �igard Ai?p�.i.c�n�'� R.equest �,'he Ci�y proposes changin;g the zaning within the �imits of �T.P.O. Plan �3. S�a�d� l. The pxopos�d changes i�n zone are necessary to b�ing the zoning map a�r�to conformanee 'with the N.P.O: �� P1an. 2« The propos�d rezonings are px�oposed only for those properties wh�:ch meet two conditionss A. 2',�.eir current zoning conflicts with the adopted �and r i�s� :glan. � �3. The ex�.s'�in zonin wxll g g allow a more �.ntense use of the land �than. provided for in the adop�ed p�,an. The effeat of the above statement is that the �ta�f is re- commending that the P�,anning Commission rezan,e where necessary to pratect tk�e adopted plan. For instance, a piece of C-3 (Gene�al Commercial) property pXanned for commercia�.-pro- fessional development must be rezoned C-P (Commercial-Pro-» �essiona�.) to ensure tha't it wil� devel,op as p�.anned. Con- verse�.y, a pieCe of R-'� (Single Family Residentia�.,) property planned fo� ev�ntual apartment deUelopment may remain zon,ed R-7 without er�dangering the P�an. 2n �act, praperty pro- posed to be zoned to :a mor�e intense land us� mus� be evaluated to ascPrtain if t�e ���iming�� i.s x3.ght for deveXopment of �he subject property, For example, i� �.t adequ�tely served by public �acilit�.es �,nd �treets; �.oes �, communi�ty need exist? etc. 3. The propased, .rezon��i�_s are ; curren� zone and the�zone beingpproposed to�re:p�.a�eto�the �. R-7 to R-10 -- These properties consist of the single family portion of the Neighborhood. The 1ot sizes in this area vary greatly with development � which preceeded s�wer serv�ice being on 15,000 sq. f�. and larger �.ots and sewered deve].opment being on 7,000 �0 9,oQO sq. ft, 1o�ts. ■�- _ _._ . ; - . : , .�...._�.._�_ � .� :*� , '� ° STAFF REPORT ` Tigard P�.anning� Commission ' . August 5:, 1.975 �.. Agenda Item 7 ZC 8-75 (�T.P.O. Plan #3 - .,Rezoning) Applicant Cit; of Ti ard Y g App�.ican�'s Request 2'he City' proposes changir�g the zaning within the �.imits of N.P.O. Pian #3. � � � S'taff Findings 1. 'The propos�d changes i�n zon.e are necessary to bxing the zoning map ir�to conformance with the N.P.O. �3 P�:an. 2� '�.'he �raposed rezonings are proposed only for those properties which meet two conditions:- A. Their current zoning conflicts with the adopted land '`. �ase :glan. ��� " The ��:is��.�x� �onir�g will al�ow a more intense use of D• the lan,d than prov�icled �or in �he adopted p�,an. 'T'he <effect of' the above statement is that the staff is re- cornmending that the PJ:anning Commis:sion rezone wYiere necessary` to protect the ado�ted plan. For instance, a piece of C-3 `(General Commercial) property p�.anned for commercial-pro- fessiona� developrnent must be rezoned C-P (Commercial-Pro- fess'ional.) to ensure tha�t it will develop .as planned. Con- verseXy, a pieoe of R-7 (Single Family Residential) property planned for eventual apartment development may remain zon�ed R-7 without endangering the P1an. In �act, property pro- 'pose.d to be zoned to a more intense Xand use rnust be evaluated to ascPrtai,n if the "�.imirig" is. righ�t fo� development of the subject property. For example, i� it adequately ;served by public facilities ' and :streets; `does. �; community n�eed exist? etc.- " ; 3. The pxoposed ,rezonings are grouped be�.ow acco���ding to the curr�en't zone and the zone being proposed to rep�.ace it. �. &-7 to R-10 -- These properties consist of the single family portion of the Neighborhood. The lot sizes in this area vary, greatly with development . which ,prec.eeded s�wer service being on. 15,000 sq. � ft. an:d l.arger` lots< and sewered development being on 7,000 to 9,000 sq. ft, lots. � - :� ::: ,:, , , , , , _ _ �;� ` t� B. A-2 to C-P -- This change affects the property at Park and Pacific Hwy. This parcel is vacant and ! ��" zoned C-3 for a depth of 200 feet back from Pacific ,�� � �� � Hwy. and the remainder is presently zoned A-2.` The N,P.O, #3 Plan proposes zoning the en:tire parcel, in addition to a �.ong narrow parcel fronting Park St. :, i C-P, Commercial Professional. C. C-3 to C-P' -- The N,P,Os #3 P1an text states < ee"�etai3_ commercial uses are design,ated to be located at signalized intersections and commercial-professional (non-retail) uses are planned to fr�ont the highway between these intersection locations (see plan' map) . " For this reason, the lots shown on the atta�ched exY7fbit are proposed for re2oning. ''`�t�gf Recommendation ` � to be provided following public testimony i �;� � � ; � , : ', ,� � PC Staff Report -' Aug. 5, 1975 - page 2 - item 7 � n _ ; , . , . ;.. � .��; ,.... ;. � . ,. : _� • • • : ' • � � ' • '- • � • , �� , � ' � ♦ . . . ��' . � , �� e �� ♦ �� � : . � � ♦ ►.r � ��s�r ■ -� � � " � ♦ . �i������� ♦ . . �� re� ��� . ♦ '''�� ♦ � ., � ■ ♦ ♦ • ♦ � ♦ ♦ � ■ � ♦ � � ■ � I � � � . � ■ ���, o • �■ � �� /►e -. �1 � ♦ v. �ee � � � _ � , � �, . . �. � ��► � � ♦ ■� , �. ♦ , . ♦ . i► � .. ,. �, � � ■ ♦ �� � � ► ♦ !�� ♦ ■ � ♦ I� � - �� ��� � � � p ,�.��[e�■ ��� ����I�� a ' � ♦ � .r����r� . �. �� � . � � � � � ■� - ��� �� ._ - � ��� � r � � .. � . _ ,. �,� � � � . _ . _ ,� . yt � STAFF REPORT �• Tigard Planning Commission �,*" August 5, 19'75 Agenda Item 8 SCA 2-75 APPEAL OF SIGN PERMIT DENIAL A request for approval of a serv�ice club direetory and meeting notice board on SW Pacific Hwy. in front of 11530 S�^l Pacific Hwy. (Hi Hat Restaurant) . Staff Findin�s, l. The sign propo�sed is not permitted by the Tigard Sign Ordinance: a) Only one free-standing sign is permitted on a _ street frontage of less than 300 feet in length (Section 16.36.040'.3) . b) No more than 4 incidental signs may be permitted, with a total area of not more than 16 square feet (Sec. 16.36.040 (�.0) ) . c) No free--standin.g si�n, or any portion thereof, - may be located on or project over any public �, r�.ght-of--way. 2. The Plan.ning Commission is empowered to approve any sign permit (hence any sign) disapproved by the Building Officia�. 3. It has been proved that more than 10 items of information (an i�t;em is°de�ined as a syllable of a word, a number, a symbol, an abbreviation, a broken plane or discontir�uous shape) cannot be "captured�� by the eye at one fixation. ' i At 40 mph on a 4 �ane road, a driver' s reaction time (the j time �t takes to recognize the above 10 items and '�cap- � ture" them) is 10 seconds, in which time the driver will have trave�ed 580 feet. The height of letters readable at that distance is 11-12 inches. Assuming that the ob,server is simp�y going to attempt to ��capture" 10 items of information, then, on Pacific Highway in a 40 � mph zone, in or.der to con:vey informa'tion, the letter � height would have to -be 11-12 inches and the sign, with 'baekground shoul:d be from 50 to 70 sq. fzet, clepending on how �'busy�� the surroundings are. Staff suggests that the sign requested will not work if oriented to Pacific Hi�hway. — — 4. A less critical consideration is the design of the sign. Staff feels ob�.igated to comment, however, that the ��orienta�. motif'' chosen is appropriate to �;he Hi Hat, but � is really derived fr.om a- shinto gate -- a Japanese symbo�.. � . .;:. . . _ .,., w. , u,_ .... �.� . .. . . .�► . _ ;: . :_� There is some question a�so as to whether the motif is appropriate t� Tigard Kiwanis, Rotary, Toastms, and Commerchants. �.� 5. The purpase of the sign appears to be to provide public information as to where the above-mentioned civic organ- izations meet, and when. 6. Directories to civic organizations, veterans organizations, public services, youth activities, etc. are frequently placed in public places (City Hall, publa.c square or information kiosk, etc. where passersby might safely have an opportunity to read the notices displayed. ' Staff Recornmendation to be advised after close of public hearing. �._ � PC Staff Repor� - Aug. 5, �.975 - item 8 = page 2 � : _ . _ _ _ �. � STAFF REPORT Tiga.rd Planning Commission �_ August 5, 1975 Agenda I�tem 9.1 MLP 4-75 Minor Land Partitionin� .�+.. request for permission to divide a nine and a hal� acre parcel o� land into two lots at SW Hall Blvd. and Rc�ss St. - Staff Find.in�s i l. Land use in the area of this proposed partitioning is mixed'rural and 'Suburban. Zoning north and west of the site is Tigard R-7, Single Family Residentia�. To the south a�d east of the site is Washington County RU-4, ' Single Family Residential. i 2. The Ti ard Communitv Plar� {1971) designates the area as "urban low density residential��. i 3�- SW Ross St. is an 18 ftA paved surface street without - - curbs or gutters in a 40 ft. right-of-way. 4. SW Hall B1vd. is a 20 ft. pav�d roadway in a 60 ft. right- �, of-way. 5. Arcording to th� City building and Pngineering depart� ments, neither sewer nor water service are available � to the site. � Staff Recommendation to be advised after the close of public hearing�. �. , � : _ . ' : �� �� _� ; , .:. � .., a.. .�... x ._- .. r ' � � Memorandum �' ;, � � To: Tigard P�anning Commission � ,� r, From: Staff � ; Subject; Request for City-Initiated Amendment of the Zoning �; Map in Lake Terrace Subdivision (Joe Chamberlain - iI Arrow Heating Applicant) � ;;� Date: August 5, 1975 �;� � 1. As a result of action:s of the Tigard Planning Commission in :I September, 1973, a plat was recorded allowing five 8,000 sq. �� �t. lots on a portion of a R-15 zoned site. The site had ; previously been the subject of a Planned Development request; ' however, a conditional use for five duplexes was approved �� on the site and the 8,000 sq. ft. lots were apparently approved ? for conditional use duplexes. � 2. It has now been determined by the City Attorney, Joseph Bailey, ' that no lot in an R-15 zone may be p�atted for less than ; 15,000 sq. ft. for single family homes, duplexes or any other � use. � ',i 3. The configuration of the site is such that replat-ting is ' � impractical and the staff has recommended that, in view o� � the City's par-ticipation in creation of the problem, the ; Ci•ty ought to pursue a remedy. ' r �� z F � � � . .. � � .. . G ^ . . . . . . . . . .. '�I I � � � . . . � � . � . . �F �.. � . .. . . . , , . . .