Planning Commission Packet - 07/22/1975 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. i� � AGENDA � Tiga.rd Planning Commission - STUDY SESSION July 22, 1975 - 8:00 p.m. Twality Junior High Schoo�. - Lecture Room 14650 S. W. 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon 1. CALL TU ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. DISCUSSION TTEMS 3.1 Discussion of staff proposed sign code amendment 3.2 N.P.O. #3 Plan - distribution of completed plan text and map 4. Insertion of change sheets in Tigar.d Municipa7. Code books (BRING YOUR CODE BOOK) . 5. OTHER BUSINESS 6. ADJOURNNiENT � �. MINVTES Tigard Planning Commission �„' Study Session - July 22, 1975 Twa�ity Junior High School - Lecture Room 14650 S, W. 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon l. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Porter. 2. ROLL CALL: Members present: Ball, Nicoli, Porter, Sakata, Smelser, Wakem; sta�f: Bolen, Powell., Laws o Chairman Porter requested a change to the agenda to bring up the subject of the CRAG transpor.tation plan under ��other business'� , item 5. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS � 3.1 Discussion of staff proposed sign code amendrnen.t o Bolen and Powell presented a discussion of 3 alternative approaches to amen:ding the sign code. Briefly, the 3 alternatives werE specified as: � (1) retaining the sign ordinance a.s presently aadified ', � and amending specific standards to "tighten" the ' code; ' (2) amending the code to provic�e tighter standards as in (1) above and prividing design r�eva.ew authority over requests for increases in allowable standards or; (3) completely revising the code to utilize a per- formance standard approach to sign code enfo-rcement. o Staff discussed in more detail the need for revisions of provisions within the sign code which allow oversized, fre�-standing signs, allowing roof signs and allowing �' f�.ashing signs and rota�;ing signs. Zt was further pointed out that provisions of the sign code which � allow street frontage on side streets and rear streets � to be computed as part of the street frontage for the � purpose of establishing sign size must be dealt with . � as this provision has had the effect of allowing super � sized signs in inappro�riate locations. o Nicoli indicated he felt the best way to amend the sign code was to amend it piecemeal at this point, rather - than attempting a massive revision and that establishing .�`�" ;, Design Review Board authority over signs would 'be a � mistake. � �� . .,` . . . `.. . .. :' ,� .,.. � . _ r� i o Smelser indicated agreement with Nicoli with respect � to his approach to amending the sign code and said he felt the key to an effective sign code was an �' effective enforcement program. He further indicated ' he disagreed with Nicoli concerning Design Review ! Board as he felt tha-t was the most appropriate body � to act as an appeal board and as a review authority on ;' signs. j, I o Ball indicated an important question to be asked waS � what irnpac-t signs would sti�T have on Tigard after {I 1980 when the removal provisions of the 1971 code � would come into effect. He said a 5 year amortization 'I period applied to signs made non-conforming by further revision of the sign code would be fair. He felt further that the citizens of Tigard would support a "facelifting�' and that the Planning Commission, as '' representative of the citizens of Tigard, should respect that v-iewpoint as we�l as that of the business >�� interests who may be opposed to a more restrictive code. o Porter said he felt that the staff could develop a revision package that would take a �'good whack" at ��I the present standards. �; o Further topics of discussion dealt with the establish- �� ment of a committee for work on the sign code. A ;I, � concensus was obtained �;hat Sme�ser and Ball be appointed �I to assist staff in development of sign ordinance revision. ; o l�mortization. was discussed. The question of wh.ether a 5 year/10 year or some intermediate period shou�.d be used was left moot, concensus being that time period could perhaps be re�.ated to value of sign as in Mult- nomah County's ordi.nan.ce or to the impact of the code upon each individual signing situation:. il' �i o Smelser indicated that his experience showed a strong �� sign code yielded private as well as public benefit 4 and that this fact shou�d be emphasized strong.ly to �, the business community as well as to the Councilo �� o Porter asked staff to work up a proposal for Planning � Commission consideration for the second meeting in August. �� �I 3.2 N. P. 0. #3 Plan " �I o Staff distributed the completed plan text and map to �I the Commission and an explanation by Bo�.en of the ;I procedure that staff would propose for taking both �I Comprehensive P1an Review and zoning map amendment � simultaneuous].y to the Commission and then to the City � �. Council. �.I :� PC Minutes - Jul.y 22, 1975 - page 2 � : t� , . � , . �_ _ . }; �� � :,, ,rr� �, �� �i � o Discussion of how this might be accomplished ensued. � � � o Concern was voiced by members of the Commission on �' the length of hearings that rnay be involved. � o Staff responded that they recognized the possible t length of such hearings; however, staff felt a need ! to discourage the bouncing back and forth between � P�anning Commission and Council which has happened � wi-L-h N.P.0. #1 and #2. � �, o Porter asked that notice be sent to all property owners affected by the Comprehensive Plan revision and/or � the zoning code amendment before the August 5, 1975, ' meeting at which the matter would be taken up. ;, , 4. INSERTION OF CHANGE SHEETS IN TIGARD MUNICSPAL CODE BOOKS: f' � � � �� ;, Staff distributed the annual changes for the code books with e�' instructions to the Commission as �o insertion of those changes. `` 5. QTHER BUSINESS Porter indicated that it had come to his attention that the CRAG Transportation Plan, which had recentl:y been adopted by i the CRAG Committee, had not passed through the Planning Com- ' mission of Tigard for review and that a copy he had seen con- ' tained severa� errors with respect to Tigard planning area. � � , He said additionally he fe�t that an answer to that may be to � develop its own transportation plan or at least to be afforded ' the opportunity to comment on the CR.AG p1.an. ' 6. ADJOUR.NMENT: 9:30 p.m. I � � ;I � ;I ,� , `� E � .. . � . . � i� i . . . . � � � ��� ^I �� � I, C� . �� � . � �. � . .. � . 9 �. - � � � � � � � � � � � �. . . . . . � � . . .;X� d H Y � � . . . � . � . .. � - � . . . ".�. . . � . � . �� . . . ..� � . � � .. �. . � i . . . . . . . . . � � � .� � . ��. � ���.� . .. . . . . . . . ..� t' l , i PC Ma.nutes - July 22, X975 -� page 3: � _ , _