Planning Commission Packet - 06/03/1975 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. ��<' � ' ��� ��V�'`��r � .- AGENDA ' TIGARD PLANN�NG COMMISSION �r. June 3, �-975 - regular meeting - 7:30 pema Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room � 14650 SW 97th Avenue, Tigard, Ox°egon 1. CALL TO ORDER ' 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 20, 1975 and May 27, 1975 (study session) 4. PtJBLIC HEARINGS 4.1 Zone Change ZC 4-75 (Bonn/Bunn Planned Development) A request by Jerry Bonn and Kenneth Bunn for approval of a zone change from R-7 to R-7 planned Development on an 8,5 acre parcel south of SW Murdock Sto , exten.ding north along SW 109th Ave. to SW Canterbury Lane (tax lot 88Q0, Wash. Co, tax map ?_S1, lOAD) . 4.2 Subdivision S 2-75 (Bonn/Bunn Planned Devea_opment) A request for prelimina�°y plat approval of a proposed 8�5 acre , � p].anned development of 68 lots generally to the sovth of SW Murdock St. and extending north along SW 109th to SW Canterbury Lane (tax lot 8800, Washe Co, tax map 2S1 lOAD) . 4.3 Zone Chan.ge ZC 11•-74 (NPO #1 Rezoning) A request by the City of Tigard for rezoning of certain lands ' within the boundaries o.� NPO #1 (Ash Avenue-Downtown) to con- form with the adopted Comprehensive Plano 4.4 Zone Change ZG 5-�'75 (NPO #�2 R.���:r:ir,s; A request by the City af Tigard for re�or�7�zg of certain land,s within the boundaries o�' NPO #2 (Gr=e��.b�u.r.°g-B:rookside) to con�- form with the adopted Comprehensive P_lan, 4.5 Variance V 6-75 (Cubby's Corner/Mar�;a�et Culbert�on) A re uest by Mrs o Culber�tson zor a va:r.°ianr.,e o.f section 18.60,170 TMC (parking and loadingj to allow a g:rav21 parking lot where paved parking is required at 1�3735 SW Pa.cific Hwy. (tax lot 400 Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 3DD) o 5. OTHER BUSINESS � 6. ADJOUR.NMENT ■. . , _ _ :..,. ...._. ..�. ..,.__:.:. _..,�_... �:..____ . � . . . � � � . . . � . . . � �ti� � . . . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING I CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION I Notiae is hereby given that public hearings wi�l be held by the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard in the Twality Junior High I School Lecture Room, 14650 SW 97th Avenue, Tigard, Clregon. S�id I hearings will occur on June 3, 1975, at 7;30 p.m. and will concern the following; I o A request by Jerry Bonn and Kenneth Bunn for approval o� ' a zone change frorn R-7 (single family residential) to R-7 Planned Develo ment and fo i ' , r rel minar lat a roval for I an 8.5 acre, 70 dwelling unitp(two familyphouse�}pPlanned Development proposed to the south of SW Murdock ;t. and extending north along SW 109th Ave. to SW Canterbury Lane. ' I (tax lot 8800, Wash. Co, tax map 2S1 lOAD) . , �� o A request by the City of Tigard for approva�. of rezoning �! of �.an.ds within the boundaries of the N. P. 0. #1 Plan for ��, the Ash Avenue-Downtown area and the N. P. 0. �2 P�an for the Greenburg-Brookside area, to con.form with the adopted Gompre- hensive Plan as amended. I, o A request by Margaret Culbertson for a variance of Section 18.60.170 ai^kin and loaclin to allo a rav i (p g g) w g el park ng lot where paved. parking is required at 13735 SW Pacific , Highway. I � i � Publish TT 5-25--75 , _ _:: :_ �r. ..r. , _ . _ , , , ._ _ ' �a.� �y1�✓�.�� � �_. �. ,' �.. MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION June 3, 1�75 - REgular Meetin� Twality Junior High School = Lectur� Room 14650 S. W. 97th Avenue, •iigar�d, Oregon 97223 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Whittaker called the meeting to order at 7:3p p��►• 2. ROLL C,ALL Present: Commissioners Bal.l, H�rtman, Nicoli, Popp, Porter, . Saka�ta, Whittaker; st�ff: Bol�n, Powell; Commissioner � Hansen arrived lat� i � 3, APPROVAL OF MINUTES ' The minutes of the May 20, 1975, and May 27, 1975, meetings � were apgroved as read. � o Chairman Whittaker announced his reaignation� � � � � o Vice Chairman Hartman presented Chairman Whi..ttaker r�5:th a memor3al appropriately inscribed� o Chairman Whittaker presented Dick Bal.en, Planning Director, with a certificate of his a�ppreciation and indic�ted t�is pleasure at having served on the Plarin�.ng Commission a�d f; his regret at leaving the community. � 4. PUBLIC HEARING o Due to the absence of applicants for pub�.ic hearin� item� � 4.1 and 4.2, these item� were rescheduled to a later time ;: on the agenda. � �' 4.3 ZONE CHANGE ZC 11-74 (NPO #1 Rezoning) �, , A request by the City �f Tigard for rezoning of cert�in � lands within tY�e boundaries of NPO #�. (Aah AveMue--Downtown) � to conform with the adopted Compr�hensive Plan. � � y A. Staff Repoxt � � o Read by Bolen ` � � B. Public Testimony � � ,,� . 1. NPO #1 was not re�resented. ,:�;pplicant's statement was contained in��the staff �.��port. . � , � � � � � ��� _ � �� ,,, � _r. .:3 tl � � . . � .,� � � � .�.. . . .. �..: 2. Op�+onents o Opponents to the rezoning of the Ma,iri St./ Commercial St, area testified in opposition. ' People testifying in specific opposition to rezoning to C-3 from manufacturing zoning were; Mro Davis, Mr. McGee, Mr. Prosch, Mrs. Corliss. C. Staff Recommendation o Staff recommendation was for approval. D. Commission Discussion and Action o Motion for approval (Papp) as prpposed. o Motion seconded (Hartman) . a Carried (unanimously) . 4.4 ZDNE CHANGE ZC 5-75 (NP0 #2 Rezoning) � A request by the City of T�.gard fo� rezoning� of certain ' ! lands within the boundaries af NPO #2 (Greenburg-Brookside) ( to conform with the adopted Comprehenaive Plan. A. Staff Report o R.ead 'by Bolen B. Public Testimony 1. Ni'0 #2 was represented, but did. not testify. Applicant's position was presented in the staff � report. I 2. Opponents � } o Opponents to the proposal appeared, ask3.ng that � their land not be rezonea: � � Mre Verharen on Hall �lvd. was opposed to rezoning, Mrs Art Tarlow (attorney) representing the property i owners on SW 97th testified in opposition. Mr. Tarlow brought a recent action of the Wash. Co. : Planning Commission to the attention of the Planning Commission, asking that the City and county coordina�e their actions. �Ir, Prosch testified in .opposition to �he rezoning. Pr, Davis, one of the pr�operty owners represented �.,' by Mr. Tarlow, testified in opposition. PC MinuteS - June 3, 1975 - Page 2 , . ;. ,: .�. .. . , . . .. , , w. .. ._�...,.. . . . . . _,,. ., .. .. , . : ,._._.. _ _. __: _. _ . _ . _. . _ . __,... _._.._.. _,. y I �, � � , y � � ; �; �'.� � � �� C. Staff Recommendation � i o Approval as presentedo ,l . . � ll. Commission Discussion and Action � , �i r, i an ittaker voiced his concern over the H o Cha rm Wh coixn.ty's approval of high density apartments �; adjacent to City limits as brought up by Mr. '� Tarlowa Whittaker observed that the county's Ej action contravenes Tigard's Compi^ehensive P7.an. I'j �'i o Ball asked why staff had recommended approval in �;'� view of pub�ic testimony by Dr. Davis and Mro �i Tarlowe �;, o Motion to table (Hansen) to the next meeting. I�'�, �I o Seconded (Hartman) ��' t: j� o Carried unanimousl j � Y) i' o Hansen asked that the county zoning adjacent the City limits in NPO #2 be available for the Planning �. C`t ° annin Commi sion at the next meetin and that i P1 s g y � � staf� contact the aounty to determine the county's . position with respect to their rezoning policy ,in i the City Compiehensive Plan area. ' 4.1 ZONE CHANGE ZC 4-75 (Bunn/Bonn Planned Development) ' � A request by Jerry Bonn and Kenneth Bunn for approval of a zone change from R-7 to R-7 Planned Development on an ; 8.5 acre parcel south of SW Murdock St. , extending north ' along SW 109th Aveo to SW Canterbury Lane (tax lot 8800, �� Washe Co. tax map 2S1 lOAD) . f , A. Staff Report � Read by Powell B. Pub�ic Testimony � �.. Applicant's Testimony o Jerry Dragoo, Planner - Robert E. Meyers Ehgrs. presented the applicant's General P1an�and Program (attached to staff report) . � o Several citizens in attendance asked for de�tailed information from•,.Mr. Dragoo� PC Minutes - June 3, 1.975 - page 3 �. . . _ . . s _ / ��.... ���. � \._.., � . .. o Jerry Bonn described the program he was attempt- ing to put together. o Kenneth I3ur�n, a realtor a�sociated with Bonn, elaborated on his knowledge of the history of the pro ject o 2. Opposed � o Jack Kreitzer testified that he is the owner of a house built by Mr. Bonn and is dissatisfied with his relationship with Mr. Bonn and was opposed. ' o Gary Patterson, President of Calway Hi11 Home- owners Association, testified in opgosition on the basis of project density. � o Libby Anderson, a neighbor, testified in oppo- sition on the basis of adverse community impact. o Bruce Erikson, a neighbor, �testified in appo- sition on the basis of adverse community i�npact. He was concerned about the value of the trees on the south end of th,e Bonn site to the community�. �`` Mr. Erikson officially entered a letter from his father wh� was un.able to attend. o Marge Davenport, a n�ighbor, testified in oppo- sition. representing herse].f and also Barney ` McPhil"lips. Ms. Davenport entered a letter 4' from Mr. McPhillips. o Michael Salsberg testi�ied in opposition. C. Staf�' Recommendation • Approval with the following conditions: l. Dedication of a 50 to lOD ft. strip aeross the south end of the PD with a minimum 1/2 acre de- veloped recreation site at the westerly end, adjacent �09th, 2« The cul-de-sac at the end o� SW Bonn Ct. be moved northerl.y to 'the adge Qf the starid cif' trees. 3. Site plan for the entire project will be reviewed by the Design Review Board; building sites wi�.l be surveyed and all significant (over 12'� caliper) � trees identified on site developnent plan. PC Minutes - June 3, 1975 - page 4 _ _ . ._..,..w�...._..v �_...._. � _ _ _ , , � ." � �. D, Commission Discussion and Action o H�.r°tman indicated he f�1.t he could not support approval of �t;he pro jec�t as proposed. He asked staff i.f p�eservation o:f the wooded area at the� � south end of the project was staff' s objective in its recommendation, o Whittaker asked Mr�. Dragoo to summarize his answer to the issues �brought up by Fas�no vs. Washington Countye o Whittaker discussed briefly for the audience what the alternativcs available to the ce�mmission were and what the issues that the �ommission could decide on would bee o Popp said that he could not su.pport the project an the basis of aduerse community impact. o Sakata indicated shP was not satisfied with the applicant's answer to ��Fasano", o Porter asked that a legal op.inion be £urnished �,,, wi-th respect to the validity of the prior Wash. Coe planned residential development plan. a Nicoli indicated that he fel.t that higher density development could be accomplished on a portion of the site, leaving the "natural" portion af the site vacanto o Motion to deny (Wakem) based on findings that community impact had not been adequately addressed by the developer and that it appeared that adverse impact would result from the project. o Seconded (Hartman) p o Carri.ed (Hansen abstaining) , 405 VAR.IANCE V 6-75 (Cubby's Corner/Margaret Culbertson) A request by Mrs. Culbertson for a variance of Section �.8.60.170 TMC (parking and loading) to a11ow a gravel parking lot where paved parking is required at 13735 SW Pacific Hwy. (tax lot 400, Wash. Co. tax tnap 2S1 3DD) . � A. Staff Report � �<• Read by Powell a PC Minutes - June 3, 1975 - page 5 _ . . _ ..:: �,. , ; � , _ \ t. � B. Public Testimony o Applicant testified in her own behalf. o No one spoke in opposition. C. Staff Recomm�nda.tion ' Approval for a period of three (3) years. I D. Commission Discussion and Action o Motion (Popp) to approve, subject to a 3 yeax limita ' ' o Seconded (Hansen) . o Carried (unanimously) . 5. OTHER BUSINESS o Commissioner Popp indicated that i�t had been brought to • his attention that more businesses have located in "Secui^i�y Storage�� project since th� Planning Commission aation. i - o Chai�°man Whittaker said that Randall Constructian had been - advertising for business deve�.opment in that project. The adv�rtisernent is currently running in the Tigard Times. o Chairman Whittaker said that inasmuch as this was his last meetin� he wanted a parting shot and asked t�ie Commi�,sion to refer more frequently to thei�^ copies t�f the TMC and set ou� a list of projects that the Commission ought to be thi.nking of for future action. Examples: development of a median divider in Pacific I3wys ; development of a new sigl� code; encouragement of more and better landscaping on major streets; development of a civic center with recnmmendations from the Commission for how it should be developed, y�here it should 'be developed and in what time frame; definition of the City's boundar�ies as a function of land use and of the City's growth and development and carry those definitions as recommendations to the Boundary Review Commission, City Council and Washington County, as well as oth�r local govern- ments; for. the Commission to get into an active ro],e with respect to attracting appropriate business and industry, rather tYian a passive role and simply regulating where and how they locatee 6. ADJOURNMENT ( The meeting was adjourned at 11e30 peme PC Minutes - June 3, 1975 - page 6 ,.. _. __ —,,�.--......— , , . . . �� 9 � �����a� " � ��:. � �. June 3 , 1975 ' � � �� �I City of Tigard , Plarining Commission Sirs: I object ta the proposed zone change to R-7 Planned Devel�pment, and ��a to approval of an 8. 5 acre , �-family PZanned Development on Tax Lot 8800 Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 10 AD. I ��,: As a recent purchaser of property dixectly south of this property, I was given to understand that the area in question was designatec� to remain as a wooded park to provide the rsqu3red open spaoe at the time the Canterbury Development was approved. Researoh indicates that an original Conditional Use Perznit for a I . � Planned Uevelopment by ,7ack Annand in June , 1968, for the wh�ole prop- erty owned by him in this area, was granted on the basis that the ' portion in question on the south side be retained and dedieated a;s a�ar--T"s"��� also understand that Mr. Annand has not abided by other �� provisions af t#±e Planned Development requirements , such as building tennis courts and other xecreation faeiliti�s indicated in his i � development plans. And now he is seeking to xazone the portion which '� i was to be park fox further Y�igh density develapment. � � i , s � _ ' � � ,..: ,.. .: � ... . ;...._�. _ .::t � . . . . '. : � . . . � . . � . ....: .`.. . .�,..�'�.,.Y� ...._ „ . � �i�� . . � . � � , i � I wish t� go on xecord that my purchase nf th,e property was predicated on my betief that this area in quest�on was to remain a park. Tf a.t does not, T believe my property would be extens3vely daznaged and T would have grounds for recouxse. In any case , it is obvi,ous to anyone who has taken the ti,me to a,nspect the area, that it is even more essential today that this property under debate be left as open space. The high density development that has already taken place makes thi.s need cr.itical! Ti�ea;e �,s ur�ent need �o� play space for children; need for walking^ and "get away" space fop adults . T have observed that the area has �. high usage--kic�s ride their horses here; people walk their dogs , and many persons hike in, and enjoy these woods. Although T r�cognize that �the pressure is on, especially in areas like Tigard, and that th�re 9,s a rea7. push, to blacktop and subdivide �I almost every remaining open space , T �Zhink the City o� Tigard would : be remiss if it faxled to recogn.ize the value of preserving this very unique 8.5 acres at this time because it is an extremely valuable resource that ean never be �.�placed once it is lost, destroyed and developed. The area in question has what is, �s £ar a� I can determine , the only substantial stand of o1d growth Douglas Fir in Tigard. It is � a beautiful park-like area whexe Trilliums and other wild flowers bloom in the spring, and where deer (yes , deer) , grey squirrels , mor'e /� .--.�.,� , . . ;`�. � ��. � raccoons, Chinese Pheasants, and many other birds live within the City Limits in relative haxmony with their neighbors. As r,ve learn more about the e�vironment and more about the nec�ssi,ty of preserving the few places like this that are left--if man is to " su;rvive and with.stand the assaults of noise pollution , overcrowding and the tensions of everyday living, we recognize the tremendous responsibility that City Planners and government officials have. Not on].y in providing equitably for people wk�o live here today, but also responsibility to future generations. �:, I urge the Tigard Planning Commission and Tigard City Of�icials to reject this development proposal and zone chanc�e at this time , and , to immediately set to work to assure that this unique parael of land is permanently pressrved. Tf its presexvati,an as "open spaoe" and dedication as a public park was a requa.recl part of the Canterbury Development, as the r.ecord shows , the land owner shoul,d be held to this obligat�.on. Otherwise , our planning and zonzng laws and regu7.ati.ons are a mackery. ,, On the other hand, i.f preservation means purchase of the property � i and setting i,t as�,de as an "open space, " "wi,ld space ," ar �ark, T I , hope khe commission and city o£ficials w�.11 e;��,n,��._a].1 available �i �,,, possibilities to do this. And, T understand that there are �unds available in various places to accomplish this. ' more /,� , . . . � . . _ . ., _ , ;..�._ ,:,. . , �.. �._ ��.�- In any case , every e��oxt shou7.d be made �ox th,e preservation of ' tHis very speca.al 8. 5 acres of w�ildexness withatn the Ca,ty. z� this is not done , one of the dim�,nishing resources that make Oregon "a good p7.ace to live" wi11 be des�royed �oxevex. . • � � . c hillips �� ' .. ` !�j ; ' � _ , __� ,.� . , .�. _ _ ; � 4�i�.R^°/�_���. � � ` 54 Niay 31_ , 1�75 C:i.t,y t>(' `['i�?�,��rc3 t'l.�zieninr�� C�mma.ssio��i: ll��x^ ;a rs : 1 �cc�:iv�ci ��ouz� raati. cc r�f. tf�E� rrseci,it���• r�t' �)�ti�c� <3, f.y75, �ai^r,y T 4va 1;l he �����,y antt ur��ah.l.c; tc� at;LeKic1 . � � � '�'}��x s 1 �L t.c�.r ��v�i. �l L �i v ca r1�t i c�� c�:f:' �t�,y c4 i s x���ra i„c�v;.a.L o C t i��c ��t��ct� cl�r�n<Y�e. i � Z os4rr3 aizci live c��►� �t;l�t� ��i°o:yc�rty �ai.ljo:�.nir��� �t;N3�� �out_h f�o�ui�tx�— as�,y c�� Lt3n k�a°or�o,�c�ct 5ii�e. I i � �hl>> ��,�r:�t a����t��u n �f<���� U�I�7�I G c;t i tz� — Evt�3 e►1 i;h ea C��u��t;q :���a�;>:�°a�v e d �{ t}�e t,r�ntc�r�huz^,y i1;a�a1°�:inc�r�ts c�i� t4�ze �a.rape.i�ty ��ur�cllas�c� fr�m �.lr�cic �1r��rl�r►r� , i L �t:��, Lo )ae c.levelo��eca ir� 3 p�l�a�es �viti2 t;l:ii� , �r �� ��� �����>�d�r�l �r��a ai������ �tt1e Nol^tt� af �1�l��lL i.� r�o4v '�'a�� ����c�� �3�U(� � � t c� t�e 1 e f't a 5 a ��r c�o cl e ti :'�a 1^1< tv.i L h r i cl i t��t� t r�a:i.l s , e t c , �i i�d t�icrfic ��r,c��s . � �tiv s�eonc1 .t^c���hx� -- t}i.i5 i.� c�i�e c�f' , iC r�t�t L9sG t7r�l,y �rt�vs: � of �st mro�tTtlY t;imla��'� lef1, i.e�� ti�e c:i1.,y of' `t'i �;�ar�cl . I �vouJ.cf ,i ask e<�c1� nn� �t. tl�is mc�c>Ci.rr7 tc� L��!<c � :ferv ra�inutes to v�rt�.Llc t;l�r����;1z ti� i� ar��:zj bc>.L'orc mr�icar�� tat.� Iti�, tr�irzcl on tl�L:i.� c�'i��ta��. �' 't'k1�re i s �ti. l. i � i i t t l.c tr�;�nq�.�i l:i t,y 1 el't a.�� 'i'��rrif'ic 7'i�ard . y � }��ot�lri �S!< vou to t�clu ):.eei� a l.il;�. le U!' i:f�e l��aut;,y tzOd {r�.��� ;y Li{i� �r�e� �r> ��i:�ur7cl�znt; ty ar�cl tFi�s t�eei� sc�utan+4ex��c� sc� r�eltle��sl.,y ,�' f.c�r a few �c�l !<at°s ��rnf'it. 'I'�cl�;�y, Ll�� ���nc�r� c�att,ez�s ave,rE� saw.ity:� u4� �vinc1�'tia1Ls c�n tl�is ;����c�;�c�rt,y Lvi�i.c�� ,1 ur�r��►^5t;��7d kcrarieLkY l3un� h�s,��r� ��tic�n c��r» , Ii; loc�lcs t,c� me l.a.icG ��i°t>E�reSS is �lre��d;w ,�jum��in� t;�7� �ui7 , r��ys I�eforc 1:1�a� ine�l;in�. � � X�ou�r� �rtz1�, � � �� �. ��''` � � � � �,; . _�1 1�ri�ckso�� t'�c�or� 7�`c>r txooci Tree f'sa.��n ; �5 :L52(lU 5 . 11' . lU�tt1 Ave. ` ; . . � � � . . . � . r��.�,y��4-1 � S.1�L�� �� *'� .. .�3,. � � . . � � . . .. l�� . � s�. ����'�M'�� :`` . _". � . . � .�.. .. .. .,,ti � . .. . . . . ?. . '.. . ..�) �� . . . � . . '.. , ��.. � , ,,� �.��4�Y , c� TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ' fi"` Staff Report �- June 3, 1975 Agenda Item 4�� ; zC 4-75 � ZONE CHANGE AND GENERAL PLAN APPROVAL for a proposed P�anned Dev�lopmen�t referred to as "Greenmark" on ', "Little Bull Mountain" to the south and west of SW Murdoek and '; 109th (tax lot 8800 Wash. Co, tax map 2S1 lOAD) ,>� App�icants Jerry Bonn and Kenneth Bunn Staff Findin�s l. Proposed PD is a replanned portion of a prev�iously-approved "Planned Residential" project approved in June, 1968, by Washington County. The ''Planned Residential" use was, at that time {1968) , a conditional use allowed in an R-7 zone. The County approved a concept p�an under the P-R ord.inance and the subsequent site plans did not have to be submitted until con- struction. was at hand. The praject was to inc�.ude a total of 298 dwelling units (224 apartment units and 74 town houses) on � 19 acres for a density of 15.68 units per gross acr�. 2. While the county's original P-R approval included the observation that the development rhay�-•take place over a five year period, several factors lead staff to the belief that the P-R desig- nation has lapsed: a. No development has occurred since �.972. b. Development has not occurred accordin� to the master plan approved by the county, nor were updated plans sub- mitted as the project progressed. c. The proposed development is of an entirely different character than previous development. d. The City of Tigard has approved a C�mprehensive Plan, the 2i�ard CommunitV Plan, which identifies this area as a •transition area from ��Residential-Commercial�� to "Urban Low Density Residential" . 3. Actual deve7.opment to date has occurred on about 11 aeres of the original 19, with 150 dwelli,ng units constructed for a density (gross) of 13.56 units per acre. � 4. This proposal takes the rema,ining approximately 84 acres and ��, adds another 2+ acre not originaJ.ly part of the P�R �to ma.ke an 8.8 acre site. � , �� � , � �,� :�, ,... . .; �,,, � ,,. :::� . .__.:. .,�_ �;;� �. _ . �> �- 5. Developmen:t proposed is to construct 33 dupl.exes: each on , approximately 9000 sq. �t. lots and one �our plex on approxi= mately a' 15,000 sq. ft. �.ot. Overall density would be abo�zt u 8 un.its per gross acre. �, ' � 6. The proposed alignment of SW 109th, connecting SW 109th {in the county) south of the site with the portion constructed as part af -�he original P-R, appears adequate as it �ertains to the ' proposed PD; however, the future street patterns are of major j coneern. to staff'. The undeveloped nature of lands to the south _ ; and west of the site, �s well as the excessive grades of SW ; 109th there, and an awkward land ownership pattern contribute ; to s-taff"s concern, ' 7o The Tigard Community Plan specifies that an elementary school and a park site will be developed in the area. School District 23J has indicated they will not likely need a school aite in the area, No public recreation or park site has been �ocated or acquired to serve the immediate neighborhood or the "Little Bull Mountain" area. In such an intensively developed residential area, public recreation space is a high priority need. For an area of 220 dwelling units a minimum of one acre seems adequate. Staff , is aware that there is a potential for development by the appli- cants of another approximate�y 15 acres to the west of the sub- ject site at a density yet to be determin.ed. 8. The Tigard Community Plan appears to restrict "Residential- ' Cammercia�." deve�opment to the slopes facing SW Pacific Hwy. � �rom approximately Frewing Street to and including "Little Bul�. -- Mountain". Revisions of that plan b� NPO #1 have changed the nor-therly part o� the "Residential-Comm,ercial" c re envisioned ' by the �ommunity plan, but the original plan remains intact south of• McDonald St. (the southern boundary of NP0 #1) . Although the comr�unity plan is rather general an.d not capable of lot by lot determinations, the intent is clear that high density resi- dential-commercial development was not to spread beyond the crest of the hill. Staff's judgment is that in order to successfuTly protect the single faniily areas to the south of the site and to preserve the amenity offered by the site, the density of the development ought to taper off from a higher density at the no'rth end of the site to a lesser density at the south end. 9. The existing stand of fir trees on the south portion of the ' site were shown as an "open area" on the original. plan -- buffering the high density of -L-he '�PR�� from the low densities to �the south. Staff feels that some development encroaching into the trees is not untenable, but feels that much aare must be exercised in developing that area. 10. The buildings proposed have the appearance of '�plan book" units poorly adapted to the irregular sites proposed. In a Planned Develop�nent, where the highest standards of building/site relationship can be maintained due to the greater flexibility in platting and density, high standards of design excell.ence ' � and space use should be expected. PC Staff Report - Jun;e 3, 1975 - Item �+.1 �- page 2 �.• _ , _. ,; � � .- ,_ a :�,...__. �� : , � ��u 11. A landscape plan for the entire development to include the ' treatment of individual. lots, as well as "commons" and buffering - �. areas, slzould be ..reviewed by the Design Review Board to insure ' the integrated development of the site. Tria:s is pax°ticular�.y importan�t on the southerly end of the propcsed developrnent. ' ,:;: ; .. � . . . �' . � . . .. . . .. ... 'N 4 .. ' ,�,. . . . . . � � . � � � . . . . . . � . . ' i ��'��� .. � ' . , . . . PC Staff Report - June 3, 1975 - pa�ge 3~ - item 4.� , , , , � _ ; , _. ,_ . �� � � ; ���� � . �- . . �, �.�,. � � � .....,. , . . .., ,, , ; �., � .�.. � . � � + � /� s �� � V'��� � Go� - , Soo � � � .. D . Goo V1 W < w� � m. c � m � i 40 --- ...... �� �+�r �1. CT. � \ ! NE o y/uo � °' • MURDOC � . f yz.00 —SYO! � �!� I -� o t �''-?' � -�- - °� s8�o = S.W. 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' C� _ �:�� � •,�,•- � ^..` K I IJ ____� .��/'�� �-���`-- .._---- �^ 1 � � �' !I � ��,yl'L,.J-_L__��'zi7=---.:Y ` ;i � =1_.._ T.�._=_-=-' �` � ,� �� �;, __ __ . _ ,, _-r---.__ -� r_ �� �� � �, � �. ,: � �_____ ,z�...� f�.�� ; �� , � �t. .• __� - � - . �' - I ^ ---t . .. --J -1 - '��'' . � ,;, ; �_--- �----- -- �- l--� / �� ' ,f ��';' .; . td URCOCK � PL, � t �� � c �. � i --=-`-- -- -1--=� r,e � �' ,��-:.� ---_=.-�- - :�_ � ,�z,, - , TIGARD PLANNING CONiMTSSION Staff Report � June 3, 1975 Agenda Item 4.2 S ?_-75 (Greenmark/Bunn and Bonn) PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL for a subdivision of a proposed Planned �avelopment to be known as "Greenmark�' located to the south and west of SW Mu.rdock and 109th (tax lot 8800, Wa�h. Co. tax map 2S1 lOAD) Applicants Jerry Bonn and Kenneth Bun Staff Findin�s 1. Lots are proposed for duplex use under an R-7 Planned Development zone. 2. No particular variance of the subdivision code has been asked. 3. Lot sizes conform to R-7 dup�ex site standards. (, 4. Lot layout, with several "flag" lots (see lots #1, #5, #9, �23 and #24) which have relatively long access drives, is awkward at best. , 5. The curve radius at the '�neck'� of the cul-de-sac (Bonz1 Caurt) is too tight. � 6. The intersection of Bonn Court with 109th is potentially dangerous. The configuration shown would force a driver approaching Bonn ' Ct. from sou-thbound on 109th to ��cut�� the corner in order to avoid a "reverse superelevation", which is simply a curve that is sloped the wrong way. 7. The ��Tract A�� designated on the plat cannot be accepted by the City. It must be developed as a street, and a ��street plug�� must be provided at the end. 8. S. W. Strathmore St. on the plat appears to extend beyond the plat boundaries. The street as shown cannot be developed or used, A street plug must be shown at the end of the street where it leaves the plat. i 9. The grade of SW 109th, as indicated on the p�.at, is within the II . 12/ maximum allowable slope; however, ,superelevation of the two curves wi11 exceed the maximum grade. - �� 10. The south end of �,Ogth extends beyond the plat boundaries. � " '��l AppJ.ican�t does not indica�e how connection is to be made or how he wil�. provide a full street improvemen.t. �` 11. No indication has been seen by staff that suxrounding landowners have been contacted with respect to future development plans or that projection of the street system in the area to the south of the proposed subdivision has been considered. Recommendation Staff recommends that one of two options be taken. Denial, due to fairly extensive revisions that may be required or tabling with a speaific date to reappear and some specific criteria for revising the preliminary plat. ��. I II ; � i PC Staff Report - June 3, 1975 - item 4.2 - page 2� ; r. , .�� . l�M. ���, . f..�. . . � . . �� rF �U. � i. A � l. . . . . . . ,,....I Tigard P],anning Commission ��' � Staff Report ' ��' .� � ' �, 19r(5 ,;�� genda Item 4.3 ZC 11-74 (NPO Plan #1 - Rezoning) ; i Applicant City of Tigard Applicant's Request j The City proposes chang�,ng the zoning within the limits of NPO P1an 1 to brin it into conformance with the Plan as adopted in May, # g 1974, and revised in March, 1975. Staff Findin s g l. The proposed changes in zone are necessary to bring the zoning map into conformance with the NPO #1 Plan for the Ash Avenue-Downtown Area as adopted in March, 1975, in ordinance form, by the Tigard City Council. 2. The proposed rezonings deal with two separate geographical ' �, portions of the Neighborhood. These axe: (1) the downtown ' area which includes properties fronting Main, Burnham and ¢ Commercial Streets• (2) ro erties directly behind lots having � P P Pacific Hwy. frontage and access. 3. Concerning the Main Street area, the Plan proposes as one of �i +� i of aowntown its goals to improve successfu�ly the viabil ty as a retail, commercial, governmental and community center for the citizens of Tigard. " As a means of realizing thi,s objective, the Plan states that the existing trend towards Fi industria� development must be halted. Therefore, in order to add breadth to the existing commercia� development on � Main St. , as well as to direct the development trend toward the desired commercial uses, the Plan proposes changing the ' industrial zoning (M-3) or properties on Commercial St. and " two vacant parcels on the north end of Burnham St. to C-3, ;,� General Commercial. In addition, the industrial land to ;, remain is proposed for the lightest of manufacturing uses, ]r; the industrial park : (M-4) zone (with the exception o� the �; Air-King Manufacturing property) . � - �; �, 4. The text portion of the Plan includes three policies con- � cerning the future deve�opment of the down-�own as listnd F; below: � � s a � i� C Policy 22 - Because Pacific Highway is not intended to pro- ' � vide convenience shopping for neighborhood �' � � G � � � � � - � � � �: . .. . �. . .. . . . . . � . . . . . � . .. . . . � � . . ��.�i . � . � . ', � � � � . . � � � � .�.� �. . �� �. . . . . �, c�mmercial needs the downtown area should � provide this function for the Neighborhood. Pol:icy 23 -- Th� redevelopment of Downtown should be accoma plished in order to make i:�t cornp�ementary' to newer shopping areas. Convenien,ce, appearance '. and the needs of the shopping public' should be ' primary considerations. ' , ; Policy 24 - Tn order to accomplish the redevelopment of ; Downtown, a redevelopment plan must be completed. This project should be coordinated by a ,eommittee , of local businessmen. 5. Concerning the remaining industrial land in the Neighborhood, the Plan tex-t lists the following two policiss: `; Poli'cy 25 - The industrial area should be developed to the " highest standard provi,ded in the z.oning ordinance, the M-4, Industria� Park category. Policy 26 - Truck traffic servicing industria� firrns should not be allowed to use Ash Avenue when it is extended across Fanno Creek. 6. The ,remaining land to be rezoned consists of parcels lying behind properties �ronti,ng Pacific Hwy. From Garrett to �-- McKenzie these 1.ands are depicted on the Plan as appropriate for multi-fami�y residential development and are therefore pr�posed to be rezoned �rom C-3 to A-2. Some of these prop- �rties are currently developed with apartment housing. 7, The rear portion of the Stearns and Schriar properties (where the street connection between Ash Ave. and Pacific Hwy. is proposed) is schedu�ed to be rezoned from A-2 to C-3 to allow greater depth for commercial development of these parcels. 8. There is a sma11 piece of groperty zoned A-2 on 104th St. off McDonald. This property would be rezoned R-7 according to the NPO Plan. This parcel is pointed out in the findzngs in order that it not be ignored, du:e to its srnallne�s. _ , Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the subject parcels be rezoned acaording to the propased NPO #1 Plan. �� Staff Report - May 3, 1975 - p�ge 2 _ � , . z, . ,. ,,� , ,� . . _ . _. :. .. _, . >._. _.. ;:.� _ � �� � . . . � . .. . ���'h . . . . . � . .. . . . � . . . .. . . . � . .. ... : _:I 'Tigard Planning Commission �._ Staff Report ` June l `� 39 975 ; Agenda Ttem 4.4 ZC 5-75 (NPO Plan #2 - Rezoning) ; :; Applicant ; City of Tigard ' Applicant's Request The City proposes changing the zoning within the limits of '; NPO Plan #2. Staff Findin�s 1. The proposed changes in zone are ��eces�ary to brin.g the ; zoning map into conformance with �l�e adopted NPO #2 Pl.an. 2. The proposed rezoi�ings are proposed only �'or those properties ' which meet two condition.s : A. their current zoning conflicts with the adopted land � use plan B. The existing zoning will allow a more �ntense use af the land than provided for in the adopted plan. � The effect of the above statement is that the staff is recommending tha�; the Planning Commission rezone where necessary to protect the adopted plan. For instance, a pieae of C-3 (General Commercial) property planned for commercial-professional development must be rezoned C--P (Commercial-Professional) to insure tha.t it will deve�.op as planned. Conversely, a piece of R-7 (Single Family Resi- dential) property planned for eventua� apartment develop- ment may remain zoned R-7 without endangering the Plan. In fact, property proposed to be zoned to a more intense land use must be evaluated to ascertain if the "timing" is right for developm8nt of the subject property. For example, is it adequately served by public facilities and streets; ' does a community need exist, etc. 3. The proposed rezonings are grouped bel.ow according to the current zone and the zone being proposed t� replace it. A. A-2 to R-7 -- These properties are north of Greenburg and west of 95th and from the end of Lomita to Hwy. 217. In both cases they represent areas proposed for � retention of singl.e family development. �,,.:: B. C-3 to A-2 -- Some properties behind the Tigard �-� Plaza Shopping Ceni�er and behin:d Pacific Hwy. and adjacen,t Grant Street are included in this category. In these areas the plan is provididng a ��stepping down'� in intensity of use from retail • commercial development to single family homes (see page 18 of NPO #2 P1an tex�t) . C. C�-3 to C-P -- These properties are on Hall Blvd. north of Tigard Plaza and on Green'burg Rd. west of Tigard Pl�.za. In both cases they provide a trans- ition of use from the more intense shopping center development to the residential portion of the neighborhood (see pg. 24, P1an text) . D. M-3 to M-4 -- The Great Western Chemical Corp. proper- ties lying between the two railroad lines adjacent Tig�rd Street is proposed to be rezoned to the lighter category due to its proximity to residential develop- ment. On page 25 of the Plan text, Policy #25 states that �'The industrial area should be developed to the highest standard provided in the zoning ordinance, the M-4, Industrial Park category. " Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the subject parcels be rezoned according { to the proposed NPO #1 Plan. � PC Staff Report - June 3, X975 �-item 4.3 - page 2 �,._ _ . _ _ _ _ _ .�... _ ��� ������ � �.. TIGAR.D PLANNING COMMISSION � Staff Report June 3, 1975 �`. A n � g e da Item 4.� V6-75 (Cubby's Corner/Margaret Culbertson) i Applicant I • � , A request by Mrs. Culbertson for a variance of Section �8.60.170, � TMC, (parking and loading) to allow a gravel parking lat where paved � , parking is required at 13735 SW Pacific Hwy. (tax lot ��00, Waah. Co. i tax map 2S1 3DD) . � � , Staff Findin�s i l. The app�icant has submitted a letter describing the proposed ' use and the need for the variance. A response to the "Fasano � question" has been su�mitted, although not necessarily required ! for consideration of a variance. ; � � � � i 2. The staff has reviewed the granting .conditions for variances ', (�'MC - �.8.76.020) with respect to this application. While a ; strict adherence to these guidelines could cause the Planning � Commission to find against the applicant's request, the staff � finds that exceptional conditions resulting from the considerable ; amount of unused property to the rear of the existin,g residential structuTe (to be converted) makes the request worthy of Planning �-- Commission consideration. � � 3. The proposed parking lot is well placed in terms of highway � access and visibility. The gravel lot is envirorunentally desirable and will not prove a hindrance toward planning the eventual development of the entire site at some future time. Staff Recommendation i i to be presented following public testimony. , ; � � �� , ��,