Planning Commission Packet - 05/27/1975 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. f�t ����.' �.�. �i.,, MTNUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION �t May 27, 1975 - Study Sessior� �'wality Junic�r High Schooa, - lec-t�.i�� room 14650 SW 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman. Whittaker called the meeting tc� -�rder at 7:45 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Cammissioners present: Ball, Hartman, Popp, Porter, Saka�a, Wakem (arrived at 8:30 p.m. ) ; Chairman Whittaker; Planning Director Bolen Commissioners absent: Hansen and Nicoli 3. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDNlENT ZOA 1.-75 - Differentiating a Separate C-3M Category for the "Downtown'� Area o Bolen distributed a memorandum to the Commissioners which summarized the P1,anning Commission discussion of this item at the May 20, 1975, regular meetin.go In addition, the memo attempted to explain the staff position taken at that �'' meeti.ng in regard to the appropriate �oning �or the Fowler and Buchholz sitesa o Por�er suggested that rather than applying the existing C-3 category to the "downtown" area, this zane should consist of the revised C-3 zone with the difference o:f adding the C-4 permitted uses as outright uses in the C-3M category. o Whittaker recognized Porter's proposal as having merit, but stated his own pre�'erenc� for the revised C-3 zone on the ! Fowler and Buchho�.z sites, sta�ting his preference for the j review capability pr°ovided the Planning Commission by this zone. o Ball stated his concur.rence with Whil;taker and said he had � conftdence that the Planning Commission would use th� review i capacity provided by the conditionaa_ �ise procedure in a responsibl.e manner and that the st•rategic l.ocation and. size of the two parcels being discussed made it essential that � � the Planning Commission have som2 capability for guiding i their developmente j � o Popp said that he voted against p1_acing the revised C-3 i category on the Fowler site at the May 20, 1975, meeting, � but has since changed his position, recognizing the value � „,. � of the review c�.�ab�.�it�r provi�le� the P1�nn�.ng Commission ! in attempting to guide the appropriate development o� '�u�tlz j the '�downtown" an.d th� highw�.y by the conditional use process. ; �� �� � � ,,, _. , . . . ,, ..� ._ ,l —�—, , .._. _ •N w ♦� F �� ` + . . . tt o Bob Gr��anv,�ood of �h� `Ti.��.,i�d �.:.:'r,:.�ai_ ,�.. � r�_. _ :� ;��a zu�:,'���.ent �nd „,Fa> Chai�man Whittak�r as.keci him ��: r�� �°��, dr'a:Y :Unlrr��ri�t� �.n ::�e� �,,, spcn�z to zh� P1.anning C��r�mis�ion czi.svu��•��� c>E: ��i��s rzi�,�;tero Mro G.rEarwood repl�..ed that h.e r�ally� r,«u;_�ir v t.; dg�,:°�� wwW�h the posit�on o� some Commi.ssion�r°s �nd t�.� s��a�� �tha� -�h� Fowler site is in the category o�' nthe:� parce� � ;LU{h��e��. c�r? Pacific Highway and said that h� fee�s i� s:Yiould b� iri-- cluded wit�in the zoning category for th� "d,..wn�towri�� propertieso o Hartman moved to rezone thE "downtown'� according �ta t:re C-3M catQgor°y and within the bounds on th� m�.p grr��rid�1 by stafi. Thi.s map exc�ud�d th� Fowlar �xid Buchhol.z ��`���so o Sakata seconded t�e mation and the ��otiori �aa�sed by m�j��.�•���� vote with Port�r voting noo 4a Chairman Whittaker announced t� the Commission th�t he wGU1d b� resigxiii�g effec�tive June 3, 1975 e He pointed out that Ha�tman is the vice-chairman and wi11 cor_tinue in the rol� of chair��n following his resignation. Hartman sta�;ed he was so�ry to see 'o and als o that he was v the Planriin Commiss i n Whittaker lea e g 0 concerned about the amount of time he would have avail�.ble t fulfill adequately the role of chairman, The Cammissioners ther� discussed whether any c�ther m�mber felt he had �aec�uate tim� to devote and if he would be interested. No ot�xer member stated ; a desire to seek the position and Hartman was asked �t�� fill the � �' position for an interim period to see if hi.s titt�e schedule could � be worked out. 5, NPO #4 and NPO #5 - Member SeleGtion Prac�ss o Bolen summarized his pre�rious memorand�um to �the Commissi�n on the suggested membership of NP�'s 4 and 5 and alsa summarized the testimony of th� May 2U, �.975, public heari.ng � on t�is issue, � o Porter said that he found the vo�iri� process to be somev,rr%�.: � haphazard in that in his neighborroo:x some persans did n.�::�'c '� receive ballots arid others did n�t g:,� the initi.al n�mi..r�- ation letter, etc o HE stated hi.s pr.eference for electi:r�r P; the NPO's at a regu7.ar election, �?vssi.b�y e1.�ctin� tr,e m�n�-� ; bers of all the remaining NPO'a i�i this way, Tn adf3.i.tiu.r�� `1, he su�gested that the self-nomination proce�s be augment��ry. � to require that a person obtain a minimum number o.f si�:��:- ; tures in order to nominate himselfe ; � o Popp stated his preference for th� s�l.f-�nominatiQn pra-4ey:u ?. and sai,d he did not like the idea of havi.ng peo.p�e obtain i signatures in order to nominate themselvese T'n? result � would possibly be that �any people would choase not t� ' nominate themselv�es in that they would finc� i�t disagr�eak�:Le to obtain the required number o�' signattzr��. � PC Minutes - May 27, 1975 - page 2 ' � . . . , � f.� Y � � 1.', . " { ;..... E. . 1 . ♦ � iy �. fi o Bo1en suggesteei tha.��- :�ne way to �vercoin�� the probl�m� ��a �, the handouts not rEac��ng everyone witriin. the neigh'bor.hood t �v would be to send them �through thP rnail� He pointed ou-t �that ; when handing out these materials door-to--door, the student t! volunteers are not allowed to place them in mail boxeso This �' sometimes results in the materials being blown away. However, he did point out that this mailing woul.d involve a consider- able amount of staff time and expense. ;; ,, . o The Commission.ers agreed upon mailing out both the nomi- nation letter and the ballots and went on to discuss the i makeup of the NPO membership, Bolen said that the member- ship proposed in his memorandum to them had the potential of askewing the voting power toward the business interestso Porter stated his concern that the business interest would have the advantage on the NPO's an:d said he would like to eee it skewed to�,�ard the residents if there were any doubt that ane or the other faction would have a voting advantage. The final. arrangements a�r.eed upon by the I'lanning Com- mission were as fol�.ows: NPO #4 - Ti�,ard Triangle 1. resident of an area planned in 1971 7 repa to remain residential ,: 2. resident of an area planned in 1971 1 rep � to be converted to some use other �: than residential ;;; :3, absentee lan,downers �- �'eP `? ;';� �..r 4. business-commer°cial 3 reps �.;� � � 4- 4":: 5, business-industrial 0 reps ! .I 12 reps '�'�' s;': NFO #5 - Freeway Indu�trial-Rol.lir�.g ra..11s � '� 1. resident of an ar�ea planned in. �19'rl 7 rep� � (' to remain residential ' t '� 2. resident of an ar�ea planned in 1��1 1 reP `j' ,,� �to be converted to some use o��her f:;� than residentia� "`' ;:-; �..;; 3. �bsentee landowner 1 rep � � ��;�i �;�> 4. business - commer•cial/indust.rial 3 reps f"' fi,;;� . 12 reps '' � `�� �;.�i � 6. ADJOURNMENT: 9:45 p.m. -; �.�', � � PC Minutes - May 27, 1975 - Pag� 3 �t� F , � �*�: ,,,i �'� �� : -�, �. �� � y , � . , : .. "; �".,r� d Fi�r,y.�.:�}�;r rG..� l , �.. �•. � I Memorandum ' ��� To: Planning Commission ` F'rom: Planning Department + Subject: C-3M Zoning District for the Downtown Area { Date: May 23, 7-975 At the May 20, 1975, Planning Commission meeting, staff presented a { proposed division of the existing C-3 zon.e to separate the downtown area .from the revised zone being considered for Pacific Hwy. The Plannin� i Commission agreed with the findings presented by staff describing why � the downtown arm shou�.d be in a separate zoning district than commercial ' properties on Pacific Hwy. ; however, there was disagreement concerning � whether or not thP Fowler Jr. High site should fall under the proposed � C-3M zone. In the process of discussing .this matter, the major dis- ; cussion revolved around the appropriate zoning for the Fowler site. ' Reasons for placing the proposed C-3M zone on the Fowler site, as I expressed by four of the Planning Commissioners and d representative from the Schoo� District, can be surnmarized as follows: I l. The City should cooperate with other governmental bodies, in � this case the School District, and put Fowler in the C-3M ' category as requested. Not to do so could mak� the site more ; difficult for the District to sell. 2. This site is part of the "down�town" , having frontage on Main � � St. and on Scoffins and should therefore be included in the C-3M zone. 3. The ��owler site shou�d be considered differently from the ' Buchholz property because it has access to Hall Blvd. from Scoffins. The Buchholz site only has acaess to it from , Pacific Hwy. Therefore, the Fowler site could be approximately ��:�- zoned C-3M, while the Buchholz site C-3. I The Planning staff and half of the Planning Commissioners present felt I that the Fowler and Buchholz sites should both be separate from the C--3M category and the following reasons wer� provided: � 1. Both the Buchholz and Fowler sites are large parcels of I developable commercial land directly accessible from Pacific Hwy. , being at either end of Main �St. where it inters�cts , Pacific Hwy. The development of these sites has serious . implications for both the future of Main St. an:d Paci�ic Hwy. at this location. For instance, either of the sites � could be developed into high traffic generating uses which may necessitate Planning Commissibn review in order to assure that safe and efficient venicular access can be provided. Zn addition, these sites should both be developed in order to compliment the "downtown" , as concei.ved in the •NPO #1 Plan and not in a manner that would be detrimental to its economic � viability. Both sites should be developed in an integrated fashion with the "downtown��, rather than being totally oriented to Pacific Hwy. The review capabili-ty offered by the con- ditional use process will aid the Planning Commission in r . ._ . i� '- : . - I .. , �� � � , �,. . achieving these end.s. 2. The City Council has requested the Planning Commission to � consider retaining the existing C-3 zoning in the Main St. area because it is compatible with the existing development pattern. For instance, restaurants which locate on Main St. are not of the fast food type. In addition, the lotting pattern is already established in,to small parcels and the 30,000 sq. ft. minimum proposed in the revised C-3 zone would not be appropriate. Again, the Fowler and Buchholz sites present a much different circumstance, bath being very likely to attract ha�ghway oriented businesses and both Y�epresenting . large lots which could be divided into small units. As a � result, the larg�r 1ot size requirement of the revised C-3 � zone is appropriately applied to these properties as are the 1, . inclusion of high traffic generators in the conditional use ; category. ' � 3. The revised C-3 zone, which staff finds the proper zoning � for the Buchholz and Fowler sites, provides the Planning i Commission with a review capability whi�.e not excluding � outright any uses which were previously possible. Staff finds the protection afforded the community by the conditiona� ; use process to be no greater than necessary to achieve the ? City's adopted planning objectives and policies. The School District has object�d to the revised C-3 zone because it would undul encumber their ro ert for ur oses of offerin it '' Y P p Y p P � G for sa e While it is true that some �ses reviousl allowed 1 . P y ; �,,. outright would come under Planning Commission review, the � same will be true for all other properties lacated on Pacific Hwy. and any business wishing to locate on the highway will be confronted by the same ordinance provisions, pl�cing the Fowler and Buchholz sites in an equally cpmpetitive position with all other properties visible and accessible from Pacific Highway. �: , � Memo to PC - 5�2.3�75 - page 2 ' ... , _ , _ _.