Planning Commission Packet - 04/01/1975 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � ���` r�� . "�: AGENDA TIGARD PY.ANNING C01�1MISSION APRIL 1„a:975, 7530 P.M. � 'T4�ALITY J'UNIOR HIGH SCf�00L - LECTURE ROOM �,. 14650 S.W. 97th, Tigaxd 0•regon 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3, APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4. PUBLIC kiEARINGS 4.1 SUBDIVISZON PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL (51-75) SCOTT PROPERTIE� A xequest by George Scott for Preliminaxy P1at Approval of a subdivision of Tax Lot 1000 and Part of 1001, Tax �p IS1 35CD lo�ated approximately 500 feet South o£ S.W. Creenburg Road on S.W. 98th Aven,ue. 4.2 ZONING ORDINA:NCE AMENDMENTS (ZOA 1•75) Proposed amendmen�s to the zoning ordinance of the City of Tigard, considering tevisions of parts of the foLlowing chapters and sections: Ch. 1�.12 General Provisio�s (applying to all zones) Section .040 Accessory Uses Section .050 Building Projectio�s lSection 1100 Yaxd Requirement exceptions -. (b) Vfsion Clearance A�reas {d) Additional Setbacks Ch. 18,20 Single Family Res�:dentiel Zones (R-7) Section .03q Lot R-7 zone Gh. 18.28 General Comnercial Zone (C-3) Secti.on .A14 Permi�ted Uses Section .020 �onditional Uses Section .030 Lot requirements Sectian .04�0 Setback requirements Seetion .060 Additional requirements Ch, 18.32 Neighborhood Commercial Zone (C-4) Section .010 Permitted Uses Section .020 Conditional Uses Ch. 18.40 Commercial•Professional Zone �C-P) Section .011 Cot�ditional Uses ' Section .Q7D Signs Ch. 18.48 Light Industrial Zone (M•3) 5e�ti'on .020 Conditi.onal;.'Use� Ch. 18.32 Industrial Park Zone (M-4) �„. Sec tion ,-010 Pexm3 tted Uses Section .02p Conditional Uses Ch, 18.�9 ArEhitectural �esign Review Sec tion ,010 Jurisdiction and `Powera of Desig� Review �: . ,,,. . .. ,:: .. , . . . _ . .. - � . . ::�.� . .. : .. � .,, ... ..: _ ..,;: ,. �.�.. .y � ,-- __ ._ . _ .,. - AGENDA -� " PLANNING COMbIISSION �-' �- ` APRIL 1, 1975, 7s30 PM PAG� 2 �... 4. (cont.) Ch. 18.92 Aam3nistration Section .060 Fees 5. OTHER BUSINESS 6. ADJOURNMENT � �. � ,I i �.>. M _ . '�: , � ., _ . r.' �� L��� �.: �� M�NUTES 'I Tigard Pl�nning Commission � April l, 1975 - Regular Meeting Twality Junior High Schoal - Lecture Room 14650 SW 97th Avenue, Tigard, Qregon 1. CALL T0 ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7�30 pom. 2. ROLL CALL � Members present; Hansen, Nicoli, Popp, Porter, Sakata, Wakein, � Whittaker. Commissianer Ball arrived at 7;40. Staff: Powe11., Laws and Planning Director Bolen. 3. APPROVAL OF MTNUTES The minutes of the preceding meeting were not available to be read. Staff requested that amendments dealing with Sections 18.�2.040, 18.12.050, 7.8.920060 be dropped from the agenda. Chairman Whi.ttaker directed that these changes be made in the agenda. Planx�ing Director Bolen indicated that he would like to disCUSs ��- the Planning Department work program in the time avai:Lable be- fore the public hearings would starta He indicated that the department would not be able to complete the work program an- ti�Xpated for 197�+-75, but that NPO formation for NPOps 4 and 5 is getting under waye Hansen asked what the composition of those NPO's would be and � indicated his d.issatisfaction with the composition of previaus � NP0's. l t Whittaker asked if �taff would do an ana�.ysis o�F: t�:�e ma:l��-u�p of � the area concerned in �ach NPO with th� intent to make trie NPO � balanced with response from both business and residen� sectc�rso � r It was suggested �hat vaxious interest groups Gauld be list�cl az�d possibly balanced against the amount of lancl or r.esc�u�.rc�s � committed to the various sectors represented within the NPO . boundaries. f, � Bolen suggested that three alternatives coul.d be produc�d b,y 1;he � Planning Department for formation of each NPO, A report �o�i7.d be � made to the April study session reflecting thos� alterna�ta.ves. � � d� 4 ' { � �. �. PC Minu�tes - ApriJ. 1, 1975 - page 1 � i � _ :� - -- ':� ,t „.� ��^°k. � 4. PUBLIC HEAR.INGS �,. �:;�� 4.1 Subdivision Preliminary P�at Appro�val S1. -75 (Scott Proper�ties) � � This preliminary plat approval is �or a subdi.vision cansidered ; �~ previously by the Planning Commission �s Sc;ott Planned Development i � (ZC 5-75) • (; A. Staff Report Staff report was read by Bolen {see attached} . ' B. Publ.ic Testimoz�y "1 ��, Testimonv fors - �! Pat Thomas, Robert Myers Engineers, addressed the water � pressure problem pointed out by the staff report and �,� introduced a letter from the Tigard Water District con- �' cerning their soluti.on to the problerna �', �s Opposing testimony: �' ,� :; none ?� ; C. Staff Recommendation � I� APPROVAL with no conditions, it being pointed out by � Bolen that all necess�.ry conditions have been attacried to the approval of the Planned Development. � �, D. Commission Discussion and Action Moti.on to approve (Hansen) , seconded (Wakem) , approv�d unanimously 4.2 Zoning Ordinance Amendments ZOA 1-75 �� x. Proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance considering rev�isions of parts of several chapters and sectionso ' Chairtt►an Whittaker asked that the agenda order be modi.fiecl to � allow those items with the most interest to be heard f.irsto � p. Amendment of Chapter �8e28 - General Comrnerci.al Zane - � Sections O10 Pertnitted Uses, 020 Conditional Us�s, 030 Lot Re uirements, 040 Setback Renuir.ements and 060 � q Additional Requirementsa (1) Staff Report Read by Bo1en (see attached staff inemorandum, "Re- vision of the C-3, General Commerca,al zone”) , i � � ; �, " PC Minutes - April 1., 1975 - page 2 n I '"W���+ (2) Publ `�:> Te s timony ��,,;> Dick Kleumpke, Chairmarl o.f N'YO ;#3, tes-tified in favor of the proposed zone changeso ��: John Flattery, Lincoln Properties Coo , testified that ! the zone chang�s proposed he felt were much needed � in a community such as Ti,gardo � � Cliff Ashley, Chairman of NPO #l, testified that the � changes in the zoning ordinance proposed here were � long overdueo " � � (3) Staff Recommendation � APPROVAL c �; (4) Commission Discussion and Action �� � �: Ball voiced his concern about the practice of all �' conditional uses in a less intensive zone being � conditional uses in a more intensive zone making conditional uses allowed in an A-2 zone allowed in a C-4 zone, conditional uses allowed in a C-4 zone '`� being allowed in a C-3 zonea He felt that this wou�.d ;' allow mobile home parts in a C-3 zone and this was � inappropriatea '; , Popp moved to approve, specifying that tire retreading ; @� (conditional use #30 allowed in a C-3 zone) be deleted E °�- per previous zoning ordinance amendmen.ta � Permitted use #8 (Film Exchange)and the proposed addition of dis�tribution center be clarified to read ��Film Distribution Center'� and excluding mobile home ' park from either conditional. use or permitted use in �,� C-3 zonea (Porter) seconded and the motion passed �;', unanimouslye �I'� k f:l B. Amendment of Chapter 18040 - Cornme:r'rial�Prc�fessiona�_ Z.one, f.; Secti.on o011 (conditional uses) �;� (1) Staff Findings �:� � Staff inemorandum "Amendmen-t: of C-P zone ta clari�'yoso " �' read by Powell (see attached) o (2) Public Testimony E� . �' � There was no public testi.monyo �� � (3) Staff Recommendation �� APPROVAL � PC Minutes - April 1, 1975 - page 3 � . _ _ __ _ , .. . , . : ., .. ■r► _ � �,�,. ,,-„ {4) Corru� 'aion Discussion ar�c) 1�.c;-t�.�> �,t �;... The Commission con�idered tY�� sta�� r�comrl��nc�ati�ns with respect to the lack �f positive direc-tion ��ri�th. r respect to a policy for development in a C-P zonea �.,;. Wakem mo�ved to table to allow more detailed consider- ation of a change of land uses to be allowed in this zonee (aakata) seconded and the motion passed unan:�..- mouslya C. Amendment of Section ,070 (Signs in the Commercial-Pro- fessional zone) � , (1) Staff Findings � Staff inemorandum "Amendment of Ch. 18.40a070�� was � read by Powell (see attached) e � � 1 (2) Public Te�timony � Mike Oberhoffer, Farrners Insurance Corp. , asked if � proper consideration had been given to the varying � setbacks, foliage, terrain, differing uses and bt�ilding sizes that occur on some large sites in the � Commercial-Professional zoneo He said t�at the sign � regulations� presently applying in the Commercial-Pro- ; fessional zone did not adequately deal with his pro- �' ject and that the proposed amendments do not speak _ to the difficulties Farmer's has, especially with r � ; respect to directing visitor traffic to the proper � site within Farmer'so John Flattery, Lincoln Properties, said that he felt the wording allowing free-standing signs adjacent an entrance could be either too restrictive or, in other cases, not restrictive enougho He said that the ; wording is far too open for interpretation ( "weasel ' wording") ancl that the �ign size ha� to be �eared ta � the size of buildings and the ,size of the project. � t {3) Staff Recommendation � i APPROVAL } � (4) Commission Discussion and Act:ion i , Porter asked the reasan for considering this revision. 7 ; i Staff explained the reasoning behi.n.d the �ropased revision and the reason for b��nging it up a� �clzis timeo Nico�.i said the �.5 sqo fto m�ximum �iz� in sula- section A is really an insuffics.ent sign siz� for �' PC Minutes - April 1, 1975 - page 4 . , ' �. ��� for a large profes�ional office ��ompl�xa Hansen moved that the item be tabled fo� furthe.r dis- � cussion at the study sessiono Secon.ded (Nicoli) , Chrmno Whittaker asked that the issue be resolved at this Public hearingo The question w�s calledo Mol:ion was defea�ted, Hansen & � Nicola. vo�;ing "aye"a ' Popp maved to approve, as submitted, with the under- standing that the varianc� procedure could be used for such large projects as Farmer's. Bolen poin�ted out that the variance procedure was not provide�d to be used for a forseeable circumstance, but to alleviate hardship in the unforseeable oecasion. Motion to table (Hansen) for discussion at the April 15 meeting, second (Sakata) o Vote passed unanimously. Staff was directed to develop criteria for consider- ation of signs greater than ordinance minimum. D. Amendment of Chapter 18a48 — M-4 Industrial Park zone, Section .020 (Conditional Uses) Staff asked that this matter be tabled due to lack of staff preparationa � E. Amendment of Cnapter 18.12 - General Provisions, Section 100, (Yard Requirement Exceptions) , subsection (b) (Vision Clearance Areas) o , (1) Staff Report Staff inemo ��Amendment of 18e12e100 (b) ooe " was � read by Powell (see attaahed) � ' i � (2) Public Testimony � f none i (3) Commission Discussion and Ac�tion � Commissioner Wa:kem mov�ed. to approve, seconded (Saka�;a) on the condition that �, comma b� placed af'ter "t:�ee tx�un.ks" in the text to cla�°ify 10" minimurn �pplie�. � to free-standing po�.es, not tree �trunks. w Subsection D, Additiona�. Set Backs were th�n can- � sidered� � � �� PC Minutes - April 1, 1975 ° page, 5 �� - ;� . : .. . + �� (1) Sta�'y Repo��t ��,,,;. read by �'owell. � (2) Public Testimony none (3) Staff Recommendation APPROVAL (4) Commission Discussion and Action Wakem asked if Ash Avea was a collector its full length, Staff responded that it was not, that it was a collector only between Hill and Burnham Stso . Wakem asked if that change would be made in the test and staff indicated it wouldo Popp moved to adopt as amended, seconded (Wakem) , vote unanimouso „ F. Amendment of Chapter 18,20 - Single Family Residential Zone, Section o030, Lot Size in an R-7 zone. � (1) Staf� Findings Memoran.dum titled "Amendment of Cho 18e20o030" by Powell (see attached) o (2) Public Testimony ; none (3) Staff Recommendation. �� APPROVAL It was pointed out by the sta.�.f th�,t this hac�. l�een � request by the building depar.tment and that stafz didn't know what criter°ia was useda (4) Commission Discussio�. and Act:i.on A question was brought up a� to hoza� the aver.ag�: lot width might be determined, Ba11 moved to table until average lat �i�dt�z �:,ou1.d be definede (Sakata) seconded, vote was una.nimous. � PC Minutes - April l, 1975 - page 6 �, � _ , . . , .I �, �.,n_� �_: . G. Amendment of Chapter 18032 - Nei.ghborr�od I�OTT1TIt2:C''cial Zone, Sections o010 Permitted Uses dnd o0Z0 Corlditional. Uses � (1) Staff Report Memorandum to P�.anning Commission re�.d. by Bol�na (2) Public Testimony none (3) Staff Recommendation , APPROVAL � (4) Commission Discussion and Action Whittaker spoke to the need for changing lot size and frontage requirements in this zone as well as in the C-3 zone. Moved (Ball) to adopt the staff report takin.g mobile homes out of conditional uses and tabling lot size and landscaping to the next meetingo Seconded (Sakata) vote unanimouse H. Amendmen�t of Chapter 18e52 Industrial Park Zone, Section .010 - Permitted Us�s and a020 Conditional Useso �-- (1) Staf f Findings read by Powell (2) Public Testimony none I , (3) Staff Recommendation ; TABLE for reconsider.ation with b��u.;er amen.d�r��n-t �to � � manufacturing at a late_�° date o � (4) Commission Discussion and Ar.ti��. Moved (Ball) to adopt staif x°epor.°�t; ar�d -r,able, � seconded (Sakata) , vote unanimouso I. Amendment of Chapter 18059 Axchitectura� D�sa.g� Ei.a�r�_�w, Section s010 - Jurisdiction and Powers oz Des��.�'zi ��::��ie�� G Board. (1) Staff Report � � PC Minutes - April 1, 1975 - page 7 � ..�, ,, _ : , . . . .,...... . . . . . . � . ..�.. . . .. . . . , .... . . . � . � .. �' . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . � � . . � .. � � , '.I � .. .:J � �. . . . . .. . . . � .. . . . o-1 � ��,,� � . . �d Memo��andum :read by �ow��7_ " (2) Public Testimony �., n:ons (3) Staff Recomrnendation APPROVAL (4) Con�mission Discussion and Action Ball questioned the appropriateness of cxiteria contained in p�°esent ordinance for reviewing si.gns, Specifying that the committee that had written the ordinance originally authorizing the Design Review . �3oard had r°emoved criteria for the eonsideration of sign.s when it redr°afted the ordinance, omitting sign control from the purview of the Design Review Boardo Hansen said that he was concerned about the powers ' of the Design Review Board and would like to do some research before voting on this proposal. ; Moved. to table (Porter) , second (Popp) , vote was � unanimouss # � �,,� 5. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other busine�so 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 17�:25 pamo � ' , i 4 i � I ; � � f � I � i 5 . - . � � � ." � . � d `�,�' . � . .. PC Minutes - April 1, 1975 - page 8 � .. . . . . � .. ��. . . . . .. ,_.. ��� _ _ __ - ,; ��� .;�: ;�: � , � �,�'`+ �° � I l . �:,7•'t.1:.,..�,�i � .� o-i-..Niffa . . II . . .. . ,...r� � � NOTICE Or� PUBLIC HEARING �, CITX 0�' TIGARD �?l.ANNZNG COMMISSIQN I Natice is hereby given that public hearing9wi11 be h�1d by the Planning Camnissia�n of �he �ity of 1Cigr�rd in the 'l�,ralit;y Ju�i,or Hfgh 5chool Lecture Roan, ].4650 S� 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon. 5aid hearirn�,swrill occur on Apxi1 1, 1975 at 8s00 F.M. and w�.11 cancern the folltywings , A re�uest by George Scott £or Yrel,iminazy P�.at Approvs�. af a subdivisio� o� ,�'aic Lot 1000 and part of 1001, Washington Coun�y 'Tax M�p 1S1 35CA laca�ed approximately 50Q feet sou�h of SW Grer�nburg Raad an SCJ 98th Avenue. . Proposed amendments to the �qning Ordinanc� o;� the City of Tigard, the followi�g chapters to be Considezed for pevzsiont M-4, Induatrial Park 7:one (18.52) C-P, Commerci.al Pxp�'esaional (18.40) G•3, Gene�al Comnercial (18.28) R-7, 5ingle ���mil.y Re�identi.�l (18.20) ', General �roviaions (18.Z2) � � SiCe Development Plan (18.58) Arck�i�ecCural Desi,gn Fteview (18.59) �'ti F`lood Plain (18.57) '� AdministraEon (18,92) : � `` .\ ,' AI,1 persons having �n interest in t�ese mat�ars ar� �.nvit�d to attend t�ncl be , �e�ard. `�,.'� ' 4 ` '� i� �, ��; f' � ;: t. � � � ,. , ;: , � 4 +' ;;� ,� r�> . : ,. ., ; _ _ _ � e !'i : ` '�e`; 45W�a:� � � i �!,;i i`' � i: TIGARD PLANNING COI�I�ISSION STAFF REPORT ;;�� APRIL l, 1975 AGENDA ITE�1 � ' I; 5 1-75 Subdivision A request to subdivide 2. 1 acres on S.W. 9Bth for the purpose of constructing 7 duplex housing units. Applicant George Scott Staff Findings 1. As a result of the recent controversy surrounding the proposed partitioning of the Robertson property to a11ow construction of a (�cDonald' s restaurant, the City Attorney has issued an opinion establishing guidelines to be utilized by the Planning Commission when considering a subdivisi,on or partitioning. He � �_ states that, ��it is our conclusion that the applicant � of a proposed subdivision or major or minor partitioning � should be required in presenting his request to prove'". (A) That the proposal is in conformance with the ;; applicable comprehensive plan. ; (B) That the proposal is in conformance with applicable �� subdivision nr partitioning standards and require- � ments of the City as well as with the zoniny and � land use ordinances of the City. 4 1 (C) That the granting of the request will not result f in an undesirable or unacceptable burden upon �' �. the community and nearby area. #; � 2. Comprehensive Plan Conformance - The proposed � development was recently approved as a zone change �E (ZC 5-75) from R-7 to A-2 and P. D. and plan � conformance Was est�-blished at that time. 'I �� �;, 3. Conformance with City Subdivision and Zoning Requirements r; The request conforms to the A-2 zone density standard t � of 12 dwelling units per acre, having a proposed density of 7. 7 units per acre. Conformance with the subdivision � ordinance exists with the exception of the street width standards. However, these devietions from the street standards were approved as part of the Planned Development (page 4, G�neral Development Concept, 1. Width of public right-of-way from 50 feet to 4D feet• 2. Width of public street from 34 feet to 28 feet� . �- _ _ : _.: --�.�,-.,,.-- , - , , , . . . ' ,,, . .., .. �,... . . '�. A, . . . . , � . � . � . � . . .. . �. n .. .� � ��y . � . ��u. � . � . �. . 4. UndeSirable burden upon the Communi.ty — Tn the staff s judgement the request wi] 1 not result in an ., undesirable or unaccepzable rur.den" upon the community � based upon the present subrnission. However, at this ' writing the applicant has not demonstrated how a sufficient water supply will �e provid:ed to the site . (re; 17. 16. 100 {4)) . Note that on the applicaht' s submitted preliminary plat the water main located in 98th Street is 4" in diameter while the line ! . serving the hydrant at the subdivision entrance ' is 6 inch. Therefore the capacity of the line entering the development is l,arger thar: the service line in 98th Street. Staff Recommendation ' lo Tp be delivered following testimony �_.���� � � �.' _ ..,. .. .. .. .. , ,..,, . � ; � F I � .� �� . . . . �„ . . . . . . � ��4yi^t . . . . . . . 3. j� . + .. . � . . . . �. . .. . . � ' . � �r. .... � . ...._._ �cnnT�v/��^�'�'��L......... ........ ..._._.: . . � . �. . �. ,. . ,... ,_.. . . � . � .. . . , . � � . . .......... . ..._...... _......._. ............. . ... . _.. . ..._.. .... . .... . .. ........ . .. ... ... . .._ .... ,.. ,. .. .. . . ... . �."�. .'"" .. ... ... ' �O . �,�� ; p �c � �c+,.t��s�oi� __._._ . _ .. ___, _ _ __ . _. _ . __ __ _ _ _ _ G``"�"l�wt � � � ;� _ _ __. .. ___ _ _ _ .. __ ...; _. ._ _ . _.. _. ..,_. . _ _ � /� . �/+ ' �I.t.fo./ � . I`tvLE etit�GLt e.�t-� Q7..�- S t°G�i O►�t l/?5 „ ��. C��.�._�� l/'EQ'CC I�/'G- i . . . _ _ � l � � � � � ( .� �Q�� . ( � I , _ .__.. ,. , (/`C I G�G [.f�Q, C-�� / t�eUte�. Q�_�_�l_ s� .KS.. r�e�u.sv��'�q._.. j �L J � _ 6L ��G vi .�C'�7lat� l . _ _ , __ _ _ _ _ , . . .. _; _ _ . / � I : __.. ___. _ __ __ . _ � __ _ __ . . _ _..1 �. �iytit5 re0ju-e�✓'c�vec� cc.. �pC',►'�wtcfi a1r� ��Pec-�;('t'�cC cvi e.,hap�th _j�..�� � _. ( /I /(� ► � � � ea�"uchec� m l {�� S��u ���� _ _ _ _ _ Y __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � . �e c+��1,,r �O , .�� •. Q! � ._ 4 7`�!°._ o"�r �vic e.oCl� �� � � � _ _ _ v�ec�wiv��s �e�i�vt �euteccl._�oa,v� v��c����c� c�cc,� G��p�'�iUx� �-a� �r.`� �%t ecw _,�u,i��r.l cLc�S _c4vid r.�-t u. fa v, v��u.�ac(e(�'�- __.__ < r < / <�� , � / I � � _ _ _ !�f 2/x�S7'�v(, F.��+-i �H.c�s ��t _eceGO�cfa*-ac� c,�c�� __. c •�)/ _ S����G El.[CI l,2. c�tfe�<�cc�.� _ _ � __ _ _ _ t 1 _ _ �. / f'j e,. (J�S Gc.u<1 c rtit ci.cT _� _. Ccvt S r� vl r cc i�v�rvc / �° /' f Y � /� _ _ __ �- pJ7�+.-t t 7�' l�_ S u,�i_s�c�7`��d �t uilu.r.i ca,s e S �_J� � � � _. �`s a,s c��,'�`� Cc,S '�'�- /��r?�'t� oL l�ce_... �bu,r�leF`rrc _ ` � l y _ _ � �s e� _. . __ . __ _ _ _ _ � F __ __ __ _ _ _ � . _. . _. . _ __ __ _ !. L Gla Yo Yi� � `Ocu,tec,Q. .d?- DO v�l e �s!� L(e� _ �� p �°� � Y - � S� r�t� E7��L _ a,v� _.a�._cc e(�(``7`�:du a. _ <u2�Qac( _ � Y , _ _ _ _ _ _ __��1. GL!�j���C.� S�_t.,.�,�°� . v�.i��Ca!!t� �c2, ��� ` li'��,Gc`�i. _". ._ � ! y !' .� . _ . ..... .. _.�. ,. . , . , . �. �, � �.._ _ __ _. . . . ..__ . r /�/ / / / _.._ __ _ . _ . _ ��5�'s, +C��.- T"�'7e�r�tsc'.lv�s C'�-_ f'�cc. cc�_��c[ �. - � - _ _ _ _ _ ____ ,. _ . _ � __ . .:__- _ _�..��c� .... . �e c ( ._ __ . __ __ _ __ __ __.. __ �.._ ._�..._ , __ _:__ _ ,���� s�G��� �8r S"�� c�10 � �����< _ • _ .J __ / � �_ � � / � _ .....__ __ _ SubSe��llyt � �II 5! _NS . __Dl/� C,�.,1G?EG�- �=C._ �l�(-14..�_ _ _ . _. . _.___. 9 � � ___. %s . uc`v�� S�t a,-�� �� t�e vae<-c1ec� a-�c�c�����/�cl , . _ __ �. _ ��. ,l�oa:r�c �vi_ e_o�t ����� w����r �� Gv,�t`- � j � e.��ct, _ _ _ _ _ .5����e�l �� S'�c-t'�i p?,l �6 , _ �. �,��_ _,f�e�.�-e�-�. S.c�t c.�_._ A / _ . _.. _ __ _ _ _ S���H .��7Gf-l�,�� L(iLCLy ��._/S,S�,C,L°C�a _ . _ _ _ / � . __ _ _ . __ _ _ , __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,_ _ _ _ . _ _ ___ _ __ . _ _ _ _ __ _. _ __ _:. _�. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ __ i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ ; _ _._ _._ _ _ __ . .. __.. . ____ __ , � . .... _.. . . . . . � . .� .. ... . . .. �. . . . . . . ......�.._.. ... . . .. . ........ ...... ......:.. ......... ... ..,.... .-...�.. . .... . .....�. .. . . ..'. .. . .. . .. ... . .... . , .... .\ . . . ... . ..... .. . . . . .. . . 1: ' � M h ' . � . . . .� .. � � . ��;-� . . . �� , 18 . 59. 01� Jurisdiction and powers �of design review �� � board. (a) Except for single family residential dwellings � (R-7 , 'R-15 , R-30) , no building perznit shal.l be issued for i� �. �� s a nPw building or major remodeling of an existing building ;� � until the plans, drawings , sketches and other documents 'd required under Section 18 . 59 . 040 have been reviewed and 1� ap.proved by the board in conformity with the criteria speci- , I� fied in Section 18 .59. 030. . t� (b) Nothing in this section shall be construed to pre- �;: vent ordinary repair, maintenance and replacement of any ; - � part of the building or landscaping which does r�t involve �' ' a substantial change from the goals and objectives of Sec= }' tion 18 .59. 020. Proposed "substantial changes shall be � 1, '!1 submitted to the design review board for approval and shall be subject to the procedures and requirements of the design il re�iew process app]:icable to new proposals. (Ord . .74-10 'i s.. §1 (part) , 1974) . � �a �,,,_ � .�';� ��' ��. �� t�:� f,i �:<� I�I t,`� F, � S.i �; 4.'' f.: �.:. �:" . �r.. f;�: 1.'. C 1';' l:': . ;1 Sy: �!; �� 1.:=: f }�a O.... � � �`�� 1 �{r f 6�l . � �� �,� ' . . .i . , � � . .�� , } �. � t ( � 1 �. . . . ... . . :.� .. . ... .. . . ., ... ... � ..� . � . . . . .. .. . �...-- r _. __ _ _ _ _. \ _ + � .. „ Chapter 16. 12 , � �.� ' . PERMITS � Sections: � 16. 12 .010 Required. ' 16 . 12 . 020 APplication. . 16 . 12. 030 Fees.� 16 . 12. 040 Wh�en null and void--Renewal. 16. 1.2. 050 Exemptions. � 16 . 12. 010 Required. Except as provided in this chapter, it is unlawful for any person to construct, structur,�lly alter . or relocate within the city any sign without first obtaining a sign permit from the building official and making payment of the f�e required. In additiora, all illuminated signs shall be subject to the provisions of the State Electrical Code and the permit fees required thereunder. (Ord. 71-5 §202 (part) , 1971) . . 16 . 12. 020 Application. � Application for a sign permit shall be made upon forms provided by the building official, and sha11 contain or have attached thereto the follawing in- formation: (1) Name, address and telephone number of the applicant; (2) Location of the building, structure, or lot to which or upon which the sign is to be attached or erected; (3) A scale drawin.g showing: design of the siqn in- �y cluding colors, dimensions, sign size, height abave ground, method of attachment, construction and materials, type, source and intensity of illumination and showing the relation- ', .� ship to any building to which it is or is proposed to be at- • tached; � (4) �A plot plan approximately to scale ir�dicating the - loci�tion of all buildings, property lines, existing signs, streets and overhead power lines on the same premises; (5) Al1 electrical signs shall bear the Underwriters Laboratory label; (6) Name, address and telephone number of the person who �will do the erection, construction or maintenance on the sign. (Ord. 71-5 �202 (1) , 1971) . 16 . 12. 030 Fees. Each applicant befare being granted a sign permit, shall pay to the city, a fee for each siqn con- structed, structurally altered or relocated .as follows: AREA OF SIGN PERMIT FEE � 0-25 square feet $ 5.00 More than 25 up to 100 square feet 10 .00 . 100 square feet or more 10.00 plus $2 .50 . for each added � � 100 square feet or fraction there- of to a maximum � of $25.00 . • � . . _. _ _ _ _ __ � . � ' ' REPAIR P,�'�MIT AND PERMIT FEE. WherR any person desires I � to remove a s��z,n from �its structure for � .e purpose of narmal ' �� repair and maintenance, the building official may issue a re- pair per.mit upon filing a permit form provided by him and �, payment of a fee of two dollars to the city. The building �.,„ official may refuse to issue such, permit if he finds that it is for �he cons�truction, structural alteration or relocation of any nonconforming sign. (Ord. 71-5 �202 (2) , 1971) . 16 . 12.040 ' When null and void--Renewal. Except as pro- vided in this section, if work authorized under a sign permit has not been completed within ninety days after the issuance of the permit, the permit shall become null and void. Such a permit may be renewed for up to an additional ninety days and without charge upon . application to the .building official and a finding by him that the sign complies with a11 regulations in ex'istence on the date of renewal and which may become ef- fective during the renewal period. (Ord. 71-5 �202 (3) , 1971) . 16. 12. 050 Exemptions. The following signs and opera= tions shall not require a siqn permit but shall conform to all other applicabJ_e provisions of this title: ' (1) Real estate signs not exceeding twelve square feet in 'area advertising exclusively the sale, rental or lease of the premises upon which the signs are located; t: ~ (2) Nameplates no�t exceeding eight square feet in area; �, (3) The changing, of the advertising copy or message on a painted or printed sign or advertising sign or upon a theater simila si n �s ecificall desi ned for the use of mar uee or r y 5 Q 9 P �� replaceable copy; . (4) On-site painting, repainting, cleaning and normal maintenanee and repa'ir of a sign; (5) Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings and date ot erection when cut into any masonr� surface or when constructed of bronze or other incombustible materials; i (6) A sign denoting the architect, engineer, contractor, subdivision or development when placed upon work under con- struction, and not �xceeding thirty-two square feet in area provided that �uc:h sign is removed within thirty days from date of issuance of the fin.al occupancy permit or two years, whichever is less; . (7)'� 5igns permitted pursuant to Sections 16 . 36.020 and 16 . 36.030 and Sections 16 . 40 . 010 through 16 . 40 .030. (Ord. 71- 5 �202•(4) , 1971) . , . �f- c�t /6• 3�• C�2� �� /�O •��. 03o a�re. s���bNs c�,�a.r��� w<<�� s�q�s p�w,,���/,°� ��;�,���,�3��� ' �G� /6 .4�0,O�C� f�i�u,qG I�. �O, O�� �ea� u.��`�Gr sp�e�a..�r��us . Sc�ch�.se�.l�gS� CGv��Cf�,as /��k�s��/r'���z�s1'�us� a,..�c�' �r��cr �co-,� c��s��ja�l �o tce eli��uJ��yC.'�o a.-e a.r-c y �ou.hli� v-t�lz-�-pt (,�a.,1,w / / �. , " . ,� � ._„. ... _ . _ ... _. _ _ _, _ , . . . . , • . ;, F . � . . . , ,.... .... . . . . . . . � /� �F� . . . . . . „ ��,hl�. ��/ /f r/' .. ff f . . . . i1��' ._ �Y' . . 4n� Memorandum To: Flanning Commission From`:? Sta.ff Subject: Amendment of Ch. 18.�2.100 (b) to decrease minimum height of vision clearance area to 8 feet and extending the appli- cation of the vision clearance area to a�.l driveway entrances and increasing the size of the clearance area on entrances to major arterials and Pacific Highway Date: April l, 1975 ���,,.� �� � � � � � �• 18.08. 560 Vision clearance area. "Vision clearance � area" means a trianqular area on a lot at the intersection of two streets or a -street and a railroad, two sides of which are lot 1•ines measured from the corner interseetion of the ' ; lot lines for � distance specified in these regulations . The third side of the triangle is a line across the corner of the lot joining the ends of the other two sides . Where the lot lines at intersections have rounded corners, th�e lot lines will be extended in a straight line to a point of intersec- tion. The vision clearance area contains no plantin.g, walls, structures or temporary or permanent obstructions exceeding '� ' three feet in height, except occasional tree trunks or poles . 'i The vision clearance area shall be measured from the top of ' ' �, the curb or, if there is no curb, from the centerline street � � grade and extend upward ten feet. (Ord. 70-32 Ch. 280 (part) , � `� 1970) . � ;,.,„ ,e, 2. The reduction of the height of the vision clearance area to 8' from the present 10 ' is per recommendation of the Building Official who has found the present 10' to be in excess of needs. � 3 3. At present there is no formal citation of vision c�earance stan- E dards applying to driveway entrances to public streets. A review � of Vlashington County, City of Portland, Multnomah County, and City of Beaverton codes shows that the vision clearance area � requirement is applied to all street intersections and driveway " openings on public streets. Staff has required such clearance ;, be provided in past development proposals in the interest of ;: public safety and under staff prerogative. � � - � 4. The 20 ' vision clearance area provides adequate sight distance ; on local and collector streets. In the case of a designated ! arterial street where speeds may exceed 35 mph, greater sight ; distance and a larger vision clearance area should be requa.red. � i , , 5.Present Code Provision: ' ; ; � (b) "In all zones, vision clearance areas shall be maintain.ed i � between all intersect¢�.g streets (except alleys) extending � twenty fleet back from the ri�ht-of-way intersection along both ; �. . . , .,,; ._.� , _ ,' . sides o� the s�aces between the intersecting streets. Except for occasional tree trunks or poles, these areas shall be main- �.,, tainec� without sight obstruction of any kind for a vertical dis- tance between three and ten feet above the ground. Proposed Amendment ' 18.12.100 Y'ard Requirement Exeeptions (b) ' Vision clearance areas. In all zon:es, vision clearan.ce areas shall be rnaintained at all intersections of. public streets and at all driveway entrances to public streets. The vision clearance area' shall be not less than twenty feet on a side as defined in section .08.560 of this title. On al� designated arterial streets (in subsection '�d"' of this section) th� vision clearance area shall be not less than thirty-five feet on- a side. ' Exeept for occasional tree trunks and poles of not.more than ten inches in diameter, these areas sh�ll be maintained without sight obstruction of any kind for a vertical distance of between three and eight feet above the groun.d. �:.. ; . ; i �+. Memo - PC - 4/1/7'S - page 2 of` 2 x� : ;<... . .. . .. . > � ,. _ . �<. _ r YIIr � � h�µ , � ' �� � ���' �> �`; Memorandum � �'. �. To: Planning Commission �:' �_ Frorn; Staff �? Subject: Centerline setbacks for designated arterial and collector �; streets �,I Date: April l, 1975 � l. Ch. 18.12.100 {d) provides a center�ine setback in addition �' to the ordinary front yard setback required in each zoning �; district (if any) . ;i 2. Many changes have occurred in Tigard's street program and in `; the automobile traffic patterns and loads since this section �� of the zoning code was last amended. �' ,. i ;; 3. The arterials and collector streets identified in this code � amendment are genera�.ly the same as those identified previously. �' Additions have been taken from the Tigard Community Plan. from `' � � the NPO #1 Plan and from traffic studies done by or for the City �� �` of Tigard. �. 4. Updates of this section of the code should be done as the Com- ;; prehensive Plan is added to or modified. ! Staff Recommendation ; �. t I' � Ch. �.8.12.100 (d) (d) To permit or afford better light, air and vision on more heavily traveled streets and on streets of substand- ard width; to protect arterial streets; and to have the loca- tion of structures compatible with the need for the eventual widening of streets, a setback shall be provided abutting � streets and portions of streets hereinafter named which shall � be greater than the required yard dimension specified in �the zone by the number of feet set forth below in the right-hand column, measured at right angles to the centerline of the � , street and, unless otherwise described, measured from the � centerline of the street as constructed and improved with a hard surface pavement, or where not paved, from the center- line or general extension thereof of the street right-of-way: ADDITIONAL STREET SETBACK All of S.W. Greenburg Rd. within city 30 ft. All of S.W. Walnut St. within city 30 ft. All of S.W. Highway 217 within city 30 ft. All of S.W. Tigard Avenue within city 30 ft. A�.1 of S.W. Burnham Street within city 30 ft. A11 of S.W. Durham Road within city 30 ft. � A11 of S.W. 72nd Avenue within city 30 ft. Al1 of S.W. Pfaffle within city 30 ft. ' A11 of S.W. McDnnald Street within city 30 ft. � All o� S.W. Ash Avenue within city 30 ft. ! Al1 of S.W. Hunziker within city 3:O ft. A11 of S.Wr Bonita Road within city 30 ft.! ; - ~ �,... I� . . . � . . .. STREET � YARD REQUIRED A11 of S.W. Bull Mt. Rd. within city 30 ft. A1l of S.W. Gaarde within city 30 ft. �. Al1 �xisting streets within city with less i ' than fifty feet of right-of-way 25 ft. (Ord. 72-68 �1, 1972; Ord. 70-32 �210-8 , 1970) . , Shou�:d 'be amended to read s Ch. 18.12.100 (d) Additional setbacks - � (d) To permit or afford better light, air and vision on more heavily trav�led streets and on streets of substand- I ard width; to protect arterial streets; and to have the loca- � tion of structures compatible with the need for the eventual � . widening of streets, a setback shall be provided abutting streets and portions of streets hereinafte.r named which shall be greater than the required yard dimension .specified'in the zone by,.the numk�er of. feet set forth. below �.n...the right-hand . column, measured at right angles to the centerline of the � street and, unless otherwise described, measured from the � centerline of the street as constructed and improved with a ; ; hard surface pavement, or where not paved, from the center- ; li.ne or general extension thereof of the street right-of-way: ; ; i f 'DESIGNATED ARTERIAL STREETS: � Additi.onal Center Line � . Setback Required A11 of SW Durham Rd. v,ri�;hin the City 40 ? Al1 of SW Greenburg Rd. (north of No. Dakota) within 40 the City ' • Al1 of SW Hall Blvd. within the City 40 All of SW Pacific Hwy. within the City 60 All of SW 9cholls Ferry Rd. within the City 50 Al1 of SW Tigard� St. (east of Tiedeman) within the 30 City � • � Al1 of SW Walnut St. _ within the City • � 40 I . pll of 68th Ave. within the City � �O_ I All of SW �2nd Av�• (so. of Hampton)� within the City ' � DESIGNATED COLLECTOR STREETS � _ All of SW Ash Ave. within the City 3� � • 11 of SW 13onita Rd. within �;he City 3�� in Rd. within the Cit 30� � _1 of 5W Bull Mounta Y am St. within the Cit � 3� _ All of SW Burnh Y PC Memo - 4/1/75 - page 2 of 3 �r� _ : _ ,.:. . .., � _ I � � _ , . . ; � , 1 ,. 6' . �.. 4� � �;, �''��`_1 of SW Cascade Sta within the. City 30 '1�'ll of SW Commercial St. within the City, , 30 � All of SW Gaarde St. within the City . 30 � i ' _ All of SW _Grant St. _within the City _ 3� ' �` Al1 of SW Greenburg Rd. (south� of SW� No. Dakota) . 3� . ; within �the City � 30 A11 of Sl�l Hampton St. wzthin the City 30 � Al1 of SW Hunziker St. within the City Al1 of SW Main St. withi.n the City 30 ' All of SW�McDonald St. within- the City 30 `` ' � � �n ;I All of SW No. Dakol;a within the City 30 ; All of SW Pfaffle Rd. within the City . 3� ; F All of SW Summerfield Dr. w.ithin the City 30 ' All of. SW_TiQ.deman_„St. within. the Cit.y �� ��All of SW 121st Ave. within the �City 3U 1 i LOCAL STREETS �+I I` All other existing streets within theCity � 25 '� 4 i . . i { ''�II Y , �. , �. PC Memo - 4/1/75 - Page 3 of 3 � l � . . . . . . . . y , I . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Memorandum � � r ; �Y- To: Planning Commission From: Staff Sub�ect: Amendment of Ch. 1a.�0.030 to require a 60 foot miMimum 1� average lot width in an R-7 zone Da�te; April 1, 19?5 1. There is presently no minimum lot wid�h requirement in a resi� dential zone. 2. In order to assure an adequate building site and to minimize the number o� sideyard variance�s, a minimum lot width is usuallq� required. 3. This amendment has been specifically requested by the building official. S�taff Recommendation; Amend Ch. 18.20.030 to read: 18.20.03o zat--R-7 zone. In an R-7 zone the lot s3z� shall be ers, o ows: (1) The miniffium lot area sha11 be seven thousand five hundred feet; (2) The maximum lot coverage shall be th�rty-five percent. � i(Ord. 72-52 8 8, 1972: Ord. ?0-32 8 110-3, 1970). (3) The n�in3mum average lot width shall be sixty-five �ee�: � , � ' PC Memo - 4/1/75 - page 1 of 1 �,. , _: . . . : ... . _ r �,�,r� , �}� �� � V � i� � ' �' f�EMORANDUP'I T0: Planning Commissian FR0�1: Planning Department DATE: (�arch 24, 1975 SUBJECT: Revision of the C-3, General Commercial Zone To be considered at the Apri1 1, 1975 planning Commission hearing is a proposed revision of the C-3, General Commercial zone. According to previous P1ann�.ng Commission statements in regard to this issue, it is the understanding of staff that revision appears necessary for the following reasons: 1. The existing C-3 zone does not provide the op.portunity to review the impact of high traffic generators (such as drive-in restaurants) upon adjacent uses or the subject portion of the highway. 2. The C-3 zone is the result of pyramiding the city ' s commercial zones into one all-indlu�ive_:mohe, � permitting the broadest range of commercial uses, regardless of their compatibility or appropriateness for certain highway locations. 3. Nearly a�l of the C-3 zoning in Tigard is located on P�cific Highway (which is all zoned C-3) . This zone should therefore reflect the specific needs of the area it is designed to serve by containing , site development criteria which assure compatibility � with a highway location. Higher standards for � appearance have also been refered to by the Planning � Commission as a necessity, j 4. NPO Plans 1 and 2 consider uses appropriate for : highway locations. To summarize these plan�, they find that the major traffic conflict occuring on Pacific High�way is between local shoppers and through traffic. These �lans recommend that no additional businesses catering primarily to the everyday shopping needs of persons residing in Tigard be located on Pacific Highway. These "neighborhood convenience'� uses are advised to locate in sfimpping aenters away from the highway. Locations at 121st and Scholls Ferry Road and at Durham Road ahd Hall Boul�vard are proposed in the � Community Plan. � f ,.. � - I. . r.+ � � ` � � � ��.: '� � . '��i �� 5. Pacific Highway is the City ' s major arterial and persons passing through the community gain their impressions of Tigard from what they see along this route. The same is true of most Tigard residents who presently use Pacific for shopping and commuting and for whom the highway is an element of the community they must identify themsel�es+:wi'th. If Tigard is to develop a strong sense of community identity and pride this highly visable portion of the community must reflect the tastes and values of its residents. Objectives: Using the above stated concerns as a basis, the following objectives are suggested by the staff as guidelines for considering revisions ; to the C-3 zone. 1. That uses presenting a potential for threats . li to the public safety by creating traffic hazards and/or pedestrian and automobile conflicts, be reviewed by the Planning Commission according to j the conditional use provisions. ; i 2. That site design criteria will be provided to ' � minimize traffic conflicts, improve highway � ' appearance, and assure compatibility with � residential development lying behind the strip � , development. � 3. That additional ��neighborhood convenience�� commercial ; be discouraged from highway locations. i The follawing attached revised ordinances are proposed according � to the above listed concerns and objectives and following the � guidance provided staff by the Planning Commissioh at their I�arch 25, 1975 study session. I . � , ...� _ , . _ _ _ _ , , _ , _ f. . � ��Y. s C-3, GENERAL COI��IERCIAL Permitted Uses �-� --A��-dse-pe�����ed-�R-a-E-4-�eRe; ( 2 Appliance store (incidental) repairs only) ; ( 3 Bank, loan company or other financial institution; ( 4 Blueprinting, photostating or other reproduction process; S5 Business machines, retail sales and service; -6 -- - - - - Ee�r�e�e�s� sebee�9 edeb ae b s� -ee t � � Rese ��e ee � � �de�e-eet�ee�be�e�}ee-et�d-��ede-eebee�e; (add to C-3, conditional use � ( 7 Be�a��t�eR�-e� furniture store; (add to C-4) a �1 ( F m exchange• add and or Di.stribution Center � � � ) ( 9 Frozen food locker (family use only) ; (10 Hotels; (11 Instruments, scientific or professional (repair shop) ; ��� --�eme���-s�e�e; (add to C-4) �3 --Pqed}ea�-�eR�e�-e��A�e; (add to C-3, conditional use) (14 �1ote1; (15 Newsstand; ��6 --p�e€ees�eRa�-e�-ee��e�e�s�-e���ee-�d��d���; (add to C-3, conditional use) (17) Real estate office• � I � ��S --Reee�d-e{�e�; (add to C-4) '� ��9 --Re��ad�eR�-fe�eep�-d��t�e-�p}; (add to C-3, conditionaJ. use) (20 Spprting good store; ��} --}{a��e��-e�e�e; (add to C-4) . (22 wtNp1= �7�;e parts (23 Automobile parts, accessory sales (24 Radio or T. U. Service (Ord. 72-70 �l, 1972; Ord. 70-32 �140-1, 1970) � 18. 28. 020 Conditional uses. Tn the C-3 zone the following uses and their accessory uses may be p:e 'rmitted as conditi�onal uses when in acrordance with Chapters 18. 72 and 18. 84: ( 1) Any conditional use as permitted in a C-4 zone; (add permitted uses in C-4) ( 2) Amusement enterprise, including billiard or pool hall, bowling alley, boxing arena, dance hall, public swimming pools; ( 3 Auditorium, exha:bition hall or other public assembly; ( 4 Automobile and trailer sales area; �-� --{}d�a�e���P-ya��e;-aeeease��¢-se�ee; (add to C-3, permitted) ( 6 Automobile repairs, painting and upholstery; ( 7 Catering establishment; ( 8 Churches and accessory uses; ( 9 Cleaning establishment; 10 Colleges; 11 Community buildings (public) ; �,. (12 Drive-in business offerirtg goads and services directly to customers waiting inparked motor vehicles; (13) Indoor, outdoor and other theatess;• (14) Feed store; � � _ _ ` ; _ i - . 1 "p y I � (15� Governme��al structures or land uses`�.,ot including � schools; � (16� Hospitals, convalescent, general, home for the aged; ,� (17 Hotel (residential) ; � (18 Libraries; �' (19 Lodges, fraternal organizations; � (20 Lumber yard; t', (21 �luseums; ll (22 Parks and playgrounds (public) ; ��I (23 Pet shop; �j (24 Plumbing, electrical or general contractor and shop; � (25 printing shop and newspaper publishir�g; (26 private club; {��� --Red�e-e�-�:1f:-8e��t�ee; (acld to C-3, permitted) (28 Secondhand store; (29 Taverns, cocktail lounges, bars, clubs and any other � activity whose patronage, membership or attendance is ; restricted as to age, age group or other specific � limitation: ; (30) Tire shop and retreading; � (31) Ueterinarian' s office or animal hospital; � (32) Any business, service, processing, storage o� display � essential or inciden�tal to any permitted use in the � C-3 zone and not conducted entirely within an enclosed � buidling. i (33) Commercial schools such as business colleges, music ; conservatories and trade schools. ; (34 I�edical-dental clinic j I (35 professional or commercial office building � � (36 Restaurants (Ord. 72-70 �2, 1972; Ord. 70-32 3140-2, 1970) 18. 2B. 030 Lot requirements. In the C-3 zone the lot require- ments shall be as follows: ( 1 The minimum 1ot area shall be e}�-#�baeeefl� 30,000 square feet; ( 2 The minimum 1ot width shall be e���� 150 feet; ( 3 o maximum lot coverage shall be required. (Ord. 70-32 � �140-3, 1970) . � 18. 28. 040 Setback requirements. Except as may otherwise be , provided in Section 18. 12.100, the setbacks for nonresidential � uses in the C-3 zone shall be as followst � ( 1) The minimum front yard shall be ten feet, landscaped and maintained; (see General Prc�visions 18. 12. 100) ( 2) No side yard setback shall be required, except when abut�ing a residen.tial zone, a side yard of ten feet ( shall be required: ( 3) IVo rear yard setback shall be required, except when abutting a residential zone, a rear yard setback of twenty-five feet shall he ;required. (Ord. .'72-34�4, 1972; Ord. 70-32 140-4, 1970� � i 18. 28. 050 Building height. Except as otherwise provided in Section 18. 12. 110, no building in the C-3 zone shall exceed a height of three stories or thirty-five feet �;, whichever is less. (Ord. 70-32 �140-5, 1970) � , I � " �.�. -----�---s-- � . � . � ' � 4.. �. 18. 28. 060 Additional Requirements. Additional requirements ' � applicable to the C-3 zone include but are not limited ' to the following: (1 Off-street parking and loading, see Chapter 18. 60; (2 Access and egress, see Chapter 18.64; (3 Landscaping - a minimum of 15f �r, � � . .., . . . . . �.. . �... ... .. . . . . . � .. . . .. . ...��. �, ,: .r. _ �� . �ia" .� ti a . ��4v�: C-4, NEIGHBORHOOD C01�1�`IERCTAL ZONE Permitted uses. ( 1) Bakery, provided any manufacture of goods is limited to goods retailed on the premises only; ( 2 Barbershop; ( . 3 Beauty parlar; � 4 Collection station for dry cleaning or laundry; ( 5 pelicatessen sto�e; �-g --Bee�e�-a�-defl�}e�; (add to C-4, conditional use) ( 7 Drug store or pharmacy including incidential foun�ain:+ service but not including any other use unless specifically permitted under this chapter; ( 8 Florist or flower shop; ( 9 Gift shop; (10 Grocery store; �11 Laundromat; 12 (�eat market; (13 Shoe repair; (14 Stationery and book store� open to persons of all ages without patronage restrictions; (15) Tailor shop, dress shop, clothing store. Other similar service or retail use, if approved by the planning commission and subject to the same conditions. (16 Department store (from C-3� �.,_ (17 Jewelry store (from C-3) (18 Record shop (from C-3) (19 Variety store (from C-3) (Ord. 72_-70 J3, 1972; Ord. 70-32 J150-1, 1970) Conditional uses. In the C-4 zone the following uses and their accessory uses are permitt�d as conditional uses when in accordance with Chapter 18. 72 and 18. 84: ( 1 Conditional use as permitted in an A-�2 zone; ( 2 Garden supply store; (_ 3 Home occupa�ions; ( 4 I�ultifamily dwelling subject to the regulations of an A-2 zone; ( 5 Public utility; ( 6 Restaurants; ( 7 Service stations (incidential repairs only) ; ( 8 Any business service, proc�ssing, storage or display essential or incidental. to any permitted use in the C-4 zone and not conducted entirely within an enclosed building. ( 9) Doctor or dentist and professional or commercial office. (Ord. 70-32 �150-2, 1970) � � _ _ , � � ➢ . . �� �'����ri . l Memorandum �' Tt�': Pl�nning Commission From: Staff Subject: Amen�.ment of Ch. 18.40.070 (signs in the commercia�- professional zone) Objectives: to loosen the restrictions in the zoning code on signs in -the C-P zone to allow more innovative and effective methods of signing consistent with good design and the special needs of intra=metropolitan office districts. Needs; an apparent need exists for better nameplate location with respect to mu�ti-building projects and for better identification of the district as a whole Proposal: to allow certain free-standing signs to be constructed in a C-P zone under specif ic conditions and setting size and lo- cation restrictions ��, Present Ordinance Provisions: � y. � 1$. 40 .070 Signs. (a) There shall be not more than one t square foot.�of sign area for each one hundred square feet of � floor area within the building. The total area of such a � u sign shall � not e�xceed fifteen square feet. • �` � (b) No sign shall project above the roof line or extend k � over a public sidewalk. or right-of-way. All faces of s�igns � ! shall be paralle.l to the face of the building upon which •the sign is locatec� and to which the sign pertains. ' (c) Signs may not be painted, pasted or similarly posted ; directly on the surface of any wall. � � j � (d) . The sign may be lighted with indirect lighting. No ' neon (exposed tubi�ng) , plastic (interior illumination) , blink- er, flashing or animated signs shall be permitted. ' (e) No billboards or "incidental use signs" shall be . �; permitted. . . ' � . . , il (f). Free-stancling signs shall not be permitted in park- 4' inq lots or in other areas directly related to public access or to. vision from the stree�. (Ord. 70-46 �4, Exhibit A (part) , 1970: Ord: 70-32 5156-7, 1970) . � � � , <; <..,�� .. .t: .�� � :'.N . .. � . . . . .. . . � . . � . . . . �� . . . � . �. . . .� , . .. .. .. . ... � Proposed Revis�.ons: � 18.40.070 Signs. (a) same as above-menti.onPd ( b) sarne as above-mentioned (c) Signs may be painted or otherwise applied directly to a wall pr�viding such sign is an integral part of` building design; and approval is obtained for such si:gn from the architeetural Design Review Board. '. ` d) sam:e as above-mentioned ''; . e) same as above-mentioned f} In 'an office park or other allowed comme�cial-professional devalopment of more than one significant bu,ilding, at the option of the developer, a single free-stariding sign �aay ' be provided adjacent to the primary public entrance. I�To ` such sign may exceed the total area allowabl.e under para- graph (�) above. The maximum height for such a sign sha11. be 7 ft. (to top of sign from ground at base of sign) . (g) Major off-premises "area�' or ''district'� designating sign:5 ' rraay be i�11=owe•d• subject to approval of the Planning _ Commission and Design Review Board. Such sign may not be used to advertise a pa�^ticular building, enterprise, product, or service and must apply generally to the district or area identified. �.. , : � � ' Memo - 4/1/75 - page 2 , - . . . . .---'^•..-.._�� . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . � . -- ,_ _ � .. .� _ . � . �/�, �... , � ��S � �. Memorandurn To: Planning Commission .� � From: Staff " Subject; Amendment of C-P zone to clarify conditions under which ': multiple farnily dwellings may be develo�ed , 1.. Cn. 18.40.011(3) ' a�.lows multiple family develogment of not less -�han four stories in height. 2. Ch. 18.40.060 provides•`a maximum height of three stories or forty-five �feet. ` ` ,, 3. Objective #1` of the residential-commercial comprehensive plan district is '�to accomodate a compatible mixture of high-r'ise apartments, garden apartrnents,� retai�. shops and offices. "' 4. Ob��ective #2 of the residential-comrnercial comprehensive plan ; district is "to permit in selected parts of 'the Tigard area a pattern of aevelopment that is characterized by higher intensity ' uses normally associated with a central city. � The conflict• irr the C-P zoning code effectively precludes r�esidential ' development in that zone district. ` Furthermore, the C�P zone does not wel.l fit the objectives of the commercia�.-residential comprehensive �� plan district which it is designed to implEment. Staff Recommenda�tion: l. Amend Ch� 18.40.0�1 to add a� rden apartments as a condit:i:onal use. . 2. AmencZment of the height restrictions appears to be in order. Time lirnitations and lack of positive direction at this time indica.tes th�t this su.bject should be brought up in the future after study of the existing development in. this zone and appropri- � ate policy decisions have ;been made with respect to height and � scale of development. 3. Amendment of this chapter to more strongly encourage large �.ot and planned developrnent should be considered' at :such time as the broader issues of #2 above are considered. ";;� � 4/�-175 . , .., . , . . .�. . ._, _ � . .n . . r M .. .�r.d.:�� � '� ,� �lf�,r���"x" ��v _ �� � �.'�p.� i ��;;.:. To: P�anning Commissiorl From: Staff ; �f Subject: Propo'sed amend.ment of Ch. 18.52, M-4 (Industrial Park zone) to de�ete certain general manufacturing activities ' � { l. There are obvious inconsistencies in the land use intensity of permitted activities in the M-4 zone. 2. The M-4 zone has been used to implement the intent of the com- '; prehensive plan designation '�commercial-industrial'' as applie:d ! in the Tigard Community Plan. 3, The Tigard Community Plan identifies the following objective for deve�opment in this district: : "To concentr�te in a single �.ocation businesses that provide specialized goods and services or require outdoor storage or display area. Typical establishments are automobile, boat, and rnobile home dealerships, farm and heavy equipment sales and service outlets, con:struction material outlets and garden stores. " 4. Policies and standards also identified in the P�an aret (a) ''Designate for this purpose areas near higher intensity uses such as other commercial or industrial districts. �� � (b) "Encourag� the location of new business in this category in the area that adjoins Main St. In addition, encourage certain existing establishments presently located in other parts of Tigard to relocate in the Main Street area. " (c) ��Establish high design standards for signing and appearan:ce, including the lan,dscaping o� setback areas and the desig- � nation of access points. " � 5. A recurrin� problem seems to exist in the definition of com- : �; patible activities and the in.tensity of land use appropriate ` in the M-4 zone. The Tigard Planning Commission has seen ;; several rec'ent examples of this. !; � � � �, 6. TYi:e rna jor areas of_ present M-4 zoning have already fallen under �� the purview of NPO's #1 arid #2. Both NPO's have used the ob- b' ` jectives, standards and policies suggested by the Tigard . � " Community Plan. + i' 7. The proposed ordinance revision would modify Ch. 18.52.010 and � Ch. as fo�.lows, �, : _ : ., 18.52,O1U Permitted uses. No building structures or ( land shall be used and no building or structure sha11 here- ;� after be erected, enlarged or altered in the M-4 zone excegt � � � for the following uses: � ;; ( 1) Assembly and manufacture of electrical appliances, i� electronic instruments ar�d devices, radios, phonographs and television and components thereo�; �� . . . , � r � � � -- - � _ , „�:. �,„ �--�---.�� . .ti r-- � . ..1�. ���.�C�.�l����..� . Y I � . � � . . ,� . �� . �. �. � . .. � � . 1 ( 4) Dairy, product manufacture - (other than creamery) ; ; ( 5). Laboratories , experimental, dental, medical, photo � or motion picture research or testing; �° ( 6) Manufacture of ceramic: products, using only pre- � viously pulverized clay; � ( 7) Manufacture of musical instruments; ( 8) Manufacture of optical goods, scientific and pre- ' cisian ins�truments and .equipm�nt; . `' � ( 9) Manufacture of artificial limbs, dentures, hearing � „ � aids, surgical instruments and dressings, and other dev-ices employed b� the .medical and dental professi�ons; � E . � ; . -���c-�'�e���3��g^-ec=zu—�'e�i�a'�^c�'3�� 6€—'�r�a.}..s-icazrn�v^���j--caiaQ—€e�va-�3�2� . 1 _}��t�rnr�.rr:� r�r�r�.�ar.�-c. � . . • ' . � . 1 (12) nffice �uildings, bank; � , ��3} ��a�,�re-�c�=a' , ,.,,,a,„ _�:�,�_ ��,���z� �� --p�as-tr�e ,..,a,,,.�r_�_ . ; ; (14) l�esearch, development and testing laboratories; � _ . __ � '�� (15) Restaurant, when related to the above uses only; � � (16) Warehousing, when related to the above uses only; i (17) D�cvelling unit for watchman and his family. (Ord. 70-32 �180-1, 1970) � : � �.� r";'re R.��.��'N� �orcl 7y-�t� 18. 52.020 Conditional uses. In the M-4 zone the follow- � ing u,es and their accessory uses are permitted as conditional �� uses v�ihen in accordance with Chapters 18.72 and 18.�84 : ( 1) Automobile service station; ( 2) Fruit packing and processing; ��1��+���as�r,ri��,�MAs� �,e��%;s- �, �.!�.,r,�, ;. ( 3) Furniture mant�facturing; -p�� .� � f f� s ( 4) Heating equipment manufacture; ( 5) Machine shop, welding shop, contractor's office; _.__. ...--__. _ . __.. _. * /7,t� :,...� Manufac�ure, compounding; proces,sing, packaging � or treatment of such products as bakgry goods, candy, cos- metics , dairy products, toilet soa.p, toiletries (excluding ,� the refining and rendering of fats and oils) and food and !' beverage products; � � �° ( 6) Paper groduct manufacture, but not including the � manufacture of paper itself; � ( 7) Railroad trackage and related facilities; , ( 8) Public utility (such as water tower, substation etc. ) ; ' , ( 9) Tool and hardware manufacture; !; (10) Trailer manufac�ure; �; (11) Warehousing and wholesale distribution; �: (12) Weaving o� cotton, wool, flax and other fibr.ous materials; . (13) Any other use h�eld similar to the above uses, as § approved by the planning commiss.iori; � s (14) Any business, s�rvice, processing, storage or dis- play essential or incidental to any permitted use in the M-4 � : zone and not conducted entirely within an ert�losed building; : �-' (15) Building or structure in excess of two stories or '� , twenty-five feet in heiqht whichever i� less. (Ord. 7U-32 §180-2, 1970) . �� E;. `PC Memo - 4/�./75 - page 2 of � � , , ,. : _ -:- _ .:._ . � ,K� ��. * Staff Recomrnendations: �. Tab�e uni�il pnlicy impl.ications can be discussed and research on � present land, use in the subject zoning district can be compiled. Some resolution of the conflicts between th.e M-4 zone and the Comprehensive Plan must be made before long, however. _ ; �. , � � 0 ; 2 ! � , � 3 Y . . . . � �� �:.1 � � � � . .. .,.' � i � .� � . . � . .. . � �.:��� � . . . � . .<...i � L �. . . . " . . . �...� I I I , � , : I . .. . . . . . . . . . � .:� . � . . � � � � � . �. . . � .. . .,.��.� � ' �. � � . . . �� . � . � . � .� . . . PC Memo - 4/l/75 - page 3 0£ 3 ,I i .. � .;:, �. - - .. _. > ��. , .. . , r, �� .. � i .��,,.,. �ela.L�?cuca�u.�+�t : " '� � I � . , ' .. I �� • ��GU�LI� �yvt Lt>t/�t lOil I . I ��� : � ,�. � S w�� � ��c,t�csc�i t�l�wt" m �C-' ,S,e a t`aLC �g. S�.���C7 �O ti'�°l�C.�t i/'L . . � /� �! t �t � ,(� ` l�ec�<<e� p �t.�� s tq` `�Ks ►^eczcc cr« d �^c. ► L�.c. t,cI7Q c�SlC��t . '� ! � � / �, S L q Vt �P�7GK►�l . � / . � _ �; . . � 1 ♦ 1 �. � 1 ( / �' a. �. �� vtS re�c,��✓'��H. c� l0 eY'u��� av-� �J4ec��C'c�cQ �� .r..k ��th j�, �� . � Y � � � Y-_ _____�a�u�:���__��___�� _s��u_ ���. . _ _ �, .�.� � . ,, � � � f� �, ' � , .,�e c+�a�-r �O , �� . Q� 0 4 f ��i1�°- ' a� r r.� C'roCl� i � � 9 / v�e c�u.�v-�S ��S';c�vt �eut e cc1 1�occ.v�c�' ►��cJ,�2c�7 Q.�c cf �.r ��� � a`� ��w ,��.<<l��k s �J ��. 'o� ���.���l-�: � �° .� � �� t� �r�-��vj �wt��C! r%� S 1r.t C�CCc�C�G�tG� C.✓<<� �' f � �I/ �` i . S���G eSc yUi ��'�fev�r�t.� . ! t � �. / r7 e� (�!S f.(_Gl,( �uto� �C l � G�.t S r( vl Y` t,C�v�rvt s . . � , � sf y �,. � � , Gl. �Jj G�t� T !� �Gl!0�7`a...c�i c�, K Ca.�'e S � � � l e ' , u�'Ga.vGl� ( , f � !S GC:S C�v�etl.� G�S �°L- <�p�� � !LG°!___ l�l u�t l C!'��C i J ! � � i ��S fi� � 1 . / �. I � � . � �L � � /' f / / ! 7 ��,ta YopY<a�t�l lDCa.tecQ �'t.. • 00 v�l e/S!q� �{�c� � �� / �.� � ( �.:' S� ttS 177Gt' acv� � ec erC```7'lDua <wl�ac� .� � , Y e � , � � - 4►il, �,�,�l��G S e� cx.�.tG� C.au� �t-� �;�v'��e Gc�c � � �y � ! 1 . f. . . � . . • . . � . � - . . . . . � . . . ` �,�. , � � . � , -, ;, . � . - �. ; � - � / �; � - �as es �� ��ie�-rse�ves �- �a. u.�-cl. ,, ' � , � � r �� - � i � � � . - F J�� � , �T�a, �e��ur _ : i ,,,� �GLZPhGG( S'e G��W! �b•S�• ��4 � r !. Gt.C/ �� • r , . � . � } � SUbSe��� C� ) (�II SJ� NS Dlr GtJ41�GC( � /,O °�'lLlf��� � '� � 9 � / , c� `I �e. c�-e vreuJec� �c! a.�I�,Dr�o�J�a� ` /� u,iv� S�t cc. . �. �y �,2 ,boa.r�e� ��v�. �v1 t�c�t�� wt�� �t� G�e t"e.r��c� f � / � � A � i; , .,,S�C���ecl ��t s�'a i��oit l� °l. �,�0 ,�e�e�e.. s c-���1 r ' � �.. � - _• __ .— � ��' S r�cl r?,_�De�7l.�t���._._N-�.�- —� :!�_u.�� —.. - -7 � f ,. • . �, . . � �! �� � . - • . ' �: . � , . � � �t . E, l . �,. � , � . . �.; . � E' � - � f � � � � , . . . , _ �. ,.. . „ ..... .. .. __ �- . __ ....,� . ;, . _ ,. _. . ..,..r _.... _ ,,�. . . ..._.,.._. � <. . . ,;. , , - � y . ; �.:._. 18. 59 . 010�-' Jurisdicti.on and owers � 'design r_eview 1 ' board. (a) Except for single faniily residential dwellings ; (R�-7, R-15 , R-30) , no building permit shall be issued for �w i � a new building or major remodeling of an existing building . until the plans, drawings, sketches and other documents requi.red under Secti�n 1$ . 59. 040 have been reviewed aazd � approved by the board� in conformity with the criteria speci- . fied in Se c tion 18. 59. 03`0. • re- {b) Nothing in this section shall be construed to p vent ordinary repair, maintenance and replacement of any � part of the building• or landscaping which does not involve ' a substantial change from the goals and objectives of Sec- tantial chan es" shall be . ed subs g '' os tion 18 . 59. 02�• Prop p roval and shal:l submitted to the design review board for a p ; � be subject to the procedures and requirements of the design Y review process applicable to new proposals. (Ora: ,74-10 x §1 (part) � 1974) . � < � . , , 5 �', • . � . � �' y, e , - �i . {';I ' �;, � Y� � � � �� � . . � .. .. �t� 61 . p� 4i ' � f . • 4 . . � . . . � .��t . . . . � . . �..�� . � � . . . .. � � . .. . . �� r , : k � � � � � . . .. . . . . . .,...M � . . . � . , . . . - , .. �� �. t . � . • . . . . . ... . . . � . , . .. .. .�i .. � . . � . . � . . � . . L' .. . � � . :�:�� . ... � � . � � .. . . ..� . , _ . _ � . _ , , ` Chapter 16. 12 � �� �, . . � . ' PERMITS • > , �, . . `t' . • . ,: � Sections; � • � � ��. . � • • r 16. 12 .010 Required. � t: 16 . 12. 020 Application. . �' 16 . 12. 030 Fees.� � 16 . 12. 040 Wh�n null and void--Renewal. � q 16 . 12. 050 Exemptions. • • 16 . 12. 010 Required. Except as provided in this chapter, �' �: it i�s unlawful for .any person to construct, structurally alter �, , or relocate within the city any' sign without first obtaining ; a sign permit from the building official and making payment '�` of the fee required. In addition, all illuminated signs shall be subject to the provisions of the State Electrical Code and � the perrnit fees required ther�under. (Ord. 71-5 �202 (part) , (; 1971) . . �; 16 . 12. 020 Application. � Application for a sign permit shall be made upon forms pr�ovided by the building official, and sha11 contain or have attached thereto the fo�.lowing in- formatiom: a -����� �--�-�--LL - - (l) Name, address and telephone number� of the applicant;------�? (2) .Location of the building, structure, or lot to which � or upon which the sign is ta be attached� or erected,; � �` (3) A scale drawin.g showing: design of the sign in- ` cluding colors , dimensions, sign size, height above ground, �� � method of attachment, construction and materials, type, �i source and intensit� of illumination and showing the relation- 4 .� ship to a�ny building to which it is or is proposed to be at- • tached; ' '' (4) �A plot plan approximately to scale ir►dicating the � i' loc��tion of all buildings, property lines, existing signs, I.' streets and overhead power lines on the same premises; � �; (5) All electrical signs shall bear the Underwriters �' Laboratory label; , �` (6) Name, address and telephone number of the person � =' who �will do the erection, construction or maintenance on the ?� sign. (Ord. 71-5 �202 (1) , 1971) . � �� A: �:, 16 . 12. 030 Fees . Each applicant before being granted a �;.; sign permit, shall pay to the city, a £ee for each sign con- �`� structed, structurally altered or relocated �as follows: ; ' ;� AREA OF SIGN PERMIT FEE • � , . �; :•� r;, 0-25 square feet ' $ 5. 00 ; More than 25 up to 100 square feet 10 .00 �� ;;, . 100 square feet or more 10 .00 plus $2 . 50 f,, , � � for each added �` �' - � 100 square feet , , or fraction' there- , � of to a maximum � ' - of $25.00. • _ . � . �r _,.,. _ _ . , ,. ., .. __, � . i " REPAIR PERMIT' AND PERMIT FEE, Where any person d�sires - ' to remove a si�, from �its structure far '�' e purpose of normal repair and main�enance,, the building off�.�.�ial may issue a re-" ' pair permit upon filing a pesmit form pr,ovided by him and payment of a fee of two dollars to the city. : The building �" , official may refuse to issu� such. permit if he finds that it �.s for the construction, structural alteration or relocation of any nonconforming sign. (Ord. 71-5 §202 (2) , 1971) . 1b . 12.040 � When null and void--Renewal. Except as pro- vided in this section, if work authorized under a sign permit � has not been completed within ninety days after the issuance of the permit, the permit shall bec;ome null and void, Such a permit may be renewed for up to an additional ninety days and wi�Lhout charge upon , application to the ,building official and a fi.nding by him that the sign c:omplies with all regulations and which ma become ef- in ex'istenee on the date of �cenewal y feotive during the renewal period. (Ord. 71-5 �202 (3) , 1971) . 16 . 12. 050 Exemptions. The following signs and opera= tions shall not require a sign permit but shall conform to all other applicable provisions of this title: � (1) Real estate signs not exceeding tweive square feet in 'area advertising exclusively the sale, rental or lease .of the �remises upon which the sic�ns are located; -_.�.�__.-..-.-_._ -.-_-.__ _________- (2) _ Nameplates not- exceeding eight square.__feet_�in�.area�___,_,_� , '�, (3) The changing, of the advertising copy or message on • a painted or printed sign or advertising sign or u�pon a theater marquee or similar sign �specifically designed for the use of �`` replaceable copy; � � `�---` (4) On-site painting, repainting, cleaning a.nd normal maintenance and repair of a sign; (5) Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings �and date of erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other incomb�stible materials; (6) A sign denoting the architect, engineer, contractor, subdivision or development when placed upon work� under con- struction, and not exceeding thirty-two square feet in area provided that such sig�n is removEd within thirty days from dats of issuance of the final occupancy permit or two years, whichever is less; . • : (7)'� Signs permitted pursuant to Sections 16 . 36.020 and 16. 36.030 and Sections 16 . 40 . 010 through 16 . 40 .030. (Ord. 71- 5 �202�(4) , 1971) . � � . �- c% /6'. 3(. OZD,a/�.�.�� /(� .3 6. 030 a�e s���bus a��.r!c�� w�'��, S/�uS � '�tNi�t�PCi /�Iil �"�°�7CCEKTJCl-[3 c*Yl CS � � Gti �6 .�o,o�o ����� G /6. �o. o�d ��r w��� �p�������K� Su.chaS �!�.gS� C�vrY��aas /�!�lt�s��do t'�ca sr`pt.lS� ac..tor �:��ct stivV,�-� c�Psi��t��a!e �/re�P�f'�r,+..,., a.�y �o���i� N��k,f-o f wa.�,�' �. , - • _ .