Planning Commission Packet - 03/18/1975 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. ,. �, Agenda Tigard Planning Commission t�arch ].8, 1975 - 7:30 pem. �R Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room 14650 5. W. 97th, Tigard, Qregon 1. CALL TO �(�DER. 2, Ri]LL CALL 3. �'. .�S�iiOVAL OF I�TNUTES �lanutes of F'ebruary 18, 1975, regul�r maeting 4. PUBLIC HEARING 4.1 Zone Change (ZC 2-75) - Iron Mountai.n Investment Request by Iron i�ountain Investment Co. f ar a zane ch�r�g� f�rom R-7 to R-7 Planned Develapmen� for a 10 acre, 28 unit Planned Development proposed approximately 2QD feet south of SW Summercrest Drive and West aP SW 121st Ave. (tax lots 9Q0� 100 and part of 1100, Wash. Ca. tax map 1S1-34C) . 4,2 Condit,ional Use (CU 6-?5) - Gevurtz Furni.�ure Raq�aest by Gevurtz Furniture Co. for a conditional use permit � to allow a fua�niture �tore and war�hou�e in an I�-4 zone, lo- cated on SW Bonita Road at I-a. (tax ln�s 3100, 320Q and 3300, Wash. Co. tax map 2S1-12A) . 4.3 Uariance (U 3-?5) - Futuristic Hot�es Request by Futuristic Tndustries for a variance af Ch. 18.20, ' 7igard (�unicipal Code, to allnw a 10 ft. setback from a side street on a corner l.ot lncated at 5W 106th Drive and Clydesdale Court (tax lot 4000, Wash. Coa tax map 2S1-3AA). 5� Discussion 5.1 Revision of the C-3 zone 6. OTHER BUSINESS 7. ADJOURN�IENT I � . . _ . _ � : _ .. . _ . �? } . , C'; � .,. M�NUTES � �-.� ; �'�'GARD PLANNTNG COMMTSSTON ' � March 18, 1975 - Regular Meeting �. Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room i46�q s. Wo 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon �� i:. �;; l. CALL TO �RDER � il Ghai,rman Whittaker called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.ma �I t;� � �� 2. ROLL CAZL �� ;�!� Present: Ball, Hansen, Nicoli, Popp, Sakata, Wakem and � � Whittaker; Staff: Powell ;, 3. APPROVAL OF MZNUTES �'' f`�. � , The minutes of the February 18, 1975, meeting were read. ;', � Commissioner Ba11 pointed out the amission of some discussion '' on the Robertson Minor Land Partition, stating he felt that !" �he minutes of this particular case should be as complete as possible. He also stated that his intent on page �, item D-2, !i with respect to density and Plannec� Development was ta ensure ;: that the denszty restriction was voluntaryo Chai�rman Whittake�° � directed that the minutes be amended and be 'brought back to a j'� �; subseq,uent meeti:ng for approval o j' �..._ i! Chairman Whittaker read a letter he had drafted for City Council with respect to the Council 's reaent decision on the Neighborhood Planning Organization #1 Comprehensive Plan Review. 4. PUBLIC HEAR.INGS �� �'; �� 4e1 Zone Change ZC 2-75 (Iron Mountain Investment Co, ) �; ii � An application for a Planned Development of ten acx°es off SW j:' 121st Ave. south of "Summercrest"o `' :., • A. Staff Report � Y� read by Powell (�ee attached) ' F B. Public Testimony �1 � Mro Henry Votterberg, architect for the applicant, pre- � sen�ed the geneTal plan for the proposed program, pre- senting into testimony a map of the proposed plann�d development and an alternative showing development as a standard subdivi�iono ' � i �C Minutes - Mar�h 18, 1975 - page 1 Chairman �.,,_i.t�tak.�'y ��k.ed �.f any pe����,:, �.rl th�� azid��ncz wa.shed to ques'tion the ���p1i,r�rLt, Mr. Ralph F�utz, SW l�ls-t 5-�, 9 �sk�d about d�ns t,ty a� �the ��, proposed Pl�nned De��lopmen�e Applicant r�spvnded, that the �.�n�i�ty wou�d bE lass ��Y�dn would be allowed as a standar�d su'�di�risio�.e Mrs. Bra_ll indicated �he f�l�t th�t th.e subda�vi�sion cou�.d not 'be approved and wanted to know why �t wa� put up. Mr. F'ark a�k�d th� cost in sqo footag� of the houses proposed. Applicant responded �40,000-$45,000 and 150C? to 2000 sq. f�ta Mrs, Bonnie Owens asked if the applicant was aware that the water elevation in the wiriter tin�e was l72 fto in that areaa i Applicant responded that he did know that. ! Mr, Darryl Demster asked about the wildlife habitat a.n ! the wetland� and abou�t the trees on the westerly port�,on � of the site -- whether they could be preserved or not. j ; � The applicant •r�sponded tYia�t every effort was being made � to preserve the t�°�e� and that the Planned Development had ' � been planned �to minimize in°trusi.on an the wetlan�s area. Mr' David Osbo�ne a�ked if the streets wou7.� be standarel and the applicant an�wered �hey woulda Mr. Lou Grele ask�d where the tra�fic would go and what the traffic �enerati.on would be f�°om the projec�. The applicant �°esponded that he did not know whetha:c the ; tra£fic would go north or s��uth on 121st fron� �th� p:�c j�ct, but that the t��.�'�ic ge�.eration would be tne s�.m� a�� �.t would be were the pr�,��4t a standard subda.vision. Mrs. Betty Mille�° �a�ked .if it were not true t�.a�t the c.le-• veloper wa� planning � projec�t of �ticky-tacky haa��s. The applic�.nt did not respondo Mr. Beeler ask�d if the City could or would mai.n�a3.n the parkland provided b� the d�v�loper� or 3.f it would bz another "Jack Park�� which he said had ber..om� a dump. Chairman Whittaker respond�d t�.�t the City had to acqui.r� parkland when and where �t could -� that main-�enance was a budgetary prob�.em. � PC Minutes - March 189 1975 - page 2 • . � � Mrs a Bonn`�:; Owens 9 SW S'ummercre�t D�°.�,.�`indi.cated that if E � a.t was nec�e�sary �� develop this land, thzn she would ; rather see a Plannad Development of this sort than � ; � standard subdi�rision o:� lesser P1.anned Development. ' �' f Mro Jim Asp indicated that this was one of the best G Planned Development proposals he had seen. i . r € Mr. Ervin Park stated he was oppased to the project. i 4 Mrs. Par�k stated she was opposed to the project. � Mr. Beeler asked that the Comm3ssion table �t and ask i for more information. Mr. Davis, SW Summercrest Dr. , indicated that Tron Mt. Investment had been tui^ned down by �he Planni.n� Com- C mission on their first Planned Development; had appealed ' to the City Council and the community fel.t �tha� that development had been "shoved down their th�o�ts". Mr. Metca�.f said he had called Planning �taff and asked about the pro�ect and had been told that the projPC-t ', wo�ld be of �35,000 houses anci that now it seemed that they ii would be �45,OOOo He indicated that h� felt that lot pricing of �10,0(70 was inflationary and that the strsets �'', . were substandardo i Mrso Scheckla indicateci sh.e felt the lots were too sma11 �� � � for children to playa P4r. Collin� indicated that he would prefer a standard subdivisiono Mr. Butz indicated his opposition. C. Staff Recomm�ndation Ap�roval with the conditions tha�to (1) an additional 5 fta be dedicated on SW 121st Aveo (2) no l�nd �illing wi11 be �llowed in the wetlands area (3) no finished floor will be lower than 172 ft, MSL (4) developer will provide a pathway along the easterly edge of the wetlands connecting to sidewalks on each end (5) all streets and cul-de-sacs ar� to conform to City � standards � PC Minutes - March 18, 1975 - page 3 � ,,:. (6) a la�:i.��a�� plan must b� subm�t�;��.�. to the sa..te de- sign re�.riew b��„rd �e�'or� prelim:�.n��°y plat �ppro�,ral may b� gi�en �' (7) minimum landscaping af hames�,te� as well as Gommcn area� vr�.7.1 be p�°ov'ided by dev�eZope�° before oacuFan�y permit� may b� given (8) a 15` ��i�-ities e�semen.t wil'1 be granted by the develope�� a�.ong the nor�th lot lines � D. Commission Di�c�ussion and Action Mr�. Whittaker ind�.cated that he was not convinced that the subdivision as shown as an alternative was a viable alternative and he felt tha�t the applicant must demon- strate that the Planned Development proposed was the best way of developing the site, even thaugh he said he felt it was a well-conceived developmen�t. i Hansen asked if �t�eet plugs wou7.d 'be provided at the I ends of the indi.cated dead end streets. � � Motion for denial (Popp) on the basis that he felt that ! the application ��oviaea insuf�icient infozma�tion, seconded � (Porter) a Nicoli said he agreed with the concept of the � Plan; howeve�, he could not agree with the specific Plan. Whittaker indicated his dissatisfaction wi�th the applicant's � �. ' demonstration of nend for 5,000 sqo fto lot. � Sakata asked that a lot be provided for play areao Ball indicated a desire for a more complete submission. Vote was unanimaus for denialo �, � 4.2 Conditional Use Ct7 �-75 (Gevurtz Furni.ture) � Ftequest for a aondi���.on�.l use permi.�t to �l.l�.�v�r a fu:r�nitu.re str�.re f� and warehouse i.n an M�4 zonee � �� A. St�ff Report ; r read by Powell (see at�tached) ? I B. Public Testi.mqny � i Dick Waker, an engineer for M�urray-McCorma.�k Environ� ` mental Corp e , presented �t�ie plan and p:rag�am for , developmer�t of a furniture store on the siteo � � � Opposing Testimonyo � r . � � � , � There was no o�posing tes�timonye PC Minutes - March 189 1975 - pa�e 4 , _ . :. . ,, . M..:.: .. ,_ ��.._�.�. ,.;.� , . -- �,.�-..� , _ M ;, ��: ��. �� C. Staff Rec�t�rmendation �'"�-• Approval with conditions: � � , (1) all parking areas and access roads on. si.te wi1"1 con- form to City standards {2) any future expansion will require a new conditional use permit D. Commission Discu�sion and Action Chairman Whittaker indicated he saw a potential traffic problem. Bal1 asked about the wording of the M-4 ordinance. � 8taff responded that an amendment had been made a year ago to all,ow specifical�.y this kind of project in an M-4 zone. Hansen indicated that the ordinance amendment had been made specifically to a1Zow the Gevurtz store on the par- s ticular site in question. k � � � �;�� It was movEd to table (Ball) on the basis that the ordinance, � as statsd in the staff report, did not specifical�.y al�.ow retail sales. , Hansen responded that the staff was in error on �the sp�ci.fic �'� � word.ing and that the ordin.ance revision did read specific- ally retail sales. Ball withdrew his motion. Motion to a rove (Wakem) , subject to staff-recommended PP . conditions, Second (Hansen) , motion passed unanimous�y. ' 4.3 Variance V 3-75 (Futuristic Homes) k� A request by Futuristic Tndustries for a variar�ce of the zoriirig '{ a 0 fto setback from a �ide st:��et on � co:rner �{ code to allow 1 ,. lot located at SW 106th and Clydesda�e Gaurte ki ¢�� A. Staff Findings ��; Staff report was read by Powello �� ��. �U B. Public Testimony �; �; � Mr. Samuels, the applicant, indicated that this was the �� minimum variance necessary to �nake the subject site f{ buildable and addressed the further requirements o.f the � code with respect to proving need for variancea f{ � �. . �` PC Minutes - March 18, 1975 - page 5 � � , � � � . . �♦�. r 4".. � . . � . � � . . � . . � � . . � . . . . � . � y ... � . . . �. �PPosing �,�stimony �a..' None ��; C. Staff Recommendatian Approval D, Commission Aiscussion and Action Motion to approve (Nicoli} , second (H�nsen) , approved unanimously. 5. DISCUSSION OF REVISION OF THE C-3 ZONE Defe�red by the Chairn►an to the subsequent meeting. � � i 6. OTHER BUSINESS , There was no other business. 7. ADJOUR:NMEI�IT � The meeting was adjaurned at 11:30 p.m. � � ; � ; h (4 C ��. � t I. �, � ' � � �.�.�j� I � � � � t � i 1 I l � � PC Minutes - March 18, �.975 - Page 6 , ,�r.� . ,�fi: ,,�� ��.. ;�i �vx,. ''; CITY OF �ZGARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE,ARIIVG Notice is hereby gfven that pub�.ic heari�gs will be hcld by the Planning Commission of the City o� Tigard in th� Twali�ty Junior High School lectixre raom, 14�50 5V7 97th Avenue, Tiga�rd, (J�egon, on Ma�ch 18, 1975, at 8:00 p.m. and wi13. concern the following: o Request by Tron Mountain Tnvestment Co. for a zone change from R-7 to R-? Planned Development for a 10 ; acre, 28 unit Planned Development proposed approxi- mately 200 feet south of SW Summercrest Drive and west af SW 121st Ave, (tax lots 900, 1000 and part of 1100, Wash. Co. tax map 1S1-34G}. o Request by Gewr�z Furniture Co. for a conditional use permit to al.low a furniture store and warehause in an M-4 zox�e, located on SW Boni�� Road at I-5. (tax lota 3100, 3200 and 33�00, Wash. Co. tax map 251-12A). o Request by Futuristic Tndustries for a variance of CH. 18.20, Tigard Municipal Code, to allaw a 1Q ft. setback from a side street on a corner lot located at SW 106th Drive and Clydesd�:le Court (tax lot 4000, Wash. Co. tax m�p 2�1-3�)• A11 interested persons ar�e invited to a�tend the meeting and be heard. `� � , _ 1 ■� . _ . . .r._. > t;� t' I _ �� � Tigard Planning Commission � Staff Report � , � Ma-rch 18, 1975 � Agenda �tem 4.1 ZC 2-75 � General De_yelopment P1.an and Program_ for development of a site wes�; of SW 121st Ave. south of Summercrest Drive as a p�anned development. Appl ican-t Iron Mountain Investment Co. Applicant's Request Approval of a 10 acre planned development of 28 dwelling units on an R-7 zoned site, including variance of the underlying zone district to allow 5,000 sq. ft. building sites. Staff Findin�s 1. In 1969 the City of Tigard ap�roved two zone changes on this site (ZC 3-69 and ZC 4-69) changing a 170 x 238 ft. parcel on SW 121st to C-5 from County S-R and changing - � the bal.ance of the site to R-7 from County S-R. 2. A conditional use ermit was ranted at the same time for P � a "planned reaidential" development to consist of townhouses, four- lexes and du lexes. A Phase T develo men�t lan was P approPed in 1970, but expired along with the conditional use in 1972. . 3. Generally the site slopes from nor-theast and southwest toward Summer Creek which traverses the site from northwest to southeast. A large marsh-type wetlands area along Summer Creek dominates the site. Traversing from east to west the vege-tation ranges from low grasses to typical marsh littoral which yields to brush and some large second growth conifers interspersed with some mixed native deciduous trees. 4. A portion of this site (see enclosed "wetlands" map) is in the Flood Plain district as defined in Tigard Ordinance 74-50 and identified by Washington Coun.ty Dept. of Public Works on sheet 5, HUD 701 Project No. 73-16-06. That pro- ject defined the intermediate regional f�ood as the transit- ion in vegetation an.d soils from wetlands types to drain.ed or dry lands types. In this area, that transition occurs at about 165 ' elevatinn. Historic (winter 1972-73) evidence � �'" exists of local flooding to a water surface e�.evation of � �� approximate�.y 170' , 500 ft. north of the north line of the ; 1 � � _ . .. ., . . _ . ... �,� ;,� site. Average water surface grade is about 1 ft. fa11 in 600' of stream length. According�y, the historic flood level at the site could be expected to have been about �, 169' . Comparison of the 1972-73 flood elevation to the intermediate regional flood (100 year flood) is risky be- �.ause of the statistical. nature of projected flood levels. ' However, the 1972 water surface elevation on Fanno Creek , at the "Main Street Bridge" was approximately 1 foot less I than the statistically prajected intermediate regional flood water surface elevation. Since the tributary area of Summer Creek upstream of the site is subject to development in the relatively near future , an additional 1 to 3 feet of freeboard ought to be allowed making the lowest flood free elevation, assuming full development and intermediate flood, on the site about 172 ft. elevation (USGS Datum) . 5e Present land use to the north and east of the site is single family residential (about 4 families/acre) . No deve�opment has occurred immediately south or west of the site although tax lot 1204, south of the west half of the site has been acquired by Tigard School District 23-J for an el.ementary schoo�. The school district site will have its access on the south of its site. Their developmen.t plans indicate possible construction in 2-4 years. 6. The C-5 zoned parcel on �21st adjacent to the proposed development site has not been developed but could be � developed to a maximum 3 or 4 establishment neighborhood commercial site, depending on the scale and nature of the establishments proposed. 7. Evidence indicates that soils in this area are generally poorly drained. ' Local complaints of drainage problems and imperrniable soils are common. 8. Sewerage is available approximately 60' from the east line of the site and developer proposes to sewer all sites. : 9. An 8" public water main is located in SW 121st St. 10. Storm drainage has not been addressed. City policy is en- ' couragement of on-site retention of storm water run-off; i however, an engineering study of soil permiability and retention facilities appropriate to the site would be necessary ; for fina�. determinations to be made. i � 11. Streets, sidewalks and cul-de-sacs appear to conform to City code. Street right-of-way lines a.re not shown (50' right- � of-way required) . 12. SW 121st adjacent to the development has presently a 50� right-of-way, is designated a collector street calling for an additional 5 ' street dedication on each side of 121st. � � , PC S�aff Report - 3/le/75 - page 2 - item 4.1 �. _ _ _ _ : S. . _.__. .� y b�` � 13. The site is within the �.rea designated "urban low density residential" in the Tigard Community Plan and conforms to � the po7.icies of that plan with respect to land development and densities particularly well. 14. App�icant pr�poses a "density trade o�'f" in this project reques�ing 5000 sq. ft. building sites in exchange for approximately 2� acres of wetlands permanently dedicated � to public open space. The developer, by this act, essentially transferred the '�right�� he has to develop al1 his site to the portion he wisl�:es to develop. It should be noted that he could plat the entire tract as a subdivision and obtain a mir�imum of 30'� building sites (assuming that the City would demand a reserve strip along the creek equal to a couple of bui�.ding si�tes) . It is true that the land thus "traded off" is undevelopab�e and of little value as a park or recreation site; however, the purpose of open space is not necessarily to provide a place for swings and teeter-totters. Staff feels the density trade off offered in this case fulfills the purpose and intent of open space land and Greenway develop- ment under the Tigard Community Plan and under applicable provisions of the Tigard Code (Planned Development District and Flood Plain District) . Alternative deveTopment concepts for the land are standard subdivision, multi-family development or public open space. the Development proposed appears to best fit the Tigard Community Plan and the particu�ar site limitations here �4 ' present. Staff Recommendation to be announced after public hearing has closed �:;' PC Staff Report - 3/18/75 - page 3 - item 4.1 � � � . � � .r. , _ - _ _ � �.s �l zo,z:a .� N � F + � 1-.� .��_A�,�,_ ,. �.- ld!`�'S/1 'f�� � '' �,�:� L_--- ,.__ __ S ��i�s / 1� �/ 1 � J _.� � \\ � w.� ��'J/. - __. _.r�:�:�-:�:=:::�;;��:«<::::::::::;'::��:�-=�:�:�:'::�::�;::::<::':::::::��-�:�=:;::�:: --. ...::::::::_...:�:...::<;_: - _ ............ ..... :�;;;��. �. ... ...::.. . .... ...: __ ..�:>;..; .:-,. :... .. / o�� _ :.��=::>::: ����;������:� � �H�a o ' '�.�::»'':};.x:''`�:;:;;o.`t�:;' � I ' ---- �--// �\;2.:;_.::;::;.� ' -. 1 � ���::�<:::�;';��::::;:`:�': � � -�� ����.�o�-� �����:::::�::::::::::: �--� -�-- - �` �� � � � �'���i����'���`:���:::�::;� � � i � �� ��-�� � � '�:::. � �� � -:.: � �� \ ' � �I� ��`\� � � � , � , �,� ; ----. ..--------� �'� �.� —x x��-_`` �? �� ,osi j�� L� � x \ I x—�/1 i -��.' � � �� I L � I � � 4 i' � � ��be� x '; yo 1s�na��+Nnsns � "'�' � � _ _r�..�,��___ � � �' . - '� I [ ) +J I � _1 i .71 L��1�''% _ (� ��_ �,2� � ! V � X �� vJ `t 1� X _ __ � ��� ; ti�_ � ' ' ' � - � _I , -i ti ��� I os� � j"� ��.J -��= � t �,� � --i i ., ,�' . . ------- -- • • �- � �.`-�� \ .� Z�L�` � X � ., , , �` \`, . . `` •, . .,� ��!�7`/��?do�d . �, � �`` \\ �r� �r� ��-_��� � _ . � � �� � \ � � ��e��l������� � \� � . � �� \ :;::.. '` \ ..�. ` . ,�, �'�:>�'�:::;;�.`:::;;::;�. \ \ �`\ o �:�� �' :��- e��. }:::;<:�.::��:<:<>:<::::z�::::::.:..:. . `•:i�ti-:��::;:<.:,::..:..�.. �. � ' -� \ \ _ ,\ �>�::>::tr.;=::::�::;�::•:::�. � \ � � _ � �::`:�:::::::::��:;�:� � �-� � . \ � i � Z\ � \'\� ��� � � 1 I \\,`�\• \ .\, ������::::=�`:�:::;;':::::.;� ' . � l 1 ::;:�::`::�::��:::��:::=::`���::;:`�=:>:�'�. �. i . 1 .... :.::�,::::::�:.::::::-�: � � :'=}� -� =� - _ � \�I�: � \ 1. � ���, : �� : \ \�� � `�` :: �� y: �. \ ;�� ��... � �;I . � � � � .,� � \ , � �� f� '• . \ '. � s. , HENRY J. VODERBERG AIA ARCHITECT ��y �,. • 543 THIRD S7REET LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 • �`" ' PHONE 5U3 636-3637 • .. � SUMNSBR � , ZONING MAP AMENDMENT TO P-A CLASSIFICATION , . . IA) As� has been previously stated, the specific purpose of this application is to provide useable and attractive open spaces by permitting closer building groupings. Application therefore, requests a mi�nimum lot size of 5,000 sq ft instead of 3�,-5U0 sq � ft which is current� zoning classi£ication leaving a�n open space of approximately 2'� acres. This wi11 have the �ffect of reducing development costs while prov3ding site amenities directly access- • ible to the occupants of the proposed housing development; as well as to the community.. (B) This request is in conformance .with Tigard�s Comprehensive P.lan • for the following reasons;: . • ' � l�. Request does not change the planned residential use of • the area.. � � 2. Reguest does not add to the housing density zoned� for � the area - it reduces it. 3. The City desires the open space provided in the site • � layout for its park system. • ' (C) Market studies of the area indica•t� there is a need for this � type of moderate priced housing. This. market exists whetY�er the area is zoned R-7 or the proposed P.D. District.. The . con�ention is that this proposal will fill' community needs bett�r than existing zoning.. � • (D)� This request does not change existing conditions.. Proposed housing services will connect tc� �existing water and sanitary ' lines, and since housing density has not been increased, i� is assumed that existing •facili�ties will be adequate. (E) The site is unique for this type of development ,because of the � characteristics of the land and how it� relates to the proposed�• . green belt city park system. • � (F) The proposed ��Jevelopment will have the� following effects� on . • adjacent neighborhoods:; � �� l. It establishes and maintains the res'idential charact�r of the neighborhood. • � � . 2. It provides a link,. through its green-belt core, ,witl�r other City owned an d planned green-belt systems.. .Tt� � ' provides access to the green-belt from adjacent propexties. . 3. The• Development street system, as proposed, allows access . ' � to apparently land-1.ocked prdpe�ties'. 4.. It establishes an�':open air relief in the R-7 zoning pattern. � (G) Water and sanitary services are principal City services affected by this Development. However, land' densities proposed� are: less than zoned d'ensities and this should favorably �affect main sanitary. and water line sizes,, . . . • . :s ., • . �� ,�� . �.,:� . HENRY J. VODERBERG AIA ARCHITECT 1� ' S43 THIRD STREET LAKE OSWEGO, OfiEGON 97034 -° PHONE 503 636-3637 SUMM RCREST � I -- '130D,6- -- -- rf/� . • � �r a ' Y+ , a • � N i R � ' 'l� . ' "� N -- c- - - '130 .6 -- -- `�a,., 1. PLAN ELEMENTS (A) Proposed Land Use and Densities Presently the site of approximately� l0 acres is zoned R-7, with the exception of a sma11 axea (32,640 sq ft) on �.21st. ; street which is zoned C-4. Part of the residential area is ; � on questionable building soil and in order to achieve greater land economies, .it is proposed that the area be re-zoned to "Planned Development District°' , with a minimum lot size af 5,000 sq ft instead of 7,500 sg ft. This will permit closer building groupings while at the same time allowing useab�.e and attractive open spaces. It is also proposed that this � ' open space be donated to the City of Tigard to �orm part of. the City' s park system. Land use statistics are as fo�llows: � Net Development Area 426,400 sc� ft -•( 32,640 sq ft +96,000 Sq ft) = 297„760 Sq ft . , 297„760 sq ft —(20�x297,,760 sq ft) = 2 8 208 s ft Net � 238, 208 sq f t f 7,500 sq ft = 31a 7+(10/x 1.7) == 34..9 DwellinQ � . Units. Number of Units Proposed = 2g Number of Dwelling Units Allowed Per Formula = 35 � Each Dwelling Unit Approximate Size. = 1, 100 sq f� Min.. • (Not including garages mf approximately 4S0 sq ft) . . . . , `� _ � _ � � ,:..:, , . . . . . ... . ,. . . . . . . _ : , _ . :. . _ � � . • � �� � �... HENRY J. VODERB'ERG AIA ARCHITE�T 2• 543 THIRD STREET �. LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 PHONE 503 636-3637 Min.Lot Coveraqe Allowed per Lot-Sf000 sq.ft.x35� = 1,.750 sq ft (Diin.allowable Dwelling Unit size) � Proposed Gross Area. =426,40D� sq ft � Proposed Commercial Area = 32,64Q sq fti Proposed Area donated to Ci�y = 96,69O �sq ft; . � � � (B) Building Types and Tntensities j D.eveloper plans to erect 28 Single Family residences on 5,OD0 � sq ft min. building sites,- Preliminary plans call for. an even , • mixture of one story and two story houses. Generally, two story � houses will be placed on the na�row lots, while one story house� �aill be built on the wider lots.. h � ' � Houses will be 3 bed room, approximately 1100 sq ft, not includ- � ing 2 car garages. Requirements far setbacks from property lines E, and p�ercentage of lot coverage shall be the same as those required �i � for R-7 zoning.. ` ;I , �(C) Circulation Pattern ;a . . �� . _ � � � � - --- � � � � � - � ��,.`� ����,. N � y �J I SU ME ST EE VG ' 0� ; � f� 1 . � � ( � � �; � � � � . s u ra E �r,R ST �' '�r • �� i �.—i�,� � � ��� �i � i� , � � a� . ' . — ,,-� �� s ,a ,� , G . � , � �� -- �; . �=: � � r' f � � ' �F E� • � � _�• �' � �¢ _ � t-- ----- --� r¢ ( � � � � � , I I I i � ST Rf � � � i i I z�: �; � j— ___.1� `n _, � �. {-- - - -- --- , � � � 33 34 � � � �- �' �i � • t� 3 K t. H Ri NE ' - `_ ; � , \,,,,,�.: � , . . � . : , ---• - - i , : . , ., • � . , , f: • �- �,, � HENRY J. VODERBERG AIA ARCHITECT 3. ' �, 543 THIRD STREET . LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 PHONE 503 636-3637 , Refer to area map and Archi�tec�s plot plan. Main entranc� to the site at the present �ime will ,be from 121st. St. The City has requested that the street terminate at the West property line as well as pr�vide dead end streets at the North and South property lines nearby, This will allow for access to adjoining property that now_ appears to be in danger o£ being land-locked. (D) Parks, Plavgrounds, Open S aces and � . (E•) Existing N�tural Features „ • ' Refer to aerial .photo and Architects plot plan. Approxim�3tely . 2 acres •of the site f lows into a shallow lake during most of the year.. Building on this part of the site would be economically • unfeasible, and this is the acreage that would be donated to the City. It is Yaoped that •�,the marsh will. be left in its natural state since its plant and animal life is extremely exciting.. Houses and pedistrian circulation, will be �located so a s to relate to this. . , Every effort will be made to fit �the houses into the landscape. Depending upon the topography, some of the ho�xses will be buil� on poles and have the effect of rising out of the grassy slopes �: at the waters edge. Most of the tall Douglas Firs will remain. and as much as passible, th� entire area will remain� in its � , natural state. Landscaping will be designed so as to encourage Home Owners to preserve this unigue °natural quality. ' 2 e PROGRAM ELEPQENTS , . (A) � Applicants Market •Analysis of Proposed Use Developers research indicates that there is a need for good moclerate cost,� single £amily residences in the Txgard area. Existing housing near the proposed d�evelopment is moderate. in price range, and this has been us�d as one baromet�er in ;; establishing the predicted price of approximately $40,:000 for . the new housing iii this project. � The site is located near several ma�or shopping centers which includ� Canterbury Squ�re and Washington Square.� It is also s," centrally located near progressive manufacturing and commercial i? firms located in ma or industrial `� j parks surrounding the Tigard �:. area« � . �: G:: • i-'� (B),� Proposed Ownership Pattern and� f;;:l itl� ('C). Operation and Maintenance P'roposal � Proposed Development will be a11 single family residences - `''''I � each lot and house will b�e individually owned. No Hoines tfij Association or similar joint maintenance proposals are� contem- �,� plated. As stated before, approximately 2'� acres will. be E,+� ��-{ , donated to the City Park system and landscaping will be 'designed i5� &�� to compliment• the natural setting of that area., �;� . �:� _ � � , , � . � �, �. , . , HENRY J. VODERBERG AIA ARCHIT�CT 4. ' S43 THIRD STREE"T � LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 . ' PHONE 503 636-3637 (D) Waste Disposal Facilities and � • (E) Liqhtinq and ' . (F) Water Supply � ' See Architects preliminary site development drawings for water supply and site waste. disposal. Lighting will be in accordance with City requirements for sub division street lighting. All electrical supply to be underground. • (G) Public Transportation Tri-Met serves .the area within the city limits between • Washington Square and Canterbury� Square. The nearest ' point �f this line (#45 'Greenburg Line) to the proposed Development is at the intersection �of 121st St. and Walnut St. This intersection is approximately 4-5 blocks away and is well within Tri-Mets minimum proximity service • criteria of % mile, • (H) Community FaciLities — ' � Washington Square, a major rEgional shopping center is • located less than a mile from the site. In addition, there are shopping facilities nearby on 99W, including , Canterbury Square and a11 of the King City Development.. Public Schools near the s3.te include a new Junior High ' School on Walnut St. about � mile from the site and a � prposed Elementary School on 121st. St. adjacent to the � . proposed Development. (I) Timetable of Development , Develapers plan to start construction in the late 5pring . of 1975. The entire�Development, including streets and pathways is expected to take from 12 to 18 months. �� . , , ...__ _.,_.� . , _:.. . .. � ...� , , �, .-��.-• �--- ---- --- . }. �� �.: �; . �� Tigard P�anning Commission Staff Report � � i�=�� �` March 18, 1975 !, �° Agen.da Ttem 4.2 s. CU 6-75 - Conditional Use (Gevurtz showroom and warehouse) Conditional Use _ t � for a furniture warehouse, assembly plant and showroam in an M-4 zone located at SW Bonita Road at I-5 (tax lots 3100, 32_00, and 3300, map 251-12A) Applicant Gevurtz Furniture Co. (by Murray-McCormick Environmental Corp. ) � Staff Findin�s ` 1. Proposed use is an allowable conditional use in an M-4 zone. 2. Proposed use conforms with the Tigard Community Plan. 3. Access is from SW Bonita Road via an access road to be pro- � ate 0 e on St 'ne r ica nt ro ert la. b 1 s vided to the app p p y y g Highway Depar�ment. 4. Access roads provided on si'te are required to conform to ; � standards for commercial access drive (30 feet wide, paved) . � Submitted site plan does not appear to conform. � 5. Parking appears to conform to code. 6. Appropriate provisions for storm drainage disposal are not �; specified on the access drives. � �) 7. Applicant's proposal indicates phased development.Expansion i; of the building or activities conducted on this site in the future �vill require action of the Tigard Planning Commission � at that time. � � 8. Present land use in the area is industrial. � 9. Sanitary sewer and public water is available at the north property line of the site. �, Staff Recommendation � — t To be announced after public hearings. � 1 � - ,�.�...-..- . , _ ��,. �.. , � '; Tigard Plan�ning Commis�io� '"�' Sta£f Report � Irlarch 18, 1975 Agenda Item 4.3 Variance (V 3-75) A_pplicant Futuristic Industxies Applica;nt's Reguest A six and one half foot front yard setba�k where 20 feet is required. Present Land Use and 2oning This and adfoining lots are zoned R•7, single family, with a conditional use for a duplex (lot 24) across CLydesdale Street from the applicant's parcel (lot 18). This duplex i,s n.ow being constructed and the other ad- joining lots aa�e developed into single family homes. Staff FindinAs 1. The subject site is of aa► unusu�l canfiguration resulting £xotn its lo- cation on a curve in 106th and th� radiu� of the Clydesdale Court cul- de-sac whfch impinges deeply into the lot's depth on the soutl�. The � setback requirements i�n the code (1,�,20.A60) requi�e that "on corner lc,ts the setback shaE.l be tiwenty feet Qn eac.h side fac�ng a street other � than an alley." This twenty f�ot re.quirement mak�s it nearly i,mpas�ible to place a house on the applicank'� 1ot w�ithout �tiplating the satbac'k. 2. In order to grant a variance, the Pl�nning Coqlq�ia�i,on must find that all conditions e�ist which are specified in Section 18.76.020 of the Tigard Municipal Code. 3. The subrnitted site plan shows a mini.mum length of driveway nec�essary to provide off-street parking. Staff Reconmendation to be presented following the hearing �� . .� , _ . , ., . ,..:. .. . ..... . ._.u..>_._....�_.__.. _LL.�..: ( ( �, � . �.:�� . �.: , �'uTuRISTTC INDuSTRIES I�Torm L�dzen 61�b-u48� Bob S�nzels 2I�n-1.�73� 8735 s. ,•r. Leru�an st. • �'ortlanc?, Ore�on 97�23 - February 2l�, 1975 . City of Tigard - Planner 12420 S. 1•;. S�Iazn Stre�t 7'igard, Oregon q7223 - Variance 1. Qn Lo� ;�18 Clydesdale, �he lot size rendcrs ?t unbui�dable Vri�liout a jud�ement on the setbaclt v�*here Cl}fclesdal.e Ct. cu1.-de-sac encro�.ches upon the lot. � 2. `,[�Ze lots around this one are build�bZe and t-r?thout a jud�ei�nent of the variance committee a, this lo� t-ri11 b� tu1'puildable B, there wou�d be a subsequent loss a.n value 3. 191ea.athoriz�tion of a variance, z•rill in no t�ray effect, or be cletrimental to tllose pronerty ot.•ners in the invnedia�e va.cinity of Lot ;;�18 Clydesdale. r'�irtlzer the hou�e nl�:n z�re have planned for this lot :i_s extrer�ely populax and shoulci be an asset to the comnunity. Plus z•:e �lan to retain as many trees as possible on the site taliicll will �.],so Uenefit the surrounding lots. �.t. �i1ie variance requ�sted requires an inter��retation of svhat constitutes I 1 a �ront yard setbactic and ��r'nether or not the condi�ion has been met by the f I nla�ement of the house 4s shot�m. t � Very truly JrOU.T��7'� � � t. _.�.��--7f _ �' _ ' � C . �, v�2C�-�, , f-'�� --� Robert C. Samuels � � _ �� . �� \ � \� bs o� _ ; , �:.�to �� , o � . � �, : i � 4 '�` ;r"--�.�� �' ;, ' ' , Z,n� y::z o�,�o_N tU,,'; c�j � � , � ' °, • ' • ;, ,ii b �b� .. � , .,����' N �� . O • ' � �. ,� � I�) At),'l. ' b��ta �. - . � ' � � ' �� , 1 ', • . � , v . • � , . . ,.) L� .v� _ ,. G,�,o�_ , � ! ,, , �,, p, , 3. ° � � b�a,b4 0"t� '�� , Q,, ;.; ; , �� � . . /o � R � _ � ,#�' � '� . , � N �,a 28�3 W� � � . . ' � ',, L`� '��' � * �� ' . Q�. �t�, � • � • O� M • . � .. �I►� y�� .i,�.� ,� �; �' ��. 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'�� 'I S.r.���..�.� � �•,�.�'� f� . ��� [�r' �� rl����t.tl�,i,•:Qie�' 'P+�j�i/ I ' � . . ....._. . _.. ...._... .. . . � .. . . . . ., . ..... . .... _ . . . . � _ � . . .. ,. �. .. � �4 Memorandum �.� To: Planning Commission From: Planning Department Subject: Revising the C-3 zone Date: March 14, 1975 Strip commercial development on Pacific Highway is a continuing plann- ing issue in the City of Tigard -- considerable discussion but little action. The latest unsuccessfu� effort to make some progress in this direction occurred last Monday ni.ght when the City Council voted against the NPO �l suggested C-P development on a portion of the highway. It does not appear possible to change the zoning on Pacific Highway. Therefore, the choices are narrowed to two: 1) Ignore this issue a�.tog.ether or 2) Attempt to deal with the prob�em by revamping the C-3 zone to deal with the mast serious problems. Staff expects that the second alternative is preferable to the Planning Commission arid''the following items are listed for the purpose of discussing possible changes in the C-3 zone. � 1. Requiring high traffic generating uses to be a conditional us� and establishing locational criteria. 2. Requiring a minimum length of highway frontage, lot depth and lot area 3. Requiring shared access points 4. Greater setback requirements (possibly 20 ft. in front) In addition to revising the C-3 zone to deal with the most pressing problems, the staff recommends that the Planning Commission continue with the work of considering all aspects of strip deve�opment � . �. � ,-,. �: March 18, 1975 Members of the City Council Tigard, Oreyon � Gentlemen: • In the light of the recent decision of the City Council con- cerning C-P versus C-3 zoning on Pacific Highway in the NPO#1 Plan, I feel obligated to make the f�llowing comments. To begin, T do not feel that the decision represents the best interests of the whole community, but rather the interests of the specific property owners involved. The decision was based on pleas o� unsubstantiated financial hardship as expressed by ' the �ffected r er p op ty owners. The stated detrimental impacts on the rest of the community through• potential land uses detri- mental to the hi hwa and resultin added traffic enerati n g Y g g o were seemingly ignored. � The goals, objectives, and policy statements of the Tigard � Community Plan and the NPO #1 P1an text were not address�d. These goals cannot be satisfied using C-3 zoning. . NPO #1 and the Planning Commission, along with the planning staff considered and reconsidered this matter carefully and � properly, in a manner based on an understanding of sound com- munity plann'ing. Each time the recommendation was the same. ' The Counci.l has ehosen to ignore the recommendation, made by citizens acting in the interests of the community, in the light of the opposition from the affected property owners. This action was not within the framework of the Council ' s responsi- . bility to the rest of the community to effect proper long range land use planning and zoning. The Council reacted favorably to comments that someday a bypass for traffic on Pacific Highway would solve our tra�fic problems. This supposedly justifies the retention of the current existing strip commercial zoning. I feel we should be acting now to plan for our immediate and future problems. We should not rely on something that is not yet even in the formative stages, and. something that may or may not in fact ever occur. This basis for action appears to me to be only wishful thinking and not positive planning. I do not hope to effect any change in the Council' s decision � _ ' � �. �..a, on this issue, Y�ut T do hope to imp.ress on the Council their charge for land use planning d�cisions is to act on behalf of �._ the community, not private vested interests. I hope that your action wil� n,�t discourage Planning Commission and NPO attempts to recognizs and deal with problems related to Pacific Highway. Hopefully, a more acceptable approach can be found and effected. � . Sincerely, � �f . I � ��/��i�� Thomas O. Whittaker, Jr. � � i' �- j •