Planning Commission Packet - 03/04/1975 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. .. . . . � .. . ... .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . __. ... . . f n i \� ��.. ; AGENDA � � Tigard P�anning Commission � �: Regular Meeting March 4, 1975 � Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room 14650 SW 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon '� Meeting time 7:30 p.m. ; 1. CA'LL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL � 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 18, 1975 �� �1 4. HEAR.INGS � 40l Conditional Use - CU 4-75 (Darren Dodson dba TRUDOOR) � for assembly of pre-hung door units in an M-4, Industrial " Park zone. Proposed �ocation is in Tigard Industrial j Park on SW Tigard Avenue (tabled at February �8 Tigard Planning Commission meeting) - (tax lot 300, map 2S1 2BA) A. staff findings B. �ublic testimony �; C. staff recommendation � ; D. commission discussion and action � �- 4.2 Conditional Use - CU 5-75 (Tigard Evangelical Church and ' the South West Church of Christ) for a church on a C-3, � general commercial zoned, site located on SW Pacific Highway across from the SW Watkins Avenue in.tersection (tax lot 900, map 2S1 2CC) . � A. staff findings � B. public testimony � C. staff recommendation D. commission discussion and action � � � 4.3 Variance - V 1-75 (Lincoln Properties) to allow a free- standing sign in a C-P, commercial-professional, zone ? on Highway 217 at SW 72nd in the "Tigard Triangle". 1 (tax lot 1600, map 2S1 lAC) A. staff f indings j B. pub�ic testimony C. staff recommendation i�. commission discussion and action � 4.4 Variance - V 2-75 �Sabre Construction Co. ) - to allow a 10 ft. side yard se't back in an M-2, general industrial, '; zone on SW Landmark Lane off SW 72nd Avenue (part of ' tax lot 600, map 2S1 12A) I i �. � � i � . , :. ,. . . ,. . ,: ,;. , ::,- � .... ,:: ; .. , .. 4 ^ � a k . . ��. �a+�� 4 i 1 I I' �:� A. staff findings � ` B. pu.blic testimony (, C, staff recommendation �, D. commission discussion and action ��' 4.5 Temporary Use Extension - TU 1-74 (Tualatin Development j Com�any) allowing a truss manufacturii�g facility on SW � 109th Ave. south of SW Naeve Road within the �'Summerfield�' �I, developrnent (part of tax lot 100, map 2_Sl IODD) . � � A. staff findings � B. public testimony �, C. staff recomrnendation � D. commission discussion and actic�n � r', 5. PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PROGRAM PRESENTATION �, � Iron Mountain Investment Company, applicant for Planned ° Devel��pment of a site west of SW 121st Ave. south of Summer- i; crest Driv�. (This agenda item will be heard in a public Yi�aring on March 18, 1975, as ZC 2-75) . Please note attached excer�t from Tigard Municipal Code. A. staff findir..gs B. publ.ic tEStimony C. staff recommendation � D, commission discussion and action �w� 6 o OTHEFt BUSINESS 7o ADJOURNMENT � � , ; F pl � f . i yi . � A �� E; t' j � � � PC Agenda - March 4, 1975 - page 2 � ! - _ _ , _ .. ..----- _ _ ..__ _ �— ___ _ : __ _ __ _ _ r_ A _��j�j � �? �,J�`.. �>��4�\, q . � 1•111V'V�.L.ri►7 � �-' v� ��,�+ 8 �' �'ZGARD PL�NNING G�JMMZSSTON ' March 4, 1975 = Regu�ar Meeting ' �` Twality Jurii�r Hi�h School - Lecture Ro�►m � 14650 S. W. 9?th Avenue, Tigar�d, .Oregon � 1. CALL �.'0 ORDER �� f. Chairm�n Whittak�r called the meeting to order at 7:30 p. m. �;. ; 2. ROLL CALL �� 1 Members present: Haxtman, Hansen, Nicoli, Porter, Sakata, Wakem ` and Whi-ttaker; staff: Powe11 ` t' �, 3. Marrcr�s ; �. � The minutes of the preceding meeting were not available. !,� 4. PUBLIC IiEARTNGS 4.1 Conditic�nal Use CU 4-75 (Darren Dodson dba Trudoar) ; Tabled at the February 18 meeting due to absence of applicant. `' �` A. Staff Findings �I _ � Staff repo�.^t read by Powe].l (see attached) . `' B. Public Testimony T�e appli�ant described the operatior� of his proposed ,: plant an,d addressed the Fasano rEquirements. � �� Cross examination by staff further elaborated on require- ;: ments per Fasano. �! ,s Sakata asked what equipment would be used. Applicant ''a� t; responded only saws would be used. i,� �, Hartman asked what method of delivery. Applicant respondeci Ii truck delivery and pick-up. ;:� i: Whit�taker asked about Trudoor's locati.on within the site. (�I Applican� responded that he was located in the c�nter of the site away from the ad�aeent single family residenc�s. ��'I ,,; ��� fil C. Staf� Recommendation ��>,� r, �pprova7. �`�' Tf i �(t��I . I:yl � PC Minutes - 3-4-75 - page 1 '� ��I .,� , �� D. Commissi�,� Di.scussion and Act:i.ori �,,,,.;` Sakata voiced her concern abou�t noise from oper°ations at the planto �.Y` Furthe�e discussion indicated that noise would na-t 'be a factor as it was controlled by sta�;e guidel.ines a].re�dy. MotioM (Nicoli) for� agproval, seconded (Hansen) , unanimous7.y approved. �� � 4.2 Conditional Use CU 5-75 (Tigard E�rangelical Church and the � Southwest Ghurch Af Christ) A. Staff Findings Staff report was read by Powell (see atta�hed) . B. Public Testimony Woodrow Hughes testified for applicant. D. Christa.e, Realtor, testifiPd �or applicant iZluminating �urther the points made in his letter of February 7, 1975. �. Staff Recommendation Approval with conditions that: (1) The use be permitted far a �two year period. ��- (2) That the site and building be brought into code con- formance with �he exception that only the dai�y used portion of the parking lot need be surfacedo D. Gommission Di.scussion and Action Moved (Hansen) , seconded (Wakem) to approve �'c�r a two year �� period per staff recommendatione � Moved (Porter} to amend to a three year peri�d. Second � (Hansen) . Amendment failed by majori-ty vote. ; ; � Original motion was carried 'by majority vote (Whittaker � against, Sakata abstaining) . � � 4.3 Variance V 1-75 (Lincoln Properties) � Variance of the Commercial-Professional zone to allow a f,ree- � standing sig�n. i A. Staff Fin�lix�gs � Powell read the staff report and addition�lly read 1' I � ... ! 1 PC Minutes - March 4, 1975 - page 2 , � � , � „ �.;. . , ,. . ; . :.; , , . . _. . . ... ., : _ : + _ � ��, pertinen� defini�tions from the zana.�, code (�taf�' :repor•t �ttached) , B. Public Testimony �� �` �, John Flattery from Lincoln Properties testified indicating �; that the sign was a namep7.�.te and that th�re were many ; signs on I-5 and Hwya 27,7; that the sign was not adver- ' tising; that there were 81,000 �qo ft. of office space ; in the complex and that this was the minimum variance that `j would �atisfy Lincoln Froperties ' needs. fi ,: , � Mr. Flattery also entered letters from Lamb-Weston and �', from Farmers Insurance indicating their support of his %�. request. Mr. Flattery then showed slides of other signs on I-5 and 217 i�ndicating that Lincoln Properties wa"s simply attempt- ing to preserve its identity. R! �:. Commission cross examination dealt with the nature of the �'� sign requested and whether the "rider�� signs shown in the f'' illustration would be a permanent part o� the sign. Mr. Flattery indicated they would not and that tY�ey woul.d be remc,ved as soon as the space was leased. f: �;� Mr. Ran May from the Gilley Co. spoke in support of the } signs indicating they were necessary for their marketing i� � program. � Mr. Roy Sims, a neighboring resident, spoke in opposition �o any signs in the C-P zone on SW 72nd or on SW Hampton. C. 5taff Recommendation f� �. t � t:� Deni��. �;; � �i D. Comnnission Discussion and Ac�tion `;� �;I Motion to deny (Ha�tman) based on findings �that the appli- `;�I cant did not d�monstrate a hardship not sha;red by other �;j; properties in the district; �econd (Hansen) , passed t` iananimously o i'' i' 4.4 Variance V 2-75 (Sabre Ccnstruction Co. ) ; +. � A. Staff E'indings `'� �:�I Staff read the staff report (see attached) which was amencled �' orally to include new lot dimensions revealed by surv�y for �� Sabre Construction Co. after the staff rep�rt had been f,:;, printed and distributed. `i �� `� y, � ;'. PC Minu�tes - March 4, 1975 - page 3 �; � i , , Bo Public ���timony �� Mike McGee of Sabre Construct�.on Coo testified �.n favoro � C. Commission Discussion and Action Motion for approval (Nicoli) � second (Han�en) on the con- dition that minor land ga�°ti.tion 4-•74 be fin.alized before building permits be i�sued, Passed unanimously. 4.5 Temporary Use (Extension) TU 1-74 (Tualatin Development Coo ) ' for a truss manufacturing facility on SW 109th Aven�ze - was mov�ed to the bottom of the agen;da, Applicant was not pres�nta 5. PFtELIMINAR.Y DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PROGFi.AM PRE5ENTATION (Not a hearing) Iron Mnuntain Investment Co. , applican� for a Planned D�velopment west of 121st Ave. , south of Swnmercrest Drive. A. Staff Report S�aff report was read by Powell. (see attached) o B. Applicant Presen�tation Mr. Henry Vaderburg, architect for� the applicant, presen�ed the preliminary plan and prog.ram and outlined the speci�'ic requests to be made of the Planning Commission. �- C. Commission Discussion and Action Nicoli indicated the density trade-off nee.ded to be . ti�htened upo '�Density trade-off for unusable l.and is no tradea " I Porter indicated that he shar°ed N�.coli's concern and was concerned about the road in the flood. pl.aino Whittaker indi.cated the info�nata..on. that he would �.?ke to see as part of the general plan wo�ald include a vicinity map showing adjacent and nearby bui,ldings, st�eets and to�ography, a soil study and some �ssurance �tha•t th� street indica�ted as the central spin� of the �1an goes through the Planned Development and conn�cts ta some�thin.g other than a dead end. The Commission then agreed th�t they would 'hear �the gerieral plan and program at a subsequent mee-tingo 4.5 PU$LIC HEARING - Temporary Use Extensi�n TU 1-74 (Tualati,n Development Co e ) all.owing a truss m�.nufactu.ring faca_�i.ty on SW 109th Aveo � , � � PC Minutes - March 4, 1975 - page 4 , � .::... _ .,:.; . .. ,.. _. ,.,::� , .., .... :.. . � . . _, �, ._. �, . ,. , . _ . _ . - - . ,, r` ;" Y � A. Staff Re��rt `';��,. The staff repor�t was r�ead by P��w�l�. (��e at�tached)o �... $. Publie Testimony A letter from the app7,icant was reacl into �the recor^d. (see attached letter9 Willz.am McMonagle 8c Assoco , dated February �.1y i975) o C. Staff Reco�endation Approval for an additional yearo ' D. Commission Discussion and Action ; Motion �o approve (Nicoli) , second {Hansen) , passed ' unaanimouslye 6. OTH�R BUSINESS NoMe 7, ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 pQn�o �. �. PC Minvtes - March 4, 1975 - p��e 5 ....., ;. . ,_. . _. .. � .<,.,. ;_. ...,a. �.r. � ..t1.�. ,. ,:: . . _ . ,. tr_, �:.:, �`� CITY OF TIGARD �'�� I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE.ARING ' Notice is hereby given that public hearings wi�l be hel.d by the Planning I, Commission c�f the City of Tigard. in the Twality Junior High School Lecture Room, 14650 SW 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon. Said hearings will occur on March 4, 1975, at 8:00 p.m. and will conc�rn the following: o A request by Tigard Evangelica� Church and the Southwest Church of Christ for a conditional use permit to a�low a church on a C-3, general commercial zone, site located at SW Watkins Avenue and Pacific Highway (tax lot 900, Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 2CC) . o A request by Lincoln Properties for a variance of Cha�ter 18.40.070, Tigard Municipal Code, to �,llow a f�ee-standin� si�n in a commerc.ial-professional zone on Hi�hway 217 at SW 72nd Avenue (tax lot 1600, Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 11�C) . o A request by Sabre Construction for a variance of Chapter 18.44.040, Tigard Municipal Code, to allow a 10 ' side yard setback in an M-2, general indust"rial zone, on SW Landmark Lane off SW 72nd Avenue (pa.rt of tax �ot 600, Wash. Co, tax map 2S1 12A) . o A request by Tualatin Development Co. �or extension of a temporary use permit a�lowing a truss manufacturing facility on SW 109th Avenue south of SW Naeve Rd. , within the '�Summerfield" development (part o� tax lot 100, V�ash. Go. tax map 2S1 IODD) . All interested persons are invited to attend the meeting and be heard. Publish TT 2/27%75 ...��:...�...... . .,. 4 .. . ,. .,�.:._:.. . ...._ ..,,..... . ..._..__ . .�. .;..�. ..,._.. . _.�_.. . _ ._:..... . ....... . �_.._... . ,.....,. .,. .... .,......... . ..... ....._.... _.. � r . . � � �} t�' ' „ � I , � CITY OF TIGARD � , � � NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING � ' � .�, , Notice is hereby given that public hearings wi:11 be held by the Flanning � ; Commission of the City of Tigard in the Twality Junior High School Lecture � �; Room, 14650 SW 9�th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon. Said hearings will occur on � ' March 4, 1975, at 8:00 p.m. and will concern the foJLlowing: i ; . , I . ' � o A request by Tigard E�rangelical Church and th�.o�thwes,-�-- -� ' Church of Christ for a conditional use permit to allow a � church on a C-3, general commercial zone, site located at ' h a tax lot 00 ZVash. SW Watkins Avenue and Pacific H�g w y ( 9 , �I, Co. tax map 2S1 2CC) . �i __ _._ . _ _ , �; _ All interested persons are invited to attend the meeting and be� heard. ,i �I� ` � � � �� �'� � ,, . ; i � �I , �I ' $� � Publish TT 2/27/75 � . - F�� ' ld ; • ' . . _ : . ., ..,.._.,. _. � __ ..,: „ _ _ , ■. - _ • � � ��:� ��;._ � � TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION �' Staff Report , March 4, �.:975 Agenda Item 4.1 CU 4- 75 Conditional Use of a portion of an M-4 zoned site known as Tig��rd Industrial Park on SW Tigard Avenue (tax map 2S1 2BA, tax �ot 300) Applicant Trudoor, Inc. (Darren Dodson) - CU 4-75 Applicant's Request to allow assembly of pre-hung doc�r units in an M-4 zon.ed industrial park (Tigard Tndustrial Park) Staff Findin�s 1. Tigard Industrial Park is presently 75-80% developed. � Site design of the industrial park itsel_f is subject to Design Review. Overal`1 site planning lzas,therefore, been addressed previously and has been approved by the Desi.gn Review Board. 2. Trudoor will apparently share some facilit9_es with other tenants. Some conflict may exist between occupancy classi�'ications which should be addressed by the appli- cants. 3. No appreciable impact on traffic generation of the in- dustrial park or on circulation within the park is an- ticipated. 4. Adequate parking appears to be provided although some conflict is possible with the anticipated development of Tigard III which will introduce new construction adjacent to the Trudoor site. i , 5. The present uses in the industrial park, the conditional uses proposed and the park conform to present zoning and to the Ti�ard Community P�.an. NPO #2 's proposPd Plan agrees also. Present land use in the vicinity of the industrial park is residential, but has also been designated as future industrial in the Ti�ard Community Plan. ,� 6. Trudoor's proposed use a�pears compatible with the design and present occupancy of the project. 1 �s.� . A'...-.�. �.:.-' � 7. '1'he cumu�ativ� effect of these con.ditional use requests �. will not affect the impact of the industrial park on the community an.d do not appear to generate additional impacts I of their Qwn. 8. No increase in demand for public services or other impact on public services will result from these activities. Staff Recommendation to be made after public testimony has been heard and the hearing closed. �_ PC Staff Report - March 4, 1975 - item 4.1 - page 2 � . , ..�__.. . , �.:. 'r. __;� _ � M , k _ _ __ _ _ /_ _ ,,. • a I �'� r : �oo �'°.`�, � �! � � � . � " ��. �R •,� d rM�r ' r.��..:` li see Ma� �V �f ` ., 2S 1 2CB � j:' I � _ o .P�,o' .'8 t:s i: ne� `.. � �• 200 . . .. �. � � ��� +�i +�`� : i HOAC ��.��.• + �� . . �t � ��� f[co�a� � �. �• c.�c » � � � -�y��'�iY_" ___f��f1 • ��� \�,t . 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' ���� •�n. ��� � � •�����• y�:� � • �.. ��. � . . -�_ ♦ � �. �� —� • . . �,( � • . � ' . W ,Lyf103; r,��Q�'j� � " ' � ,. �; ��`�� t� �� sl tc�� �' �la`'�.�' . - � , ° �,, � . : - . ; - � . • . � '. �.,,; � . : � ._ _ _ . , !i c ry f� � �: �..'- , kl ` Tigard Planning Commission � Staff Report �' , �. f' March 4, 1975 ;�, Agenda Item 4�2 ' cU 5_75 �: � , Condi.tional Use � � of a C-3 zoned site on SW Pacific Hwy. for a church (tax lot 30Q, map 2S1 2BA) Applicant ' Tigard Evangelical Church and the South West Church of Christ ; i Applicant's Request i to be al�.owed to operate a church in a C-�3 zone in a former ; church used most recently as a mortuary Staff Findin�s ' ; � l. Use of site was formerly a church, existing facilitiPS, ; parking and access appear adequate. 6 2. Access on to Pacific Hwy. from the site is difficult a �� during afternoon and early evening hours. � 3• A zone change action has been recommended by the Tigard Planning Commission to change the present C-3 zone to C-P. 4. The present zone of subject site does not conform to the , current comprehensive plan which designates the area as j appropriate for commercial�professional. i � 5. Churches are not mentioned per se in the commercial-pro- i fessional zone; however, the intended use appears to I conform to the intent of the comprehensive plan (restricted ! peak hours traffic generation, extended hours of operation, non-retail character, etc. ) 6. The vicinity is mixed strip commercial and undeveloped acreage. The area is clearly in transition as shown by the changes in use, vacant nearby buildings, and for sa.le signs. 7. Utilities are already on site and no adverse impace on publi.c services is seen as likely. Staff Recommendation � to be read after public testimony r ,� � ,.: _ . ,��., ,, �r: — _ : -.. . .u-�:.L�i ..�r...::r�c.r-�..�.:>��....,�.,.,r�...�,..:.. �. . ..,. � . �,.:....: .� . � � ._. .. . .._. . . .._. , ,. .. . .4 .. i ..,,, �. ,.., . �,.. .. -��. �r � q., • ,00 o.�. j ---� , �y� , ` i�a�. ` ` . � .�� ••� _ '•'� ,� SEE MAP '��►�'r^;: t , � 25 I 2C• • i �.> , I' . . °• � � �' � � ,TS+ � ���. � �; � �� � (:S. U. ♦ � • �J ' o ♦� 200 � . . . \� t / �_/ + / �` 110IC �i. . _ � •/� `�•. l,j� ��• � ��� � \• �. �o.... / r .,� „� �. _ _ . ��. ' . ,..•...--�--- � ; ..... ..,, r �oo .. eoo soo . . , � �,..� ,� .,, a .,.+,� ., ,,.N, . r � ► . w� ♦ • ; y �• , i� r . . . �'_.'...{� , ia I � ` : ' � e/ ��� � .. . , � . � � j ..�': \ ;`BOO � � ' � ,P�c �o,.� , i � - -� � Q . � - . �fl� �f x� % ��* r : � s.-.�►. ,� '-� � • K • �C :ia;� 1r�s+�aa " � / c.� .�., t � ' SEE MAP SK. ! z5 1 SDO .: ��aa� 4 � � • � � �, 1000 tt,���'�: � ` r,�a� . •+ � . . . .���►�� �Y6.�c 'y.� :jriry rfY �. 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I<fi . . . �. ,�,. 1 h�� �Y . .. �j'�r� . . . , . . ., . i �i . . . _ . . . . . . . � . .. . . , Y �.ri T �+�' �ti .`� ti��' � � t i t . . . � 1.. .'{.. �� 1� � w . . .. . . . . . ._ . i'E . . r a . , �, ,' . . . . . . �f`. . ��.iF"� 7. . . . . . .k' �.n'1� '�, . . f i� .��Y4 �1.r. . . . . , ..� ., � , \ . '. . ' � • .�.' . .� � - , � . . 1 . � \.....� , y,.— _.._....`.......�_'�F .t�tl�'�i I,t,�r 7 ;'�rkok;... �r* ��iivTl(�r��i�.P .��w�..� �.��'. t -.l+t+wTi����,�,.f.a�.. 1��:tC�C' Z „ � ��.�.;�y o� T,�����a�� , �}M1T�: 1z�?a SW r�ai.i1 ':�ic�a.rd, Oz�qQn �7223 . •, _. ; , . : ,. :.,, , _, , . ,, : : ., _ i�NFO�.P�IANC�. ��1ITIi COI�4Px'�'?iFNSIVE :?:C�AN�? � . . - . � � : t e Z'�ie `use o:C t��i.s pra,��rt�r J��y. L-l�i� ,�(-V.Church ,.� C7�ri:.;� �a ll� W,i�thin: �he c ,�pr�l��e�r,ive pl�a� i c�r_ thh ci;..y ��� 'l'ic��rc�; ;�� S�e = zr�,p� ?�L`�.GHI30� �I�011, 1�LAN US��,.:�pub1 ishe:d k�y t'nt� c.��I��' �C `T��r�:rc� ' zii i��y, ,1974 . T�l�ie a�� c�tl�ic:� ��u}al�.c .�nc� �a�_i�v���l:� n�GSt=����:.iizc� c� ,�laces �i?_ tl��� g�rieral �a'rea �1�cin� t�scc� }��T c7_��.��s & ,�-��tc�:c��«l �rdei-s, . � � a i�Ei�JFSr[' �t;1'�FT:�:,L�� CO;��Tn�L'[�TI1^X IV1 I�,DS'? ;. l. �.� �.he ��zes�:,��. t.iz�ie iwhe STa �:huir�Iz af Chri;�#� in��t�t ; irs k:�i� � c���c� .�e1.�.c�:<�� b�.zildil�ig loca�eci �n £',=��;ific Ill;ht�f��� 7_?�, tl�� ci<<jt� ia� 'i���aYi'�, n�C.�'ci1;C Of j��'E'V1.GL1S GOi�:,1'fli1?Y24.� '��% �.11�n rS['i1r•.i�4 ��lie cl�uz�r.h r.��n i�:�e i�l�.� �uildin�X oa��y a4�c�u�: {c�} ;c.�i-tr° :��c:,ii�s . otr :•;e:��;cµ c;la:,s .coon� arlc� ��a:ck�.nc� Sj�ucc� a,� :i.i.r���i i.�,c� ,�nd t.'ze t:.f1U1:'C.'tl t� �r'i"?�i;��t` G�� LL1.L:�.i.l..1i. 1)�r:L" CG�'iu'f1J_i�lilC�t7�: ?i1 �.1E'.'�" 'E £'.�U)'i';;'1�; t�� ;JCT?G'�%�71.n1�C:' ��i:<���Y'c'�It1S. . tJY � . � , 2q i'I�.e },�se �L t-iz�;s �roperi:y a�. 13r-,?� �'T� ��acii 1� �� �.��li���� b�p t7:e� � , r 1� C�'l?11 C17 :�� Ch7 1 ���.w� 7 `I csr��t- 1�cr. i�l i rn�r,��� �-. } �,— � . . . ... . . . .� - - -�• — --- --- ��r c�+v� � . . . ..,.�.� ... i 3.... � . . . . . . . . �^'" 1' .a.+.-. .:.._. , � , , +�J:CO���li'i,.�'s c']?'1C� �;�1G7UxC� S(?1"VG _GVG',.� L1Yli::1t �x.�:.? t a.�:,��.i� !L1t�5 zJx.� J?uilt: ��>� c;cc�s.�p? c�� ai: 98�th and l�ux�llam, '"!'icr�z:r�<3, ;:,i�I:`��r?J3�LT'I�� U�` r�.���UI;S'_n:�;D L,OC.�1!�I�N f�VER 0':CTT�;R .�V?1:LLA��,t��= r.t�7�1s�141���;;a� .� � 1 n 'I'h� ��j�pJ_icarl�.� Coi� corzdit.i.anal tt:ae l�ave l��en ����..:,:_�-,� ��rs t���� .. ma7zy m�xs�:hs..t'�r �ncii�}z��: Zacatio� �s thei.r rne�ril�i��::�}ii.�a V C:Ori�i.illlr?S 'LC? 1_nCY'C?�S�„ �1111C.'�111�5 �lc�G' I�22I"t .i C;Li7iC�� :.:i.li:,f f�i,.'1-i3 �.s �;.Ic��.�.yS �:he �,ro}�l em �ai:. zorii7�cJx �.7�?�dcquai�e ?��ir�ci �:�.r_F .•x -�'c��c pa:�Icir�c�, �,tus tl�e usn��l�ility �� �.he 'pr�s�n1.: .J�u7_�.a�i��;��; � ? � _�si �t1zi�� 7;c�w lc,�•,:�Lian �,.� f: �ve hot,h th� �ui1�l�i.air¢ t�iir�= �, .:,{ ,. :� 1.T�1217�C.�. j"OT' i:tl'[° 7.'.i�ltl._'Ci�.%�.tr: rl(.:E�l'�Sy ��L1S i..�7'-u' �.c1..J?�:� ��t'C:ci (.7:'.� ,:i.�. �� Ii105� 01'1:.' acr� i:)?�:il� W:LZ.L 1J10V7.t?E: �.liT'�)�.t? �cll"{1.�iC� �l:tii�.., ;ti�� �Il�..�. ': n��e�t a7.7. t.l�� e:�it�li�� se� :Fort�il a��d �p�,���v���% L<�� t.t,c.� �,;�z�a�•.�4yrt T.�E�gic�n,:: ' i�.r.L�I:Ti�IlZQL'S I;I'I�Z;C:TS ON AUJ'AC�idT PROPER`Z':LES AND '�'�-I� FI'I'�HC'1'7`�F��L�S L?J�' i'il���C)S}:�D I?��IEi�I��T� I�-1EASUI2L;S `PO CGI7IVTF.�2AC�.�; SAZD I�ELE�F�.70i1S, I��'t'��L'a,�`,, j l , `l ne ��u�Z�ei-tjr un�er consic��r_�t.ion is borc�e�:��c,� " on i�hc� GVr�Ut k.�lr about �0 twa--s�.or�! a�ar�:merats and oia tl�:� i�,���;t by a ;g�ix-age tY:a±� s��,-�rir,r�s ��ric� r�l�ai:r�s �tt��orni�bzl�s� Ta t.k�c .r.e�G� <>f sa�.r.1 Z�i c:�pe�_ !�:y, t���: 1i,��-e nZ�:�a� f ie?c�s, . �� The b1ti.ldi��q t}-���t ;-,i��s on �i-�:�is ��-onc.tt,y was �.L.���a.xia]_ly a c�lz?a�-rli I�tziJ,c�z.i�g :zs;�c3_ 1�� �-.1�� 1��,°:wng�li.cal Ch�l�cl� e�,. `C':i.�axd :cf��; zn:�?,Y �'c�a7-se Mcr�� z•er�,�nt�7y ��c t����s usc:cl by �. mortuaiy , �'h� }�u�.ldin�� i.s �1�. I;�ut o1' ,�oi.i.c� si�r�ac�ur�, hcav�r��vc:t f 3.t v,7a.i1 c�el-�erii�i�ate rr-��idl� ii it r��mair7s vacanto ., r' � , - ;" ; a�� , ,' °: � 3 . It is tl�� ��tans o�' the SCa Ctitix��la o� Chr�s�:' ,�.o �al-��ark�����'f �.1zc,� , ' bui7.dirig, �n�.; �1.a�iclsca�e the ,�ro�ert� ,�loz�g" �ac:i.f.ic Iia,cJlz���ay�'`' , '' � .. .. � . .. ' . . ' . . . . j. , � . .. � . . . � x { il � ' . . . . . " . � . ' , 3.s ..,,::+a.,:�:_w......w...�ra...W�.,.w..,..._.x�+.,.....,.�.�.. _�.:�:.l�".,�.:.:.s.ya�.f�.,.,...Wi-.; =vt:tiydlu.wc:t.:si.,^�{r,�2�ap.i�4:ae,�L....�.�.::ia.>.f.u..,sb?y.:w.,r,v....:sar..d„S.u:.i::u..4tuw. .,.:.._i:.:u�,�.w.,:.��.n:...i.: P�:��e 3 k . q �. . : . ' ... . �. �t=i�l�y of �]'•�gard .�"'' .12424 SW :1`'Mc��.n �� �•.�r . � , . , ;,� . _ . . , . . � , : Ti_� a�d OrP an _ 72?3 ' ,•� t:;.. � t :;. -J �. ��- i ] � j ` :f � . . 1�4 r a . ..� .^ ! � c ! �y,,. ' n� t .,�Y�t �,� � �.:¢p , . r t . . I,:r,.�� `� �� �.l�tas,, ' �li.rna.na£ing �=��� c�ar�q�rs ,��.us �h�au-�a,�yizlg �h� ,- , , �, � M��`'_ �resen� .Lcicatio�. '" � ' " ' " � , , ` �f ° �.�� �-�c � a t� � i C ; T -^ H 1 , . �•�' �"?z ry�?y ��4�r.� �..� .. �' ���:rt 14r � .:. 1 '. � ,..: . ��. .. � '�� r, .i� ,.'rff �� f�.DVE�ttiE TI��'AC`I'.,�C�� I't7BLIC a�P.'��'.t�tt`'�5`,�.� �'1:OP05�� C�'�PACIZ'Y OF� S,TJCCFS�;F13L►',Y ,,, , . _ �,�l�r 3 .: � :. .� , � ' *°` � b'TN7�.NCE OR O'I'��LRWSS�' �':ROVIl7� n1��`.r�SS�T�Y SERVIC'E��. I i x � �.hf .r�,� a �L a � i a.; .''. , ,;i�, :'• `�y ` . .: ..i �. � �. � :� �. :,x�'t .n. � r � �:,,. ;. y , . , ~ ' �.. TtZT S.�'l�.x' p�1I11017.� 'L�.�'14Y'G, 'ieT,7,�.�.�, �7�w 71�3 aC�VC:]:S(? G=���'"�C OYl ��G �' `_ r� 2tr � .,.�., v � ,�u.b1�R, xesul i��.ng F.C�4�m .<<,�}�'� t��k� ,�c�:� �i.ha;� �ropei�.`y by,th� , r. ;SW C��urcl� "o� C�i�-��� ��cr' �h� 41�:ow�.zig r�asnris 1 r � } . .:� ��: . r r a +.� a '?� a-. �^, t r� :T. , `` v �... ��. .,.� ;� ;:+ in,: "'` ._, .� .. ,�� � . . . .. �t . , . te;'� �,� . . ., . :' •'� ' .. '. , � + '� � �w 7:t wi11. ,�1a.m2r��.'L� an �.�Za���:c�ua�e��b�ailrling anc� p,.�rlcz��zg .`:- facil�itz�s'' ai� •��ie�:x� ��r���h��'lr�r.ation;..` .` , .. , . . . . � , ' , a v - . : . - ,_ ;, , ,, . :. , ' ' �-.� , , . . ...:�., S "... �. ....:. , ; ' . . ; ' ,r.� .�� . . . �..- �i . 2. . It shoi�l.d' c��a�e r�o t,a a,�fic h��zarc�s' on .Pacific ` - "_' ,� , Ii?�h�i�y as th�; l�igh`w��; al:;°.-�his l�c��`io�i` h'as a cen�.�� `; s:' ' •; •s t . , r 1 t.is . ��.13. � � �:ti�nin7,. lan�, a:nc� fi�h�;,u�� a� ;1-:he' p_aper_�ty' r�ri 1 y . �L. . `� �� :C'J., , �� � '�� � . - ,_._.. h av° :�f_.Uta .;�� �tra:�L ZC: iii i:�i�'., la � ,; `, o.,cui af�_e� � .. � ,� �,. , ,,, . r b } . .�4,'� ,� � ` ever_�.z�c�s an� c��: fil�e�'t,�e�k�rc�s, ' Rr '_ , r, t �: . . �,�i ' ",, 4 �3:' 5 �.!' , 1 �. r Szi�c�:ielY"i ' �r � ,j ` ':� � ,: ,. � 1't y A l�ty t 11�.r '` �1 s i �.' �� , . . 4 �.�. � t T� ' �. Y S �;. .� .. ...._ Tt r .,`�', `. S{JU`�'F�WFST:'CI�C7IZCH �3Li CHRS,ST r "��.' , ,. +�' ,. - ._ x `� �` . . t,Y � : . � � , . . . ,,.. . . . . .. .. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .:. � - .' :.; �K' ,���;�� Y. �� - . ' . ' � � i ., '[��) , �r �{ . . . �`d` . e . . . . . . � � . . . 'f . � a , 4 .. . � . n .- . . . . . �. . ..i . .. r .� :'. ��I.�S - . '^�...� I . ` ��.�]i . 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'� LI ' � j xF Y� i{P ,�:3 ?� � t�'Y 4 ' �,� � N + � ` _:�� x t - s �� ��< < X�r� R�� ' � ; t� �"' r> ��;' e ,� t R y ir � }�'�^� "' � yr t ; r r �.� 4S> }o�'� .�'� eE j y r'f r�i �`c� t t �i s ! �'f d a. �� � w.:: '. .• .� c 4�.. y r ; , iz ���t� 'rk�. r t .. �' '� � t . .: � u �i�� 4� ,..wcw:ic,.Yi3•�Arw.;1S�Y:.a1:r.�+�m...:l�. ro�rt.t_:��tS;S1�u�:;G:��i�,'S#C:�.;i1�it,'*v.'.l:"'vue^�a� 'xi � '''�`��. � � I,'r'�a w��/7-rvPSLd i � X � 2 t - i. r�.kr �PS<..:r �tu11:."�56t,".::,,.:ewS�id�.:i.,tw �atL_�ila;. -�`,.�:,dUCr�uSk�r?cy.'`]Lu�'dAcr�,."'a::�..1;..d.:witr�.^e�+�.:s�.'+.'«.�. , �, 4. . Tigard Planning Commission r Staff Report � : March 4, 1975 Agenda Item 4.3 V 1-75 Variance of Chapter 18.40.070 , Tigard Municipal Code, to allow a free- standing sign in a commercia.l-professional zone on Hwy. 217 at SW 72nd Avenue (tax �ot 1600, map 2S1 lAC) Applicant Lincoln Properties No. 75 Applicant's Request to be allowed to place a free-standing sign on Hwy. 217 Staff Findings l. Proposed sign in size and design appears to conform to Chapter 16, TMC (Sign Code) 2. Signs for which a permit is required in a Commercial- Professional zone are contro�.�.ed by th� zoning code (Ch. �,#_ 18, TMC) rather than by the sign code (Ch. 16, TMC) . 3. Free-standing signs are not permitted in the C-P zone. 4. "Riders" or auxilliary signs are not permitted in the C-P zone. 5. The Tigard Triangle plan emphasizes: "Architecture rather than signs should be the prime factor in identify�ng o.ffice buildings. WHERE SIGNS ARE NECESSARY TO PROVIDE DTRECTION, THEY SHOULD BE CLUSTERED ON A 'FAMILY SIGN' . " (p. 9, "Triangle Plan��) . 6. The intent of the sign restrictions imposed in the C-P zone is to eliminate competition for visual dominance that is caused by signs designed to attract attention from �the passerby. Iri the south end of the triangle the three commercial-professional projects thus far attempted have from zero to several thousand feet of Freeway frontage. The sole project now exhibiting a permanent sign to the � freewa.y was there before the sign code or the commercial- professional zone was anticipated. 7. Location seems to be more of an issue in this particular request than does whether or not a free-standing sign � should be allowed. A free-standing sign on the access �. .. _: _ _ , . ��, �u �< street or near �he f.ront entrance that would appear more as � a nameplate than as an advertisement may more �.ikely fit the intent of the ordlnance than would an a��owed "wall sign'' facing the freewa,y. 8. The 0�egon State Highway Division offPrs informational ! signing for freeway off•�ramps. � � Staff Recommendation � � � l to be read after public testimony is complated. � i i � ; � z • � ; �n �, '� i� {j i? ( l� � r�' P �,. � E f' b 3 t k P � � � k' j g5 1 M1 � � PC staff report - March 4, 1975 - item 4.3 - page 2 � � S u � � S � . . . . . . � . � . � � .. � � . � � .. . : . . �. . � . . . � . � � .. . . . �. . . . . � � ��.. . . . . . . . :. .I . .�t..�� � ..�. � . ��. . � � � �. �.,. �.....:' . . Tigard Planning Cammission Staff Report March 4, 1975 ��' Agenda item 4.4 V 2-'75 Variance of Chapter 18.44.04U, Tigard Municipal Code, to allow a 10` side yard set back in an M--2 General Industrial zone on S.W. L�ndmark Lane off S.W. 72nd Avenue. (Part of TL 600, � map 2�'I-'12A) ,i Ap�plicant Sabre Construction Company � Applicants Re ue.st � f to be �llowed variance of �the 20 ' required side yard � { set back to 10 ' feet. k f{ Staff Find� � _ ; 1 . Required side yard setback in an M-2 zone is 20� �° � � �� 2. Adjacent site to �;he east (Owens-Corning) is developed �' into parking near the subject setback variance. 4 � � }, 3. Building height near the East:.lot line, in the subject �# variance area i.s 20' according to applicants elevation drawings. 4. Building p�oposed is -t� be set back 60' from front (North) lot �ine, 90' from West ]_ot line, 10' from East 1Qt line � and 0' from Sout�: lot line. ( See sketch att�ched) � � 5. Staff notes that applicants site plan indicates �.ess � than the required landscapin.g in parking areasoaz�d in the front yard. 6. L��;dmark Lane has not yet been accspted by the City of ' Tigard and the major l�,nd partition of which this site is ; a part is not final. � � 7�. Impact� of the proposed variance on neighboring properties � is limited to an impact on the Owens- Corning property to ;: �he East. � 8. No signific�:t impact from this project is anticipated on � any community services or public utilities. ; __ ( Staff Recommendation � to be given following public testimony j �'-:.. � � . . i � i � ; , _ _ __ _ ._ . .. .. ... f . . . . . s.� , .. . � . . . .. f�a+ � � , _..r "_.. ..� .._. _. . � _..... . .�. - - � _— _ _ . . '.".. � �~� '�...... _ .... .....^.-"'_..�..�...�.--����..r. .4:_....�.-�....`� _ .- � i ' ' i I+ �_ ' � ' ' .._�..t y 3�.�1.1 t'. OcYEr�1.S C..�kN1�VC—F 1 :� :; = . , � ; � . . . , . .: f �_ . ., . :1u t i��x� ,.x r, �: ; ; . i . ' � � a ; �• ; ' . • ' ;C.Jt-t�� t,17'1�,l Y j� � � ' j j � 1 'ti; � _ - _ E..�1:�tJ'�:e:"P a} .. i � ;� s !� � - ' .� � � � � � �' i ' . � _ � ` � ' � .r.._, .. ^_ .. I � , � ^ ,' i i s � . ' ' , _. , �$ ' t --j i -S • ' � �i . � + i ` � ' 1 � . , ;i � 1 � }� � r � l� � � — + E�f I��Tlt+�c�t n�G� Pktr'tt�l� ? `+ � . . � ����'•jL:1 �.����Ji: ...._.. . . .r �}�. 1 i �. •4 - • � • . .. . ��� � � . ' � .; - . P..1.��.� , 1{ i r ' �. 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'� � � G s�fN�Y a��.�' ` �: i .a • � Z S00 . 3dt �• .�r.��a w� � �w aswr _ ri � �'i°u` I L a n+rrr w uwe� Z r c'° lu • , $ 3i�.�a i � � / �4� - \ �4Q0 2 i Q . . � -fo• ` � � � GS fA4 � . r.�a�... $W � -r. 2I .� . 8 �> �202 ,�si�,,. � W 25 i —/�� �,.,s � :I.g o Q ,,,� � W � . . . � �I�N� �. ,. y�� . *' a. � �• • ����i . . . . ' " ._ . . rS.t� /1�.�' � � ■«'�a 't. �S��.t. �7l ..�,YY,iI� i��'�� '� � . 4 � •$.W, • ;BONITA . �t��rc�ria—.-��c�ccee�a - — — — — t � — � �. J ���-� . � � � �w � �oo " • . �i�� '��3�'i�`i�' „ ±�a�i�■csr•� y�•7 � ��600 � 4 1901 I'-` s 000 w. 2800 : . � �" 2!G • � e- . '. , e . . I �o���. • sxw. ' I ,aar .�.� � . ..,.. . . � _ .- � . �� , . � � . . r— --P . . � . ��.. ..�-� .� .:. - � � . . . .�. _ �. ...� ..��� � :. � � , I _ . , _ ,,_ �, � ��:� �' �... �� �.�. : �,' , . f...� ._ a^.� ,�� � F: ;. �:,.��LL.� , � r .�BRE � C(�N��RLJCTION s, �i Ct��/1F'AI\lY ; ,� c ��� � ;;i February 10, 1975 € � � _ Mr. Dick Bolen ' City of Tigard City Hall ''I', � Tigard, OR 97223 Deax Dick; Re: Variance Application I '� S.W. Landmark Lane ' ;I Pt, of Lot 600 ;I We wish to submit the following for review by the P�anning Commission: � Variance Requested; . ;;,� A. To place the proposed building 10'0'� off the property line in lieu of the side yasd set back of 20'0" as outlined in the '�M-2 Zone ` Requirements'�, Section 18.�+4.0�+0 Paragraph 2. `��I �• � B. To reduce the front yard landscaping requirements to that shown on � the enclosed drawings in lieu of the 20'0't as outlined in the '�Site Development Plan", Section 18.5$.080 Paragraph 2. , �� � t;�I The following co�nents wi11 be directed to "Variances'�, Section 18,76.020, ' ' ;;I�, Paragraphs 1-�+ and numbered accordingly: ; �'j k E;I 1. The exceptional condition applying to this property is the existence ; �:��I of a rail spur. The M-2 properties in the general vicinity number (15) '' : t.,l of which only (4)' have rail capabilities. The successful operation of this future business depends on rail service, and this pareel of land � ,� is the last available section with this service. �' l� 2. The valued possession of the property, again, is the availability of `'M, rail service. This is the right en3oyed by (3) other property owners sj' in the area, and a right this future business will depend on. �' �,� The design limitations placed on spur construction by the governirig �k�' k; railroad company has more or less dePicted the locations of those �-' ;,, buildings dPSiring rail service. Influencing items related to the • �-, railroad's design are, among others, the number of rail cars serving j�' at one time and the total square footage of the building itself. � � , �s F:.� Sabre has designed and built both existing facilities which borders t �� �. this site. Both have rail service; "Owens Corning" to the east and � � �� "Northern Yards" to the west. The locations of their buildings were E �� � �I . � �� 7225 S.W.Bonite Roed O P.O. Box 23066 O Porclend, Orapon 97223 O Telephon� 'ra03 639-4141, � � , ;;.. -. <_: _ � _. , _. y k, f;s . /� ' 0..� � �. I� �' _ City of Tigard ,� �. February 10, 1975 . Page 2 ;i ,� 2. (Continued) ' governed by the spur track design from the drill track. For this '�to be achieved for the said ro ert in ' P p y question it will require the �; building to be glaced 10'0" off the east property line, due to the limited width of the property, as we11 as those items described above. �`' T:. 3. Authorization of this varzance would not be detrimental to the points � in question. � � y, a. Front Yard Landscape Requirements. t,; An investigation of existing facilities in this M-2 area w:ill show that the proposed front yard landscaping will, at the least, match �I the existing conditions. It is not our intent to reduce this landscape i" area for benefit in development costs. ;: The size of building required for a profitable operation, the necessity for rail service, and the added demand for uninterrupted space for ;; truck maneuvering are the influencing faetors for the request. Off street vendors, although sma11, will require parkin� spac�s which will �. not be a hinderance to the trucking flow pattern. The 20'0" require- � ment would completely destroy this capability. I;; �;i b. Side Yard Setback. Our interpretation of this zone requirement is basically to prevent buildings being conutructed on top of each other. !is you will note on the viGinity map enclosed, "Ow�ns Corning's" building � is located 123'0" + from the property line in question. This area is �° � being used far truck maneuvering. Because of our knowledge of their f, operational procedures and the design incorporated in the building, it ±` , would be virtually impossible for this area to be changed in use or ��' relocated to some other porti�n of the building in the future. Also, � noted on the drawing is the future plan for expansion to the east. �' With this consideration it's obvious there will be a generous space ��' between buildings that will rema,in. �; ,:, (; �+. Considering the building size needed, the rec�uirements for rail service, �: and the truck shipping and receiving area demands, as applied to the lot size and shape, it's obvious that the requested variance is at a �'' m3.nimum. l� The building location on the lot is governed by the rail spur design on �` the south and the required truck maneuvering area to the west. The spur �' being based on the limitations enforced by the railroad and the truck �� area being based on the design criteria as set forth in the accepted �, architectural standards. � � The reduction of f'ront yard landscaping is based on the size of the E� building required as it relates to the total depth of the property and being bound on the south by the railro&d. , . ,.. � , — �--- . .. �. ,. -, .. , .. _ , .., ,.,_a ::..: . . ,,. .�:, ., : , ,.,_�,;.. .. �. __� . . ;.,�..., . �.LL . � � ` . � ( t�� (��`Y �,s�� City of Tigard February 10, 1975 �Y, P�,ge 3 In addition to �he Variance Application and the $50.00 fee, enclosed are (3) copies of �the Title Report, Legal Descriptioz�, Vicinity Map, and Site Development Plan. We have also included copies of the floor plan and building elevations far yotir use. Cordiall ours ` � Y Y � t � SABRE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ' ' / � +n t // . F� / ) ���.Li . , .. s M.D: Magee t� i; Engineering Manager j; . y, ,.: MDM:lfc �� enclosures � i�. , .' �w o i, ; � 4 � i ; e . i f i f � � • , j � � � I I �° _ ,� t �` �... �,_ Tigard Planning Commision � Staff Report March 4, 1975 Agenda item �+.5 TU 1-74 ( Tualatin Development Co. ) TemporarY Use for property located East of S.W. 10gth, approximately 75' South of S.W. Naeve St. withi�he '�Summerfield'� develnpment. i Applicant Tualatin Developmen.t Co. Inc.by Harris-McMonagle associates. Applicants Request to be a�lowed temporary construction. facilities, materials s�torage, an:d a mobile office on the su�ject site far the , duration of the �'Sumrnerfield" construction period. 5taff Findin�s 1 . Tigard Planning CQmmission, February 19, 1974 granted a temporary permit for a nne ear eriod for this facilit . Y P _ Y I� �. 2. no changes in conditions to warrent deniaJ_ of an extension of this temporary permit are noted by staff. Staff Recommendation ! to be given after public testimony. � . � ..� --� - _.�-_ ,..n.. _.:. .� :_..�.. ,..,..... _ �_ _ .�. s� . � C . _ �;. . � � . � . � . . � ,, . . �. � .� . �� . . . ��� �r:� � ���ti . ,� , � . .. . _ ; ,R _ . �� . . � . . . . . . �., . . . . ., ; ' - . i • .� 4 � f. 4 '1: . . . . . . , • , • .. ' ; • � ^��, ��. � �; - � � . , � s .� .. „r,� � .• r���., � I�,r� , .�{ � �Ut-�4 �� � • . � � . ' • • ' . �. . �,.- . 1.. • . .. ••t • � 7� i • • . �� .Y]�l �t�. rr,t.� • �� ' d� . . ���.. .�� '�._ �.-� .�...�.�.�_...��. -.. . . ^ • r ,'.�� a ,'. . � � . 'I.�. . • � •. � , } �••. ~... ••� , � • '•� L• . . ` . . . .� . � - .. __. ' . . � S•� ' • . . • � ' . -' . � � " . � M . . � � ' � . � . . � � � • � I . 1 + � : . . . . � . . '� � 1��.: • S�1Y NO OVIE DRI ` . ,� � ,� �`-✓..,,,�1 '� ' J w srp � � - . s��, - � � _ � � ' • • ' _ • � �StN KA LE ST EF_ � � ~4FbE � v�i���� ','.: . _ . . ' . `� � 5�1� , ',��0 `.��.U � _ ' ' � , srR _ . ' ��-�. �..�,-- a ��r. `O'�JU .�f'C �` � � � • . _ s�=D '. . . . .,t�t�i7���.�� .. . ' � . i fi��� . � = � - ; `� ov�b�-�:.ra ._:� c�a - • � I � '�: • �� i�i�� �o�oop��o� • . � � OOp OpO p Op0O0` � • ,• . . ' " i j ._. ^O QO p0���� . . . I :._ , V���,.l�-1'�" � 1r�Gl�R-C'1" . . • . , . . .• A - • , . • oAO _ • � � • ' • . � • , R ��� rn . ; �,I, ,,.-�..,--ri c'• . . • • • " ' ' . . � �I', � . , t , . i~ . . + } (�III . . . ��� � � � . � . � � ' , .� � . ' 1 • . . ' . : . - � CEN •.* ; ��'. • {; . . . . . . . . OAK i �I . .. - , !� . • . . • �` 1 , . � : �� . . , ' ----,---� �{,. � . _ _ . _ = - ..- �. . .. ..;,. .. _ ,_ . . . . . _ ��, :..lLa..l�-.� '..., i �L - �" � . [ � . . . • • r •. ' ` � ��� � � � . Dur.ham Ro�ad � . ... � . : :� . . i . . . :, � � � . . �� � . . � = � . '� . , , � . �. � . ".j. • . � ' . , . . . j'. . • , � � . .. � . . , ... . y� �. . . . , . . .� . . . .. . � � . � . . . ;��I . . r , _ ; r � � t � . � . �,., �.�. ; HARRIS-MOMONAGFLE .A:SSOCIATE'a� ` I . .. . . . � .. .. . ��N6Zh'L^ERB-BIIYIVAYORS . . . . . � � .. � . . . � . � �� � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... � . . � ��i �: 8906 6.W.QOMMEROIAL 8TRffiET , TZC�ARD.ORE(�ON 97228 i �� Tr�L�rxox�o (608) 6SA-s468 , i February ll, 197� � i Mr. Richard Bo�en ' City of Ti�ard �� Planning Direcl;ar ' , �ity Hall �i�ard, Oregon 97223 Dear 'Dick: As we discussed, the temporary use permit �or the truss wanufactur�.ng facili�y at Sumtner�f.ield in favor of Tua�.atin Developu�ent Co., Inc. �r:ill expire on February 19, l9'15. � mhe cond.itzons reZating to this t�se are �he �a�ne �s they ��ere in Fe�ru�ry, 1971.�; tlzerex"ore we are siibmi.ttin� �his ' 1;�tter as. you sugge�ted as a for.mal request for the conti��tza�ion i � af this tempor�ry use for ano�ther year. i V�e are a�.so sul�mitting lae2°ewith statett�ents �.n answer to Ytem 5 �'ara�rapll �2I of �the �on�.�g re�ulat3ons. "' Very truly your�� � HAIZRI►5•-MCMOr1AGLE ASSOCIATES � , �.--�.�"`..' �.,. ��% , _. � � W. L. .�.onag�.e tNLt�/mc er_cl, �; �. k l i � 1 �:' . ' �� _ _ :�, _ . � , � . , �� e . . . � . . � �,,... . .. � . � . � . . . � - . �.. � ... � � �. . � � ��.. � � . . . :�' p,a . . � . . � � . . . . .. In compl.iance w3.th ths A�Z�lication Fi�.ing Requirements of. pa-ra�rapb. I:�I of �he �on�.ng Variance Adr�inis�ra'Live � Regulations the follotvi.ng sta�ernents are submi�ted in �omplianca with Item 5, �-A - Tlze deve].opment of the Summerfielcl Pro�ect i�rill ' renuire the storage of lutnber and ec�uipment and �he const�uc��ion of a sl7op to serve the area. By having triese faci7.ities on the site it will miniu�.ize tlle transpo?^ting o� material and hea��y equipment over , the exis�tin o as . gra . . . �%�-� � T1ie li.�eral int�rpretation of this ordinance would �.e�rave the �p�Z�.cant of r�.gl��s �or�rnc��1;� �r�.�oyed 'by other develo;�raents for the constructio� of ter�ipoi°ary � ' �acx�-iti�s c�uring constructiono . 5�-C - No action bJ the applicant has caused any problems ' that woulcl require this variaiice, 5-D � No s�ecial privilege is rec�uestpd by the applicant that v�rould 'b� den�ed to o�her lan�,s i.n �he sar�e zoning district. 5-E � The proposed ter�por�ry use of the larsd as sh�ded cal�no� b� r,lade to cnr�form ta �he present zoni.ng distric� and tivz.,l�. :.require a ter,�norary permit to d� so. �., , . . { , ' . . . . . . . N . � . . . � . ... .. . il ... . � . . � �...:.". �N_ .. Tigard Planning Commission � ' Staff Report March 4, 1975 Agenda Item 5 zC 2-75 Prelimin,ar.y development plan and program for development of a site west of SW 121st Ave. south of Summercrest Drive as a plan.ned development Applicant Iron Mountain Investment Co. Applicant's Request Approval in principal. of a 10 acre plarined development of 28 dwelling units on an R-7 zoned site. Staff Findings l. A previously approved PD (ZC 3-6g and 4-6g and CU 1-69) for Lake Terrace; Henry Potter, app�icar�t; has not been formally vacated although development has not occurred. A phase I � . developmen-t was approved by the Ti�ard City Council in 1970. 2. A portion of this site is in the flood plain district as identified by Washington County D�pt. of Public Works on. sheet 5, HUD 701 project No. 73-16-06. 3. Surrounding present l.and use is single family residential. 4. The site to the sou�h of the proposed project is owned by Tigard Schoo� District 23-J and they plan to develop in 3-5 years. 5. The C-5 zoned site to the east of the proposed PD was a part of the previous preliminary PD site plan and has not been developed. • 6. The site slopes fro.m SW and NE toward Summer Creek which traverses the site from NW to SE. A large marsh area along Summer Creek dominates th� site. 7. The site is fairly open to the northeas� with the marshy area in a characteristic littoral vegeta�tion and brushy vegetation to the south west, 8. Drainage characteristics of the soils are unknown, but � ` probably not good. It is noted that drainage problems and septic drainfield problems have been reported to i ; i � . , . � . . . � . . . . .:. :I � ��..,: ��,., the immediate north of the subject site. � r- � 9. Sswerage is within 100 ft. of' the Past property line of the proposed PD, but Tigard Publia Works has not yet determined if the sewer serving that area is large enough to handle additional units. 10. The area is generally identified on the Tigard Cammunizy Plan as "urban �.ow density residentia�". �w I ; I I PC Staff Report - March 4, 1975 - agenda item � , page 2 , � � ' � I . . , . .:: �_., ..� ...,.:..,_._ _. - - � . . . . .,.. ..:: . . .... , .. _ . ,� , _ _ , � _. . . . , . ... ._ . _ � �^ �� � ' � �� , . �. , . ,' ' � . : . � � ���� .�r.� � ....�:���.. �=+ , � . . . : - � . . . . . . . . . � . . � . . , � . . . �,, � . . . . : . . ....` ; .. . �� �.. �.:� : .., �. . .� � . . . . .•. .• :-� , � ' �•� T.�' • .. r.. •+, ►1��`� Lt� f ���•�� . . . � . . �i . � � � {�t �.. . �� � /f'�� , ' t,� I �{�yG°�ti . �� ' ' s . . � .. . • • . .. �i��i� . . v� :�{f r• r �:_•� ;:.S�S �' .+ . .... . . . . � - • 1�.,�, f •r.�.. , ' - _,�..,.__ '__ ._..._. ^--..._.._.. '_^' ' _..._ ;r 'i � ,- • • .� • - t. . . r•:,r 1.� s�. , . � . . , :� • �� -' , , ' _ .. a'• ., - � .� ' . i • ' � • ..' _ • . .. �:. . . . , y • ' • . ;C� _ --' , . . - ... i s ' J . - , • S�1Y HO DVIE GRf ( 'I i � _� � � f 'w . $C=D � .' � S�� ' � • � , � � . � ' �4F I� � Y�y ci�r�� .. . . - • ; ' ' S 1W K A t E 3 T E E , E , .''�' •: � . . � i S Fb Sr _��=D ��t� ' . � � . . . � I RFFT . . � . � - • . . _ '�U �eC � � �� � . 5YD �. � - . .����1-�17:���� � : - . � � � i �e�- - : ' . �. , � p O�pO�:t4 .�.:� �� - . I �/��y��� o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fj� ._. °oo 00 00�0°� i�--i . '. , ' ' t 0 00 00�00 . , • � , �/�,G�t�4'C' � Y��A RC�" . " . � . . .� � :� � . . .. D • ' ' . .. A D �' � . . ' ni : � . � � � R� � ' z ' � i ,-,--r� b• • , � • � � . . . _ . � � I . • � • ' , r . ' . " . � ' . • ` i ' � ' � � � �• . . '_` - . . , • . �' ,I, . ' • • '. •. . . : . . ' CEN :. ! �' i . • .. • . � AK ij� . • . . . �i . • , . ` ' +' �„_,.�-'�-= - - — - - - T�'= -- -� - . '-''� i;: . . -� • , i . � � � � Dur.ham Ro:c�d � � � . � � � - �, .; � . � . . � � � � �; � . , � �= � . � ��� . � . ;;, . - � - � � � �z,� . . ;, � � � . ; . . . ;;; ,:. ... . ... , ... ,., .. . ,,. . _ . , . �:. . „ .. .. _., . ., , �. . ��' . � �2 � ., � � � .� �.��� � � � � ` �.y � � � � � �� � � ���� HAR.RIS-MCMONA(�LE ASSOCIATE�I (('� . . � . . IENCiI2CL"EItB-BU2tV]CYORB. � � . � . � . . � $;'� SfE)OG IS.�V.GOVI11iFRa3AL STREB:T' �J' TZCiAi'tD,OKEGiON 97223 f, �,_ Tr:[.nar��soxm (503) 03fl-3468 ' i F, February 11, 197� `' � . � , -;. . � . . � � . � � � � � . � k'�. � . � � .. . . � . ' ' . ����. r7r. Richai�d Bo�en �,, City of Ti�ai~d ' � Planning Director � �ity Hall � �i�ard, Qregon 97223 . �� ,, Dear Dicks i` f,,: As �ve diseussed, the tenporary use permi.t for 1;h:e truss ; . wanuzacturi�.g f�cility at Suminer�iield in favor of Tualatin �,. Developwent Co. , I�c. w:ill expire on February 19, 19`T5• . ` `� The conditions rela�ing to tI�1� use are the same as they. � ' _��� ltere in February, 15?y.; �lierezore we are sttbmitting this t letter as. you suggested as a rormal request f�r the contiLUa�ion }, Uf this tet�porary use for another year. � °°' �� ,� _ V�e are also submitting he2 etivi�h stateinents in ansvrer `to Item 5 t` Para�-rapll I�'7 of the zoning regulations. �° �� Vex•y �ruly yvurs, �a . �: ��� HARRIS�-MCr�i0I�1AGLE ASSOCIATES � �� �_ � • G�% ' ���-,�•* . � '+,, � �� r r �' ' �'V. 7�. .��Zona�gle � ; � �LI��/mc � ' er_cl. ' � � • �� ' i . , � ,,1 ' � . . . �t. 'i � ' .. �. �� .,�. I . . � . . . .�:� �g,� ..� tb[3 fy � . , � K 4:: �,1 .. .� . � . . j�}.�..i � � � .� .. . .. .. . �: ��� � ��_ � . . � � �� . , ,� -.»..,. . . : .... . ... , _ , . �.;. _�. _. ._... , . . � ., ..,.. .,u ..,. ,.�, � ��.r: ` ' ` �, ' . �,,; In co�vpl.i.ance with the Ap�7_ication Fi�.ing Requirements of. Pa-ra�ra�h I7I of the Zon�.ng Variance Adm3_nis�ra�:ive � Regulations the follo�ring staterttents are subin3.tt�d in compliance with I�em 5. 5•-A - T.IYe develop�ent of the SummerfieJ.d Project tara.11 rec�uire the stora�e of lumber and e�uiputent and the consts uc�ion of a sllop to se1 ve the area. By having these faci].ities on the site it tivill minimize t31e transpo�ting o� mate,rial and heavy equipment aver the exi�t:i�ng road.s, . � ;�-,8 - Tl1e litieral interpretation �f -this ordinance tivould del rzve the ap�licant of r�.�I��s cor�n�only en�oyed by other dev�lopr�ents for the construction of teuiporary faci?ities �ur�.ng con.struction, . 5�C - No aet�on by tlae applicant has caused any problems �h.at' tivoulcl require Lhis var3.ance. • 5-D �- I10 special privilege is rea�uest�d by the applica;r�t that tix�ould be denied to other 1and.s in the sarr�e zan.ing dis�rict. �` 5�E � The proposed ter�porary use of the land as sl-iaded cannot Ue rnade to conform �o the present zoning •district and tivi1.�. r. equire a te��porary permit to do so. ,i . , ',1 ) . �� :I ` � � ����t� � , ,. � � � ;'� , ;; ,, � � ,� �,i �: _ ��: . , i� ,, . _._, _ _ ,._ k ,; �i,`. � � � ���v �i ' �' �. � � z M� AN �YPRIFc�G GOMPANY ��' i I! (. February 17, 1975 I � j; ; c �, Mr. Ronald G. May � The Gi11ey Company � 900 S.W. fifth Avenue � Portland, Oregon 97204 ;. �; Dea r Ron: i� We have reviewed the proposed sign for the L'inco1nwood Office Park, �'' i and we feel that the sign and its location would be atts•active from an aesthetic standpoint, and would also be beneficial by identifying � the Park and lessening confusion as to the other locations in the ;. area. Very truly urs, � �� a �. ,� "•;�J' ' ,y�..+ � . . . . � ,r' J n E. Gomena ; President JEG:jah '' i, �, G I, p �; r- 'r i li i, " �; � � � ( � J; �; , �'� �: Lamb-Weston� Ina General Ofiice; 66Q0 S,W, Hampton Street • f',O, Box 23607 • Portland;'Oregon 97223` Phone 603/639-8612 • TWX 910/458�8796 * Cable: LAMBWESTOM ■t _ _ _ .. . . _ ; .u,.._w��.. . .,;.� , � ,.::�__.. .� _; �..... .u.0 .;:,.,.�.«<._ b ..�. s::�y_...,.. _ . ..._..:�: .3. ,_.>�> .... ._ ..�... _......� , . ..��_ _ .. .....�. ,. ,�...�_w...,.w. , � �/ ` . ,_. FARMERS iNSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON � Home Offiee — 6700 S.W. Varns Rood, Tigard, Oregon 97223 February 28, 1975 Ronald G. May The Gilley Co. 900 ST�T 5th Ave. Portland, OR 97204 Dear Ron: 1 Thank you for stopping by and showing me the plan for the sign on the Lincolnwood development. We, at Farmers, ' would have no objection to such a sign being placed on the property. ( Very truly yours, 4�.: �-._C �,�,�,.., %�u� ,..t�_/. Mil���erh fer � Treasurer MO/mm 4 . � � � �� P � � i � i i I , , � ` . , ,, � . .. . ., ,.€. .. .: r..y; s,_ , ., .;., .; ; r�. ::*;.. . : _�, ..