Planning Commission Packet - 01/28/1975 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. E•� ��;. - MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �I Study Session January 28,1g75 i JOINT STUDY SESSION OF THE PLANNING CONlMISSION AND NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING ORGANIZATION N0. 1 i . l. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL All meml�ers of the Planning Commission were present except Popp II and the following N. P. 0. members were present: James Hart, i Diane Anderson, Don Hanson, Kathy St. Pierre and chairman Cliff Ashley. �, I 3. The City Planner, Dick Bolen, presented a resolution fr:om the City �I Council sending the N. P. 0. #1 Plan, as- adopted i�n May o� 1974, back to the Planning Commission and N. P. 0. for revision. The resolution included specific considerations regarding the Downtown and Paci�ic Highway commercial areas. Bo�en then presented a map showing where zone changes were proposed, based on the Plan as � adopted, and pointed out changes which should be consic�ered accord- _ ing to the direction provided by the City Council resolution. 4. Discussion began concerning the proposed rezoning of some M-3 and M-4 zoned areas in the Downtown to C-3. Referring to a list of the in.tended objectives for powntown developmen.t included in the NPO #1 Plan, Porter made the following comment: "The Downtown objective #1 which states that 'the viability of Downtown as a re- tail commercial, governmental and communi-L-y center should be sou�ht' is actually pretty vague and this objective could be accomplished by doing as 1.ittle rezoning as possible. " 5. Ball responded to Porter's comment by saying that he felt the first P1an objective for the Downtown was being misinterpreted and that its implications do go farther than mere superficial plai�ning treat- ment, to include rezoning, etc. 6. Following these opening comments there was considerable discussion which also included' the audience and property owners on Burnham and Commercial �treets to include: Joan Corliss, Mr. Davis, Craig Eagleson and some other persons repre�enting these property in- terests. The concensus which developed out of this discussion was �i;hat the vacant parcels south of Main St. on Burnham do present potential commercial property and should be rezoned from indust- rial to commercial use, but that the additional land to the south on Burnham is developed primarily into industrial uses and should � remain so zoned, in this case M-•4, with the Air King Co. to be 1.eft in M-3 zoning. In addition, the property now zoned M--3 on _ � �.. �5 � , Commercial St. was chosen to be rezoned C-3, general commer�cial. ; �fr '�. The next item discussed was the Buccholz property and the con- . census of the group was that their entire property (the area now all zoned C-3) should remain C-3 rather than rezoni,ng the rear portion A-2. An additional commp:nt was that provision should be made for screening of th� rear portion of their property from the resie�:ential area when commercial development �takes place. 8. The remainder z�f the m�eting was spent in discussing the frontage road portion of the Plan on Pacific Highway. Porter suggested �hat the zonin.g remain C-3 in this area until the Planning Com- ' mission has conc�.uded their study of the entire Pacific High.way cotnmercial strip. Following a discussion which in.cluded comments from the audience (property owners Fred O1son, Chuck Sterns and John Setniker) , the joint commit-tee chose to eliminate :the pro- posed recessed frontage r�oad and to utilize the existing froxatage road closing it at the southern end and extendin� it to Garrett St, on the north: In addition, they agreed to retain the pro- posed commercial-pro�essional use of •the highway. 9. Chairman Whittaker directe.d staff to prepare a r�v�.sion o� the Plan as well as a revi�ed rezoning proposal for. cons�.deration by the Planning Commission at th.eir February 18, 1975, public hearing. 10. The meeting was adjourned at 12:35 a.m. � �. PC Minutes - January 28, 1975 - gage '2