Planning Commission Packet - 01/21/1975 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. , _; . -, ,., , , - _ _._ � ,. ' �„ �. _ AGENDA j TIGARD PLANN:LNG COMMISSION � � Re�ular Meeting, January 21, 1975 � � Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room � 14650 S. W. 97th Avenue � , Tigard, Oregon 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3.1 Meeting of December 17, 1974 3.2 Meeting of January 7, 1975 4. PUBLIC HEARING 4.1 CU 1-75 (Baunach-Pathfinder Duplexes) Request for conditional use of three R-7 zoned residential �ites to allow duplexes or� residential lots in Pathfinder sub- division, vicinity S. V�T. 107th Court and Fonner St. (tax lots 1000, 1100 and 1200 on Washington County Tax Map 2S1 3AC) . �� A. Staff Findings B. Testimony C. Staff Recommendation D. Commission Discussion and Action 5. SUBDIVISION 5.1 53-74 Variance - Englewood Phase II, south of S. W. Scholls Ferry Road and east of S. W. 121st Street A. Staff Findings �I B. Testimony '�I C. Staff Recommendation � D. Commission Discussion and Action 5.2 S 3-74 Preliminary P1at, Englewood Phase II , A. Staff Findings ' � B. Testimony C. Staff Recommendation a '�` � �� y � �. � r�.r . . � ' � � . . . � � � . � �.. . . .. . �} �^ D. Cornmission Discussic�n and Action 6-. SIGN CODE APPEAL 6.1 SCA 1-75 (Lineoln Properties - Gilley Company) Request for a variance of the sign code requirements in the C-P, Commercial Professi�nal, zone, to a�.low exceeding th� 32 sq. ft. maximum allowable size. A, Staff Findings B. Testimony C. Staff Recommendation D. Commission Discussion and Action 7. OTHER BUSINESS 8. ADJOURNMENT �.:' � � � � � ; �_' Agenda - PC - January 21, �975 - page 2 „'. ; .,.. .�! . , . ; ,; , ,=� �. , . ,� : � , �. �_ ... � `�y1��°�-�"�„'L.,�,y...a'` �,�°€�..��. � � r , 1 �. � � � � � i MTI�TES '� �_ TIGARD 'PT�ANNING COMMTSSION j ��, � �'anuary 21, �.97.5 j '�`wality Junior High School - Lecture Room � �.4650 S. W. 97th Av�nue, Ti.gard, Oregon ; � ' � � �.. CALL TO ORDER ; i A. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.�. by Chairman ; ; Whittaker, � �. ROLL CALL � , �; ommissioner A. All members were present with the exc�pt�.on of C � Popp. Staff was r�presented by Powe13. ;;� a �, APPROVAL OF MINUTES � i A.. The minutes of the December 17, 1974, meeting arid the January 7, 1�375, meeting we�e approved as read. � 1 Br Chairman moved to amend the agenda to add agenda item #7, `i Acceptance of 115�h St. L. I. D. dedications and #8, ,� election o� of�3.cers for Planz�ing Commission. ' ; ` , C. Mr. Fin�tley af Broome, Selig and Oringdulph �res�nted, ii �- sl.ides and px�ogress report on "Farmers Insurance Co. � Office Park". In substance -- the construction is gro- gressing. . .site deve7.opment is slowed for the season due to winter rain. Broame, Selig_ and Oringdulph has plans for a free-stanc�ing sign that they would like to propose on � the highway. f� ,'; D. Chairman Whittaker brought up the N. P. 0. #1 Plan and the �' request of City Council for a joint meeting �to be held at �� a time to be announced. Harris reques�ted that a11 property 4; owners concer�:ed be notified individuall.y of the meeting. €a �� Discussion (Harris-Ba11) of the proper conduct of a Planning �: Commission member with respect to issuance of his opinions ; in public hearin�s and concerning the responsa.bility that such a member may bear for properly stating fact. �; �r l+. PUBLIC HEAR.ING � 1, i. 4.1 CU 1-75 (Baunach-Pathfinder Dup�.exes) i; r � � -Hearing open�d- ` � A. Staff findings: amended staff report and findings were tt presented by Powell. Finding #3 was amended to read � . . .9,o5z.�6 square feet, 7,740.88 square feet and. 8081.01 �; � ' square feet respectively fox lots 1, 2 & 3. j' i� � 1' ; , 4 � , �_ , .. � , , _ � , :. : . ,:.: _ ... . .. : . I� � _ _ ,_ . . _ _ ... _, _ � . \. � Findin #5 was corrected to .reflect the cor.�ect size of 7.ot 2 �7,740.88 sq. ft. ) . �:.: Findin 6 was d�leted entirel with the statemznt that g # y recalculation of �the planimetry had "found�� the missing 65 square feet. ', B. Testimony 1,. Proponents: a. Mr. Baunach, the applieant, described his pro-� posed dup�xes; detailed market conditians that • . he fel� made development of his p�oject desirable and described indicators of community need �q� duplexes. b. Mr. Vincent stated that he was the subdivision �eveloper, th,�t he was satisfied with the pro- ! posed project; that he had assumed that the sub� ' division approval. had inGluded approval of �t�.e � duplexes and that he was there to answer any ! questions that may come up on thE subdivis�.on. , � c. Mr. Ball (T�C) asked staff if utilities were � available at the site and how the Plar�ning Com- � mi�sion had stated i�ts '�approv�al�� of th.e dupl.exes. ! � d. Mr. Powell (a�aff) replied that utili-�ies were available at the site. 2. Opponents: a. Mr. Marzenic, 10725 S. W. Fonner, submitted a petition listing 30 persons opposed. Mx�. Marzen�.� � was oppased to �he increas� in traffic and to � "renters" in a �ingle fama.ly area. � . � �� b. Mr. Hettinger, 13025 S. W. 107th Ct. , �elt that � the developer was in violation of title rest�^iction imposed on purchasers of his lots. Didn't 1a.ke design of buildings c. Mr, Fincher, 10765 S. W. Fonner: opposed, d. Ms. Tierney, 10950 S. W. Pathfinders Goncern�d about the po�sibi],ity of setting precedent fo�^ multi-family developinent and daubts that �his i.s not a �uitable site for duplexes even if there ' �', is a x�eed. e. Mr. Marzenic stated all lots were more than 1/� acre and prop.osed 8000 sq. �t. 7,o-�s wexe too sma11. � P� Minutes , January 21, 1975, page 2 �. _ _ _ .. --,,-_-_.,.._ . , _ , � � � f. Ms. Kartak, �.072(7 So W. Fonner, fears apartments too sma11. � �a g. Mr. Kernan, 10905 S. W. Fonner, opposed to in- creased traffic and vandalism that would result from duplex development. 3. Rebuttal off.ered by Mr. Ba.unach. � � -hearing closed by Mr. Whittaker- � r � C. Staff Recommendation: 1. approval with conditions D. Commission Discussion and Acti.on � '�; 1. Mr. Ba11 asked staff for his reasoning for approva�. recommendation. �. Mr. Powe1.1 re,�ponded �hat the proposal meets Ci�ty code requirements and ?s in line with Planning Commission policy and that the Commission had furthermore com- m3.tted itself at the time of the subdivision approval. 3. Ball felt that no �rior "permission" could have been � gx�anted because the Commission had not the authority `� to grant a zone change in a subdivision ac�tion -- �i � further that coraununity need and the approp�iatene�s ,y of �he glace were the issue and he felt these were '' r�ot demonstrated adequately by the applicant. 4. Whittaker asked fo� reading o� the Planni,ng Commission t� minutes for the 1972 subd�.vision action; voiced con- cern that the Commission in 1972 had "�traded'� the ��s duplex sites for mox�e open space and that Planning �''I Commission policy had been to consider duplexes in single family areas near entrances to subdivi�i�ns �. and on arterials or other und�sirable sites. 5. Nicoli said "no", that most of the subdivision had not been developable and that the Commission had not pro- vided a density trade off; also thaught the units pro- posed were not comparable to the existing single family housing. �` 7 6. Hartman felt a d�n:sity �rade had been agreed to and .` • that the units were a11 right. ;:: 7. Whittaker recalled that the Commission had been in- '�' fluenced by a then proposed adjacent multi-�amily ;�. development and that duplexes had seemed appropriate k,: �il at �hat time. �!fi; �. Is�' a ��I' PC Minutes - January 21, 19?5 - page 3 ,� � �� �- ; ,. . .... . � 8o Ball f�lt netd was no�t c�emonstrated ara.� that, any prior commitment impli.ed was not sala.d; also .��1t tha�t mast �y. of the opponents ' testimony was �nTithout merito 9. Porter movecl to deny the reques� and Ba11 seeondec�e The mota.on carried with a majority of �the Commissioners voting yes and Hartman voting noo �. PUBLIC HEARING (Subdivision) 5a1 and 5.2 S 1-75 E�.�l.ewood PD Phase II Subdivision �Note that staff report says S 3-'74 3,n err�or, - hearing opened - A. Staff F'indin�;s - staff report and findings were �resented, Staff indicated that Exhibit ��$'�, a letter from the Fire Distriet had been the result o a mi , � sunderstandin and g �elt the City was without ��sp�nsibilit . Y . B. Testimony • , 1. Proponents: a. ��Bud�� Raberts of Murray-McCormick Environmental Group presented the preliminary plat ara.d .recited � the reasons for r�quest of a varianceo 2. Opponents a. none were present � - hearing closed - i C. Staff Recommendation: A.pproval. with condi.tions recited in staff r�port as amendedo #6 and #7 wi1,1 b� conditians on the multi.-�fiamily deve�.ap- mento #9 amended to oo ,in tYze 50' righ,t-of-way section000 #10 amended to, 00include dedieation of a temporary ease- ment alon� the 115th right-of-way for u�tilitieso D. Commission Di�cussion and Actiox� Nicoli wantecl to know about greenwayso Hartman moved to table, secorid (Porter) , failed, Hansen movEd to accept subject to amended condzta.onso i Wakem seeonded. � Hartman moved to amend to not allow variance, Da.ed for I lack of seconde � PC Minutes - January 21, 1975 - page 4 S . . . . . . .. , . ... . . . . . . .. . .. .. .�.. . . ,_.�.�, �:... , , ,;. .. ... :....;. .� ,_....,., � .. ...,. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. � . .. .. ,.. ._... ... . .. i . i .J.�, . . - ,�'.�.. . ..':,r _. . . . . . . .. . .,.,•.�. .. ._._. . .. . ....., ..., .. . ...,�� .._ .. .. . .. ., „ ...:_. ,..::...� � a T �. � Mr. Robe:�ts askec�. i.f the commis�lcm, wou�.:a ±�„- :�r.�:e;r�st�cl a.n �y an alterna�i�ve ta Se Wa Sahol.lwood Cte p���,l ��.�.r{�; ao:cth a sketch of an alte•rnative configurati.r�n �u�tt?r�.�; �cnoll.woocl Ct. on HazElwood loop rather than S�:r°ir,.gwc�ud Dri�r�o Ball moved to table with Mre Roberts to come back wzth the amended pl�te Har�man sec�ndede Pa�sed by .m�,j��:r°�ty votee �. SIGN CONTROL APPEAL I 6.1 SCA 1-75 (Gi11ey Co. ) � Mr. Ball an�i Mro Whittaker abstaining A. Oral staff report presented by Powell.o _ 1) Request i� for a temporary 64° rPal estate �i�n and a permanent '72 sqe ft. free-standing sign with two 16 sq. fto "riders" on top and bottom in a C-P zone located in southerly portion of the "triangle" ad- jacent to Hwyo 217e B. Staff Findings �' 1. Applicant has submitted written te�timony conc�r�.ing need and �ardship as indicated in Che 160340 I' � 2. Ch. 16036,040, dealing with signs in commercial areas, reserves all authori-ty to Cho 180400070, (C-P 2onP, �ign provisions) . 3. Ch. 18.40,070 does not deal with r°eal e�tate signs. ' 4. The City Attorney has opined that real e��tate signs are allowed and unrestricted if not sp�cifically dealt with, 5. Cha 18.400070 does prohibit f�ee-�st�.nding �ign� vi.,�a.b1e from the street or public areaso 6. The perman�nt sign proposed by Gi�ley� Coo does not con- form to the zonin� codeo C. Testimony l. Proponents a o Mr e May of the Gilley Co, of�ered a �:.r��sent�tion o� his proposal with i,llu�tration.s of thE praj�c�to 2. Opponents ' a. There were no opponents p�°esen�to P� N�inutes - January 21, 1975 - page 5 V 1 � b �. � , D. Staff Recomm�r�dati.on � 10 Approve the temporary real estate sign �.: 2, Table the permanent sign unt�.l an opa,nion by Mro Anderson may be secured on the legality of a sign cc�ntfiol appeal of a zoning code provision. E. Comm3ssion DiSCUSSion and Action . Moved (Hanson) second�d (Hartman) to approve the temporary sign for a 90 day period -- passed. ', Moved (Hanson) seconded ,(Hartman) to table permanent sig�n. 7. PLANNING CONIlKISSION ELECTION OF OFFICERS . l. Nott�in��ions were oper�ed by Ch�irman Whit-�aker for Chairman. 2q Nominated Whittaker - �. Moved (Wal�e�a) to cast unan�,mous b�],lot for Whit��ker, seconded (Ball) , passed. 4. Nomi�a�ion far ViceTChairman op�ned by Chaix^mano �; �. 5, Nomznated: Hartman, Saka4a 6. Hartman vo�ted Vice-Chairman 8. 1�.5TH ST. L. I. D. PETITION� ; �. Sta�f direct�d to find out what the reasoz� fo�^ chairman's sigr��ture is. 9e AGENDA OF WORK SESSTON DISCUSSED 1. NPO joint meeting 2. Herman is ready to present his work on tran�it plane � 10. ADJOURNED. � ' P� Minu�es - January 21, 1975 - page 6 . , , ` , �. � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ,�r� Staff Report �, January 21, 1975 Agenda Item 4.1 CU 1-75 (Baunach/Pathfinder dup�exes) Conditiona� Use � of three sites located at S. W. 107th Court and Fonn�r St. in the Pathfinder subdiv�ision (SE 4f NE 4, Sec. 3, T2S, R1W, WM) Applicant John Baunach for T. C. Vincent Applicant's Request approval of three duplexes as conditional use on R-7 zoned sites in �he Pathfinder subdivision App�.icant's Proposa�. to build the duplexes as per drawings submitted !' Staff Findin�s ��-' 1. Duplexes are allowed in an R-7 zone by conditional use. � Ch. 18.20.020, TMC) 2. The Planni.ng Commission stipulated to the suitabi�ity � for duplex sites of these three sites (Lots l, 2 & 3, i Pathfinder) in approving Pathfinder Subdivision at a hearing held May 16, 1972. Said lots were platted to exceed � 8000 sq. ft. , but were diminished in size by a 5 ' dedication ' to the City on Fonner S treet. 3. The proposed duplex lots, as now platted, are 9027 sq. fti: ' 7636 sq. ft. and 7935 sq. ft. respectively. 4. Minimum lot size for duplex ( 2 family) use in an R-7 zonE is 8000 sq. ft. (18.20.020, TMC) . , 5. Applicant has stated willingness to correct the size '� deficiency in lot � (7636 sq. ft. ) by deeding a portion , of Lot 1 with lot 2 which will correct the deficiency in. , lot 2. Both sites will then exceed the 8000 sq. ft. mini- , mum. 6. 7935 sq. ft. (lot 3) is deficien.t approximately 65 sq. ft. '� � or the equivalent of another 6�� in width. Lot 3, deficient approximately 65 sq. ft. , provides an additional. probl�m. �;' It is adjacent to lot 4, a single family home site which . �.. �. is 7170 sq. ft. Under the R-7 zone in Tigard in 1972, 7000 sq. ft. was the minimum allowable lot size for that use. The code has since been `changed. to require a 'T500 sq. � ft. lot. App].icant is willing to deed an additional 0.64 feet (paralle�. to the existing common lot �:ine) to mak.e lot ; 3 8000+ square feet and satisfy the minimum lot size re- i quirement for a 2 family use, Lot 4, whil.e reduced in area, � wou:ld meet the lot size requirement under the olci code but could not meet the new code requirement even were the lot , line not moved. � 7. Applicant,'�s site plans appear to conform to applicable set- i backs, access and driveway requirernents and site coverage � limitations. I � Staff Recommendation � , 1 S�taff recommendation will be given after the Commis'sion has � heard all relevant testimony and the hearing has been closed. ' . , x A�.�r�riate Actions' � ��' The ComTnission may, at its discretion, (1) approve the con- ' ditiona� use, (2) approve with conditioMS such as: � t o that site screening and landscaping be provided per uirements Ch. 18.58.050) �' A-�2 zone req ( o that each site conform to the 8000 sq. ft. minimum area. disa rove � �,.. �3) PP � �a_ ` (4) table pending �urther information i,, , ; �� � � � � � � � �� x . ;, } � � � � f � ; � i j � � t PC Staff R:eport - Jan. 21, �-975 - Itern 4.1 - page 2 � ; ; i . . . . . � �� . . .. . . . .. Y . � . � . , �� .,.,. .. , ......... .. , r ..�.. , , . .. . .. . , , . ...: ;.,�, , . , ,... r. � � . . ' t ,:.: � . .... � �;�:.. . �..,.;.� . ... . . ..'. r:�. � .-..: "_ 4 " p , l , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARZNG . '�'�" CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION �.t.. . Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the P].anning Commission of the City of Tigard at Twality Junior High School in the Lecture Room �at 14650 S. W. 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon, on January 21, 1975, ,at 8:00 p.m. with respect to .the following: � : Request for conditional use of three R-7, zoned residential sites to al ow -duplexes on residential lots in "Pathfinder'� subdivision, vicinity S. W. 107th Court and Fonner St. (Tax Lots 1000, 1100, � and 1200 on Washington County Tax Map 2S1-3AC) . . All persons having an interest in this matter are invited to attend and be heard. �1�vLr �♦ 1 • v 1 1\l�L 1 � ��a . ` � � llAf �'� � . 1 w .� � ' � �'� I � ) 4p� � ' ♦01 200 ,»,�, Ib4 p7 � d �aata ' o.i7/•. o..ue .N•�r ..l.lAr i:iB '�c .7!�e � ; 'S � , 2003 � � ' o __ ' F �ek 01/ �'� ) ne I y � a y. ,,���)a r�A � :J I�1 �07 ��� '---JM__ '� � F -T�.��7 - - - �11J' GT ., .77 4. j� ' � N . 0 4 I !.II At '�° 19 i� � � � �� � . saa 41 o�,ti 106 f03 IQS —��- �o .t.f4� .l6Ae � - . � ��-� . �.� J�` � i� r � sr a. �s . . :� I � ,�t ; 09 i 402 t� o �.�s. � �� sex cri � 14 � 102 � � �o.t .p�'� � I 'I +,��� :O • �in» no b+ �Iw 7� �w .� � ,�,,° 2300 S �. • .� 91 At. �Ik '�1! .�>•u• � .:i�•' : nf ���' � rp ` 600 � •�[• � �� �� 406 o.�s.e. t ��:�l:a • � •°` � .!lAC _ �t::.{Oj�lQ i: - ��� � ,_�_ h�;,:':.;;::`...,r;.,,.�y.J � 2400 �„'1j C� . 1 �� . .7llc � I ! . J.rii! 'fr•�..;:�:'ii�� ,k ,. �^ .� ��.� ..1%r,;... 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TTGARD PLANNING COMMZSSION Staff Report � January 27_, 1975 Agenda Items 5.1 and 5.2 S 3-74 (Eng�ewood Phase II) � Subdivision Variance & Preliminary Plat Approval for second phase development of a planned development site south easter�ly of S. W. 121st and Scholls Ferry Road Applicant Commonwealth Properties Applicant's Request Preliminary plat approval for 67 single family building sites, a 5 acre multi-family site and a common greenway; a variance of Chapter 17.4�4.040, Tigard Municipal Code, to allow side- walks on one side only of S. W. Hazelwood Loop Staff Findings c 1. Previous actions concerning this project: �._. ZC 2-73 (Wash. Co. 5-R to Tigard P. D. ) , Tigard Ord. 73-17 S 1-73 (Englewood I) 2. Conditions previously attached to the overall development are attached hereto as '�Exhibit A". 3. The preliminary plat submitted appears to conform to Chapter 17, TMC, as conditioned by provisions of Ch. 18.56.Q40 TMC and Ord. 73-17, City of Tigard. 4. The applicant's requested variance of Ch. 17.44.040 conforms to City code based on the applicant's statement and on pro- visions of Ch. 18.56.040. 5. The project is within the jurisdiction of Washington County Fire District #1 which may reserve rights to approve this project independently. 6. Provision of utilities to Englewood I have been hampered by lack of access f.rom the south to the site. Staff Recommendations Staff recommendations will be presented to the Commission after � all public testimony has been heard and the hearing is closed. �.y � Avail.able A�texnatives The C�mma.ssion mayc ��.. l. approv� 2. approv� wi�h. can.da.ta_nns such as those 1.i�ted. la�low� I, I 3. disapprove �I 4. table enda.n furthnr xnfarmation n � �App�a.c�ble Conditions �.. that al7_ pertiner�t conditions set fo.rth in Ord�Szance 73-17 b� faithful.ly adhered to 2. that th� applicant provide a detailed landscaFe plan in accordance with Ch.. 18.5� �nd 18.58 TMC before final. plat appr.oval. Such glan w?11 reflect the condit�ons in "1." abave 3« Hydr�n�t location for a fire �'ightin� water supply must; be :i.nd3.cated on pl.at and be �aceptab].e to T�Tashington Caun°�y Fire District. 4. Str�et and right-of-way widths must a�l confarm to Ghapter 1�.28.t�8(7, TMC. �- 5e Construction p�ans for street i�provements ��ill be reviewed and apps�oved b� Tigard Pu.blic Warks bef�re construatian may be start�d. 6. An adda.tiona.l 5 ft. of ri�ht-of-way on S. W. 121st be gr.anted along th� mul�ti-�:am:i.ly tract. 7. 'She aPplicant wil1. secure the proper and timely approvals from �h� Oregon State Hi�hway Department for improvements to S. W. SCh07.,1.5 Fex'2'y RO^�d. 8. Access to multi-family tract may not be within 1.00 ft. of Scholls Ferry on 1.?_lst. 9. Construction and landscaping of S. Vd. Springwood drive wil� be compatik�l.� wa.th those in the Phase I development. 1.0. The applicant will include development of 115th Avenue �.n. tha�s Phase II deve�.opment. 1.1.. 1� 5 ft. easement �or utilities be provided al.ong a1J. �.ot lines excepting only that shou�.d a building be bui�t acro�s such an easement and the Pasem�nt is not in use, the easement may be vacat�d. � , PC ataff Report - January 21, 1975 -ltem 5.1 & 5.2 - page 2 � . _ _ _ _ _ . • � ,�:� � . � � �'p�. �3�-l� :.;� {�, � Sy,�� ' �� ~ n rt �_' F �� EXfiIBIT ��8�� ,: _ .��. �,l,/ . . �F`, •%'.' �.,. � l. That a proc�ram for development of the open spa�e be submitted. This program could phase open space development with the construction phases of the project. As each ghase is completed, the o�aen space to be developed as part of that phase should be � • developed prior to issuance of occupancy permits, unless security equal to t�h� cost of the improvements, as determined • by the Planning Director is filed with the City assuring such � installation within six months after occupancy. "Security" may consist of a faithful performance band payable tn the City, cash, certified check or such other assurance of completion approved by "�he City Attorney. i . a) That the greenways, as depicted on the master plan concept ' as filed with. the City after completion of the improvements as requixed by the City, shall be conveyed to the City for puYilic park purposes. . 2. That the praperty owner (s) will support the formation of a Iocal improvement district now or in the future to bring S.W. 1.21st Avenue up to City collector street standarc�s, and that the present property owner (s) shall execute a recordable covenant in �ccordance herewith. 3. That site development plans and the architectural design of the multi-farr,zly dwellings shall be subject to approval of • the Planning Commission prior to issuance of building permits, . �- to insure campatibility with tt�e single family n�ighborhood. ' ' 4. 'That a ' ands�aped earth Lerm be installed alony 121st Avenue ,� � and Sch�� : ls F'��r ry Rc.�.-s�� to nel�: prov� .�e p: : va�;y for dwellings ad�oinzny sa ir.; stree± s. P Ians� for •.��e kic�rms and landscaping� shall b� a�proved by � he Planniny llcpar. tr, `nt ar,d implemented '` prior to c���cupancy of aff.ec�tP:� dwellings . 5. That single family lots �hall :onform to City R-7 standards, with the excepti.on that zero lot line or cammon wall homes may be appra•�ed by the Planning Commission. 6. �rhat 5 fe���. be dedicated to the City alor�� 1.21st Avet�ue and 10 feet aiung Scholls Ferry Road, to provide adequate right- of-way width for fUture improvements. . 7 . The general Development Plan and Program shall revert to ' concept "B" (as submiti.ed by the applicant) in the area bounded by S.W. i;nglewood Road on the north and a, �.�'. 115th . on the east and the 'rigard Evangelical Church on the west if the proposed school site in this site is not desired by the �3eaverton School District. 8. That the applicant shall dedicate to the �ity of 'Piqard, a � 2. 5 acre park site at the southwest corner af the intersection �, of S.W. Englewood Road arid S.W. llSth. 9. That deciduous shade trees be planted in the traffic islartd planned i.n the center of �nglewood Road between S.W. Scholls _ Ferry. Road and the southern terminus of S.. w. De llwood Loop at S.W. �nglewoad Road. , a- _ _ , _ . ,. _.:. _ .. . . ,ai�',, xF �.�d it.��.n�...kc.�b ..�.t,�..�. ., .�„.,.. .,. _ . _ ,.. , . � y,;.y,,. ,. , ... �. . , ___ .. .—. -.+:�-'ti.i �'W�.r+. �y_�� ..k �'�' ny'IqK.y 1��'.� ��. ... ,.,..� ;a,;t. �+... .�':�4 • . . �:.�.; ,K"r. ...:�,. ., ... i._,�. .. . ...war,.�.«n 9�, �.,,F� • r � / , � �g� *� �.,4 . � � � . � . r . . T�.�....�1.� . . . � 1�y�y�}.'.,'� . � . �.'. . � . � . . �`[nJ�. .. , . . . . , . ' � ' ������ . � • � . � . .11��Y. .,f,. . . . � �'/ �"� : . lU. That, ir� order ta pr•omote maximum public safety for pedestrian � ;� R and bicyclists, the applicant shall provide a minimum three E`�.: � £oot '1� landsc�ped separation b�twesn the proposed traffic � �aay and sidewalks in the proposed` S.W. Englewood Road right-af- � way. Additionally the� applicant shall provide a minim�im six foat wide meandering la�ndscape'd pedestrian/bikeway along, and separated from, - the pa�ed portian of S.W. Scholls Ferry Road. Th�s facility . ancl its landscaping shalA� be coordinated with th e landscaped bez�m recommended by the Planning Commission. Plans for the berms, landscaping and pedestrian/bikeway shall b� approved by thz Planning Department and implemented prior to ' occr�p�ncy of any adjacent apartment ��.�-ing units. All sidewalks and ped�strian/bikeways within the project shall have a smooth transition with streets construc�ed within the pro�ect. ,This is in order to £acilitate the movement of , bicycles �nd wh�elchairs throughaut the proposed development. 11. Triat the ar�as designated for apartment develo�ment be limited ' to a d�ns i t, of 11' ur�.ts per gross acre. ].2. That the portion of' the P-D south of S.W. Enylewaod Road shall not be subdivided until such .time as S.W. 115th is brought up to existing City standards. 13. That S. 6V. 115th be barricaded during construction of the proposed ,�e��elopment in order to avoid inc•reasi ng traf£ic on � an inadeRUat� street. 14. '�he developer to provide adequate right-af-w�y to accomplish lpft �urn traffic movements at hhe in�ersec�.ians vf S,t�'. Scholls Ferry Road and S.w. Fnglewood 7ri�ve and at S.W. �nglewood Drive and S.W. l:lst Avc-•rn�e. Rx.ght-uf-way •�idth �hall meet State ' Highway J�e� +rtment. standards. ; � �_ - , , r � . , : � .:n