Planning Commission Packet - 08/06/1974 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � � � _ rr��.,. ��;-,;� � � � ��T � �.,: � �_ AGENDA TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting, August 6, 1974 Twality Junior High School - Lecture Room 14650 Sa Wo 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon i PUBLIC HEARING - 7e30 Po M. I I 1, CALL TO ORDER I 2o ROLL CALL �I 3o APPROVAL OF MINUTES I 3a1 Regul.ar meeting of July 2, 1974 ' 3.2 Regular meeting of July 16, 1974 I �. 4o PUBLIC HEARTNG - Zoning Ordinance Amendment I I 401 ZOA 6-74 - Proposed ordinance repealing that portion � of Chapter 18a289 Tigard Municipal Code, allowing �ire retr�ading as a conditional use, Staff Explanation Testimony Staff R�commendation � Comnnission Discussion and Action ; i 5e SUBDIVSSIONS - Preliminary Plat Approval �f � �� � � I 501 S 1-73 (Greenway Terrace) � • j ��" � Location: So Wo ll5th south of Se We Fonner Street � i Staff F�indings ! Staff Recommendation � ; Commissian Discussion and Action j i 6o OTHER BUSINESS j % 6,1 ZC 4-73 (Farmers Insurance) i � Study s�ssion to determine if general development plan ! and program informatic�n xequirements have been met by � the applicant as per Section 180560030 (c) , Tigard Muna.c.ipal Code e � ; , I � : _,,, __ _ _, . _ , . . _ _ _ , .. _,. . , _. ,_..... .,�._ ..;,.,,..� _ ._. _ .._.._. ..__._�_.��.J ;� �,: � .. � ,, �..' �. 602 S 6- 2 Surnmerfield) � 7 � A request by Harris-McMonagle, engineers for the � '�Summerfield�� development to review a proposed u street pattern and minor change in the ''Summerfield" ; general development plan and programo � ;! 603 Discussion = Street and Road Policy �� �� � �� A revised version of this pol.icy r°eport was reviewed �� by the City Council at their July 29, 1974, study ; session, At this meeting the Council suggested re- ; view of cer�tain aspects of the report �nd referred � the document back to the Planning Commission for r' furth�r studye � �, � � � ,{ 6 0 4 An,y Othe;r Business '�, ,„ t 7o Adjournment �' �.. :: ;i k' 4_ ' I �,. }',;; k' �, �: f, �. 1 � � � !; � �; � . f Agenda - Planning Comm�.ssion - August 6, 1974 f s E , �' I ; �.- _ : �.. .�.. ,...�w , R_ _;�,r �_.. . ,. �,� .,. ....,. .. , .. , ..., _; . : � „ .._.. _ ,. . �. _.__ _,. ., _._. . ._.. . � _ , _:,.:., ._. h._ . . . ...... _ ,__.. � � ... � rt��� s �,��.=x , ` �- ��- �. MINT?�r�� � TTGAR.D PLANNING COMMTSSION August 6, 1974 Twality Junior High Schoal - lecture room �.4650 So Wo 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon 1a, CALL TO ORDER I A, The mEeting was c�l.�.ed to arder at 7:40 pem, � i 2a ROLL CALL ( � A, P:r�sent; Ba.11, �ax°khur^��t, Ma�ckelson, Na.coli, S�ka�t��., i; HansPn, Chairman Wha.ttaker9; st�ff inembe�s y Brook� and ]3�len !`, Bo Absent: Hartman !� �, APPROVAL OF MTNUTEa �� �j; 3el The minutes of the July 2, 1974, and July 16, 1.97�+, � meeta.ngs were approved as s1�.bmitted, �... 4. PUBLIC HEAR.2NG - Zoning Qr,din.ance Amendment 4,1 ZOA 6-74 - Proposed ordinance repealing that portian of Chaptsr �.8028, Tigard Municipal Code, allowing tire x�e- treading as a condit:ianal use, � A, Staff Expl�.nation ��' � 1, Braoks explained this proposal. stating that it is �;' related to the previous approval of tire retreading � in the M-4 zoneo This action would remove tire re-- c tread.ing a� aonditional use in the C-3, General j Commercia� zone as the previous a�tion allowed tire retr�adin:g a,n th� M-4, Industri.al Park zone. � Bo Testimony � C ]..o No one was present to tes�ify either for or against � this item. � i Co �taff Recommendatian � 1 e Sta:ff r�commended appr,oval o.� thzs itenn. � �. ' E , ' ! , � „ ., , , _. , . , .. .... � , ;: ; �l , . , ... . .q.. ' � . . . .. � . . � . . � .. .. • � . � � i..:.. . �M.. .. .. � � . �.t.::�, . . . � . � . .. . Do Commissi�n Discus�ion. and A�tic�n , la Barkhurst moved that tire ret�eading be repea�.ed fx�om the canditional use portion of Chapter 18028 (TMC) s Bal� seconded •the m�tion and it passed by un�ni�m�u� vate of the commission px�esents 5o SUBDIVISIONS -� Pre7�iminary Plat Appr�oval " I 501 S 1�73 (Gre�nway 'Terrace) � '' Locati,�n: So We 115�th south of S, Wa Fonnex° St.r°ee� Ao Chairman Whittaker �.nnouncecl that this a..�em was being set over ;to the next regu�.ax° P1ax�ning Cam� mission meeting so as to allow suffa.cient time fa� a required public notice relata,ng �to varianc�s from standards of the �ubdivisa.on orda.nance, 6o OTHE�. BUSTNESS �.;,' 6,� ZC 4-73 (Farmers Insurance) Study session to determine if genezRal develapment plan and p�.�o�ram infarmation requirements have been met 'by the applicant as per Section 18a56,030 (G) , Tiga�d Municipal Codeo A, Staff Expl.ana°ti,on ,; i 1 a B.ro�ks explained tha�t the purpase of the meeta,ng was to review applia�.nt's subma,ss3.on so �:he Planna,n� Commission could determine if the applicant h�d � subm�.tted sufficient informa�ican to make a detexm�.n� ata.on in this matter. Brooks revi.ewed the staff � r.eport stating there was same adda.tional inform�tion � the P�.anning Commissa,on ma,ght f:i.nd neeessar.y. This � informat�.on was described a,n the s'taff reparta � I�o Discussi.on � lo Representatives ��om Farmer� Insu��nce present to � discuss this item with the Plann�,ng Commi,ssion � were: Bud Oringdu�.ph and Bill Findlay, project arch,itects and Mike Oberhoffer from the Farmers � Insur°ance Group. ; � � 2e Mro Oringdulph began by prov�.din�; �ustifi,ca�tion fax^ those variances fram the standarda �eport by �he Minutes - PC - August 6, �974 - page 2 � , , _ :: , _ �; _....,�, ... ..�.�:.._. _..: : • � � . �n� Ti.bard. Municipa1 Codee Chairman Whittaker interrupted him, pointing out the purpose of the meeting was not ta discuss the mer�its af the variax�ces, but rather to make certain that the in�ormational items necess- ary to meet the code were listed as part of the re- quested CP-PD zon� change� 3o Brooks voiced his concern that the un:derlying zone would be CP, Commercial--Professi�nal, a�lowing a maximum of 15 sq.uare foot aize signs� Bronks suggested the al�.owable sign area would not adequate�,y servE the bus,inesses located adjacent the freewayo 4o Whittaker sugges�ted that signs of �n adequa�te size to identify the businesses lnc�ted here could �be I al�.owed as one of the vara:ances included in the zon chan ee PD e g 5, The Plann�ng Commission then discussed the issue of whether or not a market analysis was needed and the issue of proving public needo 6 o Whittaker stated his preference for� a m�.rket ana�.ysis o �,� 7. Ball stated the Fasano deczsion, which speaks �o the provin.g of public need �or a zone change, does nat state how pub�.,ic �eed is to be prov�n. The ma:rket analysis is on�.y one ingredient of prova.ng publ�.c need and an impartan�t aspect of this praof is alsa land plannin,g wha.ch a�s being well demons'trated by Farmers Insurancea In addition, the fact that thi� project wi11 be built in p�as�s over a period of ' years makes any market analysis submitted at this j time of little value for 7.ater stages af the project. � Tn fact, the Planni.ng Commission has rewritten the PD sectian af the zoning ordinance to a�.low a phase developmen�t such as being proposed tonight and the market analysis would be invalid for �this type of t land� planningo M ; 8o Bud Oringdul�h stated th,at mos�t of the buildin�s to be constructed in the project will, �n al�. lik�lihood, be ps^e-leased, precluding the need �or proUf of a market neede 90 Mike Oberhoffer� fram Farmers Insurance said, in terms of prov,ida:ng vehi.cular access �to tne proposed pro jec�, that the company is presently work�ng with the atate of Oregon in an effort to pravide a four-way �.nter- � Gh�nge at HighwaZT 27�7 �nd So Wa 72n.d Avenue. Minutes - PC - August C, a.974 - pdge 3 � :. ., . ; . . ,..; ,. � . . ,;; ...v. .: i.. . _.:.�;.,.. .... �:..;:. .,..,s . . �,.:: ... :._: �.._...... . .....�... ,. .._.......� .>._... , ._.'. � ,.. .. . ,.. _. . . _._. . ._ _._.. .,.. . .�._ �.,..: . ._�. I . .� � � � � � . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . � . � . . � �.I � . � �. . . . . �4 .. � � . � . `,_ � �. � .� �. � .I �� 10o Hansen moved �to acknowledge that the submission by Farmers i� adequate with the excep�ian of the five following itemso o Statement of proposed devi��ion o�r v�r�iUnces from standards of Title 17 and 18, Tiga�d Municipal Code, and justi�ication for such deviations or varianceso o Commitrnent to �omply with the off-street pa:rk-- ing standax°d as described in Sectinn 18,60, Tigard Municipal Codeo � o Explanation o� Br�ome, Se�.ig & Oringdulph and Partners ' role as overseers of the a�°chitectur�l design aspect of the proposed developmento :� a Sa�mpl,e staternent of landscaping character Q related to density and configur�tion of p1�nt � materials and including a statement with respect to the preservation of existing treeso � o A ositive statement of goals and pbjectives for � P � the sub 'ect ro 'ect, ' � P J �,._ 110 Barkhurst secanded and the motion p�ssed by unanimous vote of a�l the members p;resento 6,2 S 6-72 (Summerfield) A reques-t by Harris-McManagle, engineex� �o�° the "Summer°- � fie�d'" development, to review a proposed street pattern and minor change in the '�SummerfiE�.d'� genera7. deve�.opment program� Ao Sta�'f Explan�tion � �, Broo,ks explained that the Tualatin DeVe�opment � Corpo is requesting a minor change in the � Summerfield general develapment planning pro- , � gram which would allow a change in the street ( patterno The s�reet to be affeated would be 109th and t�e purpose is to provide a more cix- cuitous route to Se WA Naeve Street and �he�eby Pacific Highway4 This wauld tY�ereby dis�ourage tra�fic north through the praject reaching Pacific Highway and would tend to k�ep through traffic on the .designed co�.lector stree�, Summerfield Drivee � Minutes - PC - August 6, 1974 - Page 4 .. ; . _ , ...}_n� �, .�:.,�m�,. ,� � .,,,_..,,: -� � ,..�:�:: ' , �_ � �4 Bo Discussion lo Bill McMonagle, the project engineer°, was present to speak for the app�icant and stated that the need was to discourage through traffic in this portion of the projecto He also stated th�t Summerfield wishes to put homes along So Wo 109th rather than townhouses as origin�lly ap�,r°oveda 2o Ball asked if Tualatin Development Corpe wa� then as.king for a density transfer, that if this minor change were app�°ov�ed, would they then as,k for a higher clensity in their apar�tment and townhouse areaso 3o Mro McMonagle replied no, that the company was responding to a market demand for mor^e single family than multi-family units and there was no intention of as.king for a density trade-o.ff, 4. Hansen moved to approve -the minor change for re- aligna.ng So Wo 109th and changing lots 234 through 258 from townhouse ta single familyo � Barkhurst seconded and the motion passed by �.�, unanimous vote of those members presento ,, 6.3 Discussion - Street and Road Policy A revised version of this policy report was reviewed by ; " the City Council �t their July 2g, 1974, study sessiono At this meeting the Council suggested review of certain aspects of the report �and referred the document back to the Planning Commission for further study. Ao Staff Explan.ation lo Bolen presented the revised version �f the policy to the Planna.ng Commission stating that the City Counca.l had reviewed it and found it to be an adequate solution to these decisian making pr�blems wi�h the exception of some minor arease These areas were ascerta�.ning �the legality of the City placing a 1.ien on a persan�s property who was given a subsidy fox his portion of the LoIoD. and the '�aSis for granting subsidies to retired pe�sons. The Council felt that possibly ather person�� suoh as disabled shauld a�.so be granted a subsidy � for their share of L.IoDo p�ojects Minutes - PC - August 6, 1974 - page 5 ' '. �, � �', � �... - � � �. � �. �; $o Commission niscussion ; l a After discussa.ng this item the Planning Com- ; rnission instructed the staff to include a ; policy statement referring ta the types of � hod to be used b the Cit when ;'� assessment met s Y Y determining public benefit pertaining �to an LolaDo projecto They also asked the staff to �! do further reaearch on establishing a poverty ;� income standard, pos�ibly one �that woulci be 4' geared in to the cost of living ,increaseso � Finally, they asked that street classificati�n �� standards be finalized by the sta.ff, ��'' � 6e4 Lake Terrace Subdi�vision �' E:'. This item was brought to the Planning Coznmission ori ar� �; emergency basis be�ause the developer, Joe Chamb�rlain, ,; � found that drainage problems would not a11ow a street �! to be constructed at the width required by previous ;i Planning Commission approval of this subdivisiona �:� i,ti� A. Staf� Exp�anation E; 1� �,ro 1 o Brooks expl�a.ned that the westei�ly st�°eet af the Lake Terrace subdi,vision cannot be con- structed to the width rec�uired by the Planr.ing omm' a,on because s rin s have been uncovered C a�ss p g on the westerly slop� ad�acent the streeto He ` stated that an additional two feet wau�.d b� re- ' quired adjacen�t tk�e street to adequately handle �� �; this drainage p�obl�mo He also s�tated th�t he r� had consulted Fred Anderson coneerning the � P�.anning Commissiori authority to act this � evening on this matter and it was his opinion t' that it shauld be considered in a public heari,ng. Bo Da,scussion �. le Mra Chamberlain was pres�nt and explained the �� need �or narrowing the street to provide in- � 5tallation of an adequate drai.nage system azzd � also the need to do this as soon a� possi.ble, because the slope on the adjoiniri� property was � being adversely affecteda He stated his belief x the Planning Commission has the authority to � act on matters such as this, especially when they are of an emergency na'�ureo � � , � � � Minutes - PC - August 6, 1974 - page 6 1 i . . � . . . � . .,-:. �•- . :.�.�: ,7, .. �.,,� . �...:. ,,... �-,....;.,:,. . . - ..,. .�,.^�� . . . . . , . � . �... . .. . . . ` . � . .. r � � . �. . . . � . .. � � �. .n .. . . . . � � pP4�'. . . . � � � (` . . . . . . . � . . . � 4...��. � � ,. . . . .��y,.. . � . � . � 2o Mickelson asked if ther°e weren't �ome emer�g�ncy clause that would all�w the Planning Commission ; to give their° �pp�ov�1. without ho�.ding � publ�.c hear°ingo 3° Whittaker polled the Planning Cornmission and they agr�eed that they should act on the mattero 4o H�nsen then made a mo�tion that due to the exist� ence of an emergency, tha�t the west�r°ly street of the Lake Terrace subdivision be reduced by two (2) feet from the width previ�usly required to allow �.nst�llation. of a drainage sys�tem �nd to minimzze slippage of the adj�cent b�nk and to affset potenti�l dama�e the�°eby to the adjacent ownex°'s praper�tyo Nicoli seconded the motiono 5e Barkhurst stated his belief that the item should be considered in a public hearing, although he was very sympathetic with Mro Chamberlai.n�s situationo He said that the applicant shou�d bear the burden �f viol.ating the o�°dinance, not �.`' the Planning Commis�iano 6o The motion passed by a majr�rity vote with Bal�., Bar,khurst and Sakata voting nayo 7. ADJOURNMENT A o The meetin.g was ad journed �t �.0:45 p e m o , � � ` Minutes - PC - Au�ust 6, 1974 - p�g� ? . .. ... ....--''"`.....*�� . . . . . . . � . ._.. . . . . . . .. � .— . . ' , � � � . � a..i . .. . .. . ,.-,� . : � :�- ..',,, c: ._ . , . ...� „�_ ... ._.... , . . ..., ..: ., . : . .. ., . ,... . .::-:. ::. . ,;:.u', _,� ...: ::. . .,: �,� .,. ..,., . .. .,.F t. � � � . .. . ... .. i6`N 7 �f��..tN'�� . v. . � �� . � ���,��„�� . ,,. TIGARD PLANNING COMMTSSION , , � Sta�f Report August 6, 19'74 Agenda Ttem 6.1 � ZC 4-73 (Farmers InsurancF) ' , Concernin� Section 18 5�.03� ��) : �z�ard Municipal Code, said section stating: ��Upon receipt of the petition accompanied by the general development plan and program, including all plan and program elements as hereinafter set forth, and the additional informati•on required by subdivisions (1) , (2) 'and (3) of subsection (b) of this section, the � planning commission and s'taff shal3. review the same in one or more study sessions and shall make a deterrnination: that the in�ormational requirements are complete and , thereafter the planning commission shall proceed in accardance with Chapter 18.88 as for amendments to this title, and shall ho�d a public hearing on the proposal in accordance with Chapter 18.84. " ' Staff Findings ' The following items required by Sectian 18.56.030 Tigard Municipal Code are considered, by the staff, �to be not adequate�.y .descri�ed �" in the applicant' s submitted General Development Plan and Program: 18.56.0�0 (b) (3) : Statement of proposed deviat�.ons ar variances frc�m standards of Title 18 & 17, `�'.M.C. and justi- � fication for such deviati.ons ar variances. • 18.56.03� (d) (1) (L)(M) : Starxdards for parkirig and l�ading areas; dimension of spaces; width of aisle.s; turning radius; site � distance in parking areas. ' lEi.56.030 (d) (1)(N) : I'rel.iminary Axchitectural plans and elevations of typical buildings; � need statement of general building � design and visual indication on i each parcel of how much land area � each building will cover. 18.56.030 (d)(1) (0) : Preliminary tree planting and 1and- scaping concept plan; should be visual concept showir�g density and tion of trees shrubs and ' ura � confa�g groundcovers; also should include . �} positive golicy.of preserving exist-` ing trees. , . , , ,, � .:_..., .�.�. :,.�.. _�.,. .��_. .�_,. _._ .� . � . : ,, . . __, .:.. .. .,..; _. . _. ._ .. ._,_. _ _ . . _ ., . � ��, � � . .. e. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING � CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION � Notice is hereby given th�t public hearings will be held by � the City of Tigard Plann�.ng Commission in the lecture room of Twality Junior High School, 14650 S. W. 97th Avenue, Tigard, ; Oregon, on August 6, 1974, at 7�30 p.m. with respect to the following: � A proposed amendment to the zo;ning ordinance of the City � of Tigard (Chapter 18.28.020 TMCj re�ealing that portion � allowing tire retreading as a conditional use in the C-3, � General Commercial zone. � � An application by the Farmers Insurance Group for a change i of zon� c�assification from R-7, Single Family Residential and ; C-3, Genera� Commercial, to C-P, Commercial-Professional � with an overlying Planned Devel�pment zone to facilitate � the deve7.opment of 27.76 acres into an office park complex and including a site for a motel. Th.e area under consider- � ation includes all properties on S. W. Varnes Road between � S. W. 66th Avenue on the east and Highway 217 on the w�est (Tax Map 2S1 1D, Tax lots 7_00,200, 300, 400, 500, 501, 70� � and 1�00) . All persons having an interest in these mattsrs are invited to attend and be heard. z � � f � I ) 1 , i } i � I � � � I I I � i Pub�ish TT July 25, 1974 and August l, 1974 i � , . . _,. _ . _ . _ ___., : , . . � � � � �.... j�, � � 18.56.030 (d) (2) (A) : Goals and objectives are not � �� positively and directly stated; , �I ;;?, should be revised. 18.56.030 (d) (2) (B) : A current completed market analysis ; has not been submitted by the appli- y cant; however, .a letter of pro- � fessional market opini.on has been � submitted; the Planning Commission C should consider the need for a ; detailed market analysis for a pro- � � ject of this size. � ! Staff Recommendation + . s � The applicant shall furnish information necessary to complete I the informational requirements as �described herein, unless � it can be shown by the applicant that such information would � be more appropriately reviewed with each development stage: ' � Planning Commissian Staff Report - August 6, 1974 �.