Planning Commission Packet - 05/07/1974 .. . _. . . _ _,. .,; _ _ _ _ ' , � �;,� . .;x� :� � ,�'�-�..m,� � , � � `� c� �;�t�w � u.. � �L� ...tJ a j, �'Y?',�'� F "�y f,'�{�! d �,I I AGCNDA ;,�.�..._ ��� ,_ �,, TIGARD PLANNING C0�1�I�S5ION Regular �1eeti,nc�, �lay 7, J.974 �I, c � Twality Junior M�.gh School. — Lecture Room � 1465Q �.W. 97�h Aue. , Tigard, Oregon 1 r Tim�F 7:30 p�P�I. �! • #ii 1. CALL TD ORDER ��', I.� j.l 2� ROLL CALL j!� �; !`�� 3, APPROUAL OF NIINUTES r>I �� 4. �IZSCELLANEDUS !:I i� 4.. 1 Sa.gn Code Appe�1 #� ,. 4. 2 SCl� 2-7G. (Webber bance S�udio) ;! A requ�st by Webber Dance Studio located a-L- ? 11632 5.1J. Pacific Highway, adjacent �h� Family t: Llrive-In Theatre, �o vary a provi�i.on of Tit1e � 7 ,,.� 1 (Tigard I�un..cip�l Cade) with respect to off =; p�emise Signs. ,; t, ���� Sta�f F"indings � Testirnony by Applicant Staf� Recommenda�Lion Commission Discussion and Action 5. DTSCUSSION - STREET & ROAD PDLICY �, � rough draft of a prolimin�r.y �treet and ro�d E; �olicy has been draf'ted by the stafP for � Planning Commi�sion review and comment. �; 6. DISC(J55T0(V - Flaod (�l�in Zaning Ord9.nance (Proposod Interim Ord. ) �° t r F rough draf� oP a preliminary flond plaa.n ordinance � has Ueen dxaFted �'or review by the s�aff for Planning f CUmmiss,ion r�view and comment. . :t i; 7. oT�c� euSZrvE�s 8. ADJOURNMENT � s k � 6 � ,�.V � . � � _ _ ' _ '�, _ �..,� . , . . . �k',..i, . . . . .. ��•' � . . . �.. � . � . . .. f�TNUTES T'IGflRD Pl_ANNTNG COI�r'1TSSION Regular I�ee�ting I��y 7, 1.974 Twa3ity J�o H.�.gh Schoal 14650 SmWa 97th Avenue, `f�gard, O�egon 1. CALL TQ ORD'ER Aa The meet�.ng was ral3.ed to o�°de� a� 7040 PoM� i 2� ROLL CALL Ao � Pre�ento 6a11,, F�azie.r, Hart�n�n, �1a,clte.�son, Nicoli9 � S�ka�aa HansenA Gh�y�i�an Whi�take�; Pl.ann,�ng D�,recto�, B�otrks and Associate P1,anne�, Bo1en � � . 8 e !'tiJ���G o Of�'.�I'�����J'lo � � 3o APPROUAL 0�' I�:INUTFS � A� 7he mi.r�utes of �the Ap�i�. 2, 1974� mee�t�.�ng t�e�e app�oved 1 a.s s�bmittede � 4� f�T.SCELLAN�OUS ��x 401 5ign Gode appeal (Webber�Dance Stud�.o) The req�est by Webbe� Darac� Sta�d.�o 1oc�.ted at 11.632 Se.LJ. Pacif'ic High�ay, ad jacent the F�.m�.�y D�ivomin The��re, to va�y a pr�v�.siot� of T'itle .l6 (�'.�ga�d �lunia.�.pa,l Code) with ��s�ect �o oPf-prem.ise sig�se StaPf F.�.ndyngs Aa Brooks presEnted the s'�a�f �'.�a�a��,ngs :relevant to this casem � f Testimony by Applic�nt � Am Gary Reddaway, the project a�ch�.tect, presented � a render�ng of the prop�sed s�.gn to be pl.a�ed in # the access �asement adjacpnt Pacific Highwayo He � sa�d al..l reyuests of �he Gity hav� been met to � date and b�cause thP sign was shown in th� easement i in �he site design ap�ro�ed by �he P1.anning C�mma.ssion, and the appl,ican�t �as �.nformed by the staf F �h�t a s�;gn t�oul:d bo permitted �.n tfie ' e�sement, th�t this ,is a reasonable requests and should be approved by the P.l,ar�ning Gommission� Bo Docto� Webbe�°, �he app.licant, sa�.d that he woul.d have purchasad a11, �he land to PaGific H�.ghway �' �o a11ow the �.laeemPnt of �he sign if he had knawn at the �ime a sign woulc� ncat have been " � i � - . . � � � . . � � � . . . : � . . al.l.owed wa.th�:n the access easement� He �a�.d � tha� the building has p�.arposely be�r� p;��ced back � ' f�om the H�ghway be�,ause a:t �.� �n ed�ac�ta.ona�l faci.l�,�y and there �.s a des,�r� to ke�p the students �away from �saff'ic of Pac:�,fic H�.ghw�ya Co Ball asked 'Doctc�r Webber �f he h�.d a copy of' th� easPtner�t agx°eement� Do Dactor WebbP� �a�.d no he did not have � copy of �he agreement �ith ha�r�� b�tt the ea�emert� p�ovides fos acces�, u•t�.1��.,t.ie� and a location of a signe Eo 8a11, asked �.f' thr� s•taff re�aer�b�rs the s.�gn bPing shown ar� the orig3.na1� s��e development p.1,�,no Fo Ba1.er� s3id he remembe�s �the ���n being c,n th� or.a.giraal. p�ans arod s�i,d �hat he was �he sta�f�ember who ,in�'or'm�id the app1J_can� tha� the si.gn w��ald be allot�ed �.ra an easem�er��o tie sta�e�J that he �.s no� ai.�are �hat he gave P,rra��eaus �..�fo�mat�on to the �PPl�.cant� ; � G. Whi�t•takex� asked Dr. . Wet�ber if �hey E�ad e�cpl,oa�ed � �he p�ssibi,lity of combin�,ng siyn�, �aith �.d�{�ce�t ' �roperty owr�ers such as I��nkira Don�ut� a� tF�e Driv��I;n 'i`heatre� � � i H. Dr. o Webber sa.�d they had exp.�ored �t�Oi.� po,s�.b.�1.i�y i but none of the.i� ne.�ghbox�s �er� rec�pt,��e to �,ta Im Ba1.1, ask�d hoa� �th�.s sign wo�ld f�t .�r� wi��h ex�.st�.ng adjacent signs on tS�e H.�ghwayo ; J� Brooks said that upon �.onst�uctior� the Dunk�n Donuts and 'Taco Bell buildings' �he b.�ll.board � on the Dunkin Dnnut�Taco Be11 prpperty wil�, be ` removed� The s�6 ject lot� prof�,le �s.�gn proposed � for the d�nce s�udio w�,1.1 there�ox�e .act�ual.l.y i��duce �he sign cluttero ; ; K. Fr�zaex asked Dr. Webber t�ha�t va.lue h� cons.�de�ed � thc� sign waul.d h�ve �upon his property. � L. Dr. Webber said tha� wz�hout the s�.gn he �aould hav� to gduca�e peoplc� to look for l,and marks in order. to f.ind his bus�.ness rather. th�h an identiPying ��.gr�� He sa�d the resul.t could cause traffic haza�ds �an P�.c.�fic N.�ghway resul�:�ng From confused drivers� �.` Page 2 — PC I�i,nr�tes � 5-�7-74 � y,��,. � � Staff Recommendat�.ot� �� � Aa Brooks said tt��.t cons�.,d�r.�.ng �the ub1.�c safet p y �.spect•s the s��ff �PCC�mmerads aPProva� of th� appl.icants �°equest w.�th �he cand�.t�:c�o� that the ��.r�n r�eet the va.dsa,on cl.eaz°anc�e st�nd�rds of the zoning o�dinancee ' Comma�ssion Discuss�;on and Act�.�� Ao Ha��man tnoved �o a�p�°ov� �th� app.licant sequest sub °ec� to an o�her, :�e J Y ���.rements of` thE �'.�gard �1una.c,ipal Code such as •�he sitc� c�b���:�uct�.c:in sec�,�,on of •the zor�ing o�d:�naraceo F'razieT secondede Ba Whit�aker st;a�ed hys be.��.ef tha�t, the Plans�.�.ng C�mtnisv:���a d�e� �ot h�v� s��'f°�.c.ie�t ,infortra�ion to aP�s�ove �tr sigr� at the p�esen� t�.�e even thoe�gh the appl��c��t c�id h�t�P a reasc�nablP .�equest� Ce Ha�t�nan rev.�sed hi5 prev�.oe�s tnc��tio� to state that the planning Direc�or ��,11 a�p,rov� thP fin�l, locats.on and he�.gh�t of` th� signn Frazie� appr�v��J hi� seconda Da B�11 �°aid he �a�lci vo�e ag��.nst the motion beca.use F�e would rso� likP to gave that suth�Tity �to �th� s�aff. ��- The P.�anni.ng Comt�.issi.on wou.l.d be ga�an•ting a var.�ance �ti.�hou�t be:�t�g a�a�e of �he o��comP of' the�.r �leo.ision. E o A �ote ��s �akpn on Ha�°t�an B s mot:ior� and .it ��iled t�y a ma,jo�ity vot;em ;� F'. Ba11� moved to •Nab1e the �eques�� �o t;he n�xt reg�.�a� j meet�,ng to a11ot� s�ab�,i,ss�.�n of �dditiona.l infortnat�an j stating the proposed sign 'locat�.on ar�d �he location � of ex.�st�.ng and Proposed ad jacent s�.gns. �lickel.son � seconded and the motion pas�ed by unanimous vote of the Commission present. ; 5. DTSCUSSION -� St.reet and Road Pol�.cy � , � i A rough draft of a p�e1�.m.�r���y Street and Road Policy � had be�n draf�ed by the s�aff for Rlann,ing Commission i review and commento i i A. Bolen explair�ed the propose:d pol.icy Which he said would i provide the a,i�y with a consistant methnd of improving the e�tist.ing s�tx°eet sys�e�ne � � Pa9e 3 ^ P� �linutes � 5�7�74 , . ; , , � Be Hartman sai�J �Lhat �t�e�°� .is a �lef'.�s�ite need for � s�rong street im��ovmen� po1:.�cyo He also c��ed a neeci f'or two cl.asses of s�r.e�•� �tarada�d� f�� � ' local str�etse A standa:rd ha�ecl or� tfie ex�,�ta��g stand�rds Which �olild app.l.y tc ne� c���tr�ac;�ioh and a l.ower, standa��i 'which �nu1d a1�.�� ex�.�t.�ng >ubs�andazd carrying low t�affic volur��s ta be .zmproved with less expense t� adjacer�� pr�operty owne�sn Ca I�hi.�taker said that he f'ee1� the P1,annir�g Cor���,�.��.ion is basica.l:�y in favox� of th� p�opos�d po�..�cy and instructed the staff to come 6ack ta.i�h a fin.�shsd dacumen�t fo� their c�ns�,de�s�.��.c�no As pa�� nf` fyr�a�..���.ng their woxk ttie Chairman asked �he staff' tc� �onsa,der the Pl.annirog Co�mission°s conce��u fi o� e's�tabl.�sha:,ng �wo st;ancJards f�r the 1oca1, s�;�p��s �tnd a1.�o �o do add�.tional. resea�ch coneern.ing hard�h.�ps c�hieh may be co���.de�ed when �ssessir�g �ffer�:�d p�op��ty owa�se�so b. DISCUSSION � F`lo'od P�.�:�n 7_o�ti�.ng O��i�ance (P�oposed Z�teri.t� Ordm ) A rough draft of a prel�.min�r�y f"lood p�.�.�.n �a°d�.r�a�ce has bePn draf'tPd for rev��ew by t.he �t�f f for Plar�ning Comt��.ss�.bn revi.ew and commentm Ae Broolc� pr��ented the pr�posed o�dir�ar�ce po.in��.�ag out �th�t it a.s intencled to be ��ECi Po�� a t�r� y�ar pe�.�or� unt�.l add,it:i.onal� enyir�e��c.�ng 5��isd�.e5 cas� be �� cnm�al�ted, en�b�.�.ng the C�.'�y ta �ciop•t a �'1.�od Pl�aa.n 0�^di.n�nceo Ba I�:c� 0°(�ar� who L�.�aes on 0°�I���, St�ee�t� ancl ow�s p��p�r�y on F'ar�no CrePk spoke •to tl�e rt��d �`or a FJec��d p�,�.i.:n Ordin�nce and espera.al�.y for the �ropo�e� e�gine�rir�g s�tu�iy d Co 8�.11 f�c�lonaylP of H�.�'r�.s��icl�onag�:e Er�gineer� asked a,f the affects of the dams r�n the Tt�alat.�n s�oulcl af'f`ect fl.00ding in thP Fanno Basine E D. Nicoli said that he has spoken t� ar� Png:�n�er fama.l.�ar I wa.th the dam pro jects an thP Tualata..r� �nd h� stated � that thc�y wou.�d h�ve lit�1P affect up�n flood�:ng zn # � the F�nno �asir�m � Ev Hansen sai.d he �ecogn�.2ed thP r�eed for a Fl.00d Plain ` � Ox�dinance, but �tated his ob�ectior� to �ot�.r�g a tota,l. moratorium in the f�.�od plain f�r a �wo year periodo � F» I�re (�c(�onag�e s�atad �ha�t; yf a mo�a�orium is �mposed i that the ��erm�.�afa.�n of �i�hy� o�°d�,r�a�c� sfiou�.d be �i caref ully phased �.ith �the enga.neer,�.ng s�udy to insure , that a proper ord.inance wi.l,l. be ava:�l.abl.e whert the ' � mo•r�torium is �,iftedm Page 4 � PC I�inutes � 5�-7�74 , ; 4 ; , , �,.,,. , .. _; .r ..-u,.�,�. .�.m,�,,. ,,.„;�, .; . � \., ; Gv Brook� po,inted out that c�hen a F�.omd Plain Ord.��ancP �� is adopted, Federall.y Subs�.d:�,zed flood �.nsurance � Will bP available to '�'a.gard residen�s �nd businesseso 1 � H. Bal,l asked if flood .7.nsurartce woul,d he ava�.lable to � nonconPorming uses .in the flood p;1�s,nm '! i I. Brooks repl.iPd hE d%d not kr�owe F; Jo Whittaker said that a means shoul.d be inc.l;uded p�ssibl.y i: in the ordi.nance, to main'�a.�n the exi�fi�a.ng �tseam channels I. so as �o keep them from pl.ugg�.ng and thereby caus�.ng chann�l divers�.ons �nd e�o�3ona y :j K. I�ra �Ic�lonagle sur�gc�sted �hat e�s�ments be created ' al�ng this �t�eam channel tn �.1.1o� -City c�ew� to c�o�s ,' land for channe.l cle��ing pu�pose�o �� __ �'i L.. Bal.l a.sked that on page 5 that ��he tP�m env,i�on�er�ta(1 ;,�� im�act bp de��.t�ed� ( r� i I�v Whi�take� asked �the staf'f` �a revis� th� stabm�.��ed � ordin�nce ac�o�°ding to the concerros expressed by ;i �� the Planning Cor�missiona Nm Ball sa.id that therP are many �ffects �I� th:�s ord.��ance could have and sugges�ed �hat othe� advisoT�y bod,�,es al.so be inv�l.ved su�ch as ��he Park Boar�1, C�.t�zs�n . and Bicycle Committe�s e�tcm 0. Whittake.r sa�.ri that the Courrci.l shot�ld �1so pr.ov.�de some input into ths ordinance at thi,s t,ime. P. Bal.l s�atsd his concezn that a whole me��t�.ng wil.l be needed for consi.deri.ng 'thi� item� Q. Ball commented concerning the firs�t fu1.L paragraph on page 6 of the p�oposed ordina,nre that the submissior� guidel�,nes be revised so the appl.icant is not required • to submit F�ii working dr�wings, 7. ADJOURN�IENT'o 9030 P.I�o �' r f Page 5 — PC �lirlutes � 5-�7�74 � ' ... . _. _. . .,,_ . . �. __ ,��. . I. � � . . . . . . . � . ♦A. ' � . . . . . . . . � . �, TTGARD PLANNING COPI�1ISSION � , Staff Report . �< � � � �1ay �7, 1974 A�enda I�em 4. 1 , � SCA 2-74 (Webber Dance Studio) � Sign Code Ap .�eal f For property located at 11632 S.W. Pacific Highway Appl,icant Gary Reddaway , Architect for Dr. John Webber A�licant' s Request_ ' Approval to erect an off premise sigrt /�pplicant' s Proposal � " To erect an off premise identification sign within an easement located within the access way to the Fanily Drive-In Theatre. Proposed sign is carved wood, 36 square feet on each side. � Staff Findings 1. The Webber Dance Studio is located on a lot adjacent the access way to the Family Drive-In Theatre and gains access to Pacific Highway over an easemen� , within said access �ray. Said Dance Studio has no legal frontage on S.W. Pacific Nighway,. � 2. The subject property is located Within a C-3, General Commercial zone. - 3. Chapter 16. 40 Special Ty,pes of Siqns; Section 16. 40. 040 Certain Sign�s Prohibited, (Tigard �1unicipal Code subsection e states "No off- premises sign shall be permitted in any commercial or industrial zone except outdoor advertising � signs, as regulated in Section 16. 40. 090. '' 4. Taco Bell and Dunkin Donut restaurants have been approved adjacent the subj�ct site and front on Pacific� Nighway. Eacfi restaurant will haue a sign. 5. Section 16. 34. 020 Uariance Granting (Tigard I�unicypal Code) states "the Planning Commission may grant a � �;' variance from the provisions 'af this title based on findings that clue to Practical difficulti.es, undue hardships or inconsistencies with the objectives of this title, the strict or literal interpretation ' and enforcement of a specific requirement hereunder should be waived or modified. �' � , .- 6. Section 16. 04.010 Purpose and Scope s�ates . "The city council finds that to protect the health� �'�= safety, property and Welfare of the public, to improve the neat, clean, orderly and attr'active appearance of the. community, t•o improve the effective- ne�s of signs in identifying and advertising businesses, to provide for safe construction, location, erection, and maintenance of signs, 'to eliminate signs that demand rather than invite public attention and to prevent proliferation of signs and sign clutter, and to minimize adverse visual safety factors to . public highway travelers, it is necessary to regulate the design, quality of materials, construction, , location, electrification, illumination and maintenance - of all signs visible from public property or from public rights-of-way. 7. Yhe applicant has not shown �he subject business . will experience a hardship or that the objectives � ' of the Sign Code are inconsistant with a prohibition of off-premises signs. The Tigard Gyrnnastic Studio, a similar use, is located within an Industrial Park zone and has no street identification sign. It does not appear an off-premise sign is a prerequisite � ss to the success or failure of the type of busine . in question. � ' � StaPf Recommendation 8ased upon the above findings, the staff recommends. denial of the applicant' s request ' � Page 2 - Webber Dance Studio - Staff Report - 5-6-74 . _ . �■�► . .,.. : , , ,.. _ - _ , NY,1174 SE t/4 5t1. r �v�v ..� � �_,, �.� ,. ��.,,.:_ _ ` � . WA5�11NGT�'vN COUNT i OREGON' ' , I � I 1 t�Y� ���. ro,rN v.c . r•.•�c.Ici� 5('iAIE I�•Iy�O� SEE MAV ISi J�6AC � � . . _ •---•'- -' ' 1��. � � lu.� or.. t�r�°_� __. . ...� . •�s.f ��_—• 1 � _. _,_.. �....�. . . � . ' ��,: '' -��-- � r♦ •!� _-���t � �-�- .. n, T� 1��].• ,'1•. �w��ofiA'� ��al) . r , \ . �. •'�600s�.� .o �1700 a��• .� co�. a.�c..���e. %� � r� •. llAc. . I � �\��C�7 � llle � ( , •�'od. 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Pacific Highway with a total frontage r of 100 feet in width. �w' This letter shall serve as an initiative document for an appeal of the sign ordinance to the Sigrz Code Board of Appeals. We wish �to locate a wood carved sign, 36 square feet each side in size, within the � easement for business identification. Dr, Webber's easement agreement contains a clause allowing sign placement. � . V tru;ly y urs, . ' � Gary Re way � G R/Pr cc: Dr. John Webber • t �� � . GARY W. REDDAWAY, ARCHITECT - 804 MAIN STREET - QREGON CI;TY, OREGON 97045 � _ . �. _ _. „ ,M.;�.�..T. ::� ��. �.__�_. .:_