Planning Commission Packet - 03/26/1974 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. _ , _ r^:. ... .. � �: �,,s. �. h• �: � �s > ��� � A�c�E�r�oa � � � , ;, '� � TIGRRD P�ANNING CflP'II�ISSIO(�1 `�' F?lanning 5ession - �lasch 26, 1974 �. r,. Twal�.ty �uninr High 5choQ� ! ' 7.�E650 S.W. 97'L•h Av�nue, Tig�ard, Orec�on < � T:imaw 7t3Q P.�I• , � l. CALL T0 ORDER i ' � 2. i�qLL GALL � � � ; 3, APPRDUAL OF I�INUTCS � .', 3. 1 Regular f'leo�ting of March 5, 1974 � . ,': 4. INFOI�MAL REUIELI � Planned Developm�n�L District ;� ' tE, 1 Zone Ch�nge ZC 2-'74 (Fletcher) Revi.�w aP txaf�i� s�:udy as requested by the P1.arining .; Commis�ion f�arch a, 197�E. & Com an Site plan , Tigard s � S. INFDRf�AL h�EUxE� �' Industrial. �arkp y � � � �� f r 5.1 Variance U1-14 (ft. A. GraY & Company) , Review af �verall site plan as roque5t�c1 bY the Plannii�g zr•, i : Commission , f�arch 5, 1974. l;�;;. 6. INFOR�II�L REVIEW � 5ummerfield Apartments � ., ; , 6. 1 Zone Chango ZC 5-72 "5ummez�fie�.d" Planned Developmont ,y Reva,eW o�' a revised concept {�lan f�r th� Fa.r.st Phase ; �' apartment� �r.ea witl�in the "Summerf i�ld�' c�eve�.opment. , Thi.s i.s a request to present the r��issd �ove�Pby�the� � ' The ariginal concept was reva.ew�d �tnd app �; pl.anning Commission on Dctober 2, 1.973. �, � ; 7. DISCUSSIqN - I"a-i� Z,one Op�tia�ns ��a` r��; Review of s�taff dx•af� of a proposed revision �to th� znning ��,' code relai�ing to f ire zan�s. � �': �8. OTHER BU�INE55 �;; � 9. AD��IJRNmENT �r i; t;; � � ,r t i i i ,,� -_..�_.�..� , . , , _ ....w..: ., „.. .. .. ..... . ., .._ ..:,;..,. ' . ,p �. i L' _ �' �1INU'TES �;. TIGARD 'PLANNING CO�II�ZSSZON Planning 5ession - I�arch 26, 1.974 Twality �una.or High Schaol 14650 S.W. 97th Avenue, Tigard, 0regon Time: 7t30 P.(�. l. CALL 7� ORDER A. Th� rneeting was caller� to ord�r at 7:40 Pol�. 2e ROLL CALL A. P�esento Hansen9 Ba:rkhurst, 13a11, Frazier, Whittaker, Sakata, (��.ckel,son, Planning Director Brooks, Associate Plannex� Bolene Bs Absento Nicoli and Hartman 3m APPROUAL Of I�INUTES I 3e1 R�gular l�setYng of' I�larch 5, ],974 ', ��' A. The m.inutes �ere not av�ilable for considAration a� thi� ' meeting, 4. INFO'Rr1AL R�UIEW � Pl.anned D�velapment Distr.irt il 4e1 Zone Change ZC 2-74 (Fletcher) i Review of traffic study as �equested by the plahni,ng � Commission I��rcfi 5, 1974. � Am The results of the traffic engineering study �onducted for the applicant was pres�nted to the Planning Commission� T`his �tudy Was delivered tn the Commission orally and in ' � a pr.�nted documente :The Pl,anning 'Commission accepted � the traffic engineering study and Chaizman Whittaker said it would become part of the applicant's submittal i fos conside�at.ion of the. zone change request. � 5e INF�dRI�AL REVIEW - R.As Gzay & Company Site Plan, Tigard a Industrial. Parke 5,1 Uariahce U 1-74 (R.A. Gray & Company) � � Review of overall site p.lan as requested by the P1ann.�ng � Commis��.on, I�arch 5, 1974s 3 � , i � A, �ir. RaA. Gray presented a sit� plan for the complete � developm:ent oF the subject property. , `1 . � _ � 3 :. :� � . , _ ' S - . . _ . _ . .., _ , . .�. .. ;: __. . �..� . . 1: t Be Chai.rm�n Whittaker expressed his desire to see the � original s�te plan wh�rh was approved when the cnndi�ian- al use was g�anted for warehousing on this subject site, C, ea11 asked mra Gray wha� his inten�ions we�e concern.ing the greenway along Fanno Creeke D. Gray said that �peaking in complete honesty, he feels that this greenway land is his last ace in dealing w�th the City on the development of this property and he �s saving �t until he finds it neressary to play ite E. The Planning Commission �greed �o consider the site devm elapment plan with the vari�nce request at their April 2, 1974 meeting. 5. INFOR�AL REUIEW � Summerfield ApartmAnts 6, 1 Zone Change ZC 5-72 "Summerfield" Planned Development Review of a revised conc�pt plan f'or the f.irst phase apa�t- , ment azea within t;he "Summerfi�l.d" developmente Th.i.s is a re � uest to resent the rev.ised co c n e t 1 q P p p ans The original . c oncept was reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission on October 2, 1.973e � A. An employc�e of t;he project architect was in attendance . to present the changes proposed in the app�oved site plano Tt'�ese changes wex�e made n�cessary by the i.nability pf �he ?'ualatin Develapment Company ta purchase a key parcel. l.ocated on Durham Road and now occupied by a housc�, Be The Pl.anning Commission wa.s concern�d that the density requ.iremants of the P-D zone bP met and that an emergency access route be provided fram Durham Roads C. Barkhurst asked that the conditions of the Plann�.ng Commission' s P.�an Development approval be included in the packets with the staff reports for the next meeting. 7. DTSCUSSION - Fire Zone Options Review �f staff draft of a proposed revision to the zoning code �elating to fire zones. A. DavA Nel.son, of the Beaverton Fire Department, was presen�t ta explain the need of fire zones and how they are in- tended to function with the uniform build�ng codem He said that fire zones have to be maintained because the UeC is designed to work with fire zones, He explaihed � PAGE 2 - C01��1ISSION �IINUTES � �IARCH 26, 1�74 � _ _ _ . __ � . :M , . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . .... the n�w fire zone �rdinance adopted by BAaver�ono ' �.�s, B. J.�m Br�,en, tfis Acting Bui�d�.ng `Offic:ial' of Tigard, desc�ibed wha� he sees as th� �rablems a�isa.ng from th� �resent sys�em asc�.�bs,ng fi:re zones according to �oning distrietso He �aid` that making �.r�y use in the C�3 zone come und�r the x��quirements �f F3.re �one 1. was �oo restrzcta.ve and sugges�ed �hat t'hi:� zon� a,s only appropriate i,n areas su�h a� downtown Port,la:ndA H� then asked the Planning Commiss�.on to consid�r abolishing Fix�e Zane� 1. altoge�her and havi'ng onl.y Fire Zon�s TI and III in Tigarde He stated tha� 'F.�re Zone II prov.ided n�arly as much protectiot� �;� FirP Zpne l without what would o'ften dmoun� to �nnec�ssary costs for building construc�tiono He pr�seht�d co�respondence he has re� ' ceived from o�har cities incl�ding' Los Ange.les a�td also correspondence frot� the Fire Unde�w'rit�rs Bu�eaue All of these let�ers concurred wi�h his asses�ion that Fire Zone II �loes provirle ad�guate protectian. .�n a �ub� urban communitya Ca Joe Greul,ich, Tualatin Ru�a1 Fi:ice Pro�ection Dastrict FirP �larshal,l., ��esented a video tape of the results of fiTes in commercial area� and stressed what he feels is the n�ed f�r Fira ZonR 1. in built uP port.�ons of the Tigard cornm�nity. He stated that �ire Zone 1 provides insurance tha� f.�res W�.11 not spread and result �` in a conflagration whPn bu.�ld:ings are �SU� on �he property �.1 fl$e Ds Chal.rman Wh.it�aks� asked �hs staff to subm.it a revised draf� of the propo�ed fire zone o�d:i.nance ba��d upon th� testimony wh�.ch had been given� 8, ADJOURNMENT - 10:45 P�I�e . � i . � PAGE 3 - COI�f�ISSION �IZNUTES - �IARCH 26, 1974 .,_ . , . : ..... . ._ _. . : _ _ __ ; ' >� . . . . . . . . . . i . . . , . . . . . . . . . ��r . - vJi <C '. :. .. �. ..... .. _ . .... _.. . ..,_ / � �V1aV������i..� 1 I111�J� G� -i"�� �Pi�Yi�r� V'�.tV'I.-. _., �����«�.. ��;�i00' :. --• -•-•- •- � - R �r s', � STREET 'g� ; - ��.�; ,. ,.��,�. - � ,;.� •f� .-2S i 2B� �y,�,;,_r ; ,.�. . --� .e;: ^�,,:.� ,,,---..� . .,... - ---�---- --� —---- � � . � S� ar��`�`O,M7L . � ' J .�Y»o•'� SOO . 200 . ._— 100 �. .� � . 7)k�. � m �°6i2 � �•:t4�� s1�4� 6i4 ; .. � . . ♦ � 02 i � � i� e� . � � e: � . . . . � ,� . � . . 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