Planning Commission Packet - 02/26/1974 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. . , ., . ,,,;. . . :. . .. �:, , . . - _. ::.�,:, ,.,_:;_. . _ , . ,.s , ... , . , � . y. E� � � �� �... �� AGENDA �� `1 � TIGARD PLANNING CONI�IISSION ' �. {:� Planning 5ession - F�bruary 26, 1974 '� �� Tuality Junior High School �;j 1/�G50 S.W. 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon '� €`. TI(��: 7:30 �` G;'� 1. CALL TO ORDER ;' ,; F;, 2. ROLL CALL �� ji 3. APl�ROVAt OF f�INUTES �; �� �: 3.1 Regular �leeting af F�bruary 5, ].974 }' k; 4. Discussion of Proposed Sign Ordina�ce Revisions related to �': Qench Signs, Directional Signs, Industrial Park Identificatinn ' and PD Inter. �ace. �; �� 5. Discussion of a propos�d Street and Road policy. �' �'; ;a 6. Discussion of a proposed revision to the I�-4 Industrial i;� ��� ` Pai�k zone, making combin'sd manufacturing, warehousing anci !j' retail sales a conditional use in said zone. 7. Discussion of an Ordinance aboli.shing the Sign Code Baard of Appoals and replacing with the Planning Commission. 8. presen�ation of NP0 �f2 concept Land Use Plan. t: t� � 9. 5election of D�sign Review Qaard alternate member. ��� 3 ��. � t; _ r; i;� r; ,, �,. ��� 4� ��, �; � � _ � �, . t : �'r . , _ . ,.. . . . _. n �N � �IN�TES � TIGARD �L�NNING CO��I5SION P�anning 5ession - February 26, 1974 Twali�y �unior High School - Lecture Room 14650 S.W. 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon l. CALL T� ORUER �. The meeting was called to ard�r a� 7 ;C�5 n.�. 2a ROLL CAL� A . ��mbers present: Ball , Qarkhurst, Hansen, �ichelson, Nico?i , S�kata; Chairman Whi�ttal<er; Assoc� ate Planner Bol�n. B� Absent; Cornmissioners Flartman, Frazi�r; Planning Direc�or �roolts; City Attarney Fred Flnd�rsons 3. APPRDUAL OF �TNUTE5 3.� Regular �eeting of February 5, 197�E A. The rninutes of �th� �ebruary 5, 1974 Planning CommiSSion m�eting were ap�roved as submitted. 4e Discussian of Proposed Sign Ordinance Revisions related to Bench �. Signs, Uirectional 5i�ns, Industrial parl< Iden�ification and PD Interfac�. A. Bo1en s�ated �that this item woul� not be discussed in th�+.. thP pJ.ani�ing Di,rector was not able to att�nd tho meetin3. 5. Discussion �f proposed street and road policy . A. Chairman Whittaker stated i;hat the report had hoen submitt�d by (�ick�lson at �Lhe mee�Ling of' f'ebruary 19th and that �:he memb�rs i:iere asked at tha�t time i;o come prepared to discuss his repart. B, l3arkhurst sugc�estecl that residei�c�s b� �ssess�d fo�c a 1���a1 street improvement and that L�usi.nesses be assessed �or a co].lector s�kr�et impro��menta C. Hansen pointed out that �usinesses pay addi�iranal prnperty I, taxes and i�t clnes nr�t nec�ssaz�i�.y follow •that they should �ay the add�d rost oP a colleator which benefa.�,a the carnmunity �s � a �.ihole D. Llhitteker stated that the assessment would be moro eqtaitable if ascribed to each individual proper�.y the benefit derived by the stx�o� im�arovement. � E. Qa)_1 stat;od ha.s conc�sn f'or. d�vising a system which woul.d carrect inequx�ies reta'tin� to s�roet assessment. Ne said �hat a stz�ee�-, impro��ment assessment system shoulcl no� 6ecom� a regressive _ __ __ . . _ .�., _ _ _ __. . . _. . ...__..._ _.._..._._.�...�._ _ �_.....:_. _ .. � ' � � ' � E ; ,� (�age 2 2-26�-74� t system of �;axa�ion ancl should remain as progressive as �(� � " passible with i.he city bearing as much ofi ��h� burden as k possih�.e. I-le con'tii�ued that tho loc�t.l s�tree� cat�gor.y is toa insEnsitiwe �to the abi�.ity af' abutting propErty owners to pay, sta�Ling that the profal�ms z�ela�Ling to people on fixed incomes should be ref:lected in any �sse�sm�nt meth�id. F'. Nicoli said that the p��peLty owner.s share for persons such � as those on Pixed incomes , could b� picked up by �Lhe Ca.ty and ' dQferred in the form of a lien ag�inst �l;he property unta.l the �' �. �ime of i�Ls s�1P. H �.. . } G. Hansen suyges�ed tha� possihaly i;he assessment coulcl be bas�d � upon the zaniny oP the property , for exampl� res.i.dontial i; properi�y wou�.d be assessed i`or a local street and 6usiness �: prop�rty asaossed f�r a co1:LeGtor street. G H. Barl;hurst s-tated his apinion •that all property ownors should � be liabla Por the cost oP a .lpcal �treot impr.o�emont with N, considezati.ons made f'or hardships as suc�gESted by Ball. i � I. Ball said that Portland had d�ueloped such a method �nd �lir- f rected i:he sta�'f to research the matter: � � J. Ba11 stated that in order to rel.i�ve the Council oP the contr.o- � 4 versy involved in s�:r�et im�rouement •assessmen�,s, �ossibly �... a ' hearings offic�r ' could be used to ost,ablish assessments. The Council then would only consid�r app�als. He s�tated that this would insulate the Council Prom much of th� con- troversy involved and make �th� implemen•tation of a street improv�ment system more effiriPni;. K. Chairman Whittaker stated his cancerrl that the I�lanning Commission a�rive at a cnmprehensi�e policy for stre�t im- provements as soon as possible anr_I directecl th� stafF to take (�ickel.son ' s report and the Planning Comrnission' s cqmments and cr�me back with a recommended policy at anoth�r meeting. 6. Discussion of a proposed revision to the f�-��, Industrial Parl< znne, making cpmbined rnanu�'acturin�, warehousing and retail. sales a condition�l use in said zane. A. Hansen said thai: the location oF r�t�i� us� in ar� industrial zone can create dii'ficultiss for adjacent industrial proper- �ios r�sulting from the additianal t�aft'ic generated �rom a retai]. si�e, Q. LJha.ttaker saicl thai, this .inclusian is in accoTdance with the application made to the Planning Commission and w�.ii be consider�d at the public hearing on (�arch 5 , 1974. � : � �.. ,. _ _ , ,. .. .. , ._:,,�,, ; , .. , __ . . __ __ , ,. . , _ �' � � � �` • r �S� . �. � � . � �;:; � Pag� 3 2-2G-7G� � �` �,: '�,.�� ���� �, � �� 7. Discussion aF an ordinancE abalishing {;he 5ign Code Bcaard of i;a A�peals and r�pl,aGing wi�Lh the Planning Camma_ssion. ' rt! A. Whit�taker s�id {:hat this i�Lem is no� � mat-ter af discussion, �; but tha� I�e wish�d �:n inform �the Planhing Commi.sss.on i,hat the Ci�y Council had revised �l;he sign cod� �to giv� the app�al ,". func�ion to the Planning Commissa.on. S. l�ros�nta�ion of' PJPO �2 concept l.�nd use �lan. �i A. Qolen pre�er�ted i;he land use concep�t �lan which has be�n r�ov�loped by t,he n�ir�hhorhood p].anning organizatiqn. H� ;j went th�c�ugh the major �lements of•th� plan, compara.ng it with the �xis�:i.ng T:igarcl Community Plan �nd poin�ing out wh�re major d�p�rtures ha�e been made. The significant � poii�ts m�de were tha•L : a 1. The amour7� or� apartment land has been signi�'i,caritly ' reduc�d ouer i�he adopted plan. 2. Th� amount o;' single family r�sidential land has b�en =� signific�ntly increased ov�r the aclopted plane �:; � `� 3. The amount of indus�rial land has been decrease�J where �` single Pami7.y dev�l.opmen�t was made not conForming. 4 4. Several streets hav� been realigned or extended ta s�rve �''j the pro�osed land use. �: � ,,; B. Ba1]. asked a�� what stage �he p].an stood at this time. C. Bolen stat�d that the ?na.tial concept has been �urned ov�r �5: to the trafFic consultant, Car1 Quttke, for ha.m {�o �est out �' the abili�y of' �the praposed stree{� sys•t;em to serve th� ;, planned l_and use as well as the future volumes which �i11 f' be gensr�ted f'rom adjacen� areas 5uch as tJashington Squa�e and Pacific Highw�y. 4;'` � �,;; 9. Selection of Dosign RevieW Bo�rd ��.terna�� member. `� � i; A. Ba11 nominated Whittaker to s�:rve as �he Planning Commission ' s !? a7.'ternate ta the Design Revzew Board, Sakata s�condad and �he �" mo�ion passed .by majora.ty vo�F� af a11 members present wi�th �`� Whittaker voting �lo. i'? 1Q. AOJOURNMENT - 10�D0 P.�I. �; 1: �, 1� �' � � �, � ,, ;�