Planning Commission Packet - 08/17/1971 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. �f� ^.t`,�f ' � ,�' ,. �;:' t AGFNDA Tigard Planning Camm�,ssion Regular Meeting - August 17, 1971 Member Section - 7�3a PoMo P�zblic Hearing m 8000 PoMo __.._.__ �'owler Jr, H�.gh School Library 1208Q S,W, Main Street, Tigard, Oree I. CALT, TO ORDER 2I. ROLI, CAI,L . III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Regular meeting July 2U, 1971 TVe PUBZIC HEARING A. Zvn.e Changp (�arried ove� from Jul.y 20, �,97�) WALZY JOHNSON, Applicant A request fnr a change of zone classification �rom �_, M-4, Indus�rial Parlc to P-D, Planned D�velopment on a 1023 acre parce�. lc�cated on the southwest corner of SoW, Grant .Avenue and SoW, Tig�.rd Street (Map 251 2BA �ax lot 800) l. Staff Recommendation 2e Public Hearing 3a Commiasion Discussion and Action B. Variance (carried over from July 20, 1971) STAN WILEY INCo REAZTOR Applicant A request or a lot width variance of 7 feet on a C-3, I General Commercial parcel located nn the west side of SoW. Pacific Highway a proximately 120 feet southwest - of SoW, Walnut Street (�Map 2S1 2BD tax lot 2101) 1. Staff Recommendation 2e Public Hearing 3, Cammfssion Discussion and Action C. Conditional Us� TIGARD MASONIC TEMPI,E ASSOCIATION, Applicant A request for conditional use approval to al.low a Masonic Temp].e on a C-3, General Commercial parcel located on the east side of SoW, Pacific Hwye across � from SoWo Watkins Avee (Map 2S1 2CC tax lot 110U) 1 a Staff Reco�nmendation 2o Public Hearing 3e Commission Discussion and Action �. D. Conditional Use � J'a A o PATERSO�t REALZ'Y CO o Applicant � A request or conditional use appraval to all.ow 3 � duplexes on three R-7, Single Family Residentia� � � pareels located on the eouthwest and southeast � _ corners of SoW, 114�` ?'lace and SoWe Tigard Street � (Map 151. ,34n tax lot 4700) � 1 o Staff Recommenclation � 2o Publa.c Hearing � 3, Commission Discussion and Action � � E. Zaning Ordinanee Amendments (carri�d over from July 20, 1971.) CI CITY OF TTGARD, Applicant ��, Propo�ed amenc�ments to Sec�ians 260�2 and 280 of the 4,I City of Tigard �oning Ordinance to r�vise zoning „ application fee seh�dule and alarify cle�inition o� '�I "Kennel"a �j � 1 e Staf�' Recommendation }' 2, Public Hearing = 3, �ommiseion Discusszon and Ac�ion � � V. 0^1HER ITEMS A. Ghristensen Katherine Street Dedication VI. AD�OURN�MENT �; � � i� i�l �i 'i 1 � r Q � 1 Pg. 2 - PC Agenda - August 17, 1971 ■� - . ...,,i, . .. _ _. .,,..�; � _,.;:.w m�.. . :. �'� ) ;�.�' �, �,. , , l//"�-/? �,✓��//ti;;:;" ��5�.;� // �' r � � M I N U T E S .� �r w � �r .� � Ti�ard Planning C,ommis�ion Regular Meeting - August 17, 1977� Fowler Jr. High ��choa7. �ibrary 12080 S.W. M�,in �tre�t, Tigard, Ore. I. CJ1�L T8 ORD�JR: 8 s 00 P.M. II. ROLL CA�L Freeemt; Comnaieaionera Fletche�� Go�].in, N�.coli, ��ver±son, Whitta,ker� i�oodard and Chairman 8aterson: Fr�d andereon, �ity llttorn�y: Reith �tho�apean, Cit�r :�, �ngineer: Ra�r �t�ngila, City P1ann�r Abeer�t s Ea��ua��.ee�.ongr I+ewfe �.. I�II. APPROVA� OF MIN'UTE� A. �he minutee �or the �egul�r meetinQ of �uly 20, 197� rvsre approved a� �ubmitted. �V`. PUBI+IC HEARING � A. �one Change (aarried over from Jn�ly 20, 1971) WALLY JOHN30N, l�pp�.io�nt rI'�equee'� .�or a ch�,nge af �on� alaseifica�ion fr�m I�-4, � Indu�tri.al Pa�rk to p-Dy Pl�r�ned Develap�er�� o�n a 1 a 23 aere psrc�l loeated on the sauthwe�t corn�r of S.W. araz�t Avenue and S.W. �igard 5treet {Map 2S1 2BA taz lot f300), 1. �tet'f Recommendation e. The etsff recomme�ded spproval. 2. Public Hesring a. �Wally 3ohn�an� apgl�ioant, te�tit'�isd in favor of the reques�t. . b. Mr. dohanso� e��ated that Mr. Grav�e (the neighbor) wa� coz�oerned anly about the build�.ng eetbaak �rotn Tigs�d Straet. c. �ub�.ic H�aring wse aloe�d. 3. Oommi�sion Di�aue�siQn and /�ct�.an a. C.ommie�ianer Whi�taksr aaka� what M�. aravea redat.ion was it the building wae► r�ot a�t baak � ' f�am, t�he etd� property liz�a. ' b. Mfi. Jqhnaon eta,ted that Mr. �ravea� had no ob�ectiane to the bu�.lding being ox� the pxaperty 'I line. � � � � I _ � . .. _. , _ _._ _ _ _ _ _. __ .: - . , _.. . . .... � : k � r \. � e. Commissioner Whittaker stated he felt that screening should be provided �long the ' setback areas or th�.t the buildin� ahould. � be allowed on the property line, d, Commissioner Fletcher asked if the building � would be set back further or �ade 1a�rger if �, it were on the pr�perty line. i e. Mr. Johnson atated that tne building would be � set ba�k fu•rther and not enlarged, i�� f. Commis�ioner Sevexson stated concern for ` maintenance o� the building if it were �i allowed on the property line. �!',, g. It was ��ved . (Nicoli) , seconded (�oslin) f:', ar�a passPd by a unanimous vot� of the Commiss3�on present to agprove the zone chan�e ��� to P-D (with no setback from sicle prnp�rty 4', line) with the followin� psovi��.on�t �' t''� 1.. That a detailed tree pl�.nting and landacaping plan �ha11 be provided � a� part of the general plan and �'� prograxn. � 2. Th�,t utilitiea, draina�e r�nd driveway " specification� shall b� provided €�e i' part of th� gen�ral plan and pragramq �° 3. Th�t uaes other than allowed as autd right permitted uaes w�ithin the M-��4 District shall be reviewed and appro�red hv the Planning Co�nmiesion in order to preaerve the integrity of the Cammunity �. Plan and Z:oning Ordinanceo � 4. That the Planning C�mmis�ion shall review � the Gomplet�d general plan. � . B. Yarian�e (carried over from ,Tu1y 20, 1971) �+ STAN WILEY INC. R�,ALTOR, Appl�.cant j� reque� or a ot w th variance of ? feet on a C-3, ;'t General Comaaerei.al parael located on �he weet side of S.W. Pacific Highway approximately 120 feet southT � west af S.W. Walnut Street (Map 2S1 2BD tax lot 2�.01) � � 1. 5taff Recommendation 4! a. The staf� recommended approval with condi�iona. � 2. Public Hea�ing �' a. Mr. Mike Bar.tos r�preeented Stan Wiley, Inc, f�, b. The public h�aring was alosed. 3. C�mmiesion Discuesion and Aetion a. Commi�eioner Goslin asked what control the City had if the landseaping were not mainta�r�ed. � b. The Gity Attorney stated that the 2oning or�inance � � ' had no provia�ion� :for. condition� on a vax�ianae, but that the Plann�.ng Ooramie,eion aould nuake conditi�n�a, h - Bg. 2 - PC Minutee - 8/20/71 � -- ---=----- _—_- : _ � __ _ ._ _ _ _ _ . _ .;: ._:.. _.I r I � 'J ! ��_ c� The City A.ttorney stated that approving thie � request may set a precedent� as it appeared � that the property owner created �he noncomplying lot in disregard to minimum zoning requireu�ents. �.. d Comanission r W itt k �p o e h a er asked if the acees� is � 40 fee�o � � � �� e4 Mro Bartos ���ted that the aecess being ueed ��� now is approximately 3� feet widea � fo Mro Bartos also stated that the applicants �.; would like the 20 foot e�,sement removedo �'' �, Mr, Anderson adviaed the Planning Cammission �I to delay making an,y decision until a title !' report, le al description and deEd are �� �� av�ilable p�rtainin to the e��.sttx�g easements) . h. Tt wa� n��ver� (Go�lin�, 5ecor�ded (FZe�cher) � �' and p�ssed b� unanimous vote of the Commiesion (' pre�ez�t to table the request until the next ! regu�.ar Planning Commissian meetingo ;; ;; C. Gond�.tional Use _ TIGARD MASONTC TE�fPLE ASSOCIATION, Appli.cant ; � req�a�at or conditianal use ap�roval ta allow a Mason�.c ' Temple on a C-3, G�r�eral Commercial parcel loeated an ;' th$ eas� side of S;.WQ �acific Highway across from S.W. ' Watkins Avenu� (Map ?_S1 2GC tax l�,t 1100) A � �._. 1. Staf� Recommenda'tion a. The staff recammended approval wit� conditi�ne. 2. Public Hearing a. Mr, Jack Annand, 1¢600 SoWe Paci.fie Highway, represented the applicant, bo Mro Annand a$ked that the fencing require�nents in aondition number 2 be eliminatedo c. Public hearing was closed. 3. Cornmi�sion Discussion and �,etion �. Chairman Patersan asked if the area bshind the building would be open. bp Mr, Annand stated that the area behind the bu:tlding would be a picnic area. c. Commissi.oner Goslin asked if the public would be allowed to use the picnic areao d. Mro Annand stated ther� would be no ob�ection to the public using the areaa e. Zt was maved (Whitt�,ker) , seconded (Fletcher) and passed by unanimous of the Comm�.�sion present to approve the request with the following conditiona: lo That the front 10 feet of the property shall b� landscapPd and maintain�d. {. 2. That` the area along the rear progerty line ad�oining Rm7 zoning shall be planted w�.th evergreen treea to provide ecreening. Pg. 3 - PC Minutes -� 8/17/71 . . C A I �. 3o That the pa�^king s�talls �acing the R07 zozaing be deleted o 4, That a site plan indicating off�street parking, ingress and egress, landseaping, sign.a.ngy fencing, s�tbacks, and building elevations shall be app�°oved by -the Plann�.ng Department prior to issuance of building permitso D. Conditional Use J. A.. PATERSON REALTY COo , Applicant � reques� for conditional use approval to allaw 3 duplex$s on 3 R-7, Single Family Residential parcels located on the southwest and southeast corners of S�.W. 114�` Place and S.oWo Tigard a��a (Map 1.51 34D tax lot 4700) , l. Staff Recommendation , ' � �b Staff reeommended approval a� 2 �uplexes witYa conditionao 2. Public Hearing ao Mro Pat Fater�on testified in favor of the request, b, Publ�.c her�ring was closeda 3. Commission Discuss.�on and A.ction a. Ae�ting Ch;airman Fletcher asked Mro Paterson i� �._ he� understo.od that th� staf� recommended t�►o dup'lexes and nnt three, b. Mro Paterson stateri that he understood. that the sta�f recommended 2 duplexeso c, Mra Whittaker asked Mro Paterson if he a�ree� with al.l three lota having access on 7.14 Pl�,ce e ; do Mro Pater�on stated he woul.d like the lat �o the ; west to have access �onto Tigard St, e. Commissioner Goslin asked if this request wou�d j �et a precedent for duplexes on Tigard �t, il f. Acting Chairman �letcher stated that he felt ;' it woul.d be difficult for �he wester�.y lot � to have access ontcr 114�' �?1ace, g, It was moved (Plicoli) 9 aeconded (Goslin) and paesed by a ma�ority vote of the Commission present (Ghairman Fa�eraon and acting Chairman Fletcher abstainin�) that the �,pglicant °s requeat be approved with access for the westerl�r lot on SpWo Tigard St, and the two corner lats onto 114�' Place o Ee Z�onin� Ordinance Amendments (carried over from July 20, 1971) CITY 0�' TTGARD, Applicant Propo�ed amendments to Section� 260-�2 and 280 of the ,� Ci�y of Tigard Zoning Ordinance to revise zuning � ` applicatior� fee �chedule and clarify definition of '�Kennel"o PB. 4 - PC Min�:te� � 8/17/71 v � iC:i< . �-'. ��, ' � l. Staff Recommendation �` ao Ths staff reeommended approvalo 2. Public Hea�ing �� ae No one spoken bo Fublic hearing was c�.osedo �� 3o Commission Discussion and Aetion ao Chairman Paterson asked i.f the p�°oposed i ', definition of kennel was the same as the �`' County°s o �':;1 b, Ray Rangila stated that it was r�ot the sa�eo �" ca Commisaioner Fletcher asked the staff to �' dPSCribe the County°s definition. of kennelo �? do Ray Rangila cited the County°� definition, of f: kennela r; ep Fred .Anderson, City Attorney, stated that the � gropased de.finition woutd be easier to enforcee fo It was moved (Goslin) , seconded (Nicoli) ancl passed by a 4 to 3 vote of the Commiss�.on present to approve the proposed amendmentso V. OTHER TTEMS t' ; V I o AAJqUR�JNLk;NT: y o 4Q P o M p �' ; �... � � t k � � Pg. 5 - 1'�� Mi�utee - 8/17/71 _ . . �,,,.; . . ,, ,.. �. , _, . ..2,;,�,.3x„,.�<�.,�.._. �....,,.�.. .s.;�.,,.��..o,�..�� ..�,.....:. . ., , w .......� :.. ,...�,,�_ �...:.. �� ' .�. � ' I � ' � - Tig�rd Planning Commiesion � �_ Stalf Report , r 3uly 20, 1971 � A��nda Item 4-A � � � ' Zone Chan�e � � For property. designated ae taac lot 800 on ts.x map 2S1 2BA • . , . � Applicant � Wa,l].y Johnson . • ; � Ap�licant' s ReQUeat , + Approv�l of a change of zone cleaeit'icatiAn Yrom M-4, ', Industrial �Park to P--D, Planned D�velopment on a parcel � containing 1.23 acre�, to facilitate the conatruetinn c�� �, warehouse facility. j ' Loc�.tion and I,anc� Uee of Subiect Property � • ,, Th� va�ant aub�ect site ie located on the aouthwest � c�rn�r af S.W. Grant .Avenue and S.W. Tigard Street, on the north side of Fanno �re�k. � � SurroundinB �onin� and Land Use F i Zoning to the southeaot along Ti�ard �txeet is M-4, � developed with six�gle family dwelling� and 11ght industrial `B uses. �ounty R-7, Single •Family Residential zoning, running � 300 feet northweet along Tigard St. , is develop.ed with ' residences. � Conformance witY�� the Community Plan � r' The preliminary Tigard Community Comprehensive Plan • desi�nat�s the eub�ect site for general induetrlal ' development. �` � Publi.c Utilities Rep�rt t ! The sub�ec� property is within the boundaries o�' the � ` . Tigard Water District and City of Tigard (USA) sewer � system. � . � �x,, Staff. Findin�s. and Recommendatit�n �j' The staff fin�is that the rQquest �onfarms with the Community Plan and designated uses along the corridor � bet!ween Fanno Creek and the Oregan Eleetrie/Southern €' Pacific railroad�a. , � . � �. i{ ' t p)j i ��' �. . . . . � � . � ... . . � . .. � � . � � .. , ' . . . . . . � . . . :y � � - � ,i.,,St�)d7'4N�le4b4)l�Yxa Ge��.�lay+r�p.*�.+i`kaN4�Ftt�'%�b'�N,�M1F�Mr;NS�a �MV�'MSy�.�+',�W�¢s,"�Y{'�"��"'�I��i v !r(Q�h prk��S'��`hGi'�+"� I t "1(h4. .. ,..;� : ....� ..., �.V 3� . . �� . , ...,, . .. . . .-w#'�'r�r.,'+rew��y .�r��w..r '.�,"'*�"�!"M„ww-�r rh-�. :�. y `t-«w�1..�r �.`r� kF r�+� �r+�#.r.�r�.. ���q� ,ti � r '� �r � � . . � � . . � Y�y�'��r��lc��h����:' n 4 ? .� i�y ,�}9 !� �3 .s �;"�} �i x ' . � � a�{rn r i,r r a;J �, �"��" i � h ��s � � . . .. . � � _ � � .� . . , � j +� � '� � �l � � i�fi� ��. . . ' . . � J i���L yy � �P¢�„�p!' � I + . . . . . , . , . ... . , . c i � E a 1,,U�b e �� 'rt� a � � � ^ t i��F r� � A , . . . , . . �4+.'+i . . y � ; �y�, � f . r+ �... . . . �.. � . . � �. . 'x�� '� � , , . 1 - . .� � . . � � � � � .. � . . .. . . I The staf� further find� that �hs proposed �on,ing w�11 . , �, �acilitate better utilisatidn o!' fihe �ub�ecst aoa�nes lot ; thH�n would be poesibl� under a�im�ing sp�i,.�g. Th� pro- poa�c� �ite plan allowa a worl�►�1� truok maneuvQ�.•�ng < and o�'f-etreet parki�ng ar�a, combined wi�h Ian���a,pin� � a�ong �the fronta�ea. � , It ie reoommended' that the req�art be appTd�ced ,�ub�eot• � to the following conditione: ; , � l. That a detailed tree planting and . � � land�caping plsn ehall be prp�rlded � ae part oi the general plaa and program. � 2. That u�ilities�, dr�.ir�age and drivew�q �pecifie�tions �hal�. b� provi�ec! as . part o� the general pl�n and �pragram. . 3. Th�t uses other th+�n al.lowed ae out� right perffiit�ed us�s within the. M-4 ' District shall. be revi�w�d e�nd approved by the F1a�ning Commieaiox� i� ordex t� pre�eerve the integrit� eaf t�� Commttni�q � �..� Plan and Zon�.ng �rdinan�e. � � , : ` � Pg. 2 - Starf Report - Wally Jah�don - 7/�0/:71 ' __ _. .._:_ ..._..__�...........�...�..-..::�..w.._...,...,.Rm„..W.,,.��.,,,...,.w.»..�..�.-.,,_..<,r;...�,V...:_.... .�:. ,,.,.�..,,k:,..�. a�..M. .,,. :. ... .,:, . . r . '"�'��. . . . . .. . . , , . .� - � .� . . . . 1. ' . . . . .. Y n� . 1 � V � / I R�' . ��r � . 1 T ; '�v�o ; � � � ' ; � s,� �� , � � � ��r � � I . �, �e,� �r � �� � ; . . � N41S7/MCTON CUfMiTI' � b .. . , . . , .. i pTY'AR' TlG�I� G � `v • � �� � ,� "\ � � F,, � . � . . . . . �;i �y + . ;, s� ,? �� r, �: ¢, Fi IqrVE AHAIVQE r' � � � � � �> are.o � d� e�ar�s�dsrotion �'' � ,, � . �, M� ib PD � � f,, �: �+ . �. � r � r� �. � � � �a. r=zoo' � ;, „ � � ,. I . � _ , ,I �, `�'�:::�' .. . � ' I � . I k � � � �. t\6 • 1 \.... ' , , 'I � � Tigard Planning Comm�ssio•n Staff Report �I, July 20, 1971 il Agenda Item 4-B 3�� . �I Variance �� � •For property designated ae tax lot 21�1 on tax map 2S1 2BD Applicant il ,�I Stan Wiley, Inc. A lic nt ' � R . �I _�� a e�uest Appraval of a lot width var.iance within the C-3 General Commercial zone to ermit t p he aanstruction of a real estate office on � • 1ot �eet 53 in width, 7 feet under the minimum lot wid�k� required by Seetion 140-3 of the City of Tigard . �oz�ir�g Ordinar�ce. Location and Land Uae of Subiect Propertv �; � The vacant eub�ect aite i� located an the west side of S.W. Pacific Highway approxim�tely 120 feet southweet � of SoWo Walnut S�treet. • Surr�undin� Zonin� a��i Land Use �he area sourrounding t�s� sub�ect site i.s znned C-3 arid is develaped with varioue retafl oommercial uses. The . ad�oining la.te suppart a servi�e station, market and commercial of.fice complex. Str�ff Ffndin�s and Recommendation The staff finds that the proposed variance will not be ; materially detrimental to the purpo�es of the zoning 1 ordinance, nor imcompatible or in�urious to ac��oining - parcels. � An existing easement wi11 be utilized for access and egress thereby not creating additional access point$ along Pacific � ',� H i ghway. j''. �. The aubstandard eub�ect parcel was created when the abutting i. servic� station was granted co,nditional use approval and `' additional ri$ht-of-way along Wa�nut Street required. ,`{ t:. � It is recommended that the requeat be approved sub�ect to f'� � � the following conditions: �,, ;;; ��� '� 4 i'C I`; !;'! �� � . � , .,. _ �, ,� � ��,. ,.. � � , . . , e NE_a ->a: .fr�,i7 -� iaSM :�� . .,�_ p� . . ti, . .,� �- , i .,:. . . �:..,�,r,. . 1�i2S�'u4k'.hfA;v�H�Ntin..-+cA:r,s.mir�yhwa:�.3rs.rWtik�ia�L�A7rs.�l�trviM u:+?.�*�w,wn...,...�..... w....unx:�«,�..aww•cr:.�,..�w..,6ka?+�+a:x��+�;+ww.n.r.r...,,�,n.�w � . . . � .. ... i . . .. . . � . , . '�:.1�` � . � . : \ ~ � . �. . . � � � .. .. . .. . ' ; . . . �. . ...,,I, ;��'� . . � . . � . . . . .. � . � � .. ' . . . .. . � . . � . 1. That the �'ron� 10 ieet of the sub�ect Froperty ahall be landscaped and maintained. : 2. That any change o� uee on the sub�ect site , ahall be reviewed and approved by the Plannin� Commiae�ion. � . ; • • . . • � � � :�� d . � . � . �..�. .� � �.,..� . . . � � � ' � � � � �E I , y .i„� . . . . , �� ,.�.i . . . ..�� �-:. . . . . . . . .�':.f I I � � � . . � � . .�:��i i � i a ��� ��. � . � . � . . � . . � � � . . .. . . 'c� � . . � , . . � � . . f����, � � . . . . � . . ....:�I �. j Pg. 2 - Sta�f Report - Stan Wiley, .Inc, - ?/20/71 � � , � ._.. . . .. ..... . � . . ::,y.i��„ .., ,. :,�.�. ....... .m.v..��r�.+l r'����Nd,+r .�M..�,��!e4Nk "';v ,� :�:.�:uyy rf¢;;k,.�,. . '��'�� . . .. iLw�:.;.w .. ��` .�. . ..... . . . .a��.;s:�.�u.,..�>;#:t�a:.cW:wx::;a�Gk.r�.°��,��r�:u�a"w.u.��.s.rou::::�a.v..,:... . �....�;:,.�.,w�....w,+ew�:w .�5k..r.r.w.x4�.,e.Mk..F..k.�...��.�,o����. w. . . . . � , . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. � �� . .� . .. �. . . , . . . . . .. , . . C+. � �4` . , � �� � . . � s . r,� , STOAE a 8E71VFG�E SAIflpN �s. R'�. � �� y� � . , � _ , �. d'� � �' . �`'� • .� �. �. 5� . ` � � V�1R/Af�CE ��: � a►�v al' a�a�shA�roi�� Lot fyJfoN� rbNar�e� r r;� , . , r , . �N 0"=/AO' �� - ,. f� ' � .., ; _ __ . , . .. . . . . . ., ..� .,. . .. . .. . .. ... . , .. ,'.r�.'.Y. . .li!:.�. .�.�,., ��.x'..r �. ,��'.:.,.��{-. .:.. .... .. .. .:.... .., .. .__. .�� � . ,o � ,4W-'.v'�uGJ.4w�.::���.».�:..`t. . . :,.:. ... .. '.,. �. r ..:..:;�. 1��: . . . .. , . . i-�-�.i.;rl- .:L.�'.�.'.. . . ....... . ..:;,. ..: : . . .� � � � . . . � _ . . . `� . � . � � ' � , . �:I,I, ��. ' �,I • . };, ii r; � � � � � � f���� Tigard �lann.ing Commieeion �� ! Staff Report � ; ' �,u�ust 17, 1971 ` � Agenda Item 4-C � ' • � . , ,; � � � r� i Condi�ional Use `! For property designated as tax lot 17:00 on tax map 2S1 2C0 �' ;, , �, A�plicant � Tigard Masonic Temple Associatian- '� i ; ? Applicant's ReQUeat , � Condit�onal use approval to permit the con��truction af f a masonie teznple an �, C-3, Geraeral Commerci�,l and A-2, p Multi-family parcel comprising 1.09 a��'�s. ; �� Loca�ion and Land U�e of Sub3ect Proper�ty R ' t The undeveloped s�zb�ect site is located on th� ea�t side of SoW. Paaific Hwy. , across from S.6V. W�,tk�ns Ave. I� � , Sur�oiandinQ Zonin� and Land Use r Abutting parcele to the northeaet and. eau�he�,st are ; zoned C--3 and developed with apart�►ents and the � � Oddfellows Charity Lodge. R-7, Sir�gle Family Residential zaning to the southea�t ia subdivided � and developed. j ; Public Utilities i The sub�ect site is wi+hin the boundaries of the Tigard Water �istr.i.et and Tigard Sewerage syatem (U.S.A. ) . . � Staff Findin�s and Recommendation � � . The staff find� tha� �he pi^oposed u�e con�'orms with the adopted Community Plan and will not be detrfinental t� . ad�oining usea along Hwy. 99-V�. The sub����t parcel doea, however, abut single family residential lot� to the r southeast. � It is recommend�d that the request be approved with the `�, ' fallowing conditionss , 1. That the front l0 feet of the property ahall � be landscaped and maintained. . _ . _ , ,:, .... . ,.:<, , � � ,...._ �.:«�a�.�W� �:�' .. ' •� �. . � . . �.uc,�k�soiw�Nkpi4�irilpiitit' :;";a.k„t�_��.,. ..'r_�..�E.�.'�,�°.`.5�,�.,'��-:pc'ns`_�5�.�,.t,.�..ei�i:d.ti_r�."`:_.,,. � 1 . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. � r �r', . . . . .. . 1 . , ... � , � � � � . . . . . �. ,� .. � . .. . � . . . � � . _ � ' . 4 . . . : . - . � . . . � �b,' . � . . � � . . . 1 � �. � , � � .. . . .... . . ��r� . . .. . . . : . , .. � � . . . .�. \ }' . . . . . .. . � . . .. . . ' . { . P � . � .. . .. . ' .. � . � - 2. That the a,rea along �he rear property line ad�oining R-'] Zaning a�all be , feneed and planted with e�rergreeri treee . to provlde ecreening. � , �. That• a si�te- plara indicat3ng o=f-etreet arki , p ng, in ree.�,and e rese a 6 8 , 1 ndscaping, � ; gigning, teno9.rig, eettssoke, and �building � • elevatione shall be approved by the • � Planning Department p�ior to ieeuance of building permite. :° ; . , � • , . �,i . 1 � , , . , . ,,:� � , + ;i ::� . ' ' ;� � � � � � � � � ��� ;y� � � � ;,i ' � � F� . � . � . . � . . . .. � . . . . . . 7 � . � � � . � � , . � . . . . . . . ,. �`j Pg, 2 - Staff Report - Tigard Maeonic Tsmple - 8/17/71 � I! I 1 I .. . .. . . ... .,. .. �_ . .. . . ... .. . . 'i I � I � . � I � I . . S'W CUVlC � � Ili �� � : _ � Q _. I � � , � � � � S W F�ifRHAV STREET 3 I � a 3 � � � '� �P . � �� F: � /� ,��� � . 'i ,; ���� � Q'� ;''' �. � �i 1 �. ' yS W�HIL L, V/�W STREET �� . W � Q '�°� � � 5��� '� �-- c ,�p ,� N 4 , oF O � ' � � , 3 `� � . , i CU�M7YT/0'N",4L USE � Ar�.w of co�siderrriion � � , far Mnso�ttc T�rr�vl� i , � �co% l"=200� , �; � � �,-:;���� ���� NOTICE OF PU�3LSC HEARING Notice is hereby given �hat a public hearing wi11 be held by the Planning Commissian of the City af Tigard at Fowler Jra High School T,�.brary9 12080 SoWo Main Streets Tigard9 Oregon on August 12a 1971 at 8000 PoMo with respect to the f'ollowinga An �.ppl.�cation by Tigard Masonic Temple Assoc.�ation for conditional use approval to allow a Maso�nic Temg�.e on a C�3, General Cammerc�.a1 paroel loeated on the east side of SoWo Pacifxc Hwyo across from SaW, Watkins Aveo (Map 2S1 2CC Tax I,ot 1100) �� All per��ns having an interest in the matte� are invited �' � ta attend and be� heardo Jo A,llan Paterson CHATRIIIAN � h u �� I �F . , !�igard Pl�nning Comm3ssion Staf.f Report aUgUSt 17� 19�j�.. Agenda It�m 4-D Canditional Use , For property clesignated as lots 1, 2 �,nd 17 �of "114�' Pl.ace19 Subdivision � �Uplicant J. Allan Paterson Realty Ap�1i„�n�° e RecLuest � . . Conditional t���e approva]. to allow the construetion af three duplexes on three R-?, Single �amily Residential . Z.QtB. I,ocation and Zand Use of Subiect Propertv � The vaaant sub�e�t sites ase located an the southwest ''� and sautheast c:oxners of a.W. 114�` Place and S.We �'igard St. Surraundin� Zonin�., and La�nd Use The area surraunding the sub�ect property is zoned R-7 ar�d developed with eaattered single family dwellings and �` a��icultural usee. R-7 zoning to the northwest is su�bdivided and developed with ein�le family 1a�8. A plicant's Justificat.ion "This is a request for � Conditional Use in a R-7 zone for Duplex Residential, wit a miimum lot siz� of 8,000 square feet-one du,plex per lot. ('`Loning Ordinance 70-18, Section 110-�, Gonditional Uses Permitted, Sub-section a. } 5ubdivision 114�` PLACE, recently prsli�ninaxily platted in Washington �ounty, �ubsequently ann�xed to the City � af Tiga�d, and finally granted a variance to a;llow ; County standards, �ra� platted with the inten� of havin duplex lots along S.W. Ti�ard. (ie. �ots 1, 2, and 17.� fihe County ha.s a �pecial A--1 zone• f4r duplexe� and requires only 7,000 aquare feet per l.ot. Under advise- ment of the County, it was considered more appropriate � to apply for a condit;ional use once the subdivisian was annexed to the City of Tigard rather than initiate a zone change in the County. For this xeason the sub3ect lots, 1, 2, and 17 were increa�Pd in sa.z� to 8,000 squ�re feet for the ex,preased purpose of qualifying . . I� . ,. ,..�.. .�..., . ,, . ... ... . . .•........: ,..,��.,.:.�,,,.�.ua-..x.sdaie�y6Hhs'u,...r,.sv�..;:2:..�.µtu`nN.liti?�tC�.�yy��y;�,�sso.µa.�,ul+ks��:r:rw.,, ..�,. . .. �H,;�-�. .a�J�MN',m«u��ow..3�tt,yeYa°w„„�.a,.�!„w' . . � � _ H _.t.�1 6. . � � them f�� Du. �1�..ex R�eeidential Cor��litional Use in tha City o� Tigarc�-w tt�ou� hav�ng�o� ���'�n � variance for lot size .for same. �; In view of the need for rental houe�ng, es�pecially ��' that of a res3dential nature, it is reque�ted tY�at � !� this conditional use be approved :[or duplex residential ' lots at the en�rance to 114� PLItCE. It is felt that � . this approach � to planning is the best in thia inetanae , since Tigard Street ie t'o� buay a thoroughfare to be � i the most de�irable �a a eingle Pamily residential � site. Three duplex reaid�ntial units in keeping j . with the ovPrall etyle of the� development should ' enhance the livability of tha whole area and beet fulfill the need� of the community for residential � housing growth �.n th� City." , � �ubZic Utilities j The sub�ect sit�s are �ai�thir� �he boundaries of the ' � � T.�gard Water District and Tigard Sewerage e�stenn } (U.S.A. ) � � , �. � Conforman.ce with the Community Plan E _ � The adopted Tigard Community Plan de�ignatea th@ � sub�ect area fo� urban low deneity re�idential devt�l- � ,;,::�-- opme�t, having an a�rerage d.ene.ity of 4 dwellinge (13 persons) per grass acre. The 4 acre "114`�` Place" Subdivision contains 17 reaidential lots. • . � Staff Findin�s and Recommendation � � � �.�he staff finds tha�, although the exieting a�ub- � division would contain 4.25 dwell�.ng un.its per gro�� ;; acre, it is de$irable to provid�a duplex dwellings � ' in urban low density subdiviaion�. In addition, the � � �taff finds that the platting procedure �vaa earried �' out prior to the adoption of the Commur�i�y Plgn, `� The �taff further finds that a moet de�ir�.ble locational � standard for dupl.exe$, except when developed within '' planned units, is to place them only on �orner lots � . within subdivision. . , �; � �he staff coneure with the applicant in that duplexe� I .� � can be •compatibly developed on the lot+a at the entrance to the aubdivision. �; • ;; It ia recommendea that the re uea� be a " q pproved for the � two corner lots w�,thin the eubdivisi.on with the fo�.lowing �; "'� condition: �, . ��, ,: • >: 1. That accesa to �he three eub�ect lots ahall � .i b6 from S.W. 114�' Plaee on].y. F' .;� � " �g. 2 - Staff Report - J. Al�.an Patersan Realty - 8/1?/71 �� ; ' _ � � " 5� � � . �`. �a� 4 Q . �' �►��` . ' �� � � �' � �; o� � , �� �5� � `��i wG� WASHNI�197pN , TY U� � ��,�'� � .W T GARD S�TR ET � ��i � CITY QF T/GMD a�° ' I Q" � ��to e ���� � . ` 4• ._ t.; S • �; d' _ _. . . � - • y . - ,°L .. � ; � l �, � � (������. C` (ii - �, �:� �tw ` _' i; S.W. KATHE' /M ST. 3 k, ;��, `� � v, , �' ;` a �' � � E` }. ...�..�...� �; r� a—° , �r 4>'. l. 7 �SI ��' � •� •w �'1 ---�-�---,.. �"._,_�_ � �;. �� N �''. . E;� . ` ;��- �. - � ,�r r� � �- co�varionra� u:sF �� �� �r�a of cansiderofion �-� � for � Dr�p/�xes �; , �;, 1�' r � , sc% /"�2D0' �� • , �. ', � � . . . . � . . . . � . i i .. . . . . . . . . �w", '� I ;JOTICE OF PUBI,�C HEARING Notice �.s hereby g�.ven that a pu'blic hearing will be hel.d by the Plann�ng Commission of the City of Tigard at Fowr7,+�r Jro High Schaol Library, 12080 SoW, Ma�n Streetg Tigard, Oregon on August 17, 1971 at 8000 PoMo with xespect ta the �ollaw�.ng a An application by �To Allan Pa�ersan Realty , for cora.dit�.onal use approval to allow 3 tlupl�xes on �three Rm7, Sin�le Fam�ly Resm iden�tia]. parcel.s located .on the southwes�t and southeast corners n.f SoWo 114�` Place and SoWo Tigard 5tree� (Ma� �.si 34� Tax � zot 4700) Al1 persons having an int�rest in the matter ar� invited r to a�tend az�d be heard a � _. � I J� A11a.n Pater�on CHATRMAN ,. � .. . ,.: _ ...� �, y-• ....<, r<:. .�� �:,. � �:�,r, �,,�;— ..,wK,. »_aau._,�� . . . 4 ;-saes � � . �� �, � . . .. . ,,. �t �� . .. � . � . � . . �� . .. �� . . �. . . � � . � . . . .� . ' � . . .[r;: � . .. . . . . � . . . � . � � � . � ? { : �. � . � � �. . � � � . � . I � . � � . .� . f���,. 1 a � .... . . . . . . �. . � t 1 . . � . . . . . . . .. 4 a � Tigard Planning Commiasion� ��j �uguat �7, 197� •Q�rida Item 4-� �; i �� , i1 �;.; . r, � . PROPO SED �ZONING ORDTNANCE A�iENDMENTS �' �Y . ;'; (.''. ,, 1. 5EC�TUN 260-2 (Applica"tion and Fee) � �'� >, Delete: Section 26U-2 �; . �. Add: Section �60-2 f'' Appliaation �nd Fee i;! �;: . �. An ap�licgtion for smendmen�� by a property i��� . or h�e authorized agent a2�a11 be Filed with a�'� ;� the City R�c�rder. The applicaticaa� ahall be �'.; , � a�ca�panied �y � f�e of �1�OdOb. Applica- ��- �,, tiane for P--D, Planned DevelQp�ent zoning aha12 b� accompanied by a �ee of �250.:00. 2. CH,APTER 28a - DEFINITIONS . � D�2ete: Definition of K�nn�l �: ��� �;� Add: Definitioaa of Kea�n�l �'� More than thre� dogi� on any lot or �<' premiees cansti��ate� a gennel. Ons '` litter of unwean�d pups i� exempt. ', I�: � � , �: i - � �� r . ;� 3 � � � � �.. . ; ; , � _ •