Planning Commission Packet - 07/01/1971 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. j ( y r i � � J',��f �•�/,� 1� �,s� ��� .r'.�rd''.- . �t � ' ,� i ..�r.yr.M�' 4� " �. MI NU T �2 S _ _ _ e _ ..., _ Tigard Planning Commission I� Specie.l M�eting - July 1, 1971 Tigard City Hall Tigard, Oregon I. CA�L TO ORDER -� 8a45 P.Mo II. ROLL CAI,L A, Present: Commissioners Gos�.in, Pateraon, Peterson, Whittaker9 Wood�rd, As�ting Chairman Sev�rson, Cit� Planner Ray Rangilaa B. Abaent: Commissior�ex°s Fletek��r, I�ewis and Nicoli. IIT. SUBDIVISIONS � A. "114�` 1'lac:�" Prel�.minary Plat and Var�.ance request 1, A request for preliminary pla� approv�,l based on � Waahington Coun�;y 8uba.ivi�ian standard�. The propased 17 lot R-7, Single Fa.mfly Residential Subdivis3.on w�,s a,pproved by the Washington County �'lanning Commission prior to annea�ation to the City of Tigard, 2o Discu�sion and Action a. Jim Harris (en.gineer) and Allen Paterson (aponsor) expla3.ned th� reasan for the vari�,nce requeste They stated the preliminax�y� platting process wae completed at the County leve�: durin� the thres month anr�exation proeess in order for tkse subdivision to be ready for City appraval by summexo 'The City staff had indicated that this was brough� to the Planning Commtasian and City staff's attentian by the City Attorneyo Spec3fi- cally, the Washington C�iznty Subdivision Ordinance requires a 40' radius in cul-de-saes wi�h 31' of pavingo The Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires � 50� radius and 34' of pavingo b, It was moved (4dhittaker) , eeeonded (Goslin) and �assed by a 5 to 0 vote of the Commission preaent Patersan abst�,ining) tha�t the P1ann3:ng Commi�sion approve the preliminary, plat with County Stand�rd� ba�ed on the foll,owing findings of faet: , � lo That �here are special circumstances .. affecting the �ubdivision as it was �nnexed after plat approval by the Washington County planning Commissione �,,_ .. ... �_..�_.::_ _ _.�.. ,s � \ 2o That the varianc� is necess�,ry to � preserve substantial property righ�a of the peti�aonero �;n�i.r�eexing, � �urveying, iron staking, etco has alreac�y been completed baged an the Co�unty��s px�eliminary plat o 3 0 2'ha� the granting of tl�e variance will not be detrimental to �he publie health, �afety arid va�lfare af other properti�s in the vicinity of the sub�ect pro�erty, 4a That the City staff had previously directed � the applicant to proceed under County �tand- ,. arci� �.nd procedurss before annexatian to the � Cityo � f' e, The Planning Cnmmis�ion advised the Ci.ty s�aff to #; refer �and use applications and pT�,ts relating� to c unincorporated land ta the appropr3ate review authority, (ie: City CounciZ and/or Planning Commission) �`- IV o ADJ'OURNMENT - 9 a 15 P o M, F ( i � � P�. 2 - PC Mir�utes - Sp�cial Meeting July 1, 1971