Planning Commission Packet - 06/15/1971 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. . � 1 � .�- ' .. i���2{ .'�k1.::. ..:'.. ', - � ' ' . /' ✓ i �" I I . l � �rr��.��k � 1 Tigarcl Planning Commi seion Regular Meeting - June 15, 1971 Member Section - 7:00 PoMo � Publi� Hearing -� �:00 PoMn Fowler Jro Hi�h School I,ibrary 12080 SaW, Main Sto , Tigard, �re, i, I , T, CALT, TO ORDER 'I �i I:L � ROI,I, CA.LI, I'' I� IiT� APPROVAL OF I�IINUTES �' Ao Regular Meeting May 18, 1971 �' ' T�T o PU�I,IG FiE�.RI?dG � A,, �'iga,rd Community Plan 1a Staff Prsseritation a�.d Recommendation 2e Public Hearing 3, Cnmmission Discugsion and Actiox� � B, Si�n Cod� ArBendments I 1 1 a Staf� Reco�anendation ' 2„ Publia Heari.ng � 3, Commi�aion Diseussion and Action � { V� OTHER ITEMS � � A, Preliminary P-D, Planned Developmerxt � FRED HAHN, Applicant � B: Preliminary P-D, Planned Development { WALLY JOHNSON, Applicant i C � Prel�.minary P-D, Planned Develop�aent � WILuEY and HAM, Applicant I � D, Preliminary P-D� P1.anned Develapment � ZEE MILLER, Applicant � �' Es Review of "114�` Place" �ubdivi�ion � � F, Direction Sign (SoW, Pacif3c Hwy4 and Canterbury Lno ) , VIa ADJOURNM�NT � . . . . ... . ...,.... �.... ��; : � °' ��,�>r�'�����= .> ,� d � �,s, M I N U T E S ' _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ �, ! Tigaxd Planning Cam�issi�n Re�ular Meeting � June 15� 1971 F'owler Jro High Schonl Libr�ry 12080 SsWo Main Sto , Tfgard, Ore. , � T, CALL TO ORDERs 8000 FoMo � s II o ROI,I, CAI,L � A, Presento Commissa.�ners Fletcher, Goslin, Zewis, Nicoli, � Severson, Whittaker and Woodard: Keith Thompson,, � Director of Public Works: Ra�er Budket Pl.anning � Cansul�ant: Ray Rangi.l�, City Pl�,nner � B, Absent< Commissi,oner Petersan and Chairman 1'aterson � TTI e AP�'ROVAI, OF MINUTES Aa Commissioner Lewis asked tha�t the minutes far the . regular meeting of May ].8, 1971 be carrected to include his name in the li�t of Commissioners presente � _ IV'o PUBLIC HEl�RING ` Ae Tigard Community P1an � lo Staff Yresentation and Recommendatian ao Ray Rangila, City �'lanner, presented slid.es of mapa ehowing the Planni�g area9 �op�gra�l�y� land use pattern, glannsd water and sewer�.ge � gyatem, and p'.Lanned schools and parkso ( b, Ray Rangila explained the gaals and purposes o� the Community P1ane � cs Ray Rangila described the locat�.oms9 ob�ectives, , standards and policies of the l�,nd use categoriese de The staff reaommended approvalo 2. Public Hearing (questiona posed. by members of audienc�) le Where future municipal water eupp�y will come from and who °11 pay for the water line extension�? Ray Rangila �xpl��ned �hat the soon to be completed � Water Study $hou�.d determine water needs and souroeso � 2e What are the proceduree for �he adopt�on o� the Cnmmunit,y Plan? I f .. \.._. . � . �.ay �angala explained �hat �h� Pl�.n wauld be presented to the �i�ard Plax�niri� �c�mmisaion and City �ounci]� :for adoptzon, then �he Wa�k��.ngton �cunty Plannxng �ommiss.�on9 Washingtan �:ounty ' Board a� Commissi�ners9 and cities of King City and Durham, i 3o Wh� allUw indu�trial development along Fanno �� CrPek? RogPr Budke �xplain�d t��.t the �attern is , al�^eady devp].np�ng� railroad and freeway ac;�ess is already avaxl.able, and under the Plan eaah deve�.opment waul.d be con�id:ered on an fn�iva.dua�. bas�.s 3an or3er to control noxious izidustries, A�1sa, �G�e indu�trial corridor is naturally bu£fer�d from xesidential de�relopmen� by Far�no Cr�ek and Hi.ghway 217 0 4 e V�Iha� �rould happen to the Bull Mountain are�, if t��urray �1.vd o go e s through? ( �oger �udke explair�ed that if Murray Blvd, �aes thpough a c�etailed design p1�n of the corridor wc�tald be ne��ssa.x�y �to in�ure compatible devs].opmento 5o How fi.rm is the commitment of the Plan? � �.oger �udke explained that �he Plan g,rovides guide lxnes tQ set po'licie� and that �ondi�.i.on� do change �example Murz�y Blvdfl ) , The �lan must be regularly reviewed, updated and revised if necessaryo 6, Gan the greenways be built on and wi11 the city buy �he gx�eenway�? hay Kangila explained that the greenways wou].d b� �z�tilized for pedestr�i�n and bicycle paths, and that a home owners agreement could �� established or the develop�r co�ald dedieate the area to the City, Th� use caf planned unit dev�lopment teehniques wauld all.ow el�stering dwell.inga in order to provide common open spaae such as greenways. 7 e 4vhat pra�visians m�,de for the maintenance of the greenways? C Ray Rangila expl�,ined that if th� greenw3yg were declicated to the City it would be the Cityes � responsibility to ma3ntain theme If not dedicated, P�e 2 - PC Minu�tea = 6/1�/71 ' . i .F� . � . . . . . .. . . `�- " the developer would be responsible for maintenance under standarcis pravided for in planned unit ! development�e 80 �ill the plan better the Community or help the developer? Ray Rang�la explained that the Plan prowid�s better cantrol over dev�Iopment and aims to proteet natural ' drainageways and gre�nwayso � 9, If higher densities are allowed f.n the "tri�;ngle" won' t ther� be a l.arge amount of �raFfic in the � single family aubdivi�ions that will be retained? � Roger Budke expla.i.ned that the developments next to the single family subdivi�ions wo�uld not be high deneity and that the Plan shQws 72nd bein� � vacated and the noxth�-sauth traffic shifting to � CaB�' � . 10. Is �here a trend to move the cen��r to Tigard -to � . the Bull Moun�a�.n. area`? � Ray Rangila exp�.ained �hat the P1�:n dc�es not shaw �, : a centra,l businefis di�tria�t for T�gard. TY�e center of �igard that we know now would retain a s:im�.lar character �in the future and camanunity ehop�ing facilities and intensive use areae would be decentralized4 � llo What is meant by the "Civic Centsr" on �k►e Plan? � ' !,. Roger Budke a�id Ray Rangil.a explained thai� the �; "Civic Center" would coz�;sist nf �ov�rnmental agen�iea, city hall, . post offic�e, l�brary, etc.-�- � and that the "downtov�m" area toda� does not have � adequate �pacee � 12. Any provisions in the Plan for mass tr�n�3.t? � Ro�er Budke explained th�t at this timp there arp no provisions for mas� tran�it. , I , 13. �lho°17 �,dminiater the plan? ; Ray Ran�ila explained that the City ot' T�;gard, � Wa$h�ngton County, DurY�am and King City wi11 administer the plano ; �. 14o How will the plan be �mplemer�ted? ' Ro�:er Budke atated that each �urisdic�ion will have the option t:o adop� the -plax� o� no� to. Pg. 3 - FC Minutes • 6/15/?1 � , _ _ r �.. 15o What provis�ons are there for agricultural lands? � Ray Rangila stated that the n:ew zoning ordinanee would pro�r�,de for a�ricultural lando 16a Whc� made up the Citizen.°s Advisory Committee? PeopYe througY�out the entire planning area-- Durham, King City, Ti�ar.d, metzger, etGo 17o Anything proposed to cnntrol the rate of growth? � Th� plan cloes not have provisions to control � the rate of growthp except �or u�ility extenaionao Public He�ring was clasedo t; � � f� 3, Commisaion Discussion and Aetion �� a, It wa� maved (Whit�aker) , seconded (Lewis) �` and passed by unanimous vote of the Gommis�ion E present to approve the Tigard Community �lana B. Sign Cocle A�endments � ' 1m S�aff Reeomffiendatia�. ao Sta�ff recommend�d �.pproval 2. Publ.ie Hearing ae Mro Schoekelt, Bull Mount�.in, ask�d i� r�al- estate sfgns are in the same �la�sYfic�.tion a,� billboardso b. Ray Rangila explained that the sign code has provisions for realesta�e s�.�ns a�d that they � aren'� clas�if'i.ed �s billboards. c. Mro Schoekelt �tated he Yaad obtained 5� ai�natures in suppart of �he amendmer�t�o de ASrso Jean Yaun� asked if the State legi.slature' s , - aetion would help �he bill��aoard situation in Tigardo ee Commis�ioner Whittaker explained that the bi7,1 would not effec� any Gity in Oregone fo Ray Rangila explained that the Sign �c,de d�es proh�.bit �om� sign�--such ae rota�ing and flaah3ng, pennanta, sandwich board� ,anc1 stringa of li.ghtsa g, Mro Schoekel.t preaented sl-i.d�s of bill:boards in the Tigard a,nd Psrtland areaa ho It wa� moved (Whittaker) , seconded (Gq�lin) an8 passed by uns�nimous vate of the Commi�sion present to ap r�ve the Si�n Code atnendment�o ie It was moved (Whitt�ker) �; seaonded (Severson) and passed by unanimou� vate of the CoYnmiasian �.' preeen�t to decreaae the aompl�.ance pe�iod fQr outdoor advertising �igns (bill.boa�d�) to 5 year�s and other non-confarming �igna to 7 yearso V, . ADJOURNNIENT: 1.0:2 5 F o M e Pg. 4 - PC Minutes -- 6/�5�71