Planning Commission Packet - 05/18/1971 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. . . _ _ _ _ , ��i�fJ . ��,1� � y ��� AGEN�A �igard �lanning Commission R.egular 1�Zeeting = May 18, 1.971 t�ember Section 0- 7�30 �'�M� Pub�i� Hearing - 8e00 ��M, Fowler Jr� High Schaol Zi.brary 1108C1 S�Y�'� .Main St� , �igarci� Ore, � I•, CA��, 10 O�DEF?. I I� ROZ.L C;ALL T'LI4 AT'PROVA�, OF P'iINUTES ? A, �?e�ular aneeting Apri1 20, 1971 � � IVo SUBDZVTSIpNS � Ao Greenbrooke � 1, Subdivision �ommittee Recommendation u 2n Commi�sion I�iscussion and Ac�ion �; V, PUBLI� HEARING A� Conditional Use TIGAR,D EVAI�GEZICAT� C�iUR�H, Applicant A request or con itiona�: use approva:l to allnw the construction of � church on a 5 acre S-R., Suburban Residential parcel l�cated on the east side o� , S,W� �.21st Avenue, approximate�.y � mile south of � S�W; Scholls Ferr,y Roado �� 1� Staff Recommendation 2, Public Hearing �, 3� Commission Discuss3.an and Action 1 VZ o OTHER IT;MS A, Pxoposed Sign Code Amendments �I , l.� Staff Recommendation 2, Commisaian Discussion and Action � B� Announeement of Community Plan p�^esentation � on May 19, 1971 at Twality .Tro High ScY�oo� ; � I� VZ� o ADJOURNMEN� i � �k �. , y � � ��"<<�,� <<�..�`� ,�,�'�'�4 .,���:.; • �, . C._ M :LNUTES Tig�ard Planning Commiss�on Regular Meeting d �Iay 18, 1971 �°owler J'x, High School �ibrary 1208a SoWo Main Sta , Tigard, Ore� I, GA.L�, TO OR��R: 8 a 00 P o M� �T o ROT�Z CAZ�, Ae 1'resent: Commissioners G�slin, Nicol.i, Severson, Whittaker, Woodard and Chaarraan Patexson: Keith �hompsan, Publ�.c Works I�ire�tor: Ray Rangila, City Plann.er B� Absent: Commissioners �'letcher and Peterson �_ III o AFPROVAI, O.r MINuTES �, The minutes for �he �lpril 2n, 19"11 mesting were approved as submitted� 7.Ve 5UADIVTSTONS A, Greenbrooke le Subdivision Coznmittee Recommendation ao The staff r�commended preliminary a,pproval� 2� Commission Discu�sion and Action ao Commissioner Whittaker stated con.cern over the saf�ty of pedestrians in connec�ian with th� v�ehicular circul.ation around the poolo bn Howa.rd adkins stated that he didn°t believe that there would be too muah traffi� �aith only 12 unitso ca Commissioner Goslin stated that speed bumps could be installed in order to slow the traffic around the poolo d, Howard Adka.ns stated that the circular drive would enable the Fire Department to maneuver its truckso e, Chairman Fateraon asked about �he set�acks in relation to the building codeo f, Keith Thampson, Director of Public Works, stated �, that the building code regulated the distance between bui].c�ings, go Ray Rangila, expl.ained to the Commission that the sit� plan had been approved in Au�ust of 1969a � �� �. .r � .. . . . � . � � � . � . � . � . . . 4 ��.�� � . . . . � . . . . . ho :It was moved (Goslin) , seconded (Severson) , ; �,nd passed by a una�,imous vot� of the Commission present that the preliffiinary plat be approved provided the 5 ° sideyard and �5� rear yard setbacks be observed, B, I,ake View Estates (Preliminary review of a proposed p�.anned residential development a� the northwest corner'of So�io 115� and aoW, Gaarde) 1� Wayne Gibbens af Burton Brothexs explained that the densit;y af the proposed 28 acre developmEnt would be 7 units �er net acre (} per gx�oss acre} , The praposed concept plan wi.11 consist of mixed hnusing types lacated al.ong a gr�enway �ystem� 2, Gommissioner Lew�.s asked what the �:otal. numb�r of dwelling units will beo 3. Mr� Gibbens stated tha� the total number o£ units will be 140, C� , 4o Ray Ran�ila explained that the proposed development is in aonfrrmanae with residential densitiie� desi�nat�d by the ��eliminary Cqmmunity �'�ana 5o Commissioner Zewis stated his concerr� over the traffic situation at Yacifir Highway� anc� Gaarde, and existin� conditions of S�W, 115 and SoW, Gaarde Streeto V s PUIiLIC HEARING A, Conditianal Us� � TTGARD EVANGEI,ICAL CHURCH, Appl�.cant � A req_uest for conditi�nal use approval to a11.ow the � construction af a church on a 5 acre S�R, Sul�urban � Residential p�.rcel 1.ocated on the eas�t s�de a:f � S_W., 121st Avenue, approximately � mile sauth of . S�'ri, Scholl.s Ferry Road� � i l, St�f.f Kecarnmendat3on + a, Staff recommended approval w.xth conditions, j 2, Public He�,r.�in� ' a- �'astor Swaren of the Ti�ard �;vangelical Chureh � spake in favor of the reaues�> ' b� �'ublic hea��.ng was a2oseda 3� Cammission �liscussian and Actian a, Keith Thampson stated that before sewers cauld be avai�.able at this �a�ae, a �umg:i�g stat�.or� wuuld h��,ve �;n be :irz�7tal1�>d > �.. �'�� 2 �- ��G" 1K.:in.u.t�s � ���-8�71 _-- -----*-- I � '. ' bo It was moved (Go�lin) 0 seconded �N�.ao1i) � and passed l�v unanimous vote of t�e Commi�sion present fih�� the request be approv�ed provided� � lo That the facil.�.�y sha11 be conn�ect�d to public sewer at sueh time that .�t i is available wi�thin the proposed � Gumberland �ubciivision, 1 2o That f.inal plans indicating �andscap� � ing� screening, buildirig elevations, � setbacks, off-s�treet parki�g; signin�, � ingress and egress, and drainage spec�- �, ifications shall be approved by the �! Planning and Publie Works Departments !,� priar to issuance of building permitse �' , : I:. YI� OTHER I�EMS k A, Proposed Si.gn Code �mendments 1 o itaff Recommenclatian � � a� Staff recammended �,pprovala � C m' ' o Diseus ° n Ac� ' n � 2, om zss� n s�.a ana� �.o o � a, Chairman :Paterson asked for publi� dzscussi�n, be t�ro E�.rl �.e�.d stated he was in opposition to I any changes in the Sign Code, co Nir� Reid, asked who initiated the amendments� � d, Ray Rangila explained that the Caznmissi�n asked j the staff �o initiate the amendm�nts, i e, I+�ro �'i.eici asked who made the mo�i.ono � f, �.ay R�ngila read the minutes from the April ' meetingo � g� Mro Bill Barber, Foster and Kleiser, st��ed opposition to the amendmentsa He stated that the State is proposing a regulatic�n on the spacirzg of outdoor advertising signs� ho Coanmissioner Whittaker expressed c,r�ncern over the sign clutter on 99-W and asked i� billboards were really needed or desirabls within the Communityo io I�Iro �cY�o�kelt, Bu11 Mountain res�.den�, stated he was in agreement with the amendmentso He also stated concern over sign elutter and visual pollut.ion� jo Mr� Chuck Norton, C.ity Councilman, stated his oppasition to both a�er:dmentso He �tated that if the Ca.ty prQhibited outdoor advertising, i� �- would be prohibiting private enterprise within the Qity, �'g, 3 - PC Minutes - 5/18/7�. _ I .. . ..+ . . . . ... . .. � . � . . h�.....:� . � . � .. � ko �t was moved (Zew:�s� , secnnd�d (Nicol.i) a,nd pa�sed by a 4 �0 3 vote of tha Oommission present to hold a publi� he�ring cancerning the proposed Sign Code amendments at the next r�gular Planning Commissi.on meeting5 , . . � VzI a ADJtJURNM.��TT. 9. �G � �.M�. �.LL:` i � : � , � � ; i �;` Pg, 4 - PC �iinutes - 5/18/71; � , , .... - - .� . . , . :�1,�rr.� ""'r4�'� �5l.�fti$�,`�?tt'"���i�. F"u" =::�>a ��`;. ,i'���'�'":'...Y, 'x'�� �� '.:y 4r.s , v . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . � , .. � \�;... � , �, . . . � ., . . . . . . - . . . . .. �. . �.. . . �. . Tigard �'lanning Comm�.seion STAFF R�PURT r�ay z�, i97�. Jlgenda Item 4-A Subdi�rision Name .. Greenbrooke � Spanso� _....� Howard Adkin� �'�er W.L. McMonagl� - J. Harris A�soc. • App�icant's �:eq'�e�� Pr�liminary �pprc�val of a �iubdi�rision �al�t which prapo�es to divid� 1..36 acre� inte� 12 �ando�iniu� re�id�ntia.l 1ote. I,ocation arid Z,�,oning � 'S�e aub�ect property is l�oc�t.ed o�n the west sid� �f S.W. Garrett St. approximately 5�0 f'�et gau�he��t o£ Hwy. 99-W• .A condit�c�na�. use for the pl€�ran�d r�siclential develapment w�a appxoved by the P1�.nning Commission and Citp Cauncil �con.ditions attalv�'leC�) s Public Utilities Report The lots in the eub�iv3.sion will be se�ed by the ;� � Ti�ar�l Water Di�tx.�et and Unified Sewe�a.ge Agency ! ' (City of Ti�ard) . ' - Staff Recommendation : � It is recommended that preliminary a�praval be � granted �ay the Pl�,nning Gommissior�. • � .�..�.-, , . ... Y .. . �. . � � . � . � . . . .. . . �� � � � . . .. . . . . . � .. .. 1) That th� sit� be developed in Qccord�nt�e with th� �ite plan submitted, or as e�ended by t3�a Gommi��lor. 2) Th�t �the w�.dth of the one-�isy loop end �f the ir�ternal acce9s raad be 1�' and e thi�k�ned aepllal� ed�e be ac�n- etruct�d ox� each �lde, iriete�.d ai a orub,- ta eas� the pa�ssage of larger vehicles, euch as Sir� �ruckB b be conetructed alo the� reet o� 3 ) T hat standard �ur a n8 � the acceis �ro�d 4) Th�.t final plan• showing Qraiz�a�g�, l�ndac�ping, s,x�cl " �he propoaed locatilan o�, all utilitles be aub�nitted ' : � �ith the building plane �t the t!m• af ��pplication for � bui�ding permit 5) That the �erimeter ef the property be fenced Nith a �5'-7" high fence m�,tching the ex4erior ch�rac�er of the bL111dinge 6) Th�t the �idewal.ke ,shown be 31 �n WiBth and con- $tructed af bx�ick of expoeed� s$gregate, �nd with a atandard b" curb .: � 7) That all ut9.11�iee be undler�Croiznd ; 8 j Tha�t plan� for ,�treet ligh�ing be sub�►i,tted t'or Cit�r ' ataff approval 9y That the exterior of the buildin�e �e of ��eYar �iding � and the roofs oS r�rood shingl.se a� indicatecl 9.n the propo�al � i�) That � ��►� driv�ws�y cut be a�Froved ae ehown on tk�a £ site pl�n. 11) That the common property ba main�,airt��: by the h�a�e or�m�r� as�oeiati�n, �►nd, in �h� ���nt th,�t it is nat "� maintained, the C1"ty maq cau�c euah malntenance ta ' b� donca and assego tho property n�wn�r(�) 4ccardin�ly � 12) That th� oue�tian c�t whether ox° not the �ccee� �°oaQ ; wrill become a� dedic��ed atreet �hould be revie�+�d � � �� b� a meetlx�g of the ofrner, tt�e utillty compax��e�, a,nd the Cit�r; then preeented �o the �'lanr�irag and � Zoning �ommieelon for caa�$ideration � � 13) That thi� oonditlor��1 uee �ha�ll ex�►lre 1n one �ear � if th! pr��ec�t haa not been start�d and contin�ual t �rogrese toward it� completian ir not l,n �vidence � , � � , � . . �� . � � � 3 �. �� � � (' � � � . _ � . �� k; � �, ;; �;I � `� ���� -� ���� rl �Ii Tigard Plannin� Commission '�,, STAFF REY(JRT k=� t:� May 18y 19?1 ; Agenda Ttem 5-A ;?� i . � . . �,i ;;: + � ,: • ' f', j, r' Conditional Use i� � For property designated as ta�c lot 6Q1 on �ax ;'�' �p 181 34B. i;; Applicant Tigard Evangelical Church . �; �����. �licant ' � R��ue�t Conditional use approval to permit the con�truction t�' of a church on an S-R, SubL?rbar� Reaidential parcel � comprising 5 acres. 7Loc�,tion end Land Use of Subiect Fropertv The vac�,nt s�xb�e��t pa�cel i�e loeated on the e�st eicle of S.W. 121at Ave. , appraxi�atelg �} m�le s { south of Scholls F�rry Road. }`' i'i Surroundin� Zanin� and Zand Use i' �, The area surroundin the sub ect aite to the we t '' 8 $ � � , north and east is undeveloped and zoned S-R. R-7, z': Single Family Resid�ntial zoning to tYae south i� dev�loped with eingle family dwellings. � . �. Public Ut, ilities Report ',,. - , � The Tigard 6dater Dis�rict has �ubmftted written verific�tion for �ervice availibillity to the �; ; proposed church. , � Th W c ; � aehington County Department of �ab13c �l�gltk� haa approved the eite tor an indi�ridual �►eptic tank • z:' system. �i � Staff Findin�s and Recommendation �� � ( • The staf.t• find� that the propoeed conditional u�ae ce�n � be developed in harmony with exi�ting and futur� � surraunding re$idential land uaes. 7� . . � � . . � . . ' . . . . �R �' . � . . . . . . . . , . . . .. . . _ .. . � .. ... . � .. . ... . . � � �� � . . . . , . . . . . - . . . . . . � . . x;�� � . � . . . . , . .. . , . . . . . � . � . . . . . . . .. .A �. � � � � . . �.. .... _.. ..�:.. .�_ _ . ... ... .... ., �.�.�.. � . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ �... _ , It is recommended that the reque�dt be appr�ved w�.th ' the following �onditions: 1. That t�e tacilitq eh�1.]. b� connected to public eewer ins�ead of an individu�l gepti�c tank system. 2. That Pina� plan� indicating �l�nda�caping, ' acreening, building elevati�ne, �e�t�backe, of�-atreet parking, eigniag, ingrea� and egre�a, and draina�e �agecificattome �h�ll be approved by the Plaraning and Publi� Worke D�partmente ��i�r to ie�sua�nc� o� b�i�diu� per�its., ; � • i ; ;, ; } i� , � : � , . ;j �� �� �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � ;� i; . . �� ; ,�. . �4� ; . z < �. . ; : �4 �p8. 2 - ;STAFF RE�'ORT - Tigard-Evange3iGal Qhurah - 5/18/71 } , 1a?��il� d �►'.iNOv/�V� iN S ` JI � � I�1 IF-i � � uoifa�ep,isun.� �pZ,�,� v/o�s '� y�any� o io� ,�O D8./D 3Sn 7dN0/1�ION�3 � � � �o i�l i ��s 1�",:�-- ,--�� �--- . .. _ _ _ . � _ � � :.:., . _ �,J.� i ' NOTICE (JF PUBLIC HE�RING 'I, . Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be I held by the �lannin� Commission of the City of Tigard ' at Fowler Jr:, High School library, 12080 S,Wa �lain St, , Tigard, (7regon on May 18, 1971 at 8a00 PaM� witk► respect to the followingu An application by Rev� Ro�ger B, Sware� for Tj.�ard Evangelical �hurch for conditional ' use approval to allow a chuxch on an S-R, Suburban Residential parcel located an the east side o�" SoW, 121st Ave� � approximately � mile south of Scholls Fer.�y Road (�Iap 1S1 34B tax 1ot 601) All persons having an inte�°est in the matter are invi�ed to attende J� Al1an Pater�on CHAIRMAN � . . ��'� �,. __ . _ _ r.., . ;� .� ,, . �� � . . y . . � . . . . � . � . . . -. . . . .. � . . . � . � .. ' �igarcl Planning Camm3.s�3.on ' � May 18, 197Y� �._ Agenda Item 6-A �'FtOPOSED AMENDMENTS TO CITY OF TIGARla SIGN ORDINANCE , � ' 1. Section 410: OUTDQOR ADV'ER�IaING SIGNS � . D�iete. Sect�.a� 410, :3ubs�ection� l, 2, •3, I , 4, 5, 6 a.nd ? ' Add: Section 410a OUTDOOR ADVERfi�SING . SIGNS l. Zonee permitting ; ao O�tcioar ad��rti�ing �i.g�a �hall i ' not be permf°��t�d w�.thin �n� �one, ; , 2. Seetion 303 t COMI+�ERCIAI, ZONES Deletes �e�tian 303a Subs�ctiorx (3) (b) (Height �im�.t) ` �dd: Sec�ion 303, Sub��ctia�n �3) (b) � HEIGHT I,IMIT `- No free-at�d�.ng eign ek�all �xceed . : in la�i�rit the distaxace �t any ', .�. por�tion of t�e si�n to th� center ' Y �� the ad��,cent public right et' � . xay. (See F�.gure 1) The �aui�►um heighi�' af an�* �ortion o2' a sign K � ar si �t�.°ucture shall be thi�ty- f fiv� g3�) .feet :�ra� the ground � leve�. a� ite base x�egsrdlaes of �� location. Th�' minimum ciear�,nce below the 1owe��; p�rtion c�f a ; free-e�andi�ng s�.gn a�xtd the round 'i � below �hal� be �'ourteen (14� feet �p in any dri,veway or parkfng area. i � � � � � t'' � ,, . � . � .. . . . . . . ._�'a y � . . �' . . � � �� � 5 '�W . . � � .. . . . �� . . � . . . � � . �.. . . �� 5 � k ;� �� � ,#.