Planning Commission Packet - 04/20/1971 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. I, r \. I i AGEN�A Tigard Planning Commissior� Regular Meeti.ng w �.pr�1 2Q, 197�. M mb 4 � . e er. SeGtion � '7�00 .. . m, F�.blic :iearzng �- B�OQ �'; �� F�w].�r �Tr, Hi�h Sr,h�r�l '.:��brary 12080 S,yr', Ma.in St ; 4 Ti�ard, f)re.. T, �ALZ TO �Jr��ER zz a �.ozz ��.zr� �.._. I�:T< �;P�FtOVRT, OF MINUTES .�:. Regular meeting March 16, �97a zv,. �U��I�T szoN'S A� Penmar Terrace Pla� Nc� - 2 ' 1 .. Subdi.vision Com.cnittee Recommendation ?_ - G�mmis�ion �7iscue�ion and Actian. V, �UBZIC HEARTDIG A� Zone Change hYSTER SAL�,S COo , Applic3nt A xequest for a change of zone cl.assifica�ion from M-4! �ndus�rial Park to �-P, Planned Developmen.t District on a parcel loca�ted �n the v�est side of Hwy., 217 appraximately 700 �eet east of S�W, 72nd Avenue (Map 2S1 lv paxt o.� tax l�t 1401) 14 Staff Recommendation 2. Publi.c Heari,ng 3e Commia�ion Discu�sion and Act3on B, Zone Change CTTY OF TIGAR7�, Applicant requeet or a change of zone cl�ssifieati.on faro� R-7, Single Family Residential to P-D, Planned � � Developmen�t District on a parcel located an the southwest corner of S,Wa Bull Mountain Road and Hwy� 9g-W (Map 2S1 l0A tax lnt 3680) �. , Str�.�'f R@commendati�n 2, Public Hearing 3 r Gommf esion Di,scuss3on and Act�.on ■ __._�__ _ � , � �' : �onditional IIs� T�ZA:kVIN K7�:;I,�:Y p A�pplicant � r.equest for candi.tional use appruva]. to al.low a duplex on an ;��-�7, S:�ngle �'amily R.esidential parce:2. lacated on the west side of S:W, 95�` ��'enuea approximately 500 feet sauth of S-W� Greenburg �d� ��K�.p 1;1 35CD �:ax :lot 2701) ._ 1 � ��aff �i.ecammendation 2, .��blic Hearing 3� Commission �?iscussion and Action �7, Conditianal 7fse NADINE SHEPFiERD, �.pp�icant A req�uest �ur nome occupation approval to a1l.r>w a boutique shop in the basement of an .�-�7b Single Family Resid�ntial dwellin� located c,n thP n.�r�heast corner of S W. Hall Blvd , and SoW. Knoll Dr� �Map 2S1 1.8� tax lo� 700) . 1 , Stafg �.ecompnendation 2� Public Hearing �� 3� Commis5ion :Ui�cussion �x�d Action E, Conditiona:l Use RANDA�I, CONST� GO�, INC�. , �applicant .A• requ�st �ar conditional. use approval ta allow the construation af apartments on a C�3a General Commercial � p�.rcel l.ocated on the scauth side a f S� !�, Wa1.MUt Street 9 approxiffiately 310 feet nor�thwest of Hwy, 99=W, (Map 251 2BD tax lat 2201) , l., Staff Recomureridatian 2a Public Hearing 3� Commission Discussion �,nd Action F� Variance PAkTEX CORPuttA`llutv, Applicant A request or a sid� yard variance on an l�i-3a Ligi�i� Industrial parcel l.ocated on tne north siae of a.>i�i� Hunziker Street, approximate].y 14�0 feet sout2�e�s_t of S,W, Hall Blvd, (Map 2S1 ].BD tax lot 300) 1 , Staff Recommendation 2, Public Hearing� 3� Commis�i.on Discussion arid Action YI� �T�iEk ITEMS � VII e AD,TOURMENT � Pge 2 - PC Agenda - 4/20/71 `� _ _ _ . . ._ ..._ _ . � �� " y� daE'.r , ' '�Jd.-AL�'r l.��...,k�,',%af'r•'i;"+:��k..�.�.. <�/c't%..s��. 'L. V � � M � N U T E S T3.g�,rd Planning Commission Regula.r Mee�in� � Apri1 20, 1971 Fowler �Tro H�.gh School Zzbrax�y 12080 So�T� r7ain St, , Tigarde Orea T� CAZL TO ORDER: 8 t 00 P o P�I o �I, ROLZ CALI, Aa Presente Commissioners �'letcher9 I,ewis9 Nicoli9 �Thittaker9 Woodard and Chairman Patersono Ra,y Ran��.1a� City PZanner Bo Absent< Commissioner� Goslin9 Peter�on and Severson IIIe �PPROVAZ OF MINUTES A, The minutes for the �iarch 15� 197�. meeting were approved as submitteda IVQ SUBDIVISTONS � Penmar• Terx�ace Plat. No, 2 ].4 Subdivision Gommittee R.e�ammer�dat:ion ao Approval with conditionso , 2, C'+ammission Di��ussian and Action a� �eorge Penrose9 applicants asked if he had to have the bar�n d.emdlished before any cons�ruction could � take place� I b: Chairman Pa�erson explained that rzo aCtion would have I to be takEn cr�ncerning the barn at the present time, ca It was moved (Zewis) A seeonded (Nicoli) and passed by a unanianous vote of the Commiss�on present that � �he subdivision be approved wxth the staff° s cond'itionso II 1� That �the extension of S,W, Inez Sta � � shall align with ths center line o� Inez to the east and wes-to i 2o That flrainage easements shall be sho�wn on the preliminary plato � 3� That the existing well shall be used �� for irr�gati.�n purposes onlyo '� �` 4� That thE existing barn shall be demolished I� or a variar�ce for setback be approved by ' the Planni�;g Commisefono ; � • ',� .; _ ,.. � r {. f r� � � �', . 4 � i �', �, �;I �„, � I �.., � 'I V e PU��,IC HE�.RTNG ' '�'i A, Zone Change HYSTER 5kLES C0o Applicant � i request or a change of zone classification from M-4, ' Industrial F�r� to P-D, Planned Development District �, on a parcel located on the west s.ide of Hwyo 217 I`'' approximately ?00 feet east of 5,W, 72nd Aver�ue �Map �; 2S1 1D part of tax lot 1401) e ! r 1, Staff Recommendation ao 5�aff recommended approval. �` 2.. �ubla.c Hearing ` ab Mike Ab�rhoffer from Farmers Ins. asked if he could see the plana, He alsa asked how the P-D District �omp�.red to the M-4 Districto �' � b, Ray Rangila showed the p1an� and explained that . �� PaD zaning i� more flexible aand provides des��n 4'� and landscaping controla � ,' � � c, Mr. Rudd, archi�tect for Hyster, explained the applica.tion, d., Chairman Paterson explained tha� the P-D Diatri.ct gives more cnntrol over the developmente ;';' eo Publ�e hearing wa�s closede �'> 3o CAmmis�ion PisGU�sion and Action = a� Gommissioner Lewfs asked abo�at s�creening from t' ;;;, the highwaya �$ b, Mr Hudd explained that there would be screen'ing, ; c� It was moved (Lewis) � .�econded (Whittaker) �.nd s� :3 passed by a unanimaus vote of the Cammission, �_ ' r� presen.t that the application be approveei� , �;� ; B� Lone Change �� CITY OF TIGAx�D Applicant � 4; f om R- �= on el�ssification r re ues or a chan e of � e l, 9. � Single Famil�r Residential to P-D, P1 anned Developmen�t . '£?. <<. � k� Di�trict on a parce1 �ocated �n the aouthwest co�.ner of 4;; SoW. Bull Mountain Road and Hwy. 99-W (Map 2S1 l0A , s'' tax lot • 3680) � r`' ;;. �:: � 1. Staff Recommendation ��'` a� Staff recommended approvalo �`; � 2, Fublie Hearing ao No one agpeared, , �Y' � b, Public hearing was closedb _ '�s 3o Commissian Discu�sion and Action a� Chairman �'aterson explained that the revised site ;;. p�.an was what the Commi�sion had asked fora �'� b, Commissioner Zewis asked about the frontage road� c, K. Co Strand explained that the frontage roac� �� would extend down to �Beef �enda `:� dv Tt was moved (Woodard) , sec�nded (Fl.etcher) �,nd ��� � pasaed by a unanimoue vote of the Commiesion �:, present �hat the request be approved, provided �� that the second phase be brough�C back before pg. 2 - PC Minutea - 4�2(��71 � � �� , ___ __... __. ..__.._: �.. the Planriing C�mmiss�.ori for their review and approval, C, Condit:iona�.. T1;�e P�`�RUIN `K;I,�;�Y �p�alicant A eque t or cond.itinr�a2 use approval to a3�.ow a duplex on an R-�7, Sa.n�le Family Residen�;ial parcel. laoated. �� the west sid� o� �:'�+, g5r�' Aven�a.e� aPProximat�ly 5�0 �eet south nf ����N� GrPexaburg Rd (Map 1�1 35r.;� ta� lat �7��-) � 1> �taff �i�carnni�n�3ation a� Staff reromr�ended- apprnval� 2o Publ�.c Hearing a,� Inr, Ke1_��,y, applicant, �xplained that t;he awn�r wauld live in the duplex, b, Ray 13ant�x,l�. read a n�tp froru Nz�, Wright xn � OPPositian t� the use � c� P��lyc hearin� wa� cZosed� �I 3 � Commission :I)i�cussion and .�ct�on ; a, Commissioner �ewi� asked Mr �elsey' what por�a.on �� - of the land the dup�.ex would bE an: ! �, Mr, Kelsey explained 3.t would �e oa1 '`che �outY� , portiona c, Commissioner �ew►is asked �aow man.y dupl.�xes cou�.d be a7.lawed an this la�� . ' d a Ray 1��n.�i.1.r� explaxn`d that a duplex h�d to have Sr000 sq,; �ts eo :It was mo�red EY�hittaker) a �ecc�nded {�3.�_coli..j �,n:d g�ssed b,y� a unanimo�� v�t� c�f the �ommissic�� present th�.t 'the rEqus�t be appra�red� D, Canditiona:� jJ�se � N��T13E SHEkHERD, Applicant • A reques��or home occupa�tic�n apgrov�,l to a�.�ow a boutique shop in the bas�nent of an R-�74 Single �'amily R.es.i.dent�.a�. � r�wellin� located on the northeast co:rner of ��w, Ha11 Blvd, , and S�Wa �noll Dr� (Map 2S1 1.BC tax Tot 70�) , 1 a Sta�f Recammen.dation a.� Staf� recommend�d approval with conditio�is� 2 , Fut�l3.c �iearing � a, kay �.�,n�ila read a 1.etter for approval from a neighbor on Hall Blvd� b� Commissioner Fletcher asked Nadi.n� ��h��h�;rd what a boutique shop wa�: c , Nadine �hPpherd exnl a i�ned th�-��t� it was a shap that sold handcraftecl itemsa t� da Ucammissioner t,ewis asked i�; i�� v�c�u..�.�. be a retail business� er Nadine Shepherd stated tY�at it waulda �. �' fa Commis�ioner Fletcher asked about parkinga gr Nada.ne 5henherd explained that for the amount � of business she would have there waa presently enough pa�rking� �g, 3 - PC Minute� > 4/20/71 _ , . , .. _ _ ,.,... , _._ . _ __ _ . _ ._ . . __ ,,. L' + ��' ' ' �'' �.i � i„, 'i ��!. �> h� Pub�.�.c heaxing was closed:. t;; 3 : �c�mmi.ssxon I��.scu.ssion and Ac:tion �; a, �:hairm�n ��,tersc�n asked where the shop would � be located, �' bo Nadine �heph�ed stated it would be in the day� :Laght basem�nt, �+ c � �;ommissioner I�ewis asked how �he would advex°tise ; i without the use of a signo �a d�, Nadine :h�pherd stated sh�e would. use the local ��; newspaper, nickel ads, etc, � � e: Commissxone� Woc�d�,rd �expressed concern over a ��' possible tx°af�ic problem, �; �o �omma.ssioner Lewis atatec� �hat he fe:1t the use , a should be reviewed after one year to determine ,'j if a traffic problem existed, and to see if �;; there were any neighoorhoad abjectionso �:; g� Commissione� Nicol� asked wl�y one small si�n '; cauldn°t be alluwed� F, h� Coffimissioner Lswzs stated that if a sign were ; allowed it wou7.d be setting �. �recedent in a ::; ,� residential zone� �! �., .�,t was moved (�ewis) v seconded ��'letche.r� arid ,; _ passed by a undnimous vote of tYie Commission '' � presPnt tha:� the request be appraved with the za following cond.�.tionss �` E� 1� The aperation �hall be ca�.ried on nnl� � by m.embers of -the �amily ocaupyin� the dwelling= r 2: The use shall c�c�u�y no more than �59� af �' � �he ground floor area o.f the dwella.ng� ��'� �; 3, No adverta.�ing s�gn.s shal:l be permitted y° an the premises- �' 4, The residential charactex of the dwelling � shall be maintaineda �� 5U The conditional use pexmit shall be in � e�fect for one year� and then may be �; extended with Planning Commission approva�a � � �. �;� G�nciitional Us� �; :RANUA;L7� CONST�iUCTI�N CO-. , App�.icant � A request for conditional use approval to al�ow the � construction of apartm�nts nn a C-3, General Gommercial � , parcel located on �he south side o� S.W,3 Walnut S�tr.eet, � approximately 310 feet northwest of Hwy. 99�W (r1�p 2S1 2B� tax lot 22q�) ., 1; Staff Recomm�ndatiUn� � a: �taff recammendeci approv�l with Gonditions: � ""' 2, Fublic Heaxing �� a� �Caber+ Hanson read a letter fram Ntr� �elfer� i (;ity Administrator, con.cerning th� fir�t condition�l use� Pg� 4 - PC Minutes - 4/2�/71 ...4 . . � . � . � . . . . . . . . .. : � . . . � � � � � �i �� Y�;, Mr., Owen, 9960 S.�Wo Wal.nut, asked if the presen�t �lans were t`he same as those app�oved two years ' agoo c. I�Trr Hanson stated thsy were the same plans, d� NIr� Owen asked abou� fencin�, ' e , Mra Hanson saicl th�re was going t� be fencingo f, l�ir� Owen said he had no objection to the use, go Publia hearing was closed, 3ry Commissi�n Discussian ar�d Act:�on a, C�nmissioner �°letcher asked if the txaffic problem nn 99�W had been brought out in the last applica�ion� b� Mra Hanson stated that it had; but at that time th� , City seemed to feel that it; w�uld be better ta have apartments instead of a general co�merrial use on the subject pr�perty9 due to the amount of vehicular traf:tic 7 t� : (rhairman Patexson st.ated that the traffi�c probl.em on �'acific Hi hway was worse than a year ago: d:, Zt was moved �Nicola.) . seconded (�leteher) �.nc� passed by a unanimous vote of the Gommission ` present to deny the request and recammend to the � Ci�ty� Counc il that a mora�orium be ae�z�,rpa u,nt�.l. s�ome remedial ac-tion is taken ta correct the �traffic situation on Pacific Fiighway�. F o STari�,nce �.�AAT��X CUI�FO�AT�GN, �pplicant .� reauest for a sid� yara varia�.ce an an �I�3� :�:i.gkat Tndustrial parcel located an tl�ae north side of S<W� Hunziker Stre�t� approx�.mately 1�00 f��� southeas� of ���!r Ha11 �lvd.. �Map 2 a;l �.BI� tax lo t 300� „ 1� Staff t�ecommendation av Staff recommended approva'1 with ane cond.�tion, • 2o Public �tearing a, Ralph Nelson, �ivers Cooq and Jerry Lynch, P�,r.tex, explained that the Partex Coo vtould b� manufacturing smal': autn parts, e�ampleso �;uto starter, clut�ch and generatore bo Fublic hearing was clas�d� , � 3� �ommissxon I7iscu�sian and A.ction an �ommissioner I,ew.i.s �,sk�d how hi�h the building would be� b� NIr� I,ynch explained tha� the �uilding wou7:d bE �5 feet highF whi.ch would not be a� high as C�r�r.myer c� Commissioner �i�hittaker asked if there w�i�e �x1�rc plans far future develop�ento r�� �r� Zynch stated that there weren'� any pl�,xas �'or, :future developmen� a�t the present time� eo Commissione� Zewis expxessed concern over landsaapingA f� It was moved; (k'letcher� 4 seconded '(I�icoli) and pmased � � by unanimous 'vote of 'the (':ommission present that �he request �be apProved wi�h the, staff' s condition: lo That landscaping plans for the per.iphery o� ]?g� 5 - PC Minutes - 4/20/?1 _ _ _ , .... _ _..... _._. __. __ . ..__ . _ _ . _ _ __ _ _ _ i � • � , a � � � � � �� �.._ k" t�e subject parcel and within the parkin� � area be approved by the P1anr�in� .Department � prior to the issuance of �building perm:d.ts, „ VI a 01HLR :l:t'�MS .A, Winthers P-1� lo Ray Rangila presented � plot plan of the development to the Commi�siono ��� 2, it was m6ved (S,ewis� Y seconded ���letcher? and passed ii by unanimous vote of the Commissi,on p.r.esent tha� the �' renuest b� appra�ved provided �hata ���' 1, P1ans shawin� adequate drainage, increased off� �'� atrest parking, str,eet 7.ighting9 fencin� and (��, landscaping sha1.1 be provided� �;, 2� The fin�,l lan. r�view and a ',' p pproval sha7_1 be �; made by the Gity staff,. (;�I Bo Apartments behind Canterbury Sg,uare +�Map 2S1 10I� �.ax 1ot 1701) �.I 1_ It was moved ;�ewis) , seconded (Fletcher) and passed �,' by a unanimous vote of. the Commission presen� to deny the request and recommend to the Council that a �;, �aoratorium be declared until some remedial action is ' taken. tA correct the traf�ic situation on �'acific �' Hz�hway� ''� C, Sign �ode �.� It was moved (w-hittaker� y seconded �Lewis) and paosed b,y unanimou5 vote of the Gommission present to have the staf� initiate �,n �mex�dment to tlze Sign �ode restxicting the height af si�ns to 35 fee and pro-� hibiting bs.11boards within a1:1. zones o '; ' � D, Ray Ra,ngila explained the statu� of the Ti�ard Community Plan and said a jo.�nt study session will be held for the �' Planna_n�; Commissions Advisory Committee, �ity Council, CH2M an� the City staff in May� '; � VII� ADJOURNNLENTa 9a45 FoM4 � l �� P�o 6 - PC Ma.nutes - 4/2�/71 � , , _ _ . . .. . . . . . ....wc...�.—.�...s�..�.w...�...�rw.o+r.oi ��w+.�w..�r.rw��u.acw+++, �.aw v..u'.,:..r ��::+w��..ta�.wrnmmra�t��exe.rvR::OM.W.n�.i���::a: �'� . . . ... . ......�:. .....;_ .. . . .. E'. 1.,1 � 1r1 `�ry � � �6 _ _. . .* . . � . I�I il t.. Y� � , ('i � � . �. �.1 �II Tigard Planning �ammieafon �'' �� � S'�AFF R�FORT � ���� `�I Apri1 20, 1971 �al Agend�, Item 5-A �, Zone Ch�.n�;e For pr_operty desi�nated as part of tax lot 1401 on tax map 251 �:D Applicant ' HyGter Sa1es Company AppJ,icant ' s Request A�proval of a change of zone classification from M-4, . Tndustrial Park �o P-D, Planned Aevelopme�nt D��trict �� on a parcel comprisin�; approximately 5 aaree, to ;:� f�oilitate the development of a Hyster sales and sexvice center. ^� � Loc��.tion and T,and Us af b ' e Su c P e t ro ert .l P Y '� The vacant �ubject parcel is located on the west eide � of Hwy. 217 approximately '�00 f�eet east of S.W. 72nd Ave. a • �: � Surroundin� Zonin� and Land Use ! The abuttin� undeveloped pareel to the south ie zoned '` , M-4. Zonin� to the southw�st ie M-2, Gen.eral Industrial, �. � within which a comput�r center is �znder dev�lopmen�. The �" areas to the west �r�d �orth ars zoned R-7, Single Family i , Residential and M-4, Tndustrial Park. R-7 parce�s along �''; the west side of S.W. 72nd are developed with eingle family dwellings. To the northeast across Hwy, 217, a II ii C-3, General Comm�rcial parcel supports an insurance `firm. ,{� .A�ppliCBnt ' s Juati�ication �' �'; "In behalf of our client, Hyater Sales Company, Portland, �; Ore�on we �vish to submit the following appl.ic�tion and � att;ached drawix�gs for approval of a Planned �evel.ogment 4i Di�trict on Tax Lot 1401, City of Tigard, in accordance }; with the requirements of Chapter. 185, Planning and Zoning � Code. � i The firm of Joseph H. �udd and Associatea will act ae � Architect-Pl�nners for this Planned Development Dietrict; �; Landscape Architect, David E. Thampson; Attorney, �r. Phflip � A. Joss of Joss, Bosah and Burne, Attorneys ��- at -� Law. � �hP Pxeliminary Pl.an �nd Program were Nubmftted to the �; � .__ -- _ _ _ _ . . .. . . . . �.:: .��' a+.l.�..!.+1kC:"..NYt1.Y•[rrfK'W9:»�'.aMiwihfd xMr�xMr:'-_ .:.—...:-_YV•.m.•e..a�+:.�..�... . ._.wY...�.:�-«�.�....r�..•.n.+��.�. . .. .. . . .. � .,. �'��. f . � ✓. , 9 � . . . • . . �I � - �� , �: _ . � �� ��� � � � � � � (; , commission by Mr. Rangila described on our letter ot . February 24, 1971, and attached drawingsg in conParmance JI with Section 18�-2.1 of the code. i, At this tim� we wish to submit the G�neral Development Plan and Program as required by Chapter 185-2.2 of the I code. i Attached herewrth as Exh.ibit "A" i$ the p+etition of the �'i property Ownex�s requ�sting an amendment of th� �oning 4! �ap as set forth in Chapter 260. . v m nt 1an nd Pro r �III'' Tkre element� of the General De elop e F a � am ar.e a� follows: �'�, Exhibit I (a) General Site Pl�n Drwg. P-1 ��, Plot Plan Drwg. P-2 �', � � • Building Elevatione Drwg. P-3 � � � ��, �; Exhibit I (b) Existing contour map of the aite. ;„„ . 4!. Exhibit I (c) Existing �treets are shpwn on Drawing �! P-le The access street to th� site �. will be named by the property ��rne��. `` Our clients hav� proposed the use of f' �'� the nam� "S.W. Hyater W�,y" . � � Exhibit Z (d) Existing sewers and water mains �re showra on drawing P-1. Sewer trus�.�t i s � locatsd along th� eaet bourlde�ry of � -the groperty arid is 10 i.ncheo in � diametEr. a }� Water main is located in S.W. 72n�i � � Avenue and is 6 inchea in diameter. �� ��: Exk�ibit I (e) Proposed sewer, water, fire protect3on, k� power anr� telPpYtone to b� inetalled `' ' in this development are stnown on Dxawing � Y-1. )� �: � Exhibit I (f) The sub-division of the refePenced �� ; property ownerehip will be a Yive acxe � ' �I �� � tra�e�. �� � � ��. :1 �C K; � Exhibit I (g) Lanc� use ae proposed will be a $a�.es and � t� �; service uilding with storage yard, cus- � ti� tomer and employee parking. A landscape $` buffer wi11 fa�e the freeway ta the East. �' Exhibit I (h) Areas reserved for interiar circulation . ±', '� , and traffi.c flo� including parking are � ti �� shown on Drawin� P-2. �� i' � ;� �i , ;� • �'�. 2 .. Staff Repart - Hyater - 4/20�71 � [� _ � .. , _.�,.. .] ..,.... . �_r)mia'�.'�*hM"�Y:�?'ri��h'rion'f4�'a.�.iaHrc+'#W.n��MXi+ii�C�evK.rwN+e�lriwnw�s�*ea^w^"�n,.x�.ans4..w.a..+.«o-'r.w.,.+f.a✓.�..r^+�.�?�ce^.r.s.,+�mz�;«m.,. .�.�.:_ . .�" } ' . �. ' ..', . . � � . Mh�:,,. L � . . � � � � �� � � . . .. . . � . �'1 I ` r ��i � • �}' i �4 , . �.AI t �;xhi�it I (i) Open spaG�s to be �maintained and ; c�ntroll.ed by the Owxiers are �,s '� fol�.ows on Drawin� P-2: .� �� ,,i 1. I,andscaped buffer to the East i peri�eter o� the aite �ac�.ng ! the Seaverton�Tigard freeway. � ' �;� 2. Interior planting, e�ployee and �';�. cuetomer parking Iots. �' . � � � � �'; � � ��.; 3, Screen fence and planting barrier r; on North, West and East portion �� oP the property arqund th� Storage r-; yard. �''. � � � � � � x., E�hibit• I � ( �) Tr�ffic flow within and �d�acent to the �; Planned Devel�pment is shown on Dr.°awings ;;,; P�-1 and P�2. ;.;; . 4 E �chibit T (k) Prapoaed sewer ea9ement across ad�oining wn ;.;; property to the Soutki and East is shn �,; ' on Draw.ing P-l. ��� E;a ,., ;;. � � Exhibit T (1) Parkin� f�r E�riploye� ' s and Cuatomers �' is showri on Drawing P�-2. � Exhibit I {m) T.ruck Z,oadin� and Ur�lo�,din� Areas are $hown on Drawing P-2. �� r, r.. �, �achibit I (n) Preliminaxy IDrawing� of propas��d buildin� �; are shown on Drawing P-3. �' �' Exhibit I {o) Preliminary Plantin� axad I,andscaping �� �lans are sriown on Drawings P-2 and Y-3• �'; !' �xYri.bit I (p) Appxoximat� hei�hts of acre�n fences and plant material:s are s�►own on Drawinga �. P-2 and P-3. �{. � Exhibit I (�) Future expansion ef proposed building � area� i.e ehow�n on Drawing P-2. �' � �; StateIIient: Goa18 and Ob�ectivss of �he Planned Unit �' Development - ervice � "The Hyater Sales Co. propo�ses to build a �alee e facility on this property to house the Fortland Diviefon aervices. Through the use of the Planne� Deve�opmen� , � District concegt,. �he Hyste� Company wou�d a�d a ma;jor �' service facility to the taz rolls of the City of Tigarci. p�. 3 -- Staf.f Report - Hyster - ' 4/2Q/?1 � ..� . - .. . . .... . . . .... . .,. . . .,.,. .... a.�.ra�.M+ef`r.w.�n:+tr�r:'ven+e!!Kll:?#�41ff�!T.�!!?il�Mi�sc�l�FY:�*"'�c7P1�i�".'r,?��:S'Yi'ii.;�,:��s�.yuf�a,NR'F,�,Y,J7�A"�-. •l„i;.. e,.::. - ' ... .. 4. Y � t,;� � ..: xUY���,:L'P .:��'yi3.�t�r°�r1�ld�Y.:i�71:� „ .. .-��a'..�;���. . .._1}P�,IcM�.a:t��i.�5.;.e,.'n+:ka�;.L4,�. � , . . .. . . . . . . . , .._ .�. ,... . _ . . i..� t � ',�i ;� ' � � � � � � �'3 ,,i i' p,i . . .��, � � �_J Thia si�te is a desireable 1r�cation in ite pr�xi�nity to the. �` present �reeway n�twork for acces� to all par�te of the �' metropolitan Partland area. The airailability of util.itiee, 'i ad�unct services and related facilitiee have caused the ��; Company to �elect this site as it� firat choice. �; , We �elieve the propoeed facility through the uae of the �` PZanned Development concept can provid� a desireable "buffer ! zone" of txansitional use betwee� the prpposed commerc3.a1- ��� re�idexitial �o the north and th�. existing industrial to tk�e s south. ' 1'' Thsre �re no noxious -oclnrs, noise, or othex pollutant� which ;j wou2d be detriment�l t� the neighborhood at lar�e. ;I ; In outline, the praposed d�velopment would consist of the ;.', following t�a�ic ele�ente: . ' �' A. Site Develo m�nt would include the �ollowing: '' 1. Pave par ng ar�a for 65 employeee. ° �� 2. Customer Park3.ng for 17 care. 3. Perimeter fencing and/or planting to acreen �� :storag�e ys,rd of 10,00� eq. f�. �:: � 'r V 4, Underground utiliti.ea from px°oper�y line ta� building. 5e Sit� landacaping t� retain ean.tour� of th� ; ground and enhan�e the buildin� d�velopm�n�a , B. Basic Bu�.l�d.in_� C_�o__m__a_l���x, will house th� s�le�-e��rvi.ce rt �aci�litiea-�or the-�ortland Division o� Fl�eter Sales ij : Company. t� " 1� Offices - administra�tive an,d c�er�.cal per�onne�.,� r ' with the necess�ry conference roo�, ��l.es exhibits, j, receptioa� a►rea, custamer �oung�, reet roome �nd i� �echanical facilities. i 2. Shop-Warehouse �- for the repair and maintenance F' af lift-truck� and relat�d equipment. 4 This area will include shap, parte depa��ment, ` storage, tool rooms, welding and paint roome, ;� - . ship offices, restroom and lur�ch room for �hop f� � pereonnel. 1=, 3. Reratal Fleet - Stor�,�e 3Card. An op�n shed �� ;, shelt�r is proposed i.n the storage yard to ;� � � pr.otect rental fleet units �ro� the weather { ,,� during off-seasoa� atorag� time. � ;; . In behalf of the �wners we re�pec�tfully requee� your �avoi^able ��� con�ideration o� this zoning chan,ge." � _ � t Pg. 4 - Staff Report - Hyster - 4/20/?1 , ..- _ _ , _ _ ., :,,.� �.,.<,��.���M�,r, � �.. �. . «� . �,. cr.�t+,�eae+�r�+wf��n+a�$."�rt u;'r`.. .�:+�._.�.."�.��ri-�r....».'-�F!l!�uxwiH�aw+:a�::�_.„,��..... .�.., . . ;� - .. . .� ai ' . � . . � . . . . � . . . ri� . � . . .. �. . � . . � . . � � � . . 3� : I 5r'". . . . :. . � . . . �. . . 1 . . � .I �- Confox�mance with the Pre�iminar.y Gommunity P1an � � , ------�. The p.reliminar,y plan designatea th� sub�ect area ar� "residential--commercial" , the �urpose of whioh is to � pro�ride planned office, commercial or residential develo�ment. �'h� request conforma with the Plan. �; � �I S�a�'f �`indin�s and Recommendation ' The 5taff �inds the request to be �in confor�mance with �'' the preliminary Cammunity PYan and compatible with ��, existing and potential future surrounding land uses. +, A1so, the staff finde the propo:sed distr.iet will have , a bPneficial affect on �he a�e� wha.�h could not be � achieved under ather z'oning district�. �' It is recommended that the xequest be approved. ; ; • � • � �; � . � % Ei � � �;: � I � �, {:� r:; �;� , ; �3 :; , , �� � I;�� l� '�> �,. � . � .. . . � . .p,� C _ � . . . � � . . . � � .'� Y�:�� . . � � � � . . � � �f�r; ��'li . f' t � ��, � k,, ' Pg. 5 - Sta�',f Repart - Hyster - 4�20�71 ' . , '�� � � ,r., • � �z �� �4 �°' ;`�,. .; �: �► jr�:. � � � y ° � ��� � �I a : � � . � � � � � 4 R7' �� � WASH/NGTON COf/NTY " � • G/TY OF 7/GARD i � � � � �� ` � � �� �� ZOrldIE CNAMDE ; a�o of cona�siat�an � M4 fo PD �' � ' iearls /"'�JOD' . � ' � � � � ��. � , � � i NOTICE OF PUBI,IC H.�ARZNG ,i i� I Not3ce is hereby given that a public hearin� will be he].d by the �lannl.ng Gommis�sion af the City o�' Tigard at Fawl�� Jro �ia.gh Sehool library, 12080 �,Wo Mai�. Street, �i�;ard, Orego�. on .�pril 2Q, 1971 at 8000 pom� . with respect to the fol7.owing: '; � � � � � � i An applicati�x� by Hyster 5�.1:es Co o for � change of zone class�.fication from M-�4, i, Industria�. Fark to P-D, Planned Develop- ;i ment District on a parcel lncated on the ! west sid.e of Highway 217 approxi,mately �� 700 f�et east of SoWb ?2nd Avenue (Map ° 2S1 1� part of tax lot 1401.� 0 � A11 per�on� having an intexest in the matter ar� invited to a'ttend� P� i� !I �. . ( � �. � �' Jo Al1an Faterson CHAIRI�iA.N ' � � - � � ip �v� 1 � : _ _ �. �`.'.. ..s+,��;eW � a . � � . � . � . . . . . . . . . �;.i � . . . . . � . .r`�,._. �. . . - � . . � . . � � . . . � . . �. �:., � . , . . . Tiga�d Planning Commission STAFF RE�'OH`�S April. 20, 1971 Agend�, Item 5e$ Zone �han�e • F'or prc�per�y desi�nated as �a� lot 3680 nn tax map 2S1 IUA. App1 i c an�; City of `.Pi�;ard � , i Applicant' s Requ��t ; i Approval of a change af zane c'lassz,fication from 1�-7, ' � Sin�le Family Residential to �'-D, Planned Development ;� District o�ri a parcel containing approximately 5•57 �'� acres, tn facilitate the develo�ment of a restaurant ancl �;. pro�essional office center. � I,oc�.tion ana I,and Use of Sub `ect Pro �xt The suhject parcel is loaa,ted on the southwest corner of S.W. �ull Mouzat�in Road a,nd Hw,y 99-W. lt �uppnrts vacated cannery buildin�s. � �; �izrroundin� Zonin�and Land Use }; f.; � The area surroun;ding the aubject site is �oned R�7, �� Sin�1e Famil.y Residential, and is developed wi�h {� gc�.ttered sin�le �a;mil� dwellin�s and agricu].tural uses. ��� A chux•ch �.nd shoppin; center are located north of Bull ;.; Mountain Rc�ad, arad a planned residentzal community ', sou�hwest of BePf 3end Road. 3� Confoxmance with the Preliminar,y Community Plar� ''' , The Preliminary Plan de�i�nates an eactension of "� Tiurz�ay Blvd. thrnugh the southerly porti.on of the � subject property. However, the Board of County , ;:� Commissioners have not approvec� this highway corr�.clor `� bPtween Bull Mountain and ZittZe Bu11 Mount�in. � � � a, Desi�nated land uses include in;te�rated and planned f. apa�tment, office and comn�erci�l developmen�t, �mp�.e-� �'_ mentea trrough planned develapment zoning ta insure �� l,and use comp�tibility, �traffic saf'ety and design -�;; '� � cor�trol . � � i �r: . , � . � � . . . . ..:3„ . . � � . . � . .. . . .��s�� I 4` . � . .. . . . . . . . ���a � � - . � . . � � . .:�� . �� . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. .... � — . :...,.,. .. ''..� �....... .. . . . .... .. . �..,...:.. .... ... ...�,.. . .-�,�r' , r.,. . .� �..:.. ,al�Pl�T:'{':�.•:f'Y h:Y:'!N'Rf�.:k�..F,?F Sn��.....�:: .t�.';..:'::i • •�-u."�.. ' �U�i32�X�SS'}y�'M^ . . . . ..... ... . .. ✓ � � iehJtuM:,:.e�....:_.iu[.it3'rR.ut:+ru[,�iav�.uLJ._:.Na.i�.:..v�...,... ...�.�..�.. ..... .r._...u:u.��.�..�..-1 ... '.a . .�R.� �� . . .. � ' . . . . . �� . . � . .. � � .. . � �� � . � . . . ' . ' . . . . . � .. . � � . . �� ' . . . . ' . . , �w � � . ' � � . . . . � . . • . . . . '� Sta�i' Findin�s and Reeommendat.ian TY�� staf,�' finds the sub�ect property not suited. far sin�:le f�mily develop�nent due to its px�oximity to High- way 99_V�;; its topo�raphy, a;za� �:oi�e/t�a�fic confli�ts �I related to i.ts location. �' (' � The staff finds tk�at the proposed "restau�an�t�profes��.or�al �� off°ice center" is an appropxiate land use that can be `! developed in eon�ormance with the preli�inary �Community � � 1'l�n, �rovicied that a caxefully de8i�ned site plan is fn�.lowPd for the entire pro�ect and implemented thru the re;�uesteu zone classification. Accesa and design standards i. wi11 be proviaed which are not avail.al�le unc�er other 2one ' classification�. ��; �� It is reean�mended that the request be approved. ;: . . . . . . . .�.7� . .. . . .. . . :�y�i . . � . � ' • . (�'�� � . . � . ",��I i �' r � . . . . . . . . . ` 4, � � ` : �i � � � c �� � �� r, � . ' P�. 2 - Sta i f Report - Ci�y o� Ti�ard - 4/�0/?1 . . . . . . . . � 3� � � . . . � . . � . . � . � . � � . � . . . � .. � . � .``? � � � � � � � � .. � . . . . . � � . . . �y . . � � . . . ..� . . .. � . � .. i-�i P . . . . � . . � � ��,i � . . . . �� � . . � .. � i� � . ' �° . :�... �, �� �',; cirr oF-r�aRn �; iw` , �'; �;. Np5'NINGTUN CdJNTY I i � � �� , _ � � � � �� , y �� �; _ Ad ,�,,ss i' 0 � MT. R �i � � � 5.;� . �� � � � � � � � � � � �i � � � � ��! r ,. �l �a . �� �:. ���° � , � � �I � �. � -- � I �; �.� � �� � ,. - � . �� . �:. - �= . � �► �,. ,y►, y �} :-r � �� ,.; �$� ; �: � ;�; ��� , #;: , ;;, � �� . ' �EF BEAPD RD. , �, 5 � . . � , ;I ZONE C/�AIVI�f . F � � � �� �; oi�a► 01'� � caald�o�llo� � � , . . �. �. R' to PD ie�i /"�tGO� f � � . I ,, �� `�� {,,t,�,;; l��t-y ,=v Ili '�?h, � . . n;{: � ,� .... � ���� .. . . . . . �, . . , _ ' � i ' �� �I . i I ' I NOT�CF3 n� �UB,L�� H��ARZNG ' , �� No�tice ��'e }aereby �i.ve�%� th'�,t a public hearing wi11 be held by the Planning �c�mmission of the City of Tigard at Fow3er Jr.� Hig�i �choo7. Iib�ary� 1208Q SoVi, Main Street, Tigard, Oregon on �:�pr,a.� 209 i97i at 8°QO p,m� with r��sp�c� ta tY►� following�. � ' � An application by the C�i�y of Tigard fax � : a chan��e of zone classi�f.�catf,on from �,-7, �ingle F'amily Res�.dential to .I'��:p, �'lanned .✓,,. ��e�relapmPnt T�fstrict can a p�rce� l�cate� O d7 t�Y1 P :i(l l x�;�'1 V/t?E�'t� C'C)7'C1:='T' C)� �r c'de o ��Y:1.1.� �!�l:?1,1 Y'��., tain �taad and Nighwdy 99F�r (Ma� 2�1 IOA tax �' �k , lot 3b8a) � � �`� . :�;11 persans having �n imt�rg�t in �he matter �r� • invited to attenda y,� :,�. . , `^, : •� ; Jo A11an Paterson CciAIRiVIAN � �� . � � � . � ti;, . .. . � . � .. . .;,� '. . . .. . . . . . . . ' � � - � �ivV . .. � ' '4 j I:'',tir . . � � . ..� � � � � �' . -- . . . . � . ' ... . . u . �C ._ . .-.: , . . .. ..,. .., . . , . . . „ ... , . ....,, . . ..,. ..._ �� . .. . ...... . . . ... . . . ... ... .. r � .."� s.�'.-�i.>1fi: ��., �i � ... , . � � °a:"n+rkeue, .�.fi7:'fi�'d'�`{„4 �;;- , .�..:,� .,._:�.:;x. ���,.rm:u�'ttsYx+t:v�.^.,.+.a�s.,;,, ..,. .� . . � �: '�ig�rd Planning Commisaion STAFF RE�'OHT lpril 20, 1971 Agenda 5-C Conditi.onal Use For progerty designated ass taac lot ?701 an ta� map 1S1 35CD Applicax�t M.. R. �{eleey AppliCarit ' s Request Conditional use approval to a11ow a dt�plex on an R-7, Sin�l� �'amily Residential parcel containin� 8,040 Sq. ' ft. Loca,tion and I,and Uee of Sub�ect Property � The vacant subject property is located on the west side � of S.W. 95�' Avenue approximately 500 feet south af S.W, Gre�nbur�q Ro�d. Surxoundin�; Zonin� and Land Use The surrounding area ia zoned R-7 and is developed with i, sin�le family dwellir�gs. A non-con�arming steel �alvage ; operataon is locateci across S�.W. 95�`' from the �ub�ect aite. � G�nformance with the _Preliminary Qommunit.y Pl�,n � The preliminary Plan. designates the subjec't �rea f�r � residential development with the den.sitg allowanee af 12 dwellin�s per �ross acr.e. The request conforms with � the Plan. f � Staff Findinqs and Recommendation �, The staff finds th� request to be in conformance with � the preliminary Qommunity Pl,an anc� compat3.ble with �; existin,� and potential future residex�tial devele�pmemt s! in the neighb�rhood. � i: Tt is recommended that the request be approved. �" f� I; � � � � � �; � �^ �# F; ; - � . ` J��� , ,, . 'I � • ,�� � .� , C.. .� ; ��� � j s� • 3 4• P ORFENeUR y ' �� � I '�'°�o l ' � , � , ; SW LEOY/S� LA. NE � ! cirr F rica o � } W.4SHlNGTON COUNTY' I � . { 1 � i . "� � � � � �� � + � � �. � I � -- � �t_ YA i . � , G'OlY9D/T/O11VAL usE . o.�o of co�e�olderotian � � foP o d�pNx � �k r•2oo" ,... _,, . :. _, . _ :, _ .. __ ::.. ; _. _.. . _ . ; .,. ,. ,I ,^� t��� � Nt7TTCE OF PUBZIC HEARING . Notice is he�eby given that a publie hea,ring will be held by the Planning Gommission of tk�e City of Tigard at Fov�ler Jr� High School libraryp 12080 S�VI, �iain S.treet9 Tigard, Qre�on on April 209 1971 at 8000 pom, wi�h res�ect ta the fol�.owirage A�n appl.icata.on by Marvin Kelsey for con-� ditional us� approval �o allow �, duplex `�' on an R.-79 Single Famil.y R.esid�ential parcel located on the west side o� S�W, �5�` Avenue9 appraximatPly 500 feet south o� SoW, Gre�nburg Road (Map 1S1 35�D ' tax l�t 2701) a All person� having an interest in the matter are i�viteei to at�enda J 4 All�,n Paterson n • CHAIRMAN ' r�� ,� _ ,, ... ; . _ _ � �, _ _ , �....m�,na�.,.. -�> :- ni,.,�r rr;+t.. 'SS+:. �.-:. .��•�_ �y. � .... . . ...,., ,y:�-... .+.*� ,�:�.:, e.,n�,�r7itFz+d ritt�:��t27irt�Yt'' 'S "7'V��+E,'�%�.. � "' . . � � . . � . . .. ,v.x:...s.. .t+M :ki4•:a.ax�uB+:YkkW+Lq'�..+AlrS3i:i5,irN..A3IYiWlidxs.,.. . .-_, n���s:.., .�,.u::Jrs�ur.uYVn+::.+.e.....;. . .. . . �� � . . � � . . � . . . � . . . . .� , . , . . . . . � k .. � . . . . .. . . . . � . . . . . . . � y � : � . , . . . . . . �r.l . . . . . . � . . . . � . . . 'I �4 rd i Tigard Planning Commis��.on � STAFF REPURT , Apri1 20, 1971 • Agend� Item 5-D t , � � t k. r � . . � . . . . . . .. 7� Conditional Use � 4, For prop�rty designated as tax lot 7�D on tax ma,p � 2SZ l�� � ; ApPlicant N . ��ta � �� � ��� �Nad�in�e� Sh�ephe�rd � ' � `�, �; Applican�' s Request zj Home occupatian appraval to permit a boutiqu� shsaF in �' ,; the basement af an R-7, S.zngle Family Resident�al dwe7.Iing. ;:�, E. Location �nd I,and Use raf Subject Pro�aerty ` � �, �� The sub�eat �roper�y is l�cated on the n;oxtheast corner ` of S.W. Hall Blvd, and S.W. Kno�T Drive, and a�upport� one siri�la family dw�1.I.ing. , ; � Surrouritiin� ZQninE; and Land Us�e � � �� The ad�oin.ing 1ot� tr� the nortY�, sauth aa�d e��t ar� `; zoned R-7 and support sin�;le family dwel�ings. A-2, r;? . Multi-family Residential zoning across Hall Blvd. to �� the west is developed wi�h apartmente. �'I ,., Staff Findin�g and Recommendat,fox� �`, -----�-° r.t The st�ff finds that the requested ho�ne occup�tion �` confnrms ta all atandards regulatin� condit�.onel �; home uses and that the boutique shop can be o�erated : `4�' _� witY�out detrimental affeat upon eurrounding l�nd uaea. �'` � � � Tt is recammended that the requeat be approvec� with the followin conditionse ��; �, � I, � 1. The op�ration shaYl b� ca�rried on on].y by i'; � m�mbers of th� �amily occupying the dwelli�g. �� ; 2. The use shall occupy no more than 259� vf the �' graund floor ar�a "of the dwellinA. i' �; �„ • �' .. 3. No advertising signs �ha11 be permitted on the , � premises. - 4. The residential character of the dwelling ehall '� be mainta3ned.- �, .'� C.�.t j€ � � ".'.y..... �, . . . � � y � � � � . �� �� � � a r � � , �' ..._�__.�,._.__ � � . c+t�,n �O �/VO�L � O ��'' �� �s+ . , \.��.i► �� �.. �'� � �-.� �°�..., , � F�� � �� �� - ��. �_ ` � ��,%� a`'� - �.,F,f, � �, , '�,�o , �� �a �� i. F .. ��, °� ' � :�` � � NOAO£` �C�tJII�tAAT/ON , ` ', ; �'y" ' orsa c�' cons��derot/on ' � far a Bo�t>q�� Sh�P ' � , a��o�s. ��.,2,. .. � � „ _ . �,� NOTICE OF Yti�L�C H�,A�.ING Notice is hereby given that a public heaz•ing wi11 b� held by the Planning �ommission of the City of Tzgard a� Fowler Jr� High School la,brary, 1208Q S„�l, Main Street, Ta.�ard, Oregon on Apri3 20p 1971. at 8a00 p,mo � with �espect to the .foll�winge � .�.n appl.ication by Nadine Shepherd for � home c,caupatian approval. to a11ow a bouti ue sh.o� in the ba�emerz�; of an � �?-'7, Sin�le Fa�nil;� Re�idential dwe:llin�; i loeat�d on thp narth�a;t corrier of a:'dJ� Ha1.1 I31vd o and �o VJ, Knol]. Dr� (Map 25Z 1'3C ta,x lot 700) o A.1]. persons having an interest in th� matte:r are invi�tnd to �,ttend o Ja A11an Pa.terson . CHAIRMAN . , . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . � � ,� .. . k„ r� . i I � .. . . .. . . . . ._. . . . . . . .. .. ...�, . ..: t-� v.� .vr �.. �' ... . .:..�.7Y�C '�.. .�,, . . . . .. _�. ... . . .. . . .� :.... . . , , ,�... ....-t , . ._ ,.. ._ ,. „ . . . � t r ; �,s;.�. �., � �1'" �i E \._ • . . . . . � � . . � s I I Tigard Pl�nning Corumission STAFF �.EPOFtT � Apr�.l 20, 1971 i Ag�encla Item 5-E . 1 ; � � Conditio�nal Use ' � r'or property de�i�n��ed as tax lot 2201 on tax map , ; 2al 2BD i Appl i�-=—a t � i Ra.ndall Construction Gomp�ny, Inc. � Ap�licant ' s Request • ' Conditianal use approval to allow a 34 �xnit apartm�nt complex on a C-3, G�neral Commercia� parcel cantaim- / � in� �pproximately 1.64 acres. Location and S,an�i Use of 5ubject Praper�,y The v�,cant eubject sit� is loca�ed on the south �ide nf S.W. Walnut Street �ppraximately 310 feet northp west of Hwy. 99-W. � Sur.roundin� Zo�in� and Land Use . The �area to the north, west and south�rest is zoned k-2, Multi-�amily Residenti�l and i� developed with apartments. The Tigard Elementary School is ].oaated an the abutting parcel to the southwest. The C-3 parcels across Walnut St. farom the s�ub�ect site support apartments. The ad�oi�nin� C-3 lots to the 5outheast along l�alnut support a si.ngle f�mily dweZling, market and ser�rice station. Conformance with the preliminar.y Communit,X P�an The preliminary plan desi�nate's the sub�ect �ite for "residential-commercial" development. The request , conforme with the Plan. Staff Findin�s and Recommendation TYre staff finds the request c�mpatible with �urrounding development and in conformance with the preliminary � � Community Pl.ana p . . � � � . � .._. .. . . .,_.. . ...... . ._... _ . ,.,.q.:..:.� a.�...� �;rf?,a+^.�e �y,;*k,'Y.�.,#'�tiR�zs:v; .rx,,,a . � �n . . . .�,:.. . �..-t . . .,..r. 't��, o ,x-.. ,« �M��W "Ji7y*' .. �„ n, . . . �, .. . . . .. . � . .. ' -��{�.,.....w:s'k.z.ir.:etwt..;.::r=u.... . .;. ...;..., . ....�., . .. � . . . �� . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . � . . . . . . � . .. . ,.:a4 . ' y1t f�..: ...�� . .... . � . � � . . .. .. . . . . . . . ll... . ..... . � . � � .. . . � . .. . . .. . .. . � . In addition, it is �he ataff'' � npinion that the sit� rel.atee tGpogr�phicall.y and vi.sual�.y �o the surrounding apartment developmentey and that further general commercial developmen� a�.ong '�tal.nut St. woulci be undesirabl� and in conflict Wl�r,h exis�'in� r.esidential uaes. The staff fur.ther finds that the Tigard City ; Cour�eil, on March 10, 1969, approved a conditional. � use a.ppli�ation far apartmenta on the sula�ec�t ' pxo�erty, with the following aonditi�ns: 1. AlI utilities be un.dergroux�a � , 2: . Landscaped fencin� be instal�.ed at I�a�t � along the rear of the af �he propertY, a�ong � �he north side extenda.ng from the rear line � t� the rear pro�erty line af the acljflinin� • � "Willows1° �;part�uents, and alox�g thase �ides � adjoining the singl� family home at 9960 f S.'�I. Walnut. r, � 3. Decarative lightir�g b� insta�Ied in �he parking area.s�-plans to be approvecl by city staff� 4. Landsaaping plan be submitted for st�ff � approval priar to is:suance of buildin� �, permit. �; v�ded. � �', . 5. Adequate storzn seraer drasnage �e prv �, 6 e A 10' �txi.p of land be- dedicated to �he f public �long t:he entire Walnut Street frc�n- t, tage (includin� i.n front o.� the existi�g E single family hom�)" for future street � improvement. � The re--submitted application• is based substantially ,� upon �he �ame site plan. j C It is recommended that tYae request t�� apprvved with { the condition�. � . . � . �� . � . . �..'�.i ' � � . . . . � � �. � � . � � i � . � . . � . � . . .� .. . . .. ...i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . - . � ..i �.- . . . . . .. � � ... . � . .. . ... . . li p�. 2 - Staff Report � Randall Const. � 4/2q/7I � '; F�� COIVDIT/4Ne4L �/8E` '•,_ oreo 01 con�old�e�lla� i�v� �4 �Gl�t � Aport�e,n� Canp/ax scar�s'�•. '�•/�' � '; ..�.-�-�- �---''� �.�--°- � __----`°�'` �,.�--�-° .�.---.°--°-�""� �, � � � a �� � � �r�E�� � � �� c� ,� wA�NV�f ,� .—_ � ��--� . � -- - c� � : � i� �� � � I � , ; ; �, � __--� ; � . 3 � � � � ....� , , , i � � �� � � ; . � .. . � � � � . � . � � � 5�� .. � . . . . . . .. . . . . . I . . . . .. . . . . . � I � . ' . . � .. . I NQTTC�; OF FU�I,IC HEA�tTNG Notice is hereby given that a public hearing wi.11 be held by the Planning Commissic�n of the City of Tig�,rd at Fowler 3r9 High Schoo7. library9 12080 S,W, 1�ain : 5�txeet, Tigar�:, Q:��r�o�. on April 208 1971 at B�OQ p�m, with respe�� �a the follow:ings Ar applicatior. by R:andall Const, Co: ,` ' for conditi�anal use approva.l �n allow ` `""'" the constructi�n of apa�tments an a �-�3, General. CommBrcial parc�l located on the south s�.de of �,'vJU Walnut St, 9 appraximately 310 feet northw�st af Highw�y 99�W (Map 2S1 2BJJ tax �.ot 2201:} o ' j !; A11. psrspn� hav�ng �.n interest in the matt�r are in�rxted to atte��dP � � � � �� ; J, Allan Paterson CHAI�tMAN �' . , ��......._.. .� .�. . _ . ,�; � ,., ... . � , ,, ..._..,,,., � ..,.,. __ _�< �—_ _ _;�:�. �F _. _ „ .�... .. ,.. ., �.:.rs.�r.,-,�,,s,;�iz�..�tzN„"k9""�:�•(y, .,. ., ...,. ...e..w�.:;:nt:�'1*ta!e�i.��w+.n1e.+'a,e�w�a..4 .. . . . ..... .. _.'�.. . . . ... , . . 1 '��e'�� � . � � i ��,3; i tim Ti�a�d Planning Commiaeion ' STAFF REPORT April 20, 1971 Agend� Item 5-F , . Variance For property desi�nated aa tax lot 3a0 �n �ax map . 251 1BD ApPlicant . � � P�ax�e�x Corpo�atio�n � � � � � ��'� li Ap lg icant ' s Reauest I'. Approval of a side ,yard variar�ce to facilit�t� the �'� u�ilization of an easment runn�ng paral.lel to the ;, e�gterly property line of. the sub�ect parcel for � acce5s, � variance of 10 feet under the mi.nimum �ide ; yard required by Section 170-4 of Tigard 2oning ; Ordinanceo . � ; I,ocation and Zonin� nf___ 5ub_iect Praperty � T�e undev�loped sub�ect property is zaned Md3, Light Industrial and located on the north side of S.W. Hunzik�er Road, approximately 1400 feet southsa�t ot' S.Wo Hall B1vd. . Surrounding ZoninK �nd Zand Use � �he ar�a surrounding the sub�ect site is zaned M�3 and � dev�l.oped with various industrial uses. �� �; ,. � 5taff Findin�s and Recommeaada�ion i The s�aff finds that the requested variance will not be }; incompatible with �uxraunding land. uses, nor with pvtential �1 future land uses. �i In addition, the proposed pl.ot plan ind3.cates addition�l r� setback than required by the Zaning Ordinance for the � opposite side yard and �ar the front yard. ; �, It is the staff' s opini.oza that joint utilization of the � existin� easment for acces� wil:l minimize potential �'I in�ress and egress conflic�s along Hunziker Rd.. � � � � � � �� �� Tt is recommended that the request be appxoved with �he • following condition: �° 1. That ].andacapin� plans for the perighery of � ��- the subjec� parcel and within the parking ar�a ;, be approved by the Pla,nning Department prior to ' the issuance of building permite. _ - : '� � �n < , � C� , � s ��N� �� � � t� � a. �� � � � -�—�.. ; O ,�-,i3O , ��� � �,,,4 � �� '! WASHlNG7'ON COUNrY �� CITY QF T/GARD � � �� � � `av �� ' � ��, . �� � ; ..., . ��. : . ._ .. :id' . . . . . . . ..itj:, � ' . VA/NAMCE �- one al aont/daotlo� fb�r Sld�t rKd Varisnc�r a�ca/� !"•�OO� , . ; '� _ ..__ _ ._ _ _. _._ _. .. , _ _ _. � � t � � � � � � �- {;. �.. p � � w ,� � s fi , � � � � � � Nq�'TCE OF �UBI,IC HEARING °''I sl Y Notice is hereby given that a public heara.ng will be �� held by the Planning Commi.s�iora of the City` of Tiga�d. {' a� Fovr�.ox Jro Hig� School 13.brary9 12080 SoWo Mairt �' " Street, Tigard, Oregon on Apri� 20, 197� at �a00 pom, u with reepec+ to tY�e follawingv �� An application by Fartex Corp, �ar a side yard va�iance on an M�3, I,igh�t "" I zndustrial par.cel located on the north s3.de of SoW� Hun�iker Stree�, approx- imately 1400 feet southeast af SoW, . Hall B1vda (Map 2�1 1BD tax lot 300) 0 I, All persons having an interest in the mat�er are � invit�d to attend, J� Allan Paterso2� ChAIkMAN ��