Planning Commission Packet - 01/19/1971 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. _ : _ _ _ _ _. . . __ _. • _ t _����i . t_,✓. Q'�%ec.a`..F�%�.G!.ac ,s�. � i: � , �:i �4 f� :v ( �'i \.._.'. � 4��' { �.; AG�,i�tD�1 i�' a �� ,� Tigard Planning Commission G; Regular Meeting m �'anuar�r 19, 1971 �` IKember Section m 7: 30 Po�o ;'i. Public Hearing — f3o00 I'oM� ' Fowler Jra High School Zxbrary 120f30 S o W, Ma�.n St o 9 Txgard, Ore o �` i' �' Ej' fl T o CA.LZ TO ORDER � ;, 1;'. I�, ROLI, CALL ; i;' TTI o AP�'ROVAI, QF MINUT�,S m Regul�r Meeting Deeember 15, �.970 `''' IVo PUBLIC HEARING f; Ao Conditianal Use {`� RICHARD BAUER9 app.li�ant �: A request for conditiona� use appro�ral to a11.ow � t radiator service on a Oo31 acre Cm39 Gen�ral Commer.cial `�, par.cel located on the eas� side of SoWo 90�' Av�nue } approximately 18U feet north af S�Wo Greenburg Roado (Map 1S1 35DD tax lot 3800) 1, Staff Recommendatian 2a Public Hearing 3o Commission Discussion and Action I3o Conditional Use �` CARZ WINTHERS, et �,19 a�plic�,nt �� A request for conditional use ap�roval to �,llow a planned ��!, residential development of �2 townhouses on two one�acre EI Ro7, Single Family Residential pa.rcels lo�ated on the �;�' east side of SoW, g8� A�renue approximately 400 feet sauth ��� of SoW, Greenburg Roado (TyIap 1S1 35CD tax lots 160� and '� 1700) � 1 o Staff I�ecommendation �� 2o Public Hearing 3o Gommission Discussion and Action � V, OTHLR IT�,MS � Aa Sign.s lo She11 OY1 (Corner of S,Wo Greenburg Rdo and SoWo Shady �, Lane) 20 "Kinder College" (SoWo Grant Avenue) �. � VTe ADJOURNNlENT � _ _ _ __ ._. _ _ . _._ . ..... . /,r���. ._. ... � NF.� � ,�U, . { P ,y /�� ,,r t . . . . . ��,Itn'�1/F..'�C'r•,��.' �F�`'�GJ�T','�„f t �F`fRr.F^�u!S�'�,�v.,,,, � f ... 3 �� r �;. ; ; ; ; �� : � �� � � � � � � � �� � � � � �� M I N U T E S — — — — — — — I; Tig�,rd Planning Cammission Regular Meeting � Ja�.uary 19, 1971 ��i Public Hearing - 8000 PoMo ' Fowler Jro High School Z�brary �. 21080 u.Wo Main �to , Tig�,rd, Oreo � � I o CAI,L TO ORDER � � � d II o ROZZ CALI, '' r Aa Presento Commissioners rletcher, Goslin, Peterson9 SeversonA� G Wooda.rd and Chairman Paterson> �.a,y Rang.�las City � Plannero , B, Absent: Commissio�ners Lewis, Nicoli and �r�hi�ttakero � ! IIT, AP�ROVAL OF T+�INUTES A, Do to the fact th�,t the Commission did not receive the m.�nutes of the re�ular meeting of December 158 197(�9 they will be approved at the next meetingo IVo PU�LIC HEI�RING � A, C�nditional Use RICHARD BAUER, Applicant A request for conditional use approval �o a11ow a rad�a�ar service on a Oo31 aere C-3, Ge�.eral Commercial parcel located � ; on the east side of SoWo 90th Avenue approximatel,y 180 feet north of SoWo Greenburg Roadn (Map 1S1 35DD tax lot 3800) lo Staff R�commendation ao St�ff recommendation for a�aproval with cor�dit�.ons 2o Fublic riearing ao Mr, Art Mason, 11695 SoWo 90�9 expressed, 00ncern over the noise caused by possible tx�affic in and � out of the sub�ect property, � He was also concerr�ed � about the parking on the street and subject property9 and about signing Mro Bauer may wish to erecto bo Mro and Mrso Albertson asked if. the shop was �;o be a re�ular radia�tor shop or if it was just to help Mro Bauer° s son with the over flow from his shopo �hey also stated concern over th� traf�ic on the driveway leading back to the gara�ea � c, A question was .raised by aMOther person in the . audience concerning the zoning �.n that area, Chairman Patereon answered by st�.ting that he believed the City aclopted the County •zoning in �hat ,F areao � . . � ; ,_ � ' 3o Commission Discussian and Action aa The Commission asked if Mro Bauer was present to answer these questionso M�o 'gauer wa.� not p�ese�ito �', The Commission discussed addir�g additional condit�.ons !, to the request cox�cerning parking and traffico ', ba It was moved (Goslin) y seconded (Severson) and passed I by majority vote of the Commission present that the application be denied (Commiss�.oner Wooda�°d voting no and Chairman Paterson absta.�ning) o B, Conditional U�e CARI, VITNTHERS, Applicant A request for conditinnal use approval to allow a planned residential development of 42 townhouses on two one acre R-7, Single Fam.ily Resi.der�tial parcels located on the east side of SoWo 98�' Avenue approximately 400 feet south of SoWo Greenbur� Roado (N1ap 1Sl 35CD tax lots 1600 and 1700) lo Staff Recommendation ao Staff recommendation for approval with conditionso 2o Public Hearing ao Mr4 Charles �'olinsky9 9655 SoWo T,ewis Lanea was concernEd about the fact that apartments aeemed to be surrounding hima ; b, A lady from the a.udience asked how the pro�ec�t was �ompatible with the surrounding propertie�o Ray Rangila stated that the design and lay o�,t c�� the project woul.d k�e1p make it compatible9 and that such design control was only pos�ible iri a P�R, Planned Residential deveJ�opmento co Mro Edward Foerster9 11665 SoWo 98�', asked to what standards 98tb� Street would be improvedo Ray Rangil.a answered by stating that 9��` would be impxoved to a minimum of 50 foot right�of�Way, with pavzng, curbing9 et�o to meet City standardso do Mro Forest Whitthar, 11700 SoW. 98�'9 asked what side of 98t� would the additional ri�h�-��f�way be takeno Ray Rangila statPd that the additional right-o.f-way would normal�.y come from both aidesm� each giving 5 feeto Mro Whi.tthar also asked if the improvements would go t4 the end of the street and if his side would have to give because they gave for improvem�nts some years agoo Ray Rangila stated that it would have to be a co�operative agreement with the peopl� alang that street, mra Whitthar asked ii it was the Commission° s opinion that a 50 foat r�ghtmof�way would give �_ tr� people of the propo�ed development9 along with the rest af the people, the necessary access Pg, 2 - Planning Commiss�.on Minut�s � 1/19/71 � , � _ _ . _ ._ . _ . _ � �, needed on the dead end streeto Mro Whitthar also stated concern about a back�7xp of traffic in the ' morning behind the bu�eso Chair.man Paterson atated that 50 feet of right-ofmway with 34 �eet of pave� ' . ment is the standard size �n the Tigard areap eo Mro Polinsky aaked a.f thexe was to be �ome type o� � screeninga Mr� Winthers expla�.ned that he would be glad to put screening e�.ther block ar cyclone fence up all around the developmento f, Chairman Paterson asked the �. licant if he PA understood the conditions the staff imposedo Mro Winthers said he understoodo !i 3o Commission �iscussior�. and Actian � �o Commissioner Goslin stated that the plan� th� Commission were looking at were not the plans !,I ' that would be approveda that the final plan ,, would allow 27 units in groups of three instead ! of 42 units in groups of threeo � � bo Commissioner Fletaher asked the applicant �.f I he agreed �0 2 f uni�ts instead o.� 42o Mro Wiz�thers '' said he agre�do � co Chairman Paterson asked Mro Winthe�°� if h� underm stoo�i what the Local Tmprovement Dis�rict proe�dure wase Mra Winthers said he did, do Commissioner Severean stated concern over the patio� , being on the seconcf floor leve].o M�o Winthers stated that all the patios wbul�d l�� on the ground '� level and that there would be acreenin.go { eo Cq�imissioner Go�lin moved. to amend staff condition number 2 to read that one �tage before final plans or prel.iminary plans the Commissian wou.ld have the opportunity to review �he preliminary plan�9 screening and other features that the,y may wish to consider, fa Commissiori�r Goslin stated that �e wished to Chan�e his previous amendment fr.om condition 2 to co�ndition 3 of the staff r�commendation by having .-the .Commission approve the final planso, ` �o The builder stated that Y�e was bu.ilding �hi� s��i� project elsewhereo Commissioner Gosli�. asked �he builder if he could brin�; pietures of the dev�l�o�m � ment for the Commission to seeo The builder agreeda ho I� was moved {Goslin) , seconded (Fletcher) and pa�sed by unanimous vote of the Commission px�esent to approve � the requ�est with the followin� conditionso Pg. 3 - Planning Commission Minutes � 1/19/7�. , , _. _ _ _ _ _ _. , �I � t i ��� i I � lo That SoWo 98�' Aven.ue shall. be develaped �I to City standards from the south :�ine o� j the sub�ect property north to Greenburg Rda '� 2a That the total numbe�^ af dwelling units i shall be no more than G'� and shall be com� ! patible to aurrauncling res3dential deve�.apmentso � 3, That final plan.s show�.n� typfcati elevatinns9 ' , landscaping9 building �ocations9 stor�m drain� ' ags speci�icat�.on59 adequate utility provis:ions �'i � and off�stree� parking sha�.l. t�e submitted for Planning Department9 Public Works Department and �'Ianning Gommission approva�. p�ior to issuance o� building permitso Vo OTHER 4.^EMS � Ao Shel.l Oa.1 Sign (Corner o�' S,W, Greenburg Rdo and 54Wo Shady Zane) lo She11 requested a sign 35 feet high with a 12 ° x 12° pecteno ao Ch�i�man Paterson explained that a repre�entative frbm �hell OilA Ray Rang�.la and himself hac� gone out to the s�.te and Shell Oi�. had an. 8° � c3° letter� "E" raised to 35 �'e�t a,nd that t;his seemed suitabi�o ba Mx'o Cxoslin pointed. out that �he sign �he11 Oi�. was r�questing was 2.5� larger° than the e�ne that w�,� �ho�n �o aha�.rmaz� P�tersono co Coauniss.zoner Goslin moved that the sign be 25 feet high with an 8° x 8° pecteno He stated that ��his would provide guide lines for o�har serv�.ce station�o Commissiorier Fletcher se�onded the motiax�o do Commissioner Seversan stated �the s�.gn wou�.d be to� smal.lo Traveler� would nat be able to see ito The motion was defeated by a vote of 3m3o ea Commissioner Woodard movefl that the sign be 35 �ee�t high with an 8° x 8° pecteno It was secox�ded by Commissioner Petersc�no Gommissioner Peter�on amended the motion by statirig the sign must be turned off when th.e station closeso The motion was appraved by a vote of 5 to To Bo "Kinder College" �SaW, Grant Avenue) lo The applicant was asking f.or a 42 square foot nonm illumin.ated sign facing SoWo Paciffc Highway--�an amendment to the original eonditional use approval by the Planning Gomaniss�.on �.n 19690 ao Staff recommended for a 32 sc�uar� foot signo bo Commission asked what the proposed Sign Code �' would �llowo Ray Ran�ila stated. the proposed `� cadP would gener.al�,y allaw. 32 �q; fto sign� �: Pgo 4 - Planning C7ommission Mir�utes � 1/19/7�. 1 ; . � .t � . . . .. . . . ? r in reside�•tially oriented conditional uses such �•--' as chu�eheso co Commiss�on �,sked how large the ].etters would ��o &°; .T.he app�.icant explai_ned that the sign would be 2° x 16° wfth 14 in�h 1.etterso Tt w�,s maved (Peterson) , seconded (Fletcher) and pa��ed by unanimous vote o.f the Commission p�esent that �' a non-��.11um�.nated 32 sqo fto sigil be approv�edo � Co Kath�ririe Street extension to �.21st � a ila ex 1 ined that the Ti ard Schoc�l. Distriet ��' 10 Ray R ng p a g ,.� was planning to extend Kather�.ne S�tr�et t;a 121s� Ave o C, It was moved (Fleteher) 9 �e�onded (�`�oslin) and passed ��� by unanimous �rote of Commission prese�.�t to approve �;I the connection of Katherine Sto at 121st Avea �. Do Murray Blvdo Corridor Hearing � lo Ray Rangila told the Commissxon of the Murray Blvdo e; Corridor hearing in the Tig�rd High S�hoo�. on Thur�day �` night (January 21, 1971� at 7a3(3 PoMo s; �; Eo Date far Planning Commission Study Meetin�s � lo Ray Rangila explained the need �or �he �'l.ax�ning Commission �to hold study sessic�ns �ta Gox�sider such items as P1ann.ed Developm�nt r�quests9 subdivi.sions9 etco The fourtk� Wednesday o� ea�h month at 8000 PoMa was set aside fox study sesss.c�nso VIo ADJOURNMENT - 9e35 PoMe � i � � :' Pgo 5 �- Pl�,nning Commissa.on Minu�tes � 1/19/7:� , ,.�� ._ . _ ,_ , ,:..,.. _,... ...., ,. . . ;:�rt. ,�,.:� �,..., .._:� . . ... . ..�,« �.;" H-�r .-: _.� .�s�f�'h�YY�I'"'r _ ..�� ",. er ,. iR7!':. : .� -- �+•. &0 JnIeAiGf!'�K,.,.r� . � . . . . . � .. . . � . ' � . � Tigard Planning Gommis�ion . Staf�' Report January 19, 1971 � Agenda Item TV-A Conditional Use Fox� }�ropexty d�si�nated as tax lot 38Q0 on tax map 1S1 35vD� Ap4licant ' R�.c�lard B�uer ��licant ' s Reguest ' Condi�tion�.l ixs� anproval to allow a r�diator service on a C-3, Ger�eral Commercial �arcel cont�inin� 0.3� of �n acree Location and Land Use nf Subject Pro�erty' The subject parcel supports a single family dwelling aa7d �;ar�.ke, and i.c located on tr�e east side of S,W. 90�' Av.enu� appraximately 18Q feet north of S.W. Green�ur� koad. : , • Surround9.n� 'Lonin� ��nd Land Use The sub�ect site is surroun�led by A-2y Apartment Resident.��l zoning to the north, C-3, General Commercial to the sou�h and R-7, Sin�le l�amily Residential to tne west--all� of which axe retiidentia.11y developed. The abutting parcel �o the ' ;;:: northeast su,�ports apa.rtments. ;�'; � b, Conformance with the Prelimiriary Com�reYi�n�zve Plan ; �: � � ��;;"; The Prelirainary Comprehensiv� P�.ar� d�signates the sub�ect . property tor �eneral ca�mmercial development� Ap�licant' s Descri,,�tion of Operation ! "I£ radiat�r i� brought in b,y a cu�tomer, it is pl�.ced in the cleanin�; vat with a det�r;ent aQlut.ionQ A�ter tha�} ; it i� washeta with water. and air, th�n placed on the teet � • and repair tank. After plur;gin�r all inlets and outlets E ,;s • with rubb�r. caps, the �adiator i� supplied with about 15 ; paunds of air �.nd gubmer�ed in w�ter for te�ting (all air i �'", bubbles indica.te leaks) . Radiator i$ then pl�ced on the � .� . � ; repair bench �'or. soldering and rep�ir by a small gae� torch, ; :=':Y� flwc and :�older. f �� This is � one man operation. I have a gara�e 20' x 46' � in back that would bE suited for thia type of work." � � The fallowin�; equipment wauld be utili2ed: ane cleaning ; ��` v�,t, on� te9t and repair tank, and one small air oompressor . � to su�ply air for tarch and te�ting. ; � . � G, k . � x � . ... ..v , ��r �-xN fi4q'�'+Y'w>a� :. . .... � ::� ..,::'"� ' .�.' A � ::��, .,.. .-'� :,::. : ., ,a . . _ _ .. ��l:�l�i`"..'�ET'+:' . . ,SS��,,��5:.'.f��„�. .� . � . � . . . � . . . . �. . . � � .. .. . . . . . . l ... .. � . � - . . . � . � . . � � � � . . � . •-�-f �'� �ta�f Fi�-�din�s az�d Recommendation The sta�f findings indicate that the requested cond�.tiqnal , � u�e can be operated without ad�erse affect upQn eurrounding . xesidentia'1 uses and that it conforms with the designated land u:�es on the Prelimi�lary Coxnprehensive �'lan and with existing zoning. The staff further finds that the radiator serviae wi11 be operated i�n the $a,m� manner as, a home occupatiom, as all business activity will be within the existiri� 20' x 46' ga�a�e. �t is recommmendPd that the rec�uest be approved with the '`" following conditions: , 1. That a11 business and atorage shall be caxried on within the exis'ting garage. 2. lhat adequ�,te off-street parking sha11 be pravided, in conformance with the City of Ti�ard Zoning Qrd�.nance. 3. Ti��at the �'ire Marshal shall inspect the gara�e and ap�rove the proposed .use. `, �. a �s� �,: • , , ,,� . . �x. i � I . � � _ . . . . , ' °s , , �.'g. 2 - Sta�f Report - R�ichard Bauer �- 1/1,9/71, ; � : �_ , , � � � � � O J avrs H N � �� � N i N .e T/GARD P�.AZA � � � _ Q � � � � � � , ..� � � � ti 1,�� � � V � a `�-�, c�n � 3 �'�o , �;�`�� ' � � � a C�F�� Pp' SY� � COND/TIONAL USE oreo af considerotion for o Rodiolor Service sca/e /"��f10" � � �� � �anuary 12, 1971 . NOTICE OF PUBI,I� HEARING Notice is hereby �iven. that a pub�.ic hearing will be held by the Planning Commiss�.on of the Gity of Tigard at Fowlsr Jro High School yibrary9 12080 S,W, Ma�.n Streetp Tigard� Oregon on J'anuary 199 1971 wxth respe�t to �the following a An appl.�cation. by Richard Ba�aer for con- ditional use approval to al�ow a �°adiator service on a Oo31 a�re Co3, General Commer� cial �arce7. located on the �as� side a� SoWo 90� l�venue approximatel� 180 feet north of S�Wo Greenburg Roado (Map 1S1 ;55DD tax lot 3800) All persons having as� interest in the matter are invited to attend, Jo Allan Paterson , CHATRMAN � � �;,,� . .: .�, ':;z ,�M �v�a;m s�nw� Flr � �rr`Tn�i'r , � raa ,� :a; rr.' _; h �!"1 ��q _ , "�'� � . � , _-w ., . . „ �.,.._.,..., . _.. ... .....i„r�`n.. . . , . .. _ . _ �.�..1:r_.i...n...,'y�sw�,...li'n�'.;'�a'��'„�_,..:�.,.F,+£CV..Bi„�so . f �. . . . . � . � . . . � .. . . . Tig�ard• Planning C�mmissiar► Staff Report � Januaxy 194 1971 . Agenda Item IV-B Conditional Use : � �or propert,y de�cribed as �ax lots 1600 and 1700 on . I tax ma� 1S1 35CU. , Applicant . C�,rl Winthexs, et al ' A�plicant' s Rec�uest Candition�l Use appxoval to facilitate a planned resident�al development of 42 townhouse� on R-7, Single Family R�sidentia3. parcels contain�.nq 2 a�res. ; I,ocation and .Land Use o� Sub�ect Prnt�erty The .subject site gupports two single famil,y dwellin.gs and is located on the east side of S.W. �8�' Avenue appxaximately 400 feet south of S.W. Greenbur� Road. ' Surroundin�; Zonin� and Zand Use ' The �,rea surr.ounding the sub�ect site i� �aned R-7 ancl � developed witY� �ingle family dwellin�s. Abu�ting property ' ' on the northea�t i5 zoned A-2, Multi-family Regident�.al � anc� ��.evelop�:c3 with apartmenta. The nearby multi-family ,� dev�lopments have direct access to Greenburg Ro�d. .� � Conform�nce with the Preliminary Compreherisive Plan • � The Prelir.�in:�ry Comprehehsive P1.an designates the sub�ect site for Urran Medium Kesiaential development, with densiti.e� rangin� between 6 a.nd 12 dwellin� unzts per �ross residentia,l acre. Sueh densities may be develope� with the avail�,bility of urba.r� se•�vices and u�ilities�. �taff �indin�s and Recommendatian � The �taif fin�s the requested mu;lti-family land use to be `� , in conforrr.ance witn the Pxelimin�.ry Comprehen,sive Plan. However, the Plan desi�na�;es a maximum number of 27 _ dwel.lin�; units far the subject site, and requirea that ;a :�uch ur'oan uses be provided with adequate urban servic�s '; and utilities--includin� water, sewer, surfaCe drainage and street svstems. 1�� The re:,ue�ted 42 residential units is� only 3 under that .i which w�uld be permit�ted under A-2, Mu1ti�-family zon�.ng. � It is �reco;nmen�ed that th� request be a�aproved to became � '. effer,tive wn�n the fallowin�; conditions axe aom�lied witht , r ,,� , _ � ,_ _ n ;ar „ , ;�-., �� t r�.s� n�"mx�lri�4@'r .°" --� ... �, _ 5 .... . . .... . ..:. ,. ,.., i.�,, . . ,.., d `'��'���t��`.`�" . �iG '"1`�ir�,�"i' �.�. �.y`���f.�-0. xM1. . _ ...- ,.... . ':,,,.,.. .,. •.'�c:n?�t3�k 4rorS.�,.`sr. . ... . � . . . � � � . ... . . .. . �. , , �...,. . . ... _ . t �� : ... ^ � .e. . . . . . . . . . . . . �. . � . .� . �.... . .� . ... . . � '., 4� 1. That S.W. 98�` Avenue �hal]. be deve].oped to Ci�y standard�s �'�om the south 13,ne af ,�a i;he sub ject proper�y nor�h to Green:burg Rd. '' � '2. Tk1at` the total numbefi a�f dwe�.l�.ng units � ; �k�all be no mare tlr�an 2? an.d ehall be com� ,p�,tible ta surrounding resid�nt'ia1 development�b 3. Tha�t final pl�n� �howing typical ele�atianc�, landscapi:ng, buildin� locations, storm drain-- -age specificata.ons, acleq�zate utility pr�visiona , ., ' tted £or b subma. e and o�:f-�treet pa�kir�� shall , , P��nning ;Uepartme�t and Public Works Department ,� approval �xio� tc� i:�suance of buildi.ng permita. : � , ` ,{ . � {�;' - � '� • M1. - . .,.i • s. ,,�X ; �� : y � P�. ,2 - Staff' Report - Carl Winthe,re - 1/1,9/?1 , . , I'7� 1 � �� . . � 4 � .� � . , �,a. �i0����� r �: e, � s� `'' ` , � r GREENBURG � ,q RD, � � ��'� N � � � �� k ''C N ..__ � �� -- � & r � #, � J� . _ t cirr aF ;T/GARD S�'J,r. �Y':.. ! �/Jr. r' �', was�ivaroN cvuNrr ° � N � � —--- � � � H . � � �__._._____.___� �� ..._,..,.....s�, �i �� F �, 'c � [ �} i _ .� E 1. � � CUND/T/ONAL usE � oreo of consideroliar i . \\ ti for P/onned Resrden>io/ sca�s /"s200" } �; � • - • . .. - � , ' I - i ��.�.: January 12p 1971 NOTICE QF PUBL�C HEARING Notice is h�reby given that a public hearing wiZl be he1d. by- the P�anning Commissian of the Ci�y n� �igaz�d at F�wler Jro H�gl� �chaol libx°az°yy 12080 �ov�o �Iain Street9 Tigard, Oregon an Janua�^y 199 1971 with respect '' to the followinga An application by �a.r� Winthers, et al �or conditional use approval to allow a planned r�sident�al develapment o� ¢2 townhouses on �. �wo one acre R�79 Single �'amily R�sid�r�tial pa.�cels located on the east side o� SoW g8� Avenue approx�.mately 400 feet s�uth of SoWo Greenbur Roado (Map �.51 35CD tax lots 1600 and 17�U� All persons having an interest �.n the ma�ter are invited to attendo ' ' Jo Allan Paterson CHAIRMAN ��. . ��'�