Planning Commission Packet - 01/18/1972 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. . , , _ . � __, , � � � f. ��� il ���°�,�':� �, :� ,.�,,,,,. �� , � ;f,� ��: �u.. AGENDA � . , . .. . , . . '��¢ax� �'�.ar��.ing QQa�ise�.on Gm� . �e�;u.�e�r N�eat,��� � �Tanuax 1�, �97�• _ , �amb��. ���tiaz� � 7 s 3� �'.�. �ub1��:� �ts�+�xin� - �t�0 �'.�t. , � Twali�y �7r. Hi,�� ��hov�., 7��aa���� ���m � 14�5� �,W. 97�'► ��.��,xd, �x�,��� . T. CALZ T0 ORDER , �I. AOLL GALL . , I�I. A�PROVAL OF MINUTE� A. Reg�ala,r meeting D��emb�r 21, 1971 � TV. PUBLZC H�ARTNG - ' A. Variance (Y 1�-?2) �_. COLUMATA HARDWOOD AN17 M�OULDING C0. Applicant re uee or a ron �r var ��nce nr� �n M-�3, I,igh� Indu�trial pa��e� 3,oca�te�d oz� the �e�e��t e�i�de •3� oaC �.W. Ha�]. 81.vd,, dire��ly aero�a �a�a�a a.W. Ror�pmercial Street. (�e1x Map 2�1 1, lo�t 600) , � 1. �tatY �eeommendgti�n , 2. Public Hearing � 3. Commieeion Diecue�ion and AetSon j � B. Coiiditional Uee (CU 1-72� i „ WILBUR �. SFOHN�, ,�ppllcant� 1 _ r�e�quee��`or conditional use apprava3,; t� � ,.; allow tempor�,rar houei'ng For night watc•hman ! � . , on an M-3, I,ight Incluatrial parc�l locsted � � � en the north etde ot S.W. Hur�nham Street, � �ppro�i�na�eiy isuu ieeti er�u�thea,ei oz �.Ni. i � Main St. (Tax Ma,p 25I 2AD, lot 15OU) i � ., 1. Staff Reaommendation ; , 2. Public Hearing 1 � 3. Commierion Diecuseion and Action . ..�:. � ; V. OTNER ITEMS � VI. ADJOURNMENT � _ _ _ . _ _ . .._ ._ � �' � �p � ��_ ;�� � .. _ � ,:eC-t' : .//�CG/���- i , � � � � � 1� Ld �' � S Tig�xc� Pl,�rnxi�xr�; C�mt�3,ssion R��u1.e�x° l�c��t3�ng - J'�nu�,ry 189 �.972 ��,3�ty Jr. �i�.g�a uckaool.➢ lectua°e room �,56�0 ;.W. 97th, ��.p,ra�x°d, Or��an x. car� �o or��� A. 8:25 �o�o SZ. R�S.�. C� A. Pm�s�nta Coanm�.ss�on�x�s �,rkhux°st�9 F�,�tcka�r, N�icc+li� Pau1.�t9 Wh�t��k��° �,n.tl Ch�►ia~�n Pa�tcrsono F�°�d �,derson9 � C3.t�y ��ta�°n��s I�y R�n�;�,1�,➢ C3�y P3zanna�°. H o Abs�n�e CG�snn3,ss�,o�.�s°s Hr�r�::�z�D L�w�.s� Scv�rson I�I. E#YPR9V�L 0� I���S A. ila� m�.nu��s �c��r tla� r�gul.�,a° �e���,ng o� D�c�mber 2a., i97�. were �pprov�d �s submit��d.. ZV. � PUBLIC H�A.RING � i A o Va�°3�ence (V' ��72) ' COLCI��A ��ARDW�OD AI�dD NIOULU��1C� C�D o� A.ppl.ic�►�.t A r�q,u�st for e f�°ont ya,�°d va�x°3.aaace an an M-39 L3.gYat Industrit�l � pa��°ce1. loc�,t�d on t;lte �r�st sid.� of SoW. He�Zl. Blvd. direetly a�eross � �rom S.W. Cammerci�l. S'����t. ('�'�a� I�� 25�. 1.D 1ot 600) ?: St���' R��omm�nci�,�i�n a. �.Cka� st�f� r�cc�a�n�nded d�n�.a�l. 2. Pub.li e H���°ing a. Nir�. Gazelcyy owx�cr e�� t�ae pr�oPerty, teat�.�'ied in fa�vor of tYt� �°�g,uest. b. Mr. Ge,z�l.ey sta�ted }a� dit7ra't und�rs�and why tkae �ta�'f �cecomm�nded d.e�aia�l o� th� x°aquest 1� �kae x°elignment � oi �,17. alvt�,. would. ,�aarob,�bl.y be �.n fmvor o�° h�.s prop��ty. e. Ra�y �ngi],a�9 City F�],�nn�r� ex,ple�ined tkv.�� the ste�ff b�,sed �.ts �ecaantnenda�3�on on tk�e ex�s��ng zoning � ord3.nance a�nd emmmuni��r p1x�r� sta�nde�rds. ,.,...:.. _ ,... _ ,. . . . .....;. :. _ �:. . ,.:... _ ,. _. ,:. . . :, : . .: .. � � �� ' —s;�•;y�ui',: ra � , d. �°. Ga�z�1�y �a6gi].an3.nec� urka� tka�y nc�cla�d � �_3.asrace. � e. Commission�r� i�i�t�k�x° 2�s�.�d� +�a� �y�� o� s�txu,�t�a�e. �°o N!�°. Gr�z�l�y s���t�d i� w��z�.�l �� a, wood st�°�a���zr�o g. �2ae �ublic h�aa�°f.ng wa�� ��,os��.e , 3. C�tt�n�.ssion Dis��s�3mn �nd A���..on. ' � aa Caaadix°�,n �r�t�rs�n N°�����d tk�� (�r��on F�.1,�n 3,s 1au31t w�.tla�.n � �kaeir set back. a�r��m � b. Comm3ss3on�x W�itt�k��° ��px.°essed. conc�r� o�r�r se��tir�g a pr��c�dcnt �'�r �u��u�� d�v��,o���r��o e. Cowm�.ssic�nw�° W�a�������° a�sl��d. �.� �.� w�u�.d. b� p�ss�.b].e �o bu�,1,c� �,t ��t �xag�;�s o � d., �°. G�,ze,��y st�,��d k�� �s �,f��s3.€1 ��a� 'bui�d.�,�ng would �ool� 1.�ke � j3.g s�sw p�a�z1�. �. Ca�n�.ssi�n��° ��t�a1��� �sl��d w?�t �kae �,dd�.�3.on wou.l.d be, � f. Mx°. �rr�xcsl�y st�s�t�ci ��at �tk�� ad,dit�,on would, b� a we,r�hous� �rs.��1a soxne �ssemb�,y wo�k. � g. Co�nmission�r Pa��1a�t ask�d a,bout tk� ��a�.iga�nt r�f ��,111.. i 1�. It �es movcd (Nic�l,�)y seca�ndcd (�`��tckae�) �nd passc�. by �s 5 ta 1. �ra�� �a� �� ��unn�ssiora pres�nt; (Wlzittaltcr voting no) to ��;px°t�v� ��� �°�qu�st. B. Conditioa�al Us�,. (�U 1-7�) � WZLBUR S o SP�T�T9 �lpp]�,�c�sx�t A reg,uest for �o�ad3.�3.ora�,3� �.s� ssp��ov�1. �tm �].].�w tempox°a�ry housing f°c�r nigkat 'un�t��.��s�. �n an M=3s �3.gYb� �ndustr3.a�1. �rc�1 ].ocated on tY�� xaor.t� s�d� m:f S.W. Bu�°a�s� Si;x���t� a�pproacimestcly 8Q0 �eet soutk�e�,st o�° S.W. d��.n S�t. (�°�a� t�sp 2S� 2AD9 lot 1500) ].. Staf�' R���t�nd���,ca� a. `I'h� steti�°f rc�ouam�xad�d. �;�p�°o�val uritka r� cond�.tioz�. 2. Publ�.c Hea�r�3.ng e. Ctauck MeC1.u�°e, t►tta�°n�y for Mr�4 SpoYabz, tes�3�fi�d in ��vor o� ��� reg,ucs�, b. Mz°. McC]�u�°e g,�v� tkn� �°al.lowi�.p; ret�sons fo�° Mc°. Spohn n�cdin� � nig�t wa,tc2�n's �e�cil.�.ty: l. �'her� h�s b�en sm�� n��.gh� a�et�.vity such �as w.��.��.ng oaa �a�.ndc�ws a�nd 13�tt�r�3ng of b��r c�►ns o 2. Custom�rs l��sve t�c�.x° c�s�s asnd keys �s�'t�r the shop h�ss c].as�d. 3. Ne�rby prop�rty own��°s �ve �a�preas�d r�ceeptance �f the pz°opos�d us�. c. Mr.. McC�.ure s�ated � nig�:bt we�tchme�n's �'e�e�l�.ty would Y�e1p con��°��. �nda�y�.sm �n the a�x°��. d. Mx°. McCl.ure str���d ���t �dt°. Spok� kxei,d spok�n to a17. his �. ne�.ghbors and '�he►t th�y- �d no ab�ee�tions. ,., Pg. 2 - PC Minates - J�nurary 189 1�72 �,. _ _ __. . . . .� . . ,., 4, . � � � . �. . . e. Mr, McCl,�zr� �,sked �.�' tlka� �i�ne 1,3mit cou�.1�. be �a��nci.�d � "" to l� or 2 ���rso f o Ms°. MeClur� �hc�^���. p��tua°es o� �12� �x°a��.J.��° I��us� t�o �he Go�n►n3.ssioa�9 �n� ��3.d I�°. Spa'�n tao�l.d padint 3.� �e11ow to b].en�. in �r3.t�i ��.c. �uil.ding, go �he �ublic kt��ring �s c�as�d. 3. Co�m�.ssion I�3scuss�3.on �,nd �,c�3.c�n � �,. Go�3.�sione�° B��°�hu�s� �,s�,�d i� t� C�mr��.ss�.on �d �vc�° � gre�nt�d such �e �°�c�►xest h���r�. b. C���.;t'� ��;t�x°s��a �t���d. it ha�dv � c. Comm�,ss3.an�r Ba�°��x°st �,s��d i� �ka� ���nzn3ssiun slnoul.d � wa�.t u�a�3.y �tkae zon�.ng ordin�,r�ce �.s es�a�a�d.�d.. E d. It �ras �nc�v�d (W��L��a�k��°Dy s�conded. (�,u:Lr�t) and pr�ssed by � una,nitno�,s vca��s �� tk� ���nna3.ss3.on p�esent to a��prov� � tl�e r�qu�s� fo� �, ��r�od ��° l� y�r�rs9 a� th,e end of � i raYa3ch ti�a� a �a��z��n� d.w�11.�.n� ura�.t s1�,�.J. be ut�.li�ed. i`: i� t3� us� �.s st3:L1 �ouxisi. �ts� be xe�eess�ry. j: ; � � V'. OTfIIER ITENIS �'� i A. Tka� City P1,�nne�° st���d ��� tka�s C�.�y 3.s �r��t�ing a� Sign Baard oP Appea].s a�nd tk�edt on� an�mb��r �r3.1..1 b� fx°o�a �?�� P1t�,xan:Lrng qommiseion. �- B. Cha�.rm�n Pmt�rson x°�m3.nded. t�a� Comtn�.ssio�a th��t � r�ew cha�►irm!an slaould b� elect�d. 1o�r Jun� r�° �u1.yo C. The C3.�y Pl�,xbn�r e�slc�d tka� �omm�.ssion �ca,x° i�s conapents �nd op3.nions re��°d.ixig t3a� �°�qu�s��d. ��cc�ptions to the Gadadrde St. build.�.ng r�or��o��utn e�nd ��.c propos�d �n��x��.�r c��°c�r.�yt�.�ar� p1�,n. ( i' Tt w�s tha cons�nsus v� tl�� P�nning �o�nmission t�a� ve►riances i; to the mor�,�oriu� (b�s�d on �,n 3nterim ci�°cu].a�t�.on system) sl�oul.d �; not be ap�roved bec�,�se o�° the cu�.�ent ],,�ck o�' int°os�e�tion �� . ' �bout the Bull Nitn.�Pa�c3fic Hwy. i�.�t�rsectiox� a�nd beca�use n� �? th� ].�ek o� W�ssh�ngton Coun�y �nd. St�►�e a� Ox°egcan recommende�t�.ons )� concern3.ng thc p�°m�osed te��ox°��°y ��.�°culation ;p].e�n. �: VI. ADJ�URNM��'. 9.25 Po�i. (a. ��' � , � � ` �I �,.���. � Pg• 3 - PC M�.nu�es - Janua�xy �.$, 1.97� _ , ;,� :,,,x , :>>,. . � , ; ,; , k- ,�,.. � . . . . .. . .M .. .. . . . . .. "�/1� � . . � � . � . . 4��.�':: �__ . . . . . . . . �,.. a �� . . � . . . . � . . � . s •��' . � � . . . . . � � . . . . � . . . . .ir;S i':i,��.x� �*���n�..n��; �c���mi���,an � `������� .��:;}��:.�� J,�nia�.ry 1.£3y ���'72 s. a.���i V :�:�-I? 3 ,, , ,s; � `,, Va�a.�z�u e }�o.r ��aX7��f��- d��.��;ria��� �� �ta�c �r�t 5�?+� Q�! t�,x m�� 2�y'� l. �-� s; a �'�7 �:.;:C 8.31� �� ,.,; Cc�1.t�m?�i.� H�,xdwood �n�i Moul�in� Co, t . . . . . � .. . . y� i�,�7'��.i C r�.�:� } S�E�p Ll�':��: �� ; �,pz>�^ov�.l. af �, �ran,t Yr��d ��tba;c� v�x�iar..�e �o �11ow an `f., si.d�:itic7�n 30 �'e�t �'x��� tk�� �°rnnt �ra�>e�'�y lin�, � ' �,��„�; v��.r�.�,nce o�' 'l� ���t un��r the r�irzirul,�m �et��,c� requa.red " `� b,y �>Ee�ion 210-�-d c�a� �h,e City of �Ci�ard. Lonin.� �'��� C�x��inan,�e. ; �- � `���_� �,oca'ti�x� and �onirz�; of S�.b�ect Propr�r�tY `' x�k , � � Tn.e M-3, Liuht Ti�du��;x°i�l p�,r��e� �� locat�cl can the ` •: �� ea�t :;ide o.� a.W. r��Il �31.�rdM , di��ctly a�,ra�� fr�sm, S.W. �ornM�rc,�.al �tx•e�t. � �:� :�� '' �u�d,�,n; �o r�.in�; anc� �+��ct se � ������i ,� The �,�ea sur�oundi�� the �ub�.e�� ��;�p i�t �on�d M-3, r �� r� 3,:i�rit �r�dustx�.�.l �►nc� c�ev�eloped w�t� v�:���u� inclustria3, �,` �� u.�e�, :i.ricluc�ir�g Dre�c�r� �'i1�, K, T. � E. , :�ir K�.rig � a���, �;,. ' ' and t��rc rail.xoac�s. �a !� ,. � �; � ���a CaSI� ' F ��„;'°' �US�7.:f�.Ci3�1�,U.X1 +a 4 � '. "I am PncloSa:r�g an �, 1loation �o� � vaxi�.r�cw in the + ���, �� ��` �rr��unt c�� ��et ba�k requiz��d ��^or�tin:g an �.W. Hall �lv�, ^���, `�� �'e�v�+�:en a.W. Cor^mercial� and the 5out��.erx� ��ci.�'ic r�.gttt � 5� �, o:�' w�y. We �re planning to annst���� u taui,l:d�.�$ on '�,�` _, tl��� rem�ining unused land at tk��.a �,oc�,tion. 2he bu,i�ld- ¥��"� k s'y, k' in,� is to be ueed to �1�.eviate o�r�a��crowded eonditi!��a i�,� � in oixr war�house a�c� ,Uaor a,s�r�mb�.y s��a. ` �,�,�� � ' - ��',,y��� ,� �p�7 . . . . . .. : . , 4 "'�if�y N, I am ap�alyin� �ar 3 v�t�iance beca"��e triA r�resix�i�.� la�d ��'� a that �'ronts c�n ��all 1�1.vd. ie 1.imit+�d arid shaul,d b(!� ° ' �, �x,# � ��_ ��� �'u11;y* uf�ed now to bE�t' advan��.;e. �"he �az�d in queetion� ��sr,. ��s � is nc�t re�;u.]_�r in z�ha,pe. Our bu.��r��.t�,�a ,are pa�allel �o �d'�� �,.: k �he S.k�. rigE��t af wa� �nd Cammerc�al ��. Hall �lY"d: ' r,�k � crc��se s trie a.Fl. ri�l�� o�' w�ry on an at�.gle� which� m+�a►4�t�ad "� , � at tne corner of aux pz'�perty ,�s ap�roxim�tely 1��8'�� ` ` � �{ � �. �� � ��Tn order ��o acoomo�dat� a 3Q' �se�t bac.k p1;us �.�n a�c�e�$ ��'� � ,��, 'q ,',, af road ri ht o.� wa we must set b�c�t �.],an. t�ie ro e�t � ' �� � � Y� � F � . Y � � r��: * ,� r� ''����,��. F, �,, ; � 1� i F� g S.. �'�# � e , �,I . _.. . a . . . _ .. � 'F�.—.— — 4k ui � . � � . � . � . � .. � . �.� . .� � �� . . ., a ��� : ,i,3.'. ti ea��� � �v r" �, /�`; . . . . . . A _ I°i . . . . . . . .. r , ��, . . . . . . � 1�� . . . � . . . � .. � . � �����`,�,��',4a �. �..�:3'1�? ��;)rii�:7 22�r �1;,E' .:J. �'« J"J.F*f".�; cJ�' ':d��r �3. :��t1�1. �7f�; £�,S j �y C71�'r:ai;l'Y'i.?C� :t.'.:CiT :ItE: C�.'3C:l.:.'j,.12�.;� (:C)7'�E'X`a �:1�(?!:' Z107,'1'l1Gl:�. ,w�: coric;:i. '.`� t.;�z;� i .:�:� .;��1; ��.;;ir v�c�ul�� nxi:l.�y b� �u° . �V`c �.r�t? , b�z��; r��r?:�,�. � ��.:.�: b�c�.u��: r,a� i:r�� "i.c�; 5�za;��e az�ct ���1.�>� ,; �� �r�� r-i.��ac:� �..• ;.�:��:�.��et:� w.i.11_ ?�� un�.�1.�: �a �a�.�� �1��; 1���� :������,��.3:-.��.�71�: u:�r ��_� ���r� <.��;.��.iriiz�� l�nd. ` ,�;; �.'}x� �;.r�.n�in�; «z' t,��a.� v�r�.��1�:c� wouZd r�4t dtti�na�e �.rs;y o'tk��� ,� a� ��.r.���:rt�� o�tiiner�;�. !i'h� maix� n��ci :i.n.so�"�,r �;�: tE°ie pu�i�.i.c �.� a� jfr���. c�n�G�:�r_�c� iky �;c� �rc��rzde �a�c�ixat� �.and ��:�a:� futuxe c���a�e� , ���: 7.r�iar��r�r���t �.�ci a ;�ti t b�.c�: ta assY�x�e ��:,��� vi�ab.i;lit�r �,.; ��v'r�c:��z a�proa��� ���.,� tlae r�sil;���a�.. }3ecau,�+� �n� r.aac�. ,��« ����'"ta�c;li�s �;�i� tra.�l�� a� such � wxcle �.r��1,� (�.�prax- � � i�».�L�ly 1.��.',°,) i.t waulr� ��em una�aece�,sary �ca pr�vi�e a ' Y ,#'�' ila�1. �0' se� ��ck for t;}�is gurp ��f . .!�l�o �M� tr�ek� ` ;; axe 6Q' beyc�xwc� aur buil�ix�g w�ir.Y� hE:1�� �.17.ev�.�,te th�� , �r?' x1e�:d . x�G a1�c� vrou:l.d �pp��r th�� a '.2�' r.i�ht o�' �r�y '�� �- (.�itacl.udizi�; :�nt k��.cks) �.s mc�,r.e than, would be xPaso�.a�ly ��r:� neces�axy �'ox� �'�.zture �?�annin.F, �or F�all i��.vd, _. ,,, � � � u.i; ,��,; �` We �.r� �aki,ri� f`�r a min�.cnum variance of. approxim��ely &' � ,; �� ,� = �;o a1.�.o�v �he main structural par�s o� t�,ri� bu.il�ing t� b� r',1� � bu�1t a,x� �. n�rmal fashion wi�hout havin� to have sp��3��,1 . �" �� �� ! �, tru���s built. Even s� , - it w�,�.l be riec�s��ry to c�t. �'��� ; , , � x,, i ��. af:f o�.e �arner o.f the 'aui�.d�;n� to maantain th� m�xi�pit�# � �_. set t�acl� �,�ossible. ����; �� �h� plo� �lan and cut ox' the ar.�a a.n que;�tion sh�u'�+� ' -, � �. <' ' irzc�ic��l.� ou� problem. �f� reeper,tfully request �ct� t� �,, �� com�sid�:�°ation of oux ia�medi�.te r�eede." � _`� �. � �x � �5�af� �'i�c�in�� �.nd t�ecot.t�er��at.iorl `� 14� ;�i ;i} . ....°�• .. . . . +' � N . . i .. . tr� :,. :I�. '�he staf.£ iinc�� t.hat a�c�i,�� 170-Q af' th� �oni�� ���;, ; �: �rdinan�� re uires 30 Ye�e� eaf ��tback fr��. tkle ��*o�� �� 4 4 h i �' . � �'' � � - �n�additio�r al ���baGk ofe3U �ee��ra��►surec��rpm��he��� , ��"�����,�-�'; �u��'�� �en��rlx_r�� af �i�.11 Blvd� ' s ��;?: i � ' rw.'`.:R ��"��RI��. s�� �h� �t��� furth�r �`inds that the adapted "�i.�rd , , u �;+' { .gu �"� . Oommunity P1an desi�nate� Hal,a B�.Vd. a�� �n e�t�r��e4,�; . � : ,��: wfth a prop�ged ri�ht-ot'-wa� width o� t�etwe�n �J �`� t '„_ �k��?` ��� . and 12U feet. The ea��sting ri.ght�-p�-��v��i w����h� �a� �� � : ��'r� ' ��: �ub�ec� ei�te is 40 �eet.- Futi��e �ri�:�#���4g �nd �!�,�z'�+�C�l�'� � °'���;' ��;� of F�a�.l �lvd . wi11 pxababl,.y �aq�a�re eubi���a��,�. rtrk�l���re � �,� � � �� in: ali�nmezat. ,�`� ,x �"� ,_; v � ����,n'�� �4 The prapo�ed setbaak wau�d �.n e�ffect �e� �side the '�`'�'� °` ,.�� � additiona7. s�tba,ck re�tzi��m��.t under Ssctivn, 2Y0*�Q s�d� �� ��`�� �� �,"F 's allow development unde� �I-3 �etback �tanda�ds. �t" " ' ����; �� the �iall �31.vd. r�,�Ht�a�-wa� wa�� wS�ene� to a0 fe�� ?��P � ��,�` ��< . >�,�r� �,' � 'takin� 20 feet from each sf:ds, the prupoeed ac�d�.t�d�;°" ; 4��' � r , � � E,. ;�' :.,,...�.�,,;. .. woulci have a setbacl��of 1.0 ��set from thg �ront p�o��'�3►. '.' ,�"�:��, + � . . . . � . � b� {Y... � �y. ��, 'a�s.;: �. �` � � ��� a� ��� i� ?,,�a w n `� �� pg. 2 - S�aff Kepar� - Columbia: H�rdwoot� - 2-18-�72 � �"� : , �r, ,. n � ' � . . ' 1 ��f�F1 S � ' , . .. Y .{ , � � � - - � � �,.�. i �:� ::,: :,._:.,. _. _.: , _ . ...,�, .,. ,..,... . ., ,,.r . -,,, _. .. , : �, ����o- �; � � � j�y �', 'N . . . . . ... � � j hr�ik�fk 1.� t � . . � � . . . . a��S� ',. � � � . . � � � �� ����,. , . . . � . , � �. . �, . 1� . � - . : . . i �� "��.r�� �io�rF,������,�� �;:�.1€in� �,hf: �:���.�xi.��,����.�:L r"� :�e�� o� �i�h� � a �'� � � �: ,;�?�1�;�t z�Y>,n,�..,rc,;y �c��:� n�a� �t,�,k� '���a�:o a�ecotz�t x����,�,�nm��,t �, 4 Fi ��' ��a.7�1 . �..:.ta.x . vTr:.ic�' 4r�u7.c1 p��Y���MI��y �� i� :C�.�.�r�x' a� : � �` �}'�fQ :�{,itY)�,;f�C� r z'�f?ex�tYs ,� �x�����a�r�.�. �* j;�..4y r.t��.st,:�t wcaul.c� �ran�� th� aw�pl�.c�n'� � �_' z,ri.vi�.ez�e nt�t; ;.:�v�zla�l€; t� a�hQ;e� ���o,�,�:r�� e7wner�� � :� !��i�;Yii:n �ti�? 4�,m� di;..-cri c�d ;: ; , , ;, „ �:� i� uri�?���'��i�e �ecam�a�r�t�ed th�,� �,-ie Y. •„r.�i.a.nre� be " . ;', dezl�.�� � �,, . . . .. . .. . . . . �,7.>t.,,� � � . . � � . . . . : .. . r� �•�j � . . . . � . . . � . � cCR .s . . � . � . � . . . ... .. �,.; c.t, � � . . � .� � . . � . . � t� � . . � . . . . � �pr �ii � �� ��'� � =i ; � ., s , ��.,� , , ` �, ; , , f�,�,;. �;, � � � . . . . 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' � �� � � i '�;r: I ,v F �aRianrcE oreca of ronsiderotion tar fronf Yord Vorionce �. �6 /NS'�QO� ., , �...w.::�.. .. , January 11, 1972 ;; NOTTCE OF PUBLIC HEARING �: Notice is hereby given that a public hear�ng will be held by the Planning Commission of the Gity of Ti�ard at Twality Jro High School, lecture room9 1465o S,W, 97th, Ti�ard, Oregon on January 18s 1972 ' at 8000 PoMo with respect to the followinga � ;, A:n application by HoWa Gazley for a frant yard variance on an M-39 T,igh� Tndustrial parcel locat�d on the east � side of SoW, Hall B1vc1, direr.tly acrass . from 5oWo Commercial Streetn ,(Tax Ma.p � 2S1 l, lot 600) All persons having an interest in the matter are invited to attend and be heard, ,, � i �.,e � � � � Y�4.r5� .,� ����y ,��r� , �z uk�� �, . � �„,�� , .. . . . . . �x, kL � . � . . . . ' � ,^+yt�S e.� . . . . � � t '� i; .�» . . � � .. . . . . . . �+',��; �,. . . . . � � . . � . } . . �. . . . . . . ' . .. , . 1..,�i . . . . . . . . �h` �i�aa�r�. r�1r�.rnr�a�n.� Commi.���a.ca�a :�t�.f.f i�ep��°�; :_r, �Tanuar�y 1�3, 1��`7� q�;:> �tern CU :!_-7� � � � � � �� :w �� �� �;, Can�it�.r�r��1 U�e ys`' .�i+ar ,}r.�o�7�r.'t,y c��-;ai�n�a,�ed �,s �C�,.K 1Gt �.�0�� on �ax m�.� ,,'�: 2�:1. �A� �; .� _���i�can.t � : =z' s�i].h,ar S. �ponn fb., A.�-��;t ' s r�equ��t a i � �' Cnn�ita.�naZ u�e a�,�?�rUVa1 ta ��.1ow the u;;e,t�:f' a tr,ailer hc�use ic�r a ni�2�t w�,�chma� on ar� NI-3, Li�1'z� Zndua�rial , � � �� � parcel o ' � � ''` z,:. ,�. �,e��'��taon a�d L�.nd TJss of �uk��,j�ct �'xoxf�rt '; ,'; �,;, �he ::L� n�j�c� 4ite ir� �,oc3t�d c�n ��a�i norfih si�a S.W. �� �urnh€�,rn >tr�e� apF>r.a.,�irr�c���,e�.y £3Ut7 c�c;t �autY�e�,et oF r.; S.W. Maa�n Stre�t . It su�i�orts � pltimbin�; �k�r�p �nd aui;�mc?`�j.+re x��p�.i�° l�u::�neae. ' �'. �l.l�'7:'I�LiT1C1129.�' `�t�?211T1.�, r:.,,,,,,, I�,,,��J��,��� Zonin� �,.L�n�; t�t ����°-�f� si:ik� �a;L' :�.W. kiurnh�m �t;xee� �:s �° �t�y,` M-3 anc� ,_ n tne :!:utYi ;�9 ;E ��.�g. r V�zriau� con�t�?xnti�n � Y'. tr.�de cox�ci•�.ctor� �.nd r�we�.:lir�� unit� ax°e ���;�,tt�red within t�:� s�:??�j�c�: ax°�a. �t�.�.nt° s Ju�t� �i�ation �',� ' „lhe necesa.ity anr� desa .rabiii�y �f"c�x� �.� .ni�r�t wa�chman 7, ! on �he �rerni,e� for surveil.anae t�'�` ���+c, �bov� dc��crlb�d ;'�, and s�zrroundin�; ��roperty. " �t�►ff Fin:�a.n�� and Recommendatiax�. •.4i;` The st�f� finds that �ect�:nn 18�-1 ��' City of Ti�ard lanin� �r�c�inanee a11ow� a "c�w�llin�; uni.t; for a w�tchman ` anc� his £�.mi1y" as aYi outri�ht permi.tted use in th� ;x' M-4 , In�.us�cri��.�. �'�rk rone. Sn addition�, tihe 'Lo�ing Ordinanc� defines akr�:l'lin� un�;t �s "One or more raom� de�i�;ne� fur occupanc�y by one family �n,d not hav'iing rnoxe �ha�i arie caokin� �acil�ity, but exc�udzn� a trail+�s " ��. ' co�.cri 47�GP,1�� Wkl�'t'1 ].�ca�ed in a' tr.ailer ��rk." ; ;�� The M-3, Zii7��� Inc�ustridl Lone has no pr�vi�ion for a ,�, "ci�rre:l.lxn� ur�it fax a �r�,�chman anc� Yzis fami,l.y" '�; .. .. �. � . � .. . . � � � � , �•��4�', �� . �. ��. . . ";'. � �� . i .. . . . . . . .... . .: ,_..l .:. �. '� v.t�s���� � v y ' ,� •r.�.,� r �,,i;,�� ±��� � '': ����:., r; r:��. ; k � `o iµ�. `� , � � . �� - . . � .. � . . . .� .. . .. . . . . . . . � � � . � . � � . `���i,r r ��i�.,.:, . . . . . . . .. . . : s 'h. . . . . �� . � � . . � '! R�. , . . . . ' ' . . . �,. �a€:c�tif�,; ��ar��-7 (l`,c�n�i�a.�22s �.:;pl.i .r,a'�1A �t;� t�er��t�t�x��.a�r � u�-;� ��x� l.t:.�a r, �' 'r,��m�or�.x�y ���x�i�c�i�re�) �t�-�t;��: ,' , � ;,; � "a't��.t �t;:��::. ��a:r;��;��c foz� whiuh �Lh�e 't�m;�e��a�� � ti;.�E•; �r �,�_r,r�upar�cy ��err�ii•f: :i.:� sau:�Y�t �:s com_. ^� ?;t:�tibl� ti��.zn r�.ric� ixrcident 'uc� �l�e cot���.et:Lan ': , o�' trr.a 1��.�ic �ur�a�e :€'�7r wr��_c� �Y,�; 7,ant� �.� ,�� . �c-� i:::r 3�ve7 ap�d, �.nd �c�;e: �ura�ti�r� �'_f :.,ur.h use ';, ' i ,a :L L�.�: ���-;d by ikie �exz�icl: d:f deve3 o„inen't, �� ; �v�:n a:�, �tin��c�r��:ry �a1.�� o:E'.f.a.ce in �, rP�i-- �. ; �7.6'Y1 ��1.ii;I ij.S�l"1C�. �� �a �'?�� a�,��9.cant requc�s�1;� a��roval, :�a�^ an in.d�:finate i4 ;aexi.��d c,:� tz.n��; . �4Y , , T� i� ti�e s�:r:�i�', s opini�n �hat permanent �acili�t:i�s '�': sYtt�uld lac� u+i � i zed �'or t��:�ht w�fichmen, �s � s the ,�": c�.se in 'thP I�^.�-� z;one , �.rd that �t1e Gonin� Oxdin�;nce :: sh�uld �e ,a:mended �o allow such �rzcil.itie� in th� :� I�1.�3 L�)t1�» �: I,t is recomm��decl tt7�t tne , reques� for �,�::n�o�ary hou�in� be y1,;s �pPr.�v��d f�r .� p�z�:i.od. of c�n.e ;r�ar, �.t the end o:�' �wh�oh ti.z�e � ,r x �' �;�x�manent; �w�;ll:in� uz��t s��al�. l�e ut�.li�ed a:� the uae i:� ��iS.� r�` , `�. ��ce�sary, , •;�. py . . � � . � . . . . �� � ... . � . .. . � . . . . . . . . . p; . .. . . . � . � � . � � . . . ' . ' . A,- � . � . . . . � y 4 .�:,. . . . . � . .. . . . "��:�2 _ .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . � � ',S S J4r . . � . . � � - . � °,d� �. � � .. . � . � . � � � . . . � � �r'��. . � . . � . - . . . . � � . � �;I . . . . . . � �� �L�i . . � . . . .. . � - . . � . . . . � . . � .. . . �'� . ._ .,. -. � , ,��� tr � .. . � +.. �.. . .. � ��� p .. � . � . � � � � � .. ^� �� I, � . . � � - . � . � . . � . . � . � 9� ?;y::. � . . .. .. � .. � . . .. . . .t;yti ' . . . . .. �� . � . ��'. . .. . .. . . . .. . � , .. .. �',,,� . . . . . L.�.'� . . . . . . � .. . ' . ' . ic" 'k; � � A'' ,TM'; �: .� . .. � . . 4iYt ,,, . p�, 2 - St�,fi R���or� - Wi].bur S:. Spahn - :1-1�i-72 �� � � _ �'�� ��`�'''�