Planning Commission Packet - 11/17/1970 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. 7 ' ) , . 0 r; ii AGENDA yI Tigard Planning Commission Regular Meeting - November 17, 1970 �' Member Section ® 7:30 P.M. Public Hearing - 8:00 P.M. Fowler Jr. High School Library 12080 S.W. Main Street, Tigard, Ore, I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES m Regular Meeting, October 209 1970 ', IV0 PUBLIC HEARING A. Conditional Use STEVEN R. POPE, Applicant A request or conditional use approval to allow one duplex on a 1.5 acre R®7 9 single f a mil y residential,al 9 p arc el located on the west side of S,W, Tiedeman Avenue, opposite S.W. Meadow Street (Map 1S1 34D part of tax lot 5600) 1. Staff Recommendation 's 2, Public Hearing 3. Commission Discussion and Action V. OTHER ITEMS ,':/ A. Conditional Use (carried over from September 15, 1970) CONRAD E. ANDERSON, Applicant 1e Staff Recommendation !' 20 Commission Discussion and Action B. Mira park Subdivision 1;1 ti 1e Subdivision Committee Recommendation 1 2, Commission Discussion and Action C. Planned Residential Conditional Use Amendment , HENRY POTTER, Applicant (Ordinance No. 69-25) 1. Staff Recommendation ? 2, Commission Discussion and Action VI , ADJOURNMENT '< F i • MINUTES Tigard Planning Commission 1 Regular Meeting - November 17, 1970 Fowler Jr. High School Library 12080. S.W. Main Street, Tigard, Ore. 'I. CALL• TO,n ORDER L. the meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8:00 P.M. II ROLL CALL A. Present: Commissioners Fletcher,. Goslin, Lewis, Nicoli, Whittaker and, Chairman Paterson; Keith Thompson, Director of Public Works; and Ray City Planner B. Absent: Commissioners Peterson, Severson and Woodard III, APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. The minutes for the October 20, 1970 meeting were approved as submitted. IV. PUBLIC HEARING A. Conditional Use STEVEN R POPE, applicant reques for conditional use approval to allow one duplex on a 1.5 acre R-7, jingle family residential, parcel located on the west side of S.W. Tiedeman Avenue, opposite S.W. Meadow Street (Map 5.S1 34D part of tax lot 5600) 1. Staff Recommendation for approval 2. Public Hearing a. Ron Mapes, resident on Meadow Street, spoke in opposition to multiple dwellings in the subject area.. b. Chairman Paterson said the Zoning Ordinance does not define a duplex as multiple dwellings. c. Lawa ends Bastian, owner of the subject property, said he has not represented the property for apartment development. . d. Steven Pope, contract purchaser, said the duplex will be his own residence. e. The public hearing was closed. 3. Commission, Discussion and Action a. It wa moved (Lewis) , seconded (Sidoli) and passed by majority vote of the Commission present (Com- missioner Goslin voting no and Chairman Paterson abstaining) that the application be approved n with the following condition: • 1. That the plans for the duplex be compatible with the neighborhood. V. OTHER ITEMS A. Conditional Use (carried over from September 15, 1970) CONRAD E. ANDERSON, Applicant Highway 7--Grreenburg Road Intersection Study 1. Staff Recommendation far approval a. Ray Rangila, City Planner, reviewed the intersection study and plan. 2, Commission Discussion and Action a. Chairman Paterson asked if the sign height could be decreased to minimize the site's highway orientation--thereby bringing the conditional use more into conformance with the preliminary intersection plan b. Mr. Arnold, Shell Oil representative, said the sign height could be varied. c. It was moved (Lewis) , seconded (Fletcher) and passed by unanimous vote of Commission present that the application be approved with the following conditions: 1. Frontage along Highway 217 shall be heavily landscaped and maintained with evergreen trees. Frontage along Greenburg Road shall be landscaped and maintained. 2. Access and egress shall be limited to and from Shady Lane. 3. The following signing shall be permitted: a. Plans for one non-moving free-standing business identification sign (an unlettered pecten) shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of a sign permit. b. One permanently located price sign match- ing the architectural design of the main building, a maximum of 12 square feet on each side and a maximum height of 4 feet, c. The two signs affixed to the station shall also be unlettered pectens. 4. There shall be no automotive repair at the station, aside from minor servicing. 5. There shall be no outside storage or display of merchandise and/or motor vehicles. 6. Pars P ots, intermittentl y flae hin g lights, g hte, banners, pennants, festoons of light, or other similar devices shall not be used in conjunction with the business. 7. Maximum hours of 'operation shall be from 6:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Pg. 2 - Planning Commission Minutes 11/17/70 • 8. A detailed site plan showing structures, signing, landscaping, topography, adequate storm drainage and access shall be sub- mitted to and approved by the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. 9. The conditional use permit shall auto- matically become null and void one (1) year after its approval by the City Council unless the applicant has secured a building permit prior to that date and has actually commenced construction of the structures authorized by the permit within said one (1) year period. B. Mira Park and Mira Park West Subdivisions 1. Subdivision Committee Recommendation for approval. 2. Commission Discussion and Action a. It was moved (Lewis) , seconded (Nicola) and passed by majority vote of the Commission present (Commissioner Whittaker voting no) that the preliminary plats be approved with the following conditions: 1. That the extension of 110th Avenue be dedicated and improved to the standards of the Department of Public Works before development is initiated. • 2. That all drainage easements, proposed paving, catch basins, hydrants, utility easements be shown on the preliminary plat. 3. That the one-foot non access strip between lots 4 and 5 (Mira Park) be left under the ownership of the subdivider, and that its value be determined by the City. 4. That the existing, unimproved Park Street right=of-way within lots 2 and 3 (Mira Park West) be vacated. 5. That the two preliminary plats be combined into one final plat and named Mira Park. C. Planned Residential Conditional Use Amendment • HENRY POTTER, applicant 1. Staff Recommendation for approval with provisions. 2. Commission Discussion and Recommendation. a. The Commission reviewed the , amended plan. b. Jim Praggastis, A & P Investment Corporation, said the staff' s recommendation for 4 available parking spaces per residence (172 total spaces) was unnecessarily high. He felt that each single family lot should have 3 off-street spaces and each duplex 4 off-street spaces. He then indicated Pg. 3 Planning Commission Minutes 11/17/70 additional off-street parking bays would be provided for possible guest parking. c. After discussion, the Commission recommended the following minimum off-street parking requirements: 1 1. A minimum of three (3) off-street spaces . per single family lot--a total of 630 20 A minimum of four (4) off-street spaces per duplex---a total of 44. 3. A minimum of twenty-five (25) additional off-street spaces shall be provided in parking bays along the street for guest ;t parking, 4. The minimum number of parking spaces shall be 132 for the 43 dwelling units. d, The Commission also recommended that staff condition number 8 include the following: "000 unless actual construction has been initiated." V10 ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. • gg% Pg. 4 - Planning Commission Minutes 11/17/70 Tigard Planning Commission 1 Staff Report November 17, 1970 Agenda Item 4-A Conditional Use • • ___ For property described as a portion of tax lot 5600 on tax • map 1S1 34D • 1c)rlicant Steven R. Pope A aj;1icant ' s Request • i, Conditional Use ap:proval to facilitate the construction of a duplex on an R-7 parcel containing approximately 1. 5 acres. Location and Land Use of Subject Property The vacant subject site is located on the west side of S.W. r; Tiedeman Avenue , opposite S.W. Meadow Street. sM Surroundiu Zoning, and Land Use 4. -w The area surrounding the undeveloped subject tax lot is r zoned R-7 and developed with single family dwellings and j agricultural uses. ? ,:, Conformance to the Preliriin ary Comprehen ,ive Plan I. , The preliminary plan designates the subject property for • residential development having a density averaging 4.5 � dwelling units per gross acre. The request conforms to the ;' Preliminary Flan. Staff Findings and Recommendation iii, The sta:'f finis that the requested conditional use will be compatible with surrounding zoning and land uses and will 4 conform to the Lreliminary comprehensive plan. However, it is the rta;f' s opinion that furtner division of the subject property would be benefited by the planned residential subdivision process in order to insure efficiency, safety and ade1ucte open space provisions. Tt is recomf:;Tended t'raat the request b e approved. s, I l' L k . . , ,. ., . , . , . . ,.., , . .,i r 3 , .r. M '3 his■.—aa110 SW TIGARD ,ST isimm a, • / /• R • , \ •i , ,t,.z. \\\\.\\,\\\\,\\:\k.\\,.\,x\\,\\,\\ ...1 z,, ©`mac ' ._______ , .. _. . Nis i �`` ____• SW MEADOW ST I 116 KATHERINE ST i __. , .CONDITIONAL USE \\\\\ ' area .of consideration for I duplex ■ f 4 t I ■ (∎h } scale I"=200' ii i E } l I November 4, 1970 %' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held by the Planning Com .sion of the City of Tigard at Fowler Jr. High School Library, 12080 S.W. Main Street, Tigard, Oregon on November 17, 1970 at 8:00 P.M. with respect to the following: An application by Steven R. Pope for a Conditional Use to allow one duplex in a R-7, single family residential, zone on a 1. 5 acre parcel of land located on the west side of S.W. Tiedeman Avenue opposite S.W. Meadow Street (Map 1S1 34D part of tax lot 5600) All persons having interest in the matter are invited to attend. J. Allan Paterson CHAIRMAN ________ , - . . : '''' ,'Ote ' ll''' '''''' i'''' '''g':-V':IVT,:iV4'3 ' '''''''''''" ' 4',.' ''''4", i - . ..1 i' .'.' ..., '" ' T. ' -6.",' .'''.-ilj` 7 v....„a;',6"`\.14,-,,,,r,1 7,.4,2;iitoriortgt",, ciC.-;-,;'6-; '-' ' The City and County staffs have discussed and review del ,% ;:.:#,__Ir7,:q,,,,,„!, .:7,, , i It was determined that a sufficient amount of retail 4 emegstet:etc .i.,:,,e,;,:c4i , zoning will be available in the Regional Shopping Center (11.' ,,, ,, ,,ti.,0 . , ti '', ' Quadrant) and that zoning district boundaries are ,lost aHriiippe- ,,e,,,,,I,Y:::,4,,,,;! , graphical features. Also, the land use densities and 4031f410 it0.14.1. 1r,'..r.-,'W411 s:o:::: ::: ::::if(tii111:1:."14:71r0:1110:1,6)4 : 411.:114,4 :: : e ! ' l',., ::,t:eheprp:lain7si::r:o::n:h: ,'" of commercial area would be incompatible with, and andtt441.1.0rti;. .716 4. been planned for light industrial development by the II aOat* ,eilNOk4),liii,4,,. .., 1959 - the City' s Preliminary Plan also designates it ttor AndOatt,,rielll , conditional use was approved (since lapsed) ,- . ,.._., ., ,,,,41 °I.''' ' property. The commercial uses and son ..' ,t ...-21, ,p,‘"t , of being related to the employment center (industrial POCK, 111P44 (,!, ,, 4 A . density residential development to the south- 'Ale exigitioUt*4V -2,,if,W4 zoning i s at the norther ly limit of a neighborhood area and 'ackthbliiii,2i,,t,s--„t, ,• Greenburg Road from an employment center. It is compAfoteXY cut 401,4jffi, . ' from the Regional Shopping Center bY a limited aceeme,'egPrOS4WaX, '.;..,Ali,-, , Because of its direct nonconformance with the Tigard..Are* PreitMi4: 7: ., . nary Comprehensive Plan, and Washington County adOPted Pia* of ' -,Y:,-i,kki-1,', ', ' - . Development, commercial zoning should not be e3tpanded. totint_trig.,,,iCS„,,,t! .0, . parcels south of Shady Lane would be more ap rpopriately de: ?he C-14,1iit:, ..141, Commercial Professional, in order to promote compatibLe ve#°P.1!"TokY'el %,., with future 'multi-family land uses and inhibit traffic confiiCts'-''I'y'l ,, related to strip commercial development. , ,' ‘q ,,,.1 Commercial zoning should be limited td the S. E. Quadrant fcir„ thon*.: 4 , . additional reasons: 4 Sri `.. 1. The fewest traffic conflicts will result. ' 2, Pedestrian traffic crossing the street will be (!. minimized. j 3. Conflict with adjoining land would be minimized because of 'less common boundary with adjoining non- commercial land uses. 4. Public interest would not be jeopardized by creating s 1 congestion and dangerous traffic situations for both motorists and pedestrians. ' Balanced development of the N. W. and N. E. Quadrants will be ', d unit development zoning, which requires ' encouraged through planned Ps► approval of a complete design layout. The following objectives will be implemented: t 1. Minimize traffic conflict, congestion, visual disorder fnear intersections.. 2. Provide compatible and balanced development of each quadrant, in conformance with the land uses and densi- ties designated by the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Restrict retail commercial development near intersections, "r except where delineated on the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Promote well designed and aesthetically satisfying entrances to Tigard. It is the staff' s opinion that retail drive-in uses oriented to employment centers (industrial parks) and residential neighborhoods should not he oriented to freeways. The comprehensive Plan desig- nates interchanges appropriate for highway oriented businesses the subject intersection is not so designated. r: f It is also the staff' s opinion that driv*-in retail uses can be compatibly developed with other retail uses. It is recommended . that the recuest for a service station on the C-3, General Commer-- r c.ial, Anderson property be approved with the following provisions to insure the site as being compatible to, and a service for, the f, employment center to the west and residential area to the south: 1. Frontage along Highway 217 shall be heavily landscaped ;t k and maintained with evergreen trees. Frontage along s ;recni-3ury Road shall be landscaped and maintained. , 2 . Access and egress shall be limited to and from Shady rl Lane . I' 3„ The following signing shall be permitted: a. One non-moving free-standing business identification f si•in shall be permitted, the maximum height of this si`in to be 35 feet. Said sign shall be an unlettered t' ;t pect;-:n (shell) . I ..F t= 4 Pale 2 •r aFf -'.,crt - Anderson 11/17/70 ie _ ...._ 4MMEMEMEM • . „.. . . . , . , • , '0 , . , . . K . . , b. Onn permanently located price sign matching the architectural design of the main building, a maximum of 12 square feet on each side and a maximum height of 4 feet. c. The two signs affixed to the station shall also be unlettered pectens. 4. There shall be no automotive repair at the station, aside from minor servicing. 'i. There shall be no outside storage or display of mer- . . chandise and/or motor vehicles. 6. ParspoLs. intermittently flashing lights, banners, . ' ponnlnts , festoons of light, or other similar devices shall not he used in conjunction with the business. 7. Maxinum hours of operation shall be from 7:00 A.M. to Li ?U P. M. 8. A detailed site plan showing structures, signing, land- scaping, topography, adequate storm drainage and access shall he submitted to and approved by the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. • 9. The conditional use permit shall automatically become , • null and void one (1) year after its approval by the . City Council unless the applicant has secured a building permit prior to that date and has actually commenced construction of the structures authorized by the permit , • within said one (1) year period. , . • ■ . , 1 1 ' . , ,..., 1 • . 4 r r , I i., 1 ' , 1 . • i (4 t . 1 f. , • . , Page 3 - caff PrIaort - Anderson - 11/17/70 , . k . ■ W -f;L, . 1 G.I..Sz E2 Ns1G.K. ` ,- t Z Conwant ctA.t. f • i C-P, • - C tiA aQC l{k t_ \ H C-3 1 r i r = r a.P. ICEN to ee,Clfi ` � -,te. /f • �11 , \ y i t.h.�� .rr Ar .Y t`,�_c-ti.r\1T..�.- � ,t'. I ti ri \ L 4 ` i t 1 i . -E�.�,"'�,� . '+xap�na+i rc w.vim+' S?a+Ak4.�:k4'-...'X�°:n-..a".K..,,^,..0, ,. ,:. ____.. J M ''..''.,74''' ,:,..r‘ 147 AT..,6i oa..7. _.! i1,:w _, .tii. 41,._.;l.r :1... Tigard Planning Commission Staff Report November 17, 1970 Agenda Item 5-B Subdivision Names Mira Park Mira Park West Sponsors Lynn Miller Edward Industries, Inc. . Engineer Wilsey and Ham, Inc . Applicant' s Request i,' Preliminary approval of subdivision plats which propose to 1 divide 6.34 acres into 25 residential lots having typical -' lot areas of x ,000 square feet. (The two preliminary plats will be combined into one subdivision in the final plat) ,` : Location and Zoning is The properties in question are zoned R-7, single family °4 residential and are located on the south side of the westerly termination of Park Street (County Road #1320) . is Public Utilities The lots in the subdivision will be served by the Tigard. Water District and Unified Sewerage Agency (City of Tigard) . 4; Staff Recommendation The staff recommends that preliminary approval be granted by i' the Planning Commission provided: 1. that the extension of 110th Avenue be dedicated and �r improved to the standards of the Department of t Public Works before development is initiated. 2. tnat all drainage easements, proposed paving, catch ,' basins, hydrants, utility easements be shown on 1 preliminary plat. i. 3. that the one-foot non access strip between lots 4 and 5 (Mira Park) oe left under the ownership of Y the subdivider. 4. that the existing, unimproved Park Street right-of- way within lots 2 and 3 (Mira Park West) be vacated. 5. th'It the two preliminary plats be combined into one and 1?, nar��ed ;Mira Park. It 1 if, ------ , _ . . [ ‘ t Tigard Planning Commission ' Staff Report November 17, 1970 Agenda Item 5-C 1 Ilanned Residential Conditional Use Amendment Ap-,[licant h Henry Potter, (Ordinance No . 69-25) , , Staff Findin.E.-s and Recommendation It is the intention of the following conditions to provide the maximum flexibility in the development of land so as to achieve - . , livability, esthetic and economic development. It is further- , more the intention to provide a development that is compatible with surrounding residentially developed lands. To achieve tnis flexibility, the following conditions may be utilized : 1. Streets may be paved to a width of no less than 24 feet, with appropriate curbs to provile storm drainage - p, ann to be approved by City Staff - provided that l!' 1 , r parking shall be prohibited on such street and that V, each dwelling unit shall have a minimum of 4 parking -' stalls for its use. 2. Normal front, side and rear setbacks may be waived, , provided that each dwelling unit shall have at least one yard of 20 feet or more. 3. That the land may be subdivided in accordance with procedures establisned by the City ' s subdivision ordinance. ? The followin conditions shall be required for the development of this property : Ir H 1. All utilities shall be underground. ! 2. The total number of dwelling units shall be no more than 43 and shell be residential in character, constructed of materials compatible to surrounding residential develop- ments and no more than two stories in height. 3. That the area designated as open space be dedicated to the City for park purposes with satisfactory guarantee of appropriate grading, seeding and other planting as *, reviewed and approved by the Planning Department. t, 1‘4 4 . Street tree plantins and decorative lighting shall be required along the street and in parking areas, subject to plan approval by the Planning Department. 5. Plans for the development shall include specifications for storm drainage and utilities. 6, ` hat prior to tree cutting, excavation. and building construction, the Planning Department shall review and approve individual plot and design plans to insure compatibility of building design, privacy and adequate open space. 7. That final plans showing typical elevations, proposed landscaping, walkways, decorative lighting, park area, storm drainage and utility provisions, shall be submitted for Planning Department approval prior to issuance of building permits. 8. This conditional use shall expire at the end of one year from the passage of the enacting ordinance. t , j J i . ' PE 2 -- Staff. Report - Henry Potter 11/17/70