Planning Commission Packet - 08/18/1970 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. ., ...�... ,__ .. ..,._. __ _ _. _. ., _.__ _ ._.. _ __.. . . . _. J . _ :'� ';//4'c l't:!�L.��:7,`xt..f'�::. & � U \. AGENDA , Ti�ard Planning Commission Regula,r Meeting � Au;ust l8, 1970 Member Sec�tion 7;45 P.Mo Publ.�c Hearin� 8:00 P.M. Fowlei Jr. Hi�h School Libr�.ry 1.2080 SeW. Main Str�et, Tigard, Ore. 2. CAZZ TO ORDER � I�. ROI,� GA�,Z ITI. APPROVAZ OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting9 July 21, 1970 II� IV. PUBI,IC HEARII�G A. Conditional Use * CONRAD E. ANDERSON, applic�,nt A reque�t for a conaitional use for a service station in a C�3 (General Commerci�,l) zc�ne on a Oo5 acre parcel af 1.and located at tYie northeast; corx�er of Greenburg Raad and Shady I,ane (Map 1S1 35B part of tax lot 200) � l.. Sta.ff Recommendation 2, Public Hearing 3. Commissa.nn Disaussion and Action �'. 0'.�HF�. �IATTERS VI . ADJOURNMENT � i � i i i i � li 1 �.. I : - _ � ✓�1�'�G�C�("O.'� //�'�lor'l .�.�'.;�,, t f .l' Y ^;.j, � . . . . . . � . .. . . � . � . . . � .. . �. . � � .. . .. � �i �._.� � � . . . � � . . . � � .� � � �. . . Y �'II NUTES u E; � li�;ard Planzling Gommiss:�ori k� Regular Meeting August 18, 1970 i�� Fowler ���o High �choo'1 �,ibrary ' f'', 12080 SoWa Main Streety Tigard, Ore, k } f: I o C�ZI� TO O�DER �� Ao The meetin� was called to az�d�.r �hy th� chairman at 8;G5 PoMa � �' I2 o RU:I'�L CALI, E �.o Presenta Commis��ion.er� Lewis, Nic�li, WYia.ttaker, �do�dar_d� � Chairman P�.�t�rson and Cit,y� Acizninis't�a�or �.Ce1.��r �a Ab,sen.to Commissionea^s Fletcher, Gosl�.ny Petersona Severson ; 4. I. III o Al'YROVAT, OF MINUTES � Ao `rhe minutes �'or �h� July 21., 19°(0, re�;ul�.r. meeting we.re ¢; approved as submittedo � � IV o �'UBT�IC HtaA1�ING� Aa Gonditional tTse CQNFZAV �o AND�.�RSON 9 applicant A request f�r a conditional use �or a service sta�tion in a C-3 (Gc�nerG:1 �omnier.ci.al) zone on a 0, 5 acre p�,zce� o�' 1_and lc�,:a.tea a�L- the northeast corner o� Gre�nbu�g Road anc� � Shac�y �ane (Map l�l 55I3 ��,rt of tax lot 200) � 10 S�LaFf recommendation for deniala 2o Public He�ring ao Wil7_ Arnold representin� Shell Oil Company spoke in favor of the proposal and. �tated th�.t the Oil , Comp�.ny prefers to have the Git,y rather than the 4 company enforce any conditions imposed, ancl that � the site was lo�;ica1 for the service station � because of its loc�z�tion and acljoining trafSi.co be Herbert Olson, 10765 SoWa Greenbu.r� Road9 spoke � in �avor ol proposalo , co Conrad Anderson, applicant, spoke in favox o� � propa�ed service �tationa � do Do�. Ro Qui.nny Jro , 10785 SoW, Gr�;enburg Road, spoke � in favo� and asked about applicants plans for � handlin� sewa�eo eo City Administra�or stated sewage w�u1d be subj�ct � to connec�tiori �»x�m�.t �rom UoSeAo o� ap�rov�,l o� � sep�tic tank anc drain,�i.eld system by Washington j County Hea1'th Departmenta j � f, The public hearin.g was closedo ' � Page 1 - Plannir�g Minutes o �ugust 18� 1974 'j - I , l _ , ._ . _ __ . _ ." , '9�' �, ' 3o Comniiss�on Discussion an,d Actiori ae Mro Whittaker asked about Highway Department p��,ns inr cons�truc�tion n.i' over-pass interchan�e at Greenb,arg Road and Hi�;hway 217o Mra Telfer ex�lainea. �;hat the highway depas°tm�nt plari,s �,re uncertain at this ta.me althou�h �i�;htmof�way had been established :L'or a diamnnci in�erchan�;e with Green�iurg over crossin� Hi�hway 2170 b, Mro N�_coli �.sked how th� Commiss�on could resi;rict any given kind of business :Erom developin,g in �Ci�;atd, co Mro Woodard asked ii' applicant was willin� to live wii;h conditions �;hat mi�;ht be impc�sedo Mro Arnold replieca , the a���licant w�u1d provided they were reason��.ble o d, Mro Paterson remindPd commissYOn. of Conditional Use grantec� Rich:�ield Oil Coo that has expireda eo Mro Whi'�taker. asked abau'i; kinds o� service that would be available at proposed st��,tione Mro Arnold stated tha,�t the Oi1 Compan,y likes to discourage I leases from prov�ici5_n� com�lete automo�ive ov�x-� ' haul service because it c�et�°acts frnm c'lean �as� oline salesa f, Mr, Telfer discussed. "��ron�t Door" zoning at reques�i; of Chairman Patersono go Mra Lewis expressed concern abou�; a11 �`our quad- ; rant of intersection developing wi�t;h serv5.ce � stationsa � ho Motion to deny ap�lication (I,ewi.$) f�,iled for l�.ck o� secondo � I io Moti.on to approve application with City sta:ft and i oil company to work out condita �n� oz1 sign.ix�g, sewers9 lan.dscaping e�Lco (Woodard) , secanded (Nicoli) a � jo �iscuss�on about condi�tions :fo'llowedo � ke Motion amendin� Mr. o Woo�tards motion to dela� action ; until September meeting to allow �taff to p.repare � conditions (I,ewia) amendmeni; a�reed to (Nico.li) j and passed by unanimous vote of the commission i presento ; Vo OTHER MATTERS � Ao City Planner Mra Telf�r in•L-roduced Ray Ran�i�a who wil]. �be Cit,y Planner � e.f'fective Sep�embez° 19 1970 0 � B, Sign Ordinance Tuesda,y evening September 8 set for jaint study session � with the Ci�ty �ouneil to discuss si�;n codea i i VIe A:UJOURNMENT: 8„ 58 P.Mo f �. ' 1 � Page 2 - Planning Commiss�.on � August 1�, 197� 1 : , _ , , f, x K �, , � � q C���Sg�� �'' pL�A�iNID?�3 l�ID1D 'LOi1IDTG . t;. � , . .�� STAI+"P RLCOMMENDATION, Au ust 18 197a '3 � ,I . ,�,�TDA :ITEMs � , , �� CUIJI7TTTU�IAL USE �1'�-I,:�CATTUN: Service S1�ation Shell APPI,YCADIT: Corir.ad �. �Anderson . _:; h655 S.W. JFan Road Portland � Oreg�n 97223 ' pR�pgRTX INVAL'i�lDs Northeast corner of Greenburg .Road and Shad,y I,ane (Ma.P lSl� 3�5'B p�..rt af tax lot . 20Q) ,'!, ST2E O�' PROPER'TY: U.5 acre S'PJ►!'1�` RBCO��°►TIODTs This sta�f rec�mmends c�snial of this appl.icatior�. A _ '� ccunt o�' ser_vic� atati�n:� �'r�m the intersection of acholls Eer.ry Eto�d and I-iall Blvd. in Pro�ress to 99w � iri Ti�;ar.d �o�;�al, 2�3, most ��' which �;re less than one `� mile f.r.om tkiP Anaerson sitP. ;� All four cnrners in �rog;ress are now deve].op�d with �� ser.vice st�,tions. 99W is ti,rell-gu�plied wi.th them, �,� 1 and� tlie Sr��:] 1. Uil Compan,y itsel� already ,has 4 st�,tions �� j 4ritizin �;his ar��. ' �� ! `' Another a�rvi�e station cc�ric�itiona7, use was Previously `, �:�< ��p.rovec�:, l�ut the station n�t buil.t, sout}7 of this site ; °�' on �reenbur� R�ad< Thi:� conditional use expir�s ku�ust i ,�j -��,, �y7�, We would prabab3,y not recommend reinstatem�nt ; �� of.' thi:� use �4t this, time. ! a i Trie new highwa,y 217 has provided a �ot of. und.eveToped • ; � �' land witlz �trF;mendous e�posure. ` In qur com�rehensiv� � .. ; � ' - planninn w� r�av� ta],ked a, �;�od deal ,a,bout thP kind of � uses we shc�ulc� permit alang hi�Y1wG�.,ys. The City needs h- ' to �rotPCt tl�i�:�e 7.ancl.s. 7ndustrial and c�ffice develap- ' � men�s a1c�n� 1:-5 ana 217 have {;�nerall,y b�en o� high �# qu�.lity, anr� we w�_sh to see this continu�; along the ;� ha.�;hway�. 6Je ax e pl.anning a "fz�ont :.d�orn tY��e o�' x zonin�; f'or the�� axeas which �vi.11 ha�ve hi�h standards with limitt�d user, low 1ot cove.ra�e and a gxeat deal A� . of 1and�capin�. In �he mean�time, we shoul.d be very cautious in our ' �^� ' zoning a1:on� thc,se routes, so that they `don't become � more 99W'<�. r.: , . ,. �i.- . � . .. . � . � . � . . . . . .. .._. . . .��. 3f. . �''� �. � �. . � . � .. . ' . �.,: - . . .. . . � . . . . �`. . .�.'��, .. ��_: � k' I �. "� . .d .y, � � . . . . . . � .. . . . � � � . . . . . . . � ... . . � � .� . � . . . � . . . . .. . . . . . . . .� .� . � . . . � . � .. � � . . .. . , . . . � � 1�. � . . . . � � . . . � . . � . . . � . . . . . .. . . � : 5 . . . . . . .. � . . � . . . . � �`': . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . � . � � ' . . �� li f . . .' . . . . � � . � .�''�. `�.. . . . .. � . � � . �CaI . . . . . . . .. '. /. . ., ..; � . . . . ... , � . �� . . .. .. .. .. � .. . ' � . . � ��I. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . � . �� . . � .. . . � � . � . � . . . � � . � .. �''� . � � . � .. . . �'�� � . . � . . .... . � . . �� . �� . r 4. ;��ur. thF�x�m�re, �thF� x�ep.reseni�a�ive of the .�h�ll Com�any ,� -to]c.i m�; tll�:t he carinot bi:nd the sta�t.i.on n�ana�;e:r t� � �tht� hi r��� of �c��ditioris which we ordina•ril.y impo5e . �', :�n .��.�;�v'ine ' :�tatic�r�s rer�.r.c��i.ng outdo.or display and :. „i�;�'i ix�;. 'Ph'i� }^�as �roven �o be the ca�e witn m��st ;:'� :,Prvi�e ct��t;ic�ns alrPady loca�ed h�re, a.nd h�c rnade �nf'ar.ceiriF�ni;' of t}�ir-; conditional us;e pravisions r.earl.y , '; i.ml��.�''ilal� . � ; , , . ;, ; ; . �� ' . � ;1 ;� ���,a � , ` —. , , r; �. �,':CAt+':E' E�LCCI41N�i��11L�ATIC;N — Gc�nc�ir,ic�n�.�. U�e - �ervice S1>atibn :Pa�;c 2 ' �' . �. . . . . � �. . � . �. . . . .. . . .. ..�: f j.. . . . . . �� . � . - �. tj:`.�. ' � .. � � ' . . � . ':. 1'�... !r �. , � .. � � , ���� � �.:� . . . . .. � � . � !.'� > • 1?` . ,,. . . . . . . �.. . ..��.: . '..!'i:: t. • � �;�. . . . -._. � � . . � �:..�%';. ��'3 � i.r; [, E . . . . . . , . ':� I I � � �:, � I - � ( _ � � -� � � � � � R1 ` .� � �R , �� � �=� �� � �-� � R:� I R 1 � � � _ � ; (� I R � L _ R� �; � � � �' � (3►00 �o ,�� � ��I000 � 3lDO R� R-7 (Z-7 - - i R�. _o Q:� �� 'f2oo ' i ( _ _ _ ! — _ . R7 �7 R7 �3�2 � � -� � ►2� R-� R-? R 7 � R 7 ' — --_ � � R ( � * � R=► i �� I R� ,i R? � � : . � � . _ � � � ; _3 �- t�K S REET N� N� . - iao - ', - � � �� ' R� R-7 R=��- _ { R 7 � ��' R,.� �: - R� � .. � � M�3 . - — ��_ �� � � �� �ao - _ � - ,�� . - �� ��� ��400 �---�--- .. .� _.s,o..—� ���e-�T�fRO � / \ R_^, � y�po � _ AAIf�'��N � � .�� : � . � ond�t; �,. R1 � �;. �<" _ tJ86 � ' G 3 �j 1 rs' . _ —_\ � � ( �goa . _ _ 'S� � �:t � ��f�d��° �/��`'' �-� "q�'` I . � , � � l�oo �a� a o�' -�� < � - , - �3 , . . . , . : ` � C.-3 � � a � l �2�' i A�� r � o0 � ��`t e� � � ►�o� �'� . � ' - /�rZ �� o0 , _ � �\� � zo� �-Z . "_ _ �� ,�:i ��:.- �� ; . � - , _ -• � � � � � �oo � .�,� �,�.��� -��-���: _ _ _ � a :;�� �._ � , - - . �_ � � „���� .. � 1� _�---r�.-,.� .���__�,_ :., �. _ _ _ _ __ _ ._. _ _ ,.., . ___. � . . . . . � . '^ 1 S ..r* . . . . . .. ... . �.I. }`. � . . . . . . . I��. � ` ��..,r � .... . .�. .. a.. .....,... ' ' t . . . '^ `7 4 �� � �, ' ' ; i �. � ' ��' � , . ; July 29, 1970 i NOTICE OF PUBT,IC HEARING �, .... . .. . � ' � � � � � � i.. . � Notice ;s hereby given �hat a Pu�la.c Hearing will be held by the ; P1�,nnin�� Commissi�n of the City of Ti�ard at Fowler Jr, High Scho,ol j Library, 12080 S.W, Main Street, Tigard, Ore. on Au�ust 18, 1970 �,t 8600 P.M. with respect �to the �ollowing: � An application by Conrad E. Anderson for �. conditional ! use for a ser.vice station in a C-3 (General Comrnercial) zone on a 0. 5 acre parcel of land located at the n.orth- east �orner of Greenburg Road arid Shady Lane (Map 1S1 35B part o� tax lot 200) A11 interested persons may appear and be heard in favor of or against said proposal. j i . . � �..�. . .. . . . .. _ � �_ 1 , • J. A11an Paterson � CHAIRMAN f ..�,. : _ _ ... ...,_,::.. . .. : ,: . . . .. .. � . . ..�"_ �k,�i•ieiR�.2S;'�+�,''S7',e."'d#..dG7�:�x'1li..+At."�.%'��k¢xE�� .h1�A�ktiL�t�AiMiY�`,i•'B�E��� . . ���Y � . . � . : .. � . � . . ... � . . .. L'i � � . � .. . . . . .. . � � . . . . �'LANIuING IJ��'A��MENT � � • REPORT TQ CQUNCIL ' . ' . , � .. . COtiD1TIONAT� U,>i: �1:PL7:CA`i'ION: Tern�orary use �or a veterinary cZinic � A.F'Ii,TCI,�'t': Yhy.11i,� M. Anderson, owner . P.�. 13ox ?.3�)06 11r5O .�.t^I. Bull Mt . Rd. � `�i��ru , 0�•e�on 9722 3 . a - FItOl�!�.i�TY 7`�VC�LVr�'D: 727��5 S.W. Pacific Hwye (2S1 2Bll tax lot 500) ' . � :;7%i�, '�F 1�}2U��1;�ti"�: ��?. 15 ar.r.e ' , � tT rl�l :r\ •� •e.T t � .. S.;'k,� l+ �i:�,�,(:��:��1�.��!:A'�'IC)Iv' : . � � The �ta,�.0 r�c�ccarnmend 7 appraval with the 'conditions as ' �`� amen�l.ed hy +Y!E Commis:;.ion. C��I`rf�lIS��IGI�� T�T,�t�t;;�:_;TON �11`dD IiC;TIOI�; The Co*r�n:.i�sianers pr. esent voted unanimc�u:��.,y to approve � ,,L �,�ie r��c�ue:;t a�ith i:he �ollowing con�iti�nss � �',� . 1 . tr�<�1; :�.11 01' the o����:rati�n of �the use wi�l � `; b� cor_ducted entir•e1,y wa.tYiin the encZosed � builciin�;. ��� 2. th:�t ti�� i�ractice 'sh�ll b� limited to tt�ie I! { trE���.�;raent of .;m�,ll anim�,ls ori tY�is �itea �' . 4:ii�at, thc� pre�en�f, .frc��-stan�3in�; sign Shall � . �,,_if.L'if:c io.r. �,1�. busin��s�. on th:e �7remise�. ' t;t:�L,. �thc, L1SE: E�Yir�a_1 expir.e tw� ,ye�,rs fr.om tr1E� �l�w t,e ��' Cc�ut-,c i 1 apl�r�va1. � � _ � � ,� � � � � �. , � � i � f' . . „ 4; � �: � .� . �� � . �: � G: ;a�. � �; t. � , � � _ ;� � Re Poxt 'to Cnur�c i 7, -- 1�lr�,nnit��; Department - Ar�de.rs�n,;I:'. �' � � _ _ ; r '