Planning Commission Packet - 07/21/1970 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. _ _ .._ _ _ _. . _ _ . _..... _ _ .. . <: , � � AGLNDA �I � ' Tiga�°d Planning Com.mis�ion ` Regular Meet;in.� - Ju.ly 21, i9'�(0 ;, Member Section 7a45 YoMo � Public Fiearin�s 8a00 PoNIo ' Fow'ler J're Hi�h School Libra,ry 1�0�i0 SoWo Main. Stre�t, T�:�ard Oree I o CALL ��'0 URD�H i II a ! ROLI� CAI,L �: TIT� APYI�OVI�L OF' MT_�TUTES: Regular meeting, June 16, 191� �' IVo kUBLIC H:LARTNGS E�I Ao Conditional Use �i PHYZI,TS M. ANDERSON, applica,n�; €�I A request for a cond.�tiona7. use for a veterinar,y clinic J in a C-3 (General �ommercial) zone �n a 0,15 a.Gre parcel �I of 1and lacated at 12705 S,We Pacific Hi�;hway (25l 2T3D �� tax lot 500) (�emporary Use) � lo S�Laff Recommendation 2.e 1'ublic Hearing , 3o Commission �iucussion �.nd Action V o 0�.'I-iER I�IATTL+'RS VT o ADJOURNM�;NT � � , � � � � _ _ _ � - - _ _ _ � .. ___. .....e__...._. _. _ .: _. � ,: _. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ � r c , L!yf�/-��' ' ���� �'� ! ! �� M � .. . � �..�... . . . � . . .�. ' � • � M I N U T E S Ti�axd Planning Commission Re�ular Meeting - July 21, 1970 Fowler Jr. High Schnol �ibrary 12080 S.W. Main Street, Ti�ard, Ore. �. CALL TO ORD�R A. T�he meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 7:55 P.M. � II. ROI,L CALL A. Presen-�: Commissioners Bob Fletcher, Geor�e Lewis, Clar�nce Nico1�., Jim Peter�on, Everett Severson, Tom Wittak�r Chai.rman Allan P�.terson and � �ecretary Emily Wied . , B. 1�bsent: Commissioners Goslin and .Woodard ,•; .:},. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. 7°�hs minutes far the June 16, 1970, regular meeting wer�'` �,. � approved a� ;�ubmitted. •' • ' TVe YUBLIC HEARING Ae Conda.tion�,1 Use � PHYT,LIS M. AND3��RSONe applican�t � reque� �ar a �temporary uae for a veterinar_y clinic �-�� - in a C-3 (General Commercial) zone on a` 0.'1-5-�acre parce� . o� land located at 12705 S.W. Paci�fic H�.ghway (��Sl 2BD tax lot 500) l. Staff recommendation for approval with conditions. 2. �ublic hearing a. Mrs. Wied read a letter fr�m Charles Bernards, � tenant in the office building involved, in fa�ror of the proposed alinic. b. Dr. �ox, D.V.M. , spoke, explaining his proposal. c. Jim Wil.lock, also a tenant in the building spdke in favor of the proposed clinic. d. The p�xblic hearing was el,osed. 3. Commission discussion and action a. Mr. Fletcher asked about the previously granted use near Canterbury Lane. Dr. Co� said he �.r� still planning construction in this year, a,nd wants to do much of the finishing him�elf, ao �, is now applying for temporary facilitiea until his new �uilding is ready. � . _ _—.�--� , : , � �� �.._ bo Mr, Leu��is �:sked �.�' the staff h�,d any .�d.eas an the contral of signing for the useo He suggested ` that anather condition shoulcl be added to the , staff recornmendation li�iting sigr�ing to the , existin� free�s�anding si�r�o e. Tt was moved (Fletcher) , secorided (Severson) , and passed b,y unanimous vote of the (�ommission present that tl�.e use be approved with the £ollowing condition�s 1.a that a11 o.f the opexatinn of. the use will be c�ndue�tec� entirel;r within the en.clase�. buildin�> � °mited t� �he 2 o that; t�e � r�.rticc� s hall be I� treatment of small animals on this sit�. 3, thai� the present fre�-� �a,nding sign. sha�ll suf_fice for a11 businesses on the premisese 4.. that the us� sh�,ll expire two year.s from ' the dai;e of Council approvalo TV. 0'�'�:�R MA.TIERS A. Camprehensive P1.an pro�ress l. Mrso Wied said CH2M has said copies nf the draf`t will be ready �this TY�iursday� �nd that a d�.nner meeting will be schedul.ed e�,r.Iy in August for the plan to be pr�- � sented to the mem�ers of t,he City Coun.cil, �'lar�ning � Commi.ssion and Citizens ° :L'lanning Cammi�teee B, Sign Code �;. Copies of the ps�oposed draft should �e in the mail thi.s week to the C�uncilmen. and CommissionerNo � a. ��.��tfon - �rul,y 28th 1. Mrso Wa:.e� rezninded the Commissioners �a vote and su�por� the �Cit,y budget election an Ju1.y 28�he Y, ADJOURNMENT: 8045 P.Mo � _ ,I -; I , � i � � I � � _ �..... a. .,.., ;..: ... :: . _ ,.,. . . �-,:_ . , , ,,. �. �. _ ""�" , s�, aq. , w�;ar* , � � _u:�,.. � PLi1�NT�IG � �O�IJII� COlII�I38Fp�i .. ( July �21, 1970 • , , . ST�J!'T�` RECOMP7ENDATION . �� =��a - ; ' i CONDTT Or1 'E F � 11PPLZC�y1T: PHYZl,I S P�4 ANDER�ON . 1155D S.W. �3u11 Mt. Rd. : Ti�ard, Oregon 97223 • PItO!ffiL�'Y IDNOLVI�D: 12705 S.W. Paci�'ic Highway (M�,p '2Sl 2�D tax lot 50U) . ��2�. O!' �OPEit'1'Ys �.15 acre � �T� Rll�AMl�i�'i'TO�Ts . � Th�:s raq_ues� is for the tempor�,.ry use af .the building fo.rmerly occupied by '�hP Willock & Strand R�a1ty Cam�any �or a veterina,ry clinic. This use is estim�.ted to be for a two-year per.iod. I �he staf�' recnmmenc�s appz�oval of this u�e with the' fol�owin� conditions: � ` l. That a11 of the oper�ation of th.e use will be conducted entirel,y. witrin the enclosed builcling� 2. That the practic� sha11. be liznited to the ��eatment o� . small animals on this �ite. 3. Tk�at the use shall expire two ,years from the date o� � ' Cou.nci]. a�proval, \ . ,.� �-� y.. . . . .. . . i ,T }'.' . � � . . . . . ': ,- ' . . � . ��. . ..�.. ' -�, - � .:,x . . . . � . . � .. . �1 _. _ . . . . ... . . . . , . .., . . . . _ . . . . . � . . _ y, : , . -� � � ��'l�Y _GR�(�/T A 1/.�"/I/U,E' A-2 . ' A-2 � i . . _ _ _ _ _ � � � -� , , A-,� q-� A-,� i , � � � 1 , � A-z � �-� � _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _a__- � _ _ �_____ _ _�. _ � _____ _ __ _ _ _ - - ,, , ,� � _ � - � �'-,3 - ° C 3 , C=3 � � " c-3 � " , � � _ 1 � � � -,3 - �-3 � _ � C , � •` � �00 �— 3oe� � C 3 ' C-3 � � � - � - ' - - �'-3 � � � � � � � � - � � _ I � � c 3 -- , ..� �_ � �oo � y . � - � _ _ C-3 , C-3 � �' 3 0 � 3 , � 3 � � _ � __ � fi : � , �-,� � � � ,� ,� � � � � : - ' �'3 � � ' . § C-3 , :`� � ��C� _ .. _ F/� �1G',��T/.q y � o �rr .. . . .__ _ _ _ _ ... __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . ; z : � ' Y. f � � � � r t �_ . �' . t. , �i . . . . . , . . .. I.. � ! F. �' � . . � . . ��. } E July 1, 1.970 � � NOTICE OP PUI3LIC I•I�ARING ' Not;ice is hereby �iven that a Publ.ic H�ar.�.ng wi11 be he:Ld by � the Planriing Commiss� an o�' the Gity of Ti.gard at F`owler Jr. . , High School I��b.rary, 12820 �.Ws M�,i.n StrePt, Ti�ard, Oregon, rl ; on Jul,y 21, 1570 at 8.00 PeM. with resp�c't to the followin.ge ��' An appl.a.c�,tian by Phyillis M. Anderson for a con-� ditional �se �'or. �, veterin�,ry cl:inic� ,in a G-3 (General Commercia.l) zone on a Oe15 acre p�,rcel. • o�f land loc;a�ted a� �.2705 �.W. P�,ci�a�c Highway (Map 2S]_ 2BTJ ta,x 1.ot 500) Al]_ interestec� pez�sons ma,y �.ppear and be h�a�d i,n favor of �j or against said proposal. � � , i, � ' '' � g 'II� , � � "'� � � � � '�!. Allan Patersnn ' CHA�RMAN � � � . � ' b f • � M � � . . -. _ . . . . ' ; � � � �- . . � .. . . � . . ' _ . . � .. ' . � . .. ' . . . .. ;. .,. . . •. .. ... . �. . . . . .��. . . . 1M. n I� M . . � � . � � � . �.� . . .. ,. .� . � . � _ ... . . . � . . , . . .. 1 . . . . .. ... . . . ,� . . . .. .,,.. . .. 1 . .. . . . � . . .. �. � . � . . �. :,� . ��. .. ... . . . . . . . .... .. . .. . .. . . .. ... .. . .. ... . . .. .... . ,. .. ..,.. ..: .. . . _.. . ,.,I. '�.