Planning Commission Packet - 06/16/1970 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. , ;�M�...ti..._ _... _ � y�� , : . �..,k��,� c '�'��%�-'����� a . G�!/ ;� ACrFNDA Tigard Pl�,nning t�ammission Re�ular Meet�.ng � J'une 1.6, :191� Member 5ection 7015 PoMo Publa�c: �iea.r.^�,ngs £3000 PoNi, Fow1�r �ro �Ii.�h Sch�al :��.bra�y l�C��30 SoVJo Mairz Street9 �.'i�ard ' ' I o �:ALZ, 2'0 O�DER TTa ROLL CALL �:I� o APPROVA�, OF MINUT�Sp Regul�,r me�ting, I�:ay 190 1970 IV, I?UBZ.T.0 I�IEI�RING� Ao C:ondition�,l Use UUAN� GOMPANY (Fred Me,yer) , appllcant A. reques�t faz• a cand�.tional use for. an outaid� sales area a.n con junction w�.th a new "home improvement a�icl decorating centex°i" build.i.n� to rA constructed �� � p�,rt z;f �t,he :1.1 acr.e Fred Meye.r shopping c�ni;er, The prc;;,E�rty in�Fc�:LtT�d i.� locatPd on �he sauth side o� S,?';r, S�zu:�c� ��t e k�t=� t.we�n :i t;s . � inte,rsecta.ons wi�;h 71st anc� 72n.d �+ve��.ue� �Map #�:Si 3�.A.G tax lots 340�) and. 3401) J3e Cnnditional. Use and Variance A�LAS STEEL BUILDING CO o 9 ap�ali.ca�.t 1� reguest :Car a condition�„l use :�or ou��,id� sto�•�,ge �,n.d th� �hc�mp�ra�ry use of a tra�.l er Far �,n off'.ice and for a varian^e �to z°educe the side yar� �etb�,ck a�.nn� a po.r_tian o.f the eastErly property line to a�.].nw constructian o� a build.�.n� with�.n 1.0° o�' the p�oper�y 1.ine e (Map �257. 2�1�3 t�.x iot 1.900) C. �on� Chan�;e and Cond,ita.�nal Use IkON MOUNT�ITN INVESTMEN`P C�u9 applicant A x��auest for a zon.e cha�.ge fram A�2 (Mul�ti��:Camily resid�ntial:) to Cm4 {Nei�hborhood Commercial) Qn a parcel of' la�.d 1.oc�,ted on the we�t side of SbW, :�'aci.��c Hi�hway approx�m�,tel,y 450° north o�' Bull Mountain Road (t�ap �251 l0A a por•t�on of tax lot 1'T07. and a portion o�' tax 10� 19Q0) and f.`or a canda�tional u,e for �, r�staura,:�t zn the �'�4 �ane on the C�o3 acr.e praperty loca�tec� a�proximately at ] 4285 SoWe �'aci:E�� Hi�;hway (Map ��251 �.OA �ax lota 1700 and 1.800� , Da Condi�ional Use GI,EN So STONE, applicant An �.menc�ed applie�,ta,on �°ox �, ctup�.e� ir� an ��7 (sin�7.� �` :f'�,mi1.,y resi.dential) z�ne �n a 0 019 acx�e parePl o� l.and 1.oca�t�d at 141'35 SoWe �03rd (Map #2�1 1.�.BB tax �ot :t.5(�:� ) V e OT�iI+aR �`�IL�`.I.'T:F�RS VI a l�:t)JOURN�CLNT 7 . . � . . . . .. . . � . . .� � I � � �'�...� P �� ,^`' . . .. +� . { � � . t (}P.�F �r y�;�:„;�`E.,. � . � E� � \ I M I N U T E S � T�.gard �'lanning Commissi�n. j Regular Meeting � �Tun� 169 1970 , Fowler� J�ro High SchaoJ_ I,ibrar,y I 12080 S,Wo Mairi Streetp Tigard9 Oreo '� I CAI,T, TO ORDER 0 Ae The meet�ng was called to order by �the vice-pxesiden� I Bob Fletcher at �3a00 PaMo �� I I o ROLI, CALI, i A, Presenta Commissioner� Fletcher� Goslin9 Harris9 Zewis� Nicoli� Severson and Woodard; Secretary Em�ly Wied Bo Absent: Pr�szdent Paterson IIIo APPROVAL OF MINUTES A, The minu�tes o� the regular meeting on May 19, 19709 wer� approved as writteno IVo PUBZIC H�ARINGS � A, Conditional Use DUANE COMYANY (Fred Meye�) � applican�t A request tor a conditional use foz° �.n outside sales area in conjunction with a new °'home improvement and decorating center°t building to be const�u�ted as pa�t o� the 11 ar.re Fred Meyer shopping centero The propert,y inval.ved is located on the south side o� SoWo Spruce Sto between. its intersections w.�th `71st and 72nd Avenues (Map �151 36AC tax lats 3400 and 3403) le Staff recommendation. �or c��nditional approvala 2o Public Hearing ao Mro Harold Zapp, 7121 S,Wa Spruce Sto , asked if public access through the Fred Meyer complex was going to be continuedo Mrso Wiea answered that there has been no discussion with the City regard�- ing its discontinuance and tYia't the driveway realignment with 72nd Avenue should provide a sa�er accesso Mro Lapp was also concerned about his house facirig a. concrete block wall o The landscaping plans along Spruce Sto were shown to himo • bo The public hearing was closedo 3o Commission discussion and action � ao Mro Zewis asked if the sales area wouia �e �o��rEao Mr, Goslin asked what kinds of mate.ra.als would be stored thereo Mrso Wied �:nswered that the area would be uncovered and that �;a�d�n supplies and other "home v improvement�P materials we�e •h� be sold �.n the areao l .. . .4 . . . . . � . � . . . . . . . � . � � � . . � . t, b, It was moved (I��wis) 9 seconded (Nicoli) �,n� passed � unanimous vote of the Commissi.on re�ent that Y p u the application be approved with condi�ions as recommended b,y the stafft 1 o That �the i°e will be na display oz° storage o� goods or materials outside the conf�.nes of the wall of this proposed outside sales areao 2, That the parking s�aces shnwn on the west side of the outside saie �,rea be eliminated and ` � replaced with a landscaped area which wauld conn.ect with that along Spruce Street an� run along �he conerete block scree;tl, providing definition t� the �dge o:f the a��ess road and vision cle�.rance arourtd th� s�w� corner of the approxim�,tely 12 ° high co7zcrete bloek screeno 3o That this conditiona'1 use �hall ex�ix°e :�n one year if the �roject has not been start�d and continual pro�ress toward its comple�tion is not in evidenc�o �' � Bo Conditional Use A.pplica�tion � ATI,AS STEET, BUILDING GOMPANYs applicant � A reques•t for a conditiorial use for ou�s�d� storage and the � temporary use of a trailer �or an officeo The property a_s located at 9380 SoWa Tigard Av�enue (Map �251 2AB tax l�t � 19ao) lo Staff recommendation �or conditional t�mporary appxovala 2o Public Hearing ao Mro Vern Aisberg9 5]_2� SaWo Beaverton Hillsdale �Tighway, owner of the adjacen�t tax lot 1801, spoke k in opposition to this use and to the M�4 zoning in ( the areaa He sazd he �elt the o�°igi,nal Am2 zoning � was better and the NI�4 zonin� had devalued his � propertyo � bo The public h"e�,ring was �iaseaa 3o rommission discus�ion and action ao Mro Zewi� ask�d what kind af business was proposed hereo Mr, Allred� applicant� sa�d it is a metal � products assembly business � stee� buildingso Mro � Lew.�s saifl he felt this was the wrong location for this kind of businesso � bo Mro �Wooda,rd anc� Mro Harris expressed their concern � for the view of tl�e property� from ��W, dnd said � that outside stdrage should not be permitted where � i� cannot be adequately screenedo , � c, Tt wa,s move�. {Lewis) � secoz�ded (Goslin) 9 and � passed by majority vote of the Commission pr�sent � (Mro Fletcher abstaining) that application be � denied, � � C9 Zone Ch�n�e IRON MOUNTAIN INVL+'STMEIJT GO o ,, ap�lican.t; request or �, zone change from A�2 (Mult�:-��a'mily resic�enti�,l) to C-�4�(Neighborhaod Commercial.�) on �, pa�°��1 of land locatec� on th�e��west si�e of SoW� Pa�if��c Highw�,,y appxoximatel ,y 45�° ��� � ��� � � � � � Yage 2 ,� Planning, Commiss,ion Minutes 6/16/'70 � _.. N _. , °. . .::_ _. . . .. . .. .__ _ _ ___.,.. _� ��E �. � �~ rr . ' . . . . . F`. �, . . . . . . �,.�.. ��....� . . �'., north o� Butl Mauntain Raad �Map #2S7 1OA a pox°tion o� tax lot 1701 and a por�tion o� tax lot 1900} lo Staff Recommendation �or con:ditional approval. �; 2o Public Hearing ao Mro Willi�,m Hurley, 90� Stancl�,rd Plazaa, attorney {,. �or the applicant, explained the desire to square t+ up the praperty, :�oi more " judicious" de�velopment �:; and to provide an increase in parking area of r; about 25/o i bo M.ro Harr�.s asked if the applicant was certain o�' this plan and a.f th�.s would be their las't zoning � � requesto ���� �, Mr, Goslin asked a�bout the prev�.ously appr_oved �_ conditional use fox� med�cal o�'�ices in th� A92 a, zone, Mr�e Wa�er� saicl tl�is conditional use woulcl ��' be supsrseded l�y approval o:C this requesto �' do The publ�,c hearing was elosed, $; 3, Commission ciiseussion and �.ction. ; ao It was moved (Nicoli) � �econded (Serv�rson) R and i assed by majority vote o� the Commission pz°e�exit ; (�Mro Goslin descenting) that tYie appl.ication be ;; aAProvede � �;� D, Conditional T�se Applica.tion � IRON MOUNTAIN INVESTMENT COMPANY, applicant +' -- ti - -- — - � 7.n the r staura,n A re uest �o�a c.onditional. use :E'or a e q � C;-4� zon.e on the 6 0 3 �.cre px�operty loca�:ed �,ppro�.imate7_y a`t 14285 SaWo Pacific H�ghvaay �M�.p 2S� 1_O.A tax lo �s 1?00 and 1800) 10 Staff rPCOmmen.da�tian for_ conditional app�ova� o s 2 0 1�ublic Hearing C�' ao Mro Hurleys 905 Standard Plaza, attorney for the �;"' applicant, sa�d he 1`elt �the stalf recommendation ;� was appropriatea He also s�,id ther� is a pas�ibility �, of ano�ther restaurant wanting t� loca�e in the centero �;•, Mrso Wied said this Would have to be a separate con-� �r �:; ditional useo �_ b, The public he�,rin.g Was closedo 3, Commission discussion and action �� ao It was moved (Zewi:) � seconded (Nicol.i� and passed �;" by majority vote of th� Comm�.ssion presen.t (Mr�o � Gosl.�n and Mro Harr�.s descentin�) that the con- E, ce�t of a restaurant in conjunction with this sYYO�m �; pin�; aenter be approv�d as the sta�� recommenc�ed. � witYi �inal approval bein� granted by ths Council � a�ter the �ollowing conditi.ons have been met� = �� 1 a That a final specific si�te pl�,n be su.�bmitt�d �� for Council approval p�ior to the issuance of 5 a building permit showin.g the speci�t'i� loca� � tion, si�e and layout �f the rPS�aux°ant w'xth- �� � in, the shUpping centero 2 o rhat this coi�.ditional use shall expire �.n one year if the projert has not been started and contin.ual progress taward its completion is not in evs.dence, Page 3 - P1ann.a�ng Commiss�.on Minutes b/16/7D M 4� ; E, Conditional Use Application GI,ENN So STONE, applicant An amended application �o.r a duplex in an R:�7 (singl.e famil.� residentia,l) zone nn a Ool9 acre parcel of land loc�:ted at 1�155 SoVJa 103rd (Ma #2S1 �.1BB tax la-t 1501) A la Sta�f recommendation For deriial:� 2o Public he�,rin� ao Mro St�ne., applican�t, stated he felt the proposed use would be no different than the pzesent useo the nccupancy of �uildin.gs would be the same with �two sma11 �amilies, as it; is now with one large famil,yo He �.lso s�,id '�is lot area is Za�king less than 3/ a:� -t,h� r�quired area� i�hat his peti�ion �hows nei�h'borhoad �.greemen�t tivi-th the p.roposal �:f he wi11 b� ir�pz°o�rirzg the appearance of the pr.operty, th�.t h� �elt a duplex wou'ld enhance the overall I development oF the property9 and th�,t th� ��.rpor_°� could be zeduced in. sizeo b, Mro Stuaxt Milnev 14139 ��W, 103rd Aven.ue� saic� h�n i would approve of the proposal ifi i�i; wauld improve the appeararice of the pr•oper�tyo co Th� public heari.ng was �losed, � 3a Cc�mmis 7a�on discussion and act.ian � aa Mro Nicol.i said he doubted if at would be poss.ible � to con.nect the two dif��ren� roof s�tyles with ano�th�r I roof �'or the carport (which would technic�,lly ma.k2 one buil.din�; out of the two je bo Mr� �'letc;her said h� felt it is �, chance to upgr�.de thP prope�°tyo co Mr� I,ewi,s sa�.d he wants to see �zoperty improveds but ; this proposal has too many non�con.formitiESo t d, It w�,s moved �Goslin} q s�conded (�,ewis� and passed b,y unanimnus voi;e o� 1;he Commi�sion present that � the applic�,t�on be derii�do 1 V o 07'H:t�;I� MATTERS • ' A, Mrs� Wicd expl.ain.ed that revised drafts of both the , Com- � prehensive P1an arid -che Sign Code were now being prepareci for �inal review �,y �their respective committeess and that I ver,y soon these should be available �or the Commissioner�, , too, ; , i VTe ADJOURNMENT Ao The meeting was adjourned at 90050 , i i a � i . � � � I � ,� i .. i I � 1'age 4 G Planning Commission Minutes 6/16/70- ' '� __� �t � �. .,.., ...... . . �,.�:... ,w..w..., ,..wo, emL+i¢;w�..,,:ns:a � ,�.. a'+4w ..yCr«� .. . . . . ....� , . .. h .�,:., ..�. . .: t.. i " t � a , � t' � s�� . . � � �{,'.S4r'l � �� � SV N. l 1 ��u . . ,�Y }�'y�� 'r']. . � .. 1 5 fY ! . . . . {' }�, . ) f V= �j(�'!I � _ . . ' �� i .� � � . � i . . . . a ..e � ' n,. . . . . . � . . . , y y,' . . . ,- . � � . .� . . � �� . - �. , . . ., .. � . . ��,. . . -, r � . . �.,. t�� ,� . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . ' �. . . . . ' . .. r'. . . , . .. .. . . .. . . . . � ;�,^'1 F �� .� � . ' . � . .�� P�Ii1V �D ZVW�� �YMiV���� R�.�. June 16, 197'� ;' 11K�� �T��- , S`C:APF RECOMMEN�ATION �"' ' a �-�, Outside aales: ��,rea in conjunction .wi�h ; �.I CON:UITIONAL USE AP�I,ICA,TION:' :"home i.mp�ovement and dPCOrating cer�ter" �� � AP�LICADTT: Du�,ne 'ComPa.n�'- f .. 3800 'S.E. �22nd Ave. , Port'land, 97202 . ,.�n., ' . _ � . :� PR�PERTY I1WOL�D: The south �ide Uf S.W, Spruce Str�et bet�r�en ; its ' inte.rsectinns with 7ist and "�2nd Avenues � ;r,. (Map #1S1 36AC tax �at 3400 anci 3401) � � � � � , s'�• . .. '� � .. ��� . . �;, „�. � �z2� OF �ROPERTYs P�rt o� the 11 aca�e �i�te of i�r�d Meyer �hogptng ' ?t Center � ' �'� STl1P"1�' �RECOMML"NT#ATI(�JN� °F.� ; The staff recommends �,pprov�,l af this reqrzest wi�h �o�.dition�s. The . � outside sales requested wi�.l �e with,in �. Gonere�e block screen in � o�njunc.�ion with :a vrHome Impro�rement and ��carating `Center" build�.ng .�� � proposed �'or construction an �the Spruce St,. side o� the Fred' M�yer ,� � sites The conditions the- staff recommends are: �•�r ' .,�. 1. That triEre wi11 be rio dis�l.ay or �tara�e o� goode � . ' ar materials outsiae the �onfine� of the w�11 of � �. this proposed outside s�.1es area. �� .'� ,�: ! 2e �ha� the pa.rking sp�,ces showr� on the west side of the ou�tside sales area bP elimina�ed anc� repla�ed � with a land�c�,ped ar.�a whi.ch would connect wi�th ��; �' that alon� Spruc� Street ar�d. run alon� the concret� ; �i block screen, providim�; definition to the �d�e �'� �; af the access road a,nd vision clearance arou�!d �:' `°i � th� S:W. Cornar ot 'th� appraximateJ.y' 12,° high =;'' �� concrete block screen. ;�,`' • ` �; ` , �':' ,`' , , ,`,y �,, .a� : '�- �; � r�. �„ ;i „�., ; �,, :��K ii ,: r: j. ��r ; �_ r , ; . . .. . . . � . . j�j. � � � � . . . ".,i �u �r .. . . . . �\ !''t, � .. � � . . . .. �� =� ., .. �. . t�:., . . . . . . . , . ........ _ _ , '",�,F � � � Lti �. Q �o�o Q" �1 � �%�' �� �� � �� � 3�so R-7 � � 7 � !�-� �7 � �� . � ��� 2,� � C� R e ,e_r � �. = n 5 W P�UC ST � � 4000 1 35�a 3NO1 3400\ R-7 �;-� � R7 R7 R7 127 �7 �� ;E=7 R? �\C�3` ��\ �=,'3 � � 0� N� �� qop�� . � �� �-7 --- ---- � zo! � c_Z R? , � F > R7 � � �3 , � � _ �� �yd�� �� R7 � Fr�E� �ntyE�z � � � ,3 \ ��,� R-7 r i � � R7 � 51�K3PPf�1� �ENTER R 7 R� � ' �' C-3 --. 3 �� � � � R7 � � f� ! s,�� �7 - !`—� wA�N.�TaGARU �\G� o SOO` . C.o� � '� : ' \�\G �J CITY L_IM�"�s i �Qe. � �.3 � _Z � `�� � C Z �,• � . R7 ._ . . �/ C.� - �� � . . �'m � � ' : , _ � � . . . . . ... .. � . � . . .. . � . . . � � . '. . .'1 . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . � .. . .. �. � � . �. .. � �� t � . . � � �� � � � � . � � .. . . . . � . . . � ��r-t;e;,��. �j . � � � . . . � . � . � � � . . . � . . � . . . � .. � . . � . . . � . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . �,f . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . S . . . . . � .. . .. . .� . � !`� � . .. . . .. . . .. . � .. �� � � � . � .�h,� .. .. �. � � . � � .. � . � � - . . . .. . L i��. �; � Kpi ... . . . . . . �. b.! . . . . . . . .. . . . . �. �;ii � . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . � � . . .. . . �+':� . .. � � . � . . � � � . . '.t . . . . . . . . . � �s �. . � . � � . . . .. . .. .. . . . . � .. � .� rp.; . � .. � . � � . . � . . � . . . � � � . � . . �f`t �� � �� � � � � � � � ,�urie 5� 1�7� � � � �� � ��� 1:; , 1; �vo�:ccr �r� �u�zzc �i���zNG ��; . . . . � . .Y,, �: t hereb ive:n tha�; a Pulalie Heass�.n� wi1J_ be ri�l.d �i Notice a.s y �; by the Planning Comm�ssian ol the �ity o� T�gG�.rc� ai; ��cawle� �r� H1gh �chool I,i�ra.ry, 12080 S,W, Piaa�n. �tr�et, Ti�;�,x'cl� Ore��n on Ju.ne 16, i97o a,�t 8�00 P�M� wi�th x�e�pec�t �to �l;he �ollaw�ng: �.n a�pl:ica`tion by t�he 7�uane Gomp�.n;� �r�r a con�- �; ditzonal u�e �or �,n at�tsic�e s�,le� ar��, in conau junctian with a new "honi� i.m.pxov�;ment �;r�d lecox� atil�.�; center" bui,ldin�; to be constr,lzcted. a;� �?a�'l% o�f' �Che 11 acre �recl Meyez shopping c�nte�� ���.� � pra�crty involved a.s located an �h� �auth sa.de c�f �, S.l��m Spr.�uc� S�reet '�e�;ween its ini;el��c�tions w�tYi � 71�t �,nd ?2nd l��venues (M�.p 7f1S1 36I�G 't�,x lu�; 3�-00 and 3401) e � All in�;erested person.s may a��e�.r �,r�c1 �i� hear.d ,in favor a�' � c�z� �.�ain��� s�.i.� pr�pn�a1.� � � � � � G , Pi�.d' lS.�..J.:G.11 �d�/l..�ry��'7411 . . . .. . C�I.�.7:R1�tAx� �� AI� . . . . . . �.� .:. . . � . ..... . . , . . . . . ' . ..Ge,, r...� .. . . . . .. . ........,. ....a�.�::Y't ' "4r.�'uiE'.�x.«t� ' � �. .. : . �... .. .. .. . . . ...w.. . 1 . . . . . . �� . .. . . t . . ' . . � � ' y �''';"� . . 'y a� n � � :;'�;�: ... t , . , . � �;Mrfi . " . � , • ' ' � _ � , . , {tr �j� ,� r , ._i , , -,S � ,. . PE.�IMNIBN3 1� x�lftIl�G �OMMTS�I� � :`:� ' • � '� STAF:�� Rr�fSOMMENDATION � � � 7�3ENDl1 TEMs ,'�,� 3 . ��. � �� Qutside storage a,nd _the ,tempor.a�y �;;' CONDITION�AZ USE AY�LIC�4TION: use of a trailer for �an oPfice ' �. 11��LICl�S: At.las Ste�l Buildin� Company � ' � `K' ' 582(� S.W. Chestnut Street, Beaver•ton 97005 ��;' � • • h • ' t,�� ,. �� P�OPERR'Y II�E.VEDs 9380 S.W. Ti ,ard Ave. Tigard (Map #2S1 2AB rv ``� •� : • tax 1ot 1900� . �F; � ' i � SI�1R d31� �ROPI�RTYs 3.09 acre ' � ;� $TJ11�'!' RECOMMEdiD�1�IONs �: The staf.f, recommends con�ition�,l approval of the applicant ° s request t for: ^ "the temporary use of the existing storage shaak and ' ��„ trailer office for a period not to exceed six (6) �.aY �� months. This would give us time to construct a per- �,, manen�t t,ype office on �the site, and hopefully by th'at time we would be able to connect to �he Tigard City , ,� Sewer line . " ,; �Y« • We wauld r.ecomm�nd. approval of this request for a six months period } onl.y. The use of such temporary and �.on-con.forming facilities is ,;�� not something •we generally wish to condon:e. Be�ause of the intent ��� of' the applicant to replace the temporary facilities soon with a ' k� w^" ' r ' ermanent conforminp` structure and bec�,use of the sewer connectio:n _ P . � L� � , y ��`! :; moratorium which has worked a hardship on ma,ny peApl� in the area, �::: we are wi�lirig to cooperate on a temporary and limited use baeis. ':��' The propexty i� large en�ugh iri. area to �u��port a septie tank �ystem, : but its f�asibility appe�.rs pooz� because o� t�i� �,maunt of f�l.�. on � '�'';{ ', the propertya The conditions we would recommend with approval of ' ::� this conditional u�e are: ' � .�, , . . � l.. that the cond�.tional use for tY►e office trailer and ' u� ' storage sha,ck shall expire and these facilities �`� ,- < will be removed six months from the date of approval . by the City Council. . 2. that the building permit and construction of the proposed of�ice, metal products assembly, and ` �'� `�,, warehouse buildin� shown on the plans submitted ` '�e in progress with�.n this six months period. ,� ��'- 3. that during this p�riod the landscaping and paving ' � �� � .requirements of the M-4 zone sha11 be waived for � ' `� : ; the temporary facilfties, but completion of these ' `' reguirements shall be required prior to occupar�cy • � y; :��.' � of the n�w perm�n�nt office-a�gembly-warehouse "' " building. � U�� ; , ,: ,.,« ,. . , ..«ai.tismmn �:nraa.x,....wa.�+ :w�.•�f: ,.=�,;w�ws,�s�+�c,,� � y E, l i.. , �� Jir��� ,.., �tt.`kt`ta..s�in`3`JS'�. ..,�.,� .�', �x ::' Y$�:. � � . . ;, .i tx . '" ' � i' , y ; p. , ��t � tt' `,': � �',i � ,s�l ' • 2 �k �. �. � Cond, i��e - ATI,I�.S STE,EL BUTZDING (�OMP.ANY � , . ` . �``i � '��"i! ` ; aA _ 7 f.? ,i{'. � roval o� the outaide '��°,! � ; The ,ta:f£ a1�o recommenc�s conditional app s�tora,�;e xeql�e�t shown ��n the site plan as a ��art of "his �uturP . �� �; a;; �v:ell as ��i's immeciiate use. The eonditions we would .i r' . . f pl.annin�, � xecorr�mend with ��pproval �re : � ' � � � i� � l, that a �i�ht-obscuring �ence be installed immediatel� ',g ��, �o that the stored materi��1� ar.e no� vi�ible thraugh �,;,; or ab�ve the height of th'P fence at the grounc� l�vel a � o` thi:� and ad 'oinin� properties and from the street �3i ,� �;�: (Ti�;arc� �tre�t}� in front �f the property. , � � ', 2, tY�at thi� condi�Lional use sha11 also ex��ire in six ' m�nths a:� tYie builciin� �er�nit t►as no� b�en .iss+aed for =�Ya � tri� new �uil.din�; and con;�truction .is not in prc��re�s. ',�`;, �� , ��� ;', � ,�,�; , �;r r � ' '�i t `� ��] ' � ',�`' -�-; � � �:, ,�, .��+ ; ^ <�j? . .� � . . . . . . . . . � . � � � � � . . - � .� .. � . -::���99r. � � . � � � . . .. . �1���. d'j .g, t�, � � � _� � ��� �. . .d } . ... . .. .. N. �.� . ... . . . .. . . . � . . . . . . . . , -� �;� ��'� . .. . � � � � . � . . �. i���. . . � � � � � .. #. t ' ,,�5 ''<{ :.�� i Y� ,i ( .l -�'.� . , . . . . r . . . _ , , . . . �. . . , a � _ ... � .. ',�`. .. ... , . .. ' -, . ._..� ,.... ,.� _y--. _ ._._ . _ ,. _ _ _,._ . ., , . __ _ . __.__ _ .: � ' E � � . , � � � �-7 �:�`� � ��. (�� 300 � . �Z 7 `� T i �'o C' ,���' R � �T�� �� � � �'y M��'�� �� � --/'�� 170 0 f 3op � R� R 1 S ������ � �v � ,q 2 S'T�,� ; �soo FT i �`� 1801 � 'Q4/<�� ' � �qA �, � � 1�900 � '. �'oq�,� ; I � � ' , �-� � s� ���r � I 901 J�TLhs � STE�L ;13�1�G � �� PRoP��TY �ao- t � e3 . a� � .� �-� 2800 �- \�'� � Ce3 ��� � ,�� , �roo 5'�� P�� �� ,��,�� ,.'� 2�of� r�`�' _.. � _- -_ - - -= -- _ _ : ,_ , . �,, . . � � . � . . . . . .. � . p a . . . . . . . . . . . . � 1 . . . . . . .. �.��; pyANNIDTG ADTD ZODiING �OMMISSION ` ; �" �i [y�,, ,, ,,, ti ,,. : June 16, 7-970 � ; �; a 11���.E' F�.i�(,Ui. ': ��TJ i)A'.C:l.OT� 1RG�DTDA ITEM: � u �' i; �U��i�; C;!ltil(ria 11_1'rLIC�'�'1IOi; : A-2 t0' C-4 E APPLICArNTs I:r�n 1�our�t.�in Co. r � I 543 3r.d St. , Lake O�vre�o, 97034 ;', , , �,, �; FROPERTY INVOLVED: `I'he west ��idE o.0 �.W. �?acific �ighwa� < a����roxi_r.tat�P]_y q5C)° nor.t;Y� of null Mt.' Itd. ��,; (P�1<:.� �2S1 l��A a �o��tior. o.� ta�c lot 17�1 �;.,. �.nd. an poxtion of tax 1at �'.3��) : �`; ,I;; siz� o� �o�Eat�t: ,�;, 5�11�F'Ir' �t�OMi�lllND1�TIC+N« ' ��; �l'he rtaff recarr,r���:ri�is ��,p�r.oval or tklis zo�e ch�n�t�r TisYidtoc7'�quarc� ':j of' the �..ro;,o:�.eci "Caxlt��r•huz�y �c�uare" sho��pin�; � ,;; kT,�� thF ,�i�Le for m�r.e �ff'ici�nt development . �r�l�ile the sta�� is ,,1 o��,_,�s��� to the e.j�tE:n:�ion oi' commer�ci �l zoriiriT a�.o:i�; the rii�hway, :,, w� f .el that �pl�,nrx�d cornrr�ercial cer�ters are n�.��re cle;:�irable than jC� irldivic�u�zl �ar.c�l-by�,�ar.cel d�velopme:�t. � . fie sYi� �irit� centPr i:� cl�v�;lo�ea, tYi:e Coxtimi�:ysion <�' �'V�@ d.�.SO �8P.,1 ��1�:�1; 1� t �7 � t� should ;;tlzd,y the C-�1 zc�nin�; on th�. ad joinin� Lax .lota 1_3di� �.nd l�{00 y� {5r�e th� •no��ice map) to se�y i:f tl�i.�; a,daitir�na.L comm�rcial �c�ning a � is just.i.:liea l�ie7�e. ;,� ., 4 �� � „�. ,� ;�; {`� � � � ;+,"_, �� �a ;T'; "';I .. . . ��,'.._ . . .. . . . .. . . � � . ,.' : �^1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . ' � . . .. . � . � ��e��: . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .... ��,(s .. . . � . . � . � . , � ' :.i r . . . . . . . . � . . . .. .�'.% .. . '. . . . � � � �. � �� ���:� . . . . . . � . . � .���.,� .. � ' . ' . . � � . �..},.:�. Y . . . . . . , . . . .. .. . . .AIi.ik . . . . � � ... �.'t f�� - . .. . . . . . . . . �'�.A�� . . . ' . . . . . . . . .�..,���; . . . . . . . '. . .��.�'.. . ... . � . � . . .. . f. .. . � � _ � � ��}�. �.�.' . . . ' .. . � �# � .. . � . � � � .. . . �.��� . . . . . . � � . ... �.����. � � . . . �� ...�:�{. �'�� �� � : q :'; ,�-:, . ... . , . . .. -� ... - , . r.. .. . � .. � . . � , � � � . � . ' t,-._��'. . . . � . . }::;... . . . . �•,�;�. � p�,�trtzr�� Artn za���G co�ssxo�t: �_ June 16, 197� � STAI�}±' R.GCOI��I�1EN7)ATTON ��p� IT'E�is C{7NDTTIONAL UaE AYPLI'C;ATI0�1: Restaurant in C- zone ' APPLICADi'rs Iron Mountain Investment � , 543 3rd St. , Lake Oswego, 97�34 I � _. � . , � �ROP�RTY INVOI,VED; aPProximateoA a�aX4�o�sS1W00Pand�1800)y� � � (Map �251 1 . , i SIZE (7F P'ROPERTY: �.3 acre ; 1 ' �TAFF RECOMMENDATION; . • � � �' � roval of 1;he concept cif this request, A ry The �ta�f recommEnd� �;p.� r�staur�.nt ap��ears t� us to be:a Gompatible �se �"roval be�granted��p � s �in� centere '�e wou7_d r��commend that �inal ap� , after the .fo_ll�wing condition h�,s been met : ��; � ,.i' 1. That a i'in�,7. s�?ecific site plan be ,ubmitted �or � #3 R Courici;l �.�}�r.�val pri�r t:o 'the issuance of a buildin� �� `` the s�ecifzc location si�e and 7.ay- � permit ��howin�; � , �' out o� the r�staurarit within thE> shc�pping center. ! ,�:1 ,K k. � . � , � ��.t�,�{ . � . . .,.� `AI:I 4 ' � . . . . �'1 �w . . ' . �� . . � . � ��1 �i . � . . . . . � �I . ' . � . . . . � `.� . � . r . �.'I � . .. .. �. .. � . � . � ;�'. �'1 � � . � � .. � . . � l�i 1� . . . .. � . � . . . . .. . �il . . . . � .. . . .. . .. . � r'.'. �! . � � . � . . . . .. . . • . .. . . .t Y. � . .. � � '. �� � � . . . . . � � � .. .. . . . . . . .. . . �' y� � }� � � � � � � � � � � � j r� . � . . .. � . . .. . � �..� . : . � �k.i � . � . � . . �. . - �; � A� _ � . . . � . . : . � . � , . � . � .. . . . •"��I s � ' . .. . . . �. ��t . . . . . , . � . . . �� � � � � ��. d{ � � . . . .. .. . . .. . ,�{ . . � . � . � :. � . , .� . . . �.: . '� � r. � .. � :�:, . � , . .�., � . . , � . : .�w. QAI�R ��� .�,� .��: bp��b�� : .�� M� 2600 �260�{- p 15o t 1500 / _�k� a . '�op 5� R-? i �o �2 .11P,�° C-3 . � s� ��` " c-3 2605� / t3o� .� cz-� ! R-� A-2. ��7 A-�. /,�.-2 \ �—' . —I ; ,/ . , _ � �_y. � 3 � � 300 e 2Ga3 i ITo� � i � � � 30� _ ` A_\/ R - �� \ � L � : �7 , \ C-� \ A°2 - - � �oo 2Go2 260► � . � � e \, . , R-7 � a-7 ° � \ .,\� � � � - A-2 .�. � � ��� ��' e e � _- 2soo A-2 � � ��� so so3 b �\ � � : R�7 Zo .. � A-2 P/QOPOSEf . b � � ° A-Z fo C 2�-DO � . �� . ��b � � �I g � - _----�`� �.' � R-7 I�...� _ � � � � PRoPoS� _ � �� � a-2 � �. 230� - (2300 - � - .. •�1,,, - , A 2-- } COND. U�5'd . � R-7 � iao� _ -� . 6� =�.:_ � -- PRoP�/?�� '4 � ' ' i2-7 A-2 `_ ---__— �� _ 3 z3o2� ' _: ._ �'V-- � - 4 � -- _ .y Q_7 ' 2occ : . , _ � _ _- _ �O o �ca� : . ;�: ,.A-2 -__..__: _ � �zoo 22�i �' � _ _ __ -� - .. . _ _. _ . - = A�-2 _ " - ; ' R-7 � R-? ' _ - _ � ..�._. _"< � - 3600 400o Z� i ��- . R-�C � R'? � , �� �D,. ' � 0 . . �uM _ �� � sw . __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ._. _. _ --_ _, __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __.,. ____ � � . � i � I � . .-. . .. _ _.,,k i . �; F r � I � I + � � June 5, 1970 ' NOTIC� OF �U:BLIC HEARING ;: , �' Notice is herebv given �hat a Public Hearin� will be held il, b,y the Plann.ing Conlmission of the City of. Ti�;ard at Fowler ;+ Jro Hi�h School Zibrary, 1208U SeW. Main Street, Tit;ard ;, Oxe�on on June 16, 1970 a�t 8a00 PoN1< with :r.espect tc the i fcr�_lowin.g: � . , I� An applicatian by the Iron Mountain Investm�nt Campa:n,y i'or a zone change from A-2 (Mulfi-:��.mi1,y r_esidential) to C-4 (Neighborhood Commercial) on a pa.rcel o:� land located on th�: wPSf; sic�e af SeWo Pacific Hi�;hwa�� appr.�ximatel.,y 45�° n��.rth o� Bull Mountain �.oa,d (i�'I�,� 'f 2Sl 1.OA �. �orti ori o:E' � tax lot 1.701 �,z•ici �:j. 7�o!�tion �.f.' °t;�.�> 1_oi, 1 ��0�� r and an application for a ..onditional use f�r a restaurant in the C�4 zon.e on the 6a3 acre prop- erty located approximately at 142_85 SeWe Pacific Highway (Map �251 l0A tax lots 1700 and 13Q0) A1.1 interested persona may appear and be heard in f�,vor of or_ �,gains�t sai� proposal o � ` Ja Allan Paterson CI=IA:CI�tl�1�:N' (, .� y_.� '� , 1, i _� • ( f � ii � . . �aaxxxrra � Zo�Yxa cot�uss�ioN . � �. � � � . � . � r . . . .. . . . . �i $, AP�ENDED Juri�6, 1 y 70 � STAFF �;CU1�1M�;NDATION AC�EbT�►I��: ' �; ;; , �� AML+'I�TDED COT'1DI`lIONAL UaE APPLICATTUN: Dupl�x • � �; . y APP�.tC7i1b1T: Gl•en S. Ston.e =' 14135 S.W. 103rd, Tigard � . � PI��EI�TY YNVaL�VLDs 14135 �.W. 103rd, Tigard (Map 2S1 11BB � tax 7.ot 15�1) ; i ' SIZI� OF �ROPE�TY's Q a 19 ac xe � . , � $T�1P'! Rl�C��A��OD1: � �� � (This item has been refer.reci bac}:� t;o t�ie Plannin� Commission becaause ; Mr. S�one has al�;ered his pro��o�al. ) ; �; Ti�e sta�'f recommcnr�:; �?enial o� thi.s amended propa��1. Althaugh i i the a.aplicant now proposes a c�.rpor�L which would connect the h�use � a..:d the �;�.ra�'e and technically forrr! .�:,=�, �uilr�in�r w��ich cc�u1,� b� ; called a duplex, the rest of hi:; proposal rema?ns basicall.y tr�e� same.' � The followin� r�roblems still exi: C �n the i.rc�� ,�::;ct� . ; l. � The lot area of 747���. siauarP i'ect does not meet the �,U00 square feet mir�imum 1ot size for a duplex. , 2. The fo�.lowin� setbackA are si:il�l. non-conformings front required ,���.b_�.ck: 2U' exi^ting� 6 ' r.ea,r recuire�l ,�ethack: 15 ' existin�;: 6 '4" i �i�i.e reGui:red setbaekc 6 ' exis�i:��;: � '10" I Tri order to tr�at ap�1licants ec�u�l.l,y under. the` z�onin� ord:inan�e, we � ( ca,nnot recommend ap�:ro�ral, o:P tYii:� ap�>lication. A11 �ther du.plex � � applica�;ions have had to meet mor� th�,n the mi�imum rec�uirements an.d this prc�posa7. cannot even me!�t the mini.mum. Land area is basically the � � ' .problem. Perriar�^ if sufficient property could be added on a� thP � 'rear, so th;�.t at lea,st the minimurn l,ot az•ea, anc� ��he rear �etback � � �eyuirements coulc3 be met, the rPCOm:��end��tion c�uld be dif.f�rer�t. � � Ri.�;ht, now t}�iere arc too man,y nori�-can�or.mities. � � . � � ' . , ��. , } , • ; ., , � . - i ,. , � , . . �une 5S 1970 110TICE OI' PUBI,IC �-IEARII3G Notice is herel�y given thaz a �ubl?_� Hearinf� will be he1� by tl�e Pla.�zning Com�.nission ; of �the Cit,y of Ti�ard at Fo�Nle?� �ro Hi{�ri Scho�l I,ibrary9 12080 SeWe Main Streetg Tigar�, � Oregon or_ June 169 1970 at 8000 Pol'�:o �rTith res��eet +o the followingo An amen.ded applicai-� on 'oy Glen S o Stone �'or a d�upieY in an R-7 �single � famil,y reszdential) �one on a Ool9 acre parcel o� land iocated at ' 14135 S,Wo 1C�3rd (Map �#2S1 11�8 ta�: lat 1501) Al1 interested persons may appear and be heard in favor o? or agairlst said proposalo Jo Allan Paterson CHAIRI2AN � � Mc DoN�+_D STREET - 210� 2foo r5o3 t400 ! f�Z �i-Z R T 12-7 � -Ti�ARD QWAS}i�C0. t S?�GWE DUAt�t XF.,,_S 150!/ � � 0,19AG� 1 �RoPE�� ! �-� � ` 15D2 I i I500 �q a R�T T----� N I � 1600 1700 � - �7o a �. ( �7 �,� ; � loc� � I �� — __ — ° �'� . _�., —�—----� , --------- -- �-�c�� 0 _ _ _--- � — � - ---- - -_-_ ____-L_.W._�.�._�..�.�.. -__-__.� __ __ �.___._._--n-x�-...